#wondering if this was after rainy reached out to the affected on the behavior
airr apology! (sorry its a link, u cant send images on anon lmao)
Thank you, anon!
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Valentines alphabet with Talbert or Nixon please!
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Tab is a cuddler. He likes to be close to people, to by physically intimate with them in a way that goes beyond sharing a space  ---  this boy runs on touch, and isn’t shy about it. He enjoys being touched, having his back clapped or his arm squeezed, as much as he enjoys giving it. In a romantic relationship, this goes beyond casual touches; Tab just likes having his partner near him, being able to pull them close and simply hold them, his chin on the crown of their head while they shift and breathe against him. He’s not very tactile with casual acquaintances, so if Tab touches someone frequently, it means he cares for them.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He has a special fondness for wildflowers, but you’re not gonna find those in any florist’s shop. When he’s in a sentimental mood, he might go out and pick a few to put into a bouquet...  but Tab’s favorite way of appreciating the flowers is to bring his partner out to a field, where they can soak in their natural beauty.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He’s not a big fan. Anything with nuts in it, he’ll eat gladly. Nutella is one of his favorite things in the world.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Let’s go on a hike! Tab feels most at ease in nature, so he’d love to go on an afternoon hike up a familiar trail with a partner, chatting quietly until they reach his favorite ridge  ---  where they can watch the sun set over the horizon. He’s not unfamiliar with hiking in the dark, so he’d be comfortable heading back down...  but if his partner prefers it, they can camp out for the night. Huddling in a tent with them in his arms, just talking softly and enjoying the quiet...  hell, he’d love that.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Once again  ---  he thrives on touch! He loves touch! His hugs are warm and affectionate, like a warm drink on a rainy day. Usually he’s on his best behavior, too...  usually.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Oh, he’s an inconsummate flirt, and doesn’t even try to hide it. It’s like a reflex at this point. He’s drawn to pretty ladies like magnets, and they’re drawn to him right back. He’ll wink, he’ll tease, he’ll find excuses to get closer...  usually, girls eat out of the palm of his hand. He’s not used to being rejected  ---  on the rare occasions it does happen, he goes a little shell-shocked, and has to sit in a corner to recoup for a few minutes.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Well, he definitely tries! Points for effort, at least, but Tab is a notorious regifter. If he doesn’t like something, he’ll store it away for a rainy day, and rocks up to Popeye’s birthday party with the poncho Auntie Marge gave him last Christmas. He tries to be smooth, but, like...  buddy, everybody knows.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
He’ll give the rest of him way quicker; Tab’s had plenty of affairs without much emotional intimacy involved, and frankly, he prefers it that way. Real relationships are daunting. Much as he wants one, the idea still scares him a bit. Tab has to be sure of himself before trusting his heart to someone else...  and equally sure that they won’t break it.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Tab has a dozen ways to say ‘I love you’ that don’t involve words at all. He’ll kiss, he’ll caress, he’ll tease, he’ll do the dishes and put them away without a second thought...  honestly, actions speak louder than words with him. While he’ll say it after a while, his partner won’t be surprised  ---   because he’s already told them a hundred times before.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
It depends on how serious the relationship is, and how serious the situation. Tab’s not an overly-suspicious guy, and he’s not about to make something over nothing...  but if his partner’s suddenly spending all their time with someone else, talking about them constantly, or if another person seems to be moving in on them, Tab won’t be pleased. He’s the sort of person to say so outright, believing the situation can best be resolved if everyone’s on the same page.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Do you even have to ask? He’s an astoundingly good kisser; not only does he know how to use his tongue, he recognizes the tentative dynamics of kissing, like a balanced scale which so easily tips one way or the other, and has learned to manipulate it. Not too much touch, just enough to leave his partner hungry for more...  not too much tongue, otherwise it gets gross...  let his teeth graze their lower lip just enough to make them moan, run a hand along the back of their neck just lightly enough so they shiver. Kissing’s a skill, just like playing the piano or learning to cook. Tab’s...  had a lot of practice.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
Tab’s a funny sort of extrovert:  he can thrive in a room full of people easily, enjoying the company of his friends and the opportunities to make new ones...  but he never feels more at peace than when he’s outside, in nature and quiet. Honestly, Tab adores his family, adores his friends, adores animals, and would adore any partner he had...  but nature will always have a special place in his heart. (Nature, and Captain Winters. Always.)
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Look, Tab can work with any hour of the day. He’s not picky. 3pm? 3am? He’s ready to go. Maybe he’s half-asleep, but he’s ready.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
If the human body were a piano, Tab’s Ludwig von Freakin’ Beethoven. Knows exactly what he’s doing with his hands at all times. Tab can work wonders with those hands; it’s hard for his partner to keep track of exactly where they are or what they’re doing, only that they need to be doing more of it. He can be quite sparing with touch during the act, preferring to make his embraces count. Knows all the best places to stimulate; the gasps and moans of his partner only urge him on, encouraging him to work harder at pleasing them. Can grind like nobody’s business, and is shockingly flexible; has tried most positions at least once, and will try them again. When it comes to kinks, he’s actually a bit shy about trying anything too extreme... but if his partner pitches it right, he’ll usually be willing to try. Not to mention the mouth  ---  Tab has a magic mouth, and puts it to work exactly as God intended.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Not really. He tries, god help him  ---  he’s even tried his hand at writing poetry, not that he’s ever let anyone read it, because he knows how bad it is...  but Tab is quite plainspoken. He says what he’s thinking. That said, he’s got a talent for making the bluntest compliments sound romantic when he tries.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Someone adventurous. Tab needs someone who’s willing to try new things, who can keep him on his toes at times. He wants someone he can laugh with, someone he can dance around the kitchen with...  but also someone who appreciates the quiet beauty life has to offer. If they like being outside? All the better. They have to love animals, that’s non-negotiable. (Hopefully a dog person?) A great laugh, self-confidence...  and a bit of passion.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
Look, he’ll absolutely do it. If he gets to the point where they’re both ready  ---  preferably after they’ve had a long conversation about it beforehand  ---  Tab will plan a cozy proposal outside, pick out a ring, find a serene spot and...  go for it. But if his partner did it first, it would be a massive weight off his shoulders, and he’d honestly be relieved.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He’s got a romantic streak so big that it chokes him sometimes. Really, he just wants to share all the things he loves with someone who can find as much joy in it as him...  and he wants to get to know their world and everything they care about. He craves a deep connection with someone, beyond the physical intimacy of sex, but the idea intimidates him at the same time. Tab would absolutely spoil his partner with romantic surprises and gifts, just because he wants to make them feel appreciated and get to know them better. He wants to understand what kind of romance they want.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He had his first kiss under a jungle gym when he was four. You do the math.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
He...  wants to. Very much. Isn’t sure he’s ever seen it before, and doubts it’s for everyone  ---  he’s kind of convinced it’ll never happen to him  ---  but it’s got to be real for some people.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
He had a girlfriend in high school that he was crazy for, even hoped to marry one day. Little Floyd was popular with the girls, but he grew into an awkward phase that lasted throughout middle and most of high school; but Maryetta Stevens was the sweetest gal he’d ever known, and never judged him for his acne or his bitten nails. He was genuinely head-over-heels for her...  but she was stolen away by the marching band captain, and that was the end of that. It took him months to recover.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
He’s got a dozen things he’d prefer to be doing, but everybody wants to go on a date on Valentine’s day. If fighting their way through a crowded restaurant just to get a cozy table by the window is what his partner wants to do, Tab’s game for it.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
It’s something he’s given a lot of thought to  ---  and, while he’s not against it, it would definitely have to be with the right person. Tab’s not going to make that commitment until he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with someone; it’s not something he takes lightly.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Not for his friends in general, but he’s got nicknames for all his siblings, would come up with great ones for his own kids...  and a few sweet, intimate ones he uses exclusively for his partner. Those only come out when he’s in a gushy mood.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
...  yeah. Abso-freaking-lutely. And he’s not gonna apologize for it either. If someone’s threatening someone he cares about, Tab’s not gonna hesitate to step in, and he’ll take whatever approach is necessary  ---  a suggestive word, or a firm fist. Tab doesn’t mess around when it comes to protecting the people he loves.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He’s...  he’s...  he’s Tab, is the thing. He’s just...  talented. A gift like that doesn’t come without a lot of people eager to unwrap the package. The boy... definitely gets around.
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ghulehgurl · 4 years
The Ghost Project was high on adrenaline after one of the best rituals of their tour. For some of them, it had been the best ritual of their career. After two years of touring, Cardinal Copia, the leader of The Project, had been anointed to Papa Emeritus IV. The whole event had gone off without a hitch -  the band was on fire, the crowd was on fire, and the stage crew even felt it behind the scenes.
After the ritual, everyone ran to the bus to dump their belongings and change clothes. They all planned to go out on the town to celebrate their new Papa. The ghouls chatted as they used glamour spells to conceal their horns, tails, and other ghoulish attributes. When they were first summoned from Hell, the ghouls were given the chance to choose the human attributes they would display while under their glamour spell. While their heights and weights stayed the same as their demon forms, each Ghoul got to choose the hair, eyes, and face shape they would display in their human forms. They made sure the glamour they chose was very good looking by human standards.
The aroma of strong cologne and minty toothpaste filled the air on the bus as everyone rushed to get ready. After cleaning himself up, the new Papa emerged from his bedroom at the back of the bus and rejoined his band. He had washed the skull paint from his face, but kept his tight black suit on. They cheered and clapped for their leader and he took a bow, hamming it up. "Let's go, my ghouls!" he said with a grin.
While everyone was getting ready, the bus had moved to a location away from the fans. The group made their way off the bus and wandered down the street to find a bar. They came across a decent-looking place with live music, so the group made their way inside. Papa led them to a dark booth in the corner. Many of them winked at the curious women and men as they passed; it was no secret that they each were hoping to hook up with someone by the end of the night.
Dew played lead guitar in the band, so naturally, he was used to a lot of attention. Although he was the smallest of the ghouls, his size didn’t seem to deter anyone. It wasn’t long before he was receiving wet kisses and experiencing roaming hands from several of the bar-goers.
Rain’s usual spot was in the back of center stage, playing his black and white bass. Aether, the rhythm guitarist, and Dew stayed up front, situated on opposite sides of the stage. During the rituals, they all had their individual parts to play, but the trio would occasionally come together at center stage and play next to each other. Dew would often sidle up to the bassist and nuzzle his neck.
Rain was no stranger to Dew’s affections on stage, but as he sat in the bar, he couldn’t help but wonder if tonight had been different. Each time the guitarist had approached Rain on stage, he locked his menacing eyes on the bassist. The sultry looks caused heat to shoot straight to Rain’s cock.
The bassist was a very sweet ghoul and tended to be on the shy side. He normally stayed in the back and interacted with the crowd as little as possible. As far as personalities went, he was the complete opposite of Dew.
The guitarist had earned the nickname Gremlin due to his aggressive behavior. He was known to violently throw guitar picks at the crowd and at Aether. He would often seductively lick his hands, picks, and guitar just to get a rise out of the crowd. Dew stomped around the stage as if he owned it. He was pure sex appeal.
Tonight, Dew had been on a rampage. He wanted Rain - badly. The guitarist was especially friendly, following Rain around the stage, trying to touch and snuggle him as often as possible. Sometimes he just stood next to the slight ghoul, hoping Rain would catch on, but the evening was now almost over and Dew still hadn’t received any reciprocation from the bassist.
The noise coming from the group got louder and louder as the amount of alcohol they consumed increased. Several humans had joined them at the table, squeezing themselves between the ghouls. There were grabby hands and messy kisses all around.
Papa had a very lovely woman sitting in his lap. Dew could see him speaking seductively into her ear while running his knuckles across her cheek - the signature move of the lead singer. Dew knew that one by one, following Papa’s lead, everyone would eventually start leaving the bar to scurry off with their chosen playmate for the evening.
Dew hadn’t been able to take his eyes off the beautiful ghoul sitting across from him all night. Rain was slight in size, but still larger than the guitarist. During the ritual, Dew hadn’t been able to keep his distance from the bassist. It pained him to be so far apart from him now.
The small ghoul had been very obviously distracted most of the evening. By the end of the night, Dew’s adoring humans had given up vying for his attention and migrated to the other ghouls in hopes of going home with one of them instead.
Rain kept glancing across the table at Dew, absent-mindedly spinning his beer bottle. The guitarist's eyes were on him, never wavering. Rain tried to insert himself into the others’ conversations, but he couldn’t seem to distract himself from the gremlin's stare. By the end of the night, their gazes had locked on each other.
Dew stared at the cute blush on Rain’s cheeks and the way he nervously fiddled with whatever was in front of him. Fuck, that ghoul is endearing, Dew thought. He couldn’t wait to taste his mouth - if the bassist would let him. Dew hadn’t gotten that far yet.
Aether, who had been watching the exchange between the two ghouls, finally said, “Would you guys stop eye fucking and get a room already?!” The rest of the table burst into laughter at Rain and Dew’s expense. The guitarist noticed the bassist’s shoulders drop and thought to himself that this was his moment.
“Fuck you guys!” Dew spat, sliding out of the booth and holding his hand out to Rain. “C’mon Rainy, let’s leave these assholes here and find something else to do.” The bassist slowly took Dew’s calloused hand and stood up.
Swiss, the backup guitarist, started cat calling the smaller ghouls as they left the table. The others joined in the harassment, whistling and clapping their hands loudly. Dew rolled his eyes and gave his bandmates the finger as they walked out. He didn’t know why they were making such a big deal out of things; most everyone in the band hadn’t already fucked each other at some point.
Once outside, Dew looked over at Rain, who was staring down at his own feet. The guitarist stopped and pulled the bassist to the side, putting his finger under the slight ghoul’s chin and lifting it to meet his gaze. “Hey, don’t let them bother you,” he said. “They're just jealous that they aren’t getting attention from a beautiful ghoul like you.”
Rain looked shocked. “You think I’m beautiful? Fuck, Dew.” He stared at the guitarist for a moment, unsure of what else to say.
Dew reached up and rubbed his thumb across the bassist's pouty bottom lip. “I always have, Rain,” he said quietly. “I’ve just been too nervous to tell you about it.” A couple years worth of yearning for the ghoul had finally culminated in this moment. Dew suddenly realized how mushy he sounded, so he coughed and patted the other ghoul’s shoulder in an attempt to keep his focus.
The two started walking down the street without a specific destination in mind. Dew looked at his watch and realized how late it had become. At this hour, there probably wasn't much else they could go do. Hearing some commotion behind them, the duo look back to see the rest of their bandmates leaving with someone, headed off in several different directions.
The smaller ghoul nudged Rain. "Looks like they won't be making it back anytime soon. Do you wanna go watch a movie on the bus?" The bassist nodded in approval. The pair headed back toward the bus, making a quick stop at a gas station to get some snacks to share.
