#wooden wisdom 2024
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Elijah wood and Zach Cowie of wooden wisdom dj last night in Vegas for cardano event .
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dreamdepot · 5 months
New Story: Dreams of the Kingdom
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[Link x Male!Reader]
Power. Wisdom. Courage. The legend of Hyrule has always been the story of three. Where does that leave you, oh mighty prince of the wild?
A sequel story to Prince of the Wild.
Edited 7/5/2024 - Links have been updated
Chapter 1: The Slumbering Beast
Chapter 1 is now up on Wattpad, A03, and below the break
For links to the prequel Prince of the Wild, please see the following links:
Wattpad AO3
The ballroom was filled with laughter and music. The moonlight streamed down through the windows on the festivities. You straightened your crown, trying to make sure you looked just right in your reflection on the window. Tonight was going to be special; you just knew it.
The music swelled with a flourish of the violins. People glided across the polished marble floors, twirling to the beautiful piece. You could see your best friend, the royal poet and maestro Sharpe, absolutely beaming as he conducted the orchestra.
You let your eyes wander over the crowd. Your father, King Rhoam, was stoic as ever, watching from his own corner. Princess Zelda, your younger sister, was happily chatting with Robbie and Purah, no doubt sharing research notes. Impa and Mipha were laughing over drinks while little Sidon chowed down on snacks. Revali was attempting to dance with the ambassador from Hytopia, but it was impossible to tell who was worse at it. Daruk was drinking each of the castle guards under the table. Apparently, none of them ever heard that Gorons were unaffected by Hylian liquor. Your heart swelled with happiness, though it still felt a little empty without the one who was most important to you.
“Waiting on someone, sparrow?” Urbosa asked, gently laying a hand on your shoulder. She had a knowing glint in her eye as she sipped her Noble Pursuit.
“You wouldn’t have happened to-”
“I believe I saw him walking towards the Sanctum.” Your heart skipped a beat, and you were ready to run upstairs, but Urbosa’s grip held you back. “Don’t get into trouble, sparrow. You still need to make an appearance later tonight.”
You blushed but nodded. “Of course, you know I’m always professional.”
“Of course,” Urbosa said. She brushed a stray bit of your hair back and smoothed some wrinkles off your coat. “Go, I’ll cover for you.”
You barely got out a “thank you” before dashing out of the ballroom to the stairs. The music grew fainter and fainter as you made your way up the castle. A giddy bubble of happiness felt ready to burst out of your chest. You were Prince [Y/n] Daltus Hyrule, Lord of Akkala, Order of the Picori, Colonel in the Grand Hylian Army, Defender of the Holy Triforce, and Champion of the Goddess Din – but the most important title of all was Boyfriend of the Hylian Champion. Reaching the top of the steps, you pushed the doors open as quietly as you could.
“Link?” you called out. The torches were all lit inside, but all was quiet. You shut the door and entered. “Link? Are you here?”
No response.
You frowned, walking past the thrones, ignoring how the shadows danced on the walls. Suddenly, a wooden training sword clattered to the ground right at your feet. You looked up, seeing the knight grinning from the upper floor. “Oh, you’re on!”
You picked up the sword – slightly upset it was a single handed one instead of your preferred claymore – and mounted the stairs, charging up to the hidden lounge above the Sanctum. Link met you halfway, your swords clashing with a dull thonk. You drove him backwards up the stairs, slash after slash. Link laughed with each one, parrying them effortlessly.
The two of you clashed, when you saw your chance. You parried his blows, and…
…pulled the small rug from under him. Before he could get up, you pointed your sword at his chest. “Finally!” You shouted. “I win!”
“One out of – what, a thousand?” Your knight grinned.
You shrugged. “Hey, I’ll take it.” You helped him up and pulled him into a hug. “You didn’t get hurt when you fell right?”
“No, I’m fine,” he laughed. “Takes more than a practical joke to hurt a knight, your majesty.”
You took his hand and started leading him downstairs. “We should head back before Father gets upset.” You reached for the door but stopped. Someone was standing on the balcony overlooking Hyrule Field.
“Hello?” You let go of Link’s hand as you walked over to the balcony. The music seemed to fade away as you got closer. The figure didn’t seem familiar. “Oh, pardon me, but all guests should be downstairs. I’d be happy to show you the way.”
“There’s no need for that, I’ve been waiting for you,” a rumbling baritone voice said. The figure turned, revealing a wall of a man with a piercing glare. It felt like he could see you through to your soul. Your head throbbed with a migraine. For some reason, your left hand – the hand emblazoned with the mark of the Triforce of Power – felt like it was burning.
“Who are you?”
The moonlight turned a bloodstained red. “Of course you would forget me, but I certainly haven’t forgotten you and your treachery.” He reached out, firmly gripping your chin and tilting your head up to look you in the eyes. Panic rose in your throat looking into his glowing red and yellow eyes. He let out a low rumble of a laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll be seeing you soon to take what is rightfully mine, little prince.”
The world swam and grew dark as a terrible laugh filled your ears. A scream tore from your throat. Pain shot through your body…
“[Y/n]! [Y/n]!!” Link shook you gently. “It’s okay! I’m here, I’m here…”
You gasped for air, looking up to see your handsome knight looking down at you. He wrapped you in his arms. “It’s okay, it���s just a nightmare. You’re going to be okay.”
You held him close, not caring how tangled you were in the sheets. It was still late, and the moon hung outside your window – thankfully still its normal pale color.
Your heart slowed as Link held you and stroked your hair. “Big spoon or little spoon?”
You told him your preference, and the two of you shifted to a more comfortable cuddling position. “It was the same dream,” you finally said.
“The royal ball and the stranger?”
“Yeah,” you said. “He knew me. I… I don’t know how to explain it but looking at him felt like… pure evil… It was almost like the Calamity.”
Link nodded. “Do you want to go talk to Symin about it? He helped Zelda when she had those nightmares last year.”
“Maybe,” you said. “I’m just confused. He knew me, Link. He said he was going to take what was ‘rightfully his’.”
“I’m sure it’s just a silly dream, but…” Link frowned and pressed his hand to your forehead. “Hmm doesn’t seem like a fever, but maybe the gloom is getting to you.”
“It’s not the gloom,” you said, pushing his hand away. “Maybe I’m stressed out? Maybe… maybe I’m just missing them.”
Link sighed. “I miss them too.”
“I did beat you this time though.”
Link snorted. “So, you’re saying you can only beat me in your dreams?”
“Shut up,” you laughed.
The two of you stayed quiet for a moment, just enjoying the cuddling. It was hard to believe it had been five years. Five years since you woke up in a cave, five years since you found Link without his memories, and five years since the two of you saved Hyrule and your sister. The life of the “lost prince” was never dull with Hyrule’s greatest swordsman as your boyfriend and Princess Zelda as your sister. The three of you had helped to rebuild most of Hyrule, bringing the people back together and creating a semblance of a government. Your New Hyrule Trading Company was now run through the Stable Association, a union-run business, giving you more time to train the new militia taking care of monsters across the land – not to mention helping your sister run things. “Helping” may be a bit generous, as Zelda was much more suited to academics than government and diplomacy. Most of the time, you and Link helped to set treaties and lead major reconstruction projects while Zelda focused more on educating Hyrule’s children and surveying old ruins.
