#withchy things
fullof-miracles · 4 months
introduction !!
howdy hey! my name's merritt and I'm an eclectic christian witch! i started this sideblog as a place for all of my withchy things to live. I currently work with/worship Yeshua and Archangel Gabriel. I'm interested in candle magic, protection & health magic, and tarot
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leoascendente · 1 year
What do u think about past life regression, how can one know their past life?
Hi love! Thanks for your question<3
Btw, I'm a firm believer of past lives and regressions, I've made a few in the firsts stages of my spiritual journey and what I found out was very enlightening for what I was going on in that moment, the regressions also gave me a lot of insight about some fears or blockages I was having at that time.
In my humble opinion, regression in an awesome tool for healing and spiritual evolution, it's not my favourite but I really like it. I can just talk based on my experiences but for me, regressions really work but they have their own rules and we must approach them with wisdom and if it's possible, guidance from someone who knows what they are doing.
I made 4 regressions guided by a hypnotism therapist that recorded everything I said in the sessions, I was never alone through my regressions. I saw my own death is 2 past incarnations and how they were affecting my current life, one of my previous death was really shocking. For what I saw, I died as a victim of a psychopath, that man had several victims and I ressulted to be one of them, the vision of my death was terryfing but with my therapist' guidance I went through it without being too affected emotionally.
My recommendations are:
Always make it guided by a proffesional, you can see some impactful things that might disturb your peace so it's important having someone there who can manage the situation if it turns dark. Imo youtube guided regressions are not the best way to start accesing past lives
Akashic reccords can be another great tool to access past lives, and in my experience it feels more peaceful
Only make them if you feel ready to access to the most deep part of your subconscious mind
Make them without expectations, you probably weren't Cleopatra or JFK
As a withchy tip I'd suggest you to cleanse energetically the space before you start your regression session
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twdeadfanfic · 2 years
I wanted to get my mother the Practical Magic book (I like the others of the saga more but I guess she should have the first, first?) from Alice Hoffman...but they're not available in Spanish? Seriously??? Those are not obscure books, no editorial has decided to release them in Spanish???
I guess maybe I can get her Circe from Madeline Miller. I have it in ebook in English so I could get a hardback copy on Spanish.
She's read pretty much through all my books, they're all in my bedroom at her place, since I move so much I only carry my ebook. She's read pretty much all the ones I have in Spanish (and complains about the ones in English).
I pretty much read fantasy, young adult, withchy thing, so that's what I've given her. The ones she's liked the most are The Mysts of Avalon, Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom, The Death Gate Cycle...I can't remember more, she read half my library during covid (and she didn't use to read!).
In case you have ideas.
I believe she's reading Lore now.
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slasher-trasher · 3 years
Hi 👋
Can you do a another one about the immortal witch.
🌸Maybe some fluff? 🌸
A/n: You're back thank you! I've been having writers block and I didn't know what to write for quiet some time (I still don't) but of course I'll write for you! Also i did use they/them pronouns
Slashers x Witch! Reader
Warnings: bl00d, curs3!ng/sw3@r!ng, spells, the devil
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Michael Myers:
"You fucking devil praising witch!" Some has yelled at you for your withchy apperence and f course, you were upset. They harressed you in public, you'd be upset.
So, when you got home you went to Michael, who was sitting peacfully on his seat, you ran over to him, hugging him and sobbing into his chest. He was taken aback and confused. Usually he would never, ever let you get this close to him, let alone give him this sort of affection, but after a couple of attempts (not at his full strength of course) of trying to get you off, you didn't, so he left you there hugging him, and sobbing.
Once you eventually let it all out and told him, you fell asleep, there in his lap. He didn't move, nor did he want to, so he sat there.
Eventually he got up, gently moving you aside, so he could get some work done...
