#wizard101 analysis
I think Dasein and the wizard are such great foils to each other, it's nuts. During Wallaru, I think Dasein mirrors a lot of what the wizard feels. All the wizard has done is help and help other people, but in the end, they get painted as a bad guy, and for things that aren't their fault. Or were doing the actual right thing. Everyone rejects them, and first saw them as this glorious thing that has graced the Spiral, but their view of them has now shifted into a danger of the Spiral.
Dasein and wizard the only ones that truly get in each other. Dasein used to be Nothing, and he can't go back to that now. The wizard is from Earth, and they can't go back to it now. The fact that Veg says that they knew better, but Dasein didn't can also be applied to the wizard.
They are literally young enough to be called "kid" or just "young" still expected to save everyone, and everyone is frothing at the mouth for when they couldn't help or slip up. They didn't know any better. While there will be trial, their past doesn't define them. And they can still move forward.
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okay Girls so does any one of us remember that grandfather spider was *supposed to have a fourth kid. can we revisit this as a group because,
*idk what kingsisle was thinking. idk if they scrapped them early in development or smth else
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needforpix · 2 years
Still waiting for the 2 hour wizard101 analysis video describing everything that happens after arc 1 and causes a wizard101 renaissance  
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Zombie Heroes using the internet headcanons: Part 1
Super Brainz:
posts sick selfies EVERYWHERE. types in the style of a 2000s deviantart girl who just first discovered internet. Possibly has a twitter account where all he does is tweet every second about whatever the hell he is doing at the moment. Also gets in arguments with terfs and other shit with the energy of a mom of a lgbt child who still doesn't get much.
4chan dweller and redditor. Favourite thing to do is send copypastas and pirate movies. Teaches the other zombie heroes how to pirate, especially Professor Brainstorm. Sits on fucking /b/ imageboard a bit too much. Probably has seen every weird thing on both of these platforms for the past 15 years. Also likes to send pictures of his sick collections of trinkets and knick knacks on subreddits. always types in lowercases. Starts arguments on forums and then watches a shitstorm happening while drinking tea with a happy face
Electric Boogaloo:
Pirates songs directly from mp3 converters but only cuz he doesnt want to support corporal greed. Very loud about supporting indie artists, no matter what genre. Hates AIs and thinks they r taking away the artists' job, hence he scolds Z-Mech and Impfinity so much for using it. uses way too many emojis resulting in unreadable text. Types Like That With Every Sentence. Favourite thing to do is also check sites like thetoptens and get offended if one of his fav musicians r in things like "TOP 10 WORST MUSICIANS" "TOP 10 WORST SINGERS OF ALL TIME" or gets euphoria when someone he hates gets a place.
Professor Brainstorm:
Operates a few ultra scientific and specialist blogs about science. Boogaloo had to help him, though. Doesn't know how to keep up with the trends and always types in formal language. Doesn't get slang and always asks things like "What does "uwu" mean? Is this a new name for UFO?". Doesn't know how to art so all of his blogs look like they were made by 2000s emo girlies. There's a ton of low quality gifs, contrasts and times new roman. Always engaged in internet arguments and breaks down the simpliest things into weirdly scientific analysis. Which leaves the others think he's joking, when he's not.
Has a MySpace and Pinterest and that's all she has. Nothing else. Pinterest is full of goth outfits, witchcraft and cute bats/bat memes. MySpace's song is Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees. Takes creepy internet chains seriously and ends up casting "spells preventing from them happening". Also runs a blog where she posts magic tutorials. No one takes them seriously though, but they like it when she posts photos of her bats. Also plays old MMORPG, esp Wizard101. Probably would also make gameplays of fantasy games where she points out every "magical inaccuracy".
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heya, i'm hazel dragonblossom, a fictive of a wizard101 oc! i'm part of the merlynic system, and i still play wiz when i can!