Everything had been going well for a time, until a few months ago. Certain caves and old wells began to leak an odd crimson mist. At first, it seemed harmless, but then the sickness came. There were a few isolated cases that seemed to clear up quickly, but over the past few weeks, reports were getting worse. The mist was only growing thicker and more toxic. Purah named it the gloom, and it seemed to be tied to the malice that Calamity Ganon once produced. The difference was that this gloom was toxic and lingering. It seemed to seep from underground, though no one could figure out where or why. The worst of it came from the depths of Hyrule Castle. Whatever it touched, it devoured in decay. Your pride and joy, the construction of New Castle Town, was rotted back to rubble. Each time you had Hudson Construction try to rebuild it, they never got past laying the foundation before the houses would begin to decay. Residents were forced back to build a new settlement called Lookout Landing, just south of the ruins. Even then, it was little more than a lightly fortified trading and research outpost.
“Hey, I can tell Zelda to postpone the expedition,” Link said.
“No!” You said, then paused. “I appreciate the thought, but it’s too important to investigate the gloom. We need to get to the bottom of it – literally.”
Link rolled his eyes. “Right, but if you need to rest, you need to rest.”
“I know, but I promise I’ll be fine.” Link frowned, staring into you. “Okay, I’ll go see Symin after the expedition, but I promise I’ll be fine.”
“Good.” Link smiled, leaning forward to give you a gentle kiss.
The two of you talked for a little while more before you both drifted off into a gentle sleep. While Link may have been next to you, something still made you feel restless.
The next morning seemed to pass in a blur, and you weren’t truly shaken from your thoughts until you were descending into the depths of Hyrule Castle.
“This gloom keeps getting thicker,” your sister, Zelda, commented as you descended. She held the torch for you and Link. The two of you remained calm, but you were both on high alert. The weight of your Sword of the Six Sages was a comfort, not knowing what could be around the next corner. “We’ve been descending for a while now… These tunnels are deeper than I thought. What could be down here?”
“I have a feeling even Father didn’t know about these tunnels,” You commented as you passed some luminescent moss. “Some of this looks older than even the Sheikah tech.”
“I wish we were coming down here to explore for more academic reasons instead of trying to find the source of the gloom,” Zelda said, scanning over the wisps curling around her feet. “Though here, it seems almost misty and not concentrated enough to harm us…”
“What’s the plan then?” Link asked.
“We’ll keep going. With it coming up from beneath Hyrule Castle…” Zelda paused, then turned to you and Link. “We do not know what waits below, so we need to be ready for anything. But I know I’ll be okay with both of you. Let’s go solve this mystery.”
“That said, it may be best for you to stay behind one of us.” You drew your secondary weapon, an Eightfold Blade, and took the lead.
“As you wish… General,” Zelda said with a little laugh.
“You appointed me as head of Hyrule’s military, let me do my job, Princess,” you snarked back. You led the way deeper. Water dripped down the walls, leaving chalky stains. You could see just ahead that the cave looped into some ruins. “I bet no one has been down here in centuries…”
“Exactly, isn’t it exciting?” Zelda said. You smiled, happy to see your sister in her element. You couldn’t begin to count the number of ruins you explored with her over the past few years. While her obsessions may have moved on from the Sheikah, the promise of a new discovery always got her excited.
Before you could take another step, you heard something you hadn’t heard in five years. It was a familiar chime. Both you and Zelda turned to Link, seeing the Master Sword begin to glow. “It must be sensing something,” Zelda muttered. “I knew we had reason for concern…”
“Maybe we should have investigated the castle sooner,” you added. “Perhaps something from the Calamity is still lingering here.” Zelda shifted uneasily.
Link was always quick to notice when your sister was worried. “We’re going to be okay. If it really is something left over from the Calamity, it can’t be that strong with Ganon sealed away. Between the three of us, I know we can handle it.”
“Of course,” Zelda said, “I needn’t worry with the two best swordsmen in Hyrule around. All the same, we should proceed with caution.”
“Onward then,” you said, though you swapped from the smaller blade to your primary weapon granted to you by the Great Deku Tree: the Sword of the Six Sages. Link too drew the Master Sword and joined you in front of Zelda. It was best not to take chances. The soft white glow from your sword and the soft blue from the Master Sword was a small comfort to the three of you in the dark caves. With that, you continued deeper into the ruins.
As old as they were, the ruins were well preserved and mostly still standing. A few walls had collapsed to rubble, but the path was still clear. The gloom had grown a little thicker but clung to the floor and merely wrapped around your ankles, harmless for now. Zelda paused for a moment to observe the architecture. “Easily older than the Sheikah, and this unique style… wait!” She knelt at a fallen relief. “Something is written here… yes. I think this may be from the Zonai!”
The farther you walked, the better condition the ruins were in. “Yes, yes!” Zelda said, getting more excited with each step. “These carvings are absolutely Zonai in origin. I can’t believe we’re finding evidence of one of the oldest civilizations known to history directly under the castle.”
“The Zonai built those labyrinths, right?” Link asked.
“Yes, and they were said to worship the dragons. It’s said the Zonai had godlike powers and at one point lived in the sky. Unfortunately, we still know so little. Many history books on the Zonai give us more stories than factual history.”
Soon you came to the end of the hall, where two towering statues stood. Zelda stopped to inspect them further. “Is this what the Zonai looked like? They seem so different than us, and such large ears… I wonder if they were associated with the ancient city-state of Skyloft? Or perhaps they were some sort of precursors to the Oocca Civilization?”
You had a different question on your mind. “If they lived in the sky, why are they here underground?”
“An excellent point…” Zelda muttered, lost in thought. “Let’s see what else is ahead.”
You looked at the statues and for a moment, they seemed to shift. Their eyes seemed to glow with the faintest light, watching you. You rubbed your eyes and they appeared normal again. “Maybe it is the gloom,” you muttered to yourself.
You caught up with Link as the three of you made your way down the stairs, deeper and deeper. The ruins opened into a massive hall. Suddenly, you heard a familiar chittering. “Heads up,” you said, easily dispatching a keese. Link nodded, charging the second while you cleaved the third and final. You sheathed your sword, watching the keese fall to the ground.
“You aren’t hurt, are you?” Zelda asked.
“Zel, they’re keese. Link and I take care of keese like every day.” Still, she looked the both of you over, before giving a nod of approval. You couldn’t fault her, since you knew you’d be doing the same to her and Link if the roles were switched. With the monsters dealt with, you could take in the room. One wall was mostly covered by fallen rocks – likely from the Calamity – but the rest of the room was filled with sprawling carvings.
Zelda turned and let out a little gasp. “Look at these murals.” She walked the torch closer, letting the light dance across the eerie images. “The written histories of the Royal Family include stories of a great war fought long ago.”
Your many hours of tutoring in the Castle library played back in your head. “This isn’t just any war, Zelda,” you frowned looking at the murals. Zelda may have been the brains of the family, but you certainly knew the stories of your kingdom inside and out. You stopped before a carving of a wave of monsters. “This was clearly a very bloody one, and if we’re in the oldest part of the castle, it might be… Zelda, you don’t think it’s… that legend, do you?”
“What legend?” Link asked.
You felt a pit growing in your stomach. “The legend of the Demon King… an evil to surpass Demise.”
“Precisely,” She said, running along the walls. “It’s said that our ancestors – the first of Hyrule’s royal family were born from a union with the gods who descended from the heavens. These murals tell a similar story, and if they are accurate, then the gods mentioned were the Zonai… They must have forged a relationship with the Hylians of that time, working together to establish the kingdom of Hyrule!”
