#with the time he used to try and defend himself he couldve just said 'hey im sorry. that was an insensitive joke and i apologize' -
fabulouslygaybean · 4 years
i was about to head to bed but now im just. so insanely sad about the whole tyler joseph situation and i feel sick to my stomach
#just. ive been a fan of the band for almost 6 years now. theyve helped me thru so much shit and even saved my life a couple times.#it fucking hurts to see what hes doing#on one hand i can see how it isnt that big of a deal and how in all honesty its just an insensitive joke that dragged on for too long#but it hurt so many ppl including myself and its impossible to ignore the fact that its a shitry thing to joke about#i understand why he may not wanna post about it bc a lot of the time people get pissed anyways because they think its performative#but he didnt need to fucking make jokes about it then derail it with mental health talk#yes. mental health is very important! im not denying that! but he didnt need to belittle the blm movement to do that!!#someone pointed out that the joke may be about how fans pressure him to post anything bc hes not very active and i can understand where -#- that view may come from#but even if he did mean it in that way his reaction wasnt good. if people misunderstood then he couldve just.. idk... explained it and -#- apologized? he couldve easily just owned up to it but he didnt.#with the time he used to try and defend himself he couldve just said 'hey im sorry. that was an insensitive joke and i apologize' -#- and then share some resources and voice support. he didnt have to go on a massive rant about mental health to try and derail the issue.#if he had just apologized early on and made amends the clique probably wouldnt be having such a bad reaction.#i agree with what he had to say about mental health especially since its suicide prevention month#but he shouldnt have spoken about it in response to people calling him out over an insensitive joke#im just kind of sad and confused as to where i stand on all of this#im not siding with tyler completely because he didnt want to own up to something he fucked up on#but im not siding with the clikkies who are cancelling him and completely ditching anything related to the band bc of this alone#i hate cancel culture. calling him out and wanting him to actually apologize rather than the half-assed apology he gave is good but -#- cancelling him over this is a bit much.#idk. im just seeing a ton of people taking this to two extremes and its driving me up the wall.#cancelling him and making hate posts is a bit much. bending over backwards to support and defend him is also a bit much.#it was an insensitive joke and his reaction was bad. he should own up to it instead of making excuses and acting manipulative.#i sincerely hope that he actually apologizes and does a little more than the bare minimum after this shitty joke since hes hurt a lot of ppl#but some people are taking it too far#its great to be critical of him but acting like its a black and white situation where you either loathe him or defend his every word is bad#im gonna try and remain neutral and lean towards the fans rather than tyler unless he actually does smth about it#if he fucks up even more or in an irreparable way then ill side with the fans and ditch the slightly more neutral stance#anyways im exhausted and i hit the tag limit. i just needed to get my thoughts out. im gonna head to sleep
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idjitlili · 4 years
Hey,I’m date mike
legolas x reader
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a request for loteriel_greenleaf thank youuuu my dudeeee i really didnt know what to write,even though i just finished an imagine ,i felt like another was due. also been trying to make lembas bread god.
summary:imagine sparring with legolas,and being apart of the fellowship.
warnings:uh straddling/potential language i dont know yet./sexual themes no smut though. word count:1602
You had grown up mostly in Rivendell ,yes you are an elf,yet an orphan. Elrond had found you when he was was travelling for a meeting with Gandalf,Lady Galadriel,and saruman he had no choice but bring you with. He did not know what happened to your parents, however it was assumed you were abandon,probably due to being born out of wedlock or an affair(that was common but there was still a chance). You didnt know either being just a babe.
Anyways Elrond brought you to this meeting and in the end Gandalf ended up with you. Soon enough you knew him as your only Ada,and yes you were trained by the elves to defend yourself,when Gandalf was out of town.All the talk,and books about adventures,made you hungry for your own. You wanted to see hobbits,dwarves,anything. You wantd to know if elves in other realms were stuck up like Thranduil,well that is what gandalf told you about him.It only took a century or two for your ada to let you come on an adventure with him. That being taking you to elronds secret council,about destorying the ring.
You may of stared at the hobbit and the dwarves a little too long in awe,when they noticed you had looked away red in embarrassment. However you didnt notice a certain blond elf ,staring at you. He was curious of who you were,he had never seen you before,surely he wouldve remembered such beauty..you were so zoned out you missed all the arguing only to hear.
"I will take it!I'll take the ring to mordor!" the hobbit had shouted making everyone go silent. "though I do not know the way."
