#wonder how much hate I'm going to get for this one
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my heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
Tommy blinks awake and immediately wishes he hadn't. This is his third time waking up, and apparently they listened to him when he asked them to slow down his morphine drip because everything hurts.
The busted leg he remembers - they'd kept him awake long enough to explain that they'd do everything they could to keep it but... Well. No buts, in the end, just titanium and enough pins to make sure he'll never get through TSA quickly ever again. Thank fuck most of his flying he does on his own.
Christ, if he has to get recertified...
Fractured ribs, a punctured lung, three broken fingers but thank god his arms had survived relatively intact.
The bruising on his face screams before the rest of it does, which is just - it's silly, actually, that somewhere in his head he's thinking about how awful he must look. Of course he looks fucking awful, he survived a helicopter crash. Why would he look great? He should look as bad as he feels.
On a scale from 1 to Fuck Off he's very firmly toeing the line into Go Screw Yourself.
The knock startles him.
The startle wrenches something in his neck area, and Tommy groans through the pain. Shit. Screw his dad just that little bit more for providing the perfect genetics for a proclivity for addiction.
He's standing at the door, looking apologetic, head ducked a little like he does when he either wants something, or thinks he's done something wrong. Puppy eyes, he'd heard Hen call it once, while she mimed barfing, because Tommy thought it was adorable.
He still thinks it's adorable.
"Hey," he says, in his Hospital Voice. (Tommy is new to this voice, but he's growing more used to it, now: third time awake and it's the third time Evan's been there. In a chair at his side, flirting with a nurse while he wrote on Tommy's chart, now perched in the doorframe looking... a bit grungy if Tommy's being honest. Like he hasn't slept in days. Like those are the same clothes Tommy first saw him in.
Evan dances in the door and it's the first time he's noticed that one of his arms is tucked behind his back. "If that's a bouquet you should know I'm allergic," Tommy says, and doesn't hate the way his voice sounds quite as much as he has in recent memory. He's almost managed to get back the ironic lilt.
Evan's smile widens. "You're lying, and besides, you can't be allergic to every flower. Are you allergic to the corpse flower?" He pauses. Narrows his eyes like he's heading Tommy off at the pass. "You can't say the smell is as bad as the allergies would be."
"I feel like a corpse flower," Tommy intones, and he wonders - is that - is this what - they're just not gonna talk about it? What he'd said, in the air, with half the public servants of the city listening in? Or the fact that Evan hasn't left this hospital in two days? Or whatever he's still hiding behind his back?
Evan steps into the room. Rolls his shoulders with a shit-eating grin. Brandishes the item he's been hiding - a stuffed chicken. There's something sticking to the end of one leg, and Tommy squints to try to make it out. Looks like -
"Bobby got it for you! He said you'd know what the knife was for."
Tommy groans, tips his chin against his pillow, groans again because the pain is radiating throughout his body. Evan steps closer.
"I really wish you'd at least let them give you the muscle relaxants," Evan murmurs, closer, so much closer. Hand on the bed, fingers lifted like he's thinking about squeezing Tommy's thigh, and god - god, he wants that. But they can't just - they're in this whole mess because they talk around shit instead of about it.
Evan sets the chicken on the table next to the bed. His smile is loose and light, but his eyes are worried.
"I'm still pissed they put me on a morphine drip that first day, Evan, it's in my chart not to -." Evan bridges the gap, distracting Tommy thoroughly - fingers soft and light, careful, sliding across his thigh and dangerously close to the crease of his groin. Even if he weren't in a hospital bed he's in way too much pain to even think of getting it up but it's compelling. It's distracting. Tommy never wants him to move his hand.
"Hey," he says, and Tommy blinks. Frowns. Drinks in the sight of Evan's plaintive head tilt and tries to breathe. He hasn't really been this lucid, before. "I have one more thing for you."
Tommy raises a brow. Clenches his jaw. Tries not to freak the fuck out when Evan reaches for the pocket of his likely rank flannel and pulls out a suspiciously small box. No. No, absolutely not, has he learned nothing from Tommy's multiple attempts to get him to slow down.
Evan pops the lid.
Tommy feels the hysterical laughter bubbling in his chest and tries to push it down because laughing right now would jostle so many fucking things and he can't -
"So. Um. I know we - I know we still need to - to sit down and, like. Talk. About things," Evan says, while Tommy stares at the metal-on-velvet. "A-and this isn't me asking for anything. I'm just..." He presses a fist to his eyes, rubs, fingers opening to rub at the scruff on his jaw. "So. I have a spare room. And you won't be able to manage stairs for a minute, and - and I have, like, so much PTO, Tommy, an insane amount of it, and I just thought. While you get your bearings..." Tommy watches him, still quiet. "It really sucked being on my own dealing with a bum leg. And - maybe - maybe we take some time to talk. Crack open that champagne once your doctor clears it."
Tommy stares. Tommy contemplates. Tommy sucks in a deep breath and swallows hard.
"You want me to sleep in the spare room?"
One of Evan's hands is still on his thigh. The other is still palming a house key. His grin is wry. "I would like nothing less, but I thought I'd offer."
Tommy's hand has been creeping steadily towards the one on his leg for a minute now. He makes the final effort, curls fingers around Evans wrist. "Please tell me your mattress is off the floor."
"There's even a top sheet."
Tommy feels his lip quirking. It had been an almost-argument, a generational gap they couldn't bridge, something so small and silly it hadn't seemed worth the time to fight about it when there were better things they could be doing with the bed. He wishes they'd fought about it. He hopes they have a thousand fights ahead of them.
Tommy releases the hand circling Evans wrist, palms the key. Evan beams.
"It's not exactly traditional, but, uh - you have the one watch you refuse to take off for anything, and I wasn't gonna make you like, a paper crane, so..."
"Traditi - Evan, what?"
His smile goes a little coy. "I know there's like, a break in there, or whatever, but - uh - happy anniversary."
Tommy wants to cry. He wants to grin until his lips hurt as much as the rest of him. He wants -
"Come down here and kiss me, you lunatic," Tommy says, and Evan grins as he obliges.
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Saganaki (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Pairings/Relationships: Older!Eddie Munson/Reader
Warnings/Themes: First Date, Blind Date, Awkwardness, Fluff, Food/Eating
Note: I feel like I've already written something with a traditional Chicagoland greek diner in Magnificum et Horribilis but while that one has more of an air of "together despite it all, in order to overcome it all" I also wanted to feel a little more fluffy about it. A love letter, if you will. I've been feeling a little bit of a "romanticize your life" vibe lately about all of the stupidest places you could think of and this was one of them.
Tagging @bettyfrommars because she got a 10 minute voice note about this a few weeks ago. I'm going Friday morning and I will be getting my bowl of cream of chicken and rice soup. AND MY CHEESE. And @deathbecomesthem because I know you need a little bit of simple and light. (No pressure to read on either of you. Love you both.)
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
You wouldn't say you hated much in life but you hated blind dates. Hated them with a passion.
You didn't know anyone who specifically liked the concept of a blind date, but it always seemed that the people who said they disliked them as much as you did were always the first people to try to set you up with someone they knew.
"My husband's mechanic. You'll love him."
"This guy who works at the mail room at work. He's a hoot."
"The neighbor's nephew. He works at the post office."
And you were kind about it, always went through the motions and attempted to set these dates up. But they always fell short without fail. They were obnoxious or selfish or rude. Most importantly, none of them ever made you laugh. Then, after the night was over and you vowed never to see the guy again, you'd get the "I'm so sorry it didn't work. You know, I always hated blind dates."
So you didn't know why they kept trying. Actually, you didn't know why you kept graciously agreeing, and you eventually put your foot down.
Well, you tried to.
Your friend, Jen, made one last ditch effort. One final blind date and then you would never need to do it ever again. According to her, at least.
"How do you even know this guy?" you had asked over the phone. "I know everyone you know."
"Friend of a friend of a friend," she simply dismissed. "And you would've known him already if you had come to the last Garage Beer Friday last summer."
You wondered for a moment if she had tried to set you up with this Eddie guy back then. Had your unseasonable cold saved you from disaster? You couldn't bring yourself to lick a doorknob to contract another disease to avoid this again. You hated being sick more than you hated being set up.
"He'll be great!" Jen promised when you didn't respond. "Besides, you need a date for Stef's wedding, and he's already invited!"
"So he's John's friend?"
"I think they work together."
"You think?!" You sat upright. "That's it, I'm not going."
Jen proceeded to yell at you through the phone until you finally relented. Which was the reason why you were sitting in a booth at the local greek diner. It was right before the post-church rush on a Sunday morning, and you were impatiently waiting for the final blind date of your life to show up.
The blue-haired waitress was kind enough to refill your coffee twice, and did not pressure you to touch the enticing bread basket at the center of the table or to order. But you knew that kindness was running out. Along with your patience.
Where the fuck was this guy?
It was at the exact moment that you'd slammed your coffee cup on the table, ready to call it, that a body slid into the other side of the booth.
"I'm sorry I'm late. In my defense, Jen shouldn’t have suggested the morning after daylight savings." The words were blurted out, out of breath, and all in one messy string of sound. Like he'd been practicing it on the drive here and was so eager to get the words out, it didn't matter if they were coherent or not.
Rosy-cheeked, wide-eyed, and with a bashful grin, Eddie was the grown man equivalent of an eager puppy. A mutt of a man, at that. His long, frizzy hair was still a little damp at the ends, and he had a worn leather jacket over a flannel shirt with some fraying on the collar, with ringed fingers that nervously tapped on the top of the table as soon as he had a second to breathe.
Of course, you weren’t judging him for what he wore. It looked comfy, worn like a second skin, unlike other dates who were stiff and clearly out of their depth. You’d done the same; worn something tried and true that you wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable in. But still cute. Just like him.
No, what really spoke to you was that he seemed exactly the kind of guy who would fit in at Garage Beer Fridays. A little weird, a little unruly. The kind of person with a personality already baked in who looked like they had stories to tell. The type of stray that naturally gravitated towards your ragtag group of friends. If he was already in good with your friends, he was good people.
"Daylight savings was last week, actually," you announced after a beat. Said lightheartedly, you were signaling that this diner, this booth, and you were safe from further judgement. Well, as far as blind dates went, that is.
The record-scratch moment that occurred in his head was immediately evident on his face. Cute confusion.
"No it wasn't," he muttered with a chuckle. Then his brow furrowed slightly. "No...was that why I was late to...oh shit. I'm so sorry I'm an idiot."
He shook his head and chuckled, and then reached into his jacket and produced one, slightly crumpled, tulip for you.
"My uncle always said never to show up to a date empty handed," he explained as you took the flower from him. You ignored the electricity that tickled your fingers as they brushed against his. "Figured a rose would be too much."
