markcrtwoeridge · 2 months
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Chapter 2 Page 1 of Woeridge is up !!
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markthecrtmonitor · 8 months
General Update - 1/20/2024
Hey y'all, figured I'd do a little text update of sorts since I probably won't be super active for a while.
(Streaming Update)
My new job & college are really kicking my ass despite it being the first week of both. I haven't settled into a routine quite yet and am incredibly exhausted by the end of my shift, so it's been hard to get things like art done or just the usual mental processes I need to do in general.
Due to this, I realistically can't do a stream schedule at this point in time like I tried to do earlier in the year, so I'm just gonna continue with the sporadic streams at random times. With the exception of any collab streams I might do with friends.
Y'all might see me around in other folks streams and stuff on occasion, but really I can't keep up with everything right now till I'm settled down in a new routine.
(Woeridge + Art Centric Updates)
For the sake of my mental and physical well-being, I'm probably going to stay on hiatus from the comic for a little longer until my routine is steady and I have proper time to focus on it. I just really don't want to overload myself.
This also applies to me posting just little doodles and stuff. Or at least it sort of does? I might do some small super rough doodles here and there and post them, but there's a super low chance of me posting completed pieces and stuff of that nature until things settle down. Don't expect much.
(General Updates)
I'm just gonna list these off in semi-vague bullet points because I don't want to get too into detail with them.
Health is fine minus the usual bits. But I'm figuring it out.
I've mentioned this in passing a few times, but I'm trying to get more serious about my strongman routine. Might post more about it if I feel comfy with it.
The creatures are fine if anyone is curious about them. They have been getting many pets and treats.
Thinking about starting my tattoo sleeve soon, just trying to decide on where I want my first tattoo to be.
I have a throne now. But y'all will have to find it on your own. (thank you again @blawnk for funding spiderbong and milk rock, you're too nice)
Don't really have much else to say right now. If you have my discord I'll probably be quicker to respond on the weekends than weekdays. With the exception of Saturday mornings. I'm gonna be honk-shoo-mimimimimi up in my bed until noon.
Take care of yourselves. Hydrate, eat, sleep, etc. If you see me you see me and if you don't you don't.
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markcrtwoeridge · 2 months
New Update Webcomic Update Video is up!
Webcomic Update Video 7 is up! Sorry it's been like, seven months since the last one.
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markcrtwoeridge · 6 months
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markcrtwoeridge · 7 months
Woeridge Update 3/6/2024
I apologize for not doing one of these in a while, between my job and college its been sorta difficult to sit down and get anything comic related done. Including updates.
I'm probably going to start Chapter 2 in May of 2024, I'm going to spend my spring break making sure I have my references and the story the way I want them as well as taking some much needed rest. I'm hoping to get a backlog of pages done so I can do biweekly updates for chapter 2 rather than doing monthly ones, that way this chapter goes by a lot faster than Chapter 1 did.
I'm unsure of when exactly I want to do another video update, but it could be a while before I pick those back up. I'll try to post some small doodles that are non-spoilers here every once and a while, but I'll probably wait until early April before I start posting those.
Might attempt an art stream where I just practice drawing poses and doing perspective within the next week or so, but I'll definitely announce it here as well as on my other tumblr @markthecrtmonitor if I actually go through with it.
Don't have many other updates besides those, so that's it for now. Remember to take care of yourselves, please. That means eat, drink, get some sleep, take your meds, all that jazz. I'll try to make another update post on the comic sometime soon, especially now that I'm down to 2 classes for this semester.
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markcrtwoeridge · 4 months
Woeridge Update 5/14/2024
Time for me to ramble once more <3
Despite cramming for finals and having to work, I've still been able to find some time to actually work on Woeridge. So that also means I can give more updates!
I'm slowly working on getting the backlog of Chapter 2 together, but funny enough it's not drawing the pages that's causing slow progress, it's the Field Guide.
This guide has sort have been the way I go about planning out the nature aspect of Woeridge. It's also how I decide what plants go where and what makes the most sense for the area, given its setting.
Now was writing a comprehensive Field Guide to the entirety of the Woeridge Area that includes maps of trails and information about the local Flora and Fauna necessary? I mean, I could have just slapped anything anywhere and called it a day, but my brain has firmly decided that if I have something where it shouldn't (even if it's a fictional setting) then that's BAD and I must pay for my sins.
The Black Walnut Tree (Juhlans nigra L.) grows typically in the eastern United States, needs an average annual temp of 55 degrees F, and requires direct sunlight. Now Woeridge, despite getting a ton of sunlight, has an average annual temp of 40 degrees F and is often quite cloudy due to Monsoon season, resulting in most of the plants in the area thriving best with partial shade.
Now while I could technically put a Black Walnut Tree IN the Woeridge area, it wouldn't make any sense from a botany perspective for it to be growing there.
