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lilidan · 2 years ago
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ethanjsample · 8 years ago
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tf2husbandryofficial · 3 years ago
I kjpvw cry eixja la wrqwtykuo niwxwr nkap flh xamv, uom eelh, lhrp diexlry ik ku ieolry rzfktqw wlst yccm zs drkwvtz.
il n'y a pas de quoi
“I think you might do something better with the time, she said, than wasting it in asking riddles that have no answers.”
Asking riddles with no answers is simply how the humans do it, you know. You should try to acclimate - I have done my best to blend in.
Second verse, similar to the first!
Axz iw mk fcudxsm yahs uesislj, mk ryrr. Nin rnekyis mfy wogbx zn ivuk wq hbznw hbv ofvyi kzcqj, nah ce wton ne wbin. Ads sfu rfcvnp cl rrq mil fas? 
To mon amour.
- SF
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vybhavatechnologies-blog · 7 years ago
Weblogic: Article Monitoring and Controlling WebLogic Servers with WLST!
WebLogic 12c Administration Essentials
Scripting languages have recently garnered a bit of attention. With the arrival of Groovy and Jython, writing scripts merged with Java is more natural than Ant. Using XML to call Java methods has always been forced, mostly because it's hard to express flow, conditional expressions, and custom Java code in a markup language (although things have improved a lot since Ant 1.5).
Why a scripting language? Well, if I have a completely blown IDE for Java programming, using Jython or Groovy can look backwards. You can code in fewer lines (though not much less), but I want the imports written automatically. I want compiler warnings while coding and I need refactorings. Plug-ins for these languages are still outside of Java IDE's capabilities. #weblogic #wlst #weblogicadmin #weblogicserver
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soacommunity · 8 years ago
Seamless source “migration” from SOA Suite 12.1.3 to 12.2.1 using WLST and XSLT by Maarten Smeets
Seamless source “migration” from SOA Suite 12.1.3 to 12.2.1 using WLST and XSLT by Maarten Smeets
When you migrate sources from SOA Suite 12.1.3 to SOA Suite 12.2.1, the only change I’ve seen JDeveloper do to the (SCA and Service Bus) code is updating versions in the pom.xml files from 12.1.3 to 12.2.1 (and some changes to jws and jpr files). Service Bus 12.2.1 has some build difficulties when using Maven. See Oracle Support: “OSB 12.2.1 Maven plugin error, ‘Could not find artifact…
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Oracle WebLogic Server Online Training in Hyderabad
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Learn Weblogic Online Course
LucidTechSystems has come to existence to provide people the knowledge about latest trends in technology. We provide a team of trainers who will put across a through and detailed idea about the respective technical courses that you wish to explore.  LucidTechSystems gives opportunity to work on Real Time Projects which would be guided by our real time trainers. A technical back end team would always be available to answer your queries at any point of time and will also assist you to arrange your training sessions.
Best Online Weblogic Training by LucidTechSystems is an eminent career program which is delivered from the hands of real-time domain experts. Our training institute is highly acclaimed for its well-endowed& highly advanced career-oriented training program. The soaring demand for the certified professionals in Weblogic Training across the global industry level is well handled by our institute by nurturing the best set of skill sets among the students & by molding them into becoming dominant Weblogic professionals. Getting enrolled for our institutes Weblogic Training in Hyderabad and as well as Best Weblogic Corporate Training In Hyderabad will surely help the aspirants towards boosting their career graph in this ingenious technology.
Weblogic Training empowers to oversee revenue recognition. It robotizes and rearranges the revenue recognition and accounting process. With LucidTechSystems the Weblogic Training in USA is composed by best industry specialists and the Weblogic Online training instructional exercise is set up with best industry refreshes for offering members best proficient understanding over modules and after finishing of preparing we give Weblogic Corporate Training. The numerous opportunities which are made available in this highly prolific dynamic field can be grabbed with the help of top-notch Weblogic Training in Hyderabad delivered by the LucidTechSystems.
Who Can Take Weblogic Training?
Weblogic Training in Hyderabad which is currently being delivered by LucidTechSystems will be the best fit for all the aspirants who are very keen towards securing a career in this domain.
