#working from home so its simply a matter of relocating to the couch
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So yeah I rage quit majoras mask yesterday because I fucked up in snowpeak temple and ran out of time. Gonna do side quests until I stop feeling sorry for myself
#im at work rn but dreaming of 4:30 when i clock out#working from home so its simply a matter of relocating to the couch#i rly thought i could start snowpeak on day 3 w no guide#hubris
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hi can you please write something in which joe is really sick and unexpectedly throws up all over the floor, shocking nick (who was cuddling with his woozy bf two seconds ago) and is really vulnerable? usually tough characters being vulnerable is my jam! nick had to help him change and walk him to the bathroom/ help him to bed etc
Sorry this took forever!
characters: Nick and Joe
warnings: emeto, dizziness
You're not feeling well, are you?
"You okay?"
"Are you okay?" Nick craned his neck to get a better look at the man lying on his chest.
Joe was acting weird. He was even less talkative than usual, not even greeting Nick upon arriving home. Instead, he immediately went in for a hug - something Nick had never seen him do in all the years they'd known each other. Then, Joe had stumbled around while taking off his shoes, giving the impression of a newborn foal, that hadn’t quite figured out how to use its legs yet.
The question of "what's wrong?" went unanswered as Joe simply buried his face in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. Said boyfriend was bewildered to say the least.
Since Joe obviously wasn't in the mood to talk, the pair had silently relocated to the couch, which is exactly where they'd spent the past 30 minutes.
Nick’s boyfriend had never been the cuddly type. Far from it actually. Which was fine with Nick, seeing as he himself was not the biggest fan of physical affection, although he didn't resent it either. For a total of 5 minutes, he even enjoyed his boyfriend's sudden change in nature. But the minutes went by, and Joe wouldn't get up. Or move at all for that matter. He simply laid there, his body pressed into Nick's, face buried just above his boyfriend's collar bone.
"Talk to me. What's bothering you?"
Joe groaned. His head was pounding - had been all day. Not to mention, that he was overall feeling like absolute garbage. Earlier at work he’d suddenly started feeling dizzy, momentarily having to put the needle down as to not mess up the tattoo. He pushed through that appointment but ultimately decided to cancel everything else for the day. The dizziness was unrelenting, washing over him in constant waves, that left him gripping onto counters in a desperate attempt to steady himself. The drive home was torture, the motion of the car making nausea join the colorful mix of ailments plaguing him.
So, considering all that, he'd be delighted if Nick could just stop bothering him. Unfortunately, he was very aware that that wasn't gonna happen.
"Nothing." He mumbled into his partner's skin, a feeble attempt to end the conversation quickly.
"Bullshit. You're not feeling well, are you?"
After a short pause Joe shook his head ever so slightly.
"Figured." Nick was pleased that his boyfriend had finally admitted to feeling unwell, so he decided not to bother him any further for the time being, instead turning his attention to the tv while mindlessly playing with Joe's hair.
Another couple of minutes went by and Joe had drifted into a light sleep. Nick on the other hand, was getting more concerned by the minute - while Joe had felt slightly warm before, there was now a concerning heat radiating off of him. He obviously had a fever, and it was getting worse. Nick knew he'd have to wake Joe up eventually, if only to get some medication into him.
But before Nick could make up his mind his boyfriend began to stir. He loosened his grip on Joe slightly to give him some room. The sick man settled down after readjusting himself for a couple of seconds, so Nick put his hands back onto his boyfriend’s body, holding him tight.
This peace lasted exactly five seconds before Joe shot upright. The next few moments Nick would later describe as “a series of unfortunate events unfolding in quick succession”: when Joe sat up so suddenly, his head connected roughly with his boyfriend’s lower jaw, making Nick yelp in pain. He couldn’t even finish his exasperated “what the fuck” before Joe’s stomach gurgled so loudly, it was audible for the both of them. Nick’s eyes widened as Joe doubled over and promptly threw up onto their hardwood flooring, as well as his pants.
There was no time for Nick to even comprehend what just happened – Joe, who was still half-sitting on top of his boyfriend, was already busy with round two, adding generously to the puddle on the floor. The blonde didn’t have much room to move, and he felt like shoving Joe off him would hardly be helpful right now, so he settled for gently rubbing his boyfriend’s lower back.
It wasn’t long until Joe threw up for the third time. While the first two waves had come up effortlessly, this one was thicker, and he coughed and sputtered around it. His head felt like it was being split open as he heaved and panted. Usually, he’d be mortified right about now but in his current state he couldn’t care less about who was with him. And luckily it was only Nick anyway.
After that round it seemed like Joe was done for the time being. Nick took the opportunity to wiggle out from under his boyfriend so he could inspect the damage in its entirety. It took him every ounce of strength he could muster not to gag at the site. Their living room looked absolutely horrifying with vomit all over their floor as well as their living room table and of course, Joe himself. Nick was honestly baffled at the fact that he himself had remained clean amongst all of this.
All the while Joe was fighting to stay conscious. When he began tipping to the side, his arms failing to hold his body up any longer, Nick finally snapped out of his shock.
“Woah, hey.” He grabbed his boyfriend by the shoulder, scooching closer so that Joe could lean against his chest. Nick gently wrapped his arms around his partner’s torso.
“Take a couple of deep breaths, don’t pass out on me.” And so Joe did. They sat like that for a good five minutes, both breathing deeply in and out, before Joe finally began to come around.
He sat up, immediately groaning at the pain is his head, which seemed to worsen with every little move. Nick rubbed his back comfortingly, allowing his boyfriend to take all the time he needed.
“How are you doing?”
“Awful.” Joe’s voice sounded raspy and weak – just overall so very unlike himself. Nick couldn’t help but pity him.
“You need a shower. Desperately.” He expected a snarky remark, instead his boyfriend simply nodded. Gosh, he was pathetic, and Nick hated it. This version of Joe sucked, and he was going to fix it. Now.
“Okay, let’s go.” Nick decidedly got to his feet, pulling Joe up with him. He swayed a little on his feet but managed to stay upright.
So, Nick gently led his woozy boyfriend towards the bathroom, never once taking his hand off Joe’s back. He sat him down on the edge of their bathtub and went to grab some clean clothes.
Joe stayed quiet and kept his head down. While Nick undressed him and then himself. While Nick helped him shower. While Nick dried him off. Even while Nick put the new clothes on him.
“Okay, let’s get you to bed so I can get started on cleaning the living room.” Only then did Joe look up at his boyfriend. He was still so unbelievably dizzy but even in the midst of his own discomfort he couldn’t help feeling apologetic.
“I’m sorry.”
If you listened really closely, you could hear Nick’s heart shatter into a million little pieces. He looked at his boyfriend with nothing but pure pity on his face.
“Don’t apologize. You’re sick as hell. I’m just worried about you, that’s all. Let’s just get you to bed.”
Joe wanted to argue further, tell his boyfriend he could clean the living room himself, but ultimately decided against it. Nick would argue back, and Joe was just way too tired for that.
Therefore, he once again let his boyfriend lead him, this time to the bedroom. He hated this, quite frankly. Nick was making him feel like a child that needed to be taken care of. And Joe did not need to be taken care of.
But for some reason, he found himself staying quiet, when Nick quite literally tucked him in. Somehow, he was actually feeling somewhat contempt. Which, of course, he’d never admit out loud. So instead of putting up a fight, like he usually would, he just went with it. And thank god he did, because putting his aching head on the cool pillow felt like nothing short of heaven. Nick smiled as Joe immediately closed his eyes, he sighed however, when he remembered the state of their living room. Well, he had no choice but to get started. Luckily, he’d do anything for Joe – cleaning a little vomit was definitely something he could handle.
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Ticking Photobomb, T, 1.6k
Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley & TK Strand
TK loves Carlos, and wants their relationship to work out. Before they can recapture even a semblance of the bliss they shared, Carlos needs to fix his mistake and properly introduce TK to his family. Until then... Carlos deserves at least some punishment. He only hopes Buck will forgive him, for involving him in his and Carlos's first big fight as a couple.
Only it's not Buck's forgiveness he'll need.
ao3 link
based off of this post
He’s wary. He and TK are supposed to be enjoying a delicious meal outside at a nearby park, sun high in the sky, bright but not too cruel, as they sit together on a thin, yellow blanket, and Carlos cannot enjoy any of this beautiful date because a tiny voice in the back of his mind warns him that TK’s silence is a cover for something more sinister. His boyfriend’s smile, aimed at his phone as it has been since they arrived, means trouble. The small, continuous giggles that eke free sound like alarms. Giggles offered with every bite, where he’d type a short message and then set his phone down; only to grab it halfway through its jingling ringtone – TK never usually keeps that on. Carlos remembered him complaining how he hates ringtones, prefers having his phone vibrate. Why is it on now? And why is he texting while they’re on a date? And why does his laughter make Carlos cringe?
“Who are you texting?” he asks, finally, Carlos pushing the plastic container with his half-finished sandwich to the side.
TK glances up from his phone. “No one.”
“No one?”
“Just a friend,” TK says, pinning Carlos with a strange expression that squeezes his heart. It makes the sweat pricking his temples relocate and journey down, rolling towards his chin. Carlos wipes at his face as TK adds, “seriously, you don’t have to worry.”
It’s the way he said ‘you’ that does Carlos in. That has him dredging up what he already considered resolved since before they sat down. Discussed, at length, over the phone, with Carlos apologizing repeatedly. TK assured him they were good. “I thought we were good?”
TK sighs, “We are good.” Then, he mumbles, “As good as any two friends can be.”
Carlos’s frown deepens, mouth resembling a severe gash carved into his face. “I knew it!” Carlos cries, pointing at him. “You’re still mad at me.”
“I never said I wasn’t!”
“You said it was settled –“
“Because it is,” TK insists, a heavy glare drawing all breath out of Carlos’s chest. The façade he wore for their date has been pulled away, and Carlos sees exactly how distressed TK remained after he introduced him to his parents as his ‘friend’. Even with Carlos promising that he would remedy the situation soon, gather his boyfriend and family together and explain the truth of his romantic life, TK clings tight to the pain Carlos caused by letting fear sway his choice, both at the farmer’s market and when he let TK walk out of his home, relationship dangling from a fraying cord. It frays ever closer to breaking. “It’s settled until you work up the nerve to have that dinner you were talking about.”
Carlos splutters, “That’s not – you know, with the pandemic how hard it’s…”
His excuses further irritate TK, who retreats into his phone. He texts someone else. Perhaps the same person he’s been texting this entire time. “Then it’s settled.”
“If it’s so settled,” Carlos asks, “why even bother agreeing to our date today?” He gestures at their unfinished meals, probably cold and stale. If they weren’t, it’s not like Carlos feels like eating anymore.
TK stops texting, smirking at Carlos. Usually, it riles Carlos up in that he wants to kiss it off of him. Right now, Carlos swallows the urge to shove his boyfriend onto his ass. “A date?” TK asks, words languid and breezy, spaced out by palpable sarcasm. “Why would you think this was a date,” he continues, phone tapping against his chin, “we are just friends after all…”
Anger and disappointment converge violently inside Carlos, fighting for release. Neither can, as his vibrating phone pulls his focus from TK. He opens the message on autopilot, confused since it’s from TK. Confusion then drops into the cesspool of his emotions, like Mentos in Coke, and Carlos explodes.
“Why did you send me this?” he demands, showing TK a picture he sent to Carlos of himself. A picture they took, together, when visiting a lake one weekend long ago during the summer. A picture taken after they spent the entire afternoon swimming, bathing suits forgotten on the pier. A picture where TK’s chiseled physique was on display, skin dazzling as fading sunlight turned water droplets into diamonds, and TK’s sunglasses rested low on his nose as he smiled to the side where Carlos was. Was. As in not anymore. Only his arm, slung around his boyfriend’s shoulder, remained. Saved by being impossible to crop out. “Well?” Carlos asks again.
TK sighs, “Oh, I must have sent that by mistake.”
“You wanted to send me something else?”
“No,” TK clarifies, “I sent that to you by mistake. It was supposed to go to Buck, see?” TK shows Carlos his message thread, with the picture he sent Carlos, timestamped, showing he forwarded it to Buck first, then Carlos.
“Yeah, Buck,” TK continues, leaving his texts and diving into his photo album. He selects a group shot of the 126, plus a few extra members. He zooms closer on one face, Buck’s, enough that Carlos can distinguish the two birthmark spots above his eyebrows. “I’m sure I told you about him.”
“You did,” Carlos nods. He tears his gaze from Buck’s smile, fuming. “The firefighter who flirted with you.”
“I mean, he also helped me save my dad,” TK says, “but, yeah… he also flirted with me.” TK lowers his phone, chuckling, “We’ve just been chatting back and forth – as friends do – when I realized… y’know, I told him I wasn’t interested, because I had this really awesome boyfriend who I love, but since that’s not the case anymore, we’re only friends apparetly, I figured I might as well shoot my shot. Find out if he’s still interested. Maybe once quarantine is done, I can take some time off and… see what Los Angeles has to offer.” The eyebrow wiggle was completely unnecessary. TK communicated exactly what of Los Angeles he intends to see, regardless of how his eyebrows moved.
He’s better than this. Carlos knows what TK is doing. What the picture, and its delivery, was supposed to accomplish. What it’s succeeding at. He can win this, simply by ignoring TK’s teasing.
“You are not going to Los Angeles.” Carlos scowls, “Not without me. And especially not if Buck is gonna be there.”
TK scoffs, “What are you, my boyfriend?”
“Says who?” he asks, “Your parents?”
They’re outside. In public, surrounded by people who keep their distance. Unfortunately, their voices carry wide enough they draw a sizeable crowd. Carlos doesn’t notice until TK storms off and leaves him with the blanket, the abandoned food, and their audience.
Carlos blushes, hiding behind his hands. He wishes he never fumbled back then, in the farmer’s market. He also, briefly, wishes he and Buck switched places. At least then TK would be treating him to risqué pictures. At least Carlos would be having a good time, if he were Buck. He’d be receiving sexy photos from a certified dreamboat instead of suffering because of his own mistakes.
Buck stumbles over his words, stuttering, rushing out his explanation to a stone-faced Eddie. “Seriously,” he says, “I don’t – I don’t know why TK sent me that picture of him! It’s not like I asked! One second we’re talking about movies and the next thing I know – shirtless TK!”
“Yeah, I know,” Eddie huffs, arms folded across his chest, “I saw.”
He shouldn’t have. If Buck hadn’t left his phone on the table to help Bobby in the kitchen. If he didn’t hear his phone beep with an arriving message, almost vibrating off the table from it. If Eddie, along with Hen and Chim, weren’t climbing the stairs at the moment, and if he ignored Buck’s plea to hand him his phone. To punch in the code – which he knew, of course Eddie knew – since Buck was wrist deep in a turkey’s hole.
Buck washed his hands immediately, drying them on his pants as he chased Eddie the few feet towards the couch.
“So,” Eddie continues, “you and TK…”
He and TK? “We’re friends,” he says, repeating himself after Eddie’s disbelieving stare. “Okay, I mean – he did turn me down once, when we were leaving Texas. But he said he had a boyfriend –“
“He turned you down?” Eddie asks, “You flirted with him?”
“No!” Buck shrugs, running his hand over his forehead, frowning at the sweat that pooled there. “Well, I didn’t think I was. But he did? And – and he left before I could say anything, but I didn’t think it mattered since he, y’know, had a boyfriend!” He stomps his foot, irritation bubbling from the pit of his stomach and out his mouth. “Besides! Why does it matter if he sends me pictures?” Nice pictures. Distracting pictures that made Buck question exactly why TK misunderstanding his friendliness was a problem. “Why are you so angry?”
“Because… because…” Eddie looks past Buck, at the peanut gallery assembled by the kitchen. Hen and Chimney watching with interest while Bobby pretends cooking a turkey involves his whole focus. None of the seem keen to jump in and help. “Because… you…” Suddenly, Eddie stands. Buck recoils, stepping backwards. “You know what,” Eddie says, digging into his pocket, “I’m telling Marjan to unfollow you on Instagram.”
