#word from emilia
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reflectingravens · 6 months ago
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Nere: "Why are your wretched iblith houses so cold?"
Emilia: ✨Capitalism✨
Melbourne, Australia does actually get cold in winter and our houses are basically just fancy tents 🙃
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newlyacquiredbois · 2 years ago
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Imola GP was canceled because of flooding in the region.
Some drivers posted this, which is the official relief fund for anyone that wants to donate:
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For people that don't use IBAN, this is a global fundraiser, from what I can tell it's safe and legit.
I believe that the drivers here mean the absolute best, but i need everyone to understand that this is NOT going to be over in a couple of days.
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This is going to take YEARS.
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suffarustuffaru · 2 years ago
Emilia for the asky thingy??
EMILIA :D i have so many thoughts on her (i will however preface this by saying emilia is one of my favorite characters of all time <3) so this is probably gonna veer into vaguely meta/analysis territory and it will be Long. (also i love ur emilia icon HAH) anyway without further ado...
Sexuality Headcanon: BI ACE. if not bi ace how come she has the color palette..???? that and i simply think emisuba are bi4bi fr fr. and more specifically i think emilia is demisexual!!
Gender Headcanon: ok so.... this one got unexpectedly long but T^T i do think that emilias relationship with femininity and her gender and her biological sex could be explored given she looks exactly like satella, and then theres puck's slight sexist remarks sometimes, and also her. apparently not knowing where babies come from. and like??? do half elves get periods?? how'd puck explain that one??? that and i do think the idea of trans emilia would be very interessting to explore yes (though i do think trans ftm or nonbinary emilia would be more interesting in terms of like. emilia is moving away from satella, but emilia would probably think about if that makes emilia themself a coward for doing so. but also i think id be eviscerated by 90% of the fandom if i explored those ideas in depth T^T). and like... in general, emilia's Whole Character is characterized by a loss of control over a lot of things in her life across so many routes in rezero. :((( which is not 100% specific to gender and biological sex of course but it could factor in a bit. because theres also. well. the implication that she probably was gonna be (trigger warning) a sex slave if that dude who tried to enslave her in frozen bonds succeeded. her whole character is all about being seen as Not Human by others, or being seen as an object, or being controlled, being infantilized, etc etc :(( which is sometimes by the narrative, sometimes by other characters, sometimes by tappei, and also sometimes by the fandom itself.
A ship I have with said character: emisuba 100%, even if i have some mixed feelings on it as of rn. like they are THE main ship of the series, and theyve been through all these ups and downs together. like subaru's earnest desire and determination to help her and save her Is Admirable, though of course he does go right into Obsession and Possessive Feelings, which was Brutally Rebuked in arc 3 and very well-written (though of course i hate some people's small brain takes on emisuba and emilia and arc 3 T^TT). like i LOVE seeing different sides to emilia and while subaru brings out her sweetness (she is SO SOFT with him... she DOES care about him so much!!!!) he's also brought out her rage and despair in arcs 3 and 4. kiss of death loop / greed if emilia is like giving subaru exactly what he wanted before - an emilia that only has eyes for Him. and Only Him. but it's all wrong T^TT and then theres like. all the other ifs too where emilias either dead or Generally Mentally Unwell - she of course has that distinct lack of control in wrath and pride if over a lot of things :((
though like. i LOVE emisuba's parallels - they were very lonely people, are connected by satella breathing down their necks (metaphorical or literal), and i think their personalities just click well together!! T^T that and like. theyre capable of bringing out either the best or the worst in each other, along with all the layers of what rbd does to their relationship (like. subaru dying way too many times to save her. puck killing subaru and the whole world bc of her death. emilia being unaware about rbd and the witch cult at first and how her previous parent figures are Now Archbishops. satellas involvement. and the question of does subarus rbd take away free will from other people when he can just reset? and the Loads of guilt emilia is gonna feel about this. etc etc.) all of which i think is fascinating.
and like. i love how they dont get together right away after arc 4. like it makes SENSE to me i dont get those people who complain that they didnt start dating and then they point fingers at emilia for not reciprocating. like they Clearly Like Like each other, you just get the sense that theyre saving more of a romantic pursuit for later, u know? and it makes sense to me!! like speaking as someone with some Serious Romantic Relationship experience - yeah going from friendship to like overt romance and then actually maintaining your relationship can be Very Tricky. especially when both emilia and subaru are mentally ill and not completely prepared for it bc there is just. different expectations. and theyve never been in a romantic relationship before. and theres also like All Their Trauma that they havent fully addressed or gotten over at all. like NEITHER of them are fully prepared yet and theres all the chaos of arcs 5-8 happening so theres no time to go right into that stuff right now either. and i love that tappei did that. and tbh i think all the people who think emisuba shouldve been in a romantic relationship post arc 4 are Media Illiterate. like guys. it is completely fine and Healthy for emisuba to take their time with pursuing a romantic relationship with each other. they LITERALLY have all the time in the world.
HOWEVER. tappei stop infantilizing emilia im so tired T^TT like all the stuff about how she doesnt know what sex is and all that.... and it almost feels like her not 100% knowing what romantic love is is kind of framed in the same way as her not knowing sex??? like the whole thing about emilia being pure and innocent (derogatory) - tappei pls im so tired T^TT it just feels like to me, arcs 3 and 4 did all this work of debunking the idea that emilia is this perfect angel who can do no wrong. she is Human. with flaws. and desires. and then tappei refuses to stop making her clueless about stuff like politics T^T let her develop!! bc by the time we get to arc 8 its like. it feels like emilia Still hasnt been through nearly as much development as subaru so narratively speaking they still feel unequal. like i know we had to focus on other people in arcs 5 and 6 and 7 and we still got some great emilia moments. but Still. like i do feel like emilia should have had a little more involvement starting from ARC 2 from the get go. like yes she already has her Moments. but like id love to see her be way more active in the plot, or at least see a bit more glimpses into her mental state. (which i think is partly whats added to some audiences missing the point and preferring rem over emilia and then all the rem vs emilia wars that have happened.) and she NEEDS development very badly. while its not impossible At All to be in a healthy relationship when both parties have a lot of trauma, even if one has more trauma than the other, its still like. narratively speaking emisuba is unbalanced. subarus had So Much Development and it feels like emilia is left by the wayside despite being like. the deuteragonist and female lead of the entire story? T^T it just feels like subarus allowed to be way more messy and human while emilia its like. shes not Allowed to be as messy and human despite the fact that arcs 3-4 was meant to showcase this. it just feels like it doesnt continue enough in later arcs. it feels like tappei just doesnt want to let emilia be more flawed T^T and by flawed i mean. flawed in a way that isnt just making her look very Stupid to Certain Audiences sometimes.
anywayyy this section is way too long but special shoutout to ramilia and reinhard/emilia. i think those ships have the potential to be very sweet or very unhinged. and i like the parallels that each ship has. and big shoutout to Canon Ramilia moments (them holding hands in season two of the anime. and also ramilia hugging in arc 8 ch14 <3). and i do think reinhard/emilia would be interesting in pride if particularly given how they both end up.....
A BROTP I have with said character: SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO ANNEROSE AND EMILIA i love annerose's little crush on emilia and annerose's "emily" nickname (which emilia later uses as an alias in arcs 7-8). yes i do interpret annerose's crush as romantic in nature. but also iirc annerose was the one that taught emilia that babies come from kissing. which i absolutely Despise because GOD TAPPEI why are u having a nine year old teach a seventeen year old this........... BUT OTHER THAN THAT i love the annerose-emilia dynamic and the absolute sass annerose gives subaru. i think annerose and petra are super funny bc they have crushes on emilia and subaru respectively and then their little kid brains explode bc emisuba are so cute and lovey dovey together right in front of them. i think theyre hilarious.
A NOTP I have with said character: literally like..... almost any fanon version of emisuba. or like emisuba but emilia never finds out about rbd. thatd be my worst nightmare. like T^TT please. please no. like i know emilias a fictional character but the way people talk about her sometimes Literally makes me ill (metaphorical). like if you talk about a fictional person like that, how are you acting with real people...
A random headcanon: SHES FERAL. SHES FERAL. I THINK SHES SO CAPABLE OF BEING FERAL AND TAPPEI SHOULD JUST LET HER GO HAYWIRE. like. she was like what. like nine or smth. and she KILLED pandora a shit ton of times. and then theres emilias greed if self being absolutely Batshit like imagine the amount of times shes frozen everything and killed people in failed loops??? T^T like. let her go off tbh. i want her DRENCHED in blood. i think she should snap. have a little carrie moment.
General Opinion over said character: i LOVE EMILIA WITH MY WHOLE HEART. but i do think she deserves a lot better :(( both in terms of writing and in terms of. how shes seen by so much of the fandom. like both in and out of universe shes blamed for things out of her control. she barely knows shit about the witch cult. she has no idea about rbd. shes dealing with her own trauma regarding lying and others sacrificing herself for her (remember whats happened to fortuna and petelgeuse and archie? T^T) and hurting others on accident. shes been so dehumanized and lonely and alone that seeing someone like subaru care so much about her is Completely Foreign to her. hes like in pain and sticking his neck out So Much for her and its like??? shes got no say in that either hah... T^T like i feel like sometimes people forget that subaru made the choice to follow emilia. there are literal routes in this story where subaru does not follow emilia and has a better life (usually at the cost of. a lot of people dying though). hes chosen to follow emilia over and over again. emilia tries her best with the cards she's been dealt, and she has no control over all of these higher forces trying to destroy her for one reason or another. and with her upbringing its like T^T being told what to do and who you are and generally being Spoken Over your whole life does not make you remotely confident or competent at much. it teaches you helplessness. and that youre useless on your own. which is what i think has been happening with emilia T^T i just think its sad that even how audiences see her reflects how the rest of the world in universe sees her. like she is a victim here also. she is DOOMED by the narrative all the time as well. and post-arc 4, too, she IS MORE ACTIVE and also trying her best!!! pls!!! (special shoutout to her and the emilia camp IMMEDIATELY going "yes we NEED to get to subaru quickly LETS GO TO VOLLACHIA" in arc 7.) people forget all of this and blame her for every little thing instead.
and ALSO shes a great character!!! i adore her!!! she has EVEN MORE potential for further development!!!! and with how subarus been dealt with the quadruple whammy of arcs 5-8 happening LITERALLY back to back in the same time span... and the insane levels of trauma in arcs 6-7 ALONE, subaru is in desperate need of a break. and emilia is in desperate need of development and i am tired of tappei putting her on a pedestal in his mind. tappei pls i want to see emilia being challenged and going through insane subaru levels of development T^T
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creatingblackcharacters · 4 months ago
No, That’s Not ‘How Color Works’. - Whitewashing
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Whitewashing, as defined by Merriam-Webster:
"to alter (something) in a way that favors, features, or caters to white people: such as a) to portray (the past) in a way that increases the prominence, relevance, or impact of white people and minimizes or misrepresents that of nonwhite people and B) to alter (an original story) by casting a white performer in a role based on a nonwhite person or fictional character"
In fandom context, we know it to include:
Making someone’s skin lighter
Making someone’s hair a thinner texture
Changing someone’s nose to be thinner
Shrinking their lips
Changing the character in their entirety to be someone else
The Normalization of Whitewashing
Remember how I mentioned last lesson that despite the nature of poorly drawn Black characters, most audiences are not turned off enough to discourage the action in professional works? Similar idea with whitewashing. Not the same- unlike the Ambiguously Brown Character, which claims to have plausible deniability, overt whitewashing is usually enough to make fans speak up! But that’s the key word here- overt! It has to be “bad enough” to make enough people speak up, but as we’ve seen many a time, “bad enough” seems to have a much higher threshold for nonblack viewership (sometimes the limit doesn’t exist!)
Some visual examples
This is a link to my personal thread on a Netflix show I was watching- Worst Ex Ever. Now, while the show itself was quite enlightening, there was something I could not get over. I thought I was going crazy. And that was that no matter how dark the person of color would be in real life, the animated portions would draw this light pinkish-brown. Every. Single. Time. It's like they couldn't fathom scrolling down the color wheel. And this is a Netflix original! Netflix has plenty of money for someone to have caught this in creation. But... it was produced. And put out. And they're making more of it.
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I asked all of the Dragon Age fans about the series, and uh… I didn’t know things were this bad, guys! Apparently this is a man of color, but it doesn't seem like the creators want you to know that 🤣. Jokes aside, as I’ve discussed before, the noticeable whitewashing- and that was one of many racist things I was told- was not enough to prevent sales... so why would they stop? I can only hope this new game, with all the updates, is enough to turn the tide. But the series has gone on for a while now, that if they’d chosen to do ye same olde… there clearly would not be a lack of financial support to prevent it.
Colorism as a Tool
Even when actors of color are cast, colorism often plays a role in normalizing whitewashing to audiences, even to Black audiences! People think “oh well at least they’re Black!” as if that is the only important part. It is not.
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While Aaron Pierre, the actor cast for John Stewart of Green Lantern fame, is a GORGEOUS, STUNNING man, he is not the dark-skinned man that John Stewart is supposed to be and should not have been cast! To me, this is overt colorism, but clearly for many people this is not “enough” to warrant concern or even prevent the casting itself- including the studio behind the movie! Black fans have plead for years for the character of Storm to be played by a dark-skinned, preferably African, woman, and it has never happened.
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It naturally happens in fan spaces as well, which is another indicator that colorism as a tool for whitewashing is quite effective for audiences. If I see one more Zendaya fan cast for Kida from Atlantis, I will scream. It’s been happening for years, and I don’t think any of the people who just want to see her and Tom on screen either understand or care that Kida is a dark-skinned character. Zendaya doesn’t look anything like Kida- it doesn’t matter if she’s Black too! Just because someone is Black does not mean they can play every single Black character! I’ve even seen people fancast Emilia Clarke of Game of Thrones fame, to which… I don’t have the words. I can’t fathom what would cause these decisions other than racism.
The Common Excuses
I must be honest. I don’t really feel like re-iterating how certain things are not okay and how to fix them, because I’ve already discussed these things in massive detail. So I’m just going to direct the excuses I regularly hear to my lessons, where you can read up on them.
“Their hair/eyes are like that because they’re biracial so-”
Relevant Lessons: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 8, 9, 10
There is nothing wrong with having biracial characters with a range of features. I am not saying that! Because yeah, genetics do happen!
But I mentioned this in my last lesson, and I will re-emphasize here, that using biracial identity as a way to whitewash is a sinister form of racism. The intention here- the real intention- is the issue here! The idea that somehow this character can only look the way you want them to look by "diluting" their Blackness… I don’t know how you can explain yourselves out of that one.
You don’t get to use us as an excuse for diversity while still trying to maintain your preference for Eurocentric beauty standards. Black biracial people don’t always look light skinned, thin-haired and ambiguous, and even the ones that do don’t deserve to be treated as your fetish for pretend antiracism. If you just want to draw a white person with a tan, do that. But don’t change a character’s entire look just so you can work in some whiteness. If you want to claim that canon Black character’s mother was white, then I guess they inherited some of her personality because their features should not change.
“It’s my style/It’s the color-”
Relevant Lessons: 3, 4, 10
I hate all excuses for whitewashing, but I’ve grown to despise, hate, abhor and loathe this one the most as I’ve become an artist. I wish there were stronger words to describe just how much I hate the “style” and “color” excuse.
Are style and use of color oft intertwined? Absolutely. I’m not saying they aren’t. But out of everything, there are two things I want artists to understand:
1. Style does not cancel out racism! No style forces you to choose ashy greys and to change peoples’ features. That’s you! If you look at something, and it looks offensive, you change the style. You grow as an artist!
2. “Everyone who is brown will look ashy so I just-” if you recognize that your Black characters look strange in comparison to your nonblack characters, then it’s time to try something else! I don’t understand this sudden need for “realism” when it comes to color and lighting, but not when it comes to hair, for example. No one cares about realism when giving every and all Black characters wavy tresses they probably wouldn’t have, but suddenly milquetoast watercolor attempts at brown and off-putting lighting is “how it works”. That’s not fair.
The color picker is an available tool! I use it often!
Dead giveaway of purposeful whitewashing: if someone gets the outfit color palette right via color picking, but the skin color is multiple shades lighter. That means they were looking at that character and chose not to proceed.
Dead giveaway of purposeful whitewashing: if the white characters in the show are completely correct in their palettes. Again, that means they cared enough to look at everyone else… and not the Black characters.
If you use the color picker and the color picked is… disrespectful, you do not have to use that! You can simply choose a better color that is still similar to the brown that ought to be depicted!
“It’s the lighting-”
Relevant Lessons: 4, 5
If your white characters do not shine like snow in the sunlight because of your lighting, then your lighting does not make your Black characters suddenly light tan.
If your Black characters look bad in your lighting of choice- for example, putting a very dark-skinned character in electric white lighting can be ghastly- try changing the intensity or the color of the lighting. DON’T change your character’s skin color!
I'm going to show you some pictures of South Sudanese model Nyakim Gatwech. Pay attention to the choices of light, color, and makeup.
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Look how BEAUTIFUL she is! Look at the choices of intensity and color of light, and how they make her look different in each image.
Now look at this image in comparison:
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In this image, whoever did her makeup and took this picture did not take into consideration her skin tone. She's also under this really intense lighting. This is an example of "increasing the lighting does NOT make an image "better"". She didn't need to have lighter skin or "more lighting" to look good. She needed BETTER lighting, lighting that worked with HER.
To see this as an example in drawn art, @dsm7 makes an excellent argument for proper lighting and color, why it is an issue to use it as an excuse, and how to solve that problem.
Okay. I am about to show y’all a fan-created example from my personal experience. It is a TEACHING EXPERIENCE ONLY. I am not including the artist’s name in this image. It happened a couple years ago, and it’s over- they’ve chosen to be who they are despite me kindly confronting them about it. The only reason I’m including it at all is because I feel like it would be remiss to have such a clear-cut, multi-level example, and not teach with it. That said, no, I am not telling anyone to act out towards them. Again, that is not what I’m telling you to do. The last thing I need is a literal lynch mob of angry nonblack viewership for trying to teach you all, and y’all sitting there watching it happen to me. Every example of whitewashing is not going to be so obvious, but I hope you learn how to spot the examples in the art you see and share.
I'm obviously a Hades fan, particularly of Patroclus- despite my disdain for the lack of effort in his canon character design. So I've seen a lot of things. That said:
“Well it’s just MY design of them-”
Relevant Lessons: ALL
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The sepia coloring did not do this. The lighting did not do this. The design is the exact same as the Hades version, even down to the shape of the hair curling in the back. The only thing that is different… is the man himself.
Y'all. Y'all! You CANNOT take a pre-existing Black character and say “oh well this is my design of them” …and the design is of a whole white person. Because if the rest of the fit is the same, and the only thing that changed is the Blackness… Racism. If you’re going to “make up your own design”, then do that!
Speaking of: I’m sure someone edgy out there thinks they’re so smart as they retort to the screen: “but if that’s not okay, then why is Blackwashing okay?” To which I say- shut up. 😐
The “definition” by fandom: making a nonblack character Black, usually an anime character, but characters in general.
Funny enough, the actual definition in the dictionary (or closest to) is “to defame”, in contrast with whitewash (as in whitewashing history). Maybe racist fans ARE using it correctly when they say you’re blackwashing their characters, when they mean you’re making them “less likable because they’re Black now”. 🤔
Anyway: Blackwashing is not real for the same reason reverse racism is not real.
Me painting these characters brown is not going to take away from the fact that there are far more of you in media than there is of me. Me saying that I ‘headcanon a character as Black with 4C hair’ is not going to make the studio go “oh! Well they must be Black with 4C hair now!” Me saying “oh I think I’d like this character better if they were Black” as a beta tester (less overtly, obviously, because I’m not racist!) will never make a studio change that character. Black viewers have minimal value in comparison to the power of the white viewer’s dollar. I could draw white characters Black every single day of every single game media… and they would still produce majority white characters. There has not been centuries- if not millennia, when we consider Jesus Christ himself, even- of purposeful “Blackwashing” with the intent of removing the original ethnicity- and thus importance- of white people. No one has ever been allowed to forget when someone is white. No one has ever been allowed to forget or not acknowledge white people.
How it could be "solved"
Personally, I love Black edits and I welcome them here. I find them creative and fun. But if you really, REALLY didn’t want us to make those edits, then naturally, we need more Black characters in all of our media!
I wouldn’t have to make edits if I saw more of me to begin with in the things I like to watch- but when we have those characters, racists act an ass about them. We’re not allowed to even be present! I’ve seen too many gamer bros mocking the existence of Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed, and he was a real ass man. But if we made a game about African peoples in African societies, how many of the gamer bros would actually play those games? Do you think there’d be as much support, when we hear so much about Black characters that are treated so abhorrently? How many games do we have where people would love their faves just as much if they were Black? I even learned that Solas was apparently supposed to be a man of color. IMAGINE how many people would not have liked that man, with the same exact plot and characterization.
Something I’ve noticed recently: apparently "Blackwashing" is not a thing when White fans “allow” it. Take this recent trend with Miku. International Miku was beloved! But if you draw any other character as Black on any other day, there will be people that are horrid about it. Ask any artist, Black artists and Black cosplayers especially, who’s ever done it what their comments are like. I’ve read entire missives akin to white supremacist drivel on how it’s somehow morally wrong to make characters Black. Meanwhile no amount of “hey maybe you shouldn’t do this” prevented the movie Gods of Egypt from being created, with a cast full of British White people.
Solutions to Avoiding Whitewashing!
1) Using References!!
Do I think you should know what Black people look like? Yes. We’re humans. It’s 2024. Everyone knows what we look like when it’s time to hate and discriminate against us, so you know what we look like when it’s time to love and depict us. If you’re on Tumblr, you have access to the Internet. ESPECIALLY if you’re in the U.S., as Black people are the source of damn near every piece of online pop culture. If you can find my dialect to make my jokes, you can find pictures of me.
Would I rather you use a reference every single time so that you can only strengthen your depiction of my people? ABSOLUTELY.
Anyone on the Internet telling you not to use a reference or that you shouldn’t need a reference? Unfollow them. You don’t need that negativity in your life. Why would you deprive yourself of a tool to create? The greatest portrait painters in history had to look at their subjects! You are not getting paid nearly as much to do this as Hans Holbein, and he had to stare at Henry VIII correct else lose his head- you can pull up multiple references. I’d far rather be judged for using hella references than be judged for being a racist!
Part of the issue is people draw what they’re used to, what they’re comfortable with (thus last lesson). But if what you’re used to is not what someone will look like… That’s not okay. Their features are not the issue, your skills are the issue. Learn! Practice! There is no rush. No one is rushing you to be perfect at drawing Black characters, and no one is rushing you to post them. You can just practice! If you’re not a professional, you can take as long as you need to draw! If you need to draw that piece of hair over and over until you feel like you have down the shape, you do that! If you need to use a tool that would draw the hair for you, you get that tool!
If you want to post, you can say you are practicing! If you make clear you are practicing, then be willing to accept that people may have feedback. I’d far rather deal with someone saying they’re unconfident and practicing, than someone posting a whitewashed caricature and closing their ears because “well at least I’m trying!”
2) Empathize! Care about actual Black people when you create a Black character!
Imagine, if you will, in the Twilight Zone: you went to an artist, and you asked for a white character (I typed in “regular looking white dude” on google). There’s hardly ever any white characters, you’re so super excited about this one! You paid good money, because you’ve seen just how amazing this artist creates! They’re so good at drawing characters of color! But no matter how many times you ask, they send you back an image of… Assad Zaman.
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That man might be fine as hell! Gorgeous! Beautifully done! Chef’s kiss. Stunning! But… He’s not white. That’s not what you asked or paid for. You can’t even fathom how they mixed this up, they don’t even look alike! And when you confront them, they gaslight you, they call YOU the issue for not understanding how you can’t tell that this is a white man! They would never get this wrong! They have white friends, you’re the racist! But you’re not stupid, and you have functioning eyes- you can SEE what this drawing looks like! And… It’s not you.
It’s dehumanizing. It’s being told that there’s a “better way” to look like you, and that’s by… Not looking like you. You, as you exist, are what’s incorrect. Your identity is incorrect, not their drawing. It’s better to have thinner hair instead of an afro or locs, it’s better to have lighter skin, it’s better to have a straighter, thinner nose over a round one, and smaller lips.
And what makes it worse is knowing that people who don’t look like you? Probably won’t care. They won’t be willing to see- not unable, but unwilling- that playing with this caricature is harmful, that they’re propagating harm by not acknowledging it. They’re letting you know that your humanity means less to them than the clout received with a whitewashed or half-assed Black character, and that people will applaud them for that ‘attempt at inclusion’. And people will applaud! They will be entertained by the mere performance! And that hurts.