The major set of targeted audiences for the Weblogic Training program is
Technology Professionals
Software Specialists
Market Professionals
Job Aspirants
Career Enthusiasts
Course Objectives Of Weblogic Training in Hyderabad          
Best Weblogic Training in USA which is being provided by our institute offers different types of learning modules which mainly include
WebLogic Server Overview
Installing and Patching WebLogic Server
History of Application Servers
Creating Domains
Web Logic Server Life Cycle Process
Weblogic Clusters
Assembling Applications (packing)
Deploying Applications
Configuring JDBC
JMS (Java Messaging Service)
WebLogic Server Security- Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Apache HTTP Server Configuration and integration with Weblogic Server
WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST i.e. command Mode Administration)
Node Manager-WebLogic Server Startup and Crash Recovery
Performance Monitoring
Backing Up and Restoring a Domain
LucidTechSystems is the best web based preparing foundation in Hyderabad to give well-ordered course from fundamental to progress on Weblogic. In LucidTechSystems all trainers are well experts and providing training with practically. Here we are teaching from basic to advance. Our real time trainers fulfill your dreams and create professionally driven environment.  In Weblogic training we are providing sample live projects, materials, explaining real time scenarios, Interview skills.
Benefits Of Weblogic Online Training
LucidTechSystems is one of the best quality Weblogic Training center for online, in-house, corporate training in Hyderabad to different reputed companies. LucidTechSystems is the best Weblogic online training institute in Hyderabad. In India LucidTechSystems best Online Courses, In house Courses providing in top cities like Hyderabad Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Etc. LucidTechSystems have trainer from IT industry who is working professionals
Weblogic Training in Hyderabad offered by our LucidTechSystems is widely renowned for its real-time based training approach that helps the audience to gain the best exposure towards handling the real-world industry challenges of this domain. With an Up-To-Date Course curriculum, LucidTechSystems stands at the top of institutes delivering real-time based Weblogic Training in Hyderabad and Weblogic Corporate Training in Hyderabad.
We provide all recordings for classes, materials, sample resumes, and other important stuff. Weblogic Online Training We provide Weblogic Online Training through worldwide like India, USA, Japan, UK, UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Sweden, South Africa, and etc. Weblogic Corporate Training LucidTechSystems providing corporate training worldwide depending on Company requirements with well experience real time experts.
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sravs13 · 6 years ago
Lucidtechsystems is a brand and providing quality Oracle WebLogic Training in Hyderabad through Online,Classroom,Corporate,Weekends and Fast track training on demand to thestudents in worldwide .LucidTechSystems is one best Oracle WebLogic server 11g/12c traininginstitute in Hyderabad and providing IT End-to-End training with real-time hands-onexposure through the IT Experts to the students.
Highlights In Our WebLogic Training Service:
In LucidTechSystems all faculties or trainers have experienced the pleasure of training andtrained Resources is accessible all over the world. LucidTechSystems Training leads to excel understanding, IT Industry latest skills requirement and proficiency with consulting services. Lucid Tech Systems help out along with WebLogic training in certification programs,Resume preparation, Boost Interview skills, Live Project life cycle, evolution,clarifying Doubts through Questions and Answers Method, Providing the Material with Video Sessions, troubleshooting bugs or issues in different target environment such as DEVELOPMENT,TESTING, QA, UAT, STAGE and PRODUCTION, support the novel thoughts.
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Lucid Tech Systems is one best Oracle WebLogic Training through online and offline or classroom training center in Hyderabad, We also provide WebLogic online training  in USA states California,Texas,NewJersey,NewYork Australia, South Africa etc.
What you will learn In WebLogic Training:
This oracle WebLogic training course trains Web administrators on techniques for installing and configuring Oracle WebLogic Server 11g. It also trains Web administrators to deploy Java EE applications to Oracle WebLogic Server 11g using Administration Console and command-line and scripting tools like WLST.
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wookieonendor · 3 years ago
Halloween Horrors - "Ten Minutes to Midnight"
Halloween Horrors – “Ten Minutes to Midnight”
“Everything’s the same, ’til its not.”  Genre – Locked Building Freakout FestSplat Factor – Lots of blood, though the most gruesome bits occur offscreen.Year Released – 2020 festivals/2021 wideWhere I Watched – Amazon Prime What it is – Amy Marlowe has spent thirty years as the midnight DJ at WLST, a small radio station. But tonight she got bit by a bat on her way to work, a category 2…
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moviesandmania · 4 years ago
TEN MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT (2020) Reviews and overview [updated]
TEN MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT (2020) Reviews and overview [updated]
‘Something is happening at WLST Radio…’ Ten Minutes to Midnight is a 2020 American horror film about a late-night radio host who is increasingly creeped out by her new replacement. Directed by Erik Bloomquist (Long Lost; shorts: She Came from the Woods; Ghost Tour; Midnight Brew) from a screenplay co-written with Carson Bloomquist, the Mainframe Pictures production stars Caroline Williams (Blind;…
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When you see this message, you are lucky to have a famous glasses holiday promotion for as little as $24.99.