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Jason Voorhees:
His mother "cursed" you and would always mess up your potions and spells. She was positive you were the devil, and she never ever wanted her sweet baby boy with a "monster"
Jason knew about this but never told anyone, not the random animals that roam around, and not you ever. You came to him crying and frustrated another spell didn't come out right. You cried and cried and cried. You didn't deserve this you wanted it to workout so badly. He went with you to help you, and do the best he can, and once his mother saw this, she couldn't help but leave you alone, seeing as Jason really loved you, and you loved Jason. Finally the spell worked and it was used as a protection spell for him. And yes, his mother felt guilty, but you and him cuddled a ton afterwards.
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Freddy Krueger:
This dude, may seem to never care, but he does, believe it or not. So when he was notcing you getting picked on and yelled nast things he would make sure, he would make their life hell... >:(
After haunting the shit out of their dream, he would move on to your dream, while he saw you just laying in your bed, looking miserable. "Maybe i am the devil, Freddy" you said not even looking at him. "Of course you're not" he said climbing into the bed with you cuddling you warmly. "Don't worry anyway, they're taken care of" He smiled "Freddy how-" "shhhhhh"
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He saw you laying on the couch just flipping through channels on tv. "You ok there" he asked crawling onto the couch. He grew concnered when you didn't respond.
He went over and grabbed your arm, tugging it a bit, you looked down at him and just started crying, you hugged him tightly, laying with him on the couch. "Whats wrong" he eventually asks once you calm down a bit. "P-people called me the devil" once he heard that he excused himself, and of course killed, after that he somehow managaed to get cookies and your other favorite nakcs for you, as the two of you cuddled and watched tv.
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Bo Sinclair:
He noticed the way the girl in the next group treated you. Bo flirted with her and she flirted back, and picked on you for "trying to make moves on him" thinking he was single. Well he wasnt. When she found out you were a witch, she ran straghit to Bo and called you a monster. She wasn't seen again.
Bo couldn't believe someone would talk about you like that, when he noticed you wouldn't come out of your room to cook for any of them, he got worried and went to your aid. He saw you at your desk, sitting there, no witch related stuff anywere. "Uh, (y/n) you ok?" he asked quietly, he slowly came from behind and hugged you with love. You felt bad, "maybe... maybe I am a monster, not everyone does witchy stuff" he just hugged you, sweetly. "Don't think that" he said kissing your cheek. You two enjoyed eachother's company happily together. Lester and Vincent were forced to cook on there own... it didn't turn out well.
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Vincent Sinclair:
He never saw you so upset before, you came in and seemed to have been crying for quiet sometime. He got up from his seat and came and hugged you sweetly, kissing your hair.
You explained to him that you were bullied by one of the people in the group and he just hugged you tighter and shook his head. You said they sabatoged your stuff and everything, and it needed to be replaced. He let go of you and handed you a sketch of you making spells. He was happy when you grabbed it and smiled widely. "This is beautiful" you smiled as he got a strand of hair out of your face.
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Lester Sinclair:
He was very, very sad to see you fail at yet another potion you were working on. You got so frustrated you threw your book to the other side of the room. He came next to you, rubbing your shoulders.
"are you... are you ok?" he asked gently. You nodded, not really wanting to explain anything. He led you to the bed and laid you down to cuddle with him. "Hey, if your potions and stuff aren't working, you should take a break, maybe you're stressing yourself out too much." he exlpained handing you your favorite snack. You thanked him and you relaxed, eventually falling asleep.
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Brahms Heelshire:
He watched you, and when another spell wouldn't work you threw your arms up and cried your eyes out. From the walls he was concerned, why is this so importnant. He crawled out the walls to hangout with you.
"Please... hangout?" he asked in his childlike voice. You shook your head crying "Brahms can't you see how frustrated I am with this right now, I don't want to play with you-" you get cutoff when he comes and hugs you all of a sudden. You froze, but eventually hugged back, "play.. please" he asked in his childlike voice again. Maybe this is what you need, to just take a break and relax and play. Ad thats what you did with your favorite boy.
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Billy Loomis:
Stu was joking around with you, picking on your "witchy-voodoo stuff" and then something he said made you upset, that you went quiet. Billy looked over at you concerned when he noticed you going quiet. He glared at Stu who also went quiet, as to be careful to not upset you or Billy.
