patrickkurtiskent · 4 years
Be a Woman of God Devotional: A 365 Day Devotional Dedicated To Women https://www.amazon.com/dp/1709670533/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MDT9YV285APR3SBW3XP4
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Be a Woman of God - Devotional This book is a short, easy-to-read daily devotional dedicated to women for their personal Bible study and encouragement. This book is to accompany your daily Bible devotion time and is not to be the sole provider of your daily Bible reading. Within the pages of this book you will find thought-provoking and challenging statements to help you in your Christian walk and the development of your Christian character. This devotional is meant to lead you to a Christ-like character and a healthy fear of the Lord God Almighty. Be a Woman of God is simply meant to show you that God is on the hunt for godly women who seek Him with their hearts. What God desires from you is for you to become a woman of God!
Cindy A. Kent
P.K. Kent
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Walking in the Spirit, not in the flesh.
Before the Bible mentions the fruit of the Spirit, it tells us things that God does NOT want us to do. Before I jump into each of the fruit of the Spirit, and focusing on one each week, I felt it was important to teach God’s Word on things that are contrary to the Spirit, the things of the flesh. Notice the dead tree in the image, because you cannot produce fruit if you are lost in these sinful natures and do not know Jesus. There are 17 works of the flesh mentioned, and these are things that should not be associated with God’s people. We ladies must be so careful that we don’t fall into these sins! I’ll list the definitions of each sin, since I am following the KJV and NKJV for this study, in case there is confusion.  
1. Adultery- “voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than that person’s current spouse...” Cheating on your husband, OR being in a relationship with a man married to another woman.
2. Fornication- “consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other.” Basically, two UNMARRIED people, having sex out of wedlock. 
*The newer versions of the Bible combine those two sins above into “sexual immorality” and I don’t care for that, since I have heard of people saying fornication is never mentioned specifically in the Bible. Of course those people are looking for a loophole to not feel guilty about their sin, but if they would pick up a KJV, or NKJV it’s listed right there.* 
3. Uncleanness- “dirty, filthy; morally or spiritually impure.”
4. Lasciviousness (lewdness)- “lewd, lustful.” Lewd-“a : sexually unchaste or licentious lewd behavior b : obscene, vulgar.” Basically, lacking sexual restraint, dressing obscenely to draw sexual attention, making inappropriate comments to others. It makes you look trashy ladies, not classy.
5.Idolatry- “1 : the worship of a physical object as a god; 2 : immoderate attachment or devotion to something.” Placing importance of ANYTHING more than God.
6. Witchcraft- This is self explanatory. Don’t do it. Don’t take part in ANY religious practices that aren’t Christianity. It’s paganism.
7. Hatred- This is pretty self explanatory as well. We are not supposed to hate anything or anyone. I also don’t think there’s an accurate definition of hatred. Disliking things or people is okay, but hatred is meant by God as something more than a mere dislike. 
8. Variance (contentions)- “the fact, quality, or state of being variable”, “a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument” 
9. Emulations (jealousies)- “a jealous disposition.” Jealous is defined as: “hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage.”
10. Wrath (outbursts of wrath)- Pretty simple, just don’t lose your temper and be out of control with anger.
11.  Strife (selfish ambition)- “bitter sometimes violent conflict or dissension.” Since the NKJV uses the terms “selfish ambition”, I’m going to lean toward strife here meaning , fighting and clawing to get your way.
12. Seditions (Dissensions)- “incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority”. Dissension is defined as: “Disagreement”. Be in agreement with the Word of God, and with your authority figures. God is your first authority figure, and then guess who God named as your earthly authority? Your husband. : )
13. Heresies- “adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma”. Believe only to what the Holy Bible says, and what Jesus teaches in it.
14. Envyings- Envy is defined as, “painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage” I would say this goes a little farther than jealousy, mentioned before.
15. Murders- Murder is defined as, “the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice”. This goes right back to “Thou shalt not kill.”
16. Drunkenness- Don’t drink to the point that you become drunk.
17. Revellings, and such like- The ESV calls this orgies. That’s a big sexual sin. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines revel as, “to take intense pleasure or satisfaction”. 