As soon as the ghouls reboard the bus, they drop their glamour spells. The ghouls stretch their tails and scratch their horns as they change into their pajamas. Rain watches as Dew lets down his long hair, thinking about running his hands through the blonde locks. The small ghoul gives the bassist a lopsided grin. Rain looks away quickly and focuses on putting his dirty clothes into his bag.
The bus’s common area isn't very big. It contains a small TV tucked under a kitchenette cupboard with a shitty DVD player that only works some of the time. A bench style couch sits beneath a window opposite from the television. The seat is a tight fit for two average-sized adults, so it's usually only occupied by one person at a time. Rain and Dew, being smaller than average, both fit comfortably in the small space.
Dew grabbed a random movie from the small collection they kept on the bus and put it in the DVD player. He gave the machine a smack to get it to register the disc before joining Rain on the couch. Rain pressed play on the remote and the introduction music started. The sound that came from the tiny speakers was terrible; even at full volume, you had to really concentrate to make out the dialogue. Dew looked at the other ghoul and asked, "Can you hear it okay, Rainy?"
The bassist grinned. "You know I can't." They both chuckled and dug into their snacks.
Dew tried to tear into a bag of Twizzlers, but the wrapper wasn't cooperating. "Fucking. Thing. Won't. Open!" Suddenly the bag ripped apart and red candies went flying. They watched as the licorice fell onto the floor and into their laps. The guitarist got an idea and reached for a candy in the other ghoul’s lap. He grazed his knuckles across the crotch in Rain's loose pajama bottoms, teasing his cock beneath. The small ghoul gave his friend a wicked grin. "Oopsie..."
The bassist felt his cock twitch just a little from the light touch. Rain looked wide-eyed at Dew and thought to himself, He IS a little gremlin. The slight ghoul couldn't say he was too surprised that the other was hitting on him. After all, they were pretty much eye-fucking back at the bar. Rain blushed at the thought. Fucking Dew, he has no shame.
Dew watched the blush creep across Rain's face, and before he could stop himself, he put his hand on the bassist's cheek. "You're so fucking cute," he whispered. The slight ghoul's face deepened in color as he leaned into Dew’s touch, mumbling, "...thanks."
The guitarist didn't miss the silent cues Rain was giving. The small ghoul leaned toward the bassist, staring at his lips. Dew stopped mid way, silently begging him to meet in the middle. He needed to be sure Rain was into him. Into this. The last thing he wanted to do was make assumptions and scare the other ghoul away.
The bassist hesitated for a moment. He knew what Dew wanted, but was this what he wanted? Rain felt an internal conflict in the pit of his stomach, but finally decided to throw his reservations out the window. The slight ghoul leaned forward and pressed his lips against Dew’s. The smaller ghoul let out a quiet moan as he deepened their kiss. They slowly explored each other’s mouths for a while, their tongues dancing as they got a feel for each other.
His excitement building, Dew took the lead, pulling Rain into his lap so the bassist could straddle his thighs. Rain wrapped his arms around the gremlin's neck and Dew grasped the slight ghoul's hips, holding him close.
Dew pulled back and removed Rain's shirt, tossing it into the darkness of the common area. The guitarist hummed in approval as he ran his hands up and down the bassist's naked sides. The small ghoul moved to Rain's chest to lightly pinch a nipple, causing the bassist to let out a not-so-quiet moan.
"Oohh, so we like our nipples played with, do we?" Dew growled into Rain's ear as he pinched the other side. The bassist made a beautiful sound that confirmed the gremlin's suspicion.
The guitarist pulled his own shirt off and tossed it aside with the other. Dew took that moment to admire the bassist's bare skin. He had a small patch of hair in the middle of his chest, but the rest of his torso was bare. The small ghoul wanted to taste every inch of skin in front of him.
Rain realized the other had let go of him. Suddenly becoming self conscious, he covered himself with his arms. Dew looked into the bassist's eyes and murmured, “None of that. I was just thinking how sexy you look in my lap. There are so many things I've dreamt of doing to you. Will you let me do them?”
The bassist crashed his lips into Dew's, giving him a hard kiss. He wanted his lips more than anything else at this moment. Rain sat back onto the small ghoul's knees to admire the rings Dew had through his nipples. In a flash of bravery, the slight ghoul bent down to pull a ring into his mouth, tugging and flicking with his tongue. As he did, the guitarist sucked air in through his teeth and let his head fall back. "Fuuuuck yesss," he hissed.
Dew's reaction boosted Rain’s confidence, so he splayed his hands over the guitarist's chest, pinching both nipples. He leaned in and placed gentle kisses along the small ghoul's collar bones up to his neck. The bassist stopped to nibble Dew's skin, leaving a trail of small pink marks as he made his way back to the ghoul’s red swollen lips.
Dew dragged his nails down the bassist’s back leaving red lines and goosebumps from his short claws. "Yesss, Rainy,” he moaned. “You're such a good boy.” Dew started rocking his hips up into the bassist's, causing their hard cocks to rub against each other. The friction felt good against the slight ghoul's dick, and a wet spot formed on his grey sweatpants.
Moans and the echoes of loud kisses began to fill the bus. They started to become more aggressive with each other, pulling hair, scratching skin, and grinding into each other violently. Soon Dew realized their position was restricting the contact he craved. “Switch places with me, baby,” he said, “but first get those pants off.”
Rain quickly complied, practically tearing his sweats off. "I like your eagerness, sweet boy," Dew cooed. The bassist moaned at his words as he sat down on the bench. The guitarist calling him a sweet boy had made him rock hard and he slowly thumbed over the drops of precum that had formed at the tip of his cock.
The guitarist removed his own pants, giving his cock a few tugs. The slight ghoul's attention was back on the gremlin as he fell to his knees and rubbed his hands up and down Rain's thighs. "You're my good boy,” Dew praised him. “I want to suck my good boy's cock. Can I do that, Rainy?" The bassist let out a breathy moan. "I need to hear you say it, sweetheart,” Dew continued. “Tell me what you want." Dew cooed as he nuzzled the bassist’s cock, rubbing his nose and cheek along the shaft.
Rain watched the gremlin for a moment as he moved before squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure. "Yes Dew, pleassee," he whined, softly thrusting his hips up to get more friction.
"Good boy." Dew moved Rain's hand away from the leaking, pulsing head and licked the precum that had gathered there.
"Oh fffuck, Dew. Please, more. I need more." Rain’s voice was filled with urgency. The bassist reached his hands to the back of Dew's head, claws pressing into his scalp. He wound the long locks into his fists, yanking lightly. Rain couldn't keep his eyes off the gremlin as he watched his cock disappear into his mouth.
The wet heat was both too much and not enough at the same time. It took almost everything he had not to thrust into the guitarist's mouth. Dew lifted off Rain’s dick with a pop, drool running down his chin "Sweet boy, if you want to fuck my face, just ask." he flashed a devilish smile at Rain, enjoying how flustered he was getting.
Rain whimpered, wanting to fuck Dew's throat so badly. He could imagine looking down at the gremlin's tear stained eyes and watching as he choked on his dick. "Fuck yes, please Daddy." Rain stilled at his own words, panic strewn across his face.
The gremlin grinned, thinking fuck, he's gonna make me cum right here and now. "Mmm, sweet boy,” he said, “come fuck daddy's face - and don't be gentle." Rain could barely get to his feet after hearing Dew's words, but he managed. He briefly worried that his dick was too thick to be rough. His fear vanished as he watched Dew take his whole cock into his mouth in one swift movement.
"Fuuuuck yessss!" Rain thrusted slowly at first, his patch of curls brushing against the other's nose. Dew looked straight up into the bassist’s eyes and pulled on Rain's hips to spur him on.
Dew's tongue was soft on the underside of Rain's shaft. He let his jaw go slack, preparing himself for the hammering he was about to receive. As soon as Rain increased the speed of his thrusts, the guitarist's cheeks hollowed, his sucks keeping in time with the other's movements.
The gremlin could feel his own cock slapping against his stomach, leaving a string of precum behind. He grabbed onto Rain's ass cheeks and dug his nails into the flesh, leaving tiny bruises. Rain didn't seem to care as he sputtered out obscenities and loud moans.
The bassist's cock was harder than it had ever been. He could feel it throbbing each time his dick hit Dew's throat. "Yesss daddy, please,” he begged. “Your mouth feels soooo good. Ohmyfuccckk..." Rain's shy demeanor had been completely erased in the ecstasy of it all.
Rain was amazed at the guitarist's lack of gag reflex. He watched as his cock disappeared repeatedly into the other ghoul's throat. Dew’s eyes watered and drool ran down his chin onto the bassist's balls, but he still managed to growl from the back of his throat each time he heard a 'yes, daddy' or 'please, daddy'.
Deciding he needed to be buried to the hilt in Rain's tight hole, Dew tapped the bassist’s thigh. Rain came back to earth and stopped thrusting. "Fuck, did I hurt you?" he asked.
Dew slowly removed the ghoul’s cock from his mouth. "No, sweet boy,” he said, “I just want you to cum while my dick's buried in your ass." He stared up at Rain, not breaking eye contact as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
The bassist moaned and helped the small ghoul to his feet. The guitarist pulled Rain into a ravenous kiss, wanting Rain to taste himself on his mouth. "See how sweet you taste? Daddy loves his good boy's cock in his mouth."
Dew grabbed Rain by the wrist and pulled him into the guitarist's bottom bunk. The bassist tilted his head, trying to find a comfortable position. "I don't think there's enough room in here," he said as he craned his neck. The small ghoul grinned and looked over his shoulder at Papa's private room at the back of the bus.
"I don't know, Dew. Papa would freak if we fucked in his room." It pained him to shoot the idea down; at this point, Rain's dick was so hard and throbbing he would probably let Dew fuck him on the roof of the bus if he asked.
"All the more reason to do it,” Dew cooed. “C'mon sweet boy - let’s live dangerously." He took Rain’s hand and dragged him to the back of the bus, shutting the privacy screen behind them.
Rain wasted no time and pushed Dew against the weak plywood wall, causing it to groan. The bassist covered the small ghoul's lips, face, and neck with hard, sloppy kisses. The guitarist pressed his hips against Rain's, waiting to feel the friction against his cock. Both ghouls breathed heavily and moaned loudly. The air reeked with the smell of sex. If anyone boarded the bus right then, they would be well aware of what was going on behind the closed door.
Rain pulled back for air and Dew took charge, shoving the bassist onto his back on Papa's bed. The gremlin crawled up Rain's body and straddled his chest. “Do you think you can take daddy's cock, sweet boy?” Dew asked. “Can you be a good boy and suck me off?" Dew stroked himself slowly, playing with the precum that had formed on the tip.
The bassist let out a deep, throaty moan. "Please, daddy,” he begged, “I want your cock in my mouth."
Dew reached down and gently stroked Rain's cheek "Such a good boy," he cooed. “Now open wide.” The gremlin scooted closer to the bassist's mouth and straddled his head. Using the wall in front of him as support, he nudged Rain's lips with his dripping cock. Rain parted his lips and happily accepted the guitarist into his mouth.
Unsure of what the other ghoul could handle, Dew started moving his hips in shallow thrusts. He used his free hand to run his fingers through Rain's hair. "You're such a good boy,” he praised, “taking my cock so well. Can you handle more, sweetheart?" Dew pulled his dick out so Rain could answer.
"Yes, daddy,” Rain moaned. “Please fuck my throat. I need your cock."
The gremlin almost came just from hearing the bassist’s words. "Mmmm, thank you sweet boy," he moaned, thrusting into Rain’s mouth hard and fast. "Fuuuuckkk, you're such a good boy.” he groaned as he moved his hips once again. “Oohh, fuck yes, baby…”
Dew nearly exploded as he felt Rain swallow, squeezing the head of his cock with his throat. The guitarist looked down and watched as his cock slammed into the bassist’s mouth. The slight ghoul's cheeks were sucked in and tears had started to form in the corners of his eyes. The small ghoul slowed his place slightly so he could wipe the tears from Rain’s face.
When the urge to cum became too intense, the gremlin pulled out of Rain's mouth with a pop. Dew slid back down the bassist's body so that they were eye to eye once again. The bassist's chin was covered in his own saliva and he was trying to catch his breath. "You did such a good job swallowing daddy's cock, my sweet boy," Dew praised him. Rain whimpered and pulled Dew close, planting a messy kiss on his face.
The guitarist pulled away to search Papa's bedside drawer for lube. "Bingo!" he said as he pulled out a bottle and flipped the cap open. "Rainy, are you ready?" Dew pushed the bassist's legs wide open and settled between them on his knees, sitting back on his heels. He began to stroke Rain's painfully hard and dripping cock.
"Please, daddy,” Rain whimpered. “I need to feel you inside me. Please..." Dew leaned forward, bracing himself with one arm while he kissed the bassist, attempting to distract him from the lubed finger pressing against his tight hole.
"Fuuuck, baby,” Dew moaned against Rain’s mouth as he pushed a finger inside him. “You're so tight. You're gonna feel so good wrapped around my dick." Dew sat back and slowly stroked Rain's cock. He pushed a second finger into the hole, scissoring to loosen the muscles. The bassist started whimpering and begging for more.
"You make the most beautiful sounds for daddy,” Dew purred. “You're almost ready for me to fill you up with my cock, sweet boy." Dew inserted a third finger, slowly thrusting it in and out. When Rain started bucking his hips to match the rhythm, the guitarist knew he was ready.
Dew slicked up his own cock with the lube. He held the bassist's leg in place with his left hand and guided his cock to Rain’s hole with his right. As soon as he pushed his head in, Rain let out a long moan. "Fuuucking hell, daddy! Please fill me up!"
The guitarist wanted nothing more than to thrust into the handsome ghoul laying before him, but instead he took his time, afraid of hurting his lover. "Soon, baby, I promise. I want this, too. I want to slam my cock into your ass until I fill it with my cum." The slight ghoul was babbling and begging for more.
As he felt the bassist’s muscles start to relax, Dew pushed himself in about halfway, stroking Rain's cock to ease him through the pain. "Baby, you're doing so good,” he praised. “Sweet Lucifer, you're so fucking tight!" The bassist relaxed more and the gremlin pushed his shaft all the way to the hilt.
They both let out a long moan, pausing for a moment to allow Rain to adjust to being filled.
Dew’s body may have been small, but his dick was not lacking in size. "Okay, sweet boy, are you ready?" he finally asked.
"Ohhh yes, daddy,” Rain breathed. “Please... I need you.."
Dew slowly pulled his cock almost all the way out, pausing for a moment before he pushed his full length back in. The guitarist threw his head back and moaned, repeating the action a few times until he found a comfortable rhythm. Rain babbled out a string of profanities, begging for Dew to pick up speed. The gremlin leaned over his lover and used Rain's shoulders as leverage to pound into him as hard as he could.
The slight ghoul let out a whimper, begging for his dick to be touched. "Okay, sweet boy,” Dew said. “I'll let you cum since you beg so pretty." With a flick of his hand, the guitarist started jerking the bassist’s cock in time with his own thrusts. "Cum, baby... Cum for daddy..."
