#wolf and flower
artofmaquenda · 2 months
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Show me a garden that's bursting into life
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juniperarts · 1 month
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Practicing tattoo designs & decided to add some little friends 🌺✨️
(Other version below)
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orangeblossombitch · 10 months
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سجّل أنا عربي فلسطيني !
- Mahmoud Darwish
Marwan the Wolf is back! 🇵🇸🫒
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artofalassa · 1 year
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The Pressure
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Art and Illustration by Kelly Louise Judd
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mogwaei · 2 months
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Ace: Damn... MC's lessons are more difficult than I expected.
Deuce: *still memorizing the spell he had learned earlier*
Ace: Hey, Deuce. Give it a break.
Deuce: *frowns*
Epel: Hm? Who is that?
*Sees a tall, handsome guy with long white hair and a wolf's tail and ears*
Ace: Your relative, Jack?
Jack: Huh? No. I don't think I know him.
Epel: Ack! He's approaching us!
The guy: *stops in front of them* ...
The guy: *pulls out a piece of paper from his sleeves* *then reads what is written in there*
The guy: Hello, I am a friend of MC. Can you take me to them?
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack: ...
Ace: Hey, do you think he's one of their husbands?
Jack: I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case.
Ace: Haha! Yes, yes! We'll take you to them!
MC: *in the middle of teaching second years*
MC: No, Kalim... Not anyone can eat the apple of truth...
Kalim: Why?
Jamil: Didn't you just hear them say that a single lie will cause you a painful death after eating that apple?
Kalim: Eh? It tastes like a normal apple to me.
MC: You sweet, summer child.
Azul: MC, can I-
MC: No. Unless you grow them yourselves.
Azul: *sigh*
Ace: *walking into the classroom, together with the others* Yo, teach!
MC: Hm? Yes?
Riddle: Ace, we're in the middle of the class. What are you first years doing here?
Deuce: You see, Housewarden Rosehearts-
Ace: We met one of your husbands.
MC: ...You mean one of the brothers? *pulls out the phone to check if they have any messages* *makes a confused expression*
MC: Who? I thought they all went to an amusement park with Grim.
Epel: It's not one of the brothers.
Jack: Yeah. He's a werewolf like me. I think?
MC: Huh?
Epel: Oh, yeah! He's with us!
Epel: Sir! MC is here!
*The guy walks in*
MC: ...
The guy: *walks up to them* *then hugs them*
MC: *blinks in confusion*
The guy: *speaks in a language no one could understand except those who have met him before*
MC: !!!
MC: Wh-
MC: White Wolf Of The Frost Flowers?
The guy: *chuckles* *nodding*
MC: Eh- How?? It hasn't been five hundred years since we gave you the gift.
The guy: I miss MC. *his tail wagging*
The second years and first years: ...
Leona: Great. A new one?
MC: ...
MC: White Wolf, how did you get here?
The guy: *speaks in his own language*
MC: Ah.
MC: A portal opened to your world and it led you here- WHAT?
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: This is one, handsome wolf you've got.
MC: Professor, please not now.
Professor Trein: MC, you need to sort this out.
MC: I'm trying...
Crowley: *tries to talk to the White Wolf*
Crowley: You, big, big wolf?
MC: ...
MC: Headmage, he can understand our language.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: *clears throat* You should've said sooner. Anyway, *to the White Wolf* do you have a name?
The guy: *looks at MC* *says something to them*
MC: Oh. I see. He wants to be called "Frost".
Frost: *nods* *then smiles* Thank you.
Solomon: This is a problem.
Lucifer and the brothers: Yes.
Diavolo: What could the White Wolf Of The Frost Flowers want from MC?
Frost: *pulls another piece of paper from his sleeve*
Frost: I am here to form a contract with them.
Frost: I want to become their familiar.
MC: ...
MC: At least he doesn't want to take me anymore. Haha.
Solomon and the others: They are trying to ignore the real situation here...
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bunnieswithknives · 23 days
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ottosbigtop · 1 day
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Anotha one
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jade-bright · 1 month
Stiles, bursting into the Hale's home: I have a younger sibling!!!
The Hale's simultaneously: What? Claudia's pregnant!?! What!? Oh god. What. Grrr. Are you serious? What?!
