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harri-etvane · 8 months ago
Prompt fill for the poll winner -
"Then sleep. I'll stand guard."
Just short of 700 words; below the cut
Maksym glances up, drawn out of his own thoughts by Volodymyr’s thin, hoarse voice, the stretched out syllables scraping their way up his throat in a way that makes Maks wince in sympathy. Where this particular plea has come from, he is unsure, and for a moment or two, he watches the President. There are only two of them in this room with no windows, no idea of what lies beyond them now, the light confined to one single light-bulb that tries and fails to reach the darkest corners. Instead, there are more shadows than light, the gaping chasm of knowing that their country still stands, but not how much she has bled - right now, at this moment they will have to wait for news like everyone else.
“I’m so tired.”
He looks like a ghost - too close to fading out of sight, his voice barely a whisper this time. This quiet utterance is a hardly audible admission of something he has refused to show over the last week; the way his strength flickers in the depths of the night - his voice cracked and strained. The blank hollows of his face that were not there before are suddenly deep and endless.
I know. I know you're tired. Just a little longer.
Maksym clears his throat, offering up the most simple solution he can, reaching out to rest a hand on Vova's shoulder, his grip light. He feels the smaller man shiver under his grasp, and then a sudden misplaced urge to draw him closer, to eke some warmth into him, to take the burden of his country from him just for a second and let him exhale.
“Then sleep. I’ll stand guard.”
The two of them share a brief glance at the small, rickety cot in the corner of the room that has seen no occupant for the last five nights. Neither make any move and Vova's reluctance is evident in the way he shifts in his seat - as though were he to abandon his desk, his work, it would be tantamount to the unthinkable - to abandon his country. His reluctance in the end, manifests in a different, quiet way - his voice raw and faint.
“I thought you said–” Volodymyr breaks off into a coughing fit that sounds dry and uncomfortable, the recycled air in the bunker scratching sharply at his throat, his irritated lungs. He breathes slowly, dragging his exhales back into a steadier rhythm even as his lungs tighten.
“It was safe here?” His eventual question is pained, the edges rough. He rubs hard at his eyes and blinks at Maks, the whites of his eyes are bloodshot now in this grim, unhappy light, his irises impossibly dark and the thin skin of his eyelids is red and swollen. Maksym opens his mouth. He would never lie to the President, but just this once, he adjusts the truth because the enormity of - you might never truly be safe again - it's too much to bear, too much to think about in this windowless, concrete room.
“…not yet.”
“It is.” He pauses for a short moment, swallowing hard, feeling the weight of his gun, his bulletproof vest, the press of his uniform against his skin. “But you don’t feel safe, do you?”
There is silence for a long time, just the quiet wheeze of Vova's chest as he breathes softly, eventually making a quiet admission.
“Then I’ll stand guard, till you can.”
Another easy, simple little reply, as though it's the most natural thing in the world, and Volodymyr feels something go from him as he rises to his feet, swaying slightly. His shoulders sag and for a brief moment, he looks about to drop where he stands, blinking rapidly, reaching out for something to hold onto. Gently, and entirely without pity or argument, Maksym hooks an arm around the President and pulls him upward, half-carrying him the few steps towards the tiny bed. He places Vova down and then lifts his legs up onto the matress aware of the dull, leaden weight of exhaustion - how it makes one's very bones heavy. Maks pulls a blanket over him as Volodymyr sinks into the thin mattress, his eyes flickering shut, but not before he asks one last, weary question - his voice almost gone.
“I'll be here.”
I'll be here until the end, with you; whenever, wherever that may be.
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fayes-fics · 6 months ago
The Secrets We Keep: Pt I
Part II >>
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: Knowing someone your whole life doesn’t mean they can’t surprise you…
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Warnings: none yet… fluff and angst. Childhood friends, yearning, arranged marriage, kissing. Pt II will contain a warning/rating change.
Word Count: 5.1k (this part)
Authors Note: Part 1 of 2. My longest gestating WIP! It’s been more than 18 months since I received a request for this secret diary fic. Tulip Anon, I have no idea if you still follow me, but I hope you think I did your detailed request justice. I won't post your ask yet, as it contains spoilers for the second half. Betaed by the awesome @colettebronte, who I can’t thank enough. I’m in the process of writing Pt II, so there will be a gap between instalments. Enjoy! 🫶
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For as long as you can remember, you have loved one man secretly. To the point that you cannot imagine your life without a deep, burning affection simmering in your very core, as fundamental to your existence as drawing air into your lungs.
Benedict Bridgerton.
Your families have been neighbours in Mayfair and Kent for many generations—two aristocratic dynasties that, despite enduring friendships, have never seen intermarriage. There have been attempted matches down the years, according to family lore, but nothing came to fruition. 
So when you were brought to Aubrey Hall as a mere babe in arms, the eldest daughter, there were many good-natured jokes that Anthony’s future wife had been born. But the Viscount, wonderful as he is, was not the man who stole your heart just a few short years later. A bright sunny day in June that you suspect Benedict may not even be able to recall, but you can with perfect clarity, even now, some fifteen years later. 
He picked you as the first person to join his team for a round of garden games. Paying you heed and ensuring you were included, patiently showing you the ropes and applauding your achievements, ignoring the ridicule from the other twelve-year-old boys for letting a girl - and a little five-year-old at that - join in their games. 
Ever since that day, all you have ever seen is his enormous heart and steadfast empathy: always the one to reach out to those excluded, to be supportive, and to love harder and more expansively than his siblings. Thus, unsurprisingly, he became the focus of your singular devotion—a childish adoration transmuting into something more profound and complicated as you matured.
On your fourteenth birthday, your mother gifted you a thick notebook. And it became your refuge, the private canvas on which you outlet your innermost secrets and thoughts. The beautiful but now slightly battered, silk-covered tome is still your most treasured possession even now, more than six years later, so close to filled now, with only a couple of blank pages left. Never long from your hands, but when it must be, carefully stashed under the floorboards of your bedroom. Its pages the reflection of a naive, growing heart. There is one person who features frequently on its crammed, jumbled pages. Sketches of his handsome face, mostly from memory, interspersed with ardent notes and poems that, while they may not mention his name, are written for him. Adoration writ large in every pen and pencil stroke.
Little were you to know that the secrets you keep within its hallowed pages would one day alter the course of your life…
It's the evening of the Bridgerton Ball, and usually, you would be brimming with anticipation for such an occasion, a chance to see the man who holds your most ardent admiration. Instead, you find yourself glum, mechanically stepping into the dress your ladies' maid Rachel assists you with, staring blankly into the vanity mirror as she adorns your hair with jewels. Still reeling from your father's shocking announcement the previous day.
The inheritance of a European title had seen him spend eighteen months abroad. In his absence last spring, you were able to persuade your more indulgent mother to delay your societal debut—a yearning to be free in the ways you know no woman really can be for long. A compounding factor was spending the summer in the Highlands with her sister, your Aunt Eliza, a spirited, independent woman who taught you many things and encouraged your artistic whims. And when you were back in London, your mother’s somewhat inattentive running of the house meant you were often able to slip away in the evenings, spending your time deepening your passion for art. Frequenting galleries and conversing with artists led to you being drawn into the bohemian, artsy underbelly of Bloomsbury, a beguiling, exotic contrast to Mayfair. Another secret you keep.
Upon his return to England, your father was not best pleased to learn that not only had you been allowed to skip the previous Season, but Eliza had also taught you to fish, fence and hunt—most unladylike pursuits in his opinion. He, therefore, made it his mission to ensure not only would you debut this year but also a swift match should be made, lest you “get other fanciful, dangerous ideas”.
Perhaps that is why, yesterday, nary two weeks into your first season, he abruptly announced over afternoon tea that he had secured a match for you and the man in question would be dining with you all that evening. A deal no doubt brokered in a private gentleman’s club as if you were merely chattel to be traded.
Revulsion filled your every fibre as you were introduced to Lord Farringdon a few hours later. A wiry man twenty years your senior with a hawk-like countenance and a disdainful disposition. Apparently, a brilliant intellectual mind but accompanied by a mercurial, malevolent reputation. You had read in Whistledown rumours about his mistreatment of his household staff and his previous wife. A forlorn figure who became a recluse long before she died of consumption tragically young. The idea of being betrothed to this cold, abusive man turned your stomach—a seemingly outsized punishment for your rebellion. Once the man left, you had begged and pleaded with your father to reconsider the arrangement, but sadly, your appeal fell on deaf ears. 
And so here you are. Going to a ball at which your father plans to announce your engagement. The stately beauty of Bridgerton House is not as heartening of a sight as it typically is. Tonight, it feels more akin to a gallows.
As soon as you arrive, you are scanning the crowds for the only friend you know will understand just how ghastly your predicament is—Eloise Bridgerton. A kindred spirit whose interest in marriage is as scant as your own. Bonding over your similar yearnings for freedom, you have been good friends since you were little, many a day spent together as children running through the Kentish fields, escaping expectation and flouting convention.
Acutely aware of time running out until your father speaks up, you fiddle distractedly with your fan, impatiently awaiting her entrance.
“For heaven's sake, y/n, please cease your fidgeting!” your mother chastises under her breath, snatching away the item. “I do not see why you are so agitated. Tonight is to be a wonderful occasion for you!”
A myriad of caustic comments are on the tip of your tongue, but you swallow them down. The last thing you want is to draw attention, and you certainly don't want to be gossip fodder; these ballrooms are a veritable hotbed of eavesdropping if Whistledown is anything to go by. 
When the collective Bridgerton family finally enter their ballroom as hosts, however, your eyes can't help but drift to Benedict instead. A reflex from years of longing, even though it is his sister,  arm looped into his, whose counsel you seek tonight. You excuse yourself to fetch a lemonade as soon as you spy a window of opportunity—Eloise standing alone, looking excessively bored. Abandoning your glass, you hurry over to her.
“I have news…”  You try to keep your voice neutral but grab her arm and practically drag her away from anyone within earshot.
“Well, it cannot be good if you are willing to rip my arm off to impart it,” she remarks dryly as you lead her down a hallway.
“It is not,” you pull a face that you know will convey to her the gravity of what you need to divulge.
With a nod of understanding and a look to a nearby footman, she leads you beyond him into an area of the house off-limits for guests. 
“Tell me…” her tone is sincere as she ushers you into the library and closes the door.
“My father has seen fit to arrange a marriage for me. He is planning to announce it tonight, right here at your family ball!”
She says nothing, only a sympathetic noise as she pulls you into a consoling hug. The emotions you have been tamping down for hours escape as a couple of bitter tears, her arms banding tight around you. You are not sure how long, but you stand in a hug, just grateful for her steadfast support.
“What am I to do?” you whisper.
“I do not know,” she confesses. “Have you tried to reason with your father?”
“A hopeless cause…”  
Her mouth twists in understanding, knowing you will have put up a spirited defence as much as she would have. She detangles from you and goes to a nearby brandy decanter.
“It's the very least you deserve, frankly,” she points out, handing you a glass and pulling you into a loveseat with her, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, clinking her glass against yours in a silent but bittersweet toast about your seemingly futile situation.
Half an hour later, your parents are distracted across the far side of the room with friends when a large hand grabs yours out of the blue. You startle when you realise it is Benedict, your heart suddenly in your mouth. Before you know it, you are wordlessly being pulled out of the French doors behind you and into the night air.
“Where are we going!?” you demand when you recover from the initial surprise, his gloved hand tugging yours along through the darkened gardens. 
“Shh, make haste, we must not be seen,” he hushes you but keeps moving, furtive and fast, your feet having to take extra steps to keep up with his long stride over the lush, dewy grass.
“Benedict…” you try again once you round a thick hedge into the rose garden.  “What is going on?”
He slows a little but does not relinquish his tight hold. Gravel path now crunching under his boots as the honeyed scent of damask hangs heavy in the air. 
“Eloise told me,” is all he offers. “So we are escaping.”
“W-we are?” you stutter, frowning, a claggy tumult behind your ribs at his use of ‘we’. 
“Yes! Or at least we would be if you would keep quiet… please…” he amends, sounding a touch contrite about his initial brusqueness, but speeding up again, headed straight for a small wooden door in a high stone wall, almost hidden behind long, draping ropes of ivy, glowing silver in the moonlight.
When you reach it, he releases his grip on your hand and shoulders the door open with considerable force. The weathered wood creaks loudly, almost splintering under the duress. He signals to the inky blackness of the deserted mews behind Bridgerton House.
“It is now or never, y/n,” he warns as you look back at the house, lit up with the life of the ball inside. “So what is your choice?”
He may be presenting it as an option, but really, you know there would only ever be one answer. You would accompany him to the ends of the earth if he so much as asked. And so wordlessly, you step through the doorway and into the narrow street beyond.
“Good choice,” he compliments as he follows suit and closes the door behind him. “You may stay at my friend Granville’s tonight,” he offers sagely, “I have not seen him in a while, but I will explain when we arrive; I am certain he can provide shelter.”
“Benedict, I already know Henry… Quite well, in fact.”
He looks taken aback as if it had not occurred to him that you may move in the same clandestine circles as he does. To be fair, you have always been discreet in your outings, and it’s not something you have divulged to anyone, including Eloise. Still, what confounds you more is why he is suddenly so seemingly invested in seeing you escape from your predicament. It doesn't entirely make sense.
“Well, then,” he cuts into your brief reverie, “you know Henry is a generous host and discreet about the affairs of others. Your father will not come looking for you there. It will buy some time to figure out what to do next. To ensure your freedom.”
“Freedom?” You scoff. “Benedict, as much as I may wish it, there is no other path open to me. Tonight is merely a delay tactic at best. The only way to stop my father’s pursuit of this union is if I marry another….”
The admittance of this truth out loud makes you restless, belatedly realising that it truly is your only way out. You stalk towards the main road, the faint glow of the street lamp guiding your way over the cobbles. You soon hear Benedict’s footsteps behind.
“That is ridiculous!” he exclaims as he attempts to catch up with you. “There are other options available to you…”
���Such as?” you whip around, raising your hands, countering his assertion. When he falters, you return to walking, throwing a tart addition over your shoulder: “Unlike you, a man, I do not have the freedom of choice.” 
“You should always have a choice…” he counters earnestly, still catching up to your furious pace.
“Should and do are different things, Benedict. You do not even know how lucky you are!” You add bitterly, rounding onto the main street.
A gust of wind causes you to pause and a shiver to run down your arms, your gauzy dress not enough to ward off the unseasonable chill in the air tonight. Ever the observant gentleman, Benedict shucks his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders. Uncharitably, your ire makes you attempt to shake it off, even while knowing it is intended purely as a chivalrous gesture. You are surprised when he seems to grasp your shoulders tighter, holding the heavy velvet in place. It is cloaked in his woodsy, citrus scent, your vexed state turning into an entirely different type of flush as he crowds closer to you.
“My birth has allowed me certain privileges, I concede,” he replies, his stare seemingly far away as you are unable to look anywhere but the dampness of his bottom lip, shimmering slightly in the lamplight. Then he tilts his head down to meet your eyes. “But that does not mean I am able to have everything I wish for in life, y/n…”
Your tongue burns to ask what it is that he wants but cannot have, yet you do not allow yourself to pry. But seeing the wistfulness in his gaze deflates your irritation, your long-held adoration for this man taking over, making you sigh.
‘You deserve the world, Benedict….’
His face morphs into one of breathtaking intensity, and you realise, horrified, you spoke those thoughts aloud. 
“As do you, y/n,” he murmurs, eyes sincere, your heart beating wildly as his chest vibrates against your own. 
The upheaval of the last day, the man you secretly adore abetting a somewhat daring escape, your heated exchange of words, the lateness of the hour, and the feel of his tall, lithe body pressed against yours…. It's all a dangerous cocktail that culminates in you being utterly impetuous, pushing up onto your tiptoes and mashing your mouth against his with no thought.
His lips are plush and warm, and suddenly, he is kissing you back. It's like a cannon firing in your chest as his warm mouth opens yours. Suddenly, you are urgently taking from each other. A sweeping tidal wave through you obliterates any kissing experiences you have ever had before. It’s a desperate slide of tongues, a passionate continuation of your sparring. His hands are like a hot brand through your thin dress as they sweep around to your back, tugging you into him, his heat, scent and taste overwhelming.
But all too soon you are pulling apart, a need for air in your lungs overriding the spontaneous, reckless moment. For a few seconds, you stare at each other, breathing each other's panted air, hands still grasping onto each other, almost confused by what just occurred… until the whinny of a passing horse carriage has you springing apart as if burned. 
Realisation engulfs his entire being. “Oh god! Please, please forgive me!” he stutters, backing away, holding his hands out in a conciliatory gesture, almost tripping in his haste to put space between you, even though it was you who kissed him. “Please, just go to Granville,” he counsels rapidly before turning heel and disappearing into the night, leaving you standing alone, unmoored and breathless, utterly turned upside down.
You drift home in a daze, your family’s London residence only a few hundred yards away. Your escape plans are forgotten in the haze of tumbling thoughts about that blistering kiss. How fervently and immediately Benedict had kissed you back, how wonderful it felt to be caged in his arms….  Climbing into bed and passing out, still bewildered. In fact, it’s only the rude awakening of your bedroom door slamming open the following morning that brings you crashing back to your senses.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!” Your father roars, holding aloft what looks like the latest copy of Whistledown. “You have brought shame upon our family and likely ruination to your prospects!!”
Utterly alarmed, you sit bolt upright, blinking, taking a few moments before you can find your voice. “What are you referring to, father?”.
He glares at you, then throws the paper onto your bed and stalks out of the room without another word, puce with outrage. You know there will be crossed words at the breakfast table. The sight of your name on the crisp ivory page immediately draws your eye, and your stomach plunges as you read the paragraph:
The annual Bridgerton Ball last night was, once again, resplendent. A triumph that the dowager Countess can be rightfully proud of. Although less contentment could likely be gleaned from the behaviour of her offspring. The second eldest of whom was allegedly seen escaping into the unlit gardens hand in hand with none other than the most reluctant of this season's debutantes, the spirited Miss Y/n Y/l/n. Perhaps the rebellious Miss will not have to endure many more of society’s events that she so patently abhors, should a proposal from the most wayward of Bridgerton sons be forthcoming? I, for one, however, Dear Reader, am not holding my breath…
Hiding in your room as long as you can, hunger drives you to join the frosty lunch table, apologising for inadvertently ruining your father’s plans to announce your betrothal and meekly explaining the incident with Benedict as a complete misunderstanding. It was merely an old friend helping you to gather some air before the big news was to be proclaimed. His taking your hand was out of benevolent concern, nothing more, and when you suddenly felt unwell, he chivalrously saw you the few hundred yards home. The lies feel odd on your tongue, your thoughts only of Benedict’s mouth and body moulded hotly to yours as your father lectures about appropriate behaviour for a young lady and your family’s long-standing friendship with the Bridgertons not being an excuse for a lackadaisical attitude to impropriety.
“There is nothing else to be done now—I must secure you a special licence to be wed tomorrow before Lord Farringdon hears about this,” he decrees with finality, his tone brokering no argument.
You slump silently into your chair, dread creeping through every cell, silently chastising yourself for not following Benedict’s advice and running away. If only you hadn't been impetuous and kissed him, you might have been in your right mind to do so. It feels cruel that the one moment you chose to throw caution to the wind is the one moment that sealed a worse fate.
That afternoon, your mother ushers you to the Modiste, paying handsomely for a very rushed wedding dress. Something simple that can be finished at such a late hour. It will only be your family in attendance anyway; so much else seems unnecessary. As you stand forlornly upon the raised dias, ivory silk tacked up around you with pins; your mother announces she needs to depart to secure other last-minute arrangements, leaving your trusty ladies' maid to accompany you home once alterations are complete.
“You do not look a happy bride…” Madam Delacroix mutters after the tinkle of the bell above the door signals her departure.
“Your observation skills are certainly not lacking,” you respond quietly, craning to double-check that Rachel, your maid, is out of earshot, sitting listlessly in the front of the store, staring out of the window.
“I do read Whistledown, my dear,” she remarks delicately, “and this does not appear to be a dress someone marrying a Bridgerton would wear.”
Your stomach vaults at the implication; the thought of marrying Benedict has your heart going haywire, even as you know it would never happen. The crestfallen look as your mind flits to the awful man you will be marrying instead is one you cannot hide as she meets your eyes in the reflection.
“It is not indeed,” you sigh, “but Whistledown has rather accelerated my unfortunate fate. Hence the rushed dress…” you gesture to your outfit.
“Mr Bridgerton is a friend?” she digs delicately.
“Lifelong,” you admit, “but Lady Whistledown could not have been more erroneous in her assertions…”
“That you and Mr Bridgerton are together? Or that he would marry you?” 
You look away from the mirror and down to where she is crouched by your hem on your left side, taken back not only at her astuteness but her drive for information. Almost as if she were Whistledown herself.
“I do not mean to pry,” she modifies, “merely to understand your predicament. Maybe I can be of assistance? I have privately counselled many a young lady on the eve of their wedding. Be it a happy occasion or not. And have kept many a secret of the Ton. ‘Tis the reason my business is so successful, Miss y/l/n. A good modiste can be a trusted confidante.”
“W-we are not together,” you stumble out without meaning to.
“But you wish to be? Or perhaps something has happened between you?”
Your eyes dart furtively, and your cheeks heat at the memory, but you say nothing. 
“You need say no more,” she chuckles and offers a knowing smile that appears as much reminiscent as sympathetic.
You rapidly attempt to deflect. “I do not wish to be married to anyone, really. I do find it so unfair a man is free to pursue his passions in life, but merely due to my sex, I am not.”
There is a nod of understanding, and she stands up with her hands on her hips. “I keep a certain array of refreshments for special clients such as yourself.” She nods to what looks like a liquor cabinet partially obscured behind a curtain at the back of her shop. “If you can dismiss your maid, I can assist you on your last night as an unmarried lady.”
The suggestion is too intriguing to refuse. And Rachel will greatly appreciate your pin money.
A few hours later, you are sat upon a circular conversation chair, Gen, as she insists you call her, pouring you another snifter of brandy.
“Tell me, what is your passion?” she inquires, her polished French accent slipping a little, sounding far more East End than Parisian. Something about that makes you like her more.
“Art,” you answer wistfully, “not that I have many opportunities to practice beyond a private notebook. But it is my most prized possession.” You gesture to your pelisse, hanging on a nearby hook. “I have it with me always. I have sewn a secret pocket into all of my coats myself.”
“Ingenious! ” She declares. “You shall have my job one day!”
You laugh, feeling light for the first time in what feels like days, as Gen leans in, raising an eyebrow. “I can also see well why you may have bonded with Mr Bridgerton…”
You giggle and lower your eyes, taking a fortifying sip.
“But it is not just that, is it?” Her tone is thoughtful, delicate even, as she continues: “A life outside the boundaries of so-called polite society can be so very beguiling, can it not? I have seen you, Miss y/l/n, at parties in Bloomsbury…”
A panicked bile rises as your head snaps up.
“As I said before, I am always discreet,” she reassures, “your secret is more than safe with me,” she winks before taking a generous sip from her glass.
Possibly, it's the alcohol, but her understanding of your predicament and the fact she has, unbeknownst to you, moved in similar circles brings an odd sense of relief. Having a confidante, someone to finally share your secrets with, albeit a somewhat stranger, lifts a burden from your shoulders. Wonderful as Eloise is, being the sister of the man who secretly holds your heart is not without complications in many ways.
“Another?” she chimes animatedly, holding aloft the bottle.
You cannot resist that offer.
It’s close to midnight when Gen loops her arm in yours as she guides you, quite inebriated herself, away from the hackney cab to the familiar abode of one Henry Granville. Her declaration that a party is what you need on your last night of freedom is definitely not one you would dispute. A myriad of heightened emotions roil inside as you await the door being answered: contentment at your newly cemented friendship with Gen, bewildered every time you think of your kiss with Benedict and abhorrence for tomorrow. 
As you wander into the debauched tableau of a party in full swing: the air thick with smoke and merriment, the sounds of pleasure, people consorting together, a hedonistic swirl of self-expression unfurling all around you—it all consolidates into a yen to be reckless. Take part this time rather than just observe as you have before. Alcohol mutating the simmering rage about the injustice of your circumstance into a yearning to experience pleasure, especially physical. To get lost in sensation on your one last night of liberty.
So when you encounter Sir Simms - Matthew - friend to your older brother, renowned rake, but quite handsome, you throw caution to the wind. He seems delighted to see you, instantly flirtatious and familiar in a way you would rebuff any other night but this one. Whispering in your ear how very bold you are to be at such a bohemian event and pondering what other adventurous experiences you might be willing to indulge in. At one point Gen pulls you aside, her breath sweetened with fermented fruits, as she leans in and counsels you to be cautious. But you rebuff her concerns, swatting away her hold and returning to Matthew, allowing him to pull you into a kiss. 
It’s not the same as with Benedict; your mind screams at the altogether more jarring experience. A wet invasion of tongue that is less pleasant and certainly doesn’t fire anything inside you the way that he had. Merely kindling a defiant resolve to rage against the dying light of your freedom. And so when he slurs into your ear, you consent to his invitation upstairs, knowing fully the implications of what will transpire—feeling vaguely detached from yourself as he pulls you along by the hand towards the staircase. 
Suddenly, your field of vision is filled with dark blue velvet, a strong arm wrapping around you, caging you into a warm body mass, disconnecting your hand from Matthew’s—crossed words in two male voices. A momentarily confusing blur that only begins to make sense when you tilt your chin up… and the breath is quite stolen from your lungs.
At first, it feels like a cruel mirage, the man you most desire here to stymie your last gamble at impulsivity. His hold is strong as you sense Matthew shrink away, defeated by Benedict’s threat to expose some dalliance or other. But as he whisks you to an empty room within the house, all you feel bubbling up is anger.
“Stop trying to rescue me!” you rail, reeling out of his grip and stamping your foot to emphasise your point, uncaring that you may be behaving more akin to a petulant toddler.
“Stop making foolish decisions!” he lobbies back after a fleeting wounded look.
You glare at him momentarily before turning your back and staring out of the window into the inky blackness of Granville’s garden, frustration prickling a tear in the corner of your eye.
Behind you, there is a sigh; then his voice turns softer. “Why did you not follow my advice? I came here this morning only to be informed you never arrived…”
That he came to check on you weakens your bluster, although you still have no earthy idea why, once again, he is so invested in your actions. But you are not done saying your piece. 
“What does it matter now?” you bite bitterly before spinning around to face him. “Benedict, we are in Whistledown. My father would have arranged a special licence for tomorrow regardless of whether I had come here or not…”
“He did what?” he splutters, shock almost choking the words.
You square your shoulders and cross your arms defensively. “I am to be married in the morning. 11am at St George’s.” When all he offers is floored silence, you uncharitably dig the knife in. “No thanks to you...” 
Your words are like a body blow, a world of hurt in his quiet tone as he stares at the ground. “I was only trying to help.” 
Regret floods your every cell; why you would choose to lash out at him, even you don't know—so many conflicting feelings and strong liquor coursing through you.
“Please… let me return to the party,” you sigh wearily, after a beat, gesturing to his blocking your exit from the room.
“You would regret what you were about to do until your dying day,” he attests, lifting his head, a vein on his forehead pulsing as his jaw tenses.
“Perhaps,” you shrug. “But that is my burden to endure, not yours.”
“I am your friend,” he frowns, “I will always want to alleviate your burdens…”
“I do not want a friend, Benedict, not tonight. I want a beau.” If you aimed to shock him, you are successful; a cavalcade of expressions warring on his face as you plough on. “So please move so that I may continue with my most inadvisable plan….”
“No.” It's soft but unequivocal, resolute.
When you realise he is not going to budge, you throw your hands up in exasperation. “What do you want from me, Benedict?” 
There is a gruff noise in the back of his throat, and then, with two determined strides, he is pressed up against you, his breath hot on your face. Then he is kissing you, ferociously, wantonly, opening your mouth with his, his hands encircling your waist and pulling you roughly into him.
And you are lost.
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masterlist • wips • taglist (follow this blog to be tagged)
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Benedict taglist pt1: @makaylan @longingintheuniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kmc1989 @desert-fern @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @sya-skies
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622 notes · View notes
idlerin · 8 months ago
celebrity!akaashi keiji x f!reader
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
the ikarus incident (band au)
+ word count: 8.6k
content — best friend's brother/sister's best friend trope, established relationship (in the other fics especially, this one eventually), can be read as a stand-alone ig, very fluffy hihi enjoy! (i certainly enjoyed writing it)
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to love and be loved by akaashi keiji, a treasure not many get to behold.
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AKAASHI KEIJI never thought he would be the type to experience the kind of love that was heart-racing, mind-clouding, immense, and overflowing. A love that makes you lose all sensibility and makes you ponder on how to function like a proper human being. Such acts included breathing normally, blinking in the usual manner, and even thinking when the person beholding the affection is near. The kind of love that existed and repeated in countless romance novels, movies, and shows. Fictional. Unreal. Untrue. It’s not like he was much of a pessimist to think that he would never find love, more like, it was unbelievable for that kind of love to exist in reality as it frankly didn’t make any sense. How could someone lose all rationality because of one single person?
Keiji could vaguely remember his father talking about the day he met his mother, how, when he first saw her it felt as if he was shot in the heart. Not by an arrow, but by a bullet. How he was hit with a myriad of emotions, love and adoration above all. A burning sensation settled in and what left was the thought of needing to get to know their mother more, absolutely sure she was the one for him.
Keiji simply didn’t get it though, at the ripe age of ten, he didn't understand how a person could fall in love with someone they didn’t know well (which is why he thinks the notion of falling in love at first sight is impossible, you can feel attraction at first sight but surely not love). He soon discovered that love could sprout differently for people. His aunt and uncle for one fell in love after years of being friends, it didn’t hit them immediately that their bond would turn into something more and yet it did. His uncle described it as one day seeing the sun shine high up in the sky and realizing how bright it makes the world.
The blinding kind of love was simply one of the many ways people express their affection for one another. In the end, he concluded that the heart-racing, mind-clouding, immense, and overflowing kind of love wasn’t something he would ever be subjected to. 
He grew curious about the subjectivity in an objective reality, this curiosity turned into an interest in writing. Which then turned into an interest in poetry and eventually, lyricism. He had found a love for literature that young kids usually don’t, this then had been a turning point in his life that wasn't abrupt but impactful, who knew rummaging in the attic looking for his nana’s old books would lead him to discover an abandoned guitar?
Just like his view on love and everything else, music was something that slowly but surely made its way into his heart. A passion begins to thread and twine to the fate directing his life.
And then he was hit by a bullet.
Unlike his father, it didn’t come abruptly and immensely after he laid eyes on you. It was slower, gradual, and not anything he expected at all. He’s known you for years, being his little sister’s closest friend. You were a constant presence in his home and you were even there to listen to his band when they were merely four kids having fun and following a dream. You were always the sweet type, and it blended well with his sister’s fierce attitude. Along the way he started thinking of you as a friend too, he could confide in you and you both shared easy conversations, how could you not be friends? You practically spent every single day in his house, you were more familiar than some of his cousins.
“I just want to graduate, why is this so hard?” you whine, a pout befalling your face, “Keiji, I swear you explained it really well, maybe something’s wrong with my brain!” your eyes were wide, looking at him as if you were truly worried something was wrong with you. It was one of the many days you spent in his home, and he offered to help when he noticed you kept glaring at a piece of paper on the counter. He asked where his sister was and you said that she was taking a nap, but you couldn’t give yourself the same pleasure without finishing your worksheet.
“Maybe you need to take a break for a moment,” he suggests, smiling idly at your expression. The pout didn’t rest and he reached out to pat you gently on the head, something he got used to doing. It’s not like he saw you as a child—he was only a year and a half older—but he could never help patting your head whenever you acted in such a cute manner.
“What will that do?” your shoulders loosen and you look up at him prettily under your lashes. That’s when Keiji becomes speechless for a moment, your gaze pierces through him and he doesn't hear what you said at first. He hadn’t noticed that he’d been staring for too long, you had to get him back to his senses by uttering, “Keiji?”
“Yes? I–uhm right uh, rest will give you the energy you need to process new information easily,” Keiji suddenly felt the need to stand up, so he did. You were pretty, yes, that’s not anything new. You’ve always been pretty in his eyes so why is it that he’s now acting so weirdly about it? He’s long since acknowledged that you’re pleasing to look at. Yes. So what? Right. He didn’t get to ponder much on that afternoon because he was soon bombarded with work when his band got scouted by an agent, he had rehearsals to worry about and people to impress. Plus, you’d always be there, so he doesn’t need to rush and put a name on anything. 
Budding feelings they may be. Keiji didn't know exactly what it was, but he wasn't dumb to not have a hint to what's happening to him. He just didn't let himself be too caught up in it.
Your presence in the Akaashis' lives was so prominent that you were even invited to family gatherings. His aunts, uncles, and cousins became as familiar with you as a regular family member would. He was so used to your presence on trips as well, his mother treated you as her own and his sister was more than happy to have her best friend on their outings.
