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pfashionmart · 1 month ago
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steve-ince · 1 year ago
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Woodee has a new friend, Rosie.
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gearinsitu · 3 years ago
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Wouldn't you know it, it's #humpday already. It's all down hill from here! 😁 #edcgear #edccommunity #edc @pokkapens #woodee #pokkapen @victorinoxnorthamerica #hardwood #victorinox #climber #sak4edc #sakallday @olight.ca #olighti5t #copper @spyderco_inc #spydercoshaman #sprintrun #rex45 #rex45🦖 #🦖🌲 https://www.instagram.com/p/CY6jBR_sGGv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years ago
Writer’s Month Prompts Day 8
Day 8: Music
Alright, we’re back on track! Requested by @cosmicrealmofkissteria This was a fun one, thanks! 
Takes place in the Last One Out of Sphynxia universe
It was Radames’s birthday, so naturally Vinneketh, Masika, Dalila, and Bomani got together to plan a party for him. They invited people they knew, people that Radames knew—they even included the kooky macabre duo of Alice Cooper and Ozzy Osbourne—and planned the get together at Radames’s dojo.
So far it was going wonderfully. Everyone was mingling together and talking—Bomani even spotted Red Lotus and Ozzy Osbourne sitting together, though Gods knew how she could stand his chaotic self. Music was playing from Radames’s record player, a compilation of Cab Calloway music.
He looked up to find Seb standing beside him, smirking. “In your own head, Lion Boy?”
The corner of Bomani’s mouth quirked up slightly. “Not anymore,”
Seb sat down in the chair beside him. “Radames has some weird music tastes,”
“He just likes what he likes, that’s all,” Bomani replied. “And that includes Cab Calloway.”
“Hey, I’m not complaining. When’s ‘Minnie the Moocher’ coming on? I love that song.”
“I’m more surprised you even know that song,”
Seb shrugged, smirking at him. “I can have expanded horizons, can’t I?”
As soon as he spoke, Bomani heard the opening music to none other than “Minnie the Moocher”. Seb immediately sat up, smiling. “Finally. I was wondering when it was going to start playing.”
Bomani gave a grunt of a laugh, causing Seb to look down at him. “What, you don’t like that song?”
“Never said that. I just think you liking Cab Calloway is a little funny.”
Seb just laughed and sat back down, and then moved to lean his head on Bomani’s shoulder. It seemed other people liked the song as well, because Bomani saw Vinneketh and Demon start swaying along, and Red Lotus’s foot was tapping as she talked with Ozzy.
“Who’s that dancing with Masika?”
Bomani looked, and saw Masika slowly twirling an Arab girl with long, wavy dark hair in place, grinning as the girl laughed. “Oh, that’s Nane,”
“Didn’t know Masika had a girlfriend,”
“They kind of have their own thing going on. They prefer not to try to put a label on it.” Because in Masika’s words, “Society’s gotta label everything and that’s stupid.”
“Hodee hodee ho,” they heard Masika sing loudly.
“Oh my god, stop,” the girl, Nane, laughed.
“C’mon, dance! You’re a good dancer!”
Nane sighed. “Let me guess: we’re going to dance like Cab Calloway?”
“Oh yeah,” Masika grinned. And without another word, he started dancing, waving his arms and shuffling around. Laughing, Nane mimicked his movements, until both of them were dancing around and laughing uproariously. People around them watched in amusement.
“Bomani, c’mon!” Masika yelled at him.
Bomani shook his head. “You can dance like idiots,” he called back. “I’m not gonna.”
“Booo!” they both said at him. Masika turned to Seb. “Seb, c’mon! You love this song!”
Seb shrugged and got up with a grin. “Sure, I’ll dance. I get to dance with a pretty lady.” He winked at Nane.
Bomani rolled his eyes, but felt better when he heard Nane scoff. “That’s all you’re gonna get with me, pretty boy,”
With a flippant shrug, Seb began dancing along with them. Bomani couldn’t help but admire how Seb’s blonde hair fell in front of his face, and how his whole face seemed to light up when he started to laugh.
“Wadee woodee way!”