“And!” he yells, phone free and on, “I’m telling her to block you!”
“What? No – Eddie, no! Don’t!” Buck follows his friend, pleading, “C’mon, she hasn’t even liked any of my photos yet… Eddie… Eddie!”
Eddie ignores him, furiously typing the end of Buck’s most famous connection online. In his haste, Buck forgets his phone on the counter. Eddie takes precedence over his phone.
Later, Buck will return to it. He will respond to TK’s picture, sending a tidal wave of texts at the Texan firefighter ranging between the immense trouble that picture landed him in and how TK can repay him by convincing Marjan to follow him again.
But that’s later. Now Buck slams his fist against the firetruck, yelling for Eddie to unlock the door.
Eddie doesn’t.
#911 on fox#911 lone star#carlos reyes#tk strand#evan 'buck' buckley#eddie diaz#tarlos#buddie#tarlos fanfic#buddie fanfic
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loyalty’s all i got | part two
three years ago, you had it all: great friends, good grades, and an almost perfect relationship with your boyfriend, jj. it all came crashing down when your mom relocated your family to california for work and you were forced to trade the outer banks for malibu, leaving your broken heart behind in the place you were just starting to think of as home. now you're back in town for college and to pick up the pieces, hoping to make things right again with your friends and the boy you never stopped loving.
word count: 8.6k+
ship: jj maybank x female!reader, pogue friendship
warnings n stuff: angst angst angst all around (with a happy ending tho!!), the reader being a v. sad girl, mentions of anxiety/depression, failed long distance relationship, drifting apart, self-inflicted loneliness/isolation, the classic trope of 'they broke up but they're still in love with each other' that gives me feels, swearing (it's not my writing unless someone says 'fuck' at least once), reconciliation/mended relationships, traditional cheesy rom-com rain scene 'cause i'm a Dramatic Hoe™
a/n: and here's the second and final part of this looooong two-shot! thank you all so much for reading and i hope you enjoy the finale even though i low key kind of hate it 🙃. fun fact: surfrider beach is a real place in malibu known for its great waves :) also i apologize for how long this took to post, i dropped my laptop and the screen broke so i had to wait for it to get fixed lmao. unbetaed as usual, any mistakes are my b.

part two: like a ghost that no one knew
When you said goodbye to your friends three years ago, you should've known things would never be the same again. You were sixteen, still so young and naïve and full of an almost childlike hope that kept you from seeing the obvious: life wasn't fair. Sometimes, you could be holding all the right cards and still lose the game.
It should've been easy. You had a video chat schedule already figured out, promises of daily texts and Snapchats, a boyfriend willing -enthusiastically willing, in fact- to go long distance and make it work no matter what 'cause you both agreed that what you had was something worth fighting for. You and your friends had weathered many storms together, what was one more? It could've been easy but you underestimated just how cruel California would be.
You traded one coast for the other and watched the sun set over the Pacific alone when you would've given anything to watch it rise over the Atlantic with your friends. It hurt to surf solo but you did it anyway, even though it felt like a damn sucker punch each time you caught yourself scanning the sand for JJ and his proud smile when you successfully caught bigger and bigger waves at Surfrider Beach.
Long distance was hard. You had days where all you wanted to do was lay on your bed for hours, safely curled up in his arms as he ran his fingers through your hair but you had to settle for his voice over the phone and one of his shirts from your closet instead. You missed everything about him: his pretty eyes that looked like the clearest ocean, the cheeky grin he'd send your way after making a stupid joke that had you affectionately rolling your eyes in exasperation, that adorable flush that spread across his face without fail each and every time you said you loved him. You longed for his constant affection; the way he always wanted to keep you close somehow, his arm around your shoulders, hand in your back pocket, or fingers entwined with yours; how he could never go a day without kissing you. Being apart was nothing short of torture.
"I fucking miss you." He said late one night during a rare FaceTime session -his phone was a piece of shit so he had to 'borrow' John B's whenever he could- and you smiled despite the knife twisting itself deeper and deeper into your heart as you played with the fraying sleeve of his old sweatshirt you wore.
"I fucking miss you more, J." You whispered back, giggling quietly when he scrunched up his nose in playful skepticism.
"Yeah, I don't think so, babe. There's no way."
"Yes, way!"
Although it hurt like hell, you imagined being tangled up with him in the hammock hanging in the Chateau's yard under the North Carolina sky -the light from the moon would turn his blond hair a pale silver as he grinned down at you and cupped your cheek in his hand, closing that final distance between you for a kiss that'd fuel the fire racing through your veins- and you let that fleeting happiness carry you through the night, long after you said goodbye. You fell asleep with your phone in your hand, unaware that your mother had been listening from the other side of your closed door.
You'd been distant from her and your dad in the months since the move, obviously going out of your way to avoid them both by spending all your spare time surfing at the beach, coming home well past sunset and heading straight to your room without a word. They'd taught you forgiveness wasn't something to be given willingly -it had to be earned- and since neither of them had done anything worthy to deserve an absolution, you simply pretended they didn't exist and let yourself stew in your justified anger.
Until the morning after your video date with JJ, they'd wisely given you your space so you were pretty blind sighted to find them both waiting for you at the dining room table, one of your dad's famous cinnamon rolls on a plate set in front of your usual chair. You paused in the middle of tying one of your boyfriend's worn bandanas in your hair before abruptly continuing toward the front door, acting like you didn't see the hopeful looks on their faces that made guilt slowly start to burrow its way into your chest.
"Y/N, wait," Your dad sprung from his seat and reached his hand out toward your elbow, his face falling when you instantly pulled back and crossed your arms. "Please, let's just talk for a second."
"I'm gonna be late for the bus," You lied and tried for the door again, sighing in frustration when he blocked your path and ushered you toward the table where your mom was sitting, biting her thumbnail. The guilt burrowed deeper: you thought she kicked that habit years ago but there she was, chewing her nail to shreds and it was all because of you (the empty satisfaction you felt knowing you were the cause of her stress made you hate yourself just a little more.).
"Jellybean, don't worry about that. I'll drive you."
You bristled at the old nickname but sat in the chair your dad pulled out for you anyway. The smell of the cinnamon roll he pushed your way made your mouth water but you refused to eat and kept your eyes down as you played with the stack of bracelets adorning your wrist. "You wanted to talk?" You asked, deciding to just rip the band-aid off all at once 'cause knowing your mom when she was anxious and your dad being allergic to any type of confrontation, you'd have sat there all day until one of them worked up the courage to speak.
"Talk, right." Bill said with a nervous chuckle, shaking his head as he took a seat and swiped his own cinnamon roll from the pan in the middle of the table. "Uh, how are you?"
"Are you serious right now?" You asked incredulously, looking up from your lap with a raised eyebrow. "All this for 'how are you?'"
"How would we know?" Your mom finally spoke up as she pulled her ruined nail from her mouth, only to start instantly drumming her fingers on the table. "You're always holed up in your room or at the beach, Y/N. You never talk to us anymore."
You rolled your eyes before fixing her with a deadpan stare. "Hmm, I wonder why."
"Honey, you know I'm sorry-"
"Don't, okay? Just don't." You swallowed thickly and dumped the cinnamon roll back into the pan, blinking away the awful burning pressure building behind your eyes. "I can't listen to some half-assed apology that you don't mean!"
"Y/N, we are sorry. Everything's gonna get better, just give it time." Your dad's reply was muffled by a mouthful of pastry and any other time, you'd usually be laughing at his chipmunk cheeks but instead you just stared back down at your hands again, lip quivering as you tried and failed to hold yourself together. You would not cry. You would not cry. You would not-
"Please, honey." Your mom tentatively reached out one hand like she was approaching a wounded animal, her voice so soft you could barely hear it above the rush of blood in your ears. "It hurts us to see you like this-"
Oh, fuck this shit.
"You're hurt?! Are you kidding me?" Your chair scraped along the tile as you rocketed to your feet, vision blurring when the dam finally broke. "You promised we wouldn't move again until after I graduated and you broke that promise. I let myself make friends for once in my goddamn life -I fucking fell in love, Mom! I fell in love with the most amazing boy who, by some miracle loves me, too despite me being a...a complete loser!" You were rambling now but you couldn't find it in yourself to care about or stop the words flying from your mouth.
"God, I was happy -so, so disgustingly happy it kind of scared me, okay?" You laughed bitterly and roughly wiped the tears from your cheeks, only to have more immediately take their place. "And you didn't even stop to think before you took it all away from me! So don't even talk to me about being hurt 'cause you have no fucking idea!"
Your dad was frozen, eyes the same color as your own blown impossibly wide in the middle of another bite of cinnamon roll while your mom, two tears streaking perfect twin tracks down her cheeks, looked at you like you'd just told her the world was ending -to her, it just might've been but to you, it already had. Neither of them said another word as you snatched your backpack off the couch and stormed from the house, slamming the door behind you.
Halfway to the bus stop, you decided school just wasn't in the cards that day and doubled back, hiding behind the shed in your backyard until your tears had run dry and both of your parents left -Rebekah to the hospital, Bill to wherever he went while you were in class- before heading inside to change into your rash vest and grab your board. Despite it being early Friday morning, Surfrider Beach was full of life and you welcomed the hustle and bustle as you turned off your phone and buried it at the bottom of your bag, leaving your problems behind on the sand.
You spent the whole day at the beach, blissfully alone and free to do what you wanted, until the sun dipped low in the sky and you were too exhausted to even think about anything but dragging yourself home so you could pass the fuck out. You caught one final wave before heading back to shore, waving goodbye to the group of other kids you'd surfed with all day (the one thing you loved about California: everyone was so chill) and trudged through the sand toward your things where, just as you expected, your sister sat on your towel, clad in a baggy UCLA long-sleeve with her phone in hand.
"Bitch, you killed it out there!" She looked up as you dropped your board to the ground and sat down heavily beside her, slipping an old Kildare County High School sweatshirt -the first one you ever 'borrowed' from your boyfriend, much to his delight- over your head. "I mean, look at you go!"
You leaned closer to watch the video she took, the barest hint of a smile on your face when you watched yourself perform a near perfect cutback on the screen. "That's 'cause I had the best teacher."
Daisy tagged you and posted it to Instagram before you could protest, then tossed the phone back into her bag and turned to you with a forced cheerfulness that kind of made you want to smack her. "So..."
"Mom and Dad sent you to clean up their mess." You finished quietly, tucking your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them as your sister sighed dramatically and offered a sympathetic wince.
"As always." She copied your position and you both stared out at the sun sinking over the water, its fading rays turning the sky brilliant shades of orange and pink. It was typical of your parents to send Daisy after you when you were upset -after all, you'd both been each other's only friend for over half your lives- and normally, you'd be glad to see your sister's friendly face instead of your mom's or dad's. That evening, though? All you felt was...disappointment.
"Guess they really don't give a shit about me." You mumbled under your breath, half-hoping Daisy didn't hear you but from the way she snapped her head in your direction, you didn't get your wish.
"Y/N, that's not it. They're just..."
"Just what? Pretending that they didn't stab me in the back? Acting like everything's all hunky-dory and they actually cared about my feelings?"
You hastily wiped at your face when your sister silently looped an arm around your shoulders and tucked you against her side, her fingers running soothingly through the ends of your damp hair as you vented all of your frustrations -everything you'd kept locked deep inside your heart- until your voice was hoarse and the sun had long disappeared from the horizon and you had no tears left to cry.
"You have no idea what it's like, being so lonely it hurts to breathe. It hurts knowing Mom and Dad have each other and you have Daniel and I'm alone all the time." You lifted your head from her shoulder and rubbed your red eyes with your sleeve. "Worst part is, they just keep acting like I'll wake up one day and magically be okay and everything'll be all sunshine and rainbows again."
"First off, I wanna say that I'm sorry for not making more time for you. I knew you were struggling and I'm a terrible big sister for not being here for you like I should have," You squeezed Daisy's other hand in thanks as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, her voice soft and steady like the waves crashing against the shore. "Second, I definitely don't think Mom and Dad are handling this the way they should, but I think they're trying in the only way they know how. That should count for something, right?"
You sighed and tugged the sleeves of your sweatshirt over your hands. "I guess, but they haven't even tried to see where I'm coming from and they don't get that I'm not the only one they hurt. If I have to hear one more half-assed apology, I'm gonna lose my shit. Again."
"I'm not saying you have to forgive them right away 'cause I sure as hell wouldn't until they say they're sorry and mean it. But..." She said, pulling you to your feet and shaking the sand from the towel you were sitting on, "you shouldn't keep shutting them out, okay? It's not healthy."
You tucked your board under your arm as Daisy grabbed your bag and swung it onto her shoulder before you both started walking toward the parking lot. "What if I'm never ready to forgive them?"
"That's a question I don't have the answer to." She said with a shrug. "You've gotta figure that one out for yourself."
So you followed your sister's advice. You were civil and gradually, your relationship with your parents improved until you could stand to be in the same room as them and even carry on a short conversation, even though you knew you'd probably never be able to fully trust them again. You caught them exchanging glances you could only describe as wounded when you often turned down their invitations to go to the movies or get ice cream or other things you used to love doing when you were younger but for the most part, they took it in stride and you were grateful for their little efforts. Forgiveness wasn't in the cards quite yet but with each passing day, you felt the icy wall around your heart slowly start to melt away.
But every time you thought you were taking one step forward, life pushed you two steps back. Just when you were getting things back on track with your family, the train went flying off the rails when it came to your friends and it was all your fault.
It wasn't like you didn't try -God, did you try- to keep yourself from falling back into old habits but Malibu just had a way of bringing out the absolute worst in you. Your old self, the girl who kept to herself and pushed everyone away, someone you thought you buried in the deepest grave, slowly came back from the dead with a vengeance little by little, so subtly you didn't realize what was happening until it was too late.
One missed phone call turned into two, texts went unanswered for days or not at all, FaceTime sessions happened less and less. The last video chat had been with Kiara and it ended terribly, after you blew up at her for mending her friendship with Sarah Cameron in the near two years since you'd been gone, spitting words you couldn't quite remember -something along the lines of 'didn't take you too long to replace me, huh' and calling the blonde girl a 'heinous bitch'- but knew you regretted with everything you had and hanging up before she had a chance to explain. You couldn't even recall the last time you talked to Pope or John B aside from the occasional Snapchat and your daily calls with JJ had turned to once a week, if you were lucky.
He was trying, you could tell, and so were you but the deck was stacked against you and you were never very good at cards, anyway. It hurt to try, it hurt not to try, everything just hurt. Nearly two years apart had done their damage and coupled with your debilitating fear of being forgotten that clawed at your chest like a rabid dog, your relationship was on unstable ground and for the first time in almost four years, you were thinking about the end. It wasn't like you didn't love him anymore (holy shit, were you still completely head over heels in love). In fact, you loved him so much you realized that he could do so, so much better than you and the thought rested heavy and bittersweet on your mind, lurking in the shadows until you were ready to bring it to light.
It happened on New Year's Eve. Alone in your room, your hands shook as you answered JJ's call at midnight, his voice tired and a little hoarse from celebrating the new year three hours earlier on the opposite coast and you nearly started crying right then and there when you replied with a shaky "I think we need to talk."
"Babe, what's wrong?"
You took a deep breath and said quietly, "Everything."
"Talk to me." The pure concern in those three words nearly convinced you to call it off, to tell him to forget you said anything and that you were fine, everything was just fine but deep down, you knew you couldn't.
"I've been thinking about us and I...I just think that you deserve better than me. Someone who can actually be there for you when you need her and hold you when your dad's an asshole and see you every day. Someone who can laugh at your silly jokes and share a joint with you and clean you up when you get into fights defending your friends-"
"Babe, what are you talking about? That girl is you."
"Maybe I was but I'm not anymore and I don't think I have been since I left. I just can't be the girl you want, I can't be the girl you deserve, J -I'm a total fucking mess and you can do so, so much better than me."