You ada had lent to put a hand on the hobbits ,before speaking confidently to the small fellow."I will help you bare this burden ,frodo baggins." the hobbit had smiled to your father. "I am coming too, Ada." you had walk next to him,wrapping your arm around his. Legolas now knew who you were ,but Gandalf was definity not your really father,maybe you were gold digger,joking he just wondered how he never knew that Gandalf had a daughter. Anyways you know what happpened after that,you have my sword ,bow axe, we're coming too.
You had kept yourself to yourself ,not talking overly,but if you did it was to your ada. Other than him you would talk to mostly the hobbits about what life was like in the shire. You felt intimidated by the men  ,legolas , and gimli they did scare you just a bit.  So you avoided them until you couldnt no more.
Well you stopped avoiding legolas,after Moria,he had to carry you out as you screamed out for you ada. You had witnessed Gandalf sacrifice his life to save the fellowship. You had yours around legolas ' neck,head in his shoulder whilst you sobbed drenching his tunic. He had held you on his hip,like you would with a toddler,running with you in his arms. Once you had gotten outside ,your sobs had gotten loud,legolas had tried to put you down but you just held tighter.  He had held you until you had reached near the Nimrodel in the eaves of the forest ,in which he had let go but you had your legs and arms wrapped round him so tight he didnt need to hold you,while he held his bow up in defence.
Turns out it was just elves that surrounded you ,and Aragorn knew one of them,a blond guy,pretty sexy if you were honest. In which he began leading you to lady galadriel,who you had not seen in many years, same with her husband celeborn who stood beside her walking down the stairs like jesus walking on water. You miss part of the coversation only to begin listening at the mention of your fathers name. "tell me where is gandalf as I much desire to speak to him." celeborn's voice as smooth as ice . "he has fallen into shadow." the look on Gimli's face when she says that hes like whoa shes good."y/n.." she calls out gently ,you had jumped out of legolas arms ,running towards her ,only for her to wrap her arms around you into a bear hug.
"not all is lost,as he remains in spirit." she had spoken to you ,in your mind ,as her hands rubbed your back comfortingly,before you pulled away. Her  eyes land on legolas ,back on smirking at you. "you and the prince." she had 'spoken' to you only shook your head ,with a small blush on your face,legolas watched confused as why lady galadriel had looked at him ,only to see you blushing. Lady galadriel had found a way to distract you from mourning in tears.
Not long after she had led you all to place you could rest for the night. In that legolas had settled next to you and after a while he had broken the silence between you both. "when my nana died,it was like my ada died with her,after her death he became cold and cut off. He treated me like another soldier ,nothing more,I had no one to comfort me. I wish to be here for you ,so you always have someone." he spoken barely above a whisper,you had never heard legolas speak so much ,let alone with so much feeling. "thank you,i never thought I would make friends with a prince ,let alone be carried for hours by one." you had spoken with a small smile,he had sent one in return before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"I couldve done it for three days,with my elven strength." he had flexed his spare arm ,making you giggle. OKay this was very out of character for legolas."sure ,prince." and with that you were lent against his shoulder,in which you soon enough you fell asleep ,in his hold.
The next day you just pretend the events from yesterday never happened and your ada was still alive ,he was just gonna pop out and scold you for getting so friendly with the elven prince.
Turns out not even three days later ,you find your father alive and well ,you almost stab him like a kebab then and there. " Yeah just let me mourn your death and then your like boom ,guess what bitches I was alive the whole time." in which from that he just scolds you for using language before pulling you into a tight embrace ,apogising for the hurt he had caused,so bruh you werent as sad as before,so thats a plus. Only thing is if you got your freaky on with the princes he's always about.
The next interaction you had with legolas was the eves eve of the battle of the pelennor fields.In which he asks you to sparr with him,as he wants to know which one of you were the better fighter. Obviously it was you but his excellence ass wasnt going to agree with you. That leads you now on the green grass ,a distance away from the tent,sweaty,with clanging metal. So hot that you are just in your vest and pants,legolas was just in in his long sleeve tunic and pants ,pretty normal. Gandalf had left to go to Minas Tirith because of a certain took being a little bit stupid,no offence he's young and cutie pie ,dont be mean.
So basically you have no adult supervision ,even though you are an adult but I guess you would call it parental supervision then. You and legolas had been going at it for at least an hour neither of you giving up or losing;uh thats what she said.  Well that was until you knocked the blade out of legolas' hand but while doing so you had tripped on your own feet dropping your blade on to make legolas fall flat backwards,with you on top. Thats what she said. However legolas was quick to flip himself on top of you ,legs either side of you hips ,his other blade to your throat. "I should have won that,I just tripped, plus if you wanted to take me on a ride you should have just asked." you had smirked at the elf who's cheeks were now red,he smiled shyly removing the blade.