Stiles, pulling out a 9 year old Scott from behind him: His name's Scott, he looks like a puppy and he's my little brother now
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cryotters · 4 months
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snow peony
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Denizens Of The Darkness
Watercolor On Black Paper
2022, 22"x 30"
Monkshood, Aconite, Aconitum
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sorrowfulrosebud · 9 months
I hope you know you've given me puppy hybrid Bakugou brain rot, so you get another ask as a repercussion u3u
Whats the scenario or head canon of why we had to start putting a muzzle on hybrid Bakugou when going out? Did he bite, start a fight, did something out of spite? (Yes, that was a purposeful rhyme)
Gimme the tea 🫖
Blue? Wolf? Angel? 01? However you wish to be referred to, I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BIG SMART BRAIN MWA MWA. Also this got long hehehe
Warnings: bratty kid, animalistic Bakugou, wounds, reader passes out
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I imagine Katsuki would have to start wearing the muzzle as soon as he left the shelter. In my AU, he was in a fighting ring (original, I know), so he still snaps when he gets frightened or angry. He doesn’t mean to, not in the slightest. But when you have to fight to the death for scraps, or a ratty blanket to keep you warm in a cramped and filthy dog cage, it becomes a nasty habit.
You try to keep it off him as much as possible unless you’re going out. It was a very long process to get him to relax even slightly with you, which was honestly a feat in of itself.
You listen to his body language. He comes to you when he has a problem. If he tenses when you’re petting him, you retract your hand and wait for the signal for you to continue, if any. You leave his food alone, because it’s his. You allow him to nap, knowing the poor creature needs some proper sleep.
It’s easier in the privacy of your own home, in a comforting environment that Bakugou can explore a million times over and never find anything new. In public though, when the screaming child demands to touch his sensitive tail, or when the shih tzu hybrid is sniffing him, it can be so overwhelming for the pup.
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“Are you all ready to go, sweet thing?” You smile at your new puppy boy.
Katsuki growled lowly, his collar and leash loose on his neck. The muzzle was wrapped around his lower face, protecting himself from a future lawsuit. He tugged at the metal bars irritatedly. You sigh in empathy.
“I know, sweetpea. I’m afraid that until the padded muzzle comes, it has to be the one provided by the shelter. On the bright side, you can come outside for a walk! It’s a lovely day outside and you can meet the neighbours!” You explain happily.
Katsuki chuffs and rolls his eyes, walking ahead and pulling you on the leash as you squeak in surprise.
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“See, I told you it was nice! How’s your collar feeling, honey?” You ask him gently, not wanting to overwhelm him. Katsuki’s pupils were blown with all sorts of new smells and sounds.
He never knew what squirrels sounded like. They scurried in the trees a lot more delicately than the rats in the compound. The screams of children were from fun as their parents chased and played with them. The new pups in the compound were snatched from their mother and sold or… Katsuki shook his head. He didn’t want to think about that place any more.
It was all so bewildering for him, but he seemed to be enjoying it as he threw you a nod.
“Aw I’m so glad!” You laugh softly. You stop near the local convenience store, the thought of a cold ice cream tickling your fancy. You call out to Katsuki to stop as he obeys.
“Do you fancy an ice cream? It’s such a hot day today, and you’ve taken everything in so wonderfully,” you ask him.
Katsuki cocked his head, not knowing what “ice cream” was. He had sometimes heard his old handlers talk about it, but he’d never been able to try any. You felt a pang of guilt at the realisation that he’d never had the sweet treat.
“Let’s go and get you one. I’m sure you’ll like it,” you promise him softly, allowing him to walk in first. He jumped slightly at the little ding-dong of the door, growling at it as you explained what it was.
Despite his grumbling and the occasional bark, he was behaving himself remarkably.
The ice cream freezer was thankfully stocked full to the brim, with flavours of nearly every description.
“Ah, here they are! I hope they have some that’s hybrid friendly. Katsuki, why don’t you come take a look and see what you want to try,” you encourage him. Katsuki froze a little. You were… giving HIM the choice? Was this some sort of trap? Your soft smile made him feel slightly at ease.
Plus, you would never hit him in a store, right?
He takes a look at the flavours in the freezer, entranced by the huge red strawberries and slabs of chocolate. He was about to grab an ice lolly with a motif of a raspberry when a shriek pierces his ears.
His hands slap to his head, covering the fluffy things as he snaps his head at the source. He lets out an automatic growl as his teeth curl back. A small child, not much older than 6 is staring back at him with a delighted look. In his sticky hand held a melting ice lolly.