"It's perfect, thank you." You grinned as you felt your impatience evaporating. "Unfortunately I don't have anything for you. But maybe we just start with a cup of coffee."
You reached across the table to flip Eddie's cup over and then waved the waitress over for a top off.
You'd gotten the typical "getting to know you's" out of the way fairly quickly. Names, what you did for work, how you both knew Jen. Then, once you had a chance to look at the menus, you got to the real meat of the conversation.
Because Eddie, it seemed, was a regular at Omega Family Restaurant.
You'd been clued in as he schmoozed your waitress for an extra bowl of little creamer packets, and although she had expertly brushed off his charms, she had returned with the creamer and referred to him by name.
Only for you, Ed.
"I'm her favorite," he explained as he dumped an absurd number of sugar packets into his coffee. Shake, shake, rip, dump, toss. Shake, shake, rip, dump, toss. It was a comical rhythm and you wondered if all that sugar made him sweet too. "But, uh, I'm usually not around in the mornings. I'm in a band. We play a few regular gigs in the area. Jen said you like metal?"
"I've been known to attempt to deafen myself in the car before work," you replied.
"Hell yeah, baby. You should come see us sometimes. Anyway, all of our gigs are usually late. We needed a 24 hour place to call terra firma. With pancakes, of course." His spoon went into his cup and it clinked against the sides as coffee sloshed over the lip and onto the paper placemat.
"Of course." You smiled into your own coffee cup.
"And," he abruptly pulled his spoon out to point right at you, "a free bread basket. Which I notice you haven't touched yet."
"I was trying to be considerate and not eat the croissants before you got here," you explained. "But you were late, so..." You reached over and grabbed the flaky pastry with an exaggerated gesture.
He hummed judgmentally and you shot him a questioning look. "No, I just think it's interesting you went for the croissant and not...I dunno, the poppy seed muffin."
"I mean, if we're here long enough, all of those pastries are getting eaten," you announced unabashedly. "What is this bread basket psychoanalysis?"
He reached over, letting his hand undulate in the air until he chose the chocolate muffin. You didn't know it then, but it would become the first of many thesis-level Munson philosophies that you would hear about in your life.
"There are few things more sacred in life than the bread basket at a greek diner," he began with the air of a scholar. He slowly peeled the liner off the muffin as he spoke. "Not even the bread basket at a steakhouse! At a steakhouse, you're paying for good bread and butter. At a diner, this is a gift. Welcome, we're about to treat you like a part of the family. We're happy to see you. Have a pastry, an old family recipe made with love.
"You chose a croissant, which means you appreciate the craftsmanship of laminated pastry. You like nice things, you like butter. Poppyseed muffin? You don't care what people think of you. You also don't work in a job where they drug test. But most importantly? If you decided not to have a pastry altogether? That would be a cardinal sin. That means you don't appreciate the bread basket, you don't enjoy the mundanity of the every day, and that would've been the end of our date, in my humble opinion."
Your brows jumped in shock at his closing statement. "You're awfully judgy for someone who doesn't want to be single."
"Judgy? Sure." He narrowed his eyes at you and popped a piece of the muffin in his mouth. "But not weird? Not a freak?"
"It's not the worst way to gauge the quality of person you've been set up with," you admitted after some contemplation.
Eddie beamed. Not the easy smiles and smirks he'd been giving you so far during your time together. It was a smile that morphed his face into something of sheer beauty. And your heart skipped a beat as you desired to see that smile more.
"As long as you don't judge anything else I order," you added as an afterthought.
"Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart."
Unfortunately, that plan went to shit immediately because judgement seemed to be the theme for the rest of your date.
Good natured judgement, sure. But judgement nonetheless.
As it turned out, you were both incredibly opinionated when it came to food.
It wasn't something you'd ever consciously considered yourself to be, seeing as you were the furthest from a picky eater possible. You ate everything. But you had preferences that came to light when it was time to place your orders. Eddie's hawklike gaze caught every twitch of your brow and scrunch of your nose. And you had done the same in return.
"What's that look?"
"What's what look?"
"That one?"
"Excuse me, but you've got a look too."
This led to you bickering across the table as you continued to consume the bread basket.
"Who puts mozzarella in their omelet? It's swiss or cheddar or nothing."
"Mozzarella is the reason there's a cheese stretch. And you're one to talk. Who orders ranch on their caesar sirloin sandwich instead of caesar? It's in the name."
"I don't like the anchovies."
"You can't even taste them."
"No, but I know they're there."
At some point, Eddie had reached across the table and flicked at the tips of your fingers lightly.
It tickled. You giggled. You were not a giggler.
What the hell was wrong with you?
Back and forth you went as you scanned over the menu and went over your preferences. Waffles verus pancakes versus french toast. Minestrone versus cream of chicken and rice. Rice pudding versus spumoni.
It seemed that every time you compared preferences, you were at odds with one another. But that was the best thing about them being preferences, you didn't explicitly dislike what the other person liked. Just preferred your own. So it didn't stop either of your utensils from sneaking across the table to steal bites from each other's plates once the food had arrived.
"You put too much syrup on your pancakes," you cajoled.
"Well they're my pancakes, sweetheart," Eddie joked before flipping the short stack over so you could access the pancake that wasn't absolutely doused in butter and syrup. "You put too much hot sauce on your eggs."
"They needed something," you defended and he pointedly hit his fork against the glass Heinz bottle that sat between you. "Don't tell me you can't handle spice." You pointedly cut a particularly bland looking portion for him to take.
There was one item on the menu you had yet to discuss, and Eddie was the one to cross the metaphorical line in the sand.
"How do you feel..." Eddie paused as he swirled a fry through a pool of ketchup. He avoided your gaze, either through fear or shame, you couldn’t be sure. “About saganaki?"
You twirled your fork thoughtfully and asked "versus what?"
"Versus nothing." He shrugged. "Just...wanna know what you think of it." He leaned back in his seat and stretched his arms over the back of the booth, the complete opposite of the defensive, avoidant body language he had just moments ago. He was open, welcoming your response. Even if it was one that he wasn't going to like.
Flaming Saganaki was in a league of its own, and Eddie was right not to put it against something else. Briney cheese doused in brandy and then set aflame at your table in a brilliant spectacle. Squirt a bit of lemon on it once the fire had burned out--or to put the fire out altogether--and it turned gooey and a little roasty and a little funky.
It was a divisive dish and you'd sat through plenty of arguments with friends and family alike over ordering it for the table to share, and you're sure Eddie had experienced the same.
Even though you'd had the lowest of hopes for this date, it was actually going well and you really liked him. His humor, his smile, his je ne sais qois. You didn't want this whole thing to derail over saganaki of all things. Should you tell him the truth? Or not?
"I love it," you said confidently, shoulders pulled back.
"Bullshit," he hissed at you and leaned forward, elbows placed on the table as he tented his hands in front of his face. "Nobody likes saganaki."
"I do," you insisted with a scoff. "I like the corner pieces, actually, because they get the best crust."
"But it's stinky."
"Sometimes the best food is stinky food."
"It's not even greek!"
"Yes it is! It's greek cheese! Halloumi. Kasseri!"
"It's weird."
"It's a tradition," you insisted, getting a little hot under the collar.
You mirrored him, leaning forward to meet his challenge. But instead of tenting your hands, you fisted the cloth napkin in your lap. Wringing it. It was your turn, now, to wax poetic about a food; you knew this date was over anyway if this was anything to go by, just as you feared. Who knew cheese would be your undoing. Another anecdote never to tell your nonexistent grandchildren.
"It's a Chicago diner staple," you spat at him. "It's a spectacle, and you don't have to eat it if you don't like it, but you have to respect it. You have to clap when it comes out of the kitchen. You have to say opa when they light it on fire.
"And it's my favorite part of coming to places like this," you said with finality. "So if you can't deal with that...I guess this date is over."
You stared at him, stared him right in the eye, and he stared right back at you unblinkingly. That warm brown gaze that might as well have been made of molten fire the way it glinted in the incandescent light of the fixture overhead.
Finally, he blinked. And the serious facade fell away as he grinned. "Well good!"
"Good?" you asked, confused.
"Yeah, good." He nodded. "You passed my final test."
"Oh you son of a b--" He cut you off before you could get the expletive out.
"Listen, I don't like liars and I don't like people who pretend to be something they're not. I like real people. And sometimes, that's the last thing you get from someone when you go on one of these blind dates. I took a chance, and it was worth it. You're worth it."
You were at a loss for words.
He had a point. Blind dates...any dates really...were full of pitfalls and fake personalities and best behaviors. And sometimes you got to see authenticity peeking through, and sometimes that was a bad thing. So you couldn't fault him for this...because it was working out. For both of you.
But did it have to be over cheese of all things?
"It's also really good," Eddie continued after a few seconds. Your attention snapped back to him. "Because I placed an order for us to share while you were in the bathroom and if you didn't like it, this was gonna be really awkward."
And you couldn't help but through your head back in the biggest laugh, before you threw your napkin right at his face.
By the end of the date, you were so full of good food and good spirits from each other's company. Eddie had insisted on getting you a slice of their cherry cheesecake to go.
"It's a staple," he said as you waited in the line along the bakery case to pay. He leaned down and practically had his entire face pressed to the glass to ogle the beautifully lit cheesecake with shiny glazed cherries atop it. "I'm getting a slice to eat for breakfast tomorrow. So you in? Or no?"
He was also a sweetheart who paid for the absolute mountains of food you both had consumed, even though you insisted that you could pay for your portion.
"My uncle would roll in his grave," he said, elbowing you as he pulled bills out of his wallet. "He's not dead, by the way. But I think he would drop dead, let us bury him, roll over in it just to make a point."
"Nice to know where you get your flair for the dramatics from," you teased.
He smiled that big, bright smile again that made your heart flutter.
After he paid, you walked outside and hesitated to part ways, awkwardly figuring out how to say goodbye after such a perfect final blind date of your lives.
Eddie, once again, was the one to finally cross the line. No tricks this time, though. No tests.
"So, next Sunday?" he asked as you fiddled with your keys. "Pancakes and chicken and rice soup and saganaki?"
And you didn't hesitate to say yes.
#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#stranger things fic#stranger things#eddie munson stranger things
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In the middle of writing my fic and just, I'm so baffled by the intricacy of this novel. All my respect to the author at just how detailed, ironic and yet deeply tragic KRS's very existence is.
Everyone that KRS has ever dared to love ended up dead or a fate worse than death. We have implicit confirmation that he began distancing himself from his team after LSH & CJS deaths. But I keep thinking back to him throughout the years (a little kid, teenage, young adult etc.) always grieving then daring to be happy only to have it shot down over and over again.
