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multifandom: Worldbuilding Exchange v.2 2024
Posted by: isis The Worldbuilding Exchange v.2 for 2024 is halfway through sign-ups! You can find information on how to sign up here: 2024 Sign-ups open Sign-ups will close Wednesday, 28 February at 11pm EST. Tag Set: Worldbuilding Exchange 2024 Tag Set Collection: Worldbuilding Exchange 2024 Complete Rules: Exchange rules Mod contact: [email protected] Nominations: Sunday 11th February - Sunday 18th February 11pm EST Sign ups: Thursday 22 February - Wednesday 28 February 11pm EST Assignments out by: Saturday 2nd March Assignments due: Sunday 21st April 11pm EDT Works revealed: Thursday 2nd May 11pm EDT Creators revealed: Thursday 9th May 11pm EDT comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/nhI4sr1
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Second Chances (6k, AO3)
Cendir, a former thrall of Morgoth, finds home and success in the newly established city of Ost-in-Edhil as a smith - until his secret is discovered.
my contribution for Worldbuilding Exchange 2020
Relationships: Celebrimbor & Nolim (Original Dwarf Character), Cendir (Original Elf Character) & Nolim (Original Dwarf Character)
Rating: Gen
Additional Tags: Worldbuilding, Second Age, Eregion, Gwaith-i-Mírdain, Friendship, Rehabilitation of Escaped Thralls
#celebrimbor#silmarillion#silmarillion fanfiction#tolkiensquad#valarnet#my writing#worldbuildingex#worldbuilding exchange 2020
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“That’s funny,” Lil said, voice thoughtful and teasing in equal measure. Poppy lifted her cheek just high enough to sneak a look over her arm and discovered that Lil was tapping at her mouth with a finger, brow furrowed in comical concentration. “I seem to recall that you and I ride the same line, and I’ve been here for almost an hour.”
-- Herbal Remedies
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Worldbuilding Exchange 2020
Hey there, friend! So, first of all, an apology: this letter is very late and I’m sorry to have left it as a placeholder for so long. If you’ve already started on something, that’s great—feel free to ignore this. But if, like me, you’re still not sure what exactly to do for your assignment—this will hopefully be of some help.
Other exchange letters can be found here.
Some of the segments of this letter are longer than others. Please don’t feel bad if we matched on a shorter one, or hemmed in if we matched on a longer one; I like them all differently but equally and as always, optional details are optional.
General DNW
Rape/non/dub-con; non-canonical major character death; smut/graphic sex scenes; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; graphic depictions of deliberate and methodical self-harm*; graphic depictions of suicide; gore; heavy gender dysphoria; grimdark; complete downer endings; character bashing; incest; cringe comedy; a/b/o; mpreg; full setting AUs (canon-divergence is fine); graphic eye trauma; graphic and/or permanent hand trauma (unless the setting can provide a more-or-less fully functional prosthetic or equivalent); issuefic.
*I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. however, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
General Likes
· Magic systems
· Family, found or otherwise
· Friendship
· Secrets
· Disguises
· Spies, spy networks, spycraft
· Secret agents
· Undercover missions
· How Does This [world thing] Work
· How Did This [world thing] Come To Be
Fandom-Specific prompts/comments
Tortall – Tamora Pierce
· WB: Healing gift vs learned magical healing (Tortall)
· WB: kitchen magic (Tortall)
· WB: spies & spy networks & spycraft (Tortall)
· WB: the Sight (Tortall)
· Alianne of Pirate's Swoop (Tortall)
· Any or No Characters (Tortall)
· Myles of Olau (Tortall)
· Numair Salmalín (Tortall)
· Original Character(s) (Tortall)
· Varice Kingsford (Tortall)
· George Cooper (Tortall)
· Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau (Tortall)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
Generally I’d prefer not to have a heavy focus on ships, but if they’re going to be there I’d rather they be canon.
In Wolf Speaker, it’s a bit of a plot point that Numair can’t heal at all; but in Tempests and Slaughter he’s got considerable talent as a user of learned healing magic. Alanna has a healing gift, and doesn’t need to learn detailed information about the workings of the human body in order to use it; or at least we aren’t shown such things. I’m interested in the similarities and differences there, including whatever it is about learned healing magic that makes it so a person can just completely lose the ability to use it—personally I suspect it has to do with power, and having too much of it, but who knows?
Kitchen magic! How does that work? What does Varice do, exactly, to food that changes it/the process of creating it? Is it commonly looked down upon, or is it unusual that Varice’s family doesn’t really want her to pursue it?
I’ve always been rather fond of the spies and subterfuge of the Tortall world, and anything about any of the spy characters I’ve asked for—or about any of their underlings—would be great here.
The Sight is relatively weird, imo, as Tortall magic goes; it’s got its own particular rules and restrictions, and I think it would be interesting to see it further explored.
