#woman yesterday was buying some cookie cutters n when she saw the total was like um these are on sale for 99c why are they more
theexorcistiii · 1 year
Customers are incapable of comprehending when a coupon or smth doesn’t work or when something is not on sale. Their brains literally can’t process it
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
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And so it is Christmas
Part 4
Elijah Mikaelson x reader
ft. Klaroline, Kennett
AU story_human_no vampires
a/n:There  will be great mad Mikaelson chaos and lots of love… i.e. Elijah falling for Y/N...cookie baking, etc.
well, actually_absolute christmas fluff... ho-ho-ho
_also this just blew into such a long ch again_ thanks for reading. xoxo
Mikaelson Mansion
Days after
Kol ventured in the dining room, with a big smile on his face, "I will see you there in an hour and so ready to make cookies with you"
As he hung up, both Klaus and Elijah shot a look at their younger brother with a teasing smirk on their faces.
"What?" Kol said looking at his brothers ready to kind of snap at them if they make a comment.
"You will make cookies - I need to see this" Klaus said.
"Like you have made any before" Kol shot back at his brother.
"Dozens" Klaus put a smirk on, "being domestic is a way into the woman's heart- at least at the beginning"
"You are kidding me right?! The only one that knows how to make anything is Elijah"
"I can only make scrambled eggs." Elijah said, "He is pulling your leg- and he is talking loads of rubbish- don't listen to him."
"Never have done and never will." Kol said, "I never needed your advice to get a woman to love me."
"Did he say love" Klaus chuckled cocking his eyebrow up.
Elijah now shook his head looking at Klaus signalling to stop now. Klaus knew that love as such was a sensitive subject when Kol was concerned as he had lost his girlfriend six years ago. He let it go now, getting up from the breakfast table and went to see where his daughter was, as they were also roped into baking cookies.
"How are things with Bonnie now?" Elijah asked.
"Great. We are back together and your advice was the best ever." Kol replied.
"Good. I am glad." Elijah said and took a sip of coffee, continuing, "so, you are going over to her house to bake the cookies I gather?"
"No. Her friend Y/N’s house. She needs help because she also doing sweet potatoe pies."
"Sweet potatoe pies?" Elijah said raising an eyebrow with special interest.
"Apparently she makes the best sweet potatoe  pies - and she promised to do so for the school board stall,"  Kol explained, "isn't this like your favourite pie?!"
"It is." Elijah said.
"Come with me then. I am sure you will get a slice." Kol looked at his brother and remembering his conversation from yesterday wondered why he had brought Caroline with him, since they just had broken up.
"Did you make up?"
"No. It was Rebekah, who had invited her before she found out we broke up, and it was kind of awkward to tell her that she can't come. But I am ok with it. Like I told you - we were more friends that actually - we were never really together." Elijah explained again.
"Right. So, are you coming with me?"
"Yes. I have a few things to discuss with Dr Y/L/N about the fundraising." Elijah replied. "Isn't Klaus going over there?"
"Why?" Kol looked puzzled at the question.
"Aren't Klaus and Y/L/N - seeing one another?"
"Seeing? Oh, you mean if they are still hooking up?"
"Yes- are they - hooking up?" Elijah said looking at Kol, now exhibiting obvious signs of embarrassment, as he was no accustomed to use this kind of language.
"No." Kol replied.
"No?" Elijah repeated.
"Ah! You're into Y/N!" Kol put two and two together and now put a little smirk on.
"I am not." Elijah found himself kind of in a strange pickle.
"Come on! It's like written all over your face! Hey it's totally ok. But you know that she kind of is going through like a tough break up- and the thing with Klaus was a drunken thing."
Elijah was amazed how Rebekah and Kol always were so updated on all rumours, gossip within the family and as well as out of it. He knew of  Y/L's messy break up. Now trying to get out of the subject, he got up and said that he was going to change and that he will see him in front of the house.
In the Y/N’s House
Y/N and Bonnie finished their breakfast, and were now getting ready preparing everything to start baking.
"I will put some decoration I bought yesterday up." Y/N got a few of the decorative cookies out.
🎄 Not long after, Elijah and Kol arrived. Y/N had a bit of a  wide-eyed reaction seeing Elijah offering to help with the baking.
"Well, we always welcome an extra pair of hands" Y/N said. "Ok. we need to star because we have to make about 100 cookies at least. And I need to bake a few pies as well."
"Tell us what to do?"  Elijah now took his jacket off and pulled his sleeves up.
Y/N explained what each of them needed to do. And soon they set off with the baking.
Both Kol and Elijah realized that these two women were very industrious and organized.
After they put the first batch to be done, they all had a little break.