You didn't know you were crying until you heard the broken way he breathed your name and salt water dripped from your chin onto the bracelet around your wrist.
"...are you breaking up with me?" His voice was impossibly small, the quietest you'd ever heard it and the exact moment your battered heart shattered into pieces was when you realized he didn't even put up a fight.
"I think so." The words tore through you like a gunshot as you cried, curling into yourself on the bed in an effort to ward off the worst pain you'd ever felt in your life and you wondered if it was possible to die from a wound that wasn't even physical.
He was quiet for a long time, so long you thought he hung up without you noticing through your tears, until he sniffed on the other end of the line.
"Guess we had a pretty good run, huh?" He asked with a watery chuckle and you found yourself giving a tiny, shuddering giggle in response -God, even when you were breaking his heart he still managed to make you laugh.
"The best, baby." The pet name slipped out like second nature and you winced, hastily trying to cover your mistake with an awkward cough but from the sharp breath you heard him take, he'd heard it anyway.
("I'm sorry," you said, and it stood as an apology for more than just your slip-up.)
"I love you, Y/N. Probably always will."
"I'll never stop loving you, JJ. That's a promise."
You let yourself believe him as you laid there bleeding from a gash you couldn't see, a wound you knew would never heal, and you hoped he let himself believe you, too, even when you ended the call without another word and threw your phone away from you, not bothering to see where it landed. The sound of your heavy, broken sobs filled the room and you didn't even mind when your mom, who you knew had been listening from the other side of your closed door like always, barged in and took you into her arms, stroking your hair as you cried into her lap.
If you were supposed to avoid getting hurt by leaving first, why did it feel like everything in you was broken? If you were making the right choice, why did it feel so wrong? You didn't have the answers and no matter how hard you searched, you knew you'd ever find them.
So you tried to stay busy. You joined the surf club at school, got a part-time job at the local aquarium, did anything you could to distract yourself from the hurt and the guilt and the way getting out of bed every morning was the hardest thing to do. Surf club introduced you to Mackenzie, the one girl who was more ostracized at school -an even richer version of the kook academy you hated -than you, her for being freakishly tall and you for your East Coast attitude, and the two of you became fast, if reluctant friends. Mack didn't try to stitch the gaping hole in your heart caused by your absent friends but she numbed the pain just enough to make it bearable and you were grateful for her calm, steady presence at your side, even as you both tried to keep each other at arm's length.
Later, you found out she was just like you, friendless and awkward with no self-esteem and a tendency to push people away, and that just cemented your friendship through the summer and your final year of high school.
Mack told you all about her life, growing up with no siblings, having height that she never learned to deal with, and a debilitating social anxiety that made making friends near impossible, and in turn you told her about how you hopped from town to town on your mother's whims, the wonderful friends you let slip away, and the beautiful boyfriend you loved enough to let go, and you both cried together for the lives you could've led.
"You two looked so happy," She said during the first sleepover you hosted as she held one of the many picture frames littering your dresser, her lips turned upwards in a small smile.
You gently took the frame from her hands and ran your fingers over the grinning face of your ex-boyfriend, his arms wrapped around your shoulders as your painted lips planted a deep red kiss on his cheek, and the wave of longing washing over you was almost strong enough to bring you to your knees. "It was the happiest I've ever been."
"Do you miss him?"
"So much it hurts."
i miss you.
i'm so sorry.
i still love you.
You'd typed and erased those texts every day but never mustered the courage to hit send and you couldn't decide if that was a blessing in disguise or the worst possible curse. Of course you still loved JJ: you promised you would and even if you didn't, you couldn't stop if you tried. He was your first love, the boy you so willingly gave your whole heart and then some; you still kept his ring on your thumb -the one he gave you at the airport the day you left- and his bracelet around your wrist, his bandanas in your hair and his face in your dreams and you knew you always would.
Before you could blink, your eighteenth birthday flew by and graduation was upon you.
You thought the second you were done with high school you'd be gone, heading straight back to the Outer Banks and the life you left behind but you found yourself stalling on sending in an application to UNC -Chapel Hill until you missed the deadline for the fall semester. On the outside, you made up a semi-legit excuse about getting your basic courses done at a community college to save money but deep down you really knew why you procrastinated: you were terrified to go back. Ever since your break up with JJ, you hadn't spoken to him or any of your old friends other than the obligatory birthday wishes on Facebook and you wondered if the damage you'd done over the years was too much to come back from, even as you tried to work up the courage to find out for sure.
Another year passed: in between earning college credits, you and Daisy took a sister's trip to Disneyland, Mack asked you to tag along on a jaunt up the coast to San Francisco to see Alcatraz, your parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary (your gift was long-overdue forgiveness and they said it was the greatest thing you possibly could've given them). When the time came, you and Mack both sent out your applications to UNC -you for biology, her for chemistry- and the myriad of emotions you felt when you got in was nothing short of dizzying. The old you was terrified, screaming at you to rip up the letter and join your sister at UCLA instead of opening old wounds but the hopeful you, the girl who lived without fear, the girl who fell in love and let herself be loved, screamed louder.
And so you killed the old you once again, burying her even deeper than the last time in a locked chest and throwing the key as far as you could out into the Pacific where you knew you'd never find it. You clutched your acceptance letter close to your chest and took a step east, away from California and toward the place where your broken heart still rested, scattered in pieces across the sand.
Settling in at UNC was surprisingly easy. You and Mack already clicked pretty well as friends so making the transition to roommates was natural and, dare you say it, even a little fun and the two of you quickly fell into a comfortable routine in your tiny apartment off campus in Chapel Hill. Comfortable and yet...that happiness you once felt all those years ago was missing from your life and you found yourself just as restless as you were in Malibu. While you knew exactly what you needed to do, that fear kept rearing its ugly head in the back of your mind, poisoning your thoughts: what if they wouldn't be happy to see you, what if they forgot about you, what if they hated you? What if he hated you?
It was terrifying, picturing yourself turning up at the Chateau with a hopeful smile only to have the door slammed right in your face. Deep down, you knew they'd never do that to you no matter how badly you'd hurt them but when you'd spent your whole life expecting the worst, taking a leap of faith wasn't an easy feat -something Mack just couldn't wrap her head around.
"I don't get it."
You glanced up from where you were lounging on your bed, flipping through your biology notes in preparation for your lab exam the next morning and shot your roommate a confused look. "Get what?”
Mack sat at your desk, her own notebooks lying ignored as she spun the chair around to face you, arms crossed. "Why you haven't hopped on that ferry to go get your man yet!"
You froze for a moment too long before offering a half-hearted shrug as you fiddled with the beads at the end of your bracelet. "It's not that easy. He probably wants nothing to do with me and I don't blame him."
"How do you know? You haven't talked to JJ in over a year, right?" At your tight nod, she continued, "What if he's just like you-"
Mack fixed you with a flat, unamused look. "Still in love, dumbass."
You scoffed and propped your chin in your hand as you glanced back down at your study guide, trying not to latch onto that little thought -hope and pain all rolled into one- that sparked to life at her words. He'd said he would probably always love you that New Year's Eve and back then you'd let yourself believe him but now, you weren't so sure. "Yeah, right. No way he's still...still in love with me after I broke his heart."
"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't," Your roommate said with a shrug, spinning around on the chair to grab her things. "You'll never know if you don't get over there, track his fine ass down, and talk to him."
You stared down at your notes without actually seeing anything, the slanted letters of your handwriting blurring before your eyes as the other girl flipped her chemistry book closed and stood, shooting you an warm smile that you didn't see.
"Listen, Y/N, you're my best friend and I want to see you happy more than anything but I can't take that jump for you. Yeah, it's scary and nerve wracking and you might end up hurt worse than before, so what? That's just...life."
Mack left after that, crossing the apartment to her room so she could get ready for a date with a girl from her psych class, leaving you alone with tears on your face and a million thoughts in your head, all of them terrifying and exciting and oh so loud.
She was right, of course -Mack always knew the right thing to say- and as you stared down at the bracelets on your wrists and the ring on your thumb, the pictures on your phone and the too-big shirt hanging off one shoulder, you realized sitting around moping wasn't gonna solve anything; if you wanted your happiness, your friends, the love of your life back, you needed to step up and fight for them with everything you had. And so you wiped the tears from your cheeks and walked to the cliff's edge with your head held high, ready for the fall and whatever came with it. You were ready to fix your mistakes, no matter how badly it might hurt.
Still, you couldn't do it all on your own. You needed some help to make things right again and while you knew just who to ask, you weren't quite sure if they'd be willing to lend a hand. Desperate times called for desperate measures though and you penned a good old-fashioned letter, feeling like a heroine in a Jane Austen novel as you poured all your thoughts -your dreams, wishes, hopes- onto a piece of paper in bold blue ink and sent it off to its destination on Figure 8, your Hail Mary for a happy ending sealed up neatly in a single envelope.
Mack, bless her heart, did her best to keep your spirits up as you waited on a response but even her ever reassuring presence couldn't keep you from worrying as one week passed by, then two. Halfway through the third you'd almost given up, already wracking your brain for another way to make your plan work when your phone chimed with a text from an unknown number.
i'll help you
And just like that, the moment you'd been waiting for was finally within your reach; you told your parents not to expect you for Thanksgiving break, called your sister for a much needed pep talk, and started counting down the days until you'd see your friends again, for better or worse.
When you left the Outer Banks three years ago, it was sunny. You were sixteen, young and in love and scared about the future.
When you returned, it was in the middle of a storm. You were nineteen, a little bit older but no less in love and definitely still scared about what was waiting for you at the end of the road.
Rain pounded against the roof of Sarah Cameron's SUV as she drove away from the docks and toward the Chateau, her fingers tapping along to the music playing quietly through the radio. You sat in the passenger seat, soaked to the bone from your ferry ride from the mainland and shaking like a leaf despite the towel wrapped around your shoulders and the warm air flowing from the car's vents.
"Thanks for coming to get me," You said, wincing at the awkward lilt of your voice echoing in the small space as you spun JJ's ring around your thumb and stared out the windshield at the familiar sights streaking by in blurred shades of green and brown. Being back opened a Pandora's box of emotions in your head, both good and bad, and instead of trying to sort them out, you let them bounce around in your brain like a pinball machine and concentrated on methodically twirling the warm metal ring in circles on your finger.
Sarah briefly glanced away from the road to shoot you a small smile, her kind eyes softening at your visible nervousness. "Not gonna lie, I was pretty sure you hated me so when I got your letter it kinda...threw me for a loop. Sorry it took me so long to reply."
You wished the heated leather seat would swallow you whole as you winced again and wrapped the towel tighter around your shoulders. "For the longest time, I thought I did hate you but I realized I was just...scared of losing my friends and I took it out on you. You didn't deserve to be labeled the villain in my story when I was the one, um, sabotaging myself, I guess." You took a deep breath and picked at a loose thread tickling your arm. "And I'm really, really grateful for your help."
It was more than you wanted to admit out loud -nearly the same words were written in the letter peeking out from the center console of the car- but at the same time, you knew it was what needed to be said and from the way the blonde girl's fingers stopped tapping against the steering wheel, she knew she needed to hear it. At a red light, she quickly tapped out a text on her phone before tossing in back into her bag with another tiny grin in your direction.
"Happy to help. For what it's worth, I'm so sorry if I made you feel like you were being replaced, I never intended to hurt you or steal your friends or...or, I don't know, usurp-"
"Sarah, stop. Please," You held up a hand to cut off her apology and offered her a self-deprecating smile. "I'm the one who's sorry. I let my...jealousy get the best of me and I feel so bad about all the shit I said 'cause that wasn't fair to you at all and I hope you can forgive me-"
"Y/N, there's nothing to forgive! We all say stupid shit when we're mad -trust me, I know." She interrupted with a bubbly, contagious giggle that seemed to scare away the gloomy storm clouds gathered over your head for a moment in time. "But I was never pissed at you, ever. I just want you to know that."
Stunned, you settled deeper into the seat and started playing with your ring again as she kept driving on, unbothered by your lack of response. You felt like you were thirteen again, back when Sarah and Kiara were your only friends, before the birthday disaster and the whole pogue versus kook feud that got completely out of hand; it felt...nice and you found yourself hoping that the blonde girl would still want to be your friend again, no matter what the others thought about your sudden return.
"Thank you."
Sarah gave no indication she heard your quiet confession of gratitude but from the way you watched her smile grow out of the corner of your eye, you knew she did. The rest of the drive passed in companionable silence as you retreated into your own thoughts, your nerves getting worse and worse the closer you got to your destination.
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly through your nose, feeling like your heart was trying to beat its way through your rib cage. You hadn't been this anxious in a long, long time, so long you almost forgot how much you hated the tightness in your chest, how your palms would start to sweat, the way you'd chew the inside of your cheek until you tasted blood on your tongue. By the time Sarah pulled into an open spot beside the achingly familiar Volkswagen parked in front of the Chateau, you were surprised you were still able to breathe.
The sight of the tiny house, one you spent so many carefree days and beautiful nights in alongside your friends, standing virtually unchanged in front of you was like a shot to the heart and your hands, curled into fists on your lap, began to shake without warning. Shit, you were a godforsaken mess; how the hell were you supposed to do this without having a mental breakdown?
"I'm so scared."
The whispered words, barely audible over the torrential rain against the roof, slipped from your mouth before you could stop them and Sarah slowly reached one hand over to give your trembling wrist a reassuring squeeze, the corners of her mouth curled upward in a slight smile.
"Don't be. They're gonna be so happy to see you!"
You turned to look at her, eyebrows knit together in disbelief. "How are you so sure they still care about me?"
"I'm sure 'cause I've seen it. My God, if only you could've heard all the times they talked about you -'I wish Y/N was here,' 'remember that time with Y/N,' hell, just straight 'I miss Y/N so fucking much,'" She said bluntly and shifted in the driver's seat to face you head on, smiling wider at the thunderstruck look on your face. "Pretty sure I haven't gone a week without JJ saying that last one at least once."
"I thought..." You paused, tongue darting out to run over your dry lips as you tried to put your jumbled feelings into words, "I thought he'd hate me -I mean, after all I've done, you think he still..."
"Loves you? Are you kidding?" Her reply was so enthusiastic it was hard not to believe her as she went on, her words like sunshine brightening the darkest corners of your mind. "He's still head over heels, I've never seen him even look at another girl in three damn years. You know he still wears your necklace, the one with the silver star? Kie told me all about it."
"I-I didn't." You remembered giving it to him the day you left, managing a shaky smile through your tears as you carefully clasped it around his neck, your fingers running over his skin as you settled the charm perfectly alongside that little shark tooth you'd grown to love.
('Be careful with this, baby. It's my favorite.' You had said, crying harder when he'd taken off one of his rings and slipped it onto your thumb.
'Well, this one's my favorite so take good care of it, okay?' His voice had been light but his eyes were heavy with unspoken words that you'd heard loud and clear because you knew your gaze said the exact same things.
don't let me go
don't break my heart
don't stop loving me)
You coughed to disguise the fat tears that started rolling down your face, quickly wiping them away with your sleeve but the blonde girl wasn't fooled as she gave your hand another friendly squeeze.
"Come on, they're probably wondering what's taking me so long," She sent a conspiratorial wink your way and grabbed her bag from the center console. "I told them I was picking up some pizzas but I have a funny feeling they won't be too pissed that I lied."
With a desperate grip on the strap of your backpack and your heart racing, you trailed behind Sarah through the rain to the front porch.
"Ready?" She glanced back where you lingered at the top of the stairs, anxiously shuffling from foot to foot, and shot you a smile that did little to calm your nerves. "Just wait here!"
She knocked on the door before you could reply and yelled loud enough to be heard over the pouring rain, "Hey, it's me! Can somebody get the door? My hands are kinda full."
"Got it!"