She turned to where the murals started to depict a man with a grotesque wave of red behind him. You felt a chill go down your spine. It couldn’t be possible… he couldn’t be the man from your nightmares. “This figure,” Zelda continued, “He seems to be stealing something of incredible power from the young kingdom. This all aligns with what I’ve read during my studies… and this!” She said, running back to the last panel. “And this shows the Demon King, and a fierce battle against him. If the creature depicted here really does represent the Demon King, then…” She stopped and gasped. “Incredible! This mural must be the great war recorded in the royal histories! This is the First Imprisoning War and the events that led up to it! This is a huge discovery!”
Zelda started fiddling with her pack. Link took the torch for her as she fished out her Purah Pad, Purah’s fantastic upgrade to the Sheikah Slate. You on the other hand stood frozen at the last panel, staring into the gargoyle-like grin of the monstrous Demon King. You took a shaky breath. “First Imprisoning War?” Link asked you.
“The First Imprisoning War sealed the Demon King. The Second sealed the king of thieves – who once tried to steal the Triforce from the Sacred Realm. Right, Zelda?”
“Yes, exactly, though some scholars suggest the Demon King and the king of thieves could have been one and the same – not that I necessarily subscribe to that theory,” she said, snapping photographs of the mural. “Why are you so jumpy?”
“No particular reason,” you muttered back. Link placed his hand on your shoulder, asking a silent question. “Later,” you whispered to him. He offered you a smile that helped to calm you.
“The part I don’t understand,” you said, steeling yourself, “is what he stole.” The three of you walked back to the third panel. “These objects… what do you think they are? Tears of Light? They don’t look anything like the Triforce.”
“Another excellent question,” Zelda said, lowering the Purah Pad. “Perhaps this was before our ancestors discovered the Triforce? Or perhaps it was hidden away. I would hate to think of what could have happened if the Demon King had stolen it.”
“Yeah,” you said, instinctively rubbing the tattoo on your hand. The power thrummed through your body for a moment, but it didn’t make you feel any better.
“Only more and more questions,” Link said, handing the torch back to Zelda.
“Maybe we’ll find more answers farther ahead,” she said. “Let’s keep moving deeper.”
This time, Link took the lead with Zelda while you brought up the rear. Your hand twitched and your gut twisted. It wasn’t like you to be so unnerved by something like that, but something felt deeply wrong, and the deeper you walked, the more the feeling grew.  
The three of you exited the staircase and entered into a massive chamber. “Oh Hylia…” Link muttered. A twisting ribbon of light drifted from some kind of pyramid collector lined with runes, feeding into a skeletal glowing arm with a warm green-blue light. Most disturbing of all was the desiccated corpse the hand was pinned to, digging into the chest. Dark clouds of gloom spilled from the wound.
“What is that...” Zelda murmured. “How long has this been under the Castle?”
As the three of you drew close, the arm’s light faded, and it fell to the ground. A glowing tear shaped stone popped out of the arm’s bracer, bouncing on the floor to Zelda. She tapped it hesitantly before picking it up. The stone glowed with warm golden light in her hand.
Suddenly, the three of you heard a crack and a heartbeat. You and Link instantly moved in front of Zelda, drawing your swords. The corpse cracked, its fingers starting to move, then its arm, then its spine, until finally, the head snapped towards you, demonic eyes glowing in your direction.
A burst of concentrated gloom and malice burst from his chest, rushing straight for Zelda. Link stepped in, shoving you away and knocking it back with the Master Sword. It doubled back, crawling up Link’s arm, burning away at his skin.
“Link!” You shouted, preparing to swing your sword at the gloom.
“No! It’ll get you too, don’t!” Link summoned every ounce of strength and swung the Master Sword at the gloom again.
You could hear a crack, and the Master Sword’s blade shattered in his hand.
The tip of the sword flew from the mess, slicing across the corpse’s cheek. You and Zelda rushed to Link’s side, helping him to stand. You tried not to look at the terrible burns on his arm, keeping your attention on the monster in front of you.
“Was that the sword that seals the darkness?” A raspy voice came from the corpse. “A blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me.” His eyes scanned across you as he tried to pull himself up. “Zelda… and you, who carries that fragile sword is Link. Rauru placed his faith in you and that was all you could do?” He turned his eyes to you, and the monster seemed to smile.
Suddenly, the eyes felt very familiar. You could hardly choke out the words. “It’s him.”
“Ah… [Y/n], you do remember me. And here you are, right where I want you. Millenia of preparation, all coming down to today. Oh, how I’ve waited for this moment.”
“How do you know our names?” Zelda asked.
He didn’t answer. Instead, he summoned a miasma of pure gloom and malice, releasing it from his chest into the runed pyramid above. The caves shook and a terrible earthquake tore through the walls. Boulders tumbled from all above you as the ground started to give way. You looked up and could see the stars as the corruption forced Hyrule Castle into the sky. As the gloom dissipated, the altar collapsed, and the corpse tumbled into the darkness below.
The earth still shook as Link fell to his knees, the decayed Master Sword still in hand. “Link!” you and Zelda both shouted, but it was cut off by a scream, as the ground gave way. Both of you began to fall back into emptiness. Link leaped after you, reaching out to catch you. He opened his hand, stretching out…
Your fingers barely missed his.
You turned to reach Zelda, but the stone glowed bright and she disappeared in ribbons of light. Link tried to reach you again, but the glowing hand seemed to regain its power, holding him aloft before yanking him upward in a burst of light.
You fought to stay calm, hearing the demented laugh of the monster somewhere deep below you. You pulled your left hand close to your chest. A familiar warmth spread through your body as your hand began to glow with a golden light.
A familiar voice whispered in your ear, albeit more urgent than the last time you heard it. “Sleep. He won’t get his hands on you today.”
As your consciousness began to fade, you wanted to ask what she meant. Instead, as sleep overtook you, there was only one thought in your mind.
Link, Zelda, please be safe.
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casualjacobwrites · 23 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Prompt #1 - Steer
It's time once again for me to try to do this challenge (dear gods please don't look at anything I wrote last year). Anyway, had an idea with Sicard and Emmanellain that popped into my head. Might continue it with other prompts if inspiration is kind. No spoilers really, though Sicard as a character doesn't show up until very late in the Shadowbringers expansion (in the pre-Endwalker stuff).
Word Count: 806
"Listen well, old boy. I'm not one for repeating myself."
"Who are you callin' 'old boy'? I'm a man, not a boy, an' I'm not old neither," Sicard yelled loud enough to be heard across the Astalicia. Two deckhands ducked behind a crate while a third hurriedly picked up his mop bucket and darted toward the cabin. "As for not repeatin' yourself, that's a laugh! There's nothin' you love more than the sound of your own voice while tellin' the same borin' story over an' over again."
"What? My stories are not boring!" Emmanellain de Fortemps lifted his chin and looked to one side. "You're too uncultured to appreciate them."
"Uncultured? I'll bloody show you uncultured!" Sicard grabbed the front of the elezen lordling's shirt with one hand while raising the other in a fist. Emmanellain's blue eyes widened, his mouth opening in equal parts shock and terror. Just as he pulled back to throw the first punch, a shorter elezen with red hair darted between the two men and pushed them apart.
"Master Spence, please forgive my lord's poor choice of words. I fear he's been in the sun too long." Honoiroit spoke at a loud volume, yet somehow managed to sound calm. Despite his young age, his years spent as the manservant to the second Fortemps son had made him something of an expert in conflict resolution.
"I have not--" One withering look from Honoroit and Emmanellain's protest died on his tongue. Still, he was quite aggrieved. "Perhaps we both spoke out of turn." It was as close to accepting blame as he ever got.