"What is this list? " Kol now picked up the paper that fell from the counter and started reading.
"The Christmas to do list-"
Bonnie and Y/N both now rolled their eyes saying nearly in the same voice, "Oh, God, don't read that- we had too much mulled wine last night when we wrote this"
But Kol was not to be stopped and started- making remarked as he went along.
1. Making a snowman together - no snow this year unfortunately- well not yet. Maybe by the time it's actually Christmas we got to do it. Ok-
2.Drinking hot chocolate (bonus: whipped cream moustache) - totally can do that. Right now. Next-
3.Decorating the Christmas tree - first need to buy a tree.
4. Christmas shopping in a decorated city - how about we all go to New Orleans - Bourbon St is so amazing with all the deco, right, Elijah?"
Elijah nodded agreeing.
" Ok, what have you got next-
5. Ugly Christmas sweaters - oh, I dare you to buy Elijah one of the sweaters and make him wear it for the Fundraiser"
Elijah shot a look at his brother that was saying - stop right now!
"Number six - oh, yes, definitely this needs to be done and plenty
Mistletoe kisses!
Where is the Mistletoe?"  Kol looked around.
"I haven't put it up yet." Y/N said.
"It's there by the mantelpiece."  Bonnie said."I brought it yesterday. It needs a ribbon. Do you have a ribbon?"
"It's in the bag on my desk." Y/N replied.
Bonnie now went to get it, and as she returned, Kol was the one putting it up at the hallway.
Y/N looked at Elijah, who looked back at the brunette shaking with his head and shrugging with his shoulder, making a face which said - that's my brother. Y/N smiled a little back at the man now saying, "He is great."
Having come down from the chair, putting it aside, he now took Bonnie by the hand and dragged her cutely to him under mistletoe and kissed her.
"Oh, the cookies!" Y/N said somewhat alarmingly and went to the kitchen like a storm. "Ah, saved in the last minute -Ouch! Damn!"
Putting the tray away, Y/N looked at the burn on hand.
"Is it bad?" Elijah asked as he went up to her.
"I will live." Y/N said checking the little red strip on the side of the hand, now putting it under cold water running. "I am really too clumsy sometimes."
She made a face of hurt as the burnt skin was tingling.
"This maybe was not such a good idea."
"I will be ok. This is nothing. It just burns a bit." Y/N got an antibiotic ointment out from the first aid cabinet , "Can you open it for me"
Elijah nodded and went over to Y/N, applying the ointment on her hand.
"Ok- now can you please open the non-adhesive bandage."
Elijah did as instructed and put it over the burn.
"Great. Thank you." Y/N said.
"You're welcome." Elijah said back now looking at Y/N somewhat sheepishly.
"You make a great nurse." Y/N joked a little. Elijah smiled back, "If I need to I will think of a change of career."
"But for now you will have to be my baking assistant, because I can't decorate the cookies now with my left hand."
"No problem. I am great at that, too."
Kol and Bonnie now were back in the kitchen. As they saw Y/N's bandage, they asked what had happened.
"Just a little accident." Y/N said. "you know me- I can preform a heart surgery, but went it comes to getting a baking tray out of the oven- disaster strikes."
"Ok- we will now finish off here," Bonnie said, "you have a break."
Bonnie, as organized as always, soon had both Kol and Elijah organized. It was a great assembly line. Kol was rolling out the dough and Elijah was  pressing the cookies with a cutter.
Y/N and Bonnie were then decorating it and they proved to be a great team finishing the cookies in no time.
"These will be so good," Bonnie was happy with the end product, "they looks so professional."
"Now, there is only a few sweet potatoe pies. I thought of doing the vegan, too." Y/N said.
"Great idea." Bonnie welcomed the suggestion.
And soon they were on the pie baking phase, which saw Elijah now doing the pie crust.
"This is not that difficult" Elijah said, finding it actually really great to do something like that for the first time in his life.
Kol, of course couldn't help himself to muck about and he now had to get some sweet potato pie filling on her nose and her  side of her. "Stop this." Bonnie protested with a little smile.
"I don't know how it got there-" Kol joked.
"Oh, really" Bonnie said.
Kol's  phone went and it was Klaus, asking how their baking was going. Kol now put them all on video chat and soon they were all exchanging what phase they were in and what progress they made. Rebekah proudly presented her sweet potatoe bars and Caroline her pristine snowman  cookies.
"They look so good!" Y/N said gushingly.
"We got tones. Mother is killing it with the Christmas star cookies." Rebekah said, "and Hope has helped me with the bars- Klaus and Stefan are so slacking."
"I knew it. Elijah and I have actually done everything from scratch" Kol said.
