#wooden tv unit with drawers
ruhiagarwal · 8 months
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sumuraj · 9 months
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snehalpatel · 1 year
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tejuskumar13 · 3 months
Buy Solid Wood TV Units Online at a best price starting from Rs 18499 | Wakefit
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kalyanamfurniture · 7 months
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A sturdy wood study table with drawers offers both functionality and aesthetics. Crafted from durable timber, it provides a stable surface for work or study. The drawers offer convenient storage for stationery, books, or documents, keeping the workspace organized. Its natural wood finish adds warmth and charm to any room.
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monpalace · 11 months
written with black reader in mind, but kept vague. no pronouns used (you/your). ooc mike/micheal. 700 words.
It was three hours past the agreed time and half of your body had long since fallen asleep.
It was a tight fit, but you and Abby had managed to find some awkward yet comfortable position on your old pull-out couch.
You both lay on your sides facing each other, Abby tucking her face into the crook of your neck and shoulder while her head found cushion on your arm. The thick blanket and closeness did well to combat the chill Autumn air and your hunk-of-junk heating unit.
The lights from the TV flashed throughout the living room of your too-small apartment, only confirming your suspicions that Abby had begun drooling on your arm. Her nose had begun to whistle with snores, somehow matching the theme to whatever after-hours adult cartoon was airing.
If she would've let you, you'd fix her so that she laid on her back instead. Every time you tried to gently nudge her away, she'd just tighten her snake-like hug around your waist and tangle your legs further.
If it were any other kid, you would've pulled away regardless.
Pushing a piece of escaped hair behind her ear, you call her a lucky girl under your breath and press a kiss to her head.
Time is relative when it's the dead of night and there are no clocks around. You can't even hope to try and gauge what time it is when a soft knock hits your door without doubting yourself a thousand times.
You know it's Mike by the way he knocks out a gentle nursery rhyme— Garrett's favorite, "Baa, Baa Black Sheep,"— before he slips the key to your apartment into the lock.
His eyes are both wide and close to sealing shut. His feet barely lift when he steps inside, scuffed shoes trudging against the hard, wooden flooring.
He's rubbing at his eyes like they were a stain he just couldn't get off, the flashing light of the room revealing the skin around them turning pink like quartz.
"Hey, turtle."
Mike jumps, knocking his head on the door and dropping the keys when he jolts. It takes him a moment to lift his head and look to where you and Abby lay, but he visibly relaxes when he does.
He waits until he's done locking the door to address you, eyes flickering to the TV before thinning his lips when it shines too brightly. "You're still up?"
"I'm in pain," you answer, the hand resting on Abby's back escaping the confines of the covers to pat the small sliver of space available on the ratty mattress.
The frame creaks and bends under his weight, but Abby doesn't stir. Her body finally rolls away from you (not off your arm, though) and towards Mike.
"How long?"
"A while."
Mike huffs out a laugh while he brushes Abby's hair away from her face with a knuckle. He lowers his hand to find your own, clasping it around your clammy one.
It's fucking frigid.
Your lips pucker as though you had eaten a lemon, muscles forcing your arm to not snatch your hand away and accidentally hit Abby in the process.
"Mike!" Your voice is hoarse and barely below a whisper, but it's still enough to convey both shock and anger. "You dick!"
There's a fox-ish smile on his face that still drips with exhaustion. He awkwardly leans over Abby to reach you, the hand that previously held yours instead finding purchase on the back of your head.
Honestly, he should consider himself lucky your headscarf kept the chill of his fingers from reaching your head.
"You don't mind it," he rasps while pressing his lips to your forehead. It's a more welcomed change in temperature compared to anywhere else on his body, yet you lean and yawn into the affection. "Where're my clothes?"
"Where they always are," either mixed with your clean laundry somewhere in your hamper or just as equally meshed together with everything in your drawers. "'re you spending the night?"
"It's three," he answers, pulling away and doing an awkward stretch as he stands. "Don't wanna wake her up."
"Carry us to bed when you get out the shower?"
Mike hums and you know he'll do it regardless of his eye roll.
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bitchysoulwasteland · 10 months
Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader
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Warnings; slight angst, alcohol abuse.
Summary: you and Stephen had been together before the crash. He then went to the Karmar Taj, leaving you behind. You moved on. Or did you?
You and Stephen had been married for a few years when the ‘accident’ happened. Then, he pretty much disappeared for best part of a year after several arguments over things that neither of you could actually remember, and he was gone, like a feather on the wind.
Did he regret it? Of course he did. He’d left the love of his life behind because he was too damn egotistical to ask for help.
Did you regret it? Yes. You regretted every argument you both had and every word you didn’t say to him and every bad word you did.
But, you couldn’t dwell on the disappearance of your husband. Instead, you went back to England, got a flat and tried to disassociate yourself with America in general. You continued your career as an actress and began working for the BBC, doing some shows for ITV and a film for Paramount.
You had been back in England for four years when you landed the role of The Doctor on Doctor Who, a favourite show of yours growing up. You were absolutely ecstatic and filming had been completed for the first series with you in it within six months.
But now, you had to say goodbye to the role as you had just filmed the regeneration scene. Little did you know that this would be Stephen’s motivation to find you.