I’m going to say this, and it’s awkward and I try not to say it directly on here, but… Having Black friends and/or being around actual, real life Black people would help. I can tell from some of the questions I receive that Black characters and their traits- especially things like our hair and our cultures- are being treated as… alien concepts. But even if, for whatever reason, you legitimately don’t know any Black people, you do not need to know us individually to care about our humanity as a whole! Even if you do not know we’re there, we are, and we could possibly see your work!
By acknowledging Blackness and making room to understand what it means- and that includes how we can look- you are doing the bare minimum of acknowledging our personhood. If you cannot do even that, you don’t need to be drawing us.
Here’s the thing: if you want to draw a white man with tanned skin, do that. Just do it! You do NOT have to erase me to have more of you! There is not a single fandom where the majority of the white fans ever said “gee, not another white guy!” It simply doesn’t happen. God knows we wish it did sometimes. You will always have an audience for white characters. There’s no danger to any of you of “being erased”.
(Without putting on my political hat, I will say that a lot of white people who consider themselves to be far from white supremacist will express beliefs in line with great replacement theory if you push them hard enough. It is unfortunately not as uncommon an idea as you might think. I would do some self-evaluation.)
People are going to notice that you only ever draw white people, but… To be frank, that has never stopped anybody from being successful. Again, Jen Zee, at Supergiant with the terrible dark-skinned characters… Still has a job. at Supergiant. A professional studio. Dragon Age. Multiple games of consistent whitewashing and racist writing. Still going. If racism prevented creation and popularity, I wouldn’t have to have this blog. Alas, that is the society we currently live in.
But if you ACTUALLY want to depict Black characters, if you ACTUALLY want to do right and be respectful- not because you want the clout, but because it’s the right damn thing to do- then you need to commit! This means drawing them as they are meant to be! Accept that you’ll likely lose some fan base, who was there (whether they were aware of it or not) for the white and lighter skinned characters. Accept that this means that trying to appeal to those people by whitewashing characters is 1) wrong, 2) racist, which is 3) something you chose to do when you could simply have just… Drawn more white people.
I’ll say it again: antiracism is hard. It’s hard doing the right thing in a society that rewards racism so easily. It’s really hard knowing that people will stop supporting you or caring as much about your work when you start including Black characters as actively as you do white ones, especially if you start talking about the importance of it. But in my honest opinion, I’d far rather be someone that cared about others, with genuine fans, than someone that was racist for the fleeting internet clout of strangers. And that may be less ‘hopeful’ than I normally am in these lessons, but… People make choices. And people who have been informed- as you are now- are aware of the choices they are making. It’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers- let’s choose better actions.
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harrysfolklore · 1 month ago
secret - cs55
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summary: carlos has been keeping his relationship secret for 6 months. the world has no idea that he's dating an a list actress
wc: 5.4k words + social media posts. face claim: emilia clarke
folkie radio: guys... why does it feel illegal to post a carlos fic that's not little bitch?? anyway i hope you like this LEAVE FEEDBACK !
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liked by carlossainz55, zendaya and 2,445,805 others
yourinstagram Spain, you have my heart ❤️
view all 16,333 comments
username1 QUEEN
username2 she’s glowiiiing
arianagrande mother 🤎
username3 imagine being the highest paid actress in hollywood looking like that i wouldn’t take shit from anybody
florencepugh you’re the actual loml
↳ yourinstagram Love you baby flo
username4 single yn is glowing
username5 spain also has my heart but i’ve never been there i’m just obsessed with carlos sainz
username6 carlos sainz in the likes wbk he’s a fan since the first season of game of thrones
anasainzvdec 💓💓
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourinstagram and 1,570,487 others
carlossainz55 Short break before heading to Silverstone 🇬🇧
view all 10,248 comments
username2 carlos don’t do this to my ovaries
scuderiaferrari 🌶️🌶️
username3 if he is single who is taking all this boyfriend content
blancasainzv 🙌🙌🙌
username6 it’s a crime that this man is single looking like this (not really)
landonorris A family man
↳ georgerussell63 😂😂😂
↳ username1 carlando forever
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You stand in front of the mirror, applying the last touches of makeup as sunlight streams through the bedroom window. The reflection shows Carlos lounging on the bed behind you, his dark eyes following your every move. You can't help but smile, feeling the warmth of his gaze.
As you prepare to leave, your mind wanders to the whirlwind romance of the past six months. It all started with a tweet- Carlos expressing his admiration for your character in Game of Thrones. You hadn't known much about Formula 1 then, but his charm and genuine enthusiasm caught your attention.
Fate brought you together at a high-profile fashion event months later. You remember how your heart raced when he approached you, confidently asking for your number. Within days, he'd asked you out on a proper date.
Now, six months later, you're living in a blissful bubble of secrecy. Neither his fellow drivers nor your co-stars have any idea about your relationship. It's a mutual decision - you're both in the spotlight, and this connection feels too important to expose to the world's scrutiny just yet.
You've just returned from a short trip to Spain, where Carlos introduced you to his family. The warmth of their welcome still lingers, making you feel even more connected to him. His parents had embraced you immediately, and you'd spent hours laughing and sharing stories with his sisters. The trip reinforced the feeling that you truly belonged in Carlos' life.
"Do you really have to leave?" Carlos asks, his Spanish accent more pronounced in his sleepy state.
"You know I do, darling. This film isn't going to shoot itself," you turn to face him, taking in his tousled hair and bare chest.
Carlos props himself up on his elbows, a playful smirk on his lips. "But I can think of so many better ways to spend the day."
You walk over to the bed, leaning down to place a soft kiss on his lips. "Tempting, but I've got to go. We can't all race cars for a living, you know."
His hand catches yours as you start to pull away. "Just five more minutes?" he pleads, pulling you closer.
You allow yourself to be drawn in, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You're impossible," you say, but there's no real frustration in your voice.
"Impossible to resist, you mean," Carlos wraps an arm around your waist, nuzzling into your neck.
"That too," you laugh, running your fingers through his hair. "But seriously, I need to leave soon."
He sighs dramatically, flopping back onto the pillows. "Fine, fine. Go be a famous actress. Leave me here all alone."
"Drama queen," you roll your eyes, standing up. "You've got meetings later anyway."
As you gather your things, Carlos watches you with a mix of admiration and affection.
"You know," he says softly, "sometimes I still can't believe this is real. Us, I mean."
"It's real," you assure him, with a small smile, "And it's ours."
"I guess my obsession with Daenerys Targaryen paid off," Carlos grins, sitting up, "Though I have to say, the real you is even better than any character."
"Smooth talker. No wonder I fell for you so quickly," you roll your eyes playfully as you walk over to the bed, cupping his face in your hands. "As tempting as that is, love, we both have responsibilities. But tonight, it's just us."
He leans into your touch, then pulls you down for a deep kiss. When you part, both slightly breathless, he whispers, "I can't wait."
With a final blown kiss, you slip out of the room, your heart full and a smile on your lips. Another day of keeping your relationship under wraps begins, but you wouldn't have it any other way. Your mind is already counting down the hours until you can be in his arms again, safe in your private world built for two.
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liked by username1, username2 and 19,836 others
ynupdates YN arriving for filming today in London!
view all 1,937 comments
username1 MY BUBBB
username2 why so serious
username3 she has a movie premiering in two months and she’s already filming another talk about an icon
username4 love the fitttt
username5 streets say she’s got a boyfriend now 👀
↳ username1 source: trust me bro
↳ username2 SPILL THE DEETS
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You sink into the plush couch in Carlos' living room, the aroma of your favorite pasta filling the air. This has become your ritual - intimate dinners at home, safe from prying eyes and camera flashes. Sometimes you cook together, but tonight you've ordered in from that little Italian place Carlos adores.
"This is perfect," you sigh contentedly as Carlos settles beside you, two plates balanced in his hands. "I'll take nosy neighbors over paparazzi any day."
"Agreed," Carlos chuckles, handing you your plate, "Though I'm pretty sure my neighbor thinks I've developed an unhealthy obsession with takeout."
"Little do they know you're just obsessed with me," you lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"Guilty as charged," he grins, pulling you closer.
As you eat, you share stories about your day. Carlos absently traces patterns on your knee, and you find yourself melting into his touch.
"Oh," you say, remembering suddenly. "My team suggested something interesting today."
"What would that be, amor?" Carlos raises an eyebrow, intrigued.
You take a sip of wine before answering. "They think it would be a good idea for me to attend the Silverstone Grand Prix."
For obvious reasons, you haven't been able to join Carlos for a race since your relationship began. The need for secrecy and your busy schedules have kept you from sharing this crucial part of his life.
So when your team suggested you should attend the British Grand Prix at Silverstone to promote your new movie, you felt a surge of excitement. The prospect of finally seeing Carlos in his element, even if you had to pretend not to know each other, made you giddy.
"Really? That's... wow," Carlos said, his eyes twinkling.
"Don't get too excited," you nudge him playfully. "We'll have to pretend we barely know each other, you know."
Carlos groans dramatically, flopping back against the couch. "You mean I can't sweep you off your feet in front of thousands of fans? How will I cope?"
You laugh, setting your plate aside to cuddle closer to him. "I'm sure you'll manage. Just think of it as acting practice for both of us."
He wraps an arm around you, his voice growing softer. "You know, I always imagined the first race you'd attend would be as my girlfriend. With everyone knowing how lucky I am."
"I know, love," your heart swells at his words. "But hey, we'll still be together, even if no one else knows it."
Carlos nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "You're right. And I am happy you'll be there. Even if I have to pretend I'm not crazy about you."
"Well, there's no pretending now," you look up at him, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Show me just how crazy about me you are."
With a playful growl, Carlos pulls you onto his lap, dinner forgotten as his lips find yours. In moments like these, the secrecy feels worth it - these moments are yours alone, untouched by the outside world.
As you break apart, slightly breathless, Carlos murmurs against your lips, "Maybe we can sneak a moment at Silverstone. A secret rendezvous in the paddock?"
"Now that would make headlines", you laugh, running your fingers through his hair. "'Famous actress and F1 star caught canoodling behind the garages.'"
"Worth it," Carlos grins, pulling you in for another kiss.
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liked by yourinstagram, charles_leclerc and 1,836,426 others
carlossainz55 Beyond excited for Silverstone this weekend. Let’s do this 🙌
view all 17,832 comments
username1 MY MAN
username2 he’s really the hottest man alive
scuderiaferrari We got this 😌
username4 manifesting another silverstone win
username5 my girl yn in the likes she’s so real
landonorris 🥵🥵🥵🥵
↳ username1 these two being single right now just means they get to be menaces
↳ carlossainz55 Weird
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The early morning light filters through the curtains of your bedroom as you help Carlos adjust his red Ferrari hoodie. Your fingers linger on his shoulders, savoring these last private moments before the chaos of race day begins.
"Remember," you tease, smoothing down his collar, "hands to yourself out there, Sainz."
"That might be a challenge, amor," Carlos grins, his eyes sparkling, "Especially with you wearing my number."
You playfully swat his arm, adjusting the Ferrari cap with Carlos' number that sits atop your head. "I mean it. We've managed to keep this under wraps for six months. Let's not blow our cover now."
"Fine, fine," he pulls you close, nuzzling your neck, "But you owe me for this torture."
"Torture, is it?" you laugh, tilting your head to give him better access. "Such a dramatic driver I've fallen for."
"In all honesty," Carlos pulls back, his expression suddenly serious, "I wish I could shout it from the podium today. That I'm the luckiest man in the world because I have you."
"Soon," you promise, cupping his face. "For now, let's enjoy our little secret."
With a final, lingering kiss, Carlos reluctantly steps away. "I'd better go. See you out there, amor."
"Go get 'em, tiger."
Hours later, you arrive at the circuit, your stomach fluttering with nerves. The Ferrari cap with Carlos' number feels like a subtle declaration, a secret sign that only you and Carlos truly understand.
"We'll start with Ferrari," your manager explains. "Given your... interest in the team."
You nod, fighting to keep your expression neutral. If only she knew the real reason for your interest.
As you approach the Ferrari garage, you spot Charles Leclerc first. Carlos had told you stories about his teammate before – his skill on the track, his competitive nature, and his charming personality. Now, seeing him in person, you understand why he's such a fan favorite.
Charles notices you approaching and breaks into a warm smile. He steps forward, extending his hand. "Hello there! I'm Charles Leclerc. Big fan."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Charles," you shake his hand, returning the smile. "I've heard great things about you."
"All good, I hope," he chuckles. "Is this your first time at a Grand Prix?"
"It is! I'm thrilled to be here. The energy is incredible already."
"Oh, just wait until the race starts. There's nothing quite like it." He pauses, then adds, "Have you met my teammate yet? He's around here somewhere..."
As if on cue, you hear a familiar voice behind you. "Did someone mention me?"
Your heart skips a beat as Carlos approaches and it takes every ounce of your acting skills to keep your expression neutral as he extends his hand.
"Carlos Sainz," he introduces himself, a cocky smirk on his lips, "Welcome to our garage."
As you shake his hand, you're hyper-aware of every point of contact. This man knows every inch of you, has held you countless times, yet here you are, pretending to be strangers. It's thrilling and frustrating all at once.
"It's great to meet you both," you manage to say, proud of how steady your voice sounds. "I can't wait to see you race."
"Well I hope we make a good first impression," Carlos said, and the look in his eyes told you that it was taking everything in him to keep his hands away from you.
"Carlos is being modest," Charles chimes in. "He's had some of his best performances here. You might be in for a treat today."
You raise an eyebrow, glancing at Carlos. "Is that so? Well, now I'm even more excited to watch."
Carlos rubs the back of his neck, a gesture you know is partly genuine modesty and partly an act. "Charles exaggerates. But I'll do my best to put on a good show for you- I mean, for all the fans."
"I'm sure you both will," you say, including Charles in your gaze to avoid suspicion.
A crew member approaches, informing Carlos and Charles that they're needed for a pre-race briefing shortly, and at the same time, a photographer appears asking for a picture. You pose with Charles first and shortly after Carlos stands next to you, his hand almost squeezing your waist sending shivers down your spine.
After the photo, you reluctantly step away. "I should let you get to your briefing. Good luck in the race, gentlemen!"
As you walk away, Charles say to Carlos, "She's gorgeous, isn't she?"
Carlos feels a sudden pang of jealousy, fighting the urge to declare that you're his. Instead, he replies with a smug tone, "She certainly is. But remember, we're here to race, not to admire the guests."
You make your way to the McLaren garage, where you're introduced to Lando Norris, Carlos' best friend. Lando's infectious energy has you laughing within minutes. You can see why he and Carlos get along so well, and you find yourself wishing you could share stories about your boyfriend with his best friend.
As you're about to leave the McLaren garage, your phone buzzes with a text from Carlos.
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Against your better judgment, you find yourself making excuses to your team and heading towards Carlos' driver's room. You slip inside, closing the door behind you and praying no one saw you.
Carlos is there in an instant, pulling you into his arms. "Dios mio, do you know how hard it was to keep my hands off you out there?"
"Behave yourself, Sainz," you laugh, melting into his embrace, "We have an image to maintain."
"Oh? And what image is that?" he pulls back, his eyes twinkling, "Because right now, all I can think about is how adorable you look in my cap."
"Flatterer," you tease, running your hands up his chest, admiring how the race suit fits him. "You don't look so bad yourself in this. First time I'm seeing it in person, you know."
Carlos grins, leaning in to brush his lips against yours. "Like what you see?"
"Maybe," you say coyly, pressing a kiss to his jaw. "But shouldn't you be focusing on the race?"
"You're killing me, hermosa," he groans dramatically, pulling you back against him, "How am I supposed to focus on driving when all I can think about is you?"
"Well," you suggest, "Maybe you need some motivation. Win the race, and I'll give you a proper celebration later."
"Now that's what I call incentive," he pecked your lips, and suddenly his eyes light up with an idea. He reaches for his phone. "Wait, I need a picture of you in that cap. My good luck charm."
You roll your eyes but pose anyway, tilting the cap at a jaunty angle. Carlos snaps the photo, grinning widely.
"Perfect," he says, showing you the result. "This is going to be my new favorite picture."
You're about to reply when a knock at the door makes you both freeze. "Carlos? Are you in there? Last pre-race briefing in two minutes," comes a voice from outside.
You stifle a giggle as Carlos calls back, "Be right there!"
He turns back to you, stealing one last passionate kiss before reluctantly stepping away. "This isn't over," he promises.
"I should hope not," you tease, straightening his collar. "Now go out there and make me proud."
As Carlos heads for the door, he pauses, looking back at you with a soft smile. "Te amo, YN."
"I love you too. Now go be the champion I know you are."
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liked by username1, username2 and 17,937 others
f1world THESE TWO 🥹🥹🙌
view all 2,004 comments
username2 i bet carlos’ fanboy ass was shaking
username3 they look so good together hello????
username4 not yn zendaya-ing
username5 HER SMILE
username6 love them so much they should date
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liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari and 3,012,368 others
yourinstagram SILVERSTONE. In another life I was a F1 driver. Yesterday I got to hang out with real ones and their pretty pretty cars. And I did not play it cool 😌
view all 36,836 comments
username1 AHHHH ICON
username3 she should go to every gp idc
scuderiaferarri You’re welcome anytime 🙌
username4 “got to hang out with real ones” and just posts carlos
emmacorrin 😍😍😍😍
username6 CARLOSYN YES
charles_leclerc Lovely to meet you 😘
↳ username1 and she didn’t post him help
carlossainz55 An absolute pleasure to chat with you 😉
↳ yourinstagram Likewise !
↳ username2 DATE
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liked by landonorris, yourinstagram and 1,289,300 others
carlossainz55 Triple header done, time to recharge and come back stronger in Hungary! 💪🏻
view all 19,498 comments
username1 CHILIIIIII
username2 of course he was going to post his pic with yn he's such a fanboy
scuderiaferrari Always the Smooth Operator 🌶️
username5 i ship carlos and yn
username6 i like the british gp bc actual cool celebrities attend not like the miami gp
yourinstagram Amazing weekend ❤️
↳ username1 HELLOOOOOO
deuxmoi has added to their stories
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After the excitement of Silverstone, reality had set in quickly. You had to fly to Switzerland for your latest film project, while Carlos was called to Maranello for team duties. The goodbye had been bittersweet.
Now, a week later, you're on set in Switzerland, immersed in the world of your latest film. The day has been long, filled with intense scenes and multiple takes. As you trudge back to your trailer, your mind wanders to your boyfriend, wishing you could share the day's triumphs and frustrations with him, but he was miles away.
You open the trailer door, lost in thought, and nearly jump out of your skin when you see a figure inside. Your heart rate skyrockets, then immediately settles as you recognize the familiar silhouette.
"Carlos?" you whisper, a mix of shock and joy coursing through you. "What are you doing here?"
He turns, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Surprise, baby!"
You rush into his arms, all exhaustion forgotten as he envelops you in a warm embrace. The familiar scent of his cologne wraps around you, and you feel the tension in your body melt away.
But as quickly as the joy comes, worry follows. You pull back slightly, glancing nervously at the door. "Carlos, how did you even get in here what if someone sees you? We can't risk-"
He silences your concerns with a gentle kiss. "Relax, amor. I was careful. No one saw me come in."
Despite your worries, you can't help but lean into him again, savoring the feeling of being in his arms after a week apart.
"I've missed you," you murmur against his chest.
"I've missed you too," he replies, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on your back, "It's like I'm addicted to you, I can't be apart from you for too long."
You look up at him, taking in the warmth in his brown eyes, the slight stubble on his jaw that you love to trace with your fingers. The realization of how much you've missed him hits you all at once, and you pull him down for a deeper kiss.
When you part, both slightly breathless, you can't help but laugh softly. "This is crazy, you know. What if my co-stars come knocking?"
"Then I'll hide in the closet like a teenager sneaking around. It'll be exciting."
He shrugged and you playfully swat his arm, but you can't deny the thrill of having him here, in your space, surrounded by the world of your work.
"How long can you stay?" you ask, hoping against hope that it's more than just a fleeting visit.
"I have to leave early tomorrow," he says, a hint of regret in his voice, "I know it's not much time together but I really needed to see you, kiss you, just be with you."
"I have to go back to filming now," you say reluctantly. "But I'll be done in a few hours."
Carlos nods understandingly. "Go, cariño. I'll wait here in your trailer. Maybe I'll raid your snack stash," he adds with a playful wink.
You laugh, giving him one last quick kiss before heading out. "Behave yourself, Sainz."
The rest of your filming flies by, your spirits lifted by the knowledge that Carlos is waiting for you. As soon as the director calls wrap, you hurry back to your trailer, your heart racing with anticipation.
Carlos is lounging on your small couch when you return, scrolling through his phone. He looks up as you enter, his face breaking into a warm smile. "There's my star."
You collapse into his arms, sighing contentedly. "I still can't believe you're here."
After a few moments of just holding each other, you both decide it's time to head to your hotel. You peek out of the trailer, checking if the coast is clear.
"Okay, I think we're good," you whisper, grabbing Carlos' hand and making a dash for it.
You weave between trailers and equipment, your hearts pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Just as you're about to round the final corner to the parking lot, you spot a crew member heading your way.
"Quick, behind here," Carlos whispers urgently, pulling you behind a large lighting rig.
You both hold your breath as the crew member passes by, mere feet from your hiding spot. Once they're gone, you share a look of relief and almost burst out laughing at the same time. The situation was definitely comic.
As you make your final dash to your car, you hear a surprised voice calling your name from behind you. Turning slightly, you see one of the production assistants, their eyes wide with surprise as they take in the sight of you and Carlos hand-in-hand.
Without stopping, you give a quick wave and a "Goodnight!" before practically diving into your car. Carlos follows suit, and you peel out of the parking lot perhaps a bit faster than necessary. Thank god you're not the race car driver in the relationship.
Once you're on the road, you let out a long breath. "Well, that was close,"
"It's okay, amor," Carlos reaches over to squeeze your hand reassuringly, "Even if they saw us, it doesn't have to mean anything."
"But what if they start asking questions?" you glance at him, unconvinced, "Or worse, what if they tell someone? Deuxmoi is already onto us after Silverstone, what if someone tips them?"
"I still don't understand what Deuxmoi is," Carlos looked at you with confusion, which made you laugh, "But we'll deal with it. Remember, we haven't done anything wrong. We're just two people who care about each other."
You nod, trying to let his words calm you. "I know, I know. It's just... I'm not ready for the world to know yet. To have our relationship picked apart and speculated about."
Carlos brings your hand to his lips, kissing it softly. "I understand. And we'll do everything we can to keep our privacy."
"Okay," you agree, offering him a small smile. "Thank you for always knowing how to calm me down."
"It's because I love you," Carlos says simply, his eyes warm as they meet yours at a stoplight.
The rest of the drive passes in comfortable conversation. By the time you reach the hotel, you're feeling much more relaxed, ready to enjoy your time together.
As you park the car, Carlos turns to you with a mischievous grin. "Now, shall we make another escape to your room, or do you think we can manage to walk in like normal people this time?"
"I think we can risk it. But if anyone asks, you're just my very attractive Swiss tour guide."
"Tour guide, huh?" Carlos waggles his eyebrows. "I can think of a few places I'd like to show you."
Rolling your eyes affectionately, you get out of the car. "Come on, horndog. Let's go before you get us into more trouble."
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liked by username1, username2 and 26,839 others
gossiphub Guess who got caught sneaking out of a movie set in Switzerland? None other than actress YN and Ferrari driver Carlos Sainz! 📸 These two were seen holding hands and looking super close. Could this be the start of a new power couple? What are your thoughts?
view all 2,836 comments
username1 OMFGGGG
username2 AH I KNEW IT
username3 this was expected after silverstone
username5 the couple we didn’t know we needed
username6 YALL what if they’ve been actually dating for longer 😭
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liked by username1, username2 and 16,839 others
sainznews “YN is someone I admire a lot. Right now, though, I'm fully focused on the season and my performance on the track. I prefer to keep my personal life separate from my professional life.” -Carlos today !
view all 1,022 comments
username1 BROOOO
username2 he said you’re NAWT getting details
username3 bold of the interviewer to ask 😭
username4 i really want them to be a couple but maybe they’re just friends
username6 oh well
username7 his ass was shaking
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liked by carlossainz55, blakelively and 2,309,681 others
yourinstagram The train ride home ❣️
view all 29,036 comments
username1 iconic behavior
username2 girl come here address the rumors
gemmachan A beauty 🤍🤍
daisyedgarjones 🥹🥹
username3 i love that both of them are just playing dumb
username5 ah shit they’re not going to confirm anything
username7 potential it couple and they’re playing dumb
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The headlines hit like a tidal wave after your Swiss rendezvous. "A List Actress Spotted with F1 Star Carlos Sainz!" "YN and Carlos Sainz: Secret Romance?" Paparazzi photos of your flooded gossip sites and social media. Fans and media alike dissecting every detail of the grainy images.