“Wadee woodee way!” the three chorused.
“Oh, baby!”
“Oh, baby!”
“Hodee hoh,”
“Hodee hoh,”
Seb glanced over at the watching Bomani… and a sly grin crept onto his face. He slowly danced, though it was more like shuffling, over to Bomani and climbed up onto his lap. “Hey,”
Bomani raised an eyebrow at him in slight amusement. “Hey,”
“Want a lap dance?”
Bomani’s amused look dropped into one of shock. “… What?”
“Too late, it’s happening,”
From over where they were still dancing, Masika and Nane looked over. Nane’s mouth dropped open. “Oh my god!”
Masika broke into laughter and began whooping. “Aow! Get it, Seb!”
For Seb had begun to somehow do a lap dance, swaying his hips along to the song. Bomani tried to tune out the uproarious laughter from the two idiots (Masika and Nane), and instead focused on Seb as the blonde flashed him a grin and kept going. At some point, his hands settled on Seb’s hips, to which Seb gave no reaction other than running his fingers through his hair and tilting his head back as he did so.
“Poor Min, poor Min, poooor Min…”
When the song was over, Seb climbed off Bomani’s lap looking like a cat that had gotten at the cream. Bomani’s entire face was completely red. “Enjoy your lap dance?” Seb asked coyly, wrapping a finger around one of Bomani’s curls.
“Give us an encore, Seb!” Masika shouted.
“Gonna have to pay me this time!” Seb shouted back.
“Nane, do you have any—”
“No, Masika,”
Seb laughed. “Those two—oh,”
For Bomani had finally decided on what to do, and that was grab Seb by his waist and pull him back into his lap. “Do I get an encore?” he asked lowly, grinning at his boyfriend.
A wide grin spread across Seb’s face to match. “I’ll give you the encore later, Lion Boy,”
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loveatzu · 3 years ago
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20211128 貴人散步最終日,要出門才發現下雨,停車換裝時遇到速寫畫家還蠻有趣的,急忙趕到後半段的hue。 hue / 南西肯恩 / 體熊專科 / FAAS / Woodee。最後以雨天結束這3天疲累又好玩的音樂節,重點在台南舉辦啊!謝謝貴人散步,讓我又多認識一些新團新風格。 #lucfest2021 #music #20211128 #streetphotography (在 台南美術館2館 Tainan Art Museum Building 2) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW0e0osLaGy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alumilbuildmate · 5 years ago
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WOODEE Wood Composite Decking
Top quality wood composite product in solid profiles, ideal for outdoor and indoor decking, wall cladding and fencing applications
For Enquiry Contact: +91 9154030271 or Email: [email protected] for related products visit: http://alumilbuildmate.com/woodee-wood-compsitive-decking/
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shoppingfordeals · 6 years ago
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New Woodees IESW100B Earset $49.99
http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5337702801&item=401205700346&vectorid=229466 New Woodees IESW100B Earset Price: $49.99 Ends on : …
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pfashionmart · 4 months ago
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dd-adamisk-blog · 8 years ago
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I talked to the two guys and was on my way out when Sudowoodo looked right at me in disbelief... so i turned to talk to it too- Me: 'sup pokémon? Sudowoodo: Woodee wood! Me: ... Me: (sighs)... i had a feeling you'd say that...
