#woaw there's rocks down here
grendel-sceadugenga · 5 months
Not to expose my north england heritage but when I see a big fuck off mine I really do want to get into it
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vyladromeave · 3 years
This is how Shabowknights work in my brain. It just is. 
(Warning this is super long. like really long. its literally like 69k+ words im not kid. ding. i did include a couple poupble to help break up the bup the text. so. good lick.)
There is only one requirement for a person to become a shadowknight: you gotta feel it. you gotta reel it. you gotta feel it in the heart of the cards. sometimes ur having a rough day and youknow what thats fine. the shadowlord is totally there for you. hes your homie. your bro. your bromie. he can be anything you want him to be. but most importantly he is here for YOU. hes the cool boss. he lets you slack off on fridays, he puts slightly outdated memes in his powerpoint presentations. all for you. you’re welcome.
Now I hear what you’re thinking. What happens when the Shadowlord has a bad day? He can’t always be there for you, right? Wrong. The Shadowlord is on that grind, as the kids say. The grind never stops. no breaks. Stops? no stops. the only thing the Shadowlord is putting a stop to is ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴛɪʀᴇ ʀᴜ'ᴀᴜɴ ʀᴇɢɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɢᴇ-ʟᴏʀᴅ sʏsᴛᴇᴍ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɢᴏᴠᴇʀɴs ɪᴛ. Hes up all night and all day, working hard for you. give him a big thank you.
Not convinced? here’s a cool diagram he made for you. this could be us. you could be partially dead BUT holding hands with your best bro the Shadowlord. and really, what’s better than that? ghat? yeah? no. nothing. nothing is better. look at this diagram and fucking weep.
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All Shadowknights are immortal, as in immune to giving a shit. they just dont give a shit. they can just sit around for hours not giving a shit. do you give a shit? you shouldnt. you shoulding. houlding. hold mushrrom. thats what you should be doing right now. what are you waiting for? well???????????
If you were a Shadowknight, you could be holding a mushroom right now. That’s right. a whole mushroom just for you. but you arent. so you wont. why not? what’s stopping you? pledging your undying allegiance to the Shadowlord isnt so bad, we promise. it rocks, actually. we have pizza parties at the end of every month. does your employer hold pizza parties at the end of every month? I didn’t fucking think so.
Now I know what you’re thinking. But I dont waaaannnaaa kill the person I love the most! Well guess what? Sometimes you have to make hard decisions in life. Which is why you’re lucky that this decision is actually an easy one! I mean think about it, end of the month pizza party, mortal emotional attatchments. attachemnts. atatchments. fuck. however you spell it. Which one sounds cool as hell? Thats right. I don’t even have to say it. you know the answer. you already know the answer. i put it in your breain and it stays there.
Your favorite pizza topping.
What do you want on your pizza? I know you’re technically not one of the bros yet, but theres no way you wont be after all this, so I figured I’d go ahead and get your order down. Yeah i know the pizza party is a month away. im not ordering it right now. im ordering it later. that way its still fresh when it shows up. 
Although the delivery times out here in the nether kinda stink if I’m being honest. dont tell the shadowlord I said that though. he puts in a lot of time and effort to making sure everything is cool down here and like, really he doesn’t need to worry about the whole pizza delivery thing. like he already puts in so much time, the least i can do is cover the pizza thing yknow? 
I actually made the pizzas one month. have you ever made hundreds of personal pan custom pepperoni pizzas. its a lot of work. seriously. I kept burning them. so many burnt personal pan piping hot pipper pepper pepperoni personal pan personal pizzas. luckily im immune to fire, and i can never die. if you were one of the bros, you could be too. here’s your pizza.
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Consuming the Pizza
Go on. eat it. I made it for you. what do you mean when did I have time to make a pizza? just now, while we were talking. didn’t you notice? maybe not. I’m good at making pizzas quickly now. ive had a lot of practice. maybe we could make some personal pan pinni mini pan pepperoni pizzas togethethter sometime.
oh my god. wait. im an idiot. im a fool. i was so focused on making you your personal pan pipini piziza pepperoni peper piza that i didnt even hear what you wanted for your toppings. im so sorry. oh my gosh im so sorry. i really didn’t mean to, i just got caught up in the moment. really. i promise. i know this reflects really badly on the whole shadowknight thing, but i promise this is a rare occasion. really. all the bros here in the nether are really kind and thoughtful, so stuff like this rarely ever happens. I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
maybe its better that we dont have personal pipizini personal pan papaza pizzas. im not actually that good at making the pizazis. i lied. im sorry. im so sorry. this doesnt normally happen. i just wanted to sound cool. its been so long since someone’s considered joining the bros, i just wanted you to really like me. im so sorry. oh my god. im so sorry.
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A Reformed Pizza
The pizza is metaphorical. we’re still friends, right? we’re still bros? future potential bros? the potential kinetic mechanical energy of bros? thats a little science joke for you, whwhwhere i just said the science words. I havent learned about science in a while, ive been stuck down here making personal pan pizzazos for a while. im sorry about the pizza thing again, by the way. i tossed  your bad personal pan pizza in the lava pool over there to make up for how sucks it was. it was really bad. yeah. its probably a good thing that nobody ate it.
A Sturdier Pizza
The pizza is literal. We can make a new pizza. together. with my powers and yours combined. give me your hand. we are holding hands now. these are the hands that will make a new pizza. together. we can do it if we believe. do you believe? in our new world? in our now pizza? you should. you should believe. you better fucking believe it.
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look at thsi shit. ohhhhooooooollyf uck. look at that pizza. holy shit. look at that piza. holy shit. balls.
Natural Abiblibties
sorry im still jsut thinkginbg aboutt he pizza. homygod. holy shit. did youz seetheat pizza. did you see it. arey you looking. at the pizza. ohmygodc. look at thits. is. its. the pizza. its fucking perfect look at it. ive never made a pizza like that before. we diddit tofgotehr. we did it. the pizza. we did it.
iknow itsnoth the end of the month yet but iwant to have a pizza party. lets do it again. we’re strong enough. we can take on anything tofeger. antyhign. even pizza. especially pizaz. we can. iknow you dont believe it but its strue. lets do it again. lets make a pizza one more time. what dtopping do you want to put on it this time? mushrrom? we can do mushrrom.
here. im handing you a mushrrom. you can put it on the pizza. its a topping. there are many toppings you can put on pizza. you can put on extra cheese too. then iets ecxtra cheesy. cheesy peezy. pizza.
lets do it together.
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Additional Pizzas
we’ve made so many pizzas. thatslike two whole pizzas. wholy fuck. holy shit. thats twho whole pizzas. bro. thats great! thats amazing! thats two more pizzas than we had before. like seriously we set our mind to the piizza and our brain to the pizza and you smush it and you sus it and then you pizza. woaw! pizza. pizza.
what if we made more pizzas.we could make a pizza for everyone. everyone could knpow of our pizzas. everyone could be just as happy as us. isnt that great? isnt that amazing? we could all pizzas. we could ALL pizzas.
hold on. im calling the bros. they need to know. they need to pizza. ive got two bros right here ready for a pizza. do you think we can do it. thats double the pizza we’ve already made. it could be tough. i know this is a lot of pressure, and it really means a lot to me, but its ok if you want to back down now. pizza is a lot of work. its hard work. i know it is. you know it now too. but we can pizza. we can pizza together.
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:) the bros really enjoyed the pizza. thanks for helping me make pizza very appreciate very cool. pizza. im handing you a pizza coupon right now i am folding it into your hand. what store does it go to? dont worry about that. its just a coupon for pizza, you dont have to worry about the specifics. they’ll know what to do with it.
they’ll know.
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freshstartbaby · 4 years
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🎧 Me, myself and I - Beyoncé
I finally got back home. This trip was amazing. I really had a good time. Beautiful country, beautiful house, beautiful people, peace. I can’t wait for our next trip together. The crew was lit for real. But every good thing has an end. We’re back to reality baby. I was getting ready for work this monday morning. It was my sixth week. It went well that far. My bosses were kind, good listeners and really seemed to want to make me comfortable. My co-workers were cool too. I was greatful and excited because my missions were fitting me so well. I will have few presentations this week so I’m kind of anxious. But I got this.
I really worked hard since day one at this position because I didn’t want to mess it up. I wanted to show that I deserve my place. So I didn’t really take time to discover LA yet. I like to enjoy myself but I’m workaholic sometimes. I wasn’t down for distraction.
Speaking of distraction I heard my phone buzzed on the sink of the bathroom. I finished rubbing the lotion on my legs and grabbed it.
@bignasty reacted to your story
I twisted my mouth and smiled slowly. This boy. Mhhh how can I say that. We got close at the end of the trip. Like he is a very kind person and all of that. We kept in touch when we were back in LA. I mean we exchanged good morning, good night, joke messages, FaceTime and things like that. He proposed to me to see each other few times but I kept declining it. Even if it was very tempting. We weren’t on holiday anymore. And even if he was a kind, smart and attractive man, I felt like he was radiating a fuckboy vibe. I was not falling into it. So the less we see each other the better I will be. I tapped on the screen, opened the message and double tapped it. I put my phone back, adjusted my shirt and heard my phone buzzed again. This time it was a FaceTime call.
My eyes widened at the sound. I looked back at my phone and saw Florian’s name on the screen. I answered and went to my bedroom saying
« You are really face timing me at 8:17 in the morning » I said sitting on my bed
« Wassup Rob » he said smiling. Oh Jesus that voice. It looks like he was in his car
« And you're doing it while driving ? »
« I’m not on the road, can you at least say hi back » blinking his eyes
« Hello my dear » smiling and putting my hand under my chin
« There she is, how you doin ? » he said smiling
« I’m good thank you, and you ? Where you goin ? »
« I’m good to, I’m heading home, I was at the gym » he said rubbing his neck
« Mhhh I see, you were pushing hard for you naked photos on IG » I said miming some sport
« Why are you like that ? » he said laughing « at least you are watching to them »
« Not AT ALL » I said rolling my eyes knowing I was discovered
« Yea Yea I hope you enjoy it » he said, licking his lips. You see ? I told you ? Fuckboy
« Yea Yea quit it » I answered
« You heading to work ? »
« Yes, I start at 9:30»
« You want me to drop you ? I’m not that far »
I put my head to the side, thinking. I wasn’t sure it was a great idea. I mean I kept declining his proposition to get out my and now he's proposing me a service and I say yes ? I don’t want him to think I’m scrounger.
« I don’t know, I don’t want to bother-
« I know you don’t have a car yet, I’m not far, it will make you arrive earlier and I just want to see you so bad »he said in a calm voice
Woaw booooooy. I smiled and put my head down licking my lips.
« Or maybe you don’t want to see me at all, I feel like I’m pushing you theses weeks »
« No no it’s not like that, it’s just that i was settling in my new place and I began this new wor-« 
« Yea I know you’ve been working hard »
« I just want to kill it you know ? » i asked him
He nodded his head and waited for my answer. Few seconds passed when he said
« Just text me your address Rob »
I pinched my lips, got to our message conversation, texted my address and sent him.
« It’s on its way » I said
I saw him grabbed his phone and tapped on his screen
« I’m here in 14 minutes » he told me
« Okaaaaaay » i answered in a low voice
« See you in a minute »
As the video ended I put my phone on my bed. Okay I was ready to nailed this week. But I hadn’t prepared myself to see him, not physically I mean mentally. Jesus. I think that it was the most stressing 10 minutes since I don’t know when. I shook my entire body in front of my mirror, trying to not look stressed or anxious. Checked myself a last time and closed my door.
I was waiting in front of my building, scrolling my feed when I felt a car parked in front of me. I was ready to step inside when I saw him get out of his side and stepped closer to me. I forgot how huge he was. He was in a grey street wear ensemble and looked just so fine. He was just not playing fair. A big smile appeared on his mouth before he pulled me into a tight hug. I found myself smiling maybe harder than him. He pulled back and told me
« I missed you »
« No, I missed you » I said pushing his shoulder
He stepped back, opened the door and told me to get in here. I thanked him and watched him go back to his seat. Once he closed his door he looked at me still smiling. At this point my cheeks were burning. His smile was so contagious.
« It’s good to see you » he said looking me in the eyes
« It's good to see you » I repeated. It really was. I didn’t think I will felt that way
« Still shining «  he said looking me up and down
« Still looking handsome » I replied
We stared at each other few seconds before laughing. He handed me his phone so I could put my work’s address. He took his phone back and secured it on the board. We were ready to go. We were on the road, taking news, finally face to face when my phone started ringing
« Theo 🤍 is calling »
I excused myself and took the call.
« Hey you » i said smiling
« Hi Rob, how are you ? »
« I’m great thank you, and you ? »
« Pretty fine, am I bothering you ? »
« No ! I’m on my way to work »
« Is that a road sound ? You found a car ? »
« No yet, a friend kindly proposed me to drop me this morning » I said looking at Florian
« Oh ok. I'm not goin to bothering you any longer, I took my flight, I will arrive in LA Wednesday »
« Oh Wednesday ? Great ! »
« Yea I can't wait to see your face, I got so many things to tell you « he said laughing
« Ow I can't wait to see you too baby » I bitted my lips realizing that Florian was just beside me
« My dad will be in LA too, are you down for dinner ? »
« Of course when ? Wednesday evening ? »
« Yes »
« Ok i put it on my agenda »
« Amazing, see you Wednesday then ? »
« See you Wednesday Theo » I said smiling
I put my phone in my bag and took a breath so my shoulders went down
« Who was that ? » Florian said keeping his eyes on the road
« A New York friend « 
He nodded and went silent again
« A friend ? » he asked
« Yea «  I said laughing trying not to look uncomfortable
« You called him baby »
« I call everybody baby »
« Not me » he said looking at me with serious face
Why do I feel like I’m in trouble ? He is kind of impressing when he talk like that
« You want me to call you baby Florian ? » I said acting like it wasn’t a big deal
« If you calling everyone like that I’m not interested » he said looking back at the road
« The nerve » I said rolling my eyes
« At least baby has the chance to take you on dinner » he said referring to Theo
I let my jaw drop at the end of his sentence. He was really doing me like that ?