“Is [name] not joining?” he found himself asking when he was carrying his bags to the car, his family and him were on their way to a beach trip and naturally, he looked for you. He just got back after weeks of juggling his second year of college and his band. His family greeted him with a resort getaway to “ease him up a bit” according to his sister who also just got home from her first year in university.
His father started laughing and Keiji was confused as to what was so hilarious, his father didn’t leave him wondering for too long, “Glad to know you were also used to her being here!” and laughed more as if this was the funniest discovery in the world.
“Dear, what’s so funny? Is it not obvious Keiji thinks of [name] as a sister as well? Of course he’d look for her,” his mom shook her head at his dad, “Now stop laughing and get the other bags, I’m too tired to walk back in.”
A sister? His mom thinks he thought of you as a sister? That was… he has never entertained the idea. You were always just you. No matter how much he thought about it, he could just never see you as a sister.
“Why is [name] not coming?” he could not take not knowing the reason and asked Kaiya who was looking like she was trying to bury herself in her hoodie.
“Because she's busy,” Kaiya shrugged, bringing out her phone and leaning on the car.
Busy? It was summer, you’re supposed to have fun during summer. Even he (someone who is dedicated to upholding responsibilities even during summer break) is taking time for leisure because it’s summer. What could you possibly be busy with that would make you unable to come and enjoy a getaway? Why wasn’t his sister reacting more to this? Usually, Kaiya would be the one most sulky about not being able to bring you along with us despite her grown age. Was Keiji the only one finding your no-show bothering?
“You’re not whining about not seeing her? You’re all grown up,” Keiji smiles, trying to get a reaction out of his sister.
“Of course I’m all grown up! Don’t act like you’re that much older than me,” Kaiya glares, “And I see [name] almost every day, I’ll see her after the trip,” she stuck her tongue out as if taunting. She smirked right after and Keiji had his suspicions that Kaiya must be trying to get something out of him as well. They think too alike, he adores his sister but he'd rather she not pry much right now when he's distraught and trying to compose himself because it shouldn't be too obvious that he's feeling distraught.
Kaiya could see you whenever she wanted, you went to the same university and lived on campus together. Somehow that gave him a bad feeling in his stomach, the reason is not that his sister specifically spends more time with you—that's a given because of your years of friendship—but because he couldn't spend much time with you. There was a clear difference.
He was feeling strange again, it was still a strange and unfamiliar feeling despite him not exactly being single his whole life. After months of being away for college and work, going home included seeing you and now that he doesn’t get to do exactly that is making him feel drowsy. He thought that he could sidetrack himself from further developing these feelings of his but it didn't work (he entertained a few people the past year because he was trying to get you off his mind—which was no use, you were always there and will always be there). Sometimes he'd think of you and he'd have the urge to message you (he gives in to his desire to talk to you most of the time), or sometimes he would look at old photos of you two—which was not much.
There was a time in the middle of band practice where he kept staring off into space because he remembered a time where you asked him to teach you how to play a few chords on a guitar and he remembered the way you laughed and how your skin felt when he was arranging your fingers on the strings properly. They had to start over and over on practicing a song because Keiji kept misremembering lines when the thought of you was making him flustered. Even Atsumu had started asking him if he would be alright performing for the gig they booked the following night. That was only one of the many instances you clouded his thoughts.
This feeling was driving him insane.
He took a deep breath to control himself because the thought of missing you was eating him away. He wanted to see you. You’ve exchanged texts and some calls over the past months but it wasn’t enough, you were one of the reasons he was looking forward to coming back home and he foolishly thought he would get to see you eventually because you’d always be there.
He’d like to take it back, it wasn’t like getting hit by a bullet per se, Keiji would equate it more to poison. The kind that slowly seeped in and made it so that it was difficult to breathe. To function. Keiji sighed and resigned himself to the irony that he was slowly ticking the boxes of the criteria that made him believe he was otherwise susceptible to the kind of blinding affection one could have towards someone.
Keiji didn’t know when exactly he entered the car, the whole journey sure felt enlightening with the way he could finally put a name to his actions towards you. He really couldn’t take it anymore and messaged you, asking why you couldn’t join the trip. It was better to hear it from you, and it also eased him a bit. Perhaps in a while, he could bring up meeting with you over the next weeks, that wouldn’t be too strange.
Fate was on his side and he got his wish of seeing you more frequently during summer break. You agreed to hang out with him and you spent it by usually going to the theaters, a museum, or simply eating out. He didn’t mind what you guys would do, he enjoyed even just passing by stores with you. Whenever Kaiya and you would hang out, you would drop by which would lead to conversations in the living room while waiting for his sister to get ready (Keiji knew his sister was also using him for a free ride but it’s not like he would complain since it means more time with you). The last week of the break was his sister’s birthday and he had enjoyed picking out gifts for her with your guidance, it did make him feel a bit empty knowing he’d have to spend months without being with you again.
Despite all his worries, he remained focused on the present. Him, Kaiya, you, and a few other of his cousins were splayed in a circle in the living room of the villa where Kaiya’s birthday was celebrated, playing a game of truth or dare. Keiji watched as Kaiya spun the bottle and as its momentum slowed, the tip of the bottle pointed at his cousin Hiroki.
A mischievous grin spread on Kaiya’s lips, she glanced once at you then back at Hiroki, “So, who would you say is your type? Answer honestly! It’s my birthday,” she slurred her words, the alcohol kicking in. If she couldn’t have been more obvious, she started clinging to you.
Hiroki looked like a deer in headlights, glancing at his sister Aiki beside him and narrowed his eyes at her, “You told her?”
“I did no such thing, you’re just too obvious,” Aiki stirred her glass of wine and winked at you whose smile was a bit strained, Keiji could tell you were starting to feel awkward. Are they trying to set you and Hiroki up? Keiji could easily put two and two together with how his cousins and sister were acting right now. He was a bit frustrated that he could only be a bystander along with his other cousins and a few of Kaiya’s other close friends, he was trying to suppress the urge to interfere.
“Answer now!” Kaiya pressed, shaking your arm while pointing a finger at Hiroki.
Keiji could only look at you. How would you react? Would you like that Hiroki feels that way about you? Keiji found himself clutching his drink. Would your cheeks warm? Would you feel light and fluttery? Would you feel the same way about Hiroki? Keiji was only giving himself pain with his train of thought.
Hiroki then quickly drank a shot of alcohol for liquid courage, “Fine, my ideal type is [name],” Hiroki then looked everywhere but you after exclaiming that to everyone in the room. The people around cheered and most started teasing you too.
Keiji locked eyes with you, he tilted his head as if asking a question, and of course, the only question coming to mind now was ‘What do you feel about Hiroki?’. It was how you felt that mattered the most rather than his disdain for the situation. Hiroki was nice enough, but surely you didn’t know each other that well for you to harbor any feelings for his cousin. What if you did? You knew of his cousin’s existence and saw him a lot (not enough). What if Keiji never realized you already had long-term feelings for someone else because he never liked to entertain the idea of you liking someone who wasn't him? 
Keiji wanted to bang his head on the wall right now. He was thinking irrationally, but being selfish was natural because he liked you, right? It was okay that he was feeling like he wanted to grab your hand and run away to a place where it could just be you and him. He never tried asking you if you currently liked anyone so he could continue to live in the fantasy of the possibility that you liked him back.
You only blinked at him before you were distracted by his sister hovering over you and saying nonsense Keiji didn’t bother to listen to. It was getting very obvious that you wanted to escape the conversation, Keiji noticed how you fiddled with your shirt and the way your eyes kept wandering to the door. Keiji took it upon himself to pull his sister away from you, “Stop it, you’re making [name] and Hiroki uncomfortable.”
His sister looked up at him with an accusing gaze, “You!”
“Yes?” he successfully pried her away from you which earned him a small smile, the simple action from you felt as if a weight was removed from his shoulders.
“Stop taking my best friend away from me!” Kaiya states as Keiji lets her go, stomping back to her place beside you.
“What do you mean?” Keiji was honestly confused about what Kaiya meant, he would not be sorry if ever that would be the actual case though.
“Don’t you think I don’t know about you two hanging out without me!” Kaiya exclaimed, ah so that’s what she meant and here Keiji thought she had a hint about his feelings towards you, or perhaps she does? But Kaiya was too drunk right now to think coherently. 
“Everyone knows Keiji actually has two sisters,” Aiki laughs, giving Keiji that distraught feeling once again. Does everyone in his family think Keiji treats you like a sister? Or do they think he could never feel that way about you? Why? What can he do to make them stop thinking like that? What if you thought you were like a sister to him? Keiji could feel nothing but panic.
Later that night Keiji found you alone out in the gardens of the villa, it looks like he wasn’t the only one who had a hard time sleeping.
“Can’t sleep?” he calls out, startling you. You turn to him with your shawl wrapped tightly around your shoulders, you visibly relax when you see that it was just him.
A smile spread on your face, “Yeah, you too?”
Keiji nodded and watched as you sat on the bench, he walked towards you and leaned on the tree beside it. He wouldn’t be able to think of the right words to say if he was sitting right next to you, he was still hung up on what happened earlier this evening.
“So… I have to get back to campus the day after tomorrow,” you broke the silence, sighing after you laid out your news.
“Ah,” was the only thing Akaashi could say to the reminder that your time together was limited, “I’m leaving the same day, the weeks sure went by fast.”
That’s not what he really wanted to say though, he wanted to question you about what you felt when Hiroki practically said he liked you. Keiji wanted to know if you would be alright with seeing him again in the near future, you didn’t have to waste money on commuting, he could drive to you. Perhaps you could even attend some of his gigs, it would be exhilarating to see you watch him again. He wanted to say a lot of things to you but the only thing he could say was, “I don’t think of you like a sister.”
“Huh?” you looked up at him under your lashes, the moonlight set its rays upon you and it was similar to that moment in his kitchen a year ago. The moment that made him realize he was feeling for you deeper than he should.
“I wanted to clarify that I don’t think of you as a sister, everyone seems to get the wrong idea,” Keiji took a deep breath, he was so near to telling the truth that he was finding it difficult to breathe again. He was staring right into you and if the truth didn’t spill from his lips, he wondered if you could see it in his eyes, “They were right about one thing though.”
As if hypnotized, you stayed in place as Akaashi couldn’t restrain himself anymore and reached for your hand, catching it firmly in his grasp, “You mean a lot to me.”
“I… you mean a lot to me too, Keiji,” those words that came from your sweet voice was similar to harmony in his ears, it brought out an overwhelming feeling in his chest and he wanted nothing more than to be close to you. He can’t do that yet though, it’s not the right time.
Akaashi Keiji never thought he would experience the kind of love that was heart-racing, mind-clouding, immense, and overflowing, but he was wrong. Every moment spent with you proved it wrong, what else could explain the loss of sense and rationality whenever you were near? But he was still him after all. So he would approach this in the only way he knows, slowly but surely. You were worth it after all.
That’s why it didn’t matter how long it took for him to profess his love for you, he needs to make sure that he’s shown you that his love deserves to be reciprocated. That he deserves someone as precious as you.
It was never easy, he never expected that it would just be easy. Yet the day came when he held your hand tightly in his once again, his nerves barely being suppressed as he told you the reason for his years of pining. How he liked you, he liked you so much he could barely remember how he was before harboring feelings for you. It was blissful, it couldn’t be anything else but. He could finally be with you, after all, he had the right to be with you and it made him extremely happy. He would always be caught grinning to himself, it was to the point that Suna started asking him if he was alright because of his weird behavior. Akaashi wanted nothing more than to show you off to the world. 
Although, a certain request from you made it difficult to do just that. You had asked him if you both could keep your relationship a secret because of his growing fame and you didn’t want to be caught up in that world of his. He respected your decision and was willing to follow whatever you said. Your relationship lasted for many hours, days, and months. Even if he couldn’t spend a lot of time with you in the later years because of his job and there were rough times that occurred, his love for you outweighed. His resolve remained, that it didn’t matter how much time has or will pass, his love for you would never waver.
His heart felt as if it was pumping a hundred and twenty beats per minute, a single text from you got this reaction out of him. Even with years of being together, he could still never function normally around you. He had just gotten a text in the middle of his post-concert celebratory party with his bandmates and some of the other staff. It was a simple text—two words, six letters.
My Love 2:44 AM I’m here :) [insert picture of hotel lobby]
The familiar lobby of the hotel they were staying in for the week was clear in the picture. Akaashi was speechless, how could you be here? Was he dreaming? It was a thousand miles away from home but you’re here? For him? You were here for him?
He couldn’t leave his seat fast enough.
“Where are you going?” Sakusa asks. Akaashi didn’t think anyone would take notice if he suddenly left, but this was Sakusa here, he was simple enough to brush off, Atsumu would be more meddlesome.
“Hotel,” Akaashi started moving before he could be asked to elaborate, he couldn’t wait to see you already. He hurriedly put his cap on and passed by Sakusa once again.
“Hey, you’re still holding your dri–” Akaashi didn’t stay to hear the rest, he was feeling restless at the thought of you patiently waiting for him. He was out of the doors of the private room within minutes.
“Akaashi-san!” a hand was on his shoulder. Why does the world despise him at this very moment? He looked around and spotted Suna’s assistant. He should be glad that at least it wasn’t a fan, he loved his fans dearly but they would be more difficult to bypass. Turns out she was looking for Suna himself and couldn’t find the room. Akaashi quickly led her to the right place before rushing out again, he then realized he was still holding onto a drink and quickly left that on a counter. He should be walking faster so nothing else would stand in the way of him wrapping his arms around you and feeling your warmth after so many months of longing.
He was practically running towards his car, luckily he was still sane enough to drive properly. You would scold him for being reckless while driving, it was good that the hotel was only a few minutes away. Though it was a very agonizing ten minutes, the world was testing out his patience.
Finally, finally, he was in front of the doors which were the only thing separating him from you.
Once he gets inside, he sets his gaze on you immediately. Your shining eyes met his and you stood up from your seat, he hadn’t had a care in the world as he practically ran towards you and pulled you into an embrace. He should be thinking if his actions would earn him a trending article but he couldn’t find himself to care. The world will find out sooner or later how much you mean to him. He buried his face in your hair and hugged you impossibly tighter.
“Love, It’s a bit hard to breathe,” you pat him on his back, he can feel your grin on his shoulder.
“That’s exactly how I felt when you sent me that text message,” Keiji replies, hand clutching the back of your head, soaking in the reality that you’re actually here with him.
You fake a gasp, “So I deserve this?”
Akaashi gave a hum as a ‘yes’, “You deserve to be smothered with much more affection too,” he kissed the side of your head.
“Save that for later, please,” you say, warily looking at your surroundings, only the receptionist turning a blind eye was present.
He wastes no time and hesitantly lets you go in order to gather your suitcase, he intertwines your hand with his free hand. He leads you to the elevator and impatiently pushes the button to his floor. You, on the other hand, were leaning on his biceps as your eyes kept fluttering shut due to drowsiness from your flight. You left for your flight immediately after getting off work and you were tired from the hecticness.
Once you both arrived at Akaashi’s room, he spent no less than a minute putting things like his car keys and your suitcase away before pulling you towards the bedroom. He sat you down on the mattress and you had no time to protest (not like you would) before he placed all of his weight above you. With your back to the softness of the silky cover, you contentedly hummed and closed your eyes for a brief moment, “I need to change.”
“Five minutes,” Keiji then begins to caress your arms and bury his head on your chest, breathing you in once more.
Your hands fled to his hair, massaging the strands of raven and kissing the crown of his head, “I’ll only be staying for three days.”
A sound similar to a groan escaped from his throat, “That’s too soon.”
“I have a job too,” you laugh, “I was lucky enough to exchange with one of my coworkers so I could leave this weekend.”
“I miss you already,” Keiji practically whines, unlike his usual character.
“Don’t miss me while I’m still here,” you tugged at some of the strands on the back of his head, “And we’ll see each other again in three weeks, remember?” pertaining to their band’s final concert being held back in Japan, you would be watching the show alongside his family—who still don’t know about your relationship, the both of you have been having a difficult time bringing it up.
“Three weeks too long,” Keiji finally rose from half-suffocating you with his weight and instead started to look for clothes he could give you to change into, “You must be exhausted.”
“I’m not the one flying from country to country and performing for almost three hours every night,” you sat on the bed, using your elbows as support as you watched him shuffle through his luggage.
“Not every night,” Keiji comments before rising and handing you his clothes which you placed on your lap. He stood between your legs and used a hand to tilt your head up towards him, he was looking at you so intensely.
“Are you drunk?” you ask, squinting your eyes at him as you now only realize the slight haziness in his gaze. You knew he was in a mini celebration an hour before being here, but he said he hadn’t planned on drinking, “And you drove here?”
Keiji shook his head, drunk on you, possibly, “I barely had a glass, just to entertain the staff. I drove here safely, I swear.”
“You better have,” you give one more pointed look at him before falling back on the bed, you close your eyes. You were getting heavy-eyed, soon, sleep will win you over.
“You’re the one who said you had to change, only a few minutes have passed,” Akaashi chides you.
You groaned and opened one of your eyes and raised an arm, “Do it for me.”
Akaashi raised a brow, you were getting into one of your moods he was all too familiar with. Who was he to deny your request? He pulled you up to a sitting position once again, his hands on the hem of your shirt. Before he pulled it off you, he glanced up only to see you smiling languidly at him, “You love me so much,” you begin to tease.
“I do,” Keiji smiles softly at you.
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“Hello! Attention to [l/n] [name].”
You look at Kaiya who has been trying to get your attention for the past minute, “Sorry?” you give her a sheepish smile, your thoughts were on the mini-vacation you let yourself have with Akaashi a month ago. You spent the past thirty minutes or so letting her family simply drag you around because you were distracted by the crowd at Ikarus’ concert. You were waiting outside because Keiji’s mother wanted to fall in line and buy merch. Kaiya complained that they could just ask Keiji for the items she wanted but her mother shushed her saying that wasn’t as authentic. Keiji’s mom was set on having the “full fan experience”.
“Why are you so dazed?” she tilted her head to the side, which awfully reminded you of Keiji (you started missing him even more). “Because you’re seeing my brother?” Kaiya scrunched up her face and made a gagging sound, “Did you not just see him a few weeks ago?”
You started looking around, sighing in relief when you saw that Akaashi’s father was with his wife, “Watch what you say,” you pouted.
Kaiya glanced at where you were looking, “When are you planning to tell them?”
“Soon,” you shrugged, you admit you were still nervous about telling them about your long-term relationship with their son. It’s been years and you know it’s been long overdue, you were ready to face the backlash that would come with hiding your relationship from them for so long.
Kaiya shook her head at you and then proceeded to take something out of her purse, she laid out the card attached to a lanyard to you, “Before I forget, your backstage pass,” you took it from her gratefully. The glossy surface of the card hits the rays of the sun, and you observe the words ‘All Access’ shown under the band’s logo. It wasn’t the first time you’ve gone to his concerts so you were already familiar with the processes, you were even friendly with some of the staff.
“You girls go on ahead, it’s a bit hot and your mother is going to take a while,” Akaashi’s father jogs to you both and nudges Kaiya to go, “She’s raving on and on about having to get that mini version of Keiji and I admit I kind of want to get that version of their album with lots of little things inside too, I want to test out my luck and see if I could get your brother’s picture on a first try—you know those little cardboards with pictures right?”
“So you would rather see him in pictures rather than going inside and meeting the real deal?” Kaiya comments.
“Yes, now go,” Akaashi’s father smiles at you before running back to Mrs. Akaashi.
“Oh, whatever, let’s go,” Kaiya saunters to the arena as if she owned the place and you trailed behind her looking at the crowds of people waiting outside, the concert wasn’t starting in another three hours yet there were already tons who were in line. You kind of felt a bit bad because you could just go inside without any worries. These were people who adored the man you were lucky enough to call your boyfriend, not as much as you—you like to believe, no one knows and loves him more than you—but that was your more selfish side talking.
“Kaiya, do you even remember where the common room is?” you asked, your memory and sense of direction weren't well. The last time you went here was their opening concert which was over a year ago.
“Uh, no, but we’ll see someone we know soon,” Kaiya was confident, walking in a straight direction as if she knew where she was going. A bunch of the crew arranging lights and holding boxes were walking around but no faces you were familiar with. It wasn’t long before we were blocked by guards on the way to a segregated part of the building.
“Are you looking for the green room?” the guard asked, eyeing your passes and affirming that you were actually allowed to be here but the both of you clearly looked lost. Kaiya kept looking around, you thought she was acting suspicious (and the guard must think so too) so you grabbed her wrist to make her focus.
“I’m looking for my brother,” Kaiya took out her phone. You wanted to just ask the guard nicely to direct you guys to the waiting room.
“And your brother is…?” The guard looked like they wanted to get this over with too.
“Akaashi Keiji,” Kaiya looked up from her phone, “He said we should go to the dressing rooms,” she pointed at her device. You do not recall Keiji saying any of that, he hasn’t opened his phone in a while, he usually doesn’t use it hours before a performance to focus. You looked at Kaiya, wondering what she was planning up her sleeves.
“Kaiya-san? [name]-san?” a soft-spoken voice interrupted, the both of you turned to see Rika, Sakusa’s personal assistant if you remembered correctly. The familiar face came to you both when you needed it, “Are you guys looking for Akaashi-san? You can follow me. I'm on the way there because my cousin needs his coffee to calm his pre-show nerves,” she rolled her eyes.
Rika nodded at the guard who let her and you both through, you smiled at them before following Rika.
“How are you, Rika-san?” you asked, taking one of her bags to carry it for her since she was holding coffee and a folder with her.
“Been better, my cousin’s being a huge headache to me because of… some things,” she shook her head as if she was shouldering the world's heaviest burdens, “How are you and Akaashi-san?”
“I’m fine—wait, what?” that caught you off-guard, it made you halt in your tracks.
“Uhm… was I wrong? Are you both not in a relationship? Kiyoomi thought you were together as well,” Rika started walking again and soon you saw more people in the hallways.
Kaiya began to cackle, “Aha! I told you it was obvious.”
“You’re not wrong, Rika-san but uhm is it really that obvious?” you start to heat up, your cheeks suddenly feeling warm.
“Well, he always has his eyes on you whenever you two are in the same room and after observing your interactions for the past years that’s what I concluded. If it’s a secret, I’m sure a lot of people don’t have a clue, this lot isn’t very observant after all,” Rika shrugged, “Anyways! This is the main sitting area, further back are the dressing rooms. The guys just got ready so they must be just lounging around somewhere alone, they’re all doing their pre-show rituals most likely.”
The both of you thanked Rika and you handed her bag back as she went on ahead mumbling about having to practically play hide and seek with how difficult Sakusa would be to find. Kaiya linked her arm with yours and dragged you once again to find the dressing room with Keiji’s name on it.
Once you both were in front of the door, Kaiya began her incessant knocking that is sure to give Keiji confusion and a headache all at once knowing his staff would never make such a ruckus, “I have a delivery for an Akaashi Keiji,” she was snickering in between her words while you shook your head at her antics.
It wasn’t long before the door opened and you were greeted with the sight of Keiji ladled with accessories he wouldn’t usually put on in day-to-day life, such as stud earrings you were really liking the look of. You looked up at him only to see his eyes which were decorated with a brownish hue on the lids that were already on yours. Perhaps Rika did have a point.
“[name],” he said breathlessly and was already holding your free hand that wasn’t being clutched by the other Akaashi on your side.
“I’m here too! You’re welcome!” Kaiya exclaimed, pulling you back so Keiji wouldn’t successfully get a hold of you.
“Hi Kaiya,” Keiji smiled at his sister, still not letting go of you too. Kaiya eyed that action and then looked up at her older brother who was looking at her blankly. Kaiya and you could both tell that Keiji was trying to tell her sister to leave, you were holding back your full-on grin.
“I accept thanks in the form of cash,” Kaiya patted your forearm before pushing you towards Keiji’s chest, the latter caught you in time and pulled you closer.
“Check your account after the show,” was Keiji’s only reply before bringing you inside and shutting the door.
“I feel as if your relationship has been turning transactional over the years,” you comment, finally letting out your laugh at the siblings’ antics. Kaiya meant well, of course, the monetary things were just a bonus. You looked around the room, spotting a guitar in the middle of the room and the mirrors on the walls which immediately caught your eye. A black settee was against the wall and a small glass table was on the side.
“I think she still holds a grudge against me for ‘taking you away’,” Keiji raises a hand to tuck loose strands of your hair behind your ear, “Because I was never sorry about it.”
His words gave you that fluttery feeling in your stomach that you’ve learned to become used to whenever you were around him, “Poor Kaiya,” you reached out a hand to cup his cheek, he buried his face in your hand and placed a feather-light kiss on your palm.
Keiji talked to you with his eyes, it was a question and a request all at once. You bit your lower lip as you observed his plump, gloss-stained one's part. Suddenly, it was all too suffocating and difficult to breathe if you didn't lean your face against his and capture the oxygen you badly needed. It seems he was thinking the same thing because he started leaning closer to you as if the urge to be nearer couldn’t be subdued.
But before he could relieve both of your longings, you took a step back, blinking and urging your senses to come back to normal, “You just got ready,” the staff’s best interest in mind.
Akaashi tilted his head to the side, that hazy look back in his eyes, “It can be fixed,” he held both of your arms in his grasp, caressing them in a way to ease and comfort you.
“Your stylist will hate me,” you pointed out, yet you were engrossed with the way he pulled you towards the couch. You had a slight feeling you were being tricked in order for Akaashi to get what he wanted at this particular moment, which was the same thing you were depriving yourself of.
Keiji sat down and his hands went down to your upper leg and gently nudged so you followed down, the plush of your thighs settled on his. You internally scold yourself for giving in, he knows all of your weak points, one of them was how you could be easily distracted by him, “I’ll take the scolding, my love.”
Your arms were wrapped around his neck, you tugged on the hair on his nape as you let your breath tangle with his. He was intoxicating, did he know he was intoxicating? Your eyes fluttered to a close because you couldn’t take it anymore and pressed your lips against his, he let out a satisfied groan on the back of his throat. You took in the woody scent of his cologne, the silken texture of his hair, and the pillowy almost velvet feel of his lips on yours. You should really be thinking of the consequences of your actions and the amount of people who will be burdened after this ordeal, yet, right now you could only enjoy the searing heat of his skin igniting with yours.
You felt one of his hands that held a grip on your thighs climb to your waist, he tugged on the material of your shirt before sliding his hand underneath. It elicited a small gasp from you which he took as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
That was when your phone started to ring to an all too familiar tune, in a daze you pulled away from him, much to his opposition, “That’s Kaiya calling,” you say, leaning your forehead on his.
Akaashi took your phone out from your pocket before putting it on the side, “She can manage to wait for a few more seconds,” he said, placing soft kisses on your cheeks and eventually capturing your lips in his.
You laughed at his reasoning before losing yourself in him once again, his hand was splayed on your stomach, caressing your skin. He pulled away and pecked you on the lips once more before leaving a trail of kisses on your jaw. You feel his teeth nip on your skin and a shiver runs over your spine.
The sudden opening of the door and a shriek made you freeze.
“Oh my!”
“Agh, my eyes!”
Akaashi’s reflexes were faster and more alert as he flipped you over so he would be hiding you from the door, he knew how you would be feeling uncomfortable with eyes on you and you were grateful his first thought was to shield you from further embarrassment. You glanced at his state, his messy hair and the stain on his lips smudged. You took it upon yourself to start fixing his appearance by wiping the sides of his mouth since it was your fault.
Keiji started straightening his clothes and patting down his hair as you did the same before he faced his parents and sister. You looked over his shoulder to see his mother frozen and you winced. Your heart started to race and not in the nice way Keiji made you feel, Keiji noticed this change in your demeanor as well and you felt him place his hand on yours in an effort to calm you down.
“This was probably why Kaiya was calling you,” Keiji mumbled under his breath, it was an effort to make the atmosphere lighter for you. He gave you a small smile before urging you to stand up. Keiji faced his parents and his sister who were all standing by the door, Kaiya was exaggeratingly fanning their mother who still wasn’t moving, with your hand still in his, he claimed, “[name] and I are dating, we have been for a few years now.”
A brief silence went over the room and it felt like an eternity for you when it was actually just a few seconds. Keiji’s father broke the smothering quietness.
“I knew it! You owe me, honey,” his father said with a loud cackle, his hand splayed out to Keiji’s mother beside him, “I told you our son’s feelings for dear [name] weren’t one-sided!”
“No!” their mother unfroze and put her hands in her palms.
You and Keiji were confused, even Kaiya stilled from her place.
“You bet on this happening?” Keiji asked, pulling you closer to his side so your nerves would rest.
“No, my son, your mother thought that you and [name] weren’t dating yet and that you were only pining for her while I said you both were already in a relationship. I had faith in you, son, I knew you had a backbone,” his father laughed in delight once more and swung an arm over his mother’s shoulders.
“We saw a picture of [name] in your room when we stayed at your penthouse a few months ago,” his mother tried to explain, hitting his father on the chest.
You recalled that very picture, you were wearing a sundress and were in the middle of looking back when Keiji took the picture. You were laughing and clutching your beach hat over your head in an attempt to not let the wind carry it away with the breeze. When you first saw it displayed in his room, you complained that there were a lot of better pictures of you but Keiji rebutted that this was the first one he took of you looking at him and that’s why he cherished it the most.
“Guess you guys were all worried for nothing!” Kaiya found herself and backed away from her parents, “I’d like to say that I was the original person who knew by the way, and I kept it in for so long. Not that they weren’t obvious,”
Akaashi clearly felt how you were being restless, he bent down to whisper in your ear, “Are you okay, love?”
You rub your wrist as you look up at him, “Well I’m honestly feeling a bit mortified.”
“You guys should've locked the door,” Kaiya said in a sing-song tone, “Imagine how I feel? I did not push you in this room for that. How could I possibly know you’d jump each other the moment you were left alone? I always thought you guys were rated G!”
You feel your face heating up once again and Keiji scolding his sister, “Perhaps you should go and call your stylist,” you suggest, trying to save some of your dignity.
Keiji eyes his sister and she got the hint and shuffled her parents—who were still arguing—out the door. You knew this wasn’t the end of it and a lot of explaining will have to be given to his parents (they wouldn’t leave you guys alone otherwise). With your eyes on the door, Keiji tried taking your attention by softly turning your face towards his.
“How do you feel?” he asks, smiling warmly at you.
“It’s… nice that we don’t have to hide it anymore,” you pressed your forehead on his chest, “I’m still feeling shy though.”
Keiji wrapped his arms around you and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, “How much time do you need to recover?”
“A minute and more of your hugs perhaps?” you ask, burying your face more in his chest. You should be urging him to go to his stylist already, but it wouldn’t be bad to keep him for another minute or so.
“I’m sorry they found out in an… unconventional way,” with your head pressed against his chest you could feel the rumble of his voice, the deep and lulling sound helping you calm down.
“Okay, I think I’m okay now,” you tried stepping away but he held you in your place, “Why?”
“I still need to recharge,” Keiji engulfs you in his warmth once more, “After this, it’s no more alone time. I’d have to wait another eight hours for that, so I need to get my fill now.”
Another round of silence baited and the only thing you could hear was the steady beat of his heart, it made you smile. Quiet moments with him came few and far in-between but when they did come, it felt as if the whole world was on your side and everything would always be okay.
“You’re so good to me, Keiji,” your voice cracks in the way of your emotions.
He responds by embracing you impossibly tighter, “What do you think about living together?” he drops the question, “It’s just something I’ve been thinking over, we don’t have to rush or anything but I just wanted to know what you think.”
It wouldn’t be too odd of a question, you practically spent every waking moment together whenever you both had the chance. That included staying over at each other’s places and spending most of your time together indoors. He’d love to spend more days waking up next to you, whenever you were there he felt nothing but peace and he wouldn’t mind for that feeling to stay with him for the rest of his life. The cheers of the crowd were exhilarating but the silence spent with you was more fulfilling.
“I’d love that,” you say, standing on your tiptoes and placing a kiss on his cheek.
You looked up at him under your lashes and Keiji felt that rush of intensifying feelings coming over him, his hands came to cup both of your cheeks as he placed a quick kiss on the tip of your nose, “I’d like to know of your thoughts in another matter that’s been on my mind,” he said in a hoarse voice.
“What is it?” your tone was light and airy. A few minutes from now you’ll have to give way for his staff to get him ready for the world. Right now you’d like to keep him to yourself, the world can wait.
“What do you think about marriage?”
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Ikarus’ lead vocalist Akaashi Keiji announces he’s married!