Frozen (Disney Movies)
· WB: Arendellian mathematical understanding given that they have the concept of fractals (Frozen)
· WB: extent and limitations of Elsa's powers (Frozen)
· WB: Magic elsewhere in the world (Frozen)
· WB: Life in the Enchanted Forest while cut off (Frozen)
· WB: Geopolitical implications of magical royalty (Frozen)
· Any or No Characters (Frozen)
· Honeymaren (Frozen)
· Original Character(s) (Frozen)
· Anna (Frozen)
· Elsa (Frozen)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
So, if you offered the Arendellian mathematical understanding, I’m somewhat presuming that you had something in mind for it already, and I’m interested to see what that is!
Otherwise, I really like the magic systems in the films and their interactions with the characters and the world’s other nonmagical elements, and I’d really enjoy an exploration of that.
As a side note: I’d rather not have a story focused on non-canon ships here. I know that Elsa/Honeymaren is fairly popular, and of course it’s not in my dnws and this letter is incredibly late, but while I don’t particularly dislike the ship I’m also not at all invested in it.
Harry Potter – Books 1-7
· WB: Folklore and Literature (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· WB: Grindelwald's War (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· WB: Magical Medicine (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· WB: Ministry Legislative Process (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· WB: Music (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· WB: Spells Research and Development (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· WB: Wards - How Do They Work (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· WB: Wizarding Higher Education (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Any or No Characters (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Bill Weasley (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Harry Potter (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Merlin (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Original Character(s) (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Original Non-UK Wizard (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Original Witch Academic (Harry Potter Books 1-7)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
One of the things I like most about the Harry Potter books is how they give the impression of being set in a larger world; sometimes, it’s a bit of a whimsical world that doesn’t make perfect sense, but it doesn’t seem like the world the stories are set in is just a bubble; it feels like a small part of a bigger world, and I’d really enjoy something expanding into that—I mean. Obviously. I’m participating in this exchange, after all.
I don’t really have any broader things to say here; I think the worldbuilding areas are all enough of prompts in and of themselves.
As a side note: for the character tags which specify “wizard” and “witch”, I don’t care what gender a character of that type might be.
Valdemar Series – Mercedes Lackey – 750-900 AF
· WB: spies & spy networks & spycraft (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· WB: Loss of the Herald-Mages (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· WB: loss of magic from Valdemar (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· WB: creation of the Herald’s Collegium (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· WB: Artificers (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Any or No Characters (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Stefen (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Original Herald Character(s) (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Original Character(s) (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Nikolas (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Mags (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Abidela (Valdemar – 750-900 AF)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
Honestly, I put the time limitations in because this is the era I’ve read the most in; it’s a suggestion, not a hard and fast rule, especially since some of the prompts I’ve given could easily spill outside of its bounds.
But it just seems like a time of such intense change—the old system of Herald-Mages more or less collapses and everything changes there, and not long after the Heralds switch to the Collegium system, and all the while there are non-Herald non-mages just going about their lives as they always have.
Original Work – Fantasy/Sci-Fi
· WB: Chosen Ones (OW - F/SF)
· WB: in-universe fictional narratives (OW - F/SF)
· WB: Magical education (OW - F/SF)
· WB: original magic system (OW - F/SF)
· WB: spies & spy networks & spycraft (OW - F/SF)
· Any or No Characters (OW - F/SF)
· The Chosen One (OW - F/SF)
· Female Magician in Tower (OW - F/SF)
· Female Magician's Apprentice (OW - F/SF)
· Original Character(s) (Original Work - F/SF)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
I don’t really have much to say here; I like fantasy! …obviously, given my uh choice of requests. And I like sci-fi! And all these tags are more or less prompts in and of themselves.
Original Work – Urban Fantasy
· WB: Avoiding witch hunters in modern society (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· WB: Folklore that is more life-changing than expected (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· WB: Function of Practical Magic in Public Infrastructure (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· WB: Laws And Law Enforcement Relating To Magic (OW-Urban Fantasy)
· WB: Libraries that include magical works (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· WB: Magic & Murder Trials (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· WB: Unexpected animal encounters of a useful nature (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· WB: Use of Magic in Special Effects and Theater (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· Academic studying the field of magic (Original work - Urban Fantasy)
· Any or No Characters (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· Engineer (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· Original Character(s) (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· Person Accused Of Murdering With Magic (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· Witch learning her magic (Original Work - Urban Fantasy)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
Honestly this is more or less the same as the above. They are all Good Prompts and I would enjoy any of them.
Star Wars Section
The quintessential space opera; I love this universe and its characters and ugh it is great. I’m generally less fond of TLJ than the movies that came before it (though I am… far less salty about it than I was two years ago) and I enjoyed TRoS more although it’s still a bit of a mess. But that should by no means stop you from integrating elements into your fic from those films.
