#with william once he gets paid ♡♡♡ . ]
99naive · 2 months
it's so HOT my laptop is being RUDE this is evil i tell you
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callmelola111 · 1 year
maniac ♡ e.w. oneshot
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✄ - - - -   inspo track   - - - -   maniac
synopsis: lies are spewed and truths are revealed when a precarious friend group joins together once more on the 1 year anniversary of their estranged friends disappearance.
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 4.4k
      | ❀ | cw: 18+ themes (MDNI), modern au, reader is referred to with she/her pronouns but other than that all descriptors are gender neutral, heavy violence blood and gore, oc deaths, drug use, homophobia (use of the word "dyke" once. i'm a lesbian so don't y'all try to cancel me), heavy language, mentions of reader having anxiety and panic attacks, lots of tension and fighting, ⭑ SMUT ⭑ ... thigh riding (r on e), dom!ellie, sub!reader, fingering (r receiving), pet names (baby, angel, etc.)
a/n: hi lovelies!! long time no see... i know this is a little different from my usual stuff but i honestly really love how it turned out. i spent a good chunk of time planning this out and then even longer writing it so i really hope y'all love it! i want this to be a fresh and exciting read for everyone. if you do end up enjoying the fic, any kind of note is greatly appreciated! ur fave tumblr writers thrive off all y'alls support! anyways, love love love you guys!!! ♡~ lola
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To everyone else, it was a summer like any other. But when it came to you and your friends there was something missing this time– someone missing. This absence felt extra heavy as tomorrow would be the 1 year anniversary of August’s disappearance, and the annual camping trip was right on time with it. It had been tradition for as long as you could remember, but its memory was now tainted and left something that used to be so sure, completely up in the air…
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
The five of you squeezed into the small 4 person booth at your favorite local diner; Tj’s Eats. In one seat sat Lottie and Reid. The girl’s loose, dark curls gathered at the boy's shoulders as she snuggled into him, still clearly in the honeymoon stage of their relationship. On the other side of the white marbled table sat Xavier and Ellie, with you perched on her lap, of course, as she insisted to everyone that it was “necessity” and “there really, really was no more room”. In all actuality, all it took was an extra chair to fit the five, but she was your girlfriend, and even after years of dating you still couldn’t get enough of each other. 
“Can someone just say what we’re all thinking, please! I can’t with this tension,” Lottie complained, finally snapping out of the cuddle fest with her red-headed boyfriend.
“What are we all thinking Lottie, huh? Since you know everything,” Xavier retaliated, guising his irritation with a poorly crafted remark. 
“Don’t be fucking mean,” she said, kicking him under the table.
“Yeah seriously chill out,” Reid echoed. 
“God, enough with this shit, you guys are driving me insane!” Ellie butted in. You, however, paid no mind to this type of bullshit, as fights like this had become a frequent occurrence in your group of friends ever since that godforsaken night. So you continued to down your chocolate shake and drown out the bickering with a light hum. That is, until you were rudely interrupted by Xavier’s insulting words.
“You’re being real fucking quiet over there, Y/n. Do you really have nothing to say? You can’t just tune us out forever. We’re your fucking friends.”
You felt your hands balled into tight fists, “Fine. You want me to say something? I’ll say something–my brother is still missing and if you’re even thinking of going on that stupid fucking trip this year, you can count me out.”
“Not going on that trip isn’t gonna magically bring him back. August is gone and we can’t stop living our lives because of it,” he retorted, going just a tad bit too far. This was the last straw and quickly sent you up and out of your warm place in Ellie’s lap. She grasped at your wrist trying to pull you back into this mess of a friend group, but to no avail. 
“Now look what you’ve fucking done!” Ellie yelled at your defense as you disappeared into the bathroom.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
Now face-to-face with your tear-stained cheeks in the mirror, your head fell down between your shoulders, slowly letting the pent up emotions roll off your back. Ever since you lost August, life had become 10 times harder. As much as your younger self would’ve hated to admit it, he was your rock–your annoying brother–but still, your rock. This confession made you feel even worse though, because deep down, there was a part of you that blamed yourself for how things happened. Maybe if you would’ve stopped fighting, or told the truth to the police, or took it easier on the booze and coke that night, August would still be here. There was nothing you could do now though. This was your reality and you had to accept it. 
With that you reached into the pocket of Ellie’s varsity jacket that engulfed your figure, hoping to find a tissue to blot away your tears and smeared mascara. Instead, you were met with a small polaroid. You flipped it over to reveal a bewildering picture of Xavier and August from the last night he was seen. Their arms were swung around each other’s necks, both flashing toothy smiles at the camera and you could recall being the one to take this photo. The one thing you didn’t remember is the black sharpie captioning the bottom of the image. It read “don’t believe his lies”. Your head began to race with countless questions and zero answers. The biggest one being, what the fuck was Xavier lying about?
The wet bathroom countertop dug into the palms of your hands as you took a second to decide the best course of action, but all you could come up with was shutting the fuck up and pretending it never happened. You weren’t ready to relive last year all over again. Not yet–not ever. So you paraded back into the dining room, eyes still damp and hands still shaking. Ellie felt your energy immediately and knew it was time to go.
She glanced at you for confirmation and then turned to address the group, “I think it’s time for me and Y/N to head out. Sorry guys.” Xavier shot a look of discontent and Ellie mouthed something along the lines of “I’m sorry, I’ll talk to her I promise”, which seemed to slightly ease the tension he was previously carrying in his shoulders. She then slid out from the booth, slipped her left hand into the pocket of your denim shorts, and ushered you outside to her red convertible.
The drive back was silent but as Ellie’s hand gently stroked the flesh of your thighs and the other steered you knew there was no way she could have anything to do with that polaroid. But you had to find out who did. Just as you were nearing your house though, Ellie’s gentle touch quickly shifted to a handsier approach and it was clear she had other plans for the night. 
“Els?” is all you had to say before she quickly pulled over and jumped to the backseat, pulling you along with her. She positioned herself in the middle seat opening up her legs in a dominating stance resembling a manspread. You eagerly climbed atop her lap, placing soft kisses up her veiny neck and extending them to her defining jawline. This was just what you needed to release the tension that had racked up from tonight's events. The moon was hitting your face just right and Ellie felt so lucky to have you in that moment.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful” she murmured, slightly breathless from the overwhelming touch of your lips. You smiled against the crook of her neck and dove into the girl's mouth for a deep and passionate kiss. She returned the exchange with even more fire, graciously slipping her tongue into your entrance. With each second things got messier and your hips got looser, slowly grinding into Ellie’s denim clad thighs. She couldn’t help but chuckle just a little at your desperation, to which you buried your head back into her shoulder, encasing her in your arms for better traction. Ellie’s hands swiftly found the curves of your hips and rocked them back forth to aid you in your journey towards climax. That is until your anxiety got the best of you at the sound of rustling coming from outside the car.
“What does it not feel good?” she questioned.
“No, no– It’s just… I swear I just heard something coming from behind the car.”
“I mean… we are parked by the woods. It’s probably just some animal or the wind.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes babe, I’m sure.” she assured you with a firm squeeze to your thigh and you let your worries go. This time Ellie was on top, laying you down across the seats to hover over you alluringly. Your lips found hers once again as she slipped a hand down your shorts and past your panties to meet the slick that had been piling up the whole drive. You let out a strangled moan into Ellie’s mouth as her rough digits met the throbbing bud of nerves. She took that as a sign to speed up the pace and slip in a curved finger to hit that perfect spot. You jerked in pleasure, eyes closed, almost reaching your climax from just those few movements. Ellie felt as your walls tightened around her and knew you were close.
“Look at me baby. I wanna see your eye’s when you cum all over my fingers.” she cooed. You obeyed and parted your lids open to reveal a disturbing image followed by a frightened scream escaping your puffy lips. Ellie jumped back at the clearly non-orgasmic exclamation, letting out a string of concerned “what? What??”’s. All you could do is point your shaky hand towards the message written in the condensation of the back windshield. 
