#with them and the caption at the start ‘​diving into water to save your dad while your boyfriend watches’
inamindfarfaraway · 1 month
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In the first episode of Season Six, “Startouched”, a white-haired girl in her late teens has emerged from a body of water onto a beach lit by the sun, and seen her not-actually-dead father who she lost two years ago restored to complete life with a dark magic spell that demands blood be spilled. She’s distraught after the intense trauma of killing another member of her family. Her father made peace with passing on, but she selfishly couldn’t bear losing him and acted to keep his spirit tethered to the mortal world, hurting him in the process. She stands, then falls. Someone she loves dearly, the male former high mage of Katolis with brown hair who has repeatedly used dark magic but solemnly sworn off it, embraces her and she returns it. But then he abandons her. She is unbalanced, despairing, directionless and lost.
In the last episode of Season Six, “Stardust”, a white-haired girl in her late teens has emerged from a body of water onto a beach lit by the moon, and is about to see her not-actually-dead father who she lost two years ago restored to complete life with a primal magic spell that demands blood be spilled. She’s relieved after the intense catharsis of enabling other members of her family to die. They made peace with passing on, and she selflessly accepted losing both of them and acted to heal and free their tethered spirits. She falls, then stands. Someone she loves dearly, the male high mage of Katolis with brown hair who has repeatedly used dark magic but solemnly sworn off it, embraces her and she returns it. He will never abandon her. She is mature, hopeful, purposeful and found.
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jmeddows2 · 5 years
Purple Thunder (Roger Taylor Series) Part 7
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(present/old) Roger Taylor Series Notes:   Pretty much only dialogue. Sorry that this one is shite. A little a bomb at end. It’s really, really short. Only because the next chapter is going to be filled with much spicy drama sorry for mistakes, english is not my first language Warnings: mentions of cheating, cursing
Oh love. Love is all around. In the streets, in pictures, on Instagram. Of you course you couldn’t keep yourself from stalking her Instagram profile. Reviewing every single post that included Roger just in the slightest,  being very careful, trying to leave no evidence behind, which could be resulting in accidently liking a post. Every picture of husband and wife together, smiling and happy made you feel smaller. Guilty, but also jealous. It was still her who could call Roger her own. Refreshing her feed – a new post. A picture of Sarina and Roger all snuggled up. The caption? Her stating how much she missed him while she was gone, confessing her undying love for him with a quote. It made you feel sick. The thought that you just had to accept it how it was. The longer you stared at the picture, analyzing all the scenarios that could have happened between them and probably still do, made the situation even worse. Just when you thought the situation couldn’t get any worse, the phone rang. Josh. “Hi baby, how’s it going? I miss you so much” he called from the other side of the world. “Hi Josh” “Is everything alright? You sound not too well” You couldn’t tell him the truth over the phone, could you? “Yeah… just miss you that’s all” …not entirely a lie. “I don’t really know if I can believe you” he said, clearly distracted by the sounds in the background. A clear indication that he was on their tour bus. “I get it if you don’t want to talk about it on the phone. But you can tell me in two days in person” “in two days?” shit “Yeah? Did you forget? You’re flying out to NYC for the last two weeks of tour!” “oh right. Of course, I know that” this time, it was a lie. How the fuck could you forget that? “So excited to hear what you’ve been doing while I was gone! Care to send me some demos of your new music? Or no!! I want to be with you when I first hear it. I can’t wait to be with you again, baby. Been so lonely without you” You didn’t say anything. You didn’t know what to say, or how to say anything without breaking down, confessing. It was so unfair to him. After everything you’ve been through together.  But you know what they say. All is fair in love and war. Even if it hurts sometimes. [inserts “Too much Love will Kill you] “I got to go” Josh broke the silence which felt like it lasted minutes when in reality it was just seconds. “We’re on our next stop now, I’ll keep texting you though and please call me once you landed safely. I love you, (Y/N)” “Bye Josh” 1 unread message from: *From: Ruf – Darkness* “ look outside your window x” Without hesitation, you went to the big window in your living room, looking out for Rufus. He was leaning with his back against the car,  that used to be Roger’s in the 80’s, which he also drove when you went to Roger’s house in Surrey. His blond hair was in a bun. When he spotted you, he waved, his phone by his ear. Yours rang. “Come on down, we’re going to have lunch together” he called through the phone with a smile on his lips. “Alright, give a few minutes” Throwing on the nearest clothes you could find, you rushed down to Rufus. “Hi lovie” he hugged you and opened the door to the passenger seat. “Hi, it’s been a while” you got in. So far, so good. “Cheeky Nando’s ok for you?” he laughed, starting the car and diving directly into the London traffic. “More than ok. How’ve you been? How’s Jess?” Silence in Rufus’ presence never used to be awkward, but this time you dreaded any kind of those moments.  “Same as always. My dad told me” What the actual f-. “I’m sorry, Rufus. I never meant to do that. I don’t know what’s gotten over me I- “ Rufus scrunched his nose and a weird grimace was plastered on his face. “Uhm? You’re sorry for making a sick album that’s going to push my band right down further down the charts? Well, I accept your apology. But only because it’s you” he placed his hand on his heart to make the moment as dramatic as he could. This was the first time you felt like having a heart attack and dying on the spot. Your heart was beating so loud, you could feel the blood thumping in your fingertips and your cheeks were burning. He didn’t know.  “Anyway, I already know what I want to have for lunch” he smiled to himself, putting his tongue between his teeth. You couldn’t deny the resemblance between Roger and him. And it made the situation even harder for you, keeping this big secret from him. “I’ll have a beer and the peri peri chicken, please. (Y/N)? What are you having? This one is on me” “Just a water, please” you smiled to the waitress as she scribbled down the order. “nothing to eat?” Rufus asked. “I’m not that hungry” Rufus gave you a look, he knew that this was asign that something was wrong. You never turned food from Nando’s down. EVER. “You can order something and take it home with you for later” his blue eyes were soft, almost encouraging you.  He always looked after you, even when you were piss drunk on tour. Even if Rufus was drunk himself, he wasstill  the one that made sure you made it back safe to your room. Almost like a brother. And now you were fucking his dad. FUCK “Ok. Uh’ll have the... Caesar salad” “Chicken on top?” the waitress asked. “No thanks” she went off to serve the next costumers. “so tell me what’s on your mind. Has anything happened?” Rufus took a sip from his beer, making a little beard of foam appear above his mouth. “I don’t know. It’s... really complicated.” “We’ve been through so much weird shit together, I’m sure you can’t surprise or shock me anymore” hah if he only knew. You reached forward to play with the cutlery that was already placed on the table. “We’re friends. I can keep a secret.” His look was so sincere, you wanted to pour all your heart out and tell him every little thing. Maybe he would understand. Maybe he would laugh. But there was also a possibiity he would freak out and want nothing to do with you anymore. “So…?” he asked, breaking the silence. “I’ve been cheating on Josh” you said, carefully choosing your words.  “ohhh with who?” he leaned forward like a little girl, that’s about to find out the latest school gossip. The waitress brought the food, saving you from answering that question. Rufus was quick to dig into his chicken, while you didn’t even touch your salad. “You didn’t answer my question. I’m curious. Who is the guy? Do I know him?” he asked with his mouth full of chicken. You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe dropping some hints would get him to figure it out by himself? Or he could be able to give you some advice? “ He’s much older than me.” “A sugar daddy?” “NO” it came out like a mixture of a squeal and scream. “alright, alright” he made a gesture for you to calm down. “ That’s the problem, Rufus. I really have feelings for him, but... he’s also married. But I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s the little gestures, you know. Every little thing he does…” you got lost in the sentence thinking about the night you spent with Roger. “ohhh I see... someone’s in looooove” he teased. “Really? That’s all you have to say?” “hey” he put his fork down. “ Sometimes you can’t change who you love. Of course, it’s bad that you both are cheating on your partners. You need get that sorted out. And so, does he if you want to continue this. It’s only fair to his wife and Josh. Or you need stop this affair, or whatever game you’re playing.” “ not a game! Definitely feelings, at least on my side. Coming clear sounds easier than it is.” You sighed, stirring the food on your plate, when a text made your phone vibrate. *From: Rog* “I miss you so much my love. Want to see you tonight.” You smiled at your phone. “is that him now?” you nodded, typing a quick reply: “miss you too, come over whenever you’re free 😊”  “ I’ve never been in your shoes before, but you know you can call me any time, right? I’ll try to help you out as much as I can. And I promise I won’t say a thing to Josh” “thank you, R- “ “BUT” he put his fork in the air. “I’m telling you again, you have to get this  triangle sorted out. He seems to make you quite happy, huh?” Rufus said, catching you read Roger’s text over again. “If you only knew, Ruf” you sighed. “Are you done?” the waitress asked, ready to collect the dishes. You both nodded. The drive home remained silent, except for some humming from Rufus. “Thank you, for lunch, you’re the best” you gave him quick hug. “No worries” he got into his car again, you watched him as he rolled his window down. “Also, thanks for listening and helping out, I really needed that” Rufus put his hand where the window would go up, his head peeked out of the window. “ I always try to help where I can” he smirked. “oh and by the way. I kn ow everything and  I told my dad the exact same thing” he winked, before leaving you behind in the parking lot. Dumbfounded. 
