#woodshore: event 06
woodshorenews · 5 years
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happy sunday! as a part of our maslenitsa / mardi gras event, and in the spirit of encouraging inclusivity and new threads, the admins have put together a little surprise for everyone ... 
a thread roulette!
beneath the cut, you will find your name alongside a randomly generated partner! if you need any assistance in making sure you know who you’re writing with, check out the ooc list.
over the course of the event, everyone will get one free starter for the roulette. reach out to your partner, pick any muses of your choosing, and go wild! the event gives a perfect opportunity for new muses to interact with each other and do something fun or different. because we want this to be successful for everyone, we ask that you give some priority to these threads in the form of writing at least one reply (on each partner’s end) each week, over the next month. members on hiatus, obviously, are exempt from this while on hiatus.
to facilitate the ease of this, members on hiatus who return during the event have been paired with another based on the return date, and those who are on hiatus till the end of the event or who have all muses on today’s activity have been excluded. if you have any trouble reaching out to your partner, please be sure to let us know so we can fix that up for you. have fun! go wild! enjoy!
annie & bugs
beth & mads
britt & maisie
brittany & may
doe & bria
dot & mac
faith & kirk
gia & kb
holly & brandy
jen & swan
link & kai
loey & corina
kay & sarah
kenzi & holly
maisie & lissa
mia & dot
yngve & maddie
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woodshorenews · 5 years
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some holidays may be location-specific, but seeing as we have a collection of people from all over the world, universe, and… alternate universes? we’ve decided to break down those barriers and bring these celebrations to you !!
we are excited to introduce to woodshore: 
maslenitsa & mardi gras !!
while mardi gras is traditionally celebrated for just the one day, we’ll be extending the celebration to coincide with maslenitsa for the full enjoyment of everyone in the city !!
keep reading to find out more...
maslenitsa is a festival traditionally held in russia, and is a celebration of the end of winter and the coming of spring. the festivities vary greatly but are all about community and people coming together –– from the largest snowball fights you’ve ever seen to live music and dancing to trust falls off a high tree stump, it’s impossible to get bored.
the name ‘maslenitsa’ is often incorrectly translated to ‘pancake week’ due to the fact that pancakes are the number one treat during the week. pancakes are the food of choice due to their visual similarity to the sun –– this is a celebration of winter’s end, after all. vendors line the streets and make pancakes all throughout the week. russian pancakes, or blini, are thinner than what you might be familiar with, more similar to a french crepe –– but instead of being cooked with milk, they are cooked with sour cream. don’t let that deter you –– they’ll be the tastiest pancakes you’ve ever eaten. and don’t forget to try the tea brewed in a traditional samovar!
the end of maslenitsa is marked with the symbolic burning of a figure of lady maslenitsa, after which her ashes will be buried in the snow to fertilize the ground for crops. it’s a dramatic welcoming of summer and plenty.
you may wear whatever you’d like, but if you really want to get into the spirit, local shops in town will be carrying traditional russian-style clothing and headdresses.
watch this video to get an idea of the vibe of maslenitsa, or watch this video for more information about it !!
mardi gras is a festival famously celebrated in france, but is important globally. the name ‘mardi gras’ is french for ‘fat tuesday’, the name of which was given because this carnival was meant to be a final celebration of life and to eat and be merry before the start of lent. the celebration in the modern day is large and festive, marked with an abundance of color, music, drink, and food.
mardi gras will be celebrated in woodshore in the style of new orleans, where it is most popular due to its french history. on the streets you’ll find live music playing mostly jazz, street performers and magicians, vendors with games to win prizes, and street food that could rival even your favorite carnival or fair.
on the streets you’ll find people in masks and costumes in a carnival style –– many will be dressed as fairies, animals, or characters from mythology. if you don’t fancy a costume but want to participate, a simple accentuation with feathers, beads, and capes will more than fit the style. all such things will also be available in local shops.
watch this video to get an idea of the vibe of mardi gras, or watch this video for more information about it !!
ooc info!
–– this is an open event, which means your characters have complete free reign with what’s going on and what they’re doing during the event. –– out of character, this event will last from february 23rd through march 4th. in character, it will last february 24th through march 1st. –– during the event, you’re welcome to continue pre-event threads ––  you may want to prioritize event threads, so as to keep them moving during the event window. you’re welcome to turn old threads into event threads as well! –– check out this post in regards to a special addition to this event. –– tag all event starters with woodshore: event 06.
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