#women make peace Acre  17.9.2022
nataliesnews · 2 years
Talking to Glenn, my great nephew, about the death the Queen….and reading so many  comments about their extreme wealth and the terrible effects of colonization……but I still say thank God for the Royal family. Had Edward not abdicated few of us would be here to tell the tale. I believe there is something on utube about Edward the traitor.
 I was in the bus the other day when the driver really started acting weird. To tell you the truth I thought he had gone crazy. He sits in this closed compartment and suddenly he kept looking around as if he were looking for someone and then he got up and began swatting around on the floor. He said that he thought he had seen a mouse in his compartment. He had the door to the driver's compartment half open and it didn't look too safe. But then a woman getting out of the bus said she had just seen it herself. I keep asking myself how the devil a mouse could get into the bus and especially into the closed compartment. But at least now I know he was sane. Maybe the bus wanted to get somewhere in a hurry.
 Thursday was a long day. Arthur (my nephew) phoned to say that he and Sheryl were on a flying visit to Israel , guests of Google and another company and they had a window of a few hours. I had been going to Acre with Women make Peace but that was in the afternoon and the hours they were free suited me well. So I went down and we had breakfast or rather brunch on the beach and caught up on family gossip and then I went off to the train station.
 It is the beginning of a number of events calling on the government or what passes for one now to make peace. How effectual I do not know but then nothing of what we are doing now seems to be very effectual. Maybe we are just massaging our own pain. But at least we will not be one of those who will say….we did not know and we did not see. This took place on the lawns in front of the fortifications of Acre.
 There were a few hundred women there I think and of course no press coverage of any sort. It was not a great event but when someone asked me how I felt about it, I said that the next morning when I got up and read the newspaper in despair I would think of it was an evening with a feeling of pleasure. As you can see from the photo our colleagues, the Arab and Palestinian women whose organization is called Women of the Sun were together in calling for peace. The Palestinians have to be really courageous to do what they do as , I think that they are really in danger in their villages and in their homes. Though I imagine that those who do join us do so with the cooperation of their families.
          There was a long and full program and ended about 21.00 but then our problems started. It turned out that there had been an accident and the entrance to Acre was closed. We had no idea of when we could get home and it was about two hours later that the bus arrived and Sarah Sherman, who had brought a shofar with her and used it during the program, drew it out again and gave us a long blast.
   We got home at 2 am….and were so pleased that we had not had to spend the night on the grass of Acre. I do not understand how a town can only have one entrance.
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