He got up and hugged you, peacfully. He never had a soft side but you were something different, something special to him. He dragged you to the couch and laid your head in his lap peacfully playing with your hair. "what scary movie you want?" he asked after a little bit of silence. Stu sat there next to yall. "my favorite one duh" you laughed a bit and you cuddled together while you watched the scary movie~
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Stu Macher:
He was outraged when he heard Billy was making fun of you for being a witch, that was the last line for him. He came to comfort you smiling. "stu you don't need to-" he shook his head. "Yes i do" he said rocking back and forth with you.
You both cuddled soundly together and made potions and spells together. "Hey can you make one to... to kill someone for me" He asked slyly "Who?" you asked curiously "Welll..." you just rolled your eyes and kissed him on the cheek. He giggled smiling at you, lucky to have someone like you in his life.
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sassyllamaspirit · 4 years
Intro of sorts
Hello my darlings and wecome to my little piece of Tumblr.
I am older, new to Tumblr. I am looking for a place to organize and express my thoughts and interrests.
I'm am a SAHM, my youngest will be starting school in a year and I find myself wondering how my life will change when they(3 boys) are all out during the day. Before children I was a costumer and seamstress. I still work in the theatre business, but only on a temp and as needed basis. (with quarantine, there has been no need)
My hobbies fall into the creative relm. I like to sew, crochet, paint, draw, color books, make music, and read.
I love all things Fantasy and Magic. HP, Fairies, Dragons, LOTR, SW, you name it, it speaks to me. I love the idea that there is still wonder and magic in the world if we just look.
I am just starting out on a new spiritual journey and learning witchcraft and magick. (I've been into crystals, energies, and tarrot for a couple of years now) I live in a very small, rural, midwest town. It has been hard to find anyone who is also practicing or who don't want to "save my soul." So I will expand to the wide web and find the support I need on this journey.
As I continue to grow and learn I feel this blog will also change with me. For now, it will contain a scattering of randomness from my life, art, inspiration, withchy info, and personal narratives.
Thanks for stopping by.
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mystiics · 5 years
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      °✧。× :  (  lee felix +  demiboy  +  he/they  )  ───  oh, look, i’m pretty sure that’s SAGE RUAIRI ! you know, the NINETEEN year old harvest sprite ? they’re a PLANT SPRITE, by the look of them. a bunch of them were helping to welcome new residents, and i’m pretty sure i heard that one say they might also work part - time as a SHOP ASSISTANT, but i could have heard wrong. well, regardless of that, i’m almost certain that they ARE loyal to the harvest goddess, which explains why they’re so ENDEARING and OPTIMISTIC, but can also be a bit SENSITIVE and CLUMSY. whether they want to revive the goddess or not, if you need them i’m pretty sure you can find them at THE MAGIC SHOP most often ! dirt smudged on constellation freckled cheeks, idling for hours laying in a sunkissed field of flowers, a fluffy white cat circling ‘round ever-bare feeties ! ✧  
as far as sprites are concerned, sage is among the most mellow and sweet of them when he’s in good spirits but among the most chaotic when he’s upset. add a natural clumsiness and a lack of control over his magics when his emotions get the better of him and you’ve got yourself the wreck that is sage ruairi
young both in age and at heart, there’s a childlike innocence to the way sage presents himself. even at his full ‘human’ appearance, he’s waifish and small. he finds human clothes in general to be rather annoying and ill fitting for him as a sprite so over and above that, he’s always dressing in oversized overalls or a too-big pair of shorts with a baggy tee. 
