#words and sketch by sergio guymanproust.
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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This UAP =Unidentified Aerial Phenomena has been photographed by several Japanese pilots from commercial Aircraft to military.But until the last meeting of Japanese and American government and military which happened recently ,the Japanese denials of the existence of UFO and now renamed UAP was a fact.Well ,something must have happened because this year the Japanese finally accepted the existence of this phenomena. These games of truth and denial are the reason why the common folks do not trust the government and bring so much hypocrisy to this topic.The Japanese media has known of the existence ,but has had to comply with government lies and cover -up.The Japanese reports of UFO sightings are on the increase and that’s great news indeed .While LatinAmerican countries embrace these experiences and do report them publicly ,the Americans and Japanese have been in denial for decades.This is so sad for though we considered them developed nations their mentality regarding this phenomena has been so backward. Let’s hope from this year on their attitudes change for the better and stop playing the charade game.The Japanese people deserve to know the truth.The government must let them decide if their sightings are real or figments of their imagination. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The most popular saucer shaped UFO that has become an iconic symbol of the ufology field is this one.It seems that many races have embraced this design in different sizes.Notice how the crashes throughout the history of this alien craft has been primarily on this shape.We no longer consider this to be a secret or a matter of National Security.If you are part of this community you already know that the government knows so much more about this technology after they have been collecting these saucers and reverse engineering with the help of course of some of these extraterrestrials .We also know that the Nazis were deeply involved with these saucers and its technology perhaps not completely clear back then ,but many ended up in the USA. and we’re allowed to continue experimenting with extraterrestrial saucers.Again no secret there.It never ceases to amaze me how we keep talking about The Roswell crashes ,but never reporting of the hundreds of crashes that have occurred due to our government shooting them down until recent times and the discovery of recent alien technologies.Now that is kept secret .Well ,as long as whistleblowers keep coming forward with information,risking their lives in the process to make us aware of the latest events,we must be deeply grateful for these courageous individuals and pray for their safety and that of their families. Well, as I said before the show must go on .Peace to all of you who contribute daily to this topic.Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Spinning at a high velocity,bobbing up and down like a fishing float this UFO was sighted back in1968 in a Florida swamp. The witnesses also notice two lights that were composed of a gas that took the shape of basketball and floated side by side of the UFO for a few minutes then vanished.The witnesses decided not to report it to the police ,but went to the local gazette. Sketches were made and printed .To remain anonymous is what most folks choose to do for fear of ridicule,understandably so.Also they saw as the craft expelled luminous gases in the shape of melting ore into the swamp.Nowadays these UFOs are called “ droppers”. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The more our technology advances, the more we begin to look at these alien crafts with an attitude of conformity and begin to take them for granted. We begin to assume that as long as they don’t come for us ,the rest doesn’t matter much.Our society has been so brainwashed, lied and misinformed and yes , indeed the media has made a mockery of anything extraterrestrial,and yes ,that’s what they are getting paid to do under the government agenda .But besides them ,there are people in the scientific community that are willing to inform the masses of the truth ,well ,partial truth.And they are feeding us some cases to keep us interested in the ufology field.This particular craft was sighted in the North Sea from an oil rig.They are always curious of our technology specially when it comes to extracting oil,minerals gases and specifically gold there’s a very interesting timeline of our ancestors extracting and processing gold to be taken off this planet.Well ,this is one more UFO to hat I add to the hundreds of shapes in the UFO archives. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Top view of a triangular shaped UFO seen from a pilot cockpit as it flew over one.After Navy pilots encounter such alien crafts their reports are considered classified and are under contract not to reveal their experiences to no one.Many of the photos made public are extremely blurry so it is hard to make details .Frustrating to say the least,but we must keep digging into archives ,going back and forth,not limiting to reports and pics from the USA but also from other countries sightings.Well,the temptation to embellish these sketches is enormous but for now I’m keeping them simple.Words and sketches by SergioGuyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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We are beginning to catch a glimpse of merkaba looking crafts in our skies.Silently rotating and emitting white lights that spin on its axis.Traveling at great speeds in our atmosphere,but also very close to the ground. Sometimes remaining in a spot for minutes,then suddenly taking off.Some have associated these crafts with the making of crop circles in Spain ,the UK, and other European countries. Well,the show never stops and they keep coming and leaving their trails recorded in thousands of cell phones. We have gotten to ignore our government requests to inform them