ghostsprobably · 5 months
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these guys have way too much free time
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1v31182m5 · 3 months
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lonelybiscuits · 3 months
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RIP Duman you would have loved Ke$ha’s music
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winx-trash · 2 years
The Wizards of the Black Circle are british I can't do this
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annikuza · 4 months
Goofy AU design idea, basically just inverted ogron (also the names are corny pls don’t mind them idk what else to call it 🥲)
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I love making these character sheet things, more practice to draw full body stuff
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charmixpower · 2 years
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Nebula, Major fairy of the Skies
Nebula is a Greek women, specifically because I wanted her to become a follower of the goddess of revenge, Nemisis, after the Wizards of the Black Circle attack
That's what her tattoo is supposed to be, Nemisis's symbol. She got it right after the Earth magic users were trapped in Tir Na Nog as a symbol of dedication to her new life's mission
Nebula before the wizards attacked was a very passionate yet mostly care free girl who spent her time making clear skies on warm summer days, and rain during droughts
When the Wizards attacked her area she was at first quickly swept up by the mounting chaos, and destruction. Mostly fleeing with her fellow magic users, until things came to down to the wire, she was the oldest and most experienced magic user left in her group, and she attacked them with lighting
This worked unsurprisingly well, and Nebula decided to turn around and go on the attack. This wizards and her + all magic users left battled for a while, both sides fairly exhausted before it became clear they weren't going to win. Nebula using her powers to knock up a tornado to distract the Wizards before fleeing
Nebula let this group of young magic user's travel to a safe haven created by the fairy Morgana before she began chasing the wizards. This was a terrible idea, but she found settlements and helped whatever magic users were there fight the wizards and told them about Morgana's safe haven. Her actions led to most of the magic users in Tir Na Nog bring saved, letting magic users far and wide learn about this place
She knew that the wizards had known about Morgana's save haven for a while now, so she abandoned her self declared mission for a new one. Protect Tir Na Nog
This is when she formed the Warrior Faries. She gathered up everyone in Tir Na Nog who wanted to fight, and begun training them and with them for the eventual battle
Most of the residents are fairly young, as the older more powerful faries often died protecting the younger ones, leading to only the luckiest of children teenagers and young adults making to Tir Na Nog, but Nebula didn't have many other choices
So she trained inside of Tir Na Nog, talked strategy with the other major faries, and counted down for the final battle that ended in both sides being sealed away
So in Tir Na Nog, Nebula plotted her revenge. Waiting for the moment for someone to release her
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coredetenebris · 2 months
I remember a few months ago I thought my obsession with Wotbc was fizzling out…….And then this happened
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And then Duman joined the party
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And now Anagan is on the way but his coat is taking forever.
So yeah- here I am idk how that happened but I think I’m happy with that.
@calissarowan I just learned that you can crochet too so here is an idea-
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thelostgirl201 · 1 year
WotBC Hand’s
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calissarowan · 29 days
Aaaaa i like reading ur rambles/blogs
What are the wotbc bond/first meet are like and who got along with who last/first?
Aw, thank you so much! It’s so cool that people like listening to what I have to say! And as for your question…probably gonna be a long one. Let’s get started, and hope this stays coherent!
So, in accordance with my backstories (I know I’ve only posted Ogron’s, but the others will come, I promise!) then Ogron and Gantlos met first, when they were around fifteen/sixteen. Yllidith sent Ogron to investigate rumours of a kind of vampiric monster (the vampire headcanon is very much in effect here; it technically is everywhere, it just doesn’t always get explicitly mentioned), and Ogron found aforementioned ‘monster’, who turned out to be a kid his own age, dealing with a traumatic event that lost him his parents and left him desperately fighting his instincts. So, um, technically Gantlos may have attempted to feed on Ogron the first time they met. He really didn’t mean to. He was starving and completely out of it. Ogron managed to get him to calm down, and ultimately brought him back to Yllidith with him, since Gantlos was very much in danger from the people that had branded him as a monster. Ogron had grown up on his own, being mostly ignored, so Gantlos was the first person to actually care about him since he was six, and his first friend, so they are very close. Gantlos actually taught him the idea of sacrificing or endangering yourself for someone else, which was sure as hell not an idea Yllidith had been instilling. I may possibly change this later on, but I like the idea that Ogron actually had a bit of a crush on Gantlos, but he had absolutely no idea what he was feeling or what it meant, so he never did anything. They did get along pretty quickly, but Ogron took a while to understand how to interact with another person that wasn’t trying to turn him into an all-powerful wizard whose only purpose was to serve his master. Now, in the present, Gantlos and Ogron are still as close as brothers (though could it be argued that Anagan is Ogron’s best friend? Yes.) But Gantlos would die for Ogron.
