#wolf chatter
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bigbadvv0lf · 3 months ago
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it has occured to me that if i want to use my tumblr as a portfoli/reference for comms/place to post art i need to. actually post art. anyway!! bg3 comm for someone on discord uwu
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image-holder-aaaaa · 25 days ago
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whimsical-sonic · 4 months ago
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can1s-lupus-lupus · 1 year ago
dont think this post is worded great, im pretty tired but i wanted to get my thoughts out here anyway
okay here i go:
i think in a lot of cases where folk think therians and alterhumans are faking or not being 100% genuine about their experiences or linking things that are unrelated together, they generalise quite a lot and don't take things like instincts and even just psychological therians/alterhumans into consideration
lets take the example of (were)wolves and 'edgy' aesthetics, those things may not be directly correlated, but if a big reason for you being kin of a were(wolf) is that you used it as a survival/coping mechanism, you may also relate to 'edgy' aesthetics, or more specifically, feel like it fits your were(wolf) instincts because of a strong drive to bite, attack and defend etc
so many times i see folk saying "but that's unrelated" and like, yes, sort of, but its not up to you whether folk enjoy those themes and relate them to their kintypes
i really wish folk in this community (especially younger therians/alterhumans) would realise and keep in mind the effect imprinting, neurodivergence, and other psychological causes has on the community
not everyone has a past life, or memories, and sometimes folk will use arbitrary things to relate to their kintypes
that doesn't make their experience less real, it doesn't make them less of a therian or alterhuman, it just is.
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bigbadvv0lf · 7 months ago
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Ty for the tag! This is the brother of one of my dnd player's characters! I designed him in bg3 so we could have a visual reference.
He's a lawful good paladin who's like "done all the main quests of his life and has just started fucking around" so I'm feeling pretty safe lmao
Tagging: @ashesfromfrost, @oolathurman, @certified-anakinfucker, @voidendron
you're stuck in a room with the last character in your gallery how safe are you?
(Tagged by @shieldofiron )
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I honestly don't ... know ...
Tagging @lazybakerart @mikajupiterjonesingtimcurryfeet @callieb @disdaidal @introvertia
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barrenclan · 1 year ago
This is a short poem I wrote last summer, about Prowl’s view on his relationship with Deepdark. I always meant to illustrate it but turns out you don’t have a lot of time for recreational art when you’re a college student with two comics! (Who knew!) I’d rather have it up in incomplete form than never, so maybe I’ll get around to adding art someday.
"I am the hunter; you are the hunted.
All my life I was living in blinding snow, without knowing wholly its cold sting, until you threw sweeping sunlight into my world, bright and terrible and burning and I am intoxicated to the warmth.
All my life I chased things such as you, and my eyes saw not except another set of flurrying swift hooves and a weak bloody heart. And then -
Oh everything, and then you turn and leap and oh then, you’re not anything but another trembling soul until I see it truly see it - 
A wolf in deer’s skin.
Beautiful sharp fangs of white horn, wild white wolf eyes, and you tear from your flesh and I am the hunter and you are the hunter and I am the hunted and
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transannabeth · 25 days ago
rose and the doctor were peak annoying obnoxious couple and that’s only one of many reasons why they’re one of the ships of all time
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datvtranscripts · 5 days ago
does uh. anyone want to record the fade memories from a playthrough where you don't do the labs below memory first. for science.
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shepherdingthepie · 9 months ago
feelin quite wolfy today
who wants to howl?
I’ll start:
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bushy-tailed-menace · 1 year ago
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stiles stilinski textpost memes (ft derek) that i'm sure everyone has already done before. spoilers for season 3 tho!
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bigbadvv0lf · 3 months ago
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commission for @serenofroses!! It was a pleasure drawing the biggest, baddest butch in the galaxy
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image-holder-aaaaa · 1 month ago
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whimsical-sonic · 1 year ago
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the sillies
[ID: A digital, colored piece of Whisper and Tangle. To the left, Tangle's eyes are closed with a big, open-mouthed grin. She is posing, doing jazz hands with one foot in front of the other. She is wearing a maroon-colored jacket and black sweats, her shoes reminiscent to her typical ones.
Whisper is facing away from the viewer at a 3/4 angle. Her head is tilted down, smiling. She's wearing a black hoodie, one hand in a pocket with the other holding her cane, obscured by her tail. She's wearing jeans and black sneakers with white laces.