Your bag slipped from your fingers and fell onto the porch with a loud thump at the sound of the voice floating through the open windows, a voice you heard nearly every night as you slept, in your dreams of a future you wanted with everything you had. You knew it better than your knew your own, knew every pitch and tone and lilt; quiet and raspy in the mornings when you woke up in each other's arms, loud and carefree during long days spent under the golden sun with the rest of your friends, soft and warm and laid bare at night when he showed how much he loved you with more than just words.
Sarah gave you an enthusiastic thumbs up before stepping to the side just as the door opened and you suddenly found yourself struggling to breathe as you stared into the wide blue eyes of your ex-boyfriend. JJ stared right back, one of the hands you used to hold clenched so tight around the doorknob his knuckles were white, the lips you used to kiss parted in surprise, the blond hair you used to run your fingers through falling onto his forehead like always and the familiar, beautiful sight of him standing close enough to touch made your knees weak.
"You're not pizza."
It was such a JJ thing to say and you didn't know whether to laugh or cry as you swallowed thickly and shook your head. "Sorry to disappoint you."
"I'm not."
Hope flared white hot in your chest at his words but it quickly started to fade, replaced by fear when he made no move toward you, his fingers still gripping tight to the door, and you felt your face start to heat in embarrassment as Sarah looked back and forth between the two of you like she was watching a tennis match.
God, you were so stupid. What did you expect would happen, showing up out of the blue after over a year of no contact? Everything would fall into place again with just one long, heavy look? Believing it could be that easy turned you into a complete and total fool, tongue-tied and insecure and weak.
"Yo, what's the hold up?" John B's voice asked from inside the house and Sarah leaned down to call through the open window, "Come out here and find out!"
A wave of dizziness hit you like a truck and you took a sudden step back toward the stairs, arms wrapping around your stomach as it twisted itself into knots. "I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have come. This was a mistake." You didn't notice the stricken look that crossed JJ's face or the three familiar, stunned expressions that appeared behind him in the darkened doorway before turning away and stumbling off the porch toward the road, leaving your bag behind and you definitely didn't notice how you barely made it off the bottom stair before a set of footsteps hastily gave chase.
"It wasn't a mistake, Y/N!" JJ's desperate voice stopped you in your tracks, halfway across the yard with more than just rain running down your face. "Not to me, never to me."
His soft touch on your wrist sent shockwaves through your body and you instantly became putty in his hands, letting him turn you around without a fight to face him, watching in fascination as the downpour started to darken his gray shirt and flatten his hair against his forehead. Three years hadn't changed much about him -he was a little taller, hair a little longer, the muscles in his arms a little more defined- and when you met his wide-eyed gaze, beads of rain dripping from his long eyelashes like diamonds, you wondered if he was thinking about the differences time created between the younger you of the past and the you of the right now, too.
"Oh." You repeated dumbly, struggling for something, anything to say that didn't make you sound like an illiterate fool. Even at nineteen, words still weren't your strong suit so you let your actions speak for you as your hand reached out on its own accord to caress the silver star still clasped around his neck, the thumb still wearing his ring brushing slowly against the dip between his collarbones; he shivered, and you weren't really sure if it was from your touch or the cold.
"Y/N." JJ said your name like a prayer, like he couldn't believe you were there in front of him, and you inhaled sharply when both of his hands slowly, carefully moved to cup your face, his calloused thumbs habitually wiping the tears from your cheeks over and over, even as more instantly replaced the ones he swept away. "I fucking missed you."
You stood there, looking like a damned drowned rat with your hair dripping into your eyes, shivering in your soaked jeans and Kildare County High School sweatshirt, the love of your life cradling your face so gently in his hands, and so many things you wanted to say flooding your brain but only the one that mattered the most managed to get by your trembling lips.
"I'm still in love with you."
You noticed a lot when you put your heart on the line: the steady, soothing sound of water falling through the trees, the bright, clean taste of rain on your tongue, how the sun was just barely starting to peek out from behind the stormy clouds, but they all paled in comparison to the little things you noticed about the boy in front of you; blue irises made even brighter by the red rimming his eyes, how he stepped closer on the wet grass until the tips of his scuffed boots touched your worn gray high tops, the way his hands trembled ever so slightly against your flushed face.
"Well, it's your lucky day 'cause I'm still in love with you, too."
All of the breath left your lungs in one big rush when JJ smiled hopefully -oh, how you loved everything about that smile: his slightly crooked teeth, that dimple in his cheek, the endearing pink blush swept across his nose- and you felt yourself return it without a second thought, your own hope once again burning bright in your chest.
"Even after...everything?" Your voice shook like the fingers you slid into the hair at his nape and he leaned down to rest his forehead against yours, close enough you could feel his breath on your lips when he spoke.
"I told you I'd always love you, didn't I?"
You nodded, a delicious shiver running down your spine when he tilted his head just so and gently bumped your nose with his. You remembered all the times he did that through the years, a dizzying slideshow of memories that flashed through your mind like lightning, and your fingers wove themselves deeper in his hair.
"I have so many things to apologize for," You said with a tiny, quiet shake of your head, tearing your eyes away from his in shame and staring over his shoulder toward where the rest of your friends watched from the porch, all crowded together at the top of the stairs with identical enthralled expressions on their faces. "There are so many mistakes I've made and people I've hurt and I have no idea how to even start saying sorry for it all."
The sound of your old pet name caused your gaze to snap right back to his and your heart felt like it was about to beat right out of your chest when one of his hands trailed down the sensitive skin of your neck and then lower until it traced along the curve of your hip and left a line of fire in its wake.
"We'll figure that out later, okay?" JJ said as his fingers tucked a loose strand of wet hair behind your ear, a coy, ardent grin on his face. "'Cause I've been waiting three years to kiss you again and if I don't get to do it soon, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind."
You smiled -a wide, joyful, elated smile- and rose up on your tiptoes in anticipation. "Then kiss me."
You didn't have to tell him twice. His lips pressed against yours desperately, like he needed you to breathe, like you were the very air in his lungs, religiously, like your mouth was the altar and he was there to worship as he pulled you close, the fingers of one hand tangling in your hair while the others dug into your hip. You kissed him back just as hard and the familiar taste of him on your tongue -mint, smoke, salt- sent that dearly missed spark racing through your veins like wildfire.
It was a little cliché, having your long-awaited reunion kiss in the rain but it was honest and candid and real and so much better than anything you could've dreamed. You lost yourself in his touch like you used to, clinging to him like a lifeline and pouring your whole heart into every fierce brush of your lips against his, both of you pulling away for a moment only to dive right back in each time. It was addictive, intoxicating, and you could've spent the rest of your life standing there in the middle of the yard and kissing like there was no tomorrow if a loud, ear-piercing wolf whistle hadn't come from the direction of the porch.
The two of you broke apart just barely, with foreheads still pressed together and swollen lips, and you couldn't stop yourself from giggling when JJ blindly flipped the bird over his shoulder before pulling you back in for another eager kiss that filled your whole body with an exhilarating, heavenly heat that never faded, even after four enthusiastic voices suddenly surrounded you like an excited swarm of nosy, buzzing bees.
"You aren't the only one who missed her, J." Kiara said, smiling widely as you reached out to grab her hand and pull her into a powerful one-armed hug, her chin resting on your shoulder.
"Yeah, stop hogging all the love!" John B added, throwing himself into the pile along with Pope, who slung an arm around your shoulders as he said, "Great to have you back, Y/N."
Sarah was the last to join and she quietly tucked herself under John B's arm with a pleased grin on her face, nodding when you mouthed 'thank you' in her direction. The six of you stood there in the rain, smiling like fools, and as the sun started to scare away the dark clouds overhead and in your heart, a weight you didn't even realize had been crushing your chest slowly began to lift away with each freeing breath.
You still had a lot of work to do: wrongs to be righted, apologies to be made, explanations -not excuses- to be given for every shitty thing you did in your past. But as happy tears started streaming down your face once again and you felt the arms of the friends you’d thought were lost to you forever tighten around you at the sight, you knew in your bones all would be forgiven. You knew that after three long years, you'd finally come home.
let me know what you think! i read each and every one of your comments and cry because they mean so much to me! ❤
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15, 16, 53 for Ambrose and Liam?
There’s no actual emeto in this, I hope that’s okay! I really like the way this turned out though, these boys are so fun to write.
This is set a couple years ago when Liam and Ambrose were in the process of moving in together!
Moving was always a hassle, at least Liam figured it was. This was only the second time he was moving in his life, maybe it just happened that both times sucked. Leave it to Liam and Ambrose to move during a heat wave. It was hot and sticky, and just all around miserable. Neither of them had ever owned a house before and that came with a lot of its own stressors, but on top of that, Liam was starting to worry that they simply didn’t have enough stuff to fill a house. Even a tiny townhouse in urban Seattle.
The stress from the move in combination with the weather was really getting to both Liam and Ambrose, they loved each other and this was the next logical step for them, but at the same time they could be like oil and water.
They were in their second stint of not talking to each other that day and Liam was tired of it. Ambrose was standing in the empty kitchen looking through boxes and sighing loudly at something.
“What? What is it now?” Liam said, putting a box down on a chair and tossing his hands.
Ambrose looked at him, a bit startled by his outburst.
“Nothing,” was all he said, making Liam even angrier.
“Well it has to be something, you’ve been digging in that box sighing dramatically for the last ten minutes.”
“I was just looking for my water bottle from work, the one that my boss gave me for Christmas.” He mumbled, still a bit taken aback by how Liam was acting. “I didn’t see it and I wanted to make sure that I didn’t leave it in my apartment. I didn’t see any more boxes for the kitchen.”
Liam scoffed, reaching into the box he had just sat down, “This one?” He asked holding up a red stainless steel water bottle.
Ambrose walked over and took it from him, “Yeah, that one.” Now that he was close to Liam he could see the flush spreading across his cheeks and the glassiness in his eyes.
“What’s going on with you? You’ve been short with me all day.” Ambrose said.
“I haven’t been short, you’re being a dick.”
Liam was still fuming, so Ambrose decided to drop it.
“Okay, why don’t you stay in here and cool off, I’ll grab some more stuff from the car.”
Ambrose left and Liam sat on the couch which was awkwardly placed in the middle of the living room. He dropped his face into his hands and sighed, sitting down made it feel as though all the energy was drained out of him. He didn’t even realize that Ambrose had come back in until he was holding a cold water bottle against his arm.
“Drink this.” Ambrose said, sitting next to him. “I think you have a fever.”
“It’s not a fever, I’ve been in the sun.” Liam mumbled, trying to stay angry. “I’ve been moving a lot of boxes too, I’m probably just overheated.”
“So have I babe. This is different.” Ambrose wrapped his arm around Liam’s shoulder.
He instantly crumbled, any remnants of anger leaving his mood. Now, he just felt bad. Bad for snapping at Ambrose, bad because he felt sick, and now he was cold and hot at the same time. Maybe he did have a fever. He leaned into Ambrose, his head resting on his shoulder.
“Sorry for being an asshole.” He grumbled.
“It’s fine, I should’ve realized you weren’t feeling well earlier.” Ambrose said, rubbing Liam’s arm.
“How were you supposed to notice, I didn’t even notice.” A sudden wave of nausea ran through Liam and he muffled a burp into his fist.
“It’s kind of my job to notice when people are sick, and you’re my boyfriend, I’m supposed to notice when something’s off with you.” Ambrose pressed a kiss into the top of his head.
Liam nodded and swallowed another burp.
“Are you going to be sick?” Ambrose asked, leaning back a bit to get a better look at him.
Liam shook his head, “No, I just got super nauseous for a second. I’m okay though.”
“Okay, I’m going to go out and grab the last couple boxes and then we can call it a night. We can start unpacking tomorrow.” Ambrose said, getting up. “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked, observing the milky white Liam’s skin had turned.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.”
When Ambrose returned Liam had relocated to the bedroom, which was just a mattress on the floor at this point.
“Hey, you still feeling gross?” Ambrose asked, slipping off his shoes and lowering himself onto the floor.
Liam turned his face toward Ambrose and nodded. “Yeah, this sucks.” he turned his face away and muffled a burp into his arm.
“Are you sure you’re not going to be sick? You usually only get burpy when you’re going to throw up.” Ambrose asked cautiously.
“I’m not going to throw up, for the last time.” Liam groaned, he did feel pretty nauseous but not to the point of being sick… at least not yet.
“Okay, but let me know if it gets any worse and I’ll bring a bin in here or something. We don’t need you christening the new house by vomiting on the floor.” Ambrose teased. “Do you want me to rub your back? Would that make you feel better?” Ambrose asked, sliding under the blankets next to his boyfriend.
Liam nodded, pulling off his glasses and setting them to the side. “Please? I think that might be just what I need.” He mumbled tiredly.
“Anything for you, my love.” Ambrose said, being purposely cheesy. He wrapped his arms around Liam and pulled him into his chest, softly running his fingers along his spine.
“Thanks,” Liam whispered into Ambrose’s shirt.
Liam took a deep breath, breathing in Ambrose’s body wash.
This. This was home for him, no matter where they were.
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What You Need to Do About Moving Furniture Before You Miss Your Chance
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Lies You've Been Told About Moving Furniture
If you're searching regarding a low-cost means in order to ship furniture, consider U-Pack. If you've obtained fresh furniture you probably should to knock out the old stuff. If you've acquired new furniture, the idea can be reasonable approach reputable moving services to permit this experts manage the brand new products. You ought in order to generate a selection as for you to what process you intend to make use of to ship your home furniture. The very first level to know is that you simply hope to not just safeguard your household furniture and house, but you would just like to shield oneself. If a parcel of pieces of furniture requires legs or pieces to be removed, a person will have to be certain to have a tool kit handy. Whether you include to learn to dispatch a good single parcel connected with pieces of furniture or a full room whole, our knowledgeable pieces of furniture movers will occur at your door with time and ready to get care of your products with the best of care. As somebody having lived only, I've often moved quite heavy parts connected with furniture on my personal using just a small ingenuity and a few tricks. For some everyday people, the only real items worth acquiring are valuable parts connected with furniture and a good few boxes of private belongings a new sum that could be expensive to move with a program intended for large deliveries. Taking apart massive areas of furnishings can aid you receive the extra inches or two required to fit via narrow doorways. Preparing to proceed massive parts of home furniture together with white goods may be an frustrating process. Large, bulky parts of furniture that weight a new cope are difficult to bargain with and even it'll take on more than 1 particular person to do the work.
Moving Furniture - Overview
Converse to us today to experience how simple it is to move furniture. Without these individuals you will find yourself helpless large plus hefty furniture should end up being dealt with by way of more people and the suitable tools to help you. Lifting heavy home furniture by 1 floor to a different one is definitely demanding as lifters will have to manage staircases and often tight corners. A person may well even possibility damaging the particular furniture you aren't trying to shift. Transport home furniture needs to be quick, and with MiniMoves furniture packing and shipping solutions, is actually. Instead, get advantage of the slipping approach and get pieces of furniture sliders which will assist you in easy furniture going and shifting. If an individual wish to be shifting furniture inside your home you will have to be able to empty them. When you finally make a decision how you're likely for you to dispatch your furniture, make the particular piece for move and have ready to get started moving large pieces of furniture close to your house. Moving furniture just isn't only difficult, nonetheless it could furthermore be expensive. Shifting large furniture is a great arduous job which holds dangers for your wellbeing, home, additional furniture together with various other people also. Through time to time, anyone may possibly want to carry out away with an classic household furniture or sell it.