Ogron and Anagan, well, I haven’t got all the kinks out of Anagan’s backstory yet (and these first meetings will be expanded on in later posts and a planned fic) so basically, Ogron, along with Gantlos, saved him from a very bad situation. In my personal headcanon, Anagan was not actually born with magic, he gained it after meeting Ogron and Gantlos, so the two of them seemed very powerful and impressive when he first met them. Once he had magic, Ogron showed him how to use it, since Yllidith was no teacher of the year. Now they’re older, Anagan is pretty much Ogron’s lifeline most of the time, trying to make sure he takes care of himself and being there for him during the intermittent emotional breakdowns. Anagan gets on well with most people, so he and Ogron have got along well since the start, though Ogron took a while to get comfortable with how perceptive Anagan was about his emotional state, and the idea that it’s okay not to be okay, and to talk about it.
Ogron and Duman…well, they sort of come from very different, but very similar worlds. They were both fairly neglected when they grew up, but, also, Ogron grew up in more or less a castle, and Duman grew up on the streets, having been abandoned because his powers were considered demonic. So they tend to clash a little because Duman can find Ogron’s lack of basic survival skills irritating, and Ogron finds Duman messing with him deeply frustrating. They took the longest to get along out of everyone, partly because Duman couldn’t see why Ogron was in charge. Who put him in charge? They’d die for each other now, of course, but there’s always the slight dynamic of street kid that fought for everything, and someone he perceives as getting everything easily. Time went on, and Duman empathised a lot more with the stuff he’d been through. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t mess with Ogron and keep him on his toes at all times. Except when Ogron is tired and sad, in which case Duman turns into a cat and sits on him, purring, until he feels better. Also, Ogron taught Duman magic, and how to read and write.
Gantlos and Duman are of course, first and foremost, very much in love. So their bond is incredibly strong and caring. Duman does his absolute best to get Gantlos to value himself the way he should, while Gantlos would do anything for Duman. He’s almost died way too many times protecting him, to which Duman has made the point that what is the point in saving him by giving him a heart attack over the fact his boyfriend almost died?! They got along pretty quickly, though Gantlos found Duman a tad overwhelming to start with, since he’s pretty loud and didn’t think about anything he said before he said it, and Gantlos rarely speaks if he doesn’t have to. But they both have parts of themselves that the world hates them for, that makes them be seen as monsters, so they can empathise with each other really easily. They both look at it in different ways, though, with Gantlos trying to hide his vampire half as much as possible to feel safer, and Duman throwing his shapeshifting in everyone’s face, because this is how he is and people can just deal with it. He encourages Gantlos to do the same, with minimal success.
Okay, Gantlos and Anagan. They’re probably the most together wizards, to be honest. They both sort of have another member of the group they keep from breaking down or destroying the universe, so they’re sort of the responsible adults of the team. If Gantlos and Duman were to have an argument, Anagan’s the one Gantlos would come and vent to. They’re also sparring partners, magically, and also physically, since neither of them like to rely too heavily on their powers. Anagan helps Gantlos with expressing his emotions better, even if that’s an uphill battle. They both tend to just be quiet while Ogron and Duman talk about plans, and they can kinda mutually speak ‘look’. They got along from the get-go, though Anagan had a tiny freak-out moment about Gantlos’s fangs. He’d only heard the bad vampire stories, nobody blames him.
Anagan is like Duman’s exasperated parent. They’re the same age, but they didn’t really get along when they first met, since Anagan was doing his level best to stay out of the way and keep from making waves, and Duman was a freakin’ tsunami that thought Anagan was kinda boring, and thought (out loud) that his powers were the most disappointing. Which they were, but Anagan’s insecure about his magic, so…tricky relationship. Duman mostly spent time with Gantlos to start with, despite Ogron being the one to teach him. They got better as Duman got more comfortable around people, and eventually he said he thought super speed was pretty cool, and they finally fell into the comfortable friendship they have now, where Anagan loves him like a kid brother that jumps on you when you’re trying to focus.