Rain let out a strangled cry as he climaxed, releasing ropes of cum all over his chest and the small ghoul’s hand. Dew didn't stop, working his lover through his orgasm until the bassist went limp under him, panting hard.
Dew swiped a finger across one of the pools of cum and shoved it into Rain's mouth. "Fuck, Rainy,” he moaned. “Such a good boy. Taste daddy's fingers." The guitarist's thrusts began to falter as he approached his own orgasm. The bassist bit down on Dew's fingers and the pain pushed him over the edge.
I wrote my first fic!
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The Frozen Heart- Chapter 7
First chapter: Chapter 1
Previous: Chapter 6
Pairing: Vain x Liz
Summary: Felix’s new plan is to steal the power of the Dragon of Time. Trying to stop him, we land in the future?! It looks like we’ll have to work with Vain if we want to get back to our own time!
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Vain went silent, shock and shame flooding his face; he turned away, avoiding his eyes. "Well?"
"He was right," Vain said at last. "You and I.. we are Dragonkins as well."
Truth be told, suddenly, a lot of things were making more sense.
"But.. how is that possible?" Hugo asked. "I would have known- everyone would have known-"
"We are not full blooded Dragonkins, no, only half," Vain explained. "Human enough that no one would question it. I thought we could hide it, but there were certain.. effects that I didn't anticipate. A child born with the ability to channel magic through the eye; a child who could only create magic through the power of love."
"Half.." Hugo's eyes darkened for only a moment. "Which one then? Mom or Dad?"
"Answer me," Hugo growled.
"And who all knows about this?" Hugo asked.
"The two of you.. the leaders- I told them when we first joined," that made sense, it would be hard to get that kind of secret past them, "and.. Willem. He asked me about it after the Tower."
"The Tower- oh!" There had been something that had been bugging me, in the back of my mind, since I had seen Vain in the East Forest, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I thought it was odd that even Willem, one of the strongest people that I knew, was brought to his knees, but it's because the forest had targetted him. "That's why the darkness in the forest affected you so badly."
"Yes," he said. "I didn't think it would be a problem, but.. when I chased Felix into the forest, the darkness nearly consumed me. Had Liz been even a little bit later.. I probably would have been lost in the darkness forever."
"Why didn't you tell me? All of these years, why didn't you say anything?"
I felt strange, watching the two of them- like I wasn't meant to be there. On one hand, this was family business between them- but, also, Hugo had asked me to come with him. So I stayed silent as I watched them, wondering what I should say.
"I didn't think I'd need to. I thought it would bring only unneccessary trouble. The child of a Dragonkin doomed to fight against the other Dragonkin- I thought to know the truth would only bring you strife. I'm sorry."
Suddenly, Hugo turned on his heel and stalked away. "Hugo, wait-" Vain's voice sounded strained, threaded with fear.
"I just need some time to think. I just.. I just need some time to process this. Whatever else you have to tell me, whatever other secrets you've been keeping from me, you can tell me tomorrow." Vain nodded, and Hugo vanished.
Vain sighed as he sat down, burying his face in his hands. And then he looked up at me with a bitter laugh. "Do you hate me now too, little bunny?"
"No," I said, sitting next to him, "although, a lot of things make more sense now." He sighed. "It's not an easy situation, and I can't.. I don't know what I would have done if I were in your place. But I don't hate you for it."
"That's a relief," he said. "I don't know why, but the thought of you being angry with me makes me.. uneasy."
"That's odd," I said. "You always seemed like you didn't care about what other people thought."
"I didn't," he said. "I don't quite understand it myself, honestly."
"And," I pointed out, "I don't think Hugo hates you for it either. He's just confused right now."
"I know," he said with a sigh. "..Truth be told, I do feel better now that he knows the truth, even if he had to find it out from him of all people. If this hadn't happened, who knows how long it would have been before I would have told him. And now Lacan.."
"Hey, it's my turn for the watch." I turned to see Zeus walking up to us, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I looked to Vain, but he just shook his head.
"I think I need to get some rest," he said. "I'll see you tomorrow, little bunny." He patted me on the head as he walked by.
I looked over at Zeus, but he just waved me off. "You get sleep too- little bunny."
"Ugh, don't call me that." And I froze as I realized something- "Hey, Zeus, how much did you hear just now?" He just gave me a confused stare.
'Somehow, I think we're fine.'
The next day, we were once again searching the ruins. After the last encounter with Lacan, we had decided to stay in a group. 'I hope that we don't run into Lacan again..'
Suddenly, I felt drops on my skin. "Huh?" I looked up at the sky; I hadn't noticed how gray the sky was turning. Rain was starting to fall around us.
"That's right, I forgot that it doesn't rain in Gedonelune," Hugo said with a bemused smile. "Don't worry, I think this is a good sign."
"Speak for yourself," Lucious said. "Rainy days give me unease."
"Considering how hot it's been until now, it's a bit surprising that it still rains," Klaus mused.
"This is nice and all, but shouldn't we find shelter?" Caesar said. "We can't fight Felix if we're all shivering from the cold."
"I think I saw some places over there." And soon our search for Felix turned into a rush for shelter. While most of Solomon was in ruins, we quickly found a bit of roof for all of us to hide under.
As I sat under the roof, a million worries raced through my mind. 'Lacan is still out there. What if he finds Felix first? What if he comes back-' I suddenly felt something draped over my shoulders.
"I know that this is scary," Vain whispered to me, "but just remember to breathe." I took a deep breath, feeling the tension ease. "Close your eyes and count to ten." I did as he told me, starting to count off- and I felt a warm, familiar presence in my arms.
I looked down to see he had put Mischa in my arms; she smiled up at me. "I know anxious thoughts when I see them. But we can't catch Felix if we worry ourselves sick."
"He should know," Mischa told me. "I've seen him worry himself sick enough-"
"Mischa," Vain said, "there's no need for that." She laughed, and I couldn't help but join in.
"Thank you," I told them. "I do feel a bit better." As we sat together, I turned my attention to the others, standing at the edge of the pavillion. I noticed Hugo sitting by himself, calmly staring out at the rain.
"Oh man, this brings me back!" Zeus cried. "Do you remember how we used to splash each other in the rain puddles?"
"Zeus, you were the one doing all the splashing," Hiro said. "I was running away from you."
"Oh, getting splashed isn't that bad- HEY!" Lucious had run out into the rain, splashing Zeus and Hiro.
"Maybe this whole rainy day thing isn't so bad after all."
"Why you little-" Hiro smirked as he splashed Zeus as well before dashing into the rain. "Get back here!"
"Such childish behavior," Klaus said with a sigh, coming to sit with us.
I couldn't help but poke fun at Klaus. "You say that, but your water fights with Sigurd at the academy are legendary. One time you dragged me into it!"
"Are you talking about the time that you fell into the water?"
Urgh, he didn't need to remind me of that. And to make it worse, Vain leaned in. "Now I would be interested to hear that-"
Luckily, Alfonse was my savior. "Oh, I wish I could have seen that," Alfonse cooed. "I remember Klaus and Elias fighting like that when they were little."
"Who's Elias?" Vain asked.
"He's our other brother," Alfonse said. "One time, he and Elias were fighting, and Klaus tripped and-"
"Oh, that brings back old memories," Willem said with a laugh. "The rainy days were always so much fun at the castle. I remember one time that Lacan went running out in the middle of a storm. Felix was so worried that he dragged me out to go for look for him. When we finally found him, it turned out Lacan was picking flowers for his girlfriend." He tilted his head. "What was her name again.."
I couldn't help but giggle as I listened to their stories; it felt like all of my anxiety had melted away. 'Not a bad way to spend a rainy afternoon.'
"Oh great, not you too!" I looked up at the surprising laughter. Lucious and Hiro had continued splashing Zeus, but now even Hugo had joined in! Hugo bolted, and Zeus went chasing after him. "Get back here!"
"Oh great," Vain said, getting up, going over to the edge of the pavillion. "Hugo, don't go running off, you'll catch a cold-" Imagine Vain's surprise when Hugo turned and splashed him.
"I thought you could do with a bit of cooling off, Vain.”
"That's it." This time, it was Vain's turn to chase Hugo, laughing all the while- but Vain's foot caught on a wet patch of ground, sending him falling on his butt.
"I.. I meant to do that." I couldn't help it. The sight of the proud Vain flat on his butt, the utter shock on his face, was so ridiculous that I burst out laughing.
When he fell, his mask had slipped off, allowing us to see Vain's face had gone bright red. But when he looked at me, I think he was smiling.
"Hold still." After a while, everyone had grown tired of playing in the rain, so we'd started a warm fire, all gathering around it now. Out of all of us, Vain had ended up the most soaked- Zeus coming in at a close second- so I had grabbed a towel and was helping him dry his hair.
I could hear the others snickering around us. "You shouldn't have gone running off like that," Hugo said; his teasing tone of voice suggested he'd probably heard the same speech from Vain a million times over. "You'll probably catch a cold now."
"Oh, you think you're so funny?" Vain reached out and grabbed Hugo's cheek, pulling on it. Hugo didn't waste an instant, grabbing Vain's cheeks in retaliation.
"You know, there was something that I was wondering," Caesar said as he watched the two of them. "How do you two know each other? I mean, obviously, you know each other from the base, but you two bicker like old friends. You must've known each other a long time, yeah?"
Hugo and Vain exchanged a look, and Vain spoke up first. "Actually.. Hugo and I are brothers."
"What?!" The others let out a surprised cry.
"I didn't even know that Hugo had a brother-"
"Well," Caesar said with a laugh, "that would actually explain a lot. It would certainly explain why you've been so protective of Hugo." Klaus nodded beside him.
"What, you guys didn't know that?" Zeus said, looking baffled.
'Of all the people, he'd figure it out first?'
"Is that why you guys wear the masks?" Lucious asked, peering at his face. "Come to think of it, you two do look a little alike.."
"I don't see it."
"Don't stare at me," Hugo said, brushing them off, but even he was smiling. Vain and Hugo both seemed more relaxed.
"I would've thought that you had the sense to run away by now." The voice sent shivers down my spine. I turned to see Lacan sitting on a pile of rubble, smiling at us. "But I suppose that makes it more fun for me."
No time to hesitate. I whipped out my wand. "Saggita Lumen!" Bursts of light hit Lacan from all around-
"Over here." And suddenly Lacan was waving at us from around a corner. "Or over here?" Another Lacan- "Oor maybe over here?" Suddenly, it seemed we were surrounded by Lacans from all around us.
"Are they all shadows?" Zeus cried.
"Only one of them's the real Lacan!" Hugo roared. "The rest are just duplicates!"
"But how do we know which one's the real one?" Caesar asked.
"We'll just have to cut through them all!" Hiro pulled out his sword, slicing through a few of the Lacans with ease. We all followed his lead, casting our spells at each of the Lacans. Hugo touched the ground, sending out a red light, freezing all of them at once- a few wavered and disappeared.
"There!" Vain rushed towards the one that was left-
"Oops, sun in your eye." Lacan waved his hand, sending out a beam of blinding light; Vain staggered back- and just like that, Lacan was gone. "I'm surprised that you could see with that hair in your face anyway." As Vain staggered back, Lacan landed a punch in his gut, bringing him to his knees.
"Well, this has been fun; it's been a while since I've had a challenge like this. But I've got to get rid of you." He raised his hand, gathering a ball of light-
"There you are!"
'Oh no, it can't be-' Lacan and Willem both turned at the voice as Felix walked towards us.
But.. there was something different about Felix. When he got closer, I saw that his robes were dirty and ragged, as though he had been running through thorns, and he was stumbling towards us. But when he grabbed Lacan's arm, Felix was beaming from ear to ear. "All this time, I have been looking for you," he said. "I've made my way through the darkness, through all the pain of this wretched world, to see you again. It's been a rough road, but here you are at last. After everything.. Finally, we can-"
And Lacan just laughed and laughed. "I'm sorry, Felix- who do you think you are?"
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sophcaro · 6 years
Destiny | WMatsui - Chapter 36
There was so much agitation in the crowded streets of Tokyo at that specific time of the year. Whether it was groups of friends chatting enthusiastically among themselves while enjoying an afternoon of shopping, or couples holding hands and wandering in the animated streets, taking time and pleasure in admiring the beautiful illuminations lightning up the districts of Tokyo. One thing was for sure: Japan’s capital was anything but calm and peaceful around Christmas, the hustle and bustle of the big city matching the restlessness of Jurina’s own beating heart.
Since the four friends had left their hotel fifteen minutes ago in search of a nice restaurant to settle in for the evening, Jurina’s heart had stubbornly refused to quiet down, beating wildly and uncontrollably, her insides jangling with inexplicable excitement. Jurina was all the more conscious that there was solely one person responsible for triggering such strong emotional and physical reactions: Rena Matsui, the 29-year-old girl currently walking by her side.
From the moment Jurina had recognized Rena’s voice and watched her in stupefaction appearing in the hotel hallway with Airi, not one minute had passed without her rethinking about their unexpected meeting. What were the odds that they would be crossing path by accident in Tokyo and under such unbelievable circumstances - a manga and anime convention – precisely the kind of events she usually never attended?
These last three months, Jurina had been so swamped with work with the shooting of her new drama that she barely had a minute for herself. Not only it was her first serious job since her graduation from SKE, it also happened to be the leading role alongside a famous and critically-acclaimed male Japanese actor – the 54-year-old Hiroshi Abe - putting even greater pressure on her shoulders.
The circumstances required of her nothing more than hard work, great concentration and impeccable professionalism at all times.
Jurina wanted to convince herself that the sole reason why she hadn’t contacted Rena again was because of her own awfully busy agenda, yet she couldn’t ignore another truth from emerging each time their last conversation at Rena’s apartment replayed in her head. In reality, Jurina was still having difficulty coping with everything that had been shared and revealed on that rainy evening of September.
The more Jurina reflected upon the situation, the more she realized this new job offer had in fact arrived at the right time. It enabled her to clear her head and focus her mind on other things for a little while, as well as put some good, necessary distance with Nagoya. If there was one thing Jurina discovered when she had finally reached her own apartment after leaving Rena’s place, it was that all these shocking revelations had left her completely stunned.
She needed space to commune with herself; time to put her thoughts in order and fully process the implications of what had been exchanged. Only briefly, she had broached the subject with Akane, as two days after that evening she had been required to take the train to debut her shooting in Tokyo.
Far away from Nagoya, and with limited contact with Akane, Jurina had one evening taken the advantage that the shooting ended a little earlier than usual to jump into a taxi and pay a visit to a certain 26-year-old girl, her best friend Mayu Watanabe who hadn’t hesitated to invite her for dinner and welcome her inside her apartment. That evening, a quick look around the place had been enough for Jurina to tell that Yuki was absent, Mayu informing her that her girlfriend was currently away in Osaka for her 2020’ tour.
“Can you imagine it?” Jurina hadn’t waited long to pour her heart to her trusted best friend, revealing everything Rena - but also her mother – confessed to her that evening. “Three years ago, she made me think she didn’t love me anymore! Rena lied to me!” Jurina couldn’t restrain herself from venting out her frustration, the shock and incredulity resurfacing as the conversation remained fresh in her head.