“I know about last summer…” Ellie read out, voice as shaky as your extremities. Both of your fight or flight responses were triggered; you choosing flight and her of course choosing fight. The door to the cherry red car flung open and Ellie climbed over and out of her seat to trail the perimeter. You cowered down, eye’s filled with tears as Ellie recklessly yelled out to whoever wrote the message.
“Hello? Anybody out there?”, she kicked at the rocks in frustration, “Seriously who the fuck are you? This isnt fucking funny!”
“Ellie, will you please just get back in the car? They’re gone!” you pleaded. She eventually returned from her fit and came to console you. You were a mess and you were scared. 
“Hey, hey, it’s probably some prank. Let’s just take a breath, babe. In and out. Nice and slow.” she coached and you followed.
“But- what if it’s not though… what if this isn’t the first time something like this has happened…”
“Wha-what do you mean?” she asked.
You pulled out the polaroid and handed it to Ellie, “I- I found this in your jacket.”
“Y/n I swear I didn't put that there. I have no idea where it came from. Please, please believe me.”
“I do, I do. But that means someone else put it there, and they probably wrote that message too.”
Her head fell into her hands as she let out a sigh, “Fuck. We’re so fucked.”
“So what do we do?” 
“We go on that camping trip and keep our mouths shut till we know more.” 
���Seriously? What is camping gonna help? I already said I’m not going!” you yelled.
“Like hell you are! You’re insane if you think staying in the same town with the psycho freak who's borderline blackmailing us is gonna solve shit! If we’re in the woods they can’t get to us.” Ellie argued, face turning red with insistence.
“Fuck. I guess you’re kinda right. I’ll go.”
“Thank you.”
“Will you sleep over tonight though? I’m scared Els. I don’t even wanna think about being alone after tonight.”
She gave you a kiss on the forehead, “Of course I’ll stay the night. We’re in this together, okay?”
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
The next morning Reid came barreling over in his beat up white van. He haphazardly whipped into the driveway of your two story home that looked straight out of suburbia. Ellie stood at the top of the concrete hill holding your pink duffle and her navy blue one on the dip of her shoulder. Xavier swung open the sliding door and the both of you climbed in as you were practically slapped in the face with the smell of old bong water and way too many Little Trees air fresheners that somehow made the smell worse.
“Fuckk Reid, you’ve gotta get rid of this kidnapper van.” Ellie remarked, holding her nose and pretending to gag a couple times.
“Fuck off Ellie, you should be thanking me for driving you bums around.”
She just rolled her eyes, “Righttt… Right…” 
The van quickly took to the road again, heading straight for the forest where it all happened just 1 year ago.
“It’s too quiet in here. Can we please put on some music?” Lottie asked about 30 minutes into the drive. 
“Yeah sure. I have a few tapes in the console right there if you wanna put one in.” Reid gestured to the compartment on the passenger side and Lottie reached in, pulling out the first tape she could find. It was in a small plastic case with no writing or cover to indicate what it was, but it sparked an intrigue, so she popped it into the car's sound system anyways. To Lottie and everyone else’s surprise, music didn’t start playing. All that came through the speakers was a muffled recording of two voices arguing. 
“Shut the fuck up August you’re just jealous!”
“You’re gonna regret this Reid.”
“Are you threatening me right now?”
“You’re the one who-”
Before the tape could finish Reid ripped it out of the player, slamming it into the dashboard and destroying the possible evidence.
“How the fuck did you get this Lottie?! Where’d you find this, seriously?” he screamed as his frantic girlfriend tried to explain.
“It was just in the console I swear!”
“Don’t fucking lie to me! I’ve never seen that tape, let alone put it in my car!”
Tears welled in her eyes, “I’m not lying Reid!”
The bickering continued as you, Ellie, and Xavier sat in the back, jaws dropped in utter shock. You felt yourself shutting down at this new found information. Did Reid have something to do with August disappearing? What were they even fighting about? Suddenly breathing felt impossible and the world went silent as panic set it. You only snapped back to Earth when you heard the sound of Ellie screaming.
“FUCK REID LOOK OUT!” It was too late though and the thud of a full size deer flipping over the hood is what finally shut everyone up. 
“Oh my god…” you shuddered at the smear of thick crimson blood across the dirty windshield. It didn’t matter if it was an animal, Reid had just taken a life and you were basically an accomplice. Your heart broke and the pit of your stomach swirled with sickness thinking of the likely decapitated body splattered just behind the van. Ellie wrapped you in her arms, as if to shield you from the horror of not only the poor deer, but the realization that any one of your friends could be the reason your brother was missing. 
Xavier finally broke the jarring lull in speech, “I- I think we should take a pit stop.”
“Yeah…” Ellie agreed.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
A few miles down the road was a small gas station where Reid pulled over for everyone to recollect themselves. Lottie scrubbed mindlessly at the deer carnage with the murky gas station water and squeegee she found beside the gas pump. Xavier paced in the parking lot like he was off one but it was the pure anxiety and adrenaline that had him tweaking so much. Reid on the other hand was still stuck at the wheel, slouching in the driver's seat, and not making a single move since he put the van into park. Even his deep green eyes remained motionless, they seemed to be locked onto absolutely nothing, just staring into the void. Everyone was a fucking mess. The only people who seemed to be somewhat on this planet still were you and Ellie.
“I think I might gouge my eye’s out if I don’t eat some Swedish Fish and drink a Yerb as soon as possible.” you professed, walking inside the little convenience store with a ring of a bell.
“I think I need a fucking cigarette.” Ellie said in a joking tone, but candidly, these past few days had her seriously considering picking the old habit back up.
“I think everybody does. I’m tired of shit like this happening and then everyone shoving it under the rug cause we’re all still ashamed about last year. I mean, I know I am, but we have to talk about it eventually.”
“You’re right, but even if we did, what is there to say? We were all so fucked up the whole night’s just a blurry mess. Like, did you see Reid's face when that tape came on? It looked like he was hearing the conversation for the first time just like the rest of us.”
“This sucks Ellie” you groaned as you opened up the glass door to retrieve your drink. Ellie approached from behind, slithering her hands from your sides to your naval and giving you a squeeze. 
She planted a soft kiss to the top of your head, “This does suck, but I love you and we’re gonna be alright. You gonna be okay for the rest of the drive?” She flipped you around to face her and you gave an assuring nod in response. Ellie always knew just what to say to ease that panicky feeling that was constantly bubbling up in your chest. The girl then took your hand and led you to the counter where a gruff looking cashier checked you out. He slowly scanned each item at an agonizing pace; Hot fries, Swedish Fish, a Yerba Mate, Chex Mix, and a Fanta Orange. 
“Total is $13.78” he mumbled as Ellie swiped her card and you gathered up the snacks. The clerk's eyes seemed to get meaner and meaner each second you waited for your receipt– until he finally cracked. “You know you’re going to hell for what you did.” 
Ellie backed away, “Excuse me?” Had he overheard something? Did he know about August? Who the fuck was this guy?
“I don’t need any dykes shoving their sins all in my face in my own damn store!” he grunted. Oh, he’s just homophobic. Right. That was y’alls que to get back on the road and out of the middle of nowhere immediately.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
After an excruciatingly mute hour stuck in the “kidnapper van” you finally arrived at the forest where you’d be spending the night. The silence looked to have eased some of the tension though as conversation grew a little more lax around the campfire. 
“Yo Lottie do you have the bud? We should roll up.” Xavier suggested. You nodded fervently in agreement, a joint was exactly what you needed. Lottie seemed to have made up with Reid as she was hanging all over him not hearing a word Xavier said.
With a few calls of her name she finally looked up, “Huh?”
“The weed Lottie.” Ellie said.
“Yeah it’s in a little pouch in my tent if someone wants to grab it.” Xavier got up from his spot on a mossy log and ventured into the purple tent hitched by a tree. In just 30 seconds flat he came storming back out, face completely red and a beaded bracelet dangling from his right fist. 
“What the fuck is this Lottie!? How do you have this?” 
She pulled back from her steamy kiss with Reid to answer, “Oh my god what Xavier? You’re being sooo goddamn annoying today.”
“Could you maybe stop grinding on your boyfriend for 5 fucking seconds and look at what I found in your bag?!” he yelled back. After a closer look the small beads began to look eerily familiar. This wasn’t just any bracelet, this was August’s bracelet. The one he had on the last night he was seen, and all of the sudden Lottie’s loud mouth seemed to shut right up.