You and Carlos spent hours on the phone, figuring out your response. "Maybe we should just confirm it," Carlos suggested one night, his voice tinged with frustration.
"Not yet," you replied, biting your lip. "Let's wait for it to die down a bit. We don't owe them an explanation."
So you played it cool, neither confirming nor denying the rumors. Carlos deflected questions at press conferences with his characteristic charm, while you posted on social media as if nothing had changed. It was stressful, constantly looking over your shoulders, but you managed to keep your relationship under wraps for a little longer.
However, as the world premiere of your movie approached, you made a decision. Curled up on the couch with Carlos during a rare weekend together, you turned to him, tracing patterns on his chest.
"I've been thinking," you started, your heart racing.
Carlos looked at you, his eyes soft. "About what, cariño?"
You took a deep breath. "I want you to come with me to the premiere. As my date. I'm ready for the world to know about us."
Carlos' face lit up with pure joy. He sat up, pulling you onto his lap. "Really? You're sure about this?"
"I'm sure," you nodded, cupping his face, "I love you, Carlos. I'm tired of hiding it."
He peppered your face with kisses, unable to contain his excitement. "I love you too, YN. So much. You have no idea how happy this makes me."
"I think I have some idea," you teased, gesturing to his beaming face.
Carlos pulled you closer, his forehead resting against yours. "No more sneaking around? No more pretending we're just friends?"
"No more," you confirmed.
He kissed you deeply, pouring all his love and excitement into it. When you parted, both slightly breathless, Carlos grinned. "So, do I get to coordinate my tie with your dress?"
"Is that all you're thinking about? Fashion?" you rolled your eyes affectionately.
"No," he replied, his eyes twinkling. "I'm also thinking about how I get to show off the most beautiful, talented woman in the world as my girlfriend."
The night of the premiere arrived quicker than you expected. Carlos looked devastatingly handsome in a sharp black suit, his hair perfectly styled. As you put the finishing touches on your makeup, you caught him watching you in the mirror, his eyes full of adoration.
"What?" you asked, suddenly self-conscious.
He shook his head, smiling softly. "Nothing. I just can't believe how lucky I am."
In the limo on the way to the theater, Carlos took your hand, his thumb tracing soothing circles on your skin. "Nervous?" he asked.
You nodded, letting out a shaky breath. "A little. You?"
"Excited," he replied, bringing your hand to his lips for a soft kiss. As the limo approached the theater, you could already hear the roar of the crowd. Carlos pulled you close, pressing a tender kiss to your temple. "Remember, no matter what happens out there, it's just you and me. Okay?"
"You and me."
The limo door opened, and suddenly you were blinded by camera flashes. Carlos stepped out first, then turned to offer you his hand. As you emerged, the crowd's volume doubled. Carlos kept his hand on the small of your back, a constant reassuring presence as you made your way down the carpet.
When you reached the photo spot, he pulled you close, his arm wrapping securely around your waist. The crowd went wild, cameras clicking furiously. You could hear reporters shouting questions, but you focused on Carlos, on the warmth of his touch and the love in his eyes.
As you made your way down the carpet, Carlos couldn't seem to keep his hands off you. He'd lean in to in your ear, his hand never leaving your waist. At one point, he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, sending the photographers into a frenzy.
You stopped for a few interviews, Carlos by your side the whole time. When asked about your relationship, you simply smiled and said, "We're very happy together." Carlos would beam at you, his pride evident in every glance.
By the time you entered the theater, you were both giddy with excitement and relief. As you took your seats, Carlos leaned over, his lips brushing your ear. "You were amazing out there. I love you so much."
You turned to him, your heart full. "I love you too. Thank you for being here with me."
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
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liked by username1, username2 and 20,836 others
view all 3,048 comments
username1 OMGGGGG
username4 power couple of the century
username5 they look so cunty omg f1 needed a couple like this
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 2,974,644 others
yourinstagram My handsome date 🥰
view all 27,635 comments
username1 AHHHHH
username3 man he is so HOT
andrewgarfield Can you get me tickets for a Grand Prix?
↳ username1 HEEEEELP
↳ yourinstagram 🙄🙄🙄
↳ carlossainz55 You’re welcome anytime, mate!
username4 yn blessing us with boyfriend carlos content already
username5 this relationship is the best thing that happened to us
landonorris Oh he showers
↳ maxverstappen1 Really impressive
↳ username1 THE GRID IS HERE
↳ carlossainz55 Cabrones
carlossainz55 I love you mi amor ❤️❤️
↳ yourinstagram 🥹
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liked by yourinstagram, charles_leclerc and 1,937,267 others
carlossainz55 My 👸❤️
view all 29,022 comments
username1 OH LORDDD
username2 SIMP CARLOS
username3 he’s so in love my heart
scuderiaferarri ❤️
anasainzvdec Hermosa!
blancasainzv 🤍🤍🤍
username4 this relationship is a blessing for real
username6 i love them sm
username7 how long do you think he waited before turning his insta into a fanpage of her
fernandoalo_oficial 👏👏👏
pierregasly Double dates?
↳ francisca.cgomes PRETTY PLEASE
↳ yourinstagram Absolutely 🥰
yourinstagram I loveeeeeee youuuuu
↳ carlossainz55 ❤️
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
The Dutch Grand Prix in Zandvoort, the first race after the summer break. You were attending again, but this time, you walked into the paddock hand-in-hand with Carlos. There was no need for secrecy. You were here as his girlfriend, and the world knew it.
Fans call out your names as you make your way through the paddock, and you both wave, Carlos' arm protectively around your waist. The comfort of being able to show your affection openly still feels thrilling.
As you approach the Ferrari garage, you spot Charles chatting with some engineers. He turns and breaks into a wide grin at the sight of you two.
"Well, well, if it isn't the happy couple!" Charles calls out, walking over to greet you.
"Charles, I don't think you've been properly introduced to my girlfriend yet," Carlos laughs, pulling you closer.
You exchange pleasantries, and then Charles shakes his head, chuckling. "You know, I feel terrible now. I literally wanted to ask you out that day at Silverstone because I had no idea you were together!"
You all share a laugh at the irony, and Carlos playfully narrows his eyes at his teammate. "Watch it, Leclerc. She's taken."
"Be nice, darling," you swat Carlos' arm lightly, "Charles is just being honest."
As you watched Carlos chat animatedly with his teammate, you couldn't help but feel a sense of rightness. This was where you belonged, by Carlos' side, sharing in his world.
"Carlos, we need you for a quick strategy briefing," the engineer said, glancing at his watch.
Carlos nodded, then turned to you with an apologetic smile. "Duty calls, amor. I shouldn't be too long."
"No worries," you assured him. "I'll find ways to entertain myself."
He leaned in, kissing you softly. "I'll text you when I'm done," he promised, then followed his engineer out of the room.
With some time to kill, you decided to explore the paddock. It felt liberating to walk around openly, no longer worried about being spotted or sparking rumors. As you passed the McLaren garage, a familiar voice called out to you.
"Well, if it isn't Mrs. Smooth Operator herself!"
You turned to see Lando Norris grinning at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Lando!" you greeted him warmly. "How are you?"
"I'm good, but more importantly, how are you?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Finally free from the chains of secrecy, eh?"
You recalled the night when the headlines about your relationship with Carlos had broken, and Lando had been the first to reach out. That evening, over dinner at your place, you and Carlos had shared the story of your six-month secret romance with him. Lando had been surprisingly supportive, and since then, he'd become a close confidant and ally.
You chatted with him for a bit, he was someone always fun to talk to and you were happy Carlos had someone like him in his life.
Just then, your phone buzzed with a text from Carlos.
"Let me guess," Lando said, a knowing smirk on his face. "Lover boy is calling?"
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. "As a matter of fact, yes. I should probably go."
"Go on then," Lando shooed you away playfully, "Go be disgustingly in love somewhere else."
You laughed, giving him a quick hug before heading towards the Ferrari hub. As you walked, you felt happy to be able to walk openly into his private space without worrying about prying eyes or rumors.
You knocked softly on the door of his driver's room. "Come in," Carlos called out.
As you entered, you found Carlos sitting on the small couch, still in his casual team gear. He looked up, his face breaking into a warm smile as he saw you.
"Hey you," he said, standing up and crossing the room to pull you into an embrace.
"Hey yourself," you replied, melting into his arms. "How are you feeling?"
Carlos pulled back slightly, his hands resting on your waist. "Better now that you're here," he said, his eyes twinkling.
You laughed softly, reaching up to smooth a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "Charmer. But really, how are you?"
He took a deep breath, his expression turning more serious. "A little nervous, if I'm honest. The pressure is high here."
"That's natural," you nodded understandingly, your hand coming to rest on his cheek, "But Carlos, you're amazing. You've got this."
"Thank you, cariño," he leaned into your touch, his eyes closing briefly, "Your support means everything to me."
For a moment, you both stood there in comfortable silence, foreheads touching, breathing each other in. There was no rush, no fear of discovery. Just the two of you, sharing a quiet moment before the storm of the race.
"I love that we can do this now," you murmured, breaking the silence. "No sneaking around, no looking over our shoulders."
Carlos smiled, pulling you closer. "Me too. It feels right, doesn't it? Having you here with me, openly by my side."
You nodded, your heart swelling with emotion. "It does. I'm so proud to be with you, Carlos. To support you."
His eyes softened, and he leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. You responded eagerly, pouring all your love and support into the gesture.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," you replied, your fingers tracing patterns on the back of his neck.
A knock on the door interrupted your moment. "Ten minutes, Carlos," came a voice from outside.
"I should go," you said reluctantly, but Carlos held onto your hand.
"Stay with me?" he asked, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "Just for a few more minutes?"
You nodded, squeezing his hand. "Of course."
You sat together on the small couch, Carlos's arm around you, your head resting on his shoulder. No words were needed; your presence was enough to calm his pre-race nerves.
As the minutes ticked by, you felt Carlos take a deep breath, his body shifting as he prepared mentally for the race ahead.
"Time to go be a superhero," you said softly, lifting your head to meet his gaze.
Carlos smiled, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before standing up. "Wait for me at the finish line?"
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liked by carlossainz55, zendaya and 2,648,937 others
yourinstagram Heart eyes for my smooth operator 🥰
view all 28,044 comments
username1 AWEEEE
username2 she’s down bad
arianagrande glowiiiing ✨
username3 couple of the century
username4 i love how they were keeping it lowkey but now they can’t stop posting each other as they should
scuderiaferarri Our paddock queen ❤️
username5 yn don’t get used to the ferrari red you’ll be wearing blue next year
anasainzvdec 😍
username7 every time the camera showed her she was either panicking or grinning from ear to ear I LOVE HER
carlossainz55 Mi amor 🤍
↳ username1 CARLOSSS
↳ username2 that should be me
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 1,026,388 others
carlossainz55 P10 ➡️ P5! Beyond happy to share the race with my love @/yourinstagram 😘 Special weekend ahead at Monza, can’t wait to race in front of our Tifosi!
view all 19,739 comments
username1 AHHHHHH
↳ username1 BEST VIDEO EVER
↳ username2 I LOVE THEM SO BAD
scuderiaferarri The Tifosi awaits ❤️
anasainzvdec 🙌
username5 yn and carlos sainz dating is the best thing ever
charles_leclerc 👌👌👌
yourinstagram I love you 🥰🥰 I could get used to this
↳ username2 we need her at every race
1K notes · View notes
letsbangts · 2 months ago
answer your phone || jjk
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⤷ summary: when the consequences of his actions come calling
⟡ sequel to mutt ⟡
⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader
⟶ word count: 12.8k+ (I couldn’t stop 😳)
18+ // mdni
⟶ genre: angst, smut, fluff, friends with benefits au
⟶ content: fuckboy!jk, tattooartist!jk, jk is on a downward spiral (it's what he deserves), oc is struggling as well, taehyung is the shoulder to lean on everyone deserves
⟶ warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content: kissing/making out, groping, protected sex, nipple play, oral (m. & f. receiving), markings (hickeys & other bruising), a bit of dirty talk & praising, fingering, teasing, multiple orgasms…I think that’s it?
↬ a/n: HERE IT IS MUTT PT 2! firstly I want to say thank you for all the love & support i received on pt 1 it truly meant so much to me ♡ OKAY so you all wanted #justiceforoc and to see jk grovel so the tables have definitely turned on him ;). angel xoxo
↬ a/n2: p.s the flashbacks are indicated by the arrows (《,》)
˖⁺. ༶ NOW PLAYING ༶ .⁺˖ answer your phone leon thomas 01:43 ─✮───── 03:07 ⇆ ⊲ II ⊳ ↺ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
masterlist ˚.⋆˚.⋆˚.⋆ join my taglist
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Answer your phone I've got to talk to you
Jungkook is sitting on his couch with a girl's lips all over his neck and her hands all over his body, but his eyes are fixed on his cell phone lying on the coffee table. Instead of focusing on how her tongue is licking at his throat or how her hands grope him through his pants, he can only focus on you.
He stares at the phone that won't ring, at least not with you on the other end. It has been over a month since you stormed out of his place. At first, he left you alone and didn't try to reach out because he thought you needed to cool off. Jungkook has dealt with this hot and cold shit with others before; he knows they’ll be back eventually, whether he makes any effort or not. And it’s so much easier not to. But he has been calling you for weeks now with no success.
This past month, Jungkook has been with a handful of women, hoping to feel something, but he hasn't. Not even with the aid of an empty bottle or a joint— and he's certainly had plenty of both— nothing makes him feel as good as you do. Whether it's getting his dick sucked by any of the random women he’s taken into the bathroom of a club or bending one over in the backseat of his car in the parking lot of the tattoo studio, getting on top of someone else to distract him from you hasn’t helped as he thought it would.
Even though the girl with him right now is attractive, with a nice body and a skilful set of hands, he is trapped in his thoughts. He’s annoyed that her lips don't send tingles down his body like yours do, that her hands aren't as soft as your own and that she doesn't have her fingers running through his hair the way you do.
He misses you.
He pries the girl's hands off him and pushes her back as he lets out a deep sigh. She looks at him with a confused expression.
Jungkook licks his lips and, without looking at her, says, "I think we better stop; you should go."
The girl attempts a seductive smile as she moves to unbuckle his belt.
"Stop? We haven't even started anything. Come on, I'll make you feel good, big boy."
Jungkook rips her hands off of his belt, he rubs his hands over his face in frustration.
"Look, I'm just not feeling this, okay?" he says exasperated.
The girl's face drops and her whole demeanour changes.
"Are you fucking serious, Jungkook? Not feeling this? Can you not get it up or something? Is your dick really that pathetic?" she snarks, her eyes scanning him up and down.
He gives her a pointed look with his pierced eyebrow raised as he rolls his tongue against the inside of his cheek and chuckles bitterly. He shakes his head, sniffs, and sits up straighter.
"Okay, listen here, Emilia—"
"It's Emily!"
"Whatever the fuck your name is, I don't care. I tried to be nice about this, but if you want to provoke me, that's fine. You're right; I can't get it up because I can't even pretend for a goddamn moment that you turn me on, not even in the slightest, so get your ass out of my fucking house," he sneers through clenched teeth.
Right after Jungkook finished speaking, he felt a sting on his cheek. The response to his words was a sharp slap to his face and, once again, another upset girl storming out of his place, slamming the door behind her.
Jungkook shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose. A metallic taste begins to form in his mouth; he must have bitten the inside of his cheek on impact. He rises to his feet and walks to the bathroom. He leans over the sink, gripping the porcelain edge as he spits out blood. Jungkook stares at himself in the mirror and runs a hand over his reddened cheek, marked with a fresh cut from the girl's ring-clad hand.
He isn't bothered that the girl is upset because he doesn't care about her. Jungkook couldn't care less about whether he was an asshole to Emma; all he cares about is you and how he needs to talk to you.
Answer your phone Give me a minute, please Has your heart turned to stone? Have you no sympathy?
He has texted and called you an embarrassing number of times, waiting with every ring to see if you'd pick up so that he could hear your sweet voice. And he does, but only when he's met with your voicemail — "Hey, this is Y/N. Sorry, I missed your call. Please leave me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!"— which is a lie because you never do. Still, he leaves voice messages, hoping you will listen to them and call him back. He hopes that with every call, his persistence will make you curious enough to answer and talk to him—even if only for a minute.
Jungkook turns on the tap and washes his face; the cool water momentarily clears his head. However, once he raises his head and looks at his reflection again, his fringe drips with water, droplets falling onto his shirt. He is overwhelmed by the thought of you all over again.
He knows you can't be too mad at him because you haven't blocked him—not his number or on social media. This is how he knows you're not that hung up on what happened since he sees you posting, whether casually going out for coffee or all dressed up to go party with your friends; regardless, in all of them, you look stunningly beautiful.
This makes him miss you even more and makes him unsure if blocking him might have been better since Jungkook has seen some guys in your posts and noticed how they sometimes have an arm around you or how you lean in a little bit too close to them for his liking. He wonders if they are just friends; even if they are, he's sure they want to be more. Have they tried anything with you? Are you dressing up like that for one of those guys? Are you trying to move on with one of them? Is that the reason you're ignoring him?
The thought alone of you with someone else drives him crazy, but having to see you with some guy who probably doesn't even know you that well makes him furious. Jungkook knows you better than any one of those chumps could, yet they get to be around you while he is stuck looking at your angelic face beside some happy idiot through a screen like a loser.
Jungkook bets none of those guys know that you hum while getting ready, don't know that when you're in the car while it's raining you turn off the radio to listen to it fall, don't know that you can't sleep wearing pants or socks, don't know that you hate drinking room temperature water, don't know that you do this adorable little happy dance when you really like the food you're eating, and bets they don't know that the guy who put that tattoo on your hip has fucked you every way under the sun.
Shit. He misses you.
Misses how you would thread your fingers through his hair, scratching softly at his scalp while he had his head in your lap as you both watched TV, misses how you would listen to him complain about a client while you fiddled with his earring but with such attentive eyes that showed you were paying attention, misses how you would scrunch your nose and blush when he made a flirty comment, misses how you would somehow take the pressure of the day off him simply by hugging him.
Why won't you answer? Why won't you give him a proper chance to explain himself and apologize? Did all your feelings for him vanish; has your heart just turned to stone? Don't you see how hard he's trying? Don't you have any sympathy for him?
Upon realizing that his teeth are grinding together and his fists are clenched so tightly that his knuckles have turned white, he pulls himself together, relaxing all his muscles, and heads back to the living room with determination.
Jungkook grabs his phone off the coffee table before sitting on his couch. With his elbows resting on his knees, he goes to his call log filled with your name and presses it, lifting the phone to his ear as he listens to the ringing for the umpteenth time.
I know I fucked this up I know I let you down But I've suffered long enough And you're still not around
He bites his nails while tapping his foot anxiously; he concentrates on what seems like endless ringing. His eyes glance at the clock. You should be home from work by this time, he thinks. When your voice finally comes through—voicemail, of course. Jungkook didn't honestly expect anything else.  
He leans back, tips his head back against the backrest, and shuts his eyes for a second, trying to keep up with the rapid pace of his thoughts, and when he hears the beep of the answering machine, all those thoughts spill out of his mouth.
I know I don't deserve it But please have some mercy 'Cause I just might die if you don't
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You hold your buzzing phone in your hand and watch as the screen dims once it's finished, only to light up a few seconds later with a notification about a voicemail.
You hit on the notification and bring your phone to your ear, you bite your lip when you hear the deep voice of the man you've been keeping at bay.
"Hey Y/N, I don't know if you even listen to my messages anymore or if you ever did, but I'm not going to give up. I'm sorry, I know I fucked up and I know I let you down, but—fuck, Y/N, I miss you so goddamn much. It feels like I've been suffering for so long like there is this knife that's buried in my chest and keeps twisting the more time you're not around. I know I don't deserve it, but please have some mercy and answer me. Fucking shout at me and curse me out. Answer me and don't say anything— stay silent if you want, but just answer me, please. I need to hear your voice, or see you, something—anything, because this is beginning to feel like a slow, painful death."
You sigh as you lower the phone from your ear, swallowing the lump in your throat. You've never heard his voice so shaky; you've never experienced Jungkook being anything but confident.
Jungkook has been persistent in reaching out, and you have told yourself you must be just as persistent in your resolve not to answer. This past month has been devoid of any trace of him, but just because he hurt you doesn't mean all your feelings for him have vanished. It's been hard on you; many times your thumb has hovered over the accept button when he called, but by the time you contemplate it, the call has already gone to voicemail.
Regarding that night, you have calmed down significantly since leaving his place feeling angry and upset. You have thought it over countless times, and although you still don't condone what he did, you genuinely believe he didn't act with ill intent. You just expected more from him; he always told you how it was different with you, that you meant more to him than anyone else. Only to then treat you like any other one of his insignificant flings. It made you question if you were so whipped for him that you failed to see he viewed you as a girl easy to fool. But you know Jungkook is more than just that one night; he may have disappointed you, but there have been many times he hasn't.
You have ignored every attempt he made to communicate with you; yet, you haven't blocked him on anything—it feels too final. Instead, you have been keeping yourself occupied. When you're not working, you've been going out with friends, reminding yourself of who you were before Jungkook. Of course, you didn't completely ignore your friends when he came into your life, but he did take up a big part of your free time.
They knew about him as well; while they may not have known all the dirty details of your relationship, they did know that you spent a lot of time with him and enjoyed doing so. And if you were happy, so were they. So when you replied in the group chat that you'd be joining them for a night out, they were shocked but didn't ask any questions. They were excited to have the gang together and didn't hesitate to ensure you had a good time.
Usually, you'd spend your weekends with Jungkook since you both were off then. You would be tangled in his sheets, a sweaty mess put in various positions inducing multiple orgasms. You had forgotten the thrill of being in the middle of a crowded dance floor, sweat rolling down your body from the heat of so many bodies so close together. Throwing back countless shots, you and your friends could barely dance in your heels and tight dresses without stumbling over.
You'd also forgotten how much male attention you receive when going out and mingling with new people. Although there are still many creeps around—for whom you had to get your guy friends to come to your rescue—sometimes there would be someone who seemed harmless enough to flirt with, but then you would remember a certain doe-eyed, dimpled-smiled man and would turn them down.
One time, when you had used your friend Taehyung as an escape from an otherwise seemingly good guy, pulling him behind you and wrapping his arms around your dancing figure for protection, he asked you why you didn't go for it. That was when you opened up and told him the full story about you and Jungkook. Taehyung has been a caring and understanding person for as long as you have known him, and he empathized with you when you explained your feelings and complicated situationship.
Since that night, he has been your confidant, your shoulder to lean on. He has witnessed firsthand how this month has not been easy for you, no matter how much you tried to forget about your fuck buddy/friend. After hearing about the detailed story of the last night you spent with Jungkook, he has been vocal about how you deserve someone who wants to be with only you and that you are more than enough. Yet, he never judges you and understands that you know a different side of Jungkook.
You know the Jungkook who moved all the mugs to the lowest shelf in his cupboard so that you could reach them, the Jungkook who sings loudly in the shower, the Jungkook who when he first falls asleep starts twitching with a cute, peaceful smile on his face.
You miss him.
You've passed the tattoo studio on your way home, stared at that flashing neon-red sign, and thought how all it would take to see him is for you to step through that door; if you just walked in and talked to him, maybe everything could turn around in your favour. You both could patch things up and be happy. You could be together.
You've looked through that window from afar, hoping to catch sight of the pierced, tattoo-covered man, reminiscing about when you were on the other side with him.
✧ ──── 《《 ──── ✧
The bell of his studio dings, signalling your entry. At the counter stands the pierced, tattoo-covered man you came for. He looks up from the book with his scheduled appointments, and when his eyes land on you, he flashes you that big, dimpled smile, the corners of his tired eyes crinkling in delight.
"Hey, baby. I wasn't expecting you. What are you doing here so late?"  
He drops his pen onto the book and rounds the counter, meeting you halfway. His lips press against yours in a quick kiss as his hands settle on your waist while yours find their way around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.
"I could ask you the same thing. When you texted that you were still here, I thought I would stop by to see you," you shrug.
Jungkook sighs and gives you a tight-lipped smile, lifting a hand to brush through his hair.
