#works with macey and Abby as well
g-girlshavingfun · 7 months
Zach: Thanks, Dad... Why is everyone staring at me?
Cammie: You just called Mr Solomon dad.
Macey: You said thanks, dad.
Zach: What? No, I didn't. I said thanks, man.
Joe: Do you see me as a father figure, Zach?
Zach: No, if anything, I see you as a bother figure, 'cause you're always bothering me.
Bex : Hey! You show your father some respect!
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Driving in the car
Matt and Rachel- Take turns driving. Rachel doesn't mind driving but Matt likes it. Something about long straight roads that reminds him of home. She always has a hand on his arm or leg. He gives her sweet smiles that ultimately lead to her telling him to keeps his eyes on the road. He points out things like mountain ranges and types of cows in fields. She listens. Than she talked about landmarks and state capitols. They amuse one another. They love their drives together. Unless they get lost, than they fight the rest of the ride home.
Abby and Townsend-
They fight. They fight over who drives. They fight over which interstate to get on.
Left? Right. Wait we are turning Right?! NO I MEAN CORRECT TURN LEFT.
Abigail your sense of direction is worse than your talk- Stop it your just not listening! Abby is a notoriously bad co-pilot. If she's not driving, she'll fall asleep. Townsend doesn't really mind though. He gets to be with her, it's just she's quite. He always looks sideways at her a couple of times and smiles to himself. She is admittedly very cute.
Macey and Preston-
Who drives themselves now? Come on. Its so much easier to lounge in the back of the limo. Well, really they just like to make out in the back of said limo but who really cares.
Rachel and Joe-
Joe drives mostly. He always reaches across to hold her hand, which makes her happy. All of their car rides comftable. They can be filled with laughter and talking. Rachel still talks about landmarks. Joe does stuff like that too though. The radio is normally on but not listen to. Unless Joe listens to Rachel sing, in which case he turns the music up for her. They have much louder car rides with the kids though. Zach and Cammie sit in the back and argue and sing and steal all of their snacks. Rachel and Joe both admit that the sound might be chaos but its so peaceful to be a family. Sometimes there car rides are quite though. Nothing said. Still holding hands but minds drifting. They don't mind that one bit either. Rachel likes it when Joe falls asleep when she's driving. He trusts her and she knows that. It makes her smile.
Abe and Grace-
Cars? Really? No, no, loves they take the tube.
Zach and Cammie-
They like taking drives. Cammie always starts driving but quickly gets bored. So the second that they can stop at a gas station she makes them switch. They use the car to talk. They are highly in demand as CIA operatives. They never stop running around. Cars give them built in sit here and wait time. Zach slowly started to realize that if Cammie is really worked up and doesn't know how to spit it out? He should take her on a drive to no where. She'll talk it out of her system. It works great. The only times he wished in didn't work so great are the two times when she started to cry and there was no convenient spot to pull over. Now he's takes her on back roads only, so that if she needs it, he can just pull the car over and give her a hug.
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averagejoesolomon · 3 years
What is your favorite friendships in the Gallagher Girls that a lot of people don't talk about?
Great question!  I think there are a lot of dynamics that simply don’t have time to shine in the main books (because they’re just not relevant), but the cool thing about the Gallagher Series is that all of the characters are rich enough that you can kind of see it all for yourself, just as long as you look hard enough.  Allow me to humbly submit for your consideration:
Macey and Zach
You’ve got the Cammie Protection Squad, and then you’ve got the Cammie Overprotection Squad, of which these two are the president, vice president, and sole members.
Somehow always reaching the same conclusions, even if they get there by different paths
Judgey gossips
Makeovers in the men’s section of Marshalls
Joe and Bex
Rebecca “Button Pusher” Baxter vs Joe “Fuck Around and Find Out” Solomon
Generational best friends to a Morgan with an apparent death wish.
Merciless side-eye
“Well done.  Now do it again, better.”