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tags + pixel credit below !! ↓
hazel speaking (talk tag)
scrapbook (exomemories)
fav (self explanatory)
song scrolls (tunes and jams!)
fictblr (more of a general tumblr tag, for fictive/system stuff)
the spiral (various worlds i'm too lazy to make tags for. like marleybone. fuck marleybone)
ravenwood (lots of character art, world design, and stuff about the vibes of ravenwood/wizard city as a whole)
ravenwood forums (mostly memes tbh. a nice blend of wizzy and tumblr wizardcore posts to cultivate the Vibe)
theurgy (aes, vibes, lore, and analysis, as are the rest of the magic tags)
astral magic
shadow magic
grandmother raven
grandfather spider
headmaster ambrose + gamma
professor sylvia drake + professor moolinda wu
professor cyrus drake
professor malistaire drake + professor dworgyn + acting/assistant professor malorn ashthorn (MY BESTIE)
professor dalia falmea
professor lydia greyrose
professor halston balestrom
professor alhazred + assistant professor arthur wethersfield
i also generally tag any canon characters i knew, like ceren nightchant or duncan grimwater :3c if i remember any noncanon characters, i'll make tags for them too!
pxl crdt: 🌌 | 🌅 | 🍁 | blinkies | 🏷️ | 🪴 | 👻 | 🌸 / 🌸
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
oh hi tumblr user save-the-spiral!! i recognize you from my active wizzy days, didn't know you're a hermitcraft fan! thanks for reblogging my goro akechi w101 analysis 😭❤️ hope you're having a great day
oh yea i've been a hermitcraft fan since grian joined in S6, before i started my wizard101 blog i think. hope you're doing well!
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that-wizard-oki · 3 years
I'd be fascinated to read an analysis of Taylor Coleridge, if you ever care to write one. I couldn't follow that part of the story very well... I assume he's based off the Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
OOO lovely ask anon, I love this rat man. He's super essential to Morganthe's character and also the events that transpire within arc 2 as well since he IS the guy that actually advises us to venture into the Black Hole and release Old Cob in order to aid us in defeating Morganthe.
As for being bases off the guy who wrote the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, you'd be right! Wizard101 is FULL of those types of references.
But as far as his character goes in Wizard101, he's honestly a super interesting one. There's not a crazy amount of lore, but what we do have leaves for some cool interpretations, so i'll share my take on this guy cause OOOOO I enjoy him a lot.
Of course, what interests me most about Taylor is how weirdly essential he is in transpiring the events that take place in Khrysalis part 2.
We first meet in on crescent beech, where we learn his entire crew had died due to his greediness for treasure. Thus, we have to make amends with the spirits before he can help us sail across the starfall sea (as I believe the context he's the only one who's really made that voyage and survived).
We also, interestingly, learn that Morganthe was a part of his crew. The ghosts of his crew also speak ill of and blame Morganthe for their deaths.
We then sail across the sea, and arrive at the Ruined Alcazar. It's here that we see a younger Coleridge within Morganthe's dream in Khrysalis. Now an important thing to note here is that, before this dream, our wizard was that Morganthe's first arrival at the Alcazar was when the Spider Magi had brought her there. However, Coleridge in her dream talks about how THEY were there before even venturing to the Hive.... which is an interesting contradiction :)))
Of course during the dream, Coleridge wishes to see what treasures the "privative" inhabitants might have, as Morganthe laments over not being able to control astral magic. Both are then ambushed by Arachna Magi, and put up a good fight- though unfortunately, are defeated. The Arachna Magus instructs that the skinner's "do what they wish" with Coleridge, but basically kidnap and wish to experiment with Morganthe. It is here that the two are physically separated, but unfortunately, become intertwined in a very complex web of deceit. (Also an important note that it's alluded to that his crewmates died via an attack from the Magi, as they claimed they were going to hang his crew up. I'll come back to this later on.)
Coleridge is definitely an odd character from the get go, but he starts acting a lot weirder from when we leave him in the Ruined Alcazar. After dueling in the Solar Arc, he just. Sort of appears in the Hive, claiming to have "known a short cut". When mentioning our desire to take down the Shadow queen, he get's very excited to aid us, saying that he's been here before, and that he'll show us how to beat her.
