riveriafalll · 7 months
Okay so I had a weeks break from college, and after a horrendous term and equally horrendous writers block, I finally had the inspiration to write.
For my main WIP? Nope
For my other main WIP? Also nope
For any other the projects I swore I was gonna finish this year? Nope, nope and nope
For something I started last year, hyper fixated on for three days, forgetting that I had human needs like food and sleep, wrote 21k for and then never touched again?
I’ve almost doubled my fucking word count on this thing, someone come help.
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cirocchio · 3 years
@cadcnce​ said: 40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws? || 8. What embarrasses them? || H. What trait do you admire most?
i deadass missed this ask arriving in my inbox whew shame on moi
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
HMMM not as much as she THINKS. Ciri’s always selling herself short and underestimating herself and that means that in some aspects she is aware of her flaws. That is, she knows she’s cowardly, physically weak, a meek person, selfish, lazy, a bad liar, etc. But she’s ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that she’s -- well, SELLING HERSELF SHORT and that’s mostly because she doesn’t do it out of self-hatred or self-pity, so she doesn’t see it as something BAD but as a TRUTH. As a fact she has to accept. Which isn’t ( 100% ) true???  It’s actually an extension of her laziness combined with her nearly non-existent pride so she has. Very little motivation to improve herself, there’s no pressing need, she’s not per se unhappy, also she’s a bit defeatist in that aspect.
And I certainly don’t want to imply with this that her setbacks are her own fault. On the contrary. Most of the reasons why she is the way she is are due to external factors that she has/had no influence over, but she knows this and does fall into the trap of using this as an excuse to not continue trying. She’s mostly TOO PASSIVE and that is the biggest flaw that Ciri won’t easily see herself. It’s not that she thinks she’s a bad person, it’s that she doesn’t ( want to ) see how she could be a better person.
8. What embarrasses them?
It’s harder to embarrass Ciri than people think at first... she can be mistaken for the easily flustered type but actually it... well its not very hard but it’s maybe not as easy as you’d expect...?? It mostly comes down to being explicitly, deliberately paid attention to by others. Depending on the type of attention it can make her want to sink in the ground or make her insides glow it’s really a wide spectrum of reactions but they all do boil down to ‘embarrassment’ in some way. Put her in the spotlight. Force her to speak in public. Give her an earnest compliment ( key being earnest, shallow ones bounce right back ). She has a small complex about her stammer so if you make a remark about it, it will fluster her. Maybe its not all types of attention, because,,, she doesnt particularly care what people think of her;; its more IF they pay attention to her at all...
also this is a dumb meta example but i recently swooned over shad.ow & b.one and mal’s line is uhhh ‘im sorry it took me so long to see you. but i see you now‘ like that phrase i VIBE with it big time. that’s what its about my man.
actually its literally the ‘i am being perceived’ meme lol.
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viejospellejos · 4 years
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m o d e r n life au, m o d e r n life au Jack as a fashion designer/seamstress ( yeah that word is probably misspelled wopss) Snow as a Fitness coach (bench press me please ) ( I was going to say Arthur but honestly??? I think Snowy would rock that) The Triplets as eingeeners?inventors? probably CEO's before 26 Hans is obviously a chef ~la fine cuisine Arthur may be a sport related something? maybe stunts actor? Anyways they are all part time models, Merlin is a full time model? friendship
This needs to be refined more, but I like it. FASHION TIME, BABY
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unlimitedblessings · 4 years
#30DaysWritingChallenge DAY 3 : do you remember?
A memory by nurulfajriati  ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Bagian klisenya beberapa memori bertahan cukup lama di long-term memoriku.
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Entah notabene sepenting itu atau mengandung bawang wopss!