Meditate on God’s Word and these things will make sense to you and in your life. I understand some of these sins are things that we don’t do, but understand, some of them are things we do find ourselves doing. Don’t pass them off as normal. Kick them out of your life, (with God in your corner, you can!) and then you will be ready to produce fruit for God. :) The first fruit of the Spirit we will study and work on is going to be love. See you Monday!
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womeninministry · 6 years
by Bekah Mulvaney
I recently stood next to a precious woman’s hospital bed as she received news from a physician that nothing more could be done for her and that she might not live through the night.  (And this was a woman who enjoyed a walk with her husband and a Frosty at Wendy’s the night before.)
Her response?  She smiled and peacefully assured him she was “ready.”
There are times in life when we face something utterly new and unexpected, something that old experiences do not groom us for, something that even we cannot predict in advance how we will respond: a loss of a spouse or child, a catastrophic event, an unexpected diagnosis.
Shaken from the treadmill of our calculated lives, God introduces something that would never fit into our pattern of living but which can make us look more like Him.  These are moments of soulful isolation, distanced from all other circumstances, detached from all props of support and human reason.  It becomes a secret chamber in which the God-dependent soul knows his or her expectation is from God alone.
The woman was my mother.  I marveled at her response to the doctor’s prognosis.  How did she prepare her soul for a moment such as this?
In the week after we said our final goodbye, I read through her journal entries and came across this statement: “Spending time with God in prayer nurtures a vital relationship with Him and equips us to meet life’s challenges and struggles.  Develop the discipline of spending time alone with God.  It will help you grow spiritually and become more and more like Jesus.”
Seeking solitude with the Father was an important priority for Jesus, preparing Him to face His challenges and the cross, so it shouldn’t surprise us that those who face their challenges in a Christ-like way have done the same.  Spending hours “around the throne of God” prepares the soul to see and respond to the utterly unexpected moments in life with grace and a heavenly perspective.
Once we realized Mom was in her final hours, the tubes and machines were removed, the family was called, and a Home-going celebration began.  As her room filled up with over 20 family members, she hugged each one, posed for pictures, and assured each person of her joy.  I looked on as the two generations that form my bookends—my daughter and my mother—snuggled in a final embrace.   Daughter whispered, “But Grandma, I’m not ready for you to go.”  My mom took her granddaughter’s face in both hands, looked directly into her eyes, and said, “But Bethany, I’m ready to go.”
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Mom’s journal testified of the “training” she and the Father had done in preparation for this moment.  She had written: “We’re probably in for a glorious surprise when we see heaven. . . .There is a wonderful joy ahead. . . . I rejoice now just thinking about it!”
Are you getting ready for the unexpected moments of your life?
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. –Luke 5:16
Reflect and Respond
How do you get ready for big events in your life (hosting a dinner party or houseguests, preparing to travel, training for an athletic competition)?
Can you think of any ways you are readying yourself for unpredictable moments that will blindside you and test the foundation of your soul?
