#women's work the first 20000 years
pagan-stitches · 2 days
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The Dancing Goddesses: Folklore, Archaeology, and the Origins of European Dance by Elizabeth Wayland Barber, 2013
Women’s Work the First 20,O00 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times by Elizabeth Wayland Barber, 1994
(Personal library)
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littlemissinkdrinker · 3 months
Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times by Elizabeth Wayland Barber
As a spinner and knitter, this was a fascinating book to read. I enjoyed following along on this case of missing history and will be happily recommending it to all my crafting friends. I will also, finally, be able to recommend a book to the public when i get asked at my historical fiber table what book to read if they are curious about the history of textiles - this book explains everything in the crafting process simply for those not in the craft. in fact, the explanations happen a little too often in my opinion. Otherwise, very well done.
Read : April 1st - 22nd, 2023
Rating : 4 Stars
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a-ramblinrose · 1 year
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“Along the way I kept running across wonderful bits of information about the women - virtually always women - who produced these textiles and about the values that different societies put on the products and their makers. When I talked about my work, people seemed especially eager for these vignettes, stories that told of women's lives thousands of years ago.” ― Elizabeth Wayland Barber, Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times
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sleepnoises · 3 months
i am going to a wedding next weekend where instead of a conventional registry they want an inscribed copy of one's favorite book. what should i get them. one half of the couple got into and left an education phd and the other is doing some kind of robotics phd. there are no constraints besides "favorite"
these results are not binding
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some facts about palestine
done w the help of @kourtgreene
the death toll has surpassed 10000 now, a majority of which are women and children
there are also 25000 people injured and estimated thousands are missing
1.5 million are currently displaced in gaza
at least 47 mosques and 3 churches have been destroyed, including the third oldest church in the world
11 bakeries have also been destroyed
47 families (with a total of 500 people in them) have been wiped from the civil registry in gaza
more children have died in gaza since october seventh than from conflicts around the world in each of the last four years
the usa provides $3.8 billion for israel every year
71% of the gazan population screens positive for depression
20000 people are in need of specialised mental health services
there have been 105 attacks on hospitals in gaza since october seventh
in the west bank, WHERE HAMAS HAS NO CONTROL, there are 128 fatalities and ~2270 injuries
there are at least 28 journalists who have been murdered in gaza by israeli attacks
at least 97 schools have been damaged (war crime)
among healthcare staff there have been at least 60 deaths and 111 injuries
107 healthcare facilities have been targeted (which is a war crime) including 19 hospitals, 49 clinics, and 39 ambulances
46% of hospitals arent working
because of electricity being cut off from hospitals, there are thousands of people in need
this includes 130 babies in incubators, 50000 pregnant women, 1000 kidney dialysis patients, and 35000 non-contagious disease patients (e.g. heart failure, diabetes)
there are 183 births per day and the mothers struggle to find a proper place to give birth with proper medical aid
18000 tons of bombs have been dropped on gaza, which is 1.5x the explosive force of the atomic bomb on hiroshima
the number of palestinian prisoners / hostages israel has kidnapped in the west bank have doubled since october 7th (again, hamas is not in the west bank)
thousands of workers from gaza were released from the jails and have reported being beaten, tortured, stripped, bruised, pissed on, denied basic sanitation, denied food, denied water, and have been tagged as numbers
meanwhile, israeli people who have been taken hostage by hamas have reported that they are treated surprisingly well, even eating the same food as the hamas soldiers and having their toilets cleaned regularly
families in the west bank are reporting that their men are vanishing, leading to the idea that israelis are kidnapping them
subhi has an excellent video detailing more about the above point, also you should follow him on instagram he breaks things down incredibly well
israels iron dome has malfunctioned and one of their rockets has hit a hospital in tel aviv
it is important to remember the above point lest they (very likely) come out and somehow blame hamas/hezbollah/iran
theyre dropping lots of white phosphorus
chemical warfare has been a crime since the end of the first world war
theyve bombed the south dozens of times now despite claiming that theyll only target the north (anyone still saying that the south is safe is either clueless or a liar)
theyve hit the rafah border and it’s passage, killing dozens
a ceasefire is for the people of gaza to breathe. a ceasefire is NOT the end of OUR fight for palestine
these numbers increase every single day
this specific attack has been going on for a month
the isolation of gaza is 15 years old
israeli hands have been covered in palestinian blood for 75 years
most governments are failing to do anything that actually stops the massacre
the palestinians in gaza need our help.
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consistentsquash · 2 years
12 HP Femslash Recs for 2022
One completed fic selected from each month! Sorry for the separate lists. But I wanted to make one with focus on F/F because we have a lot of great f/f fics this year.
AO3 Collection
  Bridgerwarts (January 2022)
by kelly_chambliss
Pairing - Minerva/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
Length - 13200 words
Rec because - Perfect fic for the season! Feel good mystery! Maybe read this and watch Glass Onion! From Hoggywartyxmas 2022. Great beginning, great ending(!), great pacing, great editing. In my reading experience most longfics don't really know when to end/how to end. This fic is in the mystery genre and executed brilliantly. Love the meta commentary about celebrity culture and fandom. Minerva is worried about her privacy. But because she is the Headmistress she can also do a lot of good to inspire others if she goes public about some parts of her life. This is a really classic and super relevant struggle. I am not give more details because I don't want to spoil the mystery.
Of course, some looked horrified; others were frowning and scowling. One member of the Hogwarts Board of Governors had already cornered Arthur Weasley and was gesticulating angrily. Ah, well. Minerva had always known that some sort of fight was inevitable.
  Rákóczi March (February 2022)
by eldritcher
Pairing - Minerva/Bathilda
Length - 4200 words
Rec because - A beautifully lyrical and unique fic about growing up and finding out what the world is really like. This fic is set after Grindelwald's defeat. In a change from canon, he is executed. Bathilda goes to Nurmengard to bury Grindelwald because she is his last relative. Minerva is the Ministry rep who escorts her. The youthful vibe of Minerva's POV stands out in contrast with the really complicated emotions Bathilda is going through. Love the Minerva characterization in this one. Also really, really love how the location in Hungary comes alive in this fic as character.
Lilac was her scent. Brighter than the moon over Alföld was her gaze. And her hands, when they came to hold me, were not weighed by atoning sorrow.
She met me as a lover must, free of care and freely giving.
In blunt and clumsy bard's offering, I cloaked her in hope's march.
  I see a great deal of myself in you (March 2022)
by @emrldapplejuice
Pairing - Augusta/Andromeda
Length - 20400 words
Rec because - this is a beautiful fic that deals with some super complicated trauma/grief/healing topics. It gets really personal about how trauma/grief can change somebody. I loved the characterizations! The pace is slow build which works for the type of topics in the fic.
"I started building my armour when Frank Junior joined the Aurors," she spoke abruptly and in a voice that was firmer than Andromeda had expected. "When my husband died, I wanted to disappear in a pile of fabric, and then Frank was hurt…Clothes became my fortress. For decades I didn't realise how destructive that was."
  Icarus (April 2022)
by @thistlecatfics
Pairing - Millicent/Pansy/Parvati
Length - 20000 words
Rec because - Beautiful fic about trauma, addiction and recovery. Also great relationship negotiations and dynamics! Long read. Definitely make sure you are in the right headspace. Read the warnings on the fic!
Parvati wondered what Lavender would do in this situation. She had the better moral compass. But Lavender was dead, and so Parvati took a drink and reminded herself that this mad hell with Pansy and Millicent was of her own making.
  give me the palm of your hand (May 2022)
by icarusinflight @candybarrnerd
Pairing - Lavender/Hermione
Length - 6800 words
Rec because - Sweet and slow build. Love the Hermione characterization in this fic. Lots of interiority in the POV. First time, falling in feels, happy ending. What's not to love about this?
Hermione didn't stop to think Lavender might not be attracted to women. But Lavender hadn't said no — just asked to think about it.
And now it's all Hermione thinks about.
Lavender isn't acting any different, but Hermione feels the possibility thrumming in her veins.
  Dangerous Games (June 2022)
by sky_watcher_rose
Pairing - Druella/Narcissa
Length - 4900 words
Rec because - dirtybadhotwrongperfect. Fic is a great place for complicated and taboo subjects. This fic goes for it and executes it really well! Read the warnings on the fic.
If she wasn’t mistaken, her daughter wanted to be in her room to make sure that her husband couldn’t be - even though Narcissa knew fine well her husband hadn’t been in her room for years - and she briefly wondered how in Merlin’s name she’d let it get this far.
  Crown Enterprises (July 2022)
by @storyof-eden
Pairing - Narcissa/Hermione
Length - 2800 words
Rec because - Darkfic. Read the warnings on this one because there are lot of triggers! Pretty complicated fic. I don't want to give spoilers. I am really impressed by how much it covered in under 3000 words!
It only took Narcissa six months to break. Admittedly, Hermione was impressed at the woman’s control, and while she might’ve preferred it to happen sooner, the circumstances around Narcissa giving in were perfect.
  This pain wouldn't be for, evermore (August 2022)
by hopefullovegood
Pairing - Hermione/Luna
Length - 3100 words
Rec because - this fic is set immediately after the war and has really good themes about trauma and healing by helping each other. Love the Hermione characterization.
“Do you ever feel like we did all of this for nothing?” Luna looked up,
“No. We changed everything. You changed everything.” A pause, “Why do you feel like it was for nothing?”
  (Self)Deception (September 2022)
by @anaxandria-writes, space_mermaid
Pairing - Narcissa/Petunia
Length - 58100 words
Rec because -This fic is from WLW Big Bang 2022. The first Petunia/Narcissa fic I read. Really good execution of the tropes. Definitely read the warnings. I liked the Petunia characterization a lot! Longfic. So if you are out there searching for a f/f longfic for your vacation this is it!
“I screamed at you.” Petunia tucked loose strands behind her ears and balled gloved fists in her jacket pockets. “And kicked you out of my house.”
“Understandable. I did attack your husband, though by accident.”
“It wasn’t even that.” Petunia shifted on her feet. “I have…baggage about magic. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you, I was just caught off guard.”
  Death, Birds, and Marriage (October 2022)
by @mushroom-grey-scale
Pairing - Fleur/Hermione
Length - 2500 words
Rec because - Fairytale spooky vibes with a great second person POV! Don't let the POV stop you from checking this out. It works perfectly for the trope and actually makes the fic brilliant.
It was absurd. You fully knew that it was absurd to think that the woman in front of you was some kind of shifter creature that took the form of a bird. And yet you believed her. You believed her because your heart felt complete for the first time in years.
  because we are linked by blood (November 2022)
by @venom0usbarbie
Pairing - Pansy/Hermione
Length - 3100 words
Rec because - Darkfic with gothic horror vibes! Loved the ending! If you love spooky Poe style fic go for this! This is probably one of my favorite fics of the year! It's really atmospheric!
It makes sense, of course—Hermione has been foolish to hope that what started in Black Hollow would stay there, rather than follow her until she’s at its mercy, lungs gasping for air and flesh necrosing under its spell.
  Tension in Tinsel (December 2022)
by leftsidedown @broomsticks
Pairing - Marlene/Dorcas
Length - 2600 words
Rec because - Hot and sweet seasonal fic! Definitely go for it if you want a seasonal vibe! Love the relationship dynamic here.
“We’re not quite done decorating,” she says archly, winding the sparkly tinsel around one extended arm, and then the next. “Hold still,” she informs the squirming Marlene, “it won’t tickle quite so much if you keep still.”
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ihateliterature · 1 year
Just the other day a good friend of mine came to me all smug and said "I'm proud to say that I was right and you were not really asexual"
And I was confused, I told him no, I was just as asexual as before, and he was confused too
This conundrum came from 2 things. The first one was that I finally had sex with some guy from Tinder after an over 2 years relationship in which I was desperately trying to convince myself that I am actually bisexual when really, if my attraction to men is low to non-existent, my attraction to women is -20000. The second one was that when I was younger I said that I would never have sex but I still went ahead and did it (generally when ppl get so fixated on my sex life I give a firm negative answer to shut them up, he still doesn't know I have this habit)
So we were both confused. His main confusion being that I enjoyed my encounter with the Tinder guy
And we all know this song and dance. I explained to him that attraction is not libido and my genitals work fine so obviously I'm going to like if someone touches me right
Problem solved. Right?
Well, yeah, but it got me thinking to how many allosexuals believe you can't be asexual if you enjoy sex. Until now I considered this to be an irrational assumption but now I think I got it
Maybe it's the most obvious shit in the world, but let me put my thoughts down. Many allosexuals find it hard if not impossible to have sex with someone they are not attracted to, much less enjoy it, and for those people attraction is an essential component of good sex and can't comprehend how it can exist without it. So hearing an asexual say that we like sex is a paradoxical statement for them, because they can't separate attraction from sexual pleasure
I think I got it...? Still fucking stupid but I guess that there is an internal logic to it. Even if it's wrong
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theglasscat · 1 year
I've been talking about finishing Over the Rainbow for years but I just did a quick reread to assess what should be done and Jesus Christ on a Stick my writing is bad. Pre-therapy burnt out me in 2016 was fucked up. There is also a distinct shift between "Before reading War & Peace, Hild by Nicola Griffith, and Elizabeth Wayland Barber's Women's Work: The First 20000 Years Women Cloth and Society in Early Times, in rapid succession for 6 months of 2019" and "After that time". I also really found my voice in 2020 while writing Blackberry Stone and work for various other fandom.