And it's not just the Flora that's slightly holding the Webcomic progress hostage, it's also the Fauna of the area. Same deal as the example I gave. If I put a species of animal that literally cannot properly thrive in the climate of Woeridge IN Woeridge, then it wouldn't make sense from a Zoology perspective to have it there.
BUT! Progress IS being made, it's just taking me a ridiculous amount of time to do so. As I said in the last update, I will not be giving a set date for the beginning of Chapter 2, but it will be starting sometime in 2024.
I'll try to do an art stream later this week working on some non-chapter related artwork for the Comic, and will attempt to get a video update out on my YouTube for those who do not like to read my rambles/have an easier time digesting verbal announcements than written.
I will now be going to bed because it's like midnight over here.
Please behave and take care of yourselves.
- Mark CRT
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markcrtwoeridge · 5 months
Woeridge Update 4/24/2024
It's that time again besties~
So, got stuff figured out and now can give a proper update for the Webcomic moving forward.
At the moment I am in the last 3-ish weeks of my current college semester, which means cramming for finals like a mad man in between my shifts at my job. Unfortunately, this also means I'm unable to really focus on the Webcomic and getting pages out.
I have the chapter fully written, references completed, and so on. But I just don't have time to actually draw right now. So I'm going to be on Hiatus until I have a large enough backlog of pages to start posting.
I apologize to those who were looking forward to the release of Woeridge Chapter 2 in May. I didn't want to make this sort of update tbh. I was really hoping I had more time in my work/life schedule for art, but like most things, plans went weird.
I now plan to have Chapter 2 start sometime in 2024, but I will not be giving a set date as my life is just a lot right now and will be for the next while. I'll come back eventually with the next chapter and will try to post some supplemental art in the mean time.
Thanks for reading this little ramble. Please take care of yourselves.
-Mark CRT
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markcrtwoeridge · 8 months
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Chapter 1 Page 13 of Woeridge is up !!
And with that, Chapter 1 of Woeridge is now finished!
I will be on a hiatus of sorts until late April or early May, which is when I'll start uploading Chapter 2.
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markcrtwoeridge · 8 months
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Chapter 1 of Woeridge ENDS tomorrow with the release of Page 13!
Sorry this page has taken so long to get out, and for me to finish this chapter. I'll be going on a short comic hiatus while I try to adjust to my new life schedule starting the same day this chapter ends (1/14/2024).
Thank y'all so much for all the support for Woeridge, it really means a lot to me. I have big plans for Chapter 2, which will be starting in either April or May of 2024.
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markcrtwoeridge · 7 months
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I forgot to post this TV Girl inspired doodle of Azizi and Post I meant to share on Valentines Day. So I'm gonna post it PLUS drop some lore about the two of them for funsies.
Post and Azizi are "roommates" and have known one another since grade school. They moved in with each other shortly before they graduated High school.
Post and Azizi spend their days off together no matter what since they're both working almost non-stop the rest of the time. If one of them go somewhere, the other goes with.
Neither of them really watch TV, but they both love listening to old time radio shows when they're just lounging around at home.
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markcrtwoeridge · 9 months
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Chapter 1 Page 12 of Woeridge is up !!
Merry Christmas !! Page 12 is now up !!
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markcrtwoeridge · 10 months
Quick Update - Lost References - 12/10/23
I lost my giant reference folder of all the backgrounds & outdoor environments I had for Woeridge and I am now extremely pissed with myself for not double checking if I had backed them up before letting my computer get wiped.
The last few pages of Chapter 1 are going to be delayed for a bit as a result. I don't know if I'm going to try to remake the references at this point in time or if I'm going to try and finish the chapter without those references.
I'll do another comic update when I figure out what I'm doing and have a video update out later this week. Sorry, thanks for being patient with my dumb ass.
- Mark CRT
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markcrtwoeridge · 1 year
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Woeridge Chapter 1 Page 8 - DELAY
Shit came up, so I'll be putting out the next page of Chapter One in September instead of August. As I mentioned in the last update I posted, if this were to happen I'd double the pages that I'd be posting to two. So not only with Page 8 be out next month, but Page 9 will be as well.
Thanks for understanding! In the meantime, have this WIP sketch of one of the panels from Page 8.
-Mark CRT
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markcrtwoeridge · 9 months
do not be fooled, I have no idea how to draw perspective shots. I try for two hours, take a break for 72, then try again in that order until it looks passable.
I have hit my two hour limit I must take break now.
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markcrtwoeridge · 9 months
It'll def be up before the end of the month, can't give a approximate estimate because I got the big stupid and keep forgetting.
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markthecrtmonitor · 1 year
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By the rules of Spooky Season I must become a spooky little pumpkin head for the remainder of the month.
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