#wolf now also rambles about cs
darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Zack: *sneaks into the bedroom* "WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEAD!"
Ivy: "indefinable half-asleep noises*
Carmen: *groans and rises up* "What the fuck, man...."
Zack: "OHOHOHO!!!!!!" *runs out of the room*
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brookreader · 4 years
CS Cryptids/Monsters AU Part 2
ACMS (acme) - The ACMS is the Agency to Classify and Moniter the Supernatural. They have found and even photographed many different creatures, but have yet to capture a single one for more than a few minutes.
Chief Tamara Fraiser - The founder and leader of the ACMS. When Tamara was a teenager, she met and actually managed to befriend a bird-like cryptid named Vera. However, Vera didn’t want anyone else to know she existed, and Tamara really wanted others to know about this miraculous discovery. So one day Tamara his and waited for Vera near their usual meeting spot with a camera, and when Vera landed she took several photos. Vera saw her, though, and got really angry. She took and destroyed the camera, slapped Tamara in the face, and then flew off and never came back.
A few years later, as a young adult, Tamara Fraiser was driving through a remote wood when she spotted a mothman. She got out of her car and followed him into the woods, but then he saw her and attacked her. Panicked, she pulled out her gun and shot him, which to her slight surprise and great horror actually killed him. She attempted to drag the body back to her car, but failed and resolved to come back for it with backup. She did, the very next day and many days after that, but she never found it. Soon after that, she started researching everything she could about the supernatural, and eventually founded ACMS.
Commander - Tamara’s cat, like in the show. He’s a good kitty.
Agent Zari - Tamara’s daughter (credit to @myhacs for that super interesting theory). She always wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps, and she has. She’s considered one of the ACMS’s best.
Chase Devineaux - Chase Devineaux does not believe in the supernatural. Not at all. Why, then, did he join an organization dedicated to hunting it? Well. He was bored with his office job. They pay surprisingly well. They call him “Agent Devineaux,” which is super cool. Most of all, he can finally track down that winged girl who he met in his hometown one time and prove that she’s a fake... if he can just get his hands on her!
Julia Argent - Julia Argent does believe in the supernatural. She always has. And she’s curious about monsters and cryptids, of course, who wouldn’t be, but she also has Ideas. Clearly they don’t like to show themselves to humans, and most humans (even ACMS agents) are... cautious, to say the least. But that doesn’t have to be the case, does it? Surely if they just take the time to learn more about each other, they can live together peacefully and openly. Her boss seems skeptical and her partner is Mariana Trench deep in denial, but the beautiful woman with the red tipped wings seems to agree with her, if only Julia could talk to her uninterrupted for a few minutes. And of course, there’s the matter of her friendly neighbor who’s just Really Bad at pretending not to be a werewolf. Perhaps he could be the one to convince her colleagues... but who knows when or if he’ll ever be ready for that.
Graham - Graham is just not having a good few months. First he wakes up to find himself in a completely different continent than he remembers being in, and then he finds out he’s lost almost SIX ENTIRE YEARS of his memory, and then he finds out that he’s a freaking werewolf now. He didn’t even think werewolves were real! And instead of just transforming every full moon, as he assumed he would, he goes through a monthly cycle, being fully human on new moons only and gradually becoming more wolf-like throughout the month. It’s absolute hell for such an extrovert to have to spend the majority of his time cooped up in his tiny new apartment.
He’s only managed to befriend two and a half people in his new home. Carmen, a young moth(?) bird(?) woman who shows up very rarely. She calls him Gray and seems to know more about him than he knows about himself, including about his lycanthropy, though he still knows next to nothing about her. At least he can take comfort in the fact that there are others like him... or, kind of like him, at least. Then there’s Julia Argent, his next door neighbor, who works at some kind of monster-hunting place. That maybe wouldn’t be reassuring, but she’s actually very sweet and has unknowingly been a lot of help to him in controlling his new wolfishness, and she says she wants to learn about and make peace with so-called “monsters.” Maybe... maybe he’ll eventually entrust her with his secret. Better to be careful for now, though. Finally, there’s Julia’s friend Chase, who’s grouchy and rude but Jules says he has a good heart, and Graham’s inclined to believe her. At any rate he’s a good cook and his rambling can be entertaining to listen to.