Of course we know that he HAS been here before from Morganthe's dream- but for him to just out of the blue claim to know how to beat her? That's.. a bold statement coming from a mad sea rat. But the wizards desperate. And so.. we follow him. Deep, deep into the dark.
Once inside the Hive, Coleridge states that "long ago, that is where I heard the Magi whisper it's secrets. Down, down you'll go. that is how you'll beat her." He mentions that a great power was locked away by the aracha magi, which is odd for two reasons: one, we now know that the magi weren't the ones to lock away this power- it was Raven imprisoning old cob. But even more odd- where the hell did he get this information from? Where was he that he heard the arachna discussing such confidential information?
This is where his crew being killed by the arachna comes up. After capturing Morganthe, the magi were instructed to do what they wish with him. So that begs the question... why kill his crew, but keep him alive? Him being kept as prisoner by the magi makes sense to where he might have overheard this critical information, but what was the point to actually keeping him alive?
And thiiiis is where my theory for Old Cob having his spindled fingers involved in all of this comes into play. I like to think that, despite the Magi clearly fearing what's down in the black hole, I think there's a literal hive-mind concept going on between them and Spider himself. Despite fearing him and his sorrowing terror, I think he has strings attached to their own will. They're his pawns weather they want to be or not. They are a part of a faded shadow web.
And more than anything, Cob wants freedom. And since Morganthe proved not to be the key to doing so, Coleridge serves at the drop that begins the ripple of events to the thing that frees him: the wizard.
This is all exposition to say that: Coleridge likely underwent the same conversion process that Morganthe and many other mantises, bumblers, and other critters were subjected to. Spider has a string on his mind.
This is further proved when Coleridge finally leads us to the Black Hole, and the guards within give us these warnings:
"With his promise of power over the shadow queen, with promise of a secret weapon. But did you forget... rats lie."
Yea. This rat has other intentions. I don't think he's helping us out of the goodness of his old heart. The Darklings clearly know his mind is poisoned.
And of course, we don't listen. We further our decent, and free old cob. Mission achieved.
After exiting the Black Hole, there's also an interesting bit where Coleridge says this:
"See, old captain Coleridge did not steer you wrong! We had to go down as deep as we could go!"
and then Old Cob Finished his sentence
Afterwards, Coleridge rather excitedly leads both Spider and the wizard onward. We first see Old Cob reverse-convert a Bumbler bee using true essence, but the more interesting thing between us three is when we're in the Recluse chamber (the very place that Morganthe and Coleridge were ambushed, no less). It's here that Old Cob uses the crystals within to "remove the shadow from your heart", essentially freeing Coleridge from some sort of power or curse... almost like.. he was infused... with shadow.. from the conversation table :)
Furthermore, once Coleridge leaves... old cob says that a "mote of my power returns". WOW... WONDER WHY... THAT IS.... HMMMMMM-
And yea... we never see Coleridge after that. He disappears almost as quickly as he appeared. He served his role, it seemed.
The only other notes that I have on Coleridge is that he does appear in Polaris (i believe we see his model in one of the bars when the world was first released). The only time we interact with him is during our start in Empyrea part 1, where we hope he'll serve as captain for our venture to Empyrea.
When we meet him, we see that he helps run a small business with his newly wed wife, Cosette. However, he denies our request to be our captain. He has a very interesting anecdote about once sailing in Empyrea purely by accident, saying "we only made it out because of a child's lucky guess."
Just fun speculation, but i think that it's high chance he could be referencing Morganthe. It's interesting to think about the wild things Morganthe, him, and their crew went on before Khyrsalis, and what kind of bond (and all the complexities that probably occurred from their ventures).
It's here that he notes a navigator he worked with in the past- and so we meet Pork and Beans. Interestingly, he also states that if Old Cob ever visits his bar, he never has to pay- an interesting look into what he might think or remember about what transpired in Khrysalis.