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leia @keijisrealgf I WAS SIMPING FOR A MARRIED MAN????? 4:20 PM · Jun 23 20XX
pia @ikarusavedme not even a girlfriend or an engagement.. but MARRIAGE 4:18 PM · Jun 23 20XX
kei @menexceptikarus he always gave family man vibes not surprised ngl 4:27 PM · Jun 23 20XX
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a/n — alright so i went a bit overboard with this one JWBDEJXBDN ill say this is for taking so long to conclude akaashi's story lmao
general taglist + @luvrsthrist @cherries4denki @cloud-lyy @misscaller06 @noideawhothatis @wolffmaiden @rivaiken @wooasecret @Eclecticlandmughoagie @nicerthanu @sukunasrealgf @ris-krispie @seiamor @electriclovei @leeknowsarchive @todorokiskitten @rory-cakes @sexyandcringe @rinheartshyunlix @wh0zumy2k @iluv-ace @xiakyo @sanaexus @clyches @noble-17
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wonuumelody · 11 months ago
“ Boyfriend serie ” ; Vernon as your bf
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pairing: seventeen vernon x fem!reader genre: fluff, bf thoughts warning(s): use of pet name
Have matching bracelets with you (like this for example)
Very private boyfriend
he made you meet his friends 2 years after you started dating
Not really secretive, they knew he was dating someone,
Not ashamed to say he have a gf, he just don't show pictures or anything
You are his treasure
Always talk about you to his sister
"look at her! She was wearing my shirt and she looked so good with that, isn't she so pretty?"
Your biggest fan
Absolutely love making you laugh
Also love when you make him laugh
He'll always (most of the time) be laughing out loud at your jokes (at his own too...)
Love sending you memes and messages with tons of emojis
Send you tiktok too, where he always say stuff like "we have to do it" even tho he know you'll never be doing anything
He love listening to what you listen.
You have his phone code so in the car, when he is driving you can change the music
He has absolutely nothing to hide so
Never know how to pose when you want to take a picture with him so he usually doesn't pose or put his hands on your shoulder with a smile on his face
Completely adore when you send him random selfies of you
Save them every time in his gallery, he even have an album with pictures of you in it
The selfies he send you on
There is something about you wearing sundresses that just make him go crazy
On his media, he would post faceless pictures of you like this
Buy you a lot of plushies because he knows how much you like them :((
Every time he is on tour or far away from you he would buy you some small gifts
Calls you "babe" everytime
"babe have you seen my phone charger?" "babe do you have gums?" "i like your dress babe"
He even called you "girl" once, you laughed so loud after
He love when you make gifts for him, always keep them in his room and check on them often with a soft smile on his lips
He makes you call him "nonie" or "babe"
Sooo stressed when you call him Hansol
Your partner in crime
You love to watch series together, your ritual is pizza - pyjama - Netflix
౨ৎ Melody's MATERLIST.
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junnieverse · 2 years ago
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➙ little things txt do as your boyfriend
pairing: txt x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, implied short reader for soobin's drabble, mentions of food in taehyun's drabble
a/n: why was this so adorable?! Someone buy me bf!txt from amazon please!!
a/n (2): here's the zb1 and enha version if you'd like to check that one out too!
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🖇️ — 최수빈 ; SOOBIN !
↳ wrapping you in his jacket when it's cold
you had both decided to take a little night stroll together after a sleepless night
having mindlessly walked, you somehow ended up at a cute light park uphill that overlooked the entire city
feeling the breeze hit, you wrapped your arms around yourself to keep yourself warm but it was no help
you soon felt a large figure wrap himself around you from behind as he hugged you with his jacket to keep you both warm
"I told you to bring a hoodie to keep yourself warm, it's pretty chilly tonight." soobin playfully scolds you as his hands gently rubbing your arms brought extra heat
you had purposely left your hoodie because of moments like this
your boyfriend was a human heater, perfect to keep you warm whenever you needed
despite his argumentative statement, you knew he also enjoyed wrapping himself around you as he hugged you and rested his chin on your head
it was the small moments like this with soobin you treasured
you both enjoyed the comfortable silence between the two of you as he swayed you side to side watching the city lights in the distance
🖇️ — 최연준 ; YEONJUN !
↳ watching you with adoration
yeonjun has had this habit ever since he was crushing on you but in all honesty he does this with all his loved ones
he made sure to give them his full, undivided attention whenever they were talking and would just look at them with pure care and love
yeonjun not only made you feel like you were the most important person in his life but the way he looked at you was enough to say just that too
there's just something about that little glimmer in his eyes whenever you catch him staring at you with a soft smile adorning his face
"Yeonjun stop staring, I can't focus when you do that." you tell him looking down as your cheeks heat up
"What, I'm just admiring the love of my life." he says wrapping his arms around you still looking into his eyes as you shyly avoided his gaze
he also did this knowing how flustered you would get each time and he just thought you looked especially cuter when you were blushing
this was just one of the main reasons why you always lost staring contests with him
if anything he could stare into your eyes for the rest of his life because they were his favourite feature of yours
🖇️ — 최범규 ; BEOMGYU !
↳ playing his guitar for you
it was a normal occurance for beomgyu to randomly start playing his guitar and sing for you but each time he did you felt like you were falling in love all over again
he loved showing his love for you in various ways but serenading you was one of the small things he'd grown accustomed to doing over the course of your relationship
here you both were sitting on your living room mat as you held the guitar close to you whilst beomgyu tried to teach you the basic strings and tunes
your date plans outside had been ruined by the rain so you thought this was a great chance for your boyfriend to teach you how to play his guitar a little
"Okay, you're getting a hang of it, good job." beomgyu praises before kissing your cheek
he then takes over easily brushing his fingers against the strings as he plays a familiar tune before he starts singing to you
you can't help but admire your boyfriend as your heart skipped a beat
in this moment you felt yourself falling more in love with him as his deep voice filled the room
you could never get tired of this
🖇️ — 강태현 ; TAEHYUN !
↳ feeding you
ever since the day taehyun cooked for you for the first time and you obviously falling in love (with his food)
he made it his mission to always make sure you were well fed
even if that meant feeding you himself
he was also very experimental with the dishes he made and you were his go-to person if he needed someone to taste test the food.
"How does this taste?" he asks blowing on the hot spoon reaching over to feed you the soup
you had grown used to tae feeding you at this point and gladly let him do so too because all his dishes were your absolute favourites, "This is amazing baby."
you had ofcourse offered to help him prepare some of his dishes before but after an accident whilst making some dinner went wrong
the entire txt made the kitchen a "do not touch anything (y/n)" zone because they did not want a repeat of almost burning down the entire dorm
you may be a fire hazard in the kitchen but luckily your boyfriend knew how to keep you happy through feeding you
🖇️ — 휴닝카이 ; HUENINGKAI !
↳ buying you/each other plushies
"Omg Kai, this panda plushy is so adorable!"
if only you had realised that one statement would open up pandora's box
and now your boyfriend can't stop buying you plushies because, "they all remind me of you" he'd excuse
in the beginning you would sometimes go out of your way to buy kai a few little plushies to fill his cute collection but after the first valentine plushy he got you, he just couldn't stop buying them for you
it's become a love language at this point
although they made great cuddle partners, on days you were missing kai, you could simply cuddle this plushy which still had some of his lingering scent and fall right asleep
he too had his own favourite plushy that he would take with especially on tours to keep close to him whenever he was missing you and it was a matching one to yours
it was also the first plushy you had bought him
he had once accidently left it behind at the hotel they were staying at and he had realised it was missing when he had arrived at the airport
kai couldn't afford leaving it behind and risked missing his flight all to get back his plushy because it was a sentimental and important piece to your relationship
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bykshre · 1 year ago
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CHAPTER 02 // song - August, Taylor Swift
➥ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : CEO Jungkook x Head Of Department Y/N
➥𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 10,130
➥𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : 7 years ago, you and jungkook broke up after a long-term relationship in high school and college. Never have you ever thought that one day, you would reunite with your ex-lover or the guy you once believed was the love of your life. What does fate hold for the both of you?
➥ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞/𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 : exes to lovers, angst, slow burn, grumpyxsunshine, a second chance.
➥ 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 : M
➥ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : curses, alcohol, jk is fuckboy, unresolved emotions, trauma, extreme emotions, backstabbers... (not all of these are included in this chapter)
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01 ll 02 ll 03 ll ongoing series
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As the morning sun timidly seeped through the curtains, you reluctantly opened your eyes, greeted by the harsh reality of a pounding headache. The remnants of a restless night clung to your senses, and you groggily fumbled for the snooze button on the blaring alarm. As you reached for the snooze button, the weight of knowing you probably tainted Jimin's day with your usual tales of heartbreak settled heavily on your conscience.
You feel like shit right now because of your hangover though you do get up after swallowing 2 painkillers that were placed beside your bed with a glass of water. You are very grateful for having Jimin as your roommate- Jimin's angelic presence is a treasure you never want to lose from your life. He has given nothing but empathy, compassion, comfort, solace, advice and never-ending "big-bro" talk to you that you are very grateful for even though you may not show it and perhaps occasionally roll your eyes when he gives you the pep talks.
Realising it's almost 6.00 a.m., you hastily iron your classic pencil skirt and a pink blouse that had wrinkled up as you tend to be disorganised (sometimes) while you wait for the throbbing headache to subside. Working for JKH MedTech was great for you - your boss is a sweetheart elderly man you regard as your late grandfather. So arriving late wasn't going to be a big issue as your working space has always been filled with adoration, laughs and supportiveness in projects and every way.
You rarely arrive late as you have always been a morning person. You wake up at 4 in the morning every day... a pattern you've been practising since high school, something Jungkook very well knows. There's some undefinable feeling about waking up early, enjoying the tranquillity before the storm, finalising reports and relishing a cup of coffee in the morning.
Meanwhile, on the flip side of the city, Jungkook was waking up with a different kind of passion, barring the feelings he was going through last night and ready to conquer the day with a new project at JKH Tech. Something that he's been working on for years to finalize- to take over the CEO position and integrate JKH MedTech with JJK MedTech. Unaware of the parallel narratives unfolding.
7.00 a.m.
You step into the luxurious reception hall, where you are always welcomed and greeted nicely. The receptionist greets you with a warm smile while you greet them back. You enter the lift, and as the doors glide shut, you feel the subtle vibration signalling the ascent. The digital display above the doors blinks with each passing floor until it settles on the familiar number - 52. The lift slows to a halt, and as the doors part, you step out into your workplace, ready to face the day on the 52nd floor.
"Good morning, Y/N. Are you okay? I hope everything's alright because you rarely arrive this late." Your boss said with a concerned expression.
"Ah, not to worry, Jaehyun, everything's fine... just a little hangover." You laugh off.
"Today is going to be quite hectic as we're hosting our new merger for discussions and deals. Please refrain from pushing too hard on the new project for now, as there are more pressing office deals that require our attention. Additionally, I may need your assistance with a few tasks, given that this old man's brain tends to have its off days. For the time being, everything is to be kept under wraps, and we'll update you all once we've reached a conclusion. I hope that clarifies things."
You bid him goodbye with a good luck sign to wish him all the best in the negotiations and continue with your daily routine. You wonder what is going on behind the scenes with the negotiation deals. Nevertheless, you hope the company gets a good outcome.
In the back of a sleek black sedan, Jungkook absorbed a brief from his assistant while his driver navigated the city. Dressed sharply, he focused on the day's agenda of meetings and strategic moves. The luxury car moved through the urban landscape, carrying the anticipation of crucial decisions.
As he approached the entrance of JKH Tech, the glass doors slid open, ushering him into a realm where ideas took flight and were greeted by your very own boss, Mr Daehyun. Unbeknownst to him, on another floor of the facility, you were on your own trajectory, oblivious that your paths would intersect within the confines of the exact workplace.
To say the least, Jungkook was astonished with this company's architecture, formality and service. He has never stepped foot into this building before. This is because the previous negotiations have always been done at his own empire, JJK MedTech. Causing your boss to always have trips there. His presence today hinges solely on the fact that it's a deal-breaker moment. Intrigued by the place's reputation for fostering breakthroughs, he's here to witness its unique qualities and faculty firsthand.
As Jungkook makes his way up to the boardroom on the 53rd floor, a floor above you, he feels something in the pit of his stomach, a subtle shake that was indescribable forming. The elevator's ascent seemed to echo the rise of expectations, and Jungkook, momentarily captivated, couldn't quite pinpoint the source of the sensation. Nevertheless, despite the momentary distraction, he managed to shake himself out of it.
On the other hand, you were arranging and decorating the 53rd-floor main entrance just a few moments before your once-lover made it to the boardroom. Could that be why Jungkook experienced a subtle shift while navigating the building?
Whilst the boardroom was in the act, you and Jimin caught up at the nearby café. You felt excessively sorry knowing you tainted Jimin's day with your usual tales of heartbreak. Jimin's a gem - rare to find. His observance is the best part of him... he notices the slightest details and treats you well with unwavering love. One spontaneous Friday night, he surprised you with a box of dumplings after noticing your craving. Despite the hefty salary from JKH for your top-rated service and intelligence, he recognized your disciplined approach to saving money for the future. The act of bringing you the dumplings wasn't just about fulfilling a momentary desire but also a testament to his understanding of your priorities and a sweet reminder sometimes, it's okay to indulge in the present.
"Hey Jimin, I hope you didn't mind yesterday's drama. I'm genuinely sorry for whatever I unconsciously said...thank you for staying with me. I really appreciate your kindness." You said to Jimin while sipping on a cup of cold coffee.
"Y/n... I told you countless times that it's fine with me. You don't need to apologize, okay? Your sentiments are valid. I respect that." He said while enfolding you in his embrace. You both transmit the same admiration for each other and eternally will be there for each other under any circumstances. That's all that matters. "Thank you, Jiminie, I love you...forever."
"Madam Y/N, are you falling for this handsome man. OMG NEWSFLASH: Y/N HAS A CRUSH ON THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME, MOST HANDSOME MAN IN THIS WORLD, PARK JIMIN!!" He said teasingly.
"Shut the fuck up FuckBoy Jimin!" You laughed, playfully dismissing his teasing with a fond expletive.
The teasing and companionship come to a hasty halt as Jimin receives a call summoning him to the 53rd-floor boardroom. The same one in which the big bosses usually conduct influential business deals, which includes Jungkook today. The air shifted, and the lighthearted exchange gave way to a more serious atmosphere. Jimin is JKH's CEO's secondary assistant in business affairs... which doesn't require him to be involved in most deals or affairs. This was undoubtedly serious.
You both split as you ascended to the 52nd floor while Jimin continued his journey to the highest floor at number 53. You were definitely worried, not sure of the reason for what happened and how Jimin was involved. You are also worried about the outcome of JKH. Imagine having no idea of a deal, not knowing what's going on, everything kept hidden and away from the faculty. You choose not to listen to the rumour that the company is to be taken over or merged. You have worked with JKH for 6 years and have complete faith in them. Whatever that's finalized is their choice.
You distract yourself by occupying yourself with more work. The sounds of keystrokes and document fills the silence in the air. Despite the intensity of your focus, you couldn't shake the occasional glances at your phone, yearning for updates from the boardroom and the unfolding events.
The takeover discussions were a delicate dance, strategic manoeuvring of resources and power dynamics. Jungkook presence commanded attention, and sharp intellect was apparent in every estimated move. As Jimin sat in the boardroom hashing out deals, his eyes landed on Mr. Jeon. There was a sense of familiarity, just from Y/N's stories. Jimin tried to recall where he might've seen Mr. Jeon in Y/N's old pictures, but the details were a bit hazy.
You distract yourself by occupying yourself with more work. The sounds of keystrokes and document fills the silence in the air. Despite the intensity of your focus, you couldn't shake the occasional glances at your phone, yearning for updates from the boardroom and the unfolding events.
The takeover discussions were a delicate dance, strategic manoeuvring of resources and power dynamics. Jungkook presence commanded attention, and sharp intellect was apparent in every estimated move. As Jimin sat in the boardroom hashing out deals, his eyes landed on Mr. Jeon. There was a sense of familiarity, just from Y/N's stories. Jimin tried to recall where he might've seen Mr. Jeon in Y/N's old pictures, but the details were a bit hazy.
As the negotiation peaked, Jungkook was officially pronounced as the CEO of JKH+JJK MedTech. A deal-breaking that produced a piece of revolutionary news in the medical technology world. JKH MedTech has been bought over after bagging a 900 Million dollar deal.
Amidst the corporate whirlwind, Jimin sensed a shift in his role, surpassing the boundaries of colleague and friend. As change rippled through JKH+JJK MedTech, Jimin found himself on the verge of unknown territory, contemplating the new chapters ahead alongside the newly appointed CEO, Mr Jeon.
As the news settled, Jimin found himself piecing together the puzzle of Jungkook's identity. Memories of Y/N's stories and glimpses from old pictures entangled, creating a clearer picture of the man. In quiet moments, Jimin reflected on the enigma that was Jungkook. He wondered about the experiences and motivations that led him to mastermind such an influential takeover.
The journey of unravelling the layers of Mr Jeon had just begun, leaving Jimin in anticipation of the implicit narratives that lay beneath the polished facade. Jimin decided to keep the newfound information to himself for the time being. Despite the revelations in the boardroom, Jimin doesn't want to immediately share with Y/N the significant role of her ex, Jungkook. Understanding the personal connections, Jimin decided to allow Y/N the space to process the changes without the immediate weight of this revelation.
As for Jungkook, he's satisfied with his pristine accomplishment. The year's worth of drudgery has finally blossomed, and he can't feel as satisfactory as he is now. Yet, there's more anticipation boiling in the pit of his stomach that there is still something else he's been yearning for, is here. Somehow, that sensation leads him to a scent. A familiar scent.
Little did he know, his ex-lover stepped into the main cubicle, the epicentre of daily activities, just a foot apart from the boardroom, to hand in a few reports. The only reason you made your way up to the 53rd floor was to hand in the monthly reports of your department. This was a monthly routine for all heads of departments, and you're not an exemption.
Jungkook convinced himself he was being delusional and shook the weird thoughts out of his brain. He coughed and continued his speech, "Good evening to all the staff and faculty involved in this deal. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work and dedication. As a token of gratitude, I've arranged a little gift for each of you. Keep an eye on your emails; you'll find details on how to redeem it there. Thank you once again for your outstanding efforts. Oh yes, don't worry, beloved staff. While I may be strict during work, there's nothing to worry about outside of that. Have a great day."
As the office continues to empty, Jungkook, the unannounced new CEO, decided to call it a day and head home . As he entered the same lift, he once again got reminded of a specific scent when he took a whiff of it. A detailed aroma of someone, something he had known for years. You took this lift down to your floor just 10 minutes ago. By this time, your perfume scent would've faded but, Jungkook found himself captivated by the familiar fragrance that still clung to the air.
The proximity of their paths remained unknown to both, setting the stage for an unexpected encounter that held the potential to redefine the narratives of their intertwined histories.
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5. p.m.
Fuckboy 😘🙄😧
Let's go back home together
Wait for me in the lobby 😘
You couldn't help but giggle at the chat message from Jimin, especially with his enthusiastic use of the '😘' emoji.
"Hey Minie, how did it go? Is everything alright? Are YOU alright? What's the decision? SPILL NOW!" The rapid-fire delivery of your thoughts left Jimin in stitches, and unable to contain his laughter, he dropped to the floor.
"Whoa, dude calm the fuck down, can you? Everything went well. Oh yeah, great news: I didn't lose my job. Um... the entire news will be informed in a few days. Man, I don't even know anything. Don't fucking ask me! Also, when the fuck were you this concerned about me? It's hilarious, Y/N. And I think that you've actually got a crush on me." He replied. "Sorry man, I kinda think I'm falling for you too." You said with a flirtatious tone. Despite the uncertainties, Jimin held onto the hope that this connection, filled with genuine moments and laughter, could be the anchor that steered them through whatever twists lay ahead.
There was a reason why Jimin didn't want to tell you anything. He prioritises your feelings and past relationships; he doesn't want to ruin your undying sanity. He wants you to act maturely when the story of the new CEO unfolds. He doesn't want to ever be involved with his friend's issues and wants to protect their peace. In his actions, he sought to shield you from unnecessary stress and maintain the tranquillity within your circle of connections.
As Jungkook neared his car, he noticed Jimin, the CEO's second assistant, and the mysterious woman getting into a vehicle together. The quiet evening amplified the sense of mystery as the car doors clicked shut. The soft glow from the car's interior painted a silhouette of intrigue. Jungkook, unsure about the woman's identity, felt a twinge of curiosity. Despite the intrigue of the moment, Jungkook chose not to dwell on the bizarre encounter.
While you and Jimin enjoyed a satisfactory bowl of cold noodles at home to end the day. In the quiet solitude of his car, the contrast between the routine of the road and the mystery of the evening played out on Jungkook's features. A simple drive through the illuminated city became a backdrop for the swirling reflections within. Curiosity warred with caution, leaving him at a crossroads. The road ahead blurred with the glow of streetlights, mirroring the anticipation that hung in the air. Jungkook's feelings, like the city's rhythm outside, hinted at a story yet to develop in the tranquil corners of the night.
Although he felt satisfied with the day, there was a lingering void in Jungkook's heart. The achievements and triumphs didn't fill an emotional gap. Despite the city lights passing by, a subtle ache remained beneath his content exterior, yearning for something more.
While nestled in the comfort of your bed, your very own cocoon, with a journal in your hands, you penned down the details of your day and reflected on it wisely. The soft glow of your bedside lamp painted a tranquil setting as you poured your reflections onto the pages. Today caught you off guard with unexpected waves of emotion and flashbacks. No, you didn't want to be reminded of your ex. You didn't foresee navigating through today with a heavy soul. Everything about today reminded you about Jungkook, someone who you loved. You've never been as unhappy or heartbroken as you are today. In fact, you were never reminded of him ever since 6 years ago. It's just that for the past 2 days, you've been getting a lot of reminders of him, his presence with multiple indications.
Call yourself crazy... you swore to yourself you could smell him today. You felt his presence. When you went to the 53rd floor to hand in the reports, a distinctive scent of someone you used to know wafted through the atmosphere. Despite its subtlety, the lingering aroma clung to the surroundings, a nostalgic echo that left you wondering if the past had briefly brushed against the present. But then again, anyone else could have owned the same perfume. Maybe you are just overthinking.
"Hey crush, can I enter?" Jimin chuckles while making his way to you.
"Hmm, sure, min." you hum as he sits beside you. "So... what's this rare occurrence about? Don't you fuck yourself at this hour, Mr Perfect Sculptured Body?" you giggle.
"Nah, already did that. Just came to check on you today. You must be so tired...did you sleep well last night?" he asked with concern.
"Woke up a hangover, that's all. How was your day, Minnie? You must be extremely exhausted as well. Why don't you sleep early today? It will help you for tomorrow's journey... I heard you've still got some things to do tomorrow. Heard it from the gossip gang." you state.
"Yeah, I should. Take care, Y/N, goodnight. You only heard that from the gossip gang, right?" he asked you cautiously as he earned a hum from you.
At least he was relieved that you weren't aware of anything else circulating in the boardroom. While not everyone knew about your ex's presence, the fear of potential leaks regarding the boardroom matters, especially Mr. Jeon's unexpected appearance, still lingered in the air.
"Hyung-ah, are you proud of me? I'm officially the CEO of JKH MedTech. That bastard definitely poured and sucked my whole energy today...he wanted a billion! Thank god I managed to negotiate! Anyway, I really don't know if I'm hallucinating or being delusional because I felt her presence today, her scent. My brain's kind of fucked now." Jungkook explained his day to his elder brother, Seokjin.
"Yeah, Kookie, I'm very proud of you...we all are. Jungkook-ah, listen to me, that perfume scent isn't just for her... she isn't the only one wearing it. It could be anyone using it. Please calm down, kook... I don't need you to be in this state. You are officially the CEO of JKH MedTech, soon to be JJK MedTech. You need to be focused and keep your priorities straight. I hope you understood my message." He says, earning a hum from his younger brother.
"Alright, Hyung. I feel like a complete idiot, don't I? Anyhow, I need you to come to my office tomorrow to transfer rights. I trust you completely to handle JJK MedTech. You've been the vice president for far too long; it's about time you take the reins as CEO." Jungkook explains to his elder brother that he can't retain the CEO position for 2 whole establishments. Therefore, Seokjin has been appointed to operate the main centre while Jungkook directs the newly bought/merged JKH MedTech.
As the night falls, Jungkook returns to the solace of his home, seeking comfort in the familiar. The soft glow of city lights casts an ethereal atmosphere. As he opens his sketchbook, the pages unfold an illustrated description of your relationship. His sketches capture joyous moments, frustration, and the undeniable chemistry that defines your connection. The inked lines on paper convey a tale of two souls entangled, steering the highs and lows of love.
Making his way to the window, Jungkook reflects on the city lights below. In the quiet moments, he confronts the ghost of arguments past, accepting the lessons learned and the maturation that emerged from the friction between you.
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Morning arrives, bringing a fresh start for both Jungkook and you. Jungkook wakes up to the gentle sunlight filtering through his curtain. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, you are already outfitted and glad to embark on a fresh day. The rhythmic buzz of the city's morning rush escorts you as you steer through congested streets and busy intersections. The scent of street vendors' offerings mingles with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from nearby cafes, defining the city's morning rhythm.
As Jungkook prepares for his last day as a CEO at JJK MedTech, he prepares important documents to finalize the rights over JKH MedTech. Despite feeling saddened by the prospect of leaving the company – his own empire that he mightily built – Jungkook willingly embraces this decision, recognizing the necessity of this new chapter in his professional journey. He believes his role at JKH MedTech will be crucial in producing high-quality service and medical innovations.
"Kookie, you wanted to see me?" says the vice-president, Seokjin also known as his older brother.
"Yes, Hyung, I wanted to say a few things to you privately. How do I start? Your leadership has been a guiding force, shaping the company's success and also my own growth. Your wisdom, dedication, and genuine care for the team have left a memorable mark. I want to personally thank you for being more than a mentor and a brother. Your support has been unwavering, and I am grateful for the opportunities and insights you've shared. The trust you've placed in me has been a driving force in my journey here. I am no good when it comes to these types of talks but I hope you felt the sincerity conveyed." he says to his brother who is tearing up at his warm words.
"Thank you, Kookie. I appreciate your words. I adore you." says Seokjin while yanking his younger brother into a brotherly hug as Jungkook chuckles amusingly at his older brother's immature behaviour.
"Should we announce this news to the faculty now? Oh yeah, we have a farewell party at 5 tonight as well. Make sure to come with Jennie." Jungkook states.
While waiting for time to pass, Jungkook spends his hours wisely wrapping his desk items and cleaning the office. He silently chuckles at the picture of him and his brother at an amusement park that has always been placed on his desk. Little Jungkook was enthusiastic about roller coasters. Meanwhile, his elder brother was always screaming and hated roller coasters.
"What a stupid guy...he and Hobi Hyung are the same," he mumbled.
"Are these headlines good enough, Mr Jeon?" asks the editor
"Good enough to me. Remember to release the covers and copies tomorrow." Jungkook states
"Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, as I stand before you with a charming mix of reflection and anticipation, I bid farewell to an extraordinary chapter of my journey. It's been a delight to share laughter, challenges, and triumphs with this exceptional community.
But before I dive into my farewell, let me extend my heartiest congratulations to someone who is not just a colleague but also my brother, Seokjin. With his charisma, wisdom, and a dash of undeniable charm, he's stepping into the CEO role with finesse. I have full confidence that under his leadership, our company is set to reach new heights. To my incredible colleagues and friends, thank you for being the heartbeat of this organization. Your passion and dedication have made this journey truly special. The camaraderie we've built is something I'll carry with me always.
As I venture into the next chapter, the excitement is palpable, and the gratitude is immense. The friendships formed here are not easily forgotten, and for that, I am truly thankful. To our clients, partners, and stakeholders, your trust and collaboration have been the driving force behind our collective success. In the spirit of gratitude, I extend my deepest appreciation to this remarkable team. Each of you has added a unique spark to this journey, and I am genuinely thankful for the shared moments.
So, as I say my farewells, let's carry the spirit of companionship and excellence forward. May your paths be paved with success and fulfilment.
Cheers, and let the good times roll!" Jungkook says with a charming smile.
He feels sad to leave the empire he has built on his by blood, sweat and tears for the past 6 years. Yet, within the corridors he departs, the indelible imprint of his journey remains – a lasting legacy in the company he nurtured into an empire.
"It's been a pleasure working with you, Mr Jeon. Till our paths align again," says Mrs Jung, his senior staff. "I hope you achieve the same success with JKH. I'm sure the faculty there will be delighted to have you as their boss. You are definitely a great person, inside and out. Don't be too harsh on yourself, okay? If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."
"Thank you, Hyunie. Your dedication to building this empire will always be etched in my memory. It's been an incredible journey, and your efforts have played a key role in our success." he says, earning a hug from his elder staff.
Amid the farewell, Jungkook finds himself surrounded by familiar faces, each representing a unique contribution to the success of the company. There are moments of laughter, heartfelt embraces, and even a few impromptu speeches from colleagues expressing their gratitude for Jungkook's leadership.
As the night progresses, the atmosphere shifts between nostalgia and anticipation. Jungkook navigates through the crowd, taking the opportunity to personally thank key team members, share a few more stories, and create lasting memories on this unforgettable night of transition. The air is filled with a combination of celebration, reflection, and the undeniable excitement of what's to come.
As the new day sets, you prepare to bid your boss goodbye and welcome your new one. As a symbol of appreciation for your boss, Mr Daehyun, the faculty and upper management decided to hold a farewell party for him. Same as Jungkook's case. It's a bittersweet feeling for you, especially. Daehyun has always treated you as his child, guided you when you first joined the company and stood up for you during hard times. You feel sad, particularly today, not only because this company has lost a piece of it but also because you are uncertain about future organizations and the new CEO's way of dealing with issues.
Nevertheless, you divert your overthinking mind to something to look forward to, the party. You are enthusiastic about the party as it hasn't been quite a while since the organisation arranged an event involving good food and liquors.
You chose a stylish yet relaxed getup that struck the right balance between professionalism and comfort. You wore a chic, ankle-length jumpsuit in a muted shade of burgundy, giving off an effortlessly sophisticated vibe. The jumpsuit featured a cinched waist, providing a flattering silhouette. You also paired the jumpsuit with fashionable ankle boots in a matching colour, adding a touch of trendiness to the outfit. You swept your hair into a loose, low bun, adding an element of laid-back elegance. A light coat of makeup accentuates your features, allowing natural beauty to shine through your face. In fact, you aren't that big of a makeup fan...that's why you always opt for simplicity.
"Wow, Y/N, you look... stunning," Jimin says as he is stunned at your look, simple yet elegant.
"Well, you aren't that bad either, you know? That black blazer looks very good on you," you say as you fix his tie that was placed crookedly.
"Do spare me a dance tonight, amour," he says as he brings your left hand to kiss it.
Hearing Jimin's words, a wave of warmth washed over you, a bittersweet reminder of times past. It was a peculiar sensation—comforting yet tinged with a hint of nostalgia. Jimin, with his knack for saying just the right thing, had unintentionally evoked memories of Jungkook.
It was how the words were delivered, perhaps—a certain sincerity, a depth you hadn't realized you associated so closely with your ex. These memories... long tucked away, surfaced softly, painting your thoughts with shades of what used to be. It was a gentle reminder of the connection you once shared with Jungkook.
"Sure, Minnie."
"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention for a moment. As we gather here today, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we've embarked on together. It's not every day that one gets to address such a talented and dedicated group of individuals at their own farewell party. From my very first day at this company, I knew I was part of something special. Your commitment, creativity, and passion have not only propelled our projects to new heights but have also made me a better leader and, more importantly, a better person.
I want to extend a special thanks to our heads of departments, including the remarkable Y/N. Your leadership, expertise, and unwavering support have been the backbone of our success. It is your vision and dedication that have steered this company through challenges and towards our achievements. Each of you has played a pivotal role in shaping the culture and future of our organization, and for that, I am eternally grateful. As I step down from my role, I do so with a heavy heart but also with immense pride. Pride in what we've achieved together and excitement for what the future holds for each and every one of you under new leadership. Change brings new challenges but also new opportunities, and I have no doubt that this team, guided by the strong leadership of our department heads, will continue to excel and innovate in ways we can only imagine.
To everyone, thank you for your support, your hard work, and the countless memories we've created. It's been an honour to lead such an exceptional team, and I leave knowing that the legacy we've built together is in capable hands. Remember, the end of one chapter marks the beginning of another. Let's embrace this transition with optimism and continue to support each other as we move forward. To conclude, I'm not just saying goodbye; I'm saying thank you. Thank you for the laughter, the late nights, the successes, and even the setbacks, for they have all contributed to the extraordinary tapestry of our time together. As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned and the friendships forged here. I look forward to seeing all the incredible places you will go and the remarkable things you will do.
Here's to new beginnings, to the future, and to all of you, especially our heads of departments who have shown such remarkable leadership and commitment. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Cheers!" says Mr Daehyun
"Cheers! We will miss you, Dae," you say
As the party progresses, you and your best friend, Daisy, stick to each other, finding comfort in each other's presence. You both catch up regarding personal life and management gossip. You hum at her yapping for the past hour, constantly spilling information and 'tea'. You love her so much. She's the sincerest friend you ever had- you treasure her. Partly also because she's straight-up frank and has an unfiltered sass.