His parents passed away? His uncle takes him, only to abuse him.
He ends up at an orphanage? Sure he doesn't have friends but he's earning money and will go to college. Cataclysm happens.
He's stuck under debris for ages. But then he meets our movie star LSH, right? Wrong, LSH goes off to save other people, KRS gets bullied by PJT, the shelters collapse and he loses everyone. It's just this never ending cycle of tragedy over and over again.
At some point, during the early chapters, KRS commends Raon for not giving up despite all his pain. KRS lowkey detests himself having given up early on living a happy life. Still his heart wavers and yearns for companionship simply because that's a fundamental part of being human.
Every single time, he has to gather the courage to be hurt again. I'm thinking now, forget his OG world, in his current one too-- whenever KRS!Cale brings in another person into his family, he's subconsciously bracing himself to lose them. It's ironic that he thinks he stopped fighting back fate, when in reality, all his meticulous preparations, his scheming and his self-sabotage of his slacker life-- are all proof that KRS is not willing to lose these people. The OG!Cale's future is KRS's worst nightmare.
Every single time he brings another member into his family, KRS is silently saying-- I know this opens me up to hurt, for I've lost more people than I've ever had, but still regardless, I want you. I love you. I care for you.
All of this, in retrospect to the reveal about the WS' influence on KRS' life, makes this so much more tragic. The WS looked down on the importance human connection/companionship, considering it useless to the path of godhood. KRS embodies that importance, despite steeling his heart, he continues to care. He's our snarky self-sacrificial middle-aged twink, who finally gained a family willing to literally fistfight god for him. And you know, you know that if the WS stupid curse didn't parasite onto KRS's life, then you know from the Sealed God Test that he'd have had that family too in another life, in another world.
Just going on this rant gives me the heebie jeebies about writing my fic, purely because I keep wondering about how the hell I am ever going to give this man justice with my amateur writing. Sir, respectfully, I know you hate this question but, are you human?
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Batfam and Danny, Part 32
Wayne Manor, Damian's art studio.
Danny: Hey Damian.
Damian: Hi Danny.
Danny: Nice painting.
Damian: It's still not finished I still have to do some finishing touches on the shading.
Danny: Well it looks like a good representation of Jon. Hi by the way.
Jon: Hi Danny!
Danny: Is painting Jon while he's doing his homework functional? He's going to be moving a bit.
Damian: I wanted a bit of a challenge.
Jon: I told him I could stand still and model but Damian refused.
Damian: I didn't want you to fall behind on your homework.
Danny: Don't you have homework?
Damian: I did it during lunch at school.
Jon (sad): Damian always does his homework during lunch.
Damian: That doesn't mean I ignore you, we still talk. I just rather have free time to paint.
Jon: Nerd.
Damian: Excuse me? If anything you're the nerd.
Jon: Let's agree to this agree.
Damian: I can agree to that.
Jon: Hmm... Damian do you have a pencil sharpener?
Damian: Yes, it's in my desk in my room, top left drawer. You can go up and get it.
Jon (getting up and hugging Damian on his way out): Thanks bud, you're the best!
Damian (smiling): Anything for you Jon.
Jon flew out of the room. Danny looked down at Damian who had gone back to looking at his painting. Danny snapped his fingers.
Damian: What's this?
Danny: Anti-sound barrier. I want to ask you something and don't what any wondering hears.
Damian: Ok...
Danny: Damian do you like Jon?
Damian: I- yes he's my best friend.
Danny: No, do you like-like Jon? Just now let him hug you without asking and hugged him back while smiling, you never allow that. You also allowed him into your room without you there, you only allow Alfred to do that. And you let him talk to you while working on an assignment, you hate distractions. So I just want to know if you're just very comfortable around Jon or if I'm just reading too much into things.
Damian: ...I guess it'd be good to tell someone. He took a deep breath. Yes I do like Jon.
Danny: I see...
Damian: I'm not even sure how it happened. When we first meet, I found him annoying and wasn't a good friend. I've apologized to him for my initial behavior and he's forgiven me. Overall just told me not to think about it. Overtime we started hanging out more and more, and eventually I started seeing him as my best friend. But something changed a few months ago. We went on a mission together. The base we infiltrated was booby-trapped and we ended up getting separated. I ended up getting captured, stupid mistake on my part. As I was braking free from my constraints, Jon broke into the room and attacked the goons holding me hostage. He ended up sending all of them to the ICU. I had never seen Jon mad, or use his powers to such an extent before, I guess felt honored. It was after that that I started feeling both happier and strangely nervous whenever Jon was around, and also strangely sad when he wasn't. I also got this feeling to do anything I could to impress him. It was only recently that I figured out it was that I had developed feelings for him. And I don't know what to do.
Danny: Damian-
Damian: Let me finish. Since I was little I always admired both women and men. Guess part of that was because the League of Assassins doesn't care about what its members do on their off time, as long as it doesn't interfere with their duties, so my issue is not one of self, but rather what these new feelings could cause. If I do confess to Jon, he could reject me and ruin our friendship. And even if he does accept my feelings, we could separate later on. Then there's Tim and Kon, no matter what happens between me and Jon, it will impact their own relationship. He started to tear up. I just don't want to see anyone I care about get hurt due to my stupid feelings.
Danny hugged Damian.
Danny: Damian your feelings are not stupid. You can't help how you feel about Jon. True, this situation is very complicated, but I think you should go for it. From what I know about Jon, he won't just stop talking to you if he doesn't feel the same way, yes things might be awkward for a while, but you two will remain friends at the end. At the very least you can say you tried.
Damian (wiping his tears): Danny, that is the worst pep talk I have ever heard. But, I see your point, I just don't know how to go about it.
Danny: What about the gala we're due to attend in a few days. You got a plus one right? Invite Jon, and confess your feelings at the end of the night.
Damian: That sounds like a reasonable plan... I'll ask Jon to the gala, but I don't know if I'll ask him to more than best friends.
Danny: That's the spirit!
Danny broke the barrier.
Jon: I'm back!
Damian looked at Jon and then at Danny who nodded.
Damian: Jon I would like to ask you something.
Jon: What is it?
Damian: In a few days my family and I are going to a gala, and I have a plus one, I would like you to go with me.
Jon: Really!? Sure thing, I'll love to go!
Damian (smiling): Great. Do you own a tuxedo?
Jon: Nothing fancy enough for the kind of galas you go to.
Damian: You can have one of mine, we're the same height and have similar builds, it should fit you perfectly.
Jon: Thanks, I promise to take care of it.
Damian (proud): I'll show all of those lowlife Gotham elites how amazing my best friend.
Jon (smiling): Sounds like it'll be a fun night.
Damian (smiling): Yeah it will.
(Master Post)
#dp x dc crossover#dc x dp crossover#dp x dc#dc x dp#jon x damian#damian x jon#timberkon#tim x kon#danny fenton#danny phantom#damian wayne#damian al ghul#damian wayne al ghul#robin#jon kent#jon el#superboy
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Prince and Princess of Versace 💖🔥
Summary: You are attending the Versace after party with your new boyfriend, hoping to not run into your ex but it's hard when you and him are labeled the Prince and Princess of Versace. See how it all turns out when you and your ex are in the same building. I really hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Hyunjin x you, Hyunjin x reader
Genre: Fanfiction
Warnings: couples fighting, cussing. When you see words italicized it means they're speaking in Korean.

"Ready?" You were looking out the window when you heard your boyfriend, feeling his strong hand place on yours to make you break out of your thoughts.
You were trying your best all day to stay strong, to build up the confidence for tonight. You tried all day to avoid your ex but it's hard not to hear cheers for the "Prince of Versace." But you were happy to never saw him at the fashion show.
"Yeah, I'm ready." You really didn't want to walk into the after party, you wanted to skip it but you had to attend since it's part of your contract.
You gave your boyfriend a small smile as the door opened and lights immediately went off, fans calling your name while screaming on the top of their lungs. "ITS THE PRINCESS OF VERSACE!!!"
You hated the nickname since you were given it when you were dating Hyunjin but you knew there was no way to ever get rid of it. You had it now, forever.
You smiled as normal as you could while waving to all of your fans who have been waiting there all day. You grabbed your boyfriend's hand and walked inside to the party while waving to everyone.
"That was a lot," Your boyfriend made a snarky comment, another one that has added up on your annoyance bar but you decided to brush it off for now. 'I have more important things to worry about,' you thought.
Your mind was already made up that you were gonna break up with him a few days after the event, you've reached your level with him.
"Y/n!!" You heard your best friend's voice, calling for you the second you walked in. Turning around, you see her running up in her Versace designer dress that was custom made for her. She threw herself on you, hugging you tightly since you've both been busy and haven't seen each other in person in a while.
"It's so good to see you!!" You heard her by your ear. "It's been far too long! Where's your manager at??" She wondered when pulling away.
"I know, I know!! And, she said she's too old for this stuff now and wanted to take in the city by herself tonight. But, Angie, I don't know if you remember my boyfriend, Sergio," you said turning to her, even though you know she's never met him but tried to be polite with it.
Angie has only seen him on your social media or because of the media since he's a professional footballer. But she could sense something was off with you and him, kind of wishing you and Hyunjin got back together. She actually wanted to make sure you were okay since he was here tonight.
"Oh, yes. We met vaguely at a party once, it's so nice to see you," she lied to be nice but hoping this was just a phase you were going through, not thinking he will last much longer.
He put up a charming smile as he shook her hand. "Very nice to see you. Baby doll, Angie, would you both like some champagne?"
"Yes, I'd love one," you smiled, turning towards him.
"Me too," Angie politely smiled, knowing it was going to be her only chance to talk to you alone.
"I'll be back," he kissed you on the lips before taking off.
"Sooo...thanks for lying." You and Angie laughed when he walked away.
"I see that you're doing okay, dating a footballer and putting out a new album...so amazing!"
"Oh, I'm glad you liked it! But what about you? You've been busy traveling the world, winning races! Kicking guys' ass!" You slightly nudged her on the arm, gushing over how well she's been racing in Formula One.
"Ahh, just a bunch of trophies," you both laughed as Angie was a bit nervous to bring up Hyunjin. "But of course I loved your album, especially one song in particular...one that's about...you know who. You doing okay?"
Your eyes lit up since you've been telling everyone that the song it isn't about your ex; although...you've been lying to everyone.
Fixing your posture, you relaxed your shoulders and tried your best to stay clam, having a poker face. "Yeah, I'm fine," 'but am I? I low key miss Hyunjin and I'm going to break up with my current boyfriend. Yeah, doing fine,' you sarcastically thought in your mind, wanting to say it but held your tongue.