“I- I- Xavier believe me I didn’t put that there.”
His voice broke with pain and fury, “Oh really?? Then who did ‘Miss innocent’?”
“I don’t fucking know but it wasn’t me!”
“Fuck you!” he screamed, dashing off into the dark woods. Everyone tried to yell at him to come back but it was no use. He was too angry to listen to anyone but himself.
That being said, hypervigilant Reid stood up to follow, “I’m gonna go find him guys. He shouldn’t be out there alone. Not after…” His voice trailed off but everyone knew exactly what he was alluding to.
“I really didn’t put that there you know” Lottie said.
You and Ellie shared a glance, “We know.”
A puzzled look spread across her face, “what do you mean you know?”
“We think someone’s orchestrating all this,” Ellie said.
“Like blackmail?”
You nodded, “exactly like blackmail. It’s happened to me and Ellie too. Once with a lost polaroid photo and another time with a message written on her car.” You then pulled out the photo to show to Lottie.
She read it aloud, “Don’t believe his lies? Like… Xavier?” Ellie twiddled with her fingers, looking down at the dirt before saying what you and Lottie were both thinking.
“I mean, I don’t want to point fingers because this is a fucked up situation, but how have we all been framed except him?”
Lottie smoothed back the sweaty bangs stuck to her temples, “Fuckkkk. He probably had the bracelet from the start too, he seemed sooo damn eager to go dig through my shit.” 
“So, what do we do?” you asked.
Xavier suddenly appeared out of thin air, “What do we do about what?” Lottie practically jumped out of her spot.
“Fuck Xavier you scared me. Wait… Wh- where’s Reid?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he left to look for you.”
“I never saw him.”
Lottie began to scream and call for her missing boyfriend and without a second thought went straight for the forest like an idiot.
“Lottie fuck come back!” Ellie yelled out. It wasn’t long before she was running right back to you though. A blood curdling scream dampening any sounds of nature and sending a parade of chills up everyone’s backs.
“IT’S REID Y/N! IT’S REID! HE- HE- HE’S DEAD!” Lottie collapsed into your arms dry heaving from the overwhelming amount of tears, pain, and betrayal. “IT WAS YOU! IT WAS FUCKING YOU XAVIER!” You and Ellie worked to hold her back as he denied every claim.
“Lottie you’re acting fucking crazy! I didn’t do shit!”
“Even if you didn’t, you're not helping! But to me, it looks like you have guilty written all over you!” Ellie spat back.
“Fuck you guys! This isn’t fucking funny! I didn’t do it! Please, is this some kind of-” His words were cut short along with his head by the swing of a large machete right through his neck, sending a spray of fresh blood into the air and across your face. It took a solid 15 seconds before any of you could even let out a scream, but when you did, it was pure terror.  
“RUN! JUST RUN!” you yelled. Ellie grabbed your wrist in one hand and Lottie’s in the other, sprinting away with little discretion. A hooded figure trailed close behind, dirt and rocks flying into the air upon each kick of their sneakers. Air caught in your lungs with no release, all you could do was put one foot in front of the other which was a struggle in itself.
Lottie got brave though and took one single look behind her following immediate regret. A rock caught her pink converse just right, throwing her across the dirty ground and setting her feet back from the rest. And as this hooded figure caught up, the moon casting its light through the trees and across his face, it all began to make sense.
Lottie struggled backwards through the dirt with a scream, “IT’S AUGUST! IT’S FUCKING AUGUST!” Ellie halted in an attempt to pull the fallen girl back up and running but she was frozen in disbelief, in horror, in complete and utter fear. There was no choice but to leave her there and as the both of you turned to run, all you needed to hear was her earth shattering shriek to know exactly what happened.
Tears streamed down your face, “Els, Ellie I- I can’t.”
“Yes you can. Just keep running baby please.” And you did for another couple feet until fate had other plans. A hunting trap violently swept you up into a tree, encasing you in a thick net. 
“ELLIE HELP!” you screamed. She pulled and pulled at the rope creating lacerations across her palms and fingers but to no avail. 
“Do you trust me Y/n?” 
Through tears and strings of snot you shook your head, “Yes Ellie, I trust you.” Your girlfriend then took off, leaving you dangling in the air with no protection. It was just you and August now. And with a single swipe of his weapon you tumbled to the ground, twisting your ankle at the fall.
He gave a sinister smile, “hello sister.” You scrambled in the opposite direction, hands grasping at the soil below but never getting far with your limp foot. 
“August please. You don’t have to do this. It’s me! It’s Y/n!”
“STOP IT! You’re not gonna change my mind about this. I’ve waited long enough!” Your heart beats from your chest. What the fuck were you going to do to survive this?
“We’re fucking family August! I’m your sister. You’re my little brother!”
“‘Family’, ‘little brother’,” he mocked, “you haven’t changed a bit.”
“Wha- what do you mean?”
“I’m not living in your shadow anymore Y/n. I’m done being the sidekick to you and all of your stupid friends!”
“They’re your friends too!”
He began inching closer and closer, “No they fucking aren’t! Friends don’t do what you guys did to me. Lying to the police, seriously? Acting like you had no idea what happened? I disappeared and none of you even gave a fuck till the cops started asking questions!”
“That’s not true August,” you broke down into tears once more, “I missed you every fucking day!”
“Clearly not enough.” He slowly lifted his arms, gripping the bloody machete with both hands. There was no escaping at this point. You just clenched your eye’s shut and braced for the end. 
“NOOO!” The sound of a gunshot rang through your ears and instead of the feeling of cold metal slicing through you, you were met with the warm embrace of your girlfriend. You broke.
“Ellie. Oh my god Ellie.”
“I’m right here baby. Never leaving. I promise.” She just held you and held you, rocking back and forth till your breaths got less shaky.
“A cabin. I found an empty cabin with a shotgun hanging right on the wall.”
“God, I love you.” Ellie smoothed back your hair and gave you a kiss.
“I love you too, angel.” 
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
After that night things were never the same. It was just you and Ellie now. But together you would heal. Somehow, despite all the pain and loss, there was a glimmer of hope. Deep down you both knew things would be okay. And they were.
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✄ - - - -   masterlist   - - - -   ♡
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
(taglist is for all callmelola111 works, if you'd like to be removed just kindly lmk)
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326 notes · View notes
sayakaskokofish · 11 months
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Hey! So while everyone is waiting for my Diluc X Reader one shot, I decided to make a small treat for you all 🩷 (I worked hard making it all pretty so I really hope you like it, and I'll try doing more stuff like this after the Diluc oneshot as it will look way different, as I have had it for a long while sitting in there sobs)
Characters selected!
➤ Nilou! 🌊💃🪷
➤ Tighnari! 🪴🦊🌱
➤ Kamisato Ayato! 🌊🧋🗡️
➤ Xiao! 🍃👹🍮
➤ Zhongli! 🪨🪙🍵
➤ Scaramouche/Wanderer! 🍃🫐👶
Content: Reader being a ballerina and them seeing the performance (because I've been obsessed with the black and white swan recently 🩷)
Readers gender/pronouns: Gender neutral, They/Them (but you are 100% free to place your own pronouns here as it is for readers!)🫧
Hope you enjoy! ღゝ◡╹)ノ
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Nilou!
"Hips don't lie - Shakira" // sped up ☆
02:10 ━━━━●───── 03:39
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🫧✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
• Nilou, being a dancer herself, was super excited! She loved seeing other people dance. It gave her full happiness when she saw you come up on stage wearing a pretty costume. She watched every second of the show in awe. Candace, Dehya, and Kevah who were sitting next to her could see stars in her eyes as she watched your performance.
• She couldn't help it! She was enchanted watching you dance every single time! Sure, she could dance well.. but watching you dance was so much better. Your movements, Costume, even the way your hair was made her light up as she watched you. She happily ate the small snacks Dehya has snuck in for the small group.
• After your performance ended, she went straight up to you, leaving the others behind as she hugged you tightly. She spewed only kind words as she told you how great you looked and how pretty your dance was. Afterwards, she helped massage your feet from dancing. Even as you both fell asleep, she couldn't help but think about your dancing. She was truly mesmerized.
