#woahhhh this looks so cool
artist-regardless · 9 months
guys john singer sargeant is so cool
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for-thee · 1 year
one thing i'm hoping for in silksong is some sort of animated cutscene like the one with hornet in city of tears except with lace
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rumisgf · 3 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: you and denki have been friends since you were young, and he always held you close. but he’s denki– he likes giving attention to other girls. so, you never thought he look at you than more than a friend. until one day, you can’t hold in your feelings anymore. (this is also like my first time writing a full length fic in a minute wow)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ includes: black!reader ofc, flashback/timeskips, mutual pining, childhood friends to lovers, they’re in their third year at UA, cursing, jirou is reader’s best friend in high school, reader has a tendency to self sabotage, self deprecation, jealousy, insecurities, reader listening to songs from ctrl, preteen/teen angst, fluff, impulsive confession, wingman!jirou, reader calls kaminari ‘kam’ for short
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ word count: 4.6k
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“kam! kam!”
you boisterously shout your friends name from across the backyard. the little boy jumps off the monkey bars, running over to you with a tooth gapped smile.
you became friends with the boy pretty much the first day of school. he had fallen off the swings after trying to impress his friends, and you had heard somebody yelp in pain. unlike of all his clueless friends who didn’t know what to do, you had ran away from your own friends you were playing with to help the boy out. after all, your parents always taught you to save people– so that’s what you did. you ended up conveniently tripping all falling next to him, face to face with his glossy eyed face and quivering lips. one of his friends nervously said what happened and you look at his knee.
frantically, you called over a teacher. “help! he hurt!” you called out. your homeroom teacher helped him up, and you following the two of them to the classroom inside.
“t-thank you…” he muttered, embarrassed a girl had to see him like this. he gets sat on a chair and you sit next him, the both of you silent for awhile as you wait for the teacher to find a bandaid. you examine his injuries, looking at the scrape on his knee and the smaller one on his hand. hesitantly, you grab his hand. “…does it hurt?” you shyly ask. he hesitates himself, then slowly shrugs “a little…”
his body freezes when you bring your lips to his hand and give it a quick, small kiss. his eyes widen as his head shoots up at you, and your eyes widen in response. “d-did that help?” he forces a laugh, trying to seem as smooth as his dad seems to be with his mom. “y-yeah! thank you!” he smiles, and your face feels as hot as ever.
the same smile is on his face as he runs over to you, beckoning to your call of his name.
“here!” you shove your 3ds into his hand, showing him a black screen. he curiously presses the power button and is met with the charger symbol blinking with a small red line at the start of the battery-shaped figure. “my 3ds dead again…” you say with a frown.
instantly, he beams up. “no fear, charge boy is here!” he holds his hand out, and you stare for a second. a weird feeling begins to brew up in your tummy and your face feels warm, but you grab it. excitedly, he runs into his house. you reach his living room and he searches through the couch, his small figure climbing onto the cushions. “aha!” he shouts, holding up a charger. you maneuver to sit next to him on the couch, him helping you up. the boy grabs your gaming device and sticks the plug in his mouth like a lollipop. you kick your feet in excitement, waiting for him to put on his greatest magic trick. he places the other end of the charger into the 3ds, and you both wait. then,
“WOAHHHH!” the both scream in unison. you clap your hands together and giggle, the boy blushing in response. a smile is plastered across his face as you praise him. “thas so cool!” you coo. he rubs the back of his neck “oh, it’s nothin!” he replies, handing you back the device. you open the game you were just playing: nintendo cats and dogs. “wait lemme see your dog!” he exclaims.
eagerly, he grabs the controller so you both have it in your hands. you giggle once again, going over to the digital dog you own. “sit!” you shout into the screen. the dog tilts their head, and you groan. “…sit!” kaminari chimes in, shouting at a louder volume. again, the dog whines and tilts its head. you both look at each other in annoyance, then shove the 3ds closer to your faces.
“SIT!” you both shout.
the in-game dog sits, and you squeal in satisfaction, looking back at your friend. he giggles, looking back at you. “our dog now!”
this was a pattern in your friendship. you shared basically everything: games, toys, snacks, damn near houses— you were over his all the time. not that he cared, though. in fact, he encouraged it. your parents loved him so they would let it slide, they even became friends with his parents. you both became inseparable within weeks of first meeting each other in school, so regardless there was no way of separating the two of you.
even if they tried, neither of you would let them.
eighth grade wasn’t your favorite for many reasons. one of those reasons happened to involved your best friend since tooth fairies: denki kaminari. it’s no doubt he was popular, at least to some degree. he hung out with a lot of popular kids, and even worse, he was one of those boys where every girl had a crush on him at some point…. you included. except your crush festered before middle school— and it still hasn’t gone away. you hated that it never went away. not because you hated him, it was because you felt the exact opposite of that.
it was different from when you were kids. before, it could be written off as simple puppy love. there was no doubt, anxiety, or fear that came with being all giddy around him. but now, you were both older, and you both became two different types of people. it’s not like people didn’t like you, of course. you had your few share of friends and ultimately preferred to stay to yourself, while he otherwise wanted to entertain the whole world. and you never knew how he did it. he made everyone laugh, and brought smiles out of the gloomiest of people. despite all this, he still called you his best friend. he would convince your parents to let you go to arcades or movie theater hangouts with him, and you still would have the same sleepovers you did when you were little. but, he was popular– popular with girls. girls would ask you about him all the time, and you wanted to rip the hair straight out of your scalp. the worst part was always that you had no excuse to feel this way because he’s supposed to be your best friend. you’re supposed to be happy for him, right? does that make you a bad friend? what is this feeling?
you turn your head from your desk, and see the brace faced, bright haired charmer himself walk up to your desk. you fake a smile, wanting to seem cheery despite your anxious thoughts. “hey, kam.”
he smiles at the nickname, leaning against your desk.
“i have a secret.” he says cheekily. you raise your eyebrow, becoming slightly intrigued. “tell me!”
you always find yourself perking up at his voice. it scares you. naturally, people are afraid of the unexplainable. but weirdly, what scares you more is facing a definite reason of why you feel this way. you see it in movies and shows that denki himself has begged you to watch. they were entertaining, yes, but you related in a way you hated. it always made you question your real life. and you hated that more, having to find an explanation for feelings you can’t even describe with real life words. even with all this, you could never hate listening to him talk. your heart jumps at the way he smiles, showing off his teal rubber bands that decorate the brackets of his braces, and his soft lips, that he definitely overdoes the chapstick with, never disappearing even though he always smiles so big. and not to mention, you just love hearing him say your name and tell you all the things he’s excited about, like–
“i just gave hayami a valentine, isn’t that cool?”
your heart sinks, and your mood is instantly ruined.