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CS Pillow Talk 4 - The Guest
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A/N: I wrote something. Perhaps the muse isn’t dead? She came back tonight to push this story out. Unbeta’d, because I started writing it a couple hours ago and now it’s finished and I want to post it. Other chapters need not be read to understand this chapter, as this is a series of unrelated one shots where Emma and Killian are, you guessed it, talking in bed. 
Summary: Who is the guest in Killian’s dream? If Emma can guess, Killian will confess. 
       ao3          ffnet          Rated M            1.7K          Fluff, Humor, Smut      
The deep moan rumbling from Killian’s sleeping form has Emma pausing as she throws her hair into a ponytail. She’s up before him for a change, and has taken it upon herself to make him breakfast in bed. Walking toward their bed, she watches as her husband’s sleeping form stretches and another groan passes his now smirking lips on an exhale. She chuckles as she realizes the cocky grin she has fallen in love with even happens when he sleeps. The trace of laughter is quickly replaced though, with a sharp intake of breath when the sheet moves further down his body as he continues to squirm. 
She’s immediately torn between cooking him breakfast or taking care of Killian’s stiff cock that is now peeking from under the sheet. “Goddamn,” she mutters to herself, admiring his morning wood; she’d like nothing more than to wake him by riding him like the stud he is. With all the other characters she has come to find out are real, she errantly wonders if there truly is a faction of Morning Wood Fairies. 
“Emma,” he sighs.
A rush of heat surges through her belly when she hears the desperation in his voice. Sitting down next to his sleeping form, she wars with waking him or just taking him in her hand or mouth. Emma runs her finger lightly from the tip of his straining cock, over his sensitive underside and down to his base before gently caressing his balls. When Killian’s hips surge toward her touch, she wraps her hand around his shaft and begins stroking him slowly. She can feel her own wetness gathering and shifts slightly on the bed to slip her other hand into her panties. She bites down on her lip as she tries to suppress a moan when her fingers glide effortlessly through her wetness then up over her clit. Her eyes close involuntarily as her fingers work in a motion as perfect as only one knows their own body. 
“Bloody Hell, a man could get used to being woke like this,” Killian rasps in a sleep addled timbre. 
Emma jumps slightly and her eyes open, but she doesn’t cease the movement of either hand. “I was going to make you breakfast in bed, but you looked much more appealing than anything I could cook.” 
“Is that so,” Killian growls as he halts Emma’s movements to maneuver them so she is sprawled out on her back and he is hovering over her.
“How did you do that?” Emma giggles, a bit breathlessly from being pounced on. She doesn’t pause for an answer though before craning her neck to kiss him senseless. A lusty moan passes from her lips as Killian kisses her back, and she surrenders herself to the carnal nature in which he always satisfies her. It is quite erotic watching him as he licks, nips, caresses, and fills her, and soon she is coming hard, shamelessly calling out his name and praising his efforts. 
Lying quietly in his arms, after he tells her how bloody amazing she is, Emma can’t help but wonder what it was that had him so turned on before he’d even opened his eyes. “What were you dreaming about this morning?”
Killian chuckles, and Emma knows he is either blushing or scratching behind his ear by the shy tone in his voice. “We were… eh… we were  having a threesome.”
It’s Emma’s turn to giggle, “Naughty. And just who was in this threesome?”
“Us,” he states simply. 
Emma looks up at him, wondering why she is having to spell out her question. “Well, yes, you and me, but who was our guest?” She’s surprised to see a bit of confusion in his features, before the dawning of realization crosses his face.
“Tell you what, love. If you can guess, I will confess.”
Emma squints her eyes at him, debating the choices. She decides to go for the obvious first. “Ruby?”
“The wolf?” Killian asks incredulously.
“Well… she is hot, and she’s always been very flirty with… everyone.”
“Not my type.”