"My last client of the day cancelled on me, so I decided to stay back and work on some designs. I sent the others home, and I guess the time got away from me," he scratches the back of his neck.
"Mmm, handsome and hard-working, what a catch," you smile and tiptoe to give his cheek a peck.
"I don't want to disturb you, though. Should I go?" you continue, rubbing your hands up and down his chest.
Jungkook shakes his head as he removes your hands from his chest.
"No, stay. I could use your presence; it has been a stressful day."
He walks over to the studio's entrance, flips the open sign, locks the door, and pulls down the blinds, now closing for the day. Lastly, he switches off the main lights, leaving only the multiple neon lights on the walls in various designs and colours to keep you from darkness.
He takes one of your hands into his, interlocking your fingers, and leads you through the dimly lit room to behind the counter, and to the desk you've seen him work at many times. He rolls out his chair and sits at his desk, looks up at you, and pats his thigh, and you comply with his silent request. You sit, his muscular thighs between your legs. He puts one arm around you, holding your waist to keep you steady, while his other arm rests on your thigh, his chin resting on your shoulder.
Once in his lap, you look at the glance over the wooden surface covered with scattered papers, all filled with his artwork. Some designs are drawn with intricate detail, while others are simple sketches. But they are all equally impressive—sometimes you forget how talented Jungkook is.
"Oh my gosh, Kook! These are amazing!" you gasp, picking up one of the sheets and turning your head to look at him.
He takes the paper from your hands and places it back on the desk. You see the tips of his ears turning red.
"They're alright," he shrugs; you notice he seems sullen.
You turn in his hold, your body sideways on his lap, and you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
"What has got you so stressed out?" you ask, pushing back his fringe before moving your hand to fiddle with his earring.
Jungkook closes his eyes at the feel of your touch, exhaling a breath in relief. He leans forward, rests his forehead on your shoulder and hugs you tight.
"I just—that client, that was the fifth cancellation this month. I don't understand why; we had several consultations, and I listened to all his requests. I showed him so many different design options that I had sketched for him. I don't know maybe I—maybe I lost my touch or something."
"Hey, now that's not true; this stuff is unbelievable, Kook." you gesture at the multiple illustrations on his desk. "And you have been completely booked up with back-to-back appointments every day, I have never seen you so busy."
You tug on his hair and he whines, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and pulling you closer.
"Plus, do you think I would let a guy who's lost his touch anywhere near my skin with even a drop of ink?" you tease, your lips brushing his ear.
"That was months ago," he mumbles into your neck, and you feel the coolness of his lip rings against your skin.
“Yeah, and I would still let you be the one to do it."
Jungkook looks up at you as he argues, “Not like I’m going to let anyone touch you besides me.”  
You boop his nose with your own, which makes him chuckle.
“I’m serious, Jungkook. You are passionate about your job, and it shows in your artwork. You are such a talented artist, people see your pieces online and come from all different places just to get inked by you. You. Because you are fucking Jeon Jungkook,” you poke at his chest.
“Okay, okay,” he smiles softly as he brings your hand to his lips, kissing it gently. “How do you always know what to say to calm me down?”
Your eyes sparkle at his question, and you smile gently as you hold his cheek, your thumb caressing the soft skin while pressing your forehead to his. “I know you. Everything I said is simply the truth.”  
Jungkook’s mouth parts slightly in surprise, but his gaze softens. You weren’t sure due to the low lighting in the room, but his cheeks seemed to flush as well. 
"Thank you, baby,” he says almost shyly, and you couldn’t believe this was the same man who flirts with you so shamelessly at every chance he gets, nor the same man who has had you screaming in pleasure several times a night.
There are many sides to Jungkook, and you adored all of them.
You wrap your arms around his torso, embracing him tightly, burying your face in his neck, and he hugs your waist just as firmly, kissing your forehead.
You both sit like that for a while, and your breathing becomes in sync as if your bodies had become one.
“I-I'm…I'm glad you came here,” he clears his throat as his arms tighten around your waist, basking in your warmth and comfort.
Jungkook has vented to you about work before, but this time, it feels different. You’ve never seen him like this.
"I'm here anytime you need to talk, Kook," you reassure.
“Well, that's good to know…” He said with a nervous smile. “But I meant…I'm glad you came here that day to get your tattoo, that you came into my life.”
Your body freezes momentarily at his words, but soon a fire ignites in your heart and spreads throughout you. You are filled with pride and relief that he feels comfortable and trusts you enough to share his personal feelings so openly.
"I'm glad I did too," you whisper, "I meant what I said though, I'm here if you ever need to talk."
“Okay,” he whispers, “Okay. But on one condition.”
He tilts his head to look down at you, you look up at him through your lashes.
"You have to come and hold me like this when I do."
"Deal," you giggle.
"Seal it with a kiss," he leans down slightly.
You lift your head and meet his lips in an emotional kiss which soon turned more heated as your tongues mingled together.
You move down his body, kneeling between his thighs. Your hands grip his belt, and Jungkook pants lightly, his anticipation and need high. You unbuckle it and unbutton his jeans effortlessly, then quickly pull them down far enough for his bulge to be exposed. As expected, he is already hard for you. The effect you have on him is always intense. You glance up at the heavy-breathing man above you, eyes hooded and bottom lip caught between his teeth.
You shift your focus from his bulge to his t-shirt, gripping it by the hem and pulling it up. When he realizes what you want, he assists you; he sits up a little, grabbing the back of the collar and pulling it over his head with one hand, fully exposing his toned core. Just like that, his shirt is off, and he tosses it to the floor to be found later.  
Your hands create goosebumps across his exposed skin as they brush against his lower abdomen when you grab the hem of his boxers and pull them down. His erection springs up and rests against his abdomen, impatient for your touch.
At the sight of his big, veiny dick, you unconsciously drag your tongue along your upper lip. You quickly remove his jeans and boxers, along with your shirt, leaving you in your bra, panties, and skirt.
Your hand wraps around his shaft, and your thumb swipes across his head, smoothing the precum over his length to make it feel better. You stroke him gently a couple of times before leaning down and placing a soft kiss against the tip of his cock. Jungkook hisses at the sensation, and he throws his head back.
You slowly begin to move your hand up and down his cock; you enjoy building him up gradually and prolonging his release. A knowing look flashes across his eyes when he discovers what you are doing. He chuckles, and then you swirl your tongue around his head, causing the smile to fall from his face immediately as his hand grips the sides of the chair.
“D-don’t tease,” he breathes heavily.
Your lips curve up into a barely noticeable smile at his reaction. You lick him from the base of his length to the top, swirling your tongue around his head once more before slowly pushing him between your lips and going down on him, your tongue pressing against his hardness as you take him in.
His abs clench at the contact, and a moan slips past his lips, “Fuck, yeah." 
You glimpse up at him; his eyes are closed tightly, and sweat is forming on his golden skin, the exact way you like seeing him when you suck him off. The fact that you could affect him like that without even doing very much boosts you with confidence.
You start moving back up slowly, your hand wrapping around the base of his shaft and squeezing him gently, earning a whimper. You repeat your movements with eagerness.
You love giving him head, hearing his moans of pleasure, having him fall apart at your touch.
After a few rougher squeezes from your hand, you suck harder and take as much of him as you can into your mouth, using your hand to pump the rest of him that you can’t fit.
"Feel good?" you ask the obvious question.
He whines and raises his hand to your hair, pushing his fingers through the locks and out of your face. “That feels so good," he rasps.
You hum around his dick; you look up and find him already gazing down at you, his eyes dark with lust—an image you will carry with you to your grave.
You flutter your eyelashes at him and take him even deeper, fully engulfing his dick, his tip hitting the back of your throat each time you bob your head. 
Jungkook gulps and his eyes roll back in his head. You feel his hands tangle in your hair, pulling slightly as his hips thrust up into your mouth on instinct.
You go back to slowly moving your hand up and down his length, and it lasts for a few seconds until his hands are over yours, stopping you. Before you can question him, he takes your head in a tight hold and forces you to move faster, his large hands enveloping your head. He gently pushes down against your head until his entire cock is in your mouth and holds you there, your nose touching his pelvis. Your eyes water, but you power through, breathing deeply through your nose.
The man appears to be in pure bliss. His thighs are shaking, and his eyes are blinking rapidly, trying hard to stay open. His mouth is agape as he releases breathy moans, his chest heaving up and down.
“Your mouth feels so good, baby, fuck,” he growls.
When he is satisfied, he pulls you up off of his cock and removes his hands. You pop back up and let go of his throbbing length, a string of saliva briefly connecting your mouth to his tip. You gasp for air with tears streaming down your face, and you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Always such a good girl for me, aren't you?” he says, lifting your chin and wiping your wet cheeks.
You nod with a sniff, your eyes still glassy.
Jungkook suddenly reaches forward to grab your hips and pulls you onto his lap. You quickly straddle him, your hands pressing against his chest as you grind softly against his dick. His lips crash into yours in a messy kiss; it lasts for a little while before he pulls away and looks straight at you, “You know I love having your mouth around me, baby, but I need to be inside you." 
Then he’s capturing your lips once more, his arms encircling your legs around his waist as he does so. His hands rest under your thighs, effortlessly supporting your weight. You’re so immersed in how seamlessly his lips meld with yours that you don’t notice you both have shifted from the chair until you feel him place you on the desk.
Jungkook glides his hands up your thighs, only to have them wound around your waist, pulling you against him with force. He stands between your legs, with your pussy pressed directly against his member.
You grind your soaked panties against him, causing his lips to detach from yours, letting a groan escape from his lips as he tilts his head back, exposing his neck in the process. You trail small, wet kisses from the side of his face, along his jawline, and down his neck, before stopping at the junction between his neck and collarbone. You suck harshly on his skin, earning yourself a few moans from Jungkook, and you feel his chest vibrate.
Jungkook takes hold of your neck, his hand on your throat and kisses you intensely, attempting to express the longing he has felt for you since the moment you walked into the studio. His tongue swipes against your lower lip asking for entrance, and you don’t hesitate to let him in. As his tongue dances with yours, you feel his hands tug at your skirt before he pulls it down, pausing to allow you to lift off the desk enough for him to remove it along with your bra, tossing them to join the rest of the clothes on the floor.
The sight of your naked torso distracts him from doing anything else, his gaze lingers on your breasts before it shifts to your hip where your tattoo is. Jungkook’s hand instinctively glides over the skin adorned with black ink.
“It's still my favourite piece I've ever done,” Jungkook mutters before he plants kisses along your sternum and then finally on your breasts. Before his lips can explore further, you cup his face and bring it back to yours, and you both smile into the kiss. He gathers you in his arms and moves toward the tattoo chair behind him.
Jungkook carefully lowers you onto the reclined chair, and you watch as he stands at the edge of it, removing the black jeans that are already halfway down his legs. Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind that you’re watching every movement of his; you bite your lip and smirk, and it seems to turn him on even further, which urges him to discard his pants and join you quickly.
He crawls over you, supporting his weight with the arms on either side of your head. He gives you a quick kiss on the lips before he begins his exploration of your body, using his lips. Open-mouthed kisses are placed along your neck, across the curve of your breasts, and back up to your neck, where he decides to leave his mark by sucking on the skin at the base of your neck. The noises that escape your lips only motivate him to suck even more aggressively, creating even more red marks as he moves down your body.
“Kook, do something,” and as if he had been waiting for those words, Jungkook starts to move lower on your body until he’s hovering over your clothed pussy. You watch as his nose skims over the wet patch on your underwear. His hands smooth over your legs before they settle onto your hips, which he doesn’t leave unmarked as he sucks on the skin above your tattoo. Your hips rise, yet his stronghold stops you from squirming. “Kook, I need you.”
Upon hearing your desperate begging, Jungkook presses a finger to your covered heat, skillfully finding the bundle of nerves that have you writhing beneath his touch. He begins to rub between your legs, with the sole barrier to full contact being the delicate piece of cloth. He keeps teasing you through your panties, relishing the sounds you make as you squirm beneath him. Deciding that you’ve had enough of the torture, Jungkook hooks a finger under the waistband of your panties before pulling them down, revealing your glistening cunt. He locks eyes with you, and you observe from above as he slips a finger inside you, his stare unwavering. As he pumps his finger inside you, your head tilts back, and you let out a string of moans.
“You’re so tight, baby,” Jungkook comments before inserting another finger inside you, gentle kisses along the inside of your thighs as your hands weave into his hair. You’re surprised when you feel him sucking on your clit; the extra stimulation makes you tremble against his thrusting fingers.
“Mmm, and so wet. Your pussy tastes so good, so fucking sweet.”
“Oh my god, K-kook,” your back arches off the bed as he adds in a third finger while keeping his mouth on your sex. He smiles triumphantly upon hearing you repeat his name like a mantra, and he sets out to ensure you’re moaning it even more loudly. You bite your bottom lip, trying to suppress your desperate moans, but it's in vain when Jungkook curls his fingers within you, hitting a specific spot that causes you to clutch his hair tightly and cry out his name shamelessly.
Jungkook relentlessly drives into you, his fingers curled to target the spot that makes you moan his name, while his mouth remains attached to your clit, teeth lightly tugging and grazing the bud before his lips form a tight seal around it. You feel the pressure in your lower stomach intensify with every thrust of Jungkook's fingers and every flick of his tongue, all leading up to your orgasm.
Jungkook watches as the wave of ecstasy flows through your body, and he swears you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, with the way your face contorts in ecstasy. His fingers are still thrusting inside, helping you ride out your high, but the oversensitivity soon becomes too much, and you have to push him away.
As you catch your breath, you take a moment to notice what a handsome man Jungkook truly is. Complementing his defined biceps and strong thighs were his abs, impeccably shaped, and you observe as the stunning man above you licks the remnants of you from his fingers. The sight has you wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him down so that his chest meets yours. Jungkook smirks at your action before he hungrily attacks your lips with his glistening ones, letting you taste yourself as you recover from your climax.
“Take this off,” you mumble against his lips, your foot at his lower back attempting to push his boxers down. He quickly complies with your request, shedding the dark grey boxers before leaning down to his jeans on the floor to retrieve his wallet from his back pocket and get a condom. He rips open the foil with his teeth, being careful not to tear the condom in the process, before rolling it down his length. He hovers over you again, keeping most of his weight off of you with the support of his arms.
Jungkook kisses at your navel before trailing upward towards your breasts. His mouth envelops one of your nipples, sucking on it, he takes his time sucking one breast while kneading the other one before he switches. Your hands hold onto his biceps, gliding over his skin as he prepares your body for another climax. When he’s satisfied with the marks he’s left on your two mounds, he places one more kiss against your lips before looking into your eyes.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“Mhm, Kook. Want you so bad.”
And so Jungkook takes his length and aligns himself at your entrance, the tip of his member almost pushing past your folds. He gives you one last peck on the corner of your mouth before his member sinks into your pussy, making you wince at the stretch of your walls. He pushes himself until he is buried deep within you, causing you to whimper when you feel his full length inside of you. Jungkook groans loudly as he feels himself being embraced by the warmth and tightness of your wet, velvety walls. He reaches for your hands and lifts them to rest on both sides of your head and interlocks your fingers with his. His forehead meets yours, and both of you share a longing gaze while relishing the moment. Once you've adjusted to his size, you move beneath him, and Jungkook takes it as a signal to begin his ravaging.
He pulls back all the way, leaving only his tip inside of you, before pushing himself balls-deep within you once again. You urge him on with your voice, calling for him to go faster and harder, and he complies by thrusting into you at an astonishing speed. With each thrust of his, Jungkook’s name escapes your lips in moans that fill the studio, along with his panting and the sound of skin slapping against skin.
You feel the warmth of his chest leave yours when he sits up, his hands gripping your waist, pressing his fingernails into your skin. The new position allows him to pull you to meet each of his thrusts, hitting at a new angle that makes you cry out his name. When he starts hitting that same spot that tipped you over the edge earlier, you grab his arms and pull him so that he’s on top of you again. His entire weight is on top of you, but you don’t care, not when his thrusts are paired with his lips on your neck.
You moan loudly, which is followed by your pussy convulsing around his cock, and Jungkook knows that you’re close. Your nails scratch against his broad back, leaving a stinging sensation that only adds to his pleasure. You're sure he’ll have red marks all over his back as if he’s been attacked, but it's a fair trade because he’s marked you plenty with his lips.
Jungkook feels you clenching around him even tighter than before, and he’s slamming his hips against yours, urging you to reach your climax. When Jungkook feels your nails dig deeper into his back, his hand reaches between your two sweaty bodies and draws circles on your clit, which sends you off into euphoria. Your second orgasm of the night hits you harder than the first, and your body would have trembled if it were not for Jungkook’s body in the way—the body that is still connected to yours and continues thrusting into you. Your swollen walls clench so tightly that Jungkook starts chasing his high. He groans loudly against your neck as he shallowly thrusts into you, helping the both of you ride out your orgasms.  
Jungkook sighs in release, unaware of how long he’s been holding his breath. Jungkook detaches himself from you, and you gasp lightly, feeling somewhat empty as the warmth leaves with him. He rolls off of you, and the two of you lie close together, side by side, attempting to regain your breath after the intense exchange. You sense his gaze from the corner of your eye, and when you turn to face him, your eyes meet his round, dark brown ones.
"Come here."
Unsatisfied with just your shoulders touching, Jungkook turns onto his side, and you do the same before the both of you shift closer to each other. His hands rest naturally on your hips as if returning them to their rightful place. No words are exchanged between the two of you, but there is no need to because you find yourself lost in the softness of his brown eyes, and he can’t help but mirror the wide grin that’s plastered on your face. His hand moves to your tattoo, and you observe his expression as his fingers hover over the indelible design on your skin. His eyes hold a sparkle that evokes a certain emotion to wash over you.
“So, do you feel better?” you ask, breaking the silence of the afterglow, but he looks confused at your words, and you find the sight adorable. “You were stressed out...”
“Me? Stressed out? Huh, I don't know what you're talking about.”
You are the one who's confused this time, but not for long, because the realization hits you when you see his mischievous smirk. You punch his arm playfully, and he grins almost too widely, his eyes forming crescents. His hands, which were placing feathery touches on your tattoo, are now tickling your sides, and he’s elated at the sound of your joyful laughter before pulling you against his chest.
Jungkook looks around the studio, the neon lights casting shadows on his face, "I feel good; how could I not? This is a first for me though— fucking at work."
You look up at him with raised brows in surprise, Jungkook smiles down at you and continues.
"You know, I didn't think the next time I had you back in my chair would be like this."
"Oh my gosh," you blush and hide your face in his chest, a little embarrassed but mostly shy at his remark. He laughs, and you feel it rumble through his chest; his hand lifts to pet down the back of your head.
"You can't be shy with me after all that. Every time I'm working on a client now, all I will be thinking about is you beneath me in this chair."
"I can't imagine what the crew would think if they found out what we did," you mumble into his chest with a little laugh.
"They would think I'm a sterilizing expert because there will be no evidence of what happened here," he sits up and gently strokes your ass, and then gives it a pinch, eliciting a gasp from you, "You're in charge of the desk, you little minx; I'll do the chair," he winks at you.
You're left to blush again, swooning as you both get up to remove any trace of the two of you in the studio.
✧ ──── 》》 ──── ✧
You blink away the tears forming in your eyes. Your thumb hovers over his name, considering calling him back just as you hear a knock at your door.
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Answer your phone I've got so much to say I'm at my all-time low And it's just too much to take
Jungkook can raise his hands and admits he didn't handle that night as well as he could have, but he is truly sorry. He realizes that even if his intention wasn't to hurt or offend you, what he did wasn't his best moment. As much as he tells you that you are special to him and that what you two have is different—which is true—his actions didn't match his words, and you deserve better than that. Jungkook may not be the perfect gentleman, far from it, but he is better than that, especially when it concerns you.
As the hands of the clock tick away and more time passes, he gets up and begins pacing.
If you listened to his message you would have called by now right?
Jungkook isn't used to this—needing someone. Sure, he has desired certain women, and he always got them, but once the lust faded, he never wanted them to stay; never needed them to stay.
He hasn't always been like this, and he knows where it all began: the fear of giving his all to someone and then losing them, of handing over his heart to another and having them desecrate it.
Jungkook refused to be like his father; he watched him give his mother everything and love her immensely, only for her to run off without regard for him or Jungkook.
He fears emotionally connecting with someone else will end as he has always seen: being left alone and heartbroken.  
Because inevitably love is never simple, nor is it equal in the sacrifice of pouring oneself into another.
He can't imagine what could be worse than letting someone in and loving so wholly only to be left empty because you offered yourself up to someone undeserving.
Jungkook knows how good of a man his father is, and if he could get burned and scarred by love, Jungkook knows he doesn't stand a chance.
And who would willingly walk into a fire?
When people asked him why he didn't get into a serious relationship, he would say, “I like change. Life is too long to commit to one person and too short not to explore your options.”
But that was before he discovered you. Once you fit into his life so perfectly he knew he wouldn’t be able to live without you. He knew he had found that one constant in his life. 
The constant being: Y/L/N Y/N.
What he shared with you has always been simple, and the effort you both put in has always been equal.
Jungkook never believed he would find that kind of connection, one that flows with ease. Now that he has found it, he desires to keep you in his life and wants you to remain a part of him.
He will walk through the flames if you're on the other side.
Jungkook has never been fond of lingering and preferred moving from one thing to the next, one woman to the next. He didn't enjoy being too close; he always kept people at a distance maybe not physically but emotionally. Tattooing has been the only steady thing in his life; he was committed to his craft.
But you broke down his walls, shattered the pattern—you got close. He found the courage to let his guard down. He knows there is nothing to be wary of, no looming feeling that he will be met with disappointment. Everything is easy with you.
His cowardice had him ruling out a love that hadn't happened yet. Maybe he is a fool, but he can't live with regret. He's ready to dive off the deep end. It's draining to always be on the defence, ready to push people away, and he's tired. He wants to settle down and commit to you.
Jungkook can be vulnerable around you; he knows you won't use his weaknesses against him like people have in his past. You don't even view them as things that make him weak just what makes him human, because no one can be perfect. However, he would argue that you seem to be pretty damn close.
He feels most comfortable with you; he trusts you and can be himself. There is no pretence with you; Jungkook likes who he is around you.
Jungkook loves you.
In your eyes, he is the guy who comforted you when he saw how nervous you were while getting your first tattoo. The one who keeps an extra hoodie in his car for you because you are never dressed for the weather. The one who finishes work and picks up takeout for the two of you to eat together. That's the Jungkook you see, the one you know better than anyone else—the one you have wrapped around your precious finger.
You've never asked him to be any different from who he is, despite his shortcomings in many aspects. You never judge him for the life he's leading and never pressure him to change his ways, no matter how flawed. Yet you still never expect the worst from him.
So now, all he fears is that he has accomplished the one thing he dreaded the most, and has destroyed the link holding the two of you together.
Should he go to your place?
Jungkook hasn't gone over because he didn't want to seem overbearing; he wanted to give you your space until you felt ready to talk to him on your terms. Also, if you weren't answering his calls, you most likely wouldn't answer your door either.
But he doesn't want you to think he won't fight for you. He won't lose you without a lack of trying. If Jungkook is anything, he is persistent. He has too much left to say to you and he isn't about to sit here and take this distance any longer. He's willing to do whatever it takes.
As he looks out of his window and stares at the hundreds of lights, he feels a new surge of determination; he is rising from this low point he has sunk into, fed up with wallowing in his self-pity.
He turns and strides to his door, yanking it open with vigour. He sprints down the stairs and rushes outside into the chilly night, heading straight for his car.
Jungkook pulls out of his spot and drives the familiar route to your house, accelerating down the road at the maximum speed permitted by law. In his state of urgency, it seems that all he encounters are red lights and stop signs.
His grip on the steering wheel tightens, and he has to hold himself back from stomping too hard on the gas pedal when the light turns green.
Answer your phone I've got to get to you God, I hope you're alone And someone new isn't next to you
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You gather yourself and halt your wandering thoughts to get up and check who is at your door. You are not expecting anyone, and you told your friends you won't be going out with them tonight. Your excuse was being too tired from work, but honestly, you just were too sad to pretend that you were okay.
Could it be him? He said he wouldn't give up, that he had to see me.
Do you want it to be him? You would be lying to yourself if you said no.
So it's a surprise when you open the door and see Taehyung standing there with his hands in his front pockets, teetering back and forth on his heels.
A part of you is disappointed, not because it's Taehyung but because it's not Jungkook.
"Tae? I said in the group chat that I'm not going out tonight. Didn't you see my message?"
He looks you up and down and barges in, walking past you.
"And didn't you see my message? I said you are going out tonight and I was coming over to pick you up. Why aren't you ready?"