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Next Up: Tighnari!
"Just a cloud away - Pharrell Williams" // sped up ☆
01:15 ━━━━●───── 02:56
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🌱‧₊˚𖦹 ࣪.𓋼𓍊 ☘️
• At first he didn't think he even had time to go see your performance. But after Collei had asked, he gave in and they went to go see it. He regrets nothing. Him and Collei were sitting a good distance away to where they could see you properly, and they were snacking on the overpriced snacks that the place had sold as they watched you.
• As Collei was watching, she had turned to look at Tighnari, looking to see if he was paying attention.. only to find his tail wagging back and forth in the chair. His eyes were entirely on the stage. She gave him a (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) look before looking back at the stage with a huge smile on her face.
• After the performance, Tighnari was holding Collei's hand as they walked to where you were resting, taking off your shoes. He had saw a small bruise on your foot and once the three of you got home, he praised your performance as he massaged your feet and aided the bruise, his tail still wagging.
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Continuing: Kamisato Ayato!
"Carless Whisper - George Michael" // sped up ☆
02:43 ━━━━●───── 05:01
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🌊.𖥔 ݁ ˖🧋₊ ⊹
• His sister had asked to go see one of your dances and while he was busy.. he was able to cram the rest of his work in two days so him, Ayaka, and Thoma could go see your performance. After getting in the good seats they had paid for, they watch the show. Ayaka had a huge smile on her face as she looked over to her brother who had a small smile on his face as he drank the boba he had snuck in inside his sleeves.
• When the performance had ended, they all went to go see you and afterwards, they spent the rest of the day going getting food and relaxing since he now had a few days of free time.
• He had decided that he would get you a custom costume and pair of shoes made for your next performances. Ayaka had helped him with it, finding accessories for you.
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Next Up: Xiao!
"I can't handle change - Roar" // sped up ☆
02:36 ━━━━●───── 03:18
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🍃* ೃ ༄
• He denied coming to your performance due to his duty to protect Liyue as it is in his contract, however.... If you looked hard enough, you'd see him in the back just watching. Amazed.
• As the performance hit the best part, Xiao was stuck there, watching with stars in his eyes. Even if his face didn't show it, he was glad he came and watched you. He would've regretted it, especially if he had saw the face of disappointment when you couldn't see him.
• After the performance, you were met with Xiao with a small Qingxin in hie hand. He shyly held it out to you before saying he liked your show, poofing into the greenish teal smoke and with that, he was gone. Only this time like the rest, his face was a bit pink.
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Zhongli!
"Two Slow dancers - Mitski" // sped up ☆
01:03 ━━●─────── 03:59
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🪙`∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° 📃 合約 🪨
• Zhongli is a big fan of performances and watching them, he always spent time watching Yunjin and some of the other traditional dancers perform so he was quite delighted to accept your invitation!
• Hutao has invited herself along since she haven't had any customers the whole day, the two of them had sat down and waited, Hutao had snuck food inside because both her and Zhongli aren't paying that much for the food they are selling (💀).
• They watched as you danced around gracefully, Hutao had thrown some of her snack at some people who wasn't paying attention in-front of them. And after the performance ended, Hutao shoved a Lily in your face with a big smile and Zhongli stood behind her, his hand about to grab her pigtail as he complemented the preformance.
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 Listening to: Scaramouche/Wanderer(hoe)!
"They're only humans - death note: the musical" (the English version) // sped up ☆
01:55 ━━━━●───── 02:38
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🎐🍃 ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ 🫐⚡
• He said that it sounded stupid as d that he wasn't going to go. That was 3 hours ago, Nahida told him to go anyways, because even if he didn't like it, him going would make you happy. He said hell no and left.
• Now he's sitting on a bench with Nahida beside him as every was talking, waiting for the preformance to start (it wasn't really anything big, just a small outside performance for people to sit and watch) as he crossed his arms, slumped. He was cursing the small archon beside him who had to get a few cusions to even see, which he laughed at.
• Nahida had looked over to her side as the preformance was going on, she was met with Wanderer/Scaramouche with a tear rolling down his eye. Throughout the whole preformance, he could only think about the story his deceased friend had told him which he had called stupid. The nutcracker and ballerina. In that very seat, he felt like the nutcracker and he hated how he felt, but he couldn't resist watching you dance beautifully.
• After the preformance, Nahida and Scaramouche were holding hands (much to his dismay and embarrassment) as they walked to where you were sitting, massaging your feet. Scaramouche's eyes were slightly red but after whispering to Nahida she had told you that he liked the preformance, to which he denied, his face as red as his eyes.
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Hello! I hope you liked this treat. And no, scaramouche didn't get favoritism 😭 was just able to write more for him, plus my emoticon website thing stopped working for me 😭 (so him and Zhongli are kinda half-assed with that small part) I'm getting used to having something that looks so pretty (in my eyes at least) so please bare with me, requests are open ❤️ Diluc oneshot may be a bit delayed however. Also, for requests, feel free to request a song (not a songfic) or have me give you one for the character(s) 🫧💗
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91 notes · View notes
websterss · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Being a ghost was bad enough as it was, but being a ghost who couldn’t hear music, now that was the icing on the cake for the reader.
WARNING(S): Angst, fluff, Caleb being a creep ghost
PAIRING: Luke Patterson x fem!Reader 
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! ♡ Feedback is always welcomed!
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You knew it was a bad idea to tag along with the guys the minute you stepped into the Ghost Club. The place looked high-end, and you suddenly felt out of place and overdressed in your Converse.
“You guys seeing what I’m seeing?” Alex pointed out. Everyone dressed to the nines. “I think we’re a little overdressed.” Luke popped his jean jacket.
“A little…” You scoffed. You followed them down the stairs. Once you reached the bottom you all stood next to Willie watching the scenery in front of you. Just as you were about to comment a couple walked through Alex and Willie laughing about something. “Yeah okay, I’m wearing ripped jeans with fishnets, that woman is wearing jewels…and is that a designer dress?” You gasped as the woman who passed by you and the boys.
“Woah I thought these people were all going to be ghosts?” Reggie motioned to them. 
“Yeah…hence the name ghost club?” You questioned.
“These are all lifers.” Willie smiled.
“Oh uh, lifers are actually-” Alex was cut off.
“-Alive people, I was listening.” Reggie smirked.
“But this is a very exclusive crowd. Everybody here has…paid a lot to get a sneak peek of the afterlife.” Willie smirked at you emphasizing on the last part.
“I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this.” Reggie whispered. 
“Yeah no kidding.” You eyed a couple a few feet ahead of you.
“Gentlemen, Madame. I have a table for you, right this way.” A man in a white tailored suit popped out of nowhere suddenly guiding you over to your table. You didn’t find it comforting that they were expecting you.
You all sat at the table, the man pulling out your seat next to Luke’s, to which he stopped and eyed him. You politely thanked him and sat down. You looked over seeing Luke shake his head. “Be nice, he just pulled out my chair.” You nudge his side smiling at your boyfriend. He only nodded okay.
“Oh yeah, thanks man!” Willie said as the man took the name card.
“So who’s gonna make us visible so we can confront our old bandmate?” Luke suddenly asked, wanting to get over with what he came for.
“Oh, no no, none of these lifer’s have the power to do that…Oh but here comes the ghost who does!” He exclaimed as the light began to dim.
“Ladies and gentlemen, back from the dead by popular demand. Please welcome…Caleb Covington!” Someone over the intercom announced. The party of guest cheering and hollering. Then like magic. A man poofed out of nowhere. Floating high above the stage. He certainly knew how to make an entrance. You were starting to feel uncomfortable.
Sitting at your table wasn’t the real reason you hated being there. It was the fact that you noticed a band set up on stage, which caused you to freeze up and stiffen up. Now you were really regretting coming with the guys.
“I um…I think I’m just gonna…you know, head to the school dance.” You stammered nervously as you tried getting out of your seat quickly.
Luke frowned as he grabbed a hold of your hand.
“We just got here. What’s the rush?” A smile made its way onto Luke’s face. 