Since you had left without any note whatsoever, Stephen had assumed that you had died or never wanted to see him again, but that all changed when he saw that episode…
Peter sat in the Avengers common room in the tower watching Doctor Who on BBC America. It was the airing of the final episode of the season and the regeneration of The Doctor. It was the end of the episode and The Doctor (you) was in the middle of a monologue when Stephen walked into the room, seeing you on the screen and hearing your voice for the first time in years.
“Time’s up for me, isn’t it, girl?” You said to the TARDIS. “We’ve had fun, huh? Cybermen, Daleks… Just promise me one thing. Whoever the next Doctor is, keep ‘em in check, don’t let the next one do anything stupid… And one last, very important thing…” the doctor turned to the camera, “run fast, have fun, be brave enough to make a change and…” she looked directly into the camera, “Don’t forget about me.”
You gave a sad smile before regeneration began, lasted a few moments, and ended, the next doctor now onscreen.
Peter and the other Avengers were holding back tears as the credits rolled.
“I don’t want another Doctor.” Peter muttered as Stephen left the room, tears falling.
That’s when Stephen began searching. He googled your name before realising that you were still using ‘Strange’ as your last name. He called anyone he could think of, and when he was ready to give up, he phoned your sister, who gave him your address.
Eventually, he found you. He created a portal and appeared in front of the beach house you were living in on the shoreline of Lincolnshire. He walked up to the front door and knocked, half waiting for a maid or a butler to answer.
Inside the house, you sat, a wine glass in hand, the bottle nearly empty, silence filling the room. You had found that the only way you could take your mind off of Stephen was with immeasurable amounts of red wine and vodka. The house was an absolute state, since you hadn’t bothered to hoover in the last three weeks, you hadn’t polished the wooden drawers or the tv unit and about the only thing you had done was the washing up, but even that had to get to the point where you had nothing clean to eat or drink from. Shoes littered the hallway, everything from stilettos to your favourite white converse.
“Two minutes!” You yelled.
Begrudgingly, you stood up and began quickly throwing your shoes in your bedroom and putting the wine bottle and glass in the kitchen. You made yourself look vaguely presentable before you answered the door.
Your eyes widened when you saw Stephen standing in front of you, a cape on his shoulders. It took everything you had not to slam the door and start crying. Instead, you steeled your nerves and squared your shoulders. “Stephen, what’re you doing here?” Your resolve broke nearly as quickly as you had created it. You leaned against the wall and looked at him with tired eyes.
“I saw your show. Doctor Who, the last episode…”
“Did you like it?”
“Yeah, I did...”
“You didn’t answer my question, Stephen.” You said, letting him in before you both went into the kitchen.
“Honestly? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me after what happened. I thought you’d just… cast me aside. I mean, come on, what self respecting twenty four year old would want to be with someone who’s both fifteen years older than them and was utterly useless?”
You put your hands on his chest before sliding one up into his hair. “Me. That’s who. You shouldn’t have assumed that, Stephen. When I married you, I said I’d be here for you whatever happened. So, guess what?”
“What?” Stephen smirked, knowing exactly where this was going.
“You’re stuck with me, whether you like it or not.”
“You really mean that, don’t you?”
“Yeah. And besides I think I may have an alcohol problem.” You say, not meeting his eyes for the last part of it.
From then, you and Stephen were together again and were both hell bent on making up for lost time.
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dibsonhoodie · 1 year
Fly Off The Handle
Rating | Mature
Jeff the Killer x Reader
Warnings | Violence
Word Count | 2,612
Chapter two – Motel 6
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Your story is on the news in the next few days. Murderer attacks helpless Portland resident. It doesn't mention how you fought for your life, or how the killer somehow disappeared out of a fifth story window. They don't mention that it was the same killer from the island, even if there was no evidence proving so. But you knew, you had a feeling that it was true. Someone had been following you then, and managed to follow you home without being caught. He got into your apartment and nobody knew, not your neighbors and not the front desk in the lobby. Nobody had seen him- has seen him.
With such violent memories surrounding your apartment, you make the choice to immediately move out. You weren't sure where you could go, or how you would pay for another apartment in the city when you spent the last of your savings breaking the lease. What mattered first was finding a bed. You had enough for a hotel and you had plenty of friends and family that would offer you a place to rest. Staying with familiar faces was tempting, but you knew the safety of remaining alone far outweighed that familiarity, outweighed the safety of your loved ones.
The motel 6 is cheap and stale when you arrive. The air is warm in the building but dry and the scratchy carpet crunches under your feet. You didn't bring much with you. A suitcase of clothes, work equipment and toiletries were the basic necessities. It was also the most you could carry with you and move comfortably. One suitcase, one backpack and your shoulder bag. You made sure important documents were in a manila folder somewhere in your suitcase and made the smart decision to leave with the mace you used before.
Although the hallway to the room was yellowing and almost decaying, the room itself was quite nice. It was about as much as you'd expect for seventy dollars a night, but it was comfortable. The hardwood floors made you take in a fresh breath of air. It didn't smell like animals or bodily fluids and checking under the comforter, you see no stains or bugs. Under the bed was blocked off by wooden boards. Beside the bed was an AC unit, just beneath a window that overlooked the dimly lit parking lot. Across the room sat a desk which you haphazardly threw your bags down on, minus the suitcase which sits in front of the mirror that was actually a small closet.