Generally, about Star Wars, I’m going to say that I’d like for writings to fit into one of the three categories; that being said, feel free to bring in ideas from other sections, especially when there’s similar ideas across subcategories!
Movies Only
· WB: Ahch-To (SW Movies)
· WB: Exegol (SW Movies)
· WB: Force Dyad (SW Movies)
· WB: Living on a Rebel Base (SW Movies)
· WB: Living on a Resistance Base (SW Movies)
· WB: Luke Skywalker's Jedi Training Temple (SW Movies)
· Any or No Characters (SW Movies)
· Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (SW Movies)
· Leia Organa (SW Movies)
· Luke Skywalker (SW Movies)
· Rose Tico (SW Movies)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
I’m afraid I haven’t much to say here, since as is so often the case the tags seem to be prompts in and of themselves.
But if I must say something, I’m especially curious about Ahch-To and Exegol, their histories, and if there’s any connection between the two of them.
Sequel Trilogy
· WB: Confusion/Curiosity/Fear about The Force (SWST)
· WB: Fathier racing (SWST)
· WB: Relationship between Force and Science (SWST)
· WB: The New Government Now That The Resistance Has Won (SWST)
· WB: The New School of The Jedi (SWST)
· WB: Using Force To Bring The Dead (Exploring The Force Ghost Phenomenon) (SWST)
· Any or No Characters (SWST)
· Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (SWST)
· Boy at fathier racetrack (SWST)
· Finn (SWST)
· Original Character(s) (SWST)
· Poe Dameron (SWST)
· Rey (SWST)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
I still am at a bit of a loss for what to say here, honestly. I will say that I’m not the one who nominated “Boy at fathier racetrack”. I interpreted that as being the Force-sensitive child we saw at the end of the film, but of course it could be any of the children we see.
New EU
· WB: Different ways of knowing the Force (SW New EU)
· WB: Force ghosts (Star Wars - New EU)
· WB: Jedi Culture (Star Wars - New EU)
· WB: Knights of Ren (Star Wars New EU)
· WB: Legends and Folklore about the Jedi Order (SW New EU)
· WB: Sith Lore Regarding Rule of Two and Force Dyads (Star Wars New EU)
· WB: The World Between Worlds (SW New EU)
· Ahsoka Tano (SW New EU)
· Anakin Skywalker (SW New EU)
· Any or No Characters (SW New EU)
· Asajj Ventress (Star Wars - New EU)
· Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (SW New EU)
· Hera Syndulla (Star Wars New EU)
· Obi-Wan Kenobi (SW New EU)
· Original Character(s) (SW New EU)
· Fanfiction
· In-Universe Meta
Obviously, this is the New EU as a whole, but I will say that my greatest familiarity lies with the animated series: I’ve seen all of The Clone Wars and Rebels by now (and I hadn’t seen all of Rebels when I signed up; feel free to include other Rebels characters, I can’t be spoiled anymore since I’ve uh seen it all).
Which isn’t to say don’t include other things! Include whatever you want. But if it’s not at all related to the animated series or the movies, you should know that I may be lacking some context.
…for possibly the One And Only specific prompt I have in this entire letter, and this shouldn’t be taken as an indication that I like the idea better than anything you may come up with; it’s just all that’s coming to mind right now and this letter desperately needs to be finished—I’d definitely be interested in combining Hera with legends and folklore about the Jedi Order, and have something set around the time of A New Dawn, and how that colors her interactions with Kanan. That would be nice. But like I said it’s just one idea please do not feel bound by it.
Thank you ever so much for writing for me!
#worldbuildingex#worldbuildingex 2020#exchange letters#worldbuildingex letter#worldbuilding exchange#requested: tortall#requested: frozen#requested: harry potter#requested: valdemar#requested: original work#requested: star wars sequel trilogy#requested: star wars movies#requested: star wars new eu#requested: star wars
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4, 23, 34 for the fanfiction writing ask game
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Quite a number, actually, and I’m probably forgetting about a dozen here. I really like the way @dr-nero-is-god does introspective pieces, and @aloneintherain has a lot of fun, often a bit angsty oneshots, too. My biggest longfic inspiration is probably @lullabyknell. For profic, I like to think I get a lot in tone from Terry Pratchett (and commitment to the bit from the very many 39 Clues authors).
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I tend to like pretty structured challenges (exchanges are the big one here, though I only do worldbuildingex with any regularity) or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, ideas that I got while sleep deprived but taken to the hilt.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
I’m going to go with this conversation from Rewind (Back to Their Trenches), bc I love Irina and Alistair and they both deserved so much better than they got
"You have a plan."
"I have a scruple," Irina corrects. "No plan. Yet." Alistair sighs and sips his tea.