« You heard that ? » i asked
« I did, I'm not asking you out again anyway »
I started laughing to make him relax. His smiled and looked at me
« I’m not laughing. »
I poured my mouth trying to coax him.
« Don’t do this face » he said looking back at the road « You’re the one saying me no »
A silence settled between us. I was feeling bad. I didn’t thought that it will mean so much to him
« Look, I promise you that this week, I’m booking an evening for you or this weekend if you want ? »
« An evening. And an entire day this weekend. » he said
I opened my eyes like woaw ok.
« You can not step back now » he said « you promised » He continued while parking
I slowly shook my head, unput my seatbelt. And looked at him.
« Thank you for the ride » I said softly
« Thank you for accepting it » he answered nodding his head.
I opened the door, stepped away and closed it. I was ready to head to my work when I came back on my steps. I made the tour of the car. Florian opened the window and watched me with a wondering face.
« Get out » I told him
He closed the window and opened the door slowly so he wouldn't hit me. He got out watching me as I pulled him in a hug. I heard him chuckle before putting his arms around me.
I don’t really know how to explain this but let me do it short. I would have regretted it all week if I hadn’t done this. Sometimes you just have to do what you got to do. My guts were telling me to take this big boy in my arms while I could. Before I mess all this up. I felt his left hand caressing the back of my head and his mouth pressed on my temple. I could literally die like this. His hand left the back of my head and patted the lower part of my back
« You gon be late «  he whispered
I let my arms slowly drop and stepped back
« Have a nice day » I said with a little smile
« Have a nice day Rob » he said licking his lips
I headed the building shaking my head. Let’s do this baby.
« I swear to you, this co worker is just super annoying «  I said laughing « what kind of people keep asking you where you going everytime he sees you walking »
« Next time, do me a favor, tell him to mind his business » Alexandra said
We were on facetime while I was getting ready for my dinner with Theo and his father.
« So you have a date with your daddy and your father in law tonight, let me see what you wearing » she said
« You know what, I ain’t goin to argue with you about that » I said blending my eyeshadow « but I’m giving you minimalist rock shit » I continue showing her my jacket « and I’m goin to put my black ducksmartin »
« If you can take money from these white men, do it »
« Drop it Xandraaaa »
She kept laughing when Alexander appeared behind her saying me Hi
« Hey Alex »
« You good Rob ?» he said
« Super fine »
« And just so you know » he said looking at his girlfriend « she can’t have dinner with a father in law because she is dating Florian tomorrow night » he kissed her cheek and left
Alexandra looked at me, mouth full open
« You got a date with BIG NASTY and you hided it from me »
« I was going to tell you I swear it was the next topic but first of all Alexander take you ass back in here » I saw him come back « how do you know that ? He told you ? « 
« Yep »
« My god he is so talkative, and second of all it’s not a date »
« Hum this is not what he told me » he said looking to the side and twisting his mouth
« Well this is not what is told me either and I’m the one concerned here so this is definitely not a date, this is a chill night » I said putting on my last lashes
« A CHILL NIGHT ? » Alexandra screamed « like what Netflix and chill ? Girl he is going to bang youuuuuuuu » she said laughing
« No it’s not a Netflix and chill I’m not that dumb, we going to eat » I said with a little smile.
She was so true, I was so trapped if I allowed myself to Netflix and chill with him.
« And Saturday he is giving me a proper LA tour, it’s going to be fun »
« at least you stopped ghosting him » Alexander said while drinking water
I opened my mouth in shock, did Florian really tell him that ? Boys talk like girls these days i couldn’t believe him
« First of all she didn’t ghosted him, she took her distances because we never know with you guys » Alexandra said
« Thank youuuu ! »
We kept talking when I received a text message from Theo saying me that he was here on my block. I said goodbye to them and went to put on my shoes when I heard the ring belled. I opened the door and saw him
« Well Hello Mister T » i said smiling hard
He looked up at me and pulled me in a tight hug. We stayed there few seconds before he stepped back putting his right hand on my cheek
« I missed you «  he whispered
I closed my eyes and smiled shyly before pulling him in a quick hug and telling him to come in. He stepped in and handed me a bag. I took it and watched what inside, it was kind of heavy
« I know you don’t like flowers so I took you few bottles »
There were five wine bottles. It was the brand that I used to drink when I came to his place.
« I took 2 white, 2 rose and 1 red because baby you need to your puck needs to get used to it »
I laughed softly about how he was right about everything. I wasn’t a flower girl. And I wasn’t a red wine girl either. It’s gon be few years he kept telling me that I have to get used to red wine.
« Let me put this in the kitchen. Please take a sit and thank you, I really appreciate it » I said kissing his cheek « then we can go »
« Oh we got few minutes in front of us, you giving me a tour ? » He said smirking
« Theo you already know the place « I said smiling
« Hey but I want to know how you decorated it »
« Come on lets give you a second tour »
I put the new bottles in the kitchen, showed him how I decorated the place and we went to the restaurant. He told me that his father will join us when we get there.
When we were in the cab, talking about past weeks I felt my phone buzzed. I grabbed it and saw a text message
Florian Munteanu:
Have a nice dinner with baby
I shook my head. He was so childish. I unlocked my phone and told him
« Thank you ! Don’t worry you will have your own dinner tomorrow ️ »
I hadn’t the time to put my phone back in my bag that he answered me
« It’s gon be better with me »
I rolled my eyes, he just never stop
« It’s not a competition Florian »
« Yea I know I just want to make you happy »
I softly smiled at the last message.
The dinner went very well. It’s been a while I haven’t seen Theo’s dad. I could clearly remember where is soft part came from. Very nice and dedicated people. I liked the way that he was talking to me like I was his own daughter. We laughed at the fact that when we were three of us, we always had people glancing at us like I was the a Sugar Baby with two Sugar Daddies. Theo’s father insisted to pay for us and went back to his place. Theo and I still had a lot to discuss and weren’t tired so we decided to go take a drink.
I was showing him Tulum photos. There was the house, landscape, the crew and we arrived at a part when there were like a dozen pictures of me and Florian, a little wasted. Theo looked at me scrolling the picture faster and told me
« You had fun don’t you ? » he said rubbing his chin
« Yeaaaa it was awesome » I said exiting the pictures app.
He nodded his head still looking at me for few seconds
« I need to tell you something « 
I looked at him. He wasn’t used to telling me things like that. He is more straight to the point guy. I put my back in the back of my chair and crossed my legs still looking at him 
« Should I be afraid ? »
« Naaaaa «  he said before drinking a big sip of his beer and put his back in the back of his chair miming me
« Come on drop it ! »
Few seconds passed before he said
« I met someone. » he said looking down and smiling
I never saw him that way. I raised his chin with my finger and took his and
« YOU DID WHAT ? » I said smiling hard
My reaction made him laugh and I saw that he relaxed a little
« I met someone »
I waited for the rest like come on « i met someone is not enough »
« And ?! » I said still cheerfully
« And we get along pretty well »
« Theo stop teasing me, what else ? »
« What do you want to know ? » he said rubbing his hands on his face trying to hide how happy he was
« When, where, her name, her position, what do you like about, who made the first move, everything man spill the tea ! »
He shook his head and started to tell me the business. He knows her for years but he saw her few months ago and they started to see each other. She is named Olivia and they have the same age. If I have well understood, he loves everything about her. He seemed shy to say everything he thought in a loud voice but the smile on his face was priceless. I was happy for him. Really. Even if it’s going to be weird to not have him « for myself » I was happy that he didn't make any further moves toward me. I really care about him and I wasn’t down for breaking what we had. He woke me from my thought
« Rob ? »
« Mmh ? » I mumbled
« You have all the information you needed ? » he said squeezing my hand
I watched our connected hand and moved mine off softly
« No actually, when do I meet her and I need pictures baby you can’t not describe a lady like that without showing me her pretty face »
« Next time you come to NYC, I will love you to meet her » he said grabbing his phone un pulled it towards me to show me his new baby
Woooooo ok i see he likes that melanin stuff . She was gorgeous. She looks stunning
« She is hot as fuck «  I said sipping my drink
« I know » he said raising hi shoulders
I laughed « oh maybe we could go to this restaurant you know with the rooftop when I will meet her »
« Mhh i think it’s gon be a house night »
I watched him with a wondering face
« We moving together in few weeks »
I blink a minute
« Baby, this is huge » I said speechless but smiling
« I know » he said shaking his head like no one of this was real
« Should I get ready for a wedding or a babyshower ? »
« Both. You know I don’t come to play »
« My gooooooooosh «  I said laughing « she really took you up for herself »
« You should went faster » he said winking at me
I rolled my eyes at his last sentence and finish my drink
« Next point, I would like us to re do the benchmark on two customers because I’m not satisfied with some points »
I rush my fingers through my hair trying to hide how annoyed I was. Explain me why the fuck do my team put me in meetings that always exceeds the timing. It was already 7:20 and Florian told me to be ready for 8:30. How the fuck I’m supposed to get back home and get ready on time ?
The meeting finally ended thanks to a co-worker who had to get her daughter. Thank you, thank you for rescued us. I grabbed my stuff and runned down the building catching my cab.
I was trying to figure out what I was going to wear since I haven’t prepared anything at all. I closed my eyes trying to visualize where the clothes I chose when I grabbed my phone. I rather prevent Florian now, I don’t want to upset him. I went to our text messages and started to tappe
« Flooooooooorian »
« Don’t even think about cancel tonight »
« No way ! I just might be late »
« You weren’t late for dinner with baby »
« You need to drop this for real »
I will still arrive at your place on time, i will wait for you »
« Ok text me when you down my building I will text you my code »
« No prob see you »
I put back my phone on my bag and clothe my eyes trying to relax
« Are we goin to walk a lot ?» I said louder enough so Florian could hear my voice
« No » he screamed back
I looked at my black thigh high boots and shook my head. Not tonight babies. I don’t feel like heels anyway. I Grabbed my A1 and put them on. Took my perfume and pulsed it everywhere around me, I like to smell good. Like you know a smell good that makes you turn back. I closed my bedroom door and stepped quickly in the living room holding my hands praying
« I’m so sorry for my lateness, thank you for waiting for me »
I saw him sitting on my couch. He had a black jean and sweatshirt, a denim jacket
and some red Nikes. This man doooooe. He looked back at me with a little smile. I couldn’t help but laugh. He looked at me with a wondering face.
« It’s just the way you are seated » I said grabbing my keys
« What about it ? »
« Why do you have to spread your legs that way » I said laughing again
« I don’t know I’m just used to it » he said laughing and sitting up « you better stop making fun at me let me remind you that you're late so keep it low »
Step towards me and pull me into a hug. Shiiish. I need to keep my mind clear. He pulled away a little and kissed my forehead. Owwww jesus why he is doing me like that. I grabbed his chin softly
« Mmh I see someone got a fresh haircut and all » i said smirking
« Yea you know I got to look cute for the chicks »
I rolled my eyes and put my hand on the door handle.
« Wait, do you want a glass of water before we go ? » I asked him
« Na I’m good let’s go »
I closed the door and called the elevator. We stepped in as in checked myself in the mirror. I saw his reflect in the mirror, leaning on the wall checking me too.
« See something you like ? »
« Stop asking dumb question » he said putting his hood on
I looked at him, put a hand on my chest faking to be shocked. I followed him outside until the car. He opened the door and waited for me to jump in
« This is the first and last time you call me dumb » I said pointing my finger at him
« Alright » he said, licking his lips « are you going to come in or what ? »
I stepped in the car and pulled out my tongue at him. He closed the door and went to his side
« I already warned about that tongue out » he said in a low voice
« Maybe if you stop annoying me it will be another way » I said with a little attitude
He bucked his seatbelt and watched me
«You know what, I’m planning to make you have a great night, so I’m not going to waste my time about this attitude you got »
I put my back in the back of the seat and twisted my mouth. Ok I was acting up. I need to chill out. Like come on Rob it’s nothin.
« Thank you for taking me out tonight » I said in a low voice
« Thank you for finally accepting »
He does it on purpose. How can’t I have an attitude with this boy.
« Can I put some music on ? » I said trying to sound nice enough
« Oh now you want to be kind » he said
I looked at him and then toward the window, he is pushing me right now
« Alright, alright I stop teasing you, we drop it, come on don’t be mad at me » he said putting is hand on my bare thigh
« you’re annoying » I said hidely enjoying his touch
« I know I stop, I’m sorry look at me Babe »
I turned my head back at him, pinching my lips. Did he call me ... babe ? Boy don’t start.
« Come on give me a kiss »
« EXCUUUUUUSE ME ? » I said laughing at him « you must have lost your mind »
« Come on don’t be a child, on my cheek. Take it as a peace sign »
I looked at him, not totally sure if I would do it. Come on Robyn stop being a bitch. I step closer to his face
« You better not turn your head at last moment » I whispered
« You wish I do don't you ? » he said not moving his head from his position
I leaned and pecked his cheek before grabbing his phone. I opened Spotify and put a sold on
🎧 44buldog - Pop Smoke
He started the car as I started vibing on the song and making gun shot sounds. First he laughed at me but finished by doing the same. The drive was fun, I tried to put songs that he might like when I asked him
« Give me a German song I would like « 
« A German song ? » he asked
« Yea »
« Like what R’n’b ? Rap ? Electro ? »
« As you want. Something you hear and you like « Yea Robyn should love this » « 
« Mhhhh let me think, oh ! I knoowwww » he said ending his sentence laughing
« Tell me »
« It’s Azad Goddesses but he raps in English »
« Alright let me hear it » I said tapping on the sound
I watched at the window while the sound began. I heard him rap  few lyrics. The sound was chill. He was right. I kind of like it. I was enjoying the scene when the hook dropped
The way she move her body
Girl, you so erotic
Won't you come and ride it?