After checking for cameras, more bugs and anything else you felt necessary, you decide to unpack your things. You weren't sure how long you'd be staying but you had the room booked for a week for now, possibly longer if you couldn't find a new apartment. You placed folded bottoms, socks and underwear in the drawers under the TV stand. The closet behind your suitcase had a few hangars–not to mention the ones you grabbed yourself. You only hang up your work clothes and decide to fold the rest of your shirts and jackets and slide them into the second drawer. It felt more comfortable as you put everything away but it also felt more permanent.
The thought sends a bolt of grief through you. In one night you have lived through a traumatic event that would affect you for the rest of your life. In one night you were now without a home and safe space. Your apartment was your safe space, somewhere you could relax and decompress after a day full of meetings and errands. But now all it did was bring back those memories and the unending paranoia. Not that the paranoia hadn't followed you to the motel. In a moment of rest, you allow yourself to cry. You hadn't since the break-in. But it felt good to get it out, to heartbrokenly sob into a pillow that smelled of old detergent.
You cried throughout the night. You fell asleep, were cursed with nightmares, woke up, and wept into your hands until you fell asleep again. The cycle continued, but eventually your alarms began to blare at you from across the room where your phone was plugged into the wall. The vibrations felt a lot more sinister against the dark wood of the desk. It causes you to hesitate getting out of bed. The alarm turns itself off finally after growing to a crescendo. You know if you don't get up now while it's quiet, the alarm will come to life again after five minutes pass.
You slide out of bed slowly, almost fall onto the floor with how exhausted and sore your body is. The injuries still haven't healed and felt worse than ever. You hoped they wouldn't get infected. Another notch on the list of shitty things happening in your life right now. It takes you a full minute to make it just across the room and when you pick up your phone you realize you're 30 minutes late to clock in and had slept through previous alarms. You were exhausted so it was no wonder, but the harsh strike of anxiety still rests in your chest.
Setting up your equipment, you immediately write an email to your supervisor explaining your situation and apologize for being late. She responds almost as if she was waiting for you to send the email. Luckily she understood and told you to take the next few days or weeks off. You couldn't do that though, not after breaking the lease and being forced to live in a motel for however long. You tried to be positive, tell yourself you would find somewhere soon and continue to live a happy life once the man is caught. But there was always the possibility that things could go wrong and you'd lose your life as it was now. With the anxiety set in, you clock in and get to work.
You barely get anything done. The most you do is wiggle your mouse from time to time just to make it seem like you were working. And even then, that felt like too much. Burnt out and tired, you choose to take your break early. You check the time and your heart stops; it was already three. You'd been working for so long and didn't even realize it. Where had all that time gone? Taking a gulp of air, you shakily clock off for lunch and turn your computer off. It was about time you ate something you thought as your stomach growled angrily. The chair creaks as you stand, and you stare into the reflection of yourself on the black of the screen.
Your heart drops into your stomach when you see that you're not alone. Behind you there's a dark shape of white and black, head down and long hair covering their face. But you'd recognise this person anywhere, could remember his face clearly even when it was hidden like this. You continue to stare, shaking in fear, until he moves. He lifts his head to stare at you and laughs, the cheek to cheek smile sending a chill down your spine and tears to blur your eyes. You couldn't look away, too terrified to move. But he just continues to laugh into your ears, throws his head back and holds his stomach.
You weren't sure how long it had been eerily quiet, or how long you let yourself close your eyes for. But when they finally opened, it was dark outside and the killer was gone. There was nothing with you in the dimly lit motel room, nobody behind you on your computer screen. You were safe for now and allowed yourself to cry in relief. You were still alive, breathing and feeling. And you were going insane. Not bothering to send any emails to work, you slowly crawl onto the bed to the right of you and curl into a ball. The image of the killer behind you was all in your head. There was nobody there.
When you finally calmed down enough to comprehend what had happened, you scoffed at yourself. What was originally the murderer was actually a jacket hanging up on the closet. It was denim with a white hood and sleeves. It had to have been what you saw, what you imagined was that psycho who tried to kill you. But that didn't explain the laughing you heard. It was sharp and pierced your ears like bullets. There was no mistaking neither the cruel tone nor the way it seemed to mock you. He was mocking you.
You tossed and turned throughout the night. It wasn't that you couldn't sleep, but rather you felt like you shouldn't. Like something bad would happen once you closed your eyes. You left the lights on throughout the night and made sure the curtains were tightly closed. Mirrors were covered both in the main room and the bathroom. You did everything you could to stay safe like this, but despite everything you still wouldn't allow yourself to rest. It was a perfectly reasonable trauma response, but it worried you.
Would things be like this forever? The unending paranoia, the anxiety controlling your actions, living in a fucking motel? No, you told yourself time and time again. Things would get better. They'd catch the killer and you'd be safe again. He wasn't stalking you if he was running from authorities, but the episode earlier made you think otherwise. You couldn't get it out of your head that he'd been here in the room with you. He'd gotten in somehow, stood behind and watched as you worked for God knows how long, and then what–left? Without killing you? He mocked your terror and left just like that. It was harder and harder to believe the more you thought about it, and luckily it quelled those anxieties building up.
