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sleepingjuliette · 6 years ago
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Character cards commission for the characters from the @worldsapartshow!
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worldsapartshow-blog · 6 years ago
The village of Ash Hill holds a secret that could change the poisoned world of Tenebrae forever. Join Crownah, Tykko, and Aserannon as they uncover a mystery in Episode 10: The Secret of Ash Hill.
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jewishdragon · 7 years ago
Me when the Worlds Apart trailer dropped
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stainedglassgob · 7 years ago
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(crownah belongs to @briny also shoutout to @worldsapartshow for getting me so invested within the first episode)
[commission info]
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dr-archeville · 7 years ago
Episode 1: The Battle of Hollow Mountain -- Worlds Apart [source]
Worlds Apart is an actual play D&D 5e show, set in two brand-new campaign worlds with unique storylines, monsters, and gods.  James J. Haeck, co-author of the Critical Role Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting and Waterdeep: Dragon Heist guides his friends on an epic adventure in the war-torn Republic of Auredane and the post-apocalyptic Empire of Tenebrae.
Homepage: https://worldsapartshow.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/worldsapartshow Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorldsApartShow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldsApartShow Tumblr: https://worldsapartshow.tumblr.com
(This ep is 3 hrs 24 mins long)
Their tumblr has character sheets -- looks like they’re starting at level 10!
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
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“And the beast roars ferociously ... like this!”
This is Mei! One of @jamesjhaeck and @wildrosemage‘s familiars. She likes to cuddle, chase sparkly toys, and yell. 
Keep an eye out for our next character intro tomorrow!
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
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Half-Orc Cleric (Grave)
Level 10 ● Background: Acolyte
“The peace of the grave means nothing without the toil of life.”
Aserannon Etainsdóttir is a half-orc cleric of Nerugal, the god of memory and the dead. As a child, she disappeared for three days; when she returned, she claimed to have been chosen by Nerugal himself. Whatever transpired during her mysterious outing, Sera has devoted her healing abilities to strengthening the balance between life and death. To her, death is not the end—it is merely where Nerugal’s work begins.
STR: 14 ● DEX: 10 ● CON: 14 ● INT: 13 ● WIS: 17 ● CHA: 10
Height: 6’5”
Weight: “Enough.”
Age: 25
Favorite food: Hearty stews, beer, any kind of sweets
Prized possessions: Necklace of prayer beads, staff of healing, wand of fear, beads made from Peryton horn & bone
Hobbies: Carving beads, walking in the woods, eating dirt
Greatest fear: Succumbing to selfishness, allowing evil to taint her heart
Goals: To rid the world of aberrations and live in peace with her family
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probablygoodrpgideas · 6 years ago
This character, by the way, will appear in a game dm'd by @jamesjhaeck in the setting of @worldsapartshow
Check these things out, especially Worlds Apart
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Careful - Commission 
This beautiful Tiefling belongs to @probablygoodrpgideas :3
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
Episode 2: Heroes Divided
The next episode of Worlds Apart is now live! Crownah, Tykko, and Aserannon find themselves cast into an unfamiliar land. Disoriented and imprisoned, they nonetheless launch a daring plan for escape....
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
Character Intro: Mara
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Mara of the Skycallers
Human Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) Level: 10th • Background: Outlander
“There’s more to strength than how hard you can swing an axe.”
Mara is the leader of the Skycaller tribe, a clan of nomads in the Velashi Desert. The spirit of the desert wolf has honed her formidable speed and strength, granting her the power to protect her people for over two decades as chieftain of the Skycallers. Mara has performed many great deeds in her time, but in her eyes, her greatest achievement is raising her three children, Harun, Soli, and Desni—all brave warriors and future leaders of their people.
STR: 18 • DEX: 14 • CON: 16 • INT: 10 • WIS: 12 • CHA: 11
Height: 5’11”
Weight: “Why do you care?”
Age: 51
Favorite food: Grilled meat with yogurt sauce; spicy stews
Prized possessions: Her animated shield granted to her by the spirit of the desert oasis; a spyglass that she purchased from her friend Tykko for a suspiciously low price
Hobbies: Training and hunting with her family and their wolfdogs
Greatest fear: Being unable to protect her children
Goals: To rid her homeland of the attacking monsters, and lead her people until her son Harun is ready to take over as chieftain
Art by @briny.
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
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Tiefling Bard (College of Swords)
Level 10  • Background: Gladiator
“I don't need to be happy; I need to be glorious.”
Crown-Glory Fortune Hallelujah—or Crownah to her friends—was a performer in the Long Arm Gladiatorial Theater as a star fighter, until her career terminated in spectacular fashion and she joined the Auredanian army to avoid the fallout. Her military tenure was quickly complicated, so a beaten-down Crownah deserted and wandered the wasted countryside until her overdue reunion with her little sister.