because we know already what their actions will be.Globally speaking day by day we are building our own archives and processing our own material regarding these UFO visitations ,let those scientists that keep telling us that we are alone in this universe and keep listening for an “intelligent signal”to keep playing their game. We are no longer interested in their story ,you see as long as they claim that they are researching,the government will keep funding them and their research.The moment they acknowledge the truth ,there goes the goose and its golden eggs.This is the way it has been since the late 40s. No secret there. In the meantime keep filming ,recording, taking pics of these crafts until the evidence is overwhelming and our government can’t suppress the truth anymore. Words and sketch by SergioGuyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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We can no longer believe they aren’t real.They have been photographed landing on Area 51 ,and other bases in the Mojave desert ,and New Mexico.Undisclosed locations for obvious reasons .Well,these were copied from extraterrestrial crafts that were captured in the 50s taken underground and studied by large aerospace companies one of them currently building and testing for space transport ,spying and of course space conflicts of which we know happen in the Mars colonies.We are so far behind of what is really going our space fleet .We continue to believe in NASA and their front.But So many whistleblowers are sharing the truth of our shadow government and their trillions of US dollars that every year go missing and not one of our politician is blowing the whistle.I wonder why? Hmmmmm! Haha.Well, they keep parading in our skies with these strange looking crafts spreading fear ,confusion and not being up front because of “ National Security.Remember the “Cold War? The show as I said before must go on.Let’s not forget there are other players of which we know publicly very little ,all in a complete fog . Russia ,China, Japan ,Germany , France ,the UK and other-countries but the elites do keep a close eye on what goes up and down in our atmosphere to put it mildly. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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They are coming in huge platforms,huge mother ships housing millions of entities with souls and without them. You see they have been here before during our last ice age and prior to that one when Antarctica was a green and lush Amazonia,with pyramids and seed granaries,with a civilization that shared everything technologies that connected them with Mars.They are coming because they know we have gone astray. We have gone into the abyss like past civilizations that went extinct seduced by nuclear power till the very end.They are coming indeed but make no mistake no religion,dogma or political agenda serves them .It is us and only us a self destructive civilization of bipedal hybrid humans.that can’t stop thinking of annihilating one another.We don’t need borders ,we don’t need countries ,we are one race.We don’t need religions because they have managed to separate us even more instead of uniting us for one single purpose .Peace. They are coming regardless of our myopia ,our savage nature. So,now just be aware of your thoughts and think for the betterment of humanity.Words and sketch by SergioGuyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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They keep coming and taking whatever they need to satisfy their extraterrestrial needs and we keep fearing them and they seeing us a dangerous and dirty race of bipedal hybrids .They keep dealing in secret with our governments ,and our government continue lying to us of a possible disclosure ,when we know that it will never come as long as there’s technology that the government can profit from ,wars,drugs you name it.They keep watching us but do nothing to interfere and end these cycles of mayhem,among nations .Thought they say they can.This stories of the Anunaki and their coming and other stories of similar nature do nothing but put fear and stress on us .A race of slaves to mine gold and other minerals for them ,and other tales claiming they are already here and what about the reptilian race that is living beneath our feet ,and their taste for human flesh.Well, my friends the show must go on. Each generation faces similar events ,some more cataclysmic than others but we are still here.The UFO phenomena won’t go away anytime soon ,there is plenty of cases and encounters that still happen everyday everywhere on this blue marble.They will continue to come and add to our evolution as species ,messing with our DNA and our timeline. We must stop fearing the ridicule that skeptics put many of us through ,we must be strong and remember that even our government goons will do everything in their power to lie and deceit the people in order for them to continue to profit. We are indeed free to choose our path and beliefs.Never give up.Words and sketches by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Probes come in different shapes and sizes.They can be of a terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin.We know of many that we have sent through the years that still sending signals back to us from the edges of our Solar system.But”they”have been sending theirs for ages and our government has kept it secret from us.Many of them are continuously seen from the ISS coming and going to their mother ships station behind the moon.This particular is the size of a VW Beetle was seen several times passing at a high speed into our atmosphere.Similar probes have been seen from earth during electrical storms.Now we assume they are probes because so far no aliens have been seen operating or leaving their craft as in other cases.As to their origin we can only speculate.They often move under the cover of clouds.I get the feeling the Pentagon has more information because navy pilots often crossed path with these crafts.words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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My rendition of a Japanese legend called Utsuro-Bune which is translated as a hollow spaceship.This Ufo crashed in the ocean and was washed ashore in Hitachi province in the year 1803.The occupant of this bowl shaped craft was a young woman but since she couldn’t communicate in Japanese she was returned to the ocean in her ship.Tales of encounters of the third kind are indeed weaved in the culture of many nations.Japanese lore is peppered with such tales of UFOs.The most famous is the story of Kaguya Hime,the tale of an extraterrestrial being raised on earth.A princess that in the end returns to the moon In a saucer shaped craft. Well ,the history repeats itself We are free to interpret such tales as just science fiction but in my humble opinion it is wise to keep an open mind. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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In 2006 thisUFO appeared in Bangkok for three consecutive days flashing its lights hiding or cloaking behind the clouds .Helicopters were sent but couldn’t get near because it kept disappearing.On the second day people claim they saw it land on a field on the outskirts of the city but the reports said it vanish and was seen later near the airport.On the third day around 5 in the afternoon it took off and was never seen again.Thailand ,Cambodia, and Vietnam are famous for its sightings.Some claim that in the jungles of these countries there are bases and the farmers are used to seeing crafts land in the rice paddies after the harvest,and Grey looking aliens leave their crafts and walk into the forest.Abductions happen often in these countries but the reports get no response from these governments. Well,as I have mentioned before they are here already,but there’s nothing common folks can do to stop it.Sad indeed but true. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Everyone has seen that poster in the X Files I WANT TO BELIEVE. Well, I think we are past that stage.The evidence keeps piling up, credible witnesses from airline pilots ,to police officer,to engineers,to your neighbors.And you of course. At the other end of the spectrum we have the government and its agencies the Pentagon ,NASA,ready to cover up any sightings with disinformation,an airbrush in the art department of NASA, to quietly erase any signs of extraterrestrial life ,all in the holy name of National security. Well, by now we know how these brainwashed government drones go around the globe picking up any debris whenever there’s a crashed UFO. Well, this saucer was sighted back in 1968 in Arizona.The original sketched appeared in a local paper but it was printed so small that went practically unnoticed, let’s just say that perhaps was considered a run of the mill alien craft a person sent in,but fearful of the consequences decide to keep it anonymous. Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The cylindrical shaped UFOs is one the first to appear on our skies back in the late 40s, but their presence all over the world was already part of many cultures.The utter shock and denial by our government is notoriously dangerous to the common folks,many were killed to silence and still are if coming forward with sightings,abductions and sharing of extraterrestrials technology.Well ,no secret there .The fear of being silenced by the CIA is a very real one ,So ,it is unfortunate that we actually be more afraid of one of our own humans than these extraterrestrial beings .So in truth when the government,the Pentagon ,the CIA ,claim that we couldn’t handle meeting with aliens ,the fact is that they are more dangerous ,hostile and ready to kill than aliens. But you know these facts already. Never forget that the government will go any extreme to smear,discredit ,lie silence the common citizens in order to keep the secrecy on this subject. Well, just last year an American Airlines pilot sighted a cylindrical shaped UFO flying over his plane in New Mexico skies ,well ,here we go again folks The FBI can’t confirm or deny such event. The truth is that these crafts do whatever they want in any skies .Most countries by now have acknowledged the extraterrestrial presence over their skies ,the US is the only country in the world that still denies everything. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Well , enough of my ranting .Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Cigar shaped UFOs have been reported since Eisenhower met with extraterrestrials back in1954 signing a treaty ,then in1955 in California at the Holloman AFB( Air Force Base).There were several meetings afterwards but the press was not allowed it was all kept a secret.Cigar shaped have appeared all over the planet .Perhaps the most famous story is that of George Adamski who took photographs of a cigar shaped UFO back in 1952.Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Through the ages different races have visited this blue marble in different crafts ,we have records in stone, paintings ,manuscripts,and in recent times ,photography,and other electronic means.Our government still playing the cat and mouse with us ,hiding the truth from us the common folks.But the tide is turning finally since the advent of the internet and so many of us with a cell phone can record so many sighting.But also we are entering a cycle of increase activity as our solar system moves through the galaxy,which means more waves of UFOs coming into our path.Those of us who are interested in this topic already are aware of the many shapes of alien crafts and their designated races. Well ,I’m adding this craft in the shaped of a top spinning at a great velocity and slowing as it landed in Anchorage,Alaska in the lates 90s then a similar craft seen in Mt.Shasta,California around the same time. Well , I will keep adding my sketches as I find more stories and sightings. Words by Sergio GuymanProust.
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