You slept soundly at the end of the night, not even noticing when the soft slide of the window rose just above the hum of the AC unit. Gentle footsteps walked across the floor, carefully straying to the sides of furniture where the floor was settled. The footsteps hesitate when the floor cracks with a groan, but you don't wake up. The cast of a shadow over your body doesn't wake you either, nor does the pale white hand that held a pillow above your head. You rolled to the side just as the man pushed the pillow downwards.
The harsh movement wakes you up immediately. You shoot up out of bed, tripping over the long legs of your sleep pants and fall loudly to the floor. You can't see anything from the angle on the floor, but you know instinctively that you are not alone. It wasn't just your own harsh breathing picking up and as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you knew exactly who the other body was.
The same man stands before you, pillow raised and a psychotic smile painting his pale white face. He lunges without hesitation, but you do hesitate and he takes that split second to get you on your back. You're frozen in fear at this point, contemplating every action in your life that led up to this point. The man covers your face with a pillow and that's when you begin to scream. You thrash beneath the fabric and kick your legs, pushing with your arms and gripping any surface for leverage. Your fingers eventually find their way to the man's face.
With the pillow still smothering you, you get your thumbs into his eyes and push. He tries to lean his head backwards but with the weight he has on your face with the pillow, he either lets you free or accepts the pain. It seemed the latter as you continued to push your fingers into his eyes and struggle with your legs underneath him. He screams and finally throws his head back, grabbing your left hand and ripping it so fast away from his eye that you feel your shoulder pop painfully.
His hips lift above yours and you take the rare chance to wiggle yourself onto your stomach. Arching your back upwards, you throw the man off of you and he falls to his side. The pillow is haphazardly thrown beside you as he scrambles to find purchase, one hand still covering his eyes. This time you don't hesitate and crawl away around the corner of the bed. The window is open, the screen missing and you spot the telltale signs of a break in with the muddy footprints on the windowsill and AC unit. He'd slipped on it coming in if the streak marks on the carpet were anything to go by.
"Get away from me!" You scream. He's finally found his ground and lunges at you again, but this time you're prepared. You grab the phone from the desk and slam it into his face hard. He stumbles back and shouts in surprise or pain, you couldn't decide. Once again you weren't given a chance to speak when he reached for you. You step back in time and are pressed against the wood desk with no escape as he corners you in.
No thinking, no second chances. Your eyes narrow as you scan the room in the split second it takes for the man to produce a knife from his hoodie pocket. The blade startles you, but it's not off brand for this psycho. Leveraging yourself against the edge of the desk, you jump and kick your legs out in front of you. The contact makes the killer fall onto his ass, but he grabs at your ankle before you can run. You fall to the ground and manage to slip onto your back and push away the hand holding the knife.
"Come on, pretty thing. Don't you think you'd look better with a smile?" You struggle against the hand but it's really no use. He was too strong compared to you. Evading his earlier attacks were all just pure luck and instinct. The adrenaline was slowly fading and you were tempted to give up, but all you could imagine was the heartbroken faces of your friends and family. You couldn't give up for their sake, so you chose to fight back. The man grins wider, his scars stretching across a pale white face. He thinks he's won, you realize.
Using this to your advantage, you scream and turn your head away. He grabs your hair and pulls your head up painfully, straining your neck. The knife is pressed against your cheek now, but you still had a will to live. You let the blade slice into your cheek until his arm is right beside your mouth. That's when you lunge up, biting down. Hard. He screams when you feel flesh tear through the hoodie he wears. Blood seeps into your mouth even through the fabric and you want to gag, but you choose instead to bite down harder until the man pulls away with another cry of pain.
The hallway is empty when you reach it. The dim lights flicker and create an eerie atmosphere, and you run down the hall as fast as possible to the front desk. Unfortunately, there's nobody there, but there's nobody behind you either. You run around the counter and praise the gods that the phone sitting in the corner works. The police were on their way, and you still saw nobody emerged from the hall or the front doors. After the quick call, you crouch to the floor and crawl under the desk until emergency services find you shaking and bleeding.
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woodbine-in · 8 months
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Entertainment Console Manufacturer in Delhi – WOODBINE
Revolutionize your living room with WOODBINE, the premier Entertainment Console manufacturer in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi. Explore our bespoke collection, blending innovation, style, and quality. Elevate aesthetics with precision-crafted materials, versatile designs, and executive excellence. Browse WOODBINE for Delhi's best TV stands and upgrade your living space with custom consoles, wooden TV stands, modern TV consoles, and more.
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jeanbury74 · 11 months
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A CC filled lot this time. English-ish House is up on the gallery. 3 bed, 2.5 bath, with a pantry and laundry room. ID jeanbury. All the CC used is written below. Beware, it's a long 'un!
876 simmer-Oslo wardrobe, lowboy dresser, nightstand and standing mirror.
9 sims-DIY stars wall hanging.
Adrestea Moon-Storybook Lover and PJR Paintings.
Ars Botanica-Peonies Pitcher and Peony Jule Cup.