“Doggy!” He shrieks excitedly, jumping up and down. A woman, whom you presume is his mother, is taking a phone call further down the aisle.
Katsuki pressed further into you when the kid tries touching him with sticky fingers. You immediately stand in front of him, trying to calm the puppy boy down and deal with the kid.
“Hi there sweetie, I’m sorry but Katsuki doesn’t like being touched,” you try to explain carefully, getting on the child’s level. You’re taken aback when the little monster’s face goes red and he lets out an ear-piercing scream that has Katsuki starting to hyperventilate a bit.
“NO! WANT TO PET THE DOGGY! MAMAAAA!” The kid wails, the woman walking to her son. She looks you up and down as she holds her son by the shoulders.
“What seems to be the problem here?” She sneers. You make sure Katsuki has space to cool down as you try to explain.
“Your son here is trying to pet my hybrid, but that is not something that he is comfortable at all with, so I’m trying to explain-” you were cut off by the woman.
“So? The beast is muzzled and leashed, why can’t my angel pet him?” She gave you a dirty look, as if she could look past your puppyboy who looked like he would rather be anywhere else.
“Katsuki is really not comfortable with that. It’s his first time out of the house in a long time and-” you were once again cut off by the woman’s snooty laughter.
“Well if he’s such a ‘rabid beast’ then he shouldn’t be out of the house,” she snarls viciously. You didn’t even notice the kid sneaking behind you until Katsuki lets out a vicious growl, and the sound of 2 screams fill the air.
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Katsuki waited for the paramedics to bandage you up as they took you to hospital. They found you bleeding in Katsuki’s arms, his claw marks identical to the ones in your chest.
Turns out the little bastard had snuck behind you and yanked on Katsuki’s leash. Being already wound up and anxious, the sharp leash tug threw him into a frenzy as he instinctively went to claw the threat. You pushed the kid off in time, taking the blow instead.
Katsuki could only stare at you as cotton filled his mouth. His mouth twitched as he started trembling. He had … hurt you…
Your shriek of pain could never leave his head, him not even registering that he had made you bleed until the metallic smell hit his nose. The kid started wailing after being shoved on the floor, the mother picking him up and running away.
You look at him, then at the blood and you try to smile. You swallow, the shock of the pain making it difficult to see.
“D-don’t worry K’s’ki! I do- I don’ blame you,” you start to slur out, the shock and blood loss making you woozy. You slump against your pup, breathing shallow and light. Katsuki whined anxiously, looking for help.
A witness in the same aisle came forward slowly, aware of Katsuki’s hyperventilating and anxious state. He clutched you close to him, sitting on the ground as he trembled and nosed your face. Blood was everywhere, staining everything.
The customer slowly made his way to Katsuki, clicking her tongue softly to get his attention. Katsuki looked wild as he snarled savagely, pulling you tighter. She held her hands up slowly, demonstrating she wasn’t a threat.
“I’m going to call for help. I need to make sure that your owner is okay. I’m going to be super duper careful to make sure I don’t hurt them any more. You can still hold them, I just need to make sure their pulse is still there. Is that okay?” She spoke slowly and calmly, getting emergency services on her phone.
Katsuki snarled, but the claws digging into you relaxed slightly. The customer let a small smile out as she checked your pulse and referred everything back to the emergency services. She was slow and methodical, careful not to move too quickly and scare the trembling pup.
“There we go, all done. I saw everything you know,” she said quietly, kneeling near the two of you. Katsuki whined quietly, chuffing your hair.
“You were scared, and that monster of a boy didn’t listen. There are cameras everywhere, so I’m certain nothing will happen,” she said firmly.
Her hand slowly lifted up, paying close attention to his body language. Her hand slowly found refuge in his hair, slowly petting his ears. Katsuki could feel his heartbeat slow down, just for a moment, before it spiked again at the sound of the siren of the ambulance.
The paramedics filtered through with animal control, surprised to see a muzzled hybrid already collared and leashed holding on to the patient. The lead paramedic slowly approached you, the uniform and sterile smell making Katsuki snarl loudly and pinning you back to him. His eyes were like pin pricks as he held you tight.
“Heyyy, there you go buddy. Is that your owner there?” The paramedic questioned him quietly, bringing the cart to carry you beside her. Katsuki snarled as they got closer.
