#won’t be cause even if older sibling is chill with their younger siblings they will still be the worst menace despite propaganda otherwise
Over Mountains Cold
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Kili Durin x Reader
Words: 4931
Summary: On a quest for your family, you and your traveling companion get caught in a winter storm in the Grey Mountains. Your true feelings for your best friend come to light when you struggle to make it through the chilling night. 
Notes: The heater in my room is broken and the image of cuddling with Kili to get warm is just really nice to me, okay? I will use Aidan Turner to dissociate before I contact ever maintenance. (also, why can’t I just write fluff? Why does there have to be the angsty backstory of losing siblings? The world may never know)
Warnings: Kind of a chaotic plot. An ungodly amount of sexual tension. I don’t make the rules. 
Fili gave a final wave as he disappeared over the ridge, taking the ponies with him. His brother tried to calm the pit in his stomach. Not only was Fili off to retrieve more supplies alone, but the cold was setting in. If he didn’t make it to the next village by the time the snow started, he would get stuck out here. 
Just like you were. 
“We should go,” You sighed. “We’ll want to set up camp before it gets dark and I want to search the foothills to the east before the sun goes down.”
Kili looked up at the sky. “It’s going to be a cold night.” Already, his breath came out in puffs from his lips. “Maybe we should stay here until morning. It’s lower, so it’ll be warmer and the snow hasn’t reached us yet.” 
You stiffened and turned determined eyes towards him. “I won’t waste any time. If there’s a chance of finding my sisters out here, I’m taking it.” 
You waited for him to argue or tell you how foolish you were. Winter was on the horizon and these mountains would be impassable in the coming weeks. But your friend merely gave you a small smile and put a hand on your shoulder. 
“Then lead the way.” 
You wanted to kiss him. Well, you often wanted to kiss him, but in that moment, with his eyes full of trust and belief in you, no words could express your gratitude. But, coward that you were, you settled for a pat on the arm and an awkward nod. 
“Right. Follow me.” You hurried away from him before you could do something stupid. 
You’d known the dwarven princes for most of your life. Having grown up near the Blue Mountains, you spent a lot of time with Durin’s folk, listening to their stories, celebrating their festivals, and causing a little chaos with your two closest friends. You couldn’t count the times Kili and Fili had gotten you into some kind of trouble, but surely they would say the same thing about you. 
The younger prince walked beside you, telling you legends of ridiculous creatures living in these hills, trying to make you smile. It worked, of course. Between his grin and a bit of theatricality, he never failed to lighten your moods. 
Kili was your best friend. He was there for every prank, every adventure, and every heartbreak. When your village was attacked by raiders three years ago, he spent weeks tending to your injuries and trying to hunt down the people who’d hurt you. 
That’s when they were taken. Your two older sisters, Maryina and Baeriel. Sometime during the battle, those foul men came to your home and stole them away. You were nearly killed trying to defend them. Everyone told you they were dead. Even your parents didn’t have the heart to keep looking after so long, but you wouldn’t give up. You knew they were alive. Kili was the only one who believed you.
“Do you remember what you told me?” You asked suddenly. 
Kili turned his head, hazel-brown eyes bright in the afternoon sun. His brows furrowed with curiosity. 
You elaborated. “When I said I was going to find them. I said I’d search the whole of Middle Earth if I had to. What did you say?” 
Kili beamed. “I said ‘Well, you’re not doing it without me,’” he remembered. “‘You’d get lost.’” 
“Exactly,” you laughed. “And, I do believe that you lead us down more a stray path than I, dear friend.” 
“But we always found our way in the end, didn’t we?” Kili grinned. 
“That we did.” 
The two of you fell back into a comfortable silence with something heavier hanging between you. 
Grass swayed with dying breaths, green turned to dry white. Ahead, towering peaks capped with snow loomed like a massive, foreboding gate. You watched them with growing unrest. Kili’s shoulder brushed against yours as you walked as if just to remind you he was there. 
The afternoon stretched and yawned. The sun began to hover. With every passing hour, the more the light sank, so did your hopes. Your search in the foothills yielded nothing. Not even the remnants of a possible settlement. 
“They aren’t here,” you said. You ran a hand down your tired face, eyes scanning the vast landscape, the mountains at your back. You turned to Kili. “What if…”
You’d come here on a rumor that the raiders who took your sisters had a base in the Grey Mountains. But that’s all you had to go off of- rumors. 
“It’s the first day.” He gave you a reassuring smile. “We’ll keep looking.” Kili scanned the dense woods at the base of the mountains, hoping for some signal of smoke or any other sign of life. There was nothing. But he wasn’t going to give up hope and he certainly wasn’t going to let you. “Come, let’s set up somewhere to sleep. You must be exhausted.”
“I’m fine,” you grumbled. “But if you’re saying you need to rest, then I suppose we can pitch the tent.” 
He rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Last one to the trees gathers firewood,” he challenged. The mischievous dwarf took off before you had the chance to process what he said. 
“Hey!” You called after him and ran as fast as your legs could carry. 
Usually, the three of you always camped out under the stars, but knowing how cold it would be, you brought a tent to provide a little shelter. But laying there, so close to him, the fabric barrier between you and the night sky seemed suffocating. 
It wasn’t the closest you’d ever been, of course. There had even been some nights where you found yourself asleep on his shoulder after a long day or he would doze off with his head in your lap. There was just something about this- something about the two of you enclosed together, alone- that felt different. 
You laid completely still, screwing your eyes shut, but your mind refused to rest. The form beside you shifted back and forth, twisting and turning. Kili grunted in frustration and turned onto his back. 
“Y/N?” He whispered. “Are you awake?”
He blew out a breath. “We should sleep. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow. We’ll have to find some food in case Fili gets holed up somewhere.” 
You hummed and nodded. 
Both of you stared up at the slanted ceiling of the tent, not moving and not speaking. The tension alone chilled you to the bone, making you shudder. 
“Are you cold?” Kili asked. 
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, because I have an extra fur-”
“Kili, go to sleep.” You huffed, shifting to your side away from him so he couldn’t see the painful want in your eyes. 
Kili was more than just your best friend to you. He was your first love, the only person you’d ever loved, really. You’d had suitors in the past ask for your hand, but you declined them all. Your heart was no longer yours to give away. But you could never bring yourself to tell him. He was a prince, after all, and what were you? A nobody. 
You blinked away tears and curled up as close to the tent’s wall as possible. 
So close together and yet you couldn't feel more distant. 
The next day yielded even less results. The further you got into the mountains, the less hope you had that you were going in the right direction. The Eastern Pass took you higher in elevation and further away from Fili with the supplies. 
“Wait.” Kili stopped suddenly, putting a hand out in front of you. “Listen.”
You halted, the frostbitten ground shifting beneath your boots. At first, the slight breeze was all you could detect, but as the forest stilled, the subtle yet clear sound of hooves carried on the wind. 
And they were getting closer. 
“Get down.” You grabbed the collar of his coat and pulled. The two of you tumbled into a bush, losing your balance in your haste. Kili hit the ground. You fell onto his chest, knocking the breath out of both of you. 
Kili grimaced. 
“Sorry,” you whispered. Your faces turned a similar shade of pink, both trying to hide it from the other.
The familiar thudding against the forest floor increased in speed and volume. From your position, you could just see through the foliage that kept you hidden.  Kili craned his neck, blindly trying to get a glance. 
“Can you see them?” He asked. 
You kept your head low as you stared out. Watching. Waiting. As the horses neared, you decided there couldn’t be more than three. 
“We could take them,” you whispered, looking down. But the sight of Kili lying beneath you, hazel-brown eyes staring up into yours with his hair a mess below him was too much. It sent a burning, twisting feeling through your stomach. You looked back up at the road. “There aren’t many. We could fight and force them to tell us where they took my sisters.”
“Are you mad?” Kili hissed, shifting underneath you. His hips rocked up into yours by accident. He sucked in a breath. “It could be innocent travelers going through the mountains. Or worse, there could be a dozen fighters and we’d be dead in seconds.”
“Since when are you the cautious one?” You scoffed, ignoring his movements and prepping yourself to pounce. 
Kili locked his arms around your middle and rolled. He had you on your back before you could stop him, pinning you to the forest floor with his hands on either side of your head. 
“Since I’m trying to keep you from getting yourself killed,” he growled. 
Relieved that your hips were no longer pressed against his, Kili had put himself in another predicament hovering over your body, his lips mere inches from yours. 
It shamed him to think of how many times he’d imagined you like this.
He waited until the riders were past, counting three, just as you said, but they seemed only to be a father and his two children, both under the age of 16. Kili doubted that these were the raiders who had destroyed your home. One of them mentioned something about getting over the pass before the storm, which made him uneasy. 
Despite the heat of your bodies, the air was indeed growing colder. Clouds were gathering and a crisp, cool scent hung in the air. 
Kili stood and held out a hand to help you up. 
You didn’t take it. 
“We need to keep moving.” 
He swallowed. “We should head back to lower grounds. If we get caught in the pass, who knows how we’ll get out.” 
You didn’t look at him. Instead, you continued up the path. “I wasn’t asking.”
Kili walked behind you, neither saying a word. He saw the tension in your back shifting like you were already in battle. He only wished he could relieve at least some of the weight that bore down on your shoulders. Witnessing you in such pain hurt him more than he knew how to express. That, unfortunately, wasn’t the only thing he struggled to put into words. 
It had taken Kili long enough to finally admit his feelings for you to himself, but it was taking even longer for him to admit them to you. Fear wasn’t something that usually stopped him- he’d faced trolls and orc packs a dozen times over- but the idea of jeopardizing his friendship with you frightened him to no end. 
Still, lying there, pressed against you, had drummed all of those feelings up to the front of his mind. They distracted him from the real issue at hand and he tried to remind himself that you need him focused. You needed a warrior, not a love-sick errand boy. 
“If we keep at this pace, we can make it through the pass by morning,” you said grimly. 
Kili exhaled, his voice deep with concern. “Y/N, you need to rest.” 
“I need to find my sisters.” 
You kept walking. 
Kili kept his arguments to himself. Starting a fight now would only make you angrier and he didn’t want to risk you going off alone. 
He let out a low sigh. Being the responsible one was exhausting. 
Kili watched the sun with a concerned eye and discomfort growing in his stomach. His breath appeared in a cloud from his lips. But worse, flecks of white sent panic up his spine. The snow speckled the branches of the pines around them and added to the already thick blanket of frost that coated the ground. The further up, the deeper the snow banks. 
“These flurries won’t be flurries for long,” he warned. 
“We’ll make it.” 
You refused to turn back to look at him. If you did, you knew that one look at his face would make you forget your persistence. You would turn around and head back down the mountain and have to start all over again in the morning. So you kept your eyes ahead, despite the growing shiver down your spine. 
Besides, it was only a little snow. You and the brothers had faced worse on numerous occasions. 
Kili quickened his pace to take his place beside you again. 
“This way,” he said. “I’ve heard a shortcut through this pass.”
You raised a brow. “You’ve heard of one?”
“We’re here based on a rumor, aren’t we?” He retorted. 
You shrugged as if to say ‘fair enough.’ 
Kili took the lead as the air thickened with white flakes. The shortcut, while it existed as far as he knew, was not the true purpose of his change in direction. He’d read journals telling tales of adventures through these mountains and he remembered a checkpoint for many. A cave where they could take shelter from winter storms. He only hoped it was real. 
You began to regret your stubbornness as the cold seeped through your coat, the snow falling thicker and thicker, decreasing your visibility until you could see but a mere few feet in front of you. 
In a blink, the blizzard set in. 
You trudged on. Eyes blinded by white, you walk straight into the mass in front of you. Your companion’s warmth drew you in and you couldn’t help but press yourself against his back. His arm wrapped around, searching for yours. 
“Take my hand!” Kili called back to you. 
You did so without hesitation, wincing at the chilled state of his skin. 
“We’re nearly there!” He shouted over the wind. 
“That’s impossible! We haven’t even made it through the pass!”
“You’ll see.” 
Trust was the only thing you had left, your senses overtaken by the storm. And then suddenly, it stopped. Kili pulled you forward and the choking white curtained the opening of the cave behind you. Wind howled, but no longer deafened. 
“You knew this was here?” You gasped through chattering teeth. 
Kili gulped. “I hoped.” 
“You hoped?” 
“You kept going!” He held out his hands, fingers stretched and shaking with his words. “I didn’t know what else to do!” 
“Nevermind. It doesn’t matter.” You ran a hand down your face, wincing at the freezing surface of your own skin, as well as the exhaustion overtaking your features. You paced back toward the blinding white outside. “We’ll stay here until the storm blows over and then we’ll keep going.” 
Standing at the opening of the cave, the wind still chilled you to the bone. Still, you watched, as if your sisters would magically appear and welcome you into their warm arms. 
As the image passed through your mind, you were gently pulled away from the wind by a hand as cold as yours, and yet it sparked the warmth that you needed. Kili placed a hand on your cheek, turning your face to his. 
“You’re exhausted,” he said. “We cannot afford to be careless. Not out here. We’ll go out again in the morning. You need to rest.” Before you could argue, he added, “We both do.” 
With the fog of determination outweighed by fatigue and frost, you sighed in defeat, hanging your head. 
“Alright,” you conceded. 
Kili put a finger under your chin and lifted your eyes. He gave you a small smile to which you couldn’t help but reciprocate. 
“Come on. We should set up the tent. It might not be much, but it can’t hurt.” 
Your chattering teeth gave no argument. There was no wood for a fire, the smoke would fill the small space anyway, so the thin cloth was your only added defense against the cold. 
Once inside, you both felt the same pull towards each other, your bodies craving the heat of another. But you stayed on the far side, as far as you could get, mind clouded by icy, frozen fear. Kili didn’t say anything, trying to ignore the ache in his chest as he tried to sleep. 
Your eyes couldn’t have been shut for more than a moment when you heard them. 
“Y/N! Where are you?” 
You blinked to clear the tiredness from your eyes and listened. 
“It can’t be,” you whispered. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” 
Maryina and Baeriel. 
You listened again. 
“We’re here! Help us!”
Your sisters. They were out there. They were trapped in the storm. They needed you. 
You sat up, tossing aside the coat you’d been using for a blanket and ignored the bitter air seeping through your tunic. You didn’t feel it. You didn’t see your companion sleeping across from you. You didn’t hear the wind as you stepped out of the tent. You only heard your sisters’ cries…
And stepped out into the blizzard. 
Kili twisted and turned. As hard as he tried, sleep never stayed. He dozed off only to drift back, trying not to shiver. 
“I can’t sleep again,” he sighed. Kili flipped onto his other side. Rubbing his tired eyes, he opened them. The bundle of furs beside him took an odd shape. 
He sat up and reached across the tent, feeling nothing but frigid air. Kili lifted his head, panic banishing any exhaustion left in his limbs. 
The untied opening of the tent flapped in the wind. 
“Y/N!” He called out. 
The storm screamed in response. 
He scrambled out of his bedroll and sprinted into the night. Fat, white flakes stuck to his face and eyelashes no matter how much he blinked them away. 
“Y/N!” He shouted again. 
Kili walked, trying to keep the cave in sight. The blizzard raged around him, concealing even the silhouette of the trees. He cried out your name again and again. With every passing second of silence, his chest grew tighter. 
Why would you have gone off alone? 
What if something had taken you?
There was no way for Fili to reach the cave until the storm settled, which meant he was completely and utterly alone. 
It felt like hours before the wind let up and even then, snow continued to fall and the air turned even colder, creeping down Kili’s neck like a thousand icy-legged spiders. 
There, in the distance, he could just make out a shape, wandering and covered in a thick, frozen blanket. 
Kili ran as fast as his aching legs would allow, his boots sliding on the ice-coated ground. No matter how loud he shouted, it was as if you couldn’t hear him. You trudged on, the snow almost reaching your knees. You didn’t even have your coat. If he didn’t get you out of this cold, you would surely be lost to the white nothingness that surrounded you. 
“Y/N, what are you-” Kili moved to grab your arm and found that your eyes were closed. Ice stuck to your face where tears had fallen and your blue lips muttered the same two things over and over again.
“Maryina…. Baeriel….” 
Kili’s heart shattered like an icicle falling to the earth. 
“Y/N, love, wake up,” he pleaded, gently taking hold of your shoulders. He had to stop himself from recoiling. Even through your tunic, you were like a statue, freezing to the touch. “We need to get back to the cave. I need to get you to a fire. I need to get you warm.” 
Already, you looked like a walking corpse. 
But your eyes were starting to open.
“K-Kili?” You muttered through chattering teeth. “What’s going on? I’m so…” You stepped forward, falling against him. “I’m so cold.” 
Kili didn’t hesitate. He scooped you up into his arms, holding you tight against his chest. He followed his own footprints as they were slowly being covered again by the falling snow. By some miracle, he made it back to the cave. He hurried into the tent, wishing he had the material for a fire. For now, all he had was hope. 
“I heard them,” you said, still dazed. “I heard their voices calling to me in the storm.” 
“And you followed it?” He gasped, quickly undoing the fastens of his coat. “Are you mad? Even if they were out there, you’re no good to them frozen to death.” 
Kili shrugged out of his coat and wrapped it around your shoulders. 
“No, Kili.” You tried to push him away, but he was stronger, fueled by panic and determination. “Kili, you’ll freeze.”
“I’ll be fine,” he said harriedly. He tied the entrance of the tent to keep out the frigid wind and laid down, gently pulling you along with him. Kili rubbed his hands up and down your arms, careful to keep the heap of furs wrapped tightly around you. He held you against his chest, his tunic slightly undone so you could feel the heat of his skin against your cheek. 
As his warmth broke through the icy surface that suffocated your entire body, your mind started to clear. It started to wake up.
And when it did all you could see was his wide, golden-brown eyes searching yours with a fire you’d seen a few times before. Once when you’d been separated from him and his brother for a week on a particularly stressful journey and the other when your village was attacked and your sisters were taken. Each time, he looked as though he was looking at the sun for the first time. 
At the time, you didn’t understand, or perhaps you didn’t let yourself understand. You understood now what that fire meant. 
He was, and would always be, your shelter. 
Like magnets, you somehow were drawn together still, despite already being impossibly close. The air between you was hot with your breathing. Everything seemed to stand still, from the raging winds outside to the racing heart inside your chest. 
Neither of you said a word, an entire conversation held simply in the lock of your gazes. 
Kili’s hand cradled the back of your head, laying it against his chest. You felt the soft, sweet warmth of his lips on your forehead. 
Despite the hauntings of your mind, your heart gave you leave to rest in the strength and comfort of Kili’s embrace, allowing both of you to slip back into the persistent reach of slumber. 
The storm blocked the pass by morning and, without any equipment, there was no way to get over. It had all been for nothing. 
Fili found you halfway back down the mountain, the pony’s back covered with more supplies. 
“What happened to you two?” He asked.
“We couldn’t find them,” you snapped, hurrying ahead of both of them. 
Fili turned to his brother. 
Kili shook his head. 
Your party of three traveled until you found the nearest tavern and the boys made you stop for the night, watching exhaustion seep into your every step. 
Dinner was had in silence with an air hanging so thick that Fili felt he would choke on it. He could never imagine the two of you fighting- he knew that his brother would never forgive himself if he ever hurt you. But he also knew Kili’s true feelings towards his best friend and Fili couldn’t help but wonder if something had been revealed while he was gone. 
“We’ll start up toward the northern villages in a few days,” Kili said. “It’ll give us some time to rest, regroup, and plan.” 
You stared at your plate. “What’s the point?” 
Both turned to you. 
Kili’s eyes softened. “Y/N, you don’t mean that.”
“They’re gone, Kili.” You blinked back tears. “We could search until the end of time and we still wouldn’t find them.”
“Then to the end of time we will look because I am not giving up,” he insisted. His dark eyes took on that glimmer from last night, igniting something within you. 
Your nightmare wasn’t the only thing that frightened you. 
“I’m going to my room,” you said, pushing away from the table. Your form disappeared up the stairs with the gaze of both princes trailing after you. 
Kili sighed, running his fingers through his long, dark hair. 
“You just going to let her go?” Fili scoffed. 
“What would you have me do?” 
Fili shook his head and took a drink of his ale. 
Kili narrowed his eyes. “What?”
His brother raised a brow. “Y/N is the most stubborn, persistent, devoted woman I’ve ever met. She isn’t giving up on looking for her sisters. She’s worried about continuing the search with us.” 
