#thank u will and my firstborn as an apology for not seeing u sent this wopss
cirocchio · 3 years
@cadcnce​ said: 40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws? || 8. What embarrasses them? || H. What trait do you admire most?
i deadass missed this ask arriving in my inbox whew shame on moi
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
HMMM not as much as she THINKS. Ciri’s always selling herself short and underestimating herself and that means that in some aspects she is aware of her flaws. That is, she knows she’s cowardly, physically weak, a meek person, selfish, lazy, a bad liar, etc. But she’s ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that she’s -- well, SELLING HERSELF SHORT and that’s mostly because she doesn’t do it out of self-hatred or self-pity, so she doesn’t see it as something BAD but as a TRUTH. As a fact she has to accept. Which isn’t ( 100% ) true???  It’s actually an extension of her laziness combined with her nearly non-existent pride so she has. Very little motivation to improve herself, there’s no pressing need, she’s not per se unhappy, also she’s a bit defeatist in that aspect.
And I certainly don’t want to imply with this that her setbacks are her own fault. On the contrary. Most of the reasons why she is the way she is are due to external factors that she has/had no influence over, but she knows this and does fall into the trap of using this as an excuse to not continue trying. She’s mostly TOO PASSIVE and that is the biggest flaw that Ciri won’t easily see herself. It’s not that she thinks she’s a bad person, it’s that she doesn’t ( want to ) see how she could be a better person.
8. What embarrasses them?
It’s harder to embarrass Ciri than people think at first... she can be mistaken for the easily flustered type but actually it... well its not very hard but it’s maybe not as easy as you’d expect...?? It mostly comes down to being explicitly, deliberately paid attention to by others. Depending on the type of attention it can make her want to sink in the ground or make her insides glow it’s really a wide spectrum of reactions but they all do boil down to ‘embarrassment’ in some way. Put her in the spotlight. Force her to speak in public. Give her an earnest compliment ( key being earnest, shallow ones bounce right back ). She has a small complex about her stammer so if you make a remark about it, it will fluster her. Maybe its not all types of attention, because,,, she doesnt particularly care what people think of her;; its more IF they pay attention to her at all...
also this is a dumb meta example but i recently swooned over shad.ow & b.one and mal’s line is uhhh ‘im sorry it took me so long to see you. but i see you now‘ like that phrase i VIBE with it big time. that’s what its about my man.
actually its literally the ‘i am being perceived’ meme lol.
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aidensm8 · 4 years
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Ok so I finally got the motivation to colour the fae intruality. Also, here's part 2 of the Fae AU storyline just cause I can
Ships: Intruality and roceit
[Link to part 1]
Brief summary of part 1: Remus and Patton fell in love after rescuing Patton from bandits. Remus and Patton have secret meetings but this got noticed so they sent bounty hunter Janus to capture Remus, but instead finds and falls for Roman. They continue seeing each other until the human monarch gets impatient and orders another hunter to stalk Janus, resulting in Roman being captured. Remus confesses to the Fae King of his secret meetings with Patton to save Janus so they can go on a rescue mission
Part 2 of the storyline:
Roman has been captured and brought back to the palace as they thought he was Remus
He softly sings songs to himself to comfort himself in his cage
The Emile and the monarch hear Roman’s soft singing and upon approaching Roman, he goes silent
Roman is afraid but Emile tries to be soft, but the human monarch asks Roman why he’s been sneaking into the palace
Roman, wanting to protect Remus, lies that he just wanted to view the garden
Emile, knowing this is false since Patton gushes about Remus to him, pulls the monarch away and secretly asks the monarch to confirm with the seer and Patton if they do have the right fae
The monarch agrees to Emile’s request
Patton sees Roman and accidentally blurts out “I remember you, you’re Remus’s brother”
Now they are aware of Remus and are now expecting him, or at least a trade
Roman tells them to forget it cause Remus is too important, he would never allow that
Lo and behold, Remus and Janus come to the palace to try to save Roman
They can’t find him, but run into the royal court and the monarch is there with an army, ready to fight Remus and Janus
They decide to try to negotiate