“i got a bunch of valentines but she was all giddy when i told her i got her one. she’s the only person i gave one too besides you, i think she likes me or something.”
you glance at the faux flower and bag of chocolates he gave you that you sat next your bookbag on your desk and look back at him.
“you should go for it, she’s pretty cute.” you reply. the way you perfectly execute that same line every time he tells you something like this, you’ve convinced yourself you should be an actor.
this exchange snaps you back into the reality you refuse to face: he doesn’t see you like that. you’re his best friend, of course he tells you about girls and waits for your advice each time because– in his words: ‘you’re like, the most truth worthy sources ever!’ so this is basically your friendly duty. you always help him out, even if the payment is another tear stained page in your diary that you would run to the nearest bridge to jump off of if he even knew of it. your head races as he continues to barge with his newest love situation.
“i might, i don’t know! you know popular chicks are kinda boring sometimes man.” he chuckles, slightly rolling his eyes as he slings his bookbag off his shoulder and on his desk that’s next to yours.
you agree, the both of you laughing. your fake laugh harmonizes with his geniune one as class is about to start, the teacher finally walking in. he eventually occupies himself with his many other friends, and you slouch in your chair. again, the valentine on your desk in your peripheral distracts you from listening to anything the teacher is saying. it almost loses it’s meaning— it doesn’t feel special. to him, it’s just another valentine his mom probably gave him the money to buy. you don’t feel special. and you feel stupid for letting yourself think you ever could be. every girl in school was miles prettier than you, you never stood a chance. you stick your earbuds in your ear, ignoring the bitter taste of jealousy stuck in the back of your throat. you hated this. you hated this feelings, you hated all these people, you hated school, you hated valentine’s day, and you hated love. it’s so easy for everybody else but you.
‘now playing- normal girl by SZA’
you wished you were a popular girl.
“literally just tell him!”
you roll your eyes at your best friend, setting your food back down on your lunch tray to look her dead in the eyes.
“kyouka, i’m telling you i would rather shit in my hands and clap.”
she scoffs, shaking her head and looking back at you.
“first off- gross. second off, i can tell you guys are made for each other because you’re both stupid as fuck and delusional. it’s so obvious he likes you back, do you not see how he acts around you? you both flirt so much people literally come up to you guys and ask if you guys are a couple.”
jirou’s right. with the close friendship you and denki have, some people already assume you guys have something going on. but, there’s no way in hell you would risk ruining your friendships over feelings that you’ve forced yourself to shove down your throat long enough. not now, not in your third and last year of high school. you refuse to ruin anything you have going on and you’ve already made it this far. you’d rather not know how he feels than to know that you’re right, and he’d never even think of being more than friends.
“okay, but he flirts with everybody, i mean nothing to h-”
she immediately cuts you off. “y/n l/n you’ve literally sat in his lap before in the common room during move night!”
you sigh, looking down at your lunch tray. there’s no way of getting out of this with her. and deep down, you know her argument makes sense.
“if i tell him, will you shut the fuck up?”
she sarcastically nods, going back to enjoying her own food. as the day goes on, her words linger in your head. obvious? if it was really that obvious, you wouldn’t feel like this. you would’ve just told him that you liked him years ago and you would be this romantic love-story couple who’s been together since they still had baby teeth. you’d give each other paper rings and candy hearts. instead, you play video games together and you cry in his arms about dudes playing with your feelings, even though you wish you could just have him.
later at your own dorm, you find yourself laying in your bed restless. your music playlist has been on shuffle in your earphones for hours now. you look down,
‘now playing- supermodel by SZA’
you sigh, turning over to lay on your side. you’ve been finding every excuse to still not tell denki anything, but this feeling in your chest is eating you alive. every laugh and brush of arm made it so much worse. even with people like jirou or uraraka-people who you’re friends with, you always find yourself analyzing every girl denki flirts with. you’re nothing like them. you can’t help but still carry the same insecurities you’ve had since you were young. every memory of denki giving attention to girls so much prettier than you runs through your mind, and you become more doubtful as the minutes pass. you were no model, and you weren’t even sure if you were denki’s type. hell, you don’t even know if you’re in his league. even if you told him how you felt, you wouldn’t be able to not think about how he likely could do better than you. it’s not like he doesn’t lift you up— which he does, often. he’s a great friend and he’s always been respectful. but, that’s all he is: your best friend. he doesn’t see you in that way, and you don’t think he could. you’re not some super hot girl he’d text you about, you’re the girl who he texts when he sees some hot chick he wants. you’re the one who listens to him rant about someone he flirted with.
you grabbed your phone and opened your texts. conveniently, he was high up enough to where there was no need to scroll. momentarily pausing, you contemplate all the ways this could go wrong. every sentence he could possibly use to reject you goes through head at once, and every way you could be humiliated by him and his friends sends waves of anxiety through your body. this is a bad idea. you shouldn’t do this. you take the deepest breath of your life, as if you had been deprive of oxygen for days.
….fuck it.
2:15 am
‘i like you’
you send the text, immediately turning your phone off and throwing it on the bed. safe to say, you barely were able to go to sleep.
the next morning, you wake up and go about your usual morning routine. you find every mean to distract yourself until you walk into the classroom, immediately going over to your desk. as usual, jirou starts a conversation with you and you both laugh about nonsense. then,
“hey jirou! hey y/n!” denki walks into the classroom, joyous as ever. your heart drops to the pit of your stomach and you feel a shock flow through your chest, instantly feeling your heart begin to thump. you wave as jirou greets denki with her typical snide remark. he knows you think to yourself. you already prepare yourself for all the embarrassment. but, he comes over to you and hugs you- as normal, slinging his arms over your shoulders. you hesitantly hug back, trying to hide that fuzzy, warm feeling in your stomach. he then does the same to jirou, and your shoulders begin to drop. secretly, you study his every move as you look for signs of him being ready to bring it up. he behaves as he normally does, bothering jirou to no end as everyone waits for class to begin. suddenly, you shoot up as your ears pick up your name.