“What?” Kili exclaimed. “What are you talking about?”
“Kili, brother,” Fili sighed. “I’m saying maybe my absence was exactly the two of you needed and you’re both still avoiding what I’ve seen for as long as we’ve known Y/N.” He finished off his ale and snatched Kili’s away before he could protest. “Now go talk to her.” 
Kili swallowed, staring at the steps. It took one final shove from his brother to actually get him to stand up and move. 
As he ascended the stairs, Kili thought about everything Fili had said. What did he mean, his absence was what you two needed? What did he know that Kili didn’t? 
Of course, the younger prince knew exactly what his brother meant. He’d always known, even when he didn’t know how to admit it. But waking up in that tent, the panicked thoughts of you out in the storm, alone, the terror of losing you to the ice and snow, and holding you in his arms to keep you warm all revealed exactly what had been in his heart all these years. 
He loved you. 
Perhaps Fili was right. 
Maybe it was time to finally tell you. 
Kili found your room and stood before it for a good long while. He tried raising his hand to knock, but he was just… frozen in place. 
What if this was a mistake? 
What if decades of friendship fell apart in this moment?
What if-
The door opened and his heart stopped. 
You startled back at the sight of his big brown eyes. The eyes you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about. The ones you wanted to get lost in and never be found. And he was there, waiting for you. 
You both opened your mouths to speak and stopped, waiting for the other person, leaving you both in a tense silence. The same tension from the tent. The one that drew you together, closer and closer. 
“Kili, I-”
His lips caught yours, silencing the words you still weren’t sure how to say. You let your hands tangle in his hair, pulling him closer, closer still if that was even possible. Every moment, every breath from the last few days had been leading to this. And all either of you could think was one word. 
And as Fili watched you pull Kili into your room, kicking the door closed behind him, he was thinking the same thing. 
“Finally,” he muttered, shaking his head as he went to his room, glad to have it to himself for a change. 
Kili’s lips brushed against your forehead, the rest of your body completely tangled with his. Your arms wrapped around his bare chest, your legs wound between his, and your head was tucked under his chin. Your naked skin burned against each other but you never wanted it to stop. 
And between every sigh, every pleasured cry or whispered word came one phrase. I love you. 
He said it again, now. “I love you.” 
You turned to look up at him. Into those eyes. The gaze that captured you more and more every time. 
“And I you,” you said, kissing his collarbone, then his jaw, then finally his lips. “I have loved you ever since you taught me to shoot an arrow through the apples on our tree.” 
Kili grinned, deepening the kiss and moving so his face hovered over yours. 
“I’m still not giving up, you know,” he whispered. “We will find your sisters. And we will do it together.”
You wrapped a brown curl around your finger and nodded. 
“I know. Before, I was just… scared.” You turned your head away. “That storm took me to a place I don’t want to go again.”
Kili laid a hand on your cheek, bringing your eyes back to his. “I’ll keep you safe.” He kissed your forehead again. “I promise.” 
After letting the seriousness of your words settle for a moment, you grinned mischievously and rolled so that you straddled him. 
“We should have tried this sooner,” you smirked. 
Kili laughed and rolled again, putting him back above you. “It’s certainly a good way to stay warm.”
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A drawing of my personal tmnt iteration just chilling on the roof watching the sunset <3
Also some extra info about them under the cut
Leonardo or Lee:
-is a marsh black turtle
-he/she gender queer
-not the leader at the start
-has the most technically correct fighting (like he dose shit in proper form)
-follows the rules the most (but is not immune to his brothers dragging her into their bs)
-the most cautious about humans getting too close
-April is an exception cause like she doesn’t count she’s April
-sees no problem with staying in the layer
-a little bit of toxic positivity as a treat
-thinks she should be able to fix every problem and be in control of everything
-gets stressed when that’s obviously not the case
Michelangelo or Mickey:
-pond slider turtle
-he/him trans
-the chill older brother
-will protect the city even if it won’t protect him back
-can fluctuate from being the most energetic to the least on the drop of a dime
-a horrible combo of depression and ADHD
-just wants things to go back to how they were when they were all little kids
-he was also far more energetic back then
-listens to music a lot
-has a playlist for all of his siblings
-has trouble sleeping
-most creative fighting style
-has a hard time paying attention during things like training
Raphael or Raph:
-common snapping turtle
-any agender
-bi ace
-is mean sometimes like typical jerk teen behaviour
-ready to insult people by being a sarcastic smart ass
-makes baseless threats when annoyed
-throws things and hits things when they’re angry and sometimes when she’s really mad or stressed she’ll hit herself in the head
-tries to just be the toughest one in every situation
-probably has a stuffed animal collection (and some of them for sure have weapons hidden in them)
-would literally rather die than let his family get seriously hurt
-punch first think later style of fighting and is extremely violent in fights as a way to get her anger out
-the most physically affectionate (even if it’s in a rough and tumble type of way)
-accidentally rips their mask a lot like that thing is hanging on by a thread
-thinks he can just brute force his way through any problem
-worries about hurting his family or being too mean with his jokes
Donatello or Don:
-box turtle
-he/they demi boy
-wide eyed and curious as they want to know everything about anything
-he’s very creative (coming up with those complex inventions isn’t just all logic and science you know)
-took things apart when they were a kid to see how they worked (and he still does it today lol)
-stims a lot
-loves grape flavoured anything
-honestly just can’t read a room or most situations for that matter
-uses a bunch of their gadgets in combat but can also use just his bow if necessary
-can be very single minded
-they know their objectively the weakest and smallest so they do everything they can to make up for it and keep up with their siblings
-has a hard time understanding the danger that they’re in sometimes and he can be easily trusting as a result
-wants to be self reliant
April O’Neil:
-black and Japanese
-16 (older than Leo by a few months though)
-big sister energy who met the turtles when she was younger
-takes the turtles (mostly Raph) to the mall
-has to lie to her mom a lot so she can hang out with the turtles
-feels kinda disconnected from most people in her life
-is awful at making friends and really bad in most social situations
-likes science specifically meteorology and biology and wants to be a meteorologist
-she’s very adventurous and likes going on the stupid adventures with her turtle brothers
-gets along really well with splinter (they mainly talked about turtle facts when she was younger)
-the turtles mean the world to her and she’s terrified of them not wanting to be her friend anymore
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atsumuahh · 3 years
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“ SECRET LOVER ” dreamwastaken
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characters !
dreamwastaken, wilbur’s twin!reader, technoblade, philza, tommyinnit, wilbur soot, karl, sapnap, georgenotfound, drista, tubbo.
summary !
when reader chooses the dsmp high everything seems to be great, but things gets complicated when her brand new crush turns out to be her oldest brother’s rival. it gets even more complicated when he asks her out.
warnings !
swear words, usage of dream’s real name
notes !
dream as a football team captain rent free in my head... and i’m also sorry that it took me so long to write… its almost 3k words and not proofread!
taglist !
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it was easy to assume that you had been in your brothers’ shadows. techno, wilbur and tommy were talented, football players with great, great achievements. the only thing you wanted was a big change in your life, so when you graduated from the middle school and it came up to making a big decision on choosing high school, you chose the dsmp high – school located an hour away from your house.
you remember your first day at school. the day started awfully. tommy woke you up with a loud yell at – as you rightly guessed – wilbur, who stole his phone and texted to his crush. it turned out that you had twenty minutes left to get ready and leave for bus and not be late. well... you were late on the bus, but thankfully your dad promised he’ll drop you off at school.
phil couldn’t be more proud of you. for real, he knew how hard it was for you to choose different school from techno, wilbur and tommy (everyone know he’ll go after his brothers). you were miserable through your whole middle school, because no one ever noticed you as your own person, only as wilbur’s twin sister, techno’s younger sibling or the only sister of tommy. it cause you to slowly losing yourself and becoming a female version of your brothers. so when you spoke to him about the idea of the dsmp high, he couldn’t get happier.
fortunately, dad dropped you off fifteen minutes before your first period started. wandering around the new school, looking for people you had classes with. you looked at your phone and accidentally bumped into a tall, dirty blonde guy with painted nails and purple sweater.
“oh no- i’m so sorry!” he spoke kind of afraid he might hurt you. “you alright?” a worried ask left his mouth as he put a hand on your shoulder.
it turned out that his name is karl and you took same classes as him. well in fact the boy seemed to be pretty nice, chill and funny. you two were on your way to the biology class and jokes were in the air. you felt so delightful that you messaged wilbur and techno a small text saying you just made your first friend. as no one responded you hid your phone.
“don’t worry, bestie.” he beamed at you. “i’ll meet you with my other friends, if that’s okay. they’ll love you and you won’t have to worry about making ones!” karl whispered into your ear and you couldn’t hide a soft smile that formed on your face.
as he said, he did. it was your lunch pause so he led you to the cafeteria. the idea of sitting at the table with people you didn’t know was.. terrifying but at the same time, so exiting. you felt like your heart skipped a beat when a guy called dream showed up with his best friends george and sapnp.
he was so handsome that you couldn’t take your eyes off him. looking at him was just so pleasing that you were kinda mad that he was karl’s friend so you couldn’t really sigh over him. surprisingly, he turned out to be a nice guy as well. you expected dream to be a completely jerk and an arsehole, but well you started to feel like you’d fall for him.
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well… you were right. you fell for clay so deeply that just being around him was… stressing you out. he always cared about you, through your whole freshman year he was so cute and it was hard not to fall.
sophomore year started in a very… unexpected way. you hadn’t seen your friends in weeks, because you have lived so far away, but it didn’t make your brand new friends group to fall apart. you wouldn’t be so surprised if they organized a meet after classes but… well it was a meet, but only with clay. in a shortcut – he took you on a date.
“i missed you so much, y/n/n” he smiled as he shyly took your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. a small, timid smile formed on your blushed face. “fuck… i like you, i have a huge ass crush on you, okay? i-i just don’t wanna mess up our friendship… so please tell me if you don’t feel same” clay spoke with shaking voice, not giving you a sight.
maybe it was the adrenaline that boosted you up, or your inner self just wanted to do it, but as his confession ended, your lips gentlt pressed his. clay was… well shocked is a good word, clay was shocked, but he pulled you in even closer and that’s how you ended up making out in the park.
you were thrilled to the gills and you almost told your brothers about clay. almost, because you heard techno’s talking about a match against the dsmp high. well it wouldn’t be such a big thing if you hadn’t heard dream, and well oh well. words weren’t too nice.
“hi… are you free?” you said softly, sitting on your bed. you were frightened – what if they don’t like each other? what if… wilbur and tommy also don’t like him? “you know techno, right? technoblade minecraft?” a quiet ask left your mouth as you sat under the tree in your yard.
“yes, unfortunately.” his response made you thought that you had annoyed him. “wait, why you’re asking? did he hurt you or something?” dream didn’t let you answer as he added i’m gon’ kill him under his breathe.
“noo, don’t worry” you clutched your head and sighed. “he’s… my brother, older brother, actually”. silence between you two were clearly killing you, but you couldn’t be one to break it. he had to say something.
“oh my fuck” you heard his shocked voice and chuckled in response. “it doesn’t matter. you’re the one i fell in love with, not he. i know you’re worried, but everything will be alright.”.
“i hope so” his laughter calmed you. “i’ll call you later so we can fall asleep on call okay? dinner’s ready”.
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”it’s kinda forbidden love, isn’t it?” george laughed as he wrapped his arm around you with a cute smile. brown haired boy was waiting along with you at your whole friends’ group. “y’know… techno is your brother and also a rival of your boyfriend… it’s exciting”.
you almost gasped at his words. it felt so silly and people would probably find it meaningless, but you couldn’t hide a smile that appeared on your face. he didn’t say techno’s sister like everyone from the middle school would say, george said that he’s your brother.
“as long as i love her, nothing else really matters to me” clay’s voice was so sweet that you almost melted under it. he was right, there’s no reason to overthink – you love him and it’s the only thing that matters.
“yeah, you should definitely tell him that at the match on saturday.” oh my fucking god, a match. the elimination match between the dsmp high and the lmanburg high. you were completely between a rock and a hard place.
“fuck, i forgot about it.” wrapping his arms around your body, dream felt how stressed you began to get. he also felt when your body unwittingly started to shake. “he’ll hate me, so will wilbur and tommy.”
“aren’t they already hating you? like- you barely talk to them at home, so… what’s the problem?” sapnap asked shrugging. well, he was right – techno lost his interest in talking to you and unfortunately wilbur and tommy took their cue from him, and the only person you had talked to was your dad.
“you’re coming to our match, right?” karl asked with a nervous smile forming on his face. it was his first match ever on the team – you couldn’t not be there. “it doesn’t who will you cheer for, just be there, okay?”
“karl, of course i will be there” you smiled at him, trying to hide your increasing stress that almost made you pass out. “please win this, okay? it’d be too hard to look at your miserable faces.”
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tommy had always been your favorite of them all. as a child he wouldn’t let you go and sometimes it was obviously burdensome, but you loved it. you loved how he cared and now you missed it. he wanted, but he couldn’t talk to you, techno and wilbur would be pissed if he did.
he wondered about telling you how well he made friends in high school along with tubbo. about all of the funny jokes he made. he just wanted to be a teenager that shares cool memories with his older sister, but for now his brothers were too proud to apologize.
“wil, are you sure we should do that?” he asked, uneasiness appearing on his pale face. he genuinely missed his big sister that always helped him with his homework, with choosing cool outfits to impress girls, helped him, when he argued with tubbo. “she looks so miserable. even dad is worried!”
“we have nothing to do with her miserableness. she left us first. now, she can go and fuck herself” wilbur had never acted lke that before, so surprised tommy just frowned at him and shook his head in hopelessness. something was off and he would like to know what. to repair it.
his stomach rambled and it was time for a snack. tommy was about to came in, but he heard a bit of a conversation between philza and his only daughter.
“yeah, they do kinda hate me” she shrugged, not letting her tears fall. “uhm… clay proposed that i could stay at his. you know, dad. until… they start talking to me again.” long sigh left her mouth as she clutched her head in hands, right before he noticed tears. tommy couldn’t do more, so he got back to his room not letting anyone in later that evening.
it’d be a lie if someone said that tommy wasn’t stressed out. his first game was in a few minutes and his sister was nowhere to be found. “she has better things to do, i disappointed her - i shouldn’t be so shocked.”
when he saw her, he felt relieved. she was there to support him in his first game in high school ever, but as he watched her, slowly drifting away, looking for someone different in the crowd of people, he was hurt.
“i can’t believe you really choose to avoid the affection from dream for today, because your brothers are here. you should fuck them three” sapnap laughed, looking over your shoulder at tommy. “two. he looks hurt as well as you.” you know he was, but he didn’t do anything because the pressure techno and wilbur put on him, was killing him inside.
“y/n you came!” karl cried out, running towards you and sapnap. he hugged you tight and smiled softly, giggling noiselessly. “did y/n’s brothers saw it? i was literally her ride.”
“excuse me, you did that on purpose?” george laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. you joined him, but you stopped when you saw tommy’s upset, frightened face. it wasn’t only karl’s first game – it was tommy’s as well.
“i gotta talk to him” you sighed exhausted of the whole drama around you and your brothers. or just around you, wilbur and techno. your little brother had nothing to do with it. “tommy, hi” you started a bit nervous, feeling the tension betweet you two. and firstly, you thought he will just go away, but you gasped as he hugged you tight.
“i missed you so much” he whispered so anyone could hear but you. soft smile showed up on his face, making it way more brighter. “thanks for coming here, i know it’s rought between you and wil. he’s kinda mad but everything will be fine, i know that.” you wrapped arms around his torso and smiled widely.
“you’ve got this, okay tommy?” you brushed his hair. in response you got a growl and loud laugh after. “if you win or if you lose, it doesn’t matter, because i will still love you, but i’ve gotta go back to my friends.” you beamed and left tommy as soon as you saw wilbur storming towards you.
me: can’t wait to see you on the field :)
you felt like melting, when dream looked at you with his happy, excited face. you were so proud of him – he was the captain of the school football team and it was known that he has a sport scholarship. despite your brothers’ presence, you planned to show clay some support and you painted a medium #21 on your black, denim jacket.
clay: can’t wait to see you on my bed, right next to the trophy i’ll get as a captain.
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he hadn’t lie. you sat on his messy bed, in his messy bedroom, talking to his younger sister drista. she was adorably bewitching. she was a bit younger than tommy, but thankfully she wasn’t as loud as him. you laughed after hearing her awful joke.
“so… you’re living here by now?” she asked curiously, frowning. her eyes scanning your, now, blushed face, waiting on the answer. “please, i cannot stand his my-girlfriend-lives-so-far-and-i-can’t-sneak-into-her-room-and-kiss.” she rolled her eyes, but smile widely.
“oh, yeah.” you blushed even harder as she laughed at your already blushed face. “i’m just worried if he’s okay with us hiding, you know? i mean– he could be with someone else, someone… someone better.”
drista didn’t know what to say and you knew she didn’t have to. you were scared – because of your situation that had place in middle school – he will just leave your for someone better, someone prettier, smarter, cuter.
unfortunately for you, clay had heard your every single word. he coughed, letting drista know that she should go. girl smiled at you before leaving you two alone. him, standing in front of you with only his sweatpants on. “y/n” he started as he got closer.
“i- i- can not tell i know how you feel or how you should feel. and-and i genuinely do not care about anyone else but you. i love you, okay dumbass?” he sat as close as possible and beamed softly.
“you won’t replace me?” the whole thing between you and clay was terrifying you so much. is he lying about his feelings? is he really in love with you? or maybe you’re just a bet? you almost shook your head as the thoughts began to overwhelm you.
he wouldn’t do that. and if he would, some of his friends (yours as well) would kill him. you couldn’t be more happier at the moment. your boyfriend had just told you that he loves you for the very first time, you made amazing friends that would kill for you and vice versa, but there was one thing you had to fix. the relationship with techno and wilbur.
“i could never replace you, love”.
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“you sure you wanna do it?” clay asked, gently rubbing your thigh with his thumb, sitting in the front seat of his car. you were about to tell your whole family that clay dream is your boyfriend. the guy your older brother claimed to hate. lots of fun, right?
you nodded unsure, getting out of the car. it was your first time seeing your brothers in over a month and – boy, oh boy – you were terrified. did they miss you? did they even notice you were gone? you wished they did. you weren’t even able to ring the doorbell, because tommy opened the door with a huge grin.
“i’ve been waiting for you.” he confessed, closing you in a tight hug. he let you off as soon as he noticed smiled dream standing right behind you. “and who are you, mister?” suspicious question left tommy’s mouth.
“i’m y/n’s boyfriend, clay” dream beamed at tommy as he let you in. shock finding their way onto his face was… quite hilarious. he mumbled something under his breathe, but you couldn’t catch it.
as soon as you got onto the dining room, you saw wilbur, techno and dad setting the table. tommy coughed, couldn’t hide his happiness. his sister is back and he can’t let her go ever again.
“hi…” you started, your voice getting shaky. “i wanted to explain some things and it’d be a pleasure if you would accept my new boyfriend, especially technoblade.” dream took your sweaty with nervousness hand to calm you. he knew it was tough for you, knowing that him and techno are rivals. “this is clay and i know you know him, and you’re not on the good terms, but please just… finally talk to me, because i miss both of you and i’d love to have either my brothers and boyfriend close as possible.” you finished glancing at techno and wilbur.
“y/n, i’m just sad you didn’t want to go to same school with me. you had never told me why, we were inseparable and everything changed within days.” wilbur was first to answer you. his dejected voice made you crying. you missed him, his voice, his advices, his presence around you. “everytime i woke up, you were already running on the bus and we didn’t have a chance to talk.”
“i- you- you’re right. i should’ve told you why did i choose the dsmp high. i did, because i began to lose myself, everyone saw me only as your sister and i started to think that i do not matter anymore. i had to change it and i had to show everyone that i’m not just yours and techno’s sister, but i’m my own persona.” wil stood up and got closer to you. your tears convinced him that you weren’t lying and he felt bad that he didn’t realize it sooner. “i’m so sorry”.
“no- no, i’m also sorry. i’m the one that should apologizing. you were just choosing your own path and i was mad at you, because of that. ‘m sorry y/n/n.” you smiled through tears and hugged him as tight as you only could.
“there’s no much drama between us” techno chuckled quietly, watching you and wilbur cuddling. “i already knew what’s going on between you two at the match. i just took wil’s side.” he shrugged and you laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. “well, it doesn’t mean i like you” he claimed glaring at your boyfriend. “i can tolerate you as long as you’ll treat y/n the best you can, otherwise i’ll kill you”.