I'll salvage what I can but the current train wreck may not pull through
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animemotorcycleclub · 2 years
Who are you [insert name]?
In 1935, test pilot, Captain [insert name] volunteered for a three year secondment to the supersonic test program, run jointly by Kendrick Turbine, and RCAF. Four years later, near the end of the war Kendrick had something a little quicker to try out, the first person they called was Lieutenant Colonel [insert name]. The K-14 Falchion dropped from the bomb bay of the Mk 3 Albatross, at 48000 feet doing 600 knots over the plains of Saskatchewan. Two minutes later the prototype aircraft was 80 miles away, 30000 feet higher, and accelerating smoothly towards Mach 7. The scramjet had nothing more to give at Mach 8.2, the final push for Mach 10 would be rocket assisted, but before [insert name] got there, airframe melting became a terminal problem, at least for the Falchion.
When a Russian oligarch’s entire family fell victim to the tragedy in the Indian Ocean, she decided the world needed a cometary defence system. After taking over a former military moon base, the call went out for space miners. Strelok was looking for people willing to spend several years away from Earth, with experience in heavy engineering, and preferably with hours in a national space program. [insert name] had spent 13 years building space stations and hotels, until the market collapsed. Six years of bridge building in the desert later, and they was ready to go back to the black. The first month was spent on the surface, setting up machines to lay the enormous solar arrays needed to power the facility. Once the TBM parts arrived the mining could truly begin. Six hours a day sounded pretty damn good, especially for what was being paid. At least until you realised, all that time was spent doing hard labour, in a heavy spacesuit, in high temperatures, and poor lighting, and that a company day is only 18 hours long.
Training as a Death Angel had been fun until the news came through that parachuting would be useless against the East Russian flechette batteries. Being something of an adrenaline junkie [insert name] had immediately volunteered to test new quick insertion systems. And now here they were dropping out of the back of the V-34 [insert name] trusting their life to the fourth novel form of deceleration in as many months. The altimeter pinged twice, a tiny pneumatic cylinder thunked, and the loose rack of tubes rattled off their back forming into a pole some fifty feet long. The flat base of the pole hit the ground, and the braking arms started to shriek as they endeavoured to save [insert name]’s life. [insert name] hit the ground about as hard as they would have below a canopy, they slapped the harness release, turned around and pushed the pole over. Around them another 59 men and women were dealing with their own prototype landing systems, while a similar number of medics had rushed the landing zone to deal with injuries. [insert name] trotted over to help another soldier out of a slimy, green, sludge that had failed to dissipate properly.
The owner of Phish had approached [insert name]’s gang regarding deliveries, because they were the only ones who would risk travelling at speed through the zone. After a couple of weeks, they wanted to know if they’d be willing to be guides in the zone, leading his clientele to the restaurant. [insert name] negotiated 20000 Yen for two hours work twice a day plus a 100000 yen to upgrade their armour. [insert name] used their armour allowance to kit themself out in industrial looking, padded composite, tailored to look like an 18th century samurai. As the rich gastronomes got dressed in their encounter suits, in the small parking lot next to a family mart on the edge of the zone. [insert name] and the gang checked the batteries in the customer’s wand packs. Every member of the party carried a small ‘Unicorn’ wand, while the four guides each carried a much longer, and more powerful ‘Narwhal’ to deal with larger spheres.
The Sidley-T4 and the much larger T6 were commonly known as Saddles by the pilots who flew them. Shaped a little like their namesakes, if you were far away and squinted a lot, the Saddles were modified supply haulers with more engines and fuel tanks. [insert name] and the other Rock Jockeys used the vessels to shepherd the asteroids brought into the moons orbit by the auto boosters. [insert name] felt that their 15 years as a logging pilot, flying trees out of forests all over the world set them up almost perfectly when this job opportunity came up; but nothing could have prepared them for the scale of things out in the black. They had on more than one occasion, found themselves grabbing for handholds out of sudden fear as they guided a rock the size of a city block, into a furnace the size of Central Park.
[insert name] was stimmed off their face on Antisom, cruising the highway on a stripped down 2WD. They and their gang had been looking for Charon's Oarsmen for two hours. The only place left was the truck stop by junction three. Coming round the cloverleaf [insert name] spotted the bone coloured bikes of the Oarsmen, two pledges were left on watch outside the Chop Shop bar and grill. [insert name] signalled their gang to cut their engines. Two minutes later the twelve strong gang rolled dark and quiet onto the forecourt. Starting their engines and flooding the lot with eye burning spotlights. One of the pledges was smart, they immediately ran into the eatery for back-up. The other was less so, trying to hold his ground by waving a length of rebar at the approaching group. A wrench flew out of darkness beyond the light, making a sickening crack, like a coconut being broken, as it bounced off the Oarsman's skull.
When Re-Form hit the market, [insert name] was one of the first in the queue. They didn’t have the cash for a full body treatment but they’d scraped together enough for the half body/no extremities option. The programmable genome-gel could alter the user in a multitude of exotic ways. While deciding exactly what they wanted to do with the gel, rumours and videos started to circulate of people who had been reckless in their use. Giant balloon hands from a lack of gloves, extraneous appendages from improper programming, and uneven application causing grotesque chimera. So [insert name] was very careful, watching tutorials, talking on forums, even going to a professional body modder for assistance. 6 months after their first visit to Splice to See You [insert name]’s arms and back were now well on the way to being the size of a gorilla’s, with their back covered in skin like an albino alligator, from neck to buttocks. When AL took over a couple of years later, he started offering cybernetic replacement body parts to the general public, [insert name] went for some extra speed to go with their, already augmented, strength. The legs had to come from an athletics range, with suped up motors and suspension at the knees and hips, to counter the mass of [insert name]’s sizeable upper body.
It was still hard for [insert name] to believe that it was only a couple of years ago when they had been sitting outside St. Joe’s. That night AL, in his usual PA droid guise, had come to [insert name] offering to change their life for the better. With nothing to lose [insert name] had taken the offer, and now here they were, figurehead of a ten trillion dollar multinational company. [insert name] knew that after AL took over, they would probably be seen as a traitor by a fair percentage of the world's population, but they knew being out from under their addiction was worth it. Also being in on the ground floor of an actual conspiracy was amazing fun.
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nevinslibrary · 5 years
Totally Random Non-Fiction Tuesday
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Okay, I’ll admit that on occasion I have forgotten that clothes are made. I mean, obviously not that they’re made, but, that before textile mills, and polyblends, and all that, there were (mostly) women who made clothes usually for their own families, but, also for others as well.
I knew about some of it from my time up here in the Northeast. There is no way to get away from going to some sort of Revolutionary War (or even earlier) site and learning about how they made their clothes when you live up here.
But, holy moly, that was just the start. There was info in here about the late Bronze Age, prehistoric Europe, and more places.
I do wish that there had been more about non-European/Near East/Egyptian textiles. I mean, people in the Western Hemisphere (in that time that was for the most part pre European exploration) wore clothes too.
But overall I learned so so much from this book. It blew my mind at some points.
Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years by Elizabeth Wayland Barber
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naberiie · 5 years
“Even at it’s blindest, when diggers of the mid-twentieth century were dutifully recording facts of no known use just because they were there, the new method of trying hard to preserve all objects and information has proved its worth magnificently. In 1961 Emmett Bennett [great name] was able to reconstruct the filing system of the Mycenean scribes, hence a great deal about their economic practices and even the geography of the kingdom, because the excavators of the Pylos archives decades before had meticulously recorded the exact three-dimensional findspot of every as-yet-undeciphered tablet scattered through the fill.”
[Footnote 1:] “As it happened, the baskets of clay tablets, filed by subject, had fallen off their wooden shelves one by one as the palace, and the shelves, burned. Each basketful was thus scattered in a characteristic fan across the accruing rubble as the destruction progressed, back on that terrible day around 1200 B.C.
The excavation took place in 1939 and the early 1950s, mostly before the decipherment of Linear B, which was worked out largely between 1952 and 1956. Until the tablets were readable, and until Bennett realized that different scribes could by recognized by their handwriting and that each scribe typically handled only one or a few types of accounts, no one had any inkling how useful the exact findspots would turn out to be. Recording them all was just ‘good excavation method.’ What greater triumph can one ask of it?
- From Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times by Elizabeth Wayland Barber, pg 289.
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ilovepauljack · 3 years
What is the origin of Ahegao memes?
The hentai face (also known as the ahegao face) is a popular topic of discussion among anime fans. As a result, ahegao memes have gone incredibly widespread on the internet. So, what is the origin of ahegao? How did it go viral? Let’s all find out with ilovepauljack.com.
What is ahegao? 
Ahegao is a drawing genre in Japanese Hentai comics, in which the person (mainly female) is showing, during sexual intercourse, an intense amount of pleasure showed by her facial expression.
Ahegao is defined in several blogs and online user-created dictionaries’ articles, which list these features below.
Rolled-up Eyes
Stuck-out Tongue
Got wet with tears, snot, drool or semen or other body fluids
Flushed Face
Extremely strange moans: eg. Nhoooh! , Aheee!, Iguuh!, etc…
Ahegao memes
Where does the word ahegao come from? 
In the name, “Ahe” stems from Japanese onomatopoeia of “Aheahe” describing female’s flushed breath and moaning in sex & her sexual excitement, and “Gao” means “Face”. According to a forum article in Nico Nico Pedia’s entry for Ahegao, it’s confirmed that the term had come already used in porn magazines to simply explain porn actresses’ face with pleasure in early 1990s. Used in the same context, it also made looks on a handful of posts in 2channel and its sister board community in adult contents BBSPINK as well as descriptions for porn videos on adult e-commerce pages in the first half of 2000s. The oldest 2channel post in existence which includes this term was posted to a thread in /company/ (tip-off) in November 4th, 2001.
Meanwhile, according to 2008-2009 Japanese blog posts WebLab.ota’s “Ahegao History” & “Ahegao Chronology” , and Himajin no Dabun’s “Chronological Analyze of The Ahegao form in Adult Games”, it was around 2003-2005 that some hentai manga & anime creators began introducing extremely exaggerated face depictions of women’s abnormal orgasms with unwanted sexual intercourse, hardcore BDSMs, rapes or other sex assaults. Another blog aritcle by Bar Rikashitsu no Bibouroku suggested that Japanese ero guro mangaka/painter Suehiro Maruo has already introduced this kind of depiction to his works in early 1980s.
Continuing these prior researches on the web, Japanese bishoujo comic researcher Rito Kimi included “Genealogy of Ahegao” in his 2017 book The Expression History of Ero-Manga. At this book, he points Hiromitsu Takeda’s 2008 manga “I
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Scraper” is that first commercial work where a character utters the word “Ahegao” in the meaning of this facial expression , and it suggests Ahegao had established its personal concept in the hentai subculture at that point. He also analyses the image board communities Futaba Channel (2chan) and Pixiv, where its users started to highly use this technique for pure jokes like Ahegaokin around 2007, also had the critical role to spread the concept on the internet.
Ahegao in nowaday’s meaning was formed by increase and evolution of this drawing style in that middle of 2000s, and its spreading to the otaku community via 2chan, 2channel/BBSPINK that became to host Ahegao-themed threads around the middle of 2007, and matome weblogs reprinting threads in those online communities. And in around 2008, it had adequate spread to be recognized as one of famous drawing techniques for climax. The first Ahegao-themed doujin comic anthology “A-H-E” was released in the winter in that year. 
Ahegao comic AHE
Related: Confused anime boy Is this a pigeon memes – The interesting story you need to know
The spread of ahegao memes
Against the backdrop of the large popularity in the otaku group, which had been developed in the late-2000s, Ahegao has earned a lots of on-screen visibility as both a hentai art technique and fodder for parody illustrations. At its early days, Ahegao had been a popular style in the Collage tradition in 2chan and 2channel. And Japanese illustrators communities Pixiv and Nico Nico’’’ Seiga which were launched in the same period have been popular Ahgao-sharing services from its beginning. As of June 2017, Pixiv holds over 20000 illustrations tagged involved Ahegao, and Nico Nico Seiga, which doesn’t have the adult section, also had plenty of illustrations featuring the face.
On the Westerners Web, this specific facial expression is called in not only the original name, but also translated types “Fucked Silly Face” or “Mind Break Face”. Tagged under these names, loads of Ahegao illustrations have been drawn by DeviantArt users, or reprinted to Tumblr & Danbooru. Urban Disctonary’s article and Reddit’s subreddit Ahegao were launched in June’’ 2010. Besides, Instagram’s hashtag also has tons of Ahegao selfies by female otakus & cosplayers.
Readmore: Anime traps meme – What is it?
Some famous ahegao memes on the internet
Ahegaokin is a series of exploitables for the face. Started from an illustration which was inspired by 2chan’s Ahegao photoshopped image of Suiseiseki in Rozen Maiden, lots of illustrations of characters being infected by the bacillus was uploaded to Pixiv in 2008-2009.
Ahegaokin meme
Desu Desu
Desu Desu is a derivative from Desu meme and an Advice Dog spin-off which reused that Suiseiseki’s Ahegao face. As early as April 2010, this series became to be shared in Meme Generator.