Phew! That was a crazy long post! Thanks so much for the ask, and I hope you liked reading this!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
Dunno if anybody asked you this before but
opinion on different ships involving wotbc? (that you know of)
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ALL of them?? Deranged ask, muting you on the server for a thousand years, no trial. Jk of course but :O!! I have gotten asks about ships before, plus I did a silly lil ship bingo that I may have to bring back- But just for YOU, joyous one, I will simply summarise and link things! Put it all together!
Starting within the Black Circle itself:
There is no ship combination between them I'm inherently against, I say boldly and bravely. Could probably write for most of them too, even if they're not my absolute favourite, because again, I don't straight up dislike any of them.
Of course I do have my personal top dogs cough cough cough- Like at this point it's no secret I'm a very normal and casual enjoyer of Ogron x Gantlos (gantlogron? ograntlos?? I like gantlogron better ngl). Maybe it's the way I personally enjoy writing Gantlos, but it's just so easy? To make them work?? And if you're not a fan of easy, you can always take the more angsty route and make them. Slightly less equal. They come in multiple flavours!! I think this might be my favourite ship for both of them currently, but I'll elaborate on that in a sec.
Next is my other top dog, Duman x Anagan (DUMANAGAN 🦅🦅). I feel like I've talked about them way more than I actually have?? Maybe it's hidden in reblogs and tags but dang sjsksk, either I should tag better or yap about them more. It's probably gonna be the latter. There's just something about their 'decently normal guy x the HORRORS he keeps inviting everywhere' that does something for me idk, in a platonic way as well. I just really appreciate them as a duo, in whatever dysfunctional form their relationship comes in. Frequently bought together ass couple smh.
About both Gantlos x Anagan (anagantlos? GANAGAN!!!) and Ogron x Anagan (????anagron?) I can be kiiinda brief. Haven't seen a lot of Gantlos x Anagan, but it's fine, why not. Ogron x Anagan is slightly more interesting to me, but maybe that's because I personally enjoy making them clash a bit. Probably still doable though.
Now- Not to slut shame Duman, definitely not during pride month, but this man gets around in a way the others don't and it must be said. Maybe it's his adaptability but DAMN. Ig that's kinda the point of him though. To me. Just the age old question.. Duman is every wizard's favourite, but who's his favourite? Nobody knows. If it's between Ogron x Duman (..dugron?) and Gantlos x Duman (dumantlos) I probably like Ogron x Duman slightly more? They both have angst potential though. Is something I've noticed. Duman gets around but at what cost? Maybe I should just read happier fics.
Actually NO it's Duman's fault there's so much angst around him, that's what he gets for canonically dying and having ties to envy. Dumed Doomed from the start fr.
Moving on to?? There being ships with three of them?? Which is extremely funny to me. Exclusion. Some of these I've only heard about, some I've seen actual content for- Ogron x Anagan x Duman, brought up by someone in the server unironically, Gantlos was NOT invited. Ogron x Gantlos x Anagan, ah yes, sometimes a family is three husbands and the weird pet they found that's their son now. Ogron x Gantlos x Duman was just angst, and Gantlos x Anagan x Duman gives me dumanagan convincing Gantlos to mess around with them vibes I'M SORRY. This is really taking me places.
Y'know you could always just have them all date each other at that point. Affectionately nicknamed 'dumanagantlogron' right here right now. Don't see it a whole lot, but that's probably because it gives you less group dynamic wiggle room. Understandably not for everyone because of that, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. Me personally, I could be convinced. Be wild be free. Also imagine being at a bar or whatever, one of them comes up to you and goes "Hey, me and my three boyfriends just love your vibe" what do you do where do you go from there bye
This is gonna be a BIG one bro, I might have to cut it here for now and make a second part just so it doesn't become scroll hell- I'm only now "done" yapping about ships INSIDE the Circle. I still have so much to say, I know too many ships. Yeah I'm really cutting it here sjsks
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ghostsprobably · 5 months
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The Wizards of the Black Circle redesign vid will be up monday!!!
Can u guess the themes i gave them?
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1v31182m5 · 17 days
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lonelybiscuits · 3 months
I know I normally write silly little skits, but this one is a little more serious and long.
Feed me
Gantlos had cooked for all of them that night. It’s not that didn’t have meals together, they were all just on their own schedules and had different likes. Today, however, Gantlos had Anagan set the table and had everyone sit down like a family. Anagan insisted that this was cheesy and unnecessary, but Gantlos had found it very necessary. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw Duman eat, at least not a proper meal. He, Ogron and Anagan sat down together, but when Duman arrived, he insisted he wasn’t hungry.