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acoffeewithfriends · 7 years
“Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me. . .” I often woke to the sound of beautiful hymns being sung in perfect soprano.  My mother’s voice was angelic and comforting and her love for Jesus the same.  I was blessed to have a mom gifted in music, excellent sense of humor, and Godly but who spent most of her life with one struggle she felt that she would never overcome.
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For her, the journey began when she was young.  The baby of 3, her older sister could do no wrong and was the jewel to her mother in all ways.  Her brother’s hyperactivity and wild ways drained her mother thin. Reflecting back now, my mom has come to realize that her mom was struggling with anxiety and depression privately and was too ashamed to seek help but released her pain on my mother.
A beautiful woman in her teenage years with blond hair, a beautiful body, and perfect skin grew up seeing a different image in the mirror.  Her mother’s voice of criticism was internalized in her mind causing an internal battle that would last for many years to come.
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An early weight loss pill that I know probably worked but with disastrous consequences!
Fast forward to me, also the youngest of 3 but the only girl.  I was precious to her and we enjoyed a close relationship from the beginning.  We both shared our struggles with each other and have been best friends my whole life.  But, there was one struggle that she’d keep to herself.  As a young girl, I rode in the car many times to Weight Watcher meetings while waiting in a room and playing with my Barbie dolls.  Many times I would sit in a waiting room of a women only gym while she attempted to burn off the calories that seemed to stick.  But all the while, she never talked about this great battle of obesity that she faced every day and kept much of the pain from me.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
At her peak, my mom weighed __ pounds.  It began as baby fat and what I began to see in her as a lack of self-confidence or self-worth.  A beautiful woman was hidden behind layers of fat. The yoyo dieting consumed her and left her feeling defeated, hopeless each time.  The old white scale in her closet was all over the place.
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The fat-free 80’s phase! Eat all the sugar you want but watch that fat! 🙄
One funny memory was my young 2-year-old nephew who asked his dad “how many wives did granddad have?” This observation came from looking at pictures of my mother (his grandmother) through all her weight loss, weight gain photos.  She really did change so drastically and so often that you would think she was multiple people.
There were many times that I found my mom on the couch for days with novels to distract her from the pain.  Back then, I just thought she loved to read but now I know better.  There was a day as a child that I found her diary by her bed and read a page.  I realized that day that there was a side of my mom that was hidden from me.  I was being sheltered from her pain.  Most likely, she didn’t want me to be burdened from her hurt.  She didn’t talk about it but used humor to deal with it verbally.
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Even Oprah was on the yo-yo plan trying every new diet out!
A day came when the “miracle drug” happened.  It seemed to be magical in how quickly it took her weight off and how happy she was.  It was Fen Phen diet pills and they worked.  For the first time, the pounds were falling off and not coming back.  It transformed my couch mom into a dancing weight losing machine!  I liked this new mom  and can remember her dancing in the kitchen as we all thought the battle was over!
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Then one night I overheard my dad speaking firmly to my mom “You will not take that drug anymore.  It will kill you!”  I could hear my mom crying from my room.  I knew the “miracle” was a trick. The medicine was taken off the market. It seemed like the weight came back overnight but not just that weight but much more.
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There are very few pictures of my mom during this time in her life.  You may notice this one has been crumbled up.
The only good news is that the yo-yo dieting stopped.  She gave up.  We all accepted that this was who she was.
As a teenager, watching my mother with her battle and it created a fear for me.  The fear of gaining weight caused me to obsess over my own weight for a time.  It was fear that drove me to a guilt and shame relationship with food and exercise.