"Both of us? I'm not the one who--" Sicard stopped as Honoroit's baleful eyes turned to him. He lowered his hand and loosened his grip on the elezen's shirt. "Mayhap his lordship would enjoy some fruit belowdecks where it's cooler." No one listening in would miss the sarcastic emphasis he placed on the word lordship.
"That would be delightful, yes." Honoroit offered Sicard a slight bow then grabbed his noble charge by the wrist before he had a chance to say another word. "Come, my lord. A quick repast will be quite refreshing."
Sicard watched the pair leave the quarterdeck then kicked an empty wooden bucket that had been left by another crew member. It bounced off the side of the ship then clattered loudly onto its side. A few heads turned to see what caused the noise, but no one dared approach the acting captain of the Bloody Executioners.
Down in the guest cabin Honoroit was wishing his master could leave well enough alone. "Perhaps the captain feels you overstepped, my lord."
"Overstep? How could I overstep? I merely suggested the route young master Spence charted for our return trip could be shortened." Emmanellain held up a slice of citrus fruit as he spoke. "He should be grateful for my advice. There are many young men in Ishgard who would give their right arm for guidance from a man with as much worldly experience as me."
Sicard was the same age as Emmanellain to say nothing of his many years of seafaring and piracy, but Honoroit knew better than to point out such obvious facts to his master. "That may be so. Under the circumstances, however, it might be better to be more discreet when sharing your, ah, wisdom." For anyone else, calling whatever nonsense that spouted out of the noble elezen's mouth wisdom would be difficult to say with a straight face. Fortunately the young manservant had a great deal of practice at maintaining a neutral expression. "Some men might be intimidated by your position and lineage and thus are not receptive to critique no matter how constructive."
Emmanellain sucked on the slice of fruit as he considered Honoroit's words. After swallowing some of the pulp he leaned back in his seat. "You may have a point. 'Tis such a pity how men like him allow their pride to get in the way of bettering themselves."
"Truly not everyone can be as humble as you, my lord." Though his tone was drier than the deserts of Thanalan, his master nodded thoughtfully as though he'd spoken a profound truth.
"Quite right, my friend. Quite right, indeed." A few blessed moments of silence followed as Emmanellain enjoyed his selection of fruits along with a cup of his favorite Hingan tea. When he'd finished his small meal he daintily wiped the corners of his mouth with a cloth napkin then turned to Honoroit with a smile. "I have an idea as to how I might steer master Spence toward a better course. Bring me my atlas."
With a growing sense of foreboding, the young manservant went off to find his master's collection of nautical maps. If he returned to Ishgard without his hair turning gray, it would be a miracle.
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Daily Devotionals for September 21, 2024 Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 25:4-5 (KJV): 4 Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer. 5 Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne shall be established in righteousness.
Proverbs 25:4-5 (AMP): 4 Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth (the material for) a vessel for the silversmith (to work up). 5 Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne will be established in righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation).
Thought for the Day
Removing dross from silver in order to form it into a precious vessel, is comparable to removing wicked administrators from positions of authority. Before silver can be fashioned into a beautiful vessel, it must be refined. When melted, the "impurities" surface and can be removed. A righteous king's administrators represent him throughout his kingdom. His rule will not be righteous until the wicked are removed. This is what will happen when Jesus returns to rule as the King of kings: the wicked will be removed from the earth and the righteous will remain: "The way of the Lord is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity. The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth" (Proverbs 10:29-30).
"…Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of the earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor" (2 Timothy 2:19a, 20). God's people are likened to two kinds of vessels: gold and silver "vessels of honor" and wood and clay "vessels of dishonor." Gold and silver vessels are durable and beautiful. Clay vessels chip and shatter; wooden vessels warp in water and burn in fire; neither have the strength of gold and silver. God desires that we have a place among His vessels of honor. "If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21).
How we respond to life's trials determines what kind of vessel we become. Trials "heat up our circumstances" and bring hidden sins to the surface. "For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried" (Psalm 66:10). Each time we choose to obey God and put to death our old nature or resist the devil, a little more of the "dross" is removed, until we come forth as pure as silver or gold.
Following is a portion of Psalm 119. Its author, knowing that God will remove the wicked like dross, cried out to God to help him keep His commandments. He knew that he could not respect God without respecting His Word. May we be as wise: "Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually. Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes: for their deceit is falsehood. Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies" (Psalm 119:117-119). Prayer Devotional for the Day Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the ongoing work that You are doing in my life and others. I do want to cry out as David did for grace and strength to keep Your commandments. May I always love and respect You and Your Word above all else. I know that when I choose to do this, You will protect me from the enemy and keep me in a place of safety. Lord, cleanse me from every evil thing so that I will become a vessel of honor for Your glory. Purge the "dross" from my life so that I will shine for You as silver and gold. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus, my redeemer, and your son, Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller, @ParkermillerQ, gatekeeperwatchman.org TM, ‎Friday, ‎September ‎20, ‎2024 Founder and Administrator of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Group
 X … @ParkermillerQ
Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956
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noeticprayer · 12 days
SCRIPTURE READINGS for Sunday September 15, 2024
1 Corinthians 1:18-24 (First Nations Version)
The message of the Cross seems foolish to the ones who are walking a path to a bad end. But for us who are being set free and made whole, the message itself is the power of the Great Spirit (God the Father).
For it has been written in the Sacred Teachings, "I will tear down the wisdom of the ones who see themselves as wise and undo the understanding of those who think they know all things."
So then, where are the ones who think they are wise? Where is the scroll keeper who explains the meaning of our tribal law? Where is the trained speaker of this present world? Has not the Great Spirit (God) made the ones who are trusting in the wisdom of this world look foolish? In His great wisdom Creator knew that the world through its wisdom would not come to know him. So his heart was glad to rescue and set free the ones who trust in the "foolishness" of the good story (Gospel) we tell.
The people of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) require powerful signs. The Wisdom Seekers (Greeks) search for wisdom. But we tell the good story about the Chosen One (Christ), who died on a tree pole-the Cross. This message puts a stumbling stone in the path of our Tribal People and is nothing but foolishness to the Outside Nations. But to the ones who have been called out from among our Tribal People (Judeans) and the Wisdom Seekers (Greeks), the Chosen One (Christ) is the power and wisdom of the Great Spirit (God the Father).
Creator's foolishness is wiser than the wisest of human beings, and his weakness is more powerful than the strongest of all.
John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35 (First Nations Version)
"Behold the man!", Spear of the Great Waters (Pontius Pilate) said to them. The crowd stared at Him in stunned silence. But then the head holy men and the lodge guards began to shout, "Death! Death on the cross!"
"Then take Him and kill Him yourselves," Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) said to them. "I find no guilt in Him!" They answered him back, "Our law tells us he must die, for he has represented himself as the Son of the Great Spirit (God)." When Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) heard this, his fear grew stronger, so he took Creator Sets Free (Jesus) back inside his lodge. "Who are you, and where are you from?" he questioned Him.
Creator Sets Free (Jesus) stood there and remained silent. "Speak to me! Do you not know I have the power of life and death over you? I can have you killed or set you free," he warned Him. "Have you nothing to say?"
"The only power you have is what has been given you from above," He answered. "The ones who have turned me over to you carry the greater guilt."
When Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) heard this, he took Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and went to the Stone of Deciding, called Gabbatha in the tribal language, and sat down. It was now midday on the Day of Preparation for the Passover Festival. He brought Creator Sets Free (Jesus) before the people and said, "Here is your Chief."
"Take Him away! Take Him away!" the crowd shouted with one voice. "Nail Him to the Cross!"
"Would you have me nail your Chief to the Cross?" he asked them. This time the head holy men answered back, "We have no other chief than the Ruler of the People of Iron (Caesar)."
Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) then turned Creator Sets Free (Jesus) over to the soldiers to have Him put to death on a pole tree-the Cross- so they took Him away.
The Cross was an instrument of torture and terror used by the People of Iron (Romans) to strike fear into the hearts of any who dared to rise up against their empire. The victim's hands and feet would be pierced with large iron nails, fastening them to the Cross. The victims would hang there, sometimes for days, until they were dead. This was one of the most cruel and painful ways to die ever devised by human beings.
The soldiers placed a wooden crossbeam on His back and forced Him to carry it to the place where He would be executed.
Creator Sets Free (Jesus) carried the crossbeam to the Place of the Skull, which is called Golgotha in the tribal language. There they nailed His hands and feet to the Cross, along with the two others, and placed His Cross between the two of them. Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) fastened a sign to the top of the Cross where they attached the crossbeam with these words written on it:
This was near Village of Peace (Jerusalem). So that many of the Tribal Members could read it, the sign was written in Aramaic, their tribal language, but also in Latin and Greek, the languages of the People of Iron (Romans).
Standing near the Cross was Bitter Tears (Virgin Mary the Theotokos), the Mother of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), who had come to see Him, along with her sister. Two other women also came with her, Brooding Tears (Mary) the wife of Trader (Clopas), and Strong Tears (Mary Magdalene) from Creator's High Lodge (Magdala). He Shows Goodwill (John the Theologian), the much-loved follower of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), was also there with them.
When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked down and saw them, He said to His Mother, "Honored woman, look to your son." Then He said to his follower, "Look to your Mother." From that time the follower took Bitter Tears (Virgin Mary the Theotokos) into his family and cared for her.
Creator Sets Free (Jesus), knowing He had done all the ancient Sacred Teachings had foretold, said, "I thirst".
He then tasted the bitter wine, turned His head to the sky and cried out loud, "It is done!" He then lowered His head to His chest and, with His last breath, gave up His spirit.
Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was dead.
Soon the sun would set and a special Day of Resting would begin, when no work could be done. It was time to prepare for this day, so the Tribal Members asked Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) to have the legs of the men on the crosses broken, which would make them die sooner. Then they could take the bodies down and prepare them for burial.
The soldiers came and broke the legs of the two men on each side of Creator Sets Free (Jesus). When they came to Him, they saw He was already dead. Instead of breaking His legs, one of the soldiers took a spear and pierced His side. Blood and water flowed out from the wound.
The one who saw these things with his own eyes is telling the truth about this-so that all will believe.
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pnp-pujanpujari · 24 days
Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Guide: How to Celebrate with Devotion and Tradition
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Ganesh Chaturthi, one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India, marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom, prosperity, and new beginnings. This festival brings families and communities together to welcome Lord Ganesha into their homes and hearts with great devotion. Here's a comprehensive guide to performing Ganesh Chaturthi Puja, ensuring you honor the tradition while invoking the blessings of the deity.
Preparation for Ganesh Chaturthi 2024
1. Selecting the Idol:
The first step is choosing a suitable idol of Lord Ganesha. Traditionally, the idol is made of clay or eco-friendly materials. Opt for an idol that resonates with your devotion. It’s also essential to consider the size of the idol based on the space where the puja will be performed.
2. Setting Up the Puja Area:
Cleanliness is crucial in setting up the puja area. Choose a clean, sacred spot in your home, preferably facing east or west. Place a clean cloth or a wooden platform as the base. Decorate the area with flowers, rangoli, and lights, creating a festive ambiance. 
3. Gathering Puja Essentials:
Before the puja begins, ensure you have all the necessary items like turmeric, kumkum, sandalwood paste, betel leaves, betel nuts, coconut, fruits, sweets (especially modaks, which are Lord Ganesha's favorite), incense sticks, diya (lamp), and flowers. Aarti thali and a small bowl of water are also essential for the rituals.
Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Guide
1. Pranapratishtha:
This is the most significant part of the Ganesh Chaturthi puja, where life is invoked into the idol of Lord Ganesha. The priest or the head of the family performs this ritual by chanting specific mantras and offering flowers, turmeric, and rice grains (akshat) to the idol. The belief is that Lord Ganesha descends into the idol to bless his devotees.
2. Shodashopachara:
After Pranapratishtha, the deity is worshipped with 16 forms of offerings known as Shodashopachara. These offerings include water for bathing the deity (Abhishek), fresh clothes, sandalwood paste, flowers, incense, light (Aarti), and naivedyam (food offerings, including modaks). Each offering is accompanied by specific chants and prayers.
3. Ganesh Aarti:
The Aarti is the most vibrant part of the puja, where devotees sing the praises of Lord Ganesha while rotating the Aarti thali in front of the idol. The Aarti, which is usually performed twice a day (morning and evening), is accompanied by the sound of bells, claps, and conch shells, creating a divine atmosphere.
4. Prasad Distribution:
Once the Aarti is completed, the prasad (sweets and fruits offered to the deity) is distributed among family members and guests. Sharing the prasad symbolizes sharing the blessings of Lord Ganesha.
5. Visarjan:
The conclusion of Ganesh Chaturthi is marked by Visarjan, where the idol of Lord Ganesha is immersed in water, symbolizing his return to Mount Kailash. The Visarjan can be done on the same day or after a specific number of days, depending on family traditions. During the Visarjan procession, devotees chant “Ganpati Bappa Morya, Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Ya,” asking Lord Ganesha to return soon next year.
Significance of Ganesh Chaturthi
Ganesh Chaturthi is not just a religious festival but a cultural celebration that fosters unity, joy, and devotion. It’s a time when people come together to seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha for wisdom, prosperity, and the removal of obstacles. The festival also promotes the values of eco-friendliness, with an increasing emphasis on using biodegradable materials for the Ganesha idol and puja items.
Promoting Pujanpujari.com: Your One-Stop Solution for All Puja Needs
As you prepare for Ganesh Chaturthi, ensuring that all your puja essentials are in place is crucial. At PujaNPujari.com, we offer a wide range of eco-friendly Ganesh idols, puja items, and decorations that align with traditional values. Additionally, our platform provides astrology services, online pandit booking, and customized puja packages to help you perform your rituals with ease and authenticity. Let us assist you in celebrating this Ganesh Chaturthi with devotion, while also supporting sustainable practices. Visit PujaNPujari.com today to make your festival preparations complete and spiritually fulfilling.
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How to Get Rid of Termites: Quick Tips | Ideal ASR Corporation
Understanding the Importance of Termite Treatment in Indore
Termites are insects that can cause great damage to wooden structures, and consequently, they need to be treated the same way as other pests such as rats and Cockroaches. This article aims to explain why this is the case.
Termites are destructive insects that mostly infest homes and buildings and should be managed appropriately. Since most of the cities in Madhya Pradesh are highly prone to termite attacks, such as Indore, it is wise to prevent the problems before they happen. At Ideal ASR Corporation, we appreciate knowing the value of Termite Treatment in Indore, and we are committed to giving you assurances about your property against these damaging creatures.
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Quick Tips for Termite Treatment near Me
Identify the Signs of Termite Infestation
The first thing that needs to be done in the case of termites is to get to the signs of the problem. This will include checking for mud tubes, wings, noises behind walls, doors, and floors, and any signs of wood decay. These are signs you should not overlook to avoid further extension of the problem’s impact if you observe them.
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Choose a Professional Termite Control Company
There are times that you will need to search for Termite Treatment Near Me; it is essential to use the services of Ideal ASR Corporation, a professional pest control company. Consulting with us means getting in touch with a team of professional exterminators who have vast experience handling termite-related issues and will have you sorted out in the shortest time possible with long-lasting solutions.