Crown-Glory is still a famous name in places like Halfmoon City, but much has changed since Crownah's days as an unstoppable entertainment idol. What hasn’t changed is her larger than life presence, her pride in her craft, and her drive to ever propel herself headlong into glory.
STR: 15  • DEX: 12  • CON: 14  •  INT: 10  •  WIS: 8  •  CHA: 18
Height: 5’2” (5’7” with horns)
Weight: 130
Age: 30
Favorite foods: Empañadas, banana peppers, chicken feet
Prized possessions:  A magical cello called Sudden Death enchanted to be unbreakable, a bow strung with gleaming black strings, and a set of marvelous pigments which she “forgot” to return to the Temple of Elo
Hobbies: Painting, making beer, digging through market stalls for new clothes, trying new instruments
Greatest fear: “Maybe courage is being afraid and acting anyway, but greatness is being truly without fear. You know? Being above it all, that's the hot ticket.”
Goals: for the world to know her name
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
Here's a quick vlog from our friend and Dungeon Master James Haeck, introducing our campaign and letting you know what to expect from our epic journey, here on Worlds Apart! Stay tuned for character intros, setting lore, and more in the weeks to come!
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
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Astrid Sunglow
Tiefling Warlock (Celestial)
Level: 10th • Background: Far Traveler
“We can do this! Together, we’ll save the world!”
As a child, Astrid’s parents left her in the care of an angel of Elo, the god of light, life, and travellers. The angel, in the form of a star, kept her safe until she was found and adopted by the beach witch Lunaea. Astrid would later make a pact with the same angel who watched over her as a baby; this pact grants her divine powers and the ability to summon her enchanted rapier, Swanblade. At age seventeen, with dreams of becoming a hero, she left home and rallied a small cadre of young women warriors to join the fight against the invading monsters.
STR:10 ⬥ DEX: 16 ⬥ CON: 12 ⬥ INT: 12 ⬥ WIS: 12 ⬥ CHA: 18
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 150 lbs.
Age: 19
Favorite food: Spiced fish soup; desserts (all); boba
Prized possessions: Her winged boots from her sister Crownah; her cloak of stars from her adoptive mother Lunaea
Hobbies: Reading novels, playing viola, picking flowers, and practicing magic
Greatest fear: Being abandoned by her loved ones
Goals: To be remembered as a hero; for stories about her to inspire children for centuries to come.
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
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Elf Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Level 10  ● Background: Acolyte
“Through Ki’iva’s grace I found my purpose.”
Zephyr is an elven Oath of the Ancients Paladin.  They are guided by the teachings of Ki’iva, goddess of nature and freedom. When Zephyr was 7, they were left at the temple of Ki’iva in the village of Goldengrove, a village near Broadfurrow known for its yellow apple orchards. For the past few years they have been hunting down a militant cult of Elo called the Godsworn with their trusted friend Aserannon.
STR: 16 ● DEX: 14 ● CON: 14 ● INT: 8 ● WIS: 11 ● CHA: 16
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 159 lbs.
Age: 18
Favorite food: Fresh fish, roasted vegetables, bread (all)
Prized possessions: Peryton-feather wings of flying, flametongue longsword, a handful of beads made from the bones and horns of a peryton
Hobbies: Elven stories/legends, mushrooming, and studying Prophet Stone translations
Greatest fear: Dying without making a difference, being a disappointment
Goals: Protect those who can’t protect themselves, do enough in life to justify their own birth
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
Join six legendary heroes as they climb the mountain of evil and battle the dark warlock Renault for the fate of their world!  
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worldsapartshow-blog · 7 years ago
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Human Rogue (Thief) 
Level: 10th • Background: Urchin
“I’ve spent my life trying to stay hidden, but I think it can be nice to be truly seen.”
Tykko is a human rogue from the streets of Oma-Vel, capital city of the Republic of Auredane. He spent his early years in a foundling house, but he left when the Second War of Monsters filled its walls with orphans and refugees, and took his chances with a gang of street urchins.
Years later, Tykko was taken in by a trio of elven war refugees. Tykko kept his larceny a secret from his new family, and joined the Auredanian army in order to provide honestly for his adoptive parents.
STR: 10 • DEX: 17 • CON: 15 • INT: 10 • WIS: 13 • CHA: 12
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125 lbs.
Age: 23
Favorite food: “Whatever I can get my hands on, mostly. Especially fresh bread.”
Prized possessions: A cloak of elvenkind from his parents, and a portable hole from a source he’s not willing to disclose.
Hobbies: Watching fights, eavesdropping, sometimes practicing the alphabet
Greatest fear: Any misstep that may cause his found family members (including Mara) to think he’s fundamentally a bad person, and revoke their love.
Goals: To make his parents proud, to support them legitimately and be useful as someone other than a thief.
Art by @briny
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