#woobat my beloved
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I love love bats ❤️
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mings-lore-library · 1 year
If your main 10 OCs were Pokémon gym leaders, what would their gyms be?
Okay, well considering most of them already have an elemental magic “type” to them, but I’ll be creative here. Also please note the Unova region was my first and is still my favourite so most Pokémon used are from there. They live in a neighbouring region just NorthEast of Unova where most Pokémon spill over, and there are overlapping Pokémon from other regions.
Easily enough, Rex and Ted would share a gym and it would be the fire-type gym. They’re the Fire Twins, after all. Assuming their gym would be the first one, then you’d have to fight them both at once. To travel the gym, one would have to press switches to turn off the flamethrowers that block your path. There would be three other gym trainers, each with a Pansear. Rex’s line-up would be Charmeleon, Ponyta and a Lillipup. Ted’s line-up would be Houndour, Darumaka and also a Lillipup. (They got the Lillipups together, it’s their starters)
The second gym would be Hami’s. Her specialty is rock and ground types. In order to travel her gym you’ll need to have rock smash HM, and there would only be two other trainers, one with a Sandshrew, the other with two Roggenrola. The gym is a cave-like maze, and every so often, wild Zubats and Woobats show up, although they’re very low-level so they aren’t too hard to get past. Hami’s line-up would be Boldore, Sandile, and of course her very first Pokémon, her beloved Sandslash.
After Hami’s gym you would travel North to where it’s icy and cold, to Ivy’s gym. Her specialty is ice Pokémon, but it’s also dog-like Pokémon. Her gym would be an ice-rink, of course, but each trainer within has a Herdier and a Cubchoo. There are three levels and each level has two trainers to battle, except for the one right before Ivy. He has a Vanillite and two Spheals. Ivy herself has an Alolan Ninetails that she got as her first Pokémon when she used to live in Alola. Her other pokemon is a female Absol.
Fourth would be two towns that are so close together, their gyms are right next to each other, each one on the outskirts of their own town. They are called Earth and Sky, and you have to defeat Earth before you can fight Sky. The gyms belong to Tweet and Elsa respectively of course. Tweet’s team are all grass types of course. In his gym, you have to climb the green vines to go up a level, and slide down the blue vines. There are ten other trainers in his gym with various grass Pokémon. Tweet’s team is his beloved Servine, a Simisage, and two Budew that he nicknamed Buddy and Pal.
Elsa’s gym you can only take one after you prove to her you’re ready. Assuming it’s a regular Pokémon game, you do that after a run-in with the Team that kidnaps Ducky and her Caterpie. After you help Elsa and Tweet save Ducky and Caterpie, Elsa let’s you challenge her gym. Elsa’s gym is a flying type gym, and has paintings of various bird Pokémon all over the place. Elsa travels the world painting different bird Pokémon of each region. Each painting is done by her. Some of the paintings have a hidden door to the next room. You have to choose the right painting that answers riddles you’re given. Behind each correct door is a trainer with the Pokémon on the painting you just passed through. Elsa’s team is her two Unfezant, one female one male, a Swanna, and her darling Noctowl.
Sixth gym leader is Kyle Wu. His element is usually weather, but that doesn’t really match up well to Pokémon types (except flying, but that was easily Elsa’s), so I give him the electric gym. His gym would be a huge chasm that you have to step on the right clouds to pass. Step on the wrong cloud and it will poof, sending you falling to the safety net below, where you have to take an elevator back to the start. I’m not sure what the clouds would be, like how you know the right from the wrong ones but there would probably be like a puzzle or something. Anyway, Kyle Wu’s line up would be an Emolga, a Zebstrika, a Luxray and a Manectric.
The seventh gym would be Victoria’s. She would be a dark type leader I feel. Her gym would not have any other trainers, and it would be in a haunted mansion where wild dark and ghost type Pokémon would be. You’d have to follow a maze of clues to find seven switches that will open doors for you. The last switch opens a door to Victoria. Her lineup would be a Scrafty, a Liepard, Zoroark, and an Umbreon. Her gym would also be located outside of town, down a long grassy road, so trainers should pack lots of potions.
The eighth gym is Damien’s and he would be, surprise surprise, a dragon gym leader. It’s either that or fire, and fire has been claimed. Damien’s gym would be a dark building lit only by fire torches on the walls. Ace trainers will be hanging around with various Axew and other dragon types. The building has no special tricks besides that. Damien would be sitting upon a throne when you arrive to fight him. His Pokémon team are a Haxorus, Hydreigon, Garchomp, Dragonair and a Salamence.