"I've met the Holts," Alistair says. "Eisenhower is… easily led." Irina snorts; she'd once convinced Eisenhower that there was a clue buried in the fields behind the San Jacinto monument during a (horribly hot, horribly dull, horribly fruitless) trip to Texas using only information she'd found on nearby signage, and he'd almost gotten arrested digging for it. "And his wife has a strong grasp of morality." Irina raises her eyebrows; Mary-Todd had tried to run her off the road before. (Admittedly, Irina had almost gotten her then-fiance arrested, but still. Not exactly a shining example of morality there.) "Her morals aren't necessarily rational, but she sticks to them, and they include not harming children. I trust her more than Cora, at least."
"You haven't trusted Cora since the incident in Mainz," Irina says. Alistair unconsciously rubs his bad leg, remembering how he got one of the poorly-set breaks in it.
"You haven't really trusted Isabel since Niklovana died," Alistair says.
"I didn't think anyone remembered him anymore." From Alistair's perspective, it's been 18 years since her husband had left on a business trip and never come back. 18 years is a long time to remember anyone, especially a man who lived his life halfway in the shadows and who hasn't been spoken of since the Kabras took power.
"No one still within the branch, perhaps," Alistair says, "but certainly not no one. Your husband was a… memorable man, to those who knew him."
"Didn't he try to kill you?"
"Haven't you?"
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…soooo since there is clearly some potential for confusion over at worldbuildingex Dreamwidth over what "low fantasy" means, how do I turn the definition I was using when I nominated stuff—
What I mean by "low fantasy" is something historical or contemporary with some small but significant fantastic elements in; in a city setting, confusion with "urban fantasy" is kind of to be expected. I would expect "high fantasy" to have far more prominent fantastic elements, and likely to involve a created world instead of what purports to be, or is very obviously modeled on, our own. (And while I do like both, if I were expecting the former, I would definitely be annoyed to receive the latter!)
—into a subgenre label that is both unambiguous and (ideally) eleven-letters-counting-spaces-max concise?
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The fics for worldbuildingex have been revealed, and I got two awesome stories!
Destiny's Disability
I always, always want to know what happened to Athosian society post-Ethan of Athos, and somebody wrote a story about it for me! I love Athos’ response to being invaded. “They almost destroyed the Rep Center! (They did destroy the spaceport, but who cares.) We must fix the toilets!”
Before the Gate
I asked for a) fic about the role of Hecate’s children during the Titan War, and especially Lou Ellen, and b) a story about a trans Hunter of Artemis. Somebody wrote me a fic that managed to be both in under 400 words! I love all the cross-roads imagery--it’s a metaphor for like three different things at once, my favorite kind.
#minutia says check it out#the squee never stops#worldbuildingex 2017#vorkosigan saga#lou ellen#heroes of olympus
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Instructions for avoiding an Ao3 bug that sometimes causes anonymous exchange fics to post non-anonymous.
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Signups for the Worldbuilding Exchange are open for another 24 hours!
This one is fun and different because it focuses on filling in all of the background details--so if you’ve ever had a burning desire for more about the Hundred Years’ Winter in Narnia, or the Separatist movement on Fest (for example), you can request that.
You can choose to create/receive fic or art, and there are lots of Star Wars prompts I would love to see filled (hint, hint)...
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Sign ups open for Worldbuildingex 2018!
Sign ups are open! The tag set: on AO3 | as a spreadsheet Sign up info Sign ups will remain open until 2355 UTC on Monday 29th Jan.
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Writing Meme
In general: Taking a break on Snowflake; sleep still is off-cycle for some reason, and I can't quite brain. I owe a lot of you responses to your recs - that's going to be my feedback goal for the week! Challenges: Then there's my chocolateboxcomm assignment - OH BOY. Research! Research! RESEARCH! In the meantime, I got my letter updated (/waves to author - sorry for the tardiness!). I'm trying to get my tags in for worldbuildingex, but disambiguating tags is so annoying. In the meantime, here's a meme! 1. Do you have a word-count goal for 2018? 2. Will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc? 3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom in 2018? Which one? 4. Do you think you’ll stop writing for a fandom in 2018? Which one? 5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet? 6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list? 7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers? 8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is 2018 the year? 9. Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January? 10. Will you keep a record of all the fics you write and/or post this year? 11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes in 2018? 12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite in 2018? 13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 14. Have you ever lost large chunks of your work in the past, due to not backing up your work? Will you change your methods in 2018? 15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles in 2018, that would keep you from creating fanworks? 16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted? 17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year? 18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 19. Would you consider non-fandom writing events, like NaNoWriMo or writing contests? 20. Any plans to work on original fiction this year? comments Comment on DW: http://ift.tt/2CQoGXp
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worldbuilding ex letter
Hi there!! Thank you so much for looking at my letter, good luck with creating!!
Quick disclaimer that this is all optional details, don’t have to stick to anything, ect. Even so, I hope you find something inspiring here!
