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WAKE UP!!!!! its time for gungrave posting...
#gungrave#beyond the grave#brandon heat#bunji kugashira#wolfgrave#sinewuui art#this is just a messy sketch#drawing bunji with no glasses feels wrong#and iggymob can fight me for erasing his kyphosis in gungrave gore#anyways
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hi, hira!! you have infected me with diluc love (lost my first 50/50 w him since zhongli’s banner in jan, 2022!) since i started following you in november / december of last year!!
i am now a proud c2 lvl90 (phy dmg) diluc haver (w the skin!!) with 10/10/10 and lvl90 serpent spine <3 lvl90 wolfgrave stone is on standby for him. :] he has a 70/120 crit rate/crit dmg !!
IM GLAD YOU JUMPED INTO THE DILUC AGENDA, the more fans means the more content creators for him 🤩 which means more content to consume nomnomnom and wow you've had him for a while, that build is impressive 😭 and phys dmg too?? I built him on pyro applications so mine really relies on reactions (that 250+ EM isn't for show) currently hoping to get his crit ratio right. and c2 diluc?? amazing!
anyway, have fun playing with him to the fullest 😭 he's a little tanky to use but I love bringing him out for the adventures.
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Provinces de Mag Síorghlas
La terre de Mag Síorghlas est vaste et très diversifiée, de nombreux peuples y habitent et s'y épanouissent. Cependant, depuis leur arrivée sur ces rivages, les Humains ont peu à peu appris à dominer la région et, si des conflits subsistent avec les peuples magiques et les Witches, c'est bien un Royaume Humain qui dirige ces contrées.
Depuis que les Humains sont arrivés, Mag Síorghlas est divisée en 11 grandes provinces mais seulement 7 d'entre elles font partie intégrante du Royaume.
Provinces du Royaume
familles Dawnfyre (lignée royale), Dawnfyre (régents) + 5 familles vassales à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Hill) villes Seafort (capitale), Sandsgate (entrée vers le Samhraidh) & Verbois (ville agricole) particularités région centrale, beaucoup de routes commerciales, présence de la capitale du Royaume climat & topographie printanier & doux, plaines & bois
familles Askaar (régents), Abrar (lignée disparue) + 2 familles vassales à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Ma'aden) villes Janala (centre culturel), Haran (vignobles) & Shama (chantier naval) particularités vins exceptionnels, beaucoup de cultures fruitières et de nombreux ports de commerce climat & topographie chaud & désertique, montagnes, désert & plaines
familles Oathkeeper (régent) + 3 familles vassales à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Loch) villes Silvertower (pont reliant est et ouest) & Oakfield (refuge de chasse) particularités région coupée en deux par le détroit, unique pont pour traverser le détroit, région commerciale, lieu de vie des Cernunnos climat & topographie printanier & doux, forêts
familles Òran (régent), Archyr (vassaux) + 1 famille vassale à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Cladhan) villes Hagdahn (centre du commerce), Azura (ville agricole) & Archyr Port (port commercial) particularités grenier du Royaume, beaucoup de cultures et élevages très diversifiés, nombreuses routes commerciales climat & topographie estivale au sud & printanier au nord, plaines & montagne (ancien volcan)
familles Songsteel (régents) + 4 familles vassales à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Winters) villes Whitebreach (forteresse), Wolfgrave (port de pêche) & Bearfield (ville d'élevage) particularités beaucoup de mines dans les montagnes, forges exceptionnelles, lieu de vie des loups géants climat & topographie hivernal & rude, steppes & montagnes
Fiacla Dubha
familles Muirmara (régents) + 2 familles vassales à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Farraige) villes Tonn Dorcha (port militaire) & Nead Nathair (tour de garde) particularités spécialistes de la navigation et de l'exploration, chasse aux monstres et pêches à la baleine, lieu de vie des serpents de mer climat & topographie hivernal & sujet aux tempêtes, archipel
familles Iolarri (régents) + 2 familles vassales à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Iseal) villes Lionkeep (forteresse) & Ciallmhar (unique port) particularités seul lieu où on élève des griffons, grande bibliothèque gardant l'histoire du Royaume climat & topographie estival & chaud, île montagneuse avec des falaises pour côtes
Provinces indépendantes
Oileáin Dragain
familles Davtyan (famille royale), Drakht (vassaux) + 1 famille vassale à inventer (bâtards et orphelins : Krak) villes Draghomir (capitale), Drakht Fort (grandes forges) & Forteresse Noire (nid de dragons) particularités lieu de vie des dragons, île volcanique avec de l'obsidienne et autres pierres volcaniques, indépendant en raison de leur puissance climat & topographie estival & humide, île volcanique, montagnes sur tout un côté de l'île
familles coven Witches villes aucune, hameaux & habitations dans les arbres particularités immense forêt, refuge des créatures et peuples magiques, défendu par les Witches, aucun passage climat & topographie automnal & froid, forêt & collines
The Hills