And... yea that's the bulk of Coleridge. I actually think he's RIGHT up there with Morganthe in being highly underrated, in that his unfortunate hand in the events of arc 2 are so tragic, yet no one seems to really remember what happened. I have a few more things I could note about him, but this post is getting pretty long and i don't wanna keep rambling unless y'all want me to lol.
I hope that clears up some stuff for you anon! Thanks for your ask, this was so fun for me to write :)
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bowl-of-wyrms · 3 years
The Spiral Animals #65: Owls
Masterlist here
I honestly really like the owl NPCs in the game because their sprites are jsut completely different from other animals’. It’s just refreshing, ya know? Anyways, here’s the owl analysis
World of Origin: Avalon
Group Name in Game: N/A
Culture in Real Life: Based on the characters’ names and accents, the owls seem to based on English, Irish, and Scottish cultures. 
Approximate Time Period: Same with all of the other animals in Avalon, I want to say that the owls are from the 5th-14th centuries CE, or what we would call the Middle Ages/Medieval Times.
In-Game Examples: 
There are no owls in Pirate101
Fianna Yellowknife in Wizard101
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Tom Sato and F!MC Headcanons
-MC likes to watch Tom play Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and cheers him on during battles.
-Every morning at breakfast, Tom and MC autonomously have foot-nudging wars, even if they don’t realize it!
-MC once came home to find a shoebox on the kitchen counter.  When she got closer, she saw several fluffy hand towels bundled around a tiny, sleeping baby bird.  Apparently, it had flown into the window while Tom was watching reruns of AME and he couldn’t bear to see it laying there hurt outside in the cold.
-Tom likes to sneak up behind MC and tickle her until she begs for mercy.  Once, she had accidentally headbutted him and gave him a bloody nose.  MC felt awful and apologized profusely, but Tom told her they could call it even if they could go out for pizza that night.
-On rainy nights, Tom and MC like to look at the window and watch the raindrops slide down.  Sometimes, they even have little raindrop races and see whose raindrop will reach the windowsill first.
-During a funny video marathon on YouTube, Tom laughed so hard at one of the clips that Dr. Pepper shot out of his nose.  MC was a little annoyed at the mess, but later on, she thought it was hilarious.
-MC doesn’t admit it, but sometimes she steals a little bit of Tom’s conditioner when she’s in the shower.
-While he was going through some boxes one day, Tom found his old skateboard.  MC admitted she’d never been on one before, and Tom agreed to teach her.  After several failed attempts, the terrified MC managed to make it all the way down the street.  She promptly got off the skateboard, picked it up, handed it back to Tom, and said, “Thanks for teaching me, but I’m never doing that again.”  And she never did.
-MC found a little treefrog on the side of the building and she brought him in to show Tom.  The treefrog jumped out of her hand and began to leap all over the kitchen.  Tom managed to scoop it up and gently set it back outside.
-At night, MC likes to snuggle Tom from behind and tells him how he’s the biggest doofus she’s ever met and that he’s the love of her life.  Tom’s grin grows wider every time he hears it.
-Tom likes to take MC to the local pet store so they can look at all the pets.  MC likes to spend a lot of time looking at the fish, while Tom likes to spend a lot of time looking at the dogs.  They both like to look at the birds a lot, and even made plans to get one someday!
-Whenever Andy comes to visit, all three of them binge The Super Mario Bros. Super Show just to make fun of it.
-Tom thinks it’s cute when MC presses all the circles on soda lids from fast food places.
-Whenever MC has really bad PMS, Tom makes sure to show her lots of funny memes on his phone to help take her mind off things. MC’s favorite meme is the Kowalski, analysis meme, and Tom loves how it never fails to make her laugh.
-Sometimes, Tom and MC put two Pringles in their mouths and pretend to be ducks until the Pringles fall out or the other duck concedes.
