#work usually gets in the way of my full moon outing traditions
mer-se · 4 months
says cloudy tomorrow so going to try and see the full(ish) moon tonight and be by the ocean , it’s needed its all I been thinking about all workweek thank fuck it’s wednesday
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moonastro · 7 months
Juno persona chart
The sun in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
the sun represents the self, ego and personality. in juno persona chart the sun can determine how the overall vibe of the marriage will be. what shines and what is most acknowledged in your marriage.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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sun in 1st house: marriage is a main theme in your life. you were meant to be married. as the 1st ruled the self, appearance, way of thinking, your marriage could be very lovey dovey. you admire each other very much. marriage will fit you very well, you may have always wanted to marry. marriage can make you find yourself and allow you to become your truest self. like it can make you do things that you have always wanted to do that you couldn't before. can make you more independent and allow you to take care of yourself and focus on yourself. marriage can be a whole new beginning for you and your approach to life will significantly change. this placement tends to really focus on marriage and really hyper focus on every aspect that comes with marriage life. your appearance may change and people may have a different perspective of you.
spouse can be mars or mercury ruled, have 1st house placements and have dominant aries placements.
sun in 2nd house: the 2nd house rules money, income, resources. marriage can be very financially abundant and can bring lots of income to you and your partner. there is a strong emphasis on shared resources. the couple may share the same values in life and may agree on similar ways of doing things. There will be tendencies to express your love to each other very creatively. your habits can change drastically through marriage or can mean that your spouse and you share similar habits. this placement screams shared finances and sharing income especially through a bank account. marriage is affectionate and has lots of intimacy involved, this may be the glue to marriage through affection and being grateful for each other. there can be strong physical bonds so there can be lots of hand holding, hugging, cuddling etc.
spouse can have taurus prominent placements. they can have dominant 2nd house placements as well. can be venus ruled.
sun in 3rd house: marriage is very communication based and can have you looking at intellectual pursuits. perhaps when you get married you finally decide to pursue knowledge based lifestyles such as learning new things academically. The marriage is very expressive through speech and expressing their thoughts to each other. this placement reminds me of a couple who are just constantly working on their laptops but they work together at home so they still spend time together. its that type of vibe. marriage can feel familiar and you having a sense of familiarity with your spouse. this can be like a sibling bond so very loving and playful and sometimes argumentative. your spouse and you will talk CONSTANTLYYY like i feel like if you are in the same room and don't talk for a few minutes it may feel strange or just out of place. this placement needs constant communication with each other.
spouse can be mercury or moon ruled, have significant gemini placements or have 3rd house dominance.
sun in 4th house: marriage for this placement is very family oriented, both parties take care of each other and are rather traditional with gender roles. marriage can be all about comfort and being there for each other emotionally. marriage can be full of traditions and sharing family roots with each other. heritage and ancestry may be a big theme for this placement and usually value privacy. this placement usually keeps their intimate and personal lives between themselves, this is to make it more meaningful for each other. the couples go to place to spend time with each other is most likely their home and maybe ordering in and watching some movies with each other.
spouse can be moon ruled, have prominent cancer placements or have dominant 4th house placements.
sun in 5th house: this placement will have a very fun and loving marriage. this reminds me of a childhood best friend, you just get each other and have this flicker of romance every time you are with them. this is a good fortune house, so lots of life and memories are going to be created in the marriage. marriage can be full of creativity and risk taking. there may be lots of things that you haven't done before and therefore can cause new beginnings. there can be lots of availability to self- expression, maybe you will have the chance to express yourself to the fullest.
spouse can be venus or sun ruled, can have significant leo placements.
sun in 6th house: your daily routines and your daily lives are significant in marriage. health and well being can be prioritised here as well. Their can be a connection between the sense of self and your daily life in marriage. this means that marriage can influence you to develop a personal daily routine or have a responsibility to provide for others. after marriage this placement can manifest work work work for both parties and frankly may not have time for each other. everything can act very fast paced and it may feel like your days just go by very fast.
spouse may be mars ruled, have important mercury aspects, and have dominant virgo placement.
sun in 7th house: marriage will be on and off. i feel like the 7th house is about balance and you cant have the positives without the negatives. there will be lots of highs and lows and the highs will be very precious. its like whenever there is a very good day for the couple it can feel like the best thing ever. marriage can bring lots of partnerships meaning that you can do lots of things together. and of course there is the romance side of the 7th house so marriage can have romanticised features to it. there can also be open enemies withing the marriage.
spouse may be venus ruled, have libra dominance or have 7th house influence.
sun in 8th house: marriage can be very transformative in terms of daily life, your routine, mannerisms just everything. it will be something very different than you are used to. it will physically and mentally transform you as an individual. marriage may be very awakening and it can act like a total turn around. it is something you have never experienced before. this also reminds me of the couple admiring each other and staring at each others soul, just overall feeling a deep deep connection for each other. spouse can buy lots of things for you or in general can spend lots of money on each other as this house rules over partners money. this couple is a POWERR dynamic and have strong sexual desires for one another. this placement can bond over each others changes and can have a never ending phase of their honeymoon.
spouse may have scorpio and 8th house dominant placements. can be mars or pluto ruled.
sun in 9th house: this placement makes the marriage very educational. either one of the parties will have influence on the other in terms of life lessons. marriage can offer higher education offers and having time to study whether its together or them teaching you. this is a spiritual placement as well so there can be rituals that you may like to do together in marriage or possibly just share the same values and religious beliefs and cooperate those practises in your everyday life. your spouse and you may meet each other minds and may relate to the way the other is thinking. omggg the conversations are longggg. literally this placement allows the marriage to talk for hours on end and usually its about the deeper stuff in the world.
spouse may be jupiter dominant, have sagittarius placements or plenty of 9 house placements.
sun in 10th house: your marriage is known by many people. perhaps you had a will have big wedding or people are invested in your marriage life. as the 10th house is all about public, you may show yourself more in front of others express and show off your relationship in public. this can be a business oriented couple who work in the same business or have a business of their own. marriage can create rules and restrictions and you may feel trapped. the couple values their reputation and may act differently in public than at home. marriage can make both parties realise that they have shared life plans and joint purposes so they work together to reach and accomplish them.
spouse can have 10th house placements or have saturn influence. may also have significant capricorn placements.
sun in 11th house: very social and outgoing placement for marriage. when married you can meet lots of new people and just be part in many groups. will probably meet lots of friends through marriage. may have network influence and elations and may develop a social media following through marriage. lots of eyes can be on you and your marriage, people are influenced by your aspirations of the marriage. of course this placement can feel like you became friends to lovers and that may feel like that throughout the marriage, like you may act like friends one day and the other fall in love all over again. it can feel quite refreshing. you and your spouse will share lots and lots of things together and possibly both parties have joint aspirations and goals which make it easier to achieve something as its done together. your friendship in the marriage is well known and your bond is very clear in public.
spouse may have 11th house placements or are Uranus and jupiter dominant
sun in 12th house: marriage will be quite personal and secretive. i feel like this placement is the type to travel off grid and live life together with no contact. marriage will be full of travel and can feel like a dream at times. marriage can develop hidden enemies perhaps from jealousy or judgement. marriage can be something completely different that you thought it would be, it could make you think a lot about the decisions that you made. marriage can bring endings to attachments or relationships. this relates to the isolation part. also as this house rules old age, this placement reminds me of staying married till your old, its that type of marriage that you stay with them no matter what, through thick and thin through hardships and easy ships. this marriage is most likely karmic as you may have known them in a past life and have met in this lifetime to finish some work together.
spouse can have pisces or 12th house placements. can be saturn or jupiter ruled.
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thanks for reading😊🤍
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oobbbear · 7 months
An original species inspired my the moon phases :]! Long post warning ⚠️
These are new moons, they are the smallest and the weakest sub species of the moon kinds
These little creatures can be found everywhere, some living amongst the humans, some in the forest, some even under water
Their height range from 5cm to 30cm
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New moons who lives in the human world disguises themselves as everyday objects so they can blend in and not be caught, they steal little trinkets and foods when human’s not looking
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These are the crescent moons, they act mostly the same as new moons the only difference is they’re taller and stronger
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New moons would sometimes disguise themselves as other moon species so they don’t get attacked by them. Moons are not the kindest to the other sub species. New Moons usually go out in a group of 3 or more, that way they can look out for each other in the big dangerous world.
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New moons dress up in heavy layers not only to blend in with their surroundings, it also because their natural body is very soft and fragile, they need the layer of protection to not die easily in the wild
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Their disguise of choice is like their second skin it aids and protects them, even tho it is changeable and won’t hurt them when damaged, the little guys value them greatly
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This is a Sun, they are the natural enemies of the Moons, while Moons are like little humans, Sun are more like big shiny long dogs, they’re not as smart as the moons but they are much stronger and faster than them
Suns hunts New Moons as food
And in return New Moons do the same
Whenever a Sun is killed by the New Moons, the little creatures would gather together and throw a big party to celebrate their rare victory against their biggest threat in the wild
They called the celebration “The Feast of Eclipse”, like the name, Eclipse appears rarely, and it is the only time a moon can dominate a sun, even if only for a short amount of time
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During the celebration, they would dance and sing around their kill and pray for the safety of their kind and for their god to protect them against the many predators they face. It’s a traditional ritual for them
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After the ritual, they would cut up the Sun beast and prepare its flesh for the feast. Suns are very good nutritions for the Moons so they won’t let anything go to waste, they make wine out of their blood and meat for the main dishes, after the meal left over flesh will be make into jerkies, and bones will be turn into tools or decorations
Enough about New Moon, let's talk about some other sub species of Moons
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This is a Full moon, they are the rarest of the Moon kind. Alike other Moons, they also disguises themselves to blend in their surroundings, but unlike others who gathers material to make their second skin, Full Moons are natural shapeshifters. They release a orb like liquid from the back of their head which made up their body, they can mold it into any form, the only flaw is that they are not able so change their facial structure and their skin patterns.
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Full Moons are on the top of the Moon food chain, they eat every single Moon species which including their own kind. These bastards eat ugly look away.
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They are the only Moon kind who can own and train a Sun, some keep them as pets but most use as hunting dogs to catch New Moons.
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This is all I got at the moment! here's a chart of all the Moon phases, I am planning to introduce the Quarters and Gibbous in the future so keep an eye out if you're interested! I love making character concept it gives my brain something to work with when I'm on break :]
Oh also! feel free to make your own little Moon Phase creature designs and please tag me if you plan to post it I wanna see I’m curious what y’all make of them!
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Astrology Observations (Based on my experience)
Remember, this is just my observations from my interactions with others and reading charts. If this doesn't apply to you, that's okay!!
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Scorpio Risings struggle with being liked by those around them. This could be due to the fact that they reflect others unhealed wounds back to them, causing their colleagues to avoid them. They also appear intimidating, but they're honestly one of the most pure and beautiful placements in astrology (imo). They have big hearts and are full of love they want to give to everyone.
Cancer placements won't listen to anyone, but themselves. They always try to mother everyone around them, but they won't let others do the same in return. They often channel this unmet need in their romantic relationships, evading care from family and friends by pouring everything into their romantic relationships. (Please, let others take care of you. You need a break)
12th house synastry gets a bad rep, but it's not always a bad thing. Those with 12th house synastry learn a lot from each other and often float in and out of one another's lives repeatedly. They never forget one another. If they haven't done the necessary healing work though, it can be quite catastrophic. (But they always find their way back again somehow)
Heavy pisces/12th house placements accidentally astral project. A lot. They have wild dreams and often end up in places they shouldn't be in the astral. Most of them don't even realize that this is what's happening. They also tune into other dimensions and channel ideas when they create.
12th house stelliums have a difficult childhood and seem to thrive for a short period of time, before they struggle again. The fears developed in childhood usually lay within their natal chart. They spend a majority of their mid-late 20s conquering these fears so they can continue thrive after their Saturn return.
Sag moons have severe road rage. They can go from cruising to honking their horn and right back to cruising in seconds.
Aquarius in the 2nd house struggle to find their path in life, but once they do - success is abundant. This is because they usually take a non-traditional route. Think HGTV jobs. They'll be a cake tester making hundreds of thousands a year. No one knows how they manage it. They don't even know. It just works.
Scorpio in the 7th house is a tough placement. These individuals struggle with building and maintaining familial relationships.
Scorpio stelliums struggle with letting people in. They're incredibly stubborn and will ice others out to prove a point. They take time to warm up to new concepts and will often live in a state of denial until they can no longer do so. However, once they lean into the transformation, they do great! They exert more energy trying to avoid the transformation than just going through it.
Capricorn risings are thought to always have it together, but most of them are just out here winging it the best they can. If they don't have a goal to achieve, they'll find one on their way. They can walk into any situation and point out exactly what needs to be fixed. The downside to this is that employers/bosses will often find them intimidating, fearing that they may take their jobs. This is why they often go into entrepreneurship. It's to avoid all of the obstacles that stand in their way. (coming from a cap rising)
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Locked Out (Anthony Bridgerton x Reader)
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Anthony Bridgerton x fem!Reader Modern AU Rated: 18+, explicit sexual content, language, mentions of blood Word count: 4.2k
Summary: When you find yourselves locked out of your house in the middle of the night, Anthony has some ideas for how you can kill time.
Author's Note: Inspired by true events that involved all the frustration but none of the fun 😜 This was just an idea that rooted itself. A silly little fic outside my usual style. Thanks to @faye-tale for chatting with me while I waited for a locksmith. 😊 And thanks to @colettebronte who always has the right JB pic for the job. 💜
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You knew this would happen. You had never trusted the smart lock ever since Anthony had installed it. Either some criminal masterminds would hack the whole network of them, or the battery would die and leave you precisely where you were now, standing on the stoop in the chilly air as midnight approached, the moon and your phone as your only light sources. Again you wondered what was so bad about traditional locks as your phone flashed the error message. But Anthony had to get his way, as usual. One news story about a burglar three towns away and the next day he had bought every ‘smart’ home security device on the market.