Also, please don’t wait up for a comment from me. I work full time and want to devote the proper time/energy to your fic! So if it’s been a week (or five) since reveals and I haven’t commented, I promise I don’t hate it, I just haven’t had the time to read it yet. Thank you for understanding!
AO3: Serie11
DNWs: unrequested relationships, NSFW (fade to black/implied is okay), AUs other than canon divergence, cheating/infidelity.
General likes: Worldbuilding, queer characters and queer characters being normalised aka them being queer is not the focus of the fic, fight scenes and fighting banter, case fic, bodyswap, established relationships!!!!!!, daemon AUs, soulmate AUs, pining, outside POV, social media fic, forehead touching, post canon fic, femslash, cuddling for warmth, there was only one bed, childhood friends to lovers, time travel/time loops, wingfic, violence and blood as long as comfort follows the hurt. I really love some plot - doesn’t have to be deep or anything, just a solid storyline is great. Including original characters is also great!
General dislikes: fake dating, marriage of convenience, miscommunication (pining okay), character bashing, unhappy endings. If you’re going to write a trans character please don’t misgender them.
Other letters for other exchanges
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fandom likes: Byleth being involved with teaching the other houses, Sothis commenting on everyday life, Jeralt being protective of Byleth, trans guy Felix, reason spells having really a really bad impact on their users (esp dark magic), weird crest headcanons, students looking out for Byleth, really creepy things happening to/about Byleth after Sothis gives them her powers. I love Marianne!! Even if she’s not who we matched on, if you could somehow include her I would be over the moon. Also, please only use they/them pronouns for Byleth!
Ships: Sylvain/Felix, Edelgard/Lysithea, Marianne/Hilda, Dorothea/Petra, Dimitri/Claude, Dimitri/Dedue, Linhardt/Caspar, Hubert/Ferdinand, Catherine/Shamir, Byleth/Sothis, Ashe/Ingrid, Ashe/Marianne, Marianne/Ingrid, Ashe/Marianne/Ingrid, Leonie/Bernadetta, Leonie/Marianne, Jeralt/Sitri. Feel free to include any/none of these!
History of Marianne’s Crest: What have the bearers of this crest gone through as people have vilified and hunted them throughout the ages? We see a little of this in Marianne’s paralogue, but something exploring Marianne’s childhood and how people’s opinions of her shaped her personality would be great.
Faerghus Nobility Culture: House Fraldarius is the highest ranking house besides House Blaiddyd, but where do the other houses stand, like Galatea or Dominic? Do the positions of their noble houses affect how things work in the Academy (even though Dimitri says that they try to treat each other as equals). Do the staff/knights act differently to Felix, is that why he gets away with his bad moods? What about Ingrid’s arranged marriage to Glenn – how would that have altered the power in the Kingdom? Do the Gautier house get special accommodations in the Kingdom for protecting the border? Basically if you give me some politics of some sort, I would adore it.
Crests: Basically, anything about characters discussing/thinking/angsting about crests would be great! What are the chances of inheritance? What about if two parents have different crests, which is more likely to be inherited? What happens to commoners who randomly manifest a crest out of nowhere? Have some crests died out because it’s hard to inherit? What about major vs minor crests, what’s the difference, what are the chances of getting one, how do characters feel about having a major/minor crest? Sylvain’s messy relationship with his crest is especially interesting to delve into, and if you want to absolutely murder me with fic then Sylvain/Felix with trans Felix and the two of them discussing kids/crests/their future together would be. VERY good.
Faith/Reason Magic: so much to potentially dig into here! I love the contrast between Faith magic as compared to Reason, like logic vs belief is always a concept that slaps so I’m glad 3H dug into it a little. Since everyone is able to use magic in 3H is there any particular way to tell if you’re strong in magic or not? What reasons are there for people to expand on magic? Is it a class thing, like only nobility can afford to study magic? Dorothea isn’t religious but has a hidden talent in Faith magic - how does Faith magic work if it’s not based in religion? There’s not any explanation for Reason magic in the game, how does it contrast to Faith magic? What are the differences between the two, and how are they similar?
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Fandom likes: Vala lives!!!, Aloy interacting with Old World tech, GAIA Prime being rebuilt, TFW characters interacting with base game characters, Aloy being a big lady lover!!!, Vala interacting with other characters (especially those in the Cut), Aloy introducing Varl or Vala to old world tech, striders and just machines in general befriending Aloy when she overrides them, normal people’s reactions to Aloy’s actions, Aloy being a living legend
I will be playing Horizon: Forbidden West the second it comes out, so if you would like to include any spoilers from that please feel free to do so!
Ships: Aloy/Vala, Aloy/Ikrie, Aloy/Aluki, Aloy/Nakoa, Vanasha/Nakoa, Vala/Ikrie, Aloy/Vala/Ikrie
Vanasha’s Spy Ring: Okay so apparently Vanasha is head of a spy ring, right? Well… what do they get up to? How does she keep in contact with her people when there’s no way to communicate over long distances besides actually travelling? Are they spying on just the Shadow Carja, or are they more involved with Carja politics as well? I also strongly headcanon that Nakoa came to Meridian after you finish her quest, and that she got caught up in Vanasha’s spy ring. If you wrote some Vanasha/Nakoa into the fic I would adore that.