“we seriously have a test this week? y/n we gotta lock in later, jirou never tells me this stuff!”
you gulp, not even turning your head to respond. “i got you, don’t worry.” you say, forcing a laugh. in your peripheral, you see jirou smirk at you and you get the urge to strangle her at this very moment.
thankfully, aizawa started his morning lesson so you uncharacteristically payed close attention. you continue this concentration until class is over. denki would tap you on the shoulder for the occasional comedic commentary whispered in your ear or question about the assignment that mr. aizawa literally just said. you conversed normally, pretending your heart wasn’t racing rapidly. but, everything seemed completely normal. the day went on and he didn’t mention a word about the text, and weirdly, you were perfectly okay with this. this is exactly what you wanted– for neither of you to mention it and pretend it was never even said. when classes were over, you headed to your dorm and plopped onto your bed. you sat with your phone in hand as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone while listening to your playlist. the day went smoothly despite your anxiety and everything was okay. you look down at your phone,
multiple notification slide down on your phone screen.
‘fuck i’m sorry’
‘istg i’m just now seeing this’
‘i’m coming to your dorm’
instantly, you grow nauseous. your head begins to spin and you bury your face in your hands. you almost got away with it. you almost had nothing to worry about and no emotions to actually confront head on.
before you can even collect yourself, you hear a knock at the door.
you don’t wanna answer the door, truthfully. but, you grudgingly open your mouth “come in.” you turn down your music, still loud enough to where you can still hear.
in walks kaminari, slowly closing the door and leaning against the wall. he’s playing with his fingers, breathing slightly heavy as if he sprinted to your dorm. the redness of his face is apparent enough for you to notice after a few seconds as you look at him, waiting for him to speak. you can barely focus on the music playing from your phone. he comes and sits in front of you on your bed. he takes a deep breath, then sighs slowly.
“how… long have you felt like this?”
now it’s your turn to practice breathing, since you’ve completely forgotten how. you shrug, despite knowing exactly when. even though you texted him first, you’re so embarrassed that you’re barely able to look at him.
“since we met…. and it never went away. even when you were some popular boy who decided to be friends with me, even though you had all these girls all over you. i know we were young, but i guess i just wanted you to myself. i really liked you, and you were different.”
he pauses “…since we were kids?”
“i know— i know it’s fucking stupid, and i’m sorry if i’m making everything feel weird now. it’s just whenever i look at you i get all nervous and it started building up and jirou told me to stop hiding it and-”
“y/n, i’ve liked you since i was 10.”
your whole entire body pauses. the worlds seems to stop and your whole entire body flushes. if you were at all close to vomiting before, that feeling definitely was worse now. every moment that jirou pointed out to you that you chose to ignore starts racing in your head, it was really that obvious? it was that easy? how long have i not noticed? did i just lose my mind worrying about all this for nothing? wait… is he just saying this because he feels bad? is this even real? is this some type of dare?
you’re barely able to comprehend the words that just came out of his mouth. “…what?”
“i…. didn’t wanna ruin our friendship. i didn’t want you to think i was one of those dudes who become close with girls just to try to get with them, but… i couldn’t help it. there’s just so much to like about you even though i never thought you’d even look at a guy like me…. is this why you’ve been acting kinda off?”
you shrug again. “yeah, kinda… but it’s not your fault.”
he swallows, then continues to speak. “i’m so sorry... i’m an idiot. if i even kind of knew how you felt, i wouldn’t have even looked at another girl. i never wanna make you feel like that, and i don’t wanna make you jealous.”
you laugh. it’s almost funny to you. “well i never thought you’d look in the direction of somebody like me.”
his face drops, now becoming more serious. “…what do you mean?”
“i mean, i don’t know. it’s just that every girl i see you with is just…”
you fight back the lump in your throat. not because said he actually has feelings for you– you genuinely don’t believe it.
“they’re pretty. and i always… get it. i get why you’d want that instead of… this. instead of, y’know, me. you’re probably out of my league– my quirk isn’t all that flashy, i’m not this drop dead gorgeous model type, i’m not super musically talented or academically gifted, and i’m just not all that special. so, i don’t know… i just didn’t think you saw me like that.”
he holds your hands, looking at you as you continue looking down. his heart breaks at your words, wanting to punch himself for not telling you how he felt sooner. he hates that he didn’t tell you, and he hates that you think about yourself in this way. all he wants to do is show you how beautiful you are.
“baby, no, no no- you’re wrong, so wrong.” he almost seems frantic. your heart jumps at the nickname, even though this isn’t the first time you’ve heard it from his mouth. but before, you were sure it was strictly platonic affection….this is different. he rubs his thumb across your hand, causing you to soften up a bit. it pains him to realize that you feel like this– and he’s mad that it’s because of him. even though he didn’t do anything wrong, he wishes so badly you could see yourself how he sees you.
“you…” kaminari pauses. “…you’re perfect. more than perfect. don’t compare yourself to these other girls, they don’t mean anything to me. i know i mess around but it’s only ‘cause…i don’t want you to think i’m some loser.” he takes a deep breath,
“i care about what you think of me.. so much. it drives me crazy. i just didn’t think i had a chance with you, so i was too scared to actually try. but you’re everything i want- i like every single thing about you and i always have. you’re funny, you’re smart, pretty, talented, kind…. you’re everything i dream of. fuck- i dream of you all of time. you’re beautiful to me…okay? so please, don’t say that about yourself.”
you find yourself completely dumbfounded. the boy you’ve been yearning for since you were a kid just called you perfect. your heart is beating a million miles per second and you’re 70% sure you could pass out right now. you try to find the words– something as charming or meaningful to say, but your tongue is almost stuck to the back of your teeth. your head finally tilts up at him, and you’re met with the most loving, concerned eyes you’ve seen.
you finally manage to open your mouth “…really?”
his chest loosens as he lets out a small laugh that comes out as an exhale, breathing out all the fear he had building up inside him. “yes…really.”
you laugh in response, in the same exact manner. he continues to caress the top of your hand and you both begin to smile. your eyes catch his soft lips, and his pretty smile. you become enamored with the sight of him, and can’t help but glue your eyes to his eyes, then back down to his lips— that really do look so soft. you look down again,
“…can i kiss you, kam?”
your voice is small and unsure. he lights up, shoulders straightening up with his posture.
his heart swells at the nickname that you finally called him again after him not hearing it for weeks now. “…o-of course.” he tries to say it with a laugh, hiding his excitement.
he grabs the side of your face and you lean closer, both of you slowly closing your eyes. then, butterflies burst in your stomach as your lips connect. his movements are slow and careful, only pressing his lips against yours and slightly pulling back. but to his surprise, you lean back first without hesitation, locking your lips with his. his other hand slowly moves to your waist and he presses up more against you, deepening the kiss. the movements between the two of you become more frantic, chasing a feeling both of you have deprived yourselves of for way too long. your mind matches the taste of his lips– they’re sweet. not sweet as if he just ate something sugary, it’s more of a natural taste. his lips are warm and comforting, capturing your lips with perfect clarity. he pulls away for a split second, his half lidded eyes looking into your irises. “….you are so fuckin’ beautiful…so beautiful.” he breathes out. before you can respond, he captures your lips back with his, further trapping you in his trance.