“On the outside so many people can look healthy but inside be hurting themselves.”
When Marc and I felt the call to Cambodia, my parents were excited.  But, one pain held them back.  My mom couldn’t fit on a plane to fly over and see her daughter and best friend.  About the same time we were getting ready to leave, my family was building a lake house.  We came to the realization that this lake house would need a wheelchair ramp as my mother would soon be in one.  She was quickly becoming home bound and her future was short.  By now she wore the pain on her face.  She didn’t want to miss out on life.  We prayed hard but for a time it seemed hopeless.
Gastric bypass surgery was a fairly new surgical procedure at that time and not a lot was known about it.  My mom was desperate to continue to live life and we all felt she had no other choice.  My mom went through the Roux-n-y gastric bypass surgery and had a difficult recovery due to her obesity. Though at the time, we felt the surgery went well except that the surgeon cut out too much and ended up taking most of her small intestines too.  This accident left my mom with another problem: life long vitamin and iron deficiencies along with another underlying issue that wouldn’t be revealed until her near death experience.
Within months, my mothers weight came down to a healthy weight!  She was able to fly over and visit me sooner than expected!
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My mom with her new body!  Here we are in Cambodia when Eli was a baby.
In fact, she lost so much so quick, that we met in Thailand where she had plastic surgery to remove her excess skin.
What seemed like a dream come true surgery had its downfalls but the greatest one was when she came close to dying as she lost over half the blood in her body.
This day took place at her home in America while I was in Cambodia.  She had been not feeling well and started vomiting while home alone.  The vomiting turned into bright red blood. She called my brother to take her to the hospital.  By the time they arrived at the ER, she was constantly vomiting bright red blood.  For some reason, the receptionist in the ER did not realize how sick my mom was and asked her to be seated.  When my mom stood up to go to the bathroom, they found her passed out in a pool of blood.
Before I finish this story with you, I have got to say that this was not the first time my mother encountered death. When she was a teenager, she went swimming in a lake with her uncle. Jumping into the lake, she hit her head on a rock and lost consciousness. Her body drifted to the bottom. “The water was murky but I could see everything. It didn’t make sense. There was a car tire on the bottom away from us and a broken anchor another direction.” She began floating above her body and bright lights surrounded her. They felt peaceful. She felt safe. She could see her uncle throwing his shoes and watch to jump in the water after her but he couldn’t find her body. Then a strange event happened. Her future flashed before her for what seemed like a second but in that second she saw her future husband and the face of each child she bore years later. She realized one face was smaller than the 3 others. She felt the presence around her was God.   “When I felt God’s presence, I headed toward His bright light flooded with joy, but He told me it wasn’t time, ‘look, your uncle is coming for you’.”  She woke up finding herself on the shore being resuscitated by her uncle. After things calmed down, no one believed her. She told her uncle exactly where to dive to find the tire. He found it of course! That night at dinner, he reached on his wrist for his watch but realized he lost it at the lake.  My mother told him she knew exactly where it was.  They ran to the lake and she picked it up right where she saw him throw it.  He was in shock as the only way she could have known was by observing from above not on the bottom of a lake.  Interestingly, many years later, she did give birth 4 times but had a miscarriage once, the baby with the small face.
Back to the second time that God saved her.  In the ER, they rushed her to a surgical room and opened her up to find that her stomach had burned a hole through her exposed intestines causing massive bleeding internally.  The bypass almost took her life leaving her stomach in disrepair.  Come to find out, her stomach had been reattached wrong.  She fully recovered from that event but is still aware to this day that it could happen again.
My mom is not a woman to give into fear.  70-years-old, she is still enjoying her new body and life and is as active as ever.  An encourager to all around her at her retirement village and traveling America singing her favorite hymns and songs.  And Cambodia, well she still makes the trip to see me every year!  Don’t assume she feels great!  She struggles every day with fatigue but chooses the life she lives.  She chooses to get out and change the world for good!
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Hiking Disney World with grandma!  So blessed to have these memories.
As I reflect on her journey, I am thankful for the research and information that has gone into obesity.  I am thankful for the healthy and natural ways available today.  After 4 kids, I faced gaining weight for the first time in my life.  If you want to know the natural things I did to get my weight and health back, message me.  I love to talk about the things that truly work and the gimmicks that don’t!