“i agree and so does tommy” your twin added, looking dream dead in the eyes.
“maybe we’ll stop the death threats here and start eating?” your dad proposed with a cheerful smile. his kids were finally getting along again, he couldn’t be more proud or happier than at the moment.
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“it went so well” you whispered delighted. you were snuggling with dream on your bed, some time after the dinner ended. phil suggested that he could stay for the night, so they can get to know him better.
tommy was thrilled to the bones about the fact that now, he has a new friend, older than him, and also a captain of the football team, so he could teach him how to play better. wil was… well wil. he made sure that dream didn’t have any wrong intentions and techno just couldn’t care less if you were happy with him. he even suggested that they should bury the hatchet and move on.
“i haven’t said that to anyone yet, but i love you” you said, almost skipping a bit when he held your head and gently kissed you.
“well, you already know that i’m head over heels in love with you. and it won’t ever change” he said and kissed you one more time.
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cloudninetonine · 3 years
A past that still haunts me
A/N: Hey guys, it's me (ya boi) I'm back with my still current hyper fixation Genshin Impact and a vent fic because I've been really stressed and well, it's hard living in my house :) It's a hurt/comfort fic because they always get to me and I needed to make something for myself
I am willing to do aftermath where the boys confront the abuser or do scenario but with different characters
Synopsis: You’re not a damsel in distress, you never have been and you never will be, but, well, sometimes you need a hero to rely on and that’s okay
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli and Childe
Warnings: Hints to past abuse, confrontation of abuser, violence, mentions of blood, threats, foul language
It had meant to be like any other menial day of an adventurer: sign in with Katheryne, complete your commissions, sign out with Katheryne with your payments - done and dusted.
But that wasn’t how it went, no, far from it - archons, so damn far from it.
“Thank you once again, (Name)” Katheryne’s smile was kind like usual, holding that familiar feeling of gratitude as she handed over your remission within a marked package, hand returning to the desk’s polished surface once you had taken it graciously, sending her a beaming grin back. “The Guild really appreciates your work ethic when it comes to the Ruin machines, it’s hard to come across adventurers who want to handle them anymore”
You sent her a shrug as you placed away the box “Can’t blame them really, they’re a hard bunch to handle- I was terrified of them when I first started too, but I had my vision to help me out, a lot of these folk only use there pure determination to eradicate them, gotta admire that!”
She laughed along with you politely “Have a good evening, (Name), I’ll see you again tomorrow?”
“Of course you will!” You backpedalled away from the guild reception, throwing the woman a polite double fingered salute as you did “Ad astra abyssoque as they say, my fair lady!”
She parrotted back her usual phrase before disappearing into the building, you walking further down the path of the city for your final activity for that day.
Of course, you didn’t reach that far, after all, it wasn’t that menial day you had expected, that you had wanted. Life was cruel sometimes, so incredibly cruel for no justified reason just for the sake of it all and you wished, archons, you wished you could rewind the clock and stop yourself from bumping into the body, to save yourself from all the repressed trauma bursting forth like a flurry of butterflies, well, more like moths, disgusting, ungodly, monster moths that aimed straight for the face.
“Sorry!” You yelped, too preoccupied with gathering your pocketwatch you had dropped in the stumble to see who it had been, after all, you were on a schedule and you didn’t want to be-
All of a sudden, time didn’t seem to exist, or maybe it was moving way too slowly from that horrid spike of adrenaline that shot into your bloodstream as soon as the voice registered.
You hoped to the Archons that it wasn’t, that it couldn’t, but did the gods hear your prayers?
“Oh Archons, it is you! It’s been such a long time!”
Of course, they did, they just didn’t care to listen. Ignoring the cries of your people were in fashion to them these days.
They stood there with a smile so excited it almost seemed to tear their face in half, with eyes sparkling with recognition after so many years away from them, they opened their arms welcoming you into their embrace like it was something just so normal for the two of you like you would come bounding to them like a lost puppy who had finally found their master.
The fear of your abuser dwarfed in comparison the pure feral rage and loathing to think that they even deserved to be breathing in the same space as you.
People were looking, of course, they were looking, you knew what they were doing, being bright and jovial, bringing others attention towards you both so that whatever scene you caused would be your fault like you were the bad guy. It was old tactics, of course, you wouldn’t dare do anything when you were younger, you’d just push through it, but this wasn’t old times, this wasn’t younger you, scared, smaller you afraid them, this was you now, a warrior, unwavering in battle, a person who smiled in the face of danger, who laughed at the pitiful fights that 2- no- 4 abyss mages brought to you!
To hell what other people thought, you’d stomp their head into the cobblestone if they had so much as poked you.
“Come here and give me a-”
You took a step back, mustering the deadliest face you could, but you wavered, it was only natural, no matter how much you could try to hype yourself up, this person was your first true experience of real-life nightmares, the first person to bring you true pain, no matter how many ruin guards, hunters, millachurls, mages- anything you faced, nothing could prepare you to face your first fear:
The fear of your older sibling.
“If you fucking touch me I’ll stab you-” The growl cracked nearing the end, you were always an angry crier but you were not about to fall back to this- this monster. “In front of all these people, I won’t hesitate”
Their face dropped followed by your stomach, though, the food you had for lunch sure did feel its way up your gullet.
“What’s with your language? We haven’t seen each other in four years and this is how you treat me? Your older sibling?” They laughed in disbelief because onlookers would think they were shocked, I mean, how could you speak to family like that? But they didn’t know, they didn’t know the words they had told you, the insults, the threats, those tight grabs, those beatings- they didn’t know, so they obviously didn’t know that the shock came from the fact that you had stood up to them.
You licked your lips to get rid of the dryness, but the problem you faced was that your mouth had dried out along with them, as did your throat.
Don’t let them turn this on you, don’t let them get the upper hand, you were better than them, so much better.
“You’re not my fucking sibling” You spat, feeling the air vibrate around you, a sudden shine from your cloak hinted you to the cause “You haven’t been for a long time, don’t fucking try that shit with me”
There it was, that familiar enraged spark, that look of hatred on their face, the thing that warned you about what you said had been the right thing to set them off, that they were just as easily triggered by the smallest act of rebellion just like when you were kids.
Of course, they hadn’t changed.
Evil never did.
They took a step forward but you didn’t back off, just hardened your resolve as they leaned in menacingly, as though their stupid little intimidation tactic still worked after all these years.
You told yourself it didn’t but you knew deep down that wasn’t completely true.
“Don’t speak to me like that, (Name)” Facade gone, they showed you what they really were, what they were really like after all, “Don’t you ever speak to me like that, you show me fucking respect”
Oh Archons, you were angry, no, seething from the thought that they ever deserved respect.
That pathetic piece of shit, that gruelling pleb, mere gum on the bottom of your damn shoe-
You’d kill them, right here, right now.
You felt the familiar materialisation begin to form in your hand when another voice called out, a familiar loving one that nearly made your throat swell from relief.
He could sense the tension. Of course, he could sense the tension, Diluc had faced this tension so many times before, he was practically the one that owned such a vibe anytime Kaeya even breathed near him for a second longer than necessary.
But being the one to witness it, to see you, the usual awkward, goofy sweetheart stare at another with such overbearing malice made him uneasy, caused his stomach to churn in ways he didn’t like, set him off in a way that was only reserved for the most chilling on moments.
Diluc wondered what exactly this stranger had done to warrant such a reaction from you.
“(Name)?” The redhead called, glancing around the many citizens of Mondstadt that watched the exchange with intrigue, guard and worry, eyes focused on the scene of this foreign stranger and fuming you, hand poised by your side with weapon particles dancing on your palm.
When Diluc finally made it over, his form seemed to curl protectively around you, hand landing on the small of your back delicately while keeping face with the person, eyes narrowed dangerously but still holding an air of civilness.
A true gentleman, even when you were close to merking some rando.
“Is there a problem?”
The stranger straightened immediately, backing up a few steps with their hands up in defence, sending Diluc a charming smile that the man could see through crystal clear.
“No problem, no problem at all” They glanced back at you, seemingly friendly despite his partner’s obvious ill intent that radiated off you in waves “Isn’t that right, (Name)?”
Diluc saw you tense up once again, the buzz from your Vision rising in volume with your obvious anger as you tightened your first, ready to just screw your weapon and go for the throat.
“If that is the case” The noble’s hand softly pressed against your back, gently but coaxing, knowing that conflict in the middle of the town centre would just bring the knights to meddle in affairs that they had no business attending “Then we shall be going”
“There’s no need to leave, after all, my sibling and I were just chatting”
He paused, shouldering a questioning glance your way but at the sight of your unruly expression, he pushed down his enquiries and once again began coaxing you away from the scene. Angel’s Share had already been open for a while, meaning the usual folk would already be settled in, but the storage room was sure to be a good place to chat and to calm you down, all he needed to do was get you away.
“We already had plans” The side glance had the stranger- your sibling, biting their tongue, brows furrowing in a known annoyance as the two of you began your way towards the pub, you still vibrating in anger. “Good day to you”
The two of you had made it a few feet when they called out once again “Don’t worry, (Name), I’ll see you again real soon”
Diluc’s arm tightened around you faster than you could react, tugging you away quickly “Diluc-”
“No, (Name)”
“Stay out-”
“Not here” Sharing a look, he softened at the shine in your eyes. “You’ll just attract the knights' attention”
You didn’t care, no, not one bit. If the knights had dared to interfere at that moment, they too would have been caught up in your blinded revenge, thrown aside or slashed down without single care just to finally eradicate the bane of your existence and you didn’t care about what consequences you brought about, you just didn’t and you made sure to tell Diluc that, as soon as you had the privacy of Angel’s Share’s storeroom, pacing up and down while he stood off to the side against the wall, watching silently.
“You had no right to get in my way!” You snapped, voice shaking from the pure emotions you were releasing “I finally had my chance, I was finally going to do it! They deserve to end by my hand, by my decision, after the years of torture they put me through! They deserved it! And you got in my way! How could you get in my way! I-”
Pushing off the wall, he slowly advanced towards you, carefully, hands out like he was approaching a wounded animal.
“I understand you’re upset-”
“I’m not upset!” You cried at him, stopping mid-step before dropping your head and tightly, grabbing your hair in your hands “I’m not upset! I’m angry! I’m so fucking angry! And I deserve to be fucking angry! I-”
The sob ripped through your throat despite you trying to hold it back, tears finally gathering in your eyes and rapidly falling down your cheeks “You should have let me kill them! I should have had the chance to rid the world of their evil! It’s not fair! It’s not- it’s not fair, I-”
You didn’t bother to fight him when his arms finally wrapped around you, just fell against him as you wept. The pent up rage, fear and sadness from years of repression taking its toll as you cried, your partner whispering sweet words as he raked his hand through your hair gently and leaned his head against yours.
“I’m sorry” His hand held your cheek fondly, ruby red staring back into your own eyes with a softness that made you melt “I didn’t know this meant so much to you, but if you’re willing to tell me, I’ll listen. I’ll always listen”
With another choked sob, you leaned into his hold “Please just hold me for now”
And he did just that.
The captain had promised to meet you at his office, a simple task really but with the lingering presence of Jean and the words ‘There’s so much work that needs to be done’ leaving her lips he bolted, hoping to catch you by the Guild and drag you to Angel Share for your date. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help her, it was just he had already promised you this night and Eula could have always taken his place with paperwork, her threat of “vengeance” as she liked to call it could wait for another day.
It was also due to the fact he had no intentions of filing any paperwork for as long as he could avoid it, but that was his secret to be kept.
Being the perspective man he was, he could tell straight away he had walked into something tense, surveying the surrounding people of Mondstadt who looked on in concern, the unbridled rage upon your face, the obviously intimidating lean that the stranger held over you- something was wrong and he knew he had to put a stop to it.
“(Name)?” You glanced for a single moment before your furious glare had returned to the stranger, another flag waving right in his face as he approached, “My dear? Who might this be?”
Before you could snap, lip curling in disgust, the stranger stood back to their full height, switching quickly with a fake charming smile that practically mirrored his own, holding out their hand towards him “(S/N) (Last), (Name)’s older sibling. it’s nice to meet you”
Kaeya’s smile widened and despite the glare from you that was now focused on him, he shook your sibling's hand in-kind “Kaeya Alberich, (Name)’s partner-”
He made sure to tighten his grip with his last words “And Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius”
Successfully, as he always was, Kaeya held back the smug, mocking grin that itched to climb onto his face when the neck of your sibling bobbed nervously, forehead reflecting the afternoon light as sweat gathered on their brow.
The man hadn’t obviously threatened them, surely, Kaeya was smarter than that, but then again, he could still present himself as a threat, a good one and well, his title was a menacing one when it came to the right moment. ‘Try anything and not only do I have the authority to kick your arse but the power to put you in a place many didn’t dare even step’ shortened into an innocent sentence with only 8 words.
“Cavalry Captain? That’s quite impressive” They laughed off, tugging away their hand awkwardly when Kaeya continued to keep a firm grip, his present eye focused solely on your siblings face. They glanced over to you “Quite an achievement for you, aye (Name)?”
You growled, “I’ll show you an achievement-”
Kaeya’s arm had wrapped around your waist not a second later, tugging you tighter to his side as the two of you turned, the man throwing your sibling a smile over his shoulder.
“As nice as it was to meet you, (S/B), we must be going”
And then without another word Kaeya dragged you away, heading in the direction of your home instead of Angel Share tavern, feeling your pure, unfiltered anger the whole way along with the citizens as they parted ways, rushing off from your rage.
It was only when you had returned to the sanctuary of your abode did you snap, jerking away from your boyfriend with angered strides and beginning your seething lecture towards him, moving up and down through the living room while he ventured off into the kitchen, grabbing 2 glasses and a bottle of wine.
“How dare you Kaeya! How fucking dare you! Do you have any idea what you were doing back there!? What was even happening back there!? So much for being the most observant man in Mondstadt because you seemed pretty dense to me the whole fucking time!” Your hands raked through your hair as you yelled, trying so hard to hold back the tears “I didn’t need your damn help, Kaeya! Nor did I fucking want it! Know to stay out of someone's business when it isn’t wanted!”
Logically you knew what he had done, you were smart like that and you knew Kaeya long enough to know what he was doing but your rage, fear and sadness blocked out everything in that moment, made you blind to reality, made you only think irrationally and Kaeya didn’t blame you for that. He could never blame you for that.
Though, it did hurt him to see you in this state.
You gawked at him for a moment, staring at him with shock and confusion as he held out a wine glass towards you, another held in his other hand and a sweet smile plastered on his face, before your moment morphed into rage, grabbing the drink from his hand and tossing it towards the wall, the red wine splattering over the wallpaper and glass shards falling to the floor.
“Well, that was a waste-”
“Do you think I’m an idiot, Kaeya!?” You cried, not even bothering to hold back anymore as the tears fell and your voice cracked, hand pointing accusingly in his face “Is this some kind of joke to you!? Huh!? Am I a fool in your eyes!? Some sort of blubbering idiot!? Why must you- why do you-”
The second glass was placed on the dresser by you both, Kaeya’s hand coming to hold your cheek fondly while the other came to grab your hand that dangled in the air, still poised at him “I don’t think you're either of those, my dear, in fact, I think you’re one of the brightest in the whole of Teyvat, nevermind Mondstadt”
You hiccuped “Then why-”
Brushing away the wetness from your cheek, he brought your hand to his mouth to place a fond kiss on your palm “Because you mustn’t cry, (Name), don’t waste your tears on someone like them”
“I’m not crying, I’m-”
He shushed you gently and you finally relaxed, falling into his embrace with a heavy heart “-I’m not, I swear-”
Within the familiarity of your home, you wept in his arms, exhausted from the whirlwind of emotions and the scenes that had transpired that day, ready to just curl into yourself and try to block the flooding memories of history. Although, having Kaeya at that moment helped more than he could ever know, having him to rely on made it all so much easier to cope with that day.
“Tell me what ails you and I’ll listen” Brushing back some hair, he pressed a kiss to your head.
“Can..can we just stay like this for a while?”
“Of course, my dear”
He had sensed the incoming danger like it had been revealed in some sort of premonition. Maybe it had been a skill he had acquired after his long, eventful life, maybe it was his connection to Liyue and his citizens, but for some reason, as he sat before Iron Tongue Tian as the man recalled his tales of ancient Liyue like usual, Zhongli knew that the crowd that was forming around Wamin Restaurant had something that he need urgently attend, especially when even Tian paused his story to glance around the corner of the restaurant building to see the commotion.
When the archon had finally borne witness to the scene, he paused within the crowd, surveying the surroundings carefully. You were the centre of attention, along with another stranger, both glaring at one another with anger and disgust, though your own anger seemed to double compared to the other’s, seeing as your weapon was slowly materialising in your grip. Zhongli could also see Guild Master Lan making her way down the steps leading to the Guild reception, a worried expression on her face glancing between you and the approaching Millelith.
Zhongli made his decision, politely pushing through the crowd until he had finally made it by your side, hand being placed gently on your arm “(Name)?”
Both you and the stranger glanced at him, but he paid no mind to them, only held eye contact with you when Lan appeared by your other side, glaring at the stranger with a hardened gaze.
“Are you harassing my guild member?”
Before the stranger could respond, the Millelith had also popped in, glancing between you and them “Is there a problem?”
Zhongli had taken up your view when Lan began her take, she had borne witness for much longer than he had of course and he was certain that you were in no state to talk to the guards. Your eyes were glazed with hatred, pupils pinpricks in a sea of (E/C) and your hands were shaking, balled into fists.
If anything, he needed to try and calm you down first.
“Get the hell out of my way, Zhongli” Your teeth ground together, words shaking with anger “Don’t push yourself into my business”
“I’m sorry, my love, but I can’t do that” He tried brushing your cheek but you jerked away, glaring at his hand before glaring back at him, in no mood to be coddled “I don’t want you to do something you’d regret”
“Trust me, I won’t regret this one bit”
Zhongli held his tongue for the question that almost rolled out, knowing now wasn’t the time for inquiries when the stranger’s voice rang out, condescending and snarky as they addressed you.
“Still need people to protect you, aye (Name)? Of course, you’re still the same pathetic bitch from years ago”
You were lucky for your reputation around Liyue, for the picture of the kind and caring adventurer that had swept through the town from your years of living here because had it not been for that, you pushing aside your boyfriend and materialising your weapon to aim it at your sibling’s throat would have had you in cuffs that instant.
Lan grabbed you, tugging you away as you screamed “I’ll show you pathetic you fucker! Let me go!”
The Millelith didn’t wait to drag your sibling away, much to their cries of dismay, one sending Lan a nod while you continued to fight against her, crying out in frustration.
“Kid, you have to calm down-”
“Calm down!? No! Get the hell off me!”
Zhongli watched as you finally broke away, huffing and puffing up a storm before glancing amongst the crowd, staring at their worried and concerned faces, your own eyes tearing up before you looked away pushing past the crowd to find somewhere to be alone.
When Lan went to call out for you, Zhongli raised his hand, the two sharing a look before the archon made his way after you, his longer legs keeping a steady pace to which he could catch up to you, just beyond the bridge that led into Liyue Harbour. There were no people where you stood, just the lush green plants and great mountains of nature, a perfect place for you to let out your frustration without the prying eyes of the citizens.
“Leave me alone!” You cried, curling into yourself with your back turned to him “I don’t want you here, Zhongli! Nor did I want you back there! I didn’t need your or anyone else's help!”
You knew he was here from a place of concern, and deep down you begged that your words didn’t harm him in any way, but currently, you didn’t care, you didn’t want to care, you just wanted to be numb, numb to the flashbacks of your horrid past and numb to the feelings that were dragged along with them.
“My love, please, return with me to our home, I will brew some calming tea-”
“Tea? Tea!? Does it look like I want any fucking tea?! I couldn’t care any less about some fucking tea, Zhongli!” Spinning around on your heels, you scowled at him, not bothering to hide your rushing tears “Don’t you get it!? I want to be left alone, I-”
Two gloved hands gently encased your face, your angered expression morphing into one of shock as your partner stared down at you with glowing eyes filled with a deep-rooted love, affection, worry and so much more that you couldn’t put into mere mortal words. At that moment, everything felt as if it had melted away, only you and him were in this world, nothing else, just the two of you.
And you felt as though your heart had been lifted from the pressures of this life.