To be fair you were so preoccupied on your phone, listening to Jungkook's message and reminiscing, that you didn't notice any other messages. But when you go to your chats, you see his words are true.
He plops down on your couch, stretching his arm out on the back and gives you an expectant look, his eyes wide and his brows raised.
"What do you mean, what? Go get ready," he makes a shooing gesture with his hand and continues.
"The clubs aren't open all night—well, actually they are..." his brows furrow as he looks off into the distance for a brief moment, then catches himself. "But I don't have all night, so let's go!" He demands with a clap of his hands.
"I'm not going out tonight, Tae. I told everyone I'm staying home."
You lie down on the couch next to his seated figure, with your back resting against the armrest.
"Didn't we just go over this?" he points between the two of you. "You are going out; everyone is already at the club. They got a table, and I'm sure Jimin has already downed a shocking amount of shots, so we have to leave soon if we want to catch up."
Taehyung taps your knee twice and then shoves your legs off the couch, bringing you to a sitting position. You take a deep breath and throw your head back, crossing your arms while closing your eyes.
"I don't feel like going out. I want to stay home."
"And do what? Continue to sulk over pretty tattoo boy?"
You open your eyes and turn your head toward him, pouting, "I was not sulking."
He stares at you with a raised brow, filled with doubt.
Rolling your eyes and letting out a sigh, your arms drop to your sides, "I'm just not in the mood, I'll only bring down the vibe."
Taehyung turns his body to face you, a sympathetic expression on his face.
"You're only making this harder for yourself by just sitting around and thinking about him, Y/N. I understand that you like him a lot—I do—but a guy like that isn't worth wasting your life waiting for him."
You look down at your hands in your lap and chip at your nail polish.
"He's been leaving me messages. He tells me how sorry he is and that he misses me. He sounds like he's having a rough time, too. That doesn't erase what he did, I know, but it was just one mistake. He's a good man, Tae. I've always known he wasn't perfect, but everyone has faults, right?"
Taehyung holds your hand and squeezes it, leaning down to meet your gaze. His voice is careful when he speaks.
"People like him always know the right thing to say. If he were such a good guy, he wouldn't have used you the way he did. Yes, everyone has faults, but you can find someone whose faults don't hurt you. It may have been only one mistake, but if he truly cared about you as he claimed, he would have never treated you that way."
Tears form in your eyes and your voice cracks. "It's just—I know him; it sounds pathetic, but he has shown me a side of himself that I know he doesn't show everyone. The real him and that's the Jungkook who has my heart. That's the Jungkook I love. We've experienced so much together, it's difficult to just move on from him."
"If you don't try to move on from him, how can you expect to, babe?"
He's right; you haven't tried. Throughout this entire period of your ignoring him, you have consistently kept Jungkook in your thoughts. Every time you went out with friends, every time a guy tried to flirt with you, and every time you held your phone—Jungkook. When you woke up, when you were at work, and when you went to bed—Jungkook. Even when you heard a knock at your door, as Taehyung did earlier, you hoped it was Jungkook.
Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook.
Your mind and heart were devoted to Jungkook. Everything revolved around him.
Your tears overflow, and you finally break. Taehyung wraps his arms around you, and you cry into his shoulder. He holds you until you calm down, and your sobs turn into sniffles.
You lift your head and wipe your cheeks.
"I'm such a mess, I'm so sorry, Tae. You came out to have a good time, and here you are consoling me. I have probably fucked up your fun night out," you croak out. "I must seem so stupid, all hung up over a guy."
"You haven't ruined anything, and you certainly aren't stupid. I would never think that of you. I know how much of yourself you give to someone important to you. I wish you would give yourself to someone worthy, not someone who takes advantage of you. You are an amazing person, and if Jungkook hasn't realized how lucky he is to have you, then he's the stupid one, Y/N."
"Thank you, Tae. Not just for tonight, but for listening to me go on about Jungkook this past month like a sad, broken record. You stuck by me, have been so caring, and always validated my emotions. I swear I'm the one who's lucky and unworthy of you."
"Nonsense, you know you can depend on me anytime," he says, patting your head and smiling affectionately.
You smile back, glance down, and see his shirt is stained with your tears.
"I ruined your shirt," you sniffle, pinching at the fabric.
Taehyung looks down at it and shrugs, "Hey, I prefer your tears to stain my shirt rather than Jimin's vomit," he jokes to lighten the mood.
You laugh, and he points at your face, his expression bright.
"Aha! There she is! Happy Y/N, I thought I had lost her!" he exclaims.
He turns his head, looking around, arms stretched out as if speaking to a crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen, no need to fear; I have managed to make Y/N laugh."
Taehyung once again proves to be the best friend one could have; you can always count on him to cheer you up and gather the pieces of your broken heart without fail.
"Shut up, Tae. I have neighbours," you giggle, playfully pushing him.
He joins your giggles and returns your playful push, "Well then, go get dressed! If you don't I will run up and down the hallway screaming. I came here to take you out and have fun. Sitting at home alone can't be better than partying with your insanely funny, incredibly handsome best friend. And if that isn't enough, Seokin's dancing is a sure way to lift anyone's spirit."
"Okay, fine," you agree, getting up with a big smile. The image of Seokjin's dancing already boosts your mood.
Making your way to your bedroom, you yell out, "But if anyone comments on my swollen eyes, you'll be dealing with them!"
"I've got your back, babe. Don't worry!"
You can always count on Taehyung.
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Tell me, tell me now am I too late Is there somebody new taking my place? Is there somebody's lips on you Where mine used to be, yeah?
Jungkook parks across the street from your building; he sits in his car, pondering whether it's too late to knock at your door. Are you already asleep? Should he have waited until tomorrow? If you answer and open it to find him standing there, will you shut it in his face?
He knows right now he's not your favourite person, but he doesn't believe you would be so cruel as to turn him away at your doorstep.
He rubs his hands down his face and lets out a deep sigh.
How could he let things end up like this?
He ruined something so special, so sacred. Building a relationship so pure and superior doesn't happen to everyone, and he managed to have it hanging by a thread.
Your relationship can't just end because of one mistake—a big mistake, yes, but he believes that what you two have is strong enough to overcome this. The two of you have made so many wonderful, meaningful memories.
Jungkook remembers how good things were before this—before he ruined everything.
✧ ──── 《《 ──── ✧
Jungkook never imagined he would witness such a breathtaking sight: you bare before him, glazed eyes and slightly parted lips, lovely sounds escaping as he traced wet kisses along the nape of your neck, down your throat, over the curves of your breasts, pausing to swirl his tongue over a sensitive bud, drawing out his name from your throat, the same one now decorated with shades of blue and purple.
“Please, Kook,” you beg, pleading with him for more, and he is more than willing to give it to you, knowing he can hardly deny you anything.
He smiles, kissing his way back up to your lips, positioning his body over yours and aligning his hips so he can slide into your warmth with a soft thrust, the wetness coating the inside of your thighs showing how aroused he has made you.
You clutch at his shoulders with a moan, nails digging in and creating crescent shapes with every thrust he makes. Jungkook fucks you slow and deep, hitting every nerve within you, making you unravel before him in no time at all. His lips move slowly against yours, tongues twirling together as your legs wrap tightly around his body, drawing him closer and deeper into you, his sighs of contentment pouring into your mouth.
Jungkook is sure this is what heaven feels like: his hands on you, hips rocking against your own as you devour the sounds escaping each other's lips. You encourage one another until he picks up pace, gazing down at your face, cheeks flushed and lips swollen.
The coil in your stomach tightens, twisting, and is ready to snap. Jungkook is also at his limit, eyes hooded but maintaining eye contact with yours, his forearms supporting his weight on either side of your body.
Overcome with pleasure, the feeling of his skin against your own, united with you in the most intimate way two people can be. The act is sinful but fully infused with the profound bond you both share. What you and Jungkook have cannot be expressed in words, and he does not think the two of you need to articulate what you both understand.
“Come on, baby, cum for me,” he husks, gently nibbling at your jaw.
One of his hands moves to where your bodies meet, flicking his thumb over your clit repeatedly. Then you come undone, the release so intense that his name echoes off every corner of the small bedroom. He continues throughout your orgasm, prolonging it until the sensation of your walls tightening around him brings him to his climax, spilling inside of you with a groan of your name, lips pressed harshly to yours, putting everything he feels into a single kiss.
He pulls away, carefully removes the condom and ties a knot at its end before disposing of it and falling onto the bed, shifting onto his side to look at you. The moonlight streams through the window, illuminating your skin in a radiant glow. Jungkook trails his fingertips along the surface of your arm, moving down until he reaches your hip, pulling you closer to him as you tuck your head into his chest.
Jungkook spots the numerous red crescents on your body already beginning to take on a darker colour — almost as deep as the black ink he used for your tattoo. Jungkook wishes for nothing more than the colour of the marks to be so deep that it will cover you forever.
He holds you close, his thumb brushing over the familiar tattoo on your hip— the everlasting mark that brought you two together. You found each other that day months ago when you walked into his studio and had him ink his design on you, and ever since then, you have been a part of his life. The ink serves as a reminder of the bond between you and Jungkook, etched onto your skin just as you are to him.
“You should let me give you another one."
“What do you think I should get?” you whisper against his chest.
"My name, here," he replies, his inked finger tracing just above the left side of your chest, right over your heart.  
You smile as you push him so that he lies on his back; you move to lie on your stomach between his legs, your chin resting on his chest. His hands come to your back, caressing it up and down.
"Hmm, and you'll get my name here," you lightly run your pointer finger over his left pec.
Jungkook lifts a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, smiles tenderly, and nods while humming in agreement. His fingers linger, skimming your face as his gaze softens. His eyes are filled with adoration as he looks at you.
Jungkook can feel your heartbeat against his stomach; he wonders if you can feel his own under your touch. Both of your hearts are beating rapidly, which he assumes is due to the physical exertion you both just experienced and not from this impassioned moment you two are having.
He can physically feel how much affection there is between you two. He has never felt that before. It's moments like this that make Jungkook feel incredibly fortunate to have you in his life.
"Aren't tattoo artists usually against getting other people's names tattooed?" you tease with a smirk and a raised brow.
Jungkook shrugs with a smirk, his tongue playing with his lip rings, "I live by my own rules."
You roll your eyes, shaking your head, "Oh, what a rebel you are."
Jungkook's hands go to your sides and tickle you with a gentle pinch.
"Kook!" you laugh as you jolt further up his body.
"Kook!" he mocks in a high-pitched voice, imitating you before wrapping his arms around you and hugging you close.
You pout and make a soft 'hmph' sound so insanely cute that Jungkook can't resist the smile spreading across his face; he laughs and then kisses your pouty lips and all over your face. You giggle and lightly tug his necklace with your finger, bringing his mouth to yours for a long, sweet kiss. When you break apart, Jungkook gives one final peck above your left breast.
"I was serious, you know," he murmurs, voice low. He juts his chin lightly to where he last placed his lips.
"Haven't you marked me enough?" you stretch out your neck and gesture at the hickey-covered skin.
"I wanna mark you every way I can, baby," he smiles smugly.
One of your hands plays with the hair at the nape of his neck, and the other plays with the hoop in his ear. You avoid eye contact, keeping your eyes focused on the earring.
"Tattoos are forever, Kook," you say sheepishly.
"You're telling me," Jungkook chuckles, tilting his head toward his right arm covered in a sleeve of tattoos. He turns his head to kiss your wrist and then cups your face with both hands, making you look at him, "Hey, you planning on going somewhere and not telling me?"
You shake your head, his big hands still holding it.
"Hmm, I'm a bit worried now; I need to hear you say it," he squints his eyes, teasing.
"No, I'm not going anywhere," you grin.
Jungkook mirrors your grin and nods, "Good," he pulls your face closer and nudges his nose against yours, "Because I'm not either."
He squishes your cheeks together in his hands, making your lips pucker out.
"It's not easy to find someone this cute," he coos, shaking your head.
You pull your head from his grasp and lightly slap his chest. His hands slide down to your ass and give it a firm squeeze, long fingers digging into the smooth flesh.
"Even harder to find someone equally as sexy,” he whispers in your ear, his teeth grazing lightly. His voice is so deep you feel it vibrate through his body against yours.
"Huh, it can't be too hard, I found you," you quip, poking his cheek.
Jungkook gives your ass a spank, and you gasp as he flips you both over, with you now under his hovering body.
"Why don't I show you just how lucky we both are?" his tone dripping with seduction.
The tip of his nose trails down your neck as his lips ghost over your skin, down to the valley of your breasts. He stops to knead the soft mounds, surging forward to swirl his tongue over one of the hardened nubs before taking it into his mouth and sucking gently. He hums in satisfaction. He releases it, giving it a gentle bite, and switches to show the other the same attention.
Once pleased, he continues his trail past your stomach and stops at your pulsing heat. He nestles his head between your legs, his hands grip your thighs and spread you wide open, your already slick folds clench around nothing in anticipation.
Jungkook gives your clit a teasing lick before diving in without hesitation. You whimper when his mouth latches onto you, his wide tongue licking a slow, filthy stripe over your slit, your hands flying into his hair. He groans, his eyes rolling back as he tastes you, his tongue circling your clit and then flicking over it repeatedly before dragging down to press at your entrance. Your hand tightens in his hair as his tongue presses deep into your dripping hole.
“Fuck, Kook,” you whine, grinding harder as your thighs tighten around his head.
He exhales through his nose, eyes crinkling as he smiles into your pussy when you buck your hips against his face. The sequence of sucking, licking, and prodding with his lips and tongue has you both writhing in ecstasy. The wet, sloppy sounds of his lips and tongue working against you fill the room. The intimate night of passion continues until the moon gives way to the sun.
✧ ──── 》》 ──── ✧
Jungkook is pulled out of his memories when he sees the door of the main entrance to your building open. He watches you step out, and his heart nearly leaps out of his chest upon seeing you.
Your short, tight dress hugs your body in all the right places. Your tall, thin high heels complement your legs phenomenally. Your hair cascades down your figure, making you look like an angel. You look gorgeous.
The sight of you would bring any man to his knees. You must be dressed to go out for the night, so he must act now if he doesn't want his drive here to be for nothing. He moves to get out of his car, but just as his hand touches the handle, he sees a man walk out right behind you, and Jungkook freezes.
Jungkook looks closely at the man's face; he's good-looking. He's sure he recognizes him from your posts. He looks like one of the guys you've tagged in your pictures, the ones where he's had his arm around you. The happy idiot. What was it... Taemin? Taejin? Taewoo?
Whoever he is, he extends his arm for you to link with yours, and you do. You're about to step down the stairs when you stop and say something to the man. You have an anxious expression, but whatever you say to the man beside you only brings a fond smile to his face. He responds to you and leans down to kiss your cheek.
The cheek that Jungkook's lips have been on more times than he can count.
And you light up as if he made everything better. You walk down the stairs, arm in arm with the man whom Jungkook worries has taken his place.
Once you step off the last step, you stop once more, unlink your arm, and pull out your phone. The light from the screen shines on your face; you tap your fingers on it for a few seconds before putting it back in your purse. You relink your arms with who Jungkook thinks is the luckiest guy in the world and set off down the street, heading to your destination.
Jungkook feels the wind being knocked out of him. He hadn't even realized he had gotten out of his car. He stands far enough that you don't notice him, but close enough to see you perfectly. To see how you were on the phone he knows is full of his messages and calls—that you are still ignoring.
Tell me, tell me now, what can I do To make it up to you Won't you tell me, please? Tell me, please
All the hope and determination he had when he left his house seemed to have disintegrated. He feels small, much like your figure becomes as you walk further away from him on the arm of another.
Jungkook stares at your back until he loses sight of you as you round the corner. He stands there feeling like he has just been slapped in the face for the second time tonight, but this one stings much more.
What else can he do?
Jungkook doesn't know how to make it up to you, and at this point, he's unsure if he's fighting a losing battle. You seem to be doing just fine without him. It hurts to see you happy when he has been miserable without you.
He needs you to talk to him, to tell him what to do to win you back. What he has to do so he can hear your laugh, smell your scent, and touch your skin. He needs to have you back in his arms, on his lips—in his life.
He tilts his head back, eyes focused on the moon and how it mocks him, shining brightly while he is filled with darkness.
He stands there, disoriented; all he can do is let out a bitter laugh at the irony that he drove all the way here to watch you walk away from him—now and quite possibly forever.
With a sad smile, he is overwhelmed with questions, out of his mind. Why are you two ending? How can you? How can you two end?  
All your memories together overflow out of his perforated heart, he puts his hand over his chest trying to block them and keep them inside, but they escape through his fingers.
Jungkook had you by his side and took you for granted; now he is watching you be cherished by another man while he stands by like a stranger in the night.
He doesn't want to be like this, he doesn't. He hates this, really hates this.
He doesn't believe it would hurt this much even if his heart stopped.
Answer your phone I've got to talk to you I'm out here in the cold Trying to get through to you, oh
Jungkook never envisioned that when he finally loved someone, he would be left alone and heartbroken— not because you decided to run off, not because you were undeserving, but because he pushed you away.  
He took too long to walk through the flames and got burned. He dove off the deep end too late into a pool of emptiness and hit the bottom.
Jungkook stands in the street, the cold air biting at his cheeks, but he can't find the strength to return to his car and drive home. He came here on a mission to talk to you face to face. He hopes that if he stands here long enough, you might walk back around that corner and come straight to him. He hopes you will answer his plea and do something to fix him. Hold him in your arms and tell him that everything will be okay and that the two of you will work together to mend what has been broken.
But you don't, and Jungkook's heart may be beyond repair at this rate.
Jungkook's heart hurts so badly that it's strange that he's even alive.
He should have followed you, chased you blindly even if you were trying to run away from him. He should have yelled at the top of his lungs that there's a hole in his heart that can't be filled and he's dying of pain.
How can he forget you? He doesn't know how to do that.
Like the tattoo he inked on your hip, you are etched in him— an indelible impression on his heart.
You are the only person he wants, your hands to comfort him, your voice to soothe his heart.
He'll have to settle for listening to your voice through the phone, even if it's only your voicemail.
Jungkook digs into his pocket for his phone, unlocks it and with your name already on the screen, presses the call button and waits.
Answer your phone, answer your phone Answer your phone, answer your phone Answer your phone
But he doesn't have to wait for long.
He's immediately met with a voice, but not your sweet voice; instead it's an answering machine.
And now he has been slapped for the third time tonight, so hard that he stands there in the cold, gripping his phone so tightly that his knuckles might bleed. He releases a shaky breath as his eyes fill with tears, and spill over before he knows it.
Jungkook is hit with the reality that you still refuse to talk to him. You have now blocked his number on your phone and blocked him out of your life.
"We are unable to reach the person you are calling at this time. Please try calling back later."
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↬ so how do we feel? hope he suffered enough for your liking. let me know what you think! muah! 💋
taglist: @bangtans-momma @celticcountrygal @annafarrr
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Just ate kangaroo meat and it was so damn good. Tasted a bit like metal, but it's nothing that a little barbecue sauce can't fix.
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aphrodeiities · 7 months ago
ɴᴏʀᴛʜ ɴᴏᴅᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱɪɢɴꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ
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and this was a prize post for surpassing a following milestone? im not sure but either way thank you for everyone who has helped me gain this much supporters <3
north node is now cheaper when trying to buy asteroids/others through my paid readings :)
i did my research by talking to close friends and researching celebrities! take the degrees with a grain of salt.
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♇ the north node is about your individual path your life takes and inevitably becomes. can mean where you are exposed, what you could fear and even obsess over.
♇ north node in aries/1h [1°/13°/25°] ⟶ becoming a leader, being the face of something, a company, a show etc. being the first to do something, specifically within your family. anger issues, passion for sports or being a champion. excellent at theatre/acting, people might want to expose your life, your goals so they can steal. if not careful can become filled with rage, could have accidents with the head. could have a fear of being pushed aside, not recognised.
celebrities with this north node placement ⟶ mariah carey, emilia clarke and martin luther king.
♇ north node in taurus/2h [2°/14°/26°] ⟶ excellent cooks. to become rich, and obsession with feeling beautiful, could be obsessed with money. very possessive over other people or their own possessions. very vocal people. could get sore throats a lot, can have their privacy exposed/boundaries crossed. great singers, distinct voices, a need to be heard. and could have a lot of people wanting to be them, could have a fear of losing their value, or losing their possessions. classis beauty.
celebrities with this north node placement ⟶ lana del rey, sharon tate and bella hadid.
♇ north node in gemini/3h [3°/15°/27°] ⟶ spokespeople, known to say silly things. like to win arguments, very direct people. other people might ridicule or nitpick everything they say. insecure of not being taken seriously, be careful of car accidents or just bad drivers, being associated with cars. amazing at marketing, people could parade the person a lot.
celebrities with this north node placement ⟶ khloe kardashian, jfk kennedy and billie eilish.
♇ north node in cancer/4h [4°/16°/28°] ⟶ to make a family, a foundation or a legacy and leaving a will. to have a tribe, obsession with sense of belonging. conflict with family. disconnection with family, can also be a try-hard. can com from a popular family.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ britney spears, prince harry and michelle obama.
♇ north node in leo/5h [5°/17°/29°] ⟶ charismatic, can be obsessed with achievements and goals. famous children. are very goal-oriented, can have a fear of failure, which sometimes causes them to be strict. protective over children, having children with popular/wealthy people and they can be easily admired and glorified. succeed in their talents and hobbies.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ beyoncé, angelina jolie and kim kardashian.
♇ north node in virgo/6h [6°/18°] ⟶ could have a problem with health, obsession with being perfecting. servicing others, a worker, deep insecurities. copying others. could have a fear of not being perfect, anxious, can be harsh with your words. very erratic as well.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ kylie jenner, jennifer lopez and kourtney kardashian.
♇ north node in libra/7h [7°/19°] ⟶ could be obsessed with getting into relationships. could have a fear of being disliked. beware of too much cosmetic surgery. inevitable marriage, soul-mate finding. marrying someone famous/wealthy. can be very flaky, needs to find balance. sometimes could find themselves with troubling marriages. fear of ending up alone.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ madonna, michael jackson and ashanti.
♇ north node in scorpio/8h [8°/20°] ⟶ be careful with cosmetic surgery. obsessive spending, money obsession and sex. fear of losing everything, possessions, money and power along with liberty. destined to be or become rich or leave a legacy. obsessive, easily addicted to drugs and can be vengeful. could be stalkers or are the ones stalked and scrutinised by others.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ megan thee stallion, paris hilon and jungkook.
♇ north node in sagittarius/9h [9°/21°] ⟶ teachers, students of life and researches. fear of feeling stupid or stuck in life. not believing yourself. can be very conceited, others might like to steal from others. feeling like a God, superiority complex; obsessed with learning. burn-outs or spoiled. can be too lustful; becoming publishers, directors and screen-writers. even Gurus, people looking up to them. trading illegal stuff, talent with bitcon.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ ariana grande, cardi b and demi lovato.
♇ north node in capricorn/10h [10°/22°] ⟶ unbalance with power, authority issues. public clashes, fear of being forgotten or overlooked. seen as attractive, some can be crazy or pushed to be crazy. ambitious, rich and bold. can mean accidents, fear of being watched, fear of failing. obsessive with reputation and legacy, destined to be known for something, becoming a boss, or another high position.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ adele, selena gomez and gwyneth paltrow.
♇ north node in aquarius/11h [11°/23°] ⟶ fear of loneliness and losing friends. could be a controlling friend or have friends who are controlling/manipulative. random fame, random wealth. fame from the internet, getting money from the internet. inventing something, creating trends and being a humanitarian. ego-death. accidents. deceptive friends or is the deceptive friends, angry conflicts on the internet, with friends or with people in the same community as them.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ lady gaga, miranda kerr and the weeknd.
♇ north node in pisces/12h [12°/24°] ⟶ falling into delusions. obsessive and intrusive thoughts, can become famous, but fame will be very damaging fo the mental health. addictions, specifically with alcohol. nightmares. making sacrifices, people having ill-intent, doing witch-craft on you or you could be someone who practices it. can mean moving far from home place, nasty hidden enemies, having your dreams come true.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ rihanna, justin bieber and marilyn monroe.
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tpwk-formula1 · 3 months ago
Paddock Bunny Series - 2
AN - So, I know I've been MIA but Friday and Saturday I have off so I'm hoping I can get a lot done in those days! Once I get started on the requests I'm sure they'll start flowing a lot easier again! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send in SMAU, text AU, and Fluff requests because I am genuinely stuck right now with those.