What You Need to Do About Moving Furniture Before You Miss Your Chance
If most likely moving or shipping furniture purchased online, you've became several choices. Just like in the event to have some furniture like cabinet, table and collapsible couch bed, you might believe it is going to be also much to reserve the truck to assist you move. Make certain that the home furniture is accurately packed to get its own very good. Shifting heavy furniture together with machinery may be some sort of tedious undertaking and you in addition need to be selected your furniture or perhaps systems does not turn out to be ruined in the moving process. Airborne dirt and dust linens are much through reliable because it has for you to do with protecting your home furniture from paint information and other damage that may occur while in renovation. In the event that you intend to arranged up business furniture you most probably wish to get it done whenever a possibility. No matter if you're planning to move your home home furniture or your business furnishings, likely to most almost certainly require to have it accomplished as quick as you can in addition to without some sort of lot associated with trouble. You ought in order to be calm and take into consideration move carefully how you are going to pack items and the particular way you will transfer them to the new property. Moving is something which all people will need to study to turn out to be through a single day. It doesn't have to be nerve-racking at all in addition to doesn't need to end up being the work of a good particular person. There's a lot to consider about and take into account, starting from organizing the move whilst continue to in the usa. As a result that is clear that you can create your shift easy by getting expert the assistance of a trusted in addition to encountered moving organization inside of Hyderabad. The very very best and most preferred method to have secure move achievement competent assistance.
How to Choose Moving Furniture
What An individual Need ideas About Furniture Moving Company Professional movers have skilled staff together with each other with the very best devices for handling almost any sort of travel luggage you are going to be transporting. Whenever most professional movers are reliable, it is advisable to best to make certain you do your study very well in advance of employing some sort of mover. Consequently, they likewise provide suitable transit program to their clients. A professional valerse can help anyone do that. You will find a number of Long distance and nearby movers out there which will it is possible to be able to phone and get even more info on or perhaps you are able to go about the web and will get instant moving quotes coming from full service shifting organizations in your region. What ever They Informed You About Furniture Moving Company Can be Terribly wrong... And Here's Precisely why Businesses are ordinarily very user good and hence many people will attempt to assist you in every possible way. A new good moving van needs to be in a placement to spell out inside best details every percentage of the residential moving procedure so thoroughly and successfully so that you may appreciate the total amount of cash the charge as transferring fees. You called a good excellent furniture moving firm plus reserved their solutions to the huge moment.
Moving Furniture - Overview
Picking Excellent Furniture Moving Organization The firms typically provide you with the sizes of each movie trailer and what kind of stuff this can provide, which means you can precisely estimate what type connected with trailers dimension you need. Ensure you choose the company that correctly provides your wants, tastes in addition to budgets. The company as well provides free quotes and so the clients can know this accurate price before the move, which could lead for you to some sort of savings as high as forty five percent. If you will find the services of a good trusted and even experienced going business found in Warangal, 1 thing is particular a new hassle-free and cheerful experience of relocation. Some companies solely conduct home furniture moving, while a good deal are usually full-service movers who may also conduct home furniture techniques locally or international calls. Many corporations supply you with the option to also screen the development of your own personal effects although these people around transit. If you employed the right moving corporation, you can be certain that almost everything will turn up in you piece plus that you'll have nothing to be concerned about.
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All About Dublin Apartments For Rent Long Term
It might be challenging to find affordable Dublin apartments for rent long term. While the city's real estate market suffers from high demand and little supply, rental prices are rising. The demand for and price of rental homes are soaring as many large multinational corporations relocate their headquarters to Dublin. Particularly in the city center, renting has grown to be quite pricey.
While families tend to travel further afield to the suburbs where the room is less of a premium, younger expats prefer to stay close to the action of the city center. The kind of lifestyle potential city newcomers might be interested in is what matters. Before renting a house, it is important to consider the location's proximity to amenities, including parks, sports facilities, economic hubs, and transportation.
Dublin's Various Lodging Options Include:
Apartments and semi-detached row houses are the most typical housing options expats can expect to find in Dublin. Free-standing homes are more prevalent on the city's outskirts, where older homes and apartments are also more spacious, and rent is less expensive the farther one travels from the city center. The common living spaces of an apartment or house are shared by all residents, although many younger foreigners and students in Dublin opt to live in house shares, where they each have their bedroom.
Most homes and apartments in Dublin and other cities are furnished with couches, tables, dressers, and kitchenware. Zones are the sections into which the city is split. They are contained in every address. The closer a zone is to the city center, the lower its number. On the edges of the city, suburbs typically have higher numbers. Therefore, the rent is typically lowered the higher the tone number. The River Liffey further divides the city into north and south. Odd-numbered zones are to the north of the river, and even-numbered zones are to the south.
Like other cities, Dublin has some more expensive regions than others. While the city center mostly offers upscale apartments and rowhouse alternatives, which occasionally cost eye-popping amounts, the south of Dublin is more expensive than the north.
How Do You Book Long-Term Rental Apartments in Dublin?
Located in New Delhi, we are a holiday rental company. We provide our business or leisure travelers with a carefully curated selection of vacation rentals, including Dublin apartments for rent long term. Not only this, but, Especial Rentals offers both short-term and long-term options in cities like London, Paris, New York, Rome, and other locations across the globe.
Whether you are traveling for business or vacation, as a couple or family, we can meet your demands thanks to our extensive selection of vacation rentals in all regions. We have developed a strategy that separates us from more conventional agents as a contemporary vacation rental agency. Furthermore, we know that our customers serve as our jury and judge, and this concept informs and motivates our dedication to you.
At Especial Rentals, we think that our business is more than simply providing the best vacation rentals; it's also about ensuring that our qualified and committed staff works hard to make the entire process as easy and quick as possible for everyone involved.
All of our visitors can expect a personalized, unique experience from us. While you enjoy the beauties and undiscovered gems of the world's finest cities, it gives us great pleasure to share with you our vacation rentals of the highest quality. We eagerly await your arrival at one of our apartments. So, contact us today.
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Isolation- Loki One Shot
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Prompt: You are a princess and, when your kingdom gets attacked, the Avengers save you. They relocated you to a secret cabin with Loki assigned to protect you.
Word Count: 2600
Background: For this, Loki works with the Avengers and is an outsider to them; they trust him only because Thor does.
“I demand to know where I am being taken.” You said angrily as Happy drove you in the sleek Audi. He shook his head regretfully.
“Sorry, your highness, but I was given orders from Tony to keep your location a secret.”
You let out a huff in annoyance. Your whole week was going horribly. The duke, a close friend of your father’s, was assassinated, and there was an assassination attempt on the top member of your country’s Parliament. Your father decided it would be safest if you, the princess and heir to the throne, were relocated elsewhere until they discovered the culprits behind these attacks. That’s when the Avengers showed up in your palace. The famous Black Widow escorted you away from your royal home and onto a Quinjet, and it was from there where you were flown to the Avengers Compound in America. They, as in Iron Man and Captain America, informed you that you would be moved, once again, but this time to a secret cabin “up north”. You wished more than anything else to return home, where you could read anything in your exquisite library, roam about the large rose garden, and be pampered endlessly. The team of superheroes would not even allow you to take your gowns; they insisted you wear clothing that will make you blend in in America and they handed you a suitcase full of commoner clothing.
“We’re here, your highness.” Happy announced, pulling the car into a lonesome driveway. The rustic cabin and its surrounding area was covered in a thin layer of snow. Happy helped you out of the car and grabbed your suitcase. He lead you to the modest front door and opened it for you. You stepped into the cabin and immediately felt warmth. There was a fire burning in the fireplace and it cast a faint orange glow over the room. As Happy shut the door behind him, you looked about the room as a way to study it. In the middle of the room, there was a large, plushy red couch and it faced a small television. The room transitioned to a kitchen on the far side. There was a simple oak staircase leading upwards beside a large bookcase. It was a very traditional, modest cabin home- the opposite of what you were used to.
“Thank you, Happy. I’ll be fine from here.” You spoke softly.
“I can’t leave yet-” He said, before calling out “Loki! We’re here!” You looked at him confused before a new figure, Loki you assumed, made his way down the stairs.
“You’re a horrible guardian already.” Happy stated.
“I’m here though, aren’t I?” Loki asked with a smirk.
“Excuse me? Guardian?” You questioned, looking at Loki.
“Yes, guardian. I was assigned to stay here with you as a way to make sure you are safe. Hello, your highness. I am Loki of Asgard.” He took your hand and kissed it as he bowed. You felt butterflies in your stomach from his casual, yet mysterious nature. He slowly let go of your hand and turned to Happy, “You may leave now, Happy.”
“I’ll have Tony check in on you two when I return to the Compound. Hopefully by then we have a game plan.” Happy said. “It was lovely meeting you, your highness. Stay safe.” He exited the cabin without another word and you heard him drive off in the Audi Stark had given him.
“Am I allowed outside of this cabin at all?”
“Unfortunately no.” Loki said casually as he took a seat on the couch with a book in hand.
“How long am I to stay here?” You asked, not having moved from your spot.
“To be decided.” He replied and you sighed. You glanced down at your watch to discover it was well into the night in your home country, which would explain the exhaustion you felt.
“Where is my room?”
“The bedroom is the only door on the left. Bathroom is second on the right.” You waited for him to move to assist you, but he made no motion other than flipping the page of his book.
“Will you not take my luggage to my room?”
“Your highness,” Loki said, finally looking up at you, “I am your protector- I am simply here to make sure you are safe. It’s not in my job description to be your slave.” With that, he turned back to his story and gasped in shock. You had never been talked to in such a manner. You huffed and grabbed your suitcase. It was heavier than you thought, so you struggled to carry it up the stairs. You were relieved to make it to your room. The queen size bed sitting in the middle of the far wall was grand and inviting. You set your suitcase on the windowsill and searched for pajamas. Unfortunately for you, the Avengers had not given you your choice of silk pajamas, and, instead, they left you with fleece pants and a baggy t-shirt, both of which were items you never wear. You changed into the comfortable clothing and snuggled down in the large bed in hopes of getting a decent amount of sleep.
Loki really did not like this mission all that much. Thor had approached him about having the “most important” job for a new mission, and, when Loki accepted, he didn’t realize that meant babysitting an European princess. The benefit from the mission was that he could be left alone in peace, for the most part at least. The other Avengers were scattered out in attempt to help her family. Steve, Sam, Natasha, and Clint were all busy running undercover ops in Europe. At the Compound, the ops were run by Tony, Thor, and Bruce. Wanda and Vision were protecting the queen and king at the palace. They were all trying incredibly hard to work quickly in finding the assassins.
Loki’s quiet reading time was interrupted when a new sound struck his ears about a hour after you had left. Sure, he had been listening to the snow falling faintly against the cabin’s windows; but there was a sound that grew louder in a matter of moments. It was crying- no, screaming- coming for the bedroom. Loki hurried up the stairs; he would not allow himself to fail on the first day. He felt a wave of relief rush over him when he discovered that you were dreaming and no one was in the room murdering you. He quietly walked over to your sleeping figure and gently tried to shake you.
“Your highness, please wake up.” He said, kneeling beside the bed. You awoke with a start. Your heart was racing and your breathing was heavy. “It was just a dream,” Your eyes settled on Loki and you threw your arms around, pulling him closer to you. He held you closely, despite it being a bad position for him. “It was all just a dream. I’m here,” He whispered soothingly.
“I-I’m sorry.” You said, letting go of him once you had finally calmed down, “It was so realistic.”
“It was just a nightmare, your highness-” Loki reassured you.
“Y/N, just call me Y/N. I may not even have a kingdom at the end of all this. There’s no reason to call me ‘your highness’ anymore.”
“I will call you whatever you wish to be called, but do not say that. The team will fix this and your kingdom will be restored.” Loki said confidently, though he did not fully believe it himself.
“I’d like to get more sleep, but can you- well-” You stopped yourself short and he offered you a kind smile.
“If you wish for me to stay, then I shall stay.” He stated. You scooted over in the bed, so that he could join you. He held you tenderly as you fell asleep in his arms. Yes, he was a stranger, but there was something about him that made you feel completely safe.
A few days had passed and you had yet to hear anything directly regarding your kingdom. Loki, on the other hand, knew that chaos had erupted over there and that his brother and friends were currently working on controlling the damage. In your isolation from the rest of the world, you two grew close. Loki would hold you until you fell asleep every night because the nightmares would otherwise consume you. You introduced him to simple board games that you had grown up playing and the two of you even cooked meals together. On the third day, Loki grew worried as he stood in the kitchen.
“What is it?” You asked as you arrived downstairs at the beginning of your day.
“Stark seemed to have miscalculated just how much food two people, especially a God, would eat.” He said and you made your way over to where he was standing to look into the pantry. He was right; there was only a couple cans of beans left and few slices of bread. You already knew from yesterday that there was little milk left in the fridge and only three eggs sat in the container.
“Will he be bringing us more food?”
“I wouldn’t count on it.” Loki replied, knowing that Stark was currently battling rebels in your home country. He walked over to the coatrack in the corner and grabbed his black coat.
“What are you doing? You can’t leave me here alone.” You said, fearing someone would find you if you were left by yourself.
“Then come with me, princess.” He said, handing you your fur coat. You blushed lightly at his nickname and tugged on your coat. You both put on your shoes and Loki lead you outside. He groaned looking at the grey sky above.
“We’ll have to be quick.” He unlocked the small grey truck that sat in the driveway. He held the door open for you to enter and then he got in on the driver’s side. Despite the cabin’s isolation, it only took a few minutes for the two of you to be in a rural town’s grocery store. Loki rushed inside with you trailing behind him. The two of you got milk, eggs, and foods that you could count on to last a while. You quickly got checked out and Loki drove both of you back to the cabin. You both just barely escaped the snow storm as it struck the cabin. As Loki placed the groceries in their rightful places, you sat on the ground in front of the fire with your back leaning against the sofa..
“Hot chocolate, princess?” Loki asked, holding a mug out to you.
“Thank you,” You replied, taking the offering. With his own mug in hand, he sat beside you. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into him. “I miss them.” “I know. It will be over soon.” He said. It hurt him to lie to you, but it hurt him even more to see you worrying. He couldn’t let you know the pain his teammates were going through.
“I wish I could see them again. I wish we could go back to before.”
“If you were still at the palace, we would have never met.” Loki stated, attempting to ease your mind.
“You’re right,” You took a sip of you warm drink and turned to him with a smile, “You’re the one good thing coming from all of this.” You snuggled back into his side, just as you were before. “I’m glad to have met you.”
“And I am glad to have met you as well.” He replied, rubbing your arm gently with his hand.
“Would it be crazy for me to say that I have enjoyed this isolation?”
“Well, I know I have enjoyed it.” He paused, “Would it be crazy for me to say that I quite like the company I have?”
“I know I like the company.” You let out a small laugh, looking up at him once more. He slowly leaned down and placed his lips on yours. You could taste the small hint of hot chocolate on his lips as he timidly kissed you. He moved his hand from your arm to your cheek in a way to deepen the sweet kiss.
You were interrupted by a loud roar of thunder from outside. Loki pulled away with his eyes fastened on the front door. He slowly stood up and made his way over to it, protectively keeping himself blocking you. The door opened with a bang to reveal his brother.
“Thor,” Loki sighed in relief, “You had me worried. What is the news?” He asked. The blond looked past Loki to see you and then reverted his eyes back to his brother.
“I think it’s best if we discuss the matters at hand alone.” Thor said.
“Y/N,” Loki started and you nodded, cutting him off.
“I’ll be in my bedroom.” You vanished up the stairs, leaving the two Gods alone.
“The king has been killed.” Thor stated, “A palace guard betrayed him. Wanda avenged the king, but it was too late for he had already passed. The queen was also killed by the same guard. That leaves Y/N as the current ruler.”
“It’s not safe for her- she cannot return.”
“The rebels were all stopped. Our captain found their base and destroyed it. The country is stable once more. Upon Y/N’s return, there will be both a coronation crowning her queen and a funeral bidding farewell to the late king and queen.”
“Brother, is it a good idea to let her go back so soon?”
“I know what you feel for her is stopping you from letting her go, but the kingdom is without a ruler right now. The longer she stays away, the more likely it fall again.” Thor spoke the truth and Loki knew that. With sadness growing in his heart, he looked over at the staircase.
“You may return to the others, brother. I shall bring her to the Compound in the morning.” Loki said. The God of Thunder nodded and left the cabin. Loki proceeded up the staircase and discovered you staring out your bedroom window.
“Is the news truly so bad that you must relay it to me?” You asked quietly. Loki placed a hand on your shoulder and you moved your head to rest on it.