“I do not think it is best for you to be left alone” His baritone voice was always so calming, so serene and in your sane moment, you finally felt its effects “I wish to stay with you, so please, let me stay”
With a whimper, you grabbed onto his forearms and leaned your face into his hands, tears continuing to fall as your eyes fluttered shut “Okay…”
“They have hurt you deeply, haven’t they?”
Hesitantly, you nodded.
“Would you be so kind as to tell me the details?”
“I-...” Sharing eye contact once again, you whispered “Can- can you just...hold me for now? Please”
Moving his hands from your face, he engulfed you in his arms, leaning his head against yours “Of course”
The Harbinger had just left the Northland Bank, hell, he was just about to make his way down the spiral staircase but when hearing the commotion, he paused, something in his gut telling him to check just before and he was glad he did.
Glancing over the elevated walkway, he felt a fiery pit roar in the depths of his stomach, eyes narrowing dangerously at the scene; you were snarling in some other person’s face, their own face nothing short of disgust and a crowd that only seemed to grow by the minute.
Who the hell did this person think they were? Did they even know who you were? To stand so close to you, with a look of threat on their face like you weren’t about to kick their arse? Like he wasn’t about to kick their arse? How did this insignificant speck of dross not know your connections with him, the 11th Harbinger? Or did he know and was just trying his luck?
“Seems like someone has a death wish” And a death wish they had indeed.
Ignoring the perplexed glance from his subordinate stationed outside the building's entrance, Childe made his way down the steps, murderous look stitched on the whole way to the circle of civilians, the mass parting ways for the man that was Tartaglia and continuing to watch the moment in silence.
“Who the hell are you-” You both turned towards him, you in shock while the stranger stared in confusion until Childe’s hand wrapped around their collar, tugging them closer to look down at them with a deep-rooted disgust “-And why the hell are you harassing my partner?”
They fought against him, obviously, they did, but the surprise came when you saddled up next to him, grabbing his arm “Stay out of this, Tartaglia”
What? It hadn't been your request, no, you were always one to finish your whole fights you weren't "A damsel in distress after all!" no, you were so much more, so much greater but that look on your face, murderous and downright cruel- he just couldn't believe his ears.
Childe stared at you in shock while the stranger struggled, throwing him a dirty look in their attempts “Yeah, this is between my sibling and I”
Childe straightened in surprise, feeling embarrassment flood his system. Had he seriously just grabbed and threatened his lover’s family member? Oh, Archons, his judgement had been clouded by anger at the look of the scene, I mean, why would your sibling look at you that way-
“But it’s really no surprise that you still need to be babied, (Name), how shameful”
His eyes widened but not a moment later had you tackled your sibling, the crowd crying out in alarm as you threw back your fist and crushed their nose under the weight of your punch. “I’ll show you fucking shameful, bastard!”
There was shouting and a glance showed the oncoming Millelith marching towards the circle.
Being Fatui always did garner the attention of the guards nowadays, especially for him, who had tried to lure out the attention of their Archon by summoning an ancient god that nearly drowned the entirety of the harbour, so it was no surprise that they seemed to hurry in the pursuit when they noticed his appearance at the scene. However, lucky for him, your reputation as a great adventurer preceded you and throughout Liyue you were seen as a trusted and well-liked individual, meaning whatever trouble you got in, containing his meddling or not, was usually waved away due to the trust of the people.
So, without another thought, Childe tugged you off of your bloodied sibling and held you close, even as you thrashed violently, shouting at him to let you go.
“What is going on here?” A guard called, slamming the hilt of his polearm into the ground as he surveyed the area, eyes landing on the sibling before following the small trail of blood to you, still fighting against your boyfriend with threats falling from your lips “Was there a reason for this brawl? Who started it?”
As your sibling raised themselves on their forearms, they scowled and opened their mouth to respond, only for Childe to put in. “It was them, sir, they were the one that started it, (Name) was merely acting in self-defence”
The Millelith scowled at him, raising a brow and once again looking you over “Is that so?”
He addressed the crowd soon after “Is this what happened?”
And as expected, they all glanced over the sibling, then to you and piped up in agreement. It paid to be a hero, it seemed, the whole harbour returning the favour of years of helping out the community.
“If that’s the case, please come with us” The sibling cried out, anger and fear laced into their voice, trying to argue for their innocence only for the guards to grab them, hauling them away to archons know where while Childe did the same with you, slowly dragging you away from the scene and back into the bank, you screaming and cursing the whole way until you had made it to his office, finally managing to push him off and storming to the opposite side of the room practically seething.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Tartaglia!?” You cried, throwing out your arms in exaggeration “I didn’t need your fucking help! And why the fuck would you pull me off them!? I had them right where I wanted them and you fucking did that! Are you a moron!?”
“You had a sibling” He breathed, watching as you began to pace, muttering in an angered state “And you didn’t tell me”
“-after all these years I finally had the chance to end their pathetic excuse of a life and you just got in my fucking way! I’d waited too long for this moment and you fucking ruined it! How dare you, how fucking dare you-”
“(Name), why didn’t you tell me you had a sibling!?” He cried, walking up to you and grabbing your wrist to stop you “I was ready to kill them right there! And why are you talking about them like this!? They’re your family aren’t they-”
“They are not my fucking family!”
The scream echoed through the room, chilling Childe to the core as you ripped your arm from his grasp, running your hands through your hair before gripping it so tightly it felt close to being ripped from your head. But you didn’t care, no, you couldn’t, you were so angry and you needed something to keep you grounded, to keep yourself from losing yourself and getting lost in those haunting past memories.
The Harbinger felt his chest squeeze painfully as the tears fell down your face, red rimming your eyes and cheeks wet as you sobbed, chest heaving from trying to breathe “Family takes care of you! Family thinks of you in the highest light possible! They love you for who you are and they love you no matter what! That bastard hurt me, made me feel worthless and they refuse to believe they could do no wrong and I hate them! They are the bane of my existence! They are not my fucking family! I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I-”
Arms were around you instantly, Childe’s face pressed into your hair as you wept, grasping onto the lapels of his suit and shoving your face into his chest to muffle your cries.
“I’m sorry” He whispered, his own eyes shining slightly “I’m sorry, I was being insensitive. Please, don’t cry”
“No, I’m not crying, I promised myself I wouldn’t-” You hiccuped “I wouldn’t waste any more tears on them-”
Then you broke off into more wails, your boyfriend holding you close and letting you continue to cry in his arms, warm and comforting until you were finally reduced to whimpers, leaning into him heavily as the remaining adrenaline in your body began to wear thin when he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Will...will you tell me about it?”
You sniffed “Later...just hold me for now, please, Ajax...”
His arms tightened protectively “Anything for you, my love”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Misbehavior (Part 1)
Jason Todd x batkid!reader
a/n: tysm anon!!
prompt: anonymous: “Hello Lacey! Hope your doing great! Could I please request a bat family x batsis!reader where the reader is Kind of the middle child (I was thinking older than Damian but younger than Tim) and she’s always forgotten and in the back. Maybe some scenarios can be that no one listens when she talks or they forget to invite her to do stuff. So then one day she acts up in school like maybe punching someone for no good reason because she’s craving attention but instead of Bruce showing up to get her Jason shows up and he sees that she’s actually really sad and starts to question her until she tells him everything and maybe spills some tears and it ends with just Jason comforting her and cheering her up. Just some soft Jason for my soul! Also have a great day and I hope that you feel better and more motivated now after your break! 😘”
part 2
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No matter what you did, none of your deeds went unnoticed. Good or bad.
You always heard how Dick was so independent, the one everyone should use as an example.
You always heard how Barbara could do it all, she never failed to impress.
You always heard how Jason was reckless, someone who needed to get his act together.
You always heard how Tim was such a prodigy, he was one of a kind.
You always heard how Steph was so determined, she had such amazing goals.
You always heard that Cass was perfect, they’d never change a thing about her.
You always heard that Duke was so strong, he’d never give up no matter what stood in his way.
You always heard that Damian was dangerous, a kid that needed to be guided.
But what about you? What did they hear about you? Nothing. No one ever spoke of you, they didn’t have the time. It seemed as if you were just unimpressive, there wasn’t one thing that needed to be mentioned. Stuck in the middle of a bunch of bats and birds, no way to stand out in the crowd.
Maybe not in a mask or a cowl, a dress or a suit, behind a computer or among the darkness, but there was one place you couldn’t be ignored...
You sat at your desk, picking at old tape with the tip of your fingernail. The teacher had nothing interesting to say, so what was the point of being here? What made Gotham Academy so special that you just had to attend this place?
The uniform was overkill, the classes went nowhere, the students were too preppy, and you didn’t have a single thing in common with anyone here.
Anger was starting to bubble inside you as you continued your internal self-loathing. Your mind was only focused on the negative, but it was shifting from school back to home.
No one was ever there for you, not even on patrol. You’d called for backup several times on missions and nearly lost it all when you had to go in alone. If it were anyone else, a teammate would have met them in a heartbeat.
Your plans were always overshadowed whenever you tried to set up a mission or even just a day off. You wanted cookies? Too bad, Tim wants brownies. You wanted to watch a movie? Too bad, everyone chose a TV show. It was the little things that irked you the most. Half the time, you never even got the memo.
And what about when you all come back from patrol with all sorts of injuries and Alfred comes to patch you up? Well, not you. He’ll run to check on cuts and scrapes. Meanwhile, you had a broken wrist and a black eye.
You’d finally run out of things to pick at around your desk which resorted in you tapping instead. There was a brief bit of zoning out as you remembered the time that Damian’s plan for evading Killer Croc’s attack was to push you in the way. Or the time that Jason hid his guns in your bed for reasons he didn’t care to explain. Or when Dick drank the last of the milk and didn’t tell you until after you poured your cereal. Or when Tim told you that you weren’t fit for the mission he had been planning. Or when Bruce blatantly ignored the story you told out of pure excitement, giving you nothing but a “sounds like you had fun.”
While you were in a horrible daze, you felt a hand on your shoulder that snapped you out of it faster than the Barry Allen. Without even evaluating the situation, your reflexes caused you to turn and twist your classmates arm backwards as he screamed.
“Hey! Stop, ow, that hurts! Stop! Stop it!” You processed his words too late and knew exactly what was coming next.
“Y/N L/N!” You teacher shouted as you drew your hand back. “Dean’s office. Right now.” Her sharp voice sent a chill down your spine, not even the Joker could do that. You’d be able to explain the situation pretty easily, you just didn’t want to make it worse. But there was one ankle that sent you off the edge. Another student tripped you on your way through the aisles, and that student caught a fist to the face. The audience gasped and shouting from your teacher ensued, but you didn’t listen, you’d take the punishment at this point. So you walked right out and headed for the dean’s office without so much as a hall pass.
“Mx. l/n? What’s this about?” Dean Williams was surprised to say the least, you’d never been sent in for discipline before. Was there a certain way to do this?
“Well, I zoned out and some kid behind me grabbed my shoulder, I accidentally twisted his arm.” You retold your story, the abridged version. “But on my way out I punched a kid in the face because he tripped me. That one’s on me.”
“...Well,” the dean frowned at his obligations, but had to go through with some kind of punishment, “I’m going to have to suspend you for physical contact with a student. I’ll call your father to come pick you up.” You shrugged and slouched back in your chair, giving up on any hope of talking your way out of this. It might as well just happen. You listened to the clicking of the buttons on the dean’s phone as he typed in the Wayne Manor phone number, obviously reaching Alfred almost immediately.
“Wayne Manor.” You eard his faint voice through the speaker.
“Hello, this is Dean Williams from Gotham Academy, may I speak to Mr. Wayne? I have his child in my office.” Your dean explained over the phone, peeking back at your for a split second. You were completely unbothered, it was baffling.
“Is it Damian?” You heard him ask, causing an involuntary eye roll.
“Y/N, actually.” There was a long pause before someone else picked up the phone. “Mr. Wayne, this is Dean Williams at Gotham Academy. I have y/n sitting across from me right now, they seemed to have gotten themself into a physical altercation with two separate students, I have no choice but to suspend them.” You heard a deep sigh over the phone, then the handheld piece was handed to you.
“Bruce?” You asked.
“Really? Fighting at school?” He sounded unimpressed. Nothing new, even when you do something new.
“Something like that. Whoops.” He hung up on you right after that, so you handed the phone back and told your dean, “Guess they’ll get me soon.”
“You call your father by his first name?” Dean Williams had nosily questioned.
“I’m adopted.” He obviously didn’t know you as well as your more troublesome sibling, it was time he just minded his business.
After a good thirty minutes of silent waiting while listening to keyboard clacking and papers flipping by the front desk, the office door opened, and to your surprise, it was one of your brothers.
“I’m here for y/n.” He mumbled, signing the piece of paper and showing his ID.
“Alright, Mr. Harper, I just have to check some paperwork really quick...” The receptionist went into your file and checked for your emergency contacts. “You’re all set. Now, y/n has been suspended for two weeks. I suggest you get to the bottom of their little ‘outburst’ before they’re able to come back to school.” It actually pissed Jason off to hear her say that.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” His sarcasm wasn’t subtle. “Come on, kid.” Your brother gripped your arm and led you out of the office, noticing your bitter expression that he couldn’t even rationalize. Was that normal? “So what happened. Bruce just told me to come get you.”
“Of course he did.” You rolled your eyes on the brink of tears, he didn’t even come to get you himself. Jason opened the car door for you and nudged you inside, slamming it once you were clear.
“You better have a good reason,” he warned as he started the engine, “I was in the middle of a poker game.”
“Oh, yeah, ‘cause I’m such an inconvenience.” You were starting to remind him of himself. That was never a good thing.
“Okay, my bad. I didn’t mean it like that.” Jason began speeding down the block, you’d never once seen him obey a speed limit. You’d think someone with a fake ID and a death certificate would want to avoid any run-ins with the cops, but Gotham was just one of those cities.
“Yeah, right.” You reached for the radio knobs and felt Jason’s hand wrap around your wrist.
“No music until you explain yourself.” You fell back into your seat to pout, muttering some curses under your breath. “I won’t tell Bruce or anyone. I swear.”
“I just zoned out. Reflexes.” You bluntly replied.
“What?” He still didn’t have any context to go off of.
“I twisted someone’s arm backwards. Honest mistake.” Jason knew there was more to this story. “But on my way out of the classroom, I punched this kid who tried to trip me. That was on him.”
“As much as I condone payback, you can’t do that at school.” He sighed. “You’ve never been sent home before. That I know of. So why now?”
“Yeah, you know, maybe that’s the issue? You couldn’t tell me if I’ve ever gotten in trouble before. None of you could. You couldn’t tell me a definitive thing about me. When’s my birthday, Jason?” He was at a loss for words. “That’s what I thought.”
“So this was all for attention?” Jason asked. “There’s a hell of a lot of better ways to go about that.”
“Tried them all, this one barely even worked.” You replied with a crack in your voice. “How come none of you care about me? Why am I always looked over? I’m just like the rest of you. I put on that stupid suit every night and kick ass, I get my job done, I get good grades, I’m resourceful, I’m special—” You’d let that last one slip in your rant to your older brother, it shocked him so bad he stopped the car.
“I know what you mean.” Jason stared straight ahead at the empty road. “I felt the same way when I came back. After everyone was used to me being back, it was like nothing ever happened. Bruce just went back to calling me careless, irresponsible.”
“At least you get noticed, Jason. Your identifiable.” You turned to him with a pained look and he risked his confidence to look you in the eye. Once he did, he couldn’t look away. It hurt him to see someone so familiar to himself have tears running down their face because they felt forgotten. No kid should ever have to feel like that. That was why Bruce took him in. That was how Jason became Robin.
“Fuck this.” Jason hit the gas and turned the car around. “We’re getting ice cream. Do you like ice cream? That’s a serious question.”
“I...I guess.” You were somewhat confused by his sudden literal change in direction.
“Good. You’re my kid for today, all my attention goes to you. I’m sure Bruce won’t notice if you’re gone for a few hours.” Jason’s jaw dropped at his last comment. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, you’re right and you should say it.”
taglist: @thatwaspossession // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @kinoko-kai //
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How do the fellswap gold, undertale and underfell boys annoy their brothers? Every sibling has their petty moments ;)
I went a little too far with this-
How Do They Annoy Each Other
- Will go into Papyrus' room while he's there, looks around like he's some sort of inspector, only to push his brother down onto the bed (where he had placed a whoopee cushion prior) and book it, with his brother screaming in the background.
- Will mimic Papyrus in everything he does, all the way down to the way he speaks. He can do an insanely good impression of his brother but insteads just does the goofiest voice to annoy him instead.
- Will absolutely noogie him on the head, despite the height difference. Those shortcuts aren't left to be used for going to different places alone-
- You know that one meme, where the girl is followed by her bro playing the trumpet? That's exactly what Sans does to Papyrus whenever he hears Paps talking about him being lazy as ✨ 💕 payback 💕✨
- Also will low-key moves the objects when Papyrus is busy, but it's so subtle that Papyrus doesn't realize it until he's reaching for the marinara sauce for the sixth time in a row and he can hear Sans wheezing from the next room.
- Likes to start random snowball fights and never fails to hit Sans straight in the face with one everytime. Little dude could be chilling at his sentry station and the last thing he'll hear is a distant "INCOMING" and WHACK his vision is clouded with snow.
- When Sans is being an ass, Papyrus plays the baby brother card. And by that, he will pull out the puppy eyes to have Sans do his bidding and Sans is annoyed that it works Every. Time.
- And of course, with only Sans raising him for most of his life, Papyrus is exposed to many embarrassing moments. And boy, does he like to recite the time Sans tried to goof around with some snowballs and got them stuck in his sockets because they were parts of the snowman word for word.
- Will deliberately write the most absurd stories and forces Sans to read it every time for him because Sans is his number one supporter, right? He knows what he's doing, and what's a good way to show brotherly love than to subject them to some story that doesn't even act like a story, more like an inner monologue of Papyrus and sans is concerned-
- Along with that, he also will make Sans his personal guinea pig for when he wants to try cooking something new. And oh boy, did he enjoy watching Sans eat up his ketchup and snow sundae and watch as his beloved older brother goes through the five stages of grief before telling Paps that he loves it.
- Any snarky comment that Edge has is instantly retaliated by Red. He can and will mess with his brother and make him even more annoyed when he wins the battle of wits that day.
- He's a bit of a bully. And by that, being a bully means he has absolutely no qualms about mimicking his brother when he gets on his nerves. Think of that one Spongebob meme and replace it with Red, it's Edge's worst nightmare because Red. Won't. Stop.
- He also likes to find the most cursed and obscure memes and send it to Edge with little to no explanation. You can imagine how great his annoyance was being called "Dababy" by Red for two weeks straight and being sent surprise messages that, upon opening it is that stupid, starsforsaken image!
- Though, they do have.... Brotherly wrestling to get all that anger out of their system. And when this happens, Red likes to do a wet willy and boy, he always sticks a mean one into Edges ear every damn time. Edge does try to prepare for this when they fight, but that bastard seems to have his ways. F in the chat for Edge-
- Red also likes to do that thing where, on occasion, he just flips off Edge for no reason at all with a "ya stink". Cue one angry skeleton and one that can teleport who, upon dodging everytime, says "Ya stanky ass" and proceeds to piss Edge off even more.
- While he won't do this in public for obvious reasons, he will pick up Red and make fun of him for his height when man's just minding his own short business- it works everytime-
- Also has a huge amount of prime blackmail material just to bully Red into silence when he's being an ass. Just a casual mention of peeps (yes, the candy thing) and Red goes silent with an angry glare.
- While he doesn't pull dirty tricks like Red does, Edge will tug on the shorter monsters clothes if he was being rather annoying that day. It is the norm for them to roughhouse often so don't be surprised when one of them suddenly shoves the other and snickers loudly to rub it in their faces.
- Also has a tendency to noogie Red just for the sake of it.... Well, somewhat. He's gotten past the days of throwing monsters and people alike out the window. Usually, the noogies are what would prompt the wrestling matches cause Red can't let this slide by-
- Also, this is only when he's feeling ✨extra annoying ✨, he will send one of the hounds to hang out with Red. Hanging out is used very lightly when he throws a bone at the conveniently placed sentry station, almost always getting it into Reds clothes. Ah yes, watching the look of terror on his face as the massive hound rushes through the snow is delectable.