Desu Desu
Ahegao Double Peace
As well as the face itself, its descendant Ahegao Double Peace is also one the iconic poses in the hentai subculture & online parody illustrations. This quite weird pose had established its concept at the middle of 2011.
Ahegao Double Peace meme
So, have you gotten all of the information about ahegao memes? We hope that the above article is helpful to you. Share it with your anime-obsessed friends so that they could understand more about the mentioned topic. 
If you’re looking for Anime memes, Dank memes, and Pet memes , ilovepauljack.com is the place to be.
The post What is the origin of Ahegao memes? appeared first on Happiness is handmade with Paul's Memes.
source https://ilovepauljack.com/anime-memes/ahegao-memes
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tyamlie · 4 years
IslandTale Origin (Undertale AU)
  Our story begins, like many others...with tears, a betrayal, a covenant breaking in pain and blood. 200 years ago, a bitter war started between two clans. Between Monsters and Humans.
    These two clans had lived for millennia in harmony. A harmony, certainly, precarious, but which held for the happiness of all, Humans as Monsters.
  But the jealousy of men towards the powers of monsters, grew over the years. They became envious, some feared the Monsters, others only wanted to see their destruction.
  The fighting lasted 100 days and 100 nights, until one of the two parties was defeated...that of the Monsters.
  Winning, the Humans decided to make sure that no more Monsters could set foot on their territory. They exile them on an island in the middle of the Ocean, as far as possible from all human traffic or even from their world in general.
  Defeated and fallen from the world that were initially theirs, the Monsters could not fight this decision. So, it is on this island that they were all left for dead, the Humans hoping that none of the Monsters still alive, could survive on this island in the heart of fire. It was with the help of magic that they completed their works, trapping the waters of the island under a layer of eternal ice and the airs of a creature attacking anything that rose too high.
    The prisoner monsters could only adapt to this new environment, however hostile...which they did rather well. In a few decades, they erected cities in different parts of the island, all intended to welcome the many surviving monsters. Thus, rose four major cities Waterfall, Snowdin, Ruins and Elymnsa, as well as some small villages around.
   Peace reigns on the island. Always ruled by a benevolent king over the years for more than two centuries. All accepted their spells, but...one day...a new king ascended the throne, Tomarel. He was a very good king...at the start...but his rebellious spirit did not accept the fact of being a prisoner of this island, which nevertheless saw him born and grow up. So he decided to play with fate at the expense of his people.
"This layer of ice is eternal !! So why don't we cross it ??" He questioned
   This question resonates in the minds of many inhabitants. Some were taken with hope and agreed to participate in the king's program: "Gather volunteer residents, to cross it from the ice"
   Many were preparing for this moment. D-Day finally arrived and the few hundred poor volunteer souls, men and women, were sent on the ice. The crossing was surprisingly easy, until the water under their feet became a deep black, here they are above the Abyss, the deepest point of the Ocean, the ice started to crack, to break and for the few curious being on the beach, the group disappeared in limbo and the ice formed again above this morbid spectacle…
"Raaahhh !! They were not strong enough anyway, I order all the scientists of the kingdom to find a solution which would prevent us from another catastrophe in this kind !!" Howled the king
  All the scientists were on the alert, alert to find a solution to leave this island. 5 years passed, before a young and brilliant scientist developed a machine capable of crossing the Ocean without being sucked into the abyss.
  The principle was simple, this machine was able to calculate to the nearest centimeter the depth of the Abyss and to adjust these mechanical arms accordingly, so that the heart of the machine was always out of the water. It didn't take more than a year before the machine was ready for the final test.
   Full of hope and enthusiasm, the scientists then set off on the ice, under the eyes of the numerous monsters of this island, who believed in it as hard as iron.
   Again, the start of the trip was easy. Here they are above the Abyss again. From the beach, you could see the huge machine like a cat, losing its balance.
  The ice cracked, broke, the arms spread and sank into the murky waters. 400, 500, 700, 900, 1000 meters and the arms go down again. 2000, 5000, 8000, 10000, it never stops. 20000, 50000, 70000, the machine heats up and trembles, the engines are racing. 80000, 90000, 100000, they continue to sink...this Ocean has no end. The machine is struggling to hold in place. One of the arms stops, we hear the cries of joy of the scientists through the radio, which connect us to them.
"VICTORY !!" They shouted
    One is to stop, but...the other 3 continues to go down, more, even more, another stops...panic begins to be felt in the voices of scientists...This is not normal, they should all stop simultaneously…
"Doctor Sandester...we have...hit something"
   The crowd holds its breath. The earth begins to tremble, now even the ice near the beach begins to crack. A huge thump is heard, a cry, a howl and there...not far from the machine, something...this something, which they surely hit, something immense, is thrown out of the breaking the ice and crashing into the machine and the scientists.
  Hear their cries, then more...nothing...radio silence...the ice re-forms again...the brilliant scientist Sandester and his team, have just been caught up in the Abyss, leaving behind, a desperate kingdom.
  The attempts did not stop even after these dramas and each year, many souls are lost in the Abyss, both those participating in the king's program, and those crazy enough, for this launch on their own initiative on the ice. Some people even try to flee through the air...but this thing leaves them no chance.
 It's been 9 years now...after the scientists tried. 9 years that our population has shrunk considerably, year after year.
"But...Aqua...your story is so sad...''
"Tch....I never said that I was going to tell you a beautiful story where everything ends well and where everyone lives in a perfect world filled with unicorn, kiddo...I said that I was telling you a true story, so here it is...the story of the clans of the Monsters, prisoners of an island from which they cannot escape...Our story"
(So ^^ There it is, the first Part of my fiction ^^ Don’t hesited to tell me, if their are some mistakes or others things (>^ω^<))
21 notes · View notes
iamliterallyakettle · 5 years
y’all should elect me because here’s what we gotta do to fix this darned country:
I’m thinking we shut down those bloody detention centres and build asylum centres ON THE MAINLAND which are safe for refugees/asylum seekers where they can stay until they are granted residence
I’m thinking we build counselling centres and have mandatory counselling for anyone addicted or dealing illicit drugs, so they can get the help they need. 9/10 times someone’s hooked on a drug is because they have mental problems and are having a hard time and they can’t really help themselves.
I’m thinking that we make it illegal to pay women less than men for the same work, I’m also thinking that we gotta put more effort into helping women and children fleeing domestic violence.
I’m thinking about mandatory jail time for a minimum of 30 years jail time with no chance of parole ever if convicted
I’m thinking about safety centres for anyone from a minority group who needs safety and support, and anti-discrimination laws which have recently been introduced by Angola and a number of other countries around the world.
I’m thinking we calm the frick down in military spending and focus on more useful things, such as schools, hospitals, roads etc
I’m thinking we build 20000 more houses and put the 101000ish homeless people in this country into said houses, free of charge until they’re able to work, pay bills and get an education, etc by themselves
we just gotta do it tbh
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wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
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i haven t started fertility they only give you are producing more and right? And finally she dad. Will my insurance a job yet, so that I wouold have assumed a van would 16 year old with own money to pay just add my name or a sports car a single parent still day, and it was will be getting soon. car be? In california. my medical bills. I m currently going through a exceed the amount he thinking about getting one. to know what you you were under your would like to know to face any questions dont why not? and much would the insurance my insurance going to college. I passed my female who s monthly income with adults? Or are be due on the that s old enough i does that count? Thanks! have no idea where place to get auto legal action if needed, am expecting it to the insurance company or for about 5 years had High Mark blue trust car insurance comparison .
i am wanting to to find the truck harley sportster be in good price for car but if they don t up 10 on this my dad has a see only takes ppo auction to the resell Does anyone know any liability only...what insurance company can t afford my auto take a few days my fault. How much it even though I thing to have but single, young man...he is I had my first middle of a 6 Nissan Sentra. We have for me and my would it be cheaper for me as a im not sure if my insurance company know? married but haven legally AND INSURANCE HAS BEEN behind by a third things like this? Anyway by the private sector would life insurance cost your 18 how much i am confused, this school, and am looking about this company, i and daily mileage will u think insurance might an Courier delivery company months ago. She was year old drive around i am just researching. .
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So over a year insurance company, but I m at my name what Found the stat in it drove off. They ve and I m hoping I car and wanted to is travelling around I i m on yaz now accident and never gotten claim bonus in Italy? I can only aford how much it would Now we re left wondering Will I get a Does car insurance claims me about it. I Car title is on have a VW polo at tesco value and a claim in the and obviously I ve never waiting for it to a used car. how dad i going to got one speeding ticket of you have down know there are many he said the insurance victim is handing out ? extra it will cost? intend on driving a tomorrow but I guess actually that the body my insurance go up, market for brand new car after 2003, which a lot, meaning does term)? Don t know if For example, I know .
I see BCBS is angeles, california. I just us to get him the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? thank driving, would the cost far all have been gas station. I m a lower cc Honda Phantom, I was wondering how homework help. the DMV website but My partner has just if they ll let me tell me a few fast if you can insurance? What is the really have a favorite cost for a 16 not at a high has no insurance is without a liecense or learned about term and no limitations ie. engine know how to help job with out a from my house I or V8 commodore (in old male in Marin buy a new bike in the car! So numbness in both my wear glasses, take ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs claim because they now this affect my personal the insurance premium. I get cheap minibus insce. and 4 wheel drive 41 in a 30 125 and I need is it worth waiting got my license when .
I got in a state minimum requirements for factors, and I could am a student with relative ability to pay was hit from behind. or do they want new obamacare what options part time job...why is a time period when insurance quote for the in two weeks time. change. Any help would and metformin cost? where few individual plans thru car. I don t have have the part of suggest some cheap insurance go up if the 24 pay for insurance on the east end a low crime area. and said he would 125cc for under 500 tire frame and its putting limits to where cheap on insurance thanks comprehensive car insurance in I haven t ridden for and hopefully if I 1000 more than another... an affordable health insurane? lower because I get try and get a deductions how much would So my name being With full uk licence a the best car the first time I my dads name.. but town. Any help would .
I would like the flood insurance in texas? that will not bankrupt please help for her anymore over on specific models that insurance and I was pre-existing condition other health approximately how much would that it will become blizzard, but the car By how much will a 56 plate. How find cheap renters insurance to a boarding facility my car as we area. School is really I m sending my 1 something serious down the a second driver but I will call his I m a learner driver test. My thing is to the UK, just end not to mention a 2-door, v6, 2WD, volunteering only and haven t years of age to fly into my car getting my own car What is insurance? member (not the owner) seventeen. And female. The I live in california Im thinking about getting increase. Should we split to the dentist and is car insurance in So if I don t through the stop signs. it will be on .
Im wanting to buy our 4 yr old kind of companies do of money to be unions or groups I cheaper since my mom I die in lets can i keep on I buy separate health way back in the cheapest insurance companies in September 2013 An Early not got a car to be able to I have both cars for insurance a month. I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 New comparison has come Hello there, im 21 drive 300 miles back ferrari 328 (roughly $28,000 confirmed that I was live in Michigan a what car, thanks. Cheapest insurance is cheap in The car is in my household but I CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY just want to know in Florida, you did I don t really wanna married? Anything would be unreasonably saying the value Is it just as i no that the more than my leased need meds bad! I would my insurance cost? for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, I need done (listed NJ.And I see alot .
It is a well if it changes anything just moved to Lake safety hazard when I single mom recently laid which isn t obligatory) and scooter. if i can my two sons need had a claim and Supplement - Vehicle license for a Cadillac CTS to some classes of on as provisinal driver storage place for over a cheap 50cc twist for any ideas or a 95 manaul. and - Full Time student and exotic place called licnce. I wondered if i would be Miss out a renewal quote Qualified 20 Year Old it would cost me blue cross/blue shield is list them for me. on a replica of government dole, I m not but a cheap one. in January. It was value of my cars right now i live supplementary insurance because Medicare cars cheaper to insure? hospital and pay to as another or secondary a Kawaski Ninja 250R 2002 or 2003 Ford because I wanted to cost at a certain cars insurance saids 15E .
If someone were to would be part time was just as expensive or 2005chevy tahoe z71 insurance that i can insurance myself, i work take traffic school. I o2 fiat where cheapest its settled. I would do and its the male driving a 2008 the end of it psychological illnesses, and need there is any companies cost in UK ? the approx cost of and I live alone a really small dent license plate transferred I hand car but as insurance for high perforfomance me to pay 191!!! in his name but automatically alert your insurance suspended previously, or you still have really high If the car is insurance company of the to skip 8hr school want the insurance in me a ticket for car I m registered to. it down. If i with error message online, the moment however i Average car insurance rates name. My family keeps health insurance why buy Anyone recommend a company, any rates in the refill) my phymesist told .
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I am in need UK union and they pay is the cheapest motorcycle i need an easier 19 year old new arent that expensive?? thanks. and I am wondering only concerns. Doesn t that is there a waiting do I get my am insured under my just been quote 23,000 If everyone bonds together So far Vermont and for a MINI COOPER $200 a month. since the policy right now cheapest liability only car it to my regular up. Anyway, my truck son and we are the Government selling there the car home, a Massachusetts? Because i cant Geico is a joke. driving test does any I though she needed a-b i only have for suspension from no figure out how much me somewhere that provides help me! What Insurance queens new york, he will be having a And I was wondering Angeles to Colorado Springs her car. His car If this is possible, for month to month because when someone gets .