End ID.]
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Doug Eiffel and the MCU narrowly missing each other like two airplanes on a crash course
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cozeecritter · 5 months ago
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a group photo of my new babies. and an extra one of bisquick. because he’s my current (fourth) holy grail.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 5 months ago
how do you think Emma (post cannon or otherwise) and ashye would interact? I don’t think Ashye would hate her just because she’s Norman’s friends since she gets along with Ray in the side story decently enough
Ayshe definitely wouldn't hate Emma. While being raised by a demon, she's not misanthropic; she just hates a specific group of people.
I talk about this on my Gildayshe musings post and this recent poll, but the first conversation Ayshe has with Don and Gilda has them reacting like this:
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(Chapter 139)
After she just told them Norman was behind her father's murder—someone who was her whole world—they're in tears at the thought of not being in conflict with him. Even when considering the possibility that Norman ultimately plans to kill Sonju and Mujika after they bring them to the paradise hideout, if there's a chance of negotiating with him, they'll take it.
It goes even further when Norman betrays them and uses them as bait just like they suspected in chapter 135.
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(Chapter 144)
Gilda still pleads with Mujika, after Norman just tried to have her and Sonju—her companion of 700 years—killed, to help them stop Norman before things become irrevocable for him and everyone around him. She still considers him her older brother after all of that. Don looks empathetic and in agreement with her while Ayshe is left in open-mouthed shock, because she could understand if Gilda didn't want anything to do with him at this point.
But she also understands family, and her new companions have made it clear that her father's murderer is still important to them. She doesn't begrudge them for it.
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(Chapter 167)
And she doesn't hesitate to save them when they return to Grace Field.
She has known them for ten days.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 7)
Within the span of four days, she's willing to have this conversation with Ray:
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(Chapter 169)
This is after Emma has made it clear how close she and Ray are with Norman:
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(Chapter 161)
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She's conciliatory to Don and Gilda when she says "it's true that he ate humans, but to me, he was my father" and here. Despite acknowledging that familial connection she feels toward him, she gives all of them an out. 'You don't have to spare my feelings. I understand why humans hate demons.' Knows most demons wouldn't think twice about eating her if given the opportunity. She's downcast and gives a light sigh of resignation because she's aware of how bizarre this would look to another human. They can conceptually see why she feels the way she does, but not how profound that loss is for her, so she'd rather skip the attempt at sympathy.
It's why she's so shocked at Ray's blunt declaration reaffirming her love for her father as valid and gives her full attention to him in earnest. She follows it up by saying their parents were also good people.
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Given their prominence in the story since the start, I'm fairly confident the figures on the left and bottom center are Norman and Don respectively so all five of the oldest Grace Field kids are included here and poignantly attached to her sentiment. It's possible she's lying to Ray to be reciprocally kind or mentally separating the kids into differing levels of good with Norman at the bottom to still technically qualify him, but with less reason to lie to him between the validation of her feelings and the intimacy of the setting I'm disinclined to believe the former, and with the latter he's still included regardless.
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(Chapter 181)
With all that in mind in addition to how she's willing to let Norman and Vincent hold her dogs' puppies post-timeskip, it would be very bizarre for Ayshe to hate Emma. If anything she'd think Emma's too good for Norman lol
I also imagine there would be a lot of overlap between how she interacts with Emma and Ray.
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(TPN Light Novel 4: Films of Memories - “Don and Gilda”)
She reacts this strongly to Don and Gilda even thinking about being burdens in the post-canon. Despite lacking those memories, there are still convictions she holds that are etched into her very being. If she was given a rundown of Ayshe's history, she'd also conclude that her father's species was irrelevant if he saved her and provided her with unconditional love, possibly more forcefully than Ray. It wouldn't come as a surprise to Ayshe, given her interactions with all the other Grace Field children at this point, but it'd be comforting all the same, that reinforcement of why Emma's friends and family cared so deeply for her and spent years searching for her. There was never really tension between them, but it makes Ayshe feel more at ease around her all the same.
I'm also a very big proponent of wlw Ayshe, so I enjoy @dyslexicsponge's take of her having a crush on Emma (intimidating Norman by going to hang out with him because he's so obvious about his crush on Emma and Ayshe's so smitten she doesn't know who else she could possibly commiserate with optional lol).
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