I want to walk you healthy weight journey with you.  I have a sensitive heart towards this struggle and want every person to feel accepted and encouraged in their journey to a healthier body.  If you are interested, join my Facebook group @Healthy Weight: A Motivational Community
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Hiking Arches National Park with Malachi.
  Overcoming Death From Obesity: Through the Eye’s of A Daughter "Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me. . ." I often woke to the sound of beautiful hymns being sung in perfect soprano.  
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acoffeewithfriends · 7 years
“Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me. . .” I often woke to the sound of beautiful hymns being sung in perfect soprano.  My mother’s voice was angelic and comforting and her love for Jesus the same.  I was blessed to have a mom gifted in music, excellent sense of humor, and Godly but who spent most of her life with one struggle she felt that she would never overcome.
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For her, the journey began when she was young.  The baby of 3, her older sister could do no wrong and was the jewel to her mother in all ways.  Her brother’s hyperactivity and wild ways drained her mother thin. Reflecting back now, my mom has come to realize that her mom was struggling with anxiety and depression privately and was too ashamed to seek help but released her pain on my mother.
A beautiful woman in her teenage years with blond hair, a beautiful body, and perfect skin grew up seeing a different image in the mirror.  Her mother’s voice of criticism was internalized in her mind causing an internal battle that would last for many years to come.
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An early weight loss pill that I know probably worked but with disastrous consequences!
Fast forward to me, also the youngest of 3 but the only girl.  I was precious to her and we enjoyed a close relationship from the beginning.  We both shared our struggles with each other and have been best friends my whole life.  But, there was one struggle that she’d keep to herself.  As a young girl, I rode in the car many times to Weight Watcher meetings while waiting in a room and playing with my Barbie dolls.  Many times I would sit in a waiting room of a women only gym while she attempted to burn off the calories that seemed to stick.  But all the while, she never talked about this great battle of obesity that she faced every day and kept much of the pain from me.
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
At her peak, my mom weighed __ pounds.  It began as baby fat and what I began to see in her as a lack of self-confidence or self-worth.  A beautiful woman was hidden behind layers of fat. The yoyo dieting consumed her and left her feeling defeated, hopeless each time.  The old white scale in her closet was all over the place.
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The fat-free 80’s phase! Eat all the sugar you want but watch that fat! 🙄
One funny memory was my young 2-year-old nephew who asked his dad “how many wives did granddad have?” This observation came from looking at pictures of my mother (his grandmother) through all her weight loss, weight gain photos.  She really did change so drastically and so often that you would think she was multiple people.
There were many times that I found my mom on the couch for days with novels to distract her from the pain.  Back then, I just thought she loved to read but now I know better.  There was a day as a child that I found her diary by her bed and read a page.  I realized that day that there was a side of my mom that was hidden from me.  I was being sheltered from her pain.  Most likely, she didn’t want me to be burdened from her hurt.  She didn’t talk about it but used humor to deal with it verbally.
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Even Oprah was on the yo-yo plan trying every new diet out!
A day came when the “miracle drug” happened.  It seemed to be magical in how quickly it took her weight off and how happy she was.  It was Fen Phen diet pills and they worked.  For the first time, the pounds were falling off and not coming back.  It transformed my couch mom into a dancing weight losing machine!  I liked this new mom  and can remember her dancing in the kitchen as we all thought the battle was over!
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Then one night I overheard my dad speaking firmly to my mom “You will not take that drug anymore.  It will kill you!”  I could hear my mom crying from my room.  I knew the “miracle” was a trick. The medicine was taken off the market. It seemed like the weight came back overnight but not just that weight but much more.
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There are very few pictures of my mom during this time in her life.  You may notice this one has been crumbled up.
The only good news is that the yo-yo dieting stopped.  She gave up.  We all accepted that this was who she was.
As a teenager, watching my mother with her battle and it created a fear for me.  The fear of gaining weight caused me to obsess over my own weight for a time.  It was fear that drove me to a guilt and shame relationship with food and exercise.
“On the outside so many people can look healthy but inside be hurting themselves.”
When Marc and I felt the call to Cambodia, my parents were excited.  But, one pain held them back.  My mom couldn’t fit on a plane to fly over and see her daughter and best friend.  About the same time we were getting ready to leave, my family was building a lake house.  We came to the realization that this lake house would need a wheelchair ramp as my mother would soon be in one.  She was quickly becoming home bound and her future was short.  By now she wore the pain on her face.  She didn’t want to miss out on life.  We prayed hard but for a time it seemed hopeless.