Snow Ghost Lore: I’d be great to hear some of the ‘ghost stories’ that the Banuk have – maybe Ikrie is telling one to Aloy over a campfire in traditional spooky story telling fashion. Or maybe Aloy is travelling the Cut and hears rumours of a snow ghost that turns out to be Ikrie. Anything to do with Banuk superstition or tie it into their worship of the Blue Light would be great, and Aloy/Ikrie is cute as well so go with that if you’d like.
Nora Culture: We see so little of the Nora when really they should have such a strong impact on Aloy especially since Rost raised her – did he instil any habits into her that she doesn’t realise are very Nora until someone points it out? Or I’d love to see Aloy with Varl or Vala on a hunting trip and one of them starts singing a hunting song that Aloy doesn’t know. Or anything regarding the Mother’s Marks that every Nora wears – every Nora except Aloy. What does that mean specifically for them, especially when Aloy is an outcast/Seeker/Anointed? If you’d like to do anything with Aloy/Vala as well I’d absolutely go wild for that – Nora dating/asking someone out methods, and it going over Aloy’s head to Vala’s annoyance, or Aloy having to jump through hoops to ‘officially’ date Vala in the eyes of the tribe.
Kingdom Hearts
Fandom likes: trans Riku, Roxas or Xion or Ven or Van lurking in the background/influencing Sora’s actions while they’re still in his heart, Sora crying, drive forms, keyblades!!, Van remembering KHUX events, SORIKAI, Nobodies being treated like the really fucking scary/dead things that they are, Roxas being OP, the Oathkeeper and Oblivion (the keyblades and their symbolism). I love Roxas a lot. If you could include him, I would really be over the moon.
Also you know how I said I don’t like character bashing?? Well if it comes up, feel free to character bash Ansem the Wise all you want. He did nothing right and deserves to be shit talked!!!
Ships: Kairi/Riku/Sora, Kairi/Riku, Ventus/Vanitas, Namine/Xion, Namine/Repliku, Lea/Isa, Cloud/Tifa. Feel free to include any/none of these!
Destiny Islands: Holidays? What do they teach in school? Do they have any magic? There are some Final Fantasy characters there, are there any more? (I ask this but I’ve only played FF7/FF12 so if you use characters outside of that I probably won’t recognise them lmao) What do the other characters on the islands think of Sora, Riku and Kairi and their strange keys and stranger abilities and strangest comings and goings? What did people think when Sora and Riku disappeared for a year? Tell me about Kairi during that time period and I’ll love you. What other stories are told about Xehanort/others who have left the islands? Is it rare or common for people to share paopu fruit? What about destiny trio parents? I like to think that Kairi’s dad is the mayor of the Islands, does he know about other worlds? Do they use munny or some other currency, and what is everyone’s reaction when the Destiny trio come home completely loaded from their travels? Or are the Destiny trio annoyed because munny is worthless here and they all have to get summer jobs? We know so little about Destiny Islands, whatever your thoughts are I’ll eat them up.
Nobodies: KH really gives us the potential of all the mysterious Nobody lore and then never elaborates huh. Please elaborate on them – how/why they come into existence as ‘people’ like in the Org versus the base nobodies, how they discover their powers when they didn’t have magic as humans, how other people see and interact with these ominous obvious uncanny valley zombies. I’d love to see this one in relation to how the people of Twilight Town think of the strange people cloaked in black that run around all the time. Who do they think they are? What do they think they’re doing? Are replicas different from Nobodies; does Roxas have different feelings now that he’s in a replica body post kh3? How real are Nobodies exactly? I’ve always like to think that they’re stuck in between reality and not, and they can just like… phase through walls if they want to because they’re not actually all there. What about Roxas’s relationship with the World That Never Was? Did he roam the streets trying to remember, trying to figure out why all the other Nobodies knew their past lives but he didn’t? Just, I feel like this has big possibility for introspection, so go for it.
Radiant Garden: We see it’s rise and it’s fall and it’s restoration, but not much else! Is there more FF characters around that we don’t see in the games? How does everyone’s traumatic FF backstories come from this world? Cloud and Kairi bonding, I would like to see it. Kairi is the Princess of Heart of Radiant Garden, what does that mean for her? Does she have a special connection to the world, can she interact with it in ways that no one else can? What does it mean to be a Princess of Heart? And for the both of them, delving into their backstory and how they interact with each other and worldbuilding for Radiant Garden and the rest of the Restoration Committee?? Yes please. Like in FF7 canon Cloud gets experimented on as a teen, and we literally know that Ansem the Wise was doing human experimentation pre-Radiant Garden fall, so feel free to draw your own conclusions there. And we know that Kairi was also there, getting experimented on!! So I just think that maybe they could talk about that and get their backstories developed a little bit.
