#wot countdown
wisdomnynaeve · 1 year
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Wheel of Time s2 Countdown Day 4- Favorite scene
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r0sa4077 · 1 year
1. Rand al'Thor
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Art credit to Esther Schrader
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sercophe-sinderwidth · 11 months
Music Though
Why does Moonlight Sonata's 3rd movement go so hard??
I'm just over here head banging to the strikes. How do you even begin to learn to PLAY that?
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imgonnaeditstuff · 1 year
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countdown to wot season two -> day five: favorite dynamic -> lan and moraine
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fishalthor · 1 year
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wot season two countdown: day two - favorite costume
↳ moiraine's tower dress
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thislovintime · 11 months
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Photo 1: Peter in 1964, screenshot from his My Generation interview (photo © Andrew Sandoval). Photo 2: Peter Tork and Adam Di Petto (assuming this is at the opening of Zilch in New York City on October 20, 1967; photo courtesy of the Daily News). Photo 3: with Fabio Piangiani Naradamuni and Andriette Redman at Trax, early 1980s (photo via Facebook); photos 5 & 6 from the early 1980s and circa 2013.
Photo 2: “Notice the shot of me bending Peter Tork’s ear. Or is it he bending my ear? (No fair counting my chins!) Actually, I’m hitting him up for a loan — after learning he, Davy, Micky and Mike are now all millionaires! Especially with all the royalties pouring in for their latest lp, ‘Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones, Limited.’ (Wot, no kitchen sink?)” - Adam Di Petto, Daily News, December 10, 1967
“Money doesn’t mean anything to me. If you can’t be happy poor, you can’t be happy rich.” - Peter, Seventeen, August 1967
Peter Tork: “[The music scene in Greenwich Village during the early 1960s was] Dreamsville. Total wonderfulness. Yeah, I was liberated, I was free, I was a hippie in Greenwich Village. It was great, you couldn’t ask for a better life.” Q: “Were you playing music for a living?” PT: “Yeah.” Q: “Did that pay the bills?” PT: “Yeah, such as they were. I mean, you know, I lived — shared a run-down apartment with a couple of other guys, and went out at night, we played the coffee house circuit in Greenwich Village from seven — quarter of the hour, from seven in the evening until four in the morning, six nights a week. It was a lot of fun.” - GOLD 104.5, 1999
"[N]ow here I am, broke in New York City,’ [Tork] said. But the 38-year-old [sic] singer is far from calling it quits. ‘I’m going to keep plugging,‘ he vowed. ‘I’m not done — this is my craft, my trade.’” - The Tampa Tribune, March 27, 1982 (x)
“I never knew how New York would welcome me back after all those years. It’s a cynical place and, sadly, The Monkees gave a lot of people a chance to exercise their cynicism. New York welcomed me. I started playing again in The Village and I’m doing OK.” - Peter Tork, Countdown, April 1987
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27dragons · 10 months
New Year Countdown: Dec 11
Today's countdown ficlet is some Ineffable Husbands fluff!
Dec 11 - Ineffable Husbands - College/University AU - Sled
“You wot?” Crowley demanded, staring at Aziraphale across the canteen table. “You’ve never been sledding? At all? Ever?”
“You needn’t act so surprised,” Aziraphale said stiffly. “There are loads of people who’ve never been sledding.”
“Yeah, but most of ‘em live in the tropics,” Crowly retorted.
“Yes, well, my family doesn’t go in for that sort of thing.” Aziraphale took a spoonful of his pudding.
“That sort of thing,” Crowley repeated. “What, like fun?”
“Now you mention it -- yes.” He glanced up to see Crowley looking at him with that sad, pitying expression that meant Aziraphale had demonstrated yet again how sheltered and repressive his upbringing had been. “It’s not exactly a tragedy, Crowley, really.”
“That’s exactly what it is, angel,” said Crowley. He moved all of their trash and empty dishes onto one of their trays and stacked them together. “You finished? C’mon.” Aziraphale stood up and reached for the trays, but Crowley already had them. “Nah, I got this, go on.”