Drivers Included:
Oscar Piastri x Lily Zneimer x reader (Lily on FT)
Charles Leclerc x reader
TW - Phone sex, oral (m and f receiving), squirting, multiple orgasms, fingering, protected sex
WC - 4.7K
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"Driver's room 15 minutes"
I see a text saying from Oscar making m
e smirk slightly. The Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix wrapped up about an hour ago and seeing Oscar moving through the garage before going into the media pen I knew he was upset with losing 2 places during the race.
While about half of the grid knows about what happened between Lando, Carlos and I, Charles has been the only new driver to be bold enough to invite me over until now.
Once the 15 minutes of socializing with some of the engineers is up I slowly make my way to where both the drivers rooms are. When Lando sees me in the hallways he sends me a quick smirk.
"Oscar actually listened to me?" Lando says when I pass him going to the door with 81 on the front.
"You suggested me to him?" I ask a little surprised not thinking Lando would be the one to start encouraging other drivers.
"Only him and only today. He was upset with his results. He needed a pick me up and I knew if I didn't encourage him he would absolutely never message you," Lando replies back making me laugh softly and shake my head.
"Stop talking about me like I can't do anything for myself," Oscar says while opening the door and looking at Lando.
Lando doesn't get another word in before Oscar's hand is wrapped around my wrist while he pulls me into his drivers room before closing the door and locking it so no one can disturb us.
"Oscar, I don't mean to kill the mood before it's even been set but what about Lily?" I ask softly. I knew he was in a long term relationship and I be damned if I'm the reason they split.
"She knows. I told her before I even texted you," Oscar replies back making a me cock my head to the side a bit surprised.
"She said you're my only pass, even joked that she wants to join next time. But if I'm honest I don't think it was a joke, I know she has a massive girl crush on you," Oscar says with a slight laugh falling from his lips but leaving me slightly shocked. It had never once been a secret that I was bi sexual but I thought one of the wags would even know who I was.
"Well, maybe if she really wants that maybe we could set it up," I say with a soft shrug of my shoulders before walking towards Oscar and softly placing my hands around his neck and pulling him closer making his breath hitch slightly.
"Fuck," Oscar gasps slightly when my words sink in making me smirk slightly.
"What do you want today?" I ask softly while looking up at him making him look down and stare at my lips before he crashes his down on mine making me moan out in shock.
I feel Oscar's hands trail down to my waist where he squeezes my hips slightly making me moan which he takes advantage of by slipping his tongue into my mouth letting me taste him.
I feel Oscar slowly moving up towards the small hard couch where he slowly sits down pulling me towards him and into his lap forcing me to straddle around his waist.
Oscar was still in his racing suit and with his hanging around his waist it wasn't hard to push them down enough to reach into his fireproofs and briefs to fetch out his already throbbing cock.
"Shit," Oscar hisses when my fingers firmly wrap around his cock and slowly start jerking him off. He was girthy as fuck and I knew it was gonna make me a few extra seconds to fully wrap my lips around my cock but I don't waist time getting onto my knees in front of Oscar.
"What are- fuck," Oscar starts talking but is quickly cut off when I take a slow lick from the base of his cock to his leaking tip before I slowly start wrapping my lips around his cock and try to relax my jaw enough to take more of his cock.
Once my mouth is as stuffed as I can get it I look up to find Oscar already staring down at me with wide eyes. I slowly start pulling off his cock making Oscar throw his head back with a moan.
"Sorry I can't take more," I admit softly once I've pulled back making Oscar look down at me with a stunned look.
"I don't give a fuck," Oscar says seriously before his hands are tangled in my hair once again pushing me towards his cock.
Once my lips are wrapped around his cock I start bobbing my head on his cock making a chorus of moans leave Oscar's mouth.
Learning different things about each of the boys might become my favorite thing.
Lando is more submissive even if he tries to be dominant. I know the truth and I'm determined to get him to let me dominate him so he realizes how good it can be.
Carlos is dominant like no ones business. He has a big cock and knows how to use it properly. So far he's the adventurous one loving to try different positions, different places, anything he can do to switch it us he'll try it.
Charles, well he's just a sweetheart. I've only been with him once and he was more about my pleasure than his.
And now little Oscar, the baby of the paddock, is noisy. From the moment his lips touched mine little gasps and moans have not stopped.
I could tell Oscar was getting close which has me speeding up my actions slightly which has Oscar's hands gripping my hair hards and pushing me down even more making me gag slightly.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Oscar groans trying to pull me off his cock to not cum in my mouth but I seal my lips around his tip and use my tongue to tease him.
"Fuck, fuck fuck," Oscar chants between breathless moans before I feel a jet of cum hit the back of my throat before another and another filling my mouth up to the brim making me swallow still while he's cumming.
By the time he was finished cumming he had filled my mouth with his cum once again making me swallow again.
So not only was Oscar vocal he was also a cummer. Like a lot of cum.
"I didn't think you would swallow otherwise I would've given a warning about how much I cum," Oscar tells me with a blush creeping up on his cheeks clearly slightly embarrassed.
"Oscar, that was the hottest thing ever! Please do not feel bad," I tells him softly while climbing back into his lap.
"Are you sure?" He asks while running his hands up and down my back softly. I just nod my head and place a soft kiss on his cheek making Oscar take my chin in one of his hands and softly pulling me down for a kiss.
"I wanna repay the favor," Oscar softly mumbles against my lips making me smile softly and nod.
As Oscar's lips start trailing down my neck I hear his phone go off making him throw his head back with a groan before reaching over to silence it before we both see Lily's bright smile lighting up on screen. I can tell her contact picture is older because of how young she looks but she's got the same wide smile.
"Answer it," I tell him softly starting to climb off his lap making him tighten his grip on my hip keeping me from getting up.
"Hey, love," Oscar smiles into the camera.
"Hi! Just wanted to see how it went with Y/N?" Lily asks with a clear giddiness in her voice, excited to hear about what happened.
"How about you ask her?" Oscar says back with a slight smirk playing on his lips and when the camera phone turns towards me I see the wide eyed look on her face clearly not expecting me to still be near.
"Hi Y/N! Um- well hi," Lily says making a small laugh fall from my lips. I could see how this whole situation would be strange for her. I mean I was in Italy sitting in her boyfriends lap while she's somewhere in the UK alone.
"Hi, well Lily, your Oscar has been amazing. Thank you for sharing," I tell her softly feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks.
"Of course, I really hope I didn't interrupt anything, I was just too excited to wait any longer," Lily admits making me smile.
"If I knew you were this excited I would've made him Facetime you," I tell her softly while sending a teasing glance towards Oscar who has a satisfied look on his face.
"However I do think my job here is done, your man is tapped out," I giggle while flashing the camera back to Oscar.
"No, we in fact are not done and I am not tapped out," Oscar says quickly while sitting up and pulling me closer.
"Lily go get your vibrator," Oscar says while taking the phone from my hand. I feel the energy shift making me sit up a bit straighter. In a split second Oscar went from half asleep and ready for a nap to whatever is about to happen.
"Osc-" Lily says softly.
"Oscar, if she's not comfortable with this it's okay," I tell him making him shake his head.
"Lily, I know you wish you could be here right now so this is the best I can give you. Strip down and get your vibrator. I know you're fucking soaked already," Oscar tells her. I can hear her getting up out of bed and the sound of clothes hitting the floor before a drawer is opened and slowly closed shortly after.
"I'm gonna give Y/N the phone. You tell her if you want the camera facing her or me," Oscar tells her softly before handing me the phone. Lily had the phone angled just on her face so I can't see more than just her bare shoulders but knowing that she was completely bare was enough to be a complete turn on.
Before I get a chance to do anything Oscar is pulling the phone out of my hand again before he placing it on the couch so it can face the room before standing us up and pulling our bodies into the view.
Oscar slowly unzips my dress while the both of us stare into the camera where I see Lily's cheeks heat but regardless I hear the familiar sound of a vibrator being clicked on before I see a look of relaxation spread across Lily's face.
"Lily what are you doing?" Oscar asks sternly making Lily's eyes open again before she blushes and flips the camera making me gasp slightly as the slightly.
Lily's legs are spread open and while I can't see more than her bare pussy and vibrator clearly on her clit it was enough to make my knees weak.
"Lily, you're quite impatient today," Oscar smirks while slowly pushing my dress down revealing my tits to Lily making her gasp slightly.
"She's so pretty," I hear Lily mumble softly before flipping the camera back to her face showing the bright smile she has across her blushing face.
"She is isn't she," Oscar replies softly while running his fingers along my sides making a goosebumps spread across my skin.
"Lily that's all you," I reply softly before I feel Oscar slowly pulling my thong down my legs letting me step out of it before he discards it somewhere in the room.
Once I was stripped down Oscar pushes me towards the bed again making me grab the phone and wait for Oscar's next instruction.
"Go on, You know what to do," Oscar tells me while gesturing towards the couch making me sit down slowly before laying down and spreading my legs.
"Fuck, you're soaked," Oscar says while still standing but staring at my dripping core.
Once Oscar climbs onto the couch I flip the camera so Lily and can see what he's doing.
Once Lily's eyes open again I see her gasp at the sight in front of her. Her boyfriend is in-between my thighs looking up at the camera before I feel his tongue on my clit making me moan and arch my back at how much I need this right now.
"Oscar," I moan using my free hand to grip into his hair.
I hear another click on through the phone letting me know she had turned the vibrator up higher.
"Fuck, Oscar I'm not gonna last long. I may have played a bit before I called," Lily admits before she flips the camera so I can see what's she's doing.
"Mm, show Y/N how wet you are and maybe I'll let you cum," Oscar says into the camera with a smirk before Lily moves around slightly before propping the phone on a pillow before spreading her thigh again. I let out a shocked gasp at the sight in front of me.
"Fuck, she's fucking soaked Oscar," I tell him softly making Oscar take the phone from my hand to catch a sight of his girlfriend before groaning.
"God you're fucking beautiful," Oscar tells her making me smile softly before Oscar angles the phone onto my body where Oscar shoves two fingers deep into my pussy making a me whimper at the feeling.
"Fuck, she's soaked too," Lily mumbles.
"Dildo or vibrator Lily?" Oscar asks little making Lily pick up the dildo and show the camera.
"Oscar, is that your dick?" I ask a bit stunned when I recognize the thick uncut cock making Oscar smirks down at me.
"You want one too?" Oscar says with a smirk making me laugh softly but it's cut off when Oscar starts finger fucking me harder making me whimper and moan at the intense feeling starting to spread across my body.
Oscar hands me the phone back to I can see Lily cumming but made sure I kept the phone angled on my pussy so she could see when I came.
"I want you guys cumming together," Oscar tells us sternly making Lily whimper clearly closer to the edge than me.
"Please, Y/N cum for Oscar," Lily says softly making a me whimper at her words before Oscar brings his free hand down to my clit where he starts teasing it.
"Fuck Oscar I'm gonna cum," I whimper making Oscar speed his actions up slightly before he starts counting down from 5.
"3" Oscar continues fingering me while both Lily and I's moans start growing in volume clearly getting far to close to the edge.
"Oscar I'm gonna cum," Lily whimpers.
"Fucking hold it! Be a good girl," Oscar tells her sternly.
"2" Oscar continues his counting.
"1, cum for me," Oscar tells us both instantly sending both Lily into a squirting orgasm with a load moan.
"Fuck Oscar!" Lily and I both moan the same thing making Oscar smirk slightly knowing he had just made two girls cum at the same time in completely different countries as each other.
"Fuck, Oscar she soaked the bed," I tell him softly while watching Lily ride her orgasm out before I see her slowly slip the dildo out of her pussy before he body went limp in relaxation.
"I mean you soaked the couch and me," Oscar replies back with a smirk making me look down and realize just how much I had cum too.
"Fuck that was good," Lily finally says something while showing her face on camera again.
"Give her aftercare and call me after please," Lily tells him softly making Oscar grab the phone and talk to her for a few seconds before he says his good byes and turns his attention back to me.
I was already back in my dress searching around the room for my panties.
"I have a shower," Oscar tells me while looking at my pleasure sliding down my thighs.
"It's okay, I just don't know where my thong is," I tell him softly making him smile and shrug his shoulder.
"Oscar don't be a weirdo give em back," I tell him while holding my hands out while he groans and reaches into his pocket and pulling them out.
"How did I miss that," I say while he helps me step into them. Once they're pulled up on my hip Oscar sends a teasing rub to my clit for a few seconds making me moan out softly. His actions stopped as quick as they started making me whimper at the loss of contact.
"That was mean," I mumble against his lips before kisses him.
"Just like making me give them back," he smirks back before placing another kiss on my lips.
Oscar pulls away and finds a shirt on the ground before approaching me again and wiping my thighs down.
"I can't make you shower but I refuse to send you back into the garage with your cum leaking down your thighs," Oscar tells me softly before standing up and looking at me.
"Go make sure Lily is okay, please. This is a weird situation for her, and I don't want to ruin a friendship with her over a heat of the moment situation," I tell him softly making Oscar laugh slightly.
"This was her idea. I had told her about the little group chat Lando had thrown me in this weekend and I explained the whole situation and she admitted that she thought it would be hot if I found a way to join," Oscar admits softly making a me laugh a little.
"So Lando was right in a way. You weren't gonna do this without some encouragement," I joke making Oscar groan but none the less nod his head in confirmation.
"Can we do this again sometime?" Oscar asks softly making me laugh a little and nod.
"Whenever you or Lily want. You don't have to put her in the big group chat but I'd love to have one with you, her and I if that was okay," I tell him softly making a bright smile spread across his face before he nods his head.
"I'll talk to her and we'll work something out," Oscar tells me before placing a soft kiss on my lips and walking me to the door where I slipped back into the garage after making sure the coast was clear.
It wasn't even 5 minutes later when I got a new text from Oscar saying hi. When I open the message I Oscar had thrown Lily and I into a group chat.
*image attached*
"Thank you for that!"
I read the message and look at the picture to notice her soft pink sheets covered in her orgasm the same way I had covered Oscar's race suit and couch.
It only a week later when a knock at the door sounds through my apartment. I'm currently on the phone with one of my best friends which has me quickly telling her good bye and I loved her before I made my way to the door and checked through the peephole before opening the door for Charles.
"How can I help you today," I ask with a sarcastic tone given that Charles had pushed his way through the door without an invite.
"Please, I'm so fucking stressed right now with Monaco this weekend I just need a release, please," Charles says in a hurried breath making a smile crack out on my face.
"No," I tell him with a straight face and a smirk.
"What! WHy not please! I really just need to get my mind off of this weekend for just an hour or so," Charles says getting increasingly more anxious.
"Charles, you need to focus on this weekend. These emotions are good. I refuse to be a distraction okay. If you win on Sunday you can come stroming into my apartment some time next week and I'll make sure to give a reward," I tell him softly while pulling him in for a hug and place a soft kiss on his cheek which turns slightly red under my touch.
"Y/N- you know what, the wait will be worth it and when I win Monaco I'm gonna have you cumming so fucking hard you can't think straight," Charles says with a final nod before pulling me back into his arms for a hug before he made his way back to the front door.
"Don't let anyone else touch you for the next week. I want you desperate," Charles says with a bright smirk on his face making me laugh and shake my head softly.
The second the front door of my apartment is closed behind Charles I receive a text when I check it I see that Charles had wasted no time in letting the rest of the boys know how off limits I was until he won Monaco.
It's Monday not even 10 in the morning when a loud knock rings through my apartment making me check to see who it was before opening the door to Charles.
"Get in your room, please, I can't wait a second longer to taste you," Charles says before I can even get a word in.
"Hey Charles, slow down. Congradulation," I say while closing the door before pulling Charles into me and placing a kiss on his lips.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it. It took everything in me not to jump you at the club last night," Charles admits making me laugh and shake my head slightly.
Lando had made it his mission to piss Charles off the whole week when he declared me as off limits. While Lando respected Charles's wishes the same way everyone respected each other he made it a goal to rile Charles up as much as possible and last night in the Monaco club where we were celebrating Charles Lando had pulled me into his lap and made sure every feathered kiss along my jaw or neck was explicitly seen my Charles.
"You could've. I did say after you won Monaco I was all yours. Speaking of club, how the fuck are you awake right now. You were fucking plastered when I brought you and Alexandra up to your place," I tell him softly while he busies himself with placing soft kisses all along my jawline.
"I had good motivation," he tells me simply with a smirk.
Alex and Charles had a very open relationship. Like so open we all knew it was open before this little arrangement became a thing. I mean hell Alex and I had spent a few nights together long before Charles ever got the chance.
"Okay no more talking, your room now, please," Charles says sternly before adding in a sweet please.
I make my way into my room with Charles following closely behind and the second I'm in the room Charles is pulling my sleep shirt off a long with pulling my black leggings down my legs leaving me in my Ferrari red thong I put on when I woke up knowing there was a good chance today was when Charles would be knocking on my door.
"Fuck, I wish I could see you in red more," Charles groans when he sees the thong.
"Mmm I only wear red for Carlos," I say with a smirk knowing how Carlos getting his hands on me before Charles is the only thing Charles is 'jealous' about.
Charles just sends me a dirty look before sending down a harsh slap down on my ass making me whimper at the sting.
"Oh, so first it was Lando all week not knowing how to keep his hands to himself and now you want to go and say stupid things," Charles says with a smirk before picking me up and bringing me to my bed were he plops me down and instantly spreads my legs before sending a slap down on my pussy making a me jump and whimper at the sudden stinging sensations.
"I haven't even touched you and I can tell your soaked," Charles says down at me before moving my things to the side to find my pussy absolutely dripping for him.
"Fuck, so fucking gorgeous," Charles groans before leaning down and taking a small lick through my folds making me gasps when the tip of his tongue grazes my pussy.
"I'll be here for the next hour so you better make yourself comfortable," Charles mumbles into my pussy before he starts eating me out like there's no tomorrow.
It doesn't take long for Charles to bring me over the edge. After going a week without touching myself or any of the boys I was desperate and ready.
"Fuck, CHarles," I moan as I cum on his tongue. Charles makes no attempt at stopping, if anything he sped up his actions making me scream out slightly.
Another 3 orgasms later Charles is finally pulling his drenched face away from my overstimulated pussy clearly being serious about spending the next hours between my thighs because when I turn my head slightly I see the clock just after 11 in the morning.
"Color?" Charles asks while giving me a look of concern when he sees my blissed out state.
Once the group chat started to grow we all started setting ground rules, and almost instantly Carlos had implemented a safe word system as well as a hand signal in case I can't speak, knowing that while right now it was fairly Vanilla there would come a time it was in fact not vanilla and they all agreed that this was meant for my pleasure just as much as theirs.
"Green," I reply softly making Charles smile slightly up at me before he's stripping out of his clothes and grabbing a condom out of my night stand where he finds my vibrator making me look at it in horror and shake my head knowing what he was thinking.
We had also made an agreement that we will always use protection unless it was a private arrangement and conversation
"You mean you didn't touch yourself at all this last week?" Charles asks with a smirk on his face.
"No, you weren't super clear so I just didn't touch at all," I tell him softly making him smirk before putting it back into the drawer and finally grabbing the condom before ripping it open and rolling it on his cock.
Once it was fully on he slowly slides in making both of us moan in contentment before he almost instantly starts thrusting into me no longer being able to restrain himself.
"Fuck, Charlie," I moan when he starts hitting my sweet spot over and over again.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful taking me," Charles grunts softly while looking down at me making me moan at his praise.
Charles was filling me up in the best way and I can already feel another orgasm starting to build and I can tell Charles isn't far behind. 'Charles was filling me up in the best way and I can already feel another orgasm starting to build and I can tell Charles isn't far behind.
"Fuck," Charles grunts while throwing his head back before letting out a finally groan of pleasure before cumming with a final thrust sending me over the edge to the feeling of Charles filling the condom up.
"Charlie," I gasp out while he softly thrusts into me helping me ride out my orgasm.
Once we have both come down from our highs Charles slowly pulls his cock out of me before tying off and throwing the condom in the trash before coming back into the room from my bathroom with a warm towel he used to wipe me down softly before climbing into bed and pulling me into his chest.
"I'm gonna fall back to sleep," I mumble against his skin making Charles giggle softly.
"Okay, when Alex wakes up she's gonna grab us all lunch if that's okay," Charles tells me softly making a me nod against his chest before letting sleep consume my body.
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pedrithink · 9 months ago
to the final ✩ jude bellingham
summary: jude in his first champions league final and you are the most proud person ever
face claim: emilia mernes
ynusername has added to their story
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NOW: “I’ve got no words” Jude Bellingham reacts to reaching his FIRST UCL final
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comments ⬇️
user1 you can smell the love
user2 yn was jude’s best goal
user3 so happy for jude + the boys, they deserve it sm
user4 guys, this is a MAN and a GENTLEMEN. let’s learn from him.
user5 @user4 that’s how it is
user6 @user4 and his humility makes him even greater
user7 the woman who was with you when you had nothing deserves everything when you already have
user8 stay with someone whose eyes shine the way jude does when he talks about yn
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Liked by ynusername, vinijr, and 3.752.533 others
judebellingham ¿como no te voy a querer? en wembley por la 15. #halamadrid
View all 19.839 comments
ynusername i’m sososososo proud of you!!!!! you are the besssssst ‼️🫤☝🏻 #aporla15 ✨✨
judebellingham @ynusername i love you 🤍
user11 just realized bellingham is gonna play against his old club
user13 jude bellingham future ballon d’or
user14 a por la 15
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Liked by judebellingham, vinijr, and 234.827 others
ynusername last few days ᡣ • . • 𐭩 ♡ (jude relaxing because he’s a champions league finalist 🤷🏻‍♀️ ૮ • ﻌ - ა)
View all 3.982 comments
judebellingham 😎😎
user15 lets goooooo yn
user16 no but u are the sweetest ever jude is so lucky
user17 we love you queen
user18 please take care of our future ballon d’or winner
user19 i wish i was this couch
user20 @user19 me 2
user21 tell bellingham that i love him
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Liked by camavinga, vinijr, and 3.282.709 others
judebellingham my girl is stunning
View all 7.892 comments
camavinga bro is in love 🤪🤪🤪
judebellingham @camavinga i really am mate
user22 @camavinga my hearttttttttr
vinijr now i’m jealous 😭🥺😢💔
judebellingham @vinijr no, baby. don’t get jealous, i love you!!!
ynusername @vinijr you guys should marry
vinijr @ynusername you’re the third wheel. you know that, right?
ynusername @vinijr yeah!!! (ᵕ—ᴗ—) u always remember me
ynusername i always post sexy pics of u and looook at the picture you posted of me
judebellingham @ynusername WHY would I post a sexy pic of you? i have to eliminate the competition
user23 @ynusername jude is so real for that
ynusername @judebellingham i’m pretty sure i have more competition than you
user24 @ynusername girl wdym u look amazing 😭
user25 let’s go mate
user26 dude is shining at 20 and has a beautiful girl by his side #DREAM
judebellingham has added to their story
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fanfictionismyaddiction · 3 months ago
Unshaken Loyalty
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Word count: 660
Summary: After being betrayed by her best friend and abandoned by others, Y/n finds unwavering support in Lewis.
The evening air was thick with tension as you sat on the plush sofa in Lewis Hamilton’s London apartment, your arms wrapped tightly around your knees. The glow of the city lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows did little to comfort you, and your mind was a storm of emotions.
Your best friend—former best friend—Emilia had betrayed you in a way you hadn’t thought possible. She had not only turned on you but convinced several of your closest friends to do the same, spreading lies that painted you as someone you weren’t. People you’d trusted now gave you cold shoulders and side-eyed glances, and Emilia? She acted like she’d won some sort of twisted game.
You wiped a tear off your cheek, frustrated with yourself for still caring so much. Lewis, who had been sitting quietly beside you, finally shifted closer.
“Talk to me, love,” he said softly, his voice a balm to your frayed nerves.
You sniffled, keeping your gaze on the floor. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid if it’s hurting you.”
You hesitated before the words tumbled out in a rush. “I just don’t understand what I did wrong. Emilia was supposed to be my best friend, and now she’s turned everyone else against me. She made me feel like I was… like I wasn’t enough. Like I was just this awful person who deserved it.”
Lewis’s jaw clenched, the muscle ticking as he listened. “That’s bullshit,” he said firmly.
You blinked at him, startled by the sudden edge in his voice.
He turned to face you fully, his dark eyes burning with intensity. “Listen to me, Y/n. Whatever Emilia said, whatever those so-called ‘friends’ are saying, none of it defines who you are. You are one of the most beautiful, kind, and genuine people I’ve ever met. Anyone who can’t see that doesn’t deserve to be in your life.”
You tried to protest, but he wasn’t having it.