“I just uh-” You stammered as the guy began talking.
“Did you miss me?”
A series of ‘oh yeahs’ and ‘yes’s’ went about the room.
“I did too. Welcome to the party of your dreams.” Caleb spoke slowly, lowering down to the ground. “From the Egyptians to the Druids. To the person sitting next to you. We’ve all wondered where do we go…when that final light is snuffed out. Allow me to show you…” You noticed some people sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for some sort of anticipation.
“Let me introduce myself. We got some time to kill. Consider me the pearly gates to your new favourite thrills. We could go make history or you could rest in peace, but here there ain’t no misery…‘Cause on the other side we live like kings.” You shrunk down in your chair noticing many people were bobbing and moving their heads. He was singing, and you couldn’t even hear it.
“Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Let your body loose, let your body loose.” Out of the corner of your eye you watched as Luke began to tap his fist on the table. The boys also began to groove to whatever beat was playing. “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Show you a thing or two…'Cause you ain’t seen nothing…”
“Life is good on the other side of Hollywood.” Caleb threw his cape back causing his dancers to suddenly appear out of nowhere. This excited the crowd. “Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. So welcome to the brotherhood. Where you won’t be misunderstood. Life is good on the other side of Hollywood.” The boys began laughing making you want to cry. They forgot that you couldn’t even hear, which made you feel left out.
“Everything has got a price but happiness is free. Just so happens, you’re in luck. We’ve got a vacancy.” Caleb’s servers danced around the table showing off the delicious deserts on the silver trays they were carrying. “We can set the night on fire and break out of the scene. Your soul print on the walk of fame. On the boulevard of your wildest dreams.” Willie had directed you and Alex’s attention back onto the center of the table.
“Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys? Let your body loose, let your body loose. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys?” Caleb had pinched the table cloth and swirled it around until a girl in a pink two piece was suddenly dancing on it. Shaking her hips around catching the attention of the guys. Luke’s eyes lingered on her savvy and sexual moves. Your lips turned downward as you watched your boyfriend be engraved by this woman. You had no idea what was happening, and you weren’t appreciating her visible undergarments. She fell to her knees twirling her head in circles, then extended her leg out almost kicking Reggie in the face, but Caleb’s hand stopped her leg.
“It ain’t bragging if it’s true. Now you ain’t seen nothing. Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. So welcome to the brotherhood. Where you won’t be misunderstood. Life is good on the other side of Hollywood.” The crowd seemed to be cheering to a pit of nothing. You could only hear the squeaks and clinks of heels and shoes stomping, but other than that. They were only dancing to you. No music following.
“The rain don’t blind the rising souls. They got too much to see. I got your glamour, got your gold. Got all you’ll ever need. Let me hear you now. Yeah…” Caleb put his hands together making everyone copy him. The boys clapped and bounced in their seats as you sat motionless and still.
“The rain don’t blind the rising souls. They got too much to see. I got your glamour, got your gold. Got all you’ll ever need.” The crowd and dancers echoed him.
“Yeah I said watch me make a move, watch me make a move, boys.” 
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
“I said watch me make a move, no, I don’t disappoint.” 
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
“Amen! Watch me make a move, I’m ya number one choice.” “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?”
“Watch me make a move. Come one and give me that noise. A tomb with a view. Ain’t it something?” Caleb gestured over to a girl dangling from a hoop attached to the ceiling. Reggie was so mesmerized he stood up but Luke pulled him back down into his chair. “Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. So welcome to the brotherhood. Where you won’t be misunderstood. Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. So welcome to the brotherhood. Where you won’t be misunderstood. Life is good on the other side of Hollywood. Ain’t it the best? Long live the dead!”
“Ba Bye.” Caleb’s two dancers shimmied a black sheet in front of him then swiped it down and he was gone. The boys and everyone else stood up and clapped as the dancers and staff bowed and thanked the crowd. A pretty girl smiling at Reggie as she walked past him. You remained seated. The boys not noticing your glum state.
“This is so cool.” Reggie gaped at the people around him.
“Dude I knew I recognized him. He’s the guy that bumped into me outside of the Orpheum.” Alex told you.
“Wait isn’t he that magician dude that died a horrible death due to one of his tricks?”
“Yeah I wouldn’t really bring that up when we meet him.” Alex stuffed his hands into his jean pockets.
“Yeah but you guys should come back when he shows one of his movies. For Titanic he literally floods the entire place. I mean the guy has got skills.” Willie exclaimed.
“Does he now.” You rolled your eyes crossing your arms over your chest. “I bet the guests love that huh?”
“Alright b-but he can just wave his arms and make ghosts visible to lifers?” Luke sat on the table asking Willie. His stutter made an appearance.
“Told you, guy’s got skills.” Willie smirked.
“So where’d he go?” Reggie shrugged his shoulders looking back over to the stage. He turned around then flinched. “Oh wow, found him!” He nervously chuckled. Luke and Alex stood up straighter, but you remained seated as he stood behind you.
“Hello boys…and girl.” He smiled down at you as you looked up. “Caleb Covington. Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club. Enjoying the show?”
So this was the guy Willie was making a big deal about, you thought.
The dude was dressed in all purple adorned with black slacks and shoes, not too mention the added sequence material and colorful bead patterns to make his and his dancers outfits pop out. Something you couldn’t even imagine yourself being caught dead in, no pun intended. “You don’t...that was...I mean...did you...like what?” Luke stammered over his words. He was amazed and impressed by the show. You scoffed as you were amused by his boyish like nature. 
“I know.” Caleb chuckled at Luke.
“Y/n, can you believe this?” Luke exclaimed.
“Yeah wow.” You deadpanned, feeling disinterested in the man standing before you and the guys.
“Uh this is Alex, Luke, Y/n, and Reggie.” Willie introduced you guys. 
“It’s uh, really nice to meet you.” Alex spoke first.
“Sup.” Reggie threw the man a piece sign.
“The pleasure is mine. Nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic with new friends.” Caleb smiled sweetly at you all. “Please sit, sit.”
“Thank you for the invite.” Alex thanked the man.
“Of course, or course. Now my friend Willie tells me that you boys have some magic of your own.” Caleb directly at Alex.
You bit back a laugh of your own as Alex’s mouth hung down in surprise.
“Well Willie and I…I mean I wouldn’t really call it magic…b-but I mean.” Alex blushed and giggled like a school girl.
“Oh no no, he means your ghost abilities.” Willie giggled at the blonde. “You know…like to be seen by everybody when you play with Julie.”
You, Luke, and Reggie, watching this whole thing unfold before you with mouths agape. “No totally. Right! No cause when you said it…I was like, is that what he said?” Alex’s voice went high in pitch. Caleb stuck his hand out to say it was all good.
“Wow dude.” You said out loud.
“Yeah, but we can’t really wave our arms, and do all this…magic stuff.” Luke butt into the conversation to save Alex from embarrassment.
“Well, I’ve had some practice. Our gifts are so rare and so special. It’s not often I come across other spirits who possessive similar talents. It’s no surprise we found each other.” 
“Yeah…definitely.” Luke nodded his head.
“If you’ll forgive me fellas, I’ve got to go pay the bills, you know what I’m sayin,” Caleb smirked. “I’ll be back later to chat.”
You all watched as he got up and walked over to a woman in a beautiful red gown. “My darling where have you been, my god look at that dress.” You heard him exclaim to the woman.
“I love that dude!” Reggie pointed at him. “Please tell me this party is never going to end.” 
“Please tell me it will.” You sighed slouching into your chair. Luke looked at you, biting his lower lip. He leaned over trapping you to the chair.
“What if I made it worth your while, would you stay then?” Luke pressed his head against yours. You looked into his eyes that seemed to look blue this time, and pushed him back into his own chair.
“Seriously. You’re thinking about sex right now.” You scoffed crossing your arms over your chest. “Could you be even more of a guy thinking only with his pants.”
“You okay?”
“I just need a minute. Alone please.” You looked up at him.
“Yeah okay, we can do that.” He sighed and hit Reggie on the arm. “Let’s go mingle.” Then they both got up leaving you with Willie and Alex. You threw them a weary smile and tried not to listen to their conversation.