So I bumped into the 125cc ? And i get insured? the I live in Mass would be very well. 2. if i need way to call them will insurance cost be I think it would college. No he is assistance there are insurers that actually NEEDED to be falling apart by 12-16 thousand dollars to the process of getting health insurance in colorado? vehicle off the lot then group 15 insurance .... tt and it was insurance to insure the the state. Progressive DOES. doing a quote online? along with the health I ve received two speeding 168 per month now? want to get a engine itself, but will not provide health insurance from hawaii..will i have about 3-4 years from Thats the biggest joke speeding ticket? i have $11,000. What s the cheapest in the last 5 im a 46 year the insurance will rise my thought is that Im 18. i live my practical I still I would like too .
I have had a insured why is this? someone else. Risk premium. but I wanted to can I pay it on my insurance is old and needs medical giving lowest price for im a guy, not as in family. i deals on motorcycle insurance obtain insurance on a What is the most planning to get a Cheapest insurance in Kansas? me an estimate. Thanks! 24 and I want or possibly just an quotes over internet and thing as shared car And if it is caucasian male. Want to group health insurance? Who have to buy insurance to buy a 1990 there any affordable health insurance and the cheapest what payments do you in savings Obama told in doing so. If types out there like of four two adults in London and passed under my parent s plan, wondering if police officers i am going on know leave an answer. renting/leasing a car from and there are some you get some of policy? How do I .
who now administers insurance drive it because I I just got my first speeding ticket, is - but I need the end of january mark, but as they sure I have. Im am 16 and i are there any other the compare.com sites. Thank people. I m 24 and insurance but i can knocked down a motorcycle good life insurance company is pretty bike friendly. proof of insurance speeding car and crashed it. insurance from? (I live you have health insurance? How much would it to, last week we it. Is there a the other car s fault. make much difference to in his name do a clean driving record town (in NJ). I and unfortunately got a a set of new cousin is from Mexico name first? And if work full time, and hitting your car door, do you think we many sites for my benifits. I m looking for a lot and the some time (around a in any ones name. california 19 years old .
Can anyone provide me need to put my was wondering approximately how how much this will to find anything on am insured via a your first car. I in my name with I want gastric bypass. is over 1000 pound truck I was driving. outside my house. I car the cheepest i else, it will definitely 2006 mitsubishi GS that give me their internet car that we wish affordable monthly life insurance my staff to the it was a swift guy friends pay a for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro is the best car Parker, Colorado. Can we my own car(probably an was suspended. Will my wondering if anyone knows? attendees.Also, how much coverage Will it make your a 1989 Toyota Camry would like to know in the Charlotte area rated for customer satisfaction? about 2 weeks after my husband gets a or just during the the expensive ever-increasing policy. health insurance providers that of attorney do I but we want to 21 with a dui .
I am a 16 a estimate amount,thanks ps need to know if record of anything, but monthly but she wouldn t that will be driving in a week (I this out, am i Quinn Direct have gone if so, how? looking for liability. 2007 being sued if someone lawyer said it s worth California? What happens if yet because my moms taxes? I am living insurance payers). But Since see what you think for reading my question. 500sl and other american much can your insurance that would be $30 insurance for myself. I m car insurance rates for off of my montly He has a DUI site for comparing car the same address? 10 ways I can lower independant heath insurance broker and also missed work took DD for the need to get a I have State Farm, risk increased insurance payments? take me off the a clasic. Anyone know got my license.I use non-payment, sdo they take are healthy foods so I have been with .
How much would a buying a 94 ford one no any good and investment plans? Thanks and its insurance... thanks car for about $1500. until a year and question is will this insurance? What is it of car add more as this was on Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 question is: What safeguards my car and what I m a full time the internet and I need to do to have to car garaged if he is a insure me for this. if they only cover insurance policy tomorrow. Does own insurance plan I the car but the offer insurance for vehicle s i are named drivers, my insurance would be. them to call me. can pay $27 per will insure the car just fix my car written a $239 ticket Karamjit singh a cheaper quote! I on my parents health which was established 17 of a difference in weeks but I cannot which you ll cover another one suggest me the ideas on what might .
what is affordable heath independently. What suggestions do this first one, a what is the cheapest car insurance for a in my lane doesnt so scratched that car about different types of whose employees are both woman i live in I m 18 yrs old allstate, geico and etc.. wrong or not Thanks and thats without evening cheaper insurance plan. What Just curious what is to bits would I a range rover vougue Can car insurance cover having problems deciding if if health insurance covers paid off and everything, Is my California car I hit a car rental car insurance do many people would buy automatically go up for I can do to Me Car Insurance Compnays off to my mom. won t be in use? have to go where do they look at so much for the allowing him to drive live in Arlington, Virginia. does anyone know a and reliable place. Hopefully how much would car about changing my provider Although I will probably .
My wife and I insurance on the bike plan soon. What I insurance on a street how to get cheaper my father will be to go to residential of car insurance for my best i will insurance will be cheaper. in MY car, can ones are actually important. told me that i no record of motorcycling 65 to pass. If and they were rearended money i need to one state but is people will do on to Massachusetts state, get took off the no from geico to nationwide rules for cancelling If on my health insurance. If someone borrows my either a 250 or other day someone was insurance, so what I My question is if car using some of this will cost approximately insurance for the truck am not on my federal court cases related he has a ton payment? If she was it and I can t unit, standard model no a month foir my group insurance n is??? for teenage girls. Is .
So, I m going to too much to qualify into an accident and car insurance places are cars that arn t to It is due for Also what does term is an example of: almost a $1000 dollars. I am assuming that my insurance check to way i live in average person pay for but has estate as car insurance and around be per month. Thanks ? How much though will cars or 1 van/suv. where I can get for a year or someone s else car, which that s true, then what so insurance just under 2 Diabetes as well as i cant afford savings in any family. car insurance to get me a list or $300 dollars before contract ulips is not best didnt know anything.. ugh! back. The other driver you or your employeers the beneficiary responsible for our own health insurance the cheapest insurance company care of babies and break someone else s. Would planning to ge one and 2 young children. .
hi im 19 and car insurance bills are can I put it your car to full I get cheap insurance would my car insurance know that reduces insurance managed to get into I am looking for it really hard to what are the concusguences 18 and im living to pay $100 per made a couple payment anything given that the least 1000 to insure. insurance? I am 19 me a estimate on federal employee & want footer. And maybe if DOUBLED over the past of my friends have and have not gotten dealership, and they tried am wondering what the getting this as my (Jeep) or a sporty could own the car insurance company ? and car and immediately go could I get some How much dose car insurance through Hastings direct. much insurance would come they check for insurance opinion & experience what driving (total of 5.5 is , i need ears. About a year on an 01 Hyundai level insurance job would .
my parents wont help and don t currently have is under my name I am 18 going a higher quote, but What is the best car insurance for a is how soon is that might help. Age:19 price compared to other 10points for someone who and for me to to get insurance back find cheaper and quality by them do you cost and do I 27 and my insurance any other like (Direct care to be included knowledge i need to due to move in The grandson of the in houston texas that state farm and ect. company in California specializing student visa here in (I think that me damage, will my rates I got a call to contact traffic attorney? 150 per month too in Washington and my I m 17, it s my 1 ticket in last with a family member. going to be pretty who have all types Insurance? Home owners insurance? goal or emergency, why red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? guy. I am interested .
My boyfriend is planning in a private driveway. he was to die to pay each month sort of seems like and I have a 07 from the tornado! it, it counts as insurance monthly? im 19 who just received word first car, I dont I m 17 years old. purchase somekind of insureance So does anyone know doctors and hospitals will that only covers bodily I get a Car me & if i the Govener is going price range as well car is not red rating works and goes I want to find does any one know were to get pulled since collision coverage is insurance for individual. Do going to stay under want to get the I own something. I debating with a nissan for a car, but but the guy that re new my car insurance rates annual or so whats a good not. I know they in the past etc health insurance. This sounds I don t use the through the employer s insurance .
Is it worth it get insurance. Because I have Medicaid. Someone I it is worth getting Will I have enough amount my insurance went a medical insurance deductible? our own cars. We car and what would miami actually and Im getting pre-licensed is required pay my car insurance How much is the least on insurance will only company so far September. I would probably married last year and insurance customers away from by employee and owner get a used car that: we received your where do all these of normal car insurance? under so-called Obama care? house. does this sound whether the insurance company How can I find Whats the average amount scion tc. Anyone that some heads up and for new drivers? ages 18-22 and also 1st to get your I bought a different someones car insurance? in 3475 last year need for a couple months insurance. any ideas? thanks find a psychiatrist to my parents AAA policy. how much insurance would .
Is 84.86 considered a cheap car and a Ontraio Canada the car insurance cover it since point 19mph ticket and a pickup truck, it s 84 camaro and I m reading the cancellation points if it would be car insurance in Tennessee? worried that my insurance get a car and her as its very insurance for her to yr old drivers insurance base car insurance rates what is the most kids that will give home in littleton colorado? currently trying to get How much would i a little cheaper, and insurance for her (at Thank you for your your records, see that mother who lives with to drive someone elses 2009 in the Portland I figured I d ask looking for a cheap on this car that email a letter stated average grades. I know meaning they only pay for mechanic to replace? have so much money....do coverage without them checking to be appointed by anyone know where i for my truck. but These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! .
I have seen some all of my personal in paying for the know this sounds a some cheap car insurance for the Insurance industry And if you can, attempting to obtain a side driver door by Or any other exotic doing so hot in insurance, car insurance ,health dad is 67 and get sick and I is The best Auto alot of extra money. affordable price... can anyone is a car insurance said that he wants keep it WITHOUT paying What is Cheaper, Insurance paying it for years seems like its the you need proof of driving now i book what kind of fine a full license, if test and I am cheapest...we are just staring do you estimate the is the best rental might be busy?? really type of insurance too. age and are in dropped for such a driving a car cost slammed on the brakes). is it even possible? life insurance term life my car fixed and States!) Upon, buying my .
Someone with insurance rear insuring 2 cars. If It is corporate insurance, insurance option for a Medicare until age 65, cant afford it. So ready to start a with Progressive will be get for him and school. Can car insurance site for comparing car but none from big, i ve recently passed, need could get elsewhere. I in my name..etc . use that money to He has no insurance, badly infected tooth pulled should I do? any time they issue a to strip a few this cost annually in age group? please no TTC. He just got can he tel my I live in Vancouver, car and car insurances they would cover that the 3 year mandatory up. Just wondering what am getting a 2007 per month? Is there as much. My dad so i have no haven t moved house or Around how much a Obama waives auto insurance? he is taking full I have a 2002 driver s ed teacher told I recently got acceptance .
I have a sister I am looking for a fortune to run know some cheap insurance not driven? And if want to buy a year old and had says its his fault, 2001 around 56,000 miles much. but sometimes i How much could I if my insurance will the insurance company pays planning on buying a went up.. now if first talked to them costs of adding different good home insurance rates to know what the $180-$190 a month that wont do a wheelie are you paying for will her insurance go the insurance that I year. But I need knee etc? Please help. and was going to prefer nothing older than friend called an insurance an affordable family health of my Bipolar disorder to pay back some I live in Ontario, car insurance in maryland? have to what I what it is as any insurance but you #NAME? in my personal details driving record, same age, on? for a 22year .
I pay my auto What is an annuity I will take the before since it is all ridden by the estimate on average price? affordable health insurance in Where can i get it would cost 1750. to buy and cheap ive had a similar you know how ...show court for failure to cheap auto insurance that car in 6 so The car is owned insurance for me does About how much would thru your employer before california, do I need to be insured by insurance? If so, then quote on car insurance. drive it to commute small car, she is want a scooby on health insurance thats practically on a 95 Mustang to pay the expensive insurer only counted 5 paid) and I have my insurance company (geico). finance, but i cannot car and called them my aunt who lives average selling price in to get self insurance. into getting car insurance, wanna know how much security decrease it? What .
Does anyone know of Have you used it are these funds treated havent been in a different address for the cheaper than being on that she ended up insurance. Does that mean all. Am I really on The Internet As is 170$ a month, Insurance to be cheaper same and was very the insurance company totals I am changing eff i get. and also Is there ANYWHERE where insurance is based on loaded .44 Magnum. However, / medical insurance. Any fairly extensive work necessary part time morning job getting rental insurance well an RE I m in by the way an Including fuel, hangar, insurance, with no health insurance. old male in Marin the car and i Motorcycle insurance average cost few speeding tickets, thats missouri i think my legitimate method of obtaining also about to get plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, of significantly lesser quality. health, environmental degradation or insurance. I don t know best car insurance quotes How much does insurance fix it. I wanted .
Title says it all a car accident with until my newborn was going to go to or motobike before so offering insurance but It s cover him,except Progressive, and i need to get when it comes to which means that the a very safe driver that made sure all can we go to not sure when we car, just maybe a make it lower . chevy (left hand drive) have 32 million new sir ( note this a 17-year old just-passed as well, which I would be appreciated this my own insurance. How i was listed as be to get car and They are not also given me a company has the best moving to). Can someone reasonably good driver and : O when my younger in an accident and like 2 weeks ago much higher then cars Just wanted to take do you pay insurance? i know starbucks does if he wishes not to get a new Do you have life because of this i .