-MC admitted to Tom that she likes to play Wizard101, a confession she thought he would laugh at, but it turned out that Tom also loves to play, and is actually a level 106 theurgist. They still want to arrange an all-day session for their next at-home date.
-Tom always takes baths with a rubber ducky named Sir Quackingsworth of Bathington. MC teases him about it, but Tom knows that deep down, she loves Sir Quackingsworth just as much as he does.
-To cheer Tom up after he’s had a bad day, MC creeps up behind him, plugs her nose, says “sneep snop”, and watches him absolutely fall to pieces.
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pyronado-moved · 5 years
‘why did you choose to be a death wizard on wizard101′
ophelia, goddess of both literary analysis and my heart, was a death wizard
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bangtanloverboys · 2 years
YES FINALLY A WIZARD AU THATS NOT HARRY POTTER. - says someone who did not watch Harry Potter, 🍂
yes!! i did read and watch harry potter but it wasn’t because i wanted too, i was more forced to like it as a part of pop culture. and considering analysis of harry potter and how much it does show off jkr’s problematic world views, i don’t even want to Touch it with a ten foot pole.
so wizard101 based off the game!! it’s a fairly fun and simple game, that’s basically just about fighting monsters over the different worlds of the spiral. i don’t think you’ll need to know much about the world building and the game concepts to understand the fics, but i’d be more than happy to explain to the best of my ability
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what sybil said about "The Spiral will always need its Scion" has got me fucked up tho
like there's an inherent tragedy to that. somehow, the spiral will always be in trouble, and the wizard will always be there to fix it. they can never go home. they are stuck in the role of savior and hero. but now they're being pushed into the role of villain and destruction.
they can never go home. they aren't from the spiral. and i don't think they even want to go home, at this point.
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Okay I'm finally gonna make a regular pinned post instead of that ✨old ass✨ Ambrose one
(this is really just for my own benefit and for new followers/lurkers more than anything else but it's super neat if you read it also. ill give you 7 dollars if you do)
*throws introduction and facts about me on the table:
i'm usually called Sillo but i'm cool with any names anyone wants to give me. bitch, enemy of the state, Dick Van Dyke.
pronouns are largely she/her/hers but im trying out other pronouns like a new pair of pants. i also identify as GNC so you'll hear me refer to myself with masculine terms from time to time but i still want to be a girly girl. if that makes sense. im also cool with they/them/theirs also!!
im currently 23 years old but my dream is to one day live into the hundreds so i can be a knife wielding disillusioned bitter old lady
im poc 💖 this doesn't affect anything but i just thought id mention that
if i ever misunderstand your words or accidentally say something insensitive, offensive, or upsetting, i super duper apologize deeply, i'm autistic so i unfortunately have a hard time reading social cues, understanding people properly, or taking others' emotions into account. please please please lmk if this ever happens so that i can correct myself and do better in the future 💖
i mostly post analysis posts on wizard101 lore and its characters but take this with a grain of salt because my knowledge of the game is very limited, i forget most of what i experience and i havent played the game in maaaybe 8 years? so my observations and opinions are very outdated sorry. oopsies
i have a sideblog at @/anxiously-sideblogging if anyone wants to lurk or follow me there for non-wizard stuff. it's just my hyperfixations on kid cartoons and kid games and i just made it like 2 weeks ago so its pretty empty and cringe
This blog is 18+! i don't post super explicit things very often (I will tag these posts when I do) but overall this isn't really a kiddie friendly space
i am a hypocrite. i may like things for the same reason i may dislike things. sorry im just a lil bit messed up like that 💖
FUCK TERFS and racists and all the -phobes actually. not that the wizard101 fandom has any of these but i wanna say this just in case i get any nasties on here. get out of here 💖💖💖
If you read all that congratulations and thanks that's super cool of you! welcome to my disorganized mentally ill hell 🥰
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hierbamalita · 4 years
Below is a screen recording of someone playing Wizard101. This used to be one of my favorite games growing up! I remember getting my brother addicted too, and at one point we totally dominated the arena in duos.