Liz and Abby
Two ladies who are just happy to be here
She’s stronger than she looks
Chaos meets caution in equal measure
A pair that shouldn’t work, but absolutely does
Rachel and Townsend
Master strategists who are always the smartest in the room—and who don’t know what to do when faced with another person who is also the smartest in the room
The only two who can truly keep up with one another when it comes to logic, systems, and planning
My Sister’s Boyfriend
Chess games that move entirely too fast
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
So, I ordered the Gallagher Girl series for my niece because her birthday is coming up, and I ordered her the special 10 year anniversary set that has bonus chapters (cause I'd never read them) and so I read all the bonus chapters so now I'm like well shit I wanna write this AU now, so here are some more things I pondered up in my brain for this AU while out on my walk today:
After the original school is destroyed and rebuilt, they decide to expand their horizons cause they have connections all over the world, a Gallagher girl can be whatever she wants wherever she wants, so they open up a few breakout branches one of which in Paris, and Headmistress Morgan-Soloman decides to spend a semester running the Paris branch for reasons *cough cough*
So, I imagine this taking place around when everyone is moving up to lycee, and Marinette gets a mysterious invite to apply, and at first she's like idk I don't want to leave my friends, but when she brings it up her friends are like but think of the opportunities you could have and we will always be here for you blah blah blah so she's like well I guess I can apply at least, and she is surprised to find that she gets in.
Old faces that return: Lizzy teaches Advanced Encryption, Cammie's mom is temporary Headmistress, Cammie will be in it of course as well as Bex and Zach and Macey eventually. Joe, Abby, and Townsend will likely all appear in some capacity too. Haven't decided, but Lizzy will be a big player as a teacher. Might have Cammie come do Coveops temporarily but I'll have to see what I wanna do. Could have Bex doing P&E. Idk haven't worked some of that out yet.
Anywho, I have a scene in my head that I really want to write but I'm like ahhh I don't need anymore stories to pile on, let alone crossover AUs, but ngl I'm really debating it.
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glitchywriting · 7 years
Down the Gator Knoll
Jenny was beginning to get very tired of sitting by Abbie on the bank. They had nothing to do and all Abbie was doing was reading a book. There was no beast or monstrous person to fight and no spells to learn. What was the use of this book?
She was considering where to go and what to do. Why did they travel down south, anyway? Today was hot and it was making her feel very sleepy and stupid. She picked at the grass closest to her looking in the distance trying to decide what to do when a small white alligator ran close by her.
Where they were it wasn’t out of the norm for that to happen as alligators were common here. They weren’t that far from the swamps, either. What was a little out of its normal behavior was it was an albino alligator panicking about being late. She sat up quietly, looking over at Abbie who was still flipping through the book in her hand. She said Abbie’s name but didn’t want to miss where the alligator was going to see if Abbie noticed. In fact, she only waved her hand up at her younger sister to tell her to hold on. But Jenny was too far across the field to notice the jester by then.
Jenny stopped just a few feet from the alligator to see it slip under a flowery knoll. Beautiful golden zinnias ran from the top of the knoll to across the rest of the field before her. The sunny nature of the flowers soothed her she took in a breath before remembering why she was there. The entrance the alligator took felt like a doorway to a small home and not like any hole she ever had to venture through. She spent time digging holes to get artifacts or to hide artifacts. This was a magnificent place, carved out almost as if done by God’s hand. The path suddenly dipped before Jenny could catch her footing she fell straight down.
Time moved slowly as she fell allowing her time to think and look around her. As she continued to fall down the longest well, ever, she thought of Frank and Macey. They both had a rough year, Frank dying and coming back.. Her mother not wanting anything to do with Frank. Jenny understood this stance as finding out that the world is a frightening place with things actually lurking in the shadows. Soon though the darkness surrounding her brought her back to her reality as it filled now with shelves and books. Shelves were astonishingly gorgeous cedar wood. The Amish look that Abbie has picked for when they have time to refurbish.
After a while her stomach dropped and that sick feeling took over her senses. It reminded her of DTs and the side effects of getting off the medication they had her on. Numbness tingled up her arms as her heart battled against her ribs.
For whatever reason this crashed her into thoughts about Hawley, was he okay? Was there someone to feed and water him? The thought brought a smile, no matter how far they were from one another … he always found a way back to her. Yet she still worried.
Finally, with a thump she landed on what smelled like dirty laundry her dirty laundry. The mildew and sulfuric didn’t take her long to jump out of it. The small albino alligator was just ahead swaying its little tail as it hurried through another passage. As the tip of his tail vanished into the darkness she followed, slowly, because there was no indicator there was a door. She pressed her hand against the she believed to be cave wall, to losing her balance. She no longer could see the white animal as she continued forward but she could smell a familiar scent.. It was strong like someone recently sprayed the sweet scent of violets. Just strong enough to make her feel like she was close then almost vanishing, forcing her to move with it.