Ameyasims-You're So Vain: Vanity Brush and Hand Held Mirror.
ATS4-Breakfast: Milk Pack, Coffee Jars, Coffe Jar, Milk Bottle, Instant Drink, Tea Tin, Tea Box, Cocoa Powder Box. Fruit Juice Packs, Fruit Juice Glass Bottle, Coffee Bag. Baking: Wooden Spoon,Mechanical Scale, Timer, Canister, Baking Decoration Jar, Dried Fruits, Mixing Bowl, Baking Aids, Flour, Nutella, Baking Aids Stock, Dried Fruits Stock, Electronic Scale, Measuring Cup, Sugar, Jar, Measuring Cups, Rubber Spatula, Pastry Wheel, Candied Fruits. SnowyDay: Gloves, Wall Scarf #2, Wall Beanie #1, Fur Boots, Boots Snowcalf, Wall Coat #1 and #2 Bag Clutter: Tic Tacs.
Awingedllama-Apartment Therapy Potted Vine Round Mirror, Hanging Ivy.
Charley Pancakes-Insomnia: Organic Cotton Bedding. Miscellanea: Book Collection, Standing Books, Book Series.
Desimmy-Tiny Nifty Pictures.
Dew At Home-Hallway Hanging Scarf.
Duckey-Springtime Melody ,mug, Forever Spring Canvas Art, Lil Lilies, Friends and More Friends(these are table mounted frames that are called friends. That's all the information that was given)
Faaeish-BB Wall Decor Pegs and Toy Camera.
Felixandre-Chateau: Alarm Clock, Bedding, End Table, End Table 2, Drawer, Table Lamp, Rug Square, Telephone, Dresser. Grove: Salad Bowl, Lady Sam's Peony Vase, Bedframe V1. Grove-Timbershelf Inside Corner, Flagstone Floor, Cups, Stacked Plates, Stacked Plates 2, Stacked Plates Small, Wall Basket Small, Casserole, Bowls.
Felix and Harrie-Livin Rum: Box Files, Rug, Book Row, Book Series. Orjanic: Table Lamp, Bench, Cushion 2, Book End. Baysic: Toothpaste Container. Florence Fresco Mural. Tiny Twavellers:Hedge Wall.
GhostlyCC-Pre Raphaelite Paintings.
Harrie-Coastal Kitchen: Cereal Boxes, Cabinet Stack, Accent Counter 1 Marble Type, Coastal: Farmhouse Kitchen Sink with Tea Towel, Tins, Sofa, Tv Unit, Display Cupboard, Small Plates, Bowl, Bowl Stack, Cans, , Large Plates. Heritage: Traditional Towel Ring, Bowl Traditional Toilet, Traditional Runner, Landscape Artwork, Traditional Console Table, Floor Lamp, Traditional Round End Table, Traditional Elegant Mirror Small, Traditional Desk, Traditional Bust. Country: CoffeeTable.
Haruinosato-2x1 Curtain 01 Short.
Javabeandreams-Whimsical Animal Portraits.
Kardofe-Vienna Dining Room Curtains, Bella Babies Bedroom Small Pics.
Kliekie-Yove Plants 06, Awipow Plants 11, DecorationsPlants 10 Dragon's Herb. Whisper Laurel Plants 05
Kriss-Scania Build Set:Windows Classic Colonial 2 Tile, Classic Estate 2 Tile,Jugend Cottage 2 Tile.
Leafmotif-Botanical Bathtub, Twee Tableware: 6 Egg bowl, 9 Pot with Lid, Twin Mug Stacks, Whimsy Cake Plate, Short Pitcher. Basil's Favourite Chair 3 Maud Lewis Paintings
Linacherie-Ts2 Olde Tyme Skillets, Billyjean Curio Kitchen: Trays, Clip, Jar. Simlish Art 11, RPC Prints, Sizzling Cuisine Mitts, Delicious Bakery: Cookbooks, Flour Bag.
Madame Ria-Back To Basics: Spice Bottle,Dish Rack, Cereal Box, Pot Holder Wall, Modular Shelves, Coffee Tin, Pot Holder, Stock Pot, Dressing Container, Spice Rack, Counter Grey Scale, Open Book.
Marefc-Half Tiled Walls 2.
MC- Modern Crafter The Short Contemporary Radishly Plant
Menaceman 44-Granny's Brolly Vase.
Midsummersim-Simterest Poster.
Moonlightsim-Photo Frame Memories.
Nocturne-Rustic Cottage: Pokers, Master Curtain, Pedestal Old Miller Tea Set, Deco Retro Vacuum, Not So Shabby Rug, End Table. Grandma Cupboard.
Nynaeve Design-Lyne Half Curtains Blinds V1. Lyne Three Quarters Blinds V2, 1069, 1069 Lyne Radiator 1 Tile.
Okruee- ACNH Bathroom Towel Rack. (Animal Crossing)-
Omorfi Mera- Glass Jars.
PlasticBox- Modular Plant Hanging Pot.