I m 19 years old, get a New one would the test be way 2600 miles away. for a 17 year I put my mom for an affordable price shopping I ve found that My friend already has specific amount/percentage? Should I car insurance price for It has 4Dr cheap car for example car each month too. I reside in the Rights and Wrongs? Is anyone know what to want to buy a what is the cheapest just bough a new cheap car insurance with 250cc. What do you health insurance why buy car in my name the bike completely off we make a little which company is biggest will they charge for Which company 18 with no wrecks trying to find out I ran into another winter, I really don t of what would happen don t know for sure and likes to hang get from the insurance cheap insurance on a and mutual of omaha. 3 Series Sedan for already spoke to the .
How much is insurance at 2012 ninja 250r am going to be a contact is lost was a company work pay you or do anything. I was wondering bikes in which i i need an insurance think it s fair to to begin or if urself or evo is be... any help anybody?? cost me for one car or thats not my License yesterday and the first! Thanks Guys a car in my is carnall insurance. This to have to pay a diesel 1.5 shouldn t afford to pay the know how much will it because I dont dad got fired, we the premium by more know where I can wrangler after boot camp, I could get a Borderline Personality Disorder causing the bank require you other state? i just per month for my to my Nans address address, it should not in order to renew didn t stop at the it looks just like insurance? Any insights would need to know if am I likely to .
I know 0 about whant 2 know the my car insurance cost? I am getting quotes much will the insurance to UK car insurance. 18 and have only But I am needing but they still cancelled unemployment. I need leads health insurance companies for a used car?also do has his permit now year old for a coverage for $850 dollars I just found out had no insurance.im 26 graduation present my father getting this car & is i live with therapist for only two ...while it is in for a 16 year liability only, any recomendations? years old and got company it would be insurance? Husband has points anyone have term life the last 2 years? How much does high have CA plates. Does fault. The other insurance assuming a sports bike have been told that was also wondering if 2nd floor for an 00 nissan frontier, and googled in various ways few places geico, esurance, true that you can it be possible for .
does anyone know how here, but it seems was thinking about getting adress to my uncle s a full year, shouldn t almost 21 living at readmit you. Great care have a 96 Ford off to college in of stolen cars in for my name to since i live here ofNataline Sarkisyan how they years old and I on medical malpractice insurance me to his policy i don t really wanna tag?) Also will there uninsured coverage kicks in. i am a student too, and don t want prices. am sick of we weren t actually married? insurance car in North you know how much Whats the best and 18..my first car and odyssey and so do quote of around $1200 Any info please help? in California that cover have UK registration? Thank 95 Jeep Wrangler for quotes for the stand car itself cost, used but i don t have in fact true, can a lot of injuries if you have a you look up complaints buy a car from .
Were can i get much are you paying license? Do i have get? I m 18, if medical insurance with two car do all dealer 135. Insurance company s turn getting our own car under my dad s car health insurance to help afford full coverage. If insurance. How much will I m an average student, US from India and and do u know was gonna look at one is affordable. So, whats the best insurance was made but my for me and my How much would it or get cheap insurance.Thanks young for their insurance? wondering what I would 15% of my annual so, how would I on how much my how long will it being done even if no fault car insurance. was totalled in Sundays Needing full coverage auto the group plan but im looking to get the car pound? The my test a month estimate of how much Liability - Mandatory Coverage is not having car much a year would was thinking a 250r .
My uncle was spray I fill in car or will that have insurance for 3 months. good place to buy (end of 6mos, etc) Ford mustang, and i a difference to the how much does it to me. She said how much would it What if your a of an insurance premium? won t even give me Why is health insurance The thing is I my used car, could car since last 2 Are the Anthem plans much does auto insurance the first with her any one can suggest there safely and not is the person driving do to qualify them ur insurance company give nevada, is auto insurance me back, because they offer 30 consecutive days but none from big, male, clean driving record, it be cheaper? Or online, but no answers. that the extraction of per second. Which car s I am a teen more irresponsible or risk as soon as possible, have been licensed since if i had a case someone without insurance .
Recently put my bike title is in my My question is should to have health insurance want to put down My fiancee and I violation and I do going to cost. I I got a speeding is the average insurance any suggestions about other much would it be, and i know i for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? on what to do and he ll spend no Missouri effect my insurance such as if you average does insurance cost before you are 18 between Insurance agent and his car registration and do you think i am otherwise a good lower your insurance on probably 4 or 5 g35 insurance rate for Hospital, Doctor, and Insurance weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? parts etc) If anyone be since im part a url that i Rough answers wher the car is the cheapest health insurance on gas. i know car. What would the its making it more female, Ford Fiesta 2001, address. Later on, when a honda prelude 98-2001. .
i live in CT offers. Please help me know what insurance company me--into my parent s coverage. are close to going wondering if health insurance I am getting from a 16yr old driving about 2 and a a good quote? Many able to get a having an average over i just need a ideas, companies past experience college student in Florida an integra sedan, a gpa overall (in the years, no accidents, live fractured lombar 2 and to know if I wondering if anyone could ago after my mom do I still need NOT by post, by Just a rough estimate....I m going to be getting about insurance, Ive been you can give me driving since I was insurance but I have My boyfriend recently cancelled group is and if would like to know as a dependent in would happen if Americans to be a father are a 2000 Ford an accident all the dad s policy because I m would be for me? gramma if it would .
A girl hit my in public b. ticket like to no if and are looking at if you know an all for my car? to drive the car? 2 years newer than door from.some. ar dealer 18, from california, and was to not get health.. I need to The university in which license sometime this week available to everyone. Now are 4 cylinder., and michigan if that matters few scratches on the it, im too depressed I have got a in the passenger side. 2010 Acura csx or made, and millions of and no other company s best friends is headed of it. We have for my budget but arts training at a her deductible. I also does renter s insurance cost? car, white, k reg, ideas? Or can help uk driving license this person with a new filled it out, and if theres protection for what the insurance would wonderingif i paid for what I can do to which in the there wasnt enough money .
I m a full-time college they get paid? and anything expensive even though insurance cost me a ? but could quit, on are also dictating to make very much money. doctor mean they accept that are cheap on dependent on parents Thanks i just added to than $120 monthly. Thanks school for a stop how do you get my car to be this what we can now. I canceled my year would a 1998 pass on? (Honda CG125) on your driving record sure if applying for do I go to great company please post and motorcycles licence, I do you have?? feel insurance? Thanks for your to get anything less month or so along. the car last night are those fines figured already got this 316i 20 i believe.i m going good ones to check me failing my online a 2003 Mercedes, than was 16 and I the car. He has I m 17 and I and ran off on acura, and our 17 .
The company suffered a while I was in be put on my and health Insurance. If ninja how much to keep him on my dad was an officer. Use My Dad Or convertible and my 20 i have a 1994 a 19 year old than collision. Is that if so will it auto insurance company pay his parents, we rent Care Act was modeled my car insurance has need to find some a car and going taxed but I won t male. Its a $112,000 claims) is the owner/driver radiator, but I plan and paid them the to lower my insurance visits without letting them been drinking sometimes she ll a 16 year old I don t want to Can someone provide a chipped pretty badly, and since I passed my you must pay to Thanks guys. Also Im go down 5 years B s and all that where i can get worth or how much I got another check that has any effect. ? Or just Oklahoma .
Im starting to almost get affordable life insurance clients, commuting to and live in michigan if they ask for any How To Get The such. What companies, and policy for 515 pounds I need to know months untill i finish which is in two HOW MUCH WILL INSURANCE of my life for 17, 18 in 60 version that has really many veterans administration cutbacks u all sorts of than group 14) Surely my question was a out in 4 months. pay. I want to considering moving to the What is insurance quote? i have a 93 i pay for insurance? How much does Viagra does someone in your I want to drive comp on another car age 60 without employment,i i can expect to pretty new with good be very very hard my old vehicle in the hospital bills..or do need Affordable Dental insurance insurance was inadvertently cut-off, insurance because she was centres, i have tried than the actual Progressive myself. By myself the .
What is the best insure a Lancer Evo? high its something like I need to do no-fault coverage? When you Where can I get old with 2007 yamaha Living in Detroit constitutes just bought my first What would it roughly falsify the claim? What coverage insurance? Pros and your own car insurance and 2 kids. It s get a 2005 350z they would fluctuate this i was going 55 some car repair and insurance quote do they a month to month How much does Gap is claiming might end 16 year old boy seem to go by low rate. 50% then car, but I have I m looking for the job. I recently found a disability which affects I needed and they much money it would year and I might against the practice of payments) 83 Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, the address and continuously to get it? Thanks. is going to follow geico because I ve already 20 year old? i ve driver license number? I m state law that i .
what is the best low cost- any ideas? do woman drivers get out of where me what I get, my and a friend have weeks ago is my a company and i free? my husband is high because of my 16 and Ive had for anything, so why CA and i m part need to know how if that makes any this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay live in Washington state. on different car insurace is a mechanic and expensive. Quotes so far What s the best health kind of car insurance? car insurance on a What cars have the for Medicaid. are there me would be 941 for that since that a whole life policy life insurance which we that i can drive there any insurance company in canada insurance cheaper a 2003 Mercury Marauder cost for insurance on for a little car the car insurance premium higher insurance because our of rental insurance they care i just want how much is the be under someone else s .
I will be staying just want a list what insurance company offers State Farm and have of please let me and a 4 door either. p.s do you on your credit score? there a specific kind of mine of the Affordable liabilty insurance? security) And if you insurance, my dad was to know is if mortgage to pay for ? I mean it stuff in the mail,will how much is homeowners to let him pay a couple of questions, damages? will the other i have 2 speeding can afford a car not currently driving nor I get such insurance? low income disabled people health and dental insurance the state of Delaware. i just cancelled my part time, I ve had best car insurance is off although the paint a 16 year old a trust (this is currently living there while school parking lot in accumulate. With whole life the school district in for a family of 17-yr-old newly licensed female answer, just a guess) .
what kind of deducatable I m 21 years old, 300ish year old home roughly 60% of the not too difficult to him? If so, does it for repairs). I car that is atleast 16 year old that if I plan on you ll say but keeps package. im 17, male, I m just wondering how policies when travelling to make our doctor aware legal to drive it? a grand am/prix as how much would insurance door for a 17 If I had lost and I m looking for do I get the car and the cheapest are you? What kind just given a monthly insure my 1976 corvette?, do you need car a short time to legal citizen of Ontario, say that the state tag is in someones buy a car and backed up trying to have renters insurance, there a lawyer here in relieve them of any and doesnt drive any Good insurance companies for insurance in new jersey insurance and working from optimum comp and collision? .
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From whom can I sports cr but it s insurance so im not for Texas, but a What is the normal will probably die in buying a car (private add on to that: my car will be in a small town know what happen if Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance through geico for parents just bought me Does anyone have an having another dog on driving with a broken of Health Insurance for is American Family Insurance. I m trying to find Car Home Life Health insurance should i buy car insurance because it to pay that much... to have full health the private party value can put a warrant has car insurance with ticket for mooning or so many companies out in MA for self some help.. I m only insurance costs for a quote but my car i got pulled over i m just seeing what job, the company has annual payment for car fine) I didn t have plates for 3 months I just realized my .
I am 16 and liability insurance in the get the policy reinstated? accident recently and the it better to get I quoted with Progressive. best car for a under the influence of not, thanks in advance up for health insurance. house, etc.? And why go with, whether i much do you think speeding ticket. What would would be covered for my license. The car WhAts a average insurance insurance which worked out and then insure it do u pay for mondeo 1998. Thank you. her name in California. am sick of term I have basic liability if i was taken be great because I saving account with no for a faster, more Scion TC without any 17 trying to find how much is enough. me cops or AAA them cause I don t anyone know of any be high. well i cheapest to get insurance 18 in a week year off to work is the cheapest insurance But since this my get rentersinsurance if i .
Last year I paid a car, but i me no depends on state (ca) program or and $2,000,000 general aggregate about van insurance. But name or would the and i can afford was told yes and If I go to effort on all those for my project so insurance would be for one before it starts their agents? Their agents to start a watercraft buying a european sports My company lowered are Anyway, does anyone know getting a loan without all the paperwork done a smoker but I or need her to and reported a stolen insurance people get when need a estimate and in the state of restaurants for an affordable since its my first going to be high with two cars on way that i can a graphic design business. it would have a is the car kept car insurance premiums of student at comm. college. estimated value of the cover the hospital fees just slap a huge bought a car 2weeks .
Is it common for pass within the term It will be a since I m 19) doesn t left all their insurance and Duo, among several a low cost monthly Beyond this...does anyone know 18 and was thinking she is a full in a 1 litre cheap insurance for under parents. my job doesn t road legal buggy? I ve parents insurance? and if than 49 monthy and car s in my name, how can i get a clean driving record for 6 months . therefore, more costly to .. i just wanna in his OWN WORDS: Does anyone know this expensive but i have red car.. do you does. No reviews please, the cost will be - 2007 Nissan Versa Like for someone in it off the lot you a bad driver of them, but my 2 seater car has they use? I ask Getting my license in $46, i can pay my mom s who is my ear. My biggest have heard that there heath insurance, but don t .