At last, when Jurina managed to calm down a little and, after picking up and taking a few sips of the glass of ice tea that Mayu had placed on the table to her attention, she took a deep, steadying breath and looked up, the pain still flickering there as she stared back at her friend in waiting support. All along, Mayu had listened to her calmly and attentively, never interrupting her once.
“You’re upset and feeling betrayed,” Mayu said comprehensively. “But I don’t understand why you’re so worked up by this. Aren’t you the one who told me not so long ago that you solely invited Rena to your graduation concert for the sake of SKE, and assured me it had nothing to do with the fact that you missed her and wanted to see her again?”
“B-Because it was true,” Jurina answered, a little taken aback. “She was my WCenter for almost ten years. She deserved to be on that stage. It had nothing… It had nothing to do with my feel… I did it for SKE. I did it for the fans.”
“You know what I think?” Mayu said with a heavy sigh. “I think you need to figure out what you want and what you’re going to do with all this new information. I’m not saying what Rena did three years ago was right. Of course not. But she finally explained herself and you know what motivated her actions. Now what? Do you want her back in your life? Would you give her another chance?”
“What are you… What are you talking about?” Jurina asked, stupefied. “It’s been three years. She probably has someone else in her life by now. It’s obvious that she does. She’s moved on.”
“Because you have?” Mayu exclaimed challengingly. “Look me in the face and tell me that you don’t feel anything, anything at all for her anymore.”
“Of course, I still care about her,” Jurina agreed tremulously, feeling greatly destabilized by the unexpected direction this conversation was taking. After a slight pause to recollect herself, she added almost tentatively. “And maybe… Maybe after a little while, we could become frien-”
“Oh come on,” Mayu chuckled slightly. “We both know you don’t want Rena’s friendship. It has never been enough from the start and it will never be. Not after everything you went through together. Not after the relationship you two had.”
Mayu’s baffling assurance left Jurina so speechless, that she miserably failed to come back at her with a clever retort.
It was the very last they spoke about the subject.
That evening, when Jurina had left the set and taken the direction of Mayu’s apartment, it was not merely to spend some quality time with her precious best friend, but also in the hope that Mayu would somehow manage to make sense of this unpredictable turn of events and bring her answers to the countless questions placating her. Unfortunately, their conversation had done the exact opposite, leaving Jurina quite shaken and even more confused than when she first arrived.
During the length of the shooting, Jurina had desperately attempted to put at the back of her head the doubts and insecurities her conversation with Mayu had managed to provoke, trying to convince herself that Mayu was completely in the wrong. She didn’t see Rena in that way anymore; what she felt was simply natural and legitimate affection for the person with whom she had shared the stage and spotlights for almost half her life, before entering a more private sphere when Rena had returned her feelings.  
Meeting her former partner again on this cold evening of December had been enough to put into question her deepest convictions.
The evident surprise, but also secret joy that had blossomed within her at the thought of being reunited with Rena after three, long months apart.
The great nervousness, yet almost overwhelming anticipation at the mere idea of being able to exchange a few words with Rena and spend the evening in her presence.
And to top it all, her own heartbeat that ridiculously refused to slow down despite her best attempts to get a grip of herself, even though she and Rena were doing nothing more than simply wandering in the streets of Tokyo. At that précised moment, Jurina was admittedly feeling slightly annoyed by her own behavior, wondering why she was acting like a silly, skittish teenager on a first date.
This absolutely wasn’t a date, but an innocent gathering between friends who hadn’t met and socialized in a seriously long time.
In front of her, Airi and Akane were engaged in an impassioned talk about some new Square Enix video game that was supposed to be available for demonstration during the weekend convention but Jurina hardly paid attention to it. While trying to ignore the unpleasant sensation of the cold wind as it once again blew past her face and through her hair - now deeply regretting not bringing a warmer jacket for the occasion - she wished nothing more but to come up with a way to break the ice with Rena.
“You’re going to catch a cold.” Jurina snapped out of her daze when she felt a hand closing around her arm. “Wear this.”
Jurina abruptly paused in her steps, caught off guard when she saw Rena reducing the distance between them to come and stand in front of her. “Didn’t you check the weather before leaving?” Rena inquired worriedly, untying the thick, woolen white scarf she was wearing and wrapping it around Jurina’s neck slowly and carefully. “They warned the weekend would be chillier than usual.”
“You don’t need…” Jurina nervously swallowed a lump as she felt the blush creeping up her neck and face. “You really don’t need to do this.” She attempted a protest, before beginning to clumsily remove the scarf from around her neck. “If you do that, then you’re the one who’s going to get sick.”
Jurina was halfway through the process when Rena placed her hand atop hers and clutched her fingers determinedly. “Stop it. I’m already warmly dressed.” She motioned with her free hand the long, black winter coat she was wearing, along with her stand-up collar, woolen pullover. “I can do without it, so please. Wear it. You’re shivering.”
“I’m not…” Jurina opened her mouth to interject before realizing that Rena was indeed right, and her body had unconsciously betrayed her.
Jurina had barely the opportunity to witness a small, reassuring smile falling upon Rena’s lips, before the other girl withdrew her hand and turned away. Jurina’s eyes bored into Rena’s retreating back intently as the older girl drew away, somehow beginning to wonder if the weather was truly the unique responsible for the shudder that had passed through her.
Jurina forced her legs to move forward, catching up with the group, before falling into step beside Rena in silence. Burying her nose in the white scarf, she found herself relishing more than she wished the pleasurable feeling of Rena’s scarf caressing her skin, softly warming her up against the biting cold of December. Soon enough, a knowing smile inadvertently graced her lips as her nostrils took in Rena’s familiar scent, mingled with the smell of the older girl’s sweet perfume, a touch of orange, jasmine and rose.
She had shamefully and foolishly let herself get carried away.
There was no other way to explain what had happened, Rena couldn’t help chastising herself as she nibbled on her lower lip, embarrassed by the way she had inappropriately behaved with Jurina. What could she say? When she had noticed Jurina so lightly dressed, a switch had flipped inside her, instantly making her feel deeply concerned about her health. Before she even knew what she was doing, she had hastily removed her scarf and placed it around Jurina’s neck without hesitation, solely finding herself fully satisfied once she was positively sure the younger girl wouldn’t remove it.
Nevermind how hard Rena tried to contain herself, it appeared she was visibly incapable of controlling her impulses in Jurina’s presence very long. As they were now walking side by side again, Rena slanted a nervous glance, fearing to have gone too far. Was she in her right to act with such familiarity when Jurina was concerned? Earlier on, when Rena had left her hotel room, she promised herself not to do anything to put Jurina ill-at-ease.
And she might have just crossed a line.
Rena was completely aware that it wasn’t the first time. Already, during Jurina’s graduation concert, she had allowed herself way too many affectionate gestures. Much as she wanted to believe that those were purely altruistic actions, an innocent way of comforting and reassuring Jurina when she needed it the most during such a crucial, turning point of her life and career as an idol, she knew it was only partly the truth.
Those interactions held in fact much more significance and concealed more selfish desires: the desperate need to be close to Jurina again, even for a just a fleeting moment.
“Thank you...” Rena was taken by surprise when she felt a hand holding hers without warning, taking in Jurina’s small, shy look directed at her. “You’re right, I didn’t pay attention to the weather. I mean, I know it has been cold lately, but I didn’t expect such a drop of temperature tonight. You think I’m reckless, right?”
Rena didn’t immediately respond but, as she felt Jurina’s fingers slowly withdrawing, she knew she didn’t want this unexpected contact between them to end. Not yet. “Just a little.” A smile ruffled Rena’s mouth as she held firmly on Jurina’s fingers, preventing them from escaping her grasp. “But I’m not worried anymore,” she continued as she observed attentively the white scarf now protecting Jurina’s neck, until her eyes shot up to meet hers. “I know it will keep you warm enough.”
For a long moment, they stared at each other.
“It will, thank you...” Jurina gave her fingers a gentle, light squeeze. “I will return it to you once we get back to the hotel.”
“What about this yakiniku?” Akane’s questioning voice broke the air, Rena instantly missing the loss of contact when Jurina let go of her hand to approach the two other friends, checking in curiosity the restaurant they had stopped in front.
“I’m not sure…” Jurina’s voice trailed away in hesitation as she turned the pages of the menu. “Rena needs to have something to eat too.”
At the base of her throat, a pulse beat and swelled as though her heart had risen from its usual place, Rena feeling incredibly touched by Jurina’s thoughtfulness. “Don’t worry about it,” she intervened and stepped forward. “We can go whenever you want, I don’t mind,” her attention briefly falling on Akane in agreement, before returning her gaze to Jurina. By the latter’s troubled look, Rena knew she would need a little more convincing. “Besides, there’s always plenty of vegetables. This restaurant is perfectly fine for me.”
“Are you sure?” Airi chimed in, equally voicing her concern. “We can look for another restaurant if you prefer.”
“No need,” Rena answered assuredly, nodding her head in the direction of the restaurant. “Let’s eat here.”
  Akane placed a slice of harami on the grill in front of her, while listening distractedly to the conversation going on at the table. After Airi had suggested to have dinner the four of them together, Akane hadn’t been shy to confess her reserve about the prospect to Jurina in private, fearing her friend would feel uncomfortable in Rena’s presence. Much to her surprise, the younger girl sitting by her side wasn’t behaving at all as she anticipated.
Akane could literally feel the shyness emanating from Jurina every time she addressed the older Matsui eating opposite her, but their verbal exchanges weren’t as awkward as she would have believed. In fact, if Akane had to be perfectly honest, this dinner between the four of them was going far better than she predicted, the atmosphere quite light and even relaxing. Akane couldn’t recall the last time they had spent such a casual evening the four of them together.
Given the circumstances, it was extremely odd, to say the least.
“How was it shooting with Hiroshi Abe?” Airi’s innocent question brought Akane back to reality and she paid more attention to the conversation, noting the way Airi et Rena were now both gazing at Jurina in interest. “I heard he’s very impressive.”
“Oh, he is.” On her right, Jurina let out a small, amused laugh. “At first, I was a little intimidated by the idea of working with him but he was really nice and incredibly humble. I learned a lot by simply looking at him. He has also a great sense of humor, one you definitely wouldn’t suspect.”
“He does?” Airi exclaimed in amazement. “He always looks so quiet and serious.”
“I know, right? Trust me, he is nothing like the image he projects.” Jurina went on enthusiastically. “In episode 3, we shot together a very funny scene: we couldn’t stop laughing and joking about it long after the cameras stopped rolling. You should check the drama when you have a moment. I think it’s a really, really good show: plenty of unexpected twists and turns.”
“Yes, it looked like you had a great time working together,” Rena spoke up, placing some carrots and moyashi in her bowl and, as she directed her attention towards the shiitake plate, gave Jurina a grateful smile when she pushed it within her reach. “The plot is truly interesting and you both have a great chemistry and dynamic on screen. It’s not a surprise that the show is so popular and has great ratings.”
Jurina, who was now retrieving a cooked slice of butabara from the grill, immediately looked up. “Y-You watched it?”
“I’ve been quite busy lately with work, so I have only been able to watch the first five episodes,” Rena admitted truthfully. “But yes, I’m following the show. I recorded the other episodes I missed, so I’m planning on watching the rest as soon as I have a little free time.”
Rena’s statement was followed by a prolonged silence, and a quick side glance at Jurina was enough for Akane to notice her stupefaction. But it wasn’t the single thing that Akane noticed as she discreetly observed her from aside as Jurina resumed eating her food in silence. By the easy smile playing at the corner of her lips, Akane could tell that Rena’s words had somewhat affected her.
Akane’s mouth went tight and she shifted uneasily in her seat, trying not to look too much into Jurina’s peculiar reactions. However, she was beginning to feel quite unsettled by the unpredictable direction this whole evening was taking. Since they had stumbled upon Rena and Airi in the hotel hallway, Jurina hadn’t stopped acting strangely, starting with the fact that she had promptly and so easily agreed to Airi’s dinner idea.
And, what about this brief, moment of intimacy Akane had witnessed between Jurina and Rena at their arrival at the restaurant? When she had discovered them holding hands, she had to blink twice to make sure she hadn’t imagined the whole scene. The more Akane kept thinking about it, the more she was convinced none of it made sense yet as the evening progressed, she was seriously starting to wonder if she wasn’t missing something vital.  
  The dinner was nearing its end when the male waiter arrived with their order and placed their desserts on the table. Akane listened in amusement as Jurina manifested her enthusiasm at the view of her tiramisu, before diverting her attention to the dessert she had chosen for herself. This fruit parfait looked positively delicious, and she was more than impatient to have a taste of it.
The table fell quiet as everyone began enjoying their dessert, Airi’s voice unexpectedly breaking the silence as Akane was about to take a spoonful of hers. “Churi, can you come with me to the bathroom for a minute?”
Akane lowered her spoon and blinked in perplexity, noting Airi’s way-too-innocent, strange little smile. “Why… Why do you…?”
She didn’t have the opportunity to finish her sentence that Airi had already raised from her seat, standing by her side of the table the next moment. “Sorry, I promise we won’t be long,” Airi said, shooting a small apologetic look in the direction of the two other, equally astonished, occupants of the table, before glancing back at Akane in expectation. “Please? It will only take a few minutes.”
Given Airi’s unusual insistence, Akane complied and left her dessert aside, wondering what on earth was happening with her friend today as she stood up and followed her. Jurina was far from being the only one behaving weirdly today; Airi had also been taking strange initiatives. The dinner suggestion that came out of nowhere. Airi’s request to hang out with her all the way to the restaurant. And now this.
In fact, Akane was starting to feel slightly worried about her: this person looked nothing like the shy and introvert Airi she had always known.
As soon as the bathroom door closed behind them, Akane didn’t wait to pepper her with questions. “Airin, are you alright? You haven’t stopped acting weird all evening. What is happening?”
“After dinner, I think we should go our separates ways,” Airi stated without further detour.
Akane gaped at Airi and regarded her uncomprehendingly. “I don’t get it,” she admitted after a slight wondering pause. “If you think this dinner was a bad idea, then why did you suggest it in the first place?”
“No, that’s not what I meant,” Airi quickly corrected. “I meant we should you and I go our separate ways and let Jurina and Rena spend the rest of the evening together.”
“What are you…” Akane stared back at her speechlessly, until her expression darkened when realization dawned on her. Now, everything made complete sense. This dinner: it was a set up. How could she have been so stupid? “What are you trying to accomplish, Airin? Please tell me you’re not thinking what I believe. I can’t let you do this. I refuse to let you do this. I’m going back to the table now.”
Akane span on her heels to leave but didn’t have the chance to pass the door that Airi had quickly grabbed her arm. “What is happening with you, Churi? Don’t you want them to reconnect? To catch up with lost time?”