“No,” he said, cutting you off gently but firmly. “You don’t get to argue with me on this. Emilia? Toxic. The people who believed her? Even more toxic. And you? You’re worth a hundred of them. Do you hear me?”
Tears welled in your eyes again, but this time they weren’t from pain. “I just… I don’t know why this hurts so much. I thought she cared about me.”
Lewis reached out, taking your hands in his. His touch was warm, grounding. “Because you care, Y/n. That’s who you are. You see the good in people, even when they don’t deserve it. And yeah, that makes it hurt more when someone like Emilia betrays you. But that doesn’t mean you’re the problem. It means you’ve got a heart that’s too good for people like her.”
You let out a shaky breath, the tightness in your chest easing just a little. “You really think so?”
“I know so,” he said, his voice resolute. “You’re worth fighting for, Y/n. Every single time. If I have to tell Emilia and the rest of them to piss off, I’ll do it. Hell, I’ll fight them myself if that’s what it takes to make you see how incredible you are.”
A surprised laugh bubbled out of you, and Lewis smiled, his expression softening.
“There she is,” he said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “That’s the smile I love.”
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around you protectively. “Thank you,” you murmured.
“You don’t have to thank me,” he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’ve got your back, always. You’re stuck with me, like it or not.”
The hurt Emilia had caused didn’t disappear entirely, but it felt smaller, more manageable.
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mapis-putellas · 19 hours ago
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Trying something a little different. Let me know if this is something you want to see more of <3
Alexia exhales slowly, rubbing her temple as Emilia lets out another frustrated huff.
It’s been a long day. From the moment she woke up, Emilia has been on edge. First, she didn’t want to wear the clothes Alexia picked out. Then, breakfast wasn’t right -her toast was too crispy, her juice too cold. Every little thing has been a battle, and Alexia’s patience is wearing thin.
Now, in the middle of the grocery store, apparently it was all coming to a head.
“Mami, I want it,” Emilia says, gripping the bright pink doll box with both hands.
Alexia shakes her head. “No, mi amor. Not today.” She had no problems buying Emilia the things she wants, and she often does anytime the little one asks, but she had no intentions of rewarding bad behaviour.
Emilia’s lower lip wobbles. “Pero, Mami…”
Alexia crouches down, steadying herself. “Listen, you have not been good today, chiquitina. Lots of tantrums, sí?”
Emilia drops the box and crosses her tiny arms. “No.”
Alexia sighs, reaching out to tuck a curl behind her ear. “You have, mi amor. And when we are not good, we don’t get treats.”
Emilia stares at her for a second, processing the words. Then, without warning, she stomps her foot. “I want it!”
Alexia’s jaw tightens. “Emilia-“
“I want it!” Emilia repeats, louder this time.
A few shoppers glance their way. Alexia feels her patience slip further, her fingers pressing against her temple.
“Emilia, enough,” she says, voice firm.
Emilia, however, is past the point of reasoning. “No! I want it, I want it, I want it!”
Then, to Alexia’s absolute horror, Emilia throws herself onto the floor, kicking her legs and wailing. Alexia closes her eyes briefly.
She knows this is normal -knows that kids have days like this, knows that Emilia is just overwhelmed, overtired, or maybe both. But knowing doesn’t make it any easier when her child is screaming in the middle of the grocery store. She takes a deep breath, then kneels beside her.
“Emilia,” she says, voice low but steady.
Emilia doesn’t respond, just cries harder.
“Mi amor,” Alexia tries again, resting a hand on her back. “You need to get up.”
Emilia shakes her head against the floor.
Alexia exhales, her patience thinning even further. “Emilia. Now.”
Still nothing.
Alexia leans down, slipping her hands under Emilia’s arms and lifting her effortlessly. Emilia kicks, fists pounding weakly against Alexia’s shoulders, but Alexia doesn’t budge.
“Shhh,” she murmurs, rubbing slow circles against Emilia’s back, her free arm beneath Emilia’s behind to keep her supported. “Respira, chiquitina.”
Emilia sniffles, face pressed into Alexia’s neck, and Alexia sways gently, rocking her in the middle of the aisle.
“It’s okay, mi amor,” she whispers. “I know you’re upset.”
Emilia lets out a muffled sob.
Alexia sighs, kissing her temple. “But this is not how we ask for things, sí?”
There’s no response, but the kicking stops and Alexia takes that as progress. She walks them toward a quieter section of the store, away from the curious glances and whispered conversations. She finds a bench near the pharmacy and sits, keeping Emilia cradled in her arms.
For a while, neither of them speak. Alexia just holds her, rubbing her back in slow, soothing motions.
Eventually, Emilia’s sniffles quieten.
Alexia tilts her head slightly. “Better?”
A small nod.
Alexia brushes her curls back. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong, chiquitina?”
Emilia shifts, her little fingers twisting into Alexia’s hoodie. “I don’t know.”
Alexia hums, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “That’s okay.”
Emilia sighs, rubbing her eyes. “I just feel yucky.”
Alexia’s heart softens instantly.
She cups Emilia’s cheek, tilting her face up slightly. “Mi amor, you can tell me anything. You know that, sí?”
Emilia nods. “Sí.”
Alexia kisses the tip of her nose. “Even when we feel bad, we have to try to be good, sí?”
Another nod, this one more hesitant.
Alexia smiles gently. “And when we are not good, we do not get treats.”
Emilia pouts. “I know.”
Alexia chuckles, squeezing her a little tighter. “Do you want to help me finish shopping?”
Emilia nods.
“Vale.” Alexia stands, settling Emilia on her hip. “Let’s go, chiquitina.”
Emilia rests her head against Alexia’s shoulder, her tiny arms wrapped tightly around her. From that moment forward, Emilia doesn’t cause any more trouble, but she doesn’t let go of Alexia either. She stays wrapped around her, her small arms slung around Alexia’s neck, her head tucked right under Alexia’s chin
Alexia doesn’t mind -not really. She’s used to Emilia being clingy on her bad days. It’s just, as strong as she is, shopping with a five-year-old stuck to her hip isn’t the easiest thing in the world.
“Mi amor,” Alexia murmurs, adjusting her grip on Emilia as she reaches for a carton of milk. “I need both hands.”
Emilia shakes her head and clings tighter.
Alexia sighs, balancing the milk in one arm and maneuvering the cart with her foot so she could place the milk inside. It’s ridiculous, really, but she makes it work.
Emilia puffs out a tiny breath. “Mami.”
Alexia hums, absentmindedly scanning the cereal aisle for Emilia’s favourite. “Sí, chiquitina?”
“I’m sorry,” Emilia whispers.
Alexia shifts her hold, pressing a kiss to Emilia’s forehead as she pats her behind softly. “I know, mi amor.” She assures.
“I was naughty,” Emilia mumbles.
Alexia shakes her head. “You were upset. It happens.”
Emilia sniffles. “Still feel bad.”
Alexia cups the back of her head, rubbing her thumb in slow circles. “We all have bad days, chiquitina. Even me.”
Emilia lifts her head, looking at her with wide, serious eyes. “You do?”
Alexia nods, shifting the little one so she was settled on her front as opposed to her hip. “Sí. Sometimes I am grumpy too.”
Emilia frowns. “But you don’t cry on the floor.” She points out.
Alexia chuckles. “No, but sometimes I want to.”
Emilia giggles, a soft little thing that makes Alexia’s chest warm.
“You’re not mad at me?” Emilia asks, her voice small.
Alexia shakes her head. “Never, mi amor.”
Emilia exhales, nestling back against her. “Okay.”
Alexia runs her fingers through Emilia’s curls. “Almost done. Do you want to help me pick some fruit?”
Emilia nods but makes no move to get down, and Alexia smiles to herself as she grabs a few more things before finally heading to the checkout. Emilia still doesn’t let go, even when the cashier coos at her and tells her how cute she is. Emilia just burrows deeper into Alexia’s hoodie.
By the time they get to the car, Emilia has gone completely quiet.
Alexia buckles her into her car seat, brushing a thumb over her cheek. “Tired?”
Emilia nods, rubbing at her eyes.
Alexia smiles, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Let’s go home, mi amor.”
The drive is quiet. Alexia keeps one hand on the wheel, the other stretched toward the back, letting Emilia hold onto her fingers. When they get home, Emilia doesn’t even have to ask Alexia to scoop her up again.
“Nap time,” Alexia whispers, carrying both Emilia and the groceries inside, setting the bags on the counter before making her way into the living room.
Emilia doesn’t argue, just curls into Alexia’s arms, clinging like a little koala.
Alexia sighs, settling them both onto the couch. Emilia shifts, making herself comfortable on Alexia’s chest, tiny legs straddling her hips with her head nestled under her chin.
“I love you.”
Alexia’s heart melts instantly. She tightens her hold, pressing a lingering kiss to the top of Emilia’s curls. “I love you too, chiquitina. So much.”
And just like that, Emilia drifts off, safe and snug in her mami’s arms.
@ceesimz @marysfics @girlgenius1111 @codiemarin @simp4panos @silentwolfsstuff @goldenempyrean @xxnaiaxx @liloandstitchstan @ktgoodmorning @chelseacult
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heartysworld · 8 months ago
There he goes || Max Verstappen x Reader
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A/N: Some TikTok edits I've seen today made me extremely emotional and have me inspiration to write this one (alongside the poll vote). Hopefully you are going to enjoy this one as much as I did while writing it.
W. C.' 2k
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!💝
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"Love, are you ready?" You called for your husband as your whole family got ready to leave for the paddock.
"Yes, yes. Almost ready. I just can't find Alina's hat. Babe have you seen it? We can't leave without it,she needs it to go out!" Max protested as he appeared through the door of your bedroom, a baby carrier strapped onto his chest with your daughter nestled comfortablt in it.
The sight nearly caused you to faint. Seeing the love of your life being a dad,a girl dad more specifically, was something you'd never imagined.
"I think believe this is what you're looking for?" You said as you spun around, handinf Max a tiny pink bucket hat that matched the one poking out of the baby carried strapped to your body. At that moment,a quiet gurgle was heard,causing you to look downwards, meeting the blue eyes of your other angel, Emilia.
"Did mommy wake you up, angel. I'm sorry about that." You mumbled, leaning down to kiss your daughters forehead which caused a toothless smile to appear on her face.
"Well that's certainly a sight I'd never get tired of seeing." Max said, taking the hat from your hand, placing it on top of Alina's head as the little girl squealed at the sight of the pink material.
The bright smile on your husband's face couldn't compare to a sky full of stars. Every time on of your daughters laughed or even barely smiled, a grin that reached his ears would find it's way on his face.
Your silence didn't go unnoticed as you soon felt a warm hand take a hold of yours. Max watched you as if he could see the wheels in your head turn.
"You alright?" He asked as the palm of his hand wend up and down the lenght of your arm. You smiled before answering.
"I love watching you be a dad, so much." Your simple answer made Max laugh before his lips captured yours in a sweet kiss. One that was worth thousands of words.
" I wouldn't have had the chance of being a dad if it wasn't for you, schatje." He whispered against your lips,smiling. He continued, " I love you, and you, so much." Max added kissing the twins', heads or at least as much as he could reach.
The cute family moment, however, was soon interrupted by a loud whine from between the two of you. Apparently Emilia couldn't handle staying inside the apartment any longer, demanding cuddles from all those who excitedly awaited hers and her sister's arrival at the Monaco paddock.
"Okay everyone, let's go before we get another diaper bomb." Max said as he ushered his family out of the door.
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The place was alread bursting at the seams when you arrived. Photographers and reporters awaiting the arrival of the newly-expanded Verstappen family. Somehow,a week ago or so, word got out that Max Verstappen was planning on bringing his twin baby girls to the Monaco track.
The media went absolutely mental as they haven't got any details on the twin girls you and Max welcomed during the winter break. The only thing known to the world was the date on which they were born,nothing else,not even a glimpse.
Some of Max's closest friends from the race industry have had the chance to meet your babies. The two capturing the hearts of everyone the moment their big blue eyes found a new face they haven't seen before.
When Max brought up the idea of taking the girls to a race you had your concerns. However, you knew how big of a role being an F1 driver had in his life, you agreed. The media would always find a way to expose your children to the world,so it was better for everyone if you and your husband did it first.
That's how you two found yourselves walking around with two babies and two bags that contained everything they would need while their father was out on the track racing. No matter how much you tried to find another way to bring the girls in Max insisted on the baby carriers where the two would he safe and sound right next to their mom and dad. And if the paps got too close, he could always tell them off shamelessly for disturbing his family.
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" So Max, another incredible race today! Does this have anything to do with the special guests you have with you today,watching from the Red Bull garage?" A reporter asked. It was no doubt everyone was waiting for their chance to ask this question.
" Well, it's nothing new, the incredible race part. " Max said, causing everyone around to laugh loudly. "However, knowing that my daughters and my wife are here today definitely brought out a side of me I'd never seen before. I told my wife earlier that if I win today I'm going to dedicate my success and motivation to them." A few awes were heard behind camera causing Lando, who had finished 2nd today, to have the same reaction to his friend talking about being a dad.
" And how does it feel like being a dad and a Formula 1 driver at the same time? Surely there must be some difficulties balancing such important roles as these." Another reporter asked. Everyone could tell this was becoming a Max interview rather than a post-race conference. This time, however, no one had any objections.
"Oh yes definitely. No matter how hard you try to be there for every important milestone in their lives there's always this thought at the back of your head if you're doing both things well enough. My wife has been a constant pillar of support for me during the past six months. I couldn't have done both without her." Max said as the thought of your smiling face when you hear his words popped up in his mind.
"And what are the names of the two princesses that stole everyone's hearts today? If that is not too personal." A female reporter said, a note of hesitance detectable in her tone. As cooperative as Max was, the moment he felt someone was digging too deep he would cut them off without a second thought.
"Their names are Alina and Emila. We wanted to name them something that represents their importance in our lives so these names felt perfect the moment we combined them together." There was no denying that Emilia was named after her father. However, the name itself has other meanings, like "to excel, to strive.
This represented her own struggle before she was even born into this world. She was the smaller of the two who had to compete with her sister until her existence was discovered. Alina was the light of your life for the first half of your pregnancy when you weren't yet aware that you were carrying twins. By simply laying comfortably inside your stomach she brought a ton of new emotions and memories into your and Max's life every single day.
The day you discovered you were having twins is still embedded deeply into your brain alongside Max's reaction to the news. That day, he promised to do everything in his power to protect them from the unfair and cruel world they were about to be introduced into, and when Max Verstappen sets his mind onto something, he gets the job done.
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Reblogs and Feedback are greatly appreciated! 💝
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cloudyluun · 6 days ago
Rewrite The Stars | Patreon Series
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famous actor!harry x famous actor!reader
New series out now on Patreon!
Series Summary: Y/N and Harry had a one-night stand that went horribly wrong. Now, they’re starring in a romance film together—and the studio wants them to fake date for PR. Between past regrets, scripted passion, and way too much unresolved tension, pretending gets a little too real.
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Rewrite The Stars Chapter 1 | Teaser
Summary: Y/N and Harry had a one-night stand that ended in disaster, and now they’re forced to play soulmates on screen—and fake date off-screen. Between scripted kisses, red carpets, and unresolved sexual tension, things spiral fast. Cue the angst, smut, and emotionally constipated idiots.
A/N: Look, I love a good “ex-lovers forced to fake date” trope almost as much as I love making Harry suffer with feelings. This is messy, steamy, and full of bad decisions. Enjoy watching these two idiots pretend they’re not in love. 😌
Word Count: 3,7k
Angst (like, so much angst)
Fake dating shenanigans
Smut (desperate, messy, emotionally charged)
Swearing & sexual tension at unhealthy levels
Poor communication (they are DUMB)
Flashbacks to bad decisions
Mentions of alcohol (drunken one-night stand)
Tabloid gossip & PR manipulation
Harry looking stupidly good in a suit (a warning in itself)
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
The studio conference room is buzzing with quiet conversations, papers rustling, and the occasional scrape of a chair against polished hardwood. Y/N steps inside, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder, her pulse thrumming in her ears. It’s nothing. Just another table read. Just another job.
And then she sees him.
Harry Styles is leaning against the far end of the long mahogany table, deep in conversation with Sofia Laurent. His profile is sharp in the golden morning light streaming through the windows, his expression unreadable. He laughs at something the director says, and it sends an uncomfortable heat crawling up Y/N’s spine.
She hasn’t seen him in over a year.
Not since that night.
The memories slam into her without warning—a wrap party, too much champagne, his voice low and teasing in her ear, his hands finding her waist as they stumbled into the dimly lit corridor of their hotel. The way he kissed her like he had been waiting for it forever. The way she let him. Tangled sheets, desperate touches, whispered names in the dark. And then the morning after—him sitting on the edge of the bed, already pulling his jeans back on, raking a hand through his messy curls. The silence that stretched between them like a chasm.
His cold, distant text hours later: Last night was a mistake. Let’s not make this a thing.
Y/N had responded with nothing but a thumbs-up emoji. Then she’d blocked his number.
Now, he’s right in front of her, and there’s no blocking, no ignoring. Just a long, inevitable collision waiting to happen.
She forces a smile, smoothing a hand down her sweater as she moves toward an empty seat. Someone’s already put name placards at each spot. Of course, hers is directly across from Harry’s.
He looks up as she slides into her chair. Their eyes meet.
Something flickers in his gaze—recognition, hesitation, something she refuses to name. Then it’s gone, and he nods in greeting, cool and professional.
“Morning,” he says. Like he’s speaking to a colleague. Like he doesn’t remember every inch of her skin under his hands.
Y/N swallows down the bitterness rising in her throat. “Morning.”
Sofia claps her hands together, drawing everyone’s attention. “Alright, let’s get started! We’re diving in with the final scene today. I want to establish the emotional stakes right away.”
A production assistant starts handing out script copies. Y/N flips hers open, her fingers tightening around the pages when she sees what’s in front of her.
EMILIA: “It’s always been you.”
LUCA: “Then stay.”
(They kiss. It’s desperate, raw. Years of longing unravel in one final embrace.)
Y/N can feel Harry’s gaze on her before she even looks up. When she does, his expression is unreadable, but his grip on the script is just a little too tight.
Everyone is watching. Waiting.
Sofia leans forward, smiling. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Y/N exhales slowly. They have no choice but to dive in.
Except she already has—just not here, not in this room full of watchful eyes and murmured instructions. No, she’s already drowning, slipping under waves of memory that pull her back to that night.
It had been inevitable. The tension had always been there, simmering beneath the surface, threatening to boil over. It lingered in stolen glances on set, in the way their banter teetered on the edge of something sharper, something that made her pulse race.
But that night? That was when it finally snapped.
The wrap party had been a blur of flashing lights, clinking glasses, and too much champagne. She remembered the way Harry had watched her from across the room, half-smirking, half-serious. She’d pretended not to notice, even as her body betrayed her, drawn to him like some gravitational pull she couldn’t fight.
They’d danced. Not together, not at first. But close enough that when she turned, she could feel the heat of him at her back, the ghost of his breath against her skin.
And then the teasing started.
"Didn’t know you could move like that," he'd murmured against the shell of her ear, his voice thick with something that made her toes curl in her heels.
She’d turned to face him, lifting a brow. "There’s a lot you don’t know about me."
His eyes had darkened at that. "Yeah?"
One more drink. One more shared smirk. One more second of letting the tension coil tighter and tighter until neither of them could stand it anymore.
They’d barely made it out of the venue before it exploded.
A rushed exit. A slammed hotel door.
Clothes peeling away between frantic, breathless kisses.
Harry had been different that night—possessive, desperate. His hands mapped her body like he was trying to memorize her, his lips tracing a path down her throat, her collarbone, lower. She could still hear his voice, raspy and wrecked against her skin.
"You feel so good."
"Been wanting this for so long."
She’d been lost in him, in the way he made her feel like the center of the universe. But when morning came, the warmth was gone.
She’d woken up to sunlight filtering through the hotel curtains, stretching out across sheets that were already cooling beside her.
Harry had been sitting at the edge of the bed, half-dressed, running a hand through his curls.
Something in his posture had been different. Stiff. Guarded.
She’d wanted to reach for him, to trace her fingers along his spine, to whisper something to break the silence.
But before she could, he’d spoken.
"Let’s not make this a thing."
Just like that. No hesitation. No second thought.
Then he’d stood, buttoned his jeans, and walked out the door.
Y/N had stared at the empty space he left behind, the ghost of his touch still burning on her skin. She’d told herself it didn’t matter. That it had just been a mistake. That it hadn’t meant anything.
But then, three days later, she’d seen the pictures.
Harry Styles, arm draped around some model, grinning for the cameras like that night had never happened.
And now, sitting across from him, script clutched in her hands, she wonders how the hell she’s supposed to pretend it still doesn’t hurt.
She doesn’t have long to dwell on it.
The read-through begins, and like clockwork, she and Harry slip into their roles. The dialogue flows, their voices weaving together effortlessly, but it’s the way they look at each other—the tension thick, electric—that makes everyone in the room take notice.
It shouldn’t surprise her. Their chemistry has always been undeniable, even before that night. It was why they were cast together in the first place. But now, it feels different. More loaded.
He delivers his lines with the same careful precision he always does, but his eyes linger too long, his throat bobs when she leans too close. Her pulse quickens, betraying her.
When they reach the final scene—the kiss—Sofia watches them closely, tapping her fingers against the armrest of her chair.
Afterward, as the room empties out for a break, a couple of the studio execs murmur to each other before motioning for her and Harry to stay behind.
The door closes.
“We need to talk,” Sofia says, exchanging a look with the executives.
Y/N folds her arms, already bracing herself. “That’s never a good start.”
One of the execs, a tall man in an expensive suit, steps forward. “We need buzz around this movie. There’s already speculation about you two. We want to lean into that.”
Y/N frowns. “What kind of speculation?”
Another exec, a woman in a sleek black dress, smirks. “Oh, come on. The tension? The history? The way you two look at each other?” She tilts her head. “People think there’s something real there. We think it’s good for the film.”
Y/N scoffs, crossing her arms. “You want us to fake date?”
“Not just fake date,” the man clarifies. “We want the world to believe you’re soulmates. We want red carpets, Instagram posts, candid moments. Full package.”
Y/N shakes her head, the absurdity of it all making her chest tighten. “Are you serious? That’s—”
Her head snaps toward Harry so fast she almost gives herself whiplash.
He’s standing next to her, hands in his pockets, looking entirely unaffected.
Y/N blinks. “What?”
“We’ll do it.” His voice is steady, final.
She stares at him, stunned. He won’t even look at her.
The deal is made before she can even process it. The studio execs beam, Sofia claps her hands together, and within minutes, their PR team is already setting the plan in motion. By the time Y/N steps outside the meeting room, her phone is buzzing with an email outlining their first official appearance as Hollywood’s hottest new couple.
The Venice Film Festival.
Three weeks later, she stands in front of her hotel mirror, smoothing down the silky fabric of her dress. The deep emerald slip hugs her in all the right places, skimming over curves in a way that should make her feel powerful. Instead, her stomach is twisted in knots.
A sharp knock at the door makes her jump.
She exhales, then opens it.
Harry stands in the hallway, devastatingly gorgeous in a perfectly tailored black suit. The crisp lines, the slightly unbuttoned shirt, the rings that catch in the soft light—unfair.
His gaze drags over her, slow and unreadable.
"You ready?" His voice is even, detached.
"Do I have a choice?" she mutters, grabbing her clutch.
He doesn’t answer.
The red carpet is a blur of flashing lights, shouted questions, and the ever-present hum of cameras capturing their every move.
Y/N can feel the heat of Harry’s hand on the small of her back as they step into the crowd, can hear the low murmurs of speculation from reporters lined along the velvet ropes. She lifts her chin, slipping into the role expected of her—one half of Hollywood’s most talked-about on-screen lovers, now supposedly together in real life.
Harry leans in slightly, voice just above a whisper.
“Smile, love.”
The way he says it—low, smooth, his accent curling around the words—sends a shiver down her spine.
She forces one. It looks real.
The cameras love them, and the world is eating it up. The flicker of their fingers brushing together, the easy way he laughs at something she pretends to say, the way his eyes drop to her lips like they’re the only thing in the world worth looking at.
And then, the questions start.
“Harry, Y/N—are you two dating?”
“You look very comfortable together.”
Y/N opens her mouth to respond, but Harry beats her to it.
“We’re lucky to have found each other.”
The words roll off his tongue smoothly, like he actually believes them.
Y/N swallows, gripping the fabric of her dress.
By the time they’re back in the car, her phone is already blowing up. Twitter is in flames. The headlines are everywhere.
The internet explodes.