The Land of Departure: We seriously know nothing about the LoD huh… like they show us nothing!!! How long have Keyblade Masters been there, does anyone else live on the world? How many apprentices are there normally to fill a castle that big? What happened to cause only Terra, Ven, and Aqua to be living there? What about the process of being turned into Castle Oblivion??? Like seriously they just dropped that on us and then never said anything else about it??? Lame!! Does the castle make Keyblades? Keyblade armour? Does it have a library? A training yard? Just, tell me more about what living there is like and about what the apprentices usually do and what Aqua does to try and restore the world after she cracked it into pieces.
Final Fantasy XV
Fandom likes: politics in insomnia, fic set between Noctis and Prompto leaving HS and the start of the game, Noctis with chronic pain due to his old injuries, worldbuilding around the crystal and kingsglaive/crownsguard magic, assassination attempts, trans man Noctis, any type of hurt/comfort with hurt!Noctis, Luna and Noctis exchanging letters quite frequently and being good friends.
Ships: Noctis/Prompto, Noctis/Luna, Gladio/Ignis. Feel free to include any/none of these!
Okay so obviously Noctis Goes Through Some Shit during ffxv, but! I would like to see him going through more shit, please. I’m really interested in the time between when he graduated from high school and when the bros left for their roadtrip - that’s two years of time filled with potential! We get pretty much no canon around here, so feel free to play with it as you like. I also rly like Cor, as well as the other Chocobros, so seeing them around in the fic would be great too. And just because I requested Noctis only doesn’t mean you can’t involve others - I just like him the most and would like a focus on him.
Insomnia’s politics: Does Noctis have to do something to ‘officially’ get recognised as the crown prince, worthy of taking over as king? A trial, a set of trials, can he have help, what are they, does everyone in the city know about it or just the inner royal circle? Do the kings/queens of old get a say in deciding or is it up to Regis, or the council, or someone else? Or tell me about the religious practises of Insomnia like their gods are literally summonable and are right there, how does that impact them? Do people still not believe in them, even when Noctis has to gain their approval to become king? Or what about assassination attempts on Noctis or Regis!!! Politics!!! Drama and angst!!! I am looking!!! Protecting each other, one of them falling, the angst of the other one, there is so much potential here, anti-crown, anti-magic politics, just go wild! This would be a great place to have social media fic too, like how does the populace of Insomnia react when a video of Noctis killing his assassins goes viral? How does the PR department of the royals handle it? OCs as always are very welcome!
Kingsglaive recruitment/training: I really like the crownsguard/kingsglaive dynamics that were in the Kingsglaive movie, and would like to see them interacting with Noctis! Feel free to use Nyx and crew (I do like Nyx) or OCs as you please, but just tell me about - what they do re: training with their magic, esp how Noctis factors into that. Like, do they train him in warping? Does he help them with magic, or vice versa? Does Noctis spend any time exclusively in the Kingsglaive after he graduates HS but before canon, learning how to use his magic in a team/learning protocols? Do the other Kingsglaive recruits know who he is, or is he undercover? How did the new recruits get in, how do they deal with the training?
The armiger: Omg I can’t believe they put this super important magic into the game then told us Nothing at all about it… please I am begging for details. When Prompto gets into the crownsguard what does he have to do to get access to the armiger? Is there a ceremony/ritual? How long does it take, how many people can get access to Noct’s armiger like is this very exclusive or is his space limitless? Can other kingsglaive/crownsguard access the armiger, or is it restricted to certain people only? Why? What’s Noctis’s role in it all? When did Gladio and Ignis get access? When did Noctis first learn he could put stuff in the magic Crystal space? I assume that Cor was on Regis’s armiger, but does Noctis give him access to his when they meet up during the game? How did that happen? Can the bros access the armiger throughout the long night, so they know not to lose hope because Noct is still out there alive, somewhere? What about post canon; I like to think the three of them survive, but what happens now that they don’t have the armiger that they’ve been used to for basically their whole lives?
The Crystal: Explore how Noctis feels about it, like he has to be at least a bit bitter for what it’s doing to Regis (and eventually will do to him too). Plus with his injuries from the Marilith attack (chronic pain Noctis!) pretty much always giving him trouble, does he dread the extra weight of the crystal on top of that? Does the whole city know about the cost of the royal magic, or just the inner royal circle? Also anything about how the Ring, or the Wall, tie into the Crystal’s magic and Noctis being just, Always aware of the magic because it’s inherently connected to him, would be very good, especially if you also mention the kingsglaive/Noctis’s other injuries/Prompto not knowing about the cost of the crystal, in some way.