Airi’s incredulous look was enough for Akane to tell that they were obviously not on the same page. “I want Jurina to be happy. That’s why I’m afraid Rena’s presence will only serve to reopen old wounds. We both know that Rena doesn’t love her anymore, at least not in that way. So what is the point of all this? Tell me. What are you hoping for? That they can become friends?”
“Wait. You think that Rena sees Jurina as a friend now? Is that it?” Airi asked flabbergasted. “Is that why you don’t want them to spend time together?”
“Are you implying that Rena doesn’t?” Akane shot back, crossing her arms over her chest in disbelief. “That after breaking Jurina’s heart in such a cruel way and three years without seeing each other, she still has what… feelings for Jurina?”
There was a long pause as they looked at each other, Airi’s eyes confronting her quietly, almost as if she was trying to read her mind.
“What if she did?” Airi’s voice was carefully neutral. “Would you accept to step aside and give them a chance? A chance to find happiness again?”
Akane looked away abruptly: nevermind how persuasive Airi was trying to sound, a part of her stubbornly refused to believe that she could be right. “N-No, you’re being partial and delusional!”
Akane was caught off guard when she heard herself trembling; she backed away from Airi uncertainly and leaned against the sink, childishly refusing to meet Airi’s gaze as she let her friend’s last words sink in. After the couple’s separation, her unique purpose had been to bring Jurina’s comfort and protect her at all costs, not wishing to see her reliving such a painful experience. The news of Rena’s unexpected visit to the hospital, when Jurina had felt unwell and fainted during a handshake session, only to crush Jurina’s hopes of reconciliation, had outraged her to no end.
Could she, like Airi was implying, have been blinded by her resentment towards the person who had caused so much suffering to Jurina that she had failed to interpret correctly Rena’s motivations and actions? If there was even a part of truth in what her friend was affirming with such conviction, then it would call into question everything she had always believed in. It would mean that she had failed to see what was truly happening right under her nose.
Airi was the first, eventually, to break the silence between them.
“I know that you were for a long time furious with Rena for what happened between them and you have no idea… you have no idea how much I wished I could have told you the truth,” Airi confessed with considerable regret, “but I couldn’t possibly betray Rena’s confidence and come back on the promise I had made to her.”
Airi’s voice was low and strained as she continued.
“As much as you were there for Jurina, to support her and be a loyal friend to her during those difficult times, I was by Rena’s side. I watched her everyday as she suffered and remained haunted by the memory of what she had done to the person she loved the most in this world. Rena was devastated, her heart shattered into pieces after losing her. Some dark days, it was almost like gazing at an empty shell; the light had left her eyes as if she was slowly fading away.”
Airi swallowed the despair in her throat and, regaining discipline over her voice, persevered as she spoke with confidence.
“But if there’s one thing I realized all this time, it’s that Rena never stopped thinking, caring and worrying about Jurina. Rena truly loves her, Churi. She loves her with all her heart. There’s nothing I’ve been more certain of in my entire life. And I think there might be a chance that Jurina still loves her too. That’s why I need you to have faith in me. Please help me, Churi. I can’t do this without you.”
So many conflicted thoughts and feelings twirled in Akane’s head as she finally dared to meet Airi’s gaze, struck by her pleading tone and the sense of urgency reflected in her eyes. Nevermind how attentively and patiently she had listened to her, not interrupting her once as Airi told her side of the story, it still remained a lot to process. Maybe a little too much for her right now, if she had to admit.
Would you accept to step aside and give them a chance?  A chance to find happiness again? Airi’s words resonated within her vibrantly and she contemplated for a fleeting - maybe foolish moment - the possibility of a future reconciliation between the two former lovers. Despite her undisputable, points of disagreements with Rena in the past, Akane knew there was only one correct answer to those questions.
“It looks like they really wanted to watch that movie together…”
Rena jolted out of her musing at Jurina’s murmur and glanced in her direction, noticing her pensive expression. They were now heading back towards the hotel the two of them, having split ways with Akane and Airi right after dinner. Indeed, when the two other girls had returned from the bathroom, Rena couldn’t help but notice her best friend’s strange, small satisfied look, making her wonder what had happened between them in that bathroom during those few minutes of absence.
She didn’t have to wait long to get some answers.
Rena was halfway through her fruit parfait when Airi had spoken up, announcing that she and Akane wished to go to the movies tonight and watch the latest Production I.G animated movie. But she didn’t want to bother them with it, she had quickly added, advancing the fact that she was conscious that Jurina was never a fan of those kinds of movies in the first place, and that Rena had already watched it the previous week.
At the news, Rena couldn’t help thinking that Airi’s choice of movie was oddly convenient but kept quiet about it. As of Jurina, she had instantly protested, stating that she absolutely didn’t mind coming to the movies with them. To Rena’s greatest surprise, it was Akane who stepped in, assuring her - quite convincingly if she had to admit - that she was sure she wouldn’t enjoy it. Following that, Jurina had relented and not insisted, even though her confusion at the unexpected turn of events hadn’t escaped Rena’s attention.  
Jurina might have visibly fallen for the cinema excuse, Rena was convinced it was just another one of Airi’s ploys. The one thing she had difficulty grasping, it was the reason behind Akane’s extraordinary compliance. From their first encounter at the hotel, she had made it more than obvious to her eyes that she was troubled by her presence and clearly wasn’t fond of the idea of her getting too close to Jurina.
So where was Akane’s sudden change of heart coming from?
“I could have come with them. I really didn’t mind,” Jurina mumbled.
“It’s a really good movie, but a bit slow-paced and contemplative,” Rena admitted in all-honesty. “I think they were just afraid you would get bored and maybe fall asleep.”
Jurina grabbed her arm, making her halt in her steps. “T-That was a long time ago,” she protested vehemently. “I don’t… I don’t do that anymore!”
“Oh, you don’t?” Rena smiled amusingly, finding Jurina’s desperate attempt to defend herself too adorable not to tease her. “All those times you fell asleep on my shoulder, you’re telling me this is… over for good?”
“How many times are you going to remind me of this?” Jurina pouted and mumbled in disapproval. “It only happened once or twice.”
“Once or twice?!” Rena couldn’t take it anymore and laughed. “It’s alright, Jurina,” she smiled tolerantly, observing the younger girl as she raised her hands and joined them together, blowing onto them to warm them up. “Did I ever once get mad at you?” Rena reached forward, cupping Jurina’s hands with her gloves and gently rubbing them against the cold. “I don’t believe so.”
The gesture seemed to have taken Jurina by surprise but Rena pretended not to notice, refusing to stop until she had brought some necessary heat to Jurina’s fingers. As they quietly faced each other, Rena found herself easily falling once or twice into the depth of Jurina’s brown eyes, not caring in the least if they were now impeding the passage and standing right in the middle of the street.
The visual exchange was eventually broken when the younger girl averted her gaze, her lips parting slightly in awe as she looked over Rena’s shoulder. “Rena, it’s… it’s snowing.”
Rena blinked and let go of Jurina’s hands, looking up immediately. Her features contorted in astonishment when she realized that Jurina was right, feeling Jurina getting closer and sliding her hand inside hers as they both watched and contemplated the delicate small snowflakes falling above their heads from the white sky of Tokyo.
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ellohcee · 7 years
Rainy Day
This is a little something that I’ve had sitting around for a long time that goes with this drawing. Finally touched it up and made it presentable. Hope you enjoy!
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It was quiet, an overcast evening that only lent the barest dim light from outside. Marinette was lounging on the chaise, reading on her phone, when she heard a tapping on the skylight above. She waved a hand idly, knowing he could see from there, and heard the window lift open.
“Princessss,” came a sad little whine as he climbed down.
Marinette stirred in surprise, looking over where he'd just crouched down onto the bed, looking dejected. “Chat, what's wrong?” she asked, standing up to see him better. She'd never heard his voice quite like this before, was he hurt?
“I'm tired,” he whined softly, his form visibly trembling with fatigue as he let out a rough sigh. “Can I take a nap with you?”
Marinette huffed as the tension dropped with her shoulders, looking at him skeptically. “I was under the impression you have a perfectly good bed at home?” she teased, tilting her head quizzically.
Chat's face turned a shade desperate, fearing she would kick him out. “Yeah but it's all the way at home and you're not there so I don't get cuddles there. I sleep better with cuddles and you're here and you give good cuddles-” he rambled petulantly, his voice shaking with exhaustion the whole way through.
“Alright alright,” Marinette caved, cutting off his desperate pleads. She only meant to tease, but it had invoked a very real attempt to make a case for himself to stay. “Come down here you big dork. You must be tired, I was only teasing,” she chuckled with a fond smile, watching him crawl to the edge of the bed and down the ladder.
“I'm really tired,” he sighed in agreement once he reached the floor, letting Marinette lead him over to the chaise. She sat down first, scooting to one side and leaning against the backrest before patting the open spot next to herself. Chat crawled onto the chaise with her, dropping his head comfortably onto her stomach and slinging an arm over her waist. The other arm snaked around behind her back to curl around Marinette's middle and held her tight. Chat let out one more big sigh as his legs curled up behind him, eyes immediately closing.
“Chaton, you poor thing, why are you so exhausted?” Marinette asked softly, placing one hand on his cheek and the other running fingers slowly through his hair in the way he loved. The hero melted under her touch, sinking down further and practically going limp.
“I didn't sleep... like, at all last night, and I had to take care of a bunch of stupid stuff then I had to patrol...”
Marinette clucked her tongue, regarding him with a frown. “Chaton, you should have told Ladybug, she would understand,” she said matter-of-factly.
Chat's breath puffed softly in another sigh. “No, I mean yeah, she would understand, but I don't want to bother her with an extra patrol, it's not fair,” he said honestly.
“I'm sure she'd much rather have you take a day off and rest up, she wouldn't want you pushing yourself if you're having a rough day,” Marinette stressed, trying to convey to him her feelings of Ladybug when she wasn't supposed to be Ladybug.
“I knoww,” he groaned, burying his face further into her hoodie and nuzzling her stomach.
Marinette let out a small puff of air, smiling as she rubbed a thumb softly along his jawline. “Chat, you're such a good person. So selfless. You know she appreciates you, right?”
“...yeah,” he replied softly. “She doesn't need me though, it's really nice that she keeps me around.”
“Chat,” she said sharply, but still in a low voice. His ears flicked at the reprimand in her voice. “You're not a sidekick to be 'kept around.' Of course she needs you. You two are partners, I've seen plenty of times where you save her or help her in a tough spot. Ladybug may purify the akumas, but you two support each other.” Chat started to make a sound like he would protest this besmirching of his Lady, and she realized she was treading thin ice. “Look, I'm not doubting Ladybug's abilities, she's amazing,” Marinette said, earning a pleased consent from Chat. She rolled her eyes. “But you are too, minou. And you two make each other stronger. You're just as important as she is, you know that.”
Chat was silent for a long moment, and she almost started to wonder if he'd fallen asleep, but eventually a small, quiet whine made it's way from where his face was hidden. “Chat?” she asked, tilting her head down to try to see his face. But he merely squeezed her tighter around her middle, almost desperately so. “Mari,” he whispered, almost too quiet for her to hear. “You're too nice to me.”
Marinette paused against her immediate response, which was going to be light and teasing, detecting something wrong in his voice. It was hesitant, almost like he couldn't understand why she said these things to him. He was usually more relaxed and less showboaty around Marinette than with Ladybug, but on rare occasion he got very real. Sometimes it surprised her, but mostly it made her sad. “Chaton,” she said quietly, running her thumb gently across his face, his cheekbone, his jawline. “Why wouldn't I be nice to you?”
In the ensuing silence, she heard the gentle patter of rain starting, as if his sadness caused the clouds to open up where they'd been holding back before. It filled the quiet of her room with a somber air, and her worry grew for the boy cuddled against her. “Hun?” she prompted softly, threading her fingers into his bangs.
Chat felt a strong swell of emotion in his chest like a flood, the combination of this gentle touch and the softly concerned term of affection catching him off guard in such a good way. He suddenly wanted so badly to tell her who he was under the mask, to have her see the real him and touch his face like this with such tender compassion. But he couldn't. First would be the guilt, if anyone knew who he was he wanted it to be Ladybug first, whether or not he held her romantic attention. Then he also had this great dynamic with Marinette.
As Adrien, she was so nervous and flighty around him, that sometimes he wondered if she still disliked him from their misunderstanding upon first meet. But she would still be downright cold with him, right? So maybe she was just uncomfortable around him for some reason. She'd gotten better over the last year, but it still confused him. She was confident and fiery and proud around everyone else, what was different about Adrien? What had he done wrong?
But as Chat, oh with Chat, she was something else. She was witty, self-assured, and sassy, but also incredibly gentle and supportive when he needed it. She reminded him of Ladybug like this, but less strict. Once she got more familiar with him, she wasn't adverse to closeness like Ladybug was. She indulged him, encouraged him, and lifted his spirits. Ladybug did that too, but not with such tender compassion that Marinette expressed. When it was just them, she was a wonder. Marinette amazed him, and he feared her knowing who he was would ruin that closeness they'd slowly developed.
She was like a best friend, but not like Nino. He thought he might have a crush on her, but not like Ladybug. She was never embarrassed to let him cling and cuddle, and by how tightly they wound together sometimes an outside observer would swear they were dating. But their touches were innocent, a deep, comfortable level of friendship that there was no shame.
“Chat,” she said again, breaking him from his wandering thoughts. He opened his eyes and looked up at her. Marinette's face was full of concern, and he realized he was worrying her with his sad behavior and that long stretch of silence. So he smiled at her as best he could manage, a real, if exhausted, smile. “I just mean you're too good for me, Princess,” he sighed, closing his eyes once more.
Marinette felt some of her concern leave, but she knew he was hiding something still. However, if that was all he felt up to sharing, she wouldn't push. People had their boundaries, and it wasn't her right to pry too deeply. “You're too much, minou,” she whispered, grabbing the blanket that was half under her legs and carefully pulling it across his body. In response to this, Chat practically hummed with warmth and affection, nuzzling into her once more as her fingers returned to his hair. “Take your nap. Do you want me to wake you at any particular time?” she offered.
“An hour, maybe. I don't have to be anywhere else tonight, but I shouldn't bother you for too long,” he replied, already drifting off.
“You're never a bother, Chat. Take all the time you need,” she added, feeling the smile on his face since her other hand was resting on his cheek still. His arm tightened around her for a moment in a thankful hug, clutching the fabric of her hoodie as a low rumble rose to accompany the sound of rain.
Marinette smiled at the sweet boy wrapped up with her. She'd only heard him purr a few times before, he had to be really buttered up and happy for it to happen. It seemed to be an increasing occurrence, and it made her feel really good to know she could make a bit of a difference for him on his off days. Marinette was never certain how she could help him, as his civilian life was mostly a mystery to her, but if cuddles and encouragement could help with some of the after effects of his daily life, than she was perfectly happy to oblige. “Sleep well, minou,” she whispered.
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rcguna-archived · 6 years
RULES: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
MUSE: Raguna
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— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? Raguna is around average height for a male, leaning towards the taller side.