I wanted to bring up a game instead of a piece of art or film because, in this unit, point is discussed as more than just something visual.
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I chose this exact scene type because I wanted to talk about the point of no return. Once you enter combine a colossal card with an attack card (troll), you have entered a PNR because this action irreversible, you will have the new card remain golden and powerful in your deck until it is used and disposed of. Also, when selecting a card, whichever card you hover your mouse over becomes the focal point. It is enlarges and demands attention, especially when clicked on because a white line will surround it. The Point of the game once you enter battle is to select your cards wisely in order to deliver enough powerful attacks against your opponent(s) before they defeat you. This is exactly how I used to introduce my friends to Wizard101, lol.  I used to be so cool, full set of diverse leveled up characters on deck. You wish you could pvp next to me!
Point Glossary
You have an idea sparking in your brain. You open a sketchbook or create a new file. You ponder a blank page or layer. You move your pencil or stylus. You land on a point. Your point moves and leaves a trail that evolves into a visible something. Groupings of points can stimulate human imagination to form familiar shapes. Ancient storytellers grouped stars into constellations of mythological beings. We group pixels into characters, animations, and game levels. Point​ is the smallest visual component. Pixel ​is a recently invented groovy word. The word "pixel" was first published in 1965 by Frederic C. Billingsley of​​Jet Propulsion Laboratory to describe the picture elements of video images from space probes to the Moon and Mars. A pixel is the basic unit of programmable color on a computer display. Think of it as a logical - rather than a physical - unit. The physical size of a pixel depends on how you've set the resolution for the display screen. Each visual composition on your screen is made of thousands of illuminated points of hue and value. Focal point​ is the​ feature​ of a​​design or work of art that is the most​ interesting​ or important​ or the most​ strongly​ emphasized​. The Point​ is what a player will tell a friend about the game if they like it. The point​ is the mission or a moving target. The point of no return ​(PNR or PONR) is the point beyond which one must continue on one's current course of action because turning back is dangerous, physically impossible or difficult, or prohibitively expensive. The point of no return can be a calculated point during a continuous action (such as in aviation). A particular irreversible
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barbosaasouza · 5 years
Promoting Creativity Through Art Games
In this article, game designer Sande Chen discusses how a different approach to teaching about art games spurred an outpouring of creativity. In 2017, I began teaching a course that had been created as a result of a grant and therefore, was a hodgepodge of advanced topics. Others had taught it more akin to a cultural or game studies class with an emphasis on essay writing, but the college thought the class would be more appealing if each student had a game created by the end of the class. Because the only prerequisite was English 101, I had students who had never taken a game design class who now needed to design and create a game that would be considered outside of mainstream entertainment. Administrators and principals often feel that if their students design these types of games, especially learning games, this is somehow more redeeming. Perhaps they feel that that the 'educational' part would balance out the 'game' part. They do not realize that merging learning with game design in a way that is not edutainment is not an easy task! Moreover, first-year students, and especially those without game design experience, generally do not have the interest in designing these games. They want to create the games they see and like to play. Faced with these challenges, I began to view the course as a survey class, as an introduction to games outside the mainstream. The students would play analog games, learn Twine, and design games along these confines. This seemed to do well for the sections I had divided out as learning games, story games, and social interaction games. But alas, art games, I felt, was always the section better suited for a paper but the students lacked the tools for game analysis. It soon began apparent that students were struggling. They didn't understand art games and they didn't want to play art games. They certainly did not want to write about art games. I had long before learned that even with entertainment titles, once it became about analysis, students viewed playing games as work. I should explain that by art games, I do not mean games about art or about drawing. There are always a few students who do not get it. Rather, I am referring to the genre of "art games," those that regularly appear in indie fests and sometimes in art museums.
The Marriage by Rod Humble By Source (WP:NFCC#4), Fair use, https://ift.tt/32e5xJ6
I was always striving to improve the course and revised the syllabus constantly. It was always the art games section that would get a complete makeover.