"This new boss... I've no clue about his name. He never mentions his name! All what I know is that his name is Mr. Jeon... nothing else. It's fucking weird! But he's definitely drop-dead gorgeous his body... oh my goodness!"
"Mr Jeon?" you say, partly shocked. Your voice carries a mix of surprise and disbelief, echoing slightly in the crowded room as you address the familiar name. Internally, you battle with a rush of memories and emotions, the name 'Mr Jeon' acts as a stimulus that brings your past vividly to the forefront of your mind. The logical part of you attempts to downplay the significance, reminding yourself that 'Jeon' is not an uncommon surname. It could be a coincidence, another person entirely unrelated to your past. Yet, the small, hopeful, or perhaps apprehensive part of you can't help but wonder if fate has decided to weave your paths together once more.
You don't know anything about him. You've blocked him everywhere for the past 6 years. You've got no clue about him... at all. You don't know what he's up to, you don't know what he works as, you don't know if he has managed to chase his dream, you don't know.
"Care to join me on the dance floor?" says Jimin as he shakes you out of your thoughts
"Yes... of course, Min."
As the evening unfolds into a lively affair, Jimin extends his hand towards you, a silent invitation to join him on the dance floor. With a mixture of excitement and slight nervousness, you accept, placing your hand in his. The music, a gentle yet upbeat melody, sets a perfect backdrop for this moment. You find yourself caught up in the joy of the moment, your steps syncing with his as if you've done this a thousand times before. Around you, the party continues, but in this bubble of space on the dance floor, it's just you and Jimin sharing laughs and steps, the rest of the world momentarily forgotten.
"Thanks for the dance, Minie, I loved it."
"No worries, Y/N, enjoy this night to your fullest, okay? The future's never certain. I'm always here for you if you need anything."
In Jimin's words, he's subtly hinting about your ex, whose presence is soon to be inevitable.
Actually...Mr Daehyun invited Jungkook to the party to introduce himself and get a golden opportunity to observe and engage with the team in a less formal setting, allowing him to estimate the dynamics and morale of the workforce he would soon direct. But Jungkook kindly declined his offer as he wanted the company to enjoy their last day with their old boss instead of seizing the limelight instantly.
"Yeah, Minnie, I appreciate it."
While you were enjoying the party, Jungkook, on the other hand, was preparing for his upcoming arrival at JKH tomorrow. He meticulously reviewed the resumes of the upper management, containing directors and heads of departments – a list that prominently featured your name.
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As you and Daisy make your way into the lobby, the air crackles with suspense. The receptionist informs you both about the day's crucial agenda, highlighting a morning brief and an introduction session by the new CEO, Mr. Jeon. The mere mention of the new CEO sends a wave of curiosity and speculation through the employees gathered in the lobby.
"I wonder what is the new boss up to today..."
"Same, don't know shit about him though fuck man, I would salivate at the sight of his body."
"Shut the fuck up, seriously! This is not the moment for your fangirling, especially when it's about your boss!" you say, earning a chuckle from Daisy.
As you make your way up to the 52nd floor, you're instantly informed of a meeting with the CEO at his office along with the upper management. This action was unexpected, to say the least. What is his plans? What does he want? Not that you are afraid of questions, you've always aced them - it's just the anxiousness building in the pit your stomach. You hope you're able to produce a good first impression.
While waiting for the meeting, you run a few tests in the lab alongside your more senior Pharmacovigilance Specialists to check the effectiveness of the latest drug and compile information on the volunteer's medical reports- to check their history before they can proceed with the new tests. The hum of the lab equipment accompanied your concentration as you delved into the intricate world of medical research.
As Jungkook gracefully entered the office, he responded to each greeting with a generous smile, exuding an air of professionalism that effortlessly commanded attention. His presence created an atmosphere tinged with both intrigue and respect. The unspoken acknowledgment of the attention he was given only added to the riddle surrounding the new leader at JKH Tech.
"Good morning, Mr. Jeon. I'm Jimin, your second assistant. I will be helping you today since the first assistant is on medical leave. Please let me know if you require any help or inquiries. As for today, we have no plans, only the briefing with the upper management as you requested." says Jimin with a welcoming smile
"Morning, Jimin. Thanks for the help. Um... could you help me in the office? I need to flip through the faculty profile and projects before I continue with the meeting. Please send an email to everyone stating that there will be a welcome dinner at 6 later. Formal attire."
"Sure, Sir."
As Jimin and Jungkook delved into discussions about ongoing projects and faculty profiles, the air in the room crackled with a blend of professionalism and the anticipation of getting to know each other. Jimin, fluent and well-versed in the daintiness of the projects, presented detailed information with a hint of pride in his contributions.
Jungkook listened attentively, absorbing the information and forming impressions of Jimin's expertise. The subtle undercurrents of their professional relationship were still in the early stages, with each project update serving as a stepping stone for a potential connection.
"I must say, you've got a brilliant way of explaining things, Jimin. The projects seem good so far. Could you tell me about any success stories within the team? Are there instances where someone played a pivotal role in achieving a milestone?"
"Sure, though there are quite a few of them, I'll share the recent one. Our most significant breakthrough was with Miss Y/N, the head of immunology/microbiology. Y/N played a pivotal role in a groundbreaking project where we explored innovative approaches to enhance the body's immune response. Her sharp insights and strategic thinking paved the way for the development of a novel immunomodulatory drug currently in the advanced stages of clinical trials. This experimental medicine, tentatively named Immunovita-K, holds great promise in revolutionizing the field. Immunovita-K aims to modulate the immune system with precision, offering targeted responses to various pathogens. The potential applications extend from bolstering vaccine responses to exploring novel therapies for autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases." says Jimin with a proud face
As Jungkook spoke, his eyes lingered on the project details, but the mention of Y/N added a layer of sentiment to his words. "Miss Y/N's contributions are truly commendable," he repeated, a touch of pride evident in his voice. "Immunovita-K seems to hold immense potential, and the dedication of our head of department is evident in the success of this project."
A flicker of nostalgia passed through Jungkook's gaze, memories of shared moments playing like a muted film in the background of his thoughts. He leaned back in his chair, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he continued, "It's clear that Y/N's expertise has played a pivotal role in steering our team towards success. I'm eager to see how Immunovita-K unfolds in the upcoming stages of the clinical trials."
"Her dedication to Immunovita-K has been exceptional, and the team is thrilled to have her leadership. If you'd like me to discuss any specific aspects or details with her, please let me know."
For Y/N, who continued her work in the lab, the boardroom discussions remained distant, yet the threads connecting her to the unfolding events tightened with each passing beat.
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Your lab work comes to a halt as you are reminded of a meeting from your phone alarm, clearly stating a new event in your schedule. In that brief moment of transition, you couldn't help but feel the weight of the impending encounter. What is even making you this nervous? You've never experienced anything like this before.
"Hey, let's go, it's time."
"Let's go, Daisy. Let's see if the boss is really as hot as you described him to be," you chuckle.
You're grateful to have Daisy and Jimin with you, actually. They stand by your side as colleagues and as pillars of support in your journey.
"Oh boy, you'll see."
"Daisy, I think you really need to shut the fuck up, especially during a meeting, okay? Y/N, how do you even bear with her? Fucking loud-mouth!" Jimin says frustratingly, earning a glare from Daisy.
"Both of you, behave!"
"Ok, mom." X2
As the anticipation builds in the meeting room on the 47th floor, you find yourself scuffling with an unexpected tide of anxiety, a feeling you can't quite identify. Fidgeting with your phone, you reflect on the notes for basic introductions, trying to ground yourself in the familiarity of prepared information.
The atmosphere intensifies as the upper heads start to increase. But it's the arrival of the new CEO that catches you off guard. When Jungkook enters the room, your eyes widen in an unpretentious shock. His presence which was once a distant memory, now stands before you in this moment. The realization hits, sending a jolt through your system, and for a moment, time seems to pause as you process the unexpected reunion.
No, you are not afraid of him.
Navigating this emotive turbulence is an unknown territory for you. It's not anger or sadness that shakes your core, but rather an overwhelming surprise. Crossing paths with someone you once held as a lover has stirred a disruption of emotions within you. You never entertained the thought that you would have to grapple with such sentiments. It's a collision of past and present, a meeting with a version of your history that you thought was neatly tucked away.
Jimin's reassuring smile became a beacon of support. His silent message, a simple "it's okay," resonated across the room, providing you with a comforting assurance that you aren't alone.
Jungkook, on the other hand, remains composed, his stoic expression giving away little. His eyes briefly meet yours, a subtle acknowledgement that seems to carry a weight of unspoken history. Unfazed by the surprise in the room, he takes his seat with an aura of authority.
"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I trust this early gathering has piqued your curiosity. Let me assure you, this is not a harbinger of impending trouble. As your new leader, I find it imperative to acquaint myself with the esteemed members of our upper echelons. Effective communication within our ranks is paramount. I invite each of you to present yourselves and provide insights into your respective departments. The floor is yours."
Intrigued, you can't help but secretly check him out as he settles in. His more robust and defined physique doesn't escape your eyes. A brief moment of eye contact adds more tension to the room, and you find yourself momentarily captivated by the mysterious aura he exudes.
As introductions unfold, Jungkook's conduct remains cold and businesslike. Yet, beneath that icy exterior, there's a real undercurrent of something more, a subtle shift in the atmosphere. When it's your turn to present, you maintain professionalism, describing your department and highlighting your innovative breakthrough research. This includes your recent development of a novel immunomodulatory drug.
Though Jungkook's expression remains stoic and cold, a burst of pride blooms through his chest, acknowledging his once-lover achievements secretly. If he could, he would've been clapping at your introduction. But he doesn't.
As the meeting progresses, you can't shake the sense of a shared history flowing in the air. Every interaction and exchange carries the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions. The once-familiar face now wears the mask of a stranger, and the clash between the past and the present adds an extra layer of complexity to the professional setting.
Jungkook's cold and distant approach doesn't go unnoticed, leaving you to grapple with a mix of confusion, curiosity, and a subtle undercurrent of unresolved feelings. The meeting becomes a battleground of emotions, each word and gesture a silent echo of a shared history that neither of you is ready to confront.
"Thank you all for your insightful introductions. I am truly impressed by the display of leadership and the remarkable breakthroughs within your respective departments. It's my pleasure to announce that we have a welcome party scheduled for tonight at 7, generously sponsored by me. Attendance is mandatory, and I look forward to further interactions and collaborations among the faculty. You are all dismissed." he says, ending the once-was, nerve-wracking meeting.
As the meeting wraps up, the air in the room crackles with unspoken tension, and you find yourself eager to escape the confined space. The reunion with Jungkook, unexpected and emotionally charged, leaves you yearning for a moment of solitude to process the whirlwind of emotions that now defines your professional landscape.
As you step out of the meeting room, your eyes intrinsically meet Jungkook's. At that moment, a whirlwind of unspoken emotions seems to pass between you two. The air crackles with tension as the weight of the past collides with the present, leaving you both suspended in a moment that holds more than words can convey.
"You knew?" you asked Jimin
"Y/N, I didn't know who he was until I recognized his face from your old pictures. I did not want to ruin your mood, and neither did I want to interfere between both of you. You both are old enough to be mature, to talk and to deal with things. I know it hurts. I know you both shared history, but you've got to deal with it now. He is your boss. You are going to see him very often, and by that, I mean for five fucking days per week! You can't just give up like that, you know?"
He acknowledges the complexity of the situation, emphasizing that he doesn't want to shatter your peace by revealing Jungkook's identity right away. His words underscore the reality of the professional dynamic you now share with your ex-lover, urging you to confront the inevitable and find a way to navigate this new chapter in your life.
"How, Jimin, how?" you sob,
Deep beneath your heart, the currents of conflicting emotions swirled. The unexpected encounter with Jungkook, now your boss, sent ripples across the surface of your composed exterior. Unresolved feelings, memories, and the stark reality of having to navigate a professional relationship with your past lover created a turbulent undercurrent within you.
You gasp.
"He already knew about me, didn't he? Was that why he wasn't surprised at the sight of me? For fucks sake!"
"Hey peeps soo-"
"What happened, Y/N? You good?"
"Yeah, I am. Don't worry!"
"She's fine, Daisy." Jimin chimed in, shooting you a reassuring glance.
You kept your emotions in check, not revealing the details of your past with Jungkook. Daisy, unaware of the complexities, carried on with her usual enthusiasm, avoiding any probing questions.
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"Yow bitch, you ready? Let's get wasted tonight!!"
"My goodness, Daisy!"
"Let's get wasted tonight, people!" you chuckle
You've reflected. You've thought about this situation multiple times today and decided to let things go with the flow. It might be rough to see your ex's face daily for 5 days in a row but you've told yourself you'd get used to it. It's been six years, and both of you have matured. The old memories resurface in the present, and there's no way to push them back.
Yeah, he totally broke your heart. You've broken his heart too.
You were manipulated, he was... everything was. The only thing you didn't know was the truth.
He found out, eventually.
"Alright, let's capture this moment," you say with a smile, bringing Jimin and Daisy into a friendly embrace. The camera captures the trio, frozen in a snapshot of companionship. Jimin flashes his signature grin, and Daisy, always the lively one, throws a peace sign.
As the shutter clicks, you feel a mix of emotions. The impending encounter with Jungkook lingers in your mind, but for now, you choose to focus on the present, cherishing the bonds you share with your friends. The photograph becomes a tangible memento, a reminder of a day filled with laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of companionship.
You decide to make a bold yet elegant statement for the formal party hosted by Jungkook. Choosing a floor-length gown, the dress hugs your curves in all the right places, showcasing your silhouette. The rich, midnight blue fabric is adorned with subtle sequins that catch the light, adding a touch of glamour to the ensemble.
The gown features a daring thigh-high slit, revealing a glimpse of your toned leg with every step. The back is open, adorned with delicate crisscross straps that add an alluring detail. The neckline is a modest V-shape, offering a sophisticated balance to the sultry elements of the dress.
Completing the look with a pair of strappy heels that accentuate the length of your legs, you opt for minimal accessories to let the dress take centre stage. A sleek updo and a hint of smoky eyeshadow add a touch of allure to your overall appearance.
As you enter the party, heads turn, and whispers of admiration follow you. The dress, with its combination of elegance and sensuality, ensures you stand out in the crowd, making a lasting impression on the attendees, including the mysterious CEO himself, Jungkook.
He was allured by your aura. Your thigh-high slit, open back, and V-shape neckline left him momentarily breathless. Jungkook, usually composed, felt a subtle warmth as he observed your confident entrance, appreciating the sophisticated yet attractive choice that seemed to enhance your natural magnetism.
As you entered the venue, your eyes instinctively scanned the room, landing on Jungkook, who was already present. Clad in a tailored black suit that hugged his broad shoulders and sculpted physique, the crisp lines accentuated every contour. The jacket was left slightly unbuttoned, offering a glimpse of his chiselled chest and well-defined abs.
"Managed to get the CEO's eyes on you, huh?"
"Daisy, it's nothing. I don't even find him attractive."
"Ok, liar!!"
"Shut up bitch, let's go find some fancy booze here," you say, earning an enthusiastic "lesgooo" from your best friend.
You were lying, actually. His magnetic aura captured your attention. He's changed but still is the same in so many ways.
"Omg, this champagne is so good! What brand is this man? I need to get this," Daisy says, half-drunk.
"Ask the bartender, asshole."
"Ouch, that hurt. Could you be kind to me for a day, at least?" Daisy says with a pout
"Screw y-"
Jungkook raised his glass, the gentle clinking sound echoing through the room, signalling the attention of the attendees, including you. The ambient chatter gradually subsided as all eyes turned toward the newly appointed CEO. The room fell into a hushed anticipation, awaiting Jungkook's words.
"Good evening, everyone. I want to express my sincere gratitude for joining us tonight to celebrate not only the success of our organization but also the incredible individuals who contribute to its growth. As we embark on this new chapter, I am thrilled to lead a team of exceptional talents."
Jungkook's speech was a blend of confidence, capturing the essence of the moment. His eyes scanned the room, occasionally locking with yours, perhaps a subtle acknowledgement of the intertwined past.
"To the future and the limitless possibilities it holds. Cheers!" Jungkook concluded, raising his glass higher, and the room erupted into applause, toasting to the endeavours that lay ahead.
As Jungkook gracefully moved through the crowd, engaging in conversations with each employee, you couldn't help but observe his interactions. His charm seemed effortless, a blend of charisma and authority that captivated those around him. You maintained a watchful eye, observing the way he navigated through the room, occasionally catching glimpses of familiar smiles and nods.
As you looked behind, you noticed Jungkook making his way to your group of friends, one of the last few left. Jungkook's gaze met yours as he neared, and there was a subtle acknowledgement that passed between you. You braced yourself for the encounter.
You've got to admit he's quite a charm... you've been observing his actions and behaviour since ever and least to say, you're impressed with his social skills.
"Hello, gorgeous ladies! May I introduce myself a little?" he said, earning a chuckle from your friends.
He extended a hand for a handshake, greeting each of your friends.
"I'm Jungkook, what's your name?"
"Daisy. Research Department!"
"Serena Woo. Clinical research associate."
And when he reached you, he smiled, "Y/N, it's been a while."
You felt a shiver down your spine as he uttered your name. A mixture of nostalgia and apprehension clouded the air. Jungkook continued, "I hope you're enjoying the party. It's good to see you again."
You managed a polite smile, "Likewise. Congratulations on becoming the CEO."
He nodded, "Thank you. It's been a journey. We should catch up sometime."
The conversation lingered, an undercurrent of unspoken history swirling beneath the surface.
Jungkook shifted his attention to your friends, smoothly blending into the ongoing conversations. As he engaged with each person, you couldn't help but watch the charisma he effortlessly exuded. Memories flashed before your eyes, of a time when his charm was directed solely at you.
Despite the festive atmosphere, an unspoken tension lingered. You grappled with conflicting emotions—curiosity, awkwardness, and a hint of longing. Jungkook's presence stirred a complex mix of feelings, and you wondered how this unexpected reunion would reshape the dynamics of your professional life.
Daisy, with a playful glint in her eye, decided to try her luck with Jungkook.
Daisy: "If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber. What do you say, Mr. Jeon?"
Jungkook, maintaining his composure, responded with a small smile: "Well, that's a unique one. I appreciate the creativity."
You caught between amusement and mild discomfort, couldn't help but chuckle at Daisy's bold attempt. The interaction added a light-hearted touch to the evening, momentarily diffusing the underlying tension.
As your laughter reached his ears, Jungkook couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in the atmosphere. A genuine smile played on his lips, and to your surprise, a pair of dimples made a fleeting appearance on his cheeks. It was a subtle detail. In that instant, you couldn't help but feel a peculiar sense of intimacy, as if his dimples whispered a silent acknowledgement of the shared history between you.
"Hey, y'all! How's it going? Hello, Jungkook, glad to see you here!" Jimin chimes in
"Good Minnie, just chugging on fancy booze." you chuckle as you lean into Jimin's embrace.
Jimin laughs along with you, enjoying the light banter. "Well, if it's fancy booze, count me in!" he playfully declares, raising his glass in a toast.
Jungkook, with his characteristic stoicism, joins the conversation. "It's a lively atmosphere tonight. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves."
You nod, taking a sip of your drink. "Yeah, Jungkook, you've thrown quite the party. It's nice to see everyone in a more relaxed setting."
Jungkook's gaze momentarily lingers on you, his expression unreadable. "Glad you think so. I wanted everyone to unwind a bit."
You're shocked, to be honest. You never expected Jungkook to act the way he is right now. After what happened between you two, you swore you'd never talk to him again. Yet, fate reunites you in a tricky situation where even seeing him is inevitable. Expecting a cold and detached encounter, you contemplate whether age has genuinely brought about maturity or if his professionalism is merely a shield for the shared history between you two.
"You cool?"
"Yeah, I guess so. He's different. Totally different now. He's so mature now... I never saw this side of him. We had a fucking disastrous relationship... obviously, I wasn't there to see him grow and develop to be a successful man." you say
"You've got this babe. I got your back."
"Oh yeah, Jiminah, could you not tell Daisy anything about us? I just don't want to make things awkward, you know?"
As the party nears its end, you all decided to call it a night.
"Goodnight, everyone. It was a pleasure meeting you all," Jungkook says with a polite nod.
"Goodnight, Mr. Jeon," your friends chime in.
As Jungkook turns to leave, he looks directly at you, his gaze lingering for a moment. "Goodnight, Y/N. Take care," he adds, his tone carrying a subtle weight, leaving you with a mix of emotions and unspoken thoughts.
As you, Jimin and Daisy make your way out, Jimin whispers, "That was something, huh?"
You nod, the encounter with Jungkook still fresh in your mind. "Yeah, unexpected."
Daisy interjects, "Well, it's just the beginning of many encounters with the new CEO. Get used to it, Y/N! He's so fucking hot man, take it allllllllllll-" She laughs, trying to lighten the mood.
In the quiet solitude of your room, you found yourself grappling with an indescribable feeling. It was as if the encounter with Jungkook had reignited a spark within you that you thought had long been extinguished. Instead of the anticipated anger or sadness, there was an unexpected warmth spreading through your chest.
You pondered over this sensation, questioning why the presence of your ex-lover, now the CEO, had this peculiar effect on you. It was as if the past, present, and future were colliding in a way you couldn't articulate. The once-familiar emotions that you had locked away seemed to be resurfacing, bringing with them a mix of nostalgia and an unspoken yearning.
The memory of his built frame, those broad shoulders and defined muscles, played on a loop in your mind. The subtle tension in his jawline, the way his suit clung to him, highlighting the contours of his body – it was impossible to dismiss the striking change from the boy you once knew to the commanding man he had become.
Despite the mixed emotions and the undeniable history between you two, there was an unspoken acknowledgement of the physical presence that still resonated between you. The encounter had stirred not only memories but also a heightened awareness of the person Jungkook had evolved into – a man whose formidable presence demanded attention, leaving an imprint that you couldn't easily shake off.
As you lay in the quiet darkness, you wondered if this was a mere reaction to the unexpected reunion or if there was something more profound at play. The spark, however indescribable, left you with a sense of anticipation, a feeling that hinted at the possibility of uncharted territories in the days to come.
"Yow, bad bitch, what are you thinking about?"
"Jimin, I-"
"Jimin, I feel... something I haven't felt in so long."
and, suddenly, her spark reignited.
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a/n: Oh my goodness! It's finally out!! Thank you to everyone who waited patiently for this to come out, I appreciate it. I wanted y'all to have the best version <3 I didn't find/stick with the characters I had in my mind a year ago and I felt we needed a much more mature version of the MCs and I'm happy to say that I'm very pleased with this outcome! Love yall!
please like and share to support! + comment to be added to the taglist
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omgkatherine01 · 2 years ago
Hey! Can I ask a one shot where lo'ak goes hunting at night and finds a newborn abandoned babygirl about to be attacked by a creature, and he saves her and soothes her crying by rocking her gently on his chest? Then maybe he could bring her to his parents and the family would adopt her, and lo'ak could not leave her side (always holding/kissing/cuddling her) since the day he found her and they would become an adorable sibling duo?
Note: So... I'm writing it as a reader one shot.... which it isn't really a one shot that I'm used to, I feel like I'm suck at this, but oh well, hope it turned out okay and it's just me feeling it 😉
Note 2: And didn't know where to stop at this, so.... 😑
The Youngest Sully
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Pairing: Sully family x Adopted!daughter!reader
Masterlist (requests are currently open for now)
On the day you were found out there, a baby screaming which attracted not only Jake Sully and his son, Lo'ak, to your location but also creatures, which one of them was a viperwolf.
That creature would have eaten you if Lo'ak and Jake didn't show up and got rid of it. You wouldn't stop crying until Lo'ak picked you up and held you against his chest.
On that day, his life and his family changed.
You seemed to have been only a few days old and with no one claiming you, Lo'ak's family took you in.
With Tuk been older than you by three years, you were the youngest Sully. You grew up to have a close bond with everyone in your adoptive family, especially with Lo'ak.
Despite Neytiri and Jake weren't your true parents, you were sharing Neytiri's gentle and nurturing spirit, and taking care of small animals and plants that you would come across. But you were also sharing Jake's adventurous spirit and love for exploration.
You had a mischievous streak, enjoying pushing boundaries and testing the limits, much to the dismay of your older siblings who often find themselves having to rescue you.
Neytiri was a nurturing and caring mother, she always made sure to spend as much time with you as much as possible, playing around, teaching you things, and taking you on adventures in the forest. She was overly protective of you, always making sure you stay safe and are not put in any unnecessary danger. Your bond with Neytiri was very strong, with you looking up to your mother as a hero.
Your relationship with Jake was of a father and daughter of course. Jake was always there to support you and encourage your curious nature. With you, he was patient and understanding, always taking the time to listen to your thoughts and concerns, just like with Kiri and Tuk. Despite his tough exterior, Jake had a soft spot for you and would do anything to make you happy.
Neteyam was a role model for you, setting a good example and always looking after you. He show a lot of patience towards you. You would enjoy spending time with Neteyam, following him around, and trying to imitate his actions sometimes. He would be like another dad to you.
Lo'ak, been the one who sometimes causes trouble, have always been cautious when you were around and since that day he and his father found you, he hardly really let you out of his sight. But when he wandered off, he made sure you weren't following him around to dangerous places.
But he couldn't always stop you, because just like Tuktirey, you were bubbly and energetic, and always eager to follow your siblings on their escapades on Pandora.
You and Lo'ak shared a very strong bond since that day he found you, at every cry he was there to calm you down; rocking you gently to his chest, holding your hand (especially on your first try on walking), cuddling you when you couldn't sleep.
Kiri was a constant companion, showing you Pandora and teaching you about the ways of the Na’vi. She was a nurturing and protective older sister, often helping to take care of you and looking out for your well-being. You were sharing her strong connection to nature and animals, always looking for new creatures to add to your collection of treasured trinkets and mementos.
Tuk, been older than you by three years, took her responsibility as a big sister seriously, which in your parents' eyes was very adorable. Since you learned how to walk (and ran) she followed you around to make sure you were safe. She, like your older siblings, was very protective over you.
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whereianonymouslypostfics · 2 years ago
The Flip Side Part 2
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~8.1k
Summary: Your motivation to continue working as a mobster in Chicago is dwindling after the birth of your daughter.
A/N: Here’s part 2 where we meet Big Nat! Mind the warnings, and enjoy! 
Warnings: more angst and cuteness (always assume there will be angst and references to alcoholism unless stated otherwise)
Friday mornings were usually your favorite for several reasons. The most important was that you and Wanda got a slower start to the day regardless of what was scheduled. Now that Natalya was here this meant taking extra time to feed her breakfast and play fetch with the toys she threw around instead of played with. You’d usually spend time out on the roof with your dogs if the weather was good, and today it was beautiful out. All five of your dogs were out there lounging around by the time you woke up, and you’re quick to get up and see where your wife is.   Wanda usually wakes up before you since she’s a lighter sleeper, and her motherly instincts don’t let her sleep in too long. Luckily you’re not too far behind her this morning, and you find her in the nursery with Natalya in her arms. She’s sitting in the chair that you both have spent too many nights sleeping in before today, but seeing Wanda in it makes you smile instead of recall less than favorable memories.   “Morning, Wands.”   Wanda had heard you of course, you’re not the most graceful first thing in the morning and she’d known you were awake immediately. She smiles at you before watching as you walk over towards her and kneel at her feet. You just watch silently for a bit as your daughter eats, and you can’t help but smile.   “How’s the little one this morning?”   Wanda’s only been up for about 15 minutes, but in that time, she’d prepared a bottle for Natalya as well as a few snacks that she’s sure she won’t eat. She was her hungriest in the morning, so Wanda thought she’d try her luck. She shifts her daughter a little because her arms are getting sore, but you quickly come to her aid and help support the little one with a smile.
“She’s doing well. Her mind was on food first thing this morning.”   You kiss your baby’s head causing her to release the bottle briefly to coo at you. You reach out for her with a little coo of your own before letting her hold your finger in her tiny hand.   “That sounds familiar. Must have gotten that from you, Wands.”   You don’t have to look away from your daughter to know that Wanda is rolling her eyes at you. Between the two of you, you’re the one who can’t function in the morning without food. Wanda feels the same way about caffeine, but even then, she’s not as grumpy as you are if she doesn’t get it. Rather, her grumpy is more adorable than yours. She gets all pouty and refuses to do much before she gets her coffee. You might get a little homicidal if you don’t get your breakfast.   “Sure, Y/n. Speaking of which, isn’t it that time?”   You shrug before you watch Nat’s grabby hand go back to the bottle that Wanda’s still holding for her. She’d had most of it at this point and was losing interest in finishing her meal now that you were here. You smile at her as you stand up and hold your arms out in offering. Wanda smiles gratefully as she hands you Natalya so she can stand up more easily. You cuddle the little one close to you and tap her on the nose before taking Wanda’s free hand and leading her to the kitchen.   “Your Mommy’s right, Natalya. Breakfast is very important. Most important meal of the day and between you and me, your mom can get a little grumpy without it.”   Despite rolling her eyes at you, Wanda doesn’t interrupt as you have a full-blown one-sided conversation with your daughter.  She loves to see you like this. So relaxed and carefree. She treasures these moments she gets to spend with you and Natalya that are free of work and responsibilities. Just the three of you spending time together as a family. She would give up a lot to have this be her every day.   You’re putting Little Nat in her high chair so you can actually start cooking when a phone rings from the bedroom. You sigh in defeat as you recognize it as yours, and make your way back to the bedroom. Wanda stays at Nat’s side as she tries to figure out how to cook while watching Nat. She heads to the living room for the carrier she uses when Nat’s particularly restless but she has things to do. She straps it to her front and gets Nat settled with a sigh. She smiles at the wide-eyed baby who immediately reaches out for her hair. She has a feeling that she’s going to need to get it cut if Nat continues to show an affinity for tugging on it.   “Let’s make some breakfast. How does that sound?”   You assume that the phone call you’re receiving is work-related, so you shut the door behind you as you flop back on the bed. You grab the device and silence it quickly before you bother to glance at the caller ID.   “Ah, fuck.”   You take a deep breath to try and preemptively calm yourself before you press the call button.   “Hey, Bucky. How’s it going?”   Last night had been hell for Bucky. After he’d finished talking to you, he’d gone out to try and find the wayward employee that you’d deemed fit enough to be an assassin for the night. He hadn’t given you every detail of his conversation with the man because he knew it would have pissed you off. You would have lost it given the vague reasoning and hint of subterfuge and he didn’t want you to get too worked up while at home.   After he’d tracked down the seemingly flakey grunt Logan, he’d asked him a little more about what happened last night. Apparently, he’d been spooked by a change in the senator’s security that had been made last minute. Instead of 2 guards, he’d had 6, and if that wasn’t suspicious enough, he spent all night looking tense and talking frantically to a woman who looked like a reporter.   “He couldn’t get close without seeming suspicious, but he was worried that someone had tipped him off.”   You take a minute to think about what this could mean. You’re no stranger to dealing with incompetence, but outright betrayal had become a scarcity in the last few years. You wondered who was brave enough to try and sabotage you like this. You briefly wonder if Logan is lying, but you don’t think he’s brave enough to work against you and then lie to your face about it. After all there are ways to corroborate at least some of his story, and you make sure to ask Bucky to have someone look into this later.   “We need to check his story and then figure out how much Jacobs might know.”   Bucky is in agreement and you’re about to hang up when you realize what you were supposed to do first thing today. You forgot to check in with Nat and make sure that last night went smoothly. Although it’s more of just a general check in because you’re certain you would have heard from her before now if things didn’t go well last night. You sigh as you try and figure out what Bucky was supposed to do today. If he’d figured all of this out, you are certain he had a long night.   “I’m going to talk to Nat about last night, and then I’ll go talk to Yelena about our collection schedule.”   When you hang up you don’t get out of bed immediately. You don’t want to leave your home and face the real world again so soon, but you know that delaying it will only make things worse for you later. You’d done this enough times in the past, so you reluctantly get out of bed with a groan before heading for the kitchen. You’ll at least eat breakfast before you tackle the tasks for today.   “Everything okay?”   Wanda looks up when she hears the bedroom door open a few minutes later. She’s almost done cooking when you walk back into the kitchen and immediately go to grab the three of you drinks. You get one of Nat’s sippy cups for her formula. You will be getting a glass of juice and a cup of coffee that’s mostly milk, while Wanda gets a cup of coffee that’s all coffee.   You smile when she asks you this and you nod before moving to set the drinks at the table. The placemats were a permanent fixture a at the table because you use them so often it seemed silly to move them multiple times a day. You sit on one side while Wanda sits on the other, and you have Nat at the head of the table between you two. This has worked thus far, but seeing how much she’s started to wiggle around in the past few weeks, you realize you might have to change things up.