Emma shifts her weight, leaning up on her elbow and facing Killian. She snaps her fingers and blurts out, “Belle!”
“You sound so sure of yourself with that guess. But that is also incorrect.”
“I was thinking maybe it was like a sexy dream and a revenge dream all in one,” she explains. Biting her lip she contemplates who else could be making an appearance in her husband’s dreams. Remembering an off-handed comment he’d made in regards to all the many blondes of this realm, she realizes who it must be. “Is it Tinkerbell?”
“Sweet lass, she is, but still a no.”
“Ashley? Elsa?”
“Also no.”
“Maybe you have a thing for redheads? Elsa’s sister, Anna? Mal? Mulan?” Emma continues on as her husband just smiles and shakes his head in the negative to all her suggestions. “Ursula?” She shudders as she asks about Cruella. But still he shakes his head no. Who else does that leave, she muses. “Aurora? Jasmine! Ooh, another redhead, Ariel!”
“You are so far from the answer love, I do not think you will be able to guess.”
Emma flops to her back and exhales loudly. Suddenly a thought occurs to her, and she thinks, despite the fact that she hasn’t felt an ounce of discomfort or jealousy while lazing with her true love, discussing his sex dream on a quiet Sunday morning, this next guess might actually change all that. “Regina,” she whispers.
“Not a chance!” he responds with thinly veiled offense. 
“Oh, thank goodness,” she mutters. She rolls her eyes at him when he smirks at her. She knows that he knows that would’ve made her a bit green with- “Zelena! It is a redhead.”
“What is it with your assumption that this mystery guest has a better chance of being a redhead?”
“It’d be something different than me and…”
“Ah, yes, Milah. A redhead would be different than you or Milah. But who’s to say I haven’t had my fair share of the fiery redheaded lasses.”
She backhands his bare chest before shouting out, “Merida!”
“Your first hint is, not a redhead.”
“Damn,” Emma mutters, “Who else is there? Okay, I give up. Who is it?”
“That wasn’t the game, Swan. I said you guess, I’ll confess. I rather like this, it feels like a game. A game I am winning.”
“Well that would mean I am losing, and that’s not happening.” She closes her eyes trying to remember any other faces of Storybrooke who could be making an appearance in Killian’s dreams. As soon as the next choice hits her she is laughing out loud, even she has to admit, the two have quite the banter at times. “GRANNY!” 
“What?” This time, Killian doesn’t hide the offense in his voice as he sits up and brings his hand to his heart as if she’s wounded him. “Are you bloody serious? She’s a lovely lady, and maybe in her hay-day, but no, it was not Granny.”
“Okay, okay, no need for theatrics. You know the old broad loves to flirt with you, if you had a little sexy dream about her it’d speak more to your ego being stroked than the plausibility of the matchup.” 
“There will be no stroking of anything between me and Granny! Not even in dreams.”
Emma laughs loudly at his ridiculous declarations. “Calm down, babe.” Racking her brain, an idea so perverse rears its head and she is not sure she even wants to say it, but she wants to win. “It wasn’t…”
Killian looks at her with a raised eyebrow, nodding his head at her to continue. 
“It wasn’t my mom was it?” She watches all the air deflate from his chest. “Indubitably and irrevocably a no, Swan.”
“What the fuck? There aren’t even any more women in Storybr-”
Killian’s grin widens as she pauses. “Have you finally figured it out?”
She sat bolt upright in bed, facing Killian. “It wasn’t a woman! Oh, this is too good!” she teases, eyes wide with glee. “Where should I even start? Was it-”
“Noooooo,” he draws out as he places a finger to her lips to quiet her. “Nope. No, it was not whoever you are about to guess. Stop right there. I don’t even want to hear your idea of this threesome. Not that I have anything against a threesome with two men and a woman, but I do not want to hear what man you think I might be sharing you with in my fantasy.”
She chuckles at Killian’s rambling, noting there is no anger in his voice. “Oh, it’s a fantasy now?”
“It was before you soiled it with all your incorrect guesses.”
“But, I’ve guessed every woman I can think of,” she whined.
“It was you, you daft woman!”