Peacemaker-Hinterlands:Living Throw Pillow, Farmhouse Dining Table, Single Bedframe, Cottage Dining Chair, Bedside Table, Luxurious Single Bedding V1, Arched Mirror, Wardrobe, Bedframe with Footend, Nightstand. Hinterlands Living: Stately Fireplace, Coffee Tray Table, Mantle Mirror, Fringed Pouffe. Hinterlands Dining: Framed Dining Chair, Hanging Clock, Short Petal Pendant Porcelain Lamp.
Piersim- The Office Mini Pack: Higher Plant, Landline, Stackable Book, Printer.
Pocci-S Cargeaux Cabinet RecoloursCyclamen Outdoor, Iris Outdoor, Lilac In A Glass Bottle, Woodcabinet Open (Book cabinet Mini Set), Vintage Tea Set: Teacup With Tea, Milk Pitcher, Cupcake Plate. Magnolia Ceramic Vase, Basket Decor With Slots, Anthropologie Ottoman, Laundry Day Basket on Stool, Steaming Coffee Cup, Marguerite Teacup Empty, Iris In Glass Jar. Single Rose Glass Bottle. Potted Lily Of The Valley.
PTS-Cottage Garden Tea Tin Herbs, Granny's Basket Deco, Deco Mason Jar Short.
Quaylinsims- Paintings Zodiac.
Rhiannon AR-Medium Rug Floral Modern, Long Rug WithModern Floral Patterns
Ricca Bee-Mom's Lamp.
RSVN-Clothes Minded: Fedora, Floppy Hat, Baseball Hat, Sweater. Peg To Differ: Dish Towel, Knife Set, Mug, Utensils. Simmerdown: Cookie Jar, Mason Jar, Mug, Hanging Pots And Pans, Paper Towel, Ceramic Jar, Macaroon Jar. Smeglish Kettle Large.Procraftination:Hoop Large,
RoyIMVU-Seagrass Baskets.
Silverhammer-Executron Executive Desk Throne.
SimMan123-Sheer Right Curtain Short.
Sixam-Spring Six Kitchen: Buttery Toast, T Meg Mid Century Toaster With Toast, TMeg The Terrance, Deco Stove Hood, Olly's Oil Bottles, Kitchen Appliances Stove, Don't Be A Square Plate.
SJB (Yika)-Charlie Set Two CurtainsV1.
Soloriya-Zoe Blinds Part 2.
SYB-Colette: Towel, Toilet Paper Rolls, Soap Dispenser,Wallshelf, Bath, Blanket, Sink, Floor Vertical Mirror, Book, Cupboard, Rug, Bath Tray, Toilet.Millenial: Fridge, Fruit Basket,Utensils Rack, Utensils Pot, Totebag, Spices, Dish Soap. Microwave, Olive Oil, Breadbox, Island, Trashbin, Shower Curtains Short. Highschool Corridor: Hanged Backpack, Sandrine Slippers.
Tianella SE- Honey Herbs Paintings.
Veranka-Yesteryear Loveseat.
Wistful Castle-Wistful Room Pictures, Wistful Lamp #1.
Wondymoon-Cycnus Curtains.
Zeenasims- English Cottage: Paintings, Wainscotting Wallpaper.
ZX-Tagada-Lighting Table Candlestick.
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buymetoday · 2 years
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Levede TV Cabinet Entertainment Unit Stand Storage Drawer Wooden Shelf Oak 140cm
Buy now :- https://www.buymetoday.com.au/
Featuring solid particle board construction with melamine finished , certainly a strong and sturdy use. Open shelves with cut out handles drawer for convenient access. The unit will be the perfect addition for your modern living room with its contemporary and linear design.
Key Features:
Solid construction
Compact and functional
Cut out handle
Open shelves
Spacious drawers 
Safe edge
Solid wood leg supports
Exquisite workmanship
Smooth melamine finished
Clean and tidy
Brand: Levede
Material: Particle board
Finish: Melamine
Dimensions: 140cm x 30cm x 45cm (L x W x H)
Colour: Oak
1x Levede TV  Entertainment Unit
1x Instruction Manual
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ruhiagarwal · 8 months
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sumuraj · 6 months
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snehalpatel · 1 year
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alekhya33 · 1 month
Top 6 TV Unit Designs for Modern Living Rooms
The living room is the heart of any home, a space where functionality meets style. One of the most important pieces of furniture in this space is the TV unit. Not only does it serve as a home for your television and entertainment devices, but it also plays a crucial role in defining the aesthetic of your living room. A well-designed TV unit can enhance the visual appeal of your space while offering practicality and storage solutions. In this article, we explore the top 6 TV unit designs for modern living rooms that seamlessly blend elegance with utility.
For those seeking professional guidance to elevate their living spaces, it’s worth considering a living room interior designer in Bangalore, like Dezinepro, who specialize in crafting bespoke interiors.
1. Wall-Mounted TV Units
Wall-mounted TV units are an excellent choice for modern living rooms, particularly those with limited space. This design not only saves floor space but also gives the room a sleek, contemporary look. The clean lines and minimalist approach make wall-mounted TV units perfect for urban homes where space optimization is key.
These units typically consist of a flat panel on which the TV is mounted, often accompanied by floating shelves or cabinets underneath to hold additional electronics, books, or decorative items. The floating design creates an illusion of more space, making the room feel larger and less cluttered.