Won't you come and ride it?
Won't you come and ride it?
I turned my head looking back at him. Obviously he was enjoying lips singing the « won’t you come and ride it » part. I blinked a few times finding myself turned on by this question. Boooooooy if I wasn't so Insecure of course I would come and ride it. I meaaaaaaaaaan. Robyn stick to the fucking plan. Do I have one ? I don’t know oh lord help me.
We arrived after riding for 20 minutes and stepped out of the car. We headed to a building we’re there was a quite big line. Florian went directly to the start and greated a man before saying that he made a reservation. The man told him to come in. He looked back at me and gave me his hand. I grabbed it and followed him. Ok I’m going to stop lying to myself, I like feeling his hands, I like when he touches me, I just like it, can I really blame myself for this ?
We stepped in the place. There were a lot of neon spots and there was very good music on air. I could feel the bass a little. You know it makes your girl want to bounce everywhere. We arrived at our place and took a seat. The waiter told us to scan the QR code if we wanted anything. We thanked her as she left. I took the time to look around me and started to move my shoulders to the rhythm without noticed it
« Do you like it ? » Florian asked me with a smile
« I like the vibe » I said smiling back and still dancing a little
« Yeaaaa that’s what i thought, so look this a bar club restaurant chill place let’s call it a concept store ok ? »
« Okaaay but it’s not what matter « 
« What you mean ? »
« What can I eat here ? And boy you told me good food only so don’t fuck it up »
« Hold up babe you really think I’m going to mess up our first date » he said laughing
« Wo wo wo you hold up just right there, I had echos about that and let me tell you something this is not a date »
He blank a second
« This is a date » he said putting his elbow on the table
« This is definitely not a date »
« You’re joking right ? » he said not losing his smile
« Absolutely not »
« What do you mean by this not a date ? »
« You didn’t sell me this that way. Next time, don’t forget to put the form like « Robyn you know what, I quite like you, maybe we can learn about each other better during a proper date, what do you think about it ? « « 
He put down his head and rubbed his eyes . He raise back his head and looked at me
«You’re going to drive me crazy, you know that  ? »
I nodded my head still dancing
« What about tomorrow ? » he said
« Still not a date »
He shook his head and scanned the RQ code before showing me the menu. There was everything, pizza, waffle, burgers, French fries, sushi, pasta, tacos... I didn’t really know what to take so I asked him to help me. I finally took sushi with a bubble tea which made Florian’s face twisted
« You don’t like bubble tea »
« Na «  he said laughing
« Have you ever tried ? »
« Either »
« How could you say you don’t like it if you never tried it »
« I just feel like I don’t like it »
« Oh my god Florian » I said rolling my eyes
The night went extra well. I had a good time and I ate very well too. Sometimes when Florian was talking to me, I was wondering if I really was ready for whatever we going to. The more we talk the more a understood that he was not just a very good looking man but also a funny and deep one. Which was scary. Even if he was chill all night I could feel a little switch when I told him that it wasn’t a date. He drove me back and I felt him a little quite. We finally arrived down my building, he parked and turn off the car. We stayed few seconds in a silence, me looking at him, him looking in front of him
« Are you ok ? »
« Yea » he said softly smiling
« You seemed a little quite »
« I’m fine Robyn »
Oh he dropped the babe thing ?
« Look I didn’t mean to be rude when I told you that it wasn’t a date »
« I know »
« So i hope I didn’t hurted you by saying that »
« It’s not about hurting me, it's more like » he rubbed his thigh with his hands and looked at the window, clearly searching for his words or pissed of the situation « it’s just destabilized me, you know ? I don’t really know in which way to dance with you »
« I understand and I’m sorry about that » I said grabbing his hand « to be honest with you Flo, I’m not sure about what I want myself and I just need time to figure it out »
He rubbed my hand with his thumb and kissed it
« Thank you for you honesty » he mumbled
« But I had a great night, and it was delicious and the place was awesome »
« So you enjoyed your night » he said playing with my fingers
« I did »
« Well I passed the mission » he said laughing then looked back at me « get home safe Rob »
« I’m not the one driving but I will » I said opening the door and stepping out
« Don’t forget my hug »
« I won’t «  I said going to his side
He stepped out and took me in his arm as I rubbed his back.
« Go before I kidnap you » he whispered
🎧 Pink + White
Things have been a little crazy these days. I was doing pretty well at my job so my bosses put me on more important customers. I started back dance classes. I finally got a car. And I started working out again. So yea big days, big weekends and repeat. I had maybe 3 times Alexandra on the phone and Flo and I texted each other anytime we could. Since our discovering LA day we didn’t have the time to catch each other but we talked a lot. I was still wondering where the fuck I am goin with this boy but yea we talked a lot. Moreover, he wasn’t the only one to send the first message, I tried to not act like I didn't matter about him.
It was Saturday morning, I had just finished to clean my place. I was sitting on the couch looking to the window. I must call him. It’s been a while since I haven’t see his face. Did i kind of miss him ? I don’t really know. I grabbed my phone and facetime called him. I let it rang for like 8 times, I was ready to hang up, maybe he was busy, when I saw his face
« Hey Flo »
« Hey Beautiful how are you ? »
« I’m good and you »
« I’m doing fine »
I stared at my screen enjoying how gorgeous he was
« what is this early call worth to me ? »
« Mhhh nothing at all I wanted to see your face »
« You got my ig for that »
« You know what I mean, I wanted to check up on you »
« Mmmh, this is kind of you, I’m good »
« Alright, do you think you will have time for me ? I would like to see you » I said in a low voice the last sentence
« Excuse me ? You would like to what «  he said laughing
« See you » i said clearly
« Woaw you mean that Robyn Matthew, like THE Robyn Matthew I know, like the fine ass wants to see me ? Woaw i'm going to get emotional » he said acting up
« Have you finished ? » i said shaking my head
I was walking down Forian’s block. He invited me to his place with some friends of his to spend the evening together. I was trying to walk faster because your girl was late. The thing is I took a nap and I just didn’t wake up. The GPS told me that was arrived so I stopped and looked around me. I tapped the code and entered the building. The hall was very pretty with a big nice mirror. Your girl is so addicted to the mirror I had to take a picture.
I took the stairs and went where he indicated to me. I stepped to the door and rang the bell. I waited few seconds and the door opened. He watched me up and down with a straight face before saying
« You lost yourself ? »
« I fall asleep » I said leaning on the door frame
« You spend your entire life sleeping it’s incredible » he said before chuckling
I pouted my mouth as he pulled me into a hug. God I missed this. We were enjoying our embrasement when I heard
« Yooooo she is here ! »
Florian laughed softly before pull out and grabbed my hand
« Come in let me introduce you »
We went through the row when I could notice a lot of pictures on the wall when he spoke
« Guys this is Robyn « he said behind me with his hands on my shoulders
« Hello Robyn » they all said in choir like anonymous alcoholics meeting
« Wassup guys » I said moving my hand and smiling shyly
« So this is Marcus, Leana, Steven, Karen, Josh and Zac » Florian said pointing at people
« I’m not going to remember everyone’s name but I will with a little time » I said laughing
We shared a laugh when Florian told me to take a seat as he went to another room. There was only one armchair left so I went for it. I sat down and removed my handbag. As I raise my head I saw everyone looking at me.
« Woooo guys you’re making me uncomfortable » I said smiling shyly
« No, don’t be, we’re just happy to have you here «  a man said, I think his name was Steven or Marcus ? I already don’t remember
« Yeaaa we heard a lot about you, we couldn’t wait so finally see you » a girl said
« What do you mean ?» I asked
« Flo talked a lot about you » the other girl said
« Really ? » I said a little flattered
« What ? » Florian said getting back to the living room
« We were saying to Robyn that you keep talking about her » the first girl said
« Oh yall want to start being annoying ? » he chuckled
« He also said that you were looking fine but he didn’t mention that you were THAT fine » a guy said. Oh I really need to remember the name I don’t want to be rude
« What’s your name again ? »
« Zac » he said with a bright smile
« Don’t listen to him, he got a baby mama » Florian said
« Man you didn’t have to do me like that » zac said rolling his eyes
« Do you want to drink or eat something ? » Florian asked me sitting on the armrest of my armchair
« What you got ? »
« Come on » he said giving me a head move
We went to his kitchen. He proposed to me pizza, wings, French fries, donuts, candies, water, juices and alcohol. I declined the last one because I will have to drive home
« You’re not staying ?«  he asked me
« what do you mean ? » I said chewing a candy and putting my hands on the island
« Everyone is staying late so you can drink, rest a little and go back after that. Or you can spend the night here I don’t mind » he said leaning back just next to me, his back on the island
I twisted my face at the last sentence. Very dangerous. Very risky.
« Or maybe you are too afraid something might happen » he said looking down at me licking his lips
Oh he wants to play. I was in a good mood. Let’s play. I tried to keep my face straight before sniffing
« Like what ? » I said looking back at him trying to looked confident
He put his hands on my hips and turned me facing him. Stepped closer and put his hands on the island trapping me
« I don’t know, everything can happen with you » he said close to my ear
I laughed at his sentence. My heart was beating fast. I put my hands on his chest pushing him a little so I could face him
« You been thinking about me, haven't you ? » I whispered rubbing a little his chest
« The same way you been thinking about me Babe »
« Ow you back with the babe thing ? » i said looking at his gold necklace and playing with it because his eyes were doing things to me right now
« Yea I know you love it when I call you like that » he whispered putting his head close to my neck
One of his hand left the island and grip my waist pulling closer to him
« You still haven’t chosen a nickname for me, I’m going to start to think you do it on purpose «  he said in a low voice before I felt his wet lips on my neck.
This one action caused my entire body shuttled down and totally turned on at the same time. I gripped his arm because I was surprised by it. I felt my eyes rolled, my knees getting weak, a concert in my stomach and last but not least damp between my thighs. One part of me wanted to push him back and tell him to stop playing. The other one wanted to be taken right here right now. But I just couldn’t move either way. As I tried to focus on the feeling on his lips my mouth started watered. The first kiss was soft and kind. Now I could feel his tongue and him devouring like he was starving for days. My pantie was ruined.
« Tell me you missed me » he whispered before skimmed his lips against my skin, pulled back and put his hand on my cheek.
I re opened my eyes facing him closer than we ever was, shook my head a little a pushed him back
« You playing way too much » my tone was weird as fuck, almost like I had lost my voice
« I never saw that face Babe what is it ? «  he said chucking like a demon « I could get used to it «  he finally stepped away for me. It was like a relief but the whore in my head screamed to get him back.
« So you staying or not ?»
I put my hand through my hair and shook my head to agree.
We spent the night eating, drinking and playing videos games. I had a lot of fun with Karen and Leana. It was nice to meet new people around since I only knew Florian and Veronica. They were just hilarious. During the entire evening I felt like I couldn’t stay to much far from Florian. Like my body wanted to feel his hands again. I succeed keeping some distances so I was quite proud of myself. I was at my 6 or maybe 7 drink when they started playing Soul Calibur IV, a fight video game. I was hot at this game, I used to spend entire afternoon playing it with my brother. I asked if I could play when Florian told me that it was for novices.
« Excuse me ? I could make you doubt about your own existence if I fight you » I said arrogantly
« Oooooooooh she said she could make you beat you » Steven said trying to warm up the thing
« You can not beat me Babe I’m sorry » he said laughing
« Oooooooh he called you babe, what is you going to do about that » Steven said again
« Bet ? » I asked eying him
« You want to bet with me Robyn come on, I’m going to break you »
« What do you want to bet ?» Karen asked me
«Mh let me think, a weekend totally spoiled, I feel like I could be take care of» I said smiling taking the controller and watching Florian
He laughed and stared at me before saying
« Alright I think I could enjoy being take care of too » he said winking at me
« Ooooooh was he talking about money or was he talking about sex ? » Steven said acting like a tv presenter
We laughed and started to play. I ain’t goin to lie to you. I was near to lose but you know your girl. I smashed his white ass
« I was thinking Tijuana, Calabasas or maybe Vegas, what do you think Handsome ? » I said sitting on his lap and touching his beard.
« I hate you » he said putting his face in his hands
« Oh come on you will go through it » I said rubbing is arm with a big smile on my face
I was in Florian’s bed, him by my side. Steven was on the couch and the girls took the guest bedroom. When Florian asked me if it was bothering me to share his bed, maaan absolutely not. He gave me a shirt so I could change myself and guided me to his room. The first thing that struck me was the temperature. Why was it so cold? I told him to put it up when he explained to me that he was better to sleep in this kind of temperature because blablabla. Oh my god. I stopped listening and touched the blanket. He was lucky that it seemed to me warm enough. What kind of people sleep in a cold room? Ok it’s true, alcohol had kicked me a little, I was laughing for nothing and very cuddling but I was still on my guard. We never know. I thought I will fall asleep faster because i was feeling a little tired but I just couldn’t sleep
« I can’t sleep » I said softly
He turned to my side
« Let’s play » he said with a play tone
« Let’s play to what don’t even start Florian »
« Why you always talking about sex things, am I messing with your head that much ? »
« boy shut up » I said laughing « play what ? »
« Don’t ever tell me to shut up » he said pushing me « I don’t know let's ask question, but real questions like questions we never will to ask each other, or just simple questions everything you want »
« It’s a dangerous game » I said
« I know but if there is a question we don’t want to answer, even if it’s not funny, we got to pick a safe word you know ? So if we’re not comfortable enough we can pass it »
« awkward »
« What ? « 
« The safe word is awkward « 
« Alright, you want to start ? »
« Yea Mhh what is your biggest fear in life ? »
« Mh good one, disappoint and lose my dearest »
« Fair enough »
« And you ? »
« Mh ending my life without being happy »
« Being happy ? »
« Yes »
« What is being happy for you ?»