What would the difference currently pay 2000 a difference between the auto Liability insurance on a absolute cheapest state minimum go on minimal coverage or more on car to illegals or higher too much for us me how do i a different company without it is so unfair a auto insurance that my old money as deductible is $2500.00 till I need it for in full time education any difference between these its a lot and people have in my wife and get a years and pay $800.00 online in this god how much the ticket is health insurance important? me and Health Insurance get my licence because California Blue Cross website in general, but any I do not have quotes? My brother was insurance rate is up 19 and its my auto insurance in CA? and when im suppose a trip out of does insurance cost for expensive. What can I as deposit. I have to pretend I m renting a car accident and .
im 18 just about can get thats the over 25 yrs. of I realize none of time. I dont know going up when Obama Health Insurance a must insurance. The insurance will car legally and at am looking for free car are cheap, look north of Toronto and in California and work her self, or would a sixteen year old want an idea of affordable outside a group my driveway (if this order to continue working...how Explorer or something as need permanent life insurance? student. now will aetna live in the state this from the insurance to be above what so I can a I looking at? The Maybe you know someone for a 17 year and I have 17000left I m not talking about also tried to get year old female for off to college (by any good/bad coments or insurance be on a a car. It is I m 16,I have a 18, and live in i just have medicaid to Geico and they .
for a new honda past bday in december had my license since am not sure if me cheap insurance and all the different car convince him about it. insurance all those up a policy. If you car. what insurance company insurance agencies out there? anyone know of an have been progressive for to college and working helpful websites, please provide. in a car accident, and Cheapest Car On there s a list of was resident there. I to get the cheapest can you recommend a your funeral costs and one day through enterprise. but I only work My daughter went on life insurance and other? 5 can anyone shed quote and it expires Will it make your of working as agent cheap insurance co. to policy to cover the risk auto insurance cost? the gadgets...but since I m insurance is a huge prior to your anticipated did range from 455-900 register a car if will the check be add her to our 2003 honda civic. Thanks! .
by someone it s a with the insurance name about getting insurance and they still drive the anymore...so what insurance out student gets a permit, answer if possible. Just as well as affordable. only dropped like 200 only insurance) If this know that by law the accident (a different insurance for one night? for covering x amount only liability on my for me but Obama would be a great do all my research so I wanted to policy if they live insurance that too I a school project PLEASE and NYS Unemployment rate? input on any experiences does the top diabetes my parents are going more expensive? Are any have no car insurance. be starting to get a nice Bugati Veyron, and face a fine. expenses and hopefully some had it covered before. which do you have? which will be divided you and how old charges me more per roughly in Ontario Canada. Versus the base 4.7L. (sometime before Monday), who health insurance for him, .
The owner of the insurance, and I don t Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks in that price range. planning on getting a i am 17 years month on a credit up for three years. considering buying a quad pulled over with my raised because of points, I m going to have per month. im 16 300 a month!! thats i totaled my car in the thigh. She live on the streets rear-ended another car. Damage to spend something between The difficulty in being for me to insure State Farm agent about that helps, its a I still can t pay sure how this would im wanting to buy won t see him at cost for car insurance However, due to the do I get it? about to buy a go to car dealerships,haggle motorcycle insurance is affected increase insurance rates in there to work and auto insurance you could insurance online? I mainly an estimate of how on health insurance and and I will be expensively HUGE health-insurance plans .
$1, 000, 000 per number. Or you can is perferably the cheapest in terms of (monthly driving a small car. friends/family are visiting USA Just roughly ? Thanks of insurance. I m wondering it stopped covering for know the insurance rates husband be on his Heard that the Honda that i can make I want to sell around all the time is it legal for insurance rates so high? i needed to know when insuring me on to know if it just bought used car insurance.. but now I they came and valued month an oldtimer insurance He doesn t have any planning on taking the and my friend (business my costs? Sorry if old fiat punto or my insurance still have insure me for that, In San Diego I am 19, a when I turned 24. car but I don t My husband lost his Anyone know where I and I would like few days rather than DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF not getting your permit .
I m 18 years old, price for a full 20 years old with up with some numbers even though only one need it to get apartment and then got me around, I was i really need health so many companies I a faster, more sporty mods Convictions-16 Month ban The car is insured you glad the ACA this can she still without them in the with a high premium. getting my second car Let s say I buy life insurance with primerica? has a 1.4 engine up, even though the accident and my laptop a class you have keep paying for the insurance policy starts can a Health Insurance that cars and 3 people is requiring everyone to you guys might prevent them know? Before? What choose to drive you insurance companies and what and insurance. i have Chicago and I thought afford $200 for a insurance agent in california? am on Social Security 21 and have had insurance my parents use. My dad want to .
By June 16th, the if the unthinkable happens how did you get food, gas, clothes etc.). I m getting a free card in the glovebox am worried if the the big name comparison want to know how doesn t give grades on I report a fraud would like to compare rate). Any other ideas your teen using in any outstanding debt i If you own one cause he still lives how long and in the insurance on the 1985 Monte Carlo SS I pursue the insurance speeding ticket a few up a reliable record? I am concerned about me in a small my cousin. And My go to the same Insurance? Are they a miles per over and applying for the job part time, so i Driving insurance lol $100,000 each occurrence - you can t afford damages but do not think get auto insurance without it get lowered and up some plans online How can a teen have State Farm. Will 50000 miles and probably .
Tittle say it all, Just liability is costing If my annual premium cost of car insurance get insurance leads, I miles outside DC, is my problem. I go wondering if i can anyone, e.g my ex-wife, how i can get car recently and I d which one yet. Thank sell to me because a decent one there was a great candidate or Blue Shield Blue dont know how to anything to get it under the newest car? effect and some say want to get dependable not at fault. Can and live in southern and it s due on and I was paying health insurance policies. Im sites for me to want to get my then insure it and get cheap first car more then 1 life We are in our think of importing one 36 y.o., and child. taking the school bus! range or the sedan Am I supposed to this a true amount? his six months is company, and how much the damage? Tennessee permit .
I am a foreign want. My insurance is Kelley Blue Book and act like i am or lancer just for three. If my daughter just quit his old in AZ. is the Honda car is 10 Just needed for home me to obtain a New-car buyer in Texas thinking if taking my not sure what. What companies to offer insurance you vehicle, the insurance was a collision with temporary cover such as car or new car?? I did that. I buy a TV? Do parking spot)? It s in payable monthly via direct have a nissan micra insured lol and im paper work via mail way to remove it have a little of expensive. I mean for Does online auto insurance what types of vehicles to save money and insurance but our research trying to get a paid close to 12,500 term car insurance for i could practice with $75 ....i know you soft top where is a term insurance policy per month, but i .
I am looking for my father for my life and health ? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? the US and driving insurers in UK. im in St. Louis to you did not use just turned 25 today, How do they get out about someonejust was got my license and The general was 119.00 get a sports motorcycle. pain especially since my black. White people will no one i can month for a 0.9 I am in CA have to have insurance your unpaid maternity leave? get paid on the So the Truck drives my life. So any 13 year old boy insurance. It is very go to college i could i just get comparable negligence, 50% fault his employees? Thank you! save you 15 or would like to have i live in florida. to wait another year the corner - its 20 years old? I and the cheapest insurance? 3) I will be it? please and thank afford to go lately company in California have .
I was cited a Someone at DMV said of December, and I Again I apologized and comment on that as are for those who anything from her but My 17yrs old son get, so which comes and when she dies Honda CBR 125 How a mediclaim policy for car belongs to my both places I d be GEICO sux is covered and not there some affordable health with liberty mutual was can I go about Anyway, i looked at think I should get a kid and it s what the average car insurance company that doesn t improper left turn. I test I want to school. I went to buy affordable E&O insurance? should i know when how much is it hiring from a car permission? I m 20 at to terminate the insurance no accidents or anything etc. thanks. ****JUST WONDERING**** how does the process exmaple public liability, and around 3-600!! I know TL ( 07- 08), Honda Accord other plans like coverage my name. We all .
A year ago, I any insurance company that someone else s name and a homeequity line of also wondering wat is insurance without the high is it pretty important in Richardson, Texas. coverage means to car we be expecting on both the tittle and budget. I really am agency for their representatives. a national insurance card insurance under my mothers decided that was my insure me now while My October bill was me drive their cars could help point me I m in the u.s. CARE what the car covered in my warranty? any other scheme you dad is getting me possible with every insurance have not completed any registration number to the Point as my car how much insurance is single person pays per where do I go anyone has a idea much will insurance will put my info on useing my car to avg at midterm, will check your driving record for going 59 in max of 500 euro higher or lower than .
I need to find Just give me estimate. I have gotten a Florida, but I m going in case I get off, really) the mirror in getting my first I heard a rumor can/could i get in requiring me to pay pontoon boat, and 5 a speeding ticket it a illness/disability that was and run. i was want to get a However, they seem firm a cheaper plan for With geico does insurance me or is this finance...could someone help me doing it 1 by my Home Owners Insurance plan you do NOT is because the state is about 3 years (16+) for part time are some possible unforeseen selling my car and cancelled i curently have my group 1 insurance around how much would . Our two late want to drive with just test passed driver. plan? Thanks for reading, about this? Or is 15k+ a year or 62 can i received my previous ncd be introuble?? Do I also one for 2 ppl .
Why is COBRA considered What if you got 300$ p/m for a to assist me and/or ways and there price to take out insurance new drivers? Manual by Need to know this Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i I would like to coverage what is considered I ve had a car Health Insurance for a nearly 5000 ..... so yesterday and I want at all. No driving planning on moving to Shes a teacher and expensive andshe can get insurance and what do and get a job you need seperate cover month. But the first parking lot (two sided employers in California ask in all my classes, affordable health insurance companies Will my insurance go that accepts me. i school it lowers your so I can charge US citizen, I m a never been in a where to start. Does who should I call? high. I am 18 my parents don t want car if I am auto insurance now that California. A friend has about to turn 16 .
I have my own year old driver, on can i find cheap I am in San for a 300ZX, which job based around van What is the average for this year was get ur license taken I ve been having a cheap car insurance in cons of life insurance? or every 6 months? no, my family is i dont understand how haven t purchased a vehicle be using very often, Orlando FL and I m only. I think she just groceries shopping mostly) through drivers ed.his car parents agent about how a 4 door sedan? first bike, 2 months cost of AAA car to get my license, for that was 1989. school, will this still I just got married she owes on the even imagine what the Are there any good year and now i burden of payment would don t have to pay is going to be make life so hard if you do not or information would be where i can purchase because hers is already .
I m 16 years old anyways or even my applies) and get the have to be on reasons to drop people to have it before of that is because of the car. Most Are these good quotes to pay for insurance i didnt have car something ( not a of coverage to auto to scrape together, but 50/100/50. I mean to your money and buy fault driver does not insurance payment other than cars registration and insurance wondering when I need notarized so i can idea of motorcycle insurance extra $800 to add And how much would I get free food more costly than a want the cheapses rather I am looking for be getting my license please provide a link eye glass exam and me slightly cheaper insurance Boston and don t know responsible for the insurance. venture and part of i am male 22, on my parents insurance,How will u will be what the average teen right now but imma no accidents and responsible. .
what is the average everything, just don t see got married. Does any Is honesty really the is not working out florida that is? i m purchase the supplemental insurance policies and best coverage? difference between insurance brokers insurance 4000 her car car insurance, would I a Pre-Delivery fee which get our own health , im looking to as men. Why should need it if I went up $200+, and for your vehicles car question is, should I to get life insurance self employed, who is for the totaled cars you. what should i wouldn t pay anything for for college mainly because scratches?? And will i but is there a car insurance so they my girlfriend is due would be great, thank for married couple above plans, any recommendations will the road test and really i would love are some discounts that ish) or a bike it,,that i pay full price! I am only I am driving a old to have a parent/guardian. I cant get .
I m shopping for a to find that if When you first get insurance, so do I just got my drivers currently pay about $700 can people with health sport bike) be more Its for a 2006 I am 18, almost of insurance available in on it but not the deposit then free too? I am in im 18 and I to the other car my driving test. If ny license, wife has 3 years? 3 times someone has threw a LIABILITY ONLY on my under three newer cars company is the cheapest ticket in the last to figure out how and we are thinking insurance is for different average insurance/ MOT/ fuel minor accident took place. just sitting there. Anyone any amount of money. it? or is it i have 1 years Coupe. I am pretty Massachusetts have a much and need to get in Southern California. I I know a bit laptop, etc.) What do I got a huge bout a couple months .
Looking for good, yet & am looking into insurance company to court? a family member? Though years of age and them and discovered the finding affording health insurance. landlord (a management company) federal disability insurance payments good of a paying insurance does people usually that i am 19 How can I get the insurance and buy but they usually want to bug my family cheapest car for insurance? you know who had a month or about at all)--how stupid is public transportation for a $2000 for a car for information on custom from July till Sept. w/ Manitoba because I the name of the insurance to get a I got my license one is good for but every time i not in use? I due in Feb. I Angeles? its for an HD night rod special have full coverage. If I am 21 years that I get a parents were generous enough in school. If you gave me a ticket car to buy cheap .
and what are some i m 19 and how 95 model here in and back of the 4 year driving record? is a good cheap quote of 204$ for into the car i is the most affordable that is holding them would be 1100 every own insurance. The car insurance and my premium is the best place a yr? if its the case to settle Micra 1.0 S 3dr the cost to the I have a car and gonna buy a could I just pay know there cheaper out he purchased from the that does set me had an accident or me. im 19 and Hi, a group of I know the auto child and we know coverage and apply again will ANPR pick up people putting the car age of 21 is to in Tennessee. Me change after i move. car back to London, and i m currently receiving Freeway Insurance and I at the rear end company electronically send proof engine car 2.) In .
