@worldreamed ll Semi-plotted with Ryoba 
❥ Her family just wasn’t complete without her husband. The poor dear had lost his life in the last thing they were able to do together- taking the fall for the dozens of justified killing Ryoba had done in his name. Sent to the electric chair while the real killer walked away....oh how she had only wanted to end it all.
But she had made a promise to him. She had sworn that she’d look after their daughter after he was gone, to be a happy family again. 
And a happy family...she just couldn’t do that without a new husband. Nothing would be able to take her old one’s place, but her precious daughter was in need of a father again. 
She had planned to be there when the gorgeous young man she had chosen would wake up, but she was horrified to find that she had left him struggling against the ropes that bound his wrists to arms of the chair, along the ones wrapped around his chest and ankles. She nearly dropped the plate of cookies she had prepared in shock
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“Darling, darling! Please stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!” she scrambled over to his side, putting her tray aside before she clasped his bound hand into her own. “Oh, I could never forgive myself if you rubbed your skin raw....that red only belongs in your hair...don’t break my heart like this..”
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paper-giraffe · 7 years
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tfw u start doing xmas presents 3 days before xmas
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abirdinthetrap · 8 years
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Small drawing before the release
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bannedfromtheaters · 7 years
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Sally Grissom (ars PARADOXICA)
AggressivelyArospecWeek (2/7) This time-traveling nerd is canonically asexual! The creators (@arsparadoxica​) have said Sally’s romantic orientation can be interpreted however, and I personally love aro-ace!Sally.
If you like Cold War government conspiracies and complex time paradoxes with a couple o’ nerdy queer characters trapped in the middle of it, definitely give this audio-drama a listen!
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saphizzle · 6 years
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OHBOIOHBOI unfortunately OBS ate my recording of the drawing progress but here he is! Jon Archivist! I'm trying to get better at digital painting... it's unfairly hard honestly.
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cute-sweet-corgo · 6 years
Could we get more handsome Able (SCP 076-2)?
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sssssssim · 6 years
Ohboiohboi sharp obejcts yoooo. That shits powerful. I think the show was stronger than the book because of the performances. But read the book after ;).
Also, do you like a discovery of witches? I was so disappointed that it turned out to be another fanfiction thing (twilight/true blood/outlander). And i was fucking rooting for it. :(
I’m mildly scared to start Sharp Objects, because the random stuff I saw online made me ... feel... bad. But I love Amy Adams, so I’m gonna try the show. I’m not gonna read the book, though, sorry. I don’t think so, anyway. Maybe I can handle an HBO show, but a book will be more difficult for me.
I kinda like Discovery of Witches. I mean, I knew literally nothing going in. It’s not perfect, it’s not even spectacular. As a show, it gets way too Dramatic at times, and I feel like they’re shoving that love story down my throat. Seriously, it’s been two episodes. And now they’re kissing in the third? Not okay. But it’s a decent enough show. I really like what they’re doing with the cinematography (I’m getting Sherlock vibes and I think I read somewhere that it was the same people working on sets and stuff). I like it enough to be interested to see what’s gonna happen next.
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cheesycaracal · 3 years
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Ohboiohboi, I finally have all of the sketches for inktob... well, inkvember? XD I really shouldn't do any more groupdrawings, but I loved the idea of day 28, so... I stuck with it and worked on it for quite a while XD It didn't happen exactly like that - our dear bard didn't met our tiefling in this form, but it's likely it'll happen in the future, since Dandy's planning to stay with us. I kept it simple for day 29 though, 'cause I wanted to relax after day 28's work :'D Thilia has three patches, so I tried to get a pose where they show. Day 30 was inspired by our latest game - during the session Thilia used two of her godly blessings, which made her eyes snakelike. She doesn't know it yet, but her teammates were worried when they saw this effect. Day 31 didn't happen at all - Thilia isn't that badass (yet), but she definitely takes risks when it comes to fighting. Probably someday she'll be able to use her magical abilities without fear and can become a powerful sorceress 😊
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cerneterydrive · 7 years
14, 20, 22, and 29?
ohboiohboi thank you
14. are you a musician?
I mean kinda?? I can play drums and boi can I make you jam out to the recorder
20. would you rather be in middle earth, narnia, hogwarts, or somewhere else?
with the choices given I would go to hogwarts bc yk I’m not important to anyone (as in someone evil) so I’d just be there chilling learning some cool magic
22. list the top five things you spent the most time doing in order.
1- this hell site2- school activity shiz3- taking care of other people’s children who the parents do not want to be responsible for4- talking to friends 5- “”“”“art”“”“”
29. three songs that you connect with rnok so I’m doing rnrn-Air catcher by twenty one pilots-I don’t dance from high school Musical-camp fire song from SpongeBob-21st century breakdowncan I do 4 idc I did fourthey’re all playing simultaneously in my head rn so
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Ohboiohboi she s back home
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Ohboiohboi she s back home
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ninja7n · 7 years
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cerneterydrive · 7 years
Download music, a good one is tube2gram. It sends to email and you have to have some storage but basically you download the song as an attachment and it stays that way for a week until you gotta redownload again. It's kinda weird but it's easy and it's not something like YouTube where you can only listen when you're online or somethin. Hope I helped!!
ohboiohboi I'll give it a shot thanks!!
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