Well now the stupid lock didn’t work. The first time you had pressed the button you assumed you had tapped something wrong, given how distracted you were. Anthony was crowding against you, one hand slithering over your backside while the other moved to wrap lightly around your throat. He was breathing heavy in your ear, licking your neck with his untamable tongue, a move that always made your eyes cross a bit. But now you had tried three times to unlock the door and it clearly wasn’t working.
He just rumbled in response, biting your lobe.
“Anthony!” You nudged him back with your hips, trying to snap him out of it. “The damn lock is broken.” 
“What?” Of course he then had to inspect it himself for a full five minutes, trying every trick on his phone that you had, to no avail.
You stood with your arms crossed. “Where’s the spare key?”
Even in the dim light you could see his jaw set with aggravation. “Inside.”
You scoffed, “You didn’t hide it outside like you said you would?”
“I don’t want to leave a key to our property lying around for anyone to find. This thing was supposed to be top-of-the-line.” He growled.
You couldn’t help your eyes from rolling. “Anthony, that’s why you hide it…”
“Let me try the back.” He jogged off the steps and around the house through your garden gate. You both knew full well that he had rigged your back door with the same space age lock as the front and wasn’t likely to have any success. All you wanted was to get inside, to get warm and have a glass of wine. You looked up at the glare of the full moon. That must be to blame for your misfortune.  
You weren’t going to wait forever and searched the number for a 24-hour locksmith. You were just about to dial when the sound of shattering glass echoed over your lawn followed by a loud curse. Oh good lord…
Before you could even detect which side of the house it came from, Anthony stepped out of the shadows, holding a forearm aloft.
“Anthony Bridgerton, what the hell did you do?” You hissed as loud as you dared, mindful of disturbing your neighbors.
But you knew exactly what he had done when he drew closer and you could see the bloody pulp that now constituted his knuckles. More alarming was the long, jagged tear in the sleeve of his shirt through which you could see the matching slice on his skin, blood already seeping out to darken the fabric.
“Broke the side window,” he grumbled. 
“And how did that work out for you, genius?”
His eyes flashed. “The damn latch is too high. I couldn’t reach it inside.”
Excellent. Now you would need to replace your window as well as hire a locksmith. Your simple date night was turning into quite the misadventure. The cold was starting to seep in. Not expecting to spend time outside, you wore only a dress and no coat. You were so tired and irked you were bordering on a tantrum. But your husband was bleeding, quite a lot, and you couldn’t bring yourself to ream him out while he was injured.
“Jesus,” You huffed, taking his good arm and pulling him over to your car in the drive. Fortunately this piece of your property had a keyfob, making it your only form of shelter at the moment. “Sit down,” you ordered, opening the driver’s side door and pushing him into the seat. You crouched next to him and turned his wrist to inspect the damage. It was ugly, the whole sleeve from the elbow down stained red already. 
Before you even suggested it, he tugged the cuff of his other sleeve with his teeth, slipping his whole shirt up and over his head until it hung only on his bloodied limb. 
“Haven’t you ever watched movies?” You chastised as you began to wind the fabric around the gash. A gorgeous knit shirt ruined forever. “You wrap your arm with your shirt before you punch through glass.”
“Well I’m sorry for trying to solve our problem.” He snipped. You responded by pulling a tight knot, causing him to hiss. 
But your frustrated energy threatened to redirect into something else entirely as you surveyed him. Even after all this time together, you went a bit speechless whenever you saw him shirtless. It really was obscene for someone to be so attractive. Broad-shouldered and muscular, with the most perfect patch of soft hair across his chest. Running your hands over him had reached the level of compulsion, beyond mere desire. Seeing as his torso was streaked with blood from his haphazardly bandaged arm, you gave in under the pretense of tending to him. You drifted your fingers up his carved abdomen and onto his chest where his movements slowed under your palm, his breaths deepening. 
“I don’t have anything to clean you up with.” You were more agitated than apologetic. How fast were you going to devolve into naked, bloodied neanderthals all because you didn’t have a house key?
“It’s fine.” He laid his good hand over yours, holding it in place. You could feel the strong thrum of his heart. He knew what he was doing. Trying to dissipate your anger by turning himself into a distraction. But you wouldn’t let him. Someone had to remedy this situation. 
You quirked a brow. “Should I call the paramedics or the locksmith?”
His pursed-lips look of annoyance was one you saw often and always relished. It was usually the only way he admitted you were right in a spat. Nudging him a few inches, you perched next to him on the seat.
“How long will they take?” he asked when you hung up.
“Half an hour.”
“What are we supposed to do until then?” You knew that silky edge to his voice and turned to look at him. His eyes, always dark, glinted most dangerously at night. Darkness suited him much more than daylight and even though you knew your husband was putty in your hands, one flash of those eyes made you feel like prey.
You shivered, due to him as much as the wind. “Whatever we do, I’m staying in here. It’s too cold.” You wouldn’t give in that easily. You stood and moved to walk to the passenger side but an arm curled around your waist and tugged you back onto his lap, then the door was pulled shut beside you. 
“Imagine how cold I am without a shirt on.” His low voice reverberated through the enclosed space and soft lips landed on your shoulder. His arm was still banded around you, holding you tight. The devil. 
You twisted to face him again, already knowing you would lose this battle. He smirked, just a glimpse of teeth in the blue glow of the fading dash lights lending fangs to your predator. Wasn’t he the wounded one? How did he gain the upper hand so quickly? You rested your hands on his chest again and knew he was lying. He was warmer than you and heating up by the second, his breath gusting over your forearms as you stared each other down. Each time you touched one another in places otherwise typically clothed, it brought out your animalistic tendencies. But seeing him like this, cast in shadow and roughed up, was causing something especially carnal to simmer inside you.
“We can turn the car on for heat.” You argued, never wanting to grant him the last word.
But then he pressed himself against you, hands spreading wide to grasp your bottom as he nuzzled his jaw against your cheek. He knew all of your buttons. One pass of his short beard across your skin and it was over. 
“Mmmm…” he hummed in your ear, the baritone he reserved to devastate you. “Bad for the environment. We can keep each other warm.”
Then his tongue resumed its journey up your neck, leaving you gasping until he traced it into your waiting mouth.
Damn him. You hated and loved how easily he made you go to pieces. If you were being honest, the feelings worked in tandem. It was often when you were the most aggravated with him that you reached the highest peaks in your lovemaking. As your tongues swirled around each other, you knew this would be one of those times. But you’d have to be quick unless you wanted to put on a show for the locksmith. This was reckless, juvenile, but you didn’t care. 
“I suppose you’re right.” You murmured over his lips then pushed him roughly back against the seat. His eyes lit with excitement as you maneuvered to straddle him, hiking your skirt up your thighs, kicking off your heels and underwear as you went. His splayed hands ran up to your back and crushed you to him for another hungry kiss. You moaned into one another, overcome with the rush of it all, with the risk you may be seen. As you held his jaw possessively, you wormed a hand down to the seam of his trousers.
“Do you have enough blood left to power this thing?” You smirked, nipping at his lower lip.
“See for yourself,” came the husky reply. Pressing down, you felt the bulge and rocked your palm against it. His responding noise caused a familiar jolt of desire to shoot through your every cell. You knew you were already soaking, aching and ready for him. In a flurry, the two of you fought off his belt and buttons and shoved his clothes down his thighs until his cock sprang free, rigid and hot in your hand. Positioning yourself, you swiped the head across your entrance, gathering the slick then swirling it around your throbbing clit. Anthony groaned, biting his lip and gripping you tight by the hips as you lined up and sank down onto him, your cry seeming all the louder in the small, insulated cab.
There was a reason you had given him the private nickname ‘Logsplitter’. Getting far too candid over too many drinks one night, you had told him how fantastically split open he made you feel. Had described that meniscus seal between pain and pleasure and how his body drove yours to it perfectly and kept you dancing upon it until it fractured and plunged you into liquid bliss. The next day you had been mortified but he eased your anxieties by making it the most enduring joke in your relationship. The bastard had even woven it into his wedding speech, announcing that he would still find joy in life’s mundane tasks with you, whether it be laundry, dishes, or log splitting. Public mentions of it sent heat rushing to your cheeks, but in practice behind closed doors it sent heat rocketing under every inch of your skin. He was so stiff and formidable, stretching you so splendidly. You began to move so that you could savor every inch.
Planting your hands on his shoulders for leverage you began to ride him at a steady clip, reminding yourself that you couldn’t dally. His fingers pressed deeper into your hips as his breath turned staccato with whispered curses. You gave a passing thought to the fact that his injured arm was probably streaking blood across your dress, but thankfully it was black and therefore might be saved. 
As much as you were enjoying yourself, this was still a ridiculous situation. Bleeding and rutting in the driver’s seat of your car like you were criminal lovers on the lam and not just idiots who hadn’t kept a spare key to the house. And you were on a timeline. Fueled by a potent blend of frustration and arousal you began to move faster, pistoning on your knees as the leather squeaked. There wasn’t much extra space on the seat for your legs and your increased pace made you slip, pitching forward as one shin fell off the side.
Anthony caught you, hands moving up to your ribs as he chuckled. “Woah. Do I need to strap you in, baby girl?”
You could have slapped him. He only used that name for you when he really wanted to get you riled. Clearly he was enjoying your little tryst, finding the fun in this mess that he caused.  You’d like to see him try and fuck you in the front seat. Glaring, you stepped on the recline controls and he stuttered in surprise as he sank backward until he was supine beneath you. Steadying yourself again you doubled your efforts, riding him hard as you held him pinned at the chest.
“You’re enjoying this too fucking much.” You ground out.
“What?” He played the innocent.
“We could be inside,” You panted, every word bouncing with your movements. “In bed. Uninjured. If you had just hidden the key…” Your breath caught as you tilted your hips and felt him strike against the deepest part of you, a twinge that increased your ache. “...and not changed the stupid locks.”
“So this is my fault?” His voice was all seduction, no remorse to be found. His eyes, what little you could see of them, gazed up at you as a hand moved to knead your breast.
“Yes.” You moaned, starting to climb the ladder as his fingers and his cock simultaneously found all the right spots to make you mindless. 
“And you’re mad at me?”
“So fucking mad.” You gasped, leaning forward into his palm and angling yourself just so, feeling the ridge of him deep inside start to massage your center of sensation.
He craned his neck to ghost his lips over yours and whispered, “How can I apologize?”
Then his hand moved below your skirt and his fingertips found your clit. Pierced with sensation, you screamed some garbled syllables of his name.
He chuckled, warm and dark. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.”
Oh, he was awful. Driving you to delirium even when you were the one on top. You had found your rhythm, rolling your hips to sink him perfectly into place over and over. Coupled with the press of his circling fingers, you were shooting up the ladder, your blood beginning to hum with anticipation. Maybe you could pull this off in time after all. 
“Fuck you…” you hissed.
“You certainly are.”
“Anthony, shut up!” You clamped a hand over his mouth, bringing the other to claw into his shoulder. You had assumed Anthony Bridgerton, man of refined tastes, would have found this all as debased as you did, but he was evidently having the time of his life. Maybe the laugh riot was precisely because he knew you were so flustered, which just made you angrier. But the anger was consigned to your mind only, as your body delighted in him. Warm and firm beneath your palms, he started to move with you, thrusting ever so slightly while his mangled hand pulled you down at the hip, slamming your bodies together as tight as he could on your every descent. His fingers swirled faster, just where you needed them, and soon enough you reached the top rungs, everything surging within.
Anthony mumbled something against your fingers, his breath hot and short, matching yours as you hovered over him. You released him, your mind too clouded with pleasure to fight him anymore. Your thighs began to quake while the rest of you started to tense.
“It feels like you’re about to forgive me.” He purred, and all you could do was whine, squeezing your eyes shut as your hips bucked against him desperately. “Come on then,” he coaxed. “I think I’ve earned it.”
One more thrust and circle of his fingers and you peaked, crying out as your nails sank into the flesh of his shoulder and your other hand scrabbled for purchase in his thick hair. Release radiated out from the epicenter of his touch, spasms clenching around his cock which now felt impossibly huge, fanning out through every muscle. You writhed, circling your pelvis against his as you rode it out and moaned.
“Oh, fuck yes,” he growled from the darkness. “That’s my girl.”
Gasping, you collapsed on top of him, basking in the warmth of his bare skin and the caresses of his hands across your back as aftershocks curled your spine. As you floated, you trailed your fingers into his chest hair. You contemplated extending your forgiveness verbally too, but when you propped up to look at him you saw a flash of headlights through the back window. A truck was turning down your street. 
You cursed under your breath and glanced a kiss across Anthony’s lips before pulling yourself off of him and opening the door, stumbling out into the driveway, your mind still swimming. You tugged your skirt down and tried to smooth your hair as Anthony scrambled to hitch his clothes back over his stark erection. 
“Stay here,” you cautioned and closed the door.
The truck was indeed the locksmith, a very beatific fellow named Lumley. He didn’t cast any judgment as you explained your situation. He professed to having seen it all and you believed him. But you might have been added to his list of unusual encounters after he deftly popped the door lock and let you in to turn on your lights. That’s when his eyes widened and he asked if you were alright. You looked down and realized he was gesturing to the blood streaks on your exposed arms. The way he fixated on your chin, you suspected you had a streak there too.
You laughed to calm him, explaining that your husband had cut his hand (you elected not to tell him how) and that you were both perfectly fine and would clean up now that you could get inside. A little shaken, he politely wrapped up your transaction and drove away. You were too relieved to be embarrassed and went to collect Anthony from the car.
“Come on, let’s get you inside.” You swung the door open to find him still reclined. His trousers were back on thankfully, but he was slumped, eyes closed, cradling his raggedly wrapped arm. “Anthony?” You put a hand on his shoulder. “You alright?”
