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The Grind = Undefeated Cheating/Shortcuts = short term instant gratification and long term losses #risegrindandshine #noshortcuts #workandeffort #nerdsworking #nerdlife🤓 #winningthisyear https://www.instagram.com/p/BvM7uQxgJtgZtIadjbtsHWyInyK_FgwSIVKJrM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ulu6rd8i4p7g
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#WorkYaArt on any blank #canvas and make it yours. #RawTalent and #SkilledPainters are all around #Philadelphia .I recognize their #WorkAndEffort so it wont go unnoticed. #PhillyGotHands Forever. #GoodFriday ! + "Work Ya Art" comes off my first Mixalbum titled " #BlackoutFeedTheFlames ."Available Now on #Datpiff
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You know, I find it kinda funny when little mistakes have such a huge impact. Went to work today and had to pull these inserts out of some very expensive wellness planners because of the misspelling of the month on the tab. I had to replace them with new ones. Oddly enough, it reminded me that sometimes little mistakes take some time and energy to correct. It may not be something as simple as fixing a misspelled tab on a planner, but it goes to show if you put in a little work, you can go back and fix the mistake...just a little thought for the day. #JustALittleThought #FixingMistakes #WorkAndEffort #FeelingReflective
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iiiitttssss... ME TIME!!
Tbh. Im not so happy with what is going on in my life right now. I dont know what im doing. I dont even know where am i or why am i here. All i know is that i am somewhere i dont belong. Im not so sure if i could get along with it or how can i get rid of this thoughts. I mean its hard to think about it all day. Think about what is wrong with me, with the people around me, with the things that im doing or with the happenings every single day.
Asking myself, did i changed? Or will i ever change? I dont know what will i answer. At some point, i want to stop at anything. Stop doing this, stop doing that. Stop listening to this, just stop my life but not end it. I just want to rest. Alone. In a quiet place. In a place where i can think although i always think deep wherever, whenever but some people call it "me time" and find their soul. More like looking for something that's missing in some part of me.
Sometimes i miss my old self and then hate it eventually. I want to go back somewhere in the past and do some changes. Maybe if i could, i would not hate it anymore. But if i not hate it, maybe i would love to go back again and again until i cant move on. Though hating the past doesn't helps to move on. What should i do then?
Someday, im gonna find the answer to that. And when that time comes, i know im gonna be surely happy. But for now, i guess my me time is basically after schooling xD i wish it will absolutely work. So then i could focus on my priority which is studying of course and taking care of my lola and naz. As they say, everyday is a chance to make things better. Work for it.
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