Emma sighs in exasperation, “Yes, we established that. You and me, who was the third part of the threesome?”
“Just you. Me, you, and another you. The same you, but two of you.”
Emma is immediately thrown back into the moment Hook had kissed her aboard the Jolly Roger, right before Killian had stormed in and knocked his other self out. How many times had she fantasized about that threesome? “Oh,” she murmured, slightly embarrassed and only a lot flattered. 
“Oh, indeed,” Killian chuckled, leaning back against the headboard and pulling her close. “There is no other woman I dream about.” 
“I don’t know why that choice didn’t cross my mind, especially given the number of times I’ve fantasized about having two of you.”
Is that so,” Killian asked running his tongue along his lower lip salaciously.
“Aye,” she giggled, “ever since our trip back in time where you knocked yourself out.”
“That version of me wouldn’t have known what to do with a woman like you, he wasn’t worthy.”
“Well then, it’s a good thing you’ve taught him some things over the years.”
“Aye, ‘tis. Now make me breakfast, wench!” 
“In your dreams!”
“Allow me to show you about my dreams,” he growls as he pulls her on top of him. 
“But there’s only one of me.” Emma presses her body to his and plants kisses along his jawline. 
“You are all the woman I will ever want,” Killian utters as she begins to work her magic on him. 
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aeriesite · 5 years
want new & exciting plots for your character ?     long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start ?     fear not !     fill out this form & give your RP partners both present & future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.     be sure to tag the players whose characters you want more cues to interact with, & repost, don’t reblog !     feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit.     template here.
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ᴡʜᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴄᴋ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ, ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏ ?
Kamishiro Yuuko. (神代 悠子) Heir of Kamishiro Enterprises. Anonymous Food critic. Notable digimon partner is Rizegreymon - > Gaioumon.
Yuugo. (ユーゴ) Leader of the infamous hacker group, Zaxon. Fearsome yet just. Notable digimon partner is Mugendramon.
Enjoy! Chat avatar is a grey wolf named Yuugo.
ᴘᴏɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏғ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ.
(POST GAME) Now that they have gone to a universe where the events of their home had never happened, Yuuko is focused on preventing the tragedies that had occurred then. In order to do so, they know they need to know all they can about the company and how to stop it from falling into the hands of that woman.
Yuuko and the other members of their group still carry the memories of this other world and have to learn to adapt to plenty of changes — such as their father’s murderer becoming his fiance in this world. Unfortunately, she is also a strong member within their company, so they tolerate her behavior so long as it doesn’t interfere with their family.
(DURING GAME) Their father grew the foundation and established the form of communication used throughout the game. The invention of digivices (such as how theirs take the form of goggles) allow users to enter cyberspace in the form of virtual reality. Both the virtual reality cyberspace, later named EDEN, and the digivice were a creations of their father. As such, Yuuko pours their heart and soul for their last remaining family member, Yuugo (who is comatose), and the last product they have of their father, EDEN.  
Throughout the game, Yuuko carries about the backing and power of an important member of the board, enough to bring back those who are loyal to her father and take command of the company before accompanying the protag in facing the final boss and taking back their brother.
(DURING GAME) Taking the split image of their twin but with the opposite color scheme, Yuugo (ユーゴ) has established themselves as a highly capable leader of one of the largest and most (if not the) most powerful hacker groups in EDEN. He praises the ideals of freedom above all else, encouraging hackers to do as they wished, with some limits. He encourages them to create, but also to act as such to help others. Those who go against his wishes are often avoided as its seen as a death wish. They are well known for their Mugendramon and Rizegreymon.
In a sense, he takes after a chivalrous rogue.
With this title, he has trained many hackers within their group and even enabled others to become hackers. (Such as the protag) Unfortunately, his ideals tend to be too unrealistic and too ‘well intended’ that they had to take down a group that had splintered from them, the Demons.
Those who do get to know him will see that Yuugo does tend to ramble when it comes to topics that he enjoys, such as digimon, hacking, and foods.
The only ones aware of Yuugo (ユーゴ) being Yuuko are Fei, Rie, the CS crew, and Kisuke.  