Rebekah now snickered not believing what she was hearing.
"I will prove it to you when I get home." Kol said.
"You made actual cookies?!" Rebekah now said, "this I got to see."
"And you will!" Kol shot back.
Elijah knew that this conversation between Rebekah and Kol was going to escalate and he now cut in, "Dr Y/L/N burnt her hand- so we had to cut in- and we have learned a lot today."
"They did." Bonnie confirmed. "Ok- we will be heading out soon. Meet you at the Historical Society building?"
Esther said that they would also soon be there. As the video chat finished, Y/N and Bonnie put the cookies in boxes, as Kol and Elijah had a drink of well deserved beer on the porch.
"Kol, can you help me with the boxes?" Bonnie now asked her boyfriend as she came out to the porch.
"Sure" Kol said and followed her into the house.
As they got all the boxes and went up to the car, Kol now turned to Bonnie, "I think we should leave them alone."
"But I promised that I will return to help her with a few more pies."
"I think that Elijah can do that." Kol said.
"Do you know something I don't?" Bonnie asked.
"He is like so into her. And I totally think that she is into my brother, too."
"Isn't he with - Caroline?" Bonnie asked looking at Kol surprised to hear that.
"They broke up." Kol said.
"Oh?" Bonnie exclaimed.
"But I don't think Y/N will go for Elijah"
"Why not?"
"Because she is on rebound. Last night we talked about her not wanting to really date anyone." Bonnie said.
"What did this guy do?"
"Well, nothing really. They were just in this toxic relationship and she just got tired trying to make things work." Bonnie explained.
"She is really a great woman. How did she end up with a guy like that?"
"Sometimes you fall for the wrong guy and you think that your love can change him. I want her to find love - real love. A guy who will listen to her, and let her make her decisions and respect them- not lash out if things are not going his way- you know what I mean-ok- enough about Damon. We got to go"
"Yeah- ok"
They both got into their respective cars and drove off.
🎅 Inside, Elijah now picked up the list and read the last several points
7. Going ice skating  
8.Giving each other presents on Christmas morning
9.Slow dancing in the living room surrounded by all the lights
10. Person A buying the gift person B always wanted to have
11. Do Karaoke Christmas Caroling together
12. Person A is dressed as Santa and takes Person B to the their private winter wonderland
Y/N now served Elijah and herself a slice of sweet potatoe pie.                  
"Oh, God - the list!" Y/N said as she now saw it in Elijah's hand.
"It's a great list. Haven't done any of it for years. Especially ice skating. Never did Karaoke Christmas Carolling"
"Really? That is like the best mad thing we have come up with - back in High School," Y/N said, "definitely need to do this."
"You can perform open heart surgery, bake -sing?"
"I can't sing. I can do a great lip sync," Y/N said, "try the pie."
Elijah now took a bite of the pie and he was full of compliments. "This is really good. And it is vegan!"
"Yes. So good, right?!" Y/N said.
"The traditional sweet potatoe pie is my favourite pie"
"I know." Y/N now slipped cutting him in the middle of the sentence.
"You do?" Elijah looked at Y/N puzzled.
"Klaus said."
"Ah, he did- what else did he say?"
"That's about it." Y/N replied.
Suddenly there was an awkward kind of a silence move in on them. Both were eating the pie, both now trying to get what it was going on inside them. Feelings were stirred. Feelings they didn't know existed.
"How is your hand?" Elijah now asked.
"It's ok.Tingling just a tiny little bit."
He looked at her. She looked at him. Her stomach was strangely churning,  "More pie?"
’No, thank you.‘ was what he wanted to say, but said  this instead, "yes, please."
Y/N got up and went to cut another slice.  As she was at the counter, she looked at him sneakily. He moved her like no one else did. She couldn't explain to herself how everything inside her was so rustled up. She now thought of the movie she and Bonnie had watched last night. It was so true, what Bonnie had said. He is Mr Darcy, but the Colin Firth kind of Mr Darcy. The Bridged Jones Mr Darcy. OMG, Y/N what is happening to you. Pulling herself together a bit, she now went back to the table with another slice of the pie.
"Can we talk about the Fundraiser? I thought about your idea and I accept your suggestion that we should get a professional to get things moving."
"Ah, great. And like I told you, you needn't worry about the money. I will provide it."
"Why are you doing all this?- I mean, I know your mom is doing a lot of charity work- but- don't get me wrong- I really appreciate all your effort. Without you we would only get a bit of money for some medical supplies and medication- now we are talking getting a Medical centre up "
Elijah could not lie. It was not in his nature, and he was now very open and blunt-
"It's because of you."
-to be continued-
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