Doors, and more doors all made with cedar, she felt drawn to them all. This…this feels familiar, she thought as she pressed her hands against the door in front of her. There was no lock, no sign saying to push or pull. But she knew it would open with a light tap of both her palms. Inside the doorway a small entrance, too small for even a child but she dropped to her knees, scooting down to get a look. Outside, and it was still possible that Abbie was still wrapped up in the book that she could easily sneak back over. She could tell her about getting … she looked over and found a child-size whiskey glass with the words drink me in her sister’s handwriting. It did have Abbie’s handwriting on it but she smelled it first and gently ran her pinky in before downing it. Warm and hot the taste that took her to the end of her teen years to finally love about the drink.
It wasn’t long when the warmth dripped from her face downwards. Her vision blurred and the room swiveled as if she had drank more than she did. She knew it was a risk to drink.. Not everything that can kill you is noticeable by taste, smell or touch. She didn’t pass out or worse died, she now could see the manicured lawns of a garden, with the same zinnias she saw earlier. This must have been built by some shady troll for giggles. If I see a nasty green wart-infested beast... I swear to god..
Also @:
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bishopsbelova · 7 years
It's worth a try to break the drowsy cycle, I can't imagine having it year long without a month of... doing the exact same thing, but having days to regain it instead of a couple hours XD Headcanons are what keeps me going with the Gallagher Girls, I can never just stick to the book, I need to fill in behind the scenes and learn about everyone else's - CS
Yeah, I totally get that. If it’s a book or a series that I’ve really invest in, usually I will gather so many different headcanons for all kinds of situations. And I’ll fill in the blanks between books and even beyond. The options are just so vast and there’s so many different ways you can go. I also love playing around with headcanons about the older generation because there’s just so much we don’t know. 
Who is/are your favorite Gallagher Girl character(s)? - CS
Cam for one. She was just one of the first fictional characters that I discovered that I really related to. And I’d say she was just a character that I needed at the time when I found the books back in seventh grade. 
I also love Macey and the growth she’s had over the course of the series. Abby is also a fave, as well as Joe. I love them all really but I’d probably have to say that Macey, Cam, Abby and Joe are my faves. 
What do you plan to write over winter break? Have you written for Gallagher Girls? How would you describe your writing style(s)? - CS  
I haven’t written anything for any fandom for months now, so I just hope to get back into writing for anything at this point. And because it’s been so long, I don’t really know how I would describe my writing style, tbh. 
I’ve written about 8? or so stories for the Gallagher Girls that are posted over on my fanfiction.net account. Though they’re older and I’m not sure how I feel about them now because I haven’t read them since I’ve written them. 
Yeah, I have some intermediate piano education and an elementary understanding of music theory and technique, it's just guidance from a compassionate teacher! You are right about videos and online books, right now I'm mixing my interests in classical music and vidgame music to watching music theory videos on vgm ^^ Singing along with the music too. As long as we can gain momentum with our arts, I'm sure we can maintain it during school! Fingers crossed - CS
I guess you just gotta play around and see what works best for you. And to just keep up with it to maintain your skills, even if it’s only a few minutes a day or so.
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Ok, so I don't write. I have never written a fanfic. This doesn't have a name and it's probably poorly written. It's Rachel's point of view around the time of Cammie's second kidnapping attempt. I was bored and I had this idea stuck in my head so here it is. I debate not even posting it but what the hey🤷🏼‍♀️
@averagejoesolomon you totally got me hooked on the Rachel only calls Matt, Matthew. So all the credit to you on that one!
This whole thing is basically read at your own risk. Haha
Just like that, what she had left of her world was crumbling. It happened so quickly. Rachel hadn't seen what had happened. She just knew that one moment she had been talking to Cynthia McHenry and the next she felt her instincts as an operative hit her like a swift punch to the gut.
Something was wrong. She looked around the ballroom looking for Cammie but she didn't see her. She didn't see any of her freinds or even that Goode boy. Never one to be dissuaded from her mission, she  decided to look for Abby. She at least she might know where her neice was.