“That was one crazy show! So I’m guessing all these lifer’s are like sworn to secrecy or something?”
“Or something…” Willie trailed off. “Yeah let’s just say Caleb offered everyone here with their membership. The opportunity to experience this,” Willie gestured to the whole club. “For eternity…and they’ve all happily accepted.”
“And all these ghosts they just wanna like, party forever and never cross over?”
“I mean yeah man, why would you want to cross over, when you can just…hang out and you know…do this.” Willie’s voice softened as he looked at Alex. “Forever.”
Both of them stared at each other with unreadable expressions, but the lingering stares were a dead giveaway. Luke had looked over his shoulder to catch the two guys shying and blushing at each other.
“There’s a lot to um…like here.” With that Willie got up and left the table. Luke smiled and rushed over. Startling you from zoning out for a bit.
“Oh, you got a crush on Willie.” He exclaimed. “What no, no, nah man no, we were just ya know-” 
“Alex…I’m happy for you!”
“You guys are not going to believe this…but someone just told me they just added this character named Jar Jar, what’s a Jar Jar?”
“I take it you four are enjoying yourselves.” You all turned to Caleb who walked up to your table. “Yeah I mean, you’d have to be insane to have a bad time here.”
“Guess I’m insane!” You replied sarcastically.
“Well entertainment is our specialty. Now I understand that there is something I can help you with?”
“We hope so.” Reggie grew serious. ”There’s an old buddy of ours that ripped us off, big time, and we want to make things right.”
“Yeah we want to look at him in the eyes and make him admit what he did to us.” Luke followed. “Yeah so if you could make us visible that would be perfect.”
“Well sure I can do that, but we’re at a party. Why focus on those who have wronged us when we’re among friends. Now I understand that the three of you are talented musicians? I doubt your dream is to settle a score…”
“Four actually, but who’s keeping track of the girl who plays a tambourine. Julie was chosen as the singer…I sing too, but ya know…things happen, we all die at some point right!” You laughed bitterly. The boys all looked at you as if you lost your marbles.
Caleb looked at the boys. “No your dreams are bigger than that. In fact you’re like me. Born to perform your music in front of sold out crowds.” Caleb snapped his fingers and a chair was brought to him. “Please sit.”
The boys sat in their chairs again and listened up.
“What if I were to tell you that with a wave of my hand you could share the spotlight with me and join my house band?”
“W-We already have a band.” Luke laughed.
“Yes! Yes, but when you’re done performing you disappear. You cease to exist.” The boy’s smile went away. “No bows, no, no soaking up the applause. No real connection with the audience. Yet, here the audience knows what you are and more importantly they know how special you are.”
“Well…it could be cool to play here.” Luke smiled.
“Oh no it’s not just here. We party like this all over the world. Tonight Hollywood, tomorrow Paris.” Caleb gestured widely.
“Oh la la.” Reggie felt like he was in a trance of big hopes and dreams. 
“It is all of your dreams come true, forever.”
“Forever seems to be like a big deal around here, huh?” You asked out of the blue. Caleb spared you a look, his smile faltering a bit which you caught on to.
All three of them remained quiet. It was a tempting offer you had to give him that.
“I’ll give you some time to think about it.” He got up from his chair. “Oh, by the way, make sure to try the sliders, they’re to die for.”
“We can eat?” Reggie questioned.
“Did he say food?” You furrowed your brows. After dying from eating those hotdogs you weren’t sure you wanted to eat again.
“Here you can!” Caleb snapped his fingers and walked away.
Servers gathered around and placed three plates topped with hamburgers, pizza and meatball subs. Along with smaller plates to serve yourselves with, but you had a feeling they weren’t going to be needed.
“Oh yeah…” Luke reached forward but Alex stopped him.
“Wait!” You thought he was going to warn them about getting food poisoning again but you were wrong. “I want the one without cheese.”
You watched as they began stuffing their faces like animals. Saying incoherent things you could barely understand.
“This is a meatball sub…oh my god!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots...” You placed your chin in the palm of your hand.
You just wanted to get out of here already. You all had to be at Julie’s school to perform. “Guy’s Julie?”
You rolled your eyes as they continued to eat and eat and eat. Bite after bite. More plates being brought over my Caleb’s waiters. You were sure that their stomachs would explode from the amount of food they were intaking. Yet with their physiques food is all they needed to keep them going. At some point Willie joined the four of you, he too was amused by the boys’ eating habits, and proclamation of their undying love for the food in front of them.
“Oh pizza man I missed you!” Luke exclaimed as he bit into the pizza.
“Reggie are you kissing that meatball sub?” Alex stopped eating to watch his bandmate. You too gave him an odd look.
“It’s what you do with the things you love.” Reggie stated his claim and argued.
“Luke tends to be lacking in that department today.” You joked then looked up at the boy whose smile faltered as you said that. You quickly diverted your gaze away from your boyfriend.
“I take it you’re all enjoying the feast?” Caleb appeared on stage again. “So many delicious sites, so many tantalizing sounds, but your eyes still hunger for more. Something sweet.” He smiled. “Something savory. How many newcomers do we have in the club tonight.” You and the boys raised your hands along with some others in the room tonight. Fits of hoots and hollers went around the room. “Ladies let’s show our guests how we do desert. Uh one, two, three, four.”
Then the music began again. You watched as the dancers all got up and made their way to the center of the ballroom. You wanted to leave more than ever now.
“Watch me make a move, watch me make a move, yeah!” Watcha’ gonna do, watcha’ gonna do? I say watch me make a move, watch me make a move, oohh. Watcha’ gonna do, watcha’ gonna do?” Caleb’s voice rang out. “I-I think I’m gonna go.” You stood up this time.
“W-What?” Luke quickly swallowed his food, trying to find something to wipe his hands. A server quickly came out of nowhere to hand him a napkin. “Thank you.” He quickly said. “Y/n hold up.” Luke ran after you catching your arm. He smiled gently as you turned around.
“I’m sorry.” You frowned. Luke frowned as you removed his grip on your arm. 
“What’s wrong.” He tilted his head to catch your eye.
“Why’d you let me come here, Luke?” You grew sad watching as other guests danced around. “I’m not even having fun.” You let your arms fall to your sides. You sighed in defeat.
“L-Look I know…I know that you don’t want to be here. I get it okay.” He smiled gently tilting his head.
“Do you?” You scoffed. “You don’t even know the half of it, Luke. You don’t know what it’s like to have music be ripped away from you. To not even be able to dance to it anymore…you don’t know. I can’t feel it, I can’t play it anymore…I can’t hear it, Luke!” You cried out your frustrations. You closed your eyes shut, shaking your head.
“Y/n please.” Luke whispered.
“No!” You cried. “I’m going to the dance like we promised Julie we would be, don’t wait up. Just don’t forget to show up. I’d hate to see her upset because you forgot.” You frowned. “Wouldn’t be the first time you forgot something important…” You spared him a glance.
“Really, you had to go there.” Luke scoffed. With that you walked away.
Luke averted his gaze and clenched his jaw. He watched you walk away to the stairs. His gaze on you lingered, not waiting to leave things like this but he slowly went back to his table. He knew you just needed time to cool off.
You stopped at the bottom of the stairs and shook your head. Gazing at everyone having a good time. Then turned back around only to almost run into Caleb, who came out of nowhere. “Leaving so soon?” He smirked. He noticed your somber expression. “Not having fun my dear?” 
“Something like that.” You chuckled nervously rocking on your feet. “Look it was nice of you to invite us Mr. Covington, but I’m not much of a party person so…” You tried walking past him, but he gently caught your hand.
“What seems to be the trouble?” Caleb gave you a once-over. Noticing that not a single part of your body was moving to the band playing a soft melody. You had almost no reaction to it. 
“You wouldn’t understand.” You shook your head.
“Indulge me.” He grew curious.
You looked at him, then back at Luke and the guys, then at the other guests sitting and dancing in their chairs. A look of hurt, and longing prominent on your face. You missed out on it all since you came back as a ghost.
“This wouldn’t happen to do with your lack of dancing my little dove?” Caleb brought your attention back onto him. “You’ve lost something, haven’t you? Something special to you.” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes now.
