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en-voiture-simone-blog · 2 years ago
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2 août 2023 // Ehingen > Ulm
The last ride
Réveil - tôt car Charlie était d’humeur chantante - sous une pluie battante à faire hésiter un écossais à mettre le nez dehors. Alors on a traîné, puis on s’est fait chasser de la chambre d’hôtel par le personnel de ménage, il fallait donc qu’on parte.
Par miracle, à peine nos vélos enfourchés, la pluie a cessé pour faire peu à peu place au soleil. L’étape était dans la continuité de celle d’hier, assez plate au milieu d’une jolie campagne.
L’arrivée dans la ville d’Ulm par le bord de fleuve est assez agréable car les rives sont un parc débouchant directement sur les murs de la vieille ville. C’est donc au pied de l’immense cathédrale d’Ulm que notre périple de près de 450 km, à la force de mollets, se termine.
Ehingen > Ulm : 35 km
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fatbikeamerica · 2 years ago
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On the horizon I will be updating my website to show some photos I have yet to show on here, mainly because as you travel you get lost in the world of taking photos/videos! This will help to increase space on my phone and be back to a normal setting. 9,000 pictures is a lot of space on my phone. It’s also killing my battery. Stay tuned! As things are about to become really awesome!! #fatbikeamerica #fatbikeadventure #fatbikepacking #bikepacking #bikelife #biketravel #biking #cyclists #travelbybike #worldbycycling #travel #adventure https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbehdmPRdz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year ago
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worldbycycling instadrame
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kuyavancreations · 1 year ago
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My Presence will go with you.   Exodus 33:14
என் சமுகம் உனக்கு முன்பாகச் செல்லும். யாத்திராகமம் 33 : 14
#biketravel #bikelife #biketouring #bike #bikepacking #worldbybike #bikewander #biketour #biketrip #cycling #cicloturismo #travel #cycletouring #bicycletouring #travelbybike #adventurecycling #adventurebybike #cyclinglife #bikeride #bicycle #mtb #worldbycycling #bicycletour #adventure #bici #bicicleta #cycletour #SUZUKI #SUZUKITU250X
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bicycletravellers · 3 years ago
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We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfilment. — Hilaire Belloc
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wanderingrocky · 3 years ago
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Month full of adventures knocks on our doors! A long day in the saddle looking out over the water, dreaming about the Briyani 😋 Day-10 . Location :📍Nawalparasi, Nepal 🇳🇵 . @decathlonsportsindia @decathlontalent @cyclingbuddieschennaicbc @indiacyclingevents @officialcfi @cycleantrip @sundar_yatra31@montrabicycles @choosemybicycle @trackandtrailbicyclehub @ #bikepackinglife #TBT #CicloViajantes #bici #bicicleta #biketour #cicloviajar #travelbybike #bicycleadventures #bicycletour #discoverearth #worldbycycling #warmshowers #adventurebybike #cycletouring #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #cycletour #cycletourism #arountheworld #bicycletouring #biketouring #bicycletravel #bicycletrip #worldbybike #bikewander #adventurecycling #bikeadventure #biketravel #touringbicycle #soloescape (at Nawalparasi , Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qEAG9g10T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radiotrapanandablog · 4 years ago
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🇨🇱 #Chile en una Postal: Bosques vivos y vibrantes que se tiñen rojos, naranjos y amarillos. Sin duda el #Otoño es mágico en #AysenPatagonia. 🍂🍁😌 Fotos de @Aysen Patagonia . . . . . . . #patagoniaenbicicleta #patagonia #somosviajeros #viajaporchile #cicloturismochile #cicloturismolatino #bikergirl #bikelife #viajarenbici #bikepacking #somosviajeroschile #patagoniaenbici #patagoniabiketrips #cicloturismochile #cicloturismochileprofundo #worldbycycling #aysen #worldtraveler #carreteraaustral (en Región De Aysén, Patagonia Chilena) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXQe11nXOL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amazingcyclist · 4 years ago
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Repost • @luigigasia ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🇮🇹In ognuno di noi c'è l'inquietudine della fuga, l'intollerenza dello spazio chiuso, del consueto. In ognuno di noi l'esploratore cerca di sopraffare il cittadino per portarlo in strada, via. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🇬🇧 In each of us there is the restlessness of escape, the intolerance of closed space, of the usual. In each of us the explorer tries to overwhelm the citizen to take him to the street, away. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #bestcyclingstyle #worldbybike34 #igworldclub_sport #pulitidentrobikerfuori #loves_united_bikes #worldbycycling #roadbike24 #ロードバイク #wilierbikes #bikemilhas #wiliertriestina #mountainbike #luigigasia #ciclistaitaliano #mtbike #mtbbaas #stravaitalia #mtbpassion #mtb_is_awesome #mtbaddict #mtbnation #mtbforlife #mtbtrails #mtbtrail #le_mtb_italiane #mtbride #mtblovers #lovemtb #freeridemtb #mtbadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZiPPKlNpU/?igshid=1qv1skaipjdt
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anyisa · 4 years ago
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It took us less than 24 hours to decide to go by bicycle to camp and spend the weekend near the beach. But the excitement was great! Do you remember the feeling when you were a kid to know that you will go for a picnic the next day? That what I felt. The confusion about what to bring, or simply check the balance of panniers. Oh…, I’ve missed it. I’m sure some of you can relate to what I feel… However, Luís and I haven’t overcome the pandemic. We know that the virus still there but we feel safer to travel by bicycle, cook our own food, and stay in our own tent. And the fact that we also do physical activity along the way, we also burning the toxic inside us. This short trip also a way to know Portugal better, @centerofportugal especially. Not only for me, for Luís too! If we travel by car, we may not know a cute little village like in this post. Luís did some sketches along the way that you can see in @worldsketchingtour #iamkalibre #pedaljourneys #webiketheworld #pedalforever #worldbybike #worldbycycling #bicycletouring #biketouring #indonesian_cyclists #nomadlife #bikewander #pedaljourneys #biketravelelers #biketouringforever #worldbybike34 #pasporijo #INDOTRAVELLERS #indonesiantraveler #touringroadslikethese #pedalhood #RepublikSepeda #wherewewander #wanderlust #travelbug #travelstoke #europe #portugal #centrodeportugal #centerofportugal #visitportugal #wonderlustportugal (at Vimeiro de Alcobaça) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH8E6_pFZbj/?igshid=17in2zn9zdy0w
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en-voiture-simone-blog · 2 years ago
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1er août 2023 // Sigmaringen > Ehingen
Voyage pluvieux, vélos boueux.