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zakiyaskyles · 4 years
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Do you know there is #power in your #calm? Yes, there is and it can give you more influence because you remained calm. Mmm! Let's talk about it! Join me on Facebook for our STRONG devotionals today at 1pm CST. . . . . . . . #StrengthCourageAndWisdom #STRONGDevotional #STRONGWithZakiya #WomensDevotional #WomenOfFaith https://www.instagram.com/p/CCYwAZUFTbW/?igshid=3jfzr82ci9yj
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choicescoach · 5 years
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Faith Training Tuesday! Check out my latest devotional video on YouTube.com/ChoicesCoach. Exercise training is good. Spiritual training is even better. Our faith is strengthened and renewed by reading the Bible. God’s Word is alive (Hebrews 4:12). Join me for this quick devotional about God’s promises. “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.” 2 Corinthians 1:20 #bibledevotional #choicescoach #scripturedevotional #womensdevotional #faithtraining #godspromises (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HU0IuDfbw/?igshid=e4jodsgryvqo
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thaliacs · 7 years
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#worshiphim #womensdevotional #ascribe #gorifyhim #glory Psalm 29:1-3 (at Burtonsville, Maryland)
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stepintothelife · 4 years
The Cedars of Lebanon Women’s Devotional #openoureyes #womensdevotional #CedarsofLebanon #ministry #womensministry
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Hello friends! I am so excited about this devotional for the month of February! I just found it through @herbinderproject and saw it on @jesusineverymoment! I wish I had seen it in January. One of my goals for this year was to build my relationship with God. Such a huge goal to undertake, but I am so excited to see how it changes my life. Little back story, my husband and I actually met when we were in high school. We both attended the same church, and were in the youth group together. My parents switched churches, so we had lost touch, but through the joys of social media, he found me a few years later! I began going back to the church where we met, and it is such an absolute blessing to build our marriage around God. Last year had been pretty difficult, so we are taking this year to forge a path for our family. #devotionals can sometimes seem scary, or hard to fit in to our #crazy #busy #lifestyles, but I can assure you, it is so worth it! Even if it means waking up 20 minutes earlier, or taking part of your lunch in your car, that sweet time with Jesus is everything. Who is else is doing this devotional? Let's chat about it! Would love to support other women! #herbinderproject #sweettime #blessing #love #improvedme #biblejournaling #biblestudy #womensdevotional
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patrickkurtiskent · 5 years
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Be a Woman of God Devotional is a 365 day devotional dedicated to women
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I will have the first part of the Fruit of the Spirit for wives posted on Monday, I promise! I had it written and ready to go, but while on vacation I didn’t access WiFi. Be ready Monday! Part 1 is all about love, God centered, Christlike love!
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womeninministry · 6 years
What I’d Buy If I Could
by Bekah Mulvaney
“If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?”  
 I love to ask my grandchildren open-ended questions like this one.
 Of course, my 8½-year-old grandson Zeke had no idea how much a million dollars could buy. He said he’d buy a convertible. I asked if he’d let his dad drive it until he was old enough to drive. “No; I want it to stay shiny.” When I informed him he’d have some money left over after buying the convertible, this boy, who spent his first 8 years in an orphanage, said he’d buy a big house like the one in the “Avengers” movie and help people who live on the streets.
 Turning the question inward, here are few things I thought I might invest my million in. . . . .
I’d buy TIME. Seriously.
You might think it impossible, but I’d strategically consider how I could purchase expertise and services that would free up my hours for the things that are most important for me. (After all, that’s why we invest in dishwashers, house painters, and other labor-savers that do what we are capable of doing for ourselves.) With the extra time, I would invest in more intimacy with God, the people I love, and more opportunities to be the Jesus-Girl He made me to be!
 I’d buy MEMORIES.
Life’s legacy will be passed along largely through the memories we create with our loved ones. I’d consider ways to build lasting memories through time spent with those most important to me—whether a trip or vacation together, or a hike or picnic in the park. We won’t get back these years we have with our loved ones. And the best bequests we can leave to our loved ones are some loving recollections of shared experiences.
 I’d buy GROWTH.
I want to keep growing and improving. With my remaining years, I want to serve God better than I have in my past. I’m a life-long learner, so I’d invest in reading, learning, networking, and training to be better equipped to accomplish what God put me on this earth to do. I would invest in friendships and mentorships that challenge me and stretch me to become a more wholehearted Jesus-lover. And I’d invest in the spiritual growth of others!
 I’d buy IMPACT.
I’d leverage my million to make a difference in others’ lives. I’d research the most impactful and effective ministries, and I’d invest in them. I’d explore creative ways to invest the other gifts God has given me (my strengths, spiritual gifts, passions, and life experiences) to impact people in my sphere of influence, realizing that with 21st-century technology my sphere of influence can be global!
 If YOU had a million dollars, what would you buy?
 You may think this is purely a hypothetical pursuit of fantasy, but in reality, it doesn’t require a million dollars to buy things of great value. Whatever our assets, we can reevaluate our priorities to buy a better life. Our strategic choices will impact our quality of life, as well as our loved ones, the world, and future generations! Now that’s living like a millionaire!
