cyan-fly · 2 months
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Ma, the worldreamer
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@worldreamed ll Semi-plotted with Ryoba 
❥ Her family just wasn’t complete without her husband. The poor dear had lost his life in the last thing they were able to do together- taking the fall for the dozens of justified killing Ryoba had done in his name. Sent to the electric chair while the real killer walked away....oh how she had only wanted to end it all.
But she had made a promise to him. She had sworn that she’d look after their daughter after he was gone, to be a happy family again. 
And a happy family...she just couldn’t do that without a new husband. Nothing would be able to take her old one’s place, but her precious daughter was in need of a father again. 
She had planned to be there when the gorgeous young man she had chosen would wake up, but she was horrified to find that she had left him struggling against the ropes that bound his wrists to arms of the chair, along the ones wrapped around his chest and ankles. She nearly dropped the plate of cookies she had prepared in shock
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“Darling, darling! Please stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!” she scrambled over to his side, putting her tray aside before she clasped his bound hand into her own. “Oh, I could never forgive myself if you rubbed your skin raw....that red only belongs in your hair...don’t break my heart like this..”
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appxssionato · 6 years
he just bites ren's dick off because why not?
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bevorzug-t · 6 years
send 🍔 for our muses to have lunch together.
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“Ah- They have some cute cupcakes here, don’t you think? I like this one.” she pointed to a cupcake decorated as a cat, while she ate her fries.
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bassistheart · 6 years
Symbol Starters
Send 📱 for my muse to send yours a random text.
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She didn’t know why, but Ren had suddenly sent her a number through text, saying that he was changing his number and nothing else. So she decided to text that number.
[txt]: Why the hell did you change your phone number
Except right after that she was sent a text from Ren’s original number saying that it was a prank, which had her annoyed but confused at the same time.
[txt]: Wait whose freaking number is this??
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gxillotines-blog · 6 years
@worldreamed has requested a starter!
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— ❝ Why is it so hot outside? Who asked for this broiling weather? This is ridiculous. ❞
Maiko muttered to herself quietly as she felt the sun’s rays beat down against her scalp. Grocery shopping wasn’t difficult, carrying heavy bags back home wasn’t difficult; it was this god awful heat. Was her flesh melting off her bones? God she wished it was. Maybe then she’d feel some form of cool air against her bones. Letting out a groan she continued to make her way down the block in a relatively slow fashion, and this would have continued if her plastic bag didn’t decide to suddenly give out and spill all its contents onto the concrete.
The girl could only curse the heat and her pathetic luck for this turn of events.
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jikyuuryoku · 6 years
‘ mistletoe ’
Mistletoe prompt -> @worldreamed​Accepting.
Christmas season was– nice. Kind of. It was nice to feed off of the romantic and positive energy of the community at large, with nostalgic Christmas music and holiday foods promising for a subtle break from the usual routine. But it could also be exhausting, Ai realizes with sudden clarity; thinking up the perfect gifts for the people he loved the most was always an effort. It has to be perfect, Ai would think to himself; it’s no good if it isn’t from the heart!
He knew that the new year would ring in a lot of change, to boot. It only seemed right, then, to help Rin start off the next chapter of his life with a new hardcover journal to contain his thoughts and feelings. It felt a bit like a cop out; Ai wanted to gift Rin a diary the year prior, but thought it to be too presumptuous. But it still felt right, and so he followed through.
The intent was to come to Rin’s room, explain his reasoning behind his purchase, thank Rin for being an amazing friend and support, and give the diary. A knock to Rin’s door is issued, with a soft beckon of, “Rin-senpai, it’s me,” before Ai realizes it–
– the tiny green sprig with telltale red ribbon tied on top, taped just above Rin’s door. He hears Rin’s footfalls from the other side of the door. “Ah, no, wait–” He turns to look down the hall in either direction. No other door has it?! “Please don’t– There’s something on your–”
The door swings open and Ai immediately scrambles to try and pull down the offending foliage. “This wasn’t–! I didn’t put it here! Ahh, what a cruel prank…!”
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( squeaks ive read your rules before, even on other blogs and i still can't believe i never sent this in at all ) “You don’t have to pretend anymore” or “Lovesick” if you are down in plotting something for that
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{ Heya friend, it’s not issue!! The password isn’t manditory to begin with, but I’m happy you took the time to send this in!!
Also heck yeah I’d be down to plot something!! hmu in IMs
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bevorzug-t · 6 years
worldreamed  This may be weird to answer but how do you...
sweetie, i think you meant /german/.
Yes, this. I’m kinda sleepy, so hm.
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bevorzug-t · 6 years
“i told you that you should’ve brought a jacket.”
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“I’m sorry.” he murmured, snuggling into Rin's coat. "Thank you. It’s warm...”
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bevorzug-t · 6 years
send 💪 for our muses to workout together.
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“Hey~” Tsuki approached Rin, smiling. "Do you mind if I join you?"
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