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gearinsitu · 3 years ago
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No pain no Grain! #victorinox #pokkapen #woodee #puma #pumaknives #walnut #wood #edc #olight #svord #victorinoxexplorer #perun #sak4edc #sakallday #germanknife #olightperunmini #bobobird #woodlovers #woodenwatch #woodenwatches https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7hwFor5y5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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speedwayforcharity · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @woodee.tv - Charity fundraising stream reaction (Part 2 of 2) playing @hellblade_senuas_sacrifice is out now! I talk through my experience in the game and my #personal #feelings about the themes raised in the game. This is my LAST video from my charity stream. http://youtu.be/Vhh3hmX0qPE 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem each year #endthestigma #TimeToTalk Charity donations for @mindcharity are still open with the total gently rising. Could always use some more of your extra pennies to help those with #mentalhealth problems or related #mentalillness. http://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/timetotalkday2018 Please #donate what you can! Thank you. #nevergiveup #psychosis #gaming #streaming #mind #charity #fundraising #donations Mixer : http://mixer.com/woodee Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/woodeetv YouTube : http://gaming.youtube.com/woodee Smashcast : http://www.smashcast.tv/Woodee
via - https://www.instagram.com/p/BiARxDUlWE4/
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its2pmina-blog · 8 years ago
[INDO TRANS] andGIRL August Issue - Junho Interview
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AG : Tema dari album barumu adalah "Liburan singkat"
"Kerinduan untuk istirahat dan keluar dari rutinitas harian, sebuah liburan singkat dan kebebasan adalah mottoku sekarang. Jadi, aku memilih "DSMN" sebagai judul album karena itu berhubungan dengan perasaanku yang tidak ingin berhenti dan tidak lelah berlari maju. Selama 3 menit lagu ini diputar, tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat menghentikanku. Lagu ini mengandung kebebasanku."
"Tahun lalu, 'SO GOOD' mengekspresikan sebuah gambaran musim panas yang sempurna, bagaimanapun, aku ingin menampilkan sebuah hal yang berbeda kali ini. Seperti aku yang terus maju ke depan, aku datang melewati banyak hal  untuk itu. Aku pikir lagu itu sangat menyemangati dan upbeat. Disamping kebahagiaan kehidupan sehari-hari, aku percaya setiap orang terkadang pasti memiliki perasaan seperti ingin lari dari kebosanan rutinitasnya. Jadi, aku membuat lagu ini berharap untuk siapapun yang mendengar, setudaknya merasakan sedikit kebebasan."
AG : Kapan kau merasa bebas dari kehidupan sehari-hari?
"Ketika aku bernyanyi dan menari! Saat aku berdiri di panggung adalah sangat berharga untukku dan hanya konserlah tempat dan waktu dimana aku dapat merasa bebas. Setelah konser berakhir, aku kembali ke kehidupan sehari-hariku (tertawa)."
[Berbicara tentang tinju untuk musik videonya]
"Itu bukan pertama kali untukku melakukan tinju. Dibawah pengawasan dari seorang aktor sebuah film aksi di lokasi syuting, aku berlatih beberapa gerakan. Aku tidak tau apakah melakukan atau tidak melakukan topless akan menarik perhatian wanita (fans) tetapi aku melakukannya (untuk syuting). Untuk itu, aku harus menjaga bentuk tubuhku, jadi aku tidak makan sejak pagi hari itu. Syuting di ring tinju memakan waktu beberapa jam. Ketika syuting berakhir, aku sangat lapar dan kakiku bergetar... Itu sangat keras (tertawa)."
Disamping jadwal yang padat, Junho berpikir, "Aku tetap dapat melakukan itu!"
AG : Di albummu, ada beberapa lagu tentang cinta terlarang, lamaran, dan sebuah lagu ballad tentang perpisahan. Apakah lagu-lagu itu datang dari pengalaman pribadimu?
"(Pura-pura tidak tahu) Yeah? (Tertawa) kebetulan, mereka tidak berhubungan dengan pengalamanku. Mereka datang dari sebuah inspirasi dari kisah cinta seseorang atau sebuah mimpi. Lebih dari itu, mereka datang dari sebuah pertanyaan, harus menjadi orang seperti apa aku berdasarkan dari apa yang aku rasakan ketika aku bertambah dewasa. Album soloku adalah cara untukku mengekspresikan nilaiku sekarang atau caraku berpikir, jadi aku membangun itu menjadi lebih dalam dan bertanya pada diriku, orang seperti apa aku atau melihat kembali masa laluku."
Junho mengatakan itu dengan ekspresi serius, daripada dengan senyumnya seperti biasa.
