toodoolaloo · 11 years
people think this is another account of lauren cook but wants to keep it secret.
aaaaah! I get it now…. lol now that picture withdrawnfawn posted makes sense. Well I already said my old blog got terminated so this one is pretty new. I’d take this chance to say I’m not a fan or a hater or a freelicer. I just like all the snowflakes drama lol ok done.
(sorry for the bad english, it’s not my first language)
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sansfaireunbruit-blog · 11 years
withdrawnfawn reblogged your post On Adsense and added:
Very informative, thank you for this. And well done for being sly about divulging too much info that could help Felice.
Thank you and well, a part of me feels she's somewhat figured it out and another part of me thinks, if she's trying to get people to donate, maybe she hasn't...sooo lol, not going to happen. Let's face it, she wouldn't need a donation pool if she was gaining a lot of money from ads. I remember people saying a tablet costs around 80 bucks or more, that could be 3-5 clicks easily with the right words and audience within a day or two for her.
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Dafuq is this?
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Omg ur lyk so cool roflmao
( Click here to see original tweet )
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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WTF has happened to my blog hahahahaha
If someones trolling me, well done, you've succeeded. 
I can't edit it, this blog is moving to withdrawnfawn2
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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First picture: Jan 2014, Felice instructing people to "look after [their] furchildren!". (Source)
Second picture: August 2009, Felice taking a picture of her "tea-drinking kitty". Caffeine is poisonous to cats. (Source)
(See this earlier post made about the tea-drinking kitty tweet in question)
(See my #pets tag for more examples of Felice not "looking after" her "furchildren")
I just cant with her shit anymore
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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This collage mini-masterpost was made in response to this request post from 'whimsical.co.vu' 
An analysis of the amount of anon (and otherwise) asks written to Felice starting with: "Felice/Dear Felice/Hello Felice/Hi Felice" between ('round about) the15th December 2013 and (today) 5th January 2014.
I see some suspicious similarities between specific ways used to address Felice, usually the similar asks show up at around the same times, and almost always by anonymous users (although note that I left a few asks out, this isn't an extensively complete masterpost of ask screencaps).
Ciao, hoes, I'll leave this with you to make of it what you will.
(All the asks screencapped are from Felice's personal tumblr.)
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Felice recently mentioned this video, saying:
This will forever be my favorite video of me fucked out of my mind at 6am on the streets of London trying to make pigeons love me with Sick Bwoy and Jamie. That was such a mental weekend.
In case you can't tell, the video consists of Felice holding a bottle of what looks like smirnoff ice (a popular "alco-pop" drink amongst 14 year olds), donning a (nazi-logo-containing) BoyLondon bandanna over her face (to hide the lack of photoshop when being filmed on someone else's camera ofc)... all whilst chasing pigeons in some town centre, and ofc, Felice being Felice, in her own words - "fucked out of [her] mind".
Yes Felice, what a "mental" time. Am I the only one who feels incredibly sorry for her? Like... this is what I got up to when I was 14/15, and I think even thats pretty sad. Let me remind you this woman is 24 years old. 
P.s. she really needs that "drunk and goth" crop-top now more than ever (click)
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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"IM STREET GUYS. I wear pumas! I go to illegal raves! (even though I recently said I didn't go to them since I was a teen)
I listen to old school rap! (What, busta rhymes isn't old school?) Im so ghetto goth omg lol bewildering.
I get searched by police ALL THE TIME. I LOVE GUNS. I WANT A GUN. Without bullet tho obvs ^_^ I swear Im not a white privilaged daddy's girl from camebridge. On dat ting. Ya get me fam" - Felice the badman
And do we need to remind you which half YOU ARE FROM?
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
Ok fuck it this blog is going to start being moved to another one. Should I make a new tumblr complete with email, or just make another side blog?
Thanks for any replies
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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The FF STD Campaign
Felice Fawn, stop. the. drama. girllll.
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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People asked for photos from the engagement party
I say... it looks like an unphotoshopped Fawn arm. What a rare specimen this is.
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Photo one: photoshopped by Felice
Photo two: screenshot of Turkey video, assumingly un-edited
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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In case text is too small to read:
"Anonymous asks: Felice, some people just arnt capable of seeing or even considering what other people are going through, especially people tormented by their own minds. People tend to think about themselves first without even realizing theyre doing it. Yes people can think selfishly and no it isnt caring or fair, but try not to take it to heart. There are people who see your struggles and want to understand and hold you and keep you calm and safe and look after you. It will be okay. Love from NZ xx"
That advert tho.
Need I mention the ask/reply.
(Ask source, now deleted)...
Anyone think they recognise the writing style/use of language? Or am I being overly suspicious?
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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So the donate button returns. Should we be surprised?
If you want it removed, as Felice is breaching paypal's non-profit, charity based "donate button" usage... click here for a previous post on how, and why she's breaking their terms. 
P.s. Felice, did you really think hiding it lower down your blog profile would stop us noticing? 
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