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remma-demma · 2 months ago
:) N’ephele gives G’raha a flower before he goes to sleep. G’raha plants / propagates it to remember him. By the time N’eph makes it to the First the Crystarium is absolutely covered in them.
He cross pollinated with, like, Il Mheg flowers to vary the color so it’s less suspicious, but he keeps the original plant in his office.
For aesthetic reasons I pick rhododendrons because 1) I love big ass flowers 2) they make huge bushes that don’t stop growing, some hundreds of years old the size of small trees 3) they’d fit right in in Lakeland.
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If propagating an entire plant from one bunch of flowers is unrealistic… Allagan technology beam. The tower has already proven cloning technology, it can manage a flower.
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galpalaven · 7 months ago
WIP Whenever
Working on some WolG’raha fic :3c
“Are you… with us?”
Alphinaud’s voice comes from his left, and Kirika’s eyes leave his to glance over in the direction of the sound. He can’t look away from her face, smoothing his hand over her forehead again as she offers a shaky smile and a very small nod.
“Thank the heavens,” Alphinaud sighs in relief. “For a moment, we thought—”
Kirika huffs softly as if trying to laugh, before her eyes are back on G’raha. They are clearer now, darting across his features like she’s trying to find any injuries. “Are you alright?”
G’raha laughs, surprised and a little hysterical. “After what you’ve done,” he starts, shaky with relief and joy, “you’re the last person w-who should be asking that.”
His sentence trails off in a sob, and though he can barely make out her face, he can tell she’s frowning in worry. Worry. For him. While she’s lying on a cot having barely escaped with her life.
He can’t take it anymore.
Cursing under his breath, he shakes his head once more and leans in close to press a fervent kiss to her lips. His hands cup her cheeks gently but firmly, fingers digging in as he inhales sharply at the touch. He only means to kiss her once, but the feeling of her pressing back — of her hand clutching his sleeve, of her neck straining when he goes to pull away — is more than he can bear in this moment, and his self control breaks with a snap. He kisses her again, once, twice, three times before he finally manages to pull away.
Smoothing his thumbs over her cheeks, he huffs with frustration. “You… how are you supposed to keep your promise if you’re not here?”
She laughs at that.
It’s a quiet, broken thing, but it sounds like the most beautiful melody he’s ever heard.
She reaches for him even as he pulls away, and he relents without a fuss, slipping one hand into hers and holding tight. The other Scions fuss at her for her stunt — Thancred makes her snort, and though she seems too tired to retort, he can almost hear the way she’s going to be reminding them all for ages that they sacrificed themselves first. Alisaie takes up her other hand after a bit, and Kirika grins as she lets her eyes fall shut again with a slow, heavy sigh, full of relief and exhaustion.
The weight of the world — of every world — has finally fallen away from her shoulders.
She can rest.
The trip back doesn’t take long, though G’raha himself pays no mind to anything but running his fingers through her hair and watching her breathe. Reminding himself that she’s here, that she’s real — that they won. So absorbed is he that it startles him when one of the Loporitts comes to invite them to the command deck, to see the star they saved as they come home.
“Do you think you can walk?” Alphinaud asks, looking over at Kirika.
She takes a shaky breath. “I — I might be able to with help. Raha?”
It shouldn’t still surprise him, the familiarity with which she calls his name, but it does somehow, sending that same thrill down his spine as he obediently brings his eyes back to hers.
“Yes, love?”
It falls from his lips unbidden, coming straight from his heart and bypassing his mind entirely. He doesn’t even realize what he’s said until a beat later, as her eyes widen just slightly at the edges — and before he can start to backtrack, she grins, warm and happy and content.
Reaching for him, her voice is barely more than a murmur, though he catches every syllable, even over the thrum of the machinery around them.
“Help me stand?”
She wiggles her fingers at him as if in invitation, but she truly needn’t even ask. He’s already knelt beside her slipping one of her arms around his shoulder and grabbing firm to her free hand to help support her weight as best he can. She hisses quietly when his hand settles around her waist — he nearly pulls away, but she just shakes her head a little and curses in Hingan under her breath, leaning on him heavily as he straightens to his feet. Her hand squeezes his in a death grip, and he can feel her shaking as they stumble towards the main control room. Every step sends a pang of guilt through him as her breath hitches and slender frame trembles with the pain of movement.
He asks at least once if she’s certain that she wants to keep going, she must be in so much pain to be wincing as she is, but Kirika Nanami is nothing if not stubborn, and she forces herself forward until the windows at the front of the ship lay before them.
There aren’t many chairs in the control room, but Thancred drags a crate towards the center of the room, giving her a place to sit and watch the windows at the same time. He just winks in response to them both thanking him, scurrying off to stand with Urianger as Raha helps his girlfriend sit heavily on the metal box.
Kirika slumps as her weight leaves her feet, sighing with relief as he settles next to her. He tries to pull away a little, worried about pressing on wounds inadvertantly, but she doesn’t let him go far, shifting until she can comfortably half lean back against him without stabbing him with the sharp end of her fin-like horns. The position has his arms around her waist, his cheek resting on top of her head as the universe passes them by just outside the glass. As he holds her, he can feel her exhaustion in every muscle, and he can’t help but kiss the top of her head as her hands come to rest on top of his. She laughs softly when he turns his wrists and catches her hands, squeezing gently to remind her that he’s here, that he has her and he won’t let go.