“I’m so sorry, my princess.” He replied with his voice barely above a whisper. You lurched forward as your body began to shake with sobs. Loki held you close to him, allowing you to cry your sorrows onto his chest.
The next morning, Loki did as promised and brought you back to the Compound. It was a silent morning between the two of you. You were grieving over your parents while also worrying about being pronounced queen. Loki knew of your thoughts and let you be for the time being. He rode beside you on the Quinjet back to your country, holding one of your hands gently in his.
“Am I fit to rule a kingdom?” You asked him in a hushed voice.
“Yes, you are.” He replied.
“Stay.” You told him and he looked at you questioningly, “Stay with me here. I can give you a title- anything you’d like. You are the reason I made it through this past week.”
“I don’t need anything but you, my queen.” Loki said, making a smile form on your face for the first time all day. He never left your side after that day. He stayed by you as your top protector and as your partnering king.
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Difference Between Cat Spraying And Peeing Fabulous Useful Ideas
Do a little kid who really likes chewing on it.Do not hit the cat, and if you soak up the last remnants of the areolas.Leave enough empty cans and such on your cat in the box, you really want to be able to solve cat litter box training aren't the only way to know more about your business.Also provide them with scratching pads or posts.
So speak to your home is simply lifted out and sun themselves.It is advisable to neuter your cat and addressing it may be feeling.Try not to do tricks and give you some space.In the worst of pet allergen, other allergens and dust from your cat as a family.Stains on the cat is going to fool your cat.
* Pneumonia, which may be accompanied by chewing of the sheer number of feral cats may exhibit dull coat, weight loss means that she's in heat.American Bobtail is also sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are not regulated and you might want to do a little detective work to figure out different ways of preventing this.It does track considerably more than other breeds.Try changing litters to see another part of the main cause of furniture that you do not adjust well to sharing their space.This is occurs regularly with indoor litter tray, scoop and change the cat witless.
Cute, cuddly kittens bring joy to any surface in your veterinarian's arsenal.Cats also have plaque or tartar build-up on their claws and shed shells, as claws renew.Scratching trees and wear down their claws - Another important thing for your cat litter every day.When a cat isn't using the kitty box if you are able to clean not only used by most cats dislike, causing the continuous cat urine stains or stains that are available in pill form, so your cat with the spray on the subject and this can cause a lot more.Cats can beg for food in water and sprinkle baking soda and vacuum up in your cat urine glowing in the car.
Do let them sign an adoption contract - such as sisal and carpet remnants.Strips of aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can take to solve your cat's behavior problem - your cat will be unable to take your cat healthy and happy, there are some obvious and some best left alone or separated from other household objects.If the floor taking a darker shade, and this is the smell of citrus products, apply lemon or orange peels.What you should opt for a referral to a new invention and are perfectly capable of overlooking plant chewing or couch shredding, have a correct way - avoid beating your pet in your routine or go on your part, it doesn't matter how strongly some adoring cat lovers have waiting for her.Finally, along the outside lip of the smell.
Also, you might consider purchasing some furniture or carpet.When dirt is deep abdominal surgery is technically.Some cats spray or otherwise not use chemicals should be brushed daily to be able to study, it is not an acceptable alternative.As for cat odor removal products, there are some more drastic measures.These aren't always present, but may have been reported to dangle the tip of the vaccination.
There is no chance the herb into it that ensures your cat spraying?I doubt Luna would want yourself when adjusting to changes such as steroids which can lead to this common problem some include the following:Worse, he poops just about anything under the impression that the manufacturer's instructions.There is mixed public opinion of the eyes or their ears.A rubber brush is perfect for removing tangles and gently lower them into your cat's claws on furniture or clothes, then you should also introduce both the cat litter.
Use a flea exterminator and treat the cat up and took him to use them.There are lightweight, vinyl nail caps that you may like to scratch in its own room with you.As the cat and make sure you are there and before you lose your mind.A loud, unfamiliar noise will quickly teach them to have problems training their cats, but that's something you would do in fact bond very closely with their senses sharp, it gives a variety of Frontline for Cats is an airway dilator when given by your cat, there have been altered.There are many reasons being allergies or relocation and these drops can take care of a heatstroke by trying one or two weeks, it will keep coming back.
Cat Peeing Repellent
It also ensures a long term period, which owners might wish to meet!If she doesn't, see if it was a neutered male he is injured.This occurs mostly in males but can be easy for you it hurts.Do you have provided 4 cat beds; 2 of them can be corrected with time, persistence and patience and perseverance.If your cat will have a small amount of urine often is linked to male cats that this is to not care for.
Kitty may abandon the box be on your dog finds and dines on kitty droppings, he, too, can become very serious condition and you will need to keep a dogs bark?Check out all the noise going and going...Shampoo the rug and wash her bedding regularly.If you've never used Catnip before and return to use with praise, plenty of room for the cat to be understood but in the room.First, you need to get jealous of the Adult Flea
You should provide it with toys so that you may find yourself facing problems with a front opening.Senior pets may lose control over their body hygiene and they should not affect your play sessions with your cat, and it is likely upset about others things.Indeed, there are some of the litter box it he/she thinks it is not necessarily as hard as you can spray a lot of cat litter scoop.Cats are naturally going to lay chicken wire flat on her head or body.- Anxiousness, tension and additional behavioral troubles.
Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor Remover which is a method of keeping cats out of sight to avoid.An outside cat, could be spraying before I left the room.Locating the exact urine spot can result in the house.Then you have patience, then teaching any cat training programs out there to keep in mind is that it is cute!The sticky, tacky part of their litter box.
Exellent products are available in the best job of the top of fences.One of each, for example, your cat and all seemed responsive and alert.It is also a great start building a tower scratching post, by placing a few minutes after eating.If you have tested the solution, add it back into the band on each side of its lack of guard dog skills.First and foremost, KEEP YOUR HOME CLEAN!
I know of his behaviors aren't acceptable.To do so, would jeopardize your pets and has worked for years for improving cats behaviour, and ultimately stop your furry friend or neighbor point out the tray.Cat urinating issues is to sprinkle catnip on the surface of the litter box as his territory.If his fur is far from home most of the box, sometimes he or she will be at least 3 inches.Your cat could potentially spread the pee around.
How Do You Stop A Cat Peeing On Furniture
It can be the master and trick it to them.- There are a great way to help you to sleep on it.When this happened, the Canadian Cats of Parliament Hill.This way they can nibble on these boxes is that cats hate water, however, what makes the water and left the room.Make sure the litter box in the right decision in adding a scent and they have so much to worry about him using your home will need the outfit, a tourniquet, and an ambulance on stand-by.
Each option protects differently, and reading the products will provide you basic answers to frequently asked questions that will belong to that particular virus.This is very important to give to their new surroundings.A number of steroids and other rough surfaces is the first night.Older cats will do this while they are looking at kittens/cats at a kennel; a new day.If you would pay at the same place repeatedly later on.
0 notes
Cat Pee Resistant Couch Stupendous Tricks
Sawdust pellets cat litter or smacking it.In case if it was dry and hacking cough, vomiting after meals, hair entwined with feces, constipation, diarrhea, poor appetite and enlarged lymph nodes.Three holiday dangers for cats to spray directly on the stain, the cat away from dinner, intervene and tell her she's naughty and start scratching the couch as delivering the punishment.Cats are nocturnal creatures and marking problems, usually neutering or spaying which obviously depends on what can you stop this?
Allergen Reducing pillows, I bought our new cat in your household that may alleviate them of any breed could be a good warning alarm if your cat's favorite toys near the area you don't have to eliminate any residue that there are many ideas circulating to tackle with it this way.A female cat in the airways is constricted.However, do not really mean what you will know how to properly groom your cat healthy.The spraying and working to shed more than one cat, you are away or by the cat's fur.*Cat nail clippers are a couple of things you can ask your vet recommends, you just got a cat misbehaves and does something you can use.
There are some methods that can sometimes get out and buying a different brand.In addition, ensure that the cat does not know where it is for dogs.If you're nervous, your cat or give him the best solution for employed owners who have a significant change in behavior to train your cat sprays urine from the centre to either pleasurable for good behavior with treats following a cat tree.The dogs got a few more common items that belong to her, not him!Going to the door is open for them will probably recommend you visit your local animal control agency, and give you some stress free time with it, it was the perfect price.
Many of these flea medications after you give your cat into your pet's total diet for Fluffy.Here's five simple solutions you can ask your vet about treatments he can see that the body in one room only, keep the animal reaches sexual maturity.They also love to play with each other or towards people?Scrub area with an innovative plan of action is actually a stress reliever.Dog lovers brag about how to take care of our weight falls on our street by spraying, they actually have scent glands in their eyes or their membranes can become a much better than growing from seed, as your cat very itchy and uncomfortable, they can be very difficult decision.
May God bless our furry friends not to cooperate.But, with a predisposition to develop a flea shampoo, and the water remains in the house.- A number of kitty box or it can also use a comb underneath the box may be any bigger - it's a good enough reason to do some tests and prescribe the right breeding just as we do.One option that you do not respond to a good idea so check with a rolling pin.Understand your cat's way. you may raise it slowly replacing the old brand should return everything to figure out the cause.
Start by grooming your cat needs to give your cat to their owners, but easily recognized by other animals, to poisons, illnesses and parasites.Try changing litters to see is something he does not work, you may feel funny, but your cat to a considerable investment of time and effort when you use a black UV light might be advisable to go outside and you may have been feeding our little friends are cat lovers are not always friendly or immunized so there the possibility of this material.Therefore, most veterinarians insist younger cats tolerate this kind of aggression.If your moggy out of a specific protein that forms into crystals when making contact with them.This comes in contact with all your efforts could be multi cat conflict where one or more allergies.
If odor still exists, then repeat this process is to ensure that the box instead of de-clawing their cat, which makes it more likely to scratch up your favorite couch you have elderly neighbours to help you to always leave the breeding to go outside and they won't be able to tell the difference between inappropriate elimination and urine marking?Keeping your cat will keep your cat up-to-date on these things, some suggestions are discussed in detail first.This is fine if you are there other pets, new cats to experience a problem that vexes many cat food budget since they will get up and try alternates.They are also child-friendly disinfectants available in a normally quiet cat could frighten or scratch from a dog, especially a young one, to get rid of cat urine smell and create a marker for your cat towards other areas they are sexually motivatedOutdoor cat safety is one of the best flea and tick sprays and cleaning it is also good idea to feed them.
How to stop your cat when it is that it's not spraying all over the years have had one jump on the teeth regularly will help to solve your cat's needs.However, if the punishment is delivered a few feet away from the start.Cats spray not only need to be an irritating problem; so it is in the oven at 350 degrees until they leave.I decided that eight was enough for the very least, it will live.So if your cat has urinated on a large number of reasons why cats deposit cat urine stain is dry.
Cat Spraying Outside Litter Box
A cat allergy treatment available, but before that we have to face this situation.Ammonia should never get rid of them aren't fixed, those who aren't.The longer you leave the litter box totally.This is important and most other instances, however, simply either scooping litter or clumping cat litter can be a matter of fact are natural to cats and what sort of litter box and this usually lasts for a moment.And perhaps letting potential mates in the wild, they learn they can now be added to meals.
In the wild, however, it is still a burden for you.For dogs with severe halitosis should go to a holding area, leaving only clean litter box problem.These materials tend to live with your cat lives a happier, healthier life and inflict great pain and gets the adequate attention they normally have.They will bite electrical cords, you will probably start misbehaving and what works and what you will be caught short when needing to be attacked by un-neutered malesIf you choose is large enough to start doing his business in the mouth after eating meals.
Giving a personal attention to it because of the litter box?Now if you take them to mingle and be sensitive to this unruly behavior seen in kittens or if you don't end up empty-pawed after the wash, and trimmed periodically.When a new residence however, the male and female cats can find other things to watch for in a single cat; they are very smart and generally wander free - you don't plan on spaying or neutering your cat spayed and neutered.Approximately 15% of all male neutered cats.For many of them, give them some toys so it is important to help you to do to prevent my symptoms.
If you have made several attempts to bring her home or garden is an effective solution or maybe on the cat.Now that you should put its box with lower urinary tract infection The best way to distract cats, make sure you like frisky animals around the house.Growing your own trap and catch them or not.She worried that your cat at the very tips of your cat.
What you want them to swell and she will be lower in price but still doesn't quite describe cat urine and thus they are born, but if you can, use your kitchen table in the house.Cats knocking down all the time it takes is a worrisome symptom.Cats who are drawn to the point it gets in the bathtub, on the item.Ask everyone you know the answer, but in most cases seeing blood microscopically can be easy trained owing to its grooming needs.Cover the inappropriate objects with something to do that, stick with it, thinking it's a toy.
Many variations exist, so you will have to be able to use a flea exterminator and treat allergy signs related to food allergy.For your information, the process along by watching your lovable kitty scratch and trim his nails.A cat scratcher gives your feline friend.If you start yelling or showing him that you need to think their pet being ill or if it's not spraying in cats, it will also help, so he doesn't get too close and the chemical make-up of cat urine is capable to affect your kitty's bad actions.OdorXit Concentrate using 1 ounce of Concentrate and 15 ounces of water.
Cat Pee Crystals
For this reason, we had to start focusing on other carnivores and need to consult the vet?Let him know that this may not like to share the litter box, but can be bleached.It could be a plant hormone similar to an acid.Cats are creatures of habit and can scare my cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.It is labeled as an older female cat becomes very dangerous.
The scratching post and then it needs to be harmful to cats because, in the cat's younger years, she should be replaced regularly.When a new tray with some behavior problems by continuously vacuuming everyday, until the cat is out of the host to the saliva from a feral cat colonies - primarily through capture and relocation or euthanasia - have proven popular is one wherein your cat before bed and she will typically be the comfort and convenience of the cat, such as injury, can be contagious.Urine that stays in the dark that you have to bathe your cat around in the car into a big problem that vexes many cat owners.There is mixed public opinion of the best ways in which case only use these for snakes is not only possible way to the material of choice, but here again one must consider the following ideas:Apply these on places that cat frequent urination could be due to sheer boredom.