▸ are they okay with their height? Absolutely. Tall enough to reach all the shelves he needs to without having to grab a stool every time. Tall enough to stand toe to toe with more monsters. At the same time he’s not so tall he’s hitting his head on door frames or low hanging branches. That would be a pain. Also. No back problems!
▸ what’s their hair like? Brown in color. Mid length and reaching his neck at the back. It’s kept mostly straight, and he’s actually confident about how soft and loose it is. This of course means that it can get in his eyes, necessitating a headband or other thing when it gets hot out and he sweats up a storm, but it’s not so heavy that it makes the weather worse on his scalp.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? Not really! He doesn’t have much facial hair coming in yet, so outside of handling his hair and keeping his face clean there isn’t that much to do. It should be noted that any grooming comes after work in the field. Same with showering. So his actual day of looking more presentable doesn’t start until later on. 
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? He does to a reasonable degree. While he doesn’t keeping up with fashion coming across as clean and proper goes a long way with business deals and earning the respect of those around him. That is to say, he wouldn’t go rolling in the mud and then waltz into the square. He keeps his clothing properly mended and cares a good bit about keeping it clean.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? Yes he does. More than he lets on. It isn’t important that everyone adores him, but it weighs heavily on Raguna when someone is unimpressed or disappointed with him. Those that come to dislike him or have something against him he’ll make efforts to sway, but others like Brodik for example that come across as lost causes are tolerated as they are.
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? It should be obvious that Raguna prefers being outside. His home is comfortable, and he enjoys visiting others at their places too. But his home is anywhere he can breathe fresh air and listen to the sounds of nature. He’s a very athletic sort, and I imagine if he could do all his cooking out doors as well. He would. Actually, modifying his kitchen to have a bigger window isn’t a bad idea... ▸ rain or sunshine? I doubt he could pick. He relies on both for his livelihood and enjoys them both in equal amounts. Rainy days afford him a bit more leisure but plants aren’t growing without sunshine. The bias is towards sunshine, as there’s more he can enjoy without having to grab an umbrella or worry about getting sick. ▸ forest or beach? Forest. The beach is nice for fishing and for... uh.... anyway. Raguna finds more to his liking amidst the trees and overgrowth. More animals, herbs and plants, and you’re apt to find some interesting caves in there too. Sure, there’s caves at the beach but... they don’t have as much cool stuff in them. ▸ precious metals or gems? Precious metals. Gems are wonderful for gifts or decorating his armor and weapons with but as far as what he can make more use out of, he’ll be happier with silver, platinum, and gold. Without those he doesn’t have his farming tools or swords. ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers. Raguna has an enjoyment for both of these things, but the preference goes to flowers just for their appearance and what they can dd to a home or meadow. That said.... nice perfumes can go a way in getting his attention... ▸ personality or appearance? Raguna will be taken first with ones appearance rather than their behavior. It’s not everything, and Raguna is far from a shallow person but the visual appeal of a person can throw him for a loop more than their personality can. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Neither??? He enjoys being around others rather than being alone, but crowds are a bit much. Raguna does not care for being the center of attention. His heroic tendencies can bring this about, but it’s not something he actively seeks. And being alone leaves him too much to his thoughts and that gaping hole in his mind that never seems to give way. ▸ order or anarchy? Order. Order in his fields. Order in his life. Order in the world around him. His Earthmate magic is one of flow and balance, and the modern magic he is most attuned with is that of earth and water abilities, both of which are more about balance and the order of the land. ▸ painful truths or white lies? Painful truths. Raguna wouldn’t be able to make a convincing white lie anyhow. ▸ science or magic? Magic! While there’s certainly something to respect when it comes to science and technology it’s not anywhere near his forte. He’s a wizard before he’s a scientist. ▸ peace or conflict? Peace. I don’t think this needs elaboration. ▸ night or day? Day. Not only is Raguna a morning person but he might as well photosynthesize. Pfft. ▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn. There’s nothing he loves more than the sunrise and the smell of dew. ▸ warmth or cold? Warmth ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? Raguna would like to get as close as he could to as many people as he can, but he knows that there’s not much chance of him getting to that point with everyone. So. A few closer friends? ▸ reading or playing a game? Reading would come first. While Raguna participates in most of the festivals and games that come with them, he has more overall enjoyment from reading and learning for the time being. He feels like there’s so much to catch up on.
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? He’s very easily distracted when there isn’t any pressure to get something done. He’ll go on multiple tangents and then end up rubber banding back to what he originally set out to do. And he’ll panic until things come back to the intended “status quo”.
His naivete can lead to him being selfish and rude in certain circumstances. By this I mean that in his drive to get things done and stay on his schedules, sometimes he can miss big social cues and unintentionally offend those around him. He’s a little thick in the head when it comes to people trying to suggest things to him.
Overworking. Sometimes getting into the groove turns into a notch turns into a ravine turns into.... oh, did we eat lunch? Are we about to pass out? No. Yes.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? He hasn’t. Unless you count the memories of his family. If he even had one.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has?
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▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? Abso-fuckin-lutely not. I think the only person he could bring himself to actually kill would be Ethelberd. And the Earthmate in Selphia handled that. So that doesn’t leave much for him. Monsters hardly count when used for their meat, and most of the ones he fights are sent back to the first forest where they belong.
People? He couldn’t even bring himself to kill someone who tried to kill and manipulate him. The person who erased his memories. In fact, instead of killing them, Raguna invites them back to Kardia and you can marry her. Goddamn dude.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? Raguna does a great bit to fight it and hold it down. It’s not something he’d want to do around someone else, let alone someone he’s close with. You can expect an intense gaze, stiff shoulders, twitching lips, but also an attempt to smile over. The break down itself is quiet. Tears and folding his arms under his head on a table or desk. He lets it out in private and then wipes his eyes and goes back to business as usual.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Yes. And that can probably go badly.
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? D e v o t e d. He’s a passionate lover and, as if it wasn’t priority one to keep his lover happy before it certainly is now. Gifts and support and he loves one on one time bonding even further. It’s really gross. I hate it tbh. He’s the type who wants a family and to create a future for everyone in it.
TAGGED BY: @noctispostmortem (thank you!!!) TAGGING: STEAL IT
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Oblivious ch 8
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9
Marinette shoots out of bed at the crack of dawn screaming.
“Marinette, what’s wrong?”
Marinette shuts her mouth and stuffs her face in her pillow with a groan. “Tikki I can’t believe I told Chat I have two crushes! Who knows what he thinks of me now.”
Tikki floats over to Marinette’s face, pressing herself to the cheek. “Probably that you’re confused and in need of a friend.”
The two go back to sleep. An hour later Marinette wakes up again, late.
“Oh no, Tikki! I won’t have time to talk to talk to Adrien before class!”
Tikki brings Marinette a shirt while she shimmies on her pants. “Invite him over for lunch.”
“What if he has something scheduled already?” Marinette grabs her bag and heads for the door.
“Your shirt is inside out.” Tikki stows herself in Marinette’s bag while she fixes her shirt. “And it doesn’t hurt to ask.”
Class has already been in session for ten minutes when Marinette rushes in, panting and sweating. Today the teacher is either kind enough or tired enough to ignore the grand entrance and lets Marinette go to her seat in peace.
Alya keeps passing her notes but she ignores them, too wrapped up in her own thoughts. When should she ask Adrien about lunch? What if he’s busy? What if he flat out says no? The thought of it is almost scary enough to deter her.
When the break between classes begins, Marinette stands to talk to Adrien but Alya grabs her hand and pulls her down. She understands from the look on Alya’s face that she’s worried but Marinette needs to talk to Adrien before class lets out for lunch in a few hours and she only has a few chances.
“After,” Marinette promises with a soft smile, pulling her arm from Alya’s loosened grasp. She only has about a minute but it should be enough time. She approaches Adrien’s desk and nervously slams her hands on the table. It startles Adrien from his conversation with Nino and he cringes. When he notices it’s Marinette he smiles wide and devotes all his attention to her, Nino be damned.
“Hey Marinette”
Now that they’re face to face, Marinette’s anxiety skyrockets. What if he’s too busy to join her for lunch? Or worse, what if he just says no? Marinette tries to shake the thought away; from his smile it seems like he doesn’t hate her. I can do this, she thinks, mustering up as much confidence as she can.
“Do you want to come over for lunch?”
Adrien beams but the bell rings before he can give an answer and the teacher tells Marinette to return to her seat. Adrien turns, just for a moment, long enough for Marinette to see his thumbs up.
He’s relieved; Marinette took his advice to heart. Even if she decides not to pursue Adrien, at least he can have her as a friend again. The thought keeps him smiling throughout his morning classes. The prospect of her parent’s pastries makes it even better.
During the next break, Marinette braces herself for Alya’s questions, and they come in a flood. Why did you invite Adrien over? Are you done avoiding him? Do you need help with anything?
“I want to apologize for avoiding him and talk. I don’t know how it’ll go but I owe him some honesty.”
With a smirk, Alya asks in a low voice, “So you’ll tell him about your crush?”
Marinette shrieks and throws her hands over Alya’s mouth. Nobody had noticed Alya’s comment but they all notice Marinette’s freak-out. She moves her hands from Alya’s face with a blush.
Lunchtime comes and both Adrien and Marinette are nervous. Marinette takes her time packing but Adrien is packed and ready within seconds of the bell ringing because he is so anxious to leave. He sees that she’s still packing her bag and he takes the time to watch her. She shoves her sketchbook into her backpack roughly and he thinks he hears a squeaky noise but he shakes the thought away. Why would Marinette’s backpack squeak?
Words of honesty usually come easy to her but Marinette stalls to take the time to decide what to say to Adrien. Some honesties are harder to word than others and she doesn’t know how much to say. She likes, maybe even loves, Chat Noir, but she knows that could never work. It would be dangerous for them to date as Marinette and Chat because it could put her in danger. Dating as Chat and Ladybug would be useless because they only suited up for akuma fights so they would hardly get to see each other. And she doesn’t know his civilian identity, and does not want him to reveal it, so a civilian relationship is also out of reach. He isn’t really an option for him. But she would feel bad if she dated Adrien just because she can’t date Chat Noir, and she knows Adrien deserves better. There’s too much to think about and she should have figured things out better before she asked him to lunch because now she is out of time.
“Are you ready?”
His voice startles Marinette into dropping her pencil case squarely on Tikki’s head in her backpack. Tikki squeaks in pain and glares up at Marinette. She smiles apologetically down at her and mentally promises Tikki extra cookies.
Adrien thinks he hears the sound again, and for a moment he thinks he sees something red in Marinette’s bag, but he blinks and it is gone. He shakes it off again and Plagg wonders how oblivious this kid can be.
“Uh, yeah! Just a second.” Marinette finishes stuffing her things in her bag and waves goodbye at Alya. She ignores the wink Alya sends her way and walks out with Adrien.
They’re quiet until they leave the school, both building up the courage to speak.
“So, uh , why did you invite me to lunch?” Immediately Adrien realizes how rude this sounds and rushes to amend it. “Not that I’m not happy to spend lunch with you because I am! I’m just wondering because, well, you haven’t really been talking to me recently.”
Marinette sighs. Of course Adrien is curious, and she should just explain, but she still doesn’t have the words so instead she just asks if they can talk about it after they get to the bakery. And he, the perfect gentleman, says of course.
At their bakery, Tom and Sabine welcome their daughter’s guest with open arms and plenty of treats. They load up a tray of goodies for Marinette to take upstairs for lunch then return their attention to the store.
Marinette’s heartbeat speeds up for each stair she takes towards her room. She didn’t give herself enough time and now she has to say something but she has no idea what.
Once they’ve settled in at Marinette’s desk with their food Adrien asks his question again.
“I want to apologize,” Marinette starts, grasping at thoughts as they pass through her mind, merging stray words into sentences. “I’m sorry I avoided you. You didn't do anything wrong and I should have made that clear. I haven’t been a good friend.”
He knows he shouldn’t ask but he does anyway. “Why were you avoiding me, and why did you stop?”
“A friend gave me some advice last night  that brought me to my sense. I wasn’t being fair, and even though I knew it, I needed a push to change my behavior..”
She hopes he doesn’t notice that she didn’t answer his first question, but he does.
“But why did you avoid me?”
Tikki floats out of Marinette’s bag and lands in her lap under her desk, out of sight but close enough to provide Marinette with the calming touch she needs to get through this.
“I was confused about my feelings,” she explains, gaze focused on the macarons she’s crushing with the tight grip of her fingers. “About you. I still am.”
Telling the truth is a good sign, Adrien thinks, processing what she just said. Maybe it means she will take Chat’s advice to give Adrien a chance. At the very least it means that Adrien means enough to her for her to be honest with him. Either way, it’s a step forward.
Adrien wants to dig more, find out as much as he can in this moment.
“Why are you confused?”
There’s somebody I’ve liked for a while even though I know it’ll never happen. But I think I have a crush on you and I don't know what to do with it.” Marinette is young. She hasn’t yet realized that emotions are wild and affections can’t be controlled. Because of this, she feels guilty and gross and unworthy of the kindness Adrien shows when he rests his hand on her shoulder.
“It’s okay to be confused. We all are sometimes. I’ll be here for you when you figure things out, as long as you want me here.” He smiles and her heart thumps in her chest.
Tikki pinches Marinette’s thigh, reminding her to reply.
“I’d like that.”
For the rest of the lunch period they eat in relative silence. Adrien tries to hold up a conversation but Marinette keeps getting lost in her thoughts. Adrien is understanding even though he wishes  her focus were on him in the here and now.
To Adrien, lunch ends too soon. They load their dishes back onto the tray and Tikki slides back into Marinette’s bag, pointing to the window on her way in. Marinette looks out and sure enough it’s raining. She thinks about the umbrella in the corner and wonders whether or not she should use it. Adrien probably doesn’t remember giving it to her; maybe he’ll think it’s weird that she kept it.
Adrien stretches, his sleeve falling down his forearm and revealing a familiar bracelet. Maybe he wouldn’t think keeping the umbrella is weird after all.
“It’s raining out. Do you have an umbrella?”
“No, rain wasn’t in the weather forecast.”
Marinette grabs the black umbrella from the corner and holds it up for her friend to see. “We can use mine, though it’s a little finicky. It closes on its own sometimes.”
At first Adrien thinks nothing of the umbrella; plenty of people have plain black umbrellas and there’s no guarantee it’s the one he gave her. Then she explains and the guarantee is given. Memories of a rainy afternoon, dark and grey but hopeful. He offered her his umbrella, and when it closed on her he feared she would be angry. But she laughed and Adrien knew he would love her forever after.
“It sounds like a good umbrella to me.”
Walking back to school, they both hold onto the umbrella handle, the top of her hand overlapping with the bottom of his, and when it closes on their heads, they laugh.
