#wosa deity
percabeth4life · 1 year
Do you think Isis also has a greek-roman counterpart like the Greek gods have their Roman counterparts, or she's just the same Isis for everyone?
Funny you should ask! Because Isis *is* her Greek name. There's several other names she was known by, Wosa/Wusa being one of them. Like many Egyptian Gods her mythos is *old*, even though she's one of the later appearing one. It's still got a solid 4k+ years of history, giving her a lot of "counterparts".
Isis has been previously equated and/or associated with a variety of Greek Gods as well. Demeter, Aphrodite, and even Io (a mortal) were all associated or equated with her. Additionally, Artemis (both associated with protecting women and fertility) and Tyche for the good fortune she brings. She had specific associations in Geco-Roman periods different from her Egyptian periods. In her Egyptian worship she had many different periods of worship, with it varying by the time period.
So yes I imagine that there is a Greco-Roman counterpart/aspect of her, certainly one that was worshiped distinctly. I imagine many can worship her under many of her Egyptian aspects separately as well if they so chose. Whether it all be one being? I'm afraid I'm not educated enough on her to give a solid idea of it. But I imagine so, just a bit extra.
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