 “His master replied, ‘ Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.’”  --Matthew 25:21
 Reflect and Respond:
 What are the first 5 things you would purchase if you were given a million dollars? (What do these purchases say about your core values?)
 What is one purchase you could actually make this week that would leverage your impact on your world for Christ?  
(Think creatively!  A brownie mix - for serving up a plate of warm brownies to a grouchy neighbor? Colored chalk for making an artistic memory with your daughter/granddaughter? Hiring a sitter so that you can spend extra time in the Bible at a park bench? An extra big tip for the server who saw you praying in the restaurant?) You don’t need a million bucks to make a big difference!
 --inspired by “Buy a better life,” from Ron Blue Trust Insights (1/29/18)
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zakiyaskyles · 4 years
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Meet me on Facebook (Zakiya S Kyles) at 12 NOON CST! Your safety and security matters God. Let's talk about it! . . . . . . #STRONG #IAmStrong #LisaBevere #IStandStrong #WomenOfFaith #Encouragement #WomensDevotional #STRONGDevotional https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0vXfClEgu/?igshid=qwc1axezdnz7
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choicescoach · 5 years
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Faith Training Tuesday! Visit YouTube.com/ChoicesCoach for an encouraging devotional about God’s promises. #scripturequote #bibleverse #bibledevotional #womensdevotional #choicescoach #faithtraining #godspromises (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HPAVWj3Ob/?igshid=17b157plzgrg2
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patrickkurtiskent · 4 years
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Be a Woman of God - Devotional, is a short, easy-to-read daily devotional dedicated to women for their personal Bible study and encouragement. This book is to accompany your daily Bible devotion time and is not to be the sole provider of your daily Bible reading. Within the pages of this book you will find thought-provoking and challenging statements to help you in your Christian walk and the development of your Christian character. This devotional is meant to lead you to a Christ-like character and a healthy fear of the Lord God Almighty. Be a Woman of God is simply meant to show you that God is on the hunt for godly women who seek Him with their hearts. What God desires from you is for you to become a woman of God!
Cindy A. Kent
Be a Woman of God Devotional: A 365 Day Devotional Dedicated To Women https://www.amazon.com/dp/1709670533/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Wc2uFbQ2FTAED
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womeninministry · 6 years
Overwhelmed by Love
by Lisa Pineira
Recently, two people expressed to me how love bowled them over. One woman had joined a small group Bible study because she saw how the leader’s wife looked at him as he spoke. She wanted to be around a couple who “still loved each other,” after several years of marriage and children.
 In the second instance, a man who grew up in another country and now lives here met a couple married just over one year. Afterward, he contacted the husband to see if he could spend time with them.
 The man came to our Discovery Bible Study where we read the story of the Gerasene demoniac. The man observed that there was more going on than the people in the story could see but payed more attention to how the young couple interacted than the discussion. He saw something he didn’t really think existed—true love.
 Seeing these two people overwhelmed by love reminded me of my college years where I saw a Christian couple up close. It was so attractive to me I dropped by their home in between classes. I babysat their son for their date nights. I’d never seen a relationship like this.
 Jesus knew the power of love. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:34-35
 Paul echoed the priority of love to the church in Corinth, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal...Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on others, isn’t always ‘me first,’ doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure I the flowering of the truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end. Love never dies.” 1 Corinthians 13)
 I wonder what would happen if love became our focus?
 Reflect and Respond:
Would your friends, family, or coworkers describe you as loving?
Read 1 Corinthians 13 in The Message or New Living Translation and identify one way you will concentrate on loving others.
Listen to Reckless Love by Cory Asbury  When was the last time you were overwhelmed by God’s love? Do we need to be in touch with His love for us to give it away to others?
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cashleykate · 8 years
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Amen 💗😊 Thus ends my Psalms of Gratitude devotional.. Two weeks! (And one day skipped, whoops). Either going into Proverbs or Ester starting tomorrow! #shereadstruth #womensdevotional #devotional #bibleverse #revelation #revelation712
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