Her notifications are a wildfire, consuming every corner of her phone. Harry Styles and Y/N CONFIRM their romance at Venice Film Festival. The chemistry is REAL. Fan edits, speculation, analysis of every touch, every glance.
But none of it is real.
And she’s seething.
That night, Y/N storms through the dimly lit hallway of Harry’s hotel floor, fists clenched at her sides. She barely takes a breath before pounding on his door.
It swings open almost immediately.
Harry stands there, now stripped of his red-carpet polish. His suit jacket is gone, shirt half-unbuttoned, tattoos peeking through the undone fabric. His curls are messier than they were hours ago, like he’s been running his hands through them.
“Y/N,” he sighs, already sounding exasperated.
She pushes past him, stepping into the spacious hotel suite. “What the hell was that?”
He exhales heavily, shutting the door behind them. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
She spins to face him. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe the way you told the entire world we’re together without even discussing it with me first?”
He shrugs, undoing the cuffs of his sleeves. “You want this movie to succeed, don’t you?”
Her jaw clenches. “Don’t act like you’re doing this for the movie.” She takes a step closer, glaring up at him. “You’re doing it because it’s convenient.”
Harry’s expression shifts, something flickering behind his eyes—something dark. He mirrors her step forward, closing the distance between them.
“And you’re not?”
Her breath catches. The air between them thickens, electric. His voice is lower now, rougher, and his gaze flickers between her eyes and her mouth.
“You don’t get to act like you care now,” she forces out, but it sounds weaker than she intends.
His jaw clenches, and something snaps in his expression.
“You think I don’t care?” His voice is quiet, but there’s something dangerous in it, something raw.
She doesn’t get the chance to answer.
Because suddenly, Harry is on her.
His hands find her face, his mouth crashes into hers, and whatever fight they were having burns away instantly.
It’s all heat, all frustration—pent-up anger bleeding into something dangerous, something intoxicating.
Harry backs her up until she collides with the dresser, the sharp edge pressing into her lower back. His hands find her waist, fingers digging into the silk of her dress, and he lifts her onto the cool wood like she weighs nothing.
Y/N gasps, gripping his shoulders, nails biting into his skin through his half-unbuttoned shirt.
“This doesn’t mean anything,” she whispers, even though she knows it’s a lie.
Harry exhales a sharp laugh, lips ghosting along her jaw before he nips at the sensitive spot beneath her ear.
“Say that again.” His voice is low, thick, dripping with something smug—something dangerous.
She doesn’t. Because she can’t.
Not when his hands are already pushing her dress up, fabric bunching around her thighs. Not when his fingers are dragging up the bare skin of her legs, slow, purposeful, teasing.
Not when she’s already aching for more.
Her breath stutters as he palms the inside of her thigh, pushing her legs wider. He’s watching her now, eyes dark, hungry, waiting for her to stop him.
She doesn’t.
His fingers skim higher, over the lace of her underwear, pressing against the damp heat there.
“You hate me, don’t you?” His voice is softer now, coaxing, but there’s something else layered beneath it. Something vulnerable.
She should say yes.
But then he pushes the lace aside and slides a single finger through her slick folds, teasing at her entrance before dipping inside, and her only answer is a sharp gasp.
His lips curl against her skin.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, dragging his mouth along the line of her throat. “That’s what I thought.”
She clenches her jaw, refusing to give him anything more, but it’s impossible when he moves his fingers so deliberately, so expertly. Curling, twisting, stroking that spot inside her that makes her thighs shake.
Her head falls back against the mirror behind her, exposing more of her throat to his lips, his teeth. He takes advantage of it, sucking a mark into her skin as he works her open, one finger turning into two, his thumb circling her clit just enough to make her hips jerk.
“Harry,” she chokes out.
He hums, pleased.
She doesn’t realize she’s gripping his arm until his muscles flex beneath her fingertips, his bicep taut as he keeps her steady. Her entire body is trembling, the coil inside her winding so tight, pleasure mounting too quickly for her to stop it.
And he knows.
He knows exactly how close she is, how desperate she’s becoming, how much she needs him.
But he doesn’t let her have it yet.
Instead, he withdraws his fingers, slow and deliberate, watching her reaction like it’s his favorite thing in the world.
Her lips part in protest, but before she can speak, he’s undoing his belt with one hand, shoving his trousers down just enough.
His cock is already hard, flushed and leaking, and when he grips himself, stroking slowly, she nearly whimpers at the sight.
“This what you want?” His voice is rough, teasing, but there’s something else behind it—something just as desperate.
She doesn’t answer.
She just grabs his face and kisses him again, hard, as she hooks her legs around his waist, dragging him in.
Harry groans into her mouth, lining himself up, and then—
He thrusts forward, filling her in one slow, deep stroke.
Y/N gasps, fingers digging into his back.
He stills for a moment, forehead pressing to hers, breathing heavy.
“Fuck,” he rasps. “So tight.”
She swallows hard, barely able to think, barely able to breathe as he pulls back and thrusts in again.
And then again.
And again.
His grip on her tightens, hands curling around her thighs as he sets a steady rhythm, each roll of his hips perfectly precise, perfectly deep, like he needs her to feel every inch of him.
Like he wants to ruin her.
The dresser rocks beneath them, the sound of skin against skin filling the hotel room.
It’s fast, desperate, filthy.
And yet—
It’s also slow. Lingering. Drawn out in a way that makes her chest ache.
He leans in, pressing his lips to her shoulder, her throat, breathing her in like he doesn’t want to let go.
And that’s what makes this different.
Not the way he fucks her, but the way he holds her.
The way his hand comes up to cup her jaw, tilting her head to look at him as he thrusts deep one final time, the coil inside her snapping, her body shattering apart around him.
The way he follows right after, groaning her name into her skin as he spills inside her.
Afterward, the room is quiet, save for the heavy rise and fall of their breaths.
Y/N lies tangled in the sheets, barely able to process what just happened.
She waits for him to leave.
Because that’s what he did last time.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, he stays.
Y/N barely sleeps.
She should, after the way he wrecked her—after the way they wrecked each other. But her body won’t let her, still thrumming with adrenaline, oversensitive and restless even as exhaustion weighs her limbs down.
It’s not just the sex.
It’s the way he’s still here.
The way his arm is heavy around her waist, pinning her to the mattress. The way his slow, steady breaths tickle the back of her neck. The way his fingers, even in sleep, twitch against her skin, as if his body refuses to stop touching her.
The last time this happened, he left before she could even open her eyes.
Now, she’s the one who wants to leave first.
Déjà vu.
She stares at the ceiling for what feels like hours before she finally moves. Careful, slow, untangling herself from his grasp as gently as she can. His arm is heavy, muscles flexing even in sleep, and she has to hold her breath as she lifts it off of her.
When she’s finally free, she exhales. Swings her legs over the edge of the bed.
Her dress is still on the floor, a heap of silk puddled near the dresser. She moves toward it, keeping her steps light, mindful of every shift in the sheets behind her.
Almost there.
She bends down, fingers just brushing the fabric—
Her heart stops.
His voice is hoarse, thick with sleep, a quiet rasp in the dimly lit hotel room.
She freezes.
Her fingers curl into the fabric of her dress, but she doesn’t lift it. Doesn’t turn around.
“Y/N,” he says again, softer this time.
Her breath comes shallow, uneven. She forces herself to stand upright, forces herself to steady her voice.
“I should go.”
Then, the rustling of sheets, the mattress shifting.
She doesn’t have to look to know he’s sitting up.
“I don’t want you to.”
It’s barely above a whisper. Like he doesn’t want to say it out loud, doesn’t want to give it power.
Her throat tightens.
Last time, he didn’t say anything at all.
Last time, she woke up to cold sheets and an unreadable text hours later.
Now, he’s asking her to stay.
And she doesn’t know what the fuck to do with that.
Slowly, she turns around.
Harry is watching her, propped up on one arm, hair a mess of curls, lips still swollen from kissing her. His eyes—greener in the dim light—stay locked onto hers, searching.
She grips the dress tighter.
“I don’t know what this is,” she admits, voice barely above a whisper.
Harry exhales, running a hand over his face. “Me neither.”
She nods once, lips pressing together. The moment stretches, tense and fragile, like one wrong move could shatter it completely.
He shifts again, swings his legs over the side of the bed. “But I know I don’t want it to be like last time.”
Her chest tightens.
And for the first time since that night over a year ago, she lets herself wonder—
If maybe… just maybe…
He doesn’t either.
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If you love angst, tension-filled romance, and two idiots pretending they’re not in love, Rewrite the Stars is for you! 
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c0s-lettuce · 1 month ago
Would you be able to a Sergei, where he has a child with someone from his past. He doesn’t know about the child for three years but once somehow finds out he tracks them down to find them and meet his kid (honestly could be a boy or a girl)
blissfully unaware - sergei kravinoff x fem!reader
synopsis: for the last three years, you've been raising your daughter, emilia, by yourself. but when her father finds out, he wants to be a part of your lives again.
word count: 2225
a/n: thanks for the request, i had fun writing this! it wasn't specified, but i wrote this as an x reader, hope that's alright! disclaimer, i do not know what three year olds are like, so i apologise if anything is inaccurate.
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It was a chance meeting. You and Sergei were like two passing ships. Even though things happened fast, you thought you had found the one. You were sure he felt the same. It was months of pure bliss before one day when you woke up alone.
The world shifted when you first saw those two lines. You felt lost for the first few weeks. You didn't know what to do or how to do it. But your friends and family supported you, and eventually, you decided it was for the best. You knew who Sergei was and what he did for a living. You didn't want your child to be a part of that.
When you held Emilia's little body in your arms for the first time, you fell in love with her instantly. After the tears and sleepless nights were over, life with your daughter was perfect. She was a sweet and thoughtful child. She rarely fussed over anything and had so much love in her heart.
It was hard not to think about Sergei at first. Emilia was a perfect combination of the two of you. Half of him and half of you. But as time passed, you forced him out of your mind and focused on your little girl. And in the blink of an eye, Emilia was already three years old.
That brings you to today, a Friday morning in the summer. It's been a long week, and you're looking forward to spending the weekend with your daughter, having promised to take Emilia to the beach. But first, you had to get her to preschool and get yourself to work.
You poke your head into Emilia's bedroom. She sleeps soundly, hugging a bunny plushie to her chest. You step over the toys scattered on the floor, stopping at her bed.
"Hey, baby," you kneel beside her, brushing the hair away from her face. "It's time to wake up."
Emilia scrunches her face in response. She hugs her bunny tighter and mumbles, "Not yet, mama."
"Yes, now," you say. "You've got a whole day ahead of you, Emmy."
Emilia let out a tiny whine, not giving up her sleep just yet, and you hold back a chuckle. Resorting to another method of waking her, you lean in and begin peppering kisses on her cheek.
She starts giggling immediately, trying to hide her face in her pillow. "Stop, that tickles!"
"It does, huh? What about now?" You add your hands into the mix, tickling her body with your fingers.
She squirms, giggling even more. "Mama, stop!"
You laugh as you withdraw your hands. Emilia looks up at you with bright eyes, hiding her smile behind her bunny.
You give her one last kiss on the nose. "Come on, girly. Let's go have some breakfast, yeah?"
Emilia nods, sitting up and holding her arms up to you. You pick her up, and she hugs your neck as you carry her to the dining table.
The morning goes by peacefully. Soon enough, the two of you are off for the day. You drop Emilia off at preschool. She gives you a kiss and says goodbye in a sweet little voice that always melts your heart.
It's a productive day for both of you. And that evening, you and Emilia go to the supermarket to pick up a few groceries. She trails beside you cheerfully since you agreed to buy her a box of fruit snacks.
You're currently looking at vegetables, Emilia's least favourite section. Your broccoli perusing is interrupted when a familiar voice calls your name. You turn and see a young man standing before you. He's dressed nicely. It takes a moment to place a name on the face.
You do a double take. "Dmitri?"
He grins, "Oh my god, it really is you. It's been, what? Four years?"
You pause for a moment. You were close to Dmitri for some time, having visited the restaurant many times. But you stopped talking to him when Sergei left.
You smile back, though yours is somewhat strained. "Wow, yeah. Just about, I think. What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see a show at the theatre nearby," he explains. "What about you?"
"I live here now," you tell him.
"Oh, that's great," he replies. "It's a nice area here, I-"
He trails off when he notices the little person beside you. A look passes Dmitri's face. It worries you, but he quickly replaces it with another smile.
"Who's this?" he asks.
You look down. Emilia's holding onto your leg, hiding slightly behind it. You place a hand on her head. "This is Emilia."
"Hi, Emilia," he greets her before looking back up at you. "Is she yours?"
"She is," you say cautiously.
"That's wonderful," he responds. "She looks like you."
"Thank you," you reply.
A somewhat awkward silence settles. Dmitri looks down at his watch.
"Well, I need to head off if I want to make it on time," he states. "It was good seeing you."
"Yeah, you too, Dmitri. See you around," you say.
He nods, looking down at Emilia. "Bye, Emilia."
Emilia waves him goodbye. She looks up at you curiously after he walks away and asks, "Who is that, mama?"
"Just an old friend, Emmy," you say.
"He has funny clothes," she replies.
"You're right, bub," you let out a chuckle, ruffling her hair. "Come on, just a few more things, and then we can go home."
Emilia takes your hand without a second thought. With one last glance towards Dmitri, you tell yourself not to worry and refocus on your shopping.
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A week passes, and you start to forget about your interaction with Dmitri. It's a Sunday, and you're lounging at home. You have some time to yourself since Emilia is having a playdate with her friend.
But your peace is interrupted when someone knocks at your front door. When you go to answer, your heart drops. None other than Sergei Kravinoff is at your door, eyes wide and noticeably flustered.
"H-hey…" he stammers.
You stare at him, shocked. The man who has been a ghost for the past four years suddenly stands before you. And he looks a mess.
"Sergei," you regard him. "What are you doing here?"
He swallows visibly. You notice his eyes dart behind you, looking inside your home before settling back on you.
"Is she here?" he asks.
You feel your heart drop even more. He knows.
"No, she's over at a friend's place," you tell him.
"Oh," is all he says, his face an unreadable mix of emotions.
You shift uncomfortably, unable to meet his gaze. "How did you find out?"
"Dima told me he saw you," he explains. "The other day at the store."
You nod, unsurprised. A part of you anticipated something like this happening. You don't bother asking how he found out where you lived. You already know the answer.
You open the door for him. "You should come in."
Sergei enters, grateful but wary. He looks around at the living room. The place is covered with evidence of Emilia.
"She's mine, isn't she?" he asks.
"Yeah, she's yours," you reply.
He turns to face you. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"How was I supposed to, Sergei?" you retaliate. "You disappeared on me."
Sergei lets out a huff, knowing you're right. But still, he argues, "You could've reached out to Dima. Or done anything. You didn't even try."
"Would it have made a difference?" you ask. "Would you really have dropped whatever you've been doing for this?"
He hesitates. He wants to say yes but doesn't know if he can. Instead, he just looks around the room again.
You've never seen him look so defeated. A part of you feels guilty. But the other part feels resentful. Four years and not a single word. Now, he shows up out of the blue, demanding answers.
"Look," you begin. "I don't know what you've been doing all this time, but I've been living a good life with Emilia. And I don't plan on that changing."
Sergei shakes his head. "No, I wouldn't- I'm not here to cause you trouble, I just… I wish you told me."
The guiltier part of you starts to take over. "I'm sorry, Sergei."
"No, don't apologise," he says. "This is my fault."
You fall silent, thinking of nothing else to say. You can tell Sergei's mind is going a million miles an hour, so you give him some time to process things.
He speaks up after a few moments. "Do you think I could meet her? Please?"
You hesitate to answer. The thought of letting Sergei back into your life scares you. But you decide to give him a chance. He deserves to meet his daughter at least once.
"We'll both be home next Saturday," you tell him. "She usually naps around noon, so you could come over at two."
"Two o'clock. Alright, I'll be here," he says.
Sergei gives you his number and leaves shortly after, not wanting to bother you any longer. It feels strange to suddenly have a way to directly contact him. But you have a week until he comes over again, so you bide your time until then.
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You're nervous all morning the next week, but Emilia is blissfully unaware. She wakes from her nap and is already back to her toys, playing doctor with her plushies. You watch her from the kitchen, drumming your fingers on the counter.
Sergei arrives at two on the dot. You steel yourself before answering the door. He stands there looking just as anxious but greets you with a smile.
"Hey," he holds out a bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."
You accept the gift, noticing he still remembers your favourite. "Thank you, Sergei. Come in."
Sergei follows you inside. You place the flowers down and lead him to where Emilia is playing. He needs a moment to take her in. She has a head of wavy hair and chubby cheeks. He can see himself in her. He sees you, too. And just like you three years ago, he falls in love instantly.
You take a seat on the floor beside her, getting her attention. "Hey, Emmy. There's someone who would like to meet you."
You look towards Sergei, and Emilia follows your gaze.
Sergei kneels in front of her, holding out his hand. "Hi there, Emilia. I'm Sergei."
Emilia looks back at you, and you give her a reassuring nod. She timidly reaches out to shake his hand but doesn't say anything. Her hand is comically small in his. She retracts her arm, and you notice her shuffle closer to you.
Sergei smiles, gesturing to her toys. "These are cool. Are you a doctor?"
Emilia seems to light up a bit at his question and nods.
"You know, Em," you speak up. "Sergei told me he was feeling a bit sick. Do you want to give him a check-up?"
Emilia nods again, seeming a bit more enthusiastic now. She's always happy to show off her toys and medical skills. It takes a few minutes, but Emilia starts warming up to Sergei. You step away to let them play and can't help but smile as you watch them.
Sergei commits to the part, even pretending to be unconscious on the floor. Emilia pokes him with her equipment in an attempt to revive him. She's all giggles and smiles by the end of the afternoon. After dragging you over to also get a check-up, Emilia introduces Sergei to her plushies, and he offers his highest praise for each of them.
Soon enough, the afternoon is over. You'll need to start getting Emilia fed, bathed and into bed. But, of course, she complains when you say it's for Sergei to go. She pleads for him to stay for dinner. Sergei, however, doesn't want to overstay his welcome, so he makes an excuse for himself. Emilia relents and gives him a hug goodbye.
You walk Sergei to the door. Stepping outside, you're greeted by the cool evening breeze. He faces you, a tentative look on his face.
"Thanks for coming," you speak up first.
"Thanks for having me," he says. "I'd like to do this again."
"Yeah," you reply. "I'm sure Emilia would like that too."
Sergei smiles, and a moment of silence passes. He takes this time to take you in. Really take you in. You've changed over the years. But you aren't even a bit less beautiful.
He takes this opportunity to continue. "And what about her mother? Think she and I could spend some time together as well?"
You crack a smile. "I don't get much free time these days, Sergei. But let's go with a maybe."
"Maybe," he nods. "I can work with maybe."
Silence falls between the two of you again. Sergei is reluctant to leave but knows he can't linger. He reaches for your hand, lifting it up to kiss the back of it.
"Thank you," he says. "I'll see you soon?"
"See you soon, Sergei," you reply.
Sergei offers one last smile and lets your hand slip from his. He begins walking away and looks back to see Emilia waving at him through the window. Sergei waves back, filled with a new resolve. He's not going to screw up this time.
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harrysfolklore · 10 months ago
baby fever - husband!charles blurb
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gif credits to @blueballsracing <3
If there was something you never got tired of no matter how many years passed was joining Charles for race weekends.
And ever since you became husband and wife a year ago, being by his side during races and practices felt even more exciting and special.
This weekend was no different, you were joining him for the Emilia Romagna GP and this time you were bringing the newest addition to your little family: your dog Leo.
"Do you have Leo's pass?" Charles asked as you sat on the back of the car that was driving you to the circuit.
"Yes, I have it," you said, scratching behind Leo's ears, "Do you hace your pass though? I didn't see you grabbing it before we left."
Charles eyes widened at your words, "Shit!", he exclaimed, patting his jeans pockets in search of his pass, "I think I forgot it back there."
"Of course you did," you rolled your eyes and shook your head, "You're such a teenager sometimes, always forgetting everything."
"Give me a break, woman. I've got a lot on my mind," Charles retorted playfully, leaning over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's just hope they'll let me in without it."
"I don't think they will," you laughed, feeling the car start to slow as it approached the entrance to the paddock. "It's not like you're Charles Leclerc driver for Scuderia Ferrari or something."
Charles threw his head back in laughter, kissing you cheek again and scratching Leo's little head.
The driver pulled up to the security checkpoint, and as predicted, the guards immediately asked for Charles’s credentials. Charles gave them a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head. "I might have left it back at home," he confessed.
"Mr. Leclerc," the guard began, trying to keep a straight face. "This is the third time this season."
"Does it help that the dog has his pass?" you chuckled, holding up both your pass and Leo's as if to compensate.
"Alright, alright," the guard burst into laughter, shaking his head. "But next time, no excuses. We’ll let you through this time. Right Mrs. Leclerc?"
You smiled widely at the guard calling you by your new middle name, "I'll make sure he doesn't forget it!"
"Thank you!" Charles said, relieved, as the car was waved through. He reached over to scratch Leo's head. "Looks like you're the star of the show today, buddy."
Leo barked happily, tail wagging as you all stepped out of the car. The familiar buzz of the paddock enveloped you, the hum of engines, the chatter of the teams, and the clicking of cameras.
As Charles go through the gates, you and Leo following close behind, a camera from Ferrari's social media team approached him and asked how was he feeling about the start of Race Weekend.
"Started the morning without my pass," he said as he kept walking, Luckily they let me through and my wife had our dog's pass," you laughed quietly from behind him, "So today I can get to work and tomorrow we drive, so it's all good. But I almost missed out on race weekend for a pass."
The camera team chuckled at Charles’s confession, "Well, it’s good to know Mrs. Leclerc and Leo are on top of things," one of the team members remarked, directing the camera toward you and Leo.
"Always ready to save the day!" you gave a playful salute to the camera.
You and Charles made it to the Ferrari area, where his team would tell him what activities he had to do before getting in the track, as you walked hand in hand, you noticed that a couple of Tifosi were hanging around, and a little boy who's eyes lit up as Charles walked by caught your attention.boy,
"Baby, look," you called for Charles, pointing at the little boy, "Why don't you go say hi."
Charles followed your gaze and noticed the little boy standing shyly among the crowd of Tifosi, clutching a miniature Ferrari car in his hands. His eyes were wide with excitement as he looked up at Charles.
Charles smiled warmly and made his way over to the boy, crouching down to be at his level. "Ciao, piccolo amico," he greeted, extending his hand. "What's your name?"
The boy told Charles his name, and as you stood back watching the interaction, you couldn't help but think how good he was his kids.
Even before you got married, you and Charles had talked about wanting a family together, but you agreed that would needed to wait until the time was right.
However, every time you saw him interact with little kids you couldn't help but feel what people called "baby fever" take over your body.
The little boy handed Charles his little Ferrari toy for him to sign, "Now it's even faster!" Charles said as he handed it back to him, "Would you like to meet my wife and our dog, Leo?"
"Yes, please!" the boy's ever grew even wider.
Charles beckoned you over, and you walked up with Leo trotting happily beside you. "Hii, this is Leo. Do you want to pet him?"you said warmly
The boy hesitated for a moment, then reached out tentatively. Leo, always friendly, wagged his tail and leaned into the boy's hand.
"He's so soft," he said, beaming up at you. "And he's got his own pass!"
"Yes, he does," you laughed, "He's a very special member of the team."
After taking a few pictures with Charles, the boy went back with his parents with a happy smile on his face.
"You're really good with kids, did you know that?" you said to Charles, feeling his arm wrap around your waist and pull you to him.
"I love being around kids," he caressed your cheek softly, "Little fans always make my day."
"You'll be such an amazing dad someday," you let out before you could even stop yourself, watching Charles' smile grow bigger at your words.
"Am I sensing some baby fever?" Charles teased, making you cover your face in embarrassment.
"It's not baby fever!" you protested and Charles gave you a raised eyebrow, "It's not!"
"Sure, sure," Charles chuckled, pulling you closer and planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Leclerc."
"Don't tease me, it's true," he raised an eyebrow at you again, "Okay, maybe I'm getting a bit of baby fever, but we agreed to wait until the time is right and that's fine."
"I know, I know," he pulled you to his chest, kissing the crown of your head, "But honestly, I can't wait to have our own little ones to bring to the races. You'd be an amazing mom and Leo would be a big brother."
You threw your head back in laughter, pecking his lips softly, "That sounds like the dream."
"It does," he kissed your lips again, "Now, I have to get to work to make my wife and kid proud."
"Go do that, Leo will be cheering you on."
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