@eat-well-and-go-to-the-gym @beachguurl @wlst @oldaddictedtophoto-blog @fortheloveof-pink @justgirlythings @staff
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vybhavatechnologies-blog · 7 years ago
WLST Shell Integrated Video Tutorial by Vybhava Technologies.
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WLST Shell Integrated Video Tutorial by Vybhava Technologies. We are conducting the online classes across the world. for more videos kindly subscribe my youtube channelfor more details:
Shailaja 040 40267455 961 871 5457 [email protected]
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soacommunity · 3 years ago
Updating SOA Polling Frequency through WLST by Ahmed Aboulnaga
Updating SOA Polling Frequency through WLST by Ahmed Aboulnaga
Have you ever wondered how you can update the PollingFrequency of an inbound adapter such as the FileAdapter or FtpAdapter using WLST? Taking a look at an Oracle SOA 12c composite in the EM console, when you click on your service, you can navigate to the Properties tab to view and update the polling frequency of the inbound adapter at any time during runtime. We experienced a strange issue. For…
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levysoft · 4 years ago
Il seminario che Joe Dever ha condotto è stato preparato e presentato con la massima professionalità, corredato da una presentazione digitale, proponendo le attività da fare per scrivere letteratura interattiva in una serie di passi: 1.  Definire l’ambientazione, partendo da una mappa verosimile di alto livello per poi pensare ad una mappa della regione e giù in dettaglio fino alla mappa locale (cioè di dove si svolge la storia). Per rendere l’ambientazione credibile è necessario pensare a come il tutto stia in piedi (un po’ come ci insegnavano anche i manuali del vecchio Dungeons & Dragons scatola rossa): da dove traggono il cibo gli abitanti di una data città? Su cosa si basa l’economia? Cosa dicono le leggi? E gli usi e costumi? Quali sono i punti salienti della loro storia? E così via… 2.  Costruire la trama In questo caso, Joe Dever ha citato Shakespeare, come da manuale di letteratura, e le sette trame generali che il grande Bardo di Stratford ha sviluppato nei suoi capolavori (il nostro ha comunque fatto molti esempi anche al di fuori dell’universo shakespeariano ed ovviamente di materiale cui ispirarsi ce n’è quanto se ne vuole): •    sconfiggere il male (nemico, mostro che minaccia la patria, gli amici, la famiglia…); •    dalle stalle alle stelle (il protagonista che da povero diventa ricco e/ o potente); •    viaggio, andata e ritorno (magari in terre strane e sconosciute); •    la commedia (toni frivoli e divertenti equivoci a lieto fine); •    la tragedia (il contrario di sopra); •    la rinascita/ evoluzione (una storia che vede crescere il personaggio dopo istruttive peripezie, un romanzo di formazione); •    la classica impresa eroica/ epica (di cui la letteratura fantastica e la tradizione abbondano). 3.  Stabilire le regole Si devono definire il profilo del personaggio, il suo equipaggiamento (se deve averne) ed un sistema di combattimento (a meno che la storia non preveda mai scontri, ma allora non si sta parlando di Lupo Solitario). In relazione alla creazione del personaggio, l’autore deve decidere quanto lasciare al lettore la possibilità di personalizzarlo. Lo stesso vale per l’equipaggiamento, che è una sezione “dinamica”, che si sviluppa anche durante il gioco. In generale, più libertà si lascia più è difficile controllare la parte ludica del libro-gioco ma, se si fa il contrario, si farà percepire al lettore scarsa responsabilità nelle sue decisioni e lo si farà sentire impotente pedina di una storia ingabbiata e già decisa. Il sistema di combattimento è invece essenziale che sia semplice, che renda il senso del progredire dello scontro, l’effetto cinematico di una rapida sequenza di colpi e che possa simulare anche attacchi spettacolari e decisivi, soprattutto dove ci siano grosse differenze tra il livello di abilità dei combattenti (tutte cose che il sistema di Lupo Solitario effettivamente implementa). L’utilizzo di una tabella con 10 valori (o di un dado a 10 facce – d10, di fatto) permette di avere quella libertà statistica nei bonus e malus che è inattuabile con un semplice dado a 6 facce (d6). Basti pensare che, assumendo una probabilità di base del 50% (4 o più su un d6, 6 o più su un d10), un modificatore di +2 implica la quasi certezza (83% circa) su un d6 ed il 70% su un d10. Un modificatore di +3 fa diventare il nostro caso una certezza senza appello con un d6 ed una probabilità dell’80% nell’altro caso. Questo fa capire la ragione dell’utilizzo del d10, al fine di poter introdurre modificatori più fini e potenzialmente meno influenti (se così si vuole). Certo, se si usasse un d20 o un d100 si potrebbe raffinare ulteriormente la simulazione, ma a scapito della semplicità: da qui la scelta di Joe Dever del d10 per i suoi libri. 