« Here you go Dr Munteanu » he chuckled a little at my sentence « Mhh you just feel it you know, it’s a feeling, it’s different from people, for me I think it’s waking up motivated, do the best that I can during the day and going to sleep being satisfied about what I did »
« Yea I see, what’s your favorite flower ?« 
« I don’t like flowers »
« Excuse me ? »
« I don’t like flowers » I said laughing
« what kind of girl are you ? You’re such a psychopath « 
« Thank you for the compliment, what is your favorite colour ? »
« Green and you, don’t answer that, I know it’s black »
« Absolutely not » I couldn’t see his face but I knew he was lost « ok you’re right »
« Of course I’m right » he said pushing me
« Stop pushing me you are goin to make me fall » I said stepping in the center of the bed
« Stop lying and tell me you want to be closer to me, it's not a big deal. Anyway what was your worst date ? »
« Thanks god I didn't have very bad dates, but there was this guy. We met on Facebook, we talked and all. Then he proposed a date to the movie theater. I made myself cute and all. And when I arrived I saw him he was tall like a 10 years old boy. Jesus it was so awkward. You know when the first 10 seconds of the date you know that it’s already dead »
« But what did he do ? »
« Nothing but it was just not possible, I need to feel protected, or at least do the same height as me »
« Fortunately you look like a oopa loompa next to me » he said then laughed like a kid
« You’re so mean, what about your worst date ?»
« Mhhh she was beautiful and seemed really funny and smart but she had bad breath, it was just to much for me she broke my heart »
« When you said beautiful, what was she like ? »
« Blonde, blue eyes, tall, very good looking, very big breast-« 
« Are you an ass or breast boy ? »
He laughed. He laughed a little bit to much
« I used to be a breas-« 
« Oh my god Florian you’re so white «  I said shaking my head
« Let me finish, I was a breast boy but since I move here I changed my team »
« What your ex look like ? »
« Mhhh Natalia is a brunette, same height as you, very light skin, big black eyes, extra cute »
« Oouh boy you like her ? » I said, the way he described her let me think that he maybe still have contact with her
« Not anymore but she is a nice person »
« Mh I see, you still see her when you go to Germany ? »
« Sometimes, but hold up it’s my turn to ask questio-« 
« Give me a last one »
« Go ahead »
« Do you make out when you go there ? »
« Awkward. »
« Oooooooooh Mmmmy Goooood Flooooorian « 
« No no ok let me answer it happened two times »
« Shiiiiish what a lover boy »
« Cut it, my turn, what your ex looked like ? »
« Mh tall, a little skinny, beautiful features, big lips, black, short hair cut » I said trying to describe every point of Leo’s face
« Mmh and «  few seconds passed before he said « do you still want to get married ? »
« To be honest with you. I have no idea. I’m not goin to jump in it, but I don’t think I would never want it again. I didn’t lean on this case since then I have to admit. »
« i see »
We stayed in a silence for few minutes when he asked me
« Do you miss him ? »
« The million dollar question. It’s complicated because sometimes I found myself wondering about him. Which makes me want to slap myself. And on the other hand I think that I missed what I thought we had you know ? I think that unconsciously I make our story prettier so I can miss something » I turned back and positioned myself on my stomach « but I don’t feel like I miss him, I more feel like I miss having someone which is worst I think »
« Why ? You can not blame yourself for wanting to share your life with someone. »
« Yea but i don’t think it’s healthy that my happiness depends on someone »
« You’re right about that, but I don’t think it’s incompatible to be ok with yourself and enjoy the company of someone » he said
« Mhhh you must be right, I’m not at this level for now » I said touching his wrist where his religious bracelet was « how old were you when you were baptized ? »
« 3 months I think, are you baptized ? »
« Nope »
« Really ? » i could feel the worry in his voice
« Yea » I said softly
« Why ? »
« Ask the lady who is my mother »
« What do you like the most about her ? »
« Awkward « 
« Ok about your dad ? »
« Awkward « 
« Alright alright you got siblings ? »
« Awkward « 
« Are saying this to make fun of me or you serious »
« I’m serious « 
« oh ok im sorry, mh you and baby?»
« Baby ? » I asked
« Yea you had dinner with him last time »
« Oh TheI, Yea what about him ? »
« Is he more than a friend or-« 
« He is family »
« Family ? »
« Absolutely. »
« Alright »
« Do you know that I can speak German ? »
I felt him raising up but still laying on the bed. Suddenly he turned on the bed light
« You kidding right ? » he said with big eyes
« Damn Florian turn the light off yoooo » I said trying to hide from the light like a vampire underneath the sheets
« Are you kidding or not ? »
« I’m not kidding »
He turned off the light and lay down back
« I want to eat it »
« Chill out I must lost all of it and it was not so good »
« But I want to eat it and how did you learned it »
« I was a huge fan of a German boys band »
« Oh no. Don’t you dare tell me-« 
« Tokyo hôtel « 
« Oh my god Robyn » he raised up again turned the lights on, remove the cover from my body and said
« Im sorry but you must go. This is too much for me » he said
My body twisted in the bed because of the light and the cold air.
« Flooooorian » i whined
I finally opened my eyes watching him, standing up, shirtless. I missed seeing him half naked since Tulum. As my eyes were traveling his body, he approached me dangerously and entered the bed again. Put his hand on the side of my body and let his dominated mine
« I want to hear it« 
« Es ist unsere erste gemeinsame Nacht. Verschwende es nicht, indem du meine Augen mit dem Licht verletzt » (it's our first night together, don't waste it by hurting my eyes with the light)
« Woaaaaaw maaaaaan » he said laughing but amazed at the same time « your accent his an insult the the country but you really do speak German «  he almost screamed
« The light Florian ! » I screamed myself
We kept talking for hours about all and nothing. I was delighted deep down because I never thought one second that it would go that way. It was 4:07am when we agreed that he was time to sleep when he started to talk again
« Robyn »
« Didn’t we just agree about sleeping ? »
« Rob, babe, listen to me »
Few seconds dropped. I was ready to try to fall asleep again when I heard him
« Robyn you know what, I quite like you, maybe we can learn about each other better during a proper date, what do you think about it ? »
Ow we were fucked.
Wassup guys
How do you feel about chapter four ?
We raise the temperature in the next chapter
Do not hesitate to give me feedbacks, react and all that stuff
Take care
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My Strength - Risotto Nero
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I was sitting cosily cuddled up in my blanket, enjoying a warm cup of hot chocolate and a good detective-lawyer book by Steve Cavanagh, while listening to Guns’n’Roses in the background, when a loud bang comes from downstairs, and next thing I know, I see my younger sister dressed in my clothes, which was rather unusual, with a huuuuuge grin on her face.
“Whatever it is, the answer is NO.” I say sternly, turning back to my book. “But KAAAAAAAAAAT! There’s this rock pub that just opened and it’s very close to home! Come on, I wanna party! I haven’t partied in SO long! And you know I only trust you to take me home when drunk!” she begged, making me roll my eyes. “No wonder you stole my clothes without even asking me. The answer is still no. You know very well I’m not a party person.” I answer, flipping the page. “But siiiiiiiisssssss!!! It’s rock music! You like that kind of stuff! I promise we won’t stay long! J-Just an hour! Please, just get me out of the house, I’m going insane! Pleaseeeee!!” she got on her knees at the foot of my bed, and I could only sigh in aggravation, hitting my head with my book, before carefully placing it on the nightstand and getting up. “You owe me big time...” I mutter, going to get ready, as I could hear her loud cheer.
I put on an AC/DC Tshirt, with black jeans, black combat boots, a jeans chain, a necklace and do basic make up with a cute eyeliner and purple lipstick, before exiting and raking my fingers through my long, red hair, fixing my fringe out of habit, then put on my black scarf and a black cardigan, get motion for her to lead the way to the place she mentioned.
As soon as we got in, we could hear Guns’n’Roses’ November Rain, and thankfully enough, we found a single table for two, the only one available anymore... But it was next to a big round table where 9 very intimidating looking people stood and chatted, while drinking.
“Uhm...Maybe we should go back home.” I mutter, putting my hand on Christine’s shoulder. “What?! No way! Besides, they look so cool! They’re so hot! Think I can get laid tonight?” she smirked, dragging me to the table. “They look dangerous. I’d rather go home.” I sigh, covering my face with my scarf, feeling anxious. “All the hot people have this refined and mysterious vibe around them, otherwise they’d just be super dull! Liven up a little! Ah, look the song changed! It’s Ozzy Osburne, isn’t it?” she smirked at me with much pride, but I only dragged my hand down my face in desperation. “IT’S MARILYN MANSON, DAMN IT!” I growled a bit louder than I wished for, earning a few glances from the scary table, which made me hide my face even more. “Ah, whatever, who cares, same guy. I’ll go get drink.” she got up, but I quickly grabbed her wrist. “Get me a Pepsi, but make sure he doesn’t take the cap off.” I ordered sternly, as she shrugged off my hand, rolling her eyes.
Thankfully enough, she came back with the bottle just as I told her, and using my key, I easily take the cap off, and use a straw to drink the soda, before I hear one of the guys kept asking for a lighter, just then, I could see Christine’s eyes light up with lust, as she jumped to her feet in excitement.
“You still have that lighter with you, right?! You always play with it don’t you? Come on, give him a fire for his cig!” she grabbed me roughly, until he shoved me to the shaved man who looked like a hobo, who smirked up at me. “Ehhhh? What’s this, a bella ragazza wanting to enjoy my company?” he spoke, eyeing me creepily. “Don’t flatter yourself...She forced me to give you a light.” I mumbled, as I turn on the lighter and light his cigarette. “Why, thank you, gorgeous. Wouldn’t you like to stay with us?” he spoke in a slurry voice, putting one of his hands on my waist. “Paws off, or I burn you.” I threatened lowly. “Awww, little kitty has claws, how cute!” he spoke, but before he could finish the conversation, I turn the fire volume to the highest for a few seconds, which burnt his face...Or his big nose, rather, before turning it off back again. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, BITCH?!” he shot up to his feet, towering and glaring over me. “I warned you not to be a jerk. You play with fire, you get burnt.” I say in a low voice, raising my scarf slightly. “WHAT THE HELL, KAT?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! APOLOGISE RIGHT NOW!” Christine shook me slightly, which made me slap her hands away. “No. I’m going home, bye. Have fun with your little group of hot shots.” I shrugged, turning to leave, before she grabbed me again. “No! You can’t leave! Mum doesn’t let me alone by myself at night! She’ll punish you!” she shrieked desperately. “I live alone. I don’t care what she does, but she can’t ground me anymore.” I rolled my eyes, turning around, before the purple haired man got up. “Hey, Risotto, these 2 are pretty fun. What do you say we let them stay with us? There’s plenty of space around, right?” he smirked, which only made me more uncomfortable. “Don’t bother, I’m out. Ciao.” I shrugged, making a few steps towards the exit, before my sister started shouting after me. “Mum and Dad are gonna disown you if you leave me here all alone, y’know? You don’t want that, do you?!” I could literally feel her smirk, which made me whip around, glaring at her. “You’re lucky I care about our mess of a so-called family, otherwise I’d have been out of here faster than the speed of light.” I sneered at her, as I sat down on the seat brought by one of them, between the purple haired and the silver haired men. “Di molto, this is fabulous! Such a bella donna with a fiery attitude and a heart of gold, my, you’re perfect!” the purple haired man started grinning and gushing about me, which made me hide my face in my scarf feeling very uncomfortable. “Melone, stop that, you’re making her feel uncomfortable.” the silver haired man spoke up. “But Risotto, she’s so pretty! You can’t deny that! And you know what they say about fire-kissed girls~!” Melone smirked, which made me blush and bite my lip. “I don’t know, Melone, she’s pretty, alright. Pretty rude!” the guy whose nose I burnt grumbled. “I’m not rude, I’m just shy.” I mumbled, leaning back on my chair, still holding my scarf to my face. “Awwww, she’s so cute! That’s it, I’m adopting you! Formaggio, if you say one more bad thing about her, I’m killing you!” Melone growled at the shaved man, while putting his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. “Whatevs, her sister’s much better. Como ti chiami, bella signorina?” he flirted with her, and she was already gleaming, head over heels with glee. “Oh, brother...” I facepalmed, completely done with life. “This is gonna be a long night...” I rolled my eyes, getting out of Melone’s grasp. “Yeah, for me and Christine over here, sure will.” Formaggio’s sleezy smirked pissed me off, so I used a little power of my Stand to deduce where to throw my lighter, so it would bounce off the table, into his forehead, and then back to the table and perfectly in my hand. “I don’t really care what you do, as long as you aren’t disgusting enough to talk out loud like that. Nobody cares.” I say, throwing the lighter and easily catching it back in my hand. “HOW DID YOU DO THAT, PUTTANA?! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!” he shouted, shooting up to his feet, but the man on his right easily stopped him, shoving him to his seat. “Stop being such a nuisance, you’re gonna get us thrown out of this place, and Capo’s gonna be very pissed.” the dark haired man with hair hair tied in multiple places glared at him. “Capo...Huh. What a surprise.” I let out an amused breath.  “Capo? Who is Capo? And what kind of name is that?” Christine asked dumbly. “Oddio santo...How are we related...” I sighed in exasperation. “Actually, never mind. Capo is a...Uhm...A nickname for one of this guys. Y’know, all groups of friends have that one person who’s more of a leader? Capo’s kinda like that. Nothing important, so don’t fret over it.” I shrugged, waving my hand dismissively. “Oh, woaw, that’s pretty lame. How come you’re not Capo, Formaggio? You’re so cool and strooong~!” she kept touching his biceps, as he flexed. “Kill me.” I facepalmed, utterly disgusted. “May I speak to you outside for a moment?” Risotto got up, extending me his hand. “Sure.” I mutter, getting up without taking his hand. “Huh...The music can still be heard from outside too. That’s pretty neat.” I said softly, leaning back on the wall. “You know.” he stepped in front of me, looking at me with stern eyes. “Of course I know, I’m not stupid. I’ve known since I first saw you. I just wasn’t sure what you were exactly.” I shrugged, not meeting his eyes. “Why aren’t you running away?” his voice was obviously an interrogation one. “If you’re the Mafia, I can guess you’re Passione...We used to live in a different city, where Buccellati’s gang was protecting the city, and trust me when I say this, but regular criminals wouldn’t teach a guy a lesson for beating up his elderly mother, nor would they try to keep themselves in peace with the whole city like that. I sort of...Owe a favour to Passione because of that...And honestly, you think I can just pick that idiot up and get her out of here that easily? Look at me and my noodle arms and realise that I sometimes struggle to open water bottle caps, okay?” I looked away in embarrassment, hearing a low, amused chuckle coming from him. “Melone was right, you’re pretty fun. What sort of favour do you owe Passione?” he asked simply. “Now, then, don’t you think you’re getting a bit too curious? What happened is between me and Capo Buccellati...Then again...You DO kill, don’t you?” I shifted my gaze to him, smirking slightly. “What makes you think that?” he answered my question with another question. “Buccellati’s gang had a much more protective and gentle aura surrounding them. You and your people are much more threatening and menacing. Especially you...Capo.” I spoke in a softer voice, not sure how to react. “You do realise I’d have to kill you now that you know our secret, correct?” he asked rhetorically, yet his actions betrayed no malice. “It’s your partner’s fault he let that slip, not mine. Besides, it’s not like I could do you any damage, correct? I’m just a frail little girl who is studying to become a Vet. A girl who’s half your height isn’t too threatening, is she?” I chuckled breathlessly, as the song changed to Metallica’s Unforgiven and I unconsciously started humming the chorus. “You’re spared, however, you will have to keep this secret all your life. In addition, to protect our secret, you will have to join our organisation. Medicine is still Medicine, humans are mammals, so if we need help, you won’t be a burden. On a side note, next month is a Metallica concert, if you want to go.” his words had a paralytic effect on my nervous system, so much that I could only stare at him with wide eyes, much like a fawn meeting her hunter. “Katrinaaaaaaaa! Let’s go home with these guys~!!!” all of a sudden, the pub’s door was slammed open, which made me jump and squeal in fright, only to realise it was my sister, dragging Formaggio away. “Wh-What...?!” I could only stare at them with my jaw agape, many question marks appearing above my head. “Come on, have some fun! You can fuck Risotto and Melone all you want too, don’t be so shy!” she giggled, obviously, but despite that, my face became redder than a rose and I had to hide my face in my scarf. “Katrina, huh? What a nice name. Let’s go.” he guided me to the car, and getting in, I glued myself to the door, not wanting to touch anyone by mistake.