“Bucky was just calling to give me more details about what happened last night.”   Wanda just nods as she grabs the two plates of food and starts to bring them over. You notice this as she leaves the kitchen and you grab one to free up one of her hands. You kiss her cheek before moving to your seat to set your plate down.
“This looks great, thank you Wands.”

She just nods as she sets her plate on the table before moving to take Nat out of her carrier and place her into the high chair. She’s probably not going to eat, just have a quick post-breakfast nap, but here you and Wanda can keep an eye on her as you have breakfast.   “Of course, detka.”   You both eat in silence for a few minutes before you ask Wanda what she has planned for the day. Given that she just went to work, you assume she’ll be staying home, but you want to ask just to make sure. Wanda shrugs and says that she doesn’t have anything planned other than staying with Natalya. She might spend some time outside with the dogs since it’s so nice out, and she might invite her brother over if he’s not busy. You just nod at this before looking over to the living room where two of your five dogs are lounging on the carpet. You wish you could spend time with them, but you needed to talk to at least Nat and Yelena today before getting to relax at home.   “What about you, Y/n?”   You don’t want to promise Wanda that you’ll be home early. Despite hoping that this is the case, you’ve learned over the years that promising Wanda anything when it came to your work always came back to bite you in the ass. You tell her that you have only a couple of things to do today, but that you don’t know how long they’ll take. You mention the sisters that you need to visit and Wanda smiles slightly at this.   “We need to have them over again. That was fun.”   Wanda laughs as you groan at the thought of your last ‘family’ dinner with all of your friends. It had been chaotic as most things in your life are, but it had been enjoyable. Natalya was only three months old so there were a lot of hasty exits to make sure that she was alright when the noise of so much company would wake her up. You ended up cooking most of dinner which was fine, but things had been hectic as you caught up with your friends in ways that didn’t involve work.   You would love to have them over again, but now wasn’t the best time. It was the busiest time of the year for you and you don’t have to say this for Wanda to understand.   “Maybe once things calm down. We should at least get Yelena to bring Kate over so we can grill them about when they’re getting married.”   Wanda rolls her eyes at this before shaking her head in disapproval. Your friends had been engaged for a long time, but there was very little time to plan a wedding with how busy the couple was. She’s certain you understand this given how long it took the two of you to get married after Wanda proposed to you.   “You’ll do no such thing. Kate’s already afraid of you.”   You don’t comment on this because it’s always a little tricky talking about Kate if it’s not directly related to her fiancée.   When you first met the brunette, it was through Yelena, and at the time they were only friends. You’d still been struggling to get your drinking under control, and you often binged and called on your friend to make you feel better. This usually meant picking you up off the dirty floor that you’d passed out on, or throwing you in the shower. However, sometimes you called her for other things that you weren’t proud of and tried not to talk about anymore.   Wanda was aware of your past relationship with Kate. It was hardly a relationship, more of a friends-with-very-few-benefits type thing that eventually fell apart when Kate had started dating Yelena, and she stopped drinking. You’d told Wanda rather quickly that you and Kate used to sleep together, but it’s not something that either you or Kate shared with Yelena. You’re not even sure if she knows at this point, but it shouldn’t matter in the end. There had been no feelings between you two, and now you were just friends who worked together on your joint puppy project.   You finish up your breakfast, and you even get a few minutes to spend time with Natalya before your phone goes off. It’s a text from Nat to figure out if you’re meeting soon. You take a couple minutes to say goodbye to your daughter for the day because you’re not sure if you’ll be back before her bedtime. Once you’ve got her laughing from blowing raspberries into her chubby belly you hand her off to your wife with a sigh.   “I’m going to say bye to the dogs, but then I need to head out.”   Wanda nods and despite the fact that she hates this part of the day the most, she doesn’t argue. She knows you have to leave, and she has to let you go do whatever dangerous activity you have to but she doesn’t like it. She’s unsurprisingly become less enthused as Natalya’s gotten older. She knows you’re trying to step back from it all, but you’re still very much a target, and the idea of losing you and having Natalya grow up without one of her mothers makes her want to force you to quit now.   She ignores these impossible conversations for now as she accepts a quick kiss as you run outside, but not before grabbing your phone. She knows you’ll stop by again on your way out, but she can’t help but want to follow you. Instead, she turns to her still giggling daughter and tickles her before heading back to the kitchen with a sigh.   “Come on, milaya. Let’s get cooking.”   Wanda had spent a lot of her time at home cooking with Natalya. Her daughter would mostly sleep, but occasionally observe as Wanda cooked the same meals that they offered at her restaurant. It soothed her anxieties and made her feel more relaxed and less separated from work.   She’d been working for nearly a decade at the town’s only Sokovian restaurant that she and her brother started together. When they’d come to America after their parents’ deaths, she’d only had a shoebox full of recipes from her mother and the clothes on her back. She’d found comfort during those many months of struggling to survive by remembering the dozens of times she’d cooked all of these dishes with her mother. Her happiest memories were in the kitchen, and it was her desire to find a smidge of this happiness again that led to her opening a restaurant.   She wouldn’t lie. Going on pregnancy leave and being away from it for so long was harder than she thought it would be. She loved what she did, and she loved seeing people enjoy her childhood favorites. Leaving this, even only briefly, had been lonelier than she’d ever thought it could be. She was excited to be a mother. She’d only dreamt about it since she was a teen, but not being able to cook and smell the distinctive spices of her mother’s kitchen made her seek happiness elsewhere.   She’d spent months preparing for her baby to distract herself. She’d filled the nursery and read hundreds of parenting books before she felt overwhelmed. She needed a break from thinking solely about her baby, so she’d started cooking again. She’d taken a break because of her morning sickness and fatigue making it near impossible, but as soon as Nat was born, Wanda was back in the kitchen. She made you all sorts of food that you ate happily at all hours of the day. You were glad to see that she was finding joy in her cooking again, and you were equal parts eager and terrified for her inevitable return to work.   “I’m headed out now, love.”   Wanda almost jumps in surprise when she hears your voice right behind her. She’d been so distracted figuring out which dish to make that she didn’t hear you come back from visiting your dogs. She looks to you with wide eyes as she takes in the sight of your change of clothes, and your two dogs by your side. They didn’t go with you to work anymore, but the shepherds liked to see you off. It was part of their daily routine, and given that they didn’t do much else nowadays, you couldn’t bear to take this from them.   The only other ritual you had with them was to spend a couple hours at least one day a month with them at their favorite park. They mostly sat around and watched other dogs and people, but for a bit in the beginning and then at the end of your visit, they’d chase a frisbee and wrestle in the grass. It was during these short periods of time, that you would see younger versions of your beloved dogs enjoying life and following you everywhere you went.   “Are you alright?”   You look to see what Wanda’s holding in her hands and you realize that she was planning on cooking something. You are used to this and you kiss her cheek before kissing the top of Nat’s head with a smile.   “Yes, you just startled me. I was lost in thought.”   You know this and you just nod before wrapping your arms around your wife with a sigh. You hold her for a few seconds before you speak again, and you eventually tear yourself away reluctantly to head to work.   “I noticed. Is there anything I can help with before I go?”   Wanda shakes her head and she turns to you for another kiss before she watches you leave. You pull your phone out of your pocket as you walk toward the elevator, and Wanda’s voice reaches you just before you leave her sight.   “Stay safe.”   You smile widely at this before you turn to shoot your wife a cocky look. You know that she truly worries about this, but you’ve also promised her to be as careful as possible. You’re no longer the reckless alcoholic you were in your 20’s, and you have a constant reminder that you have something to live for whenever you come home.   “Don’t worry, Wands. I’ll be with Big Nat. I can’t think of anyone safer.”   Natasha Romanoff sighs as she pulls up to the specific spot truly in the middle of nowhere that you liked to meet her at. She was a little early as usual, and she spent the next few minutes lounging on her bike. She laid back on the seat and rested her head on her hands between the handlebars. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but she didn’t mind as she just stared at the sky and watched the one cloud in sight move at a snail’s pace. She was exhausted after the night she had, but it was nothing that a lot of coffee wouldn’t fix. After this she had to track down a couple of your employees who needed to have their drug problems addressed, but after that she didn’t have much to do. Finishing up the deal from last night freed her up temporarily, and she wasn’t going to complain about the down time.   Given what Bucky told her though, she wouldn’t be surprised if you asked her to look into what happened last night. She hadn’t realized that you’d almost called on her until Bucky told her this morning, and she wonders what the hell was going on.   She sighs heavily as she watches your car come down the deserted off-road path where you typically met. As usual, you arrived after her and you always had an excuse for running just a minute or two late. She knew it wasn’t because of traffic because you drove like a bat out of hell, and there was no way you were incapable of being on time for that reason. She knew you mostly just had trouble pulling yourself away from your sweet, domestic home life to dive into the massive headache that was your criminal empire.   She figures you have a lot to discuss with her, and the fact that you told Bucky not to tag along made her realize it won’t be just work related. She had assumed that like most times, this little pow wow with her was just to get confirmation that you had your money, and maybe talk a little bit about last night.   Nat watches the dirt fly into the air as you stop your car a good distance away from her. You’d once stopped right in front of her as a joke, and she’d nearly been suffocated from the dust. She stands from her bike before walking toward your side of the car with a smile. She hadn’t seen you in almost a week, and she wanted to catch up. She also wanted to come over and see her goddaughter, but she would worry about that a little later.   “You actually made it. What was it this time? Wanda? The dogs?”   You roll your eyes as you roll up your window before shutting off your car. You open your door and step out to greet the redhead with a hug that she readily accepts.

“Actually, Big Nat, it was Little Nat that kept me from leaving. She just looked so happy this morning playing with her dogs.”   You ignore Nat’s eye roll at the nickname you’d bestowed her with since your daughter’s birth as you think about this morning’s brief dog-baby playdate. Your shepherds despite being old and lazy were very tolerant of being stepped on and squeezed by little Nat’s hands. They let her sleep on them and pull their ears with minimal fuss. Boone was the more tolerant of the two, but Rogue usually just sighs and puts up with the disturbance to his typically lazy days.   Nat can’t help but smile at the image of your little one playing with your fur children. She knew you well enough to understand that you were talking about your big dogs because despite liking all of your children, you had favorites and you couldn’t help it. Not to mention your little terriers weren’t as tolerant to being poked and prodded by a child.   “Oh yeah? How’d that go?”   Nat watches as you jump up on the hood of your car with a sigh. You just need to stretch out your back and you groan before smiling at the redhead who just eyes you in amusement. Her smirk turns into a genuine smile as you talk about your family with so much love.   “The boys are great. They just let her pet them endlessly while she lays on top of them. It’s the cutest thing. Wanda even let her go for a bit.”   Although both of you were appropriately wary during any time you let your daughter spend with your dogs, you were more relaxed about it. You still watched them like a hawk and were within arm’s distance in case anything went wrong. However, you’d known these dogs all of their life and you had seen when they first reacted to Natalya that they wouldn’t hurt her. Wanda was less inclined to leave her daughter’s side let alone not be holding her the entire time she spent with her fur siblings. Today she’d just sat on the ground beside the trio and kept her fidgety hands in her lap for a bit before reaching back out.   You briefly considered trying this again when you got home, but you needed to remember not to push it. Everything in moderation after all.   “That’s great. I don’t think you’ll get her to leave the room though until the little one is at least 10.”   You laugh at this thought and despite knowing that your dogs won’t be around that long you still imagine them entertaining a 10-year-old Natalya. The current rule was to have two adults present if Natalya was going to play with the dogs. You understood the stress that Wanda would experience if it was just her with your five dogs all at once, so you agreed to this to be on the safe side. If anything happened to your daughter while with the dogs, you’d be hard pressed to get Wanda to let you have any more.   You sigh before you sit up and jump back onto the ground. Your back is still achy, but sitting on your car hadn’t really made a difference. You decide to get right to business because you don’t want to keep Nat any longer than necessary. She should have a relatively short day today.   “So, my dear friend, how did last night go for you?”   Nat comes to stand beside you and lean against your car with a shrug. Apparently last night went pretty well despite only getting the minimum amount that you expected. It would be enough for now, but it just gave you another reason to talk to Yelena today. You smile at her, despite your slight disappointment and you eye her and then her bike curiously.   “Do you have it?”   Nat laughs at your question as she nods a few times before gesturing to herself.   “Yeah, it’s right here in my pocket. Thought I’d drive around with half a million just for fun.”   You groan and roll your eyes before shoving her shoulder halfheartedly. You muttered an insult under your breath that you truly meant and unfortunately only made Nat laugh.

“Alright, smart ass.”   You and Nat were so close you were practically sisters. You’d recruited her a couple years into your time with the mob because she had impressed you. If you were being completely honest it was an act of desperation that made you offer her a job. Before you’d had the pleasure of meeting her, Nat had been a contract killer which was just a fancy term for assassin. She’d used her short overseas military background to make money once she’d moved here, and she’d been very successful. She’d had a reputation of never failing to hit a mark, and this had been the case for five years until she met you.   You’d been struggling to figure out how to be an effective mobster when you’d been added to Natasha’s list. She never told you who’d hired her because she didn’t want you going after them, but she’d risked her reputation, not to mention her life when she decided to spare you. She’d followed you around for only a week before she realized that you would be a fairly easy target. Despite your intense paranoia and your tendency to always travel with a group, you had given her plenty of opportunities to get you alone. She’d picked up on your drinking problem fairly quickly, and despite it being a lot less fun, she’d finally confronted you one night that you came stumbling out of a bar.   She remembers how you’d been emptying your stomach in an alleyway when she found you. She’d waited until a night that you didn’t have your bodyguard, and the moment had honestly been a little anticlimactic. She’d gotten into what she did so she could help rid the world of despicable people. She wanted to kill those who truly deserved it, and watching you hurl your guts out while barely registering her presence made her question this.   She’d eventually gotten your attention, and you weren’t even that surprised to see her. You were so drunk that you were barely afraid as she pulled out the knife she’d intended to use to slit your throat. You just huffed from where you laid slumped against the wall behind you. You’d tried to look at her critically, but your head was swimming so you’d eventually just shot your shot.   You’d asked her how she enjoyed her job which had quickly confused her. She’d told the truth though, and you still remember the words that she’d said to this day.   “I enjoy the rush of it all. Having someone fight for their miserable life keeps me going.”   She’d then proceeded to tell you that you were a horrible example of this and you weren’t making it any fun for her. You’d laughed in her face, something you probably never would have done sober before you shoot her a suggestive look.   “What if I gave you something else to keep you going?”   You hadn’t expected her to listen to you. Nat hadn’t expected to care, but you told her a little more about what you did and how you could use someone with her skills. After a lot of deliberation, almost enough for you to sober up, she agreed to give it a try. A week out, she still hadn’t decided if she was going to kill you anyway, but then her sister came back into her life and things got complicated.   “It’s somewhere safe. I’ll make sure it’s distributed later tonight.”   You smile gratefully before you consider how much will be left over for you to use. Most if it was going to a specific group of employees, and the extra you’re sure you’ll find a way to burn through shockingly quickly. This was the issue with what you did. Despite having a lot of money in the bank, a lot of your wealth was not in your hands. It was spread out between the businesses you had a stake in, owned or started on your own. Having your money in other people’s possession was part of the reason why you were always so stressed. You were rich today, but it only took one politician or rival to shut you down. The tenuous state that you constantly lived in would be debilitating if you didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.   “That’s great news. Much better than I was hoping for after last night.”   Nat waits for you to say more, but you don’t as you admire the clear sky and the beautiful weather that makes you want to lie on some grass and take a nice nap. You wonder if you’ll have time to spend on the roof before the sun goes down, but your thoughts are cut short by Nat’s question.   “I assume you’re trying to figure out more about what happened?”   There’s a moment where you consider asking Nat to do it for you, but for some reason you hold back. Something about this whole thing makes you suspicious of more than just someone blabbing to the senator. You can’t put a finger on it, but you’re going to do some digging and hopefully find some answers. You’ll pay Logan a visit after you talk to Yelena. For now, you shrug in faux nonchalance before you smile at your friend. Her expression is one you’ve seen many times before, and you don’t pay it any mind as you sigh dramatically.   “Yes, but I’ll worry about that later. I need to go talk to Yelena first.”   This surprises Nat and she fails to hide it as she considers why you’d want to talk to her sister right now. She dealt with the collections from the various businesses you owned and usually you two met twice monthly to touch base after Yelena’s scheduled pick-ups. It was an off week and Nat couldn’t help but wonder what you needed from her.   “Is everything okay?”   You hold in your sigh as you wonder what Nat knows. You know that she and Bucky talk a lot and you wouldn’t be surprised if she knows about everything from last night. You knew it was a lot to ask, but sometimes you wished Bucky could keep a secret.   “What do you mean?”   Nat shoots you an unimpressed look and you just sigh in defeat before waiting to see what she says. She proves you right by knowing almost everything that’s on your mind and you can’t help but curse Bucky’s loose lips.   “You’re going to meet with Yelena early, so you probably need money, and Bucky said that you didn’t take canceling the hit well. “   You look down at your shoes before deciding to just come out with it. Lying would buy you time, but it was useless in the end. As soon as you met Nat, you realized she was practically a human lie detector, and you had a very bad poker face.   “I knew as soon as you started sleeping with him, he’d start sharing my business.”   Nat doesn’t bother to hide her amusement at your claim. She laughs before shaking her head at the thought of how last night had gone. Bucky hadn’t come home until nearly 3 in the morning and she’d been fast asleep when he’d finally slipped into bed. This morning she got the rundown of last night’s events and Bucky had told her the concerns he has about you.   You’d come a long way in a few years, and as one of your closest friends she’d seen it all. She’d known you when you were still drinking yourself sick on the regular, and you were as close as you were now by the time you met Wanda. She’s helped you during your worst times, and she’s been proud to see how much you’ve matured in the last five years that you’ve been sober. You’d found a balance with work and your personal life and you seemed really happy.   Now that you and Wanda have Little Nat, she’s seen you at your happiest, but also at your most stressed. You haven’t told anyone definitively, except maybe Wanda, but you’re trying to get out. You’ve begun delegating more and trying to be less involved in the violent aspects of the job, but it was slow work. You still were making a lot of decisions, and it was stressing you in ways you hadn’t felt since first starting.   “To be fair, he told me your business before too.”

You roll your eyes before huffing in amusement at this certainly true statement. You smile before considering the answer to her question. You know being truthful is the most logical option, but you don’t want to worry anyone. You know you’ve put your family through hell, and the idea of doing anything to suggest that you’re not okay will make them worry that you’re slipping. You haven’t had a drink in nearly 5 years, and sometimes the thought of having one was so appealing that you’d daydream about getting in your car and heading to the closest bar.   You never did, but whenever this happened you did your best to distract yourself. Whether your wife had caught on to this infrequent behavior, you weren’t sure but she could always tell when you weren’t feeling well.   “Great, I’m glad that he’s shared so much of my personal life with you. You could have just asked.”   This isn’t exactly fair because you’re very reluctant to share any personal information. You’ve learned to be paranoid over the years, and even with those close to you, it was difficult to open up. Nat just crosses her arms and shoots you a look because she certainly knows you’re lying. She probably would have to ask you several times and appeal to your desire to reassure everyone that you’re okay to get you to discuss anything on your mind.   “Well, I���m asking now. Are you okay?”   When Pietro arrives to his sister’s he can already smell the food she’s been cooking from the elevator. As soon as the doors open, he’s greeted with a stronger scent and a couple of dogs who appear wary until they recognize him. Milo jumps up beside him for attention, and he takes a second to reach down and pet him before turning his attention to Boone. He’s always been the more social one between his sister’s two shepherds. Boone greets him with a lick to his hand before leading him down the hallway to where his sister must be.   “Sestra? It’s me. “   Pietro walks into the kitchen and smiles at the sight that greets him. His sister is standing over the stove with her daughter in her arms. She’s taken her out of the carrier, and she’s holding her closely as she rocks her back and forth. She’d been singing to her until she heard the elevator ding. She knows you’re not back yet, and only a few other people have access to the penthouse, so she’s not surprised to hear her brother’s voice. She’s surprised he didn’t call ahead though, even though she didn’t find it necessary he usually did to give her a head’s up.   “Hey, Piet.”   She turns slightly so her brother can greet his niece with a smile before she hands her over with a sigh. She needed to check on lunch and get something to drink, both of which were much easier without a baby in her arms.   “How’s your day been? Has the little one been behaving?”   Pietro walks to the other side of the counter as he continues to rock Natalya. She’s very sleepy so she just sucks her thumb as she lays her head against her uncle’s shoulder. Wanda’s nodding as she grabs a glass for water for her and her brother. She would ask him if he wants something else, but she only has juice and milk and she knows her brother’s opinions on that.   “She’s been an angel. She loves being in the kitchen with me.”   Pietro smiles widely at this before kissing the top of Nat’s head. He knows how important it is to Wanda to raise Nat the way their parents raised her. She’d been taught to cook almost before she could hold a spoon correctly, but it taught her to appreciate the effort and love that went into cooking for her family. Her brother hadn’t been as interested, but he understood why his sister wanted this so much.   Losing their parents so young had been difficult for them both, but his sister had taken it especially hard. She didn’t want to consider that she might not be there for her daughter, but she wanted to make sure that the time she spent with her was meaningful. She wanted her daughter to have positive memories that would comfort her years down the line.   “I bet she does. Are you going to cook dinner for us, little one?”   Wanda laughs at this and she’s still smiling as she hands her brother a glass of water. She was just about to go outside on the roof and lie down, but now that her brother’s here she’s a little hesitant.   “What about you, Piet?”   Pietro honestly hadn’t done much yet today. He’d spent most of this morning worrying about his sister and wondering what was going on with her wife. He’d mostly come by to check in on her and make sure that she’s not stressed or worried about whatever happened last night. However, seeing her here just enjoying her time cooking with her daughter, he realizes that she’s probably not as bothered as he is.

“Just wanted to check in and see how you two were.”   Wanda smiles appreciatively, but her smile dims as her brother adds something else she hadn’t expected. She tries not to sigh in annoyance because she appreciated her brother’s presence in her life. He helped out a tremendous amount with Natalya and it was nice to have him nearby. However, she couldn’t pretend to ignore how her brother felt about her wife. He liked her well enough, but he’s skeptical of her recovery and also walks on eggshells around her. He may not do so purposely, but he always seems like he’s waiting for her to trip up again. Occasionally he’d ask you questions regarding your stress management that neither of you appreciated. One time you’d even tried to get him to shut up by stooping to his normal level of lewdness.   Wanda would always love her brother, but sometimes his overprotectiveness went too far. She knew you weren’t oblivious to his various digs, but you pretended to ignore them or answered them at face value to avoid conflict. You didn’t want to fight with your wife, and calling your brother-in-law out would certainly lead to a fight.   “Y/n okay after last night?”   If Wanda didn’t know him as well as she did, she’d assume her brother was just asking out of concern for you. This could still be the case, at least partially, but Wanda has a feeling he’s more focused on how you handled your very obvious frustrations last night. Wanda considers not answering, but instead she decides to be a little petty and answer his question as truthfully as she’s willing to.   “She is, I helped her relax.”   It’s the tone that clues Pietro in to what his sister’s talking about, but he doesn’t get to respond or even grimace before she starts to leave the room.   “I’m going to sit outside for a bit. Do you want to bring her?”   Pietro only hesitates for a moment before following his sister and two of her dogs out onto the roof. He has to admit that you did a good job renovating the penthouse to accommodate your family. The dogs shared three rooms to sleep and a couple of rooms where they had toys and room to exercise. They were locked out of the pool, and were only allowed in when you were home which wasn’t often. Luckily, none of them really enjoyed swimming, and they spent most of their time on the roof.   This is where he found Rudy, Rogue, and Sully either lying on the grass or wrestling with their brother. The jack Russell and pit mix jump up and run towards them in excitement. Wanda greets them with a smile and a couple of scratches before she goes to greet Rogue who’d simply started wagging his tail at the sight of her.   “Hello sweet boys. Are you enjoying yourselves?”   The two dogs quickly go back to playing when Wanda throws a rope toy across the courtyard. They begin playing tug of war as Wanda sits down on the grass beside her favorite shepherd. Pietro watches as she scratches his head and neck before kissing him and muttering something he can’t hear.   “I can take her if you want.”   Pietro had almost forgotten that he was holding little Nat and he turns to see her sleeping soundly. She’s lucky she takes after her other mother because she’s a nice heavy sleeper that takes a lot to wake up at times. Pietro walks over to his sister and sits down carefully before looking to Boone who’s moved to sit next to his brother.   “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”   Wanda can’t help but glare at him when he asks this, and he immediately realizes how stupid of a question it was. Wanda could take care of her own daughter without his input. She was grateful for his help, but she knew what she was doing and wouldn’t put Natalya at risk.   “Yes, it is. Pietro they’re nothing but sweet to her.” 
She sighs tiredly as she grabs Natalya from his lap and moves her to her own. She smiles at her groggy baby and fixes her little hat to keep her protected from the sun. As expected, Boone who turned and watches her exchange hands, is quick to greet her with a sloppy kiss that wakes her up. Her eyes open wide and she coos as she reaches out for the dog sleepily. She isn’t even close to touching him, but she’s too tired to care, and Boone just settles in front of Wanda with a yawn. Rogue isn’t as affectionate, but he sniffs her briefly before lying his head on Wanda’s leg with a whiny yawn.   They sit in silence for a while as Wanda just enjoys being with her daughter and dogs. She’d forgotten her sunglasses inside so she mostly kept her eyes shut as she played with Natalya’s hat. She feels her head grow heavy and she’s considering lying down when she feels Natalya tug on her hair. She hisses more in surprise than pain, and she shoots her daughter a look that she just smiles at.   “Oh, you’re going to be trouble, milaya.”   Pietro blames his own paranoia for what he says next, and as he watches his sister’s smile fall, he wishes he’d kept his mouth shut. Wanda turns on him immediately and she tries to figure out how to best address this without starting another argument, or rather the same one that they’ve had too many times before.   “Especially if you take after your other mom.”   Wanda takes a deep breath as she bounces Natalya on her knee with a frown. She understands her brother’s concerns she really does. She shares them too, but she trusts you to be honest with her. If you’re having difficulty with something, be it your regular work stress, or something else, she expects you to tell someone about it. Although she would like it to be her, she knows that this isn’t always easy for you, and as long as you just talk to someone she doesn’t mind being kept out of the loop. This only goes so far though, but luckily her friends do a good job of making sure that she’s not kept in the dark.   “Pietro, please. I know that you’re worried, but you need to stop assuming the worst about Y/n. She’s made a lot of progress.”   Pietro frowns despite the truth of Wanda’s words. They both had been with you through your struggles, but Wanda was the only one beside you whenever you were at your most vulnerable. She knew how hard it was for you to give up your coping mechanism, and how you often relapsed in the first 6 months because the stress was suffocating. It wasn’t until you’d agreed to go to therapy and take a short sabbatical that things started to turn around. It took nearly 2 years before Wanda believed you were past the worst of it, and another 6 months before she’d marry you. She loved you and was so proud of all of the progress you’d made, and she knew your friends were too. They weren’t unrealistic enough to believe that you never thought of drinking, but they saw how you dealt with your stress differently and how much happier you were nowadays.   Last night notwithstanding, you’d done a good job of not taking your work home and just enjoying your time with family. Pietro doesn’t see all of this so he may not know, but Wanda still doesn’t think he has a right to judge you so harshly.   “So please, stop giving her grief and just trust her, okay?”   Pietro finally caves under his sister’s harsh gaze, and he just sighs in defeat. He nods and tries to convince himself that Wanda is right, and that he just has to let you prove him wrong. He wants to continue to believe that you’re good enough for his sister. He doesn’t want you to give him a reason to believe otherwise.   He nods with an inaudible sigh that Wanda decides to accept for now. She doesn’t want to argue about this, not when she’s already worried about you. She will see you tonight, and hopefully she’ll have a better idea of how you’re feeling then.   “Okay, Wands. I’ll try.”
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year ago
Can you please make a continuation to tantra? 🥺 I Loved that one smm
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Gonna combine these two because it just makes sense!
Love's Sweet Embrace
(AKA Tantra PT.2)
Pavitr x Wife!Reader
(Pavitr and Reader are adults in this fic.)
TW/CW: Smut, NSFW, sex, protected sex (condom), piv sex, fluff, aftercare, Pavitr being an angel husband
A/N: We all know the P-Man would be the sweetest in terms of aftercare. Also I'm so sorry there are so many backlogged requests asdfghjkl. They're gonna be paused until I can catch up with them!
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So many times have you heard people coo and giggle about how you and Pavitr were so in love. So many times did old ladies grin and pat your hand, telling you how they were young once, too, when Pavitr simply couldn't stop kissing you in public.
You two had a blissful marriage in the short few months after the wedding. It was all going so wonderfully, it was like a dream come true; the kind of love Pavitr poured over you like warm honey, and the love you peppered all over his body with tiny kisses and sweet words.
You'd also learned that now that he didn't have to really hide it... Pavitr adored your breasts. Whenever he came home, he would bury his face in-between them. Whenever you snuggled, he'd bury his face into them.
You joked and said he had an addiction.
"Not an addiction. An obsession." He grinned up at you.
"Is there a difference?" You snorted, running your fingers through his hair.
"Uh.... Well. Uh..."
"Like I said." You grinned, booping his nose.
Another thing you learned was that Pavitr was interesting in the bedroom. And the living room. And the bathroom.
And that one time on the dining table...
The tantric sex that he'd tried with you was a favorite of his. He loved slow sex, and he knew just how badly it drove you insane.
He took his time with you, every single time, stoking the flames and pushing your buttons, not stopping until your mind was a haze and your clit was so sensitive you could cum from a puff of air.
It was maddening how much he enjoyed taking things slow. And was even more insane how you loved it yourself...
"P-Pavitr, please..." You whined, arching your back off the bed as he slowly rolled his hips into yours, his cock sinking slowly into your wet, needy pussy.
"I--I know." He groaned, biting his lip as he looked down at you, taking in your needy, whiny state.
God, you were gorgeous. The way your hands gripped the sheets, the way your sweat rolled off your body, how your eyes kept rolling and your lashes brushed your cheeks.
Hia gorgeous wife, the absolute love and treasure of his life. His bright shining star in the sky.
There weren't enough words for him to describe you and what you meant to him, not enough words to translate or even speak.
Your heels pressed into the dips in his back, forcing him deeper into you as you moaned loudly, your pussy gripping him so tight he thought you were choking the air out of him just from his dick alone.
When your orgasm hit you, he doubled over you, slowly thrusting; his pace slightly quickened but still slow as he gently helped you ride out your orgasm.
He buried his nose in your hair and made a soft noise, a sound bordering on a whine and a guttural moan as your nails bit into his shoulders.
"Pav--" You hiccup softly, your hips sore and tired from the exhausting and same-as-always slow sex session. You were exhausted, sweaty and out of breath.
"It's okay..." You breathe, kissing his cheek and panting in his ear.
"It's okay, go on."
Your airy and fucked-out voice is what ultimately pushed him over that edge he was teetering on, his hips stuttering into yours in less coordinated, loose thrusts as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close and gripping you tight as he pumped his load into the condom wrapped snugly around his cock.
Now that you were married it was off and on when you would use protection. A bit reckless, but you both had so much trust in one another that you'd support each other no matter what life threw at you.
You shared breaths on messy, sweet kisses, tongues dancing in a lewd tango as he pulled his softening cock out of you, causing you to whimper at the loss of him.
"Go on and rest, lovie, m'kay?" Pavitr said to you, in between sweet kisses he planted all over your face.
"Mhmm..." You hummed, dropping your head onto the pillows as Pavitr slowly pulled himself off of you. Your body felt cold and barren without his warmth around you, and you pouted at the loss as he walked away and into the bathroom. But, you were too exhausted to care.
You were a little relieved Pavitr didn't want to try for a round two. From the long, slow sex and the tiring day you had at work? You were dead exhausted.
You weren't aware how much time had passed or even when precisely you nodded off, until you felt yourself being scooped up and being carried through the air.
"Pavitr?" You asked, your voice drowsy as he carried you into the bathroom.
"Easy there, babygirl." Pavitr smiled, kissing your temple as he carried you past the door.
You looked around and saw two candles lit, your favorite scent. When your eyes dragged to the bathtub, you saw the tub was full of nice steaming water, bubbles, and what looks like a bath bomb had been dropped in, making the water shine with a pearlescent sheen.
He set you down and gave a sheepish grin when you looked back at him.
"Pav?" You balked.
"C'mon! You know me, I'm all for aftercare! And besides, you are the best wife ever. I gotta make sure my girl knows how awesome she is!" He said, with a flip of his hair.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and bumped your nose to his, a giddy smile on your lips.
"Get in with me?"
He looked at you, his warm, dark eyes gazing at you with a love-drunk look. "Sure."
The bath was amazing, the water emanating a soft strawberry scent as you both sunk in. You could feel the oils moisturize your skin, the light, body-safe glitter making your skin shine.