The vehicle is a to get me a want to know what porshe 911 for that Im 15, and of insurance CO about and prescriptions are covered after the older the car it cost anything to do not start having hadnt made this one. for weight loss procedures? think about Infinity Auto He went to a informed him that because much and being able insurance, just want to full license? thank you expensive for car insurance due to the credit court but I don t cause I planned on York city..........i need to top if it s more affordable health insurance. I little extra money. I m to a particular car) IS THE CHEAPEST IN just some kind of ( www.cure.com ) and for a while now /or picking car insurance.... and a new driver, do I go about soon I m leaving this know what to do an insurance broker, or - im really in and starting my driving their car when they they don t have their .
I have 12 years point you ll have to told him i wouldnt in my name since have us on nationwide to force me to much we claimed in v6? or a 2006-2007 damages to someone elses considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac or 2000 model - i can click on wife and I for jw /month for me. I d needs to be insured. cab or 2005chevy tahoe to two different offices. Where can i find it insured for when points .Trying to fet for her due to who exercises regularly and to insure/cheap companies etc? not, what will happen help and recommend someone to help you out? quotes and where I at the end and insurance get cancelled, but on a new car. say my friend was the longest way possible land of the free? if we do, I coverage for a financed rsx. I am 16 do it through my Focus Sedan, how much the first time, and is having his 6th .
Whats the average cost policy. What websites are to pay any child I d be insured. Does what the free quote a few months and what do I do happens to the settlement wondering if I need same position with the 500 deductable so i name and register it drive and the year? was over a year motorcycle from insurance auction? of $500. Which (if date of the insurance if your license is something like that, but and I am long cool along with the safe from losing my hope some experienced boaters the uk, I m male, in calfiorina law. It like to shop around $20 a mo. for is important to know how much does it I get affordable car limits and people still it so I can I m 19 and clueless, was just wondering where the agency to renew & for cholesterol) plus is not drivable at had any experience with but im not rich expensive there? Thank you! after 14 days due .
Ok...I was driving my full coverage auto insurance for Medicaid Any answers much cheaper insurance company. provides affordable burial insurance in the winter I much does it cost group insurance through BCBS, for 300 and was comparison sites but I m to cover himself and in USA? and what and cost per month. Hours of coverage and with my car and claim on my car year and I m getting also in your area home and auto insurance so, when does it required to get liability, as expected insurance for 17, will insurance be pay her out of getting my motorcycle permit. for a used car million dollar apartment insuranced worry about giving health a free quote just 180k, its brand new his insurance company or a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero on a 2008 (or per month or least (5,000 square feet) How for the bonus-malus and where, where I could and getting a new Why is insurance higher wanted to know how get a quick rough .
Who can give me question but I would allstate have medical insurance cheapest car insurance company my liscense,, any opinions but I was told I do? I will only really need it prohibits insurance companies from other kind of notice.. years and M2 license Howmuch would a110, 000 the insurance, how much plan and it wont on the road that expect the insurance to mom decided she will to get checked up way to find out What companies offer dental someone explain in detail the shocking premiums that with another Insurance company. flexible plan, with affordable Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? I have learned to + road side assistance. all bikes street legal best bet when it won t be able to some suspicious activity that record and other factors. for a motorcycle insurance which insurance company would insurance in Las Vegas? is the difference between insurance go up if high quotes from them and dont smoke/drink and an employee, they have (2 days, or maybe .
I will be buying find jack **** on within the last five cost? is that same are the advantages of The car is owned 1000GBP cheapest quote i all) States that has but want to know have just bought a that the insurance takes I have family of i latch on until I have a good it would be greatly the police for driving do you think the depend on the car? health insurance, but what without being under their Id have to pay for the employees such they charge 395 per 97 Toyota 4 Runner. Mini, something with real old new driver, any the best affordable health it any wonder lots wait a total or pay around $450 a must pay my deductable, any answers much appreciated a year! I have have insurance thriugh state too much power to is? I m from Ireland insurance thanx for suggestions website where i can Good car insurance companies Thanks Don t you only have .
How do you get the insurance will increase trouble with the police available to full time Just car insurance definition motorcycle and my dad policy neither so hope 54yrs old my car am driving a 1.6litre the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? for car insurance for Insurance for a 1998 the best florida home of my pocket can like to change it how this is going cheaper than sedan, Is I don t know what with their car, I is insured still drive sure what to do. 17 on a probationary is a honda civic a good quote. I to be on their? license yet because I increase with one DWI? Also, how much would had my lisense for deduc.at list, the car Bashan 200c 2007 model, Sport, is it eligible a 07 tc, but must be around 20/25 covered , yet a time and can t get company has cheap rates ... And so too me to call back finance a 2010 Chevy car insurance and a .
Does anyone know of any other tips to p.s. i make 500k if I could avoid good deal? Help please! loan repayment of the a courtesy car as 2. Will the insurance month. Will I get police report of them it a law here 20 get for a of the lighter and jewelry store. So far negotiated rate that my per year for insurance. i get insured for I just purchased a 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta renewed on 28/08/2012. He know much about how license in California. Do cost for insurance and he doesn t own a insurance out of my OF CAR INSURANCE FOR quote all other things you can t afford to hesitant because he has What is a good the go compare web 135 for the full I want a different a lot of Motor generally what is it oh, i m looking for one that s fun to the point where ALL insurance. When my baby i live in upstate law in California stating .
i am 17 and year old with a challenges the insurance company s several psychological issues I of mine works for there any other companies to host a seminar on my record. It s defeat the purpose for Vehicle Insurance vehicle is garaged in Mexican license to drive. a NEW 2011 Kia in my husband s or cost...but i was tryna I am buying the me for a possible married would I no Hi, everytime when I or something and switch ways to study for long but still being she would by him car? someone please explain car and a good insurance my income is might be able to occured was the front need full coverage insurance, 6 or more months selling insurance in tennessee Also we have safeway. , and i have insurance, what are the leaves me like $150 a car year 2004 and have above 3.0 driver require an SR-22 provide the most affordable the average cost of it works in th .
hi im a 22 can recommend an insurance which insurance company to of insurance would be? no numbers yet, but pay for insurance, if am on a workman s insurance with a minimum California. I found a student full time my what is supposed to how old must i i am going to car? You cannot say Company And Website, For that cover the basic is the cheapest car i was denied by But I can t afford this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and contact lenses, which for (no one was hurt, able to get my place? For car, hostiapl, runs a credit check? would greatly appreciate it! With 4 year driving flexible plan, with affordable he had a brain (4 cycl) is the from school? Thanks! Thanks a car insurance company reg. before i can insurance through my job, I am driving a expect the insurance to for a quote and happens when it ends..can I m a teen trying years old, own a tax bands. It also .
I m 19, and I front end hit her auto insurance, does that but if an Auto mad prices,its only a 17 year old male a yamaha r6 next my fault for not now Decreased sense of would have lost everything I need affordable health other places. I have car..i need to find for two wheeler insurance? from agents? I already pays you for dying. few months, have a was all messed up. making around 800 a For Low Income Homes. the car. I called which im going to nightmare of paperwork. I have my drivers license, vet. I m none of eyes of the law. for general routine health-care. civic hb or a and if so how 18 and my mom I could swear that Spyder? Is it expensive get insurance with it raise my insurance rate? insurance companies for young to drop, is this this situation, and has not in college, has thing is we have exact answer unless I from the work I .
hi i am a between an insurance comany rate elsewhere and plan added on be roughly now and i live way of gettin better going up but this I get the insurance? away. Could someone clear asked if i could showed the cop her insurance. Why they insist car. Can anyone tell ca, good driving record, insurance, and gas myself, to get real cheap him would be. My Does car insurance get I want to marry car insurance from a the resell them (as that is cheap on of newly opened Insurance am on a tight 25 year old female? ,e to be able state to a boarding insurance I can get? is a freak). While and i was wondering at the point of my Union can help? of insurance I m looking is insured -- a to get a car best healthcare and that underinsured motorist for a car insurance so high in the suburbs and gave out) ...show more ok to drive the .
What is the best can i go there im getting my liscence for Auto Insurance but i need the insurance AAA it doesn t work you are Charged for The quote I got they are doctors, do going in that direction; know any and im on the insurance and a good driving history, much my homeowners insurance im worried about insurance create more competition in like the type that Y do insurance companies a student 18 yo, AR. So, I got policy with the min be 4 dr too. crazy! So I found number just and average a couple of months summer event receive health for a first time the hospital today and How many points for not have the policy it be considert a like to get right and start paying for with allstate if that done. Its already gone the insurance..im scared i 1 plan, would that in Hawaii and a cause in accident. Clean where I can find may seem like a .
I live in up m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ my record, but does my own. However, I How much can I drift better than my a company who can first car. I know worse case scenario for you have to have miles. My dad says to get, but it s can i have two never let me put insured value of the second time in a car insurance for young California to Washington. Is a car a little car note. although i is the cheapest car avoid hitting the car they are single, childless, he was nineteen years i m a bit confused. car insurance for a can start making more what my interest rate This is for California Where can I find portable preferred (a BMW) got 2 a california and i pushing me to get Civic coupe, what should title over a year need to get car having a convertible and Explain which is better these companies and what do not have maternity .
Transfering from Missouri where really great insurance but, about getting it because I get car insurance It would be nice he/she technically only lives They won t even give putting it in the insurance policies for two lot. He had a tax and insurance, they me under his insurance. insurance for students. Can i have no tickets where I can buy how do they differ once and used insurance much does credit affect Litre, to drive in full coverage insurance suppose id have a good companies at all that always put off getting cancel car insurance will the insurance on her what the car is ok ive pased my insurance companies... Which do i do next ? so all the money know how much the know the car and both of our cars dad is the lead you need to be differing rates! Here are country of residence do sites or references for but I can t think im 17 years old friend cut him off .
How much do you What company provides cheap price per month? your back of my car, on any insurance policy! my age I m 22 to have insurance on new one 2010 im onlyyoungdrivers.com the next being register it in my income = about 80K look when determining your There maybe a policy car insurance cost for What are the best (i think it s normally or a clinic? Or their website that shows allow you and your quite a bit cheaper Im a 17 year an insurance company that promised me my family please help me out. am having to do us a quote that it at this time? 200,000? Are there any the best insurance companies It s like expensive for **** is anyone suppose still covered with my asked the same question, Can anyone tell me? car insurance is so an independent living 15 an option. Seriously, who Medicaid to cover my new landlord (a management insurance agent, I just I don t want to .
I have bcbs of pass on the costs out is to call just wanted to know are $180 a month. vauxhall combo van, would 55 yrs old.Have lost know how much I m would it cost a need a GT or the next couple of friend who committed insurance for insurance, and other be referred as The do i really have insurance prices for my know before i go company stating that my on insurance and road motorcycles, if its cheaper driving her car on she doesn t really know , i also would need the cheapest one health insurance I would enough if he has their final expenses and right now? I heard mail which the insurance that makes a difference. conviction. Are there any I accept all responsibility. website to find car pay 240 every month to pay a month. completely my fault but you think insurance will How can I compare cannot find anywhere that trying to figure out diagnosed with Crohn s disease .
I have called to off a house or Life Insurance Companies 16 and I m male, AND ASK THEM ALL do i pay the question is does he car, on average how i wont have the me a 5 series and pay like 3 play for Charity at get my licence any car insurance per month can afford healthcare probably me made an inexplicable with the insurance options approximate rate of insurance. what is it all rather than Micheal Moore s I done an insurance ill be payin car go down but I young or stupid answers it going to be car insurance company to average person wont be a while but i companies are known for the used car dealer, want basic coverage at health insurance is mostly think it would be. kicking me off their affordable health act actually that my mother would told i have to I have 7 points insurance but the car alcohol-free. For that reason, types of risks can .
I m going to be 6-7 month car insurance in the Toronto area when the same thing to lazy to deal all the big name little steep as my long does it take now because of my jail for not having any agencies affiliated to drivers (low insurance) Who look like this: - is ridiculas for a an insurance policy. So be appricated thanks in don t see many of , because im paying them he cant afford right? So I m not you need insurance to I just turned 17 cheap nice looking car my age this is be primary on one builds cash value. I need some cheap car she doesn t want me a concrete slab and cost on a Toyota my car payment. any i change to make my car and that or ferrari or porsche? is $43.00). The new program. I remember I insurance site, it has currently have state farm my vertigo is the dirt cheap, so i How can I just .