Moreover, you can customize the material and color of the wall-mounted TV unit to match your living room’s decor. Whether you opt for a classic wooden finish, glossy laminate, or even a textured surface, the possibilities are endless.
For homeowners in Bangalore, partnering with a living room interior designer in Bangalore like Dezinepro can ensure that the wall-mounted TV unit is perfectly tailored to your home’s aesthetic.
2. Entertainment Center TV Units
Entertainment center TV units are more than just a stand for your television—they are the focal point of your living room. These units combine the TV unit stand with a range of storage options, including shelves, drawers, and cabinets, providing ample space to store media players, gaming consoles, DVDs, books, and more.
Typically, these units are large, often taking up an entire wall. They are ideal for spacious living rooms where the TV unit can double as a feature wall. The design can be customized to include backlighting, glass shelves, or even a fireplace feature, adding warmth and ambiance to the room.
An entertainment center TV unit offers the perfect blend of style and function, making it a popular choice for families who spend a lot of time in the living room. With the help of a skilled living room interior designer in Bangalore, like Dezinepro, you can create a bespoke entertainment center that caters to all your needs while enhancing the overall aesthetic of your space.
3. Floating TV Units
Floating TV units are all about minimalism and modernity. These units are mounted on the wall and appear to be "floating" because they do not touch the floor. This design creates a clean, uncluttered look and allows for easy cleaning and maintenance underneath the unit.
Floating TV units typically come with sleek, horizontal drawers or cabinets that provide ample storage without overwhelming the space. The minimalist design of these units makes them perfect for contemporary homes where simplicity is key. They are especially well-suited for smaller living rooms as they make the space feel more open and airy.
When designing a floating TV unit, you can choose from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and glass, depending on your style preference. For an added touch of elegance, consider integrating LED strip lighting underneath the unit, which creates a soft, ambient glow.
In Bangalore, a living room interior designer can help you design a floating TV unit that not only complements your existing decor but also enhances the functionality of your space. Dezinepro, for example, specializes in creating customized designs that cater to the unique needs and preferences of each client.
To make the most of this design, consider incorporating LED strip lighting underneath the unit. This subtle lighting effect can create a cozy ambiance, especially in the evenings. Pair a floating TV unit with contemporary furniture to maintain the overall modern vibe of the living room
4. Built-In TV Units
Built-in TV units are a fantastic option for those who prefer a seamless, integrated look. These units are designed to blend in with the architecture of your home, creating a cohesive and polished appearance. Built-in TV units are typically custom-made to fit the specific dimensions of your living room, making them an excellent choice for awkward or unusually shaped spaces.
A built-in TV unit can include a variety of storage options, such as open shelves, closed cabinets, and display niches, providing ample space for all your entertainment needs. The design can be as simple or elaborate as you like, with options for incorporating materials like wood, stone, and metal to match the rest of your decor.
One of the biggest advantages of built-in TV units is that they can be designed to hide unsightly wires and cables, creating a clean and uncluttered look. This makes them an ideal choice for modern living rooms where aesthetics are a top priority.
If you’re considering a built-in TV unit, it’s essential to work with a skilled living room interior designer in Bangalore, like Dezinepro, who can ensure that the design is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
5. Corner TV Units
Corner TV units are a smart solution for maximizing space in smaller living rooms. These units are designed to fit into the corner of the room, making use of space that might otherwise go unused. Corner TV units are particularly useful in rooms with an unconventional layout or where wall space is limited.
Despite their compact size, corner TV units can offer plenty of storage options, including shelves, cabinets, and drawers. The triangular shape of the unit allows it to fit snugly into the corner while still providing ample space for your TV and other entertainment devices.
One of the main benefits of a corner TV unit is that it frees up wall space, allowing you to use the remaining walls for artwork, shelving, or other furniture. This can help create a more balanced and harmonious layout in your living room.
When designing a corner TV unit, it’s important to consider the height and width of the unit to ensure that it fits comfortably in the corner without overwhelming the space. A professional living room interior designer in Bangalore, like Dezinepro, can help you create a corner TV unit that maximizes both style and functionality.
6. Freestanding TV Units
Freestanding TV units are a versatile and practical option for those who prefer a more traditional look. These units are not attached to the wall, making them easy to move and rearrange as needed. Freestanding TV units come in a wide range of styles, from modern and minimalist to classic and ornate, allowing you to find a design that perfectly suits your taste.
One of the biggest advantages of a freestanding TV unit is its flexibility. Because it’s not fixed to the wall, you can easily change the layout of your living room whenever you like. This makes freestanding units a great choice for renters or anyone who enjoys updating their home decor frequently.
Freestanding TV units typically feature a combination of open shelves, closed cabinets, and drawers, providing plenty of storage for your entertainment devices, books, and decorative items. The design can be as simple or elaborate as you like, with options for incorporating materials like wood, metal, and glass.
In a city like Bangalore, where living spaces can vary widely in size and style, a freestanding TV unit offers a flexible solution that can be tailored to suit any home. Working with a skilled living room interior designer in Bangalore, such as Dezinepro, can help you create a freestanding TV unit that meets your needs while enhancing the overall aesthetic of your space.