Pavitr hummed as he sat behind you, massaging your shoulders with his thumbs, easing the knots and tension from your back.
"God, yes... Please keep going." You groaned, brows pinched together as that electrifying sensation spread through you as his skilled hands eased every tough point of muscle, every bit of tension simply melting away like hot butter.
When you relaxed against him, Pavitr wrapped his arms around you, his athletic body wrapped so snugly around yours in the cramped space of your bathtub.
"Feeling better?" He asked you, your hands twining together in the water.
"Mhmmm..." You sigh, looking down at your left hands, matching bands shining brightly in your ring fingers.
"Good. You've been working so hard, lately, babe." He murmurs, planting a kiss to your shoulder.
"I know, we just have that stupid quota to meet..." You groan.
"Mmh." Pavitr huffed. "But still, you're such a hard worker, you deserve a break."
"I deserve a break?" You giggle, turning to look at him. "You are a damn superhero! If anyone deserves a break, it's you!"
Pavitr grinned, his cheeks flushing a bit. Never fails, your gorgeous husband would always blush like a schoolboy when you said things like that about him.
"Well... I'm used to that, and I've found a bit of work/life balance. Your boss is just using you as a mule at this point." He says softly.
He buried his face in the crook of your shoulder.
"That and... well... I kinda did a number on you tonight." He mumbled sheepishly.
You grin and squeeze his hands in yours.
"Well... if anything, you're certainly, thorough. You won't catch me complaining every time you put my legs out of commission." You quip playfully.
You couldn't contain the fit of giggles that erupted out of you at Pavitr's embarrassed squeak.
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sharky-the-idiot · 10 months ago
Lilarky (Lilac x Sharky)- i love you more than words can say. you are my best friend and my fondest love, and i don't know what id do without you. you come second to nothing. i would die for you. (the shippers would die for you too). the heart of the fandom, everyone's favourite lovebirds. prime angsty au material
Popale (Poppy x Whale)- i hate the world and i hate my distorted reflection and i'd do anything to be rid of the weight of what i am not, and what i never will be. you are everything they're not and everything i adore, and we will be wed within the hour over a volcano while they scream
Toxic Flowers (Lilac x Poppy)- i hate you. now kiss me you bitch. *starts aggressively making out*
WhaleShark (Whale x Sharky)- and then they fucked even though neither of them want to fuck and actually they were in love the WHOLE time and-
Shanky (Sharky x Ink)- i've known you for years and i will know you until the end of our time. i am damaged and you are damaged but when we're together everything seems better. late night talks and friendly teasing, living for the other's affection and hyping each other up at all times
Ink-Stained Weeds (Ink x Craig)- the only correct ink ship. the only craig ship. they are silly and supportive and argue over cereal. the bickering husbands of all time
Jilac (J x Lilac)- these people are all idiots and it's up to us to stop 'em. hold my hand, we got this. (sorry everyone they are have a PLATONIC SISTERLY BOND in my heart)
Sunlilac (Ink x Lilac)- i'm here. i'm listening and i always will and i may not understand everything but i will support you for as long as it takes for you to love yourself as much as i love you. thank you for being my light
Mothbitten Suits (Moth x Lilac- look i love mothbitten lilacs but they both like suits and i thought it sounded fun)- will compliment and gush over each other until the end of time. flustered messes, brilliant smiles, lazy days and exchanging art. warmth.
Tatobee (Weltato x Red)- Mentor figures. they're older than everyone else and look out for the same weirdo teenager (affectionate) and write so beautifully that it makes people cry. talented, responsible, able to break hearts like its nothing
Carky Shutt (Captain Gutt x Sharky)- a pirate who's never found the treasure he so craves and a boy who doesn't feel special. protection and surprise encounters and a budding affection neither can deny. sneaking onto ships, trying to reform him. challenging him to a swordfight, asking him to join his crew. danger and excitement. what the other sees around the sirens. love so strong that it's gutting, that it hurts and kills and plunders and survives all the same. unpiecing your identity and having someone who'll listen and accept you. its okay to show weakness here. im not going to leave you. i promise.
Ocean Hugs (Olaf x Sharky)- i can't touch you and yet i want to, i crave your warmth and your love even if it kills me. you cover your pain with a smile but i see you and i understand. you dont have to hide around me
Sharning Spiky (Sharky x Burning Spice)- someone who's lost everything, and someone who wants to know more. a lack of judgement, a strange intrigue that neither can explain. a budding crush into something more, something fiery and destructive and passionate. can and will spoil each other to bits
Sugar Lover (Lilac x Eternal Sugar)- sapphics!! guiltily getting flustered, soft gasps you can't hide at the beauty of a god. you're nervous but not because you're scared, you want her to like you even as you know the consequences are damning. power imbalance and absolute awe. you've always enjoyed indulging, what's one more kiss?
Sharkverdrive (Sharky x 2-0-4 tack shooter)- are we all gonna ignore this? yes. yes we are
Sharky x Hollyberry- another one for the pile. doesn't have a ship name and probably doesn't need one. a gal who knows how to lighten up and party, a boy who's not used to getting out much. learning how to relax and have fun again. having someone to defend
Sharkzwalder (Sharky x Schwarzwalder)- t4t cuties who will shower each other in affection <3
Sharhim (Sharky x Yharim)- idk enough about this guy to sat anything. big menacing powerful figure & just a little guy. it would be hilarious
Jasky (Sharky x Jasper)- they keep their relationship quiet. it's all in "i love you texts", private moments and intimate looks no-one else understands. companionship, familiarity
Ink x ...any cookie- ink's into dilfs and pirates lmao. they should kiss
Ink x Twisted Alice Angel- nobody seems willing to acknowledge this one??? whenever it's brought up it's swept under the rug. sorry ink's wife, youre irrelevant in comparision to the Great CraigInk Debate of 2024
Sharkzarella (Sharky x Mozzarella)- they melt around each other. sooo many hugs. physical affection all the way. lilac is jealous :)
Ink x the Entire Bendy Cast- that is so many characters holy shit. he is just too lovable. this is what happens when you put a guy named ink into a game with ink in the title ig
Autumn Showers (Whale x Star x Lilac x Craig)- time travel buddies! they have seen horrors beyond comprehension. they have witnessed death and loss and a future they could not save. joined warmth, joined failure, joined happiness, joined hope. working together for the timeline that never was. relying on each other to fix reality. the family you never used to need
Oceans of Purple Ink (Sharky x Lilac x Ink)- why put Sharky with ONE of his love interests when you can have two?? everyone is happy! sharky is the silly one, lilac is the one who looks after them both, ink is the one who gets hugged 24/7. happy healthy loving relationship. then the angst fics drop.
Murder Smarties (Lilac x Whale)- will stab each other. scarily intelligent and scarily protective. bristling and insulting and sharp smiles full of loathing. will call each other mocking nicknames during confrontations. not at all healthy but pretty fun to think about
Poppy x Sharky- you are everything i despise about the one i love. you are not them and you never will be them and yet i see them in you. i hate you. i don't want you. you're all that's left
Jacman (J x Pacman)- toxic exes. they're on BAD terms but pacman wants to get back together. he keeps bringing her tiny orbs to eat no matter how many times she says they aren't even edible for her. the ghosts keep trying to get him to stop, he is not listening one bit
ShaShrek (Sharky x Shrek)- we had to involve shrek somehow laddies
i think that's all of them?? there's probably more though ngl. why are you so shippable
This was all so interesting and cute until fucking carky shutt showed up
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husbandohunter · 4 years ago
A Small Predicament [Baby Genshin x Reader]
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Characters: Scaramouche, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo
Synopsis: Cursed for a week, the boys either have to live with it or find a cure as soon as possible. You on the otherhand hoped otherwise.
(A/n): It only takes ONE glance for me to start having ideas. It was twelve in the morning yall, enjoy~
Oh here's part 2
• "Oh you shrank? I couldn't tell-"
• Threatens that he will murder you to pieces and burn your remains but his voice was so squeaky and high pitched (voice crack) that you couldn't help but burst into a tearful laughter. 
• Its payback time  Bully him, take his hat and hover it above his head. Truthfully, without his hat Scaramouche looks like a little schoolboy. Overall less intimidating.
• Tries glaring. Cute. He's really bratty as a kid, sitting on a high chair (which you had to help him get on) and demanding his servants to do his bidding. In reality, his personality never changed. You realized that even as a grown up he still acts like this (bratty kid in a grown man body).
• The curse made his week a living hell. Signora had the audacity to pull his ear when he misbehaves. Childe constantly messes with his hair while giving head pats and the WORST of all, pinching his cheeks. Scaramouche never wanted to commit arson so bad in his life.
• Eventually finds a cure so he doesn't have to deal with it anymore and orders everyone to never speak of it again. Though, he's plotting how he'll get revenge on everyone who made fun of him using the very same curse (You better run).
• "Oh…Oh my! Diluc you're just so cute!" 
• Diluc grimaces as you glomp him in this state. How can you help it? With his head so small it makes his hair all the more fluffier! His coat no longer fits him to the point the sleeves had made past his fingertips. He tried wielding his claymore again, only to lose balance and fall flat onto his bum
• (insert kid voice "Retribution!") Did I mention the babyface?
• Diluc tries to act as if everything was normal, acting like the Darknight hero and Mondstadt's Tycoon but fun-sized. He couldn't. There was no way people would take him seriously in business meetings. Same with fighting abyss mages, his smaller form was too much of a disadvantage. Thus you ended up doing most of his paperwork.
• One time you caught him sitting on the floor couldn't reach his office desk  while reading away the various books for a cure. It was three in the morning. You told him it was way past his bedtime and he argues saying when did he ever have a curfew schedule. In the end you managed to convince him and he begrudgingly obliges.
• The type to NOT ask for help even when it's obvious that he really needs it. Before he was the one who helped you reach things from the top shelves, oh how the tables have turned. He avoids Kaeya like a plague unless he was in it for another round of funny remarks. When he wanted to go out and get some fresh air, you insisted on accompanying him. Worst mistake in his life. A travelling merchant bumps into you and commented that you had a very cute son. Diluc was mortified.
• The day ended up with him sulking in his room. Although it was tempting, you resisted from cooing over his adorable form after days of treating him like a child. It wasn't because you were teasing him, Diluc just works so hard that you wanted to spoil him a bit. At least he could still play a game of chess with you.
• When things went back to normal, Diluc ensures that you will NOT see him as your son.
• "Well look who it is, my little Prince Kaeya~"
• Tries really hard not be bothered by it at all. Kaeya still maintains his suave facade, throwing in a couple of flirting lines here and there (and forcing his voice to go a few octaves too low in which puberty has yet to occur HA). Though no matter what approach, he couldn't ignore the sparkling mischievious glint in your eye. You were obviously not taking him seriously.
• Things couldn't get any worse. He lost his masculine physique and boob window, he wasn't able to go to certain places without supervision. But the worst thing of all was that he was underaged. Kaeya hated the fact he couldn't drink anymore, he even insisted you to sneak him a few bottles (which you refused) and had to settle with plain beverages such as fruit juice (what an insult). He was never really grounded since his childhood days but he certainly felt like he was grounded now. 
• Kaeya still kisses you on the lips whether you like it or not. If you ask him to sit on your lap, he will find a way to turn the position into his favour such as resting his face between your breasts. You're not gonna treat him like a kid, nuh-uh, he actively avoids it.
• Since his personality still remains, Kaeya is a naughty child. He will use his innocent appearance to sway people (even you) to get what he wants. That was how he was able to take a sip of the wine he stole somewhere (he wouldn't tell you). Diluc scolded him heavily and threatened to ban him from drinking from his Tavern for a week (they ended up arguing, Kaeya being the passive aggressive little shit he is).
• He was extremely relieved to return back to his normal form again. He has so much to catch up (specifically his bedtime activities with you *wink wonk*)
• "Hmmm to be honest, this actually suits you very much."
• Unlike the other boys, Childe was completely okay with it. Turns out that YOU were the one who was not going to be okay. If you thought taking care of Teucer was energy-draining then expect Childe to take that tenfold and beyond.
• You've officially became his full-time babysitter who is in desperate need of a raise (and rest). You can't take your eyes off of him and archons forbid that he will ever meet Klee. One point he'll be running ahead by your side and the next you'll find him getting himself in a 1vs7 situation with some shady looking treasure hoarders. Childe genuinely thinks he could take them on but the curse downgraded his abilities. You carried him and barely made out of it alive. (This made you ponder whether the best solution would be to strap him against a chair for the time being…)
• Childe being a child will eat all the candies and ice cream he pleases. You wonder if the curse also turned him a few years back or was it that he acts like this simply because he wanted to (it was the latter). He loves being spoiled, spoiled by you! Childe demands your full attention, spoon-feeding his meals, back rubs and head pats. Yep, he's definitely doing this on purpose.
• Did he just call you 'mommy'? (Childe has mommy kink confirmed).  He has so much energy that it was exhausting, you literally had to drag him away from what ever he was doing in order to get him to bed. "No Childe, your sleeping time is 9p.m stop whining." He bargained that he'll sleep if you sleep beside him (you didn't get any sleep. You knew what he was planning. In the end, you tried to make sure he didn't sneak out behind your back.)
• Finally you were able to get out of that hell-hole. Childe promised to make it up to you, you deserve it after all~
Small (aka Xiao)
• "Did you know in the Liyuean language, Xiao translates to small?" You didn't say that out loud. Not when he's this angry (this angy)
• He just stands there, crossing his arms and grumbling. You were hesitant to touch him in case he might hiss at you. Xiao has always been short, maybe an inch taller than you, but seeing him like this made you think 'my almighty yaksha can't be this cute♡'
• He gets mad when you no longer call his name for help. How could you? He's just so precious~ Xiao makes it clear that no matter what form he takes, it doesn't make him weak ("Adepti and you mortals are nothing alike." Or so he says but you could tell he wasn't running as fast as he used to because…small legs). You may not comment on it aloud but he can tell just by the look on your face and it irritates him.
• Also the type to not ask for help but worse. Xiao is an agressive little kid, he seems as if he'll be willing to bite someone's finger off if they try to pet him (He gives strong cat vibes, so thats understandable). His spear was too big for him to wield so he often has to put it away or else he might knock someone over with it. Xiao hates being short so you'll be hearing him complain alot.
• Since he was an adepti, he didn't need to sleep however, the curse must have brought down his power by a significant amount to the point you DID catch him napping. You almost swooned out loud just by taking a glance upon his face. For once he didn't wear his signature grumpy look. Xiao appears like a normal child, one full of innocence. His snoring was soft and breathly but that just meant he was deep asleep. (You wished to take a picture). 
• Of course, everything had to come to an end (much to your disappointment), he still complains about the incident to this day.
• How is it possible for a baby to still look so handsome? (Must be his godly abilities)
• Zhongli is unfazed by this 'curse' since his past lives have already taken many forms. Though for some reason whenever he walks down the streets of Liyue, young girls, mothers, ladies all come him was and start complimenting him and gushing over him (he was suffocating). They'd squeeze him tight or squish his cheeks, it only takes once glance before the little girls start blushing and hiding behind their moms.
• Needless to say, despite what form he is in, Zhongli is still able to get free stuff. He got some free candies and some free kites to play with. You had to help him carry his items. Zhongli ends up tripping too much because his tailcoat reached his feet (he decided to just take it off. You had to hold that too). Seems like he can have anyone do things for him in the end HA.
• He still got that drippy voice and you're just like ???? "What on Teyvat Zhongli, you're a kid." This is why you can't see him as one, its nearly impossible.
• Actively avoids Hu Tao and Childe. Once Hu Tao caught sight of him and chased him for hours, he couldn't stay in one spot knowing that she might just pop out of no where. Childe still spoils him, however Zhongli feels irritated by the fact the only things Childe buys him toys (its different when other people do it.)
• Everytime you guys go back strolling through Liyue, you had to hold his hand in case more women come swarming hin again. You swear that at this rate he might get kidnapped because hes just such a beautiful baby.
• Zhongli learned an important lesson after his curse was lifted: no matter how many years he lives throughout  never take a form of a child.
• You find him buried beneath a pile of books and had to dig him out before he suffocates.
• Albedo has the cutest eyes, they're big and round full of curiosity and they sparkle too (he has the prettiest eyes out of everyone tbh). He is the only person who is fascinated by this outcome and immediately goes in the wild to test out his new physique. 
• He was always curious why Klee T-poses when she runs so he decided to try it out himself. She was thrilled to find out that she now has a little brother to play with. In the end, Albedo indulges in the games she always wanted to play but couldn't because he was too old: princess dress up tea parties.
• You felt many things when you saw Albedo wearing a frilly gown and a plastic tiara tucked on his head. Deep down you knew regardless of what gender Albedo was still pretty. Klee even had the guts to redo his hair and hardly anyone was able to recognize it was him at all. He has pigtails, PIGTAILS! You made sure to burn that image into the very depths of your mind forever.
• The only advantage was the he was ablw to fit through small spaces, other than that, being small was way too inconvenient. He knocked down a few of his potion bottles which damaged the floor (thankfully not him) because they were lethal (he wonders how Klee was able to not injure herself when using bombs). You carried him and lifted him to alot of places such as trudging through the snow because Albedo would surely fall on his face due to his small form.
• Enough was enough, he only lasted a day with this and decided to just make a potion and put an end to the curse once and for all. 
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dilf-whore · 3 years ago
nail art
pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader
genre: established relationship!, fluff
summary: eddie asks you to do his nails
A/N: i think we can all agree that eddie would really enjoy painting his nails lol. also let me know your thoughts/comments on this short fic 💙
requested: no
requests are OPEN
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You lay down beside Eddie in your room, legs tangled to one another and your fingers brushing over Eddie’s chest softly as he talks about his campaign last night. His voice is low but full of interest and delight, D&D has always been his escape from harsh reality which is why he treasures the fantasy game so much.
“And the young ones: Dustin, Mike, and Lucas, they- oh wow, your nails are so pretty” he gets distracted and grabs your hand on his chest and look at your newly done nails, it had black and white stars over a nude base color. “Thanks, I did it myself” you reply. “Really? Y/N, that’s so cool! Do you think you can do mine?” he asks.
You hurry to your drawer and grab the necessary items you’ll use. You motion Eddie to sit on the floor and you settle your things beside you, “I already have an idea for your nails, I’m thinking of putting Hellfire’s logo. What do you think?” you ask, grabbing some alcohol pads, nail file, and buffer to prep his nails. “I was actually gonna ask you to do the same thing” he chuckles.
“Let’s start!” you begin by trimming his nails down, then you buff and file his nails followed by cleaning the dusts off with an alcohol pad.
You grab the black polish and start painting his nails, then white on his middle and ring fingers. Eddie stays as stiff as possible so you won’t have a hard time and mess up. He glances at you ever so often with so much adoration, you looked so cute all focused on working his nails, your pretty eyes filled with so much concentration.
The base colors have dried after around 15 minutes, you grab your brush for lining and start on his white nails. You start Hellfire’s logo on his middle finger, you pull his hand closer to you so you could see clearer, his nail beds are bigger than yours which makes it easier to do nail art on them. Eddie tilts his head to the side to see your progress clearer, wow. he thought to himself. You’re so good and not to mention artistic as well. You then draw a dice on his index finger and let it dry as you work on his other hand.
After a long 3 hours his nails are finally finished and fully dried, you pack your things and put them back in your drawer while Eddie just stands there staring at his nails with a huge smile on his face. “Y/N, baby, my love, you’re so amazing. This is just so cool, you’re cool. I want them to stay forever, how long will they last?” he rambles, his eyes never leaving his nails.
You put the last of your nail art materials in the drawer and close it, “thank you, Eddie. Don’t worry they’ll stay on you for quite a time, give or take 2-3 weeks. I used gel polish so they’re pretty tough” you reply as you approach him. He faces you and squeeze your cheeks, causing your lips to pucker. he places a quick peck on them.
“You’re so talented. I love you”
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jerzwriter · 3 years ago
New Horizons
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Title:                    New Horizons   Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing:               Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan-Ramsey) Rating:                General Category:            Fluff   Warnings:           None Summary:           It’s Kaycee’s last day at Edenbrook. While a friend is there to support her, Ethan and Emma are there to take her home. Words:                 1273 A/N:                     I dedicate this fic to @dorisz , who made this absolutely precious edit of Ethan, Kaycee, and little Emma for me. I think she heard me squeal halfway around the globe! Dori, you are a treasure, my friend!          A/N 2: This is a HC about Kaycee's future career plans. This may be of interest to some who read the story. (Please note, I have not had a chance to update the name yet, so if you see "Casey" it's the same character.)        Participating in @choicesjuly2022challenge   Day 30 Domesticity
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The sun was streaming through Kaycee's office window, the patterns of light forming on her desk so familiar they felt like a visitor from an old friend. Closing her eyes, she took a moment to bask in its warmth, relishing the comfort of the familiar while surrounded by so much change. 
A knock on the door broke her from her reverie. 
"Harper," Kaycee smiled, "come on it."
"I’m glad I caught you. This place looks so….”
“Empty,” Kaycee sighed. “It’s so hard to believe.”
“Yes. It truly is. Any second thoughts? Maybe you can stay. I do have an in with the Chief,” Harper smiled.
“Really, Chief Emery. Now, I think you know my decision is final.”
The two women laughed cordially, but a feeling of poignancy filled the air as Harper took a seat across from Kaycee for the last of their late afternoon chats in Edenbrook. 
“And, as much as I hate losing you, I couldn’t be happier that it is. Kaycee, you have created something bigger than yourself! The clinic will be a blessing for the underserved in our community. You should be extremely proud of yourself, and heaven knows we all are.”
“I know, and I am proud and so excited about the things we will be able to accomplish. It’s just,” she let out a deep sigh and swiveled in her chair. “I never realized just how much I would miss this place. In recent days, I feel like my time here has passed before my eyes, and it’s just so hard to believe. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was practically a baby when I first walked through these doors, and now….”
Harper nodded toward a picture frame, the last unpacked item on Kaycee’s desk. “And now, you have a baby of your own.”
“Yes,” Kaycee’s face warmed with pride as she clutched the frame against her chest. “I do… but enough about Ethan.”
Harper broke into a fit of laughter as the man himself entered through the door; a sweet little cherub held his hand and wobbled in at his side.
“When I hear my name followed by Harper cackling, I know no good can be taking place.”
“Oh, it’s all good, Ethan,” Harper assured, readily ignoring him to focus on the little beauty at his side. “Hello, Emma! Come here, give your Aunt Harper a hug.”
“Da-ta-da-ah-da-ta-dah!” Emma sang as she waddled into Harper's waiting arms.
“How does she get more beautiful every time I see her?”
Ethan shot an adoring gaze at his wife, “You’ll have to ask her, Mom. Clearly, it’s her genes and not mine.”
“Of course! No one suggested otherwise, Ethan,” Harper grinned.
“Wow! Suddenly I’m not so sad about Kaycee leaving. At least I’ll just have one of you ribbing me now!”
“Oh, don’t worry!” Harper assured, “Tobias will be more than happy to pick up any slack left behind. Don’t you agree, Kaycee?”
But when Harper swung around, she found her friend and colleague clutching a tissue and peering out the window on the verge of tears. Ethan nodded after he and Harper exchanged a knowing look.
“You know, if it’s OK with the two of you, I’m going to show this little angel off to the nurses. They always love seeing her! Would that be all right?”
“Oh,” Kaycee startled, “yes, of course. Just let me give Emma a little kiss first.”
Kaycee leaned over her desk, and Emma’s chubby little hands tangled in her Mommy’s hair as she lavished her with kisses. 
“OK, little miss, let’s go show you off! We’ll be back very soon, Mommy!”
Ethan was already standing behind his wife, his arms lovingly encircling her waist, when Harper closed the door. Kaycee took a deep breath as she leaned back into his embrace, cherishing the reassuring kisses he placed on the top of her head. 
“How are you doing, dear,” he whispered.
“It’s really my last day here,” she cried. “I’m leaving.”
“Yes, you are. To do amazing things!”
“I know,” she turned around into his arms to face him, mindlessly toying with his lapel as memories flooded her thoughts. “It’s just, this has been my home.”
“And it always will be. But you’ve done all you can here. The youngest person to ever become a fellow and then a member of the diagnostic team. Creating a specialty diagnostic unit for women and children. Implementing vast improvements to our community clinic until you realized you could do better striking out with that on your own.”
Kaycee smiled when she felt her husband's chest rise, his eyes aglow with utter pride.
“I always knew you were something special, Rookie, but look at you now. It is such an honor to be your husband.”
“Hmm,” Kaycee grinned. “I bet that’s one thing you didn’t expect me to accomplish when we met in that lobby all those years ago.”
“No,” he chuckled, “I most certainly didn’t. But having you as my wife and that beautiful little girl as our daughter, they’re my greatest accomplishments, bar none.”
“I bet you say that to all the girls,” Kaycee teased.
“Yes,” he guffawed. “I tell all my wives and mothers of my children the same thing.”
Ethan sat on the desk and held Kaycee close, sharing one last lingering embrace that neither wished to break.
“Come on,” he finally spoke, “we should go. Have you packed everything?”
“Yes,” she replied. “Everything but that.”
A warm smile spread on Ethan’s face as he lifted the frame from her desk, lovingly staring at the image of their little family. Wrapping it carefully in packing paper, he placed it on top of the small cardboard box on her desk.
“That will always be one of my favorite pictures,” he stated.
“Mine too, and I already have a place set for it in my new office.”
“I knew you would. Think of it, I’ll be staring at my copy, and you’ll be staring at the same picture across town.”
“And Emma has the same picture in her cubby at daycare,” Kaycee reminded him.
“That’s right, just one more thing that unites us until we’re all back home where we belong.”
Kaycee exhaled a cleansing breath. Change was frightening, but she was confident, there was nothing they couldn’t accomplish as long as they had each other. The silence was broken by the soft mewls coming through the door.
“Emma!” Kaycee consoled as her arms reached for her little girl. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“She’s had enough of this place,” Harper insisted. “She’s ready to go see her Mommy’s new office.”
“Is that what it is,” Kaycee smiled. Emma’s tears stopped flowing the moment she was back in her mother’s arms. 
“Of course,” Ethan beamed, “That’s where she’s going to spend time, watching her mother accomplish the most incredible things.”
“He’s not wrong,” Harper agreed. “Now, I know you two, and you’ll drag this out needlessly. I’m still your boss for another twenty minutes, so I’m exercising my authority and ordering you out! Ethan – pick up that box and take your family home.”
Harper clutched Kaycee’s arm with a broad smile.
“Your work here is done. You did good! I’ll give you three a few moments alone.”
Bouncing Emma on her hip, Kaycee slowly turned around, taking in her office one last time.
“Well, I guess that’s it. Ready to go home, Ethan?”
Ethan lifted the box and met his wife by the door, placing a soft kiss on her lips, then another on Emma’s forehead.   
“I’m ready to leave,” he smiled tenderly, “But I’m already home, Kaycee. I’m with the two of you.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @differenttyphoonwerewolff @dorisz @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @parisa-kh @peonierose @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @rosebuddee @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfiction @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices @kachrisberry @fayeswiftie @choiceskatie @ofmischiefandmedicine @tessa-liam
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @onikaloverr @peonyblossom @toadfrog26 @jerzwriter2
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I Can’t Say Anything to Your Face
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Summary: Lunchtime is Spencer Reid’s favorite time of day and not because of the crappy endless coffee, dry sandwiches, or the occasional chocolate donut. Spencer’s favorite time of day comes in the shape of a little post it notes and fits perfectly into his heart.
Pairing: Spencer x Female Reader
Content: Fluff (1 use of a$$)
Author’s Note: The idea of for this came from @shemarmooresfedora for giving Spencer compliment cards
Word Count: 2.6 K
I Can't Say Anything To Your Face
When Spencer checks his watch for the twelfth time that day, he can practically feel Derek’s eyes roll. He tries to cover up his action by picking at his sleeve, but that just seems to draw attention to the situation. Derek raises his eyebrows at Spencer, as if to tell him, I saw that.
When it comes to teasing Spencer, Derek doesn’t miss a beat.
The team, minus Derek and Spencer, continue to work diligently. JJ walks back and forth from her office to Hotch’s, constantly shuffling through piles and piles of paperwork. Emily seems to keep herself busy with the 33 tabs that she has open on her screen. Y/N, who’s tongue slips out of her teeth in concentration, doesn’t look up from her mound of case files. Spencer likes studying how each of the members of his team works, but he particularly likes to watch Y/N. She always sticks her tongue out when she’s deep in thought. Sometimes she’ll close her eyes and rub the butt of her palm against them. Other times she’ll push her glasses up on top of her head and her hair frames her face perfectly. Spencer couldn’t care less what she looked like or how she wore her hair, but watching her was his favorite part of the day.
In a totally platonic, non-creepy way.
A beep distracts Spencer from being distracted by Y/N. It’s an IM from Derek, telling him something to the effect of asking Y/N out. Instead of responding, Spencer decides to send Derek a more direct message. He shuts off his computer, which isn’t really used, besides for Y/N to send Spencer requests for online scrabble.
Spencer, ignoring Derek’s gloating, walks from the bullpen into the team’s lunch room. It’s a small kitchenette with a couple tables, a very old coffee machine, and an even older refrigerator. Peeking into the refrigerator, Spencer takes out two lunch boxes. One is light green with patterned purple and orange dinosaurs all over and the other is a light blue with green plants. Like clockwork, Y/N rounds the corner with a smile plastered to her face.
“What’s got you smiling like that?” Spencer asks, placing his lunch box down across from Y/N’s seat.
“It’s just my favorite time of day,” Y/N responds, unzipping her bag and taking out her banana, water bottle, granola, and turkey sandwich.
Spencer tries to hold back his smile at Y/N saying that lunch is her favorite time of day. He likes to believe that it’s because of him and not because of the top tier kitchen facility the government provides for them. But who’s he kidding, there’s no way that lunch is Y/N favorite part of the day because of Spencer when he’s up against a crappy coffee maker.
“Did you know that sandwiches were only called sandwiches because the Earl of Sandwich ate his meals with bread, meat and cheese like modern day sandwiches? However, there’s much debate if sandwiches existed prior to this. Researchers actually believe that sandwiches were simply referred to as bread and meat or bread cheese, depending on the ingredients. There’s hundreds of works of literature that help to determine this,” Spencer says, as he unwraps his leftovers from dinner the previous night.
Y/N, who takes a bite of her turkey sandwich, listens intently to Spencer’s oral history of sandwiches. She starts to respond to Spencer, but before she can even get the chance, Derek interjects into the conversation.
“Hold your horses, there Reid,” Derek says, his voice tainted with sarcasm and Spencer braces himself for a clipping comment, “you don’t want to scare away the newbie,”
Y/N, ever quick witted, rolls her eyes dramatically at Derek. She gets up and moves her seat closer to Spencer who’s heart rate, at the thought of her sitting even closer to him, speeds up. He knows that it's just an effort to tease Derek. That she'd rather suffer next to Spencer, than to have to entertain the idea of sitting next to Derek. But still, Spencer is a dreamer; he'd like to think she'd sit next to him even without the added bonus at avoiding Derek's playful teasing.
“Derek, leave Spencer alone, I happen to adore his facts. You know, I’ve seen I’ve been here I’ve been a Jeopardy beast. And when are you going to realize that I’m not a newbie, I’ve been here for what 2 years-”
“2 years, 4 months, and 4 days,” Spencer says, cursing himself silently for interrupting Y/N.
Derek grabs his lunch from the refrigerator, and sits down across from Spencer and Y/N.
“You remember the day I started?” Y/N asks, turning her attention from Derek to Spencer, whose face is twisted in what he can only assume is an extremely unattractive deer-in-head-lights look. He shrugs off Y/N’s comment, as if to say it’s just normal for him.
"Of course I do, I remember how long each of us has been here,"
"Oh, right. Eidetic Memory," Y/N mumbles, almost like she's slightly disappointed in something.
Suddenly Spencer’s mouth is quite dry; he reaches into his lunch bag to grab his water bottle, but his fingers brush across a small card taped to the outside. Forgetting that showing the card to Morgan would give him enough ammunition for the rest of day, Spencer quickly scans the card. It’s a small piece of paper, but it suddenly has become Spencer’s most treasured object. More than the set of Chaucer tales that his mother gave him, or Gideon’s watch, or his first microscope that his biology teacher in high school gave him at his graduation.
The one side of the card is decorated in small hearts and there’s a sketch of a dinosaur on the other side. In careful handwriting, the giver of the card wrote “Are you made of Nickel, Cerium, Arsenic, and Sulfur? Because you got a NiCe AsS!”
Spencer’s eyes grow a couple sizes once his brain registers the meaning of the card. Handling it less than gracefully, he chokes on his water, which catches Derek and Y/N’s attention.
“You okay there, Spence?’ Derek asks, questioning what sent Spencer coughing and choking on water like that.
