12 MIN KICKING CALORIES - Fun Cardio HIIT Workout - not dancy, suitable to do in public 🕺 https://newsinfitness.com/12-min-kicking-calories-fun-cardio-hiit-workout-not-dancy-suitable-to-do-in-public/
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alphnsemambo · 3 months
hate wanting to interact withpeople buti donthink they wanna dealwith me in this state s o i am quitet
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noecoded · 11 months
waitt didnt i say i wld stream jennifers body to watch withpeopl,e in the past....maybe on sunday v__v
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larahorse253 · 2 months
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When I was very young, I sometimes thought of magic girls and I thought this was Interesting. And I've been thinking of this original character for a long time. Though I still need to enrich the character setting, like her exact name, I already have a general idea.
She's a teenager witch who doesn't go to magic school. Instead, She goes to a school for kids without magic. But she is a troublemaker and has a long way to master both magic and schoolwork.
In her world, many wizards live withpeople without magic. Magic isn't a serect.
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gayspock · 1 month
you know thevery day self involved spiral rant etc etc here it comes. i odntknow. billionand one fucking messages of reinforcement that just dont help because none ever apply, all ever make me feel worse; most are usually insanely patronising as a result or just rub it in how littlethere is to live for cuz if therewas just one fucking thing mabye it wouldnt be like this. whatever and a bit.
i jsut feel so fucking emtpy. i dont fucking care about any of it. i dont know. at least somepeople have something they careabout. im alone. i dont know what to do. i dont have any interests. theres nothing ilike doing. theres nothing imgood at. even if idid try to survive what do ifucking spend my time doing. itjust all feels like a miserable fucking slog . nothings worth it. i feel fucking sick withmyslef all the time. i keep trying to find things. i just fucking tire myself out and get miserabel no matter the approach. i dont fucking know.
i think about dating apps andabout meeting new people. its likeidontknow how to talk about it any more. i feel so embarrassed. like itsnot just loneliness because im alone. but ialso know realisticlaly theres nothing for me to try and talkto people about . just basic questins like how do you spend your time. i dontfucking know. i just spend it trying to make it all fucking go away and i hate it. the onlyway i can fucking cope half the time is just trying to not think about it and thats the only fucking thing there is and idont rememberwhere any of the days have gone and ive spent so manyyears at this point in fucking limbo and i fucking resentevery second of it.
and theresalways fucking something. likesome corny fucker and im sorry for being mean but i cant fucking. ugh. like just let go~ just make ugly art~ just do things imPEErFeCtLy~andfeel it~ ^_^ ,. like dude i dont fucking feel anything ijsut fucking space out i cant connect with anyofit its like onehand in front of the fucking oteher i try to go out i reallyfucking do i try to dothings i fucking feel myself justmiserable there and just wanting to go homewhere no one can see me again ebcause ihate it and thatslike the fucking shameful thing its alwyas the like
yeah. yeah nobodylikes you because theres nothing to you. youre a fucking blank and emptyfucking husk of a person. why cant you just grow up and develop into something. i dontfucking know. i fucking hate all of it. im fucking miserable. im just fucking miserable and i thinkthats all i can be . and itsnot nice . its not nice. itsalways jsut sthut up stop being fucking miserable be better . likeyoudont think i treid that . i jsut burn out. i feel so fucking phony adn fake and sick iwth myself and i tfeel like everyone else can tell. i dontknow. i fuckinng wish i hadany fucking modicrum of fucking passion or lvoe or whatveer the fuck inmy body but i think im just a negative fucking space and its jsut draining and i hate living and its like i wish i coudl bepropeely like toxic or there as soemthing genuinely fucking rancid and its jsut fucking seepsinto everything and i cant conenct with anyhting and i jsut
you know like itsreally embarrassing and dumb actually like how areyou so uncultured howhave you not read this seen this watched this done thais hadthis whatveerhtis i force it down my throat somethingsomething try to bea fucking human for once i feel like im crying all the fucking time lets pretend i gaffff for some approvalthat never comesbecause i cant feel itmyself no matterhow hard i trryyyyy but what but what god i dontknow i fucking