he pulls you on his lap and leans back, his back resting on the wall behind your headboard. his hands fully cups the side of your face, pulling you even closer to him if even possible by now. his movements are so sure, and they’re thought out. he pays attention to every squirm and grab to match his movements with yours. kissing him becomes like a slow dance; he moves his lips against yours in a soothing rhythm, washing away any parasitic doubt in your head. you hum against his lips, and you can feel him smile into the kiss. he continues to pull you closer as he eagerly chases the natural warmth of your body against his. it sends him into a fever– the cure being the taste of you.
you both eventually pull away again, catching your breath. you’re then pulled into a hug that you gladly reciprocate. you can hear and feel every breath he takes, his body melding with yours. his heartbeat is like music to your ears, calming you and making you feel safe in his arms. his nose rests on your shoulder as he takes in your scent, becoming more obsessed with it than he already was. in his head, he thanks his lucky stars for being able to have you in his life. he wouldn’t want anybody else.
“thank you for telling me…”
you smile into the crook of his neck, holding him tighter. “thank you for liking me back.”
he smiles wider as he holds you. you both stay like this for awhile, him rubbing soothing circles on your back as you massage his blonde, soft locks with your fingers. if it was at all possible, he would stay like this forever. no one would be able to pry him off your soft skin and the warmth of you. this- this is what he dreams of.
he finally just gets to hold you. and he’s finally yours.
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© rumisgf
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worldlxvlys · 9 months
hiii could u make dwb (chris or matt which ever) where reader is drunk and Chris take care or them plsssss
( I'm a slut for being taken care of when drunk sue me😭)
boyfriend! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: reader is drunk, cursing, mention of sex
a/n: hope you like :)
based off of these texts, you can read if you want !
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my mind was fuzzy, eyes unable to focus on anything. the only thing i could think about was chris.
i tapped the stranger next to me, making him turn towards me.
“my boyfriendsss comin’ to get me!” i told him, a huge smile on my face. “i’m sooooo excited to see him”
he stared at me with a weird look, “ok?” he said confused.
when he walked away, i saw the familiar fresh love logo walking towards me.
“CHRIS!!!” i yelled, starting to walk towards him, but losing my balance.
“careful ma” he said as he caught me.
“chrisss, you’re actuallyyyy wearing fresh love ! i didn’t even know !” i let out a gasp “maybe i’m a psyhcic! “ i said as my eyes lit up.
“ok baby, let me take you home”
“WOAHHHH CHRIS” i yelled.
“you tryna fuck ? shit, we can do it right hear, right now” i said as i went to pull my dress up.
“WOAH WOAH” he said, eyes wide and stopping me.
“baby, you’re so far gone right now. i’m not gonna take advantage of you, i just want to make sure you get home safe” he said.
“awww how cute” i said.
“c’mon ma” he said as he guided me outside and into the uber.
once we arrived at my house, he thanked our driver and helped me into my house.
he wrapped an arm around my waist as he helped me walk to my room.
he sat me down on my bed, “ i’m gonna help you get changed, ma. is that ok ?” he asked.
“mmhm” i nodded.
he pulled my heels off, placing them down on my floor. he then moved behind me, slowly unzipping my dress, careful not to snag my skin.
he pulled my dress off, and helped me to get changed into a pair of sweats.
“are you cold? want my hoodie?”
“yes please” i said, grinning up at him.
he pulled his hoodie off, putting it on me.
“ok baby, i need you to drink some water for me” he said as he passed me a bottle.
i opened the bottle and put it to my mouth, letting the cool liquid flow down my throat.
after a few sips, i put the cap on and placed it on my nightstand.
“alright, let’s get you to sleep” he said as i laid down.
he pulled my blanket over my body, and placed a kiss on my cheek.
“thank you, chris” i whispered. “you always take good care of me”
“you deserve it, ma” he said, his eyes sweeping over my face and taking in my features.
he began to walk away.
“where are you going?” i asked, peaking my head in his direction. “i want my cuddles”
the corner of his lips turned up as he started to smile, “i got you, ma”
he laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my shoulder.
“sweet dreams baby”
sorry i just realized that you asked for dealer chris, hope you still like tho <333
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chanelsturn @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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teen mc and the brothers (possibly with the side chars too?? idk u can just do the brothers if u wanr!!) going to a carnival and mc goes
"WOAHHHH THATS A BIG STUFFED TOY!!!!" and they look at it with sparkles and turns to them with a smile like :DDDDDDDDD
so i wondered how they would do to win the prize? it could be any carnival booth activity thingy
Thank you for the request! This was very fun to write! 🐢
The brothers ( + Diavolo & Barbatos ) when Teen!MC wants the big stuffed animal prize at the carnival
• He actually wanted to refuse the idea but after seeing MC's little expression he finds himself not having the heart to do it.
• You know that part of the Lantern Festival Event where Levi is struggling to win a shooting game and then we turn to see Lucifer there with the prizes already, having won the thing without no one even noticing? Same shit happens here. He wins the game so effortlessly that the stall guy is just left standing there in shock till Lucifer calls out to him and asks for the stuffed dinosaur.
• Mr.Pride here can't help but snort softly when sees MC hug the dinosaur like it's a long-lost friend, a sweet smile making an appearance on his face. "Now, would you care to tell me how exactly you're planning on carrying this thing home? Because it's almost your whole size and before you ask, no, I'm not doing it. It's yours and therefore your responsibility."
• Little MC tries to convince him otherwise but after seeing he wouldn't give in, their only option is to accept defeat and carry the big plushie themselves.
• The jerk ( affectionate ), he actually laughs seeing MC struggle to carry the dinosaur. Fine, he'll do it, but only because he doesn't wants the kid tripping on their feet for not being able to see where they're going.
• Confident as fuck, he's wearing a big grin as he brags about how he's going to win first round! It's just a little game, it'll be easy-peasy! Child's play for the Great Mammon!
• He's at his 11th attempt and still nothing… 🥲
• Man is struggling, he wants to get the damn thing for MC but he'll lose all his precious money at this rate. He can't disappoint the brat though, not when they look so excited to get the stupid duck plushie prize and he's already promised he'd get it for them!
• Finally wins but his wallet ends up dead empty. He's crying on the inside but also happy at the same time after seeing how excited MC is to hold their new duck plushie.