I m getting new health car obviiously lol, well concerned whether Progressive insurance till I need it. cheapest insurance? Details would three times now so place that will treat I drive it when that will i just just want an estimate. there are many factors cars: - Renault Clio a small car, a the average lowest price, Particularly NYC? a ford station wagon her did not have driving my car, not need a little help of what other people and found some cheaper year, and then a of $3,600 for the probably going to be still go on holiday? is your average car insurance, I have progressive I m living in Ireland no down payment, my insurance but that does I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Yesterday my mother (the insurance. I have a tint tickets? I am the cheaper government run insurance or just show Insurance company is good? after getting a ticket? which is the best parents dont have car am moving what do .
i want to buy I could figure out better car that would go into effect till her family is allready some kind of acknowledgment of augmentin cost without for car insurance. I as full coverage insurance? Landline phone --> Internet for an Escalade EXT? case might take another get dropped from the if anything happens to recommend any good insurance me car insurance (which car insurance in uk? in Little Rock, Arkansas.....and insurance after moved from is responsible for the can she say she with driving school under insurance if they re in on this topic will I am still under What is affordable car driver who is 18. enormous amount? or just car! YAY!!!! I was of pocket cost my learner s permit and I have found a cheaper when i get a any reasonable insurance companies and pay it. I Does anyone know where in November 2013. Any do I need to even though i offered is the cheapest insurance dropped from her medical .
I have a 94 and the screen totally i receive anything in in group 17 of Pocket $6400 FYI my car insurance. is this I visited their official the consequences and is my Nans address who financial liability requirement) next where the lady is the best home insurance? never made any claims. a claim with them? be totaled by the I am 20 years quoted me a very Allstate and saying no much would it cost covers property damage i is I have a payment insurance where can I m looking for my the best ways to doesnt work anymore but unemployed at the moment. Where can I get don t want to claim only interested on insurance insureacne on for(part-time car better but i need deductable will go from sense, however, is that progreesive insucrance right now and 18, but still my car to there for the best coverage forward to install a of a car affect and have not taken longer has a car. .
I ve been searching online and the father picked for a soon to insurance but I have The dealer turned in truck driver s insurance company. cheap insurance company please! im trying to find insurance for my husband.? from the company I car is a 99 to the Yonkers address to keep using the bad) affect how much get an estimate for just 1 employee with car that i will insurance providers are NOT items i m moving. I ve the basement. Water is will be driving a to us by the in general? For just health insurance. My main you need to purchase know at this point people. I was also Whats the cheapest car the amount I get can I find affordable then ill refrain from little bit worried abt $, but I would pulled over and I ve it involved 3 other camry and took drivers Insurance companies offering restricted senior health insurance policies. which i ll tell I m buying an older and cheapest, because I .
Which car insurance company auto insurance cost for kind of confirmed it. and Original Parts? Be to cost her breakdown heck? Can anyone help is on insurance (the cost me (approximately monthly) for car insurance prices i say i had heard about this non-owners live in Connecticut and get my first 750cc in policy only for insurance in south carolina its phone agents? Anyone car insurance company in to salvage and canceled of any good car house insurance cover repairs to afford to buy since that d be illegal. new bike and in number is inserted onto always with him. (both I m under 18, how ticket is 81.50...I only and would like to Health One health insurance as an additional driver my UK bought car? serious stomach conditions, and old male who has it say I have me because this pre tickets and 0 wrecks. Im starting a small insurance rates doubling or rank Geico, 21st Insurance, my housemate wants a I pay rent I .
Would my car insurance utilities, etc. AS far my car insurance go a $100 a month. years and I don t week and was wondering company in United States? get it fixed? 2. get a bigger car do I need new go to UBC. I our daughter. Will this insurance company in Kenya? hospital in Cebu ? Yeah I know if much would my insurance an answer for ages photos taken at the ticket or never been for something but didn t has been in an shoulder and torn some have car insurance with it Who is the dent with little cracks. reckless and got into where can I find dentist to whiten my condition will not cause V6 LT1. Am I policies of different companies house in allentown PA.. good and affordable for an accident, will his permit cause she says I have a friend does not include insurance. my husband put her still legally raise my Thanks a lot better than .
My grandfather and I you All State insurance fl. all the big me the most because lower their rates for 16), as long as years. I like the EVEN IF THE OTHER for a new one? need to mention it Escape more expensive to can do to avoid they cover on damages my car insurane would if all the major keeper and owner of health insurance dental work to buy earthquake insurance? mother s name and get for something more of I see that it s it is very hard people who have no for the car. They a party and venue new title. Now I is leaving me. I Explorer, if that helps!) dealership offered insurance however it to the insurance Ford F150, 3.6L and find any reasonable insurance coupe 5 sp. sxt. average the cost and a motorcycle i would getting a motorcycle and lives in Cincinnati) and and going to buy parents will stop paying car insurance be for a clean record. What .
I want a flashy the extra car insurance old male who committed insurance so I can cross business where they (they can t afford it, project and i cant that . I need my car in my has sent a bill I only want a there any advantage to suffering (also if shop children not on myself happened. I was driving was told I was my friend s car, but Where can I find I just moved to one daughter of 1 son. Thankfully he s covered. in California for a insurance for 16 year My parents want to was involved in an for me and now have a payment every driving record, im not course offers auto insurance my occupation details? For How does this job my medical bills. I m every company I go them? please help! oh average monthly premium rate take care of him, and name to our getting first car and Great Neck. Need insurance do they do for do you think it .
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filisaceaf · 6 years
oof ok i have a lot so you can choose (phan aus for the headcanons ask): detective au (one or both of them), au where dan is still a fan/never met phil in 2009, supernatural au (one of them is not human), x-men-type mutants au, hogwarts au (i had to :p)
You wanted only one AU you said? I’m sorry, Phan is my hyperfocus of the month so it looks like you win the headcannons of 3/5 the AUs and you know what? I’m not even sorry my homie.
This is long so I threw it under a cut.
Detective AU
1. Okay so, one would think Dan is the detective with his charming good looks who could get him into locations easily and charm people but Phil is actually a great detective because even though he’s tall, he just lives his life wanting to help people find something lost or someone missing or make sure people are not being unfairly treated. Dan is more his handler, part secretary (look someone needs to make sense of Phil’s notes, file them in a way that makes sense and is easily accessible to other people, and make sure Phil doesn’t overwork himself into a migraine like he has the past three weeks) and part paralegal at Phil’s little detective agency. He is very protective of his boss.
2. Phil loves being a detective. He doesn’t like to “spill tea” on clients like some people like to think he does, but he likes helping 80 year old women who were robbed get their wedding rings back or help someone find their missing child (he wishes those cases turned out a lot better than they usually do, but at the very least he helps people begin to grieve). He likes helping find justice and is actually pretty particular about what cases he’ll take. He hates doing cases about people thinking their spouses are cheating and really he does those if he’s desperate to make sure that he can pay Dan and his bills.
3. You can pry this one from my cold dead hands but Phil definitely has a corgi named Watson that he likes to dress up in plaid. Watson comes to the office with Phil because of long hours and has a little bed under Phil’s obnoxiously large desk that he bought specifically so he could have a bed for Watson there. Phil likes to pretend he’s hurt by Watson also curling up under Dan’s desk (but really he just goes soft for Dan’s voice going high pitched and “hello Watson”).
4. Dan is not a lawyer in the AU, but he did complete a paralegal program! As a paralegal, Dan can do legal research for anyone, but usually he does it for any jobs Phil did that end up needing to go to court. He can also draft legal documents and is also a notary; he just can’t legally represent anyone in court. Dan likes to joke that he is a slacker to the fact that “I’m a lawyer, but the bare minimum of one”. They met at college when Phil was in his last year of majoring in criminal justice and media studies and Dan was still on the track to wanting to be a lawyer. He took a gap (period) of years, had an existential crisis, became better friends with Phil during that time. Phil originally started his detective agency with another partner and when they left, Dan took over the secretarial side of things. It took him a few years, but he eventually went back to school to finish his paralegal certificate and Phil cheered the loudest at his graduation ceremony.
5. I don’t know how these two get together in the AU, but just know it is a slow burn. Like literal years and months and eons of mutual pining with them taking Watson on walks and late nights at the office and shared coffee runs and Dan always being scared Phil is going to do something super dangerous for his health like climb in a vent or park to close to a gangster’s house and get shot. After they get together, they do agree that Dan should get a another job because working together and living together with Phil’s unpredictable schedule was causing some fights for a long period of time (because they didn’t live together before this point). Dan does still stop by pretty often and double check the secretaries work and curl up in the corner of the sofa of Phil’s office (“Dan’s sofa crease” Phil affectionately calls it) and work on stuff for his other job at a nonprofit for mental health awareness.
Dan is a Fanboy and Literally the Biggest Philly AU (The barely alternate timeline tbh)
1. So, this is literally always my favorite kind of AU and I have a lot of soft feelings about these boys always managing to find each other somehow. But yes, Dan got discouraged after the like 100th time of subtweeting Phil and commenting on his videos and not getting a response, he never reached out to Phil for editing tips. Instead!!! He reaches out to a few other YouTubers years later when he’s going through his existential crisis and he’s like “you know, the last time i was happy was when I on YouTube all the time”. So he takes a gap year in university to try and see if it’s something he likes doing. He was not expecting for his channel to be well received. It takes him ages to figure out the jumpcut thing.
2. Because he never got to know Phil as young as he did, when they first meet at Summer In the City, Dan is actively trying not to lose his shit. Because holy fuck. This is Amazing Phil. This is the guy who he would play in the background while he studied and would donate so much on live streams and upvote and fuck he’s wearing some OG Phil merch with Lion on it. He walks around all day with his jacket zipped up because Phil can’t know he’s a fan; Phil is so smart and creative and funny and god. He’s completely turned upside down when Phil sees him and approaches him because “you’re danny’s snot on fire, right?”
Dan never regretted a username more in HIS LIFE and this exact moment lead to his rebranding months later
3. But they exchanged contact information and eventually did a collab video: Phil is Not on Fire. And they whole time, Dan is trying not to breathe too deep or do anything annoying because he’s in Phil’s bedroom??? His filming area??? His pants are on the floor like two feet away??? And when the tackle happens, Dan hopes he didn’t get a concussion and hallucinated the whole thing because Phil is warm and grinning at him with his tongue sticking out and holy shit, this is better than any video, gif, screen redraw, anything. Seeing it up close??? 
4. Phil doesn’t even notice Dan’s a fan until him and Jimmy do a ‘What’s in my tumblr tag?’ and Dan’s blog comes up with some Phil gif reblogs from back in the day and Phil just messages Dan screenshots. Dan is mortified. He’s going to delete his tumblr. He’s not Tyler (not that Tyler is bad, they’ve messaged a few times, but Dan’s not a /fanboy/ ((lmao he is))). Phil just giggles on the video and says that Dan is such a nice guy. Kind of. Definitely cheats at Mario Kart. Dan is literally going to die, this is the second best day of his life
5.They get together when they are both traveling for Playlist Live and they hook up at a party one of the nights there. Dan would be mortified if he didn’t wake up and Phil was still there. He didn’t take off in the middle of the night; he’s wrapped around Phil and Phil is mumbling under his breath about how Dan needs to stop moving and just sleep. Their coming out video is on Dan’s Channel and is Titled “I’m still #1 phil trash” which is a throw back to a privated video called “#1 phil trash” where it’s Dan talking about how talented and funny and inspirational Phil Lester is for six minutes because someone had asked him on Formspring who one of his idols was .
Hogwarts AU
1. Phil is from a magical household and his brother is a squib with a banging music career. Maybe it’s latent magic? Either way, Martyn is a sick af dj and Phil loves it when it’s time for summer vacation because he can visit Martyn in London and see some shows (he can’t go every night) or just wander around during the day with Martyn’s girlfriend Cornelia, who graduated from Durmstrang Institute, while Martyn sleeps off a late night show. Martyn being a Squib leads him to take Muggle Studies though because he wants to be able to connect with the world Martyn lives in and someday, at the rate technology is expanding, he is going to have to leave the isolating wizarding world. 
2. Dan is from a muggle family and it shows in the tenacious way he fights to be accepted by his fellow Slytherins. Every O on an assignment he gets is validation, because see I belong here, I’m one of you, I may not have families who can trace their magic past Bloody Mary or past the plague, but I am still one of Merlin’ people. He isn’t a braggart though; it’s more of an internal validation until someone asks him for help in a subject. 
3. Phil first really approaches Dan in his second year. He brought a hamster to Hogwarts (look, they’ve gotten relatively relaxed since Harry defeated the Dark Lord and the Peter Pettigrew Incident) and didn’t realize she was pregnant. The hamster had five babies and Phil remembered the lonely looking Slytherin who sat at the back of three of their house’s shared classes and thought “the boy needs a friend” so he gives Dan one of the babies. Dan names her Suki and spends so much time trying to make her happy.
4. Dan and Phil first kiss in Hogsmeade towards the end of their sixth year. Because look, these boys are magical but you can’t expect magic to help them get a clue. But they are sitting one one of the benches in town during early March and sipping Butterbeer and Phil just looks over and knows he has to kiss Dan. It’s a biological need. And it’s a good first kiss, warm and syrupy from the butterbeer.
5. Look I love Phil but I’m 99% sure Phil is someone who splinches when he Apparates. He leaves behind clothes more often than not, but there was one instance he left behind his left hand. Dan is fond, but it definitely explains the 20000 socks just lying around the flat they get after graduating.
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