Trusted Rodent Control Service in Indore 2024 | Book Online- Read More
Schedule a Termite Inspection
As soon as you start any form of treatment, it is advisable to hire a professional to conduct a termite inspection of your premises. Our technicians will give a first opinion on how serious the infestation is and what treatment plan should be followed for your particular case.
Opt for Termite Prevention Measures
This is a voice of wisdom that says it is easier to prevent the occurrence of termites than to get rid of them when they have infested your home or business premises. But beyond exterminating current pest colonies, we also provide chemically treated timber prevention to prevent any form of Termite invasion in the future. Whether it is making the soil unfriendly for the termites or using barriers, we are the ones to call.
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Termite Companies Near Me: Why Choose Ideal ASR Corporation?
Expertise and Experience
Ideal ASR Corporation is a well-known name, which has been providing Pest Control Services efficiently in Indore for several years now and specializes in providing the best termite treatment. Technicians: All the technicians that are employed at the company are trained on a regular basis to ensure they have adequate knowledge in termite control procedures as well as techniques.
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Customized Solutions
We acknowledge the fact that any occurrence of termites is distinct in terms of severity and scope therefore, at AP Pest Control, we assign personalized treatment according to your resource constraints and requirements. The advantage of engaging our service is that we will be able to manage any levels of insect control issues with enhanced ease.
Environmentally Friendly Products
At Ideal ASR Corporation, it is our principle to place your family’s safety as well as the protection of the environment. That is why we offer environmentally safe measures as we eliminate termites while at the same time minimizing the possibility of harm to your family, pets, and nature.
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What a termite eats is to take over your home or commercial establishment? It is for this reason that professionals emphasize the fact that if you have termites in your home, you can exterminate them if you seek help the right way. If you are experiencing current rodent problems, we have solutions for you, as well as a range for protection should the problem persist in the future. Contact us to eliminate the termites from your Indore home or office and get our effective termite treatment.
Ideal ASR Corporation - Contact Us
Ready to bid farewell to termites? Contact Ideal ASR Corporation today for reliable termite control services tailored to your needs.
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Address -104, Ganga Paradise Shiv Dham Khandwa Road Indore
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ashleysingermfablog · 4 months
Wk 17, 27th of May, 2024 Research
Sacred Sites & Rituals in the Ancient Celtic Religion by Mark Cartwright
From the text: Sacred Sites & Rituals in the Ancient Celtic Religion by Mark Cartwright…
Chapter: Natural Sacred Sites
The Celts believed certain natural sites had spiritual importance; these sites included hills and mountain tops, impressive trees, and bodies of water such as springs, rivers, lakes, and bogs. Especially sacred were those points where movements of waters joined like estuaries and river confluences.
Such sites were considered meeting places between the physical and supernatural worlds as water was a conduit to the Otherworld.
The sources of major rivers were particularly attractive to the Celts and sanctuaries are attested at the sources of the Marne and Seine Rivers. Nearly 200 wooden sculptures were discovered at the latter sanctuary, known as Sequana (also the Celtic name for the Seine), located northwest of Dijon. The high number of precious artefacts recovered from the River Thames over the last few decades indicate that this, too, was a major destination for votive offerings deposited by British Celts. A votive offering or votive deposit is one or more objects displayed or deposited, without the intention of recovery or use, in a sacred place for religious purposes. Such items are a feature of modern and ancient societies and are generally made to gain favor with supernatural forces.
Archaeology has shown that the ancient Celts would make offerings to their pagan gods by sacrificing valuable metal items to bodies of water — entire hoards of votive offerings have been excavated from rivers, including swords, torques, shields, and other items fashioned from metals like silver or bronze or even gold.
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A group of 16 artefacts – found on Anglesey and all dating to the Iron Age and Roman period – were recently declared Treasure in Wales. They were found by Ian Porter in March 2020 while metal-detecting in a field under pasture in Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf Community.
From the text: A spring filled with votive offerings?- Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf Community, Anglesey...
It is not believed that these objects represent a coherent hoard – rather, as their findspot lies next to where a spring emerges in a boggy area of the modern field, it is thought that they may have been placed there as repeated religious offerings. The artefacts include Iron Age chariot fittings as well as Roman cavalry fittings, and all date to between AD 50 and AD 120, around the time of, or soon after, the Roman invasion of Anglesey in AD 60/61. Among the items are three bridle-bits, a terret (or rein-guide), a set of four harness discs known as phalerae, and a ram’s-head fitting, probably from a vehicle or staff, which is decorated in the late Celtic art-style. Also discovered was a large Roman copper ingot, weighing an impressive 20.5kg, which is thought to derive from copper mined at nearby Mynydd Parys; a decorated brooch; four coins (the latest of which dates to AD 364-378); and a lead pot repair.
In Celtic Wales, there certainly existed variations in religious practices across both time and space but there are notable points of commonality across Iron Age Europe.
The religious leaders in Celtic communities were the druids. Known for their great wisdom and knowledge of traditions, druids managed religious rituals, interpreted events of nature, divined the future, and made medicinal potions. Druids were repositories of the community's history and may also have been required to cast taboos (or, less accurately, spells) on people, ensuring compliance to the society's rules. Druids thus had the power to exclude individuals from religious rituals.
Individual trees were held as sacred by local communities and tribal gatherings were often held under their shade. A nemeton or sacred grove of trees was also the site of certain rituals. At what must have once been such sacred areas, votive plaques have been found dating to the Gallo-Roman period. Inscriptions on these plaques reveal they were dedicated to gods of specific types of trees like Fagus (beech), Robur (oak), and several others who have not yet been identified. 
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alice-the-arcane · 5 months
May 1st, 2024
Around late November of 2023, I started working with the Norse Pantheon (specifically Odin, who became my patron god). Occasionally, Odin gives me wisdom through dreams; last night was no exception.
Five men sporting Viking-like hairstyles walked behind me over a rickety wooden bridge. The bridge led through a bog (or possibly a swamp) and ended at a pod-like structure filled with plants and a single chair. I stepped into the doorway and turned around.
One of the men began to speak, "You've been sentenced to death. The way of which you die is up to you. You may choose from three options: lethal injection, drowning, or the pill."
Well, I knew lethal injection was a total joke. And drowning is said to be one of the most painful ways to go. 
"Tell me about the pill," I say. "How long does it take and what's it feel like?"
One of them begins to speak. 
"You know when you're in a storm with everything being chaos, but then you get to the eye of the storm and everything is calm? That's what this pill is like." I nodded and extended my hand for the pill. They handed me a glass bottle of beer to wash it down. 
"To Valhalla," I say as I take the pill. "How long does it take?"
Another viking answers, "Three minutes."
The door to the pod closes, and I sit in the chair behind me.
After 30 seconds, I begin to convulse; leaning forward, I spill something reddish-brown out of my mouth, burning my throat, bubbling and dissolving the plant it falls onto. Leaning back into the chair, I watch as black-and-white visions of a creature cloud my mind. It had black hair, pale skin, and wide eyes with an even wider grin. I was in a tornado of wind and images.
And just as soon as it started, it ended. I was oddly calm and knew that this was the next life. The next thing I knew, I was floating outside my parent's house in the dark, and my bedroom light was off. 
I had noticed a change in my spiritual body in death. I had become a creature, able to shape-shift, tasked with roaming the land and protecting those who needed it. So I left and began journeying the roads, shifting into a six-legged spider-like animal high above the trees. Later, I became a blue and white wolf, grabbing onto cars and trees and vaulting around the landscape. I'm sure I would have turned into a bird to test out flying if I had the time, but I didn't.