"C'mon...its me..." she look fondly at you, softly gabbing your right hand with her, "how are you doing...Princess of Versace," she smirked, knowing what she is eluding to. She is one of your dearest friends, the very few people you can trust.
"If I have to hear that name, one more time today!" You jokingly laughed, hoping that brushed it away.
"And that tells me everything I need to know."
You couldn't help but chuckle, "That obvious?"
"A little but have you seen him today at all?"
"No, I took a picture with Donatella and I was a little shocked she didn't bring us together to all take one. I was waiting for it."
"Well she's here tonight and I think Hyunjin is already here."
"Great, just gotta keep ignoring him."
"And if you run into him?"
"Smile and wave."
"Do you still think about him?"
You stared at her with your mouth open when Sergio walked back with drinks for you and Angie, wrapping his arm around your waist as you all took a sip of the drink while you felt his hand grip your waist a bit tighter. You wondered why but let it go since you were with your friend.
But what you didn't know is when he was grabbing drinks, he saw your ex. He obviously knows who he is, one of the reasons he wasn't looking forward to coming to this event with you. But he had a secret motive, hoping you introduced him to Donatella, she would sign him on.
You three began talking, some other people you and Angie all began talking as Sergio's head was on a swivel, making sure Hyunjin didn't see you.
And Hyunjin was trying his best to make sure he didn't run into ybut hearing Princess of Versace throughout the day made his heart sink to his stomach, making it form a painful knot.
He grabbed a drink to help with the worry of bumping into you. He subconsciously scanned the area; thankfully not seeing you until he was about to look back at the person talking when a someone that was blocking you and Sergio moved away.
'No....' his jaw locked and his eye brows pinched together, standing taller while looking at you and your new boyfriend he's heard so much about. He still looks at your public account every so often. When you post your new boyfriend, he always tries to look away as if he doesn't see him.
You were laughing along with friends when you could feel eyes on you, like you were being watched. You moved your head to the left but didn't see anyone, going to drop it when in the corner of your right eye, you saw him.
The man you were desperately trying to avoid all night is eyeing you and your boyfriend, seeming pissed off. 'But why do I find him so hot though...no no no. Shake your mind out of it.' Your eyes locked with his for a brief second before turning away, Angie wondering what was going on until she followed your once gaze you had towards Hyunjin.
She turned back around and gave you a look, making you shrug your shoulders while Hyunjin's eyes relaxed, he's missed you so much. Everything he's tried so hard to suppress was coming up. He couldn't take his eyes off you; 'looking so beautiful, so radiant in that outfit,' he wanted to go over just to say hi.
Although it the back of his mind he wanted to rip the outfit off and be with you once again.
Hyunjin's manager/friend that he's known for so many years, saw him staring at you with your boyfriend, making his way quickly over to make sure Hyunjin was okay.
"Yeah...I'm fine..." He couldn't help but stare over, he tried focusing on the people talking in the group he was in but it was doing no good.
Sergio saw Hyunjin looking over, making him grab your waist a bit tighter, bringing you closer to him. "How much longer do we need to stay?" he whispered in your ear, eyeing Hyunjin whom he gave a nasty look towards.
'Fuck this guy,' Hyunjin thought.
"Why?" You asked annoyed, 'This is one of the reasons I'm going to break up with you,' you couldn't help but roll your eyes, slowly moving out of his grip, wondering why he's being so clingy.
"Just want alone time with you," he lied while kissing your cheek, pissing of Hyunjin even more. He turned away and began to fake laugh with the people he was with.
The whole night you and Hyunjin tried to act like you both weren't there, occasionally stealing looks with each other but eventually you and him both moved around so you couldn't see each other anymore.
"Hey, will you go with me to the restroom?" Angie whispered to you, wanting to talk to you since she's been watching you and Hyunjin the whole night.
"Yeah, let's go!" You turned to your boyfriend, explaining how you and Angie were going to go use the restroom really quick.
"Okay, I'll be here," you both shared a kiss before turning away with your friend, heading to the restroom where you both talked about Hyunjin when washing your hands, realizing how he still sits in your heart when you don't want him to.
"Do you think we should get back together?"
"I can't make that decision for you, no one can but you. You have to listen to what's in here," she said pointing to your heart. "I like Hyunjin with you, going to be honest, not getting great vibes from Sergio."
You're glad that she spoke up, telling you the truth, something you don't hear often. 'This is why I'm friends with her.'
"If Hyunjin wants to get back together, would you?"
"I....I don't know..."
"You don't know or you don't want to say it out loud?"
You nibbled on your bottom lip as you looked towards the ground before looking back up at her with an uneasy face. "The second one..." you said in a low tone but she was able to pick up on it.
"C'mon, let's get back to the party," you followed behind her, exiting through the door when you both noticed a huge crowd in front of you guys.
Angie grabbed your hand and began to lead you back, bumping into everyone, saying sorry as you go along. You were almost out of the crowd when you and someone bumped into each other, "sor-" was all you could say when you noticed who it was.
You let go of your friend's hand, who turned around to see you stand in front of Hyunjin, who was staring at you in complete shock. It's as if time stood still for both of you. All the music, the voices were completely gone as if you two were the only ones in the room.
He wanted to reach out and bring you into your arms but instead he could only say hello, words that were a bit shaky coming out.
"Hi," you nervously smiled, your body trembling, yelling at yourself to be cool, 'just say hi and be on my way.' "It's good to see you," you waved politely, pointing your left foot towards Angie, ready to take off when he gently grabbed your hand. He did it out of muscle memory, a whole shock entered your body from his touch.
You could feel your heart pounding inside your chest while your brain was telling you to run. "You look absolutely stunning tonight." He wanted to keep you there a little bit longer, he wasn't ready for you to leave.
Your cheeks heated up, trying to hide the huge smile that wanted to come out but kept it as normal as you could. But, he could see how the small comment made you flustered, something he always loved to do.
"Um...thanks, you look good too," you said in almost a whisper, plus it didn't help with how loud it was from people talking and the music.
"What??" He asked, bending his head down to hear you. You couldn't believe his new blonde hair, eyeing how short it is.
"You look good too, I like your new hair cut! Love how you incorporated Versace on it." You yelled by his ear, making him smile; not only from the compliment but from how close you were to him.
"Thank you, I wanted to do something different," he said before rubbing his hand on his very short hair, still bent down a little towards you, subconsciously moving closer.
His face was inches from yours, a short breath escaped your lips as you both held eye contact while your friend was keeping an eye on your boyfriend to make sure he doesn't see the interaction with your ex.
Your eyes accidently dropped to his lips that you wanted to smash yours against. 'Damn alcohol,' you cursed at the few drinks you had, playing with your mind. 'But his lips look so inviting', you couldn't help but look back at them, seeing how soft and plump they are.
'Nope, don't do it!!' "I should get going, it was really good to see you," you tried your best to break out of his spell.
'Just ask her to talk some more, tell her you miss her,' "I-" was all he got out because he was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"My Prince and Princess!" Donatella called out in happiness, bringing both of you in for a hug. "I've been looking everywhere for the two of you! Come, let's take some photos together over in the VIP area."
Hyunjin and you both looked at each other with an unknowing look, him hoping you say yes so he can spend some time with you.
"Of course!" He said with a huge smile.
"Sure, let's go," you didn't want to say yes but knew Donatella's feelings would be hurt and she could terminate you contract for say no. Besides that, there was something deep down wanting to keep hanging out with Hyunjin some more.
"Fabulous!" She took your hand and his, taking you away before you could tell Angie. But she knew she had to cover for you when seeing you whisked away with Hyunjin.
She nervously walked back over to Sergio like a child who left in trouble, seeing him talking to a group of people who were asking him questions about his sport. She let out a big sigh before stepping in the circle of people who couldn't believe it was a Formula One driver entering the group. Sergio's eyes rolled when everyone began to pay attention to her.
He was listening to her talk but when he looked to his sides, looked towards Angie, realizing you were missing. 'Where the fuck is she?? Oh no...'
He was afraid his fear from tonight was coming true, he briskly made his way over towards Angie wanting to know where you went. He inserted himself between her and someone else, earning a nasty glare of the person he nudged out.
"Where's Y/n?" He quickly asked, his jaw locking in anger.
She didn't appreciate his tone and the fact he came rushing over to ask where you're at, 'she's a grown adult, she can do whatever the fuck she wants,' is what she wanted to say but decided to keep that a thought instead. "She's taking photos with Donatella."
"Donatella and who??" He knew he had to be with you and Donatella, he could feel it. But before Angie could explain, he looked right past her, seeing you, Hyunjin and Donatella through a window up above in the VIP section.
Angie's eyes quickly diverted to Sergio, "they're Donatella's favorites, ya know?" She immediately tried to defend the situation, trying to let him know it was all Donatella's idea. "They're the Prince and Princess of Versace," She tried to laugh it off but it came up sounding uneasy.
Sergio didn't like seeing you up there with him, afraid he would steal you back but he thought how it's good your with Donatella so he could finally be introduced to her.
"Where are you going?" He walked right past Angie, bumping into her to make his way towards where you were at.
"Fuck you!" She angrily stared at the back of his head while he marched his way upstairs, wondering how he was going to even get into the VIP section.
"I'm so glad to see you both here together again," Donatella smiled with delight, "us three must have lunch tomorrow!"
"Yeah, wonderful idea," Hyunjin said, loving the idea to see you again, especially where it's quiet.
Donatella turned towards you, seeing if you were up to it. 'Say no!' "Yeah, of course," 'what the fuck?!? that wasn't a no!' You yelled at yourself when smiling but quickly was thinking of a lie to get out of it.
"Perfect! I'll see you both tomorrow, I'll send everything to your managers tonight." She said goodbye, giving you both hugs before leaving you both in the VIP section.
"I guess we'll see each other again tomorrow," Hyunjin said a bit loud by your ear so you could hear him over the loud music. He felt giddy thinking of the idea.
"Yeah, I might have something else planned...." You cowardly looked away, trying to get out of the area before you keep falling for him again. "I have to go."
You were about to walk away when he yelled out, "Is it because of something planned or because of me?" He said it so loud people in the small area heard, including you. You froze in your spot before slowing turning back around.
Hyunjin slowly walked up, his eyes never leaving yours as he stood tall in front of you, looking down. Everyone looked away and going back to their conversations or dancing to the music. "You don't want to go because of me."
"No," you waved your hands side to side in front of you, trying to make sure that wasn't the case, 'even though it's because of that.' "I'm just busy, I don't remember what I have scheduled tomorrow."
He could see you nibble on the inside of your right cheek, an indicator of you lying; something he's seen so many times before. "Why are you lying Y/n?"
You didn't understand why he was getting upset, making you angry. "Look Hyunjin, I don't want start anything, okay? I might not make it because of how busy I am."