(DURING GAME) see above, later in game they lose mugendramon and rizegreymon becomes gaioumon.
(POST GAME) Even after everything had been said and done, Yuuko still considers themselves a hacker. Although, it is trickier to work (analog) as opposed to working along side a digimon.
FOOD CRITIC: Yuuko is a foodie gourmet. It may seem like they have a bottomless stomach considering they could eat as much to make a restaurant owner cry and still have room for 7+ bowls of ice cream. For example, it may look like this.
On their free time, they offer reviews on how the food was for them. It does help that they have a rather poetic yet extremely informative way of describing their food and how to properly consume them. For example: this scene.
UNINTENTIONAL VILLAIN: Because of their often quiet demeanor, it may seem as though they do not have the power to stand up for themselves. Yet, they’ve been cast the role of a villain in some events, in which it’s surprising how easily they’re able to slip into the role. The power / charisma they carry as a child raised to be the Kamishiro Heir is something they usually have control over. Sometimes, it reveals itself unwittingly, particularly in moments like this.  
BIG BROTHER COMPLEX: For their big brother, they would throw everything. During the game, it was initially shown through the guise of Yuugo in which they had tossed away their name and face, in order to take up their role among hackers. It’s seen again later when Rie threatens them about disabling their brother’s life support.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ’ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴇɴᴛʟʏ.
(DURING GAME) Yuuko’s doing whatever they can to defeat Rie, taking care of their brother, and disproving the ruling on their father’s death. — All while protecting EDEN in anyway they can.
(EDEN LOST) Essentially a different route, should they never be able to leave the digital world. In this case, they are a wandering hacker, despised by many digimon as the reason for their world’s destruction, while searching for a way home.
ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ.
(EDEN IN GENERAL) During the game, whatever free time they have, they spend in EDEN if they’re not eating.
(ZAXON FORUM): It’s the main base for Zaxon. Very few people outside of the hacker group are able to enter and usually have the blessings of Yuugo, himself.
(KOWLOON): A hacker’s playground. Not recommended for new hackers to explore too far on their own. The checkpoints at each level are an attempt in regulating hackers.
(KAMISHIRO ENTERPRISES): Yes. There’s an EDEN version of their company. It’s easier to spot them here post-game due to certain circumstances.
NAKANO BROADWAY: More so during game, because of it being the protag’s headquarters. And the food they serve is excellent.
HOSPITAL: Because Yuugo’s there. They may not be pleased if encountered while seeing him, but they do take a long while deciding what to eat because of the array of choices those vending machines have. It’s fine if it’s highway robbery, they’ve got the wallet for it.
ANY RESTAURANT: Foodie. ‘nuff said. Bonus points if the manager looks as though he wants them to leave/cry because of how many finished bowls they have.
LIBRARY: They’re probably researching something that can be difficult to find online. For example, ‘how to make friends.’ … yes, this is something they actually went to library to find. and worse, they found a book and tried to utilize its teachings.
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴘʟᴀɴꜱ.
Nothing big at the moment.
ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ.
any tbh. it would be interesting for them to have a disciple / underlings. friends are appreciated although they may face the wrath of fei should they come too close. enemies / rivals would be interesting.  
ᴏғғᴇʀᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ.
all things considered, crossovers are welcomed. it would follow more along the lines of EDEN LOST as that enables them to cross over easier. and yes, they have a pkmn verse.
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴘᴏꜱᴛꜱ.
ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇʟꜱᴇ ?
think of this post as a permanent starter call for yuuko. like or reply — do not reblog — if you are interested in interacting with them. in the case of replies, please put down your character’s name if you have more than one character or your url if you’re okay with all.
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infragments · 5 years
want new & exciting plots for your character ?     long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start ?     fear not !     fill out this form & give your RP partners both present & future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.     be sure to tag the players whose characters you want more cues to interact with, & repost, don’t reblog !     feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit.     template here.
ᴍᴜɴ ɴᴀᴍᴇ  :  generic ᴏᴏᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ  :  discord --- ask for it
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ᴡʜᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴄᴋ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ, ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏ ?  