• If they let him name the stuffed animal to make up for all the trouble he went through to get it, his heart will melt on the spot, what a sweet kid! 😭
• "Of course the little human wants the Great Mammon's help to carry it, give it here! I'll show ya how capable I am!" He's very proud as he carries the duck the whole way home, not caring about the looks he's getting from other demons.
• Just stares blankly at the big octopus plushie and MC for a second. Really? They want HIM to play it??
• Not very enthused at first but will do it for Henry! 
• Hypes himself up beforehand: That's right, he's gotta show the kid the power of a true otaku! He'll get that thing in no time, don't worry MC!
• He fails miserably first try but is still confident, on the second try he'll get it! It's alright!
• It's his 5th attempt and he's getting anxious and losing all his energy, but MC hypes him up again and he's ready for more.
• Oof, he finally gets it! The octopus is MC's now! ( if they name it Levi or Lord of Shadow he'll be moved, much like Mammon )
• "Y-You want me to carry it??" He's embarrassed to be seen with this thing, honestly, but he will give in eventually since he can never say no to MC's adorable puppy look.
• The moment his eyes lay on the cat plush he's in, not that he wouldn't do it if it wasn't a cat, but it definitely made him agree ( much ) faster.
• Gets it first try because he's read about how the game works and knows the most effective strategies to win ( If MC says he looked cool while playing he'll get them an ice cream on the way home ).
• "Can't you carry it yourself? You're the one who wanted it, after all." He stares down at MC with a curious look.
• "You sound like Lou."
• Immediately grabs the thing and starts walking away upon hearing this outrageous offense to his name. MC better pick up the pace if they want to keep up!
• Of course he'll do it, MC doesn't even need to say a word, their expression on its own is already enough.
• He's many rounds in, but still hasn't managed to win the prize. It's making him tired and the teen can see it, so they try to convince him to give up, telling him they didn't want the bunny that badly.
• Asmo sees right through their lies and decides it's time to pull out the big guns. "Don't worry, sweetie, I still have one card up my sleeve! ♡" MC watches as Asmo shamelessly goes up to the demon at the stall, greeting the guy in an overly flirtatious tone.
• In the end MC ends up with their beloved plushie, and Asmo with a date scheduled for the weekend. It's a win-win situation, really. 🤭
• Sure, he'll play it for MC.
• Wins without much trouble on the second try, having understood what he needed to do to win the game after failing his first attempt.
• Very happy to see MC's reaction to getting the stuffed bear. "It's pretty big, do you want me to carry it for you?" He asks after the teen thanks him excitedly.
• Will keep the sweetest of smiles on his face the whole way back to the house as he hears MC rambling about all names they could give the bear.
• Happily accepts whichever one they choose. "That's a very good name, MC." He ruffles their head like any kind older brother.
• Will probably say something snarky about how childish they're being and try to dismiss MC's request at first. But! After seeing how much they want it, he'll agree to it, though he still groans while going up to the stall. He's just too lazy for this, y'know…?
• Doesn't even play the game and instead just approaches the demon there, saying something to him that MC couldn't hear since Belphie had told them to stay behind. Soon enough the avatar is coming back, yawning with boredom as he carries the big stuffed bear under his arm.
• He also dodges MC's question when they ask what he said to the guy to get handed the penguin plushie so easily without even playing the game at all. "This thing is really fluffy, I could use it as a pillow." The brother chuckles as they leave together. "Oh, maybe you could let me borrow it from time to time?"
• Yeah, he definitely threatened that guy… 😶
Bonus: Diavolo ( and Barbatos )
• Diavolo immediately accepted. Man was actually even more thrilled than MC to get this thing, he loves these types of games!
• He's very very excited while playing the round and in the moment of truth, he turns to the demon at the stall with a big grin asking if he won.
• He in fact did not win, but the poor lower demon had no choice but to say otherwise as Barbatos stood behind Diavolo and MC giving him the most ominous aura while somehow still managing to keep a smile on his face.
• Ahaha, of course Lord Diavolo won!! Here's your plushie kid!!
• *insert here Dia's loud ass laugh* "I won! MC, I won!" The prince celebrated excitedly, it was hard to tell who was the real kid, him or MC.
• Meanwhile Barbatos just stands there with a content smile as if he's suddenly standing in a field of flowers and hadn't been this close 🤏 from committing murder a second ago.
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kadextra · 4 months
so on a whim I started reading omniscient reader’s viewpoint manhwa
..and got hooked on the story so hard that I easily blasted through all available eps in less than a week. istg they put dr*gs in this thing it’s so good???? 😭
[SPOILER WARNING! big ramble ahead. if you’ve never read it, leave this post. consider checking it out you won’t be able to put it down]
lets get this out of the way first.
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GUYSSSSS 🥺 LISTEN. HE’S SUCH A GOOD PROTAGONIST. MY TRAUMA BOY. MY DUDE WITH THE POWER TO INFODUMP PEOPLE TO DEATH. YOU SELF-SACRIFICING IDIOT. his cunning intelligence makes him super attractive what can I say, I LOVE smart mcs with ambiguous morality and self sacrificial nature
here’s a big ✨shut your mouth✨ to every character who’s said he’s ugly- get your eyes checked, get a job get away from him (I know it’s because of the fourth wall’s filter it’s not their fault I’m just being silly)
the fourth wall is such a cool power to have. the complexity of how it acts based on his perception of fiction vs reality as the reader …. that’s very interesting and well thought out!!! how it lowkey has a consciousness too and it’s so tied into his mental state makes me want to psychoanalyze this guy even more. probably one of the most unique powers I’ve seen created and explored in a story tbh
I think the entire system of how the world works is really well done in general. constellations watching the apocalyptic bloodbath via livestream and sending donos to their favorite little guys shouldn’t work as well as it does and cracks me up so much 😭 (uriel is the best). I enjoy learning about all the irl different fables, history & mythologies too. plus doing my own research is fun! I did a deep dive through the web to learn about dokkaebi folklore lol I’m having a good time
I also related hard to how dokja read TWSA throughout his life, the story was a companion for him. got choked up bc I reflected on how much my own favorite companion stories for years mean to me. there’s been situations I’ve thought “what would (character) do?” dokja saying stuff like “what would joonghyuk do?” felt like I got called out <3 I’d probably be the same as him if my favorite characters suddenly came to life
anyways yeah I caught up with the manhwa looked online and discovered it comes from an already completed novel with over 500 chapters and the manhwa is barely a third into adapting it though it’s been releasing every week for 4 years. and that it’ll take like 10 more years to finish. I then planted my face in my hands and screamed with despair
I’ll shrivel up waiting to see what happens……………heyyy woahhhh.. whats this light of salvation ? the novel file just completed download on my phone ? that’s crazyy wow I opened it ? im scrolling it right now ? omg I’m telling myself in the mirror “pace yourself, try to space your reading out do NOT read too fast” ?