"I want to see you again," he quickly through out, shocking himself.
You flinched your upper body a bit back, 'does he miss me too? No, fuck that! He broke up with me!' "Why? You ended this, you broke us up."
"I'm sorry! It was stupid of me! I should be the one mad at you for flaunting your new boyfriend in front of me!"
"I'm not flaunting anything!"
"Really? You could have shown up alone or with your manager like I did, instead you showed up with him because you knew I was going to be here!"
Your mouth dropped open, you didn't know what to say. You thought it was little hot to see Hyunjin so jealous but frustrated since he shouldn't be. "You wanted this, you wanted us not together anymore. What was I suppose to do??"
He froze this time, he remembers some of those words, they were from your new album, off one of the songs...'so that song was about me...she really did write it about me.' He knows how talented of a writer you are, so it didn't shock him too much.
His and your eyes were glued to each other, before you gave him a side eye, leaving him standing there because there was nothing left for you to say that wouldn't cause a huge scene. 'I don't need to cause any bad publicity, especially not here.'
When you walked out of the VIP area, you saw your boyfriend waiting there for you. "Hey, there you are." You tried to smile to the best of your ability but it was difficult to come off as genuine.
"You were taking pictures with your ex?" Sergio wasted no time in asking what he's been fuming over.
You rolled your eyes because you didn't want to deal with this, particularly after dealing with Hyunjin. "No, Donatella wanted a photo with the both of us. Do we really have a problem here?" You through back at him because your blood was already boiling, ready to break up with him right there.
He could sense the anger and hearing it in your tone, thinking back to what Angie said how you and your ex are Donatella's favorite, 'they're the Prince and Princess of Versace,' he thought back to Angie's words. But he really didn't want to miss out on his chance to sign with Versace so he decided to lower his tone and look past the photo problem.
"Okay, I believe you...but where's Donatella?"
"I don't know," you gave him a nasty look, 'why the fuck does he want to know, holy fuck does he think I'm still lying??' "She took off after taking photos."
Hyunjin swiftly made his way through the crowd, hoping he could reach you before you left but he saw you with you boyfriend. You gave him one quick look before grabbing your boyfriend's hand.
"Let's get going," you were exhausted from the long day and the last ten minutes drained you.
You made your way through the crowd, finding Angie to tell her you were leaving.
"Okay, bye it was so good seeing you!!" She said really loud when bringing you in for a hug. "Text me when you make it to the hotel," she whispered.
"I will," you softly said as you let go, sharing a caring look with her as she blew you kisses, waving goodbye.
You made your way outside, back to the flashing lights, where you and your boyfriend waved to all your fans.
The driver opened your door, getting in and resting your head against the headrest, wanting to forget about today. You closed your eyes, hearing doors closed and feeling the car taking off.
"You'll have to introduce me to Donatella next time."
Your hands, that were resting in your lap, clenched tightly together when he spoke. "Yeah...sure." You adjusted in your seat, knees pointing towards the door when you brought your phone out of your purse. You immediately went on to social media to see photos of you, looking at what your fan sites were saying; all gushing over you.
You were about to close out of Twitter, when you saw photos of you with Hyunjin and Donatella. You saw tweets saying:
"Are they back together??"
"Told you her recent song off her album was about him!! She clearly still loves him."
"This is a cute photo but people have to remember her and Sergio are dating. There were photos taken of them together all day."
"Love this but love her and Sergio together!"
You knew people would speculate you and Hyunjin but enjoyed the sane Tweets, pointing out you and Sergio were together all day. 'Thank you so much to the good fans,' you thought while Sergio saw you looking at the photos on your phone, hating that you were.
It was quiet on the way back to the hotel, no one said anything to each other until you and him walked into the hotel room. You were messaging your manager and Angie that you made it back.
You felt a sigh of relief when taking your heels off by the door, ready to take the dress, make up off so you could go take a hot shower. 'I'll text my manager and Angie for a few more minutes then I'll take my shower, take off my make up, and...'
"Do you still love him??" Your thoughts were broken up by your boyfriend's odd question.
"What??" You were taking off your earnings when he brought up this accusation.
"You still love him...I saw you looking at the photos on the car ride back."
'He's messing with me right now...right? That's the only explanation.' "Are you fucking kidding me??" You didn't hold back, you couldn't take it anymore. "I was looking at the photos of me and seeing what people are saying!"
"And what are they saying? Assuming you two are together again?"
"Who fucking cares if they are...the normal ones are saying how cute YOU and I look together! What is your problem, why are you so jealous over him??" You set your earrings down on the night stand, turning towards him.
"I'm not jealous of him! Why would I be jealous of some silly singer??"
That struck a nerve in you, your lips pressing tightly together before speaking, "You know I'm some silly singer, right??"
"You know what I mean," he tried to wave it off while you looked at him as if he had three heads before staring down at the bed. 'I don't belong with this man...I have to end this, I can't wait much longer.'
"I can't do this anymore..." your eyes were staring at the blanket, coming to the realization.
"What?" He was unbuttoning his dress shirt, stopping from your words.
"You can have the room," you slowly moved your eyes up towards him who looked angry but also seemed like he was ready to cry. "I'll stay somewhere, we're done."
"What??" 'Is that the only thing he can fucking say??'
"You heard me! We're done! When we get back home I'll give you your stuff back." You grabbed your earrings and quickly gathered your stuff, running around the room with him yelling at you.
"You can't fucking break up with me! Who do you think you are??"
You ignored him while you gathered everything as quickly as you could, to get out before it got ugly. But you felt as if it was already there with the way he was yelling at you.
"Where are you going?? Staying with Hyunjin?!" You didn't answer him as you made your way out the door, shutting in his face before he got to you.
Hyunjin was on his way back to his hotel, resting his head against the seat with his eyes closed, earning a concerned look from his manager.
"Are you okay?" He asked, even though he knows it was probably about seeing you again.
"I can't believe I made things worse between us," his eye lids tightly pinched together, seeing the scene replay in his mind.
"It will be okay."
He opened his eyes to stare up at the car's roof, "Will it? I can't believe I acted so jealous and she was right I'm the one who broke us up...I shouldn't be acting like this."
"Maybe you should text her to apologize?"
He let out a sharp chuckle, "that's if she hasn't blocked me."
"You'll never know if you don't try."
His managers words sat with him even when he made it to is hotel room, throwing himself on his bed, face down, letting out a angry scream. 'You'll never know if you don't try,' played in his mind again, knowing his manager is right.
He sat up, bringing his phone out before he began to text.
Hyunjin: Hey, I'm really sorry for the way I acted. I miss you.
'No...hate that.'
Hyunjin: I should have never said what I did, I still love you...
'No....UGH, why is this so hard!'
He turned on his back to look up at the celling, wondering what he could say. He couldn't sit still, getting up and pacing the room in hoping the correct words come to him.
'I have to man up and just do it,' he sat down on the edge of the bed and began to text, typing away at a fast pace.
He read it back, happy with what it said and sent it before it was too late. Like a scaredy cat, he threw his phone away from him on the bed and went to go take a nice hot warm shower.
Hyunjin: Hey, I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now or see my message but I'm really sorry for the way I acted. I guess I was jealous, which I shouldn't be. I'm happy to see you happy, you deserve that and the whole world. I'm sorry I broke up with you, I should have never done that, I regret it every day I miss you and hope that you do come tomorrow, I would love to see you again.
(Message not sent)
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*
Thank you so much for reading this short story! I'm debating to do a part two, so if you want/need a part two please let me know and I might write it. But thank you again for reading! 💗🤗
If you wanna check out my longer stories and other Stray Kids stuff click here, if not, it's fine 🤗
#hyunjin#hwang hyunjin#stray kids#skz#stay#hyunjin x you#hyunjin x reader#hwang hyunjin x reader#hyunjin fanfic#stray kids fan fic#skz fanfic#you and hyunjin
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I'm absolutely sick of every ship in HOTD being about Rhaenyra.......... Even Alicole is paralleled with Rhaenyra/Criston, IT'S SO TIRESOME. The creators emphasize that Alicent lives in the same room, she drinks tea in ep4 of the season just like young Rhaenyra in the first season, hell, she even probably thinks about Rhaenyra while she has sex with Criston, why not... Rhaenicent, Daemyra, Rhaesaria, Rhaewin. We get it, Rhaenyra is the center of the show, but it gives off a Mary Sue vibe when everyone is in love with her, even her enemies switch teams for her, because she is sooo wonderful and special. Is this an adaptation of a YA novel or a GRRM work? It's especially annoying when there are other interesting characters and relationships that could have been explored, but won't be because the writers can't move past Rhaenyra and her romantic and sex life:
- Jace's potential romances have been cut, Sara Snow is not in the show and his relationship with Baela is more of a friendship, they don't look in love. Also Baela's interest in boys was removed.
- Daemon/Nettles. Cut from the show because Rhaenyra needs to be the center of Daemon's universe. GRRM is particularly mad at this one, I'm sure.
- Helaena and Aegon. Not saying it's a romance, but they could've still had scenes together.
- Aemond and Alys. It's unclear, but Alys is team black or team prophecy in the show, so she is also Rhaenyra centered.
I really don't understand this even from a marketing perspective. Everyone should just be a fan of Rhaenyra, there are no other option. GOT had so many characters, ships and dynamics that you could pick anyone to follow. And the whole thing for HOTD is "stan the rightful queen or go away". I used to like Rhaenyra after the first season before I read the book, but after reading the book, I started to dislike and borderline hate her because of how the showrunners push her as the lead and center of every character's life, it's just frustrating. Rhaenyra already has 4 hours of screentime in just 18 episodes which is equal to or even more than Dany's entire screen time, by the end of the show she'll probably have 8 hours of screen time, it's insufferable. This story that is meant to be an ensemble cast was turned into a one person show.
Olivia tried to distance alicole from Rhaenicent, but in the inside interview of the episode Ryan was so much implying that.
So you are right anon. In everything you said. And this goes beyond relationship too. It affects even small scenes. Like, I saw and heard so many complains about tb council scenes in S2, because the writers start from the premise that Rhaenyra has to come out as right or look good. She needs to stand out on her team. And this probably a condition that Ryan or Sara set for the writers. So all characters around her suffer from it.
That is why all tb characters are less and have no particular motivation. With Daemon as a exception, because he never stay in one place for to long and that includes interacting with Rhaenyra.
Is not that Tg had way better written in S2. It was just that they are not interacting with her so they suffer less from this problem. So the writers have more freedom to develop them as individuals even with the small screen time.
Now regarding the relationships. I think S2 was the biggest disappointment for me in this sense too. That is why people asking me about Alysmond, i know they will fuck up, because all their relationships are either focused on Rhaenyra or is read in a incredible cynical way .