its likestupid shit likeart. god i fucking hated drawing i fucking hated writing i fucking hated singing when iw as younger i fucking hated school i fucking hate sports i fucking hate spending time withpeople i fucking hate being alone i fucking hate eveyrthing every time ifucking do anything i just want to smash it up because i hate it i wish i fucking didnt i jsut fucking hate every fucking singel second of being fucking alive what is theretolive for why wouldyou want that why wuld you fucking bother and the only fucking solution peopleowuld ever suggest is. dont hate it. just dont. but thatshwat i do. i cantmake it stop i cant make it stop ifeel like im fucking running on fumes and fuckingjust forcing it so hard and everyones like HAHAHAHAAHAH JSUR FORCE IT! FORCE IT FO RUS! IT'LL HAPPEN EVENTUALLY!! YOU HAVENT DONE IT WNOUGH! YOU GAVENT FUCKING TRIED HARDENOUGH!!! and itdoesnt matteryoure alone and crying and fucking hateit even more in the end because its too fuckignhard to keep oding it and i cant i fucking cant care i cant fucking car eany more you do nothing but fucking zone out youexist in your own littlefucking world and try not to exist and nobodu would ever want that you dont want that is anyone crazzzzyyyyy i dont know why im alive i dont know why im alive so much i feel like itsjust never worth it its never been worht it imjsut desperate and uckign begging it for to notjust be this FUCKKK BROOOO LOL
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catholicide · 11 months
i have never written a poem ever im too busy making money and having sex withpeople. to write poetry. on my phone
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ruinikaido · 1 year
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YOU GUYS limbs of chris isnt supposed to be ther ebut he can stay IM SOOOOOO ACTUALLY HAPPY ITS UNBELIEVABLE i was like Friday i was like It will be a miracle if i dont get hospitalized within the next couple of days forunrelated reasons BUT I DIDNT BECAUSE IM SO HAPPY BECAUSE MY FRIENDS!! MIKI!!!!!!! I LOVE HANGING OUT WITHPEOPLE AHHHGH I LOVE TEH WORLD AND MY FRIENDS SO MUCH
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cdfreak · 2 years
i would be more ok withpeople being worried about meif they could do it normally. i am not doing good and i do not live my life safely that is true but if you get condescending about it i want you to kys
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4arconinoma · 1 year
hi :demure: i think yourecool and also im a chronic hank fan. (THISIS SO AWKWARD HELP?? idont know how to interact withpeople.)
Lol thank you its ok I dont either. Chronic hank fan is a disease affecting thepopulation
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chenfordsource · 2 years
Are you okay withpeople using your GIFs on Twitter, as long as they give you credit and include a link to the original post?
Hi! @tim-lucy answered a similar question here and we whole-heartedly agree with her view point! 
We'd prefer our gifs not be cross-posted at all, but since it's bound to happen anyway, please at least spare a reblog (not just a like, those don’t circulate content on Tumblr unlike other social media platforms) before you save them.
There's nothing more discouraging than seeing someone save and repost your content elsewhere only for them to get equal or more traction for your work, without them even interacting with (or acknowledging) your original post in the first place! 
So please, if you like gifs enough to save them from people, do those creators a favour and reblog those posts too. If you have thoughts you’d like to share about those gifs, creators always love seeing positive commentary in the tags!
But yes, please, if you do feel the need to repost content on Twitter, link back to the original post. Thank you for asking, anon!
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thethirstyouneed · 25 days
worse part abt masturbating is living withpeople . let me sit in the abthroom for 30 minuges dont ask me what jm dking
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yumeyleo · 2 months
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mikepowernyc · 6 months
Measuring Up
We measure ourselves against lines on a wallWe measure ourselves against our parents and siblingsWe measure ourselves against those we admire and despiseBut mostly we measure in numbersWe measure in inches and kilometersWe measure in nanoseconds, geological epochs, and light yearsWe even measure in negative numbersAgeWeightHeightBlood pressureBank balancePeople we’ve had sex withPeople we…
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View On WordPress
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f0xd13-blog · 1 year
I've never had a problem with the latino concept to be associated with the natives as I think they share a lot of stuff with us due to our history but pls don't share the aLatino turban with people that be a determined to obliviate us... I'm not even gonna say to not share it withpeople that ain't gypsy.. I'll say people that be completely the opposite of what they try to portray which is a picture of knowledge and humbleness.. girl if you are such an issue for the community that ain't the card you are playing.