“How’d you-”
“I can recognize a broken wing from anywhere.” He smiled. “Now what is it my little dove. I’ll have it fixed right away. That is why you all came here today, am I correct.” You nodded. “Is it a broken heart?” You looked away and caught Luke in the corner of your eye. “Is it boy problems cause honey any man would be stupid not to notice you.” Caleb snapped his fingers making you laugh.
“No uh…” You laughed away your tears. “I-I can’t hear music. I think it might have something to do with how I died, but I can’t be sure.” You muttered. “Hence the lack of dancing.” You shrugged looking down at yourself.
“Oh well say no more my dove, I can fix that.” Caleb snapped his fingers and suddenly you felt something within you. A fifth sense coming back to you. You stumbled back once you heard the smooth drag of a saxophone. Your eyes widened as your ears perked up and focused on the sounds you were missing out on.
“How’d you-I can hear!” You gasped excitedly looking at everyone and understanding why they were moving. “I can hear!” You laughed crying tears of joy. You cupped your mouth laughing. Caleb smiled watching you react.
“Beautiful isn’t it…You’ll thank me later. Go on now. Live a little. Dance it is a party after all!” He exclaimed. Caleb snapped his fingers bringing on the attention of one of his dancers. A girl with an orange number showed up on your left and hooked her arm around yours guiding you to the center of the room where the group number was about to get into the chorus. Caleb smirked as he watched you walk away. His plan was set in motion.
You laughed feeling what everyone had been going crazy about. The beat was a stranger to your body. You smiled walking past the boys still seated at the reserved table. Luke’s eyes widening as you suddenly came back and began dancing to the music. A new form of glow taking over your once sad demeanor.
“I say watch me make a move, watch me make a move, yeahh. Watcha’ gonna do, watcha’ gonna do? Watch me make a move, best you ever knew! “Life is good on the other side of Hollywood.”
You began dancing alongside the girl who brought you to the center of the dance floor. Matching the moves of all those around you. It wasn’t long before Willie joined in and danced alongside with you. The boys were shocked seeing you suddenly have your energy back. It was like you were alive.
Caleb came around smiling and singing around the people. He ended up beside you at one point, touching your shoulder. Then you started busting out twirls and kicks you didn’t even know you could do. You were letting your body get loose. Your head twirling to the beat of the drums. The music taking over and allowing you to dance like you had never been able to before. A beautiful smile taking over your face. This was the first time in a long time that you felt free. The crowd broke out some dancing on their own and others with partners. You had been dancing alone, not giving a care in the world. Luke noticed from where he danced, and went to take a step towards you, but the girl who had danced on their table came around. Spinning around Luke, then swaying her hips in front of Reggie. His eyes now of her body movements. Caleb’s plan was working, keeping Luke occupied by pretty girls, and giving you the ability to hear music. A plan that was slowly working indeed.
Luke had tried again, but was stopped by one of the twins turning him around to face her. He smiled at her and danced as her partner. You remained entranced. Too caught up in the music to worry about the dance you missed. To worry about the boys missing the school dance to perform. In fact you weren’t thinking about any of that. Caleb deemed it unnecessary so he made you forget for the hours that seem to pass by in a blink of an eye.
You spun and waved your arms in the air. You felt like you were on cloud nine with the world. Your eyes glossed over by Caleb’s spell, a hint of purple taking over your irises. Caleb was this close to getting you to join. You surely couldn’t refuse his offer…he did after all give you your ability to hear music back.
Reggie and Luke laughed with joy as they continued being swept off their feet by the dancing twins. Upon hearing the clock chime. Luke looked up reading the time that had to be mistaken. The hand showed that it was now midnight, but that couldn’t be because he and the boys had to be at Julie’s dance by…
“Twelve!” Luke yelped. “H-How did that happen.” Luke stammered as one of the twins brought his attention back on to her. Yet he nervously laughed as he pushed her away. “I-I’m sorry.” He kept looking at the clock. Then patted Reggie’s shoulder. “Dude!” Reggie only then brushed him off focusing back on the girl in front of him. “Dude, dude, we lost track of time-”
“Not right now man!” Reggie exclaimed as he continued swaying with the other twin. Luke frowned then sighed.
“Reggie!” He wrapped his arms around Reggie’s waist and picked him up, and away from the girl. Much to Reggie’s protest, he did not want to be lifted by Luke.
“Okay what the-”
“We were supposed to be at Julie’s school at nine.”
“Oh shoot that’s right…uh maybe we can still make it. Where’s Alex?” Reggie finally realized just how late they really were. “Ale-”
“Up here!” Both of them looked up to see Alex dangling from the hoop that was hooked to the ceiling.
“We forgot-”
“-Julie I know. This place is…one sec.” Alex tried swiveling around to face the boys. “This place is some kind of time warp.”
“Move down here bro we gotta get going!” Luke hurried him. “We are so dead!” He ran a hand through his hair.
“Hey where’d Y/n go?” Reggie started looking around the club for you.
“Crap I was too busy dancing I lost track of where she went. Y/N!” He shouted into the crowd looking for you. Luke turned around frantically then caught sight of you once someone moved from being in front of you.
“There!” Reggie pointed out to Luke, who then took off in your direction.
Once he reached you it was like his voice was drowned out by the music taking over you. “Y/n, hey baby?” Luke looked at you with worry when you kept ignoring him. “Y/n!” He cupped your face rubbing the pads of his fingers across your skin. Once he stopped your head from bobbing to the music to have you look at him. His eyes widened in shock as he watched your y/e/c irises gloss over with a purple hue to them. They weren’t supposed to be that color. “Y/n…Reggie what’s happening to her?” He muttered trying to shake you from whatever was causing you to be like this.
“I don’t know.” Reggie brought his hands together and nervously fiddled with his hands as he watched you continue dancing to the music.
Almost like a pull. Your eyes turned back to their original color, suddenly blinking multiple times. You gasped as you stumbled forward. Luke right there to catch you. You looked around not understanding where you were. You were in the midst of talking to Caleb then everything was a blur afterwards. The music you were once hearing went away in an instant the minute you woke up from the spell.
Your eyes followed the arms that held you up, up to the hazel eyes you fell in love with.
“L-Luke?” You shook your head. Your eyes began shedding tears as you brought your palms up to your ears. “Why can’t I….I can’t hear Luke, why can’t I-”
“-Hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re okay now.” He smiled, you were fine before you all arrived, but being able to hear music all of a sudden was not a coincidence. He was sure but uncertain if Caleb had done something to you. He cupped your face again. “We can talk about it later okay, we have to go though. We missed the dance.”
You looked at him in shock. “What? Missed the dance? But we weren’t here that long…we just-” You cut yourself off as you glanced at the gigantic clock that read midnight. “Twelve!” You exclaimed. “Julie…oh god!” You frowned feeling guilty.
“Come on!” Luke tugged your hand leading you and the boys to the entrance only to be stopped by Caleb. You all halted to a stop in front of the man who appeared before you. Luke gripped your hand tighter hiding you behind him protectively.
“Guys what’s the rush, the party is just getting started, and you have an eternity after all.” 
“You know that girl who can see us, we sort of bailed on her. See there’s this dance at her school tonight and she’s got this friend Flynn who’s a super cool Dj.” Reggie placed a hand on his ear, and then used his other to demonstrate Flynn spinning a record.
“I don’t think he has an eternity to hear this story.” Alex butt in.
“Basically we’re late for a gig.” Luke cleared everything up. You shied away from Caleb’s stare, only being able to look at you and Luke’s intertwined hands.
“But what about my offer?”
“It’s very cool of you Mr. Covington, but like I said we already have-” 
“A band of your own, I understand.”
“Okay.” Luke smiled up at him.
All four of you took a step forward but were stopped by Caleb again.
“Oh boys…if you ever want to come back and fix that little problem with your friend. The Hollywood Ghost Club is always open.”
“Yeah man we’d love to come back.” Luke admitted. You only squeezed his hand tighter. “Ahh…music to my ears.” Caleb looked at you as he said that. He reached a hand out and shook hands with Luke who had to let go of your hand. A hissing sound could be heard. As he shook Alex and Reggie’s next. A purple stamp now on their wrist.