- Can and will cry whenever Coffee is about to do something. He's usually Coffees biggest hypeman but stars, he can't help but embarrass his sweet baby brother as well and knows full well that the younger skeleton will take revenge on him-
- That one meme with the Kardashians and the mom going "You're doing great, sweetie"? That's Wine to a T, and he will do this sometimes ironically even when Coffee is eating or doing something with the other skeletons just to tease him and the rest of them.
- Oh, and if Coffee has a fit and talks back? Cue the dramatics as Wine falls to the ground, sobbing like he was in a telenovela and his rent was due tomorrow so he's doing his best. Holds a hand up to the sky, pulls it back and let's out a small, broken sigh. This is a weekly occurrence--
- If Coffee was being a butt that day, Wine would also bring out the baby pictures, saying that he could not believe this young skeleton would do him "so dirty" like this, and the way he says it makes Coffee cringe so bad like no pls stop-
- On top of that, he really, really likes misusing current slangs. If he hears Coffee using any of them within a five mile radius, you bet he's misusing the shit out of it for the next week or so just to mess with him.
- If Wine was being a bit too... Enthusiastic that day, Coffee is definitely hiding some of Wines things. And the man is incredibly good at stashing away things.
- Since he's the baby of the house, Wine, in a way, is not his only older brother anymore. And Coffee knows this irks Wine more than he'd like to admit. And it especially gets him when Coffee goes to Red for some brotherly bonding.
- If Wine or really, any of the more affectionate skeletons go in for a hug, they're gonna be greeted with a gross raspberry and trust me, they hate it so much-
- He also likes to trolls his brother with the ever sophisticated "jebaited". It occurs at random moments when Wine gets a text, thinking Coffee is going to be nice to him only to see that, cue a very frustrated screech.
- If Wine had been a little overbearing, Coffee will come home and head for his brothers bed first, sparing nothing, not even the pillows as he rolls around in them. This is because Wine is a bit of a neat freak and doesn't like it when people lay in his bed before changing their clothes. Oh, Coffee is already in glee at just hearing the tired sigh in his brothers voice.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
As much as I enjoy reading romance docs of the boys with mc I was wondering how they would react to a teen mc... 🤔 like a more brotherly love and all... if that’s ok, I’m just a sucker for fluff and comfort fics!!!
Definitely not sexually 💀💀💀
THE BROTHERS reacting to Teenage!MC
Theres hope for you! He sees this as a great opportunity to both discipline you and also beat someone other than mammon lol. Jk okay so heres the thing; most teens are brats. He has no tolerance for brats. You wont get away with your behavior and he will most likely turn into that strict father figure that has your curfew set for like sundown, precisely. However, hes also more lenient on you than Mammon so you got that going for you!
This can go one of two ways: either you'll become best friends or he has nothing to do with you and keeps up the "why do i have to take care of them" act. It depends entirely on what type of teen you are. Will act as an older brother and still tries to be your favorite, but he won't be... The cool older brother of that makes sense. Hes your favorite, sure, but he wont actually do anything to earn that. Chances are, you're more different than connected.
Its so much easier to actually be social with someone who, most likely, hates socializing as much as he does, especially since as of now (2020) you're Gen Z and we all know that generation is a mess, and you quickly become friends. Also video games for days? Lucifer will end up scolding because Leviathan causes you to either slack heavily or fail all together. Not that Levi cares but... For your sake, let's stop after this round.
Depends. Are you annoying? No? Good. Are you thirsty for knowledge like him? Okay so now we're talking. Just dont be the average american teen who thinks theyre cooler than everyone because he can promise you that theres no way youre cooler than him. Hes the coolest. The coolest cucumber in the cooler. But... He can show you a few tricks and he will definitely "borrow" you to get on Lucifer's nerves. He wont save you from the consequences.... But he'll use you.
Oh! Friends dont know age! You can still be his gossip buddy. Oh what was that? You hate gossip? Well let him just tell you this one thing that he totally didn't hear from Satan that just happened to cross his mind..... Anyway! He's the fun wine aunt by default and he will make sure you look your absolute best, always. Even in sweats and a tang top. Also gives you top 10/10 dating advice but also doesnt encourage uh... More intimate things. Keep it cute for y'all kiddos!
He uhm... He doesnt really know how to act? Are you just another younger sibling? Yeah you know lets go with that. He wont always be there and your relationship might not be as close but you can still count on him and lunch outings are a must at least once a month. If you're a troublemaker, hes more likely to stick out and not get involved. Let Lucifer handle that. But if you're chill and easy going, you'll have a chill and easy going relationship.
Oh boy. Listen he doesnt care if you're a teen, tween, or from a porn magazine, he'll avoid you and miss like half your life in the Devildom. You cant count on him unless you want to join the Lucifer hate club haha in which case you, him, and Satan will become the ultimate trio. But even outside of that... Chances are he won't really connect with you until youre a little older. Hes just not really a kid demon, and teens are still kids.
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*I wrote this days after the lesson was first posted and never bothered to go back and edit it so meaning there will be me theorizing about the next lesson as well
*I write a small para for each chapter and I write it immediately after finishing that chapter so there’ll be theorizing about the next chapter too
*I swear more than usual here
*Some of the dialogue is heavily plagiarized and a few is lifted directly from the story, the game is to figure which is which.
*Summaries and Discussions/theories for all the other lessons can be found on this blog under #obey me spoilers or #my theories or #my headcanons
This has one locked lesson cause of course it does
Belphie’s upset that their names got called on the loudspeaker as if they were the lost children and not Diavolo. MC says the others won’t let them ever live this down if they found out and Belphie says he’ll be teased for centuries. Belphie tells a story about how he once got lost in the Celestial Realm and spent hours in a tree crying, MC asks why he was on a tree, and he says cause he thought he’s be able to see the direction of the celestial palace from there. It had eventually been Raphael who found him and he ended up taking a liking to the tree so he would climb it and nap up there whenever he wanted to avoid work. MC asks whether he like Raphael. Belphie says he never thought about it either way but that Raphael always looked like he had it rough (course he did – he had to try to get Belphie and his brothers under control cause Lucifer was much more lenient those days. I’ve mentioned this before but I’m certain that Lucifer blames his leniency as what got Lilith killed and that’s why he’s unreasonably strict with the brothers now) MC asks what Raphael was like – he says he worked hard for little reward and his job was looking after Michael’s needs no matter how unreasonable (and they really are the Lucifer and Diavolo of the Celestial Realm aren’t they!?). He was meticulous and methodical and he always had a sullen, irritated look making him always seem like he was in a bad mood. And his evil eye looked so evil you could almost mistake him for a demon. Belphie says he hasn’t seen him in a ling time and wonders how he’s doing. Belphie says all this with a smile on his face and this is the first time we’ve heard someone talk about Raphael in a positive light and this supports my theory that Belphie sees the Celestial Realm in a more positive light than the others probably do (which is why he irrationally directed all his anger at the humans). I’m also 10% certain the person Simeon was meeting with was Raphael not Michael cause I don’t think we’ve heard Belphie mention Michael once so it makes sense that they would have him recognise the angel he would later talk about. They get to the desk and Belphie goes to give their names but MC cuts in with ‘snoozy’ before he can say his. The employee comments on the name and Belphie blushes and says it’s embarrassing and asks MC to stop laughing about it. The employee gives them the note which happens to be a ransom note. Lol this guy is fucked.
Belphie complains about Barbatos failing to teach Diavolo not to walk off with strangers (in my very first theory/headcanon posts I compared Barbatos and Diavolo’s relationship to the one between Alfred and Bruce Wayne and I completely stand by that. I think Barbatos is significantly older than Diavolo the same way Lucifer’s significantly older than his brothers and similar to Lucifer and his brothers I think Barbatos had a hand in raising Diavolo. Given that we now know that Barbatos might have powers that rivalled the demon king it’s possible that he may be as old as him, or just slightly younger, than him as well. Tldr; Barbatos gives off heavy Alfred Pennyworth vibes). Belphie doesn’t want to deal with this and MC says they can’t just ignore it (also they will be murdered twice over if they do) and Belphie says he knew they’d say that and agrees to humour this stupid fucking human. He says he doesn’t wanna get tortured by Lucifer and Barbatos but the idea of going and rescuing Diavolo like one of his good little pawns makes him sick too. They head to the circus tent and are greeted by a happy and beaming Diavolo sitting on a chair with a man holding a gun to his head and demanding money (what a fucking amateur ass kidnapper at least give ‘em time to go and get the money! What you think people just walk around with wads of cash in their pockets!?) Belphie ignores him and scolds Diavolo for just waiting around for them to come get him and for leaving them in the first place. The man panics and tells them to stop moving closer unless they want him to shoot Diavolo. Diavolo also ignores the man , apologising and saying with a bright smile after the ride he was feeling sick and this man stopped and checked he was alright. Diavolo calls the man considerate cause he promised to help diavolo find the two of them and look! He kept his promise! Bsdjfjibvdmck this poor fucking kidnapper… Belphie groans and asks Diavolo if he even realises what’s going on rn and says even after being from a royal family he can’t be this sheltered and oblivious. The man’s just getting more stressed at how no one here seems to care about him as he keeps screaming about being serious and blowing Diavolo’s head off his shoulders (This poor guy – even MC who’s lived the most normal life from the three of them has faced more threatening life or death situations to give a shit). Belphie just tells the man to shut up with the most bored expression on his face. He then transforms into his demon form resulting in the man screaming his head off. Belphie just tells the man he talks too much, casually asking if he should make it so that no one has to ever listen to the man run his mouth again. The man stutters, calls Belphie a monster and tells him to stay back and panicking points his gun at Belphie. MC either using their very on magic creates a wind (called ‘wind of protection’) strong enough that it stops the bullet when he shoots or a raging fire (called ‘fire of judgment’) that takes over the bottom of the screen that’s powerful enough that it actually melts the bullet mid-flight and then rushes to the man making him scream and making the whole screen flash red (I had a moment of ‘HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT DID MC JUST BURN A MAN ALIVE!? DID ALL THIS LEAD UP TO MC COMMITING MURDER!? WHY AM I LOWKEY EXCITED!?’) but no the guy’s still alive, I think the fire just made him move back from all of them. (but can we talk about how powerful MC’s own magic is and how it seems to be at its most powerful when they’re protecting the people they love? (like when they unconsciously counteracted all the curses in the reaper’s cave that should have killed the brothers, or when they saw Satan use a healing spell once and were later able to effectively use it on Mammon later despite the fact that the were having trouble picking up the spells Satan was actually trying to teach them). The man screams asking what the two of them are (ajfkjfcijzh didn’t Solomon say just last lesson that they were supposed to keep this all secret!!!!???) Belphie says bullets can’t actually harm him but he still smiles and thanks them. Diavolo seemingly in shock says that the man fired his gun at Belphie and that he was trying to hurt Belphie (despite the fact that Diavolo knows a gun wouldn’t hurt Belphie it’s the fact that the man didn’t know that and had the intention to hurt Belphie that sticks with him and I think that means a lot), A pale purple aura starts swirling around him and he instantly transforms into his demon form, looking furious and screaming “HOW DARE YOU…!” The man screams.
The man drops his gun and runs away. Diavolo says, serious for once, that they can’t let him run away and that he’ll contact Barbatos to get the royal army and – (bro you’re gonna start a war bro chill), Belphie says he can’t bring the army here he might accidently bring about the destruction of the humans (funny how a couple yrs ago Belphie would have been all for this plan) and Diavolo looks sad saying he can’t just let this go. MC and Belphie both get Diavolo to try and calm down, with Belphie telling Diavolo he wasn’t hurt and transforming back to his human form, before saying that Diavolo didn’t need to transform as well & that if Lucifer and Barbatos find out Belphie’ll get in trouble. Diavolo transforms back and says the man tried to harm a dear friend and he couldn’t help but get angry. Belphie blushes and can’t come up with words. MC teases Belphie asking if he’s blushing and he denies it while still blushing. Diavolo also notes that he’s flushed and is worried that it’s a sign that he’s been hurt somehow. Still blushing Belphie says he’s not hurt and to stop worrying about him and that they should leave. Diavolo says since they’re here at the circus tent they should watch the circus perform since Belphie likes human world circuses.  Belphie’s surprised and asks Diavolo how he knows that, Diavolo says Lucifer told him a long time ago, Belphie asks why and Diavolo says when they’re alone Lucifer talks a lot about his brothers, specially Belphie (Lucifer also has random pictures of his brothers that he takes without them knowing as they go about their daily life… This man is such a proud dad. He pulls out his wallet and a whole roll of pictures unfold all the way to the floor and across the room and he’ll tell the story behind each picture to anyone who listens.) He’s also told Diavolo about Belphie’s favourite tree in the Celestial Realm and the story of how he found that tree. Back then Lucifer always thought whenever Belphie wasn’t with his siblings he’d be up in the tree napping or down in the human world watching the circus and that’d made diavolo determined to see the circus too. Diavolo then asks if they can see the circus together. Belphie’s still shocked but then he blushes again and agrees. Inside Belphie and Diavolo are both clinging to MC as they cheer, scream and argue about the safety of the trapeze artist. MC can ask Diavolo if he wants them to cover his eyes cause he’s scared for her safety despite Belphie telling him there’s a net, ask Belphie if he wants to hold their hand cause he’s just as nervous or excited or comment to no one how they’ve got a demon attached to both their arms.
It’s night out and as a reward for coming to get Diavolo Belphie was allowed to pick all the rides they went on, Diavolo looks like he’s gone through hell, stuttering and asking if that was all. Diavolo asks how MC’s doing they say they threw up in a bin and are feeling better now (or they can say they had fun) Diavolo says he threw up in so many bins he lost count. He asks if they should head home and Belphie says there’s one last thing he wants to ride, Diavolo starts stuttering again. Belphie says it’s the ferris wheel, Diavolo’s shocked and asks if it’s cause Belphie remembered him saying he wanted to ride it, Belphie tries to deny it but Diavolo doesn’t buy it – instead he smiles brightly and gushes about how nice and sweet Belphie is which makes Belphie blush and demand him to stop. Diavolo marvels at the lights from up in the ferris wheel and how they look like stars, Belphie says he’s getting too excited. Diavolo ignores this and points out his hotel and the brothers’ manor. Belphie says he sounds like a child and Diavolo laughs and says that Lucifer says the same. Diavolo, while still smiling, says that in a way he is a child, a child who spends his time alone and never gets to do anything interesting (and holy shit that’s sad – he really did grow up alone in that huge castle…) Belphie doesn’t know what to say to this and Diavolo asks what’s wrong. Belphie says he’s surprised cause he never knew Diavolo saw himself that way. Diavolo laughs and says he never expected Belphie to treat him with kindness and Belphie asks what kind of heartless monster did Diavolo imagine him as (look despite all the shit I give Belphie I do really love him but also I mean…. He does kinda make it known how much he dislikes diavolo…) Diavolo laughs it off, he says today he learnt things about Belphie that even Lucifer hadn’t told him and that there’s probably a lot about Diavolo that Belphie doesn’t know about either. Diavolo says he knows they’ve had there differences, specially cause Diavolo had his position to consider and that he had been very strict with Belphie in the past and that he still doesn’t consider that a mistake (YES!! FINALLY!!) and that despite all that they were still able to get along well today, he thanks MC for their help in bringing them to this point. They say they didn’t even do anything special, Belphie says that he agrees with Diavolo and that they did help. Diavolo says he wants to talk more with Belphie and if Belphie agrees nothing would make him happier. Belphie’s silent for a bit before he slowly agrees. Diavolo thanks him and says there’s one more place he wants to drop by.
They end up at the brothers’ place. Asmo welcomes them back, Diavolo says “I’m home!...just kidding pardon the intrusion” AND you just KNOW this man wishes he wasn’t kidding and that he could really live with all of them. Asmo asks how his day went & Diavolo says he had fun. When beel asks Belphie says he’s really tired. Asmo invites Diavolo to stay for dinner, saying Lucifer & Barbatos are cooking. Diavolo says he’ll go and help them but Belphie makes him sit down and tells him to relax after the day they had. Diavolo beams and thanks Belphie for worrying about him and Belphie blushes and tries to deny it, saying that since him & MC aren’t helping if Diavolo goes to help it’ll just make them look bad. Diavolo says he actually wants to help and that the other two can wait here (hey Lucifer and Barbatos are Diavolo’s closest friends right? And you tend to tell your closest friends everything that happens… MC & Belphie are so fucked). (this next interaction has such strong sibling vibes? Like I’m telling you I’ve had this exact same conversation before) Levi & Mammon seem to find the whole interaction between the two of them interesting and make noises about it, when Belphie asks them what, Levi says it’s nothing and Mammon asks how it went. Belphie says they went to a park and now they’re back. Satan says the others meant how it went with Diavolo. Belphie says like he said before there was nothing to it. Asmo says the interaction between the two of them says different and Satan agrees. Beel congratulates him and Belphie blushes and says he has no idea what they’re talking about. Mammon then asks MC if there were any problems, if they wondered off and got lost. MC either denies it so harshly it’s immediately unbelievable or says no…not really. Levi asks what ‘not really’ means. Belphie asks Mammon why he asked that and if he remembered the time he got lost in a park. Beel also then remembers that. Mammon says he’s not the one that got lost and that it was the twins. The three of them then argue about who really got lost. Asmo tells them to each say their side of the story. Mammon had been playing darts when the twins disappeared and he’d ended up searching all over for them and he’s been really freaked out. The twins say they went to buy soft serve and when they came back Mammon wasn’t there and they ended up going around finding him. MC, Satan and Asmo says it sounds like all 3 of them fucked up. Diavolo then calls them for dinner. (This whole arcs gives me ‘taking your new partner’s kid who hates you on a day out so that you can bond’ vibes with MC there solely to act as the buffer)
During dinner they talk about their day at the park, apparently they rode the freefall of death thrice in a row and Belphie happily tells Diavolo that next time they go they should ride it again. Diavolo very obviously reluctantly agrees to, which Mammon points out. Diavolo said he did enjoy it but next time he wants a break between riding it over and over again. Belphie says it wouldn’t be a marathon if they took breaks. Diavolo says next time they should all go together and maybe even try out a different theme park. Levi suggests a space themed park with another insane ride that tries to kill you, Mammon reads the description of the ride and immediately nopes out. Satan teases Mammon for being scared which he protests to, Beel asks for a place with good food, Levi says he was waiting for Beel to say that and Diavolo happily laughs and after being alone for so long a lively dinner like this full of people he cares about who care about him in turn was probably something he always wanted. After dinner in the warmly lit music room Barbatos brings Lucifer coffee, Diavolo and Satan are playing chess, Levi is rambling to Asmo about the game he and Diavolo were playing and Asmo happily tells him he has no idea what he’s talking about, and Belphie asks to talk with MC. He tells them despite how much he initially complained he had fun and he thanks them, they say they’re happy things turned out well. He says he never thought he would end up feeling like this. Lucifer then calls the both of them to him. He says they did well today and seeing the relaxed way Diavolo’s getting along with the others like there’s no tension between them is a relief. He thanks them. Belphie smiles as he says that Diavolo looks like he’s having fun with the others. “By the way…” Lucifer says with a smile ‘Diavolo told me about what happened today you little fucks’ (told you he’d snitch to Lucifer) Belphie’s shocked and speechless. A purple aura starts rising off Lucifer as he smiles sweetly at them, “Perhaps you’d like to explain to me exactly what happened?” “DD! …Why’d you have to tell him!?” screams Belphie before he accepts his fate and the screen goes black.