He blinked his eyes open and looked at you blearily. “Feeling a bit woozy.” He mumbled.
Fantastic. Not only had he lost blood, he had sent whatever remained shooting down to his cock and now there was none left in his brain. You didn’t think you were strong enough to carry him indoors if he collapsed, but you wouldn’t leave him in the damned car any longer. Tugging him by his good arm to slowly stand, you then draped it over your shoulders and steered him inside. He could walk just fine even if his head was drooping a bit. 
You kicked the door closed behind you and walked to the sofa, easing him onto it.
“Aright, sit down. I’m going to get the first aid kit.”
You turned but were immediately halted by a hand around your wrist.
“There’s only one thing that’s going to make me feel better.”
The next you knew, you were on your back on the sofa, Anthony pressing you down as his lips consumed yours. He vocalized his want down your throat as his beard rasped against you. What happened to woozy? Maybe being horizontal was the only way he could function at the moment. He rocked his hips between yours, his unsatisfied stiffness insistently seeking entry. Within seconds you were ignited again, helpless against the weight of him, the taste of him, the smell of him. 
“Anthony, if you stain the couch too, I swear…” You mumbled as he sucked at your neck. Tallying the cleanup that remained between the shattered window and your ruined clothes, you would not sacrifice your plush upholstery too. Reaching behind your head, you dragged the throw blanket from the arm of the sofa and quickly bunched it under his blood soaked shirt bandage. He didn’t seem to have heard you, or perhaps he just didn’t care, as he balanced on that elbow and used his other hand to tear open his trouser buttons. You lifted your skirt and helped him, as eager for this as he was. 
You groaned in stereo as he sank into you once again, the sensation more overwhelming now that he was on top of you. His tongue dove into your mouth as well, the most delicious parts of him penetrating you as deeply as they could simultaneously. Vanilla as this position may have been in comparison, you loved it. Being completely underneath him, crushed, consumed and controlled by him. You had taken your pleasure and now you wanted to be a ragdoll in his arms. You didn’t know if your desires were romantic or perverse, but you didn’t care. The feeling of being filled and surrounded by the man you loved made you wildly aroused. 
With no pretense, Anthony went to work pummeling you, chasing his release as urgently and selfishly as you had chased yours. You opened your legs wide, locking your ankles around his back and letting him plough even deeper. You still found this entire ordeal comical, but the man deserved some relief. In the span of an hour he had been chastised, injured, exposed and now blue-balled. This was his only reprieve until you had to undertake the ghastly business of dealing with his wound. And he was bringing pleasure to more than just himself. Predictably, his every thrust teased your clit, his sizable cock pulling all of you so tight that every feeling was heightened. While he panted harsh in your ear, you ran your nails down his rippled back and pert bum, leveraging with your wrapped legs to push up into him, the two of you grinding into one another as you whispered encouragements.
He was splitting you, sending you back to that place where all of your focus zoned in on the feeling of him inside, the relentless pounding of his body into yours that promised to quell every need of your flesh. Your whispered filth turned into small cries and then into silence as he drove harder and harder, his movements frenzied as he started to growl, pushing for the finish. All you could do was hold on as your whole body shifted beneath him, wearing tracks into the upholstery under your shoulders. You held your breath as your mouth fell open, unfailingly stunned at how he could propel you to the edge so easily. He shifted to look down at you. His hair was growing damp with sweat, a chestnut curl falling beautifully across his forehead.  His dark eyes locked into yours, molten. You could read it in each other’s faces - you would come undone together.
Sparing Anthony the balancing act, you brought your hand between your legs and in seconds were breaking, tossing your head back as you succumbed. While the rest of you trembled, you clung to him with your limbs, luxuriating in all the hallmarks of his orgasm, triggered by your own. The way his back arched under your hands as his hips stuttered between your thighs. You loved how his whole body went rigid just before you felt the pulsing inside. He made the most beautiful gasping sound, so contrasted with his animalistic growls leading up to it, his mouth hanging open against your cheek, hot breath stirring your hair.
Absorbing each other’s tremors, he melted into you, resting his head in the crook of your neck and going full dead weight. You tightened your hold around him before he rolled onto the floor. You wound a hand into his hair, tracing patterns across his scalp as you both caught your breath. You looked over at his maimed arm and grimaced. It was a bloody mess. How he had been in the mood for not one, but two romps without a single complaint about an open laceration was a level of stubbornness and libido possessed only by Anthony Bridgerton. Now playtime was over. You had to be adults and handle this.
You kissed the top of his head. “Anthony.”
He didn’t move. Didn’t even grunt in acknowledgement.
You felt a stab of alarm and shook him lightly. “Anthony?”
Then he groaned, nuzzling closer into you. “I think you’re right,” he slurred against your neck. “I need stitches.”
You rolled your eyes but rubbed his back reassuringly. It appeared the adventures of the evening would continue. You just hoped he could still stumble back to the car.
“Okay. I’ll get you another shirt and then drive you to the hospital. And we are taking the spare key with us.”
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp
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omghallucinations · 2 months
aspects and chart patterns for ateez
number one reason why i decided to write this: mingi has a grand cross.
bro this chart goes crazy. a grand cross is a SHIT TON of energy. act right now, think NEVER (or later, obsessively, full of regrets). for mingi the 4 players are uranus "manic pixie dream girl" (14 aquarius), mars "she's cute but a psycho" (15 scorpio), sun "ME! by taylor swift" (16 leo) and saturn "i work so i can go home" (16 taurus). they're all in fixed signs so that can be a rough ride! these guys ain't gonna move. it's easy to not make any progress because he feels really stuck here. the fire is blazing away, but the walls are staying put. it creates a fixed idea of how things are, a relentless energy that can eat itself. terrified of losing security. strength becomes an identity. he's both 100% always sure he is right about everything and staggeringly aware of the multiplicity of life and that no one knows what truth is, since a grand cross has one of each element so the energy is split.
it's like
his sun, in its rulership in leo, so very strong: have you SEEN ME LATELY, i want to LOVE you and come let me SHINE MY RAYS UPON YOU and you can be like wow you're so pretty!! and i'll be like yeah i am!! you're so pretty too!! i love expressing myself through dance and music!! i am 100% embracing my identity i can't be anyone other than me!! (this depends on his rising) versus uranus in aquarius, also rulership if you do modern rulers which i don't usually: uhHHHHH girl. being different is really. hard. also i don't want to join the party and i don't believe in that and also i want to leave and this is giving me anxiety. have you considered that the self is a construct and constantly changing???
meanwhile, on the other side of his chart:
mars strong in its rulership in scorpio if you do traditional rulers, which i do: i'm so sexy and intense and everyone looks at me all the time. i want to act boldly and with power and sexuality and loyalty and i'm not afraid of anyone have you considered that! if you cross me you'll fucking regret it. i'm full of deep powerful desires and i want to act to achieve them!! versus saturn in taurus: sit the hell down and be responsible, you asshole. stop doing that. stop thinking that. stop desiring that. it's not helpful. stop wanting that it's not practical. i'm the ensemble cast in stick to the status quo!! no no no! stick to the stuff you know!!
which produces these big bursts of passionate action and not a lot of follow through. there's also sub arguments, which are fun too.
sun square saturn: father saturn is always haranguing the sun/self/ego that he has to PRODUCE that he has to SUCCEED or what is the POINT, and sometimes the sun is like fuck it... i give up ballet is YOUR dream dad
father saturn is also haranguing gay cousin uranus which has the fun effect of making him both insanely stubborn/rigid and insanely chaotic at the same time
uranus is like the devil on the shoulder of mars encouraging it to do more, be more extreme, move on, hit da BRICKS
mars passes a lot of that message on to the sun, being like you gotta be move and make a decision right now and who gives a shit what the consequences are! let's jump off this building!!
thank god mingi has an "easy opposition" planet that offshoots his saturn-mars opposition! depending on his birth time his moon likely sextiles saturn and trines mars to some degree. the way out of this all or nothing mentality is through his cancer moon (so many of ateez have cancer moons). his moon is basically like... girl go home. learn to garden or knit or something. get out of the club girl what are u doing
san's mars opposes his jupiter exactly. no like. exactly exactly. 0.00 orb which i almost have never seen in my life. so she's a strong and intense opposition! the two sides of the seesaw:
his mars in scorpio: i'll die for you, i'll kill for you, i have deeply internalized so much red hot rage that i am afraid of being angry but also unable to not be angry. haha i'm fine, he said, his eyes shooting fire. let's go deep and dark right now, i can handle any weight and get though anything also if you betray me i will never forget so write that down, i love two things powerful soul-penetrating intimacy and holding on to my grudges. do you remember that one time you did that one thing because i do versus... taurus jupiter: you know what i love? nature. humanity. my ideals. bro you're really harshing my mellow so bad. i want to focus on acquiring my cool items and comfort. have you tried just like... letting go? transform yourself into a more benevolent being! i'm managing my money, other people's money, whatever, my investments go crazy and i have great intimate partnerships and that's enjoy to bring me fulfillment and joy :)
thankfully his leo venus is there! leo venus trines his scorpio mars and sextiles his jupiter, softening each one with that optimistic romance, the creativity, the passion. venus is not always acting perfectly--she sure can be an egomaniac--but it can certainly smooth out the rough edges of mars and connects the two extremes. it's also in the 12th, the pisces-y house, so it's sort of quieter, more introverted, very compassionate and sympathetic to others.
hongjoong also has an almost exact opposition (0.07, so close!) with a softening planet to the side.
jupiter in pisces: have you ever thought about humanity? we have a responsibility to help the less fortunate! do you think ghosts are real? do you want to join a cult? also i'm so sad :( about people being sad :(. also i really really want to spend all my money! right now!! it's fine i'll make more money whatever, what is important is look at my beautiful gorgeous items (2nd house). versus... mars in virgo: gotta WORK. gotta make that mONEY make PURSE. and the way you do that is by killing yourself working :). i can look at every situation logically and critically and i will cross every t and dot every i in the entire world by thursday at the latest. god i love solving weird problems so much. yes i will be reachable by phone :) or text :) or slack :) please feel free to zoom :) no i will not be on vacation ever in my life :)
thankfully he can bridge that gap with his venus in scorpio in the 9th house (think art/values/beauty/romance that is unafraid of darkness and eager to get to the heart of shit often about philosophy/religion/art/travel). his sun and mc also contribute to that--so his ego/identity and his career. they trine/sextile the two planets themselves, just not exactly.
on the other side of that opposition, we have... a t-square :(. his gemini moon in the 5th house squares both jupiter and mars. a t-square is often like--bro you've repressed some shit but here's some red hot raw potential if u work through it. it can help and hurt, like all aspects. the moon makes sure the chart is like HEY. LOOK AT MARS AND JUPITER. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MARS AND JUPITER RIGHT. it anchors the difference. it can mean his emotions go zoom zoom from one side to the other--moon/jupiter of benevolence, so many feelings, philosophy, the meaning of life on one side, and then on the other side i have NEVER had a FEELING in my LIFE how DARE you i gotta WORK and THINK ABOUT STUFF what do you mean "don't intellectualize" and "feel my feelings" LMAO sounds fake.
seongwha interestingly enough has no oppositions at all between planets--he's not going to seesaw within himself. he's gonna make a choice and not understand why other people are making such a big deal out of it. i bet he doesn't even have an internal monologue, lucky bitch. goddamnit.
he does have some interesting conjunctions--he has an exact conjunction with saturn and mars in aries in the 10th house. saturn gives mars a capricorn-ish, earth sign flavor. the way he asserts himself is going to be logical, practical, he does not like change, there's a lot of anxiety with action. this is amplified by them being in the 10th house. saturn gets a boost here because the 10th house is the capricorn house--it likes it here. they are more loosely conjunct his retrograde mercury (some trouble communicating) and his sun. they all get that same practical capricorn flavor.
mars in aries: you cannot kill me in any way that matters :) capricorn in aries: hm. technically. they can. what if, for example, your local coffee shop rearranges the furniture mars in aries: 1 fear
his cancer rising (22 cancer) exactly squares mars and saturn (22 aries) and more loosely mercury and his sun. it's like his identity/his life purpose/life direction as a nurturing, healing person who also struggles with vulnerability and being a bit judgmental sometimes shut up about it runs up against his 10th house work self, for better or worse. fire (aries) and water (cancer) don't get along, their goals are different.
he has other interesting things in his chart but i'm really trying to just to aspects right now lmao this is so long!!
jongho has an exact opposition between jupiter and pluto, so that's a fun bounce between
jupiter in gemini: man i love to be social, free, not taking shit serious, talking to people about whatever, and pluto in sagittarius: get AWAY from me i am LEAVING goodBYYYYYE
if you are extremely generous with your orbs, he could have uranus to quote unquote soften that--sort of like, idek i do my shit my way and it's chill. it's a big orb though so i don't really count it hardcore.
he also loosely has his virgo mars anchoring the opposition into a t-square--it creates sort of a versus situation. like hongjoong, he has a virgo mars (the gotta WORK (but not in a showy capricorn way, i'm genuinely doing the work stop showing off)) struggling to balance the opposing impulses of pluto and jupiter.
gotta wORK... on what? gotta work with people in a social way? or gotta work by getting the hell out of here independently? he can vacillate between the two extremes, avoid one of the points until his saturn return clomps up to say heyyyy girlllllll or some mixture of the two.
wooyoung has one opposition between planets!
