honeybeed · 6 years
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if  i  had  a  single  flower  for  every  time  i  think  about  you ,    we  could  walk  forever  in  my  garden .           ft.   @withboomerangs
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bloodiedgirl · 7 years
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        there’s  a  knife  strapped  to  her  thigh ,  beneath  the  fabric  of  her  pretty  skirt .  the  flat  of  the  blade  bumps  her  skin  when  she  moves ,  a  cold  reminder .  blatant  reminder .  she’s  got  him  drawn  up  against  the  wall ,  palms  pressed  to  his  chest .  ❝  you  think  i’m  pretty ,  right ?  ❞       /      @withboomerangs  liked .
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kentiisms-blog · 7 years
“You probably shouldn’t eat so much ice cream, Digger. You’re going to make yourself sick.” 
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dancetohertune-blog · 7 years
Harmony woke up abruptly, as she realized she was hearing distress calls from her rats. She had to pull aside a piece of paper that drool had stuck to her cheek; she'd fallen asleep at her worktable, while working on plans for yet another musical instrument.
Anything to keep her busy. To keep her distracted from the date.
But she padded from the workroom in her down-filled slippers and green robe after she'd grabbed one of her flutes, following the lead of the rats as they headed into the living room. They stopped just inside the door, rising onto their hind legs and pointing at the couch. Harmony could see a blanket-wrapped figure there, but that's all she could tell in the dawning light...
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hiredassault · 7 years
@withboomerangs   ||  Contd.
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      That was QUITE a demand, he’d admit. Well if he had BEEN in the right condition to be NORMAL. More than four shots of whiskey was taken by the marksman && it APPEARED that his MIND was some sort of MOODY. Perhaps it was ODD for Lawton to demand something like that--- but wouldn’t THAT be a piece of cake for Australians? He’d let a soft chuckle escape. “ I don’t know. How can I JUDGE if you don’t send any PICS? ”
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kaboomerangs-a-blog · 7 years
continued from ⊠
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❝ thank ya, love. ❞ oh, he knew digger would get him his beer. popping the can open, he leaned back && took a long swig before he added, ❝ love, would ya be a dear an’ rub me feet ?? ❞
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kentiisms-blog · 7 years
// tfw u have a brotp and it works with two people playing the same character...
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hiredassault · 7 years
@withboomerangs    ||   Interact/Starter.
BLAM.     Blam.       b l a m.
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 “ Tell me. ” The marksman fired some MORE bullets which never missed his targets (the fired bullets drilling through the skulls of the armed guards && DROPPING them spot dead). A pause was usually given while they CHATTED during a battle (in a mission). The rest of the squad were BUSY dealing with the other guards rushing towards them. “ ------- Do kangaroos KNOW how to swim? No don’t tell me, I won’t CARE. ”
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projcctalice-blog · 7 years
@withboomerangs​ from here
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palm hardly stings as it lowers back to her side , muscles flexing once before she finally relaxes . deadpan . ( maybe she should’ve punched her first ) . normally , she wouldn’t take this approach . but NOTHING about their mission had been normal . ❝ what the hell were you thinking ? ❞
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burlybrute-blog · 7 years
continued from ☒
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drunk or not, gaston was an incredible singer ( among other talents ) so it was no surprise that he belted out high notes in front of the bar, && left with the hottest girl on his arm. && waking up next to her the following morning was even more so empowering. she looked just as beautiful as the night before, gaston sure knew how to pick them. of course he’d drank with her before, slept with her before, but every time it got better && better.
leaning in, he pressed a kiss against her cheek && replied, ❝ maybe it was because i was singing with a beautiful girl, that’s probably what got me so worked up. ❞ he smirked before kissing at the side of her mouth. 
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ofboomerangs-blog · 7 years
@withboomerangs replied to your post “ooc. I know it isn’t the greatest thing australia has ever produce...”
thank you for making this post bc i've spent the last hour watching it and it's the funniest thing i've ever seen
haha! its good true? Are you watching the movie or the tv show? Cos after I made the post I watched the movie!! either way I am making a sentence starter meme thing on quotes from the movie, because why the fuck not. Other things you should check out are ‘Swift n Shift’ and ‘Fat Pizza’ which are shows made by the same people with the same actors and stuff. I used to love Swift n Shift, its sort of like Australia’s version of The Office?? i guess you could say, but they’re couriers haha.
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cont’d from here
“Aye, aye, cap’n!” TB nodded with a playful salute. He summoned over the barman and ordered up another ten rounds of ice-cold beer; ten more beers each mightn’t fix the problem at hand but it sure was a good start to make. He said for it to be put on a tab, although he had no intentions of paying. He’d probably just leg it after the beers were done, on to another bar to repeat the process.
Turning back to his equally not-drunk drinking partner, he nodded with satisfaction. “MAYBE we’ll get a buzz after these, that’ll be a start. I dunno... Americans can’t do good beer. What say you, my Aussie beer-lovin’ friend?” he asked, being selective in his patriotism for now and paying homage to his mixed mutt blood.
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youngestsnart · 8 years
@ofboomerangs; @withboomerangs; @kaboomerangs; @boomcrang
I found the perfect theme song for digger. You’re welcome
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badreturns-m · 7 years
@withboomerangs said:
"he's mean" uh... he's on the suicide squad? with CRIMINALS? he's a thief...? he's killed before??? none of those are qualities of a nice person??? wtf were they expecting tho
lol idek man, they were like going on about how he was okay in the film but in the comics he is just a dick like okay?? so is deadshot wum ?? i didnt even know what to say. like did u just read one comic with him in it or what?? people are so dumb.
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burlybrute-blog · 7 years
Date? (bc why not)
[ Send me “Date?” and i’ll answer… — accepting ]
Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine
[x] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[x] Romantic Date
[x] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies• [ ] Romantic Comedy• [ ] Adventure Movie• [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)• [ ] Horror • [ ] Drama• [ ] Buddy Movie• [ ] ___ (other options)
[x] Restaurant• [x] Expensive/High Class [ he loves to spoil his man ]• [ ] Small and familiar• [ ] Fast Food
[x] Nature• [x] Beach• [ ] Park• [x] Forest   • [x] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[x] Visiting a haunted location
[x] Staying at home• [x] Watching movies [ five minutes into netflix && chill… ]• [ ] Playing Video Games• [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[x] …holding hands
[x] …a kiss
[x] …in bed
[ ] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[x] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[x] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
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