MC leaves the house to walk Diavolo and Barbatos to the street to drop them off, for which Diavolo apologises for troubling them. Barbatos says he could have ordered a car to come right up to the door of the house (Barbatos pls read the room!) and Diavolo says he doesn’t mind catching a taxi from the street. Barbatos is silent and contemplative for a moment before he says he forgot to tell Lucifer something and heads back inside (he read the room!). When they get to the street Diavolo worries cause Belphie had seemed really pissed when they left, he says when Belphie told him to keep it a secret he’d genuinely thought Belphie meant the picture they took together. He assumes Belphie told him not to tell about the ransom right after he told him not to tell about the picture but Diavolo had been so thrilled by the picture he hadn’t processed most of what Belphie said. He worries he messed up all the progress he made during the day. MC says though Belphie’s mad now he’ll get over it in time. He’s still worried that next time Belphie won’t be as willing to talk to him like he did today (he was still calling him DD though even when he was pissed so I don’t think it’ll be a problem. I hope they keep up the nickname Lucifer will hate it and that at least should be incentive for Belphie to keep using it). Diavolo says he had a lot of fun today and that he’ll never forget it. He goes on to say that growing up he lived a very sheltered life and that he’s never felt more free than he did today, though the ride was too much for him. He says even thinking about it makes his hands shake and he shows them to MC. MC can either take his hands or do nothing. If they take his hand he blushes and says it’s strange but that made him calm down. He says he wants to spend more time together and asks if they can go for a walk. MC agrees and he’s delighted by it. He says he’ll message Barbatos to let him know but that it’ll probably not be necessary since Barbatos went back to give them space anyway (You know Lucifer saw Barbatos come back alone, figured out what is happening and is now pacing a hole through the floor
They go to a park with a lake from where they can even see a ferris wheel in the distance. Diavolo asks if they think it’s the ferris wheel they rode today or a different one. He then laughs and says the human world’s really beautiful from the trees in daylight to the buildings at night. He asks if he can hold their hand and they can do that or put their arm through his. If they hold hands he says they almost look like a couple. If they do the second one he’s shocked but smiles and says they saw through him and realised what he actually wanted to do even though he wasn’t smooth enough to ask. He says his mother dies during childbirth and his father was always very strict with him, and he doesn’t know if that’s cause he was training him to be the next demon king or because he resented Diavolo’s birth for taking away the love of his life (I also HC Diavolo looking a lot like his mom. ALSO this confirms what I said earlier in one of the other lesson summaries about demons being born through biological reproduction like humans and unlike angels). He says growing up he never got a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle until he met Barbatos who told him stories of the outside world that fascinated him (this really does give the vibe that Diavolo was a child while Barbatos was an adult at the time). He liked Barbatos so much he begged him to stay with him. Barbatos had kept saying no but Diavolo had refused to give up. He’d thrown a tantrum then and said he’d refuse to be the next demon king unless Barbatos stayed with him and Barbatos had given in. Then he gets sad saying that what Belphie said today hit him, and how he always used his royal status to get others to do what he wanted. He asks if it’s possible that he’s forcing Barbatos to stay against his will. (and I get that what diavolo did was shitty but the fear he must have had for the rest of the day since Belphie said that cause he thought Barbatos will leave too and he’ll once again be truly alone in that castle is heartbreaking). MC who spent the last two lessons with Barbatos more or less talking about Diavolo (or Solomon) reassures Diavolo that Barbatos is staying cause he wants to. Diavolo’s happy for a bit before he becomes sad and doubtful again. He then says MC reminds him of Lucifer cause Lucifer is also constantly saying similar things to him (AND THE IMPLICATIONS!!? FIRST IT WAS THE OTHERS COMPARING LUCIFER’S FONDNESS FOR MC TO HIS FONDNESS TO DIAVOLO AND NOW IT’S THIS!!? Can I just say again: remember how the twins wanted to share MC if they ever got together with one of them? I think Lucifer x MC and Diavolo x MC make a lot more sense if it’s all three of them together. And in any case where MC doesn’t choose one of them, they get together like the LIs in The Arcana do). He asks if it’s possible that Lucifer and MC flatter him too much. He then says it can’t be fun listening to his childhood stories but that he wanted them to know about him and that he wants to know more about them too. He asks what kinda food they like. The options are sweet, spicy and sour. He likes sweet too. He asks if they like animals. Options are they love them, don’t or it depends on the animal. Look after all the time in the devildom, after two paws events, after bathing Cerberus and after the brothers all having their own vastly different animal representatives MC can’t not love all animals. Diavolo says imagining them playing with different animals is really sweet. He says he’s known them for quite some time now but there’s still so much he doesn’t know. He blushes and asks if they can do things like this more often, where they just spend time together. He then confesses and asks how they feel about him. If they say sorry he smiles and asks them not to apologize, saying that he didn’t say it to make them feel bad but that he understands. He asks if they’re in love with one of the brothers an they can say yes, no or stay silent. He smiles sadly and says he guessed. He says that even though they don’t have feelings for him it doesn’t change the fact that he still loves them. He says he still wants to get to know them more and asks if they can still meet up. He thanks them for being a part of his life. (While I still don’t think the side characters liking MC makes much sense and I still much prefer them as very close friends I like how all their confessions are very one and done. The brothers romantic plotlines with MC are still going on and there’s never a “I love you, do you love me? No? okay I still love you but I’ll back away too” moment. MC never gets the chance to reject them. But with the side characters MC rejects them, they understand that MC loves someone else, they accept the rejection really well and they go back to being friends and I really like that. It feels like it probably won’t be explored again after you reject them.)
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cloudygeorge · 4 years
twin check
summary: You lose weight over the winter holiday, and the boys at school do not like how sure of yourself you are, but Carl’s there to save the day.
warnings: pretty bad descriptions of assault, language
pairing: Gallagher!Sister x Carl, platonic
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“Hey, new girl!” At first you thought he was talking to you, but that was impossible. You weren’t even a new kid; you had been attending this school forever. You mentally shrugged it off as you continued to make your way to your locker. You didn’t have time to converse with anyone anyway if you were going to meet your brother on time.
“Hot stuff!” Okay, you didn’t become a whole new person. You lost some weight, and your new confidence had you wearing better clothes, sure, but you weren’t changed into someone else entirely, even if that’s what your school seemed to think. You spun your combination into the lock, frowning. They may not be talking to you but that didn’t mean you liked hearing. As a girl, it was terrifying, especially since you kept hearing phrases like that throughout the day.
“Hey, bitch!” The moment you opened the door to your locker, a hand slammed it shut again, punctuating their words. You immediately glared at him. You knew him, of course. He had been an ass in third grade, and he was an ass now. “Hello, Jackson.”
Despite the chilling tone of your words, his smirk widened as he leaned against your locker, his eyes roaming over you and his offended look at being ignored gone. You suddenly wished you were wearing sweats and hoodie instead of the tight softball pants you had on for practice. “You know who I am?”
You couldn’t help but scoff. “Yeah, I know you, Jackass.”
His eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?” You rolled your eyes. “I’ve been in the same homeroom as you since sixth grade. You used to call me your favorite curse word of the day.”
His face washed in realization. “Fucking Y/N?” He snorted. “You grew up gorgeous.”
You scoffed. You knew you did, even before you decided to start working out and stuff. Really, when you’re a Gallagher, you didn’t really get to be self conscious when they always told you the truth. “I became athletic and grew boobs. I didn’t turn into Scarlett Johansen.”
He smirked, attempting to grab your hand, but you batted him away. His eyes flashed in annoyance when you let out a blunt, “Don’t touch me, I don’t like you.”
The look in his eye went away quickly, though as he uttered, cockily, “I can get you to be into me.” You decided to be quiet, and let him talk while you did what you needed to do. You spun the combination into the lock for a second time while he continued. “I mean, you’re just standing there with more curves than a Nissan ad.” You looked at him in disbelief, and he rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying that you’re hot, and I would really like to see those pants on the floor.”
You nodded, sarcastically as you pried your locker open. “No, see, I know that. Just like I know you’re an ass.”
He shook his head reaching out for you. “Come on, don’t be like that.” Your ignored him grabbing your bag, and laughing drily as you shut your locker, noticing the change in his stance. “Look, I have to meet my brothers, so if you’ll just exc-”
You cut yourself off when his hand latched on to your wrist, pulling you closer until his hand could wrap around your hip. You glared up at him, but the asshat’s smirk only widened. “See?” His hand started to trail lower down your body, hovering just above your ass. You didn’t care about what gross comment he had up his sleeve. “Get the fuck off-”
He cut you off, by tightening the grip he maintained on your wrist. “Stop talking,” any amount of kindness- even if causing by being a horny teenage boy- was gone, as his hand moved from your hip to your hair, yanking on it. You gasped as he let out, “I’m sure you could do better things with your mouth than complain.”
Your breathing was shaky, but all you could think was that if this was going to happen, it wasn’t happening easily. You stomped your foot onto his, and brought your other knee up to ram into the crotch of his jeans. He let out an immediate groan of pain, dropping his bruising grip on you. You took that opportunity to back away from him, turning around to take off, but his hand grabbed you pulling you back with a yank. You stumbled to floor, and rolled over, kicking at Jackson as he grasped your ankle.
He slid you toward him, moving so he sat on top you, but you weren’t done fighting. Your hand shot up, your fist connecting with his jaw. In return, his fist collided with your cheekbone, twice.
Your head snapped to side. “Fucking bitch,” he muttered, his hands moving to your belt, but you let out a loud scream. It was late after school, and now you were desperately wishing you hadn’t stayed late after practice. His hand clamped down on your mouth. He leaned down in your face. “Stop being so goddamn difficult!”
You responded by slamming your head into his, and the moment of weakness he had, you didn’t slow down. When he sat up, gripping his head, so did you turning until you got your legs out from under him, kicking him again.
You picked your bag up as you ran, not stopping until you were in your front yard and out of breath. That was only the first time it had happened. Your older brother, Lip, had asked what happened when you showed up with a bruise around your wrist and one on your jaw, but if there was one skill you had, it was being a good liar. “Oh, I just hit myself on someone’s locker and fell, and I guess the person who helped me up must not have known their strength.”
The next time, it was Ian and Debbie who asked. “Y/N, what happened to your ribs?” just as Ian walked in. He frowned at you from where you laid on your stomach on the floor, your shirt riding up. Debbie had fingered the purplish bruise, making you hiss. “I hit myself in the back when I was batting,” you winced. Debbie and Ian shared a glance, like they didn’t believe you, but they let it go.
You could lie to each of your siblings but they knew you, and they could see you were changing. You weren’t eating anymore, you came home from what they thought was practice more worn out and marked up than ever. Your grades were dropping, and you sunk into yourself. You weren’t eating as much and you didn’t talk unless you were spoken to. After Fiona asked Carl what was up with you, his twin, he decided to figure it out.
He couldn’t ask you, because all he would say is, “I’m fine, just tired.” That was bullshit, and he was going to prove it.
“Hey, Y/N, meet you at your locker after school?’ He called at you guys left in the morning. You shook your head. “Uh, no. I-I have to meet someone to tutor.”
That was an obvious lie, considering your grades had dropped so low and you didn’t tutor people. Carl let it go, though.
As soon as the last bell rang and people started moving to go home, Carl went to find you, and he did not like what he found.
You were pressed against the wall outside the gym, wincing as Jackson’s arms dug into you. “You cry like it bothers you, but we both know I’m helping you.”
You let out a cry, struggling in his grip and his hand moved to the waistband of your jeans, the other gripping your jaw painfully. His left hand moved up to hit you across the face sharply, snapping, “See? I’m helping y-”
Carl had seen enough, flying forward to tackle Jackson off you. You sunk to the floor, as the tow boys grappled in the floor. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Carl spat, managing to grab the upper hand. His fist slammed into Jackson’s face.
Jackson scoffed. “Call me a helping hand, asshole.” He threw his own punch, while Carl spluttered. “She was a such a bitch before, and she does anything I want. She doesn’t even complain when I put my h-”
Carl saw red. He didn’t know what Jackson was going to say, but the way he was talking about controlling you gave him more than enough motivation to repeatedly slam punches into him, until he was out cold.
Carl’s chest was heaving as he looked over at you, and his heart broke. “Come on, Y/N,” he called, slowly walking over to you, and helping you up. You were his younger twin sister, and here you were, crying into him as he helped you walk home. All of this because of some guy that couldn’t handle the word no.
He managed to make it all the way until they were in front of the gate to your house before he asked. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You laughed drily, “Yeah, because it’s so easy for me to tell my older brothers that some guy won’t leave me alone, when my whole life you guys have taught me to handle my own shit.”
Carl just nodded as he helped you inside. “You can tell us anything.”
You just sighed, “I shouldn’t have to. I should be able to take care of myself.”
Carl groaned. “Y/N, he was harassing and assaulting you. How long has this been going on for?”
You squeezed your eyes shut. “Too long.” You sighed. “i just wanted to be able to handle myself, and- and I couldn’t even do that.”
Carl sighed, pulling you into a hug. “Listen to me. You are easily the most badass person I know.” When you snorted he continued. “No, seriously. Didn’t you hear him? He did all of that to knock you down a peg, because your confidence threw him off. You handled him, and he had to attack you for you to not be able to. Just because he’s an asshole, doesn’t mean you’re weak. I don’t wanna hear that shit.”
You sighed, pulling away and wiping the tears that had fallen. “Thanks, Carl. You’re the best brother.”
He smiled. “You’re my badass twin.”
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savethelastdan · 4 years
Yashahime Is Over Party: Contribution #2
“All right, all right!” 
The crowd of villagers quieted (some with a wince) as the high-pitched shout rang around the village entrance. Ten-year-old Moroha gave them one last warning glare for good measure. 
With, as her Great-Grandpa on the other side of the Well would say, “more gusto than should be necessary”, she then leapt upon the nearest height-offering surface - one of the tourists’ suitcases, emblazoned a dozen times on every side with “FRAGILE” - and began her welcome speech. 
“Shut your mouths and hold onto your butts, folks, because this is a real treat! The coolest village ever to exist in any timeline, on a sunny day! Since my big brother is at kitsune academy today, you all have the honor of yours truly acting as escort around this prime piece of feudal real estate!” 
Dramatic pause for emphasis. (Yes, she’d taken some liberties with the script that Shippo had left, and she didn’t quite know what ‘prime piece of real estate’ actually meant, but her cousin Towa agreed that it sounded fancy and fancy always worked with humans.) 
A soft-faced young woman glanced around the crowd self-consciously before raising a hand. “You mean, this is the village where priestess Kikyo - “
“Ahem!” Moroha held up the wooden sign hanging from her neck, tapping the carved-in letters spelling ‘Village Tour Guide #2” with one nail. “Are you wearin’ the sign?”
“Oh. Uh, sorry.” The woman blushed. 
After a moment, Moroha cleared her throat. “Okay, yeah, it is. But there’s a bunch of other super-cool people here, too! If you wanna meet them - follow me!” With that, she jumped from the suitcase to land solidly in the dirt. A few tourists reared back from the cloud of disturbed dust, putting them at the back of the moving crowd. 
“First up, the sister of the blah-dee-blah-famed-priestess-blah-dee-blah Kikyo - Lady Kaedeeeeee!” She swung both arms in a dramatic half-circle towards the healer woman’s hut; the crowd ooh-ed and ah-ed appropriately. “On days like these, she’s either healing a sick patient, birthin’ a new baby, or taking a long nap! Since she’s awfully old, the napping’s more frequent.” Hooking an arm around a teenage tourist’s shoulder, she hissed in a spooky tone, “Some say she’ll live forever, getting older and older until she’s like a living zombie-” 
“I heard that.” With a cross expression, Kaede leaned out of the window.“Don’t think I won’t curse you for those bad manners.”
Moroha waved the group on with a nervous chuckle. 
“And this is the home of the most famous demon slayer known to womankind - Sango!” Cupping both hands around her mouth like a bullhorn, Moroha drew out the last syllable of the woman’s name to emphasize her coolness. Several of the humans perked up with excitement; it wasn’t hard to imagine that they had themselves benefited from some of the woman’s work. 
“Her husband Miroku lives here too. He used to be a monk, but now he’s a family guy! My papa says -” She straightened, putting on a deep, gruff tone - “it’s a damn miracle -” Dropping the tone, she grinned cheerily at the group - “nobody will tell me why!” 
As if on cue, the door to the house opened to reveal a group of tall, bickering young adults. The loudest were two women with matching features, the only visible difference to a stranger being that one’s slayer outfit was trimmed in pink and the other’s in green. Behind them trotted a younger boy, also wearing a slayer outfit in red.  
“I’m taking the kusarigama, you’re taking the wakizashi!” The green-outfitted slayer said, ignoring her sister’s attempts to talk over her. “Otherwise you and Mom will have two long-range weapons, and that makes no sense!” 
“Plus that’s Uncle Kohaku’s specialty!” Their brother piped up; he dodged the twin elbows that swung back at him as easily as if they’d warned him. “She wants to impress him with it so he’ll take her on his trip to the mountains with Rin this summer!” 
Through the left-open door, came the sweet smell of treats baking - one of the many hobbies Miroku had taken up with his time, now that he wasn’t going to up and die (Moroha knew she wasn’t technically supposed to know about that. Or probably phrase it like that… But if her godfather Koga said it that way, why was it any different for her?)
The group of slayers stopped short upon seeing the crowd; with awkward bows, they quickly skirted their way around the gaping tourists. 
““That’s Sango’s kids; every one of ‘em demon slayer prodigies.” Slinging her arm around the same teen from earlier, Moroha shook her head with a dramatic sigh. “Makes me almost want another sibling. Except then I’d have to share my room, nooooo thank you!”
“Excuse me.” A mustached man in the middle of the group raised one arm curiously. “I heard one of those women mention Rin - is that the human who died twice and was resurrected by the sword Tenseiga?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah. That’s Rin.” Moroha tapped her own head thoughtfully and muttered under her breath, “Was it really only twice…”
“Does she still live here?” The man’s mustache drooped in a frown. “Or did she go to live with that dog demon?”
“Dog demon? Ohhh, you mean Uncle Sesshomaru!” A smile stretched across her face. “I almost forgot about him! Nah, after she got married she decided to stay in town -” 
“Married?!” The group erupted in murmurs of horror. One kerchiefed mother clapped her hands over the ears of her daughter; the mustached man turned green.
Moroha’s face fell. “Well, yeah. She wanted to keep taking healer lessons from Kaede, and even though he travels a lot, she wanted to stay by Kohaku’s side when he comes home. Be a team, and all that.” 
“Ohhhh, so she’s Kohaku’s wife!” The human mother’s shoulders slumped with a sigh. “How lovely and age-appropriate.” 
Moroha wasn’t sure what that meant, but if it made the negative energy go away then she was all for it! “Rin’s super cool, anyway. She knows how to heal demons, not just humans, and she tells really good ghost stories, and she’s actually really good at arm-wrestling -” 
Suddenly she ducked her head to whisper, “She’s probably my favorite cousin, if I’m bein’ honest with ya.”
 “Do you have other cousins?” A man who appeared to look a thousand years old squinted in her direction. Perhaps in confusion, but it was hard to tell with all the wrinkles. “I doubt a full-blooded dog demon like that Sesshomaru fella would leave his legacy in the hands of a human girl.” 
“My mom would say that’s prejudiced,” Moroha said helpfully, causing the old man to blanche. “But Rin’s got two little sisters, who you can see riiiiiiight now!” 
With a dramatic twist, she whirled around to point in the opposite direction with both hands, adding a low growl that was meant to mimic the roar of an excited crowd. 
The moment was slightly underwhelmed by the confused looks of the tourists as they took a moment to figure out where exactly to look. That’s okay; she’d work on it. 
Down the road, her twin cousins leaned against the wall of a house (Moroha’s house, which she was saving for last because you always save the best for last). Towa was smiling and pointing out something up in the sky, while Setsuna wore a very predictable scowl. From this far away, the red streaks in their hair were little more than smudges. 
The extremely old man with an attitude problem made a weird hacking noise, most likely in surprise. 
“Did he adopt them like your other cousin?” asked a teenage girl. 
“Kinda!” Both hands landed on her hips; Moroha then modeled her expression on her Uncle - stoic, dismissive, oh-so-cool. “On a cool spring night, Uncle Sesshomaru walked into the darkest, deepest forest on the planet, waved his sword over a really old and creepy tree, and when he cut it open - there they were. Two lil’ hanyou babies.” 
Dramatic pause. 
“Just kiddin’.” Laughing loud enough to bring back the wincing from the group, Moroha slapped her knee. “They’re full demons. I can still take either of ‘em in a fight, though. Oh!” She pointed up in the air with a wide, excited smile. “There’s their mom right now!” 
Murmurs of confusion filled the air as the tourists moved their heads this way, that way; only when a chilling breeze morphed into flesh and bone, right before their eyes, did the group exclaim in collective understanding. 
Moroha waved. “Hi, Auntie Kagura!” 
“Yo.” Clearly taken aback by the crowd, the wind demon gave a tiny salute. The side of her neck bore a half-moon symbol tattooed on the skin; Moroha thought it was neat, even if her dad thought it was a dumb, archaic wedding ritual. “Do your parents know you’re doing this?” 
“Uh, duh!” She held up the sign with a cheeky grin. 
“Fair enough.” Upon spying her daughters across the way, Kagura’s expression softened a bit. “Well, I’ll see you later.” 