familles ordres Warlocks villes Stonedeep (forteresse), Greyhaven (village & refuge) particularités impénétrables quand on ne connaît pas les bons chemins, défendu par les Warlocks, lieu de vie de quelques peuples magiques soutien des Warlocks climat & topographie froid & venteux, collines & montagnes
Tailte Ard
familles aucune villes aucune particularités terres glaciales du nord de l'île, peuplée uniquement de monstres et mythes, beaucoup de ressources minières dans les montagnes climat & topographie arctique, hautes montagnes
#forum rpg#game of thrones#house of the dragon#magie#medieval#projet forum#projet rpg#rpg fantastique#rpg francophone#the witcher#projet rp#forum rp#lore#annexe
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naw it's alright bestie! diluc mains doesn't get angry easily (RIGHT?), when he first came home, i used 4 piece of glad, but i think he does better with 4 piece witch (haven't do a comparison before so I'm not sure...) still searching for his artifacts and all I got is trash. for his weapon for lucky/p2w players of course the 5* weapon wolfgrave stone and for the f2p/craftable weapon is the prototipe archaic. i know i'm a hu tao main but my heart just can't let daddy diluc be benched Imao-
i hope it help answered the anonie question
- ⛲
u think so...? diluc mains scares me they're quite..... intimidating per say......
but again , look at this diluc mains !!! i hope this helps ! ah i wish i had diluc...
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Bottle of Blog: When Shadows Smile and Other Unnerving Observations
Writing exercise du jour.
A Dr.Suess style Limerick of what lurks under a child's bed at night
Midnight's Teeth
When gloom grips my bedroom tight.
I clutch my blankets with all my might.
Before I venture to the realm of dream
I shudder as I hear the monsters scheme.
Under my bed they hold their court.
Planning wicked deeds as do their sort.
Like Captain Hogstrom of Mount Pricklebone
who plots to to sit upon the goblin throne.
The ogre Mudderstrum the first
Whose plans for kittens are sure the worst.
The sinister friend named Grinning Grandy
Who wishes to rid the world of all candy.
Toy Breaker boss Slimesly Slither strolls in with his wife Skeletina McWither.
Chief Throgge-thorn from the swamps of Wolfgrave
rides in on a serpent that just won't behave.
I'm going to stop my self right here. We might have the seeds for a Dr. Suess like a book instead of a limerick here. I can see how this might be like a twisted version of If I ran the Zoo or If I ran the Circus. Very well I am off to dream up this tale elsewhere.
Oliver Evergloff
PostScript musing....
What would the world be like if governments spent on education what they spend on defense?
That's a whole documentary feature right there.
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“Casey Jones: Live Wire” (2022)
Saturday, July 30, 2022 (1:23) JEFELEN delighted in serving as Associate Producer on "Live Wire", a twenty-eight minute action-comedy that narratively delves into age-old themes of wanting to be something bigger than yourself while finding relevancy in an ever-changing world, which is now available to watch in its entirety on YouTube™ for FREE!
Co-directed by Chaz Schoenbeck and Adam Michaels, who also co-wrote the screenplay together with Steve Chesworth, this authentically fun short was produced by Chromatic Phantom™, in partnership with Motion 66 Studios™ and Vantage Point Visuals™, as a nostalgic love letter to an enduring '90s worldwide pop-culture phenomenon that I've no doubt those reading this would be familiar with.
Custom masks provided by Villainous Prop Shop™. Music by Wolfgrave.
While it's admittedly true that I don't typically avail myself to the production of fan-films (there's no money to be made when the license is rightfully owned by other parties), the genuine enthusiasm for the source material by those wishing to undertake this creative venture, not to mention their obvious proficiency in the cinematic craft, ultimately swayed my decision to the contrary in this particular instance. Anyone who knew me back in high school, moreover, will likely understand my vested interest in a project such as this.
The short was conceived as a proof-of-concept for a potential feature-length adaption, or else to serve as a pilot for a possible ongoing series, so if you enjoy what you've seen here, please LIKE and SHARE -- the more eyes focusing upon this presentation, the better the chances for this to develop into something bigger!
I'd certainly appreciate any opportunity to collaborate with these talented filmmakers again in future...
#CaseyJones #LiveWire #ChromaticPhantom #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #WatchItNOW #GOONGALA
Saturday, July 30, 2022 (1:23) Presented as distinct from >this< long-teased venture:
It very much remains my desire to see this project completed someday, naturally, but that would quite literally be another story...
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Im literally waiting like plz when is eula coming back I already have the wolfgraves stone for her just plz where is the banner😭
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5 years left until what?
5 years left until I die
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