Baela and Jace have more siblings energy than Helaena and her brothers.
Alicent and Cole, had some good moments but started to bad. Besides the weird parallels to reminds us of Rhaenyra. Alicent as character wouldn't just have sex with someone so casually. Sure there is a lot passion on the act, and sure they do have feelings for each other, but the way the things led to this moment makes no sense when you consider Alicent in s1.
Helaena and Aegon/Aemond: I had this conversation with someone a long time ago. And this person ask me, who do you think won more in S2, Helaegon or Helaemond? And to me both lost in ways. Because Helaegon has the most complex dinamic but is not romantic at all. They are strictly platonic. And Helaemond is framed as one side love based on Aemond ideology of Targaryen supremacy. And I enjoy all their scenes but when I think about it. I realise how poorly explored they are.
Actually that is my biggest fears for S3 when comes to Alysmond because I think they will frame as a rebound relationship.
The only relationships frames as good are Rhaenyra relationships.
And oddly enough the only one out of the curve is Alys and Daemon but it because at end served Rhaenyra.
#house of the dragon#hotd#team green#anon ask#helaegon#helaemond#Alysmond#Alicole#anti team black#anti rhaenicent#anti rhaenyra targaryen
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Weeping Maiden [Act II]
(this chapter will be shorter from usual)
Yuu couldn't help but feel giddy. He was rearranging his hair for the fourth time now. He was so happy to see her. Even if she changed so much and seemed to have grown up, he could recognize her.
He didn't have any phone so he was grateful to Vil for acting like an intermediary. He was playing with his cups as his eyes darted back and forth to the door and his watch.
“_ Vil-senpai, brother, am I late?”
[Name] arrived right on time. She wore a royal blue top with high-waist black pants. Yuu felt a shiver going down his back. She loved light colors; it made her look cheerful and approachable. His sister had always chosen her outfit depending on how she wanted to appear, and the color depending on her mood. Even her hair, usually carefully styled, was tied in a simple bun.
Even Vil seemed taken aback too. It wasn't her usual style or color scheme. She looked somber, maybe a little bit upset. The chat seemed going well as they talked about their situation and childhood memories (the positive one). In summary, Yuu experienced everything like the game Yuu.
“_Anyway, do you still have this? You are still 16, so it must be a recent memory for you.
_Yes… well…”
That was the reason she was angry, Yuu knew it. Even her smile looked ominous. The boy shifted in his seat a bit. There was suddenly a strong pressure on his shoulder.
“_I… I lost it…
_You, what?
_I lost it…”
Yuu shrinked in his seat. He lost it, and someone sold it. He wondered how he should tell her or at least explain. He lowered his head in shame feeling like it was his fault.
[Name] frowned at his silence before slamming the necklace on the table. She looked really hurt, tears gathered in her eyes, her lips pursed in a thin line as she looked at him.
“_You could have just said that you hated it. That way I wouldn't have attached that much importance to it.”
She said before bolting out of the coffee shop. Yuu didn't think twice and ran after her. He was panicking, the idea of hurting his sister again, or worse disappointing her was a nightmare to him. He didn't know if he could ever forgive himself.
“_ [Name]… [Name]!”
Vil ran after Yuu who was looking for his sister like a madman. He didn't expect what was supposed to be a heartwarming reunion to sour like that.
Five minutes later, they found her at the park. She was throwing pebbles in the water when Yuu sat next to her silent.
The young girl didn't look up, still throwing pebbles. She didn't seem angry anymore but she also didn't utter a word. In a way it reassured Yuu, she was still his spoiled sister. His little princess who would always sulk when she didn't get what she wanted.
With a soft smile he patted her head. This instantly seemed to break something in both of them as she leaned in his arms and started to cry. Yuu cried with her as they hugged each other. She acted all grown up but she was still his baby sister. His little treasure.
“_About the pendant…
_It’s okay brother… I'm not angry or anything. I just missed you.”
Yuu’s heart hurts at her words. He missed her too.
“_I’m sorry, I just wanted to get you your favorite cake.
_I don’t like cake anymore… I hate it.
_That is not true, you love cake. In particular lemon tart, and strawberry mousse cake. You always eat the topping and then eat your cake layer by layer…”
[Name] sobbed softly. Only Yuu knew this type of details. Her one and only beloved brother.
Once she was calmer and [Name] had a great time with them. She did go on a small shopping spree, mostly to get Yuu some clothes that are not school uniform. For now, four pairs of shirts, three pairs of pants and some needed underwear.
It was late in the night. Yuu was at Savannah Claw. He glared at the student he just punched. That student was the bastard who robbed him and tried to sell his necklace. Leona just leaned on the couch watching everything unfold. He just smirked as Yuu was beating the little thief black and blue. Looks like the herbivore had some fire in him after all.
“_She cried today. Because of you, she cried so I'm going to beat you for it.”
Yuu growled as he grabbed the students and started to punch him again. He didn't stop even when the students begged him
<previous next>
@cocomollo @owodi @illytian @mmysticc-ev0let @oreolover1
#twisted wonderland#twst x reader#twst#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#weeping maiden#yandere twisted wonderland#yandere vil x reader#yandere vil schoenheit#vil schoenheit x reader#vil schoenheit#leona kingsholar x reader#yandere leona x reader#yandere leona kingscholar x reader#yandere leona kingscholar#twst yuu#yandere#yandere siblings#platonic
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"well, i hate to brag. . . but we do make the best memories." missing her presences a little more each day when they were apart. he finds himself wondering what she was doing, thinking about her whenever he sees something that reminds him of her. it almost felt like a piece of him was missing when they were apart. "that's such a shame, i'd rather have you get stuck on my face," words came out some smooth, smirk growing in the process wondering if he was really causing her to squirm on the other side. hues takes her in before blowing out a breath, "i don't know lanes, you sure you can really handle it?" she was the most important person he knew, not wanting to mess up the relationship they had -- but there was always an underlying factor there, moments where he wanted to cross the friendship one too many times. wondering if now was their time to test those boundaries seeing as how both of them at much more mature now. "i don't expect anything less from you," always known her to be organized, even with her reading. he was always curious as to why her nose was dived into a book, but now he finally understood why. . . wanted to pick her brain to see what truly gets her crumbling . . . but most of all he wanted to experience every single second with her, watching as she comes undone right in front of him. "well, you have to read your favorite parts to me then," he says with a smug grin, wiggling his brows at her in a teasing manner. eyes drifts over towards her lips before lingering back over towards those brown hues he adores, "whatever it is i hope it never changes, the taste brings back a lot of memories." and it was weird how one little thing could pull memories from the deepest parts of his brain. "of course, i'm a gentlemen after all, i'll bring icecream and chocolate as well." ensuring her comfort was most important and if she needed him to focus on her breasts, he most definitely would. taking in her reaction, he couldn't help, but smirk -- the way she seems so captivated by his words, "hell yeah, she isn't going anywhere until she releases on my cock."
"i had some, but none were as special as the ones i had with you", lainey admits gently, thinking about how bittersweet it was to look back on their time growing up together --- she loves that he's living his dream after working so hard, but the selfish part of lainey wishes he could come home more often, come back to her. or maybe she could visit him? it was something she's thought about but never actually had the courage to inquire about with rhys, whether he would want her there or not. "i'm pretty sure i'm getting stuck to the seat, or i would be if it was summer and i was wearing shorts", grumbles with an affectionately annoyed glare thrown his way. "who says i'm not ready now?" because she most definitely was, now that they were both adults and the onslaught of teenage hormones had faded she could admit that rhys was someone she wants to share everything with --- including her heart and body. "of course i will, i have a little tab key at the front of my books so if i re-read i know what each mean", informs him with a smug nod, briefly watching his mouth work around the straw. "i might have even written in some too . . . at my favorite parts", and handing those books over would mean that rhys would see it too, get a glimpse into the more mature sides of her, what made her thighs push together and then drift apart so she could touch herself. "ugh it's literally so good! i don't know how they make it taste so amazing? it must be witchcraft or something." licking her lips lainey savours the sweet flavour. "hmm . . . so if i send you a message asking you to come over and help me you'd do it?" once again blurring the lines of their friendship, flirting and eluding to what lainey really wants. she's lucky the straw doesn't fall back into their shake as he speaks, desires tumbling from his lips and making her core heat. "ram into her . . . " god, against her better judgement lainey imagines him doing that to her, tugging her down to his body and making her scream. teeth graze against her lip repeatedly, pulse racing. "that . . . that uh, that does sound really hot --- do you um, do you hold her tight? when you take control?" envisions his arms encircling her naked body, keeping her flush against him as he pounds into her drenched pussy.
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About your AU on Shigaraki being saved by All Might and then becoming a Hero who openly advocates for reform and social change and opens a center focused on Villain rehabilitation, I was wondering if you had thought of Gran Torino’s role in all of this?
Like, does he approve? Did he try to stop Toshinori from retiring to help the boy? Does he have some kind of bond with Shigaraki or does he hate his guts old man style, like “stupid punk youngsters with their damned liberal ideas”?
And what about Deku? What does he think of his idol retiring? I can see him going stalker mode and finding out about the mysterious protege thanks to his fanboy abilities, honestly. That would be a good opportunity to have him research and consider Shigaraki’s views and the perspective of saving villains. I dunnow.
You made me realize I have forgotten about Gran Torino! Given his sorry nothing of a role in Act 3 and basically non-conclusion re: Shimura family or OFA shenanigans, I just forgot he's semi-important lol
But from my notes:
[2 months after the All Might-All For One fight, and capture of Shigaraki Tomura] Gran Torino and Nighteye and HPSC convince All Might to give up on Shigaraki Tomura (after first few meetings with the boy went badly); All Might reluctantly agrees
[Two months after that] All Might has a breakdown when back on the job—Every time he saved someone, he would see Shigaraki like a ghost in the background, angry and bloody and accusing, sometimes looking like Nana right before her death; sometimes looking like (headless) All For One right after his death. One day, All Might found that he couldn’t even smile; Ultimately decides to give up being Symbol of Peace to help Shigaraki
After lots of emotional conversations, Gran and Nighteye and HPSC sigh and says fine. All Might wants to help the brainwashed grandson of his beloved mentor by getting the kid out of Tartarus solitary, which anyone would grudgingly admit is pretty harsh for a 14 year old? Well, All Might did go through a near-death experience, he’s done so much, let him be a little sentimental.
Then Gran also gets involved a bit when Shigaraki's therapy tries to piece together what exactly happened to the Shimuras - mostly there to provide background on Nana and Kotarou, plus helping with the investigation via dusty medical records, preschool registration documents, hunting down neighbors and acquaintances to pry at their faint memories, etc.