4.  Esplodere il grafo del libro-gioco, altrimenti detto “flow-charting”, cioè realizzare il diagramma di flusso che definisce le possibili evoluzioni della storia. Questo è l’aspetto più impegnativo di tutta la faccenda, che occupa circa due terzi della preparazione complessiva dell’opera. Qui ci si addentra nelle scelte fatte da Joe Dever, che divergono da quelle di molti suoi colleghi, compresi gli autori della serie Fighting Fantasy (in Italia parzialmente tradotta come “Dimensione Avventura”), una delle principali rivali commerciali di Lupo Solitario. Detto ciò, ecco i criteri più significativi che si possono trovare praticamente in ogni numero di Lupo Solitario (ma generalmente non altrove): •    stabilire un numero fisso di paragrafi (ad es. 350), per evitare che la storia esploda e diverga; •    inserire poche diramazioni nella trama principale, altrimenti diviene più difficile per il lettore ed anche per l’autore controllarne lo sviluppo ed i passaggi chiave; •    questi ultimi sono da inserirsi come momenti in cui si danno le informazioni più importanti o in cui avvengono gli eventi più significativi per la storia; sono dei colli di bottiglia per cui il lettore ed il protagonista devono passare; •    non inserire percorsi ciclici a paragrafi già visitati, la storia deve avere una sola direzione; •    le illustrazioni dovrebbero essere legate ai paragrafi chiave di cui sopra, per cui questi dovrebbero essere sparsi in modo più o meno regolare nell’arco di tutti i paragrafi del libro; •    è opportuno fare playtest del libro, ed in particolare dei combattimenti, con un personaggio debole, uno forte ed uno dalle caratteristiche intermedie, così da capire se la storia risulta giocabile e non frustrante, ovviamente con difficoltà diverse; •    la storia deve avere un’evoluzione logica ma non sempre prevedibile, altrimenti diventa troppo banale per il lettore: dove non si può essere così logici per esigenze di trama, occorre comunque dare una spiegazione, altrimenti si perderà di verosimiglianza e credibilità. 5.  A questo punto si devono scrivere i paragrafi pensati sopra. Devono essere scritti in maniera eccitante! Limitarsi alle sole informazioni essenziali. Massimizzare l’impatto psicologico. Se il personaggio sta cavalcando placidamente nella campagna in una bella giornata di sole, ci si può anche spingere in dettagliate descrizioni che, senza essere prolissi, infonderanno nel lettore lo stato d’animo del personaggio. Ma in una scena d’azione parole brusche! Non hai tempo di vedere i dettagli, devi saltare oltre il muro: Attento, schiva quel giavellotto! Insomma, il grafo aiuta a decidere come si debba impostare un paragrafo. Nessuno osserva i dettagli scultorei del portale dell’abbazia mentre è inseguito da monaci posseduti! Oltre a questi aspetti d’impatto, la scrittura dei paragrafi può anche contenere indovinelli la cui soluzione permetta il progredire la storia con qualche vantaggio per il protagonista: si tratta di avvincenti e più o meno impegnativi intermezzi per il lettore. Se si esagera però si rischia di aver scritto un libro di indovinelli ed enigmi, più che un libro d’avventura. E questo è tutto. Per la parte videoludica, in genere il testo è sostituito da immagini e filmati, i dadi li lancia un calcolatore, ma i passi sono i medesimi. Inoltre nello sviluppo e realizzazione di un videogioco sono per ovvii motivi coinvolte molte più persone, per cui anche la preparazione della trama richiede molto più impegno, stimato dal nostro autore, per la sua esperienza, in due libri e mezzo per ogni videogioco. Un consiglio finale per gli aspiranti autori: Joe Dever ha suggerito, adesso che la tecnologia lo permette, di usare dei tool digitali per la realizzazione e gestione del grafo. Alcuni dei nomi che ha fatto (tutti software gratuiti) sono: Trizbort, Choichescript, TADS, Twine e WLST.