mercury in scorpio (15) in the second house: i wanna get into the deep weeds with people, i want to skip the small talk and trauma dump on each other, i wanna say the TRUTH i don't CARE if it's "nice" also i'm fairly practical and critical, in contrast to how i am all or nothing motherfucker anyway i need to passionately argue my ideas and also i need to ice you out, i'm complex okay!! gOD you just don't UNDERSTAND the exhilarating highs and perilous lows of LIFE like I DOOO versus saturn in taurus (15) in the eighth house: oh shit i gotta keep myself in check and be normal so i can handle other people's problems and not lose all my money and not transform too much it will make people uncomfortable fuck i'm afraid of death i need to have a stable foundation jesus christ stop being so emotional and focus on what is practical!! god!!!!
there is no easy way out of that one i'm afraid.
instead, there's a t-square!!! the action point is his uranus in aquarius in the fifth house so there's issues with feeling like being his own unique person is in itself disruptive. he fears rejection--probably went through that a lot as a child (5th house). on the bright side, having to deal with the squares will help him gain resolution in this seesaw. the vibes are:
i have to restrict myself and be a normal bitch gotta WORK, gotta make that MONEY make PURSE
no wait. i have to be my weird ass self and express that creatively! my uniqueness is my charming point! it is so fun and awesome to be a little weirdo!
u know what actually let's connect deeply i wanna talk about emotional TRUTHS i wanna bear my SOUL i'm so RIGHT about everything and if i talk at you enough you will learn the truth!!
oops changed my mind goodbye everyone, i have reinvented myself again and i need to run away forever i'm a manic pixie dream girl and i've ghosted you. :)
yeosang has a grand trine! with a generous orb, so it's less strong than it could be. a rare aspect that is all about ease. again, like all aspects and chart patterns, there are pros and cons. a grand trine is a big ole triangle with 3 planets or points in the same element and they all get along great. yeosang's ascendant in aries is trine pluto in sagittarius is trine venus in leo. his life purpose/direction, his understanding of power death and rebirth and his desire for love, what he likes, his values, etc are always chatting away in endless circles and it's very cohesive but it can really lack direction.
pluto: i don't know where do u wanna go ascendant: idk were do u wanna go venus: idk where do u wanna go
like that. there's a lot of potential here: the newness and excitement and babyness of an aries rising, the intensity and passion of pluto, the love and harmony and creativity of venus, but it lacks direction in a major way.
like san and hongjoong, yeosang also has a mars and jupiter opposition. san and hongjoong's are exact, though (so like jupiter at 18 pisces is exactly opposite mars at 18 virgo), so they are stronger. yeosang's is more chill but still present.
jupiter in aries in the 1st house: i love being alive! i feel fresh and brand new. optimism is so easy for me! i act quickly and i want what i want but also if you want something i'll get it for you! i have strong values and i'm super honest and i'm not afraid of that in any way :). everything will work out!! mars in libra in the 7th house: haha... a decision? never heard of her hahah.... it's fine whatever u want is cool.... .. . i don't really wanna get it myself so uh. well if u think it's okay???? do you think it's okay?????? does everyone else think it's okay???? i'm very stressed and mars is in detriment here so i am uncomfortable but it's okay i'll be fine whatever u want is okay with me so long as the group is happy right???
it's also interesting because as an aries rising, his chart ruler is mars in libra--it's gonna flavor his whole personality strongly. normally in that opposition jupiter would overrule mars in its detriment, but because mars is the chart ruler that side of his personality gets emphasized more.
yunho has a locomotive chart pattern--that's like when 3/4 parts of the wheel have planets in them. hongjoong also has this. these people tend to be more driven towards goals, and there's one planet that acts as the engine--for hongjoong it's his virgo mars, which makes sense, and yunho's is his gemini moon in the eighth house. his engine is social-emotional in a light gemini sort of way not in an intense water moon sort of way. it's also square his pisces mercury in the 4th house (the cancer house, home/roots/foundation). to me that's like
gemini moon in the 8th: emotions are interesting to me in an abstract way but they don't really affect me that much, i'm always able to see the logical side of things. i'm really good at talking people through their feelings and i love to talk about mine too--but i do not want to actually feel them, ew gross that does not make me feel safe and feeling safe is extremely important to me! anyway what feeling i don't know what you're talking about my mood is totally different now i don't remember her? yeah i was upset but that was thirty seconds ago catch up! pisces mercury in the 4th: that person over there is sad i can feel it :( be nice to them :( i am gonna be really careful so i don't offend them :( anyway there is no one right answer i could be wrong idk i'm used to everything changing all the time so it's not a big deal do u think that person needs a hug :( gemini moon, trying to not feel anything: what are u doing here
this seems like a very helpful and productive square that keeps pisces and gemini--both mutable signs--from going too far in either direction. the house placements feel more unstable though.
uranus is also trine the moon so that weighs the scale more on the detachment side. uranus in aquarius in the 3rd (gemini house) is air on air on air, but also very stubborn and obsessed with being free. goodBYYYYEYYEE in a planet.
his sun is also conjunct jupiter in aries which makes his personality larger-than-life or like, expanded in some way. known. success comes easier. it's also in the fifth house of creativity and self expression which is a fun, carefree vibe, youthful leo energy. can get an ego, but he's friendly!
venus at home in taurus in the 6th conjunct saturn in taurus in the 6th--that's like saturn squeezing the life out of venus a little bit. holding it down.
venus in taurus: everyone likes me i'm cute and lovable and things come so easy to me! i love items and feeling safe and at home! man this is a soft hoodie i have achieved fulfillment. i know the perfect thing to smooth over this awkward social situation because things gotta stay stable it's insanely important to me but u know it's cool, i'm so friendly and personable :) saturn in taurus: have u ever considered that everyone betrays u venus in taurus: everyone.... could betray me. i... could betray me...... ... . better not let anyone in emotionally!!! i don't trust that shit! but if you do stay we're for life, so. ride or die.
anyway i'm interested in doing more astrology for ateez, these bitches go crazy. almost all of them have very active uranus and they have either a gemini moon (yunho, san, hongjoong) or a cancer moon (wooyoung, seongwha, mingi, yeosang) or they are jongho, who has either an aries or a pisces moon depending on when he was born. what the hell bro. wild.
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pistatsia · 9 months
Marc Snuffy: the one who's in control
my Snuffy & Lorenzo fic using this characterization
Snuffy is the epitome of the word 'control'. From his motto to the use of his body with its perfect, calibrated balance on the field in the form of jiu jitsu (elements of which were also utilised by logic genius Sherlock Holmes in Conan Doyle's fictional style).
Snuffy controls everything from the individual strengths of his players to their place in his strategies, while also building all of his logic on a solid, confident base: for example, when constructing his team at Ubers he goes by the club's tradition and builds it on defence rather than attack. Even Lorenzo was raised by him to be flexible and adaptable (and most importantly, with the understanding that the most important thing is not to win, but to live), which can be seen in his attitude to the game - both serious and entertaining at the same time. And capable of accepting both losing and winning with dignity.
He controls even personal relationships, clearly defining the conditions for both sides, their benefits and losses - where it would seem that there should be no room for formalities. And if about Barou this could be hardly regarded to the football, then with the starving Lorenzo everything is a bit more complicated.
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And I think it's obvious to everyone that this not entirely healthy level of control, going far beyond the boundaries of dedication, grew out of his trauma from Mick's death and their failure.
It's evident even in his relationship with the characters closest to him, Lorenzo and Barou. Through them both - two people so similar to Mick Moon (Lorenzo in appearance in his homeless era, Barou in both appearance and personality) - Snuffy recreates his trauma in an attempt to rewrite it with a happier ending. The kind of thing that Barou gets a glimpse of and is rightly angry about.
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Of course this is hardly fully realised, only partly - in life, for example, kids who were bullied in their childhood sometimes become teachers. And then they stop the bullying near them as working adults, giving the new kids the happy ending they once deserved. And that's exactly Snuffy's case: he saves his players from a fate he himself couldn't avoid. He's willing to keep them as safe as he can control, growing them in almost hothouse conditions, which is exactly what Barou hates. So much so that he's easily willing to take the blame if they fail.
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But at the same time, which makes perfect sense for such a person, Snuffy hates it when things get out of control, especially when there is deliberate sabotage - which is actually what Noa is teasing him about. I'd even go so far as to say that Snuffy is the kind of person who can only focus on a far-reaching goal by completely ignoring the unimportant things along the way - for example, he saved Lorenzo's life, but it seems they never talked about the fact that he didn't have to play football for Snuffy to love him, and that "worth" of his isn't that important.
Remember how Snuffy reacts to Barou's attempts to get out of his control and break his patterns: he's full of cold fury. That look is far scarier than shouting and punishment.
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Because through Barou's prism Snuffy sees both his and Mick's paths. And most of all Snuffy is terrified of falling back into that helplessness - when he wasn't prepared for the event that broke his life in two. An event over which he had no control.
But it would seem impossible to be prepared for such an event. It's like a natural disaster and a terrorist attack - it's something that tears the usual fabric of life apart.
But when has that ever stopped anyone, right?
So Snuffy, in the moment of tragedy that destroyed his past, felt that he had a duty to anticipate everything. He had to know how and where to act, find the right words for Mick, save the careers of both of them, and basically hold the world on his shoulders so that it wouldn't break them apart.
It's terribly cruel and certainly unfair upon himself - but that's the way trauma works.
And that's why the journey he takes with Barou's help is so satisfying and liberating. Blue Lock does show overcoming one's traumas and chains visually and vividly very well - and how, with Barou's help, Snuffy was able to transcend his limitations, rising like a phoenix from the ashes, is perceived both visually and consciously, because it's relatable.
Because a person who is able to prepare for everything, to expect both loss and failure in advance, who knows exactly all his skills and advantages....
...also clearly sees the limitations of his body and mind. He simply cannot go beyond them - because he controls himself so much that he unwittingly limits himself, almost self-sabotaging - just to stay on predictable, familiar ground.
Logic is incapable of improvisation.
And this is what Barou is talking about - and what he teaches Snuffy anew, re-igniting his desire to live and play.
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He shows Snuffy again that both life and football are made up of unpredictable moments - those where you are happy that something unexpected has happened that you weren't waiting for, those where you amaze yourself by going beyond your limits, those where you are happy and at the peak. Those where you need logic, but where you can't build your victory and happiness on it alone. Because happiness is in illogicality and unpredictability.
These moments are the things a person's destiny consists of.
The moments that Mick Moon lived for.
And the moments for which Marc Snuffy survived and rose again.
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glitchtricks94 · 1 year
Demon Slayer Drabbles!: Upper Moons 5 and 6 with a Darling That Draws Them!
I KNOW I HAVE A SMUT IN THE WORKS BUT Y'ALL ARE GONNA BE ON HOLD. I got this idea while talking with @vampcubus, lovely person btw, love them lots, so here we are. Also Gyutaro brainrot is real. We got two men, just finished writing them, gonna post and pass out, please enjoy the fluff. Read beneath the cut, because it's late and my usual style is escaping me at the moment. Anyways, with that out of the way, kick back, relax and enjoy~ -Glitchtricks
He doesn't understand why you were stealing so many glances at him while scribbling in that blank book he stole for you to use, the scratching of the pencil lead against the paper filling the room, drawing Gyutaro from his meditation to focus on your tinier frame. Amber eyes lock with yours and Gyutaro raises a brow seeing you blush brightly and shyly look back at what you're working on, the scraping sounds intensifying in the silence of the demon's den. He got to his feet, dragging himself to your side. You were awfully weird for a human, a lot unlike the traditional artists of the land, you worked more with lead and that book rather than paint. It was odd, but Gyutaro figured he wasn't in any position to judge, you did decide to be his after all. "Oi, what're you doin', human, eh?" The demon croaked out, trying to look over your shoulder to see just what you were scribbling, his carved eyes catching sight of what looked to be a tuft of hair before you yanked the book to your chest. "Hey, let me see that!" The demon growled. "I-It's embarrassing!" You whined, Gyutaro rolling his eyes at you. "Aren't we partners or lovers or somethin'? The fuck you hidin' that's so bad? Can't be worse than me." "Don't talk about yourself like that." "Just gimme the damn book." Gyutaro growled, snatching you sketchbook from you as you let out a yelp. The upper moon didn't care much for your protests as he started flicking through the pages, flowers, people, and buildings of all sorts filling the pages, until he noticed a pattern emerging, little sketches of himself beginning to appear in the buildings; imagery of his hunts with Daki, him grinning maniacally while clutching his flesh laden kama in his hands, and then full pages of just him making various expressions, the most frequent being of him smiling, little hearts doodled next to the carefully made portraits of him. Gyutaro was quick to fall silent, his heart clenching in his chest as he shoved the book back into your hands, not wanting to believe what he just saw. You meekly looked up at him, face dusted red. "Uhm...I-" "Why am I in there?" "Wha-" "You heard me." Gyutaro growled, baring his teeth threateningly. "Why the fuck am I in there?!" "Because I like to draw you..." You murmured, feeling disappointment bubble in your chest. "You look so incredible, and unique, a-and since we love each other I thought you would mind?" "I-I don't- I just- I can't- Ugh, fuckin' damn it..." Gyutaro let out a sigh, his shoulders sagging more than normal. "Do...do you want me to pose or some shit...?" You perked up, looking at your beloved with those sparkling eyes that never failed to make his heart pound. "Would you mind...?" You asked hopefully, you demonic darling shaking his head no and getting to his feet. "Just tell me what to do, 'kay?" Fuck, you loved this man.