jokes aside im excited, first I’ll take some time to read back through the earlier chapters for extra context of scenes! >:D after I finish doing that…. pls pray for my self-control to try stretching this for as long as possible. I’m pumped to see what happens next with this demon king part so maybe I’ll read along with the manhwa unless I get too impatient heh
to conclude- I had no idea the fandom of orv was so passionate. while closing my eyes to spoilers, I was looking at beautiful fanart and animatics (watched this one and ascended that’s one of my fav rin songs). I can tell how much you guys love the story, there’s always going to be people like me who get interested so keep it up :D if the fandom does end up reading this, ummm *knocks on the door* hi im new
I will likely talk about it more in the future!! tagging under “#kade reads orv” ! might draw fanart on my art blog too bc brainworms <3 happy reading everyone
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little-blurry-stars5 · 8 months
editing this as i go--
so started right off at crusty's, and heres the thing- they walked right in and instantly took him down. the thing im a bit disappointed about is that in the books, its percy that thinks quickly on his feet to rescue his friends, and im sad they weren't able to portray that in the show, because too many times hes percived as dumb or slow when in reality hes actully really smart
grovers stress toy 😭 someone give this man (satyr?) a BREAK
ohhhhh i know percy's finna break a pearl and demolish new reader's hopes and dreams
HOLY FRIGGIN HELL THATS A BIG DOG (love that they kept the rottweiler detail tho)
GROVER GROVER R U OK PLEASE BE OKAY OH MY GODS oh wait annabeth has the ball itll b ok
shes. shes petting it
awww hes just a doggy just a very very big doggy oh hello grover thats. thats really gross but atleast ur ok
annabeth HOLD ON GIRL
shoes didnt do the the thing. huh
THERE THEY GO. awww theyre playing with him <3 glad they kept that. grovers in awe i would be too
why is his palace upsidedown...???
oh aw no.... poor sally. she didnt deserve everything that sucks. also poor percy
FUCK THATS CREEPY. oh theres more. wonderful. oh theyre in asphodel. why are they so creepy........... stop
annabeth?? girl whats goin on?? WHY IS SHE TIED UP ohh she regrets thalia doesnt she... how is she going to get out of there oh the pearl.. AIGHT GO GO GET OUTTA THERE i know it must break his heart to leave her but atleast shes safe
OOP THE SHOES. THEYRE THEY GO hes going to fall into that hole in five years oh my gods. and they were red converse too... damn. oh theres the bolt. wait he was supossed to figure it out himself why did it just. appear. what are they going to do... i thought they were supossed to meet hades??? oh there they go. HADES ISNT INVOLVED GUYS... OH HES FINNA GO FOR HIS MOM THATS HOW HADES IS INVOLVED
stop youre breaking my heart. stop stop thiS MADNESS [cries and sobs]
the underworld is weirddd but lowk cool?? its diff from wut i had in mind but still
is that.... hades??? THAT IS HUH.
cilp clack clip clack clip clack clip clack oh i could listen to that all day
WHY IS SHE A STATUE?? true hades... true... he looks way diff than i imagined. love the big speech.. hun... but he doesnt want the bolt
hades just minding his own buisness 😭
HES FIGIURING IT OUT HE FIGURED IT OUT woooooooo there he goessss
hes protecting them omg. hes such a good guy. ok we wiat why does ohhhh hes actully smart?? hes actully practical. hades is js trying to live his life man...
STOPP POISEDION?? he cares he cares so much- is he british?? im crying stop SALLY DESERVES BETTER SHE JS WANTS HER SON TO BE SAFE IM CRYING aww sally and poisiodon <333 hes here for here - at least now. oh wiat thats THATS SO GOOD STOP THIS SHOW IS AMAZING ADKLAJFKLDAJSFKL;SAJFKLAS;
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gamerbearmira · 4 months
Precure AU. Precure Triplets! That's awesome! I think after the monsters start reappearing, the triplets would each individually consider going back to fighting, but then they'd see the new Precures and think they weren't needed. But then the monsters could get stronger and the grandkids would start struggling, so the triplets go back to being Precures, occasionally showing up to help the grandkids in battle. They would only show up individually, the triplets wouldn't know the others also started fighting again cause they didn't bother to tell each other, and they would be super mysterious about it, at first just showing up, fighting, than leaving, but as they show up more and more they start talking to the grandkids a bit, giving bits of advice and answering questions. They all eventually say how they used to be part of a group, the grandkids put together that the three mysterious helpers were in a group together and they decide to help reform their group, there are some hiccups and the triplets are reluctant at first, but after a few emotional battles where they work out their issues they decide to give it another shot. I wonder if revealing their identities to each other could be part of that emotional journey of being a team again, like, when they realize the grandkids are the Precures, the kids get kidnapped and the triplets have to work together to save them, being more willing to listen to each other and push their frustrations aside because now it's not just civilians, their family is at stake, so they are able to iron out their issues and be a good team, saving the kids. It also would probably lead to the triplets trying to take over from the grandkids and stop them from fighting because they believe it's too dangerous for them, but realizing the monsters are too powerful for them to handle on their own and they all need to work together to stop them.
Oh, and triplet's powers and name ideas because I'm obsessed with this AU
Julieta: Guardiana de la Defensa- Defense Guardian. Her weapon is a shield that she uses to make force fields, both to protect others and trap monsters, she isn't exclusively defense though, she can throw her shield to do some damage and also use her force fields to crush.
Pepa: Guardiana de la Clima- Weather Guardian. Her weapon is a fan, Dolores gets her unorthodox weapon choice from her mom, she can summon all kinds of weather by, well, fanning her fan, it also has blades on the ends for more precise close quarters attacks and hand to hand combat.
Bruno: Guardián de la Vez- Time Guardian. His weapon is a lance that's designed to look like a clock hand, when he swings his lance he can slow down enemies or even freeze them in place, but it's only for a few moments and it takes a lot of energy, otherwise he'd be completely op.