"Masa produksi album bertabrakan dengan syuting drama dan Arena Tour 2PM. Dengan waktu yang terbatas, aku melakukan semuanya berkelanjutan dengan berpikir hasilnya akan keluar dengan baik. Meskipun aku belum mencapai batasku waktu itu. Sejauh ini, aku menguji diriku dan menggiring diriku untuk bekerja, dengan tujuan untuk menemukan batasku, tapi aku pikir aku tetap dapat melakukannya. Ketika aku merasa seperti aku berharap untuk melakukan yang baik atau memiliki sebuah penyesalan, aku ingin meletakkan itu didepanku."
AG : Aku lihat kau memiliki lagu unit pertama dengan Jun.K di albummu.
"Aku telah mencoba sebuah unit dengan anggota lain di macam-macam tempat yang berbeda, tetapi aku belum melakukan apapun dengan Jun.K. Seperti judul tur yang digunakan "Hyper", aku ingin membuat sebuah lagu yang dapat menaikan mood pendengar. Waktu itu, aku berkata pada Jun.K, "Apa kau ingin melakukan itu bersama? Bantu aku." Dan dia menjawab, "Ok! Ayo lakukan itu!". Kami dengan mudah menentukannya."
Ditengah-tengah tur, Junho menemukan kesenangan untuk mencoba macam-macam makanan lokal dari tiap provinsi. Dia menyukai es krim!
"Otakku penuh dengan pikiran tentang tur! Setiap tahun, aku melihat ke musim panas karena tur soloku, jadi aku fokus dengan itu sekarang. Tetapi ketika aku turun dari panggung, aku menikmati makanan lokal. Favoritku es krim. 3 tahun dimana aku mengadakan tur soloku, aku telah mencoba banyak es krim (di provinsi lokal). Aku pikir itu akan sama untuk tahun ini (tertawa). Es krim susu yang aku makan di Sapporo sangat enak!"
AG : Kau mengatakan bahwa kau ingin pergi ke pantai dengan anggota 2PM yang lain ketika tur solomu berakhir. Jika kau pergi dengan seorang wanita?
"Aku ingin kami menonton kembang api sambil minum bir di pantai! Aku tidak pernah melihat kembang api selama musim panas jadi aku pikir itu akan sangat bagus."
AG : Bagaimana jika seorang wanita dewasa mengajakmu keluar untuk kencan?
"Itu akan menjadi bagus. Karena aku seorang lelaki!"
AG : Bagian mana dari dirimu yang kau anggap masih muda?
Aku selalu berpikir bahwa aku muda. Aku menyadari bahwa aku tetap muda ketika aku cocok dengan benda-benda kecil (tertawa). Bagaimanapun, aku bukan yang termuda diantara anggota 2PM. 2 anggota tertua, Jun.K dan Taecyeon. Di sisi lain, Wooyoung dan Chansung seperti anggota tertua. Nickhun sangat manly dan seperti-kakak, tetapi 2 yang lain sangat naif dan seperti anak kecil. Jun.K selalu berkata, "aku young boy." Tentu saja itu bagus untuk menjadi naif atau polos (tertawa).
AG : Apa pesona dari wanita yang lebih dewasa?