But otherwise, I don't really have much a role for Gran Torino! It's All Might's relationship with Shigaraki that would of course be more of the focus; and then because I'm pretty fond of All Might/Nighteye, Nighteye also gets more cameos.
In canon, Gran Torino - who knows how much the Shimura family separation hurt Nana, who was literally there watching Kotarou cry as Nana gives him that last hug goodbye, who knows what a manipulative scheming bastard All For One is - still would say to (Nana's grandson and last living blood relative) Shigaraki's face that he's trampling over Shimura's memory and that his very existence hurts Toshinori (and everyone). What a guy! No, I don't think he would like Shigaraki Tomura in the AU either. Dislike Shigaraki from the moment he learns of the kid's existence. Even after Shigaraki's rehab, he'll prob see Shigaraki as a threat to all their peace.
I think any lessening of negative feelings about Shigaraki would depend entirely on how All Might is doing. Toshinori feels happier now that Shigaraki calls him (Toshinori) "uncle"? Hmph, well, if Toshinori is fine with it...
But you have allowed me think about what Gran Torino would think about Shigaraki's project. Thank you for that!
Gran is, after all, the first person in the manga to state that the age everyone is living in is one of "suppression"; and all his words and actions points to him being in favor of that, working in service of that, even if he does say of it "for better or worse." He's a Hero who sees killing as a form of salvation; he's an old-timer, having lived before All Might's era of peace and seen the chaos there; hell, he doesn't even care about being a Hero, instead simply taking advantage of using a Hero License as a way to use his quirk freely and legally.

I think he would be a guy that probably doesn't think much about Shigaraki's intents of reform. He can provide a good opposing ideology, or at least a countering voice. Question is whether he would do something about it, or just go bah, humbug and not care as long as he can collect his pension or whatever.
As for Deku. I also haven't thought about him much. In my notes, he still does become the next OFA wielder; but he only gets a mention in a dumb joke scene in the so-called "Iida Arc" of this AU (UA sending Stain Arc Iida to Shigaraki Tomura cuz they actually notice the kid needs help).
All Might, dialing Shigaraki week before internship week: Hello—
Shigaraki: No. *hangs up*
All Might, an old man who doesn't text, calling again: To—
Shigaraki: Give him to Gran or Nighteye. *hangs up*
All Might, calling again, all in one breath: It's-not-about-Young-Midoriya. Please.
But I have thought about how All Might's change would affect Deku, who would be about age 10 when All Might's announces the gradual retirement (without revealing his skeletal form) and start highlighting reform efforts. An impressionable age, whether it's from what All Might is doing or (more importantly), what the adults around him say about what All Might is doing.
Idk about stalker mode; Deku would still be collecting All Might merch tho; but it would be funny if he becomes a young All Might Stan and Defender (or, gravitates towards that crowd on tigtog or something) and that informs his future views on Villains.
(Gotta wonder... what's Stain doing throughout all this. I know I mention Stain Arc earlier, and I do think Stain would still be a serial killer <3, but would he change his targeted victim profiles? hmm)
Will say that Shigaraki is not All Might's protégé, and def not acknowledged or connected as such publicly. He's just a Hero that popped up one day, independently. Someone combing through records might see that All Might is a stakeholder for the rehab center, but so is Nedzu and other Heroes and organizations and names. As for on a personal level, Toshinori keeps his relationship with Tomura as private as he does anything else, so the knowledge of him having a 'nephew' is as well known as him having that giant torso wound—which is to say, not known at all.
Thanks for the ask! It was fun!!!!!! I'm really happy you read my idea and thought about it!!!!!! Hope I actually answered your questions!
#i'll post part two soon enough#I WILL#it's just been busy and rough irl#everyone i see all your asks and replies!#i'll get to them#🙏🏼#thank you and sorry#nalslastworkingbraincell#AU#AU Idea#ask#answered#anon#anonymous
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I've had this thought swirling in the back of my head for a while, but it's finally congealed enough that I think I can make a coherent pitch, which is: I think RWBY's problems with the more vitriolic part of its fanbase partially stems from the fact that RWBY is a deconstruction that doesn't advertise it's a deconstruction.
RWBY's status as a deconstruction is pretty textbook. It takes apart standard fantasy, shounen, and anime tropes in order to analyze them and their deeper meaning and then reassembles them in new and interesting ways for the plot/characters/series. Thing is, it never says that outright in promotional material, which can lead to later outrage in fans.
See, unless their way of discovering new shows is to close their eyes and stab their finger at random, most people tend to choose series to watch/read based on expectations. Maybe a friend said they'll like it because it has [insert thing], maybe they read the summary and were intrigued, maybe they thought the poster/cover art was cool, whatever. These small pieces of information are generally enough for people to make a snap-judgment of the style and genre of the series, which they can then gauge against their personal tastes and decide whether or not they want to try.
Most of the time, this works just fine. Well-written deconstructions also generally give the viewers some warning/buildup before they take a hard swerve. See Madoka Magica: the magical girl paradigm is shaded by the possibility of death as soon as we're introduced to it, then there's an onscreen death with blood, and then a few episodes later we eventually realize the Faustian bargain of it all. Even innocent viewers who stumbled into watching it, unaware of the show's reputation, would go "Oh, wait, this is not going in the direction magical girl shows usually go" by a third of the way through.
The thing is, with RWBY, this does not happen unless you're paying a lot of attention and/or looking for it. And neither the cover art nor the summary nor, I believe, the fanbase gives a lot of warning about the swerves ahead.
In fact, RWBY initially bills itself as a pretty standard shounen anime. The main protagonist is hinted to have Special Powers and gets into the Magic Monster-Hunting School in the first episode, and the first two-and-a-half seasons are taken up by her and her friends' superhero-esque slice-of-life shenanigans as they thwart robberies and terrorist attacks and gear up for a tournament arc against the looming background of a larger conspiracy.
Then in the last half of the third season the villains' entire Rube Goldberg machine of a scheme snaps into completion and the plot twists so hard the entire genre takes a hard right. If you're used to character analysis and common anime tropes, this is not completely a surprise -up until this point, RWBY's character arcs and plot have been subtly traveling in non-traditional directions that hint of greater flexibility in genre treatment ahead- but if you're not... well.
Thing is, people watching RWBY up until this point have signed up for pretty standard shounen and they've been getting it, but the third season's ending smashes that all to bits. From then on out in RWBY, it's like they ordered fries and suddenly got a hamburger. It might be delicious; but it's not what they asked for, what they wanted, or what they paid for, and they are, justifiably, displeased.
So when the reasonable people either adjusted their expectations or sighed, shook their heads, and clicked back out (perhaps with a grumble and a scowl), the unreasonable people dug their heels in and began insisting that everybody was Getting The Show/Character Wrong and that CRWBY is ruining it, because the fact that RWBY's method of deconstruction is to put standard tropes in a blender and then arrange what's left in deceptive patterns means that said unreasonable viewers can scan the bare surface and argue that all the stereotypical stuff is clearly still under there, somewhere.
So they're continually trying to drag RWBY back to the tracks of a typical shounen anime series (it's closest relative), which creates a dissonance between the show they're watching and the show they think they're watching. They're trying to turn the hamburger back into fries, basically, except that doesn't work and just frustrates everyone involved, because you're trying to make RWBY into something that it's not. Hence, this attitude probably starting/fueling some of the more contentious statements in the fandom, i.e.:
"Ironwood was right the whole time" (in most action movies and shounen anime, allied military leaders are trustworthy beyond reproach)
"Adam's character was wasted" (we all know how much shounen loves their powerful warrior antiheroes)
"Ruby and the others are in the wrong about [insert thing]/or for doing [insert thing], and this is bad writing!" (shounen protagonists don't usually make more than One Very Big Mistake over the course of their entire careers, which is usually fixed/overcome/redeemed via an appropriately rigorous training arc)
And to be clear, there's nothing wrong with shounen tropes or shounen anime. They're wonderful storytelling devices in their own way and their own time: but if you want standard by-the-book shounen without any new and interesting concoctions, then RWBY is definitely not the show for you. And most people don't find that out until it's too late.
#RWBY#fandom#wonder how much hate I'm going to get for this one#ho-hum#Getting frustrated when a show doesn't perform to your expectations is normal and natural but that's no reason to be a dick about it
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every now and then I rewatch the part of the h&l live concert in which they performed all the character themes and
absolutely wild how it's h.iroto, the mean quiet scary biker dude, who has a theme that sounds like this
#ash rambles 💚#chain breaker ⛓️#i mean it's still a banger and i love it but it's so funny to me sjdjajdhs h.iroto is NOT doing all that#also you ever get concert envy#that's how i feel watching this live show#it's so hype.. h&l is great because i get to combine my love for idols and shitty action movies#and his brother who is generally very happy and sweet has this super edgy rock theme?? they traded and i love it#i do think that his bro's theme works perfectly since there is so much more to his bro than the mask he puts on but ahem#i always found it so cool how the actors sang their character's themes... wonder if h.iroto can sing then too?#maybe they go karaokeing and ash convinces him to pick up a mic or she catches him humming while cooking#his voice is so lovely#i really do love the ost for this series ajdhajsj every track is a banger#minus forever young at heart#i fucking hate forever young at heart#i do think that h.iroto's theme sounding like this of all things shows that there's a lot more to his character#he's so much more than mean biker guy and that's one of my favorite things about him#we see this the most in the first movie + the r.ed r.ain methinks#anyways yeah I'm rediscovering my love for this series + am trying to feel more comfortable gushing about it again like how I used to be#the series may be mid as fuck#but#sometimes it's just a girl and her mid action movies against the world right?