The Ring of the Lucii: Angst! Angst! Noct putting the Ring on for the first time in the bowels of the Keep and not knowing the real cost of it! What does the magic do to him? He really has no choice but to use it when Ardyn dumps him all alone in there, and honestly everything Ardyn does is to make Noct’s life as hard as possible, and I think that forcing him to overuse the Ring is definitely another aspect of that. Or dig into the ceremonial meaning of the Ring – is Noctis still technically the Prince until he puts it on, and when he does that’s when he’s ‘officially’ King? Is that why he doesn’t want to use it, because it really means that his dad is gone? I read a fic where the Ring was referred to as parasitic/vampiric and YES those metaphors are so juicy… what does pre canon Noct think about the Ring and it’s history?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Fandom likes: Cody finding/picking up/rescuing/using Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, Obi-Wan being friends with other Jedi from his age group, clone trooper culture, Cody having a praise kink, using Mando’a in fics, trans man Obi-Wan, Master and Padawan bonding, weird Force worldbuilding, clones interacting with new things/people/cultures/animals, the military structure of the GAR actually making sense somehow (its unrealistic I know but I like to dream)
Ships: Cody/Obi-Wan, any clone/clone ships (as long as Cody isn't involved), any Jedi/clone ships, Anakin/Padme
How the clones view gender: I just have SO many thoughts about how gender would be percieved (or if it wouldn’t be!!) by the clone troopers. I’m just going to put a few thoughts down and if they spark ideas, awesome, but I’d also love to see your take on this!
Like all things related to the clones, I look to their upbringing and handling. First of all, they pretty much all have identical bodies, so there would be no differentiation on that side of things. I don’t think they’d ask any questions about gender (how would they even know what gender is??? They have 0 role models for that) until they realise that some of their trainers use he/him and some use she/her and ask about that. I reckon they’d get ‘she’s a woman’ as an answer and be like… What’s a woman… what’s a man… Because they have been taught how to handle a weapon and formations to march in and how to live in an army but uh relationships? Bodies? What? They don’t get names, do they get genders? Can they pick those out too? Or are genders only belonging to people, and so they can’t have them? I can’t imagine that any of the female trainers would be keen to go parading around naked to show them the difference, so in my head the clones eventually go ‘huh. So people get given names and get to choose pronouns.' And that would lead to some of the clones switching to she/her and the trainers getting annoyed (like lets be real, they probably didn’t even use the clones’ names…) and when the clones ask well why not you didn’t throw a fit about us choosing our own names even though you don’t use them, the trainers basically realise that they’re either going to have to shut up about this or start doing some form of sex ed and decide to shut up because they’re not paid enough for that kshfsdfg. So basically there’s a decent chunk of the clone population that use she/her pronouns because they want to and see no reason why they can’t, and then when they get out into the wider galaxy and discover the wealth of pronouns at their fingers they dive into using those as well. Does that lead into some clones figuring out they’re trans and deciding to identify as women? Yeah probably! There’s too many of them to statistically rule that out. My personal take though is that the clones are extremely chill about gender because they were raised in an environment without it, and without a societal structure to inform them of what men/women are/aren’t supposed to be they don’t even consider it important like, at all. Tying this into trans Obi-Wan since I will die on that hill, when it comes up somehow all the clones are very chill about it, they’re like ‘well I know his pronouns, what else matters?’ I don’t think it would ever occur to any clone to misgender a trans person because like. They know that what you look like and what you were born with makes 0 impact on what you choose to use as your name/pronouns. They probably come across cultures in the galaxy where it’s like ‘this gender is superior’ and they’re like wtf I don’t understand. Though honestly that’s what they think about 90% of what natborn cultures do, so it fits in lmaoo 😂😂
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Worldbuildingex is going into its final round. I meant to participate in the past, but never got around to it. This time around, I’m determined to nominate, offer, and request Seven Kingdoms.
My noms revolve around Vail Isle, because of limited slots. If other people nominate things related to the other nations, I will most likely offer and request those, too.
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World Building Exchange open for nominations!
worldbuildingex is open for nominations! Last year they had 88 fanworks in 60 fandoms. If you like worldbuilding, it's a really fun exchange, and I have nominated and plan to participate. But be sure to read the nominations post before nominating, the signup form is a little nonstandard.
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Worldbuilding Exchange Open!
worldbuildingex is open and the stories are revealed! There are almost a hundred stories in there ALL ABOUT the worldbuilding, and many of them are very good. Go check them out! One of them is mine, let's see if anyone can identify it!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Queen's Thief - Megan Whalen Turner Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Eugenides the God (Queen's Thief), Original Characters Additional Tags: Mythology - Freeform, Storytelling, Original Character Death(s), House Fires, heights, falling Summary:
A tale of the first Thief of Eddis, as told by the Queen Thief.
Now it can be revealed--I wrote this story for @betonie for worldbuildingex.
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