Also, they wouldn't have a group name, at least not until they regrouped and worked things out since they weren't able to work together all that well, the townspeople thought they were more individuals helping each other than a proper team, when they regroup they realize they don't have a group name like the Grandkids and decide to call themselves Los Vigilantes del Encanto- The Watchers of Encanto
I AM ALSO OBSESSED WITH THIS AU❗❗ Just haven't done any content for it UGHHH <\\\33
ANYWAY. THEM COMING BACK WOAHHHH...them coming back one by one would make sense too. I mean obviously they wouldn't just join altogether after having a big fight and breaking up like 20 odd years earlier. And if Bruno leaves in this au (which I think he does), it's definitely a surprise when the Time Guardian suddenly shows up 🌚
I think it's a good idea how they have to work through their emotional and familial problems in order to gain their power again. Very cool <33 I think the grandkids putting it together that they used to be a group is so funny, but they can't put together how they're all also related like. Let's use those critical thinking skills 😭😭
ALSO POWERS AND NAMES YEAHHHHH ❗❗ It's very on them too, it matches what the grandkids got going on. Also them not having a name until they regroup. Really shows how they broke up on bad terms <\\333 BUT THEY FIXED ITTTTTT
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aestheticpearl · 2 years
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𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 — 𝐝𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧
(no use of y/n)
a/n: everytime i rewatch the mandalorian i think about if din had a friend that was also a mandalorian, so here are some headcanons
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first meeting
you were the apprentice to the armorer and had met din when he first brought the case of beskar to her so she could forge it into something of great purpose. you struck up a conversation with him asking about his armor and the damage that it seem to have. 
“so who rocked your shit?”
“mud horn”
“woahhhh that’s so cool”
you were definitely younger then him and he easily picked up on that, you had so much energy. he thought it was funny how bright eyed and bushy tailed you were for the armorers apprentice. it was nice to meet someone who had a little more positive outlook on life.
how you started traveling together
after din returned to the underground tunnels clearly injured with a small group of people. he asked for the armored to come with them. she declined and told him to take you instead, much to your shock.
“what? i’m not leaving you!” she turned to you.
“you must. i will stall them, if you remain with me i can’t protect you. you must go with din djarin.” she says, at the end you hear her voice soften. “i will be fine” you nod and turn to the small group.
“we have to go now”
life on the razor crest
din wouldn’t admit it out loud but you traveling with him made his life so much more easier. you helped a lot looking after the kid and your forging skills came in handy every now and then. he trained with you in hand to hand to brush up on both of your skills.
“you’re pretty good at this” he says bluntly.
“i’m better at defense but thank you for the compliment” you say as you block another one of his strikes.
the small child watches both of you closely with his big eyes. he sure is funny looking.
“remind me why i can’t go with you again?”
“cause someone has to watch the kid, it’s far too dangerous for both of you”
you’re practically pouting at the statement and so his the child in your lap. you pet his small head with your gloved hand and he coos out at you, telling you that he enjoys the affection you’re giving him.
“i could handle it”
“i’m not risking it, plus the kid likes you”
you let out a sigh and look down at the small child smiling up at you, dang it he is too cute. you give your pinky that he grips tightly with his little three fingers hand.
“he’s lucky i like him too”
patching each other up
“you need to focus on patching yourself up”
“you are in far worse condition than me”
you point to the large gash in his side that you’re trying to tend to but he seems to think the cut on your leg is far more important than the near fatal injury he possesses currently.
“din please just let me help you so i can’t help myself” you say through gritted teeth, you hope that your voice modulator doesn’t pick up that you sound in pain.
“fine but you’re letting me help you after”
getting separated
maybe you should’ve stayed on the ship this time, you’re definitely lost and your com isn’t working due to the distance at least that’s what you’ve pegged the problem as.
this is honestly really embarrassing, you could’ve sworn that the ship was parked here in this now empty spot. there’s no way din would leave you here though, right? well if you think about it, there’s plenty of reasons for him to leave you behind. maybe this was cause you told him he need to eat something that wasn’t just a quick meal.
“hey can you hear me? i’m landing near your location” oh thank god.
“thought you left me behind tin head” he scoffs.
“you’re one to talk, i was out looking for you cause you didn’t stay put”
feelings towards you
din hated to admit it but he had grown a fond attachment to you and so had the kid. you just seemed to fit so nicely in their lives, it felt natural to have you around and it was nice to have someone to bounce strategies off of plus you knew your way around the ship and welded most damage that was done to it.
“hey you’re staring off into nothingness again” you tap his helmet lightly and he shakes himself back to reality to face you.
you’re hold the kid on your lap as he looks at din with his big eyes. he coos and tilts his head to the side and smiles up at din.
for the first time in a while din felt comfortable with someone else’s presence and he liked being around you.
without the helmet
when din had to revealed his face to further your mission to rescue the child you didn’t say a word to him about anything that he did. you didn’t tell him how he broke the creed that you both were suppose to be up holding and he certainly didn’t tell him about how attractive he looked.
“i didn’t see anything.” din doesn’t respond, he just nods at you and walks back into the ship silently.
you feel bad for him, he had to sacrifice the creeds laws to rescue this child that clearly means a lot to him. it’s quite touching if you really think about it.
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please reblog to show support ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
in honor of season three coming out
.love always <3 pearl
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eksentrismi · 1 month
I saw your latest drawings. And D A M N... For some reason, I remembered the Russian cartoon from the 90s "Captain Pronin". xD This is a very surreal and meme cartoon-a parody of American action films of those years. I think your art style is PERFECT for the style of this cartoon! *winking*
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WOAHHHH, THAT ART STYLE IS SO FREAKING COOL!!! Angular sharp linearts and harsh animated styles, my beloveds <333 Thanks for sharing these pics with me, lol. Never heard of that animated series before, but it seems really interesting!