Kamishiro Yuuko. (神代 悠子) Heir of Kamishiro Enterprises. Anonymous Food critic.  
Yuugo. (ユーゴ) Leader of the infamous hacker group, Zaxon. Fearsome yet just.
Enjoy! Chat avatar is a grey wolf named Yuugo. 
ᴘᴏɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏғ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ.    
(POST GAME) Now that they have gone to a universe where the events of their home had never happened, Yuuko is focused on preventing the tragedies that had occurred then. In order to do so, they know they need to know all they can about the company and how to stop it from falling into the hands of that woman. 
Yuuko and the other members of their group still carry the memories of this other world and have to learn to adapt to plenty of changes --- such as their father’s murderer becoming his fiance in this world. Unfortunately, she is also a strong member within their company, so they tolerate her behavior so long as it doesn’t interfere with their family. 
(DURING GAME) Their father grew the foundation and established the form of communication used throughout the game. The invention of digivices (such as how theirs take the form of goggles) allow users to enter cyberspace in the form of virtual reality. Both the virtual reality cyberspace, later named EDEN, and the digivice were a creations of their father. As such, Yuuko pours their heart and soul for their last remaining family member, Yuugo (who was comatose), and the last product they have of their father, EDEN.  
Throughout the game, Yuuko carries about the backing and power of an important member of the board, enough to bring back those who are loyal to her father and take command of the company before accompanying the protag in facing the final boss and taking back their brother.
(DURING GAME) Taking the split image of their twin but with the opposite color scheme, Yuugo (ユーゴ) has established themselves as a highly capable leader of one of the largest and most (if not the) most powerful hacker groups in EDEN. He praises the ideals of freedom above all else, encouraging hackers to do as they wished, with some limits. He encourages them to create, but also to act as such to help others. Those who go against his wishes are often avoided as its seen as a death wish. They are well known for their Mugendramon and Rizegreymon.
In a sense, he takes after a chivalrous rogue. 
With this title, he has trained many hackers within their group and even enabled others to become hackers. (Such as the protag) Unfortunately, his ideals tend to be too unrealistic and too ‘well intended’ that they had to take down a group that had splintered from them, the Demons.
Those who do get to know him will see that Yuugo does tend to ramble when it comes to topics that he enjoys, such as digimon, hacking, and foods.
The only ones aware of Yuugo (ユーゴ) being Yuuko are Fei, Rie, the CS crew, and Kisuke.  
(DURING GAME) see above, later in game they lose mugendramon and rizegreymon becomes gaioumon. 
(POST GAME) Even after everything had been said and done, Yuuko still considers themselves a hacker. Although, it is trickier to work (analog) as opposed to working along side a digimon. 
FOOD CRITIC: Yuuko is a foodie gourmet. It may seem like they have a bottomless stomach considering they could eat as much to make a restaurant owner cry and still have room for 7+ bowls of ice cream. For example, it may look like this.
On their free time, they offer reviews on how the food was for them. It does help that they have a rather poetic yet extremely informative way of describing their food and how to properly consume them. For example: this scene. 
UNINTENTIONAL VILLAIN: Because of their often quiet demenor, it may seem as though they do not have the power to stand up for themselves. Yet, they’ve been casted the role of a villain in some events, in which it’s surprising how easily they’re able to slip into the role. The power / charisma they carry as a child raised to be the Kamishiro Heir is something they usually have control over. Sometimes, it reveals itself unwittingly, particularly in moments like this.  
BIG BROTHER COMPLEX: For their big brother, they would throw everything. During the game, it was initially shown through the guise of Yuugo in which they had tossed away their name and face, in order to take up their role among hackers. It’s seen again later when Rie threatens them about disabling their brother’s life support. 
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ’ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴇɴᴛʟʏ.    
(DURING GAME) Yuuko’s doing whatever they can to defeat Rie, taking care of their brother, and disproving the ruling on their father’s death. --- All while protecting EDEN in anyway they can. 