“It’s just pasta you big baby, it’ll be good for you” Anagan teased
But Duman sneered, “then you eat it, I’m not hungry, and I’m going to bed.” His words held obvious irritation.
Anagan tried to question his attitude, but Gantlos just insisted everyone else eat to build strength, he’d hunt some real game when they had time. Ogron appreciated his efforts. They gave each other a look of acknowledgment. Afterwords ogron began to clean up.
“ Are you going to talk to him, or should I? I don’t feel he’ll be as receptive if I do it.” Ogron wasn’t brushing this off, rather he was stating a fact. Duman, for as close as they were, wouldn’t open up to him the way he might Gantlos.
“Yeah, I’ll figure out what’s makin him so gloomy,”
Gantlos made his way to Dumans room. He was just looking in the mirror at himself, the echo of what that fairy had said rang in his mind.
Ugly beast
He hadn’t even noticed the tears starting to well up in his eyes before Gantlos spoke.
“Alright, that’s enough of that” he threw the mirror out of the window.
“And don’t you start crying, I hate all that. Now what wrong with you? You got a bug in your brain makin you not eat? So ya need to get dewormed or something?” Gantlos had attempted a joke, but Duman didn’t laugh, he didn’t even look at him.
“I’m perfectly fine-“ Gantlos cut him off by holding something to his lips. A piece of dark chocolate.
Duman stood dumbfounded, “I’m not a baby and I don’t need to be fed-“
“Your body is fine. I don’t know who or what made you think it’s not enough, but I will find them and rip them apart myself” he tried once again to feed the smaller wizard. After a sigh he took off his hat and sat on the bed. “It’s not your body I care about, I mean I do care but that’s not the important part. That is the shell my Duman is inside of. And you’re killing the only warm piece of you I can touch, the only part I can see”
More silence followed, Duman then removed his shirt, staring down at himself , “Why…” the question wasn’t directed towards anything in particular, it was just him trying to sort out his feelings.
“People on Earth like to break beautiful things. Unfortunately you’re one of them,”
Duman solemnly sat next to the blonde and opened his mouth, Gantlos fed him and said, “now don’t expect me to cuddle you or anything”
“No…is there more? Of the food you had made?”
“…can I eat it in here?”
“Only if I’m here too.”
Gantlos went to retrieve the food, coming back to his friend’s side
“I’m gonna have to spend the next night or two with you, aren’t I?”
“Feed me”
And he did, he did because the comfort of the action alone was what was healing his friend .
That night as they lay there, Gantlos spoke.
“Don’t expect me to baby you every time you feel down on yourself. “
Duman smiled, he knew Gantlos would do whatever it took to help him, even if he wouldn’t admit it. He closed his eyes and smiled until he fell asleep, the warmth of Gantlos next to him was all he needed to feel something. To feel beautiful. To feel accepted.
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duman-anon · 1 month
Battle royal special version!
The winx vs the wizards of the black circle!
I dont really know if you can call this a battle royal, but anyway-
I was bored and came up with the idea, what if the wizards and the winx fought but in 1v1s decided by diffrent things.
Tw- The winx
Wotbc- Wizards of the black circle
So the setups are-
Tw's idiot vs Wotbc's idiot
Tw's smartest vs Wotbc smartest
Tw's fastest vs Wotbc's fastest
Tw's strongest vs Wotbc's strongest
Tw's funniest vs Wotbc's funniest
Tw's coolest vs Wotbc's coolest
Tw's hot head vs Wotbc's hot head
Tw's Fastest vs Wotbc's fastest
Who do you think would win and who is againts who?
here we goooooo!
Idiots: Stella and Duman (not in a mean way, they’re smart), I think Stella wouldn’t make it through the ancient powers that Duman has
Smartest: Tecna and Ogron, Tecna would outsmart Ogron
Fastest: Aisha/Layla and Anagan (duh), Anagan would win
Strongest: Bloom and Gantlos, Gantlos would win
Funniest: Stella and Duman (they delivered the show), they both win, love wins
Coolest: Musa and Duman (but all of the wizards are cool), they both win being the coolest
Hot head: Bloom and Gantlos, Gantlos is ready to beat up anyone on sight, Bloom has a little bit of self-control at least
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annikuza · 10 months
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Omg supa strikas and wotbc crossover wowowoowow loud clapping
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Sorry I’m not pumping much out but come and look at my sunshine
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