You used this to flip him off you ,you now straddling the elf,just a little lower. You had grabbed his wrists pinning them above his head ,making it so your faces were barely inches away. "what do you say to that ,hm? son of the elf with a huge dildo gaggins sized cock up his butt." you had whispered ,okay so that wasnt very seductive."I say you better kiss me then take me into the tent,now." his voice stern ,you simple smirk pressing your lips to his quickly.
Before you lead him to the tent. "dont you dare tell ada about what we about to do?"
"what eat some potatoes?"
"shut up,i would like that."
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datesfordummies · 6 years
sorry this is gonna be a long one 🌵 pt 1. okay so i like my friend lets call him l.b. ive liked him for 2 years now and when i liked him last year he found out and didnt talk to me ever cause we didnt know each other like at all. i think he thinks i stopped liking him but i never did i just denied that i still did. about 3 months ago our mutual friend invited me to go to six flags with him and l.b and our other friend ben. i went with them and a ton of stuff happened.
🌵 pt 2. at six flags i arrived separately from them and lb was the one who noticed i was there first. they had already been on a few rides together while they were waiting for me to get there. they wanted to ride the texas giant and were also hungry. i didnt wanna ride something gigantic for my first ride for the day and i have a dining pass so i offered to get all of us food alone while they went on the ride. lb offered to go with me but i said no bc of awkwardness and i was texting a friend.
🌵 pt 3. so i got us food but while i was getting food apparently in line for the ride lb commented on how this was awkward and how i liked him last year. *time skip* we went on the teacup ride and when we were spinning our hands kept on overlapping and i was trying to move my hands away bc of awkwardness but it seemed like his hands were following mine. my first big ride for the day was the joker which im scared of and lb wanted to ride with me.
🌵 pt 4. on the ride i cursed him out bc i was terrified and he yelled a lil bit so when we got off i commented on how his yell sounded like a man babys scream just to tease him and he defended himself by saying his yell sounded like the roar of a thousand lions. we went on a few other rides and got more food throughout the day and lb tried to feed me like with his spoon and i never ate any of the food he offered me cuz thats awkward and a couple thing to do.
🌵 pt 5. later on in the day we went on the joker again together and i commented on how it was kinda cold as it got later and how it was smart of him to bring a jacket with him and he offered his jacket to me but i said no bc thats awkward and a couple thing (i know extremely stupid of me to do) i don't know if he was just being nice to me or he was trying to make an excuse for me to wear something of his to give back at the end of the night and it would smell like me.
🌵 pt 6. the thing about it all is im extremely oblivious. i dont know him well enough to know if he was seriously hitting on me or if he was just being a nice guy. also sorry this is all over the place but in line for the joker he wanted to show me a meme that he couldve easily shown off of his phone but instead he asked for my number. ive texted him before just with like a hey how are u and he never replies. im so confused with it all i just wanna know if he likes me w/o asking him.
it sounds like he probably was for sure feeling you at six flags but then make interpreted your fear of the awkwardness and rejections of his advances as straight up rejections of him. So, now he’s feeling mixed signals and doesn’t want to text you bc he feels you don’t return his interested. I’d maybe say take the leap and ask him to hang out again. if you feel better and still hesitant, make it a group hang. but, you could also go all in and hang out one on one and see how he responds to that invite and how the hang out goes! and this time, you’re probably going to have to do most of the flirting and such, because he probably feels too discouraged now.
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The Secret [2]
Part 1
I got numerous requests to write a part 2 for this (which made me really happy), specifically for some Dean angst, and who am I to turn that down?
Characters: Winchester Brothers x sister!reader
Words: 2900 (I may have gotten a bit carried away, oops.)
[Angst, A bit of blood, Guilt] - But nothing too bad, I wouldn’t say.
Tags: @daughters-and-winsisters, @evyiione
A/N: Also, I just finished this, which might be a bit rushed, so sorry about any misspellings that I failed to notice. I just really wanted to get this up right now!
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Dean always knew Sam had a more complex way of seeing the world of monsters and supernatural creatures. Himself, Dean had adopted John’s more black and white way of thinking. It was just easier that way, because although he admired Sam for that sometimes, he could get annoyed too. It was just harder doing what they do if you chose to let the shades of grey in.
But, this situation was different. Because now it was personal. It was family. And that was the reason for Dean not doing anything about it. He was angry at himself for it, but he didn’t know what to do.
The door to the bunker opened with a creak, and then a heavy slam echoed through the building as it closed. The noise brought Dean out of his thoughts, and he instantly got off his bed to greet Sam, who was the only person it could be.