Gyokko adored that you were like him, an artist, a visionary, and all while being a sublime beauty in and of yourself; a muse of unprecedented measures! And oh, how cutely you scrawl away in that little sketchbook he had gifted you, Gyokko practically buzzed in delight. You were perched in the center of his coiled, serpentine tail, his smooth fish like scales scraping your skin comfortingly as you worked away at another portrait of your eccentric lover. Gyokko adored watching you sketch, especially depictions of him, the demon letting out excited chitters seeing your beautiful pencilwork. He'd model for you, pose, be the muse you adored so much. He'd also offer surprisingly excellent critiques for you to use and incorporate into your work. He expected the same from you, of course! He was an artist as well, and since you were one like him, he held you opinions far higher than anyone else's. That took a little getting used to for you, as his...art was often rather grotesque and stomach churning, the screams of his victims nor the fact that they seemed stitched together helped the matter. You powered through though, making Gyokko the happiest demon alive with your praises and suggestions, always making use of them for inspiration. "Oh, my muse, you captured me so well in this!" Gyokko cooed to you, a blush creeping up to your cheeks seeing how pleased your beloved was. "Ah, I'm glad you think so, I've been trying to practice with more lighting techniques." You replied softly, the lead of your pencil scraping soothingly against the rough paper, Gyokko's hand soon enveloping your own to guide you. "Care to let me help, my sweet muse?" He asked softly, grinning wide when you nodded. Gyokko was always eager to indulge in his craft, and always hungry to indulge in yours. Fuckin' hell I can't quite characterize I need to watch Swordsmith Village.
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Everything Goes On Pt. 6
[Ritual night preparations. Not suitable for younger audiences. Previous part here.] Below the cut.
The shift in the air is palpable as the raging sun of summer draws ever closer to the cloudy gloom of fall.
Not yet here, though already on the minds of so many.
Mountain can feel the shift in his bones, bonded to the Earth as he is, but as he looks to the heavens, he cannot but feel a great sense of unease.
The sky is overcast, heavy storm clouds move at a snail's pace overhead.
An ill omen for a night already destined to be touched by the light of a rare blue moon.
Worse yet...
Mountain watches as the siblings gather for mass, their usual uniforms or casual clothes cast aside in favor of the traditional robes of their forbearers.
...there is to be a summoning tonight.
Turning his gaze to the lake, barely a puddle in his vision, he can already see the groundskeepers placing the lanterns to mark the path to the sunken chapel.
Three ghouls stand guard as they work, wearing the silver masks of a now bygone era, sentinels sent by Sister Imperator to ensure no ill business takes place on this most sacred of occasions.
The guards eye him from a distance, one of them, a smaller, slighter figure than the rest, swishes their tail -a threatening crackle of green energy sparking from the spade- at him irritably, and all Mountain can do is hold up his hands and return to his own duties to show he isn't a threat.
"Everyone's so worked up today..." Swiss comments, striding out of the courtyard holding a rake and a compost bag full of dead leaves, "What do I do with these, big guy?"
Mountain gestures towards a small pile between the greenhouses.
"It's because of the summoning tonight."
"I almost forgot about that." Swiss hums, tossing the bag, "I guess since Sunny's summoning was the only one I've ever gone to, I didn't think, ya know, it was a big deal?"
"Sunny's summoning was kind of an outlier, since it was not safe for the clergy to attend en masse." Mountain says, "Tonight's summoning is also special, because we not only have to contend with the weather, but the moon as well... Papa has already ordered several members of the clergy into seclusion to avoid, uh, unwanted side effects."
"What's the moon got to do with it?" Swiss asks, coming back to stand beside Mountain, looking out over the valley.
"You can't feel it?" Mountain questions, placing a hand over the middle of his chest, "Here?"
"Nope, aside from how warm your hand is." Swiss shakes his head, "I mean, I am half human, so it's probably another one of those things that doesn't affect me the same way it does you guys."
"I suppose so." Mountain nods, "But, to explain it a bit, the moon tugs."
"It pulls at us like the tides. Water ghouls are especially effected by it, hence why they make themselves scarce during the full moon, as do members of the clergy afflicted with moon based curses such as lycanthropy." he says, "Hence why Rain isn't able to attend the summoning tonight."
"Cause he'll go feral or something?" Swiss asks.
Mountain thinks back to earlier this morning when he'd encountered the ghoul in question rolling around in a pile of spilled laundry when he came to retrieve his clothes from the dryer, thoroughly out of his gourd, tail slapping on the ground like a pleased puppy.
"...Yes... feral..."
Swiss blinks at him.
"What about Dew? Since he's a hybrid?"
"Dew has a remarkably firm grasp on his water side, so he'll still be in attendance." Mountain says, "He'd likely have to attend in some capacity regardless though."
"Why's that?"
Mountain stares down at Swiss.
"What? What, is there something on my face?" the multi-ghoul questions, patting his cheeks.
"...You really don't know?"
"Know what??"
"Satanas... Well, I won't ruin the surprise."
"Ugh, these robes are so fucking heavy..." Dew grimaces, readjusting his vestments for a third time, "This is such a pain in the ass..."
"You do not get to complain." Copia sighs, coating his face in powder, "Mine are twice as heavy, and I don't have any of your unnatural ghoulish strength to help carry the weight."
Dew's tail swishes trapped between two layers of fabric.
"If I knew becoming a bishop would mean wearing so much clothing, I wouldn't have studied so hard."
"You had your entire deaconship and stint as a priest to consider that, now didn't you?" Copia points out, "Having to dress the part of your role only happens once in a..."
"Once in a blue moon." he chuckles, eliciting a groan from the already agitated ghoul, "Ah, lighten up, once the ceremony is over, you can go back to wearing what you want or nothing at all. Hell, you could even strip naked as soon as the rites are done, but, for now, you need to look presentable for the clergy."
"Half the siblings have seen my bare ass-"
"Sister will be in attendance tonight." Copia says, eyeing him from the mirror, laughing once more seeing the ghoul's conflicted expression.
"-which I will keep covered at all times this evening."
"Very good."
Copia stands back to admire his handiwork, checking his make-up for imperfections, "...Ghoul?"
"Yes, Papa?"
"I've been meaning to ask... How have you been since your packmates' departures?"
Dew clicks his tongue.
"I miss Sunny, it was fun having her around while it lasted." he says, "But I know you're not really asking about her."
"Things are still... complicated." he continues, "But Aether is the furthest thing from my mind tonight."
"That is... good." Copia says, "There's a high likelihood that something may go array during tonight's ritual, so I need you focused to ensure that if things do get out of hand, we can put a stop to it as quickly as possible."
"Yes, Papa."
Cirrus sits in her room getting ready for the evening, she doesn't really need to get too dressed up for the event, after all she'll be sitting amongst the siblings along with the rest of the ghouls.
...Save for Cumulus and Dewdrop that is.
And maybe that's why she's putting the extra effort in to look nice even though it will be impossible to really pick her out of the crowd, it's more so for after the rites are spoken.
After Cumulus is freed of her obligations as a sister of sin and they can fuck off while the actual summoning takes place to have a little fun.
At least, that had been the plan...
"Since Aether left, I have to stay as a witness." the smaller ghoulette had informed Cirrus earlier during breakfast, "You know how it is..."
"I don't, actually." Cirrus had grumbled around her pancakes, "You don't tell me anything about your duties as a sister, or why it's so different from being, I dunno, like the rest of us."
"I have though, Cir, I explained what my role is when I took my oath." Cumulus had frowned, patting her hand, "This is one of my duties as a sister, to attend these summonings and bless the new ghouls in the name of the lord below."
"Yeah, but why does it have to be you?" Cirrus groused, letting her fork drop onto her plate.
"I was requested personally, and you have to understand what an honor it is to be chosen for something like this..." Cumulus said, "I'll be standing beside Papa..."
"We hang out with Copia all the time, Lus, it's not that special."
"...Well it is to me." Cumulus whispered, "Plus, Dew could use the support right now. You know him and Aeth-"
"Oh, so it was Dew who asked." she'd scoffed, "Of course it was."
"Cir... what's that supposed to mean?"
"Ever since Aether left, you've been babying Dew." Cirrus hissed, "You even disagreed with me when I said our relationship wasn't like theirs, but it's not. You and I have been together since the pit, those two were just fucking around the way humans do, it wasn't even serious!"
"Wasn't even... Cir, they were engaged!"
"Engaged, but not bonded!"
Cirrus looks at herself in the small vanity atop her dresser and frowns.
"It's not the same." she tells herself, "Our relationship isn't..."
"Dew could use the support right now."
Cirrus grabs her mascara and uncaps it.
"I hope he fucking trips and falls in his stupid robes tonight..."
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maxwell-grant · 11 months
Hello! While speaking with my friend about a concept for a silly little vampire story a question naturally arose; "Why do vampires, of all monsters, lend themselves so well towards humor?"
Hope you have a wonderfully spooky October!
Well hope you have a wonderful October as well!
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Honestly I think all monsters lend themselves to humor in ways that haven't been fully tapped into, but I think vampires have that extra edge mainly because the main things that define them (needs to feed on others for sustenance, can't go out in the sunlight, immortal but can be killed in specific ways) are Rules. Rules and structure and consistency are things that you need to build a set-up, because you can't have a punchline without a set-up. Other monsters are more loosely defined, or have only a couple of rules that can usually be ignored, but you can't ignore the basic specifics of vampirism the same way. You can have a werewolf who doesn't turn on a full moon or due to weird birth circumstances related to the number 7, but you need to address the feeding aspect, or you don't have a vampire.
And the counterpoint to that is that vampires, while obviously they have aesthetic signifiers and tropes and Dracula-isms that people go to in defining them, are nowhere near as bound to their aesthetic traits as other kinds of monsters, so you can make anything and everything a vampire so long as you establish that parasitic aspect and the rules. If want to make your characters specific kinds of monsters you generally have to include the aesthetic signifiers that define them: Frankensteins generally need to be some kind of stitched-up corpse and/or giant, mummies need to have the wrappings or the lore, zombies need to cadaverous undead, werewolves need to be some kind of horrible animal (not necessarilly a wolf - Brazilian werewolves are commonly said to be more akin to pigs and boars, for example), but vampires?
If it's a parasitic monster that needs to feed on something otherwise it dies, and that something isn't just regular food, pretty much anything you do with them is fair game. The more out there you go with it, usually the better.
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And because they're among the most popular unambiguous kind of monster (skeletons, witches, ghosts and aliens are there still but all sorta morphed into their own things overtime, vampires you still find at the forefront of every Halloween pack), everyone is familiar with what those rules are on the baseline, which means you have a much, much easier time doing jokes about the specifics of vampires than with any other kind of monster, and so it becomes more necessary to focus on specifics of the vampire's personality to make them stand out. Generally speaking, a Frankenstein is a type of character, a werewolf is half of a character when not in frenzied bloodlust, a ghost can be one or several characters, a zombie used to be a character, but a vampire needs to be a character, if you're not doing a Dracula pastiche (and even then) you can't bank on the shorthand as easily. It's a very competitive field.
Everybody knows the specifics of how vampires work, and so you get to play them straight or subvert them for comedy, and even make up new kinds of vampires out of twisting the premise around. A lot of what makes Colin Robinson from What We Do In The Shadows so funny is that, placed opposite a cast of fairly traditional vampires as somehow the most mundane personality as well as the weirdest freak among them, they can and do just constantly make up new shit about the way his existence and powers and biology works and get away with it, and constantly set you up for surprises more so than with the others. And they even still kinda do that for the others. All vampire media needs to place it's characters across a spectrum of possibilities.
Doesn't show up in mirrors, can't cross running water, needs to be invited into places, needs to stop and count marbles, needs to sleep in coffins, needs ancestral soil within said coffins to sleep in, etc. Needs to feed their blood to victims to reproduce, or actually doesn't need to do that. Can go centuries without a sip, or needs to kill a person every day to not die, or can just feed on cattle / the color red / other fluids. Can walk in the sun but weakened, can walk in the sun unbothered, can walk in the sun with careful skincare routines made from human sweat, instantly desintegrates if they play the desert level in a videogame, and so on.
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Once you get past the baseline, you actually can get a lot more out of just piling up both weird new powers you never have to explain, as well as bullshit rules and specifics atop each other, because that's just how Vampire Lore works, and naturally each and everyone of those can be squeezed for comedy as well as horror. It's that old adage about how horror is comedy without the punchline and both need a dramatic investment into the set-up of how it works, before it can be torn down dramatically or comedically.
To be clear, I think this is something you can and should do more or less with all kinds of monster characters, but the thing is that, most of the others you do need you to go the extra mile and define them, what defines them, what if any are the rules and standards and limitations they live with. With ghosts and mummies and bugbears you do need to tug a bit at the concept and ask questions and walk your audience through some of those questions to get somewhere more than surface/aesthetic-based gags with them, where as with vampires, you can kinda skip a lot of that and just get to work pulling comedy out of the basic set-up and then subverting that.
Because yes, vampires live by codes and structures and rules, but there's also nothing we like more than telling those to get stuffed so we can do whatever we want. You need something to rebel against in order to rebel at all.