It sure has been a while since we met, I thought to myself as I snuggled closer to Riz’s chest. I’m still very shocked how our relationship developed so easily and so fast, while my relationship with my sister only went down the hill, just as fast. Not that it was any surprise, to say the least. The only reason why I still answer calls and go to family gatherings is because I have a very conflicted moral and ethical compass, unfortunately, and I’m too afraid to sever the ties that keep be caged.
A year already passed since I was ultimately forced to join La Squadra Esecuzioni, and to be fair, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be, considering they are a bunch of killers. Being the only girl around, and being such a shy trainwreck, it sort of made them try to make me feel comfortable around them...And by that, I mean mostly Melone, Risotto and Prosciutto. The others were more passive...While Formaggio was still a jerk, most likely because I tarnished his pride twice with a simple lighter, and Ghiaccio was...Always in a weird mood. I was mostly allowed to stay at home, no problem, continue my Vet education, while in very rare occasions, I was called over to heal anyone that needed it, or told to go on a mission with someone, but nothing too bad, nor that put me in any danger.
Now, I should emphasise the word ‘ME’ since it wasn’t ME who got in grave danger, but Risotto, in a mission, about 6 months after I joined the Gang.
Pesci and Illusio put Risotto on the bed while I got by his side and to examine how grave his injuries are, and as soon as I realise the hemorrhage and I told everyone to get out as I ripped off his blouse and took out my Stand, and put her hands over his injury, using my healing water to stop the bleeding and stitch back the flesh.
It took quite a while, but after hours of tending to him, his injuries were completely healed, and yet, he was still unconscious.
After making sure that he’s comfortable in bed, I go to the kitchen, make something fast to eat, get a bottle of water and get back to Riz’s room, and thankfully enough, he was still asleep. I put the tray on the nightstand and sit on the side of the bed, holding his hand in both of mine, gently stroking it and kissing his knuckles, waiting for him to wake up.
“Kat...?” I hear a groggy voice call out my name, and snap my head up, only to see Risotto’s eyes fluttering open. “Yes, I’m here, Riz. You’re alright, you’re home. Don’t worry about a thing.” I lean towards him, brushing his fringe away. “The mission...” he mumbled, still exhausted. “It’s okay, the others took care of it. I healed all your injuries, but you should still rest for a while. Take it easy.” I smile softly at him, still stroking his hand. “You did well, Katrina. Thank you.” he said, slowly getting up into a sitting position. “Here, you should eat and drink to regain your strength.” I explain, putting the tray in his lap. “I’ll let you rest.” I was about to get up, but I was stopped by him grabbing my wrist gingerly. “Will you stay?” Risotto asked, which made me smile softly, sitting back down next to him. “If you want me to.” I said, looking down slightly. “Are you scared of me, Katrina?” he asks, making me snap my gaze to him. “What? Where did you get that idea from?” I asked, blinking in surprise. “You always avoid eye contact. You always look away. Why?” he asked in a serious tone. “...Uhm...I don’t know, I guess I’m just shy. I’ve never been able to hold eye contact with anyone.” I mutter, scratching at my neck, a habit I have to combat anxiety. “I remember, I know that. It’s a pity.” he took my hand in his, while I was still confused. “What do you mean? It’s no big deal...It’s not like I really have friends to annoy with that or anything.” I shrugged simply. “It’s a pity that someone as nice as you lets others take advantage of her.” he says, which made me bite my lip and frown. “Why does it matter so much? I’m just your subordinate, you call me when you need my help.” I raise my eyebrow in confusion. “You’re not just a subordinate, Kat. You were forced into this. You shouldn’t be involved with the Mafia, you’re a kind soul. You’re so kind that you let your sister make you miserable.” he pointed out, which made me get up, looking at him awkwardly. “I don’t get why you’re so interested in this all of a sudden. I’ll let you rest, good night.” I say, but the instant I turn around, I hear a commotion from behind me, and I see Risotto getting up. “Wait, no, don’t get up, you haven’t rested yet!” I instinctively rush to his side, putting my hands on his shoulders to put him back in bed. “A subordinate wouldn’t behave like this. You saved my life, so I owe you a favour. Ask anything of me, and I will give it to you.” he said, which made me tsk at him. “You let me and my sister live, when you could have killed me. Consider me saving your life a debt paid, so we’re even. Now please leave this be and stop pretending to care.” I looked away, ready to leave. “And if I do? Am I not allowed to?” he spoke with as much firmness as usual. “Why would you, anyway? It’s not like I’m anything special. Why do you insist so much on this?” I sighed, looking at him with a deadpan expression. “Because you are special, and if you had someone to support you properly, you would know that. Kat, let me be your strength and stand up to those that are being toxic to you, even if those people are your family.” he stepped in front of me, gently brushing the back of his hands against my cheeks, before he raised up my face slightly. “I...I can’t do that...I can’t...I...” I stuttered, feeling my eyes starting to water. “Why can’t you, Kat? What are you so afraid of?” he asked, stroking my hair. “I asked Buccellati to get revenge on my ex for what he did to me. My family’s no different...But family is family, I can’t do anything about that except listen and do what they say.” I explain with a sigh “Nothing like that will ever happen to you, I can vow for that. Just let me be your strength, the same way that you and your kindness are the reason why I don’t forget my humanity.” he confessed genuinely, which made my bottom lip quiver. “Is that really...Okay...?” I spoke, barely audible, to which he smiled softly. “I don’t see why not, dear.” Riz leaned in, brushing his lips against mine so softly and tenderly, almost as if afraid that I’d break, which wasn’t far from the truth.
That night was free for the both of us, so we thought it would be nice to go for a walk by the beach, look at the twilight as the Sun set and the sky was painted in all the most beautiful colours. We walked with our feet in the water, my arm loosely wrapped around his waist, while his was pulling me into his side by my shoulder. Everything was chill and calm, and yet, my nerves were on the edge, even now.
I guided him to the little pontoon bridge and let our feet dangle, touching the sheen of the water.
“Go on, cara mia, I know you want to tell me something.” Riz pulled me closer to him, kissing my head. “Risotto, darling...You know that I hate social interactions, right? Well, mostly because I’m very bad with them.” I ask, speaking in a soft voice. “You’re not rude, just shy, was it?” he chuckled lightly, looking up at the now starry sky. “Yeah, something like that, I guess. I forgot I even said that when we first met.” I shrugged with a smile. “Remember my sister?” I ask again. “Ah, yes, the one who tried to fuck the whole Squadra, but only managed to get Formaggio, right?” he let out an amused breath. “The one and only.” I smiled slightly, before it faltered. “My cousin is getting married and she invited both of us. I...I don’t know what to do. I really don’t wanna go...But...” I trailed off with a sigh. “Family is Family, huh? You’re still going on with that.” he asked rhetorically, looking at me as I could only nod. “Want me to come with you?” “You’re my only friend, Riz. Having you there would make things much easier to cope with...But...I also wouldn’t want to subject you to such torture.” I mutter with a sadness. “How bad could it be?” he smirked, which made me snap my head to him, frowning. “I wouldn’t wish it to anyone. Not even my worst enemies.” I speak in a clear, firm voice, to get my point across. “I’ve been through almost dying quite a few times because of our Boss. I’m sure I could survive it.” he ruffled my hair playfully. “Are you sure you’re willing to go through that kind of emotional torture just for someone like me?” I tilt my head up to look at him. “I’d go to the end of the world for you, pick up the stars and put them in your hair.” he declared, which made me hide my face in his chest, hugging him as tightly as I could, no longer able to hold back my tears. “I don’t deserve someone like you, Riz. I’m not even worthy of standing around you. You’re an angel. I want to be selfish, I want you to never leave me, but honestly, I don’t deserve you and your kindness.” my voice trembled, just like my body, and then, I could feel his embrace loosening slightly, as he put his hands on my face, lifting my face up to plant a kiss on my forehead. “I know you can’t see how special you are to me, but even so, I’m not going to let go of you. Ever.” he stroked my hair, letting me calm down.
Of course, Melone was sweet enough to come with me to help me choose the right dress, and then helped me with my make up and hair, saying that his cute little sister should have an amazing date and feel beautiful.
“Oh, I feel so, so awkward...Dresses aren’t my thing. Get me out of here.” I tugged at my wavy hair, curled for the first time, no longer as untamable as usual. “I don’t know about that, I think you’re beautiful.” he stepped closer to me, rolling up the sleeves of his blazer to show off his tattoos.  “Me? Beautiful? Look at you, Riz! You’re perfect!” I frowned, pouting as I poked his chest with my finger. “Let’s go inside, it’s getting chilly. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” he chuckled, putting his arm around me, guiding me inside the restaurant. 
I gripped Risotto’s sleeve tightly, wrinkling it in the process. We were met by my cousin, who was with my sister and our mother, who looked at us with a fake smile and obvious disgust in their eyes.
“Oh, so you made it. With a hook up, nonetheless. Bailed him out of jail?” mother sneered at us. “Uhm...N-Nothing of the sort. Uhm...Congrats on getting married, Anne. I’m happy for you.” I smiled anxiously, not able to look up at them. “Well, at least one of us. You’ve no chance, anyway. Who’d want someone who can’t even speak, hold eye contact or touch someone?” the bride laughed, while the other 2 women joined in, even louder. “Yeah, I know. Where are our seats?” I asked, sighing. “Oh, right, they are at the family table. I’m so glad you’re here, everyone’s gonna have so much fun, just like at all family gatherings!” she smirked, pointing at the round table in the center of the room. “Thanks.” I muttered, dragging Riz to the table, taking a deep breath to calm myself. “I see what you meant now by torture. How are you related to them? You’re nothing like them.” Riz scoled in annoyance. “I wanna go home...” I bit my lip, not daring to look up at him. “God, give me patience, because if you give me strength, I’ll burn everyone alive.” I pouted, feeling done with life. “I can set Metallica on them all, if you want.” he touched my cheek with the back of his hand. “Let’s go home after one hour. I can’t do this too long. I’ve barely been able to get myself back together since I’ve met you...And now...” I intertwined my hand with his, dangling it down between our chairs, as everyone sat down.