My alarm had woken me up.
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fuckyeahelijahwoodfan · 8 months
I'm Taking notes from King
Stretching is so important while tweeting 😍😂
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gktravel · 6 months
10 spots in Pattaya you should not miss in 2024
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Pattaya, a vibrant coastal city nestled in the Gulf of Thailand Known for its tropical climate and variety of attractions that combine a beautiful mix of bustling nightlife, stunning beaches and rich cultural heritage attracting tourists, has become the must-visit destination of 2024, where experiences for every kind of traveler You find an intriguing mix Whether you’re looking for adventure, peaceful relaxation, or cultural immersion, Pattaya has many places that promise to excite and entertain visitors from all over the world Take a virtual tour of Pattaya as we unveil ten unmistakeble spots that They showcase the charm and diversity of the city and invite you to wear embark on an unforgettable journey of exploration and discovery.
Perched on the picturesque coastline, Pattaya Beach stands as an epitome of tropical paradise, attracting sun-seekers and water enthusiasts With its golden sands red, crystal clear water and warm weather, this stunning beach provides the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll, adventurous water sports, or just relaxing in the palm trees rocking under the shade Near the beach The local beach road buzzes with activity, with a wide range of shops, restaurants and entertainment venues, ensuring there is never a dull moment Whether you are enjoying the sun, savoring the new flavors with delicious seafood or soaking up the warm beach weather, Pattaya Beach promises an unforgettable beach experience along with special tropical delights.
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10 spots in Pattaya you should not miss in 2024
1. Pattaya Beach
Pattaya’s main beach is a perennial favorite for tourists seeking sun, sand and sea. In 2024, it continues to attract people with its vibrant atmosphere, offering more water sports like jet skiing, parasailing, banana boat rides. Whether you’re looking for relaxation or pleasure, Pattaya Beach has something for everyone.
2. Sanctuary of Truth:
This awe-inspiring wooden temple stands as a testament to Thai art and spirituality. In 2024, visitors admire its stunning design and architecture, offering a glimpse into Thailand’s rich cultural heritage. Explore the sprawling temple courtyard decorated with images of Hindu and Buddhist deities and marvel at the intricate details that reflect ancient wisdom and beliefs
3. The walkway:
When night falls, Walking Street comes alive with electricity, pulsing with music, lights and countless entertainers. From vibrant bars and nightclubs to performing street vendors, this quaint street is a hotspot for nightlife enthusiasts. Pattaya in 2024 is a must-visit for those who want a vibrant after-dark atmosphere.
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4. Coral Island (Koh Larn):
Escape the hustle and bustle of Pattaya with a short boat ride to Coral Island, where pristine beaches and turquoise waters await. In 2024, travelers will be able to snorkel, snorkel, or simply relax on the beach while taking in the island’s natural beauty. With a variety of water activities and beachfront amenities, Coral Island offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.
5. Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden:
Immerse yourself in the Nong Nooch Tropical Botanic Garden, a beautiful expanse of natural beauty with greenery and vibrant flowers. In 2024, visitors will be able to explore themed gardens, admire exotic plants and enjoy cultural performances including traditional Thai dance and elephant exhibits Whether you are a nature lover or a n 'interested in culture, this botanical paradise promises a memorable experience.
6. Pattaya Floating Market:
Experience the beauty of Thailand’s traditional floating market at Pattaya Floating Market. In 2024, visitors will be able to walk through canals lined with wooden shops and stalls selling local handicrafts, souvenirs and street food Indulge in Thai culinary delights, shop for small, unique items, or just immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of… this cultural gem.
7. Underwater World Pattaya:
Immerse yourself in the incredible world beneath the waves at Underwater World Pattaya, home to an impressive collection of marine creatures. In 2024, visitors will be able to walk through underwater tunnels, marvel at colorful corals and encounter a variety of aquatic animals including sharks, winds and tropical fish inhabiting the sea.
8. Pattaya Road (Khao Pattaya Road):
For a great view of Pattaya Bay and the surrounding beaches, head to Pattaya Viewpoint atop Pratumanak Hill. In 2024, visitors will be able to immerse themselves in a city full of skyscrapers, beaches and offshore islands. Sunrise or sunset, this scenic spot promises spectacular photo opportunities and a peaceful retreat from the city below.
9. Art in Heaven:
Unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of visual illusions at Art in Paradise, an interactive art museum in Pattaya. In 2024, visitors will be able to explore themed lobbies with eye-popping 3D models and installations. From wildlife encounters to gravity defying, this immersive art experience provides endless fun for visitors of all ages.
10. Pattaya Elephant Village
Explore Thailand’s cultural heritage and conservation efforts at Pattaya Elephant Village. In 2024, visitors will be able to learn about the history of elephants in Thai society, observe these majestic creatures up close, and even participate in elephant conservation programs with elephant rides, exhibits and educational programs, the sanctuary offers an experience that is responsibility creates wealth for animal lovers.
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letree · 6 months
Arizona Baby Moon
Feb 20, 2024- Kaine, Jennifer and Cletus the foetus hopped on a plane to Pheonix, AZ. We arrived late at night and went to our room to sleep and noticed ear plugs on both the night stands.. We soon realized that our room backed onto a 24hr train stop, and every time the train pulled up it tooted its horn. I know this because the sliding door to our balcony didn't close properly so we didn't miss one toot. The next morning we hopped in our dented up RAV4 (aka- the ravioli) and drove to a town just outside of Sedona and got lunch at Tortas de Fuego. Kaine had some tacos and baby had churros and ice cream.
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All fuelled up on meat and sugar, we found some hikes nearby and climbed up and around the large red rock until the skies decided opened up and made us turn back. The next day (Kaine's 34h birthday) we had breakfast at the home of the 3lb cinnamon bun. We probably would have considered trying the 3lb bun, but it had raisins in it. bleh.
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Fuel'd up on more meat and sugar, we went on a 10km hike to the Devils Bridge. It was flat desert filled with cactus and lizards most of the way, and close to the end we climbed some rocks to reach the bridge. We had burned off our breakfast and needed more meat and sugar, so we brought along a turkey sandwich and the most neon green muffin you've ever seen. We needed something other than meat and sugar for dinner, so we went to an Italian restaurant called Padres. While waiting for our food, our table neighbour brought to our attention that God had been telling him to talk to us all night. He recited a bible verse to us followed by some words of wisdom, then we indulged in giant bowls of thick & creamy pasta. But what's a birthday without DESSERT?! We stopped at the grocery store and got some chocolate cheesecake to eat in bed and were asleep by 9 PM. Is this what 34 looks like?
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Our next destination was Tusayan, a town right beside the Grand Canyon. After driving there, we went and watched the sunset at a viewpoint in the canyon then had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Each table at the restaurant had painted animals or scenery on it and the wooden chairs were all a colourful hand painted display of animals characters and flowers.
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We'd been eating too much and needed to burn some calories! We headed to the Grand Canyon and took a shuttle bus to the South Kaibab trailhead, which has an elevation of 7460ft. From there we hiked down into the canyon to Skelton point, which is an elevation of 5200ft.
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Descending is the easy part, signs of a man on all fours vomiting warned you not to try hiking the whole trail in one day or that would be your fate. I was the only pregnant person on the trail but still managed to pass a few people! A lot of the views you can see the red rock, but apparently the rock isn’t actually red, it’s just stained red from the water washing rust down it and staining it that color.