Ming COULD be the champion, but to humour you, if she had her own gym it would be Normal Type or Water Type, and she would have the very first gym because as much as she has powerful Pokémon, she also loves to care for the little ones and raise them and give them love. Ming prefers to travel anyway and switch her Pokémon each in turn, and wouldn’t be happy as a gym leader. She has beaten all the others though.
Anyway, that’s the line-up.
The Champion is Sky.
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rate-every-bat · 9 months
Today's Bat: Heart-Nosed Bat
After covering Woobat and Swoobat, it felt only natural to cover the species that inspired them. Heart-Nosed Bats are found across mid-Eastern Africa, and have been called "False Vampire Bats" for their leafy nose shapes.
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Environmental Impact: These little guys are fairly go-with-the-flow. They're well-known for their varied hunting techniques: "hawking" during wet and abundant seasons, and "sit-and-wait" during dry and sparse seasons. They prefer insects (especially beetles), but will forage for small frogs and even other bats when they're available. They're also not picky about roosting locations, since they're known to take up trees, caves, and even abandoned buildings as home bases. Their proximity to humans makes for great pest control. However, they are known carriers of the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, which can be unfortunate when they share human spaces.
Beauty: I said "Aww!" out loud at least three different times while looking through pictures of this species. Their noses scream "Valentine's Day", and their eyes scream "wet beast". Also, this picture is an excellent example of one of my favorite features on echolocating bats: their ear cartilage has all these intriguing folds and crevices for sound to catch and reverberate around in. What a creature!
Power: Heart-Nosed Bats spend all day cuddling in the roost, and head out alone at night to hunt and defend territorial breeding sites. What do they do when they're apart and need to communicate with their families? Why, they sing! Every bat has their own unique songs that change based on the season. This was first written about in 2017, 10 years too early to give Woobat and Swoobat a precious singing ability. (A precursory look didn't turn up more research on these songs after the initial 2017 study, but I'll be hitting the library this week to access the database and see if I can learn more!)
Overall: A bat's bat, pretty solid in every aspect. I'm kissing each and every one on the head, in spirit.
(Today's sources: eol.org [outdated], Animal Diversity Web, Wikipedia)
((PS: Why the heck were Woobat and Swoobat, originating from the American-inspired Unova region, based on an Ethiopian bat species? We have so many lovely native species here! Catch me later for a Fakemon based on my beloved Eastern Red Bat, I guess.))
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ivegoneturbo · 2 years
extrasensory for the game?
aaaaa ty :D
Favorite Psychic Type(s):
• ESPEON!!! i know its cliché but green bean 🥺💕
• Woobat/Swoobat! their heart motif is beloved
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amorette-valentina · 3 years
Woobat, also one of my favourites, coincidentally. Maybe a furfrou?
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pov: goth nerd girl and her goth prep bat child are going to beat you to death
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pokeymonhearts · 2 years
scalean swoobat my beloved
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**Scalean Swoobat**
*The Dream Eater Pokemon
*Type: Fairy/Psychic
*Evolves from Scalean Woobat at level 45 when it reaches max affection with its owner while knowing the move "Rest".
Like a number of other regional variants (e.g. Wooloo, Yamper, etc), the power and influence of Dreams present within the Scala Region have influenced its fairy typing. This pokemon is extremely loyal to their trainer and shows its affinity by wrapping their wings around them in order to cuddle. The eyes are the window into their emotions, changing both color and shape to reflect their disposition. Scalean Swoobats have been known to release dust-like particles from the ruffle of fur around their neck that are said to improve the mood of those around it, deterring opponents from fighting.
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brassiussimp · 3 years
Random headcannons for Grimsley, Colress, and Maxie!
Maxie 🌋🌺🌋
- He is aquaphobic, and also has eyery other phobia associated with water from a childhood experience- he was swimming at the beach and a sharpedo attacked him. It pulled him under and severely scarred him, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I headcannon that he has a huge scar across his face (going over one eye which he is blind in) and yeah.
- He is Demiromantic Heterosexual
-He is in no way attracted to Archie, mainly because Hardenshipping annoys me and they absolutely hate eachother. They may share a few words but that's it. They've both tried to kill eachother. Hardenshipping art is cute tho 🙃
-He is attracted to Courtney but doesn't know how to tell so he... Yeah... [Insert harmless asexual lenny face here]
- Pure adrenaline junkie, but not a sadomasochist liie Grimsley
- First pokemon was ironically a water type (Feebass. He caught her himself before the incident...) (He gifted her to Archie after they made up. They didn't really made up, they just stopped trying to murder eachother. In Hoenn, offering a special pokemon is a gesture of peace.)