Not again.
He’s failed to protect her too many times to even think about letting go of her right now.
When the star comes into view in all its majesty, it takes his breath away. For he had not been to the facilities on the moon, nor had he seen anything of Etheirys beyond the calamity-torn image Emet-Selch had shown them in Amaurot. He had not seen the star on their way to fight Meteion, too preoccupied with holding his girlfriend’s hand and trying to soak in the fire in her eyes to pay attention to the windows.
Now Etheirys glistens beyond the glass, blue and green and fluffy white clouds. It all looks so small from up here, and it strikes him suddenly and viciously that he is home. That that is his star, that is the Source, the home he’d thought to never see again. He’s home, and he’s helped change the future irrevocably.
And what’s more, he has the woman he’d loved — in resigned silence and heartache for over 100 years — curled up in his arms, safe and warm and content. The vision beyond the windows blurs as his eyes fill with tears, and he sighs shakily as he tightens his arms a little and hides his face in her hair.
Her hands tighten on his forearms in response, and he kisses the top of her head.
Kirika’s voice is low and soft, almost hesitant. She turns and he pulls back, confused, only for her to readjust, burying her face in the crook of his neck. His lips twitch into a grin as he pulls her close again, blissed beyond belief as she nuzzles under his jaw.
He hums softly a moment later when he remembers she’d said his name. “Mm? Need something?”
She shakes her head a little, pressing even closer. Her breath tickles the sensitive skin on his neck, and it makes him grin as he kisses at the side of her head. Distantly, he wonders if he’ll ever get used to this — to having her curl into him like this, craving his touch, his affection, in much the same way he craves hers. He can’t imagine what it would be like to be so used to her that it doesn’t still shock him a little every time, that his head doesn’t spin and his heart doesn’t skip a beat every time she leans in for a kiss, or says—
“I love you.”
G’raha’s breath catches in his throat.
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simpleviera · 1 year ago
Working on this fic for the holiday season because I wanted to write a wholesome coming out to the family story.
A Full Starlight House, Rated T, WoLG’raha and EmmaSica
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weatheredfailnot · 2 years ago
💜 Your writing makes me feel ALL THE THINGS!!!!💜
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cyborgrhodey · 3 years ago
i wanna write epic romantic fic (because wolg’raha has eaten my heart) but i realized i have not ever written romance like at all, so…. now i am watching pride and prejudice (2005) for “research”
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necromeowncy · 3 years ago
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“Are you lost, kitten?”
Just some very silly WoLG’raha poses I made. Possibly AU of an elven archer finding a cute catboy in the woods and bringing him back to camp.
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theabcsofjustice · 3 years ago
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I saw this painting at my brother’s house one day and thought I’d try sort of recreating it with my WoLG’raha ship from FFXIV
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the-lord-of-the-things · 5 years ago
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Everything stays But it still changes Ever so slightly A bit late to the art party but I’ve been in the WolG’raha pit since day 1 of doing crystal tower and Im never gonna leave at this rate ft. my old original main A’fidah Tia Still love that tiny cat’te 
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simpleviera · 2 years ago
WoLG’raha Week Day 2: Date
Viola and G’raha have been so busy saving the world that they didn’t have an actual dinner date until after Endwalker 😅
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From this series of fluffy oneshots:
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simpleviera · 2 years ago
WolG’raha Week Day 1: First Kiss
I’ve been editing and re-editing this for a while, but Viola and G’raha had their first kiss in Azys Lla. 🥰
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necromeowncy · 3 years ago
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Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss,” but make it WoLG’raha.
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simpleviera · 2 years ago
I’m doing NaNoWriMo combined with @/meepfur’s Fluffvember challenge, and I’m putting them all on AO3. Have some barely-edited fluff! I'm posting these daily for the most part.
Day 1: First Kiss (SansonxGuydelot) Day 2: Working Together (WoLG’raha) Day 3: Nameday Surprise (AzEmetHyth) Day 4: Royalty (WoLG’raha) Day 5: Good Morning (Estimeric) Day 6: Adopting a Pet (AzEmetHyth) Day 7: Sunset (UriThan) Day 8: Thought I’d Lost You (WoLG’raha) Day 9: Warmth (WoLmeric) Day 10: Date Night (WoLG’raha) Day 11: Modern (AzEmetHyth) Day 12: Vacation (WoLG’raha) Day 13: Caught in the Rain (SaduxCirina) Day 14: Love Languages (UriThan) Day 15: Favorite Trope - There’s Only One Bed (HythxHades) Day 16: Goodbye (AzEmet) Day 17: Starlight (Estimeric) Day 18: Future (WoLG’raha) Day 19: Vampire (GaiaxRyne) Day 20: Comfort (Estimeric) Day 21: Flowers (WoLG'raha) Day 22: Bodyguard (AzEmet) Day 23: I'll Carry You (Estimeric) Day 24: Job Swap (SansonxGuydelot) Day 25: Adventure (WoLG'raha) Day 26: Valentione's (??) Day 27: Coffee Shop (GaiaxRyne) Day 28: After Dark (??) Day 29: Lazy Day (SansonxGuydelot) Day 30: Happily Ever After (??)
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