Aziraphale couldn’t help but give Crowley a suspicious look. Aziraphale was always the one who put their trays away when they’d finished at the dining hall. Crowley was apt to just saunter away, leaving his mess on the table for some poor student worker to clean up. But Crowley just gave gave Aziraphale a sunny smile and gestured for Aziraphale to precede him out of the building.
When they’d gotten perhaps half a block down the road on their way back to the dorms, Crowley reached up under his jacket and pulled out one of the trays.
“Crowley!” Aziraphale froze in horror. “Did you steal that?”
Crowley scoffed. “It’s not stealing, angel. I’m gonna give it back.”
“But- but why?”
Crowley turned and gestured at the wide hill that ran from the path down toward the footie field. “We are going sledding!”
Aziraphale blinked at the hill, which suddenly seemed rather steeper than it had done just a moment earlier. “Now?” He looked at the tray, which seemed much less sturdy than it had in the dining hall. “On that?”
“Sure!” Crowley dropped the tray, then put one foot on it and slid it back and forth on the snow. “Good snow for it,” he said genially, as if Aziraphale weren’t already practically having a panic attack. “I’ll go first and show you how it’s done, yeah?” Without waiting for a response, he threw himself down onto the tray and used his heels to push himself forward until the gravity took hold.
“Oh dear,” Aziraphale gasped, twisting his hands together nervously.
Crowley slid down the hill, whooping with delight, until he reached the bottom, when the tray gently spun to a stop.
“That was great!” he yelled. He scooped up the tray and practically jogged back up the hill. “Now you go!”
“Go on, angel, give it a whirl!” Crowley shoved the tray toward him. “Take the sled, go on!”
“It’s really more of a toboggan,” Aziraphale pointed out helplessly.
“Whatever! Go on, have a little fun for once!”
Aziraphale put the tray down. “If I break my leg,” he warned, “it will be your fault.”
“You’re not going to break anything,” Crowley promised. “Now sit down, and kind of tuck your feet up on the lip of the tray there so they’re not in the way.”
Gingerly, Aziraphale sat. “Now what?”
“I’ll just give you a push,” Crowley suggested. He put his hands on Aziraphale’s shoulders. “Ready, steady--”
And Aziraphale was flying.
The wind was biting against his face and hands, whipping through his hair and causing his eyes to water so he couldn’t see. Snow spray stung his skin, and everything was moving far too fast. There was nothing to hold on to, no way to steer or stop or even slow down. He was entirely at the mercy of gravity and the minimal friction between the tray and the snow.
He became aware that he was yelling, his arms flailing wildly. Something happened -- he had no idea what -- and he went arse-over-teakettle, tumbling and rolling and bumping until he finally flopped to a halt, flat on his back and panting up at the clear winter sky.
“Oh my,” he gasped, gingerly patting himself down to check for injuries.
“Aziraphale!” Crowley skidded to a stop just beside Aziraphale and peered down at him. “Angel! Are you hurt?”
“I don’t think so,” he said. He sat up, and while he could feel a number of bruises already forming, he didn’t think he’d broken anything. 
“What happened?” Crowley asked.
“I don’t know.” Aziraphale turned his head to see the dining hall tray resting a little ways away, completely innocent, as if it hadn’t bumped him off mid-journey. Then he twisted to look back up to the top of the hill. The snow was no longer pristine, scarred and pitted by Aziraphale’s tumble down and Crowley’s running.
“Come on, up you get,” Crowley urged him. “You stay like that, the snow’ll melt right through your clothes and you’ll catch your death.”
Aziraphale let Crowley help him to his feet. He walked over to the tray and picked it up. They walked back up the hill in silence.
When they got to the top, Aziraphale paused to look down again, rubbing absently at the slick plastic of the tray.
“Yeah.” Crowley held out his hand for the tray. “I’ll put it back now.”