Also haha, you're right, some of my older arts do remind me too of that art style somehow 😂
Anyways, really random, but here's few more really old doodles that I found from my archives!! Been feeling sort of nostalgic today + I love to look at my old arts sometimes just to both look at the improvement and also to cringe at them, lmao
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Kept imagining this scenario where a massive massive party in Fontaine was being hosted And all the fontainians are invited like lyney and lynette and my son freminet and arlecchino who is female and hot and smash uhm please i like girls og my god you can step on me what huh uh anyways and freminet didn't wanna go that much cuz like he doesnt like parties and is socially awkward and cannot read social cues at all and does not like to socially interact with others outside his family and is painfully Introverted and finds interacting tiring a lot of the time and has mild agoraphobia which is not canon and is also has severe anxiety disorder and is also autistic for some reason woaaahhh Headcanons which is also not canon uhm but lyney and lynette and freminet and arlecchino went to the party anyway and they went and freminet didn't like it there and some people like ga ming got invited aswell because he goes to Fontaine regularly to deliver stuff which is also not canon i think and it was overly bright and crowded and loud and overstimulating freminet so he just walked out the room and then met ga ming and they're both wearing suits and they talk to eachother after ga ming is like oh are you alr bro u look exhausted and ga ming invites him to sit down with him and it's sorta dark outside the room [very dark] because the lights are off and the only light is coming from the supermoon you can see out the window and they talk a little and then more and freminet feels better as they yap to eachother [fremmy legit never does thid but Ga ming let him talk about marine biology which freminet has been hyperfixated on for years at a time and loves a lot like A LOT] and ga ming has to go make a delivery when the party ends but he forgot cuz he got really distracted easily and regularly does on a daily basis but listened to freminet intently when he was talking abt marine biology and had he said his favourite flowers are romaritime flowers and ga ming had a spare bouquet of those from a previous delivery to someone in fontaine and then dashed off and now they're friends and ga ming has a bunch of friends but freminet doesn't and now freminet is smiling for once MY BABY OMD and really loved the boquet like he loved liked it at first and then love loved it and then it neared a level of love things like pers receive and and then freminet is like all flustered n stuff and like oh wow and and then he just spends the little duration of the party left staring at the supermoon and legit just daydreaming about ga ming and having conversations with him and hanging out with him n everything and everyone kinda leaves the party while he's daydreaming and lyney and lynette come out whilst arlecchino is just talking to Neuvillette and they're like bro what's up with you you're smiling how rare is that woahhhh and he's like i made a friend and he's just genuinely happy and smiling and everything oh my god i love him getting giddy thinking abt this and lyney is like like wh what and lynette is like cool and freminet id blushing and flustered and everything then father comes out and they all go back to the hearth and freminet slept really well that night and wasn't as worried about stuff as he nornal is and didn't have any nightmares either oh my GOD I LOVE THEM HELPPPP I'M DYING CRIES 3IEHWHQUU3HEUEHEUEYE THEYRE SO CUTE💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
If you have any interest in the vampire Eddie... maybe him having the hypnosis and putting Steve in a trance and it's super relaxing and he actually loves it? (I know this has been done before, but I wish there was more)
I definitely have seen this a couple times but I love the concept so much we deserve more.
"Ok so fangs? Check. Drinking blood? Check. Wings? No. Turn into a bat? Yes. Claws? No. Pale? Yes. Hmmm what else do vampires do?"
Eddie and Dustin had been trying to figure out the extent of Eddie's "condition" since he seemingly came back from the dead a few months ago. Eddie now had his bat transforming abilities down pat, Eddie really loves flying around or sitting in Steve's polo pocket.
"Well what else does the handbook say?"
"Vampires can use psychic abilities on their victims. Maybe you can read minds like El?"
Eddie shrugs and tries to read Dustin's mind looking deep into his eyes.
"Nope not getting any weird visions about Suzie, oh shit is it eight already Steve is gonna kill me, grab my keys would you," Eddie says tugging on his boots.
Dustin silently stands, picking Eddie's keys off the table and holding them out to Eddie with a blank stare.
"Ummm Dusty, bud? You ok?"
Dustin shakes his head seemingly coming out of whatever state he was in.
"Woahhhh dude I think you have mind control powers!"
"oh shit really, that's so cool! We shall experiment further tomorrow."
Eddie pulls up to Steve's apartment, tripping over himself getting up the stairs and unlocking the door.
"Sorry I'm late sweetheart."
Steve rolls his eyes before going over to hug him, "Missed you today, work was shit."
"Oh I'm sorry baby, want to talk about it?"
Steve shakes his head, "Nah, how was Dustin? Discover any weird new vampire things?"
"Oh I think we did actually, Dustin is pretty sure I can control minds, wanna help me test it" Eddie says wiggling his eyebrows.
Steve laughs, "sure" and leads them both to the couch.
"Ok, hmmm what to make you do? Ooo should make you kiss me," this makes Steve laugh again kissing Eddie's cheek. "I do that very willingly already, Eds."
"You're right."
"Just surprise me, I trust you." And doesn't that warm Eddie's heart, he kisses Steve's cheek nodding.
"Ok here it goes," Eddie looks deep into Steve's eyes like he did with Dustin, "Come sit on my lap sweetheart," Steve seems to get a relaxed expression over his face and crawls into Eddie's lap. Eddie could see the stress of the day wrinkled into his boyfriend's face, Steve looked so tired and hadn't been sleeping much lately. "Close your eyes and sleep, darling." Steve dutifully closes his eyes and relaxes into Eddie's chest, his breathe evening out as he falls asleep.
Steve wakes up a couple hours later, with Eddie running his fingers through his hair, reading a book. "Hey there Stevie, how you feeling?"
"Like I just had the best nap ever, did it work or did I just fall asleep instead?"
"It worked, I just also told you to fall asleep you looked like you really needed it. How did it feel?"
"Like I didn't have to worry about anything anymore, I just had to listen to you and what you wanted. It was really nice actually, to let go so easily, maybe we could do this more often, and not just for sleeping."
"We'll see baby, but that's a conversation for tomorrow, I think it's time we head to bed."
"You don't even sleep!"
"Yeah but you do, plus you're cute when you sleep."
"You're lucky I love you, weirdo"
"Yeah, I am."
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ciearcab · 11 months
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Wanted to let you know that I loved your piece “Reprise” so much that I decided to get it professionally framed and mounted it above my wood stove! It captures everything I love about the game, excellent job, thank you so so much!!!
WOAHHHH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is so cool im SO glad you shared!!!!! im very honored and thrilled that that drawing's touched you enough for this, it really means alot seeing it go so far in the ow community (and beyond) ;___; <3333
(also big fan of your mat choices! i can't tell if the inner ones beveled but it looks so wonderful and so lovely above the woodstove)
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kawaii-sugarii · 10 months
Hey Sugarii!
I finished the fusion between Cloud Snowmallow and my FFJAU! Adorabeezle Winterpop! Say hello to Cora Marshpop! Their theme is marshmallow pops!
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Woahhhh, Cora looks so cool!!!
I can feel an aura coming from them, which tells me that I better not mess with them. ;0v0
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n3hmof1sh · 2 months
the spider necklace... ough i love this thing
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So cool looking!!! ^^
I bet you're gonna look amazing with it!!!! It'll definitely suit you!!!!!!1!!1!11!!1 >♡<
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teamfortresstwo · 3 months
my original pack of tarot cards are the original sort of ‘official’ design for most of them, and the box is so worn it’s crazy. I’ve lost a card and another is just randomly on my desk
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the new one is smaller (playing card sizes) and really stylised + not really worn at all because they didn’t get used often
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side by side comparison to show the size difference (tarot are usually larger than playing cards)
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Woahhhh that’s cool 👍👍 I like the original one a lot the color is really good on those things . The newer one looks cool too . It gives me oddly indie game vibes .
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