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gayspock · 3 months
ok whatever
i feel s fucking disconnected i feel like im crazy whenever im withpeople i cant even trickmyself into feeling like im on the same plane of existence and cant fucking understand any of it i cannotfucking care. i fucking hate being so alone but i dont fucking care any more and its toomuch i cant handle and yep yep yep im not fuckign "enough" to fucking fight it or whatever the fuck thatmeans but i dont fucking care because no matter what its never going tomake a damn difference . and i dont know i keep fuckingwanting it so badly and thats the conceit of it all fucking losing my mind . trying but i dontknow whats wrong with me or whats so fucking funny about me . and when im trying.something something . rejection is one thing . i get it and i expect it now or just whatever but. idontknow what else to do though i feel like i always jsutburn myself out triyng to be part of peoples lives and howevermuch i care itsjust a joke its always just a fucking joke and it never makes a difference and i jsut fucking recede and it never matters when i do that either or whatever i jsut i want to feel fucking tangible but i dont know what to do anymore because i feel so fucking alien all the fucking timelike everyone. fucking. talks. about. loneliness oh im so fucking alone i dontfucking know i want to punch them when theyvehad partners when they talk to their family wqhen literally fucking anything jsut fucking anything i just want to have someonefucking know i exist in some fucking capacity liek i spend months, years without fuckinganyhting and even before then what . i odnt know. i used to come home from schoolcrying because i just wanted to be taken seriously but i feel like peoepl just always included me cuz i was kind of a funny joke at worst and incidental at best like we'll never rremember you, you'll never be invited to anything, we'll neve rbring you along, we'll never include you in the same way we remember everyone else. theres a point of like i know im meant to ask . sometimes i can get that.but i dont know. why do i alwayshave to do that why is it always exerting so much time and energy when ihavenothing left any morre to ty and force myself into peoples lives . when the others dont. when nobody else in that situation had to try and fucking make it happen. when i dont think they want me there ever. and i just wantthat to be fucking wanted in some way to fucking exist in soem capacity that isnt me in my own fucking head going nuts . like oh we rememberedyou in the same way everyone else is a part of this but even that its like. i dontknow even thats so . so fucking dumb and fucdking hard to fucking everconceive of those once in every so many years occurences that happen less and less. its so mortifying crying about it all like that . somethimng soething. you know when reality kicksin again cuz you realise THAT. the shit that you used to fucking sobabout for hours and hours at night cuz u felt so fucking alone and isolated all the fucking time was the best it was ever going to be and the easiest it was ever going to be.
and its just so much fuckingharder to ever do it now because i know at our age nobodys ever going to have the time or patience to deal with afucking headcase and i go to work and italk to people and i jsut feel people fucking laughing at me and i go to spaces and i feel myself seizingup. even the places where you think itmight be easier more accepting. the "theyre all alone there must be something wrong with them" laughsthat you get the fact you dont have anything inyour life any more you dont have anything to talk about youre just nothing but a fucking whole bunch of failures. andits like i cant ezxpect it right i cant expect anyone to like me and its not fair to cry atpeople for not liking me when its jsut like . dude youre just annoying and a loser and its not that deep but yeah it means youjre gonna be alone a nd i odnt know i cant talk straight any more and imso exhausted all the time andim getting more tired and theres nothing and yourwhole life is eaten up bytrying to stay afloatikeep thinking about whats going to happen how its always on the precipice howi dont have enough in me to fget through anything how one bad thing can happen and it can set me back months, years because i cantmanage it on my own but what else is ther ei cant do anything i keep trying things they just fucking mean nothing i feel like i go home on my own and spiral and i just reallydo want help and peoplejsut tell you to ask for it but then when you do itdoes nothing and idont understand how it jsut happens for otherpeople how they can just . even find some asort of connection i cant fucking read anytihng about it i feel like whenever i do experiencde media with someone talking about their loneliness even then theres something fucking tethering them some fucking distant fucking connection i fele like im going fucking nuts im kidding i always say that who cares i havent had a conversation with someone in years i think ive had more birthdays alone than ive ever had with another person i cant manage to do anything but spiral i kepegetting angry at everyone and idont know theres a part of me that feels sick with myself theres anotherpart of me that jsut wants to let it happen cuz what does it matter its never going to matter even if im mad its funny topeople its a fucking funnnyyyyyy joke in the end if they even notice at all and i just dont know what i do wrong i dont know because even when i go back and i analyse everything over and overagain its nothing its just always just the. yourejust not fucking enough for anyhting youre just not enough wevn when you give your all you cant do anything right i cant do anything right and fair enoughryeah like fair enough nobody stays for that because what do you give topeople you can care but eveyrone can fucking careand at the end of the day youre just a burden blah blahj balh i feel fucking crazyyyysmile gorgeous smile
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amerasdreams · 2 years
How do I make genuine connections with people
When I barely have anything in common with anyone
And almost always been alone
And ... don't mind being alone usually but. Sometimes I want to talk w someone, do something w someone...
It's easy for me to push people away or. Not take any steps... super cautious. I don't trust.
But I also think I donr even know how to make genuine deep connections withpeople. I don't don't know what that is bc I never had it. Getting just below the surface then-- something happens like they move away or lose interest lol or. Maybe I could've gotten somewhere if i would have learned how to form relationships as a kid but Ididn't. It's not like I wasn't around kids a lot even tho I was homeschooled. Something else is wrong with me..
I would often rather be alone ... but now I realize I may need someone, not just rely on parents... not be this freak who floats in nothingness, barely interaction with the real world... how can I possibly catch up... like, learn how to actually do things.... eventually i will need people to help me, physically, emotionally.. and my parents won't be here forever. So.... impossible task to be what imnot. .may not be able to
Sometimes I even want to have a few close friends (again, I barely know what that is)
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