even in the dead of winter, you’ll be hard pressed to find sage wearing shoes or socks. he does not believe in them. thinks they are vile creations invented to entrap toesies and prevent direct soil to skin contact which, naturally, is a crime
ever since he was born, sage has always been well loved. they say he sprung up from the seeded center of a sunflower. bright and engaging, he charmed everyone in his close sprite circles and still sprinkled glittery warm wishes upon those that didn’t fall immediately for his enchanting personality
some part of his loveliness was aided by a clumsy tendency not very befitting most magically enabled sorts. he’s constantly breaking things, knocking things off shelves, overgrowing plants to the point of destructing and banging his little limbs on almost every available surface (freckled skin almost always joined by healing bruises)  
basically, when he’s in a good mood he’s followed by blossoming little vines, self conjured, and yet somehow always manages to trip over them and when he’s in a bad mood, it’s somehow worse
it’s ridiculously endearing in a sitcom star kind of way and often comes with a pink blush to his cheeks and fits of musical giggles that float like dandelion fluff
the plants are all his friends and he talks to them regularly. a social sprite, if he’s not talking to someone, he’s probably whispering to the trees or telling a story to the grassy meadows. he tells them all his problems which are surprising plentiful.
he takes the sinister happenings of the island very personally, of course, feeling like the plant sprites’ touch was the first to be eradicated from the village. but instead of letting the death and destruction get to him, he’s very much single-handedly determined to bring color and life back to everything he touches. 
after all, even if there’s just one flower living and growing, isn’t that an improvement?
relationship-wise and as a general world view, sage is still somewhat immature. he’s sensitive to his emotions and tends to give into them and let them overrun his actions instead of facing them head on and getting to their source.
his most recent relationship was both his most serious and the source of his first heartbreak. while he’d had adolescent dalliances with other sprites, this one was his first true love and, because of that, he got jealous often. his youth and their small age difference made him feel insecure and so they’d often get into escalating fights that made things worse and worse
respective friend groups called the pairing unhealthy but, honestly, it was a showing of love every time they made up and wind met flower. still, outside pressures only made any inner tension cracks grow and eventually, they were both too stubborn to make up after a particularly explosive argument and broke things off.
when he gets too caught up in what he’s feeling, his magic tends to overflow. flowers bloom brighter and more vibrant, seeds speed up their development and everything turns lush and green when he’s exuberantly happy or extraordinarily sad. for the latter, he likes to think the new baby blooms are there to kiss his cheeks and wipe away his tears but, really, he needs to get a better hold on his own abilities
he’s kept humans at a distance for this reason. those who don’t believe obviously aren’t a threat as they don’t see him nor his showings of magic. however, the skeptics or the believers would certainly have a heyday if they happened upon a sage who has lost control so he doesn’t make it a point to make too many friendships. in fact, the one he’s closest too isn’t fully human at all, the witchy shopkeeper where he’s come to work is counted among sage’s close human(ish) circle
presently, he’s in mourning of that relationship and in the death of the island but he’s distracting himself in his work! he’s had a job as the assistant to the local cryptid magic shop owner and, despite being a total wreck at it, loves the distraction. plus he can flex his plant sprite skills in ways that benefit the shop, withchy herbs and ingredients galore!
he’s still desperately social so please give him friends and shop regulars, people with crushes on him and just plots in general!!!
*・°☆.。 FUN FACTS 
FRECKLES. sage is absolutely covered in them. on his nose on his cheeks on his neck on his back. all the lil freckle constellations! he calls them his specks. sages specks!!
often does his own light makeup? using only natural ingredients and things he can find around the magic shop, he likes to decorate in between his specks with sparkles and blush and highlight. loves feeling pretty like a flower.
he has a massive puffy white cat named princess. princess is a boy and he’ll get really pouty if you don’t ask for princess’ pronouns for that reason. he’s had animal sprites tell him that princess is very happy being called princess so it’s his choice!
along that line, very much into gender as a concept and would find, like, gender studies ? in colleges ? in discourse on social media ?? so cool!!
actually in general social media is so cool to sage. even though this is set in modern times he’s so busy with work and his plants that he probably just doesn’t engage with it often so show him instagram someone please. let him see all the cute aesthetic things he could be creating!!!
a massive flirt unintentionally and adores kissies of all varieties but bc of recent heartbreak will pull back if he thinks things are getting too serious :)
more to be added soon!!!!
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guiltedripper · 6 years
@hybredtm​ / i wanted to do a thing 
“so, now that you know my secret --- do i get a new nickname?” green hues meet with blue-grey’s and a smirk curves to the rippers lips. “like --- withchy ripper or something?”
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