Remus offers to take his brother’s place but the monarch remarks how lovely Roman’s singing is, how good Roman would be for Emile and Patton, and they may as well just execute Remus and Janus (knowing the discourse the faes would have if Remus, the heir to the Fae throne, would vanish)
Remus refuses but they’re surrounded
Remus is taken to the dungeon while Janus is forced to be a servant to the prince Emile, but Emile is kind and allows Janus to see Roman, whose cage had been transferred closer to his room in hopes of hearing Roman sing again
Roman, being scared, has been silent, but upon reuniting with Janus, feels relief. Of course, he’s still angry at Janus for not telling him about the shapeshifting ability, but he’s too relieved to think about that at the moment
Emile offers to turn the other way and allow Janus to pick the lock so they can leave
Roman asks about Remus and they tell him about how the monarch wants Remus executed
Roman is shocked and angry, knowing how important his brother is to the faes
They escape and Emile gives them the directions to where Remus may be
Janus tells Roman that he can’t risk being caught again so he tells Roman to wait for him at the forest and hide near their usual meeting spot. He gives a signal so Roman knows to come out when its safe
Roman is hesitant but agrees since Janus is more capable of stealth
Roman gives Janus a kiss for good luck and escapes
Emile smiles softly. Janus asks him why he’s so kind to them and Emile goes “As prince, I wish to rule to passion and kindness, to let the people know to care” they go into the dungeon to free Remus
They find Remus’s cell is empty
They panic, and Emile decides to run to Patton to ask for help but Patton is missing too
Janus connects the dots, realizing Patton must have ran off with Remus first
He is relieved but now he has to go find them. He bids Emile farewell, thanking him for the assistance, and asconds
Janus first goes to Roman to inform him that Remus is safe
But he instead runs into the hunter that called him a traitor
They have a battle, and when the hunter has the upper hand against him, an arrow pierces through the hunter and Janus is saved
Roman has saved Janus
He sees that Roman and Remus have reunited. Patton asks Janus if he’s alright and apologizes for the trouble he and Remus has caused
Janus, fully relieved cause he was just saved and seeing Roman is safe, pulls Roman in for a kiss. They fall over, laughing, and Janus is happy to be able to hold Roman close
Remus interrupts them with “Ok you can fuck my brother later, but first we need to leave”
Remus and Roman return to the Fae court where they find the Fae King hovered over a tactical map. He sees the twins and is very relieved to see his sons are safe, pulling them into a tight hug
Remus is apologetic but the Fae King tells him that what matters is that they’re both safe now. Of course, he’s still mad and asks them how they would like to plot their revenge, suggesting harming Emile
Janus pipes in with “No, Emile has done nothing wrong, he saved us”
Patton reveals himself too in his attempt to stop Janus from intervening in what may get them in trouble
The Fae King is angered that two humans are now in his court, but the twins calm him down, recounting their escape to him. The Fae King is willing to forgive Patton but still holds a grudge against Janus, revealing that he was the one who cursed Janus
Roman now feels betrayed and goes “You did that to him?!” and he storms off, bringing Janus with him
Remus is now also upset cause Roman is upset. He demands the full story
Janus’s parents were thieves that stole from the fae kingdom so the Fae King took revenge by cursing their firstborn child to be half-snake
Remus is shocked and the King is apologetic for his past mistakes but Remus is too worried about Roman so off he goes to find his brother, bringing Patton with him cause “I won’t risk you cursing my lover >:(”
He finds Roman cuddling with Janus, Janus trying to comfort him, assuring Roman that he doesn’t mind being half snake
The twins have a sibling moment, Remus explaining Janus’s curse, offering to lift it (which Janus declines cause he feels it has become part of him now), and then talking about what to do going forward since Remus still has a duty to be Fae King
Before Remus can respond, they hear many footsteps, like an army marching
They hide and it’s the human monarch, deciding to declare war on the faes for Patton’s disappearance
Now the twins have a war to stop and need to find a way to convince them that Patton chose to leave on his own free will
And that concludes another ramble. I’ll consider making a part 3 but hhhhhh I feel like my rambles are getting very long recently, sorry ;u;
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