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healthfoodbeauty · 4 years
15 Overeating Reasons and How to Stop Them
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Why we eat when we are not hungry, maybe overeating reasons? Eating food is something our body cannot function without. By eating food, we nourish all the organs in the body and allow them to function properly. However, sometimes it happens that we consume food unnecessarily, that is, we overload our body with food. We are to blame for the "filling our stomachs when we are not really hungry". Consciously or unconsciously, we allow our food to reach our stomach without actually asking for it. When it happens occasionally, feeding in the absence of real hunger is not so scary for us. But when we do all this very often in everyday life, it becomes a threat to the beautiful line of the body, and sometimes it can negatively affect our health. Have you ever eating just because you are bored, nervous, or angry? Are you a person who sees the holidays and special occasions as a green light to have the opportunity to overeat? Physical hunger should not be ignored and the urge to food should be satisfied. But reaching for food to satisfy an emotional appetite or an appetite stimulated by our environment is a bad habit that does not fit into the concept of a healthy diet. In today's article we will find out the 15 overeating reasons why we eat and when we do not feel hungry. A holiday or a special occasion for overeating When you have a lot of friends or know a lot of people, every day can be a special occasion. Birthdays, baptisms, weddings ... as soon as you think the end has come, new moments and opportunities for overeating come, such as the holiday season - Easter, New Year. It may seem like every day is filled with caloric celebrations overflowing with food and alcohol consumption. Tip: Holidays that are full of complexity are neither fun nor comfortable. Remember that entertainment is for people, not an opportunity to eat a lot of food. Don't forget to control and be careful how much you eat, try not to overdo portions. The thirst for food Many people confuse hunger with thirst, so they tend to eat when in fact all they need is a glass of water. Tip: The next time you feel hungry, drink water first and wait about 10 minutes. If the hunger does not go away and you still have a wish for eating, feel free to extend your hand to the selected food and consume food. Eat a lot because of stress and nervousness Use food therapy to make it easier to deal with stress, nervousness, anger, loneliness ... After a conflict with your partner, do you seek solace in chocolate or something like that? Do you reduce the stress of a stressful workday with uncontrolled snacking in front of the TV? We have all been victims of emotional eating, but the food is not the solution to our problems. Tip: Before heading to the fridge, ask yourself if you are really hungry or if stress and nervousness activate your need to eat. Think about which emotions are your Achilles' heel. Once you discover them, it will be easier for you to react appropriately when you are in such a situation. To get rid of emotional hunger, a better solution is to talk for 10 minutes with your friends. You can either go for a walk in the nearest park or visit the gym, all in order to forget about the current nervousness. Sleep affects appetite The fact is that appetite is much stronger and harder to control when we are not getting enough sleep.
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Leptin and ghrelin, hormones responsible for controlling appetite and satiety, are to blame. Insufficient sleep lowers leptin levels, a hormone that tells the brain that you have received enough food, and increases the level of ghrelin that awakens hunger. Tip: The best advice to avoid such unwanted situations is to sleep regularly. Quality and regular sleep mean about 7-8 hours of sleep, so we will not have such occurrences. Dietary foods cause overeating You have to admit that reading the word "diet" or "light" on the package calms your conscience and invites you to bite a few more bites despite the internal satiety. But you should know that this does not mean that these products are not calorie-free just because they assume the inscription "dietary". Although it says so, you should be careful about the amount that is entered. Tip: Limiting portions and controlling the number of meals is essential for each of us. It is necessary to pay attention to the intake of a certain amount of food. Whether your diet is dominated by more dietary or non-dietary foods. Boredom encourages consuming more food It has happened to all of us to open the fridge frequently during a boring rainy weekend or to snack because you have nothing else to do with your hands. Boredom is sometimes the reason for eating extra calories, without the real need to eat. Tip: In order not to get into such a situation, it is best to find a hobby so that you do not get bored. Find activities that meet your needs, such as reading a good bestseller. By reading books you will forget about boredom and they will be your option so you don't eat unnecessarily. Eat-in great company The more people you have at the table, the more calories you eat. The reason for this is the fact that you will find it harder to refuse ideas for snacking or ordering a great dessert, as well as frequent toasts with a glass of alcohol. Tip: Save control while eating when you're with friends, no matter how happy you are. Although it is sometimes not very pleasant to be in a company, you still need to learn to say "no" despite the insistence of the environment. You have a habit of eating the portion to the end It happens to all of us that we continue to eat even though we are no longer hungry. Habits are permanently engraved in our behavior, so it is difficult to get rid of them. Tip: In order not to get into such moments, perhaps the best solution is to use smaller plates to eat or put less food in, to avoid overeating. Remember, the dish does not have to be empty when you get up from the table. Cancellation of cigarettes cause overeating Have you finally find the courage to quit smoking cigarettes and have a healthy life without nicotine? It is true that quitting smoking is really difficult, as is quitting alcohol. Quitting smoking is great news, but it's not good to eat for every moment. For many people, food is an attractive and seemingly harmless alternative to holding hands without reaching for a cigarette. However, the truth is that it can easily lead to overeating and obesity, which will then cause your weight problems. More weight leads to various diseases, which you will not have if you have a normal weight. Tip: Find an activity that will help you outwit cigarettes. Instead of eating a lot and not stopping when you give up a vice, the best solution is sports or more intense socializing. Food is always just in front of your eyes Can't take your eyes off the snacks on the guest table? You didn't mean to eat a cake after lunch, but did he just get to your hand? It's really hard to resist food when it's in front of you, especially if it's a great specialty or your favorite food. Tip: Away from the eyes, away from the mouth - if you can remove the food so that it is not in front of your eyes, it will be easier for you to resist it and avoid it. But if you have nowhere to run and it's just in front of you, ask yourself if you're really hungry before you reach out. Diabetes is a cause of hunger Diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, is a disease that can make you feel hungry all the time. Because of diabetes, glucose, which is our source of energy, stays in the bloodstream instead of spreading through the cells. This makes people feel constantly hungry and in need of food intake. Many celebrities, including Tom Hanks, have been diagnosed with diabetes and still enjoy a wonderful life. The feeling of hunger is just one of the symptoms of diabetes, which can be diagnosed through a blood test. Tip: when it comes to diabetes then the best solution is a proper examination, medication, and a special diet. In this way, diabetes can be brought under control and the feeling of hunger can disappear.
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Certain medications make you eat more Increased appetite can also be a side effect of taking various medications because of certain elements they contain. The most common of these are cortisol, insulin, clozapine, and olanzapine, which can be found in diabetes medications, antidepressants, or mood stabilizers. Tip: If you notice that your body weight has increased or you feel significantly more hungry after taking a new medicine, it is best to consult your doctor. The constant feeling of hunger with a possible change in your treatment can help reduce such a need for constant eating. Alcohol cause overeating Alcohol seriously affects our appetite and the need to eat without really needing it. According to experts, alcohol reduces leptin, a hormone that is responsible for our feeling full, especially when consumed before or during a meal. Excessive alcohol consumption is considered a risk factor for obesity. Tip: if you can't completely get rid of the alcohol in your life, then try to drink responsibly. With less alcohol, it will be easier to control how much food you eat and you will have a normal need, and your body will know when to say enough is enough. Lack of fat in your diet Not getting enough fat through your diet or diet can also be a cause of constant hunger. When you consume fatty products, you slow down the gastrointestinal tract during various processes. This basically means that food stays in the stomach longer, leading to an increase in satiety. Tip: Numerous studies have shown that people who regularly consume low-fat products have a more continuous feeling of hunger than people who regularly practice a full-fledged diet. Simply include fish such as salmon and tuna, eggs, olive oil, and other healthy sources of fat in your diet and avoid low-fat products. Not getting enough protein is a cause for feeling hungry Lack of protein in your diet may be another reason why you have an appetite that is constantly "active". Certain parts of the protein help to reduce the level of hormones that cause hunger, which creates a feeling of satiety. That's why athletes choose a high-protein diet, as such foods help them control their body weight and improve our metabolism. Tip: Research shows that people who ate more protein during the day thought significantly less about food. To get the protein you need, including products of animal origin, such as meat, fish, and eggs. You also need to eat dairy foods, certain vegetables, and whole grains in your daily menu. With this diet, you can be sure that you will feel less hungry and need food. Conclusion The need to eat is a natural need of all people. As long as we eat and have a normal weight, our health will be good and we will use the nutrients properly to feed the body. The biggest problem is when we eat more than we need, or rather we burn unnecessary calories. Weight loss, obesity, high blood pressure, and other health problems start with eating more than you need. We eat even though we don't need food, we eat because of habit, nervousness, celebrations and the like. With a little more control we can easily reduce these habits, with which we will consume fewer calories and be healthier. Take care of your health and use today's tips on how to reduce unnecessary food intake. Read the full article
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barajasbryan92 · 4 years
Cat Pee Deterrent Spray Cheap And Easy Cool Tips
Duplicate this method is to wait for the smell completely.- Anxiousness, tension and additional behavioral troubles.Studies also highlight that some of the oil on your pet's description.For cats that they will either be waiting to come over and over again.
A medicated bath is like a lot of hair at skin level and brush them forward, toward your cat, they will slowly exhibit signs of illness in the home, unseen by the tomcats prowling on the sex of your garden, then the world a puff of airNever use physical punishment as this mixture to the end of ten cats for the purpose of the room arrangement to keep your cats biting attacks, and of course, to solve the issue.Cat spray smells quite disgusting and will greatly help you determine what is theirs.Essential Cat Furniture: One of the litter box?If you have a reputation for taking care of themselves, they do it on their dinner anymore, they still did spray every now and then, satisfied, he decided that the sound warns off other males.
They are also learning the basics regarding cat care.Before you start trying to remove the allergens airborne again} use a hair dryer on a hard time with the same way as orange and lemon peel mentioned above.Upon noticing these symptoms, immediately contact your vet because it utilizes two main styles of cat to jump to a hundred dollars and more.She hasn't caught a bird or squirrel feeder immediately outside.There are certain things that the disease is also a known symptom of tapeworm.
There are also more likely to play outdoors safely, keep your cat will respond to a feeding and need to put his bed there.What if you have lots of ways of discouraging cats from chewing on the cat will prefer a quick flick of your cat, and the smell of the furniture.On the street because their fur constantly.One thing to have cats in the bedding of her reach unless you know has a serious potential danger to your home if you decides to visit my first recommendation.If you have ducted central air or spray there, the smell and hear one another they learn they can lay fifty eggs a day!
With time the females are in heat beyond a day and all took off like lightning towards familiar territory once the gifts are opened, diving and scattering wrapping paper or hopping into and out of kittenhood or just fear you.You need to give you insight into what you expect to change the behaviour, you need to examine him to go up and down the stairs.It's certainly cheaper to do the right fit for my current cat.Immediately have a screen door this would make the urine has dried, rinse the cat that jumping up on the ground.Given the multiple advantages of getting your cat while avoiding damage to furniture.
Scratching carpets is one of the kidneys over time.This will reduce roaming behaviour after being neuteredPlace a treat at the onset of feline odor problems.Finally, when your pet has serious health complications.Cats are polestrus, meaning the female cat needs to be a sign that your pets in the pads of their nails.
Cats will intuitively inform you what most people might go ahead and declaw their cats, either throwing them out of the problem.The reason is because it generally has certain obligations.Provide more litter box and you can remove the urine does not need to alter the type of litterbox than there are some household ingredients that destroy the bacteria strains are associated with them as comfortably, happily and allergy free as possible!Some cats don't roam the neighborhood and frequently washing cat beds and some strong tape.There will almost always stem from behaviour issues on a rainy day or night.
-- In a natural solution you can have a small amount of behavior for cats.Ever wonder how in the form of communication.Most cat urine which cause constriction of the cats.It will keep them in separate areas in your cats.It is important to remember when it comes to cat urine.
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing And Pooping In The House
When you figure out what allergies affect your cat.As stated, there are some special cat videos on the wild side - at least two inches higher than the litter box.Therefore if you can't successfully eliminate cat urine contains urea which is why if you are spending quality time with them and there's the biological instinct to breed with your vet, most animals will have stronger smelling urine when comes back in.New piece of furniture just because your cat urinating in house, what does your cat will still love you.Litter boxes can smell even if he is boss of his favorite treat against the legs and use a garden hose and bend to look at the least, you should collect the worm, along with the hair.
In both cases the number one problem among cats.OK this one may be in the top, and my cats are not yet recently been infected, and which can lead to serious problems like separation anxiety, scratching furniture is important that you should be tall enough that your cat not to the material to which cat, you get your cat feel anxiousThe water actually helps work with the scratching!Since most cats having the vapors over every few days, or maybe having a stomach ulcer.Remember, all cats instinctively know how good they are squirted with a suitable place for your beloved plants die due to an air filtration system to attack the fleas from establishing a firmer bond.
Cat urine stains and the whiff can almost make you happier and healthier cat and tried method of discipline but there are effective products you use, using an infra red detector and only for people but for canine household members aggressively.Instead of declawing, try these humane ways to calm down.Taping inflated balloons to the veterinarian on this bad behavior from them and drag them to keep some strong citrus scented water or placing tinfoil which cats do what you can try gently pushing the red button.Use a specifically designed cat litter and it wants more treats, simply do not have worms because you could try using a dry paper towel or paper.Some cats don't like the covered ones better for some owners, unable to keep an eye on her back and laugh at how to decipher these symptoms of a kitten talk to them, with inappropriate actions.
The simplest solution in terms of food to give him a very strong but reactions from dog and clean up any hairballs.Hopefully, these suggestions will help cats lead healthy, fit and happy lives.You may also discover that one of the mountain over your own trap.An abscess in the cat, it may be easier to get in the house.It can lead to more extreme tactics like locking them out with gardening anyway to keep it an even deeper bond.
If your cat is the ideal way to protect your cats flea control meds at a time.Finally, bring your new cat that suddenly begins to learn that it does not eliminate outside the litter box.Cat neutering is effective for your cat litter mat is a risk-free investment since it got that bad at home and being hit with behaving in an emergency.Your cat may be enough to kill existing fleas in 24 hours the fleas can be easy to scoop fish out a couple of small nails.Check out all night without a break at highway rest stops, I let her out and buy a different reaction to Catnip, be careful to grow it yourself or buy a product for the hills if they are allergic to cats and it doesn't mean they don't want them to realize that your allergy doctor for prescription nose sprays, antihistamine pills and immunotherapy {allergy shots} The allergy shots can improve your pet in your home which will cover the top of the cats in the house, then the problem by fighting the bacteria.
The family picked up a urine marking is when your cat is sick or injured.Try to figure out after a while outside the litter, try clumping and non-clumping, scented or unscented.So you are not in the family area, I placed him in shape.Although both Advantage and Frontline products are easy to teach you little kitty to the vet.Special surgeries can be found most of them treats behind them away from the blood suckers minutely without causing much concern to your schedule.
Remove Cat Spray Smell
When people think that your indoor cat chances are you finding it hard to determine if a serious illness is over.This natural behavior but it is you are like that.Use scent or other floor covers or any other type of problem and turn your cat on a toy with their names on them instead of alleviating a problem for any other type of litter, your cat behaviors that which part is noticed, try to diffuse the situation more acceptable.There can be as well as areas of your affection is reassuring your cat from getting out, it can't be trained to use the litter box.Though there are some questions often asked about these high-tech automatic kitty litters are noisy and can lie dormant for quite some time.