As much as her sister annoyed her, she was happy to have her back in her life. However temporary it might be. She was aware how an operative's life gets crazy. She knew her sister was dedicated but she didn't know how far they would be pulled apart when she stepped out of the field after Matthew's passing. They had just recently talked about why there hadn't been much contact between the two of them in recent years. Why Abby had walked farther away from Rachel and Cammie and deeper into her various covers. Rachel knew the guilt the came with losing Matthew. The countless nights that kept her up thinking about what might have happened if she told if him to stay home. If she had pulled the "wife card" and asked him not to keep secrets. She knew that Abby had been hurt. Rachel had never lived through anything harder. It didn't surprise her that everyone else who also loved him felt the same. When he died there was a very real whole in each of their hearts. She had suspected Abby just didn't know how to miss Matthew with her. After all, her sister had never been one to grieve in front of others. Rachel hadn't know just how deep routed her sister's guilt and regret had dragged her. Rachel regretted not going to get her baby sister back sooner after Matthew's passing but she hadn't wanted to press Abby too hard in a time of grief for both of them.
Now, if only she could FIND HER.  Her sister always had a knack for being where she wasn't supposed be. So, if Rachel could think if the most inconvenient spot for someone to be she might find her.
When she had finished looking around the ballroom the hair on the back of her neck started to stand on end. She felt a cold sweat start. Her blouse was too tight. She pulled at her collar and silently chastised herself being so obviously uncomfortable. Rachel wanted to tell her instincts to shut up, that nothing was wrong. She knew better though, something was off.
She felt eyes. She pretended to check her make-up in a small compact while checking behind her. She locked on a familiar pair of green eyes staring back at her. Of course he was there. She had just checked the whole room and hadn't spotted him once. If Joe was about to poke fun about her being off now was not the time. When she turned to face him she realized that he wore an expression just as grim as her own.
"You got the same sick feeling in your gut?"
Before she could respond something seemed to dawn on Joe.
"Where's Cammie, Rachel?"
"I don't know. I've been looking for her, or her roommates. Even Abby."
"Zach". Joe mumbled the boy's name. "He's probably with her, right? Did you see them slip out?"
"No, well maybe, but if I knew that I wouldn't be so gosh darn worried now would I, Joseph?!" She hadn't meant to snap but she was feeling worse by the second. Now her instincts seemed to be at work on her stomach.
When the shot went off they didn't question where it had come from. They didn't need to wait for some sort of command. Old habits did truly die hard.  They were across the ballroom in seconds. Not drawing the attention of a single onlooker. They slipped out the back door into a dark ally. The Circle. They were there. Beside her Joe started to speak into thier comms unit. There was a big problem. Rachel looked for Cammie. She was being snagged back down the ally, toward the safety of the door by Zach. Neirher of them was bleeding. She was able to breath agian. The bullet could have been a warning shot. It didn't feel that way though. Where did it land?
She brought herself back to the scene. They were after her daughter and she had to protect her daughter. The kids were fighting like operatives. That was something the headmistress in her couldn't have missed and was quietly proud of. Now only if they could all get out of it. Other gallagher girls rushed out beside her, ready for the fight, ready to protect Cammie.
The second that Rachel could she ran at Cam. Yelling Cammie's name she threw herself against her daughter, deeper into the shadows of other gallagher girls. Farther into safety. Only after the immediate securing of Cammie did Rachel realize that people were still screaming. It was Macey standing over.....
Abby. Abby. Abigail. She knew Cammie was secured. Joe would help make sure of it. She needed to get to her sister. She needed to help her sister. She was bleeding from the shoulder, there was so much blood pooling beneath her. Rachel couldn't breathe. She couldn't catch her breathe. Rachel had always been cool under fire; a natural operative. This felt so different. The operative in her was mad for missing the fight. For not getting there in time. The mother in her was scared and hurting for her daughter. The sister in her felt cheated and so very crushed. She couldn't lose Abby on top of everything else. Her heart beat to one terrible pulse-  She was not ready to lose anymore family. She dropped to her knees beside her sister. She didn't know if she had told Macey to go back to her roommates but she got up and walked away. Rachel pressed some leather jacket into her sister's wound. She didn't realize that she was crying until she saw her own tears falling on Abby's face. Rachel was screaming. She really. couldn't. breath. She heard screaming and crying in the background. Cammie. She couldn't take this or rather she didn't want to. Her sister way dying in front of her and her daughter was being emotionally tormented. She debating getting up, but she couldn't stop crying. She didn't want Cammie to see her so emotionally distraught and she couldn't bring herself to her feet. Cammie would have to be strong.