Sama halnya dengan cara kerja otak pada umumnya, setiap halnya tersimpan rapi seperti tumpukan album. Nantinya, album-album tesebut bisa di recall kembali disaat aku membutuhkannya. dan faktanya beberapa memori lainnya seringkali berusaha untuk kita repress. Padahal kalo dipikir-pikir nih, dari yang dipress itu merupakan judul folder tersendiri! Hahaha
Emm. Sebenernya terkait memori agak bingung sih mau mulai dari mana. Karena aku cukup newbie dalam hal melupakan. Terkait memori, aku cukup lihai dalam memilih dan memilah mana yang cukup oke untukku simpan dalam jangka waktu panjang dan mana saja yang harus cepat-cepat aku hide untuk memperingan juga mempermudah langkah untuk menatap masa depan, cielaa. Tapi sayangnya tidak sampai dilupakan cukup sampai di hide~
Setiap tempat dan orang yang kutemui selama 20 tahun kebelakang ini, cukup banyak memberikan kesan untukku, terlebih memberikan makna terkait up-and-downnya hidup.
“Just because you carry it all so well, doesn’t mean it’s not heavy.”
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Beribuu wajahh beribuu cerita yang sudahku temui selama 20 tahun ini. Yaa, gimana dong semuanya sangattt memorable untukku. Daan lagi-lagi aku sangat bersyukur atas jalan hidup yang sudah Allah SWT pilihkan untukku. Pahit dan senangnya, letih dan beratnya Allah kirimkan untukku, yang aku yakini tertanda sayangnya untukku. Kaloo dikalkulasi nih, mungkin akan terasa banyak sekali asam garam kehidupannya. 
Namun, selaluuu dan selaluu saja Allah seakan memperlihatkan cahaya itu di ujung ceritanya. Kemampuan melihat ibrah ini, aku rasa juga merupakan sebuah hadiah yang mahal yang Allah berikan kepadaku. Pada dasarnya sifat manusia yang mudah berkeluh-kesah, dengan mudahnya Allah lembutkan hati ini dalam menuai hikmah disetiap kegelapan itu hampir menyelimutiku. 
Ternyata dari banyaknya peran yang telah kulewati tak jarang membuatku cukup terbentuk saat ini, dan tentunya sampai saat ini juga-pun aku masih dibentuk (artinya langkahku belum terhenti disini). Kalau di flash-back dari memori-memori masa kecil sampai sekarang nih ya hem, bikin senyum-senyum sendiri..
Katanya part dari proses deal dengan perjalanan hidup itu sendiri disaat kita sudah mampu menertawakan dan menjadikannya sebuah pembelajaran pada moment-moment yang telah berlalu, termasuk menertawakan hal yang dulunya membuat kita rapuh dan jatuh. 
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Aahh iyaa! berhubung aku suka masak hihi! filosofi hidupp yang palinggku suka adalah step saat membuat roti : yaap! bagaimana dia mengembang adalaah seberapa sakit dia digilas, ditekan, dan dibanting segala rupa. Sampai ia difermentasi lalu dibakar. 
Dan tentunya pada setiap yang pernah hadir, memori-memori itu masih terekam jelas untukku.  Guru, teman, orang-tua, moment dimana aku merantau, lingkungan les, dan(.. dan,dan) lainnya yang tak bisa kusebutkan satu persatu~ aku berterimakasih atas setiap proses hidupku yang sudah ¼ abad ini. Dengannya aku berdamai dan belajar, pada sekitar, pada yang hadir dan membersamai.
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 Terimakasih Nurul. ( ˘⌣˘)づ)˚
Bersyukur dengan setiap fase pertumbuhanmu, dengan semua gejolakmu dalam olahrasa ini. Aku bangga kamu mampu melewati ini, jadi jangan pernah berhenti untuk belajar, dimanapun, dan Kapanpun. ♥
see yaa! 
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meg-the-siren · 5 years
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selennophile · 5 years
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theglimmerfox · 5 years
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lopro47 · 5 years
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okayaniele · 5 years
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riyashrivastav-blog · 7 years
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jesenic · 9 years
Ďalší rozhovor pre wopss.sk a tentokrát na tému abstraktného umenia. 
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