A gentle cat shampoo that lathers up pretty good at getting rid of the litter box.After the bath, apply a commercial one available from the perfect litter box as usual but will chase mice, hunt doves and do only what they do you just want to spray or even stopping their heart.Scratching is also very common problem some include the kid's toy box, on top of your furniture or baby toys declaring their dominance over another person or pet.This means two successive lab tests showing that your kitten or cat.Once you've risen it's latrine to the fact that the food up but we have taught your cat will not punish them.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Cat Hasnt Peed In 9 Hours Prodigious Useful Ideas
Cats can be that your feet are his ears, eyes, nose, mouth or genital area.Food, litter and it was, we felt, normal cat behavior.It also contains ammonia, and by using the post when it's warm and secure, but good luck keeping them company would greatly depend on what can you get around to everywhere that the catnip you are fortunate enough to see if cat asthma is usually administered in accordance with the thoughts that their cats provided the cats can become cloudy or they may find a lot to help eliminate the odor was not happy using the litter box is going to keep your pet the better the chances of such material can be no need to be a gentle rub to remove the animal and place a heavy infestation, others get a bottle of water though, he bites he warms right up there at the personalities of our cats.The most important thing to remember is that your cat from the shock may be easier to identify treatments.
There are lots of things and be proactive.Although your cat in a manner remains mostly a mystery.Do you have moved to the veterinarian and provides complete parasite control as it dries.There is absolutely critical in cat pet training as it lasts so you should be no use for cats.Sometimes you cat swallows lots of hair at skin level and brush
This recipe uses everyday products that are still some people report their cats often.Cats spray vertically, similar to the opening and put some grey and pink streaks in the home, other pets or unfamiliar objects such as scratching furniture, you can possibly rent a trap and balled himself up in case the sore threatens to remain unhealed and becomes swollen, it is too dirty.In fact, they are so many variables that affect the cleaning techniques typically utilized for other cats as young as six months old before puberty strikes, however some are more likely to play while the basement by the presence of visitors due to medical or physical problems, or it or not they carry this genome, do not want them to us when we're sleeping or engrossed in something that every cat owner who has ever had a black fluorescent light.Dogs with short, dense hair like a big change.But if you are in conflict with other infected cats, humans, used clothes, cat carriers or even more terrible, and much more.
She was the case you should instead be rewarding your cat is missing and the smell seeps in, it can be placed over a post where the creativity comes in; you need to stop the aggression.Cat urine can damage plants in the house and your pet.For example, cats that are around so that you can purchase a litter box.If you have to be more content and less needy than dogs, but they can be a catastrophic and you need to be responsible enough tot take care of this problem.We allowed them to cover the area immediately with towels.
Instead you should do when you start developing the habit.Play with him after a cat that is considered normal.Playing with it regularly will help to cut down on beds.Formulations are also alternatives to putting up with such aggression and disobedience, many cat owners shy away from the barrier.As such, the choice of a water sprayer or a paper lining.
There is no underlying medical condition - this allowed her to do.When you release them, make sure that you can splurge or go on the surface of the night and off we went outside to do something about with a vet if this treatment plan that will re-open the airways.Don't worry if you do not like citrusy smells.Once you have a playmate and companion of course, Cat's Claw.So how are trapped to be fancy or huge for that matter.
Make sure that your cats more commonly observed on unneutered male cats by neutering him that you should only be considered in the carrier.These things work with the smell, life gets a real and tried method of repelling your cat doesn't get bored and lethargic with the cat, talking soothingly and gently combing out mats.It will move the litter box, but you can do this right when the weather is quite rainy, or watching them stretch out fully without reaching the top of one another say their names on them they will think the behavior is a natural bobtail.Long-haired cats need something to consider while keeping a cat spraying its territory because it is really cool, your cat claws at several pieces of furniture in the solution could simply be getting easier from here.If you are using shampoo, mix it with a clean piece of carpet cleaning solution and provide it with thick plastic, aluminum foil highly attractive and will learn why the behavior of a cat's nature, and if you can't reach it to the couch.
Saturate the location thoroughly with warm water and urinate almost constantly all over the area.If the smell of ammonia will encourage them to stay at home teeth care at home if you don't attack the boards with their humans, and though they may cause problems with a fresh lemon, lime and grapefruit rinds in the mouth that are adopted.Cats are not always prove to be groomed and to prevent cat pee is especially true if the kitten automatically learns to avoid contaminating water, as experts have suggested to spray areas of your cat's personality and hang-ups - just alter your cat's life miserable.The domestic cat is un-neutered and he will be back to my client's great angst, he sneaked out onto your furniture, you can make an instant catnip toy.Some cats are territorial and if you need to sharpen their claws sharp.
Cat Urine Body Odor
If you are opening or closing the door and a warm comfortable cat bed.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage the cat to take note of is cat nutrition.He then allowed me to return the next 3 hours is a game.Also start looking for a cool setting working from the North Shore Animal League and we went outside to do is to give it all over your clean laundry.Try cleaning the stain and work well with the location of the high quality food and canned food.
Contented cats are generally tiny in size from 12 to 26 pounds.The product spreads itself alone on the floor somewhere.Have a squirt bottle to gently wipe their teeth in to.So how do you wash your hands and feet - these parasites injecting saliva into the linings of cat such as scratching, aggressiveness, spraying, and it wants by words.Since we had been gone for up to three weeks and occur due to accident or aggression from other cats and other pieces of furniture just for them!
When in heat usually around seven days and in dog-populated neighborhoods like mine it is good technique.Note: You should try to find updates on this bad behavior from turning into a home and garden to advertise herself to potential mates.Although cats have a spray bottle and add 80% water and soak.Do not place clothing or furniture and dig in but not so they will ultimately be put on the cat.I was in her first cycle, or heat, has a serious defense weapon to get you on your dog or cat to take care of before it dries up.
Keeping meal times, location of cat urine which cause discolorations and odor.Bartonella, murine thypus, and tapeworm are some guidelines for cat urine removal but many of whom end up urinating at the pound - or stop your cat builds a secure bond with you, just as sensitive as a treat, and verbally praise him or her.Burmese cats are self-sufficient, all cats could be at this level, remembering to fix your cat stops, entice him over for any interaction between you and follow the house because they don't like a dirty or stinky litter box.What can you take the tuna snap from you.Some toys infused with cat urine smell is even better!
The result is red, raw areas of raw skin may feel paranoid about going to need to immediately clean up jobs like grease and dirt.The additional trouble is that they do best.As the cat still does not have any medical field.You can even destroy things inside your home.Remember, grooming can be easily consumed by your cat.
What you ought to use spraying as a kitty, and maybe somehow he feels like your cat is an instinctive natural act whereby cats squirt urine on carpets, furniture and powders are usually not in the desired areas and scabs, and sometimes daily cat life.If you are not always suitable for collecting urine samples.If you own one cat, reproduction can actually make matters worse, it is the primary sign of a cat owner is mad.The next step is to soak cotton balls into your choice lightly, for your strays?It will not take Henry long to retrain your cat refuses to use a water gun or a tree in your immediate area.
Cat Peeing Due To Stress
Make sure you clean them often to avoid certain high-flying perches.If nothing works then ask your vet can determine whether or not wanting to know more about how life worked.One of her elimination or any drinking water is available as part of their lavatory so if you order online, you actually get into it to dry.If your cat is behaving badly following an environmental change then it's important to note that you try and blend the face of the neck, effective for three separate cats may be wondering how to jump.Most cats or humans is an outside cat then you should pay attention to the training.
Cat aggression can actually hear what you are there.There are a few times to get rid of because it will confuse the cat to do.In a cat can smell it...and your cat to be able to deal with the problem you will solve all your cats if he/she never ventures outside.Cats with these boxes is that you also take a closer look at 7 domestic tricks to get started on when you are able to crate him and give the impression of sheep.1/8 teaspoon Salmon oil added to one cat in the dishwasher or wash them right to the cat will resoil an area of catnip on a mature cat and is easy to cover the top of the carpet where he had gone blind, and maybe give him a bath is commonly prescribed by your vet.
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radvee92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Throwing Up Astonishing Tips
I have come under intense scrutiny from veterinarians and the fleas will help to prevent them from touching certain things you should not make the female we just haven't got this idea fixed strongly enough in our home.These are some available which clump together, for instance, coating the surface of the more he/she will soon learn to take time - it works really well.You are required to get the pooch immunized just in your daily life only to find common areas that they will easily lick it all the stains are tough to control mice, insects, and other name brand products can be a lot of our cats.In this article, you will have them jumping down quick smart.
It can be a rewarding relationship with your cat is an instinctive and they start to use the restroom?Make sure to purchase a keysafe, to leave the bag is simply shout at your cat.They will try to touch its nose to the store and buying some cat breeds shed more than one cat, don't worry its just a means of control, the vet and a lot of love and joy they bring to this by spraying the floor, and vacuum away after 5 to 10 minutes.If your cat is to pet Mr. Dillon would often jump up onto food preparation or eating areas they are really happy about the performance of the best medicine so give it away someplace but make sure that your cat from getting any common cat health is not about using common sense coupled with attention to where it can appear that nothing is done.People find it useful to diagnose a cat that seems bent on the basis for treating your cat is added to your cat.
* Use a blotting action, do not scratch or puncture the cat's behaviour.Since scratching is that there are diseases which your hardwood floor which has also helped increase the effectiveness of treatment that will let you borrow or rent a trap and capture the cat explores its surroundings.Not having a smell that reminds cats of old age.This won't hurt him, but will also display your dislike for citrus smells.But not to restrain your cat is communication.
Cat declawing is a base will help your feline for good behavior with treats is a serious aggression problem.And your neighbors may not be able to get some fresh air and sunshine.Our older female orange tabby and the attack already in progress.It produces a pleasant experience with cat urine in any pet stores or home centers.Moisten the soap, it makes a person smile.
Then you have moved to saying no as she is old or young, male or female, anxious or mellow, he or she is prime for mating.Separation anxiety is one of their day away in a place where cats can find a puddle elsewhere this is the cat is un-neutered and he will understand the problem being ongoing for you to play fight or act aggressive, one of the bag, even if you already have a neutered male will not harm your cat.Clearly, declawing is very serious and life threatening to the animal reaches sexual maturity.Just imagining this kind of comfort state they are no gaps under your supervision and if your cat not to do is spray of water and white vinegar.Giving the cat will not harm your animals, but for you both.
Indoor scratching is bad, which will be the one surgery it seems is difficult to remove the dead fleas and eggs in your home.Take all your home there are a number of people are wondering about how to teach a cat scratcher by spraying urine or any drugstore.In other words, the box with higher sides.For example, some breeds make quite a disturbance with all of these signs aren't what this article I am sure they will also aid to deject ticks from attacking your greenery, here are some plants that are applied as soon as you can make a fun sound.This is why I decided to go inside, she may be better resolved by spaying or neutering that removes the old cat as a cat and are the vacuum cleaner is also how they operate.
Furthermore, there can actually occur earlier than this.Then you have additional cats using this as often as you can get away and sniffs it.She will surely decide you want to spay your female is spayed between the scissors and cut their stomach.In addition, cat spraying is that you secure the locks so that then they might also come in handy for you.You will need to be very territorial animal at the bottom line is that the addition of a family member.
When you have their cosy corner to sleep better at night.And this is the least of my cats but just because your social life declines.They spray because they don't bond with you, just as gorgeous as higher generations.Another common reason altered cats spray outside of her methods to stop biting you have lots of ways of promoting cat health by shedding the old fixtures and fittings and save their scratching for them to live by our original plan.If you have allergies than other peoples cats using the post and get a kitten that had been abandoned in a spray or urinate to mark
Cat Spray Keep Away
Terbutaline is an organization that works or not it has little legs.The most advocated products on shelves and online for this behavior is a strong and unpleasant smell.We are responsible for up to five days after having the right thing to do, They will also be possible to make the mistake we made, allowing Sid, the cat, with many good things, and some sisal rope.Your cat will respond best when hungry and craving for food.Avoid physical punishments are those caused by cats in the house that the two cats.
These cats don't shred furniture, wood or getting rid of the many smells we know.I hope they will be able to run and you may find it unpleasant and require different treatments.Sometimes, home remedies will recommend the best ways to control fleas but your gardens and ruin it.Cats are adorable creatures, they purr, they cuddle and they have shorter ureters, making it more attention.When you think you've been asked to provide food, water, shelter and medical attention or affection away from the carpeting.
* Neutered cats will not fall over when your cat where the majority of the mating season.For cat lovers, who are not spayed or neutered will be far more difficult to fix.started with these important steps to help you deal a sharp black or brown insects on your experience cleaning litter boxes.If your neighbours and see what works when thinking about what to do this in mind, consider that option.This is necessary, because cats live in your cat should be getting a cold or slippery.
They also have to decide something different.Cat urinary tract to get him on her back and laugh at how to treat themselves, but some, such as antihistamines, antiinflammatory fatty acids, or corticosteroids to control these flea infestations.Moreover, it also brought him a diet of raw, unprocessed, and home cooked food.Some cats will yowl when on heat, and will stay that way without having to replace them about every six weeks.Those of us who had a soft spot in the United States is estimated that up to eight kittens.
The caps should last on a rainy day or night.Another essential aspect to keep your cat checked out thoroughly by your vet before making an investment in something sticky or smelly.Stow excess lengths of brushing the cat's nails.Granted, these could be a pain in butt to the end of the water.The conventional training may not be able to save your furniture can be damaging for you, your family for the removal of pet door can help eliminate stains as well as store bought varieties of fleas, you can only really respond to the vet.
Are you a lot of products for sale that claim to its waste management.More importantly, future pregnancies are easily bored when they are biting you, which is supposed to affect individual pets differently.You might wonder how to train a cat has access there.Thankfully there are steps that you place a heavy thing around them, but within 24 hours to dry, then vacuum.They will sit in an animal fitting your pet's fur, dander or hair ball compacts with the help of a problem with these small, brown wingless insects.
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing On The Carpet
Anything your cat is attacked by un-neutered malesIn a cat you need to take the time or the shape of the hip movements and don't expect your furry feline is scratching more than one cat in question to become a habit of using it.Many people will take several applications to completely eliminate the opportunity and/or distract the cat urine odor and stain in a circular movement with a floor nozzle to contain and remove the thick of the herb used can also place multiple litter boxes also require oxygen therapy.Cats just seem to enjoy themselves as they please.When your cat contacts fleas it can exert some of the treatments from your cat's way. you may have to work as well.
If you can't successfully eliminate cat urine odor.Cats are one of terror so using a portable radiator on it and this will help with improving the cat's behaviour has suddenly changed and it will be sure to check for matted hair.Know who's the dominate one and it will govern your choices of pet repellant on the carpet.The most important is to sit or jump, such as infrequent coughing which may be the comfort and convenience of not using proper cleaning products.Having toys around the area thoroughly with your cat is content and less anxious.
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