#worry not my child 😌🤲
elitadream · 1 year
Oh, Anon. You're adorable! 😄
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defaulttwig · 3 years
Birthday Boy!
Viktor x fem!reader (but pretty much gn)
A/N: Initially written on his birthday, this is just posted late and uploaded from my AO3 LOL. Viktor fans, please accept my offering 🤲😌
Warnings: Fluff
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Summary: Those long nights in the lab have jumbled Viktor's track of time and he forgot his own birthday. Luckily, he has you to remind him.
Word Count: 715
"Happy birthday, handsome."
Viktor hummed, hardly paying attention. You rolled your eyes and pushed the little tea plate in line of sight. He made a small noise and stopped tinkering, raising his goggles to retort about disturbing him but blanked at the plate.
"What is this for?"
You pinched the plate and rotated it with a smile. Sat on it was a lone cupcake with a rather haphazard frosting decorated like a smiley face. For the nose, a single, lit candle.
Viktor glanced between the cupcake and you, his surprise evident. You blinked and raised a brow. Pushing the plate closer, your voice lowered in confusion.
"You remembered your birthday, right?"
The corners of his mouth downturned. The silence permeating the room spoke levels. He needn't respond at this point. Your eyes widened in surprise as his did in curiosity. Taking a step back, you sharply exhaled.
"You actually forgot your birthday?"
"If you haven't noticed, I've been busy." His eyes wandered to the cupcake in childlike wonder. "It slipped my mind. Did you make this?"
"Viktor." Your gaze softened. "You really shouldn't overwork yourself."
"I know."
You touched his forearm, leaning towards him. A small smile formed as you had an idea. "How about you take the day off. Just for today. And we can celebrate your birthday."
His brows knitted in concern, his lips pursed. "I don't know."
You shook your head, resting your hand over his and slipping your fingers through his. The size difference of your small slender hands to his larger, lankier ones made you giddy. You squeezed his hand, bringing your face closer.
"Spend the day with me. Just the two of us."
Viktor turned his head away. His forehead creased with worry. You could see the fumes he exuded from his thoughts. Too caught up on the stress of the future, he rarely ever allowed himself a moment's rest.
The imaginary fumes cleared away when he hunched over and coughed into his free hand, unknowingly squeezing your hand. You frowned, chest tightening as you took in his features. Hair tousled, dark eye bags from days without easy rest. Rubbing your thumb over his, your voice softened to a near whisper.
"Take a day to relax. You need it, Viktor."
Under his eyelashes, his eyes flickered to your entwined hands. His gaze slid over to the cupcake. Its misshapen smile stared back at him. Sliding his thumb over yours, he sighed.
"It is a day to celebrate isn't it?" He smiled, turning his head to you. "What shall we do first?"
You beamed and wrapped your arm around him. Slipping your hand from his, you brought the plate directly in front of him. Angling the cupcake so its smile faced him head-on, you squeezed him in your one-sided embrace.
"Make a wish, birthday boy."
Viktor shook his head with a small snicker, guiding your hand off the plate and into his own. "You don't think we're a little too old for this?"
"For a birthday wish?" You gasped lightly. "Never. Now, make a wish."
He shook his head once more but dipped low to the cupcake. Viktor puckered his lips and let out a quick huff. You hummed in delight as he leaned away and swatted the smoke. Taking the candle out, you set it aside.
"Eat up."
Viktor's amused look sent your heart aflutter as he twisted the plate in his hands. Eventually, he picked up the cupcake and turned the face to you.
"It's cute."
"Isn't it? You agreed. "I like to consider it our lovechild."
"A cupcake?"
"Yes. Made with love by me for you on your special day." You gestured to the cupcake with a tilt of your head. "Now, eat our lovechild."
Viktor guffawed, huffing a laugh. "You can't just tell me I have a child and then to eat it."
"Why not? It's got velvet frosting."
He gestured to the cupcake with an inquisitive look. "The child hasn't learned any lessons in life. He needs his papa."
You snorted. Taking your finger, you swiped a bit of frosting off the side and smeared it on his lips. "Mama thinks the cupcake would be delicious in papa's belly."
Viktor licked the frosting off, smiling. "You make a strong argument."
"Just eat the cupcake, you dork."
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Gentrychild doesn't think AFO is hot...
That's totally fine, to each their own I suppose. If I'm being completely honest, afo could look a lot better, but I'm satisfied enough with any degree of attractiveness at this point bc I was very genuinely worried that he wouldn't be my type in any capacity but. He definitely is to a degree. Which is awesome. This is the boring answer tho. Here's the interesting one:
Gentry 💰👑🇬🇧 child 👶🧒👪 is in HOT 🔥♨️🌡heckin' 🤬👿😤 water 💧🚿💦 for disrespecting 🤥🥱🙊 MY ☝️💯❗️man 🧍‍♂️🕴💼 Now ⏳️🕐⏰️ they are going 🚗🛩🛶 to pay 💸🤑💲in blood 🩸🪓😱 I will NOT 🙅‍♀️🚫⛔️ rest 😴😪🛌 until JUSTICE ⚖️👨‍⚖️♎️ is served 🍦🥄🤵 and afo 👿🤚💥 lovers ❤️😍🥰 are able to live 🧬🌳😊 without fear 😨😟🙀 THIS is my mission 🚀🦸‍♀️🌎 quest 🗺🛡🗡 and goal 🏆🥇😌 worry not 😰🚫🙅‍♀️ for I shall deliver 🚚📬📥 and all 👭👬👫 will receive peace ✌️☮️🕊 and happiness 😃☺️🌞 forever more 🕔⏲️⌛️ thank you 😊🙏🫂 humble simps 💏😍💘 for joining 👫👭👬 this fight 🥷👨‍🚒🤺 together we shall prosper 🤲❤️🌱 together we shall win 🥇🏆💪
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