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me, the symptoms experiencer, experiencing symptoms: wow gee i wonder what the fuck is happening right now i have no context for why i could possibly feel bad, surely i'm not experiencing symptoms. me, when i figure out it's the symptoms:
#gif warning#medical stuff#man getting labled as a hypochondriac at a formative age (any) was a hell of a kick to the balls#i don't even have those#and yet#me when i've been told all my symptoms can't be real and that i was makign it up for attention so i started just not talking about them#even though in private without anyone around i was still experiencing the symptoms i decided i just Wasn't#because why would my parents be wrong about that - they loved me right?#so if something was concerning they'd be worried if it was a real thing - i wasn't making it up but maybe i was#no one should have taught my father the term psychosomatic#he's the reason it's had to go up on the shelf#mom flat out telling me it was impossible that [redacted] because i was quote ''too young'' for it to be happening#so now i'm old and it's a Real Big Fucking Deal I guess#i'm experiencing the flare/crash i was anticipating and - thank fuck - my brain isn't going down the tubes with it#which is a fucking miracle because this is the lead up to my period and *normally* that's when the PMDD hits real fucking bad#but in a stroke of luck (???) my body decided it was just going to smash itself into the ground Krillin-style#and as i lay here in the crater of my own body's making i'm just like. well at least i don't want to die#which is truly the most throwing thing of everything actually#anyway....#got hEDS put on my medical file for reals though so like#that's in there#that exists#also the look of HORROR on the nurse tech's face when i showed how much distance my hips spread *every month* for my period#i'm LITERALLY going into labor monthly and i've been doing that since i was 11#no fucking WONDER my body has collapsed out from under me if we even just go by that fucking metric like godDAMN#ugh anyway.... i'm. this was NOT the stuff i wanted to focus on this year for personal growth and healing but we're doing it now i guess!#fuck! goddamn! piss in a cup#i have also... failed to do the task i was meant to today and technically there's still time but it's uh. i. i'm gonna need to ask for help#and i HATE asking for help especiallywhen i need it most#another thing my parents have to answer for when they greet whatever judge they find at the end of their lives
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i've been going into the liam tag from time to time the last year where both his fans and people who hated him were Weird about him well before there were any allegations so i would get curious, i don't even remember what started it (maybe it was merely looking for photos that update accounts wouldn't post), but i normally try to avoid going into anything but edit tags for people i enjoy bc there are so many nonsense takes
and of course happening to go through today before the news broke bc i wanted to see what was being said about the abuse as i've only gotten bits on twitter and of course there were many posts rightfully calling it out and all but there's that weird mentality which i was getting a lot more of from twitter but some on here where they're like??? celebrating it and girlboss-ing and i'm just like. okay it's great that you're believing a victim but you're making light of it by talking about it like it's just another stan thing, i have seen that time and time again when this kind of stuff comes out and if people already thought that person was annoying or whatever they're just like "oh yes! i knew it! their career is ruined haha!" and it's like. you clearly don't actually care about the horrible things this person has done and just want to brag that you somehow ~knew~ a stranger's vibes were off and it's so beyond gross like you could use that energy to support a person's victims and instead you'll just try to prove you stan the right people and never the wrong ones or whatever
#and then there were. weird ones#some apparent larrie who didn't seem to like either louis or harry#literally the post that popped up was talking about louis knowing he can't stand on his own bc he can't sing like#has he not very much proven he can stand on his own#he's not as famous post 1d as say harry but i doubt he wants to be lol even harry doesn't want to be#he stays off social media and just gets papped sometimes like both clearly thrive on stage just in different ways ya know#so that was just unnecessary and a block#and then someone else not defending liam or anything but talking about how they're probably all horrible to women#and niall and harry apparently cheating on gfs (never heard anything about that not that i think harry's relationships have been real#and it took me a while to realize when talking about niall having songs written about him they probs meant hailee but#idec what those songs are and if they reference cheating so whatever i think i'm out of the loop on rumors and stuff#where i used to always know what was going on with 1d like i wouldn't have even known about liam if not for the fyp on twitter#bc truly i just don't follow people who post about their personal lives anymore not a choice or anything just that the og 1d blogs are gone#but i was like okay even if any of THAT is true why on earth would you put that on par with abuse. why.#cheating is sooooooooo fucking shitty and i truly hate it but like not the same???#oh and saying niall is a bad person for taking a selfie with him even though none of us know what he knew esp at that point like#most of this seemed to be coming out right after the concert like come on#there's just sooooooo much all around of people pretending they know these people personally#both to defend and criticize and it's just like please i love 1d so much i always will#but man like believe victims always but also don't blindly believe every other random rumor you hear#or that you know exactly what's going on behind the scenes bc you don't and you never will#oh and ofc someone wondering about his other exes like tbf we don't know how much addiction and whatnot came into play#so yeah it might not all be recent developments but are you really gonna ask about danielle who as an adult dated 17 year old liam
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The promise sounded nice, but there was no way of them knowing if it would come true. They had just met. It would be insane for him to suddenly whisk her away to Nebula and show her his shop after such a short meeting. There could be a slight possibility of him coming back one day with some candles and showing them to her, but again, who knew where this encounter was going and if it would last?
"Lovely! Just let me know when and I can show you there myself." Kin grinned. It gave her another excuse to see him and she was always happy to show off Eva's talent. "The medical wing here was her way of keeping a hold of her teachings from Mother and continuing them in her own way. The shop she runs, that was her trying to branch out from me. Our age gap is quite large though you wouldn't know by looking at us, so I practically helped to raise her. Still, she wants to make a name for herself and be independent of course. The club easily provides for us all, but the shop gives Eva more of a sense of purpose. I am proud of her."
She went quiet as she listened to him talk about his daughters. It was easy to see how much he lit up when thinking about them. Kin laughed at the mentioned of Runa not wanting to be a "traditional" housewife. "Good for her! She sounds like a strong willed girl. I like her already." Adventurous and always in trouble? That sounded like Kin's little Neoma. Not that they were very little anymore. Though they still kept Kin on her toes with everything they get into.
The demon smiled. "A dreamer is a powerful thing to be. For them, the world has no limits. She sounds just as wonderful. Makes me think a bit of our darling Faith." Said Nymph was back on the dance floor, eyes closed and enjoying the music from the speakers as the band took a break.
"He truly is. I could not ask for a better second father figure." She took a sip of her drink before pausing at his words. The idea that every child deserves to be loved, to belong. It was the same thought process Kin had after she first ran from Hell and learned of her pregnancy. She knew who the father was and hated how this new life came to be formed, but she could not bring herself to hate the child itself. It was why she didn't end the pregnancy and kept her child in the end.
Kin found herself tearing up and grabbed a napkin to dab at her eyes, not wanting to cry in her club where she is seen as the top of the chain. "I'm sorry. It's just... it is like you saw into my heart and spoke the words straight from here. I have a child as well. Born female, but does not identify as any gender so we use they/them when speaking about Neoma. Their... coming to be was not of a joyous nature. However, they were still my child and I vowed to have them no matter what and to raise them with as much love as possible."
"Who knows, maybe you will one day," Varius said, the words laced with a hopeful ambiguity. He was aware that this evening might lead nowhere, another fleeting connection. But he felt a pull, a hope for something more. Hybrid tilted his head, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "Well, I’m here for a week, so I'd be happy to pay a visit to your sister's shop. I could use some incenses. Potions wouldn't hurt either. I like crystals too, very much so, but during my long life - I have managed to gather quite a collection." That made Varius wonder how old Kin was, how long she had lived. But that didn't seem like polite thing to ask. "As for your sister running a medical wing, you two have really considered everything", he said, his smile turning more tender.
"Two. Runa and Lucia", Varius said, his voice softening with the mention of his children. A soft smile played on his lips as images of them flooded his mind. "Runa is the free spirit. Independent. There's no taming her", he said, a note of pride ringing in his voice. "It took forever before she developed any interest in romance. She's not willing to be anyone's wife, however, at least not the one who brings dinner to the table and smells like cinnamon rolls", he added with a gentle laugh. "She's mischievous and adventurous. At one point, it felt like she was always in trouble. I can't express how much I've worried over her." He took a sip of his drink, the cool liquid a momentary grounding force.
Man paused, letting the image of his wild child settle before transitioning to the other. "Lucia… She's the dreamer. Very kind", his voice was thick with affection. "She has a thirst to understand the things around her, whether we're talking about places, people or other things. Lucia enjoys collecting things and she easily finds something new to be interested in. Her passion is singing and she's currently a student at the music school." As he spoke, he could almost hear Lucia's clear, soaring voice filling a room. The pride swelled within him, a warm, comforting weight. Adoption was the best choice Varius had ever made. However Varius wasn't willing to dwell in his daughters's backstories. How he came to adopt them. Runa's and Lucia's stories were both hurtful and Varius wouldn't share them with people he didn't know well.
When Kin told about Mitch, Varius felt a warmth spread through him. "That's beautiful. It sounds like Mitch is a truly remarkable man. It takes a special kind of heart to open yourself up like that, to build a family not just through blood, but through love and commitment. Every child deserves that chance. To be loved, to belong. It doesn't matter where they came from, just that they have someone who will fight for them. I can just imagine how happy you are to have someone like that so closely involved in your life."
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I've been watching/reading Death Note every once in a while for the last couple of months and this is the funniest most unserious serious anime ever.
#mani.txt#death note#i'm gonna take a chip... and EAT IT !!!!#it's so funny. i hate this show. < is obsessed#i dont often watch anime so i forget how campy it can get but oh my god#i'm still recovering after ep 16 & 17. that spun me. shook me to my core. i went a bit insane. like how. why. HOW.#how did all the charas go back to normal after that. this is not plot armor this is trauma armor.#how is misa okay.#How is light's rship w his dad unaffected.#how was there only ONE fist fight over this. and a WHILE after the fact. what. am I just weird for thinking this. i feel crayzoi.#i genuinely can't explain how much i want to throttle each and every one of these characters.#save for ryuk n rem n sayu n naomi. they're amazing wonderful fantastic#and light. but i need to throttle him too.#when i tell you naomi should've lived......... when i tell you she should've been L's friend......... [takes damage takes damage takes da ]#also. i love how neither L nor Light know how to be normal. ever. insane4insane. (doesnt even ship them)#+ after reading thru the manga i'm a 'the only person Light truly cares for is Sayu' truther. this will never change.#in conclusion: this show says so little about criminal justice and so much about the adverse effect of being the son of a cop.#it's a product of it's time. whatever. (death gripping my chair)
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I'm so fucking sick of my brain
#mud rambles#I've been having A Time recently because my bpd wants me to fucking suffer#having an fp is so nice until it's not#my jealousy issues are fucking ridiculous and while I'm doing good at keeping it My problem.#I can feel myself starting to self isolate in the process#I wish my brain would just stop. Like it's not fair for me to be jealous like this. I have no reason to be and it's stupid#on one hand it's nicer because of it not having to Constantly wonder and worry about what he's doing and what's going on since I'm more#Involved now in a general sense. but as a caveat it feels More isolating a lot of the time since I get less one on one time#and I KNOW part of that is due to the fact he's. y'know. got a Life. He's got things going on. So it's not fair for me to be like this#I hate how frustrated and lonely it makes me feel. because I SHOULD feel more secure#I am much more generally involved now!!! WHY does it feel more isolating to me!!! what the fuck!!!#and a lot of this is my inability to reach out. I'm afraid of asking for more#he's so good at making me feel included it's not fair for me to feel this way#it's my fault for being hesitant. always hesitant. I don't want to make the mistake of thinking I deserve more#or that I'm wanted when I'm not#It's so hard to tell and I don't want to make the same mistakes again. I can't fucking take it man
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