Spencer, not wanting Y/N or Derek, especially Derek, to read the card, attempts to put it in the front pocket of his lunch box. Unfortunately, Derek catches sight of the card and snatches it out of Spencer’s hand.
“Derek!” Spencer whines.
He can feel his embarrassment deepen as Morgan’s smile grows. Spencer seriously thinks that this is how he’s going to die. His death, being in his line of work, is something that plagues his thoughts from time to time, but any gory hero’s death pales in comparison to Derek Morgan reading Spencer’s love notes about his ass.
“Nice ass? I’m not too sure about this, Reid, but looks like your secret lover likes your ass just as much as your brains,” Derek teases, handing back Spencer his card.
“Those are private,” Spencer says, grateful that Derek’s going to leave him alone, places the card back in it’s temporary resting spot near his driver’s license and photographs of him and Y/N at the arcade.
“Hey man, I was just going to put in that shoe box you have tucked under your desk, you must have hundreds of them by now,” Derek says, taking a bite of his ham and cheese wrap. His eyes dash between Spencer and Y/N, like the pair of them is the most entertaining reality show he could think of.
“I have 645, now,” Spencer says, unable to help himself much to Derek’s amusement. Spencer hears the chair next to him screech and Y/N rushes to pack up her half eaten lunch.
“I completely forgot, Anderson needs me to uh, help him with something,” Y/N says, stuffing her water bottle into her lunch box in a flustered state. Spencer watches as she rushes, her need to leave the kitchenette quite evident. Spencer is left wondering why she has to go see Anderson, of all people.
“Anderson? What does he want with you? I don’t remember Hotch saying anything about that,” Spencer says, his voice comes off a little more bitter than he indented.
“Maybe Anderson has some extracurriculars that he needs Y/N’s help with Spencer,” Derek says with a wink. Spencer’s brow tightens and his blush deepens as if he’s trying to decipher the way that Derek’s voice is laced with suggestion. The only logical conclusion is that Y/N is flustered because she’s sneaking off to see Anderson, because she likes him.
Y/N likes Anderson? Something about that doesn’t taste right in Spencer’s mouth.
Like the wind, Y/N is gone and all that remains is Derek’s sly chuckle.
“What!” Spencer says, much too loud for him to continue the coy and unassuming demeanor he usually produces when Y/N gets hit on at the bar or on case by local cops.
“Nothing, Reid. You're just clueless. Just think about how many of those little compliment cards you’ve gotten,” Derek says. He reaches into Spencer’s lunch box and takes his brownie. Usually, Spencer would have protested, but Derek’s words sent him into a confused spiral.
“645,” Spencer responds.
“Okay,” Derek continues, “645 days you’ve gotten those cute little cards in your lunch box or taped to your hotel room door on cases. Now, Reid think. How many years, months, and days, is 645 days”
“That’s 2 years, 4 months, and 3 days,” Spencer starts, “now given if it’s a Leap Year that could change it a little bit bit-”
“Think about it Reid,” Derek says, talking slowly to get the words sink in and hoping that he doesn’t have to spell it out for him.
“Y/N?” Spencer asks, kind of like he can’t believe it, but desperately wants to believe it at the same time.
“Y/N,” Derek repeats, “I’m surprised it’s taken you this long, Reid. She’s been making eyes at you the day she’s gotten here. It’s almost sickening to watch you to dance around each other,”
“Y/N,” Spencer says, it’s like he’s saying her name for the first time. It’s the most beautiful string of syllables to ever come from his lips.
Spencer pushes back the chair and swings the door open. As he walks to Y/N’s desk he gets distracted by the little brown shoe box that sticks out slightly from under his desk. He crouches down and picks it up, hoping that it can be helpful. He approaches Y/N’s desk, but JJ stops him before he can go closer.
“Stairwell,” Is all she says before she brushes past with an armful of case files. Spencer, heading JJ’s advice, practically runs to the stairwell. As he approaches he can hear quiet sobs, which he can only imagine are Y/N’s.
Spencer opens the door and Y/N, startled, stands up and tries to mop the tears away from her face.
“Spencer, oh god, I didn’t know you were here, I’m okay, it’s just me being a little silly,” she says, trying to laugh through what she can only assume is going to be rejection.
“I really hope you don’t think these are silly, well some are kind of silly, but others were very poetic,” Spencer says, taking a step forward and gesturing with the shoe box to make it obvious to Y/N that he’s talking about the compliment cards.
“What are you talking about, Spencer?” Y/N says, feigning ignorance.
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N. You're much too smart to play dumb,” Spencer says, moving closer to Y/N so he can wipe her tear-stricken face with the sleeve of his soft cardigan. He tries not to focus on the way that Y/N seems to melt into his touch. He knows that if he can get another touch of that, he’ll never want to touch another person ever again.
“I’m not playing dumb, Spence. I just never planned for you to find out,” Y/N mumbles. Spencer’s face resembles a mix between shock and confusion.
“Why would you not tell me, I don’t think I made it anything but obvious that I’m crazy about you,” Spencer says, deeply wondering why Y/N would ever hide something like this from him.
“God Spencer, have you ever looked in a mirror?” Y/N asks him, sitting down on the third step, “you’re so gorgeous, Spencer, I can’t say anything to your face. So the next best thing was to write down everything that I wanted to say to you,” Y/N finishes, a little embarrassed. She tries to hide that embarrassment by not making eye contact with Spencer, who sits down next to her.
“You think I’m gorgeous?” Spencer asks, not entirely sure that he heard her correctly.
Y/N peaks at him with teary eyes and a runny nose. Spencer thanks science and the universe for his Eidetic Memory. He knows that there won’t be a single day of his life that he won’t want to think back to this day and remember the way that Y/N looked when she first told him that she thinks he’s gorgeous.
“I think you’re the most beautiful person that I’ve ever seen,” Y/N says breathily, her voice laced with restraint. She’s terrified of rejection, terrified that Spencer will turn her down still.
“That’s the first time I’ve heard that,” Spencer says, equally as quiet and equally as terrified. He notices that Y/N’s hand creeps closer to his. Spencer is itching to intertwine it to his and never let go.
“You deserve to hear it more often, hence the cards,” Y/N explains, moving her hand even more closer to Spencer’s. He has no choice but to wrap his much larger one in Y/N’s smaller one.
“You meant it, right?” Spencer asks, bravely putting her heart out there on the line, “because if you did Y/N, that I’d really like to kiss you right now. But if you didn’t then that’s-”
Spencer tries to finish the sentence, to give Y/N an out, but somehow she doesn’t take it. Somehow she decides to kiss him.
Spencer has kissed a total of three people in his entire life, but none of them ever mattered again the second he feels Y/N’s lips against his and her hands in his hair. Spencer doesn’t complain when Y/N starts to set the pace. Her lips roam across his face. They venture across his jaw, up closer to his nose and then back down to his lips. Spencer had no clue Y/N can kiss like this. It's a little passionate for a first kiss, but maybe it's just the pent up tension and frustration 2 years in the making finally being let out. He's dreamt of the way that Y/N's pillowy lips would feel when they were finally pressed up against his. Spencer, from the fibers that make him up to the hormones that surge throughout his body, tries to be brave. He places his hands so they rest on Y/N’s neck. He’s not passive, but he’s happy to sit back and let Y/N have her way as she continues her feverish assault on his lips.
Her ministrations are interrupted, however, when the box of cards falls from Spencer’s lap. It seems to remind both of them that they are in the stairwell of the FBI making out like over zealous teenagers for the first time. Y/N lets out a small giggle. Spencer wishes he can write down the feeling it gives him and tuck it away safely in a shoe box.
“I hope you know that those compliments aren’t platonic, Spencer. I really do think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met,” Y/N says, her fingers gravitating to the brown curls behind Spencer’s ears. He has the softest, silkiest hair she’s ever felt.
“That’s a good thing, Y/N, because you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met,”
Standing up, Y/N winks and pecks Spencer on the cheek, “I hate to break it to you, darling, but I think I win when it comes compliments,”
--Thank you for reading--
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matwith1t · 4 years ago
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A/N: Back with angst 👊 Fair warning, this fic is pure angst. All of it 🔪 It’s heavily inspired by Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, and it’s the fic where I project my fear of staying stagnant in life (oops). I have a somewhat working outline for a part 2, but I’d love to know your thoughts!! Also, this fic has a brief smut scene, so if you’re not 18+ hop on over to my masterlist for something else !
Summary: Your long-term relationship with Mat brought you more happiness than anything else in the world. But one day, something in your gut felt different, an emotion that you couldn’t quite place felt off. And maybe, that feeling was the catalyst for you wanting a change in life.
MASTERLIST | LET’S CHAT 🥂 | Mat Barzal x Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, Smut, Swearing // WC: 11.2K // Angst
The sun felt warm against your face and the grass beneath you tickled your ankles. With the month of May nearing its end, the sweet smell of spring could still be detected in the air during the seasonal transition to summer. From a distance, the soft sounds of children laughing while running through the park tugged your lips upward into a small smile.
A sense of ease flooded your body as you laid directly on the grass with your arms tucked behind your head. The vital force that came with being outside in the springtime energized your body to the point where you felt your body produce more natural endorphins. You treasured the outdoors––it would always remain a sacred place for you––but as you laid upon the grass, an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach clawed its way up at a deliberately slow, and unwarranted, pace.
It felt like a secret message your body was trying to communicate with you, but you didn’t have the tools on how to decode it.
The feeling came in and out, like ocean tides, but you did your best to push it aside when the uneasiness surfaced. So far, everything in your life had been smooth sailing––everything had been going according to plan––so you never paid that feeling any attention.
There wasn’t anything in your life that you wanted to change.
With a deep breath, you tried to inhale as much of the fresh spring air as possible.
“Hey, sleepy.”
With one eye squinted open, you brought a hand from behind your head to shield the sun rays from blinding your face. And when your vision adjusted to the sunlight, you saw your boyfriend at an upside down angle. In his arms he held a blanket as he waved down at you. A smile instantly graced your lips as you shut both of your eyes, before opening them slowly.
As Mat shook out the blanket before spreading it out on the grass, you sat up, and stuck your legs straight out, “You’re a bit late.”
Without looking at you, Mat rolled his eyes, “Practice ran late.”
When the blanket was laid out on the grass, Mat sat down and patted the spot next to him. With a smile, you made your way to sit next to him. Your smile widened when you saw he already had an arm raised for you to tuck yourself into his side.
“It was a morning practice,” you looked up at him through your eyelashes, “It’s nearly four in the afternoon.”
With adoration in his eyes shining just as bright as the spring sun, you felt yourself fall more in love with him. His hand dangled over your shoulder as he  lazily traced circles on your upper arm, “Tito wanted ice-cream.”
A laugh of amusement, mixed with disbelief, escaped your lips as you placed both hands on his chest to push him away, “You liar.”  
With your shove, Mat tightened his arm around your shoulder as the two of you fell backward on the blanket laughing. As you laid on your side, Mat readjusted his arm around you, with your head on his shoulder. His sweatshirt felt soft, and his chest continued to shake with laughter.
“Practice did run late,” Mat reiterated his first point, to which you only hummed in acknowledgement, “And then Tito said he wanted ice-cream, but he wanted to go to this specific shop.” Mat placed a kiss on your temple, “Would’ve told him to go alone if I knew how much time it’d take.”
Again, you hummed, as you rested a hand on his stomach, “Did you at least tell your boyfriend that your girlfriend said hi?”
Mat scoffed at your remark and poked your stomach in retaliation. You laughed at his childish behavior and moved a bit down the blanket so your head now rested just below his heart. He pulled you closer to him, and with your face nuzzled into his sweatshirt, you took a deep breath and savored how much his sweatshirt smelled like home to you.
He smelled almost as good as spring.
The hand that you had on his stomach rose up and down with his even breathing. And as you laid outside on the grass, surrounded by the spring air and the person you loved most in your life, you felt nothing but peace. Comfortable silence wasn’t uncommon in your relationship. While his voice soothed your most anxious thoughts… hearing the birds sing their melodies, listening in on the slight rustle of tree leaves whenever the wind blew, and the sound of steady breathing, paired with Mat’s slightly faster heartbeat, was more calming than anything.
“I can’t wait until that’s us.”
You peered up at Mat to see his vision locked in on something to his right. In order to see what he was referring to, you propped your chin up on his chest. It didn’t take you long to see that something was really a someone. And upon squinting to get a better look, that someone turned out to be a man, woman, and a child.
Your only response to him was a hum as you traced shapes on his stomach, hoping that your touch was strong enough to distract him from the conversation you knew he was about to bring up.
“I love you,” his words were strong, not faltering in the slightest, as he stared down at you with a promising look in his eyes. He picked up your hand––ultimately putting a stop to what you had hoped would distract him from this exact conversation––and pressed a delicate kiss to your knuckles, “So much.”
Mat gently placed your still connected hands on his stomach as you craned your neck up to press a kiss to his cheek, “I love you, too.”
He squeezed your hand twice, a look of amazement in his eyes as he stared up at the sky with a soft smile, “In a few months, It’ll be six years since we’ve been together.”
Your head softly fell back onto his chest as you nodded. Because while you’ll be celebrating six years of officially being in a relationship, the two of you had known each other much longer. He was the annoying kid at the end of the cul-de-sac who chased you around front yards and threatened to give you cooties. And you were the little girl who ran away from him, pretending to be disgusted whenever he got too close, but secretly loved his attention.
And that’s when your crush on him began.
From playing group games with other kids at neighborhood block parties, pairing up to sit next to each other on the bus in elementary school during field trips, to Mat asking you to the winter formal in eighth grade on a dare…Your infatuation towards him only grew.
By the time you were both eighteen, Mat realized his feelings, and asked you out on a date.
Playing games with other kids went to spending one-on-one time with Mat on dates. Sitting next to each other on the school bus as little kids went to Mat picking you up in his car as teenagers. And going to dances together was no longer the end product of a dare.
Even when Mat went to Seattle to play hockey, the two of you still kept the connection while you stayed in Canada. The four years of University were easier; with Mat playing for the New York Islanders, and your top choice for school was in New York City, it didn’t take more than a second thought to accept the offer.
As if Mat had the same memories playing on an endless loop in his head, he let out a relaxed breath, “I can’t wait until we buy a house, tell our kids how we met, and take them to this park.”
The uncomfortable familiar feeling you felt earlier in the afternoon creeped up your stomach, “You really have it all planned out.”
“I have our life,” he squeezed your hand as he made a point to emphasize a shared future between the two of you, “planned out.”
You were positive he could feel your heartbeat increase. And while the pounding of your heart could easily be mistaken for the heightened feelings you felt whenever you were near Mat, you knew something else was causing this distress. There was no one in the world you loved more than Mat. You loved your family because they were family, but you made a conscious decision to love him. And despite some hardships, he chose to love you as well.
But thinking about the future made you squirm.
A future with Mat was all you ever desired. You knew he was the one person in the universe made for you when you were halfway through university. And you were pretty sure Mat knew you were his person by the fourth date.
You still kept some of your notebooks that had doodles in the margin. The psychology notebook from junior year of high school had Mat Barzal, with hearts dotting around his name, in every blank space. And even in university, your senior year thesis notebook had script writing of your name paired with his last name, so you could practice a potential new signature for the future.
Since the seventh grade, this was everything you daydreamed about with Mat; a future together. Happiness always fogged up your mind whenever you thought about a lifetime together with him, you wanted this, but everything felt like it was approaching faster than anticipated. And the undisclosed feeling in the pit of your stomach wasn’t going away no matter how hard you tried to only think about a happy future with Mat.
Wanting to feel anything other than whatever made your stomach churn, you leaned up to press a lingering kiss to Mat’s jaw. Then you pressed another kiss to his neck, and another further down at the base of his throat. With each kiss you pressed to his skin, the feeling subsided more.
When you detached your lips from his skin and sat up, you heard him let out a discontent hum. With his eyes closed, he wasn’t aware of the adoration in your eyes as you looked down at him. You studied everything about his face; the slight pink coloring on his cheeks despite it almost being summertime, the downward curve on the bridge of his nose, and how he somehow still had a slight smile on his face when he wasn’t awake.
A satisfied silent sigh passed through your lips as your index finger trailed across his silver chain. The jewelry felt cold on your fingertips, but with the way Mat still had a hand holding onto yours, your whole body burned like a furnace. Unable to resist the pull you felt toward him any longer, you leaned down and pressed an innocent kiss to his lips. You lifted your head up, pulling your lips away from his, but Mat brought his free hand to gently lay on your cheek as he lifted his head up slightly to bring you back into a kiss.
It was soft, delicate, and reminded you of the first kiss you shared after your second date outside of his car when he dropped you off in front of your house.
With his thumb caressing your cheek, his fingers curled around your neck to bring your lips closer to his. And as you smiled into the kiss, he slowly lifted himself up until he was properly sitting. You pulled away from the kiss again, not wanting to get carried away while in public, but Mat followed your lips and kissed them one last time.
Your hand that was on his shoulder slowly inched toward the back of his neck where you played with the ends of his hair. He leaned his forehead against yours and whispered, “Wanna get pizza?”
You threw your head back in laughter and Mat dropped his head into the crook of your neck, wrapping an arm around your waist for a hug. Leaning into the hug, you continued to thread your fingers through his hair, “Yeah, pizza sounds good.”
“Good,” Mat pressed a featherlight kiss under your jaw as he unwound his arms from around you to stand up. He reached a hand out for you, and with a smile, you placed your hand in his as he pulled you up.  
Once on your feet, he tugged on your arm so that you were pressed flat against his chest, caught in another hug. Never one to deny any of his hugs, you wrapped your arms around his waist as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. His arms were strong and his body felt warm. You melted into his touch like you had for the past five––almost six––years.
But then his stomach grumbled, and you leaned away from him with an amused smile on your face, “Pizza?”
Mat smiled back down at you and nodded, “Pizza,” he said matter of factly as he unwrapped his arms from you and began to fold up the blanket.
When he had the blanket draped over his arm, he reached his hand out again for you to take. Happily, you slid your hand into his, as the two of you began to walk through the park to a pizza place down the street.
The pace of your walk was slow. Normally you wouldn’t mind a slow pace, but it was making the unknown and unwelcome feeling creep back up in your stomach. The feeling seeped through every crevice of your body as Mat recounted a story of how he almost got hit in the face with a puck at practice. And the feeling wedged itself deeper and deeper into the middle of your chest until you arrived at the pizza place.
“Your eyes look pretty today,” Mat offhandedly said as the two of you slid into a table after ordering.
You tilted your head, shoulders instantly relaxing at the sound of his voice, as a soft smile slowly made its way onto your face that was brighter than the sun the two of you just sat under.
You propped your elbows up on the table, resting your chin on your hands, as you looked at the love of your life with nothing but fascination, “Your eyes always look pretty.”
Mat reciprocated your beaming smile.
And the unknown feeling vanished.
The spring air dwindled away and the crisp air of autumn slowly began to replace the weather associated with new beginnings. Even though the seasons changed, the heaviness in your chest you felt in May was still present in September. No matter what you did, or who you spent time with, the feeling continued to grow until it latched onto your deepest insecurities. And it wasn’t until you had an honest conversation with your best friend that she told you the feeling was anxiety.
What did you have to be anxious about? What was so terrible in your life that made you nauseous in the mornings, kept you up until the late hours of the night, and had you constantly bouncing your leg up and down while sitting? Your life had been going exactly according to plan––exactly how you thought you wanted it to go. All you wanted was for it to disappear, but you couldn’t pinpoint what made you anxious. Which made it hard to try and control the feeling.
But there was one thing you did that proved successful in making the anxiety subside.
With your bare chest pressed up against Mat’s, his fingertips slightly digging into the skin of your hips, you rested your head in the crook of his neck as you inhaled a sharp breath. You had just experienced a shuddering orgasm on his lap, but he wasn’t quite finished.
Mat wrapped an arm around your body and flipped you over. You opened your eyes briefly to see him crawling up your body, adjusting himself in this new position. With raised eyebrows, he offered you a soft smile. And after you gave him verbal confirmation you wanted him again, he nudged your legs apart and guided himself in. You hadn’t fully recovered from the previous act of shared intimacy, but that didn’t matter to you.
The only thing that mattered was getting rid of the tortuous feeling that consumed you.
But when your hips met, and you heard Mat inhale a sharp breath, the feeling lessened.
You always looked forward to that––Mat’s breathless smile when your pelvic bones first connected in a deep thrust. There were other things, too. You knew things about Mat that nobody else knew. Like how Mat always crinkled his nose when he first became aroused. How his biceps were especially ticklish if you dragged your fingertips across them. How it drove him crazy when you would wrap your legs around him, hooking him in to pull him closer. Or how Mat would press a lingering kiss to your cheek when he was perilously close to the edge.
And it was that last movement that brought you out of your head––Mat pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek.
With a ragged breath, you trailed a hand up his arm––skipping his biceps––and curled an arm around his neck. Your fingers delicately moved up his neck as you weaved your fingers through his hair, and then slowly let your hand drag to the side of his face; cupping his cheek. And with a series of quick, deep thrusts with Mat on top, was all it took for your walls to clench around him as you lost your breath momentarily.
As you rode out the high of your orgasm, Mat was close behind. With a few more thrusts, you knew he released when his movements slowed down with a few snaps of his hips. After he inhaled a deep breath and released it through his nose, Mat rested his forehead against yours and then opened his eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered unintelligibly while trying to catch his breath.
You rubbed your thumb over his cheek, “I love you, too.”
He closed his eyes for a few seconds, nuzzling his head into the palm of your hand, before a shy smile broke through. With a gentle peck to your lips, Mat rolled off you and quickly disposed of the condom before rolling back into bed.
When Mat was back at your side, he propped himself up with his elbow and stared down at you. Shuffling a bit down the pillow, you pulled the sheets up to your neck and peered up at him. With his free hand, he took one of your hands and lazily played with your fingers. He went from slowly moving his fingers between yours, to his fingertips leisurely moving from the bottom of your palm to the tips of your fingers. And when he had done that for a few moments, he started tracing the lines on the inside of your palm.
The only sound in the room was the two of you silently breathing; basking in each other's presence after a few moments of shared intimacy. Even in the silence, all you heard was him whispering I love you on repeat in your mind.
Every time he said those words to you felt like the first time. And even hearing the echo of them from your memory caused a scintillating smile to unashamedly grow on your face. You diverted your gaze from him playing with your hand to look at him.
Mat’s eyes were already focused on you.
His eyes were the first thing you fell in love with. You didn’t know if you fell in love with him when you were twelve years old; when his wide, nervous eyes offered you a stick and asked if you’d to join his team for street hockey. Or when you were nineteen; when his earnest eyes were bloodshot as he confided in you that he was scared of losing the connection of your relationship when he went to Seattle. No matter what emotion he held in his eyes, you always loved them.
And even now, his eyes were soft. His eyes were so full of love, but there was another emotion swimming around in his eyes that you had only seen before he asked you out; longing.
You didn’t know what he was longing for as he stared at you. A creased formed in between his eyes as he scrunched his eyebrows together. Removing the arm you had under the pillow, you raised your hand and rubbed the crease until his eyebrows relaxed. He offered you a small smile, but this smile was more one of concern rather than happiness.
Like you did earlier when Mat was on top of you, you trailed your fingers down his cheek until you cupped the side of his face with your palm. Slowly, you caressed his cheek with your thumb.
“Are you alright?” Mat whispered.
It was your turn for your eyebrows to scrunch together and a crease to form between them. And while you momentarily retracted your hand from his face, you snapped out of your shock, and moved your hand up to brush a piece of loose hair out of his face. The piece of hair didn’t stay in its place, so you pushed it back once more, as you tried to distract yourself from the growing feeling of anxiety bubbling up in your stomach.  
The piece of hair continued to fall in front of his forehead, so you focused all of your concentration on making sure it stayed away, “Of course I am, why?”
Mat shrugged his shoulders. And he took your hand that pushed his hair back and intertwined your fingers together, “You seem a little…off.”
You snorted, “We just had sex twice,” your facial expression held a serious look, but your tone of voice was teasing, “Are you complaining?”
Mat let out a breathy laugh as he squeezed your hand, “That’s not––That was incredible––Really really good––definitely not complaining,” he smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, “I feel like I can say I know you better than anyone else, and…I don’t know.” His eyes dropped to your intertwined hands, and he tried his hardest to force a smile before looking back at you, “It feels like something’s been up the past few days.”
Few months, you wanted to correct him.
You shook your head, trying to ease both of your nerves, “I uh––I’m thinking of looking at grad schools?” you let the little white lie easily slip, “But I’m not seriously looking, it was just a thought.”
Mat playfully rolled his eyes, “Knew something was up,” he brought your connected hands up to his lips to press a reassuring kiss to the top of your hand, “If you do seriously consider grad school, you’re probably the most well off person to apply.” At his confidence in you, you tucked your chin into your chest.
“It’s just…” you inhaled a shaky breath, wanting to come clean about your unknowing anxiety, but something held you back, “I don’t know.”
Mat dropped your hand and slowly stroked the side of your face with the back of his hand, “It’s a lot to think about. But there are plenty of great schools in New York,” when his lips turned upward in a smile, you felt your stomach drop, “Whatever you want, we’ll figure it out together.” Mat pressed a kiss to your cheek, “We have all the time in the world.”
His voice, full of optimism, matched the hopefulness behind his eyes, and his smile finally met his eyes. And the longer you stared into his eyes, you saw a glint of something you had never seen before; devotion.
You don’t know when it happened, but you accepted the fact that you would marry Mat––spend the rest of your life with him. There was no lengthy discussion, but there seemed to be mutual acceptance. Mat always spoke so passionately about starting a family with you when he saw a toddler run around the park. And whenever you drove past a house you liked, you always made a passing comment about how nice it would be to raise a family with him.
You wondered when you started to feel so uncomfortable with the feeling of security.
The month of September was slightly better, but not by much. The anxiety was still present and you kept Mat in the dark about everything. But it was difficult to confide in him when you didn’t even know the root of the problem. You couldn’t pinpoint the cause of anxiety, and you thought the feeling would disappear in June.
But it was now October and your anxiety had escalated to suffocation.
It felt like there was a bag of twenty-pound rocks tied to your ankles and you were drowning. When you didn’t feel like you were drowning, you felt as if someone was smothering you with a pillow. And when you finally felt free from the smothering, it felt as though someone had cut off your air supply. But there was one thing that temporarily relieved the feeling of suffocation.
And it came with an acceptance email from Georgetown University in Washington D.C.
When you applied to a handful of universities to continue your education, you thought your anxiety was based around a fear of not excelling to your full potential. So, with that in mind, you took the little white lie you told Mat a few months ago and applied exclusively applied to grad schools only in New York City. But a program at Georgetown caught your eye and it was the only school outside of New York you applied to. You hoped for the best, but deep down you had a gut feeling the prestigious school in D.C. would reject you.
But when you received a fairly large envelope in the post, one that was not the size of a rejection letter, you felt a brief moment of freedom.
It is with great pleasure that we offer you admission…
You had read the opening line of the letter ten times before skimming the rest of the offer letter. The amount of confidence and pride you felt swell up in your chest was short lived. Because your new friend, suffocation, quickly swallowed up those feelings.
You had never considered moving out of New York––never considered moving away from Mat––but here you were, internally debating with yourself on whether you should take this offer seriously.
There was too much going on in your head––too much going on in the city––as you walked down the sidewalk. Every step you took toward your home felt like walking on a tightrope.
You had a university acceptance offer…Step one…The university was nearly 300 miles away from Mat…Step two…You had other university acceptance offers for school’s in New York…Step three…But the anxiety only grew when you received acceptance letters from schools in New York…Step four…And all of the anxiety went away with the D.C. offer…Step five…Does Mat have something to do with your anxiety––
You didn’t let yourself finish the last thought.
Mat was your person. There was not a chance the universe would play such a cruel trick on you. Life wasn’t fair, but life wouldn’t rip you away from Mat.
Right before you entered your apartment building, you dug out your phone and called your best friend. Once she picked up, you begged to spend the night at her place, saying you needed to get out of the city. She agreed, but you heard the curiosity behind her voice.
Knowing that mat would be waiting in your apartment, you hurriedly hung up before entering the elevator. The ride up was daunting, and the lights that blinked whenever you rose to a new floor felt as if they taunted you. They were yellow and bright, something you had not felt in quite some time, but the lights didn’t care as they flashed in your face.
When the doors parted open to your floor, you scurried out and opened the door to your apartment. You breezed right in before you changed your and decided to drive straight to Newark.
As expected, Mat sat slumped against the couch cushions as he pointed the remote at the television. He couldn’t seem to pick a channel that held his interest. When he heard the door open, he turned his head and you offered him a small wave as you set your bag on the floor.
“Good day?”
You shrugged your shoulders and walked over to sit next to Mat on the couch, “Average,” you leaned your head on his shoulder, “How was your day?”
Mat mimicked your shrug, “Just practice. Uneventful.”
You let out a snort, “What thrilling lives we live.”
That earned a loud laugh from Mat, “Exhilarating,” he leaned over and kissed your forehead, “So, for dinner? We have stuff to cook, but there’s this new place a few blocks over I thought we could try––”
Lifting your head up from his shoulder, you moved away from him slightly as you brought your legs up to your chest, quickly cutting him off, “I’m actually––I’m going to Newark tonight.”
A few awkward beats of silence passed before Mat spoke with a cracked voice, “Oh?”
Nodding, you leaned your chin on your knees, “Haven’t seen Melanie in a while,” you mentioned your best friend, “Just need to get out of the city for the night.”
“Everything alright?”
Mat’s voice was laced with hesitance, as if he didn’t know if he wanted an answer to his question.
You gulped and hugged your legs closer to your chest, “Yeah I––It’s a girl’s night. We just need to clear our heads.”
Mat nodded in understanding. He pinched his bottom lip between his thumb and pointer finger, “Clear your head,” he repeated cautiously as if he sensed there was an ulterior motive. He closed his eyes, and after a few more beats of silence, he opened them. And you felt your heartstrings tug in your chest when you saw the amount of yearning behind his stare.
“That’s…” he cleared his throat, and nodded his head slowly, as he looked at the television, “good.”
He didn’t phrase his words as a question, but they weren’t a statement either. It was Mat convincing himself that you leaving the city was fine…That you were fine…That the relationship was fine.
To ease his doubts––because there was nothing in your life that you were more certain of than your love for him––you took his hand, “It’s just for one night.” Your voice didn’t waver, and you spoke with double the confidence, hoping to transfer some of it to the boy who sat across from you.
“No, yeah that’s fine,” Mat bit the inside of his cheek, “Time with your friends is good.”
Mat never verbally recognized the small rift forming between you two, but in this moment, you knew he could feel it more than ever. And when you felt him pull his hand away from yours, you panicked and squeezed his hand twice. It caught his attention, and you smiled at him, “We’ll try out the new place tomorrow night for dinner.”
There was a far off look in his eyes, but he nodded in agreement.
Mat only using the bare minimum to communicate with you drove you up a wall. You didn’t like how he avoided conversation, and you didn’t like the feeling in your stomach that came with it. He’s disappointed in you, a voice in your head spoke up, you’re leaving him alone when you know he doesn’t feel confident about your relationship––
In order to silence the voice in your head, you did the only thing that you knew would keep it quiet.
You leaned forward, gently placing both of your hands on Mat’s cheeks, and kissed him. At first when he didn’t kiss back, you feared that you wouldn’t be lucky this time around to quiet your insecurities. The toxic coping mechanism you fell into every time wasn’t working. Panic rose through your body fast, and just when you were about to give up hope, he kissed you back.
A sigh escaped your lips as Mat pressed a hand firmly to your lower back to pull you closer.
You needed to be closer.
His hands carefully held your waist as your hands traveled from the sides of his face to the nape of his neck.
You needed to feel closer.
He kissed you harder, hands creeping up your shirt as he was always one to crave skin-to-skin contact. You let your hands delicately move down his neck to his shoulders––lifting your touch on his skin to avoid his biceps––and let your hands fall onto his chest.
You needed to physically feel as close as possible to Mat; because emotionally, you felt as far away from him as ever.
The forty-five minute drive from Long Island to Newark was filled with songs from the shared Spotify playlist you had with Mat. 
He created it when he first went off to play hockey in Seattle claiming it would be a fun way to stay updated with each other's lives. The playlist was full of songs that reminded either of you of each other, upbeat heavy rock songs that Mat listened to before a hockey game, or more mellow songs you heard in a coffee shop while studying.
Since Mat had started the tradition of creating a shared playlist each year, there was a new playlist for almost the entirety of your relationship. And on your lonesome drive to Newark, you pressed play on the playlist from 2015.
You left your apartment after a silent cuddle with Mat that lasted a few hours; legs tangled together, synchronized breathing, and featherlight touches. There was a moment where Mat removed his arms from your waist––he said he was cold––and asked if you had a sweatshirt he could borrow. Reluctantly, you got up and trudged to your room to look for a sweatshirt of his you once stole.