"Aku pikir wanita diatas 30 tahun memiliki potensi tak terbatas dan banyak pesona. Mereka berada di usia dimana mereka dapat mekar sebagai seorang wanita seperti sebuah bunga, menjadi lebih feminim dan cantik. Tolong mekar menjadi bunga yang lebih cantik sambil membaca 'andGIRL'. Juga, jaga kesehatanmu. Tolong datang ke konserku juga❤"
TRANS : [JPN - KOR : @jh_my12 | KOR - ENG : @nuneo2daKAY ENG - INDO : It's 2PM °Woodee]
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earbudsshop · 8 years ago
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Comply Premium Replacement Foam Earphone Earbud Tips – Isolation T-400 (Black, 3 Pairs, Large)
WEAKNESSES OF MOST EAR TIPS Uncomfortable earphones Poor sound quality from earbuds In ear headphones fall out or do not stay in place Increase volume in order to hear music
BENEFITS OF COMPLY PREMIUM FOAM TIPS Inventors of the original foam earphone tip and pioneers of memory foam tip technology Made in the USA 100% better grip than silicone tips = stays in ear during workouts 30x softer than silicone material = Extremely comfortable and no ear pain 2x external dB reduction = enhanced sound at lower volumes Safer listening Body-heat activated foam conforms to shape of ear canal for a secure fit Creates a perfect seal for enhanced sound quality Recommended by audiophiles
COMPATIBILITY 4 models to fit all major earphone brands. See Complyfoam.com/Compatibility
100: Audiofly, Etymotic Research, Fischer Audio, Jays, Klipsch, Shure, Westone 200: Atomic Floyd, BeoPlay (B&O), Bose, Jabra, Jays, JBL, MEE Audio (MEElectronics), Monster, Philips, RHA, Sennheiser, Sony, T-Peos, Ultimate Ears (UE) 400: Audio-technica, Beats by Dre, Beyerdynamic, Bowers and Wilkins (B&W), Brainwavz, Denon, DUNU, Fostex, HiFiMAN, House of Marley, iFrogz, JVC, LG, MEE Audio, Nuforce, Panasonic, Phaiser, Phiaton, Pioneer, RBH, Samsung, Scosche, Sennheiser, Skullcandy, Sony, Soul, SoundMAGIC, Symphonized, TDK, Thinksound, Ultimate Ears, V-Moda, VSonic, Xiaomi, Yamaha 500: 1More, AKG, Atomic Floyd, Audio-Technica, Cardas, DUNU, Fidue, Harman Kardon, Jabra, JBL, JH Audio, KEF, M-Audio, Motorola, Noble, Outdoor Tech, Sennheiser, Ultimate Ears 600: Jaybird, Plantronics Backbeat Go
WHAT SIZE DO I GET? Use the same size Comply tips as you would silicone ear tips. If unsure, get the Mixed Pack (includes pair of Small, Medium, and Large tips) to determine the best size. Medium fits 65% of users.
The original foam earphone tips. Made in the USA using proprietary memory foam materials for the ultimate in ear headphone upgrade Isolation Series replacement eartips are made from premium foam and engineered to create a custom in-ear fit to block out external noise and provide a superior audio experience with enhanced bass Super-soft memory foam reduces earphone irritation and fatigue. Comply foam tips are 2x softer than silicone tips so you have the most comfortable earphones Body-heat activated foam adapts to ear canal to provide a perfect seal and snug fit to keep your earphones in place 4 models (100, 200, 400, and 500) to fit all major earbud brands. See compatibility chart here: Complyfoam.com/Compatibility Breathable Memory Foam for Supreme Comfort Secure, stay-in-ear fit for extended wear Superior noise isolation for private listening Flexible core to fit most earphones Fits select earphones from Ultimate Ears, Sennheiser, Woodees, and more
Frequently Bought Together
Price for all: $127.29
This item: Comply Premium Replacement Foam Earphone Earbud Tips - Isolation T-400 (Black, 3 Pairs, Large)
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Comply Premium Replacement Foam Earphone Earbud Tips - Isolation T-400 (Black, 3 Pairs, Large)
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thehand2010-blog · 9 years ago
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"東京EASTSIDEマップ" #T13 #TOKYOeastside #Woodee #basketballcafe #BALLTONGUE #sample
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amafille-blog · 10 years ago
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Find your #woodee and your #Keys @amafillech with our #guestdesigners #sorenhenrichsen and #lovingspoon (à À Ma Fille)
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speedwayforcharity · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @woodee.tv - Charity fundraising stream reaction (Part 1 of 2) playing @hellblade_senuas_sacrifice is out now! I talk through my experience in the game and my personal feelings about the themes raised in the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1KTqHmVaGw 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem each year #endthestigma #TimeToTalk Charity donations for @mindcharity are still open with the total gently rising. Could always use some more of your extra pennies to help those with #mentalhealth problems or related #mentalillness. http://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/timetotalkday2018 Please give what you can! Thank you. #nevergiveup #psychosis #gaming #streaming #mind #charity #fundraising #donations Mixer : http://mixer.com/woodee Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/woodeetv YouTube : http://gaming.youtube.com/woodee Smashcast : http://www.smashcast.tv/Woodee
via - https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh19e50FW93/
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