(EDEN LOST) Essentially a different route, should they never be able to leave the digital world. In this case, they are a wandering hacker, despised by many digimon while searching for a way home.
ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ.    
(EDEN IN GENERAL) During the game, whatever free time they have, they spend in EDEN if they’re not eating. 
(ZAXON FORUM): It’s the main base for Zaxon. Very few people outside of the hacker group are able to enter and usually have the blessings of Yuugo, himself.
(KOWLOON): A hacker’s playground. Not recommended for new hackers to explore too far on their own. The checkpoints at each level are an attempt in regulating hackers.
(KAMISHIRO ENTERPRISES): Yes. There’s an EDEN version of their company. It’s easier to spot them here post-game due to certain circumstances. 
NAKANO BROADWAY: More so during game, because of it being the protag’s headquarters.
HOSPITAL: Because Yuugo’s there. They may not be pleased if encountered while seeing him, but they do take a long while deciding what to eat because of the array of choices those vending machines have. It’s fine if it’s highway robbery, they’ve got the wallet for it.
ANY RESTAURANT: Foodie. ‘nuff said. Bonus points if the manager looks as though he wants them to leave because of how many finished bowls they have.
LIBRARY: They’re probably researching something that can be difficult to find online. For example, ‘how to make friends.’ ... yes, this is something they actually went to library to find. and worse, they found a book and tried to utilize its teachings. 
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴘʟᴀɴꜱ.    
Nothing big at the moment.
ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ.    
any tbh. it would be interesting for them to have a disciple / underlings. friends are appreciated although they may face the wrath of fei should they come too close. enemies / rivals would be interesting.  
ᴏғғᴇʀᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ.    
all things considered, crossovers are welcomed. it would follow more along the lines of EDEN LOST as that enables them to cross over easier. and yes, they have a pkmn verse. 
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴘᴏꜱᴛꜱ.    
ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇʟꜱᴇ ?    
think of this post as a permanent starter call for yuuko. like or reply --- do not reblog --- if you are interested in interacting with them. in the case of replies, please put down your character’s name if you have more than one character or your url if you’re okay with all.
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darkwolfgoddess · 3 years
Ivy: "Don't get me wrong, these artworks look great, but there's one that's missing."
Carmen: "Huh? Which one?"
Ivy: *turns to Carmen* "You."
Carmen: "....So you wanna pin me to the wall😏?"
Ivy: "Oh yes😏"
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Carmen and Ivy: *kiss for the first time*
Zack (who's known about his sister's crush the whole time): "Fucking finally!"
Player: *turns off speakers because EW, SMOOTCHY NOISES!*
Shadowsan: "Mrrrrgh." (Because that's what he always does)
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Deleted scene from "Carmen Sandiego: To Steal or Not To Steal"
Zack: *beatboxing noises*
Ivy: 🎵Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?🎵
🎵Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?🎵
Cleo *absolutely DONE with this shit* : "SHUT UP ALREADY!!!"
*10 seconds later*
Zack: "Says the lady who screams louder than Ivy can sing!"
Ivy: "Plus you kidnapped us, so this is your punishment!"
*another 10 seconds later*
Bellum: "...You know, they've got a fair point."
Cleo *just wants to die* : "UUUUUGH...."
And that, my friends, is why Cleo and Bellum banned the entire V.I.L.E Island from saying Carmen's or her friends' names for two weeks and The Faculty never played "Carmen Sandiego: V.I.L.E Operative" ever again.
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Random CarmIvy situation I just came up with:
Now that Ivy's joined ACME, she's trained quite a bit more and wants to show off to Carmen. But even though she's the more intelligent one of Dumbass!Sibs, she still has her moments. And in this case she forgets to roll up her sleeves, so when she flexes, her muscles end up ripping the sleeves of her suit.
Carmen was impressed.
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Random CarmIvy softness ideas because why not:
- Carmen tucking her head under Ivy's chin while Ivy gently strokes her hair
- Carmen helping Ivy learn new languages and Ivy teaching Carmen techical stuff
- Training together
- Watching The Dragon Prince on Netflix and skipping most or the episode just to watch Rayllum kisses (they're obsessed with that ship and this is a rule I stan in my house!)