Jusque là nous avions manoeuvré avec réussite entre les intempéries, mais là ce n’était pas possible (sauf à contourner l’Allemagne). Et nous voilà donc partis pour 70km de vélo sous la pluie.
Ambiance Paris Roubaix : chemins de terre, flaques d’eau, boue, déluge, éclaircies, redéluge... Et pour finir, cerise sur le gâteau, crevaison !
On a bien failli abandonner pour aller chercher un train qui nous aurait directement amené à destination, mais la perspective de monter dans un train dans notre état et avec tout notre barda nous a refroidi. Malgré tout l'étape était belle et le moral était là, autant continuer.
La seule qui semblait kiffer son moment c’était notre petite Marie-Antoinette de poche qui dans son carrosse alternait siestes et rires.
Finalement dans l’après-midi, le beau temps est revenu pour nous permettre d’apprécier cette chouette étape au milieu des champs peuplés de cigognes.
Ce soir les jambes sont lourdes, les fringues sont dégueulasses et les vélos couinent à cause de la boue mais un bon plat de Spätzle nous a remis d'aplomb !
Demain c’est notre étape des Champs Élysées à nous, 30km pour rallier en toute décontraction Ulm, notre ville d’arrivée.
Sigmaringen > Ehingen : 69 km
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hizokucycles · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @worldbycycling - 3/5ths Fully loaded. @surlybikes Big Fat Dummy 📷 from @swedeanderson . . . . #worldbycycling #fatbikes #fatbike #fattire #bike #bicycle #cyclist #cycling #bikepacking #bikepacker #hizokucycles HizokuCycles.com https://www.instagram.com/p/BtpY5pCnUtT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hhv8k3i451z3
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pedalhero · 6 years ago
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monsterando · 2 years ago
nterwegs mit unserer MONSTERANDO 3 in 1 Drybag: Fahrradtasche, Rucksack🎒 und Umhängetasche in einem. Flexibilität auf all deinen Wegen.
Ob im Alltag, in der City oder als Trekkingtasche. Passe deine 3 in 1 Draybag deinen Bedürfnissen an.
Mit der MONSTERANDO 3 in 1 Drybag hast du den perfekten Begleiter für den Alltag, bei Arbeit und Freizeit in jeder Situation. Mit 25 l Volumen ist unsere Tasche ein Platzwunder und zudem auch sehr leicht.
Die Tasche bietet sicheren Platz für deine Wertgegenstände. Laptop, Portemonnaie, Handy und Schlüssel lassen sich hervorragend in der herausnehmbaren Laptoptasche verstauen.
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bicycletravellers · 3 years ago
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If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It's lethal. - Paulo Coelho
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wanderingrocky · 3 years ago
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Month full of adventures knocks on our doors! A long day in the saddle looking out over the water, dreaming about the Briyani 😋 Day-10 . Location :📍Nawalparasi, Nepal 🇳🇵 . @decathlonsportsindia @decathlontalent @cyclingbuddieschennaicbc @indiacyclingevents @officialcfi @cycleantrip @sundar_yatra31@montrabicycles @choosemybicycle @trackandtrailbicyclehub @ #bikepackinglife #TBT #CicloViajantes #bici #bicicleta #biketour #cicloviajar #travelbybike #bicycleadventures #bicycletour #discoverearth #worldbycycling #warmshowers #adventurebybike #cycletouring #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #cycletour #cycletourism #arountheworld #bicycletouring #biketouring #bicycletravel #bicycletrip #worldbybike #bikewander #adventurecycling #bikeadventure #biketravel #touringbicycle #soloescape (at Nawalparasi , Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qEAG9g10T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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samuel-rc · 6 years ago
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De bike o mundo é pequeno e o Brasil é o quintal de casa https://www.facebook.com/groups/491637178007663/ #biketouring #worldbycycling #adventurecycling #bicycle #bicycletouring #bicycletrip #bici #bicicleta #biketour #biketravel #biketouring #biking #bikepacking #bisiklet #campinglife #ciclismo #cicloturismo #cycling #cycletouring #getoutandride #hikinglife #liveoutdoors #mountainbike #mtblife #outsideisfree #velo #roadcycling #rideyourbike #велосипед #worldbybike (em Ourinhos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrGXeH9HE8Z9ITUPDAvnu3I7sY9HU102snuvqg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=67fjzqg1dqbm
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