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caninecomfort · 6 months
hello i heard you had feelings about lycanthropy and femininity. i would love to hear abt them (—canis-dentem, this is my main)
I am so glad you asked 😈 the inherent ties between lycanthropy and female biology are sooooo strong. I know it’s a theme that’s explored in the ginger snaps movies but I haven’t watched them oddly enough haha, I just realized it while working on a story idea a while back and did some research and found that other people have said it too.
basically the way that lycanthropy and the female menstrual cycle are both 30(ish) day cycles revolving around uncontrollable natural processes that happen to the human body. they both involve intense mood swings, physical pain, appearance changes (acne and oily hair etc for menstrual cycle, and obviously becoming a wolf for lycanthropy), and plenty of blood and gore. they’re also both something that is expected, no matter how much they affect a person’s life, to be kept quiet about because it makes other people uncomfortable or disturbed. even when you’re suffering you’re supposed to not talk about it for fear other people will judge you.
being a little girl and not understanding that getting my period was a sign that my body was healthy and thriving, I always felt so uncomfortable and ashamed of it even though I knew it was normal. I felt distinctly separated from other people when I couldn’t do normal activities because of something my body was affected by that I couldn’t bring myself to put into words. I think that’s such a tie into lycanthropy—a werewolf doesn’t usually understand their earlier transformations and is often in denial and refuses to admit even to themselves what’s happening. they have to skip out on their lives during the full moon out of fear people will see them for who they are. for both, the experience can make someone feel othered from society and their peers.
sometimes during my cycle I feel like my body and emotions are rebelling against me. my mood swings get so bad that I sometimes just have to isolate myself for a while so I don’t lash out at people. my cramps send me to bed for at least the whole first day of my period. this sounds all too familiar with lycanthropy, where werewolves often have to lock themselves up somewhere and suffer the pain of a transformation alone because they might hurt someone without wanting to.
then there’s the whole matter of a month-long cycle and different stages within it. the body preparing and gathering strength, then going through the big event of a menstrual period or werewolf transformation, then recovering physically from it.
since I was younger I have always liked to think of my period as a werewolf transformation. period cramps? no that’s just my bones and muscles shifting into my wolf form. mood swings? no i’m feeling aggressive because i’m a werewolf. etc. I still think about it this way and generally have always related to werewolves a lot as a form between humans and wolves.
the book such sharp teeth by rachel harrison turned my ears back toward this concept recently and got it bag on my mind! it was such a fun contemporary werewolf story with a cute romance and shockingly deeper themes about recovering from trauma.
for more on the topic…
thank you for asking!! I could ramble about this for ages. 🐺 🌕🩸
- jay
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a-stary-night · 9 months
Animus magic (Au talk)
So as I said in my last post I would talk about Animus magic and how it works in this au. I'll eventually post a map but theirs a small island south from the main land where Icewings live. Around those icy oceans one of the seawing tribes live. Due to sharing a home these seawings and Icewings interact a lot leading to a lot of hybirds. However, their not the only tribes to hang around there as the Nightwings and Icewings have slight tensions leading to them having dragons spying on each other. While the Nightwings make sure they don't tell their secrets about mindreading or future vision to the Icewings likewise the Icewings hide Animus magic from the Nightwings. However, the Nightwings have begun to work out theories on how Animus magic is acquired. Some suspect the snow, some the way the moon reflects off the snow and others suspect the bright lights that light up the sky day or night.
The truth is that Animus magic is made by the aurora borealis the bright colorful lights that light up the sky. However, the truth is worse than just leave an egg out and it might get Animus magic, since the bright colors also mean that the wyrmling inside the egg becomes weaker and more likely to die before hatching. Due to this Icewings have gained the tradition of burying their eggs to protect them from this light as the brighter the Aurora the weaker the wyrmling and the higher chance of death. Likewise Seawings living in those areas have been reported to hide their eggs in sea caves deep underwater or even in mud. Although it is more common to find them kept in a large metal box designed to hold the egg while giving enough space for the wyrmling to hatch unharmed.
If an egg is left out for whatever reason then the brightness of the Aurora tends to impact how strong the Animus magic and how likely it is for the egg to die.
At it's weakest it usually causes level 1 Animus. These Animus dragons can influence the emotions and feelings of dragons by enchanting items to change color, texture, shape based on the dragon's holding it's emotion. They can also enchant items to influence other dragons mood. This is also the easiest of them to break out of since the main factors towards breaking out of Animus magic is 1) realizing it is animus magic 2) mental fortitude. Just how much you can mentally fight against it. The chances of the egg dying when kept out are roughly 50/50
Level 2 animus comes from when the light is stronger. This is the level of intensity it is normally under. With a solid 70% chance that eggs left under it's light will never hatch. Dragons with Animus level 2 are able to mess with other dragons sensors. Making soft stuff feel hard, making cotton feel like metal. They can also mess with a dragons sense of sight making a rock look like it's gold. Once again unable to enchant a dragon directly they tend to use jewelry and items to enchant dragons.
On the rare night it glows at full power dragons hatched under it will have level 3 animus magic. Able to actually change a rock into gold, able to extinguish a firescales, firescales. They are the strongest and most feared. Yet, almost all eggs left out will die. Only about 5% survive and even then the dragons are usually smaller than normal and very sickly. Even they can't make an inanimate object move on it's own. Theirs always work arounds for those creative enough. I.E instead of 'spear kill Snowfall' you can say 'make anyone who holds this spear want to kill Snowfall' Being the hardest to fight only other animus or those familiar with it have a chance to fight back against it's power.
How do Animus gain power? you have natural ability which is typically level 1 or 2 this is the power that a dragon is hatched with. However, they can grow stronger through training. Using their abilities more and getting more familiar with it can make a dragon hatched as a level 2 animus become as powerful as a level 3. Making those hatched with level 3 that receive the right training something to truly fear.
tribes beliefs and customs around Animus dragons;
Icewings; they believe that Animus dragons are a blessing and a curse from the sky. That every unhatched dragon becomes fused with the colorful sky, trapped forever. That those hatched aren't much better off as each spell wears away their soul bit by bit until their heartless and cruel. So they tend to keep Animus dragons under a close eye to make sure they don't overuse their magic however their is no strict limit for how often they can or cannot use their magic, only that it must be kept to important situations. I.E making a earring for a lover is bad, making your claws strong enough to kill another dragon in self-defenses, good.
Seawings; the southern tribe believe animus dragons are by nature heartless and cruel and that no matter how much or little magic they use it's pointless. Instead they should be taught to serve their queen/king, abandon all love and never have eggs. Due to these harsh rules most Animus either flee or are killed for refusing to obey the queen/king. You can find each and every animus dragon killed name written on the castle wall as a warning to other animus dragons.
In the Northen tribe where Animus magic is much rarer they believe only purebreed dragons can have Animus magic and stories of hybrid Animus dragons are either made up to scare wyrmling's into behaving or overexaggerated stories. Otherwise they tend to have similar believes to the Icewings. That overtime the usage of Animus magic is what wears away at their soul.
Nightwings; They see Animus magic the same way they view future vision and mindreading as a tool rather than something to fear. Instead encouraging those with Animus magic to train and learn their own limitations so they can serve their tribe. They are given free pick over whoever they want as their mate with the exception that said mate must also agree. However, with how status oriented they can be very few would reject an Animus dragon unless they already had their heart stolen by another.
Skywings; They tend to share views with the Southern Seawing tribe seeing Animus dragons as already heartless. So if a wyrmling is found to be Animus they are given the same treatment as firescale, a free flying lesson. If they use their magic to survive they are either send to the queen/king for their fate to be decided if their parents are merciful or it is up to either parent to finish the job.
Sandwings; Almost no Sandwings have been reported to be Animus. However that doesn't mean their haven't been Animus sandwings rather they just don't have any protocol due to how rare it is. Typically if one is found they are taken to the queen/king for protection and for them to begin study but nobody is fully sure if that is what actually happens or not. Most Animus are too scared to find out if their queen/king is that merciful.
Rainwings; Similarly almost no Rainwings have been reported to be Animus. If a rainwing is found to be Animus it is assumed the tribe wouldn't do much about it. Seeing as they are highly communitive it is possible they would be given more responsibilities in looking after the tribe.
Mudwings; I can't believe I forgot about Mudwings. They also don't have many records of Animus dragons, however, they do have a protocol for if one is found. They and their sibs are given a special title depending on what their original jobs were where they pretty much have the same job as they had but with a fancy title. This also means they are given extra training to work up their Animus magic so they can protect their sibs if the need arises.
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thatdammchickennugget · 5 months
Hiii Mari, really happy about reaching your milestone, it's amazing✨✨✨
I hope i could participate in the celebration. Could i get a romantic pairing from the Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson fandom (it's all completely up to you, i fully trust your judgment)🌿
A sort of short description
-I'm a medschool student, an introvert by life, extrovert by career choice
-I'm usually the voice of reason in my friend group
- "careful with the emotional baggage, it's designer" & "don't take advice from me, i advocate breakups and crimes"
- i enjoy herbology (as in traditional medicine) and detective literature
- I'm usually the one to take responsibility for everything
-really enjoy helping people
- i may not be able to physically fight for my friends, but I'm mean and i bite
- I'm 5'1, have curly hair, i limp on my right leg and have green eyes
Lots of love and thank you again for writing for us❤️❤️❤️
hello love💕 thank you so much💕 I was really feeling remus for you, hope you like it!
Romantic Match-Up: Remus Lupin
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remus first notices you during one of his many visits to the hospital wing after a particularly rough full moon. your calm and nurturing presence immediately stands out to him amidst the chaos and pain. despite your petite frame, you exude an aura of strength and compassion that draws him in.
set on becoming a healer after your time at hogwarts, you're often found assisting madam pomfrey in the hospital wing. remus is struck by your dedication and expertise, admiring the way you handle even the most challenging situations with grace and skill.
despite your busy schedule and responsibilities, you always make time to check in on remus when he finds himself in one of the cots after the full moon, ensuring he's comfortable and cared for. your kindness and understanding make the recovery process a little easier for him, and he finds himself looking forward to your visits.
over time, remus begins to develop feelings for you, captivated by your intelligence, strength, and unwavering compassion. he admires the way you carry yourself with confidence despite the challenges you face, and he finds himself drawn to your inner fire and determination.
you, on the other hand, are initially hesitant to let your guard down around remus. you've been hurt before, and you're wary of opening up to someone new. however, his gentle nature and genuine concern for your well-being slowly chip away at your defenses, and you find yourself growing closer to him with each passing day.
remus cherishes the moments you share, treasuring each conversation and stolen glance. your determination to pursue a career in healing inspires him, and he admires your unwavering dedication to helping others.
you share quiet moments together, sitting side by side as you read your favorite novels or discuss the latest breakthroughs in herbology. remus listens intently to your theories and musings, his genuine interest in your passions evident in the way he hangs onto your every word.
on weekends when you're off duty, you take leisurely walks around the hogwarts grounds, exploring hidden corners of the castle and enjoying the tranquility of the forbidden forest.
you often find yourselves stealing moments of stolen laughter and playful banter, finding joy in each other's company even amidst the chaos of daily life at hogwarts. remus's dry wit and gentle humor never fail to brighten your spirits, and you cherish the sound of his laughter echoing through the corridors.
in moments of quiet intimacy, you find refuge in each other's arms, sharing whispered confessions and stolen kisses in the quiet of the library and hidden corners around the castle.
Song: Magic Works by Jason Buckle
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 7 months
oh. Oh. OH 😮
Death is painful, the Tower is violent, the Hanged man is punishment (usually). Hello? I’m not gonna say which book I’m learning from (unless you ask?) but the keywords associated with the card are pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives?? A invitation to welcome these ‘pauses’ with open arms and surrender to the ‘what is’ – even if it is different from what you expected???
And. So. Punishment, huh? There is a post of yours, something about a why and what. I wish I could find it, but you where going on about why read. And how to. Or something like that, I didn’t click the link you shared at the time unfortunately, and lost it. But I realized just now that I started my half assed journey with the intention of gaining clarity, of dismantling my delusions and clearing my confusion’s; and, uh, somewhere along the way I settled with being coddled and soothed. What now? How do I know where to look? Thank you for the soft call out and please help, please
Oh! I think I know who you are ahhasa. First than anything I need to apologyze, sometimes I express myself in an unreasonably intense way. I'm sorry for that.
Back in business. Here I talk about the Hanged Man with a little bit more detail. Now, I have to make an aclaration: Yes, the allegory of the Hanged Man is an act of punishment but I was being dramatic when I wrote that hashas. In a day-to-day reading it's a possible interpretation but often it ends up being (in my readings) obstacles, someone who's "hands are tied", being incapable of doing something, frustration, negligence, etc.
But how do I know this range of possibilities? From cruel punishment, to treason, to BDSM? One of the issues with the current way of teaching/learning tarot is that book lists of meanings work as riddles: Instead of explaining you the nature of the Allegory so you can derivate your own 'meanings', they tell you 'all the things that it could be' without context and expect you to make it somehow work.
Look it this way, if I tell you that something is:
Some legends say it caused a war
Could make you fall
Could inspire you to revolutionize modern physics theory
Other legends say it is the reason of all wars, deaths, diseases and suffering in the world
Full of liquid
Some people think it has razor blades inside
Another legends says they could make you young forever
Nice to make a pie with
Could you guess what I'm talking about? (It's an apple 🍎 btw hashasa)
You learn a bunch of keywords surrounding the card and then mix them into a more coherent collage but you never get to actually understand the origin and interpretation of the card itself. Once you understand it, you don't even need to memorize a hugh ass list of meanings.
I'm not saying that the keywords are wrong or that it's "rotten work" ahshasa. Everyone has their own practice, HOWEVER, in order to break the rules you need to know the rules, and while there exist many ways to read tarot based in centuries old traditions, some of them were born because people had no idea what the hell was illustrated in the cards so they had to work with their own interpretations. We have Internet now, so even beyond the massive volume of New Age and RWS culture, there's no excuse to never learn about the origin and history of the tool itself.
Like, literally ahsahsa. Go to the Tarot page of Wikipedia and learn about the history of the deck. That's a good start. Learn about how older decks depicted the arcana. I can give you some sites, but that's the tip of the iceberg and by NO means I'm anything remotely similar to an expert GOD FORBID hahsahshasasa. The real work is to ask "WHY?" and pull the thread from there.
For example: "The Moon means secrets"... but why? Is this corrrect? What else could it mean?
First, what is the Moon? The Moon is the natural satellite of our planet, it's made of rock and it's floating far in space. It doesn't have a natural light, but reflects the light of the Sun. And seems to grow and diminish it's surface. It's visible in plain day, but has its own realm in the night. It's opposite face is never visible.
That's not even touching the card, that's just about the Moon itself. We can extrapolate that it shines with the light of others, that changes its face and it's quite distant. Just with that you can describe a person. "One face is never visible" so it could be related to secrets.
We can't talk about the Moon without talk about the Night. To really underestand the nature of the Moon we need to campare it with her brother, the Sun. The mighty Sun that makes all things visible with its light. The day is the place of social activity, common work, house chores. In the other hand, the night is the realm of sleep, sex, party, dreams, nightmares. No one robs a house in plain daylight. The streets that are full of people by the day, are dark and empty at night, dangerous, silent. Even your house, so common and well known, growls and makes chilling sounds once the Sun sets.