“No, wait! We’re actually heading the same way.” Gesturing to the not-moving crowd, Moroha repeated, “The same way. Meaning the best part of the tour - come on, folks, work with me here -” 
Kagura snorted, walking quickly as though to avoid the gawking humans and their nosy questions about how she had been resurrected or could still live now that Naraku was dead or got Sesshomaru to admit he had feelings much less have kids with her. A curt “none of your business” was all they’d get, no matter how much Moroha tugged on her sleeve and whined about “giving people their money’s worth.”
Luckily, once they reached Moroha’s house, it was easy to escape. After all, a much more awe-inspiring attraction awaited the group of lucky, lucky tourists. 
“And now! The Greatest Love Story Of Our Time!” With a winning grin, Moroha landed a kick on the door, sending it slamming open. 
“Oh.” Kagome blinked at the group from where she sat on a futon in the middle of the house, surrounded by magical artifacts. A scroll marked with ink rolled from her lap all the way to one side of the room. Behind her, halfway through helping her put her hair in a bun, Inuyasha froze “Uh, hello?”
“My parents! Dumdedumdummmmm!” The warmth of her pride felt like it was going to burst in her chest. It was the absolute best to come home to people who loved her! Whether it was tickle fights before bed, or her dad taking her and Shippo out on demon-tracking trips, or her mom humming a lullaby if she felt sick on the full moon night, Moroha was certain her family was the best of anybody’s anywhere. “One fell through time, and one fell -- fell, uh, for her -- sorry, I’ll work on it.” 
Inuyasha huffed in the way that meant he was going to complain later. Kagome just chuckled and waved. 
For once, the humans reacted exactly the way Moroha wanted them to - smiling, clapping, appreciating the wonder of her super-beautiful-and-also-hella-powerful mom and grumpy-but-still-amazingly-brave papa. She launched into the story she knew by heart, of how they had come to be together and saved the whole world while they were at it. Some parts were probably missing or misrepresented, from the laughter in her mom’s eyes, but she had enough of it right that half the tourist group was in near tears by the time she was done. 
“And now, they have one more accomplishment to add to the long list - parenting the greatest warrior this world has ever seen. Moro-uh, Beniyasha!” Swirling the ends of her fire-rat robe, she twirled. “The Crimson Slayer!”
“Slayer of my patience, maybe,” Inuyasha snapped, though he was unable to hide his smile as he marched over to grab her by the collar. “Come ‘ere, kid. You’ve got chores to do!” 
Tossing her over his shoulder, he waved dismissively at the group of humans. “Sorry folks, the show ends here. Yeesh...” 
Moroha cupped both hands around her mouth, screeching to be heard over her parent’s laughter before the door shut.
“Make sure to leave your comment cards in the box at the entrance!”
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dvinewxtch · 3 years
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( kennedy mcmann, twenty, she/her ) class is in session for ROISIN WALSH. the student file says they are a WITCH and that they  belong to house NOCTURNA, currently being a SECOND year,  where they’ll study DIVINATION. 
aes: the drawn out feeling that something bad is going to happen, the crushing weight of expectations resting on your fragile shoulders as you try to navigate life, ripped jeans & leather jackets with a twist of lavender, lover of all things iced coffee, wanting to scream at everything & everyone just once.
full name: roisin ( rosh-sheen) ophelia walsh nickname/s: she only prefers ro or walsh. any other variant and she just won’t respond. date of birth: october 28th zodiac: scorpio sexuality: *nsync vc* bi bi bi species: witch
house: nocturna clubs: track team & painting club specialty magic: mental magic, divination, herbology, spell casting & spirit magic
positive: loyal , resilient , determined , charismatic . negative: secretive , argumentative , temperamental , impulsive .
For the most part, roisin keeps to herself. she has a few close friends that are not her siblings, but she tends to gravitate more towards people who are not good for her. despite her upbringing in a for the most part loveless household; she is incredibly loyal down to her bones and will quite literally give you the clothes off her back if you needed it. But like her father roisin’s temper knows no bounds. Out of the three walsh siblings, it’s Roisin’s anger and impulsive nature to watch out for, because once she gets an idea in her head she runs with it until something disastrous happens. It’s the part of herself that she’s most ashamed of, but her parents never taught her how to healthily express her emotions . but she’s trying .
likes: jogging as the sun starts to rise , reading , painting ( useless at it, but it’s soothing ), listening to music as loud as she can through her headphones to block out all the bullshit around her  , arguing just for the sake of it . loves chocolate chip pancakes & frozen yogurt. dislikes: sleepless nights , her parents , cold chilling nights where you feel it in your bones , asparagus , studying , curfew .
father: diarmuid ( deer-mid) walsh mother: lillian desmond-walsh siblings: older brother & younger sister
tw: mention of death
The Walsh household was not made from love. It was carefully calculated by Diarmuid and Lillian’s parents     both coming from strong witch lines, their marriage was nothing but convenience for the Walsh and Desmond families. And from the moment Roisin was born, only a year after her older brother, her life had already been planned out. It soon became clear that if you were a Walsh, you had to actually be someone in life, rather than just living aimlessly. Her and her brother had often been pitted against each other competitively in almost everything and to some that would be exhausting, but for Roisin, it was fuel for her.
Her father was a strict Irish man with a wild temper and magic to match, who believed in the values of rules and lessons, while their mother projected an image of a perfectly all together family; hoping no one would see the tiny cracks starting to show. The Walsh’s could be nothing but exceptional, though Roisin’s temper often ruined that for her, causing her relationship with her parents to weaken even further. So they started paying more attention to her older brother and younger sister, because at least they could keep themselves in check.
As the years went on , Roisin knew she was different from her siblings, and that her temper was as wild as her father’s was , causing her and her siblings to often butt heads over the smallest things. Even still, the three were as loyal as can be to each other & still are to this day. But in her parents eyes, they knew Roisin would not amount to the expectations of the Walsh lineage. She was fifteen when they eventually agreed to send her to a private school until her magic gene kicked in, and to Roisin it was a blessing in disguise. At least she could pretend to be somebody else for a while, or at least that her life wasn’t as fucked up as it actually was.
i am too lazy to continue writing full paragraphs
while she was at this private school somewhere in england she fell into the ‘bad crowd’ at school which led her to stray even further from what her parents wanted her to be, however she did make some incredibly close friends that helped her
one reckless decision a couple weeks after her 17th birthday costed her the life of one of her best friend’s which she still doesn’t talk about to this day , namely because her parents forbid her of ever speaking of it. they paid someone off to make her name get cleared of everything however she did have to return home and now the debt of what her parents had done for her weighs heavily on her mind & they never let her forget it
honestly just wants to live her life without her parents watching her every move
this girl will argue just for the sake of arguing ; even if she agrees with you.
being at arcanas is better than ro could have imagined tbh , she’s not under the watch of her parents , she can ditch her siblings by lounging around in the common room all day, but there’s a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that convinces her she doesn’t deserve it
in no way shape or form is roisin walsh a sports girl . she’s just a habitual runner trying to get away from her problems , but hey, she makes good time & she’s fast. so she joined the track team. you know, “team spirit” or whatever.
every little bit of praise she receives from a teacher or fellow student is like candy to her. she loves it, no matter how small. not that she’d admit that, but it also strives her to do better.
puts a lot of pressure on herself, as if the fact that if she was perfect enough her parents might actually accept her
her grades are just above average, but her most excelled subject is probably divination & mental magic
highly allergic to bullshit & she’ll call you out on it if she feels like it
what more do u want she’s a mess but she’s TRYING
wanted plots
childhood best friends      roisin’s family tended to only deal with other witches & their families , kind of like an inner circle type where the mother’s sit down and drink wine & gossip while the men play golf kinda dig, but that’s not to say that roisin was the same bc ya gal was friending everyone left right & center no matter who or what you were. i’m kinda digging where while they were hella besties when they were kids that maybe they’ve both just grown up and kinda separated but if they needed one another they’d always be there ?? idk i just want feels
squad      she has a few she sticks close to like 3/4 from any house she doesn’t really care, but maybe they all met at the same time in first year & have just stuck together since ?
frenemies - someone that roisin just cant connect with at all , except the times we’re they’re both drunk and their company is more tolerable. pls just sober enemies & drunk besties what a vibe
exes - this girl do be flighty af , a bit noncommittal bc she doesn’t think she’s good enough; more likely than not it was roisin that ended it and she regrets it wholeheartedly but y’know she convinced herself she was bad for them & now they try to avoid each other bc it huuuurts
literally anything
quite literally
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The Queen of Demons
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Pairing: Erwin Smith x OC, Levi Ackerman x OC
Rating: Gen (the rating will go up as the story advances! But it will totally be explicit ;D)
Warnings: None for now, but sexist and misogynist upbringing (Eva's father is a huge asshole).
Word Count: 2.085
A/N: This is it! The first chapter of the Arranged Marriage!AU I've been working and drawing about! I'll be posting it on AO3 too since I don't know if Tumblr will screw me over again and give me trouble for posting text >_> This wouldn't be possible without @spirit-in-the-library's help, so I got so much to thank my friend for <3 I really hope you enjoy the story, I've got so much written and planned already jajajaja Enjoy!
The scenery before her was breathtakingly beautiful, although it sent her a chill down her spine as she knew she went further into the unknown and her sealed fate. Snow was pretty, but silent and deadly too, and these woods weren’t familiar to her. The serene landscape didn’t calm her as it should have, only sending her nerves into a spiral of never-ending anxiety.
The cold bit at her hands and feet, the carriage did what it could in matters of isolating the cold, and she burrowed further into the thick winter coat, clinging desperately to it. Her handmaiden, Flora, looked pitiful too, her cloak not as thick as Eva’s. They tried to talk to ease both their minds, but it turned out it was better to let silence reign over them and try to enjoy the ride and the scenery as much as they could. Eva had never ventured this far when she accompanied her brothers on their diplomatic missions, Flora always excitedly travelling with her, eager to know the neighbouring kingdoms and people; she was a social hurricane and always ended up making friends with all the other maids (Eva made sure Flora could send letters and gifts, often pulling strings herself to make sure the packages were delivered safely), so both women knowing this was their final travel sent a freezing cold knot deep in their guts.
Eva saw Flora shiver, and with a tiny smile she scooted over, making room for her handmaiden under her cloak.
“Come here, I don’t want you to freeze.”
“Your skirt will wrinkle, your Highness.”
“As if it wasn’t wrinkled enough from sitting here for God knows how many hours. Come here, you stubborn mule.”
Flora snorted but obeyed, not wanting to be in the cold any longer. Eva covered them both, cuddling and letting out a sigh as she let her cheek rest on Flora’s head, looking out of the carriage’s window. She always hated the cold.
Eva probably dozed off while Flora was talking about some silly nothings, lulled by the rocking of the carriage and the shared warmth under her thick winter cloak. She realised Flora put her hood on so she didn’t let her neck stick out for too long.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty! I won’t let Diana know you fell asleep listening to her epic romance with the guard captain’s son.”
“God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Please don’t tell her, she wouldn’t stop reminding me of it.” Eva rubbed her temples, still hazy.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Flora crossed her heart and looked at Eva trying to stifle a giggle. She failed, and both women laughed out loud, picturing Diana’s irked expression and waving hands.
They kept looking out of the window, enjoying the small moments as this one; they both knew they would be sparse now.
The landscape outside the window changed, having less never-ending fields of pure white snow and heavily covered trees and mountains, to more fenced fields with cattle and horses roaming around with some lonesome wooden houses in an architectural style so different from the ones back home.
Eva’s heart thumped painfully in her chest, knowing the carriage ride was about to end as they neared the fearsome warrior’s village walls. Flora squeezed her when the carriage came to a stop, trying to reassure the princess upon seeing the gate guards on the entrance talking with the royal soldiers at the start of the entourage, and the tremendous amount of people running around inside the village as both women peeked from the cold glass. They looked at each other in a silent and mutual exchange of comfort.
The townsfolk stopped on their tracks upon seeing the carriages entering the village, their gazes wary and distrustful,  a contrast to the children shouting excitedly at the shiny armour the royal guards wore. Their mothers stood proudly, in defiance, reminding Eva of the fierce stray cats that roamed the Royal Palace gardens, hissing and standing tall whenever someone approached their kittens. Eva recalled the talk she overheard of Father and his advisors about this nation of warriors, how every single one of them had the blood of a terrifying fighter running inside their veins, how every single member of their society was trained to enter combat. Demons , that’s what her Father called them more than once, The Demons of Eldia. Whether that was true or not, Eva was downright terrified. Hostility was clear in their eyes and postures, not happy at seeing foreigners entering freely their territory. How did Father suppose she could survive this?
The carriages kept going, entering further into the maze of beautifully crafted houses. Flora parted from her embrace with Eva, knowing they would step out of the secluded space soon, and would need to make Eva look as if she hadn’t spent countless hours inside a wooden box; she had to make a perfect first impression. Eva wondered how different the village would look without all the snow covering every inch of it. Would it look as intimidating, but still beautiful, as it looked now?
Lost in her thoughts and Flora’s fussing, the entourage stopped in front of the biggest house Eva saw until now. It was massive, artfully crafted by the best artisans when it was built. Intricate markings decorated the wooden pillars holding everything together, and Eva could tell they had a meaning for these people. Right in front of the steps Eva saw more Eldian warriors, and in the middle stood those who Eva guessed probably were the welcoming party. She wondered how this Chief her father gave her hand into marriage was. Would he be a decrepit old man? A greedy one with lecherous fingers? A barbarian who would only use her for his own gratification? Was this Chief so entitled to himself and his pride that he would not even step down his throne, or the equivalent these people used, to greet them properly? What saddened her deeply was how her brothers, Hans and Friederich, agreed with Father.
Her questions would be answered in just a moment, hearing how the other two carriages, where her older brothers were, opened their doors, their heavy boots falling down the snow with a solid thud. Both women heard voices and movement outside. It was time.
“Remember, your Highness,” Flora began, giving her hands a final squeeze. “You have the strength to proudly hold your head high. The people of Gottesreich are by your side in here.” Flora touched with her finger where Eva’s heart was. “And I will be right behind you.
Eva let out a shaky exhale, a trembling smile on her lips.
“Thank you, Flora.”
The door of the carriage opened and a gush of freezing cold air hit both women. Flora tightened her cloak around her and waited patiently for Eva to exit first. It was Friederich who came to get her, gracing Eva with a tired smile while he offered his hand to help her out. Eva delicately posed her hand on the outstretched hand of his brother, the other pulling slightly up the skirt of the dress so she wouldn’t accidentally step on it and cause a scene. God forbid that happened, she couldn’t afford any humiliating mishaps of any kind. Eva stepped aside as Friederich also helped Flora out, and turned just once to see her sister following him behind, still with her hood pulled up; that was definitely Flora’s doing, knowing how the woman liked the tiny dramatics. Friederich huffed, amused.
Once they stopped just right next to Hans, his stance truly the epitome of a proud and regal prince, a member of the Eldian welcoming party walked over them, bowing their head lightly and making his light brown hair move.
“The people of Eldia welcomes you, your Highnesses, and hope you had a pleasant and safe trip.” The man had a soothing voice, calm, and such feelings carried into his eyes. “My name is Moblit and I’ll be your interpreter throughout your stay.”
“I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, Moblit. I’m prince Hans Stein, heir to the throne of Gottesreich.” The crown prince bowed, right hand on his chest, and waited for Moblit to translate his words into the Eldian language. Looking at each one of the Eldians of the welcoming party, Hans turned to his other two siblings. “This is the second prince of Gottesreich, and General of our troops, Friederich Stein,” Friederich mimicked his brother, bowing respectfully too with his right hand on his chest as Moblit kept translating. “And last, princess Eva Stein, our younger sister.”
Eva felt her hands tremble and not because of the cold. She could feel everyone’s eyes fixed on her although she kept her own to the floor as her father taught her— never look at them in the eyes, only when you are being presented, but then quickly look away, never speak unless you are being spoken and addressed first, never—
She could do this.
Eva raised her hands, carefully lifting the hood of the cloak so it wouldn’t disturb her hair and tiara, and let it fall gracefully on her shoulders. She raised her head to proudly display her long neck, knowing it was being accentuated by the collar of the dress she was wearing, and looked at each member of the welcoming party before elegantly bowing towards the Eldians while delicately lifting the sides of the dress skirt as she was taught as a child. Once done, Eva returned to the position she was before: gloved hands in front of her, clasped together, head slightly tilted downwards and her eyes refusing to meet anyone’s unless she was required to do so. Father would be proud of how well she performed.
Some warriors whispered to each other, and Eva didn’t know if to feel grateful to not know what were they saying. It was just a quick glimpse as she wasn’t able to properly focus, but, where were the horns? The claws? The evil smiles with mouths full of sharp teeth? Her books depicted Eldia as demons, as creatures taking humanoid forms but with grotesque features. Eva couldn’t help but to feel thoroughly confused at the difference. Were the books wrong? Were they waiting for the right moment to show their true selves...?
A deep baritone voice quieted all the murmurs, speaking in a calm and collected tone that didn’t leave room for questioning. Eva would have called it a beautiful voice if she wasn’t being eaten alive by her fear and anxiety. The voice kept talking, and was now joined by Moblit’s translations. It was time to raise her eyes again.
“We welcome you, your Highnesses, and thank Goddess Maria for your safe journey to our land.” Eva briefly looked at Moblit, and was taken aback by the gentle appearance he displayed; she expected a brute, like her books said, but was met with soft amber eyes and sandy brown hair. Her attention was swiftly moved to the Eldians before them as Moblit gestured towards them. “My name is Erwin Smith, Chief of the proud Eldian tribe, and I’m pleased to make your acquaintance too, your Highnesses.”
Eva’s eyes frantically fixed on the man Moblit was gesturing with his hand and claimed to be the Eldian Chief. Her husband to be. Eva was met with an icy blue gaze and intense like the sea she saw once when she traveled with Hans to a southern kingdom, but Eva noticed a hidden cleverness behind the stern glare. The eyes belonged to a handsome face, with sharp and chiselled features like his cheekbones, a beautiful aquiline nose and thick, blonde brows framing his face. His blonde hair was neatly parted to the side and Eva never saw a haircut such as the one he was displaying, both short and even shorter hair, but judging by the other Eldians, it was a common style. He was big, tall, and Eva saw the true poise and demeanor of a proud warrior. The blue war paint smeared on his face and exposed arms made Eva unconsciously gulp down; he looked terrifying. Even if the Chief was wearing thick clothing, there was no doubt there weren’t feeble sticks for limbs underneath them.
The princess was taken aback, unable to tear her gaze away from the Chief’s ones, and going against all her modal teachings. Those blue eyes were hypnotic and unreadable, like his face.
That was the man she was going to marry.
Erwin Smith.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hi there! I really enjoy your BNHA Headcanons, so may I request headcanons of All Might, Eraserhead, and Present Mic having a detective younger sister bring them lunch or sum at the school? She's low-key a delinquent (like Tanaka Ryūnosuke's sister) and super friendly 😗 Thank you for your hard work! 💞
a/n: hi love! awe tysm! of course!!! i havent wrote for these hotties in a minute dskghjkd
headcanon: their deliquent, detective little sister surpsing them at work
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
»»————- ★ ————-««
yagi toshinori / all might
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All Might is super surprised when you show up with a visitor tag on your sweater, happy to surprise him with lunch.
“What are you doin’ here?” He asks, a smile on his own lips, it’d been a while since he’d seen you, the both of you being caught up in work, he was happy to see his little sister again.
“I’m baking a cake.” You frowned, sarcasm laced your tone. All Might froze before you broke out laughing.
“I came to surprise you! With lunch!” You hold up the meal you’d grabbed beforehand and eagerly yanked him to sit down.
Class 1-A observed from their tables at the sight.
You were on the shorter side when it came to standing beside your brother, who resembled a tree, in your opinion.
But they couldn’t help but laugh as you teased him, stole bites of his food, and compared your height to his, using the chairs at the table to finally be taller than him.
You followed him back to class despite him urging you not to. 
“You still don’t listen to me do you?” 
“You don’t look like mom so why should I?” You stuck your tongue out at him. He smiled and ruffled your hair before letting you step into the class.
“Hey, kids! I’m Detective Toshinori, All Might’s super cool younger sister! It’s nice to meet you all!” You hopped up on the podium up at the front of the class and sat on it.
“It’s nice to meet you!” A few voices called out.
“You guys wanna hear some super embarrassing childhood All Might stories?” You smirked deviously, eyeing your older brother who drained of color.