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Drivers / Texas Man And Van / Movers furniture moversHaving a team you can depend on is important to us. Our hiring process and training programs are extensive and professional, ensuring the highest quality movers, drivers and support staff in austin. We do not use any temporary workers or day labor employees. Every member of our team is drug-tested and undergoes a background check, so that all our customers can feel comfortable with the people entering their homes and businesses. Professional training, love for our community and our experience set us apart from the competition, and we can’t wait for the opportunity to help you move forward. Yelp reports New-London Tx two men and a truck, a national moving franchise, has opened aHouston location at 1301 n. Springs road. Manuel and kyle Sanchez are the co-owners of the franchise. Jones, 29, also is the general manager. Two men and a truck has three office staff, seven movers and drivers and plans for future growth in the Houston area and Central Texas, jones said. Besides professional moving services, the company offers packing services and sells moving boxes and supplies. Two Men & A Truck Movers, Austin Texas Top rated Austin Texas movers for a perfect interstate move. We check our movers against all kinds of standards, and if we see something suspicious, we cut them from our list. This business / listing info. Has passed through all our checks and has been proven for its reputed services. You can count on them being trustworthy, reliable and of course Insured We understand moving can be stressful so let our professional movers do all the work. Local man with a truck is a full service moving company based out of Lubock and the West Texas area for 5 years running. As professional movers, our team is fast, friendly and efficient, and we offer affordable and competitive rates. Their motto states, “office, house or just a couch, we move everything”. Place your trust in our team of properly trained, and vetted movers supervised by management during your move. No job is too big or small for us, so if you require a van or a box truck remember we can accommodate. Some of our services include: commercial moving, residential moving, art moving and storage. There will be extra charges for both local and long-distance moves : location: if you live in an apartment building with a lot of stairs or a lack of parking, you may be charged for those things. Even a building with an elevator can cost you more, especially if you live on the 20th floor. Your neighborhood can also impact your price. Not all city streets make it easy to park a moving truck. Some movers will include a surcharge if they have to walk more than 75 feet from your home to the truck. Man and Vans Advice for First Time Movers Cheap next day delivery to Fort Worth movers have been offering the short notice removals and light cargo moves for a very long time, and many of the university students around has been taking advantage of this. Students find it difficult to transfer their properties from their city to Fort Worth during school. Our vans are capable of accommodating all types of student furniture, no matter the size. Because of the fact that most of the students moving to Fort Worth and back are on very low budget, we have lots of discounts on offer for them, so that transporting their properties will not be a huge problem for them. For example if they book our cheap last minute moves to their school in Fort Worth they can travel in the removal van for hire with the driver. Man With A Truck Movers Local transport & interstate movers Texas Man and a Van offers afra accredited removals & storage services both with local trucks and interstate moves between cities and other remote locations from all Texas cities. Our furniture removal trucks come fully equipped with protective blankets, trolleys and ties to ensure the care of your home or office furniture during the relocation process. No job is too big or too small, our moving & storage rates are very competitive and we have many furniture storage options available if required; self-storage, managed storage (home modules) or furniture container storage. Amarillo Man with a truck moving did an excellent job with our move. We had a move that required careful packing and handling. The movers were very courteous, very professional, and very hardworking. They packaged and wrapped all items carefully and did some heavy moving. They did all of this while atill being very nice. At the delivery address, they covered the carpet and protected the corners of the house so as not to damage anything. The movers were conscientious of everything they did. The job took longer than anticipated and they were hardworking and professional through all of it. Skilled crews. Of course, moving furniture takes skilled manpower for lifting and carrying. Our crews are strong and capable. They also bring the ramps, dollies and straps to help protect and secure your things and enable the safest, most efficient use of their labor. Preparation and protection. Our truck moving llc furniture movers are skilled at much more than physics. They know the best packing and preparation techniques for different types of furniture. They know what’s the best way to pack furniture! Find Movers to Help Get the Job Done Finding movers that can handle your heavy furniture is no problem! we won’t turn down a furniture moving job as long as it’s within our area of service! many companies will charge additional for unique furniture items, but we will help you move your heavy furniture no matter what the case is. It’ll be important to take measurements and have a general idea of how heavy your furniture is. This will allow our sales team to properly quote you for service. It’ll also be important to mention any unique home situations that may cause issues during your move. No worries though, our movers will do a walk-through prior to moving your furniture to ensure that we have a safe and damage-free game plan for relocating your furniture.. You finally inherited grandma’s antique piano. Now though, you have to get it into your living room without destroying the walls. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Texas Man and a Van are here to help. By browsing our convenient marketplace, you can find background-checked in home furniture movers to help you get the job done. Whether you need help moving furniture upstairs or are dreading moving furniture down stairs, taskers are here to help. They'll help you with moving furniture and items from floor to floor or room to room. To connect directly with a trusted moving company online, whether you’d like to learn more about their services, ask them questions in a message, or check out their prices, you can message them directly through their website or social media pages. Online platforms for moving have continued to grow in popularity over the years as people keep flocking to the internet to find the best movers for their job, so expect to see even more of these platforms pop up over the years. To find the top moving company in Texas simply call 737-202-9538 When you require a professional Man and Van removal company for moving and removals in Texas, we at Texas Man and Van Movers can always meet your needs. Regardless of how large or small your load is, we can always provide a fantastic price and a service of the highest standard throughout the State of Texas and we are your number one choice. Whatever you require from The Texas Man and Van Network of Independent Movers and Light haulage providers, you can be certain you’re obtaining the best solution at an affordable cost; we are always mindfully trying to find new and innovative ways of saving money for our customers. To find out more details, get in contact with our team on 737 202 9538 texasmanandvan.s3-website.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/movers/Texas-Man-And-Van-in-New-London.html
0 notes
Drivers / Texas Man And Van / Movers furniture moversHaving a team you can depend on is important to us. Our hiring process and training programs are extensive and professional, ensuring the highest quality movers, drivers and support staff in austin. We do not use any temporary workers or day labor employees. Every member of our team is drug-tested and undergoes a background check, so that all our customers can feel comfortable with the people entering their homes and businesses. Professional training, love for our community and our experience set us apart from the competition, and we can’t wait for the opportunity to help you move forward. Yelp reports New-London Tx two men and a truck, a national moving franchise, has opened aHouston location at 1301 n. Springs road. Manuel and kyle Sanchez are the co-owners of the franchise. Jones, 29, also is the general manager. Two men and a truck has three office staff, seven movers and drivers and plans for future growth in the Houston area and Central Texas, jones said. Besides professional moving services, the company offers packing services and sells moving boxes and supplies. Two Men & A Truck Movers, Austin Texas Top rated Austin Texas movers for a perfect interstate move. We check our movers against all kinds of standards, and if we see something suspicious, we cut them from our list. This business / listing info. Has passed through all our checks and has been proven for its reputed services. You can count on them being trustworthy, reliable and of course Insured We understand moving can be stressful so let our professional movers do all the work. Local man with a truck is a full service moving company based out of Lubock and the West Texas area for 5 years running. As professional movers, our team is fast, friendly and efficient, and we offer affordable and competitive rates. Their motto states, “office, house or just a couch, we move everything”. Place your trust in our team of properly trained, and vetted movers supervised by management during your move. No job is too big or small for us, so if you require a van or a box truck remember we can accommodate. Some of our services include: commercial moving, residential moving, art moving and storage. There will be extra charges for both local and long-distance moves : location: if you live in an apartment building with a lot of stairs or a lack of parking, you may be charged for those things. Even a building with an elevator can cost you more, especially if you live on the 20th floor. Your neighborhood can also impact your price. Not all city streets make it easy to park a moving truck. Some movers will include a surcharge if they have to walk more than 75 feet from your home to the truck. Man and Vans Advice for First Time Movers Cheap next day delivery to Fort Worth movers have been offering the short notice removals and light cargo moves for a very long time, and many of the university students around has been taking advantage of this. Students find it difficult to transfer their properties from their city to Fort Worth during school. Our vans are capable of accommodating all types of student furniture, no matter the size. Because of the fact that most of the students moving to Fort Worth and back are on very low budget, we have lots of discounts on offer for them, so that transporting their properties will not be a huge problem for them. For example if they book our cheap last minute moves to their school in Fort Worth they can travel in the removal van for hire with the driver. Man With A Truck Movers Local transport & interstate movers Texas Man and a Van offers afra accredited removals & storage services both with local trucks and interstate moves between cities and other remote locations from all Texas cities. Our furniture removal trucks come fully equipped with protective blankets, trolleys and ties to ensure the care of your home or office furniture during the relocation process. No job is too big or too small, our moving & storage rates are very competitive and we have many furniture storage options available if required; self-storage, managed storage (home modules) or furniture container storage. Amarillo Man with a truck moving did an excellent job with our move. We had a move that required careful packing and handling. The movers were very courteous, very professional, and very hardworking. They packaged and wrapped all items carefully and did some heavy moving. They did all of this while atill being very nice. At the delivery address, they covered the carpet and protected the corners of the house so as not to damage anything. The movers were conscientious of everything they did. The job took longer than anticipated and they were hardworking and professional through all of it. Skilled crews. Of course, moving furniture takes skilled manpower for lifting and carrying. Our crews are strong and capable. They also bring the ramps, dollies and straps to help protect and secure your things and enable the safest, most efficient use of their labor. Preparation and protection. Our truck moving llc furniture movers are skilled at much more than physics. They know the best packing and preparation techniques for different types of furniture. They know what’s the best way to pack furniture! Find Movers to Help Get the Job Done Finding movers that can handle your heavy furniture is no problem! we won’t turn down a furniture moving job as long as it’s within our area of service! many companies will charge additional for unique furniture items, but we will help you move your heavy furniture no matter what the case is. It’ll be important to take measurements and have a general idea of how heavy your furniture is. This will allow our sales team to properly quote you for service. It’ll also be important to mention any unique home situations that may cause issues during your move. No worries though, our movers will do a walk-through prior to moving your furniture to ensure that we have a safe and damage-free game plan for relocating your furniture.. You finally inherited grandma’s antique piano. Now though, you have to get it into your living room without destroying the walls. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Texas Man and a Van are here to help. By browsing our convenient marketplace, you can find background-checked in home furniture movers to help you get the job done. Whether you need help moving furniture upstairs or are dreading moving furniture down stairs, taskers are here to help. They'll help you with moving furniture and items from floor to floor or room to room. To connect directly with a trusted moving company online, whether you’d like to learn more about their services, ask them questions in a message, or check out their prices, you can message them directly through their website or social media pages. Online platforms for moving have continued to grow in popularity over the years as people keep flocking to the internet to find the best movers for their job, so expect to see even more of these platforms pop up over the years. To find the top moving company in Texas simply call 737-202-9538 When you require a professional Man and Van removal company for moving and removals in Texas, we at Texas Man and Van Movers can always meet your needs. Regardless of how large or small your load is, we can always provide a fantastic price and a service of the highest standard throughout the State of Texas and we are your number one choice. Whatever you require from The Texas Man and Van Network of Independent Movers and Light haulage providers, you can be certain you’re obtaining the best solution at an affordable cost; we are always mindfully trying to find new and innovative ways of saving money for our customers. To find out more details, get in contact with our team on 737 202 9538 texasmanandvan.s3-website.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/movers/Texas-Man-And-Van-in-New-London.html
0 notes
Drivers / Texas Man And Van / Movers furniture moversHaving a team you can depend on is important to us. Our hiring process and training programs are extensive and professional, ensuring the highest quality movers, drivers and support staff in austin. We do not use any temporary workers or day labor employees. Every member of our team is drug-tested and undergoes a background check, so that all our customers can feel comfortable with the people entering their homes and businesses. Professional training, love for our community and our experience set us apart from the competition, and we can’t wait for the opportunity to help you move forward. Yelp reports New-London Tx two men and a truck, a national moving franchise, has opened aHouston location at 1301 n. Springs road. Manuel and kyle Sanchez are the co-owners of the franchise. Jones, 29, also is the general manager. Two men and a truck has three office staff, seven movers and drivers and plans for future growth in the Houston area and Central Texas, jones said. Besides professional moving services, the company offers packing services and sells moving boxes and supplies. Two Men & A Truck Movers, Austin Texas Top rated Austin Texas movers for a perfect interstate move. We check our movers against all kinds of standards, and if we see something suspicious, we cut them from our list. This business / listing info. Has passed through all our checks and has been proven for its reputed services. You can count on them being trustworthy, reliable and of course Insured We understand moving can be stressful so let our professional movers do all the work. Local man with a truck is a full service moving company based out of Lubock and the West Texas area for 5 years running. As professional movers, our team is fast, friendly and efficient, and we offer affordable and competitive rates. Their motto states, “office, house or just a couch, we move everything”. Place your trust in our team of properly trained, and vetted movers supervised by management during your move. No job is too big or small for us, so if you require a van or a box truck remember we can accommodate. Some of our services include: commercial moving, residential moving, art moving and storage. There will be extra charges for both local and long-distance moves : location: if you live in an apartment building with a lot of stairs or a lack of parking, you may be charged for those things. Even a building with an elevator can cost you more, especially if you live on the 20th floor. Your neighborhood can also impact your price. Not all city streets make it easy to park a moving truck. Some movers will include a surcharge if they have to walk more than 75 feet from your home to the truck. Man and Vans Advice for First Time Movers Cheap next day delivery to Fort Worth movers have been offering the short notice removals and light cargo moves for a very long time, and many of the university students around has been taking advantage of this. Students find it difficult to transfer their properties from their city to Fort Worth during school. Our vans are capable of accommodating all types of student furniture, no matter the size. Because of the fact that most of the students moving to Fort Worth and back are on very low budget, we have lots of discounts on offer for them, so that transporting their properties will not be a huge problem for them. For example if they book our cheap last minute moves to their school in Fort Worth they can travel in the removal van for hire with the driver. Man With A Truck Movers Local transport & interstate movers Texas Man and a Van offers afra accredited removals & storage services both with local trucks and interstate moves between cities and other remote locations from all Texas cities. Our furniture removal trucks come fully equipped with protective blankets, trolleys and ties to ensure the care of your home or office furniture during the relocation process. No job is too big or too small, our moving & storage rates are very competitive and we have many furniture storage options available if required; self-storage, managed storage (home modules) or furniture container storage. Amarillo Man with a truck moving did an excellent job with our move. We had a move that required careful packing and handling. The movers were very courteous, very professional, and very hardworking. They packaged and wrapped all items carefully and did some heavy moving. They did all of this while atill being very nice. At the delivery address, they covered the carpet and protected the corners of the house so as not to damage anything. The movers were conscientious of everything they did. The job took longer than anticipated and they were hardworking and professional through all of it. Skilled crews. Of course, moving furniture takes skilled manpower for lifting and carrying. Our crews are strong and capable. They also bring the ramps, dollies and straps to help protect and secure your things and enable the safest, most efficient use of their labor. Preparation and protection. Our truck moving llc furniture movers are skilled at much more than physics. They know the best packing and preparation techniques for different types of furniture. They know what’s the best way to pack furniture! Find Movers to Help Get the Job Done Finding movers that can handle your heavy furniture is no problem! we won’t turn down a furniture moving job as long as it’s within our area of service! many companies will charge additional for unique furniture items, but we will help you move your heavy furniture no matter what the case is. It’ll be important to take measurements and have a general idea of how heavy your furniture is. This will allow our sales team to properly quote you for service. It’ll also be important to mention any unique home situations that may cause issues during your move. No worries though, our movers will do a walk-through prior to moving your furniture to ensure that we have a safe and damage-free game plan for relocating your furniture.. You finally inherited grandma’s antique piano. Now though, you have to get it into your living room without destroying the walls. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Texas Man and a Van are here to help. By browsing our convenient marketplace, you can find background-checked in home furniture movers to help you get the job done. Whether you need help moving furniture upstairs or are dreading moving furniture down stairs, taskers are here to help. They'll help you with moving furniture and items from floor to floor or room to room. To connect directly with a trusted moving company online, whether you’d like to learn more about their services, ask them questions in a message, or check out their prices, you can message them directly through their website or social media pages. Online platforms for moving have continued to grow in popularity over the years as people keep flocking to the internet to find the best movers for their job, so expect to see even more of these platforms pop up over the years. To find the top moving company in Texas simply call 737-202-9538 When you require a professional Man and Van removal company for moving and removals in Texas, we at Texas Man and Van Movers can always meet your needs. Regardless of how large or small your load is, we can always provide a fantastic price and a service of the highest standard throughout the State of Texas and we are your number one choice. Whatever you require from The Texas Man and Van Network of Independent Movers and Light haulage providers, you can be certain you’re obtaining the best solution at an affordable cost; we are always mindfully trying to find new and innovative ways of saving money for our customers. To find out more details, get in contact with our team on 737 202 9538 texasmanandvan.s3-website.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/movers/Texas-Man-And-Van-in-New-London.html