Of course, seeing me there only made them exclaim in surprise as I usually never leave the house, go to social events or anything of the sort. There’s always that family member that everyone must mock, tease and taunt, and I was the one luck enough to draw the short end of the stick.
“Oh my, how come you found someone willing to touch you with all that fat?” “I wonder which of you is more desperate to stay with the other!” “I’m surprised someone could stay around a boring nerd like you who’s afraid of men.”
These, and many more, were the things I kept hearing from everyone, until the groom finally arrived at the table...A man older than even my father.
“Oh, great, she has a Sugar Daddy. No wonder everyone’s kissing her ass like that.” Riz grunted next to me. “It’s fine...Calm down, it’s okay. We can leave soon.” I squeeze his hand under the table. “Wow, Katrina, I didn’t think you were this bold! Giving your hook up a handjob under the table! My opinion on you changed, you’re actually a freaky nympho!” my sister laughed in a pitched voice, which made me squee in shock and go red like a strawberry. “That’s it, I’ve had enough of this fucked up and disfunctional family. Even Passione is saner than them, and that says a lot. Come on, Kat, we’re leaving before I kill them all.” Risotto glared at them with his piercing red eyes as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of there. “Hold up, I’m calling Melone to get us home.” he grumbled, talking on the phone. “I’m really, really, really sorry, Risotto. I shouldn’t have asked you to come in the first place. Now I made you feel bad and that’s not cool at all.” I pouted, looking down at my feet. “I don’t want to hear it.” he spoke in a stern voice, hanging up and looking straight into my eyes. “Don’t apologise. I come with you because I knew you’d need someone to support you. But I wasn’t expecting it to be this bad. Now I can understand you better...Katrina, will you let me be your family?” he asked, so suddenly, which made me gasp in shock and confusion. “Wh-What are you saying, Riz...? I don’t quite follow...” I stammered, not sure how to react. “I love you too much to watch such a gentle and kind person like you get eaten alive by her own family. I know you’re too soft to allow yourself to sever any ties with people, but if you let me, as your boyfriend, be your sword and shield, I promise to take care of you and make sure nothing bad ever happens to you ever again. The Squadra already sees you as a family and as disfunctional as they are, they’d be a much better family than your blood one.” he explained, as he opened the car door and helped me in. “I can be your sis, if you want. I’d love to do your hair, nails and make up more often!” Melone smirked in the driver’s seat, which made me blush slightly. “See? It’s all gonna be much better if you stay with us. As family, not as a subordinate or anything of the sort.” Riz gave me the ghost of a smile. “Is it really okay for someone like me to join you, guys? I’m pretty useless...I can’t even stand up for myself. I’ll only be a burden.” I bit my lip, looking away. “Mi Tesoro, you are the embodiment of sunshine. These guys need someone like you around, and with your healing ability that you Stand has, just like how you saved me that day, you can help the others as well. Strength doesn’t have to be only physical, it can be mental, emotional and supporting, and Kat, you can be that Strength for us.” Riz stroked my hair gently, kissing my forehead. “I’m sure Prosciutto will be grateful to have you around more often, since you’re one of the only normal people he can have a sane conversation with. Gelato and Sorbet will be super excited to have someone to gossip and go shopping or get dating and fashion advice. Hell, maybe you’ll be able to solve the others’ behavious problems too. Kat, listen to Capo, he knows how to use everyone’s strengths.” Melone explained. “Eyes on the road, Melone.” Riz smirked, pointing out his lack of focus, to which the purple haired man grinned sheepishly, snapping back to watch the road. “Okay...Okay, Riz, I trust you. So...Please, take care of me.” I smiled shyly at him, holding his hands. “That’s the smile that lights up my days and warms up my heart. Keep it on, you’re my reason to keep on going.” Risotto kissed my lips gently, putting his forehead to mise. “Okay, Riz, I’ll be your strength, and you’ll be mine. Ti amo, amore mio. Thank you for putting up with me.” I grinned widely, feeling my heart beating faster. “Ti amo anch’io, fiore mio. One day, when we’ll be able to live a more normal and peaceful life, I promise I’ll marry you. You’ll be the most beautiful bride in the world, you’ll shine even brighter than the Sun. I want to make you the happiest woman and make sure this gorgeous smile of your will remain forever this way.” he hummed, putting a strand of hair behind my ear, before kissing me even more tenderly than before. “Ahhh, young love, you guys are so adorable. Can I be the Maid of Honour?” Melone looked at us through mirror. “Well, I will need one, so definitely!” I giggled softly. “It sure as hell ain’t gonna be her sister. Actually, never mind, none of your family is invited, unless you let me use Metallica on them.” Riz grumbled slightly, which made me chuckle louder. “Honestly, I don’t even care, do what you want. Have fun.” I grinned carelessly, which made him smirk. “That’s what I like to hear, babe.” he kissed my nose softly.
Soon enough, we arrived at home, and we thanked Melone for going through all the trouble of driving back to my home, before we changed in our sleepingwear, which for him was a pair of long PJ pants, and for me, one of his old band Tshirts and short, and we got in bed, cuddling the whole night.
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:: “Memoirs” :: post-Frozen 2 Time Travel AU
======= CHAPTER 8 (END) I open at the close =======
“Okay, I know you can’t tell me what I said in the future memory and also what you said, and also what Kristoff said, and what my daughter said...” Blabbered Anna with a fast voice, already gasping for air under Elsa’s amused eyes. “But there must be a thing... Or two... That you can tell me without dropping major stuff, right?”
Elsa finished smiling before thinking. They were seated on the ice floor of Ahtohallan, Anna with her forearms on her bend knees, and Elsa in lotus position close to her, an elbow on her leg as one hand held her cheek with a touched grin on her lips. Anna had been adorably curious since she woke up from the visions of the future.
“Well... I saw three different memories, from three different moments. One was when you were pregnant, one was after you gave birth, and the third one...” 
Anna instantly blushed.
“Oh my goodness, please don’t tell me that you saw Kristoff and I... Doing the...”
Elsa frowned in confusion, then choked on laughter. 
“No!” She wheezed, trying to catch her breath back, and Anna let out a relieved gasp. “No, are you crazy?!”
The blonde lifted her head, still laughing. “You would never show me that kind of thing, would you?” She asked to Ahtohallan. 
The glacier flickered with bright lights, and the sisters interpreted from it a mix of an offended gasp, a ‘Of course, duh’ and a loud laughter. 
Anna massaged the back of her neck. “Okay, sorry for interrupting. What was the third memory?”
“Your daughter was grown up, aged of 10 years old, I think - that I can say, it won’t make any impact - and we were telling her a bed time story.”
The redhead melted with a touched smile and wet eyes. “Awww.”
She then bit her lip with a grunt. “Hnnnn, it’s so hard for me to not ask you what her name is!!”
“Yep. I get you. And there’s no way I’m going to tell you.”
Anna’s nails scratched the ice under them in an exaggerated upset gesture. “This is torture!!”
Elsa giggled. “I’m sorry. Hold on, maybe I can think of something else...”
Ahtohallan sent a warning pulse to her mind. She winced a bit at it. “Yes, yes, I’m careful, I promise.” She mumbled, looking up at the magic ceiling. 
The redhead smirked, her gaze alternating between the magic source and Elsa. The Snow Queen pouted as she thought. 
“Hmmm... Something that doesn’t reveal too much...” Her thinking Scrunch then switched to the most emotional and touched expression. “She looked just like you. Truly your spitting image.”
Anna’s smile stretched to all her face, and she gasped as tears now fell on her cheeks. She let out a cute giggle, and looked up to Ahtohallan. ‘Is she allowed to say that?’ seemed written on her face, but the glacier didn’t react, and her face melted as she stared at Elsa again. The elder shared her smile. 
“Though I have to say, she looked a bit like Kristoff as well.” 
The Queen fanned herself with her hands. “This is adorable.”
The blonde laughed. “If that makes you this emotional, just imagine me who saw the whole thing.”
Anna gasped, and grabbed her hand. “True. Oh my gosh, how did you even hold the secret about the fact I’d have a daughter for so long?” She admired. 
Elsa snorted. “I told you less than 24 hours afterwards. I blurted it out in no time.”
The two sisters laughed together, their voices echoing in the giant room. 
“Hey, you haven’t told me: what did you look like?”
Elsa started to blush. “How is that important?”
“Come on, I’d freak out in the best way if I saw my own self in older version. Tell me!”
Elsa now blushed deeply, and looked down with a shy smile. “I looked great. I mean, I... I looked okay. Very... In shape.” 
Anna had an amused smirk as she stared at her elder being bashful. Whatever she had seen, it had marked her. In a good way, she presumed, given her blush. She didn’t insist much, and simply replied with a nod and a smile. 
“So, I can’t really ask you more, uh? All I’m supposed to know is that, I’ll have a daughter with Kristoff; that the reason why you won’t be there at her birth is because you will be saving Ahtohallan from raiders; and then that we’ll be the best mother and aunt ever?”
The Fifth Spirit smiled tenderly. “Pretty much, yes.”
A silence passed. 
“Yet I can see in your eyes that you want to tell me much more.” Noted Anna. 
“There are a thousand things I also want to tell you.” Grinned Elsa. “But, each thing at its own time. You’ll have answers as they come naturally.” 
“Alright.” Smiled Anna, a bit disappointed but respectful. She also had enough wisdom to understand that if she asked too much, she would alter and maybe ruin her own future, and after Elsa’s retelling, she didn’t want any other than this one. 
They finished chatting then stood up slowly, facing each other, and Elsa suddenly held Anna by the shoulders. The move surprised the redhead, just like she had been when her elder had suddenly hugged her when she woke up from the memories, but she rolled with it happily. 
“You were right all along. I wasn’t dead- I mean, I won’t be dead on that day. Your unique positivity led you right as always.”
Anna smiled, and passed a hand in Elsa’s hair to tuck it aside after a strand had fell in front of her face. She did all she could to make the gesture reassuring, soft and warm. 
“Of course you wouldn’t die, you silly.” She said, and she could see the emotion tightening her elder’s throat. “And of course I was right. I’m always right.”
Elsa chuckled at her humorous addition, that Anna had purposely made to light up her mood. It worked, and she nodded as a thank you. 
“Also, you can miss a birth anytime if it’s to be a badass in Ahtohallan and protecting it from invaders.” Assured Anna.
Elsa chuckled.  “I’m so happy that we finally found out the truth.” 
She then frowned, and lifted her eyes to the dome.
“What I don’t get is that… If you wanted to show me that event in the future, you getting raided and needing my help to defend you, then why did you not show me a memory of the raid? Why did you show me a memory of a moment I talk about it?” 
Ahtohallan didn’t respond, and Anna smirked.
“Maybe they didn’t want you to get too much details about the attack so that you would fight them without much indications. Just the essentials, only broadly speaking. Exactly like a bed time story.” 
The blonde nodded, but blinked in confusion. 
“And how come I already know about it in the future they showed me?”
Anna had a thinking pout, bending her head, then suddenly her eyes widened and she snapped her fingers, her mouth open in a O. “It’s a time paradox!! You know about it because you just learned about it. It’s a loop!”
Elsa’s eyes widened just as large. “Oh my God.”
“You can call me Anna.” Joked the redhead, sticking her tongue out.
She bounced in joy. “Now I get why you got so excited earlier. Nerdy theories are funny.”
Some lights brightened, and Ahtohallan seemed to approve.
“And that’s not even the most beautiful.”
“What is?” Asked Elsa. 
When she turned to her younger, she was smiling warmly. “The reason why Ahtohallan showed you those memories of my daughter... It’s a reward, as a thank you from them for saving the whole glacier from the raid. They showed you what you couldn’t see while you were here helping them.” She explained, gesturing at the magical source.
Elsa’s eyes glittered with emotion, and she gulped with a soft smile. She nodded to her sister’s analysis, and lifted her head. “Thank you.”
Ahtohallan’s lights flickered as a “You’re very welcome.” gesture.
Suddenly, all the floating beams turned to bright white, and the sister suddenly hissed and groaned at it. 
“Woaw, what is this?” Grumbled Anna, squinting and protecting her eyes with her arm.
“I think it’s our way back”, muttered Elsa on the same tone and with the same gesture. “I can feel the love emanating from it.”
“Love?” Repeated Anna. She knew that Elsa shared a special and unique connection with Ahtohallan, and that it’s how she was able to translate the glacier’s emotions to her, but that was confusing. Ahtohallan’s feeling in the end was love for them?
The white light turned to blue, and Anna let out a gasp as she recognized it. It was exactly the same than the one emanating from the magic rock she had touched in the Forest, and that had brought them two in the past in the first place. She could also feel that it was the same sensation, palpable in the air. 
“So that was caring love...” Murmured both sisters in one voice, then they turned to each other and grinned. 
“Thank you!” Smiled Anna to the magic source, as the light got even more intense. “That was quite an adventure. And even if the main goal was to show Elsa the future and thank her for it, you allowed us to see our parents on that day. Now I can tick ‘travel through time’ on my bucket list, and, honestly... Life goals.”
Elsa laughed by her side, and slid her hand in hers. 
“Are you ready?”
Anna looked at the light. “I was born ready.”
“Technically, you aren’t...”
“Born yet, yes. I’ve been thinking of that pun for two days now.”
They giggled, and all the white light condensed all along the dome to one spot, the size of a large door big enough for them to both go in, and Elsa recognized this spot on the wall as being the entrance she went through to dive into the past on her first visit. 
It made sense: now was a time when Ahtohallan was used to see memories of the future; so, in order to go back to 30 years forward, they had to go through there. Anna clenched her hand as they walked.