“Yes!” Some people cheered.
“Okay okay, I think-”
“When he was 14, I was 7, so for Halloween that year, he wanted to be a zombie so I asked if I could do his makeup, and our mom being the lovely lady she is, said that he couldn’t take off the makeup I did for him. He walked around that night in sloppy green face paint with pink lipstick.” You pulled out the photo you’d dug up a few nights before and showed it around, earning laughs from most of the students.
“Hey I see now, you’re that detective that’s always causing a stir in those headlines!” A yellow-blonde spoke up.
“Yup! The media hates me!” You laugh. 
“You’re like totally badass! Why didn’t you become a hero?” He asks. 
“I thought about it for a while, but I’m just not the person for it, I’m happy saving lives through investigations, besides, I think the future’s in pretty good hands with you kids on the front lines.”
The class fell silent at your comment. They’d heard it a few times before, but you were so sincere.
You stayed for a while, and you met a bunch of kids, and eventually, you met a certain green-haired kid your brother had told you about.
“It’s nice to meet you, Deku. All Might’s told me a lot about you.” You shake his hand, his eager smile bright enough to give the sun a run for its money.
“You’ve got a long way to go, but you got this, kid. Don’t let him know I gave you this.” You smirked, giving him another embarrassing photo from your brother’s childhood. Deku cherished it.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shota aizawa / eraserhead
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s aware of the presence following him, but he couldn’t be bothered by it. He’s unaware of it being you, he assumed it was just another student.
Until you tackle him when he walks into class.
“Don’t ignore me!” You laugh as you ruffle his hair, the class staring at you in disbelief.
Your resemblance to their teacher is uncanny and they’re confused on who you are.
“Get off of me (Y/n).” Shota grunts, happy to be on the floor, but not happy by you practically laying on him.
“Alright alright. But introduce me to your kids! They look confused.” You stand up and stare at your older brother who’s somewhat thrilled to see you, though he won’t show it.
“This is my younger sister, Detective (Y/n) Aizawa.” The class murmurs among themselves as they look at you, now understanding why you resembled their teacher.
“Woah, you have a sister? She looks just like you!” a pink haired girl smiled at you. You nudged your brother and giggled.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m the older sibling.” You tease.
Deciding to stay for lunch, you’re asked a few questions, which you gladly answer, sharing all the embarrassing childhood stories you could before Shota shut you up.
“So why’d you stop by?” Shota finally asks when he’s given a break from the students.
“I felt like seeing you. It’s been a while, we’re both so busy, it’s nice to see you every now and again.”
“How much trouble do you need me to get you out of?” He sighed, rubbing his temples.
“In my defense, those paparazzi were harassing me, I just shoved them into a garbage can! They didn’t even get hurt.” You huffed, shoving a bite of food in your mouth.
“You never cease to amaze me.” Shota chuckles. You smile at the sound of your brother’s laugh.
It’s been a while since you got to hang out with him, so you thought surprising him at school would be nice, it was your day off, the first in a few weeks.
“Could I stick around and watch your kids?” You ask, finishing the food on your plate.
“As long as you don’t show them any more embarrassing photos.”
Yeah that didn’t go so well, they have plenty of pictures of their teacher acting like a hooligan now.
»»————- ★ ————-««
hizashi yamada / present mic
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You cannot tell me that you, as his little sister, is not loud, if not louder, than him. You are both loud individuals.
He’s super surprised to see you, so much so that Aizawa has to cancel his quirk because he’s excited.
Getting caught up on everything you’ve missed from your time apart is one thing, but you two could talk for ages about anything and everything.
Your big brother is pretty chill, but you on the other hand, you’re a bit of a delinquent.
Hizashi is quick to scold you for some of your reckless behavior but he’s not mad at you.
“You did what?!” He yells, his amber eyes staring at you.
“Hey! He was being a smart ass. Of course now the cruiser smells like garbage.” You were a detective and while on a case a villain had crossed your path and said a few comments that you weren't going to let pass.
So you tossed him in the dumpster nearby and then you had to take him down to the station.
“It’s great to see you again.” He smiles. 
You’re happy to go around and meet everyone, stopping in Class 1-A and 1-B.
Sharing embarrassing childhood stories about Hizashi is always fun, he’s trying to get you to stop but everyone else is excited to see what Mic looked like when he was young. They’re impressed by how much his hair has grown.
Your favorite childhood memory is when he asked for your help the first time he spiked it up.
The two of you sat coated in hair gel and who knows how many other hair products. Hizashi insisted on doing your hair as well which is why your hair is also spiked in the picture.
Having lunch with him is nice, but you’re sad when you have to part.
“I’ll make sure to stop by more!” You smile while hugging your older brother.
“Yeah!” He cheers, hugging you back.
You wave goodbye to everyone and leave, but not before taking a few pictures with everyone to cherish.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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captain-lovelace · 4 years
When Artoria opens the door, there are four children standing outside it.
To be precise, there are three children standing— a tall, dark-haired one as skinny as a rake, a shorter, stockier child with dirty blonde hair hiding behind him, and a third child with brighter blonde hair bouncing with excitement next to them both— and one being held, a toddler fast asleep in the arms of the dark-haired one, who looks up at Artoria with eyes that seem older than they should be.
“You’re Mordred’s parent, and that means you need to help us.”
The first thought Artoria has is, what does he mean, “Mordred’s parent”?
The second thought is that the third child, with his bright hair and green eyes and pointy nose, looks an awful lot like her.
Her body feels numb as she stands speechless for a moment, and then the boy’s shoulders slump in defeat and he starts to turn away. Without thinking she reaches out and puts a hand on his shoulder. “Wait. You can come in.”
He looks at her again, and there’s a bit of a spark in his too-old eyes that wasn’t there before. He doesn’t ask any questions, just hefts the toddler in his arms and walks in, the other two following close behind. The one that looks like her— Mordred?— walks with a weaving gait, like he’s having a hard time keeping his balance. He stops in the doorway and beams at her before his other brother grabs his hand and pulls him in.
Artoria shuts the door behind herself, then turns to the kids, who are standing in the hallway as if waiting for something from her. She opens her mouth, then shuts it, then opens it again. “And who is your mother?”
The oldest starts to answer, but his slightly younger brother cuts him off. “You aren’t going to give us back to her, are you?”
“Shh, Gawain,” says the older one, his tone more biting than the comment may have warranted. He turns back to Artoria, clutching his youngest sibling even closer to his chest, hugging her with both arms. “Her name is Morgan,” he says, and a chill runs down Artoria’s spine as the pieces click into place.
Morgan. Morgan, a mother. Morgan, a mother of four children, including one that’s— mine.
The decision is easy to make. She’s never considered herself someone who would be a good parent, but if Morgan is their mother… she can’t possibly be worse.
“No,” Artoria says. “No, I won’t be taking you back to her.”
And just like that, Artoria has four kids.
The first person she calls, as soon as the oldest boy— Agravain, he said his name was— had taken his siblings to the kitchen for lunch, is Merlin. The line rings for an agonizingly long time as she prays for him to pick up, and to her great relief he finally, finally does. “Heyyy, what’s up?”
“What’s up is that I have kids.”
There’s a pause. Then: “Kids, plural? Wow, didn’t know you were getting that much action. So what, gotta pay child support or something?”
Artoria hisses in annoyance, then lowers her voice and begins to talk in clipped words. “No, you idiot, only one of them is biological, I think. Do you recall Morgan?”
“That bitch? How could I forget?” Merlin pauses, and then there’s a sharp intake of breath. “No way, you hit that?”
“It was years ago and a mistake I wanted to forget, but now all her kids are here and they’re looking for a way out.”
“So are you gonna—“
“I’m going to adopt them, yes, but I don’t know what I’m doing and I would very much appreciate some assistance.”
“I’ll be right over,” Merlin says. He sounds more serious now, and she appreciates it. “Call Bedivere, too. He’s good with kids, I think.”
“He doesn’t have any kids—“
“You don’t have to have kids to be good with them! And listen, three heads are better than two. Just get him over there.”
From the kitchen, Artoria hears the microwave start and then sputter, and then Agravain’s annoyed voice telling off one of the others. You can’t put a spoon in the microwave! It causes fire!
She groans. “I’ll call Bedivere, but you’d both better hurry over before my house burns down.”
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twstdreams · 5 years
hi! i’ve seen a lot of romance headcannons so if it’s ok with you could i plz request some family headcannons? what would it be like having leona, ruggie, ace, cater, and epel as big brothers? (reader is little sister) if you’re not comfortable writing this you don’t have to! thanks for reading my request:)
YES, YOU CAN! I love writing siblings and platonic content. I will happily accept family and friends centred requests. My OC has a platonic relationship with everyone, and in another fandom, I wrote an entire series with Big Brother! Character and Little Sister! Reader. Given that I have sibling(s) too, this is well within my comfort range even if I’m the older one. 
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Big Brother! Leona, Ruggie, Ace, Cater, and Epel & Little Sister! Reader
Leona Kingscholar
100% is lazy and abuses his older sibling privileges. This exchange is common for the two of you:
“Go get this for me.”
“Because I’m older!”
You two exchange playful jabs all the time. Him calling you weaker or silly, you replying about how he’s lazy and you could beat him anyway since he never gets off his butt
You have definitely whacked his face with a pillow
Speaking of which you adore waking him up to see his scrunched up expression as you remove the pillow from under his head and pull away the blankets
When you were younger, you definitely used water once or twice to wake him up when you were really pissed
Leona isn’t actively protective, yeah you’re weaker than him, but that doesn’t mean you’re actually weak
His position and power usually are enough to ward off someone, but if anyone decides to physically hurt you and leave a mark, they better be prepared to get it back tenfold. It’s basically a direct challenge to Leona, and any idiot that thinks they can hurt his little sister and get away with it has to be put in their place 
He brushes it off as whatever, maybe a slight against his pride, but you know if you were ever really in danger, he’d help you
You’re never getting help with your homework though
Ruggie Bucchi
Now that he’s older and your family isn’t in such a tight place, he shares, but OH BOY did you two fight when you were kids
Food, toys, clothing, stationery, you two fought over it all
“HEY! That’s mine!”  was a very common phrase
Looking back, it’s a little embarrassing, especially for Ruggie given he’s the older sibling, but hey kids are kids. Neither of you brings it up often if only because both of you have so much ammo against each other, it would never end
You both care about each other but very much need your own personal space and things
You have probably thrown a slipper at one another telling the other sibling to get out of your room
If you two shared a room, at one point in your childhood, there was a string dividing the room in two
With age, the two of you have mellowed out but you still fight from time to time. No, you’re not doing the dishes for him, you already have to do the laundry!
Ruggie is a pretty helpful older brother, but you gotta ask. He’s not going to hover over you or constantly ask how you’re doing
At the end of the day, the two of you have each other’s back 
Ace Trappola
The two of you have fun and goof around a lot, Ace isn’t very serious and his brightness shines when you play games together
He’s a pretty chill older brother, not overbearing at all
When you two argue, it’s ugly. You have explosive fights because he goads you and can be quite mean, and you aren’t one to just roll over and take it. 
You’ve lived together for a long time and Ace knows how to hit you where it hurts. If he’s not careful, he can be quite cruel and brutal 
Ace doesn’t intend to be so mean, but you’re both growing up together and it took a while to establish boundaries
He always wavers when you cry, he hates seeing tears trail down your face and he despises that he’s the cause of it all
He helps you here and there in little gestures like reminders to do things or wake you up so you’re not late for school
Yes, he loves you, no he is not going to do the chores for you
Cater Diamond
He is the nice older brother that all your friends think is so cool
He knows all the latest trends and rumours, so it’s easy to treat him like your friend. He just gets it and you don’t have to explain things to him
He comes off as pretty loose when it comes to you, and he does respect that you’re independent but he keeps an eye on you
When you were a kid he indulged you as his cute little sister and dressed up for miniature tea parties 
He gives you many head pats and ruffles your hair lightly
Despite all the cheeriness, it’s in your fights that you remember he can be so heartless
He can and will hold a grudge for as long as he needs. Days after fights are so heavy that your heart feels like lead. Apologies are stifled and awkward but necessary. 
If he apologizes too, then it’s fine after you two give each other a bit of space. If you feel like you’re always the one apologizing, it can get messy. You feel hurt by it, but even more so, you’re tired.
He cares but he’s not always empathetic, and he is more than willing to let you sort out your own mess. If things get out of hand, then he’ll step in and help
Epel Felmier
He is so sweet, sweeter than apple pie to his darling sister
Guaranteed, you look like a doll and Epel goes shopping with you to pick out cute pieces and accessories
The genes in this family are blessed with porcelain smooth skin and long wispy lashes
As kids, you’d constantly play pretend and Epel would be your prince or knight as you two went on adventures
You hate if anyone suggests Epel isn’t a good brother because of his fragile aesthetic and dispel all rumours
There are no secrets between you two and the two of you share a lot of furtive knowing looks and inside jokes
He totally gives into your tears. Epel absolutely cannot handle it when your eyes begin to well and tears spill
He’s pretty doting, so if you want boundaries, you have to be firm and fair. Epel won’t take it well if he feels like you’re trying to shut him out of your life.
He has a couple peculiarities or pet peeves that you have to abide by, he can be pretty finicky at times
Epel loves you with all his heart and you love him too
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[Life is Strange] Nathan Prescott x Little Sister!reader (The Vortex Club)
“Hi! I was wondering if you can do something a Lil different like the reader being Nathan Prescott's (from life is strange) Lil sister? Where Nathan's little sister is kinda different in a social sense (like being awkward, very loner type, etc) and he tries to help her somehow? Pronoun being she and the pov being in the reader's perspective. Thanks, I appreciate it a whole lot! “
Genre: Angst-Fluff
(y/n)'s leg bounced in anxiousness as the bell rang for her chemistry class to be over. The second it was, and the students filed out was the moment when she slowly put her things away and stood up. (Y/n) jumped lightly as a hand softly rested on her shoulder, she turned to see her lab partner, Warren Graham. 
Her expression slowly melted into a soft smile. 
"You were really out of it today. Is everything going okay?" Warren asked.
She liked how concerned he was, it was sweet. Not many people looked in her direction in general, but Warren truly cared. 
"Yeah. Just nervous about tonight. Nate wants me to come to the vortex club party for the experience or to get me out of my shell but…" (y/n) trailed off the rest of her sentence
Warren crossed his arms over his chest in response, knowing how she'd react to that kind of environment. It was no secret that the younger Prescott was nowhere near close in personality to Nathan. 
“It’s not your environment?” Warren asked in response.
(y/n) nodded, gesturing for Warren to follow her as they left class for the day, heading to his dorm for their scheduled movie night to relax after classes. It was their thing. 
"I know that he's just trying to help but… the mere thought of going to that party makes me sick to my stomach," (y/n) explained.
Warren nodded, having known his friend for about a year, he knew the risks of her going to that party with the vortex club no less. 
"You don't have to go. We could just chill here all night," Warren offered.
(Y/n) smiled at the thought of just hanging out with Warren instead of going to an anxiety-inducing party. But she knew that Nathan was trying, and she should make an effort to at least attend. She slowly shook her head, hating that she had to deny a cute inside-date. They were her favorite. 
“I should. He’s trying, so I should too,” (y/n) softly rejected.
 Warren sighed in disappointment and opened the door to his dorm to drop off his things before he turned to his…- to (y/n).
“Do you want me to walk you there?” Warren asked. 
(y/n) smiled at the kind offer, but she knew if Nathan saw Warren with her, he’d flip. It was no secret that Nathan didn’t like Warren. 
“It’s probably best if I go on my own. I’ll see you tomorrow?” (y/n) asked.
Warren crossed his arms over his chest again, not entirely happy with the situation as she had to go to a party, which would only make her anxious. He’ was worried. Before taking her leave, she was quick to take the extra step to press a quick kiss to Warren’s lips before she stepped away almost as quickly. 
“Bye,” (y/n) whispered.
Before Warren could get a word in, (y/n) left the boys’ dormitory and headed to her own dorm to get ready for the party she didn’t really want to go to. But it was for Nathan, a little sibling bond for the two. 
The vortex party didn’t start until late in the evening and by then, Nathan was already at the club, lounging in the VIP area as he waited for his little sister to arrive. 
He knew that he and (y/n) were vastly different, but he still wanted to be close to her, even if their father wouldn’t. No matter what they did to try to appease him.
Nathan perked up a touch as he spotted his little sister squeezing her way through the large crowd and slipped inside the VIP section where it was far less crowded, though that didn’t seem to make her anxiety calm down a bit. 
“Finally my baby sister arrives!” Nathan exclaimed as he stood to his feet to greet (y/n) properly, taking note of her jittery hands. Maybe a vortex party wasn’t the best idea of a get together with his anxious sister. 
Nathan was starting to have second thoughts now. 
“H-hey, Nath,” (y/n) anxiously greeted as her leg was bouncing faster than her heart: which was beating erratically in her chest. She didn’t want to be here, but she knew that she wanted some quality time with her brother. 
(y/n) didn’t know how much more she could take of being in the setting, but it was only 9:30.
Nathan saw as five more people pile into the vortex room, which caused (y/n) to shuffle closer to him and away from the complete strangers at the party. 
But as Nathan locked eyes with his little sister, he saw that they were completely glazed over. Guilt racked through Nathan’s body as he finally realized that she was in the midst of an anxiety attack. 
Slowly, Nathan placed a hand in the middle of her back, trying to snap her out of it, but it wasn’t that easy. 
“(y/n)?” Nathan asked.
In the span of a few seconds, she snapped out of his grip and turned to face him. Instead of calmly explaining everything as she’d wish, it all came tumbling out. 
“I-I’m sorry, Nath. I can’t be here…” (y/n) mumbled.
She felt trembles course through her body as she ran out of the vortex party, leaving Nathan in the middle of it. 
She didn’t just want to leave him standing there without much of an explanation on her part, but she couldn’t help what she was feeling.
And, in this exact moment, she instantly regretted it. But what could she do when she was on the verge of an anxiety attack?
Nathan instantly squeezed through the crowd or at least tried to. It wasn’t as easy for him as it was for (y/n). The drunk teenagers kept getting in his way, but he was finally at the exit. 
He took in a deep breath of fresh air before he looked around the yard for a minute, spotting his little sister with that nerd from her chemistry class, Warren Graham. His teeth clenched at the sight of his baby sister so comfortable around Warren, but he sucked up his pride and strolled over to the two, wanting to be assured that (y/n) was okay. 
“(y/n),” Nathan grabbed her attention. 
She glanced at Warren before she gave him a smile, one with a hidden meaning, but it wasn’t Nathan’s place to say anything. Not now at least. 
(y/n) took a deep breath before she walked away from Warren and to her older brother who needed to talk with her about what just happened. They definitely couldn’t leave what happened at the vortex party alone. Not when (y/n) literally just had an anxiety attack in the midst of all the chaos. 
“Hey, Nathan. Look… I--” Before she could apologize for something that was out of her control, Nathan pulled her into a hug. He let her rest her head on his shoulder he drew shapes into her back, soothing her against him. 
Nathan didn’t exactly want to show a soft side to himself in front of anybody else, at least not Warren, but his little sister came first on his priority list. 
“You were scared, it’s not your fault. I’d know better than anyone that it’s not your fault,” Nathan said as he pulled away from the short hug, to continue with his apology. Nathan knew what it was like to not be in control because of your emotions. He continued, “I’m sorry for even putting you in that kind of situation. I should have known better.” He pulled away completely, letting her digest everything he said.
"It's okay. You just wanted me to get out of my shell a little. I won't blame you for trying," (y/n) said, accepting his apology. 
Nathan could feel a weight being lifted off of his chest, glad that his baby sister wasn’t angry with him in the slightest.
"Let me make it up to you with breakfast tomorrow, on me," Nathan offered as (y/n) glanced back to Warren, she was kind of done with the party scene at the moment, but would Nathan be okay with that? The older Prescott sighed almost dramatically but gave (y/n) a small nod of acceptance. "Go ahead, we can talk in the morning about this. " 
(y/n) gave Nathan a grateful smile before she walked toward Warren, grabbing his hand in a way that only significant other's would do with each other and walked in the direction of the dorms, but it wasn’t exactly Nathan’s business.
Nathan watched his sister’s form disappear from his eyesight before he decided to continue with the vortex party. 
He could always catch up with her tomorrow at breakfast, and grill Warren about his intentions with his little sister later.
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