Think about other myths about the Moon. What about the full moon and the werewolfs? The creatures of the night. What about the the goddesses of knowledge, wild and fertility. The myth of Endymion, who fell in love with the Moon. What about the nature of the Moon as a monthly calendar? The pacific watcher of all sleep, sweet dreams and nightmares.
The Moon casts a light over the world, but is that the same light that kills doubts and shadows of the Sun? Back into the card itself:
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In an actual reading you are not juggling ALL what the Moon is because it's a fucking lot hahsasa. "The Moon means secrets" is a reductive statement. Far more important is to see what the card could represent in the reading itself, rather than jumping to any keyword. Usually we see in the lobster/crab something that 'crawls from the deep' and all what it could be in the context of night. (It's actually the crab from Cancer but that's another story involving astrology and more bullshit hashas).
In an actual reading the Moon could be from a lightbulb to something under the table or "done in the dark". It depends, but the analysis works derivating knowledge from the allegory and the card illustration, not the other way around.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I know some people that make stuff in youtube but they all speak spanish. Another excelent place to start is reading Tarotwheel. This site is a fucking wonder. And of course, study about the Middle Ages to have context around the cultural craddle of Tarot.
I feel bad that you're falling down the spiral ahshasa, I'm really sorry and I hope you can find all your marbles soon.
You can also read this other post I made about the RWS because I think it could be useful too.
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fleckcmscott · 2 years
Glad and Golden Hours
Summary: Two months after Arkham, Christmas Eve is on its way. Y/N and Arthur prepare to host their nearest, dearest friends.
Words: 4,466
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This comes from a request made by @sweet-nothings04​. Thank you for the opportunity to add to the Stepping Stones series and get to know Robert a little more - in many ways, he’s still a stranger to me! 😂 Hope you all enjoy! Have a wonderful holiday season! ⛄
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Arthur snipped each layer of twine, and the pine's branches lowered in a curtsy of festive green.
They'd gotten a Christmas tree later than usual this season, a mere two days before the holiday. (Mike from New Hampshire apologized for his tree stand's slim pickings. Arthur found the last six and a half footer tucked under a tarp.) With Y/N's return to full-time hours at the office and the burst of gigs that'd come his way, they'd barely had time to breathe. The work was welcome, especially the charity events at the mall and clinic. Waypoints on a map that led to routine.
It'd also taken a lot out of him. Too little tiredness had morphed into too much. His body was still processing the medication switch from Arkham, and starting last Thursday, he'd lowered the dose of his anti-depressant to 20mg, a change suggested by Dr. Ludlow to help with fatigue.
It was a marvel, the difference having a partner made in recovery, how it helped three steps forward remain three steps. (The days it slipped back to two he mostly kept to himself.) He and Y/N had even made love twice this month, including the Saturday afternoon he'd woken her from a nap. A kiss to her bare shoulder and he'd fallen into her. Satisfyingly simple - and initiated by him.
Branches freed, he turned to see her standing before their console stereo, stretching to tape red and gold garland to the wall. Most of their ornaments had come with her from Missouri, but this decoration was theirs. The shiny foil had caught his eye from across the pharmacy aisle, gone into their shopping basket without delay. Started the tradition of adding a bauble to their collection every year.
When she made a disgruntled groan, lifted her right foot to reach a smidge higher, he chuckled. "Let me do that," he said, crossing to her. He taped it a good four inches above her fingertips. The garland dipped in the middle, an approving smile anchored by cascades of color on each end.
"Thank you." She moved to kneel on the stereo, grabbed a big red bow from her left. She hooked it on the smile. "Remind me to start the Swiss steaks in the morning. They have to cook ten hours."
A loose hold on her waist, more of a protective hovering lest she lose her balance. "I think that's the only recipe I've seen in your handwriting."
"I copied it out of a magazine in a doctor's office and served it every Christmas back home. Mabel always took the smallest piece. But the kids liked it and it wasn't half bad. Made it easy to keep an eye on my father, too." That she could mention her past without a hitch in her voice, that she'd share the dish him, turned Arthur's hovering into a caress. She patted his hand. "If you agree with Mabel, you won't go hungry. We'll be lucky to close the fridge, with all Patricia's going to bring."
Ah, yes. Patricia and Robert.
Arthur had gotten close enough to Patricia to hide her paltry smoking from Y/N, to be entrusted with secret tidbits about his wife. But Robert remained an enigma. The man had attended their wedding, like any friend should. Joined blue moon double dates concocted by their better halves. He was quiet, stayed on the periphery.
Patricia also knew the details of Arthur's relapse; Robert barely cracked a grin at his jokes.
Other than when Y/N's family had visited (one bathroom for eight people; bah humbug, indeed), Arthur and she had celebrated by themselves. Truth be told, he would've preferred it stay that way. They'd barely had an anniversary. For his sake, she'd declined her sister's invitation to Thanksgiving. Though it'd worked out in the end, his damned moods had botched Black Friday shopping.
She hadn't minded any of it, she said. He believed her. But he also loved her. There was no reason to let her in on every negative thought, every doubt. When she'd asked about having friends over, her smile had dazzled at the idea. How could he have declined? With everything she'd done for him? He'd hung onto her happiness, a dog finally catching the car it'd been chasing, and said yes.
Now that car just had to be small enough to handle.
"You still up to hosting?" she asked, peeking at him over her shoulder.
He prayed for a moped instead of a tank. "Yeah."
That irresistible smile came again. She slid backwards off the console, clipping his toes with her heel. She'd just begun to lean into him, when she squinted and sped in the direction of the front door. "Shit, I forgot the poinsettias. I'll run to Ed's. Please get out the lights!"
Thickened liquid shot the mercury to 160 degrees. "Quick, quick, put the pot on the trivet."
Y/N followed Patricia's command. Without the older woman at her side, Y/N wouldn't have trusted herself to make anything involving a cooking thermometer. Black sludge had resulted from her one attempt at chocolate fudge. Scraping it into the trash, she'd forsworn any recipes involving that tool forever.
Two teaspoons of vanilla extract met furious whisking. When Patricia cracked open a bottle of whiskey, Y/N covered the pot with her forearm. Steam dampened the sleeve of her sweater. "Can we add that later?"
"Arthur still not drinking?"
"Besides a sip of my wine every now and then, no."
"He's smarter than all of us combined." Patricia picked up the pot, poured the mixture through a mesh strainer into an awaiting ceramic bowl.
Y/N hugged her at the waist. Patricia had taken a keen interest in Arthur's recovery. Made a point to ask how he was at least once a week, how everything compared to before. It was a first for Y/N, having stepping stones of support to climb. Patricia being her wonderful self was a gift. And she'd been a dear to suggest putting together an old-fashioned Christmas for Arthur, to offer to do the heavy lifting and give them both a break.
Over dinner, she'd updated them on the latest at Shaw & Associates. Her new colleague, the third since Y/N had left, was a total bore. Never wanted to order lunch, completely lacked a sarcasm detector. The Wayne Foundation was looking to start another charity arm, this one for the arts. It followed a trend of donations focused less on the poor and needy, more on galas and museums for the rich and needless. After nearly a decade of chasing, Matt had finally won back his ex-wife Laura. All victory had taken was a river cruise and a prenup.
Arthur had tapped his fork on his plate, his face a mask of bewilderment. "Why marry someone already planning to divorce?"
The Swiss steaks had turned out well enough for Robert to ask for leftovers. He could handle sticking them in the microwave and wanted to give Patricia a well-deserved break. It was flattering, them choosing Y/N's cooking for Christmas Dinner. Patricia's duchess potatoes - her daughter Ruby's favorite - were a buttery take on spuds Y/N could eat every day. And Patricia had prepared a small tray of mac and cheese for Arthur to heat up in the oven, replete with 3" x 5" instruction card and tied with a bow.
Just then, the bathroom door creaked open. Y/N peered into the living room. A hand the size of a catcher's mitt and holding a beer gestured frantically for Arthur to get his butt on the couch. Robert chastised him like an old uncle, groused that he'd missed a touchdown, updated him on the score. Arthur hiked up his trousers. Settled next to him and leaned forward, elbows on his thighs. She bit back a chuckle. Football interested Arthur about as much as hardening cement, and even then, the cement might win out.
When the teams on TV huddled on the sidelines, she came to the rescue. She strode to the back of the couch and bent between them. The seven minutes left on the clock were a godsend. "Miracle on 34th Street is on NCB, and Robert Shaw Chorale's Christmas Spirit is on PBS. Take your pick."
"Robert Shaw," Arthur said.
Robert stood, stretched his arms behind his back. His shoulders snapped, crackled, and popped. "Doesn't matter to me. The Wildcats are gonna blow it either way." He pulled a pack of Silk Cuts from his front pocket and went to the fire escape to light up.
Arthur's brow furrowed into a mountain range. "He's not very friendly. I don't know if he wants to be here. He could watch the game at home."
While Robert was the strong silent type, Y/N sensed a softness hiding underneath. He'd agreed to go to marriage counseling with Patricia. He always ensured she walked on the inside of the sidewalk, a protective gesture from an earlier era. Tonight, he'd rubbed his stomach after each bite of potatoes, a compliment to Patricia's kitchen wizardry.
Y/N offered a gentle reply. "This is their first Christmas without their daughter and grandson." Ruby had married the Gotham General tech she'd met six years ago, and she and Brian were spending the holiday weekend with his family upstate. "You know how when I have a bad day, and I just want to forget it? When we kiss or sit without saying anything? That's enough. Sometimes having a friend sit with you is enough."
Arthur's boyish dimples reappeared. "I won't be kissing him anytime soon."
"Good. That'd send him running back to Burnside."
Later, she served eggnog: three with a shot of whiskey, one virgin. An angelic choir drifted from the television, familiar and comforting as crocheted mittens. Popcorn bowl at her side, Patricia sat on the living room carpet and invited Arthur to join her. She pulled a coin purse from her pocket, took out two big needles connected by a long, black thread. She demonstrated how to slide a fluffy flake down the string.
"I love the smell of pine," Patricia said, five kernels in. "This year we got an artificial. It just isn't the same."
"There's canned pine scent," Y/N suggested. "Donahue's has it by the artificial snow."
"From Aurora Fresheners? We tried that. The whole apartment smelled like a bathroom. When I was a kid, it was real or nothing. My mother hated the needles. One Christmas, when I was six, I asked Santa for a sled. I dragged it over to Cherry Hill - that's down by the water district - and slid right through a fence into the reservoir. They sent mom a bill for repairs. She made me clean up all the needles. With a broom."
Laughter threw Y/N's head back. Although her family hadn't been religious, they'd gone to the usual seasonal social gatherings. Being in the Bible Belt, they'd revolved around the local church. "One Christmas service, a candle caught a lock of my hair. It smelled terrible, like burning rubber. Mabel and I gagged our way to the bathroom."
There were other recollections, of course, ones she kept locked in the keepsake box of her heart. Her earliest holiday season in Gotham had marked seven months in a new state in a new city in a new home. Though only three people worked in her new office, her new boss Matt had planned a Secret Santa. That she'd gotten an Aqua Velva soap on a rope (a discount store bestseller) had made it obvious who'd drawn her name.
For the first time, she'd experienced a truly frigid chill, one that'd frozen her bones. Admired Christmas windows grander than she'd ever seen. Rented ice skates at Gotham Park and exchanged smiles with Ned, a cute man in flannel and jeans who'd complimented her form. The hot chocolate they'd shared at the concession stand had been surprisingly rich. But she'd resisted Ned's suggestions to make a snowman, to surrender her last name and phone number. The evening had ended with thanks and well wishes.
New to herself, she hadn't wanted to play the game of pursuit. Not yet. She'd cherished the quiet of her own place, a hard-won light at the end of twenty years of tunnel. When she'd sat at the counter of a nearby diner on Christmas Eve, sliced turkey roll and canned cranberry sauce before her, a wave of joy had overwhelmed, to the point where she'd had to dab at her eyes.
"Thanks for this," she'd whispered to what was probably nothing. The closest thing to a pray she'd offered in her life.
Arthur's mouth tightened in concentration, popcorn stuck on the eye of the needle. "At school we made paper chains. I brought mine home and taped it on the TV. My mom and I watched the Murray Franklin Christmas Special."
"They had a dance floor for the audience in the sixties," Patricia said. "We got tickets once, really lucked out. Bing Crosby was there, Slam Bradly, too. Remember that, dear?" She directed her inquiry at the sofa.
Robert twisted to look at them over the cushions. "We did a pretty good Lindy hop back then."
"You and Y/N should go next year!"
The flake Arthur had been wrangling broke into crumbles.
Y/N's regard shot to him. There was a tremble in his fingers so subtle only she would notice. Since his spot as a Special Guest, Murray Franklin hadn't been welcome in their homes. Before they'd moved in together or after. Whenever the TV Guide happened to feature his smug mug on the cover, Arthur tore it clean from the spine. He'd flick cigarettes towards bus stop ads for Live! If he was in the mood for late night comedy, he'd catch David Endochrine with her.
"I don't think so," Arthur said. He fingered another kernel to try again. But after a moment, he laid the needle and thread in the bowl, pushed himself to stand. "I, um-" His voice had gone thick, inflected with the raw quality of the wounded. He winced. A whisper this time. "Excuse me." He walked to the bedroom. The door thudded softly behind him.
No one moved a muscle. Breath couldn't be heard. A peaceful rendition of "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" began, notes wrapping them in glorious sounds of old.
Patricia straightened, interrupted the peaceful rendition. "That was stupid."
Y/N scooted two spaces across the carpet, placed a comforting palm on Patricia's knee. "He just needs breaks, that's all."