The last time I taught this course, we spent class time playing The Marriage by Rod Humble, Passage by Jason Rohrer, and several games by Daniel Benmergui. Some students were intent on "beating" each level. Instead of a paper, they were assigned a presentation on how they might approach creating their own art game. The focus of the section was not on analysis but on how these games were more personal to the creators.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a number of presentations pitching games based on deeply personal topics such as depression, work-life balance, feminism, and the importance of family. These were all topics that were important to the students and a couple brave students bared their souls about why it was so important that they had to make these games. In the end, although it was not required, several students wanted to make their own art games, even though they only had the means to create Twine or analog games. I was amazed by the complete turnaround. Art games had gone from most-hated to well-received. Sande Chen is the co-author of Serious Games: Games That Educate, Train, and Inform. As a serious games consultant, she helps companies harness the power of video games for non-entertainment purposes. Her career as a writer, producer, and game designer has spanned over 15 years in the game industry. Her game credits include 1999 Independent Games Festival winner Terminus, MMO Hall of Fame inductee Wizard101, and the 2007 PC RPG of the Year, The Witcher, for which she was nominated for a Writers Guild of America Award in Videogame Writing. She has been invited to the White House and has spoken at conferences around the globe, including the Game Developers Conference, Game Education Summit, SXSW Interactive, Serious Play Conference, and Games For Change Festival.
Promoting Creativity Through Art Games published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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The Gibbous Moon Stage ~ Issue Addressing Time.
Undersurface from the Analysis Ship Western Flyer, presenting its moon pool in between both hulls. Wizard101 is a well-known on the web MMORPG that is totally free to play and is actually focused on adolescents and pre-teens. A wreck with Earth developed the Moon and slanted the Earth's axis to its excellent posture inducing the periods on Earth to make the setting appropriate permanently.
In Tokyo's Roppongi fashion as well as entertainment district, fanatics executed doing yoga physical exercises under the blood moon. On the Craters from the Moon chart, pair of lava links are actually specified, the Link from Tears and the Bridge from the Moon. This was required, due time4besporty.info to the fact that the entire moon rocket, ultimately called Solar system V, at take-off will weigh 6 million extra pounds. Along with the ongoing property job Moon has actually also been leaving colorful placards glued over wall structures or even under nooks, each spelling out key phrases, secret missives, and colorfully off-color phrases. I elevated my prayer adhere to the moon and stored that up and also out, as if supplying this to this mighty blessed some of the skies. On February 3, 1966, Luna 9 successfully arrived at the Moon and also sent information back to Planet. Then in the morning you submit the moon paper away as well as acquire it out again pair of full weeks later for the ritual of the brand-new moon. Though a few of the just how" was actually expanded such as the Orion spacecraft, the state-of-the-art RS-25 engines, as well as a host from other jobs (little as well as big) presently in the works, there's a considerable amount of work to be performed. I have been actually examining through manual for several years, but have never ever discovered everything like this online. The Harvest Moon activities are on call around a number of systems yet certainly never made their method to PC making Personal Computer video games like Harvesting Moon a prominent inquiry for Harvesting Moon enthusiasts. Bedding with pretty much any type of part of deep space is actually pretty simple to locate in stores including Target or even on-line specialty retail stores. Given that its own launch, Pretty Soldier Seafarer Moon has actually obtained common critical acclaim and also has actually turned into one from the most well-known manga as well as cartoons collection worldwide. At its own closest approach - the perigee, the moon shows up brighter and also bigger in the sky. Originally a browser use, Google.com Moon is a function that enables exploration from the moon. The center our experts're talking about is the one that aids you look at the world and also form your reactions to it. That's the one that at times obtains a little overloaded with the day-to-day and also forgets the major image. The moon could seem extending and also contracting, mercurially moving by means of phases from crescent to moon with superordinary swiftness. Listed below a little princess masquerades as an orphan kid; a knight of the thoughts readies a poison for a risky hag; and also wild men descend from the Mountain ranges of the Moon to wreak havoc the countryside.
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