Aziraphale’s fingers tightened on the tray. “Actually,” he said slowly. “I think I’d like another go.”
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jaqobis · 10 months
god the countdown till i start writing more wot/asoiaf crossover fic no one asked for
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claimant · 1 year
literally so excited about wot s2 that i'm tempted to code a countdown widget into my theme for sept 1 except i don't remember When on sept 1 it's meant to drop
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cata-daily · 3 months
Dailies Index 1-50
The beginning! From 4/15 to 6/3
The format is: Day ___ - Short Description
I have no idea if this is gonna be helpful at all, but if it is then yay!
Next index (51-100) Other art, WoT's, etc Index
Day 1 - Snapping :) Day 2 - By an unmarked white van Day 3 - Swinging from a chandelier Day 4 - "why do guys named timothy go by tim when they could go by moth" Day 5 - Staring into the sunset Day 6 - Very large apple Day 7 - Shadow having taken a bite out of his arm Day 8 - TSP two doors Day 9 - 2 drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff Day 10 - ded (cwacom) Day 11 - Little sticky note doodle Day 12 - Horrible mouse drawing Day 13 - TSP countdown ending Day 14 - Looks at you with enormous round shiny eyes Day 15 - the horrors persist but so do I (b&w) Day 16 - Slightly coloured ms whiteboard Day 17 - Mean Girls whale bathroom pass Day 18 - Girls at Sleepovers/Boys at Sleepovers Day 19 - Tie dye Day 20 - Bass Pro Shop fishtank Day 21 - Icicle sword Day 22 - Bug pin lance Day 23 - Conveniently shaped lamp Day 24 - Eye flames Day 25 - Sketch of the trio Day 26 - Kinda rendered eye Day 27 - Suavemente gnome Day 28 - Canada goose Day 29 - His hole... Day 30 - amit Eclipxie Day 31 - amit Shadow Clone Day 32 - Birthday art! Day 33 - *yeets burger Day 34 - the horrors persist but so do i (coloured) Day 35 - Shimmer moth reference Day 36 - Wing tails paper sketch Day 37 - Small bow Day 38 - amit reactor explosion Day 39 - SGAmod reveal ancestor Day 40 - Master(ftw) ancestor Day 41 - Polarities ancestor (sketch) Day 42 - Polarities ancestor Day 43 - Toe biden... Day 44 - Redemption ancestor Day 45 - SGAmod ancestor Day 46 - Sometimes I wonder how I taste lol (meme) Day 47 - Ultranium/SAA ancestor (sketch) Day 48 - Pride month start! Day 49 - Tiny doodle Day 50 - Sparkle sparkle
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highladyluck · 3 years
Egwene: Clothes are for projecting the right image. Rand: Strangely, I agree with you. Besides, I no longer deserve comfort. Mat: You two are insane, clothes are just for protection. ...And maybe for highlighting your best features. Nyneave, wearing a low neckline in Lan's favorite colors: No, clothes are for preserving your modesty and looking decent! Perrin: Light, all I want is to have shirts that fit.
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wisdomnynaeve · 1 year
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Wheel of Time S2 Countdown: Favorite Character
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r0sa4077 · 1 year
9. Moiraine Damodred
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Art credit to Caio Santos
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feast-of-lights · 3 years
Announcing The Wheel of Time TV Show Countdown!
Let's celebrate the upcoming series with a mini-countdown!
November 9 – Ten Nations – History
November 12 – Seven Ages – Destiny
November 14 – Five Emond's Fielders – Family
November 16 – Three Ta'veren – Adventure
November 18 – One Power – Wonder
As always, all types of fanworks are welcome! There are also no word count or quality requirements. Tag your works as #wheel of time countdown or #wot countdown
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions!
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imgonnaeditstuff · 1 year
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countdown to wot season two -> day two: favorite costumes -> siuan sanche
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fishalthor · 1 year
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wot season two countdown: day seven - free day!
↳ choose your character (inspo)
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