Last week they'd attended her office's Christmas party. He'd done his best to fit in, make small talk, be a person like other people. And he'd been good at it, seemed like a combination of his old and new self, both selves she'd fallen in love with. But after forty minutes, without a hint that something was wrong, he'd asked if it'd be too soon to leave. She'd planned on staying two hours. As they'd held hands on the subway home, she'd mulled over what she'd observed, tried to understand.
She shared that with Patricia. "He'd probably had enough of everyone asking how he was. They'd known he'd been ill but not the details. Arthur likes attention - he needs it more than most people I've met. But I don't think he knew how to answer without saying he'd been in Arkham. It's hard to predict how someone'll react to that."
"I don't blame him," Robert said, his rich baritone kinder than she'd ever heard it. "People can see a broken leg but not when your brain has a limp."
Y/N felt her shoulders loosen, his words an etching of reassurance. "Only dear friends," she said. She moved to check on Arthur, see if he'd been granted some of the peace on earth, impart the goodwill mentioned in the song.
Patricia stopped her with a palm to her shoulder, braced herself against the wall to stand. "I'll go." She straightened the hem of her blouse, grabbed strands of tinsel from the middle branches, and made a beeline for the door.
Arthur sat on his side of the bed, facing the vanity. He disliked the set of his features, dour and stern, as if carved from rough granite. The low light of the bedside lamp bathed but didn't soften. He opened his mouth, practiced loosening his jaw, stretched it until the hinge joint popped.
That Patricia hadn't meant to hurt was obvious, even to a guy with a lot of problems like him. How was she to know Murray had been a father figure? A man he'd loved who'd pierced him so deeply, that that love had bled out and left hatred in its wake? He'd been too silly, too inexperienced to recognize the differences between celluloid and real life. To have thoroughly set himself up for disappointment was almost as embarrassing as the way it continued to sting. Nearly a decade had passed. Time to let it fucking go.
The flash of a police car prompted him to look out the window. Clouds had rolled in, and sparse streaks of moonlight fought their way through the batted cotton. White lights sparkled from an apartment across the street, the tree a perfect display in the front window. Two little girls jumped around their father, relenting only when he doled out gifts from under the tree. Arthur hugged his pillow to his stomach like a life vest.
There was more to the paper chain memory. Visitors from a Catholic charity had gone door to door that evening. Arthur had polished off a bowl of Rice Honeys for dinner, been in the middle of rinsing his dish when the buzzer sounded.
The two nuns towered over him, a couple of emperor penguins. "Are you home alone, young man?" the older one had asked, as if it was weird for a little boy to answer the door.
Uninvited, they'd stepped into the entranceway. Surveyed the walls of the apartment, the open and empty cupboards, the rug that was dirty because they only had a carpet sweeper. They had to have noticed his filthy t-shirt. The lack of tree. Penny passed out cold, her motionless form in the living room chair. At that tender age, it'd felt normal.
The penguins offered two gifts, wrapped in paper covered by shepards and nativities, along with a mimeographed invitation to the candlelight service at St. Swithun's Parish. "Bless you, sweet boy," the younger one had said. Then they'd left, drifting down the corridor like ghosts of Christmas past.
Arthur had scribbled "From: Arthur" on his mother's present. A white lie that'd make her happy, so god wouldn't mind. He'd put the presents on the coffee table. Bounced his stuffed bear and watched Red Skelton, waiting for his mother to come round.
A light knock at the door. The knocker didn't wait for a response to squeak the hinges. Brass trumpets spilled into the room. "I have a real talent for putting my foot in my mouth."
Patricia's self-deprecation forced a crooked grin. He watched her approach in the mirror, loosened his hold on the pillow. He pushed it aside as discretely as possible.
"I hear so much about how you're doing from Y/N," she said. "But never from the source."
"I'm fine."
The woman had a way about her. Warmth oozed out of her like a radiator on a blizzardy night, which allowed her to make the bluntest comments and never offend. A strange sort of equation that never failed to balance. She sat next to him and continued the tradition. "The news talks about Arkham being a place for criminals. It's not reported as a hospital for regular people; it's gossiped about. I'm glad to know better now. And that you're doing well."
If they were close enough for her to share secrets, maybe he could trust her with one of his own. But he couldn't quite return her stare. "Some days are hard. More than I'd like. More than- than I tell Y/N."
"She's the type of woman who wants to know all the facts and figures. That doesn't mean you have to tell her everything."
He bit down another grin. It was too true. And he wouldn't. She didn't need to learn about the nights in the hospital, when he could've sworn he'd felt her arms around him, her breast beneath his cheek, while also wishing she'd stay the hell away from McKean Island. That the years with her were when he'd learned what healthy felt like. That what he coveted more than anything, to the point of cold sweats, was to get back to that. For her. For their marriage. For himself.
Patricia broke through his reverie. "Is today a nice day?"
"Yeah." He turned to look at her, nodded, met her ebony eyes. "It is. But you didn't have to go to so much trouble. With the food and decorations."
Tipsy but honest kindness shone in the curve of her smile. Suddenly, she tossed tinsel on his head, a pile of silver atop his chestnut mop. Frowning, he reached to drag it off, tangling it in his waves. She grasped his fingers on the way down and squeezed tight. "You and Y/N are family, Arthur. You're family."
It took a while to find his voice. "Thanks, Patricia."
In the middle of "Away in a Manger," the television switched off. Stevie Wonder's Someday at Christmas played in its stead. The B-Side, which Y/N found upbeat. It wasn't exactly Arthur's style, but he'd come to appreciate her preference for disco and soul. And it was a welcome change from choral melancholy.
Patricia slurped at her mug, stuck it out towards him. "I need a cigarette. As a trusted family member, would you bring this to the kitchen? Take her with you. I'll owe you all the tea in China."
Y/N tied the shopping bag handles and opened the refrigerator. She'd packed the main and sides separately, otherwise gravy would've ruined the potatoes' crispy finish. As she arranged three Tupperware containers on the top shelf, Arthur came in, Patricia's mug in hand. He rinsed it and took the ladle from the bowl for a refill.
He indicated Y/N's cup on the counter with a tilt of the head. "You want some, too?"
"Please." She closed the fridge's door, gave it an extra push for good measure. "Patricia's quite the charmer, isn't she?"
Arthur snorted, drew his back chin, its skin squishing into pinchable folds. The cheery sound was a breeze that freshened the whole apartment. His gaze fell to the floor before rising to meet hers. He held out her drink. "She's not the only one."
When Y/N took it, her fingers lingered on his for too long to be an accident. She brought the rim to her lips for a sip. She'd add a nip later.
"You're doing great," she said. "I'm proud of you."
His smile blinded, a flash of light to outdo Damascus. The gap between them narrowed, foot by foot, inch by inch. He plucked a bloom from the poinsettia on the counter, tucked it behind her ear. The gesture made her insides ripple in the same manner as a girl's first crush.
"Do you love me?" he asked. The love light gleam in his green irises told her he hadn't asked because he didn't believe it, but because he wanted to hear it.
She stretched the rest of the way to meet his lips and spoke her answer against them. "Completely. Now let's go see what Santa brought."
Multicolor lights glimmered on the pile of presents under the tree. The four of them sat around it, Y/N and Arthur on the floor, Patricia and Robert on two dining chairs due to his aching tailbone. Y/N's cheeks felt as if they were going to melt, the result of alcohol and menopause. She unbuttoned the top of her sweater and held her cold mug to her skin, just below her neck.
Robert hummed approval when he unwrapped the bottle of Ballentine's Scotch, aged ten years. (Thank god they'd gone shopping for their husbands together.) Patricia immediately plugged in the True to Light makeup mirror from L. Ballinger's. She tested the office, day, and evening settings, explained the subtle differences. ("Black eyeliner works better at night.")
The Gormans' gift to Y/N was a clothes shaver from the Windmill Signature collection, a practical, odd tool to remove fuzz and pills from her blazers and skirts. She burst into silly laughter. What else did the "collection" carry? An automatic foot scraper? Premiere upper lip waxing kits? At least it wasn't a soap on a rope. She flicked it on, ran it over Patricia's polyester skirt until she batted her away.
On top of the mac and cheese, Arthur got a Christmas tie deemed cheesy enough for him. Polar bears skated on cursive Merry Christmases on a background of red and white stripes. "I'll put this in my bag," he said, and folded it into thirds. "For December gigs."
The remaining presents would have to wait until tomorrow. A private gift exchange better suited both couples. Arthur had dropped no hints as to what he'd gotten her; she'd shown respect by not snooping. She was certain he'd love the microwavable mug warmer, guaranteed to keep his coffee hot during long journaling sessions. The other box under the tree hid mounds of tissue paper and a bathrobe, midnight blue tinted royal, to be tied at the waist. She giggled, imagining how he'd pluck her folded note from the breast pocket, the blush that'd betray when he got to the naughty part.
Leaning back on her forearms, she sighed a contented sigh. A happiness to rival turkey roll and cranberry sauce swept through her, wetting her eyes all over again. She turned towards the window, gnawed her bottom lip.
White flecks glowed in the orange of the phosphorescent streetlamp, brightening the sky. She recalled that first Christmas in the city, the memories Patricia and Arthur had shared. The holiday wouldn't be complete without making another.
"There's an unplowed parking lot three buildings down," Y/N said, standing. She darted to the coat hooks in the entranceway, snagged their hats and mittens, returned and shoved them at Patricia and Robert. "We can build a snowman." The quirk of Patricia's mouth said she thought Y/N was out of her mind, but she'd play along. She rose to her feet, pulling Robert - mid-trying to open his scotch - along with her.
Arthur burrowed deeper into his bathrobe, a playful skepticism narrowing his gaze. "It's supposed to be ten below tonight."
"We'll bring a thermos. Besides." Y/N sat on his lap, put his cap on his head, and fluffed the pom-pom on top. "Your love will keep me warm."
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​​​ @ithinkimaperson​​​ @sweet-nothings04​​​ @stephieraptorr​​​ @rommies​​​ @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1​​​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​​​ @jokerownsmysoul​​​ @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics​​​ @iartsometimes​​​ @fleckficgirl​
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thestrangequill · 11 months
How To Conduct A Seance
Okay let me preface this by saying this will be another long post, even though I've drafted and narrowed it down LOL. If you want more content like this, please feel free to let me know, I'd be happy to oblige! Physical Materials Needed: - A candle (Candles are used to welcome the spirits, and you can also look at it like a light guiding the dead to you. This is something I believe in my personal practice, especially since it's been traditional to leave white candles burning in windowsills to help guide the spirits home on Samhain.)
-A method of divination (this is what you'll actually be using to speak with the chosen spirit. Pendulums, talking boards, and spirit boxes are all good choices- even meditating in the alpha state of consciousness counts! If you want to know more about that specifically, check out Mat Auryn's book "Psychic Witch.")
Before You Begin:
-Make sure to be in a comfortable position, and somewhere you won't be bothered, or your group won't be bothered, for a little while. Interruptions can be seen as rude.
-If you so wish, protections are done before starting. I usually skip this step. A good idea for protection that I would use (if I didn't do seances as regularly as I do now OR were not as familiar with the spirits of that place) is to take a protective stone, such as onyx, jet, or tiger's eye, and charge it under the full moon with the intention of protection. Then, I would place this in front of the candle, so the candle is between you and the stone. That way the spirit can't get through the barrier if it's wanting to play pranks or generally be mischievous. This is not a foolproof method, however, it's very simple, and as protection isn't necessary all of the time, it works. Here's a simple graph to show what I'm trying to explain with the candle setup: X- Stone
O- Candle
Y- You
-If you don't already have a spirit in mind to contact, it may be a good idea to set a simple intention. Something such as "I am speaking with a spirit that has my best interests at heart" works fine.
Beginning the Seance:
Begin how you would start any polite conversation. Say hello! Give a brief explication as to why you're reaching out/ what you want to gain from contacting the spirits. Something as simple as "Good afternoon, I'm reaching out to learn more about you." Is perfect. OH! And I should note, though spirit communication can be done at any time, I've found it's most effective during the liminal times- dusk and dawn. Other than that, I most often do it in the afternoon. After saying hello, this is where, if you have a particular spirit in mind, that you reach out to them. If you don't, this step can be skipped, though I still recommend putting out an offering, so you may want to read it anyway. The easiest way to show how this is done is through an example. Let's say you're reaching out to a passed grandmother who loved makeup. You would say something along the lines of, "I will be speaking to my grandmother, (name, if known) and I've brought some makeup for you." At that point you would put the offering behind the candle, so it's between you and the flame.
O- Candle
*- Offering
Y- You
After the offering is placed, you should light the candle.
Now's your time to meditate- I recommend grounding, centering, and setting up a circuit. (Again, Mat Auryn's "Psychic Witch" has some brilliant information on circuits.) Then, you're good to go! Ask your questions, and use your divination method to find the answer. Trust that the spirit is guiding you.
Ending the Seance:
-Say goodbye, not only does it let the spirit know that the seance is over, but it is just polite! I usually tell them "stay if you will and go if you must," If I like having the spirit around. I forgot where I learned this wording, but I think it fits well here. I'll also have to do a post sometime about the rules I have with spirits that stick around.
-Blow or snuff out the candle (whatever works best for you and your traditions)
-Ground, center, and let go of the circuit (if you created one)
That's it! Congrats on your seance! Cleanse if you want to, but it's not necessary, especially if you had a positive experience. I make sure to do regular cleansings, just to make sure the energy is flowing.
If you know the name of the spirit you're trying to contact, it's best to use it.
If you don't know what that particular spirit will like, or you're making a general offering for any spirit who comes to take, clean water is a good choice.
Seances alone are EXHAUSTING. That's totally normal. Take a nap if you need to! If you find yourself too exhausted after seances, try setting up a circuit.
And that's that! Thank you for reading!
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