- Cuddles. Cuddles everywhere
- Ivy sometimes flexing in front of Carmen ON PURPOSE just to make her all blushy
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Welcome back, wolves!
Carmen Sandiego Week continues with everyone's favorite hacker cinnamon roll, Player! Let's get in, shall we?
Carmen Sandiego Week: Player Editon
Why I like him:
Let's be honest, who doesn't like Player? He's resourceful, master at hacking into places and willing to make hard decisions. He also incorporates humor into everything and similarly to Carmen, has a sarcastic side as seen in 3x05 when he trolled The Troll.
- CS Team totally saw how fans headcanoned Player to be small so they decided to give us what we wanted.
- Team is sometimes willing to not go onto a caper so Player can rest.
- Player prefers talking with people online since he finds it easier.
- His favorite food is Caesar Salad.
- Player's father was a coder and taught his son everything as soon as he could walk.
- Player is demiromantic.
- He has a younger sister who's a complete opposite of him: social, outgoing, party animal, etc.
- Player has never lost in Among Us except one time when he didn't see the cameras working and vented, upon which Zack called an emergency meeting. So far he hasn't gotten over it.
A wish:
I actually have two wishes regarding Player: for him to meet Carmen and for us to find out his real name. I think it'll be Asher.
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
I love Carmen Sandiego, but there was one thing we were robbed at: Zack or Carmen (or both😏) getting hurt by V.I.L.Ers and Ivy going completely feral because when it comes to protecting her bro or girlfriend she has absolutely no chill.
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
While opinions about Carmen Sandiego's ending have been very divisive, if there's one thing this season rocked for that we all can agree on was giving our favorite buff mechanic lesbian kickass chocoholic rights.
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Ivy would definetly be that big sister who just got beaten almost to death and who's first reaction will be like: "Guys, it's just a scratch. What the big deal?" while other members of TR are freaking the hell out :
-Zack is full on sobbing and begging Ivy to stay alive even though Ivy's, well, alive
-Carmen tries to keep calm but also succumbs to crying
-Player is desperately googling the country's ambulance number and the nearest hospital
-Shadowsan ends up doing everything by himself in the end because others have lost their braincells to panicking
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
The following post includes spoilers for Carmen Sandiego Season 4! If you haven't seen the episodes yet, I highly recommend you to not read this review!
So, Season 4...
Just finished Carmen Sandiego Season 4 and OOOOH BOY was it a wild ride.
It was fun, angsty and full of action and I really liked it. The characters were, well, in character, Chase finally used his brain and I really enjoyed him redeeming himself, V.I.L.E Faculty got what they deserved, El Topo and Le Chevre got their happy ending as chefs and I'm glad to see them enjoying their new lives, Zack and Ivy became badass agents and Carmen FINALLY met her mother. Overall, a very good season.
However, there were two things I wasn't very fond of. I don't hate them, but I wish they were done better:
1) V.I.L.E history: it felt kinda cheesy to be honest. An organization dating back to medieval ages made by five raiders from different countries seemed like something pulled out of the fantasy book.
2) The lack of Zack and Ivy in the Finale and how Carmen just seemed to...ditch them in the end. Like hello, they are your friends and you just leave them behind?! Plus only a note- no goodbyes or telling you where you are going?! It made Carmen seem very selfish and made me it seem she never saw them as nothing but her lackeys.
(Now I kinda want to write either a canon divergence or a meet up fic with the sibs calling Carmen out....If I could write, that is. May still try it, but zero promises)
To wrap things up, this season was good: it introduced new places, characters evolved nicely and ended up happy and the animation was good. However, compared to previous seasons, it definetly ranks the lowest.
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Incorrect CS quotes:
Some V.I.L.E rando: "Ugh, it's boring! Not a single one of those dumb kids has gotten hurt yet!"
Shadowsan*from his hideout*: "Dumb kids?!"
*sees Carmen, Ivy and Zack in trouble*
Shadowsan: "Wait....THOSE ARE MY DUMB KIDS!"
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