Joe was on the seeminly knew what she was thinking because instead of coming toward Abby he commanded the women around Cammie. Keeping her safe. Cammie's sobbing became softer. Rachel's didn't.
She didn't get up when the paramedic team arrived. She wasn't going to leave Abby. She couldn't lose her. She didn't feel like a good operative in control. She felt like a big sister, weak from all that crying. She felt Joe behind her. Pulling her up from her knees. Trying to tell her to let go of Abby's hand. She forced Joe to let go of her arms. Desperate to be the one who fixed it. To do something, anything. All she could do was tell the medic what she saw, and tell Abby that she was going to be ok.
When she turned back around he was there. Teary but not crying yet.
"She's strong. She'll pull through". He tried to reassure her but his voice shook. His hand on her arm felt unsteady. Joe never cried. It was going to be a long night. She had to keep busy. She went to check on her daughter. She couldn't lose any more of her family. 
Rachel saw the footage. She knew in that it all happened in a few minutes. It felt like this night would never end. She watched that security footage obsessively outside of her office, sitting on the corridor floor with her head on the wall, right underneath Gilligan's sword. Cavan's sword. Maybe Abby was right. They should have thrown it in the lake. Her daughter was asleep inside her office, away from danger for now. Abby was in surgery. Abby might of died. Abby could still die. Every time she let herself linger on that fact she felt like crying all over again. So, she didn't let herself think of it. She watched the security clip again waiting and watching for a clue. Something. She couldn't truly focus on it though. She was too tired or emotionally distraught. It didn't matter the reason, she knew that a truly great operative had to know when to wave her white flag. In that moment she didn't even feel a little guilty about turning off the video.
Joe stepped out of her office. She did a double take, the last time she had seen him look that way was the night he told her about Matthew. He had been crying. Joe Solomon does not cry. There he was though. He face was streaked eith tears and his shoulders shook slightly. She braced herself for the worse but he just stood there. He looked awful. She moved forward to give him a hug. She couldn't help herself, she started crying again too. Rachel hated to cry in front of anyone but she figured that this secret was safe with him, just like any of the other she had shared with him.  She was thankful that she had a freind in him. Thankful that someone else loved Cammie and was willing to fight for her. 
After a moment they separated and sat down on the corridor floors.
"I'm so sorry Rachel. I'm so so sorry."
"For what?"
"For everything."
"Joe. After everything that's happened tonight, we are not going over this again..  Its not your fault". Joe started to cry again. Rachel hadn't seen Joe cry so much. She couldn't resist asking him
He looked at her pitifully. "You don't know whats my fault, belive me. I.... I think you should think it's my fault."
She wasn't suprised that he was saying these things. She knew of course that he felt guilty. Matt went on the mission he was supposed to. She just wished that he didn't get so hung up on it.
He continued "This never would have happened if Matt were here. He would have taken care of it, you know?"
Of course she didn't know that to be true but she had felt it as well. She didn't want to dwell on what it could have been so she told him that they didn't know that. That he couldn't control who the director sent on that mission. The circle might have come after Cammie even if Matt was alive. Matthew was just a human being, who made mistakes. They didn't know if Matthew being alive would change everything. Joe didnt seem convinced though and Rachel couldn't blame him. It was well worn territory in a familiar conversation. They didnt truly fight, but when it came to blame about Matthews death they didn't exactly see eye to eye. Rachel thought about Matt. It struck her though that as bad as it was at times it could also be worse. Rachel thought about losing Cammie or Abby or even Joe and shuddered. She didn't want to lose anymore family.
She tried to reassure him
"Hey, it will be ok. We will take care of it together ok? We'll all take care of one another. We will do the best we can. Just promise me we will try. Ok?"
Joe had stopped crying but his attention seemed to be drifting.
"I'll try...ok?" It sounded so defeated. Rachel didn't want to press him further. Everyone had already had such a rough night. She let the conversation go until he quipped.
"I feel like I should be telling you these things."
They couldn't help each giving a small laugh
They sat there. They waited for a doctor to come tell them that Abby would make it. They sat and waited for Cammie to wake up. Theorized ways to keep her out of harms way. They talked about surviving. All of them. Together.
Rachel rested in knowing that at least for that day. She wasn't losing any more family. 
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