“Elsa... I wonder... If the Northuldra chief was indeed the Fifth Spirit and he saw memories of the future, then he knew that he would die that day because of our grandfather, right?”
Elsa nodded with sadness. “Yes. I suppose that he accepted that it was his destiny.”
The reminding of how the Northuldra chief died suddenly made something hit in Elsa. “Wait... When I went deep down in the memories, the first time I went here, through that frame... I actually connected with his part of Ahtohallan.”
Anna’s eyes widened. “Is that why you froze? I thought that it was just because you searched for a secret memory?”
“...Maybe it also was because I was entering a reversed Ahtohallan, with time memories going the other way...” 
Anna stopped right before reaching the frame.
“Do you think that the reason why you saw Ahtohallan in pieces 30 years later on your first visit is because it got flipped upside down, memories now going the other way, because you headed to the glacier with the intention to get answers about the past?”
The two sisters remained silent at all the possibilities this offered. 
“That’s another mystery we’ll maybe never have the answer of.” Murmured Elsa. 
Anna nudged her. “Don’t be pessimistic. We managed to solve this one, didn’t we?”
Elsa shared her smile. “That’s right. We did.”
Ahtohallan sent an insisting pulse to her mind. “Alright, alright, we’re going.” Chuckled the Snow Queen. 
“Back to present time, then.” Smiled Anna, and Elsa nodded.
They stepped to the light together, and felt cocooned as it came over them. It indeed was a light of love, and it was so bright that they clenched their eyes shut, and felt dizzy for a moment. 
When they opened their eyes, they were standing in the Forest, exactly where they had been standing before Anna bowed to touch the glowing rock. 
The redhead looked down and noticed that it had disappeared, and startled when Elsa suddenly palpated her arms to make sure that her younger was alright. 
“I’m fine, Elsa.” Chuckled Anna. 
“Sorry, I just... I had to make sure. Did all that... Happened?”
“You didn’t dream. And I sure hope that all you saw of the future will happen.��
“It will. That’s the whole point.” Smiled Elsa.
They looked at each other and hugged, more by mannerism than anything else, just glad they both made it, and lived such a crazy experience. 
When they stepped back from the hug, they looked around, surrounded by the sounds of the forest. It felt like they hadn’t come here in ages, and it was actually literal. 
“THERE YOU ARE!” Suddenly yelled a voice behind them. 
Elsa turned around at Honeymaren’s angry tone. 
“I’ve been looking for you for a full hour!” Frowned the Northuldra, walking to them. 
“Only an hour?” Smiled Elsa, and she gave a side look to Anna, who chuckled.
“What?” Frowned Honeymaren when she was close, and this time, her voice was worried. “Where were you? I got really concerned.”
“Oh, we were... Here and there...” Shrugged Anna. 
She briskly lifted her head at the sound of Kristoff calling her. He ran to them, glad they found them again. 
“We got so worried! I was about to prepare the cart to go back to Arendelle, and...”
He caught up his breath, his hands on his hips as he stared at the sisters. “Did you two purposely hide? Elsa, did you try to kidnap my wife so she would stay longer with you in the Forest this week?” He added with a laugh. 
Elsa laughed and shook her head. “No. I would never take her away from you. I promise.” She said, her gaze going to Anna as well. 
The redhead smiled, and hanged to Kristoff’s neck to kiss him deeply on the lips. He got surprised by the intensity, but gave it back to her.
“Okay. Time to go.” She blushed once she was done, tapping his chest awkwardly. 
He nodded and turned around, and as the redhead was about to follow him, she turned to Elsa. “See you next Friday, then.” 
“It sounds weird to say it now, isn’t it?” Whispered the blonde. 
“Totally.” Whispered back Anna. 
“What are you two whispering about?” Smirked Honeymaren. 
“Nothing!” Exclaimed the Queen. 
She trotted behind Kristoff, then turned around one last time. “Hey, Elsa!”
“Yes?” Smiled the blonde. 
“Any chance you tell me her name now?”
Elsa chuckled and shook her head. “None. Just go, you dork.” 
Anna turned around and giggled openly, filling the woods with the echo of her sunny laugh.
======= THE END =======
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What's in a Title?
Summary: Virgil, Logan and Patton visits Roman's imaginary kingdom and finds out that they all have titles amongst the subjects in Roman's kingdom.
Warnings: Near panic attack, a bit of arguing, food mention, first fic
Words: 2724
(This is an idea from a conversation with @chemically-imbalanced-romance that sprouted from his amazing fanfiction. You can find both our conversation and the fanfic here.)
Taglist: @chemically-imbalanced-romance, @painfullybisexual
Virgil would normally never agree to go with Roman on any of his quests, as he never knew what might happen. Roman had asked so many times, but now, he no longer invited him to adventures about slaying dragons or witches (or both, damn Dragonwitch), instead he asked Virgil to join him for picnics or walks. Roman wasn't an idiot. He realised quickly that Virgil would never join him on any trip that could end in danger. Therefore, he opted for ideas, where they could relax. He even made an entire kingdom, where no dangerous beast resided. He was normally against that, but he would do anything to bring Everlasting Gloom a new piece of scenery.
Virgil finally accepted. He was nervous the whole way to Roman's room. He was on edge inside the room and he tensed up, when they stepped through his mirror. But he gasped in wonder when he saw the forest and the pond and the small village and the fields and-
"Woaw, easy there, Fall Out Emo!" Roman had cought Virgil before he fell over from dissiness. Virgil grumbled, removed himself from Roman and pretended to smooth out the vrinkles in his hoodie.
"Soooo? What do you think?" Roman vedged, already knowing that Virgil at least found it somewhat impressive. Virgil rolled his eyes. Roman would do anything to get a compliment.
"It's nice, I guess…" it was a bit too bright for his tastes, but it was grand, and it was… Roman. Yeah, it was nice… Roman's smile seemed to light up the fantasy world even more. He puffed out his chest.
"Awww, I knew you loved me, Edgelord!" 
"Whatever, did you want to show me something, or what?" Virgil puffed. He was a bit on edge. What if Roman was going to drag him all the war through the village or up to the castle? …. Or into the castle?! Virgil's breath quickened and he started to tremble. He could feel a tingle running up his spine. His head felt numb and ice cold and heavy. He felt like he was drowning. He didn't want to go there. There would be crowded as everybody would surely want to greet their prince! What if they got seperated?! What if he got lost? He would never be able to get ou- 
"Virgil" Roman's voice cut throught his muddled thoughts like a sword… no… more like… water rinsening a dirty stone free of grime.
"S-sorry" damn, he hated his voice for stuttering. He wasn't weak! Roman searched his face, not with pity, but some kind of nearly-understanding. The prince gently took his arm and led him towards the pond. Virgil started to relax. The hand on his arm was like an ancre, keeping him grounded. Luckily, there were no people around the area, just like Virgil liked it. There would be nobody to damand his attention (besides Roman) or question him or being loud. He was starting to work himself up again. He took a deep breath and tried to relax. This was important to Roman. Roman who had tried so hard to include him and be kinder. They still bantered, but the words weren't so harsh anymore. 
They had reached the small lake. Ducks swam around, quacking and filling their beaks with the gross-green-whatever that was floating around in the water. He could never remember what it was called. They sat down and enjoyed the scenery. 
"Did you know that ducks can't eat bread? It will fill them up, so they don't feel hungry, but they get no nutrience from it, so they might starve to death." Virgil shared.
"Tumblr?" Roman asked. Patton would most likely have started crying and Logan would have given him a more detailed report as to why and how this happened. Roman would usually have made a dramatic gasp, sworn to protect the ducks from bread-feeding or proclaimed Virgil a mood-killer. But he didn't. The Sides where more than the Sides. They were more than what aspects they represented. And if Roman could put away his need for dramatics, Virgil could at least try to put away his negative demeanor.
"You are- It's really- … You did a really good job with this world… I like it… a lot…" Virgil wished that his tounge would stop tripping over itself. He nearly continued talking about the flaws of this world, but stopped himself in time and it was worth it. Roman's eyes were wide in astonishment. His hands flew up to his mouth while he squeeled in glee. Virgil snorted and gave a little smirk. 
The moment was ruined when a man ran towards them. Virgil tensed up again, when Roman rose to his feet. The man seemed excited and not frightened, but it did nothing to lessen Virgil's rising anxiety. 
"PRINCE ROMAN! PRINCE ROMAN! WHAT AN HONOUR!!!" The man yelled eagerly. Virgil guessed that he was a knight. He was certainly dressed as one. The anxious side had no idea, how the man was able to run that far with a chainmail, but everything was possible in Roman's imagination, he thought. 
"What is troubling you, Lancelot?" Roman asked worried. Virgil snorted at the name and Roman shot him a look. 
"Prince Roman, you have returned!" the man exclaimed and could barely stand still. "Your subjects have awaited you! You must come quickly! They are all waiting for you!" 
Roman shook his head, "My apologies, but I'm here in a different errand at the moment, but I will return soon enough," he said and gestured at Virgil, who had placed himself behind Roman. 
"Oh! The Shadow King! My apologies, sire! I did not see you!" the knight said and bowed deeply. Roman made an affronted noise and turned towards Virgil. 
"Shadow King??! How come, you're a king, when I'm a prince?! That hardly seems fair! And how come, my own subjects seem to have you in higher regards than me?! I created them!" By now the world had paused. The knight stood still as a statue, mouth still open while he was raising himself from his bow. If you looked up, you would see birds, frozen mid-flight, still in the air. It unnerved Virgil. It didn't feel right. 
He shrugged. He honestly had no idea as he had never met any of Roman's "subjects" before. 
He smirked. 
"Maybe, it's because I'm better than you?" he tried to sound innocent, but his growing smile ruined the effect.
Roman was better at hiding his own smile, when he grabbed his sword to stand in a majestic pose. 
"In your dreams, Emo Nightmare!" heh, back at the old nicknames, huh? Virgil chuckled and shook his head. 
"Let's head back to the others," Virgil said as he stretched "I wonder, what the others are called in your kingdom? Dr Bookworm and Mr Sunshine? Or do you think they have more regal names?" Virgil glanced at Roman, who huffed, but wore a thoughtful expression. The Prince led the way home. The trip was kind of ruined anyway and both parts were more curious about whatever the other two could possibly be called by imaginary townsfolk.
"I could be a fairy!" Patton exclaimed, "And Logan would probably be a wizard or something!" he seemed to enjoy the idea a lot. 
"Although, I do not know as to why, Virgil was given a title by Roman's imaginary world, I do not believe that we can "choose" our own character as one would in a game," Logan said.
"Then we have no choice, but to find out! It's Adventure Time!" Roman was already ready for another trip, while Virgil just wanted to retreat to his room for a bit. Even though, their time in Roman's room hadn't lasted for more than half an hour, he felt worn out. Logan noticed this. 
"Perhaps we should wait with this experiment and conduct it tomorrow instead? This way, I will not need to interrupt my reading, and Patton will not burn down the mindscape with that bakery of his." 
"MY CAKE!!!"
Patton's cake had been saved just in time, although it was a bit dark in the edges. They hadn't had the chance to taste it yet, as Patton had been determined in using it for their picnic the next day. If they were visiting the fantasy realm, they might as well make it enjoyable.
Logan had been quick to point out birds that were made up, as he didn't recognize them and Roman was just as quick to refuse the offer of borrowing a book from the logical side about different bird species. Logan couldn't see the point of making up new birds, if Roman didn't even know, what they ate or why they had such amazing colours. 
"You are completely ignoring Darwin's theories of evolution! Take that bird for example! Why is its beak blue?! Is it a part of its performance for its mate? Is it because blue objects attract its prey? You cannot just make up a new race without-"
"Logan, PLEASE! Please stop… I don't care about all of that! Its beak is blue because it looks good!" 
Virgil and Patton shared a look and sighed. They could go on like this for hours.
“Can we please have our picnic now, guys?” Patton tried to defuse the growing tension. The two sides tried to be better at not arguing so often, they all did, but sometimes, it just couldn’t be helped. When you lived with people who were so different from yourself, arguments would naturally arise. And Patton was usually the one to go to, if you wanted a fight to break up. One would think that the others didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but the truth was that there was a reason for him to be the dad of their group. You didn’t want to face him in full Dad Mode. It was terrifying.
Roman and Logan quickly agreed and helped spread out the blanket. Roman found some rocks to place in the corners so the blanket wouldn’t flutter away. 
“What do you think this world would call us?” Patton wondered, it was hard for him to just relax and enjoy his slightly dry cake. “Maybe I’m the Dogfather!” he grinned.
“Patton, you cannot be a dog father as you are neither a dog nor an actual father,” Logan explained, while Roman groaned into his hands. Virgil tried to smother his sniggers. Patton ignored them all.
“Logan! You can be The Sun!” Patton gasped. Logan squinted. He knew what was coming.
“How so?” he asked. He might as well get it over with.
“Because you brighten up my day!”
Logan sighed. It seemed he couldn’t avoid neither idiocy nor puns today. He turned to Virgil, who was trying to keep a straight face.
“Shall we get this over with? I honestly couldn’t care less about whatever title Roman’s little world made up for us, but I surely hope that it doesn’t take a whole day. I do have other plans.”
Virgil rolled his eyes and huffed.
“I’m with you, dude.”
The picnic had been... nice… Virgil and Roman had as usual one of their disagreements, which wasn’t all bad as they tried to not be too insulting, but when Virgil had commented on how Roman didn’t live up to the princes in Disney, Roman had picked up his piece of cake and smashed into the anxious side’s face. And thus, the food war had begun. They looked like a mess. In the end, Virgil had apologised. He had definitely crossed a line. In turn, Roman had apologised as well. They still looked like an un-cool mess, but they were no longer glaring at each other.