Gastric bypass surgery was a fairly new surgical procedure at that time and not a lot was known about it.  My mom was desperate to continue to live life and we all felt she had no other choice.  My mom went through the Roux-n-y gastric bypass surgery and had a difficult recovery due to her obesity. Though at the time, we felt the surgery went well except that the surgeon cut out too much and ended up taking most of her small intestines too.  This accident left my mom with another problem: life long vitamin and iron deficiencies along with another underlying issue that wouldn’t be revealed until her near death experience.
Within months, my mothers weight came down to a healthy weight!  She was able to fly over and visit me sooner than expected!
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My mom with her new body!  Here we are in Cambodia when Eli was a baby.
In fact, she lost so much so quick, that we met in Thailand where she had plastic surgery to remove her excess skin.
What seemed like a dream come true surgery had its downfalls but the greatest one was when she came close to dying as she lost over half the blood in her body.
This day took place at her home in America while I was in Cambodia.  She had been not feeling well and started vomiting while home alone.  The vomiting turned into bright red blood. She called my brother to take her to the hospital.  By the time they arrived at the ER, she was constantly vomiting bright red blood.  For some reason, the receptionist in the ER did not realize how sick my mom was and asked her to be seated.  When my mom stood up to go to the bathroom, they found her passed out in a pool of blood.
Before I finish this story with you, I have got to say that this was not the first time my mother encountered death. When she was a teenager, she went swimming in a lake with her uncle. Jumping into the lake, she hit her head on a rock and lost consciousness. Her body drifted to the bottom. “The water was murky but I could see everything. It didn’t make sense. There was a car tire on the bottom away from us and a broken anchor another direction.” She began floating above her body and bright lights surrounded her. They felt peaceful. She felt safe. She could see her uncle throwing his shoes and watch to jump in the water after her but he couldn’t find her body. Then a strange event happened. Her future flashed before her for what seemed like a second but in that second she saw her future husband and the face of each child she bore years later. She realized one face was smaller than the 3 others. She felt the presence around her was God.   “When I felt God’s presence, I headed toward His bright light flooded with joy, but He told me it wasn’t time, ‘look, your uncle is coming for you’.”  She woke up finding herself on the shore being resuscitated by her uncle. After things calmed down, no one believed her. She told her uncle exactly where to dive to find the tire. He found it of course! That night at dinner, he reached on his wrist for his watch but realized he lost it at the lake.  My mother told him she knew exactly where it was.  They ran to the lake and she picked it up right where she saw him throw it.  He was in shock as the only way she could have known was by observing from above not on the bottom of a lake.  Interestingly, many years later, she did give birth 4 times but had a miscarriage once, the baby with the small face.
Back to the second time that God saved her.  In the ER, they rushed her to a surgical room and opened her up to find that her stomach had burned a hole through her exposed intestines causing massive bleeding internally.  The bypass almost took her life leaving her stomach in disrepair.  Come to find out, her stomach had been reattached wrong.  She fully recovered from that event but is still aware to this day that it could happen again.
My mom is not a woman to give into fear.  70-years-old, she is still enjoying her new body and life and is as active as ever.  An encourager to all around her at her retirement village and traveling America singing her favorite hymns and songs.  And Cambodia, well she still makes the trip to see me every year!  Don’t assume she feels great!  She struggles every day with fatigue but chooses the life she lives.  She chooses to get out and change the world for good!
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Hiking Disney World with grandma!  So blessed to have these memories.
As I reflect on her journey, I am thankful for the research and information that has gone into obesity.  I am thankful for the healthy and natural ways available today.  After 4 kids, I faced gaining weight for the first time in my life.  If you want to know the natural things I did to get my weight and health back, message me.  I love to talk about the things that truly work and the gimmicks that don’t!
I want to walk you healthy weight journey with you.  I have a sensitive heart towards this struggle and want every person to feel accepted and encouraged in their journey to a healthier body.  If you are interested, join my Facebook group @Healthy Weight: A Motivational Community
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Hiking Arches National Park with Malachi.
  Overcoming Death From Obesity: Through the Eye’s of the Daughter "Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me. . ." I often woke to the sound of beautiful hymns being sung in perfect soprano.  
0 notes