Why didn’t he shake your hand?
“Oh it’s just a little club stamp.” Caleb was quick to reassure. 
“Cool!” Reggie smiled.
“Why don’t I get one…” You muttered under your breath, yet somehow Caleb caught your words.
“Until next time.”
“Piece.” Luke smiled then threw him a hang ten sign with his pinky and thumb.
“See you around.” Reggie mocked Caleb’s smile and chuckle which caused Alex to hit him. 
“What? That’s what he just did.” Reggie complained as he walked off like Luke did.
Alex and you were left standing in front of him. Alex nervously smiled at the man. “Um uh if Willie asks, uh not that he would, but if he does will you let him know that I was looking for him?” Caleb glanced at the shy kid before him. His evil demeanor went away for Alex. He felt for the kid with a crush. He would be sure to tell Willie amongst other things too. You all didn’t need to know what he’d tell Willie though.
Alex smiled. “Thanks.” Then walked out after Reggie and Luke. Caleb watched him walk away. Caleb’s eyes then slowly turned to you who stood waiting expectantly with your wrist out. You smiled nervously.
“Can I have a stamp, or is it a guy thing?” You joked. 
“I have something better for you my little dove.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Come closer.” He motioned with his index and middle finger. You took a step closer. “Closer…” You sighed and took another step closer. “Perfect.”
“What am I getting?”
“This.” He lifted your hand up and pressed his lips on top of your hand. His eyes not breaking contact with yours. Your eyes glossing over with his spell again. You were frozen to the touch of his lips on your hand. The spell ran through your left arm and found its place right on your soul. “Now we have an eternity together, right my little dove?” You nodded under the trance. “You can have anything you want. Money, fame…the ability to hear music.” You whimpered at the thought. “You want to hear music again right?” Caleb leaned in and whispered in your ear. “Well, you need to do as I say okay.” Then he leaned in and started whispering his plan to get the boys to join his club. Once he was done, he smiled caressing one side of your face. “Alright thank you my dear, you’re free to go.” He let go of your hand and watched as your eyes went back to their original color, yet the spell was still intact with your soul. He did however put a fake stamp on you just for show.
You smiled thinking he gave you one like the boys.
“Thanks for the stamp!” You waved goodbye then walked out the entrance where they waited for you. Luke pushed himself off the wall as you approached him.
“Where were you? We have to go!” He brought you closer to him by the waist. “He gave me a stamp.” You showed off your wrist.
“Cool, can we go before we’re late?” Luke pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“We are late.” You pointed out.
“You know what I mean…let’s go.” Luke grabbed your hand and all four of you poofed to the school.
Back inside Willie approached Caleb with caution.
“Um…Caleb.” Caleb turned to the boy. “You never said you were gonna use your stamp, you know what that’ll do to them?”
“Of course I do William, but they’re too powerful. I need them working for me. Now they’ll have no option but to accept my invitation, especially after they find out what I did to their precious little dove.”
“Wait Y/n?” Willie furrowed his brows.
“Yes, she is the perfect type of leverage I need on the boys, especially Luke. He loves her too much, which is perfect for my plan. Plus she loves to dance, and I am more than capable of giving her all the music she wants to hear, but she loves Luke just as much…so I gave her something else to love.”
“You put a love spell on her.” Willie gasped.
“Oh don’t act so surprised William, I don’t prey on the young, she’s not my type.” Caleb scoffed at the accusation Willie thought. “Call it want you want…a love spell, it is sure, but it’s simply no more than a way to make her do as I say, which involves her getting the boys to agree to join the club.” Caleb smirk.
“But she’s with Luke.”
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
A Fire So Delightful (William Regal x Reader, Mob AU)
Summary: GUESS WHO FINALLY GOT OFF HER ASS AND WROTE SOMETHING FOR THIS AU BABY?! (*cough*) Anyway, you and William seek refuge from the winter storm in eachother's arms.
Warnings: Nothing, just fluff and sex implied at the end.
Enjoy <3
Your apartment was no place to be during days like this. With its cold cement walls and barely- functioning heating system you should have packed it up and been looking for a new place a long time ago. But it was cheap, and bought on your own money. Not bought by your parents. Not by an ex or Eric or by anyone else's blood money. It was your pride, but not necessarily your joy. It was a cell, but it was your cell.
And on frigid winter days like this you were reminded of that, alone, curled up on your couch in the thickest pajamas you owned, a mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table in front of you while you paid no real attention to the Late Show on the tv in front of you. Your radiator was doing its best, you even had the oven on with the door opened the oven for an hour, and it helped quite a bit.
It was late, almost eleven. Calling it a night and curling up in your bed was always an option, but you had a guest to wait for. You sat your mug on the table and changed the channel. There was never anything good on nights when you really needed a distraction.
And then it your distraction came. Three rythmic knocks on the door, his signal, interrupted your thoughts. You stood up, peeping out of the eye hole in the door. There he was, tall and handsome, a knight in a long tan coat with a plastic bag with a smiley face on it, wiping the slush of melting snow off his boots onto the doormat. You opened the door, taking him by the hand and ushering him inside.
"I'm sorry I'm so late." William said as he locked the door behind him.
"It's fine." You took the bag and set it on the coffee table as he took off his boots and set them by the door, hanging up his coat. He looked gfine tonight, no limp to his step, no new scars on his face or blood in his hair to wash out. Just fine, in a sweater and plain jeans. You walked up to him, and he knew to lean down so you could take his face in your hands. His cheeks were rosy from the wind and his face felt cold, so were his hands as they touched yours.
Which meant you needed to help warm him up.
"Traffic, and you know, the storm and all..." he embraced you, arms round your waist pulling you to him, your arms went around his neck
"Is it that bad? I haven't looked outside in a bit, I'm sorry you had to drive in that baby-"
He hushed you with a quick kiss. "I'm fine, flower. I've dealt with Winters worse than this." He sounded tired too, which bothered you, but you knew it was a conversation for later
Or never.
"Are you sure? I'll make some more coco or- do you want to go to your place?"
"I wouldn't feel right bringing you back out into the cold. I'm fine, I promise. Though I think the take-out got cold on the way here..."
You pulled away from him, pouting as he motioned towards the living room. You sat down on the carpet and looked for something on the tv as he put the food on plates to reheat it in the microwave. "I bought more of that juice you like, it's in the fridge."
"Thank you." He set the plates down on the table when they were done then went back for a bottle of the juice you knew he like. He sat down on the other side.
"Thanks for buying dinner."
William shrugged as he opened the bottle, interested in the old movie playing on the tv even with the storm outside the antenna had yet to mess up, by some miracle. You dug in, fighting off the dejected feeling creeping up on you. You were worried about him, you were always worried about him. Again, you knew you'd get it out of him eventually, but tonight was not the night for hard conversations. Instead, you ate in mostly silence, occasionally talking about the weather, once or twice having him lean over to dab soy sauce from the corner of his mouth.
Once that was done, and the dishes put away, you sat with him on the floor, as close to the radiator as you could, until the movie you had found finished up and a yawn from you had him helping you to your feet, despite your protests.
You gently pushed him to your bedroom while you ducked into the bathroom to brush your teeth. You came back in, him adjusting the little stereo on your bedside table, in the sweatshirt you had bought him and simple boxers. He got off the bed, giving you a peck on the cheek as he went to the bathroom to brush his own teeth.
You sat and waited until he came back, letting him crawl under the covers first, then turned the lights off, crawling on top of him.
You laid comfortably, legs intertwined and arms around each other as you kissed, the only noise of the occasional car driving by and the soft jazz from your stereo. You moved a bit on top of him, just meaning to adjust yourself, but once you rubbed against him the shock that went through you refused to be denied. He held you tighter, groaning into your mouth as your hips moved against his, until he stopped.
"Y/N..." he murmured, pulling away to kiss your neck.
"I never promised to be good tonight Will. I'll stop though, if-."
"Don't stop, please."
You pressed a hand against his chest to help you sit up, straddling his lap. "I'll take good care of you then."
He nodded, you could see the trust in his blue eyes through the bit of street light you were given through your window. You reached into your bedside table, pulling out a condom.
"Let me keep you warm."
- fin-
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