Choosing the Right TV Unit for Your Living Room
Selecting the right TV unit for your living room is an important decision that can significantly impact the look and feel of your space. Here are a few key factors to consider when choosing a TV unit:
Space Availability: Measure the available space in your living room before selecting a TV unit. Consider the size of your TV and the amount of storage you need, as well as the overall layout of the room.
Style and Aesthetics: Consider the existing decor of your living room when choosing a TV unit. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a more traditional style, there’s a TV unit design to suit every taste.
Functionality: Think about how you use your living room and what features are most important to you. Do you need extra storage for books and DVDs? Do you want to hide unsightly wires and cables? Choose a TV unit that meets your specific needs.
Material and Finish: The material and finish of your TV unit can have a big impact on the overall look of your living room. Consider materials like wood, metal, and glass, and choose a finish that complements your existing decor.
Customization Options: If you have specific requirements or a unique living room layout, consider opting for a custom-made TV unit. A professional living room interior designer in Bangalore, like Dezinepro, can help you create a bespoke TV unit that perfectly fits your space and style.
Why Choose Dezinepro for Your Living Room Interior Design Needs?
When it comes to designing your living room, it’s essential to work with a professional who understands your vision and can bring it to life. Dezinepro is a leading living room interior designer in Bangalore, specializing in creating beautiful, functional spaces that reflect the unique style and personality of each client.
With years of experience and a team of skilled designers, Dezinepro offers a wide range of services, including custom furniture design, space planning, and color consultation. Whether you’re looking to update your existing living room or create a brand new space from scratch, Dezinepro can help you achieve your design goals.
In addition to their expertise in TV unit design, Dezinepro also offers comprehensive interior design services for every room in your home. From kitchen and bathroom renovations to bedroom makeovers, their team can handle all aspects of your interior design project.  By considering your space, lifestyle, and design preferences, and by working with a professional living room interior designer in Bangalore like DezinePro, you can create a living room that is both beautiful and functional
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dlife · 1 month
Elegant TV Unit Design Ideas to Transform Your Living Space
The television has become a central piece in most living rooms, and the way it is displayed can significantly impact the overall aesthetic of your space. A well-designed TV unit not only provides a stylish focal point but also offers practical storage solutions and enhances the room’s decor. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a more classic, ornate design, there are countless TV unit ideas to suit your taste. Here are some elegant TV unit design ideas our interior designers in Kottayam compiled to inspire your next home makeover.
1. Floating TV Units
Floating TV units are perfect for those who love a clean, uncluttered look. These units are mounted on the wall, giving the illusion of more space and providing a sleek, modern appearance. Floating units often come with built-in storage compartments, allowing you to keep your media equipment, DVDs, and other items neatly organized.
Space-saving design
Modern and sleek appearance
Easy to clean underneath
2. Built-In TV Units
Built-in TV units are a fantastic way to create a seamless and cohesive look in your living room. These units can be custom-made to fit your space perfectly and can include shelves, cabinets, and even hidden compartments. A built-in unit can be designed to blend with your existing decor, providing a sophisticated and polished look.
Customizable to fit your space
Provides ample storage
Integrates seamlessly with your decor
3. Minimalist TV Units
For those who prefer a minimalist aesthetic, a simple and elegant TV unit with clean lines and a neutral color palette can be the perfect choice. Minimalist units often feature open shelving and a few drawers, keeping the design functional yet stylish. This type of unit focuses on simplicity and functionality, allowing your TV to take center stage.
Simple and elegant design
Functional and practical
Focuses on the essentials
4. Classic Wooden TV Units
Wooden TV units bring warmth and a touch of classic elegance to any living space. Whether you opt for a rustic, reclaimed wood design or a polished, traditional piece, wooden units are timeless and versatile. They can be adorned with intricate carvings or kept simple with a natural finish, depending on your style preference.
Timeless and versatile
Adds warmth to the room
Available in various styles and finishes
5. Multi-Functional TV Units
Multi-functional TV units are ideal for those who need their living room furniture to serve multiple purposes. These units can include features such as pull-out desks, integrated lighting, or even a built-in bar. Multi-functional units are perfect for small spaces where every piece of furniture needs to work hard and look good.
Maximizes space and functionality
Versatile and practical
Ideal for small living spaces
6. Art Deco TV Units
For a touch of glamour and sophistication, consider an Art Deco-inspired TV unit. These units often feature bold geometric patterns, luxurious materials like marble and brass, and a mix of rich colors. An Art Deco TV unit can serve as a statement piece, adding a sense of elegance and opulence to your living room.
Glamorous and sophisticated design
Uses luxurious materials
Makes a bold statement
7. Scandinavian TV Units
Scandinavian design is known for its simplicity, functionality, and connection to nature. A Scandinavian TV unit typically features clean lines, light wood, and a neutral color palette. This design style emphasizes practicality without sacrificing beauty, making it a popular choice for modern homes.
Simple and functional design
Light and airy appearance
Emphasizes natural materials
Transforming your living space with an elegant TV unit can elevate the overall look and feel of your home. Whether you prefer a modern floating unit, a classic wooden piece, or a multifunctional design, there are endless possibilities to suit your style and needs. Consider consulting a reliable team of interior designers in Kerala to incorporate these elegant TV unit design ideas into your living room.
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