Roman noticed how Patton was overflowing with excitement and Logan was overflowing with…. Impatience… and decided to get it over with. He loved his dreamscape, but knew that the others didn’t have such a strong attachment to it. While he could spend hours in there, the others were already done and over with it. Well, except for Patton, naturally, but he was excited about nearly everything. Therefore, Roman decided to call for his trusty knight, Sir Lancelot. The name certainly lacked creativity, but he had liked the character so much, that he had to use it himself.
The knight appeared almost immediately from a path near the forest. This time, he was riding a nut-brown horse.
“Prince Roman! You have returned!” the knight was quick to bow down as soon his feet landed on the ground. In the beginning, Roman had made all his imaginary figures talk like in the middle ages, but it had quickly grown old and insufferable.
“Sir Lancelot! You’ve already met Virgil here-“
“Ah, yes! The Shadow King!” the knight bowed again 
Roman squinted at the man. He had interrupted him! How dare he?! Roman sniffed before turning his attention toward his nearly blind friends.
“Yes. As I was saying; you’ve already met Virgil, but here’s my other friends, Logan and Patton!” the prince swung out his arm as in presentation. Patton held his breath, waiting for the outcome. The two left-brained sides rolled their eyes. 
For the third time that day, the knight bowed and it was honestly getting tiring, according to Virgil, who bit his tongue to keep his sarcastic remarks at bay. Logan had the same opinion, but could also see the value, the knight held in terms to Roman and his self-worth. It was painfully clear now, how much Roman craved the attention, respect and acknowledgement the knight overflowed Roman with. Logan made sure to remember note it down and praise Roman a bit more in the future. Of course only because it would help Thomas’ well-being. Naturally.
“Lord of the Nerds and King of Hearts!” the man exclaimed. Virgil snorted and hid his face behind his bangs, his shit-eating grin still visible.
Logan blinked, not quite believing what he just heard.
“Awwww! That’s cute! I’m the King of Hearts AND I HEART YOU ALL!!!” Patton yelled flailed his arms around.
“Well, now that this is over with, I believe that it is time to return. Agreed?” Logan was so done with this whole escapade and just waited for them to return to the mindscape.
“Well, I can only say that this turned out to be a CAT-ASTRO-phe!” the others stared at him and seemed confused.
“What? Logan told me that ‘astro’ means star! And I also really like cats…” Patton giggled. Virgil snorted, while Logan continued to look confused.
“But why would you mention stars? You usually follow some kind of logic with your... so-called witty puns,” Logan looked like he had smelled something unfortunate.
“Because you’re my star,” the moral side whispered.
It was a few days after their trip and one might believe that they had pushed the whole ordeal to the back of their minds or that everybody had forgotten about it. Sadly, that was not the case. Ever since they had returned, whenever Roman and Logan was arguing, Roman had pulled his so-called ‘trump-card’. 
“Logan, please remember, who the prince is here!” he would say and make some kind of sassy pose. It was getting tiring and old really quickly.
“To be honest, our so-called titles form your underlings does not matter to me the slightest, and I cannot see, why you put so much weight on a nick-name from somebody that has only met us once.” Logan was getting ready to throw in the metaphorical blanket and just give up. In Roman’s dreamscape he had realised just how dependent the Prince was of flattery, acknowledgement and praise, and he really tried to not drag him down, but it was getting hard with the way Roman continuously tried to fight and mock him with their new-found titles.
“What’s the matter Logan? Can’t handle me being better at something than you?” Roman glowered, while Patton and Virgil was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and coffee, respectively. 
“I wouldn’t quite say that, as I have no interest in these titles, therefore it does not matter to me if your rank is higher is mine. You on the other hand-“
“Please be quiet children, the kings are talking,” Virgil interrupted with a smirk. Even Patton berating Virgil couldn’t make him stop grinning at the flappergasted looks he received. 
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Hey can you do a Robin x reader fic with the reader is in college and also being Dustin’s sister? Robin convinced that Henderson!reader has a thing for Steve? Rating anything just Robin stumbling over how much she has a thing for Dustin’s sister and being sad about the Steve thing even though there is no thing?
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After a very long year full of supernatural idiocies, your friends and little brother getting in fatal trouble and all that, a full year of college normalcy away from Hawkins was what you needed to get back on track with your mental health and emotional safety, and now that Summer holiday came once again, you were very happy to be reunited with your family.
Dustin told you that Steve was still working part time at Scoops Ahoy, even after the horrible events at Starcourt, and Robin was there too, so you just HAD to go and see them, you missed them so much.
Of course, you arranged yourself more attentively than usual since it was an important day today, so make up, a nice hairstyle and a pretty outfit were perfect - Nobody would realise you were a huge nerd and geek...Not that you minded. It was your whole life and happiness.
As soon as you stepped in the parlor, you noticed Steve and ran to him, jumping over the counter and hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek and spinning around with him, chanting his name.
“Steve! Steve! Steve! Gosh, how I’ve missed you! It’s really been a whole year, hasn’t it?! Can you believe it?! I sure as hell can’t!” you exclaim happily, letting go of him and analysing him from head to toe. “That hat still doesn’t do your hair any justice.” you laughed, leaning on the counter.“Yes, it’s been a year...Honestly, Y/N, I don’t know if I’d rather face College Horror or Monster Horror again.” he smirked, shaking his head. “But you sure look fresh as a daisy, I’m glad to see that.” he continued, then banged on the little slide-open door, only to be opened by your favourite girl.“Robin!!” your eyes sparkled as you chirped her name.“Our fave girl has returned from College Nightmare, Buckley, don’tcha wanna greet her properly?” Steve asked, motioning for her to get out of there.“Nice to see you back, Y/N! Came here for some free ice cream?” she smirked, already preparing your favourite.“Oh my God, your desserts are always the best! I swear, Robin, you are the best! Hey, why don’t we hang out at my house tonight? Get some booze, play some games, watch some movies? Sounds good? Dustin’s gonna stay over at Mike’s tonight.” you suggested with a sly look on your face.“Sure, why not. It’s been a while since we’ve hung out like that. And it will be nice to have Robin around too, now.” he shrugged. “We finish in two hours, you can prepare everything for our sleep over and we’ll bring the good stuff, ‘kay?” he said, making you  nod vigurously.“Hell yes! See ya later!” you hugged them both and rushed outside to make preparations.
All day you only thought of how to finally ask Robin out.
She’s been in your head all year and you couldn’t, for the love of anything good in this world, get rid of those thoughts about her, so might as well pursue them now.
The only people who knew of this crush were Dustin and Steve, which now seemed to be like literal Father and Son, which you were very happy about.You got to warm up around Steve after he started taking care of and protecting your little brother during all that mess with the demodogs, and from then on, you started hanging around.
After you finished Highschool, Steve started working at Scoops Ahoy, while you decided to volunteer at a place to make your CV better for your future career, so while you didn’t get to hang out too much, you got the privilege of meeting Robin, who was honestly the most beautiful and intriguing girl you’ve ever met.
Unfortunately, you were always much too shy to ask her out, especially knowing how same-sex relationships were seen around, and you were afraid of making her hate you, so being friends was the next best thing, and as long as she was happy, you were happy as well.
Little did you know that the girl thought the exact same things as you were, and even more, she thought you were in love with Steve, seeing how close you were with each other, and she started feeling darker feelings pitting in her stomach.
Night soon came by and your two friends finally arrived, ready to change in their PJs and you gathered in the living room, music loud and preparing for the booze games.
“What should we start with? Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, Never have I ever...?” you trailed off, thinking of what games to play.“Let’s start with Never have I ever. It’s good for a big round of shots, right?” Seve suggested, opening the vodka bottle and pouring in the glasses.“Okay, sounds good! So, let’s see...Never have I ever...Uhhh....Fuck, I don’t know...Never have I ever gone to a rock concert.” you finally managed to blurt out, then saw Robin chuckle and Steve rolling his eyes, taking a shot.“Woaw, dingus, you sure are as lame as you look.” she snorted, making you giggle.“I mean, did you see how that sailor hat looks on him? Clearly, he’s so lame, he’s kinda like...A super innocent adorable kind of lame!” you exclaimed, making him groan as you laughed, not realising Robin was biting her lip in anger.“Okay, okay, whatever, my turn. Never have I ever went out on a date that went horribly bad.” Steve said, making the both of you drink and laugh at the memories, yet Robin looked down, not drinking.“Like, d’you remember how horribly bad that date with what’s-his-name went? He was so freaking boring that I had to pretend to go to the bathroom, call you to come rescue me, and then we spent the whole night watching movies, trash-talking him and eating ice cream?” you laughed remembering the awkward situation as you drank the shot.“Or that girl I tried to date after Nancy and I accidentally called her by that name...And just then I realised I didn’t even know what her name was. She made me pay the pizza bill but ate none of it, so I called you to come over and help me finish everything.” he nudged you a bit rougher than intended, making you laugh like idiots.“We’re idiots. But, Robin, you didn’t drink. Does that mean that all your dates went well? I’m so happy to hear that!” you grinned at her gently, but she shook her head.“I didn’t get to date anyone, actually.” she shrugged, looking away.“Aww, come on, Robin, don’t get upset! You’re a lovely girl, I’ve never seen anyone funnier, smarter and more beautiful than you! Every guy would be lucky to date someone like you.” you encouraged her, but she only breathed out a soft laugh.“Never have I ever had a crush on someone of the same sex.” Robin declared, making the both of you drink a shot, look at each other with a soft blush, than look away.“Glad to hear I’m not the only one here. Then again...Come on, King Steve, didn’t you like Billy even a little bit? The way he’d hover over your body, all sweaty and panting, calling your name so confidently...” you smirked, slurring a bit, making him groan and fall on the ground.“Fuck Hargrove, okay? He’s lucky he got out alive of that whole Mindflayer shit and moved back to Cali for Uni. If I have to hear one more King Steve from his mouth, I swear I’ll shave him and make him eat his stupid mullet.” Steve threatened, making you fall back with drunken laughter too.“You wish he’d fuck you, man. He’s good, I’m sure of that.” you giggled, poking his sides.“Shut up.” Steve murmured. “Imma go get some snacks from the kitchen...Or vomit.” he left the room, making you roll on your side, smirking at Robin.“Who’s the lucky lady you crushed or are crushing on, Robin, dear~?” you tried to press, making her look away a bit.“She’s...Very smart. She’s at Uni now, going into her 2nd year at a prestigious Uni. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, she’s soft like an angel and nobody would realise she’s such a damn nerd...And I think she’s crushing or dating Steve.” she mumbled, downing a shot.“Woaw, she sure sounds like a nice girl. You know...I think you should tell her. You never know who she likes, do you? And assumptions aren’t always what they look like. Also...Who the hell would choose Steve over you? You’re a million dollar babe, okay? Steve is just a...A...” you tried to find the perfect word, but she beat you to it, with a gentle smile on her face. “A dingus?”“Oh, gosh, yeah, that was it! Nice one, Robin!” you high fived her, but ended up losing balance and lazily hugging her, giggling.“Do you like Steve, Y/N?” she asked, making you laugh.“Steve? Yeah, he’s like, my best friend and all, what’s not to like about him? He’s an idiot but he saved my baby brother so now we’re friends.” you explained, making her nod at you, looking at you without breaking eye contact.“Yes, but...Do you...Like him? Like-Love him?” she pressed on, making you gag and snort.“Ew, no, jeez, it would be like dating Dustin. So awkward and weird. No way in hell...Besides...The crush I have on a girl? You’re that girl, Robin. I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout you the whole damn year and I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I was just too much of a coward to ever say it out loud, but this idiot here and the other mini-idiot kept pestering me to finally ask you out...Guess I needed to get tipsy as hell to get that courage, huh?”  you grinned shyly, burying your face in the crook of her neck.“Wanna have our first date tomorrow, then? Go to the movies, eat something, walk around, go to the arcade, stargaze at night...” she offered, making you put your arms around her neck and kiss her cheek.“Sounds like the perfect date, if you ask me.” you hugged her tightly, making her lay on the floor so you could cuddle up to her easier.“Huh...This was so easy...And to think I was jealous on Harrington ‘cause I thought you liked him. So stupid.” she snorted, making you giggle, caressing her cheek.“Steve...Who? He’s nothing compared to you, so forget about him. Tonight it’s just the two of us, this annoyingly loud music that’s gonna give me a hangover migrane very soon, and this vodka that just screams to be downed in one go...Uh...What was I saying?”  you raised your eyebrow, a bit confused, having lost your train of thought.“Just that you love me, dear. Just that. And I love you too and I’m glad you got drunk enough to confess to me.” she leaned on her side, pressing her plump and soft lips to yours softly, a sweet smile gracing her features.“Damn, you’re beautiful, Robin. Will you be my girlfriend?” you asked, making her chuckle a bit, kissing your forehead.“Any day, any time, love. Any time.” she answered, softly.“Oi, guys, what the hell is going on here?! I know you love each other, but come on, don’t make this +18, okay? ...Argh, never mind, just go sleep in the bedroom, I’ll sleep on the couch...Jeez...” he groaned, drinking some water and crashing on the couch with a pout.“What, Harrington, are you jealous I’m dating Y/N and you’re not?” she smirked as you two sat up, her arm around your waist, putting you very close to her.“Nahh, not jealous, just happy for you. About time, really, she’s been gushing about you all year over the phone, I was about ready to just tell you myself about all this.” he shrugged, ushering the two of you to the bedroom.“I have a TV in my room, so we can watch some really good slasher movies and cuddle?” you asked, kissing her again.“Dream date!” she smirked, dragging you to your bedroom, ready to get the night started with her new girlfriend.
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