0 notes
Drivers / Texas Man And Van / Movers furniture moversHaving a team you can depend on is important to us. Our hiring process and training programs are extensive and professional, ensuring the highest quality movers, drivers and support staff in austin. We do not use any temporary workers or day labor employees. Every member of our team is drug-tested and undergoes a background check, so that all our customers can feel comfortable with the people entering their homes and businesses. Professional training, love for our community and our experience set us apart from the competition, and we can’t wait for the opportunity to help you move forward. Yelp reports New-London Tx two men and a truck, a national moving franchise, has opened aHouston location at 1301 n. Springs road. Manuel and kyle Sanchez are the co-owners of the franchise. Jones, 29, also is the general manager. Two men and a truck has three office staff, seven movers and drivers and plans for future growth in the Houston area and Central Texas, jones said. Besides professional moving services, the company offers packing services and sells moving boxes and supplies. Two Men & A Truck Movers, Austin Texas Top rated Austin Texas movers for a perfect interstate move. We check our movers against all kinds of standards, and if we see something suspicious, we cut them from our list. This business / listing info. Has passed through all our checks and has been proven for its reputed services. You can count on them being trustworthy, reliable and of course Insured We understand moving can be stressful so let our professional movers do all the work. Local man with a truck is a full service moving company based out of Lubock and the West Texas area for 5 years running. As professional movers, our team is fast, friendly and efficient, and we offer affordable and competitive rates. Their motto states, “office, house or just a couch, we move everything”. Place your trust in our team of properly trained, and vetted movers supervised by management during your move. No job is too big or small for us, so if you require a van or a box truck remember we can accommodate. Some of our services include: commercial moving, residential moving, art moving and storage. There will be extra charges for both local and long-distance moves : location: if you live in an apartment building with a lot of stairs or a lack of parking, you may be charged for those things. Even a building with an elevator can cost you more, especially if you live on the 20th floor. Your neighborhood can also impact your price. Not all city streets make it easy to park a moving truck. Some movers will include a surcharge if they have to walk more than 75 feet from your home to the truck. Man and Vans Advice for First Time Movers Cheap next day delivery to Fort Worth movers have been offering the short notice removals and light cargo moves for a very long time, and many of the university students around has been taking advantage of this. Students find it difficult to transfer their properties from their city to Fort Worth during school. Our vans are capable of accommodating all types of student furniture, no matter the size. Because of the fact that most of the students moving to Fort Worth and back are on very low budget, we have lots of discounts on offer for them, so that transporting their properties will not be a huge problem for them. For example if they book our cheap last minute moves to their school in Fort Worth they can travel in the removal van for hire with the driver. Man With A Truck Movers Local transport & interstate movers Texas Man and a Van offers afra accredited removals & storage services both with local trucks and interstate moves between cities and other remote locations from all Texas cities. Our furniture removal trucks come fully equipped with protective blankets, trolleys and ties to ensure the care of your home or office furniture during the relocation process. No job is too big or too small, our moving & storage rates are very competitive and we have many furniture storage options available if required; self-storage, managed storage (home modules) or furniture container storage. Amarillo Man with a truck moving did an excellent job with our move. We had a move that required careful packing and handling. The movers were very courteous, very professional, and very hardworking. They packaged and wrapped all items carefully and did some heavy moving. They did all of this while atill being very nice. At the delivery address, they covered the carpet and protected the corners of the house so as not to damage anything. The movers were conscientious of everything they did. The job took longer than anticipated and they were hardworking and professional through all of it. Skilled crews. Of course, moving furniture takes skilled manpower for lifting and carrying. Our crews are strong and capable. They also bring the ramps, dollies and straps to help protect and secure your things and enable the safest, most efficient use of their labor. Preparation and protection. Our truck moving llc furniture movers are skilled at much more than physics. They know the best packing and preparation techniques for different types of furniture. They know what’s the best way to pack furniture! Find Movers to Help Get the Job Done Finding movers that can handle your heavy furniture is no problem! we won’t turn down a furniture moving job as long as it’s within our area of service! many companies will charge additional for unique furniture items, but we will help you move your heavy furniture no matter what the case is. It’ll be important to take measurements and have a general idea of how heavy your furniture is. This will allow our sales team to properly quote you for service. It’ll also be important to mention any unique home situations that may cause issues during your move. No worries though, our movers will do a walk-through prior to moving your furniture to ensure that we have a safe and damage-free game plan for relocating your furniture.. You finally inherited grandma’s antique piano. Now though, you have to get it into your living room without destroying the walls. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Texas Man and a Van are here to help. By browsing our convenient marketplace, you can find background-checked in home furniture movers to help you get the job done. Whether you need help moving furniture upstairs or are dreading moving furniture down stairs, taskers are here to help. They'll help you with moving furniture and items from floor to floor or room to room. To connect directly with a trusted moving company online, whether you’d like to learn more about their services, ask them questions in a message, or check out their prices, you can message them directly through their website or social media pages. Online platforms for moving have continued to grow in popularity over the years as people keep flocking to the internet to find the best movers for their job, so expect to see even more of these platforms pop up over the years. To find the top moving company in Texas simply call 737-202-9538 When you require a professional Man and Van removal company for moving and removals in Texas, we at Texas Man and Van Movers can always meet your needs. Regardless of how large or small your load is, we can always provide a fantastic price and a service of the highest standard throughout the State of Texas and we are your number one choice. Whatever you require from The Texas Man and Van Network of Independent Movers and Light haulage providers, you can be certain you’re obtaining the best solution at an affordable cost; we are always mindfully trying to find new and innovative ways of saving money for our customers. To find out more details, get in contact with our team on 737 202 9538 texasmanandvan.s3-website.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/movers/Texas-Man-And-Van-in-New-London.html
0 notes
Drivers / Texas Man And Van / Movers furniture moversHaving a team you can depend on is important to us. Our hiring process and training programs are extensive and professional, ensuring the highest quality movers, drivers and support staff in austin. We do not use any temporary workers or day labor employees. Every member of our team is drug-tested and undergoes a background check, so that all our customers can feel comfortable with the people entering their homes and businesses. Professional training, love for our community and our experience set us apart from the competition, and we can’t wait for the opportunity to help you move forward. Yelp reports New-London Tx two men and a truck, a national moving franchise, has opened aHouston location at 1301 n. Springs road. Manuel and kyle Sanchez are the co-owners of the franchise. Jones, 29, also is the general manager. Two men and a truck has three office staff, seven movers and drivers and plans for future growth in the Houston area and Central Texas, jones said. Besides professional moving services, the company offers packing services and sells moving boxes and supplies. Two Men & A Truck Movers, Austin Texas Top rated Austin Texas movers for a perfect interstate move. We check our movers against all kinds of standards, and if we see something suspicious, we cut them from our list. This business / listing info. Has passed through all our checks and has been proven for its reputed services. You can count on them being trustworthy, reliable and of course Insured We understand moving can be stressful so let our professional movers do all the work. Local man with a truck is a full service moving company based out of Lubock and the West Texas area for 5 years running. As professional movers, our team is fast, friendly and efficient, and we offer affordable and competitive rates. Their motto states, “office, house or just a couch, we move everything”. Place your trust in our team of properly trained, and vetted movers supervised by management during your move. No job is too big or small for us, so if you require a van or a box truck remember we can accommodate. Some of our services include: commercial moving, residential moving, art moving and storage. There will be extra charges for both local and long-distance moves : location: if you live in an apartment building with a lot of stairs or a lack of parking, you may be charged for those things. Even a building with an elevator can cost you more, especially if you live on the 20th floor. Your neighborhood can also impact your price. Not all city streets make it easy to park a moving truck. Some movers will include a surcharge if they have to walk more than 75 feet from your home to the truck. Man and Vans Advice for First Time Movers Cheap next day delivery to Fort Worth movers have been offering the short notice removals and light cargo moves for a very long time, and many of the university students around has been taking advantage of this. Students find it difficult to transfer their properties from their city to Fort Worth during school. Our vans are capable of accommodating all types of student furniture, no matter the size. Because of the fact that most of the students moving to Fort Worth and back are on very low budget, we have lots of discounts on offer for them, so that transporting their properties will not be a huge problem for them. For example if they book our cheap last minute moves to their school in Fort Worth they can travel in the removal van for hire with the driver. Man With A Truck Movers Local transport & interstate movers Texas Man and a Van offers afra accredited removals & storage services both with local trucks and interstate moves between cities and other remote locations from all Texas cities. Our furniture removal trucks come fully equipped with protective blankets, trolleys and ties to ensure the care of your home or office furniture during the relocation process. No job is too big or too small, our moving & storage rates are very competitive and we have many furniture storage options available if required; self-storage, managed storage (home modules) or furniture container storage. Amarillo Man with a truck moving did an excellent job with our move. We had a move that required careful packing and handling. The movers were very courteous, very professional, and very hardworking. They packaged and wrapped all items carefully and did some heavy moving. They did all of this while atill being very nice. At the delivery address, they covered the carpet and protected the corners of the house so as not to damage anything. The movers were conscientious of everything they did. The job took longer than anticipated and they were hardworking and professional through all of it. Skilled crews. Of course, moving furniture takes skilled manpower for lifting and carrying. Our crews are strong and capable. They also bring the ramps, dollies and straps to help protect and secure your things and enable the safest, most efficient use of their labor. Preparation and protection. Our truck moving llc furniture movers are skilled at much more than physics. They know the best packing and preparation techniques for different types of furniture. They know what’s the best way to pack furniture! Find Movers to Help Get the Job Done Finding movers that can handle your heavy furniture is no problem! we won’t turn down a furniture moving job as long as it’s within our area of service! many companies will charge additional for unique furniture items, but we will help you move your heavy furniture no matter what the case is. It’ll be important to take measurements and have a general idea of how heavy your furniture is. This will allow our sales team to properly quote you for service. It’ll also be important to mention any unique home situations that may cause issues during your move. No worries though, our movers will do a walk-through prior to moving your furniture to ensure that we have a safe and damage-free game plan for relocating your furniture.. You finally inherited grandma’s antique piano. Now though, you have to get it into your living room without destroying the walls. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Texas Man and a Van are here to help. By browsing our convenient marketplace, you can find background-checked in home furniture movers to help you get the job done. Whether you need help moving furniture upstairs or are dreading moving furniture down stairs, taskers are here to help. They'll help you with moving furniture and items from floor to floor or room to room. To connect directly with a trusted moving company online, whether you’d like to learn more about their services, ask them questions in a message, or check out their prices, you can message them directly through their website or social media pages. Online platforms for moving have continued to grow in popularity over the years as people keep flocking to the internet to find the best movers for their job, so expect to see even more of these platforms pop up over the years. To find the top moving company in Texas simply call 737-202-9538 When you require a professional Man and Van removal company for moving and removals in Texas, we at Texas Man and Van Movers can always meet your needs. Regardless of how large or small your load is, we can always provide a fantastic price and a service of the highest standard throughout the State of Texas and we are your number one choice. Whatever you require from The Texas Man and Van Network of Independent Movers and Light haulage providers, you can be certain you’re obtaining the best solution at an affordable cost; we are always mindfully trying to find new and innovative ways of saving money for our customers. To find out more details, get in contact with our team on 737 202 9538 texasmanandvan.s3-website.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/movers/Texas-Man-And-Van-in-New-London.html
0 notes
Drivers / Texas Man And Van / Movers furniture moversHaving a team you can depend on is important to us. Our hiring process and training programs are extensive and professional, ensuring the highest quality movers, drivers and support staff in austin. We do not use any temporary workers or day labor employees. Every member of our team is drug-tested and undergoes a background check, so that all our customers can feel comfortable with the people entering their homes and businesses. Professional training, love for our community and our experience set us apart from the competition, and we can’t wait for the opportunity to help you move forward. Yelp reports New-London Tx two men and a truck, a national moving franchise, has opened aHouston location at 1301 n. Springs road. Manuel and kyle Sanchez are the co-owners of the franchise. Jones, 29, also is the general manager. Two men and a truck has three office staff, seven movers and drivers and plans for future growth in the Houston area and Central Texas, jones said. Besides professional moving services, the company offers packing services and sells moving boxes and supplies. Two Men & A Truck Movers, Austin Texas Top rated Austin Texas movers for a perfect interstate move. We check our movers against all kinds of standards, and if we see something suspicious, we cut them from our list. This business / listing info. Has passed through all our checks and has been proven for its reputed services. You can count on them being trustworthy, reliable and of course Insured We understand moving can be stressful so let our professional movers do all the work. Local man with a truck is a full service moving company based out of Lubock and the West Texas area for 5 years running. As professional movers, our team is fast, friendly and efficient, and we offer affordable and competitive rates. Their motto states, “office, house or just a couch, we move everything”. Place your trust in our team of properly trained, and vetted movers supervised by management during your move. No job is too big or small for us, so if you require a van or a box truck remember we can accommodate. Some of our services include: commercial moving, residential moving, art moving and storage. There will be extra charges for both local and long-distance moves : location: if you live in an apartment building with a lot of stairs or a lack of parking, you may be charged for those things. Even a building with an elevator can cost you more, especially if you live on the 20th floor. Your neighborhood can also impact your price. Not all city streets make it easy to park a moving truck. Some movers will include a surcharge if they have to walk more than 75 feet from your home to the truck. Man and Vans Advice for First Time Movers Cheap next day delivery to Fort Worth movers have been offering the short notice removals and light cargo moves for a very long time, and many of the university students around has been taking advantage of this. Students find it difficult to transfer their properties from their city to Fort Worth during school. Our vans are capable of accommodating all types of student furniture, no matter the size. Because of the fact that most of the students moving to Fort Worth and back are on very low budget, we have lots of discounts on offer for them, so that transporting their properties will not be a huge problem for them. For example if they book our cheap last minute moves to their school in Fort Worth they can travel in the removal van for hire with the driver. Man With A Truck Movers Local transport & interstate movers Texas Man and a Van offers afra accredited removals & storage services both with local trucks and interstate moves between cities and other remote locations from all Texas cities. Our furniture removal trucks come fully equipped with protective blankets, trolleys and ties to ensure the care of your home or office furniture during the relocation process. No job is too big or too small, our moving & storage rates are very competitive and we have many furniture storage options available if required; self-storage, managed storage (home modules) or furniture container storage. Amarillo Man with a truck moving did an excellent job with our move. We had a move that required careful packing and handling. The movers were very courteous, very professional, and very hardworking. They packaged and wrapped all items carefully and did some heavy moving. They did all of this while atill being very nice. At the delivery address, they covered the carpet and protected the corners of the house so as not to damage anything. The movers were conscientious of everything they did. The job took longer than anticipated and they were hardworking and professional through all of it. Skilled crews. Of course, moving furniture takes skilled manpower for lifting and carrying. Our crews are strong and capable. They also bring the ramps, dollies and straps to help protect and secure your things and enable the safest, most efficient use of their labor. Preparation and protection. Our truck moving llc furniture movers are skilled at much more than physics. They know the best packing and preparation techniques for different types of furniture. They know what’s the best way to pack furniture! Find Movers to Help Get the Job Done Finding movers that can handle your heavy furniture is no problem! we won’t turn down a furniture moving job as long as it’s within our area of service! many companies will charge additional for unique furniture items, but we will help you move your heavy furniture no matter what the case is. It’ll be important to take measurements and have a general idea of how heavy your furniture is. This will allow our sales team to properly quote you for service. It’ll also be important to mention any unique home situations that may cause issues during your move. No worries though, our movers will do a walk-through prior to moving your furniture to ensure that we have a safe and damage-free game plan for relocating your furniture.. You finally inherited grandma’s antique piano. Now though, you have to get it into your living room without destroying the walls. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Texas Man and a Van are here to help. By browsing our convenient marketplace, you can find background-checked in home furniture movers to help you get the job done. Whether you need help moving furniture upstairs or are dreading moving furniture down stairs, taskers are here to help. They'll help you with moving furniture and items from floor to floor or room to room. To connect directly with a trusted moving company online, whether you’d like to learn more about their services, ask them questions in a message, or check out their prices, you can message them directly through their website or social media pages. Online platforms for moving have continued to grow in popularity over the years as people keep flocking to the internet to find the best movers for their job, so expect to see even more of these platforms pop up over the years. To find the top moving company in Texas simply call 737-202-9538 When you require a professional Man and Van removal company for moving and removals in Texas, we at Texas Man and Van Movers can always meet your needs. Regardless of how large or small your load is, we can always provide a fantastic price and a service of the highest standard throughout the State of Texas and we are your number one choice. Whatever you require from The Texas Man and Van Network of Independent Movers and Light haulage providers, you can be certain you’re obtaining the best solution at an affordable cost; we are always mindfully trying to find new and innovative ways of saving money for our customers. To find out more details, get in contact with our team on 737 202 9538 texasmanandvan.s3-website.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/movers/Texas-Man-And-Van-in-New-London.html
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