motherblue · 11 years
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In the midst of cleaning out old boxes, I came across this. Thought it was an appropriate memory for today. Life changing trip with good friends from many years ago. #AIDSQuilt #washingtondc #1996 #worldAIDSday2013
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krojacot · 11 years
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#worldaidsday #december1 #worldaidsday2013
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ahavti · 11 years
In honor of World AIDs day 2013.
I still sing the song. And wear the shirt.
Before you have sex, you gotta condomize.
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mkaiklian · 11 years
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Know your status. #worldAIDSday2013 #zeroHIVla #danielmagazine #iamadaniel
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lexdiesel13 · 11 years
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#WorldAidsDay2013 #KnowYourStatus #StayProtected #StayDiseaseFree
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samaritanartist · 11 years
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#worldaidsday2013 #kiethharing #knowledgeispower #knowyourstatus
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itshannahskyye · 11 years
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Singing at this amazing event on Dec. 4th! If you will be in the Hartford area come out and support a pressing cause. #WorldAidsDay2013
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randalllakeart · 11 years
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Today is World AIDS Day. I have lost friends and loved ones to this terrible disease. This is a painting I did a while back called "A Silent War". It depicts a man dying of AIDS as his partner reads to and comforts him. I hope it my lifetime we see a cure. #worldaidsday #worldaidsday2013 #AIDS #findacure #zerodiscimination
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evolsicisum-blog · 11 years
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Today [and everyday] I affirm my living authentically enough. Today I celebrate the beauty of Black gay men! Today I implore you to understand the magnificent power of (radical) self-love beyond a positive or negative diagnosis. Today I commit to being my brother's keeper with the understanding that [I am] my brother. That he is enough! That I am enough! That we are enough beyond stigma, beyond shame, beyond homophobia, beyond racism, beyond today! #SharedResponsibility #StrengtheningResults #WorldAidsDay2013
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bunsonganak05 · 11 years
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Still an epidemic...#wrapitup #gettested #knowyourstatus #worldaidsday2013 #xx #staysafe #stayhealthy
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oneshawshank · 11 years
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Sad .., #worldaidsday2013 @starbucks (at South Lawn - White House)
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fuckyeahasburypark · 11 years
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Today is WORLD AIDS DAY Tonite we gather in #asburypark to remember those we've lost 6:30p Candlelight Walk begins from The Center in AP 7:30p Service at Trinity Church #worldaidsday #worldaidsday2013
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bloodyredcarpet · 11 years
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On this day of reflection and call to action for the millions of people worldwide who fight against HIV/AIDS, we take a look back to a few of the very talented men and women who made a lasting contribution to Film & Television...these artists were taken from us far too soon.
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frandjescka · 11 years
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Today is the day we stand by those who are living w/ this terrible disease & families who lost their lovedones because of it! You are not alone! #worldaidsday2013 #unitedwestand #frizzwashere #worldchange #love
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itshannahskyye · 11 years
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Are you aware? #WorldAidsDay2013
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rabbygail-blog · 11 years
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God loves you. And he hates HIV. One person dies every 7 second seconds worldwide because of HIV/aids. Join us in the fight. Live a life of purity beyond abstinence all over this world. #worldaidsday2013 @poeticeintl @micahkephart (at Njase Girls Secondary School )
Every year, Fortress Vision (Poetice's sister organization in Zambia that I have been working with), throws a concert on World Aids Day. World Aids Day is on December 1st every year. And it being a prevalent, pressing issue, impacting every single person in Zambia, whether they themselves are infected- or its their family, their friends, their teachers, their neighbors. Statistics show 1 in 7 have HIV in Zambia- though it is believed that 1 in 4 is probably a much more accurate representation of the reality of this nation.
After living here for nearly a year, I can testify it is near impossible to escape the devastating ramifications of this reality. Death is so much closer than we ever feel it in the west. For example, each member of staff at Fortress (about 15 on staff) attended 2+ funerals in the time I was living here for neighbors, family, close friends. Granted I am young and lucky, I have hardly attended 2 funerals in my life. And to close any cases of blame or quick assumptions of the hows and why's, I want to clearly communicate that the layers of complication underlying the spread is so much deeper than sleeping around. Situations, families, poverty, infection, and circumstances are cornering our brothers and sisters. We need to be educated. And we need to step into this with our friends. Maybe it's easier for me because I have been here. But it doesn't need to take an experience to educate ourselves and step forward in this fight together.  This is serious, its not going away without a fight. A fight that is so much deeper than in the physical, than abstinence, than education, than faithfulness in marriage (though those things are the right actions, its doesn't begin with action, it begins in the heart and mind and spirit). As it says in Ephesians 6:12, 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.' So what's cool, is that we are the fighters. And our prayers, our attitudes and our hearts- they matter. In spirit and in truth, God is going to eradicate this disease and his power and glory is going to be on display so hard when it happens. Because it will be nothing physical, but spiritual defeat of the enemy thats going to wipe this out. And we all need to be a part of it. What we say and pray matters and actually changes things. #whoa. 
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