- Diagnosed Anxiety
Grimsley 🌹💜🌹
- Sadomasochist [look it up]
- Loves sweet foods
- I headcannon him as Aromantic Asexual. He doesn't see a need for romance as it gets in the way if him enjoying his life. I also don't like any Grimsley ships haha. But Grimsley x Colress probably has to be the one i enjoy seeing art of the most, considering they're two of my favorites.
-His first pokemon was his beloved Liepard, which he caught as a Purrloin. Her name is Noct
He loves flavors. Sometimes he'll buy things for the flavor and eat whenever he feels like tasting a flavor. Sweet, Sour, Dry, Spicy, Crazy as heck, every flavor is amazing to him. He favors sweet stuff though.
I actually have a bit of a thing going on- Grimsley is related to Nanu and Guzma. Nanu is Guzma's real dad. (Dont tell Guzzy's non bio dad! He doesn't know!) He and Guzma's mom did the anti asexual stuff and yeah, but Guzma's mom lied and said it was her husbands. Grimsley is related to Guzma as a cousin. Guzma's Mom's sister went to Unova, got married to someone, and yeah. Nanu is Grimsley's uncle i guess? Grimsley is probably related to Peirs and Marnie as an Uncle so *this is getting confusing help*
- Though he seems carefree, he is often very anxious.
Colress 💎✨💎
-I love this adorable man okay?-
- He strongly admires Ghetsis and is very loyal, but he doesn't want to show it because he doesn't want to freak Ghetsis out.
- Ghetsis wouldn't be freaked out by this. He'd actually enjoy it, but woukd be suspicious because he's just like that.
- He's Panromantic Homosexual with feelings for Ghetsis, if i haven't made that part obvious. Antigravityshipping for life! 💜
(Just since I've put in some Ghetsis stuff, Ghetsis is Homoromantic Autosexual. Him and Lusamine are Autosexual buddies. Lusa is AroAuto, but only after the discovery of UBs)
- He lives for floofy pokemon
- His first pokemon was Joltik. She was living under his bed and he found her. He was scared of her at first but grew very attached. She didn't want to evolve so he gave her an Everstone. Now she is at the impressive level of 88 (dang) and at the age of 22 years. He found her when he wa five, so he's 27. (Ghetsis is younger than he looks at 39. He looks 50. Colress is attracted to people older than him. )
- Joltik rides along in his oversized pockets. In Alola she rides on his cowlick. How cute!
- He was originally going to battle the gym leaders and e4 and Iris n stuff, but he gave up when he realized his team was too weak, and he's terrible at catching good pokemon. His original team was Joltik, Audino, Growlithe, Woobat, and Klink. He kept his Klink, and sent the others back to the wild so they could be happy. His dad caught his current team for him as a gift for his 18th birthday. His dad was named Walter, and sadly passed away when Colress was 23 due to cancer of the brain. (He added a few mons tho)
- His Joltik, named Jodie, offers emotional support. He calls her a variety of nicknames: Bebs, Lil bug, sparko, etc
(All of those are inspired by what i call my permakitten (cat that resembles a kitten) Cricket haha~)
Welp, those are my random headcannons! If this gets some likes I'll take some request for character and ship headcannons! This is my first Tumblr post! :) I'm also going to be making some art, so keep an eye out.
its gonna be Coltik (colress and joltik) art!
Prooooobably some typos lol
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beingatoaster · 7 years
howzabout... trapinch, furret, whirlipede, and noivern?
Trapinch: not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate faveI love bug-types in general, but I love Trapinch distinctly because it's cute as heckle. HE BURROW. HE BITE. HE ADORABLE.Furret: not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate faveThey're cute! I know a couple people who really love them. But I tend to think of them as Noodlier Linoone, rather than as their own critter, and I don't have a strong personal affection for them.Whirlipede: not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate faveGOOD SPINNY, 10/10, WOULD ROTATE AGAIN. Not as good as Venipede, but a stand-out among the bug-type cocoon stages, most of which are pretty bland. Just never evolve it. Never, EVER evolve it. I have one exception to my Bug-type passion, and it is Because Centipedes.Noivern: not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate faveThis evolution line shoots sonic waves from its EARS, and that hurts me profoundly. :( Also, I have a bad habit of comparing different-gen iterations of the same RL animal, and the Zubat and Woobat lines were perfect creations, beloved by God, so there's just no way Noivern was gonna measure up. I think if they'd emphasized the Dragon-type angle a bit more in both the design and the lore I'd like them better (night-hunting dragon with sonic abilities? Cool, if the sonics are not coming from its ears ), but as-is the typing feels like it was just meant to punch up the power level.
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