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The canyon is so deep that when you look down it, depending on where you are, you can’t even see the bottom. From the odd corner you can get a glimpse of the bottom where you can see the Colorado river passing through. We hiked out of there just in time to watch another sunset and ate leftovers in the hotel after a nice dip in the hot tub.
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Next, we drove to Page where we saw the Glen Canyon Dam. Just down the from the dam we hiked around the ‘bee hives’ which were tall layered red sandstone in tower formations.
It was getting hot hiking through the desert in jeans and long sleeves, so we drove over to another hike called the hanging garden. They call it the hanging garden because amidst the dry sandy landscape, there’s one random rock in the middle of the desert that has a cool moist overhang which houses moss and hanging greens growing from the lower portion of it. We climbed up the rock and ended up at a cliff where a view into the canyon emerged and you could look out to lake Powell and across the desert.
That evening we went to a local brewery for dinner where I ordered a Mac cheese, but they forgot the macaroni and just gave me a bowl or cheese sauce lol.
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Before leaving Page we stopped at Horse Shoe Bend, which is another extension of the Grand Canyon that wraps around a big rock formation. We then headed out towards Prescott, home of the first ever rodeo in 1888. We stayed in Hotel StMichael, built in 1864, and rode up the original elevator with its sliding accordion doors to our room where the walls still hold the smoke smell from years ago. Unfortunately the time of year we went, pretty much everything was closed, but Kaine still managed to get some brisket!
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curtiscroachblog · 8 months
Learn and grow (1)
Saturday 3rd February 2024
'Wisdom is of more value than foolishness.' Ecclesiastes 2:13 TLB
The most important skill you can acquire is learning to learn. Gifted people can act like they know it all, which makes it hard for them to keep growing. Teachability isn't so much about competence and mental capacity as it is about attitude; it's an innate hunger to grow. It's a willingness to learn, unlearn and relearn. The famous football coach John Wooden said, 'It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.' Only as you remain teachable will you keep growing and continue to make an impact on the world. Lifelong learning is an ongoing daily pursuit.
The Roman scholar Cato the Elder started studying Greek at 80. When asked why he was tackling such a difficult task at his age, he replied, 'It's the earliest age I have left.' Many people regard learning as an event, not a lifelong process. It's estimated that only a third of adults read an entire book after leaving school. Why? Because they view education as a period in life, not a way of life. Science confirms that while your physical body may atrophy, your mind retains much of its capacity for continued growth. Every stage of life presents lessons to be learned.
You can choose to be teachable and keep on learning, or close your mind and stop growing. Try this simple experiment for a week: ask others for their advice...deliberately withhold the advice you would normally give...and at the end of each day write down what you have learned by being attentive. You will be amazed!
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gatekeeper-watchman · 3 months
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Daily Devotionals for June 24, 2024
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 19:18(KJV): 18 Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying. Proverbs 19:18(NIV): 18 Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death.
Thought for the Day
The sooner one begins to discipline a child, the better. The longer a child is left to himself, the harder it is to bring him under control. A point can be reached when hope is lost in a child's ever-yielding to correction. That is why it is important to start training and disciplining a child at an early age, whenever a child begins to defy the parent.
We are warned not to allow a child's crying and pleading to keep us from disciplining him. Most children try to play on a parent's sympathy to escape punishment; however, if we love them we will not allow this to happen. For small children, punishment should be a whack on the buttocks with a small reed-like rod. (This rod could be a switch from a fruit or willow tree or a small wooden spoon. It is not to be a heavy rod or anything that would cause physical damage.) The purpose of a spanking is not to cause any lasting physical harm, but to cause spiritual correction. It should be swift and cause short-lived pain that makes a point. That point is that the small pain they feel now will prevent them from feeling great pain by failing to learn obedience, which could cause the loss of their lives in some cases.
Some parents have a mistaken idea of what love is. Some are compassionate and do not wish to "hurt" their children physically or emotionally. In reality, however, such sentiments are selfish and do not express true love for a child. The parents refrain from fulfilling their duty to properly teach the child right from wrong, to spare their feelings. To fail to discipline a child is cruel. It is like failing to clean a child's cut finger simply because cleaning the cut hurts the child. Allowing infection to set in, however, brings the child worse pain. The momentary pain of discipline is far better than the devastating pain that rebellion brings for disobeying God's ways. Rebellion unchecked in a child can even lead to his eternal damnation.
Children can be very manipulative. If a child senses an adult's sensitivity or compassion, he may pretend or exaggerate fright or pain. Many children are experts at manufacturing "crocodile tears." A child unchecked or undetected in the art of manipulation is deceived by his sin. Every one of us is born with a sinful heart. Jeremiah 17:9 describes the heart as "...deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked...." (NIV). Sin is very deceptive and will destroy us. Every child needs to be taught right from wrong, and not to follow the inclinations of his heart, which is full of the deceitfulness of sin. The discipline that a parent gives his child today will determine that child's well-being as an adult tomorrow. "For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them" (Proverbs 1:32).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to have children and grandchildren. Lord, help me to be the proper kind of parent who loves her children enough to discipline them. Forgive me when I have failed my children. Help me to be patient, loving, and kind in all disciplinary acts. Lord, I pray for the parents and grandparents of this generation that they may have wisdom, love, and guidance in all of their relationships with their children and grandchildren. Lord, give our children a submissive heart and spirit toward authority so that our society can function in peace and order. May we all have the fear of the Lord in our lives which causes us to respect all authority that God has ordained. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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justsellinghomes · 8 months
Life Beyond the Grind! 🌟 Let's make our lives as extraordinary as we can!
Hey All! 🌈 Think on John Wooden's words: "Do not let making a living prevent you from making a life." 🚀✨
In the hustle and bustle of our daily grind, it's easy to get lost in the pursuit of making a living. But let's pause for a moment and reflect on the true essence of our existence – making a life that's rich in experiences, connections, health, wealth and joy. 🌺💖 FOLLOW #EXP613
1️⃣ Chase Dreams, Not Just Paychecks:
🌠 Your job may pay the bills, but are you nurturing your passions? Take that art class, start that blog, or pursue that hobby you've always dreamed of. Life is too short to let your dreams collect dust on the shelf of someday. What gets you going in the morning? How long can you sustain that energy, that mood? 🎨✍️
2️⃣ Prioritize Relationships Over Workload: 👫💕
Amid deadlines and targets, let's not forget the power of meaningful connections. Spend quality time with loved ones, create lasting memories, and build a support system that adds immeasurable value to your journey. Because in the end, it's the people we share our lives with that truly matter. Create great relationships with clients and all people we meet throughout the week🌟
3️⃣ Embrace the Beauty of Balance: ⚖️
Life is a delicate balance between work and play. Make room for self-care, relaxation, and moments of reflection. A well-balanced life not only enhances your overall well-being but also fuels the energy needed for success in your professional endeavors. 🧘‍♀️💼 Balance is an Art ⚖️❤️
Let's turn this post into a virtual gathering of inspiration! 💬 Share your thoughts on how you strike a balance between making a living and making a life. What dreams are you chasing? How do you prioritize relationships? Let's create a community of life enthusiasts supporting each other in living our best lives. 💪🌟
Hit that like button if you resonate with John Wooden's timeless wisdom, share to inspire your friends, and drop a comment below to join the conversation! 🚀👇
Let's make our lives as extraordinary as we can! 🌟💖 #LifeBeyondTheGrind #Inspiration #BalanceIsKey Follow #Exp613
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fuckyeahelijahwoodfan · 8 months
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Nora Van Elken , Elijah Wood, and Zach Cowie
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