A black sweatshirt caught your eyes and you picked it up. The Seattle Thunderbirds logo printed on the front, you toyed with the hoodie strings, debating on if you wanted to give him his sweatshirt back. It was one of the first ones you sneakily stole from him in the beginning of your relationship. And as much as the sweatshirt was rightfully his, it had made a home in your drawer over the years.
Missing the way his arms felt wrapped around you, you walked back to the couch––Thunderbirds sweatshirt in hand––and offered it up to him. Mat quickly tugged it over his head, ruffling his hand through his already messed-up hair, and then pulled you down to lay next to him.
He left your apartment wearing the sweatshirt.
After replaying the memory of Mat walking out of your place with his sweatshirt, you found yourself at your best friend’s townhouse sooner than expected. She ushered you into her kitchen saying she was almost done boiling the kettle for tea.
The only words exchanged between the two of you so far was a greeting and barely there small talk. She didn’t push you as to why you frantically called her and begged for a night away from New York. But she anticipated that the conversation would come later in the night.
Once the teas were made to both of your likings, Melanie led you upstairs to her rooftop deck. A fond smile crossed your face as flashbacks from all the times the two of you had spent up here. The two of you had met in university, but she was a few years older than you, so she moved out of New York sooner than you.
Most of your deep conversations about Mat took place on this rooftop. From realizing you loved him on this rooftop to coming to terms that there was no one else you’d rather spend the rest of your life with… This rooftop held the realizations of multiple monumental moments of your relationship with Mat.
Next to the sectional couch the two of you sat on, Melanie lifted the lid of the wicker basket and plucked out two blankets. You quickly wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, bracing your body against the frigid air.
As Melanie adjusted the blanket over her shoulders, she spoke up, “Everything alright?”
You took a sip of tea, keeping your vision set straight ahead, “Yeah, I’m alright––it’s just…” you glanced over at her to see she had her eyes raised, silently telling you to rethink your answer, “I don’t know.”
Shoulders slumped over in defeat, you took another sip of tea.
“I think you’re far from fine,” Melanie chuckled, “Got a call from my best friend panicking about how she had to get away,” her voice waned off amusement and turned more serious, “You worried me.”
You nodded in understanding, “Sorry, I didn’t think––Sorry––It’s just everything…” you nervously itched your collarbone and let out a sigh, “Sorry.”
Melanie placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, “Never apologize for what you’re feeling,” her eyes were soft, and full of concern, as she weakly smiled and headed carefully with her words, “Even if you don’t…know what you’re feeling.”
“I got accepted to Georgetown,” you blurted out as you kept your eyes trained on the ground.
Her eyes widened, and a genuine smile spread across her face, “That’s––Shit, congratulations! That’s so exciting! D.C.…Wow.”
With a slow nod of your head, you took a sip of your tea, “D.C.”
A brief silence in conversation revealed everything Melanie needed to know about why you suddenly had to escape from the city.
“Mat doesn’t know?”
You repeated her question as a statement, “Mat doesn’t know,” breaking eye contact with her again, you swallowed down your insecurities, “While like––I don’t know––That’s not why I’m…upset.” Melanie nodded and waited for you to continue your explanation, “Things have been…off.”
“Off? As in recently?” Melanie questioned as you stayed silent. With a deep sigh, she whispered, “How long have things felt off?”
You gulped, “May.”
Melanie’s eyes widened again, but not in the joyous sense like they had when you told her about your graduate school acceptance. Her eyebrows were raised high and her mouth slightly dropped open, “Shit, Y/N, it’s November.’
Again, you nodded and took another sip of tea, “It is November.”
“You’re going to have to do more talking than repeat the last words of every sentence I say.”
The words weren’t meant to be harsh, but her tone of voice still caused you to flinch. Her sentence was the truth, and you didn’t come here to be coddled. You needed someone to be brutally honest with you to help bring you to a conclusion. And you knew you had to offer up more information, or else your little one-night escape away from the city would be pointless.
“I feel stuck,” you breathed out, the last word barely a whisper, as you felt your throat close up, “I feel stuck and I’ve felt this way since May. I don’t know why I feel like this and I really don’t know what to fucking do, Mel. I––I’m so scared.”
Melanie scooted closer to you, “Stressed about potentially going back to school?”
You shook your head immediately. The thought of going back to school was the only thing keeping you sane at the moment. You couldn’t wait to expand upon another area of study that interested you. And you had been feeling this way long before you entertained the idea of going back to school.
“Everything is going so so well with Mat and…I don’t know…I’m happy with how things are now, but––“
“You’re obviously not happy if you can’t talk to him about this,” Melanie cut you off sharply before she inhaled a deep breath, “Maybe you need some change.”
You quirked an eyebrow up and tilted your head, “Change?”
She nodded and offered you a regretful smile; one that people had tucked away for when they had to break not so pleasant news to people they cared about, “Change from…how your life has been going.”
You continued to blankly stare at her as the dots didn’t connect in your mind. Melanie took your silence as a way to continue on with her explanation.
“Maybe D.C. is a great opportunity to start over.”
Suddenly, the crickets that chirped on her rooftop blared like alarms, the blanket you had on felt itchy, and the bitter autumn air smelt stale.
“Start…Over?” You shook your head no as Melanie nodded her head yes, “I have a life built around Mat and a––I have a future with him––That’s not––I can’t––“
“Can’t or won’t?”
“Melanie,” you pleaded with your best friend as the scratchiness behind your throat became uncomfortable, “I can’t do that to him––“
She held up a hand for you to stop talking, “You’ve been with mat since you were like twenty––“
“Eighteen,” you corrected her.
She shot you a glare and pretended like she wasn’t interrupted, “You were children when your relationship started,” she waved her free hand in the air, “There’s no denying that you’ve had a great relationship with him. The two of you have grown so much together, but sometimes things get stuck in a routine and people need a change.” You felt a lone tear trickle down your cheek, “Maybe you need a change.”
You carefully set your tea down on the glass patio table as all of the negative thoughts and feelings ventured out of their hiding places. One by one, they creeped out of every corner––no crevice too small––of your mind, as your subconscious tortured you with the lethal words they created.
With the heel of your palm, you wiped away more silent tears that couldn’t stop falling from your eyes.
Change was something you didn’t handle well. Change was something you’ve never liked. Your heart was saying that this kind of change––a change from Mat was bad––but your heart was screaming. Your heart was screaming about how exhausted it always felt suffocated. Your heart was telling you that there was another way. That you didn’t have to feel like this all the time––how you shouldn’t feel like this all the time.
You wanted to ignore how your heart felt and listen to your head. You wanted to ignore the heartbreaking gaze Melanie sent your way. And most of all, you wanted to ignore how your best friend had a very valid opinion.
You craved Mat’s presence now more than ever.
November ended painfully slow and December came without a care for your feelings.
In the midst of juggling your job, figuring out technicalities that potentially came with continuing your education down in D.C., and keeping up with Mat’s hockey schedule…You were also trying to stabilize a relationship that you desperately clung on to.
Ever since your roof top conversation with Melanie, you felt the relationship crumbling on your end. And only a couple weeks later, Mat seemed hesitant around you. Every touch he gave you held doubt. Every night you went to bed, he shifted further to the other side. And every I love you was said with caution.
He was there physically, but emotionally, he was pulling away right before your eyes.
You loathed the situation that you had created for yourself and Mat. You absolutely hated how you no longer synced up. You wanted to go back to the way things were before the summer hit. You craved the smell of the spring air that was synonymous to the safety you felt in Mat’s presence.
Although, you don’t know how possible that was now.
Melanie nonchalantly brought up the topic of change whenever you called or saw her in person. She reassured you that she would support your decision––whenever you came to one––but she still favored the decision of change for you. She had your best interest at heart, and while you appreciated that, your best interest was entangled with Mat.
And you knew that the decision she wanted you to make was not in his best interest.
But there was one day in the past seven months that felt normal.
At work, you were offered a promotion. And that same night, the Islanders had their seventh straight win, with Mat scoring a hat trick. You walked out of your director’s office with a smile on your face, and you snuck down to the lobby to call Mat with the good news. He sounded ecstatic for you over the phone, and he asked if you wanted to go to the game tonight so he could see you right after.
Eagerly, you accepted his offer, and you felt butterflies churn in your stomach as if it was the first time he asked you to attend one of his games.
You rushed to get all of your work done as fast as possible, and a few minutes before the clock struck five, you dashed out of the office and made your way to the arena. The game felt electric, Mat played with a sense of newfound desire, and you were ecstatic for him to be playing so well. And when the game was over, and Mat walked out in his game day suit––jacket folded over his arm and tie loosely done––you barreled into him.
Mat hugged you back just as tight, if not tighter, and his reassuring touch reestablished a sense of purpose in your life.
“I’m so proud of you,” Mat whispered in your ear, congratulating you on your promotion, “I’ll love you forever.”
That day filled you with hope.
That day made you smile wider than you had in the last few months. It was a light finally shining through the dreary storm clouds. And that day helped you gain clarity as to what sort of change you needed in your life.
You decided that change was needed if you wanted to keep sane. And you had come to the compromise that you could have a change and still keep Mat. All you needed was a change of scenery. You didn’t know why you thought you needed an ultimatum between the two, and it eased your troubles a little bit, but not nearly as much as you thought it would.
The day after your promotion and Mat’s hat trick, you woke up with your legs tangled with Mat’s, his arm thrown over your waist, and his face facing yours for the first time in months. It was so domestic, something you took for granted early on in your relationship, but once you had it back in your grasp, you never wanted to let go.
But the moment you woke up, his arm around your waist felt like an anchor aiding in your drowning. While it felt as if you were drowning, you also felt safe in Mat’s arms, as if he lent you a hand for rescue. Mat always made you feel safe.
Unfortunately, that was a week ago. And you hadn’t woken up in his arms since then.
Ironically, even though both of you knew something was wrong, Mat had been spending more time at your apartment than his. But the dynamic between you two had shifted: Mat no longer came up to hug you from behind when you cooked at the stove. You no longer pinched Mat’s hips as he walked past you. And the two of you blushed profusely and looked the other way whenever you saw the other in a towel after a shower.
Things had been off emotionally for quite some time. But now physical aspects of your relationship were changing, and a piece fo your heart broke off every time you noticed it.
You wanted change, but not like this.
You were at the small table in your kitchen, waiting for Mat to come back to you. He mumbled about heading to the gym with Tito when the two of you were sitting next to each other on the couch. He tied his laces up, and it looked like he was about to walk toward the door before he turned back around and stood in front of you.
Like every time you stared up at Mat, you fell in love with him all over again.
He offered you the smallest of smiles before bending down to your height. Carefully, he cupped your face with his hand, and you immediately leaned into his touch. A peaceful sigh escaped your lips and your eyes closed.
What caught you off guard the most was when Mat leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. And just when your eyes opened, he broke away from the kiss. When his eyes finally opened, they were pleading with you. His eyes begged for an answer you could not give him. His eyes urgently wanted for you to tell him what had flipped your entire world upside down.
But his eyes were also full of love and hope; unconditional love for his high school sweetheart and hope that the two of you could make it over this bump.
“I love you,” he whispered just as soft as the first time he said those words to you, “I won’t be long.”
Desperate for more physical contact from him, you weaved your fingers through his brown hair. You knew how much he loved when you massaged his scalp and ran your fingers through his hair. Instantaneously, his eyes closed, and he leaned forward to brush his nose against yours.
You didn’t want him to go to the gym with Tito.
And like the first day you repeated those important three words back to him, your voice was filled with the same enchantment for the man in front of you, “I love you, too.”
With a sigh, Mat opened his eyes. With the way his eyebrows pinched together, you could tell he was intently debating something in his mind. But before you could pry, he seemed to go against his better judgement and pressed another kiss to your lips. While the kiss wasn’t anything special, he lingered longer than his first kiss.
“I’ll be back soon,” he breathed out softly.
He left before you could open your eyes.
Part of you didn’t want to open your eyes because the last thing you saw––that would be ingrained in your brain forever––was the person you appreciated and cared for most in the world, telling you he loved you. There was no better high in the world than that, especially when you had felt deprived from his love for so long.
But that was six hours ago.
You hoped he would only be gone for two or three hours, but your hope dwindled away with every hour that passed.
You were messing around with your laptop when you heard a key in the door handle. And when you heard the creak of your door open, you held your breath. You felt the inside of your stomach fall and the anxiety crawl up.
Once you looked up from your keyboard, you saw Mat already staring at you.
His cheeks were rosy, lips parted ever so slightly as he heavily breathed, and his forehead glistened with sweat. He held the water bottle in his hands as he stared through you. The way he looked at you was unnerving, and you wish you were able to read his mind.
“I love you, Y/N.”
His voice held conviction as he refocused his gaze to look at you instead of through you.
Slowly, you closed your laptop as Mat walked toward you. He placed the water bottle on the table and looked down at your doe eyed, questioning gaze, “I love you, but I need to know what’s wrong.”
“I know you feel it too,” the determination and confidence behind his voice fell, “It’s been a few months and I can’t––we can’t––this?” his voice cracked, “We need to figure it out.”
You sniffled and started to nervously pick at a loose piece of skin by your thumb. Your eyes fell to your lap, not wanting to see the utter heartbreak in his eyes, “Let’s––Yeah. Let’s talk, okay.”
Mat crouched down in front of you, and took one of your fidgety hands in his, “Hey,” he used his other hand to tilt your chin up to look at him, “It’s just me…The guy who accidentally shattered your car window junior year when shooting a puck because I wanted to impress you,” he let out a sad chuckle, “Just…Me.”
You sucked in a deep breath, vigorously nodding your head, in hopes to delay your tears, “I know––And I––That’s what makes this so…” You let out a hiccup and squeezed your eyes shut just as hard as Mat squeezed your hand in reassurance, “Hard.”
Before a sob wracked through your chest, Mat was fast to stand up and pull you up with him, wrapping his arms around you. You fell into his chest and he held you close, running a soothing hand up and down your spine. He whispered that everything would be alright, but your arms only tightened around his neck as your sobs increased with his careful words.
After a few moments when your cries slowly started to calm down, Mat slightly leaned back, but made sure to keep his arms securely wrapped around you. He lazily traced patterns with his thumb on your lower back, which caused you to look up at him.
With all your heart, you wished you didn’t look into his eyes. Because seeing his red eyes and heart-rending smile caused you more pain than the last seven months.
He brought a hand up to your face, wiping the tears from under your eyes with his thumb, “There’s my pretty girl,” he sniffled and failed at forcing a smile, “So pretty.”
You felt your bottom lip tremble, another wave of fresh tears waiting to be seen. And when Mat loosened his grasp around your waist, you looked up at him in panic. You didn’t want to be separated from him, but he shushed you, and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to keep you close as he guided you over to the couch.
Much like earlier in the day, the two of you sat on the couch together. But instead of laying together on the couch, he sat next to you.
With your thighs touching, Mat grasped your hand in his, “Talk to me,” his grip was so tight, it felt like he was afraid you would slip away right in front of him, “Please.”
You nodded your head again, but no words came out.
How were you supposed to start off this kind of conversation?
Mat squeezed your hand in reassurance, and before you began to overthink about the best way to phrase your feelings, you said the first thing that came to mind.
“I feel anxious,” you let out a shaky breath.
Mat slowly nodded, squeezing your hand again as a silent way to encourage you to continue.
And with a deep breath, you shut your eyes tight, “I feel anxious and stuck––Almost like––I feel like I have no control over anything and it––I think––I need, uh, a change.”
Your words strung together in one rushed out sentence. And as your rambling continued on, your words grew softer and softer until your voice barely carried above a whisper. But the last word––change––echoed loudly in the room. The word was deafeningly loud, and Mat didn’t miss a beat.
The one syllable word sounded foreign coming from his lips. He repeated the word for a second time to make sure he heard you right.
In a sense, change was ever present in your relationship. There was change when you and Mat first grew out of being friends to more…Change when Mat left for Seattle to play hockey…and change again when Mat got drafted by the Islanders.
Change was almost a constant in your relationship; but the change was always prompted from Mat’s end. There had never been any expressed desire for change on your side.
“What do you want a change from?” Mat’s tone was daring, almost as if he wanted you to make his worst nightmare a reality.
“I––There’s this whole––“
“What,” he didn’t mask the viciousness in his voice, “do you want a change from.”
His voice was demanding, and not at all like the sweet sound that comforted you moments ago. You knew him well enough to know he was growing irritated at you, and you knew it would only get worse.
“I got into a masters program––in D.C.,” you rushed out, and in hindsight, it probably wasn’t the best response to reassure his insecurities, but you needed to get that information out there, “And it’s––it sounds so great, Mat. Like really great, and––“
He removed his hand from yours in a swift motion, as if he touched fire, “You’re leaving?”
“That’s not–––“
“Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this?” His eyes shined with hurt and disappointment, but most of all, you could hear the distrust behind his voice, “D.C.?”
You sighed, “I never seriously considered it until last month.”
Mat closed his eyes, no doubt in frustration that you didn’t confide your feelings in him earlier, “You’ve been feeling like you need a change for the past month?” Your silence caused him to flare his nostrils, and edged him on to ask another question, “Since when––Why––How long have you felt this way?”
You gulped, averting your eyes to look at his knees, “I don’t want anything between us to change, Mat,” you spoke carefully, “I was thinking––“
“How long?”
You screwed your eyes tight to the point where you felt a stunning sensation in your forehead. You couldn’t bring yourself to look in his eyes, that no doubt would be filled to the brim with pain. And you avoided his stare that bored you for as long as you could.
But when you felt the couch cushion next to you feel lighter, you snapped your eyes open and up to look at Mat.
Mat backed away from the couch, and there was nothing you could have done to prepare yourself for the look of betrayal in his eyes, “May?” Gnawing at your bottom lip, you nodded. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head in disbelief, “How could you not tell me––Christ, seven months?” Y/N…” his voice cracked as he said your name.
It killed you to see his jaw clenched and eyes rimmed with redness; and seeing his eyes overflow with heartbreak caused you to shoot up from your seat to comfort him. But what killed you even more was how he flinched away from your touch. Nothing in the world could prepare you for that sting.
All you wanted was to comfort him.
He inhaled a deep breath and sniffled, “Please, don’t…” he brought both hands up to face, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms, “You want to leave?”
He couldn’t even look at you.
Unfair to you, his question held two sides. He was asking for clarification about wanting to leave New York, but also asking if you wanted to leave him. To Mat, leaving New York meant leaving him.
Your arms hung limp at your sides, mouth wide open in shock. You understood his confusion about wanting to leave New York because you had never mentioned it before. But your despair quickly turned into irritation as he verbalized his doubt of your love for him.
“You know I’d never leave you,” you said with a deep breath, trying your best to keep your anger at bay.
He ripped his hands away from his face, “Do I?” He sent you a glare that had you stumbling back, “Because we had this whole plan for us. And now you don't want that with me.”
“I still want that with you!” You threw your hands up in the air in exasperation, “Grad school goes faster than undergrad. We’ve done long distance before, and my job said they could transfer me––“
“You already have a job here!” Mat raised his voice, “There are places to go to grad school here! You have a place here! You have friends here––“
You raised your voice over his, “That’s not the point, please just––“
“You have me here!” His voice cracked, “We had a plan––“
“Plans change!”
Mat had his mouth open, ready to shout over you more, but once your ambiguous statement traveled from the confines of your thoughts and slipped out of your lips, he had no response. You could feel the anger radiating off him as the ringing in your ears grew louder…and louder…and louder…
“Plans don’t just change like that,” he venomously spat out. His words hit you like icicles, cold and sharp before his tone momentarily softened, “I had my life built around you…We––I wanted to marry you. Start a family with you.”
He spoke as if all of those desires he had with you were now a far off fantasy.
You pinched the bridge of your nose to stop a new wave of tears from falling. But these tears weren’t of fear for his reaction to your thoughts about change, he made those feelings loud and clear.
These were tears of mourning.
“Mat,” you spoke his name with a strained voice, “Let’s talk about this rationally––“
He ran a hand through his and narrowed his eyes at you, “Don’t…” he raised his forearm to wipe more tears away from his face, “I can’t believe––I really thought we had it all from the beginning. But who would have actually thought two teenagers would make it this far?”
He let out a soft, maniacal chuckle that made you more nauseous than any amount of anxiety.
“We were just children back then,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, “What did we know about life.”
His anger morphed into a cynical tone that sent shivers down your spine. It frightened you when he let out that small laugh, one that was usually saved for comical moments between the two of you.
“But here we are now,” he let out another self-deprecating laugh, “Time’s a funny thing…It seemed like nothing back then––It felt as if we had the rest of our lives together.”
As much as you didn’t want to hear Mat break down everything about your relationship, you knew he was spiraling, and you wanted to help him. Because despite what he may think, you still loved him.
Carefully, you tiptoed forward as Mat continued on with his rambling about how idiotic he was as a kid to think that this would last forever. With each step forward, your heart shattered into the tiniest of shards as Mat portrayed your relationship as childish with no chance of reconciliation.
“You just took my love,” his voice decreased in volume and cynicism, and was replaced with a tone that ripped your heart out of your chest. He pointed an accusatory finger at you that made you stop in your tracks, “You took my love––you took it and have no remorse whatsoever––“
You shook your head and picked up the pace of your walking to reach him, “I still love you, Mat. That will never change.”
He stared down at you, and for a moment, you saw the Mat you fell in love with. You saw the bright-eyed eighteen-year-old boy who took his time in teaching you how to shoot a perfect slapshot in his driveway. He looked like he was on the verge of forgiveness, but once you slightly ghosted your fingers against his hand, he snapped out of whatever trance he fell under.
“I don’t know how to love anyone else,” his shoulders slumped forward as he bit his bottom lip.
Without caring that he pulled his hand away from yours seconds ago, you swiftly took his hand in his and gripped it as if you were hanging off a cliff and he was your only lifeline. You didn’t know if it was a moment of bravery, or a moment of desperation. Because there was a nagging thought in the back of your mind that screamed about how this could be the last time you touched him.
“You don’t have to love anyone else,” you pleaded with him, your voice catching in your throat as tears welled up in your eyes, “I don’t want you to love anyone else.”
“Time’s a funny thing,” Mat let out a humorous chuckle, not believing that the two of you found yourself desperately clinging onto the past.
When he finally made eye contact with you, he slightly tilted his head as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Even when he was crying, his dark eyes still captivated you like no one else had. And the longer you stared into his longing eyes, they were filled with one emotion you weren’t familiar with; regret.
“Mat,” you whispered his name cautiously, petrified of what his next move was, “We can work through this…”
He slowly shook his head, causing your heart to plummet, “May…From what I’ve gathered, you hadn’t applied to grad schools then––Didn’t have an excuse for change,” he stalled back more of his tears, “But you wanted a change. You still want that change.”
“I want a change of scenery,” you tried your hardest to make him understand your feelings, “Not a change from you.”
“The only thing back then you could’ve wanted a change from was me,” it was the first time his voice didn’t falter. He was confident in his theory that you didn’t want him anymore.
You squeezed his hand, “Are you even listening to yourself––“
“You’re the love of my life,” his voice was full of pain, and when he softly smiled, it didn’t reach his eyes. With one hand still clutching onto yours, he brought his other hand up––a trembling hand––and tucked a piece of stray hair behind your ear, “I just wish I was yours.”
With a shakey inhale, and one last strong sniffle to conceal his sobs, Mat pressed a firm kiss to your forehead. And when released your hand one last time, he escaped out the door.
You had felt many sensations throughout the past seven months: drowning, feeling weighed down, and suffocation. But what you felt right now, the devastation that encased your whole body, was far worse than any of those emotions.
Because now, it felt as if you were falling.
Mat, your only lifeline, let go of your hand.
He knew he held the power to pull you up and save you, but he decided to let you go. When he released your grip, it felt as if he was releasing it finger by finger, desperately wanting to hold onto what you both had; wanting to hold onto the life both of you had created around one another. But in the end, it didn’t survive.
And as he released your hand, you fell.
You fell over the edge, stomach performing backflips as the sensation became worse with each passing second. The sensation of falling was never ending, as if you were falling down the rabbit hole to Wonderland; terrified of what waited for you at the bottom.
The December air felt frigid. The December air made one seek comfort in hot chocolate, or another menial item, because winter wasn’t strong enough to provide comfort. The December air felt nothing like the spring air that offered you solace without asking for anything in return.
Oh, how you wished to smell that spring air once more.
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jt-artsandfics · 4 years ago
Hello :D everything ok?I wanted to ask you, how do you think MK11's men would react, his girlfriend is always affectionate with them, but out of nowhere she stopped being affectionate, after a while she tells them that she has pain in her stomach because of too much excitement, she thinks they are really sexy (her arms, legs, chest, all of them) and she wants to have intimacy but she was embarrassed. I adore you!!! Thank you!I adore Raiden and Fujin so much 😍
Mortal kombat Men x Female Reader
(Mind you all I'm a guy so I'll do my best to work this to the best of my ability I sadly don't have all the men but I'll do a few of the boys) if you guys would like more of them I'm happy to do a part 2 to this.
Mention of Sex, sex talks, nsfw mentioned, hinted sex scenes, romance and fluff.
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Raiden has never really been used to affection, not physical intimacy. But after he met his sweet S/O it became an almost constant contact, it takes him a while to get used to it but all up he loves it, he lose so much tension in his body. He loves having his S/o curled up on his lap, wirh them watching her trashy tv shows or him reading. It's something he has grown so accusation to over the time he's been with his lover. So for her to one day just stop it's almost painful for him. The first day he let's it slide thinking she's just having an off day but when it comes around too the second night. When she doesn't curl up beside him he sits up beside her. " My light?, are you well" he ask softly resting his hand on her shoulder, she turns to face him and smiles sadly. "I'm alright just in a little pain" he's filled with worry and basically scopes her up into his arms. "Do you need medical assistance" she laughs lightly pulling him down into a kiss. "I'm alright Raiden, my body sometimes hurts when I get too excited, I just... I love you alot, and I want to express it more" she explains. He's still worried that he is responsible for the pain she is in. "Is there anything I can do to help with your pain?" She thinks alright before replying. "Umm.. It's kinda embarrassing..." He smiles lightly as he holds her close. "You do not need to be embarrassed with me love" he presses a soft kiss to her forehead. "I... I want to be more intimate with you" "as in intercourse?" His lovers face goes bright red as she blushes. "Yes, but only if your interested" "We will take it slow, you will need to instruct me, as I have never done this before"
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Unlike his brother Fujin love physical contact from the start. This man gives amazing hugs and will quite literally sweep you off your feet. So he will realise very quickly when his S/o is distancing herself from him. "My love? care you alright, you haven't been as touchy as in used to you being, have I don't something wrong?" He will ask hoping he hasn't don't something to offend her. "I'm alright Fu, just in a bit of pain is all, sorry to cause you any trouble" she whispers. He's is quick to pull her into a hug, "Is it anything I can help with, I don't like seeing you in pain love" he says while gently holding her. They stand there Fujin holding his sweet love before she speaks up. "I get this pain when I get too excited and I really love you, your handsome and kind and I love spending every moment with you" she explains while resting her head on his shoulder. He holds her softly rocking back and forth lightly. "I wish to spend every waking moment with you my sweet sunshine, I'm yours" he says as he presses a gentle kiss too her forehead. He can see that she's holding something back, something which is bugging her. "My love, there's something else isn't there?, you can tell me, I will not judge." He reassures her. She looks to him and then to the floor them back to him. "I... I'd like to be more intimate with you if you would like, I.. you.. you make me feel safe when your around and would like to be yours if you will have me" she says shying away. Fujin smiles brightly leaning down to kiss her. "I would be honoured my love, we will take it at your pace, I do not wish to over step boundaries, you are very important to me." He tells her in a hushed voice. "I love you Fujin" "and I You my little sunshine"
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Hasashi Hanzo
Hanzo has been thought hell and back literally, he's lost the only people he cared for before his S/o came along. It took him a long time to get used to so much affection, not to mention different in cultures and time. Alot has changed since he was first in earthrealm. Along with being the head of the Shirai ryu, there are alot of thinks he wishes to keep to himself, one of those is you. Although there are many among his students who know of you two he is still very hesitant of showing affection outside of you're home. He loves you very dearly and do not wish to lose one of the few things he holds dear.
But nothing gets past this man, he may not say it right away but he notices the first time you don't take a chance to hold him that day. He sees toy distancing yourself from him and it causes worry over anything. Had someone hurt you? And now he stand beside you in the fire gardens in the late evening. "Chīsana honō, are you well, I've noticed you have been avoid touching me, are you hurt?" Her eyes go wide as she looks at him. "No, no I'm not hurt but I am in pain, i... I get excited seeing you and being near you and sometimes it just hurts inside." She tries to explain to him. He moves closer gentle bring his hand up to brush away some stray hairs hanging in her face, wishing not to spook her. "Have I caused you pain?" She shakes her head before leaning onto his hand. "No, I...I just don't want to push you, I understand that Harumi meant the world to you, and I dotn want to replace her. But I do love you and I want you to be happy" she says as he pulls her close holding her gentle against his chest as they sway lightly in the brezze that rolls thought the fire gardens. "You will never replace Harumi, and I do not expect you too, I am very lucky to have had her in my life for the time I did, and I am so fortunate to have found you, I have been given a second chance at life, and it's one I wish to treasure as much as I can." His voice is soft and it's what his little flame needs to hear. They stand there for a little basking in each others warmth and company. "What brought this on fiery one?, you normally very vocal about your wishes. Have I done anything to dull your fire?" She shakes her head before resting it against his shoulder. "No, I just started thinking things, but do not want to push you, as much as I would love to be more intimate, I understand that you still morne and I do not wish for you to forget Harumi" she says lightly again. Hanzonsighs lightly "perhaps it is time that I do love on, she wa any first love and will always be in my heart, but you are my love as well and you are very dear to me sweet one"
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Kuai Laing
Kuai is a little oblivious when it comes to romance not only wirh the way he was raised and how his brother acted when he was younger made the man quite shy in certain aspects and situations but when it comes to how his lover feels and realising they haven't touched him as much as they normally do is is a little concerned. Later that day he seeks them out in the comfort of his own home. He finds his little ice fairy sat on the couch curled up in blankets. He nearly falls face first into her lap as he crawls onto the loauge, something he was still getting used to. "Is it getting a little too cold to hold me now?" He ask lightly looking up into her eyes as he makes himself comfortable with his head in her lap. Her fingers twitch before giving in and running over his face and thought his hair. "No, no Kuai, just haven't been well kinda in a bit of pain" she explains lightly. He speaks up in concern. "Are you hurt?" "No just um.. getting to excited around makes my body hurt sometimes, I enjoy being close to you" she says reassuring him that he's done nothing and she isn't hurt. He sighs in relief as he runs a cold hand up to the side of her face smil ijng lightly as he plays with a small part of her hair. " Is there any way I can make up for such a pain I bring you?" She laughs lightly before smiling at him. "Come up here and kiss me would make up for it" he chuckles moving to sit up and pull here into a kiss, it's heated and sweet something they both enjoy. He pulls away resting his forehead against hers. "I hope that will suffice but I'm happy to give more " he replys. "For someone cold to the touch your fucking hot you know that" he laughs again pulling her closer go his body, wrapping them both up in that blanket. "I know I don't normally watch Television but tonight I just want t to be close to you so put on what ever you wish my little snowflake." He says placing more kisses on her skin. "God's I love you, you know" she smiles leaning up to kiss him again. "And I love you very, very much my sweet love, my little starlight and snow drop."
"Get over here, sweet talker"
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Ft sub-zero Bi-han becuase I'm a slut for him
Bi-han did what he wanted most times, he had many lovers over time most were just to saite his desires, but his S/o was very much different form the many woman and men he had been with.
And it's the reason he wishes to take things slow. Even thought it is very much the opposite of how he normally was. He had aged out of his rebels teen years. And found someone that makes him feel complete. Bi-han is the less likely our of the bunch to realise his S/o is distancing herself from him. But when he does figure it out he is very handsy. "My soul, are you alright?, you have been avoiding me. Have I done something to anger you" he ask pulling her close to him resting his head over her shoulder as he wraps his arms around her stomach and pulls her against his chest. "I'm alright Bi-han just haven't been feeling well" she replys earning a rasied eyebrow from him. "Snowflake, are you pregnant?" Is the first thing that he ask. It's quite before She starts laughing lightly. "Bi-han, you haven't even slept with me and I don't exactly leave the house so if hope the fuck not" she says laughing as she leans back into him. "It made you smile, and I do so love it when you smile so brightly my love." He replys and leave small kisses agaisnt her neck. "But that is something I wish to speak to you about" she says turning around to face him. " Pregnancy?"
"No, that I would like you to sleep with me, Bi-han."
"And perhaps get you pregnant?" He jokingly jest . She lightly punches his shoulder. " Do you have baby fever that badly?" She ask looking up in to his eyes. "I just would love to see you with a child, you would make a beautiful mother my love, and perhaps baby fever is part of it too" he hums before pulling hsiblove in for another kiss. "Your a tease toy know"
"Just for you my snowflake"
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