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owns-store-blog · 5 years ago
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WALLSTREET GREY WLST | T-SHIRT | GREY IDR 135.000 ,- OWNS STORE . DETAIL BAHAN : > 95% WARNA ASLI KARENA EFEK CAHAYA > 100% CATTON > LABEL WAFEN > FREE STICKER > FULL HANTAG . OPERATIONAL : 🕰 EVERY DAY : 09.00-23.00 WITA . FAST RESPON : ● IG : @owns.shop & @ownsstore ● WA : 0857-9662-0616 & 0811-4222-64 ● WEB : WWW.OWNSCLOTH.COM . PENGIRIMAN : 🚄 J&T . PEMBAYARAN : ♡ BANK TRANSFER BCA ( AN : ABDURRAHMAN ISKANDAR : 3650999494) . #owns #ownsstore #shop #ownsshop #storedisplay #ownsclothing #distribution #originalbrand #storeindonesia #storebrandedstuff #storemakassar #indonesialocalbrand #gowahits. scroll to see more. . #fashionpriamodern #fashionstyle #fashioncowokindonesia #fashionmakassar #fashionindustrymodel #supportlocalbrand #outfitindonesia #pakaianpria #fashionpria #katunlokal . . Tag teman anda, untuk rekomendasikan koleksi original brand dari store kami 😊😊😊 (di Owns store) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1wu2YD4pu/?igshid=ga25lz8ec7ho
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WebLogic Online Training
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Weblogic Training in Hyderabad which is currently being delivered by LucidTechSystems will be the best fit for all the aspirants who are very keen towards securing a career in this domain.
The major set of targeted audiences for the Weblogic Training program is
·         Technology Professionals
·         Software Specialists
·         Market Professionals
·         Job Aspirants
·         Career Enthusiasts
Course Objectives Of Weblogic Training in Hyderabad           
Best Weblogic Training in USA which is being provided by our institute offers different types of learning modules which mainly include
·         WebLogic Server Overview
·         Installing and Patching WebLogic Server
·         History of Application Servers
·         Creating Domains
·         Web Logic Server Life Cycle Process
·         Weblogic Clusters
·         Assembling Applications (packing)
·         Deploying Applications
·         Configuring JDBC
·         JMS (Java Messaging Service)
·         WebLogic Server Security- Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
·         Apache HTTP Server Configuration and integration with Weblogic Server
·         WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST i.e. command Mode Administration)
·         Node Manager-WebLogic Server Startup and Crash Recovery
·         Performance Monitoring
·         Backing Up and Restoring a Domain
LucidTechSystems is the best web based preparing foundation in Hyderabad to give well-ordered course from fundamental to progress on Weblogic. In LucidTechSystems all trainers are well experts and providing training with practically. Here we are teaching from basic to advance. Our real time trainers fulfill your dreams and create professionally driven environment.  In Weblogic training we are providing sample live projects, materials, explaining real time scenarios, Interview skills.
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nox-lathiaen · 6 years ago
SOA Developer
Title                : SOA Developer Location         : Detroit, MI Duration        : 6 - 12+ Months Salary             : Market     Technical Skills & Knowledge:    Primary Skills: SOA Responsibilities:   - Must have a minimum of 3 years working experience on SOA Developer , Weblogic Application Server, WebLogic server administration and troubleshooting in a large-scale multi-site environment. - Perform network basic troubleshooting to isolate and diagnose common network problems. - Must have Good verbal and written communications skills. - Must have very strong problem-solving skills. - Install and patching: Installation, configuration and tuning of fusion middleware, WebLogic, SOA - Conduct Troubleshooting: Work with the Application team and Oracle DBA to resolve application problems. - Perform Migrations: Migrate code between test QA and production environments. Perform complete analysis of the change, before moving to Production. - Maximize High Availability: High-availability design, configuration, and maintenance, including clustering and load balancing for fusion middleware. - Create Configuration: Configuration of LDAP and SSO for fusion middleware and fusion middleware based products. - Performance Tuning: Tuning of fusion middleware. Develops standards and tuning metrics and alert thresholds. - Securing Production environment, web services, web logic and SOA servers - Create Documentation: Update ITOP and SOP?s as per GxP standard - Support application deployments, building new systems and upgrading and patching existing ones. - Using monitoring tools to find problems, resolve and/or escalate to development - Build and manage development and testing environments, assisting developers in debugging application issues using tools - Leverage WLST and Shell scripting to build required automation and tools on an adhoc basis. - Operate the platform within our security and privacy guidelines - Learn on the job and explore new technologies with little supervision. Reference : SOA Developer jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/soa-developer_i5991
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