Mercenary Park National Reserve is a safe, revolutionary habitation and restoration project dedicated to properly homing, studying, and restoring the Mercenary population of the world, educating all about this fascinating subspecies.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
that was me, peake.
please do not the mercenaries
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-Dr Seraphin
please do not the mercenaries
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Alright! Which one of you made this post
-Doctor Seraphin
please do not the mercenaries
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i have replaced the brains of a scout with a fish brain.
-TV head's friend
Good thing you didn’t do that within the confines of MPNR. I think that would both highly offend our OSHA representative and count as an OSHA violation somehow.
- SF
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i get the feeling my sniper&pyro duo will be sticking around long-term! ive fireproofed most of the house, and everything flammable is already kept out of reach.
with that being said, what are some other things i should consider when taking care of these two? specifically in regards to interacting with them (too much vs too little), things to watch out for (distress calls + ideal vs concerning behaviour), and anything ive missed in preparing the house.
and before you inevitably ask me to send one or both of them to you — that ain't happening, they're pretty much inseparable and seem rather content where they are.
Most Mercenaries can regulate how much they interact but there's always one or two who can't! Pyro's tend to be a Very Friendly Sort.
Arrow's are always good enrichment for the two of them, Snipers love shooting them, and Pyro's love setting them ablaze!
-Sorry I couldn't be of more help on the Sniper front, Dr Seraphin
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bungus, bestie, I stg I’m boutta start treating your posts like an arg <3 (all /lh)
Rule Number who Even Cares anymore, Don't start treating The Bungus's Posts Like an Arg
-I'm not even sure this is a Bungus rule, Dr Seraphin
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so, i've encountered a scout—at least, i think it was a scout. i'm sure it was a scout, it was wearing a ripped red hoodie, with the dog tags and messenger bag and a single running shoe. but my gosh, it was the most messed-up scout i have ever seen. its face was covered in blood and its entire body was covered in these nasty-looking lumps, and when it saw me it lunged at me on sight and i swear it tried to rip me apart with honest-to-gosh claws. was it really a scout?
*shakes magic 8 ball* reply hazy, try again
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what happened to the fortress then???
we're still cleaning up
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There was a terrible accident. The Fortress has been destroyed. The Team has escaped.
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I've been thinking of redesigning my merc room to fit Care and Warrior more. What should I get for them?
(OOC) im going to be a 1000% honest with you im pretty sure im the only guy who looks at this blog anymore and i have no fucking clue what is going on i am so sorry
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currently leaving a trail of fresh kidneys in coolers to get the aforementioned medics away from my house. pray for me. don’t ask how I got the kidneys.
Good luck! And I won't as long YOU won't ask why I'm there!
-Just... Studying Medics!, Dr Seraphin
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I have a wild scout chasing a lazer pointer and it’s hilarious, I sometimes make it disappear and he yells at me
Hello yes please send us a video of this ASAP it is solely for research purposes please I need it so much--
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I've been noticing that Care has been hanging out with Warrior more often. Is this a sign?
A sign of bonding? Friendship? Be more specific please.
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i found an abandoned sniper on the side of the road! please give me some advice as i have no experience :(
He's probably fine! Snipers are known to wander as they are accustomed to empty, wide expanses of land. He likely just came by the road to investigate what it was. :)
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guys help my scout is addicted to among us
It's too late. put him down.
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