“I know, I know. It must be scary being in this situation. The lady on the phone told me what happened. You didn’t mean it, did you?” the paramedic prayed her words were getting through to him.
It seemed her prayers were answered when his grip lets loose slightly.
“You were frightened, weren’t you? The kid yanked on your leash? That must have hurt,” she murmured to him, getting more on his level. She was making slow progress to you, getting anxious when she sees the amount of blood lost.
“But now your owner is hurting. Can we take them to get all fixed up? You can ride with us in the ambulance,” she promised, holding her hand out. Katsuki growled, but with a small whine, relinquished his grasp on you.
The paramedic smiled at him, slowly picking you up as she dashed you to the cart, strapping you in as she rushed you to the ambulance outside. Katsuki whined and followed you, desperate to keep your pained face in his vision.
He rode with you the entire way to the hospital, whining when he couldn’t see past the curtain of the emergency room.
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The next few hours were hell. He sat next to the curtained room, jumping up when the nurse talks to him.
“You’re very lucky. The wounds were relatively deep, but it was the shock that made them pass out. We stitched up the wound, so now we’re going to monitor your owner in a different room. Would you like to come with?” He asked. Katsuki nodded frantically.
He couldn’t help the whimper when he saw your bed being wheeled out, the bandages reaching a good way across your chest. You were docked into your new room. All Katsuki could do was wait for you to wake up.
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Katsuki was a mess. He couldn’t stop whimpering to himself, scared shitless. You were the only person to ever treat him with such kindness, to talk to him like a person and not a dog. You were kind, and gentle, and-
Probably gonna hand him back to the shelter. He knew what that meant though, considering this was his ‘saving grace’. He wouldn’t get any more chances. He tried to toughen himself up, beating his leg in rage as he prepares himself for your rage.
The rage, however, never came. Katsuki must have fallen asleep, since he was awoken by the gentle call of his name. His head snapped up, mixed emotions when he sees your confused orbs.
“What… happened?” You slurred out, sleep still overtaking your system. Your eyes snapped open at the recollection of events.
“Oh god! Are you alright?!” You gasp. Katsuki looked at you dumbfounded. His body trembled. Even when he had hurt you… made you pass out… you still wouldn’t say a bad word against him. Your eyes softened as tears breached his waterline, making his beautiful lashes clump together.
“No no no no, sweet thing! What’s wrong?!” You coo at him, sitting up. He looks pointedly at your chest. You let out an “oh”.
“Katsuki, this wasn’t your fault. That little boy wouldn’t leave you alone, completely ignoring that I said to leave you alone. He still did, despite you being clearly upset and went to yank on your leash! I couldn’t have them take you away from me, so I chose to take the blow instead,” you said firmly, placing a gentle hand on his clenched fist.
“I would do it a million times over for you,” you murmured to him, softly wiping his tears. He flinched slightly, before shakily nuzzling his hand into your palm.
“You’re my good boy, my sweet Katsuki,” you preen, rubbing your thumb across his cheek. His chest rumbles as he slowly ambles into your bed. He makes eye contact with you, something within him trying to force himself to stop. Your warm eyes don’t however, simply shifting along to make room.
He cuddles into you, careful of your wound as he licks your neck gently.
“M-miiiine,” he tried, the word new as it rolled on his tongue. Your head snapped to him, amazed at his first word. Your eyes watered as you pressed a kiss to his head.
“That’s right, puppy. You’re mine.”
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@archer-fb had to expand the first word babe 🤭
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monerelluvia · 1 year
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some self-indulgent experimenting with satyr legs for Shadow and I must say I love it. the horns can do whatever they want she exists in a void anyway
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melkyt · 3 months
Im sorry, wait wait, give me a minute
Law's flower is Queen of The Night? And I am supposed to be okay after that information
The flower that stands for wisdom and how life and death go hand in hand, how existance is a cycle between the two?
Flower that blooms once a year, that can stand for eternity yet is fleeting?
There are countless myths and books about a rare flower that blooms once in an eternity, flower that brings immortality at the cost of its own life?
*oh my heart*
The symbolism goes hard wth
Me crying over Trafalgar Law as always yeah, yeah
Its so tragic...
It's such a beautiful setup for a romantic tragedy....
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artofmaquenda · 1 year
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Alternative version :>
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