Even though Dean really liked the bunker, it had some disadvantages. One of them was that he couldn’t keep track of Sam as well as he used to. He had noticed that Sam was gone, but never when he left. Let’s just say it was a big change from the motel rooms.
Dean and Sam had moved into the bunker only days after they parted with you. And even though they moved, traces of you were everywhere. Your old pair of worn and dirty converse stood parked by the door, still, even though you never took them off there. Other stuff of yours — like books, sketch blocks, clothes, your old mp3 player — it was all left in a room you’d never been in. You never left it there. Sam and Dean brought them. Even though it had been over a month — they couldn’t cut you out of their lives. Not permanently. Not yet.
”Hey,” Dean acknowledged Sam as the younger walked down the stairs to the main, living room.
That was a little stiff, maybe.
”So, what were you doing?” The blond Winchester then questioned, wondering what his little brother had been up to.
”Just… Just in town, checking it out.” Sam shrugged, walking past Dean through the large hall.
Dean did not believe that.
”Oh, come on, Sam. Where were you, really?”
”Why do you need to know?” Sam called out in response, while Dean started following him through the building.
”Why do you need to keep things from me?” Dean retorted, not giving in. He could sense when Sam wasn’t telling the whole truth after over two decades, closer to three, with the kid.
Sam didn’t answer.
”Is this about—” Dean had a hunch, and he decided to venture asking. ”—her? It is about (Y/N), isn’t it?”
Sam groaned as he came to a stop. Dean watched his shoulders rise and then lower down again, until Sam spun around to face his older brother.
”Might be.”
Dean groaned too now. ”Sam, she lied to us.” He still felt unbelievably betrayed, the single thought about it physically pained him.
”Yeah, and I understand her.” Sam spat, rocking an expression that screamed ’I’m freakin’ tired with your shit.’ The tired, disbelieving little smile shared similarities with the ’bitch face’, but this look was far more serious. ”You need to cut her some slack. It’s not her fault she isn’t like us.”
”But she pretended like nothing was wrong for years. She could’ve just told us from the beginning!” Dean defended himself, eyes round and accusingly staring at Sam.
”Sure, but what’s done is done. She’s the one who’s out there, alone!” Sam argued, his arms spreading out wide as he spoke, frustration with the situation showing through his body language.
”Sam, she’s a kitsune. We’re supposed to hunt those.” Dean tried to justify his actions, even though he wasn’t entirely happy with the way he had handled the situation.
”How long will it take for you to realize? Yes, she’s not human. Yes, she’s a supernatural creature. But Dean, for god’s sake, get over it!”
Dean blinked.
”Dean, we are hunters. Hunters are taught to hunt supernatural things, right?” He didn’t give his brother time to answer, because Dean already knew. ”Well, that means others are going to hunt her down sooner or later.”
Dean was taken back. He surely hadn’t thought of that. He had considered you being a danger, but not in danger.
”I’ve been out trying to find her, okay?” Sam continued. ”And I suggest you make up your mind if you want to see her again, before someone finds her and kills her. Because you know very well that it can happen.”
The oldest struggled to process the new piece of knowledge as guilt started to wash over him, even more than before. He shook his head to himself, running his hands through his hair. For you to get slaughtered by hunters was not what he wanted.
”Dean, it’s still her.” Sam now spoke in a softer voice. Dean already understood. ”The girl we know, the girl who lived with us, the girl in your memories. Since she didn’t tell us for years and she’s been a kitsune all that time — it proves that it doesn’t matter. She’s still herself, the same as she’s always been — we just know more about her. And you know how bad it’s out there. If we can hunt kitsunes without a problem, so can others.”
A moment of silence passed.
”I’ve screwed things up haven’t I?” Dean then muttered, both to Sam and to himself. ”I’ve just made it much worse that it has to be.”
”I understand, I felt betrayed too. Who would have thought (Y/N) was a supernatural creature. (Y/N), of all people.” Sam let out a humorless laugh. ”But, the world is complicated. There’s shades of grey everywhere. I know you see things the way Dad taught you, I do too at times, but we need to believe in what we see, not what he said. Supernatural doesn’t equal bad.”
Dean nodded. ”We need to fix this, Sam. I mean, I don’t know if we ever can fix things between us… B-but, we should keep her safe, at least. You’re right, and I’m with you.”
Dean hurried after the silhouette in front of him. It was one month later, and Dean could have sworn it was you. He and Sam had searched, what it felt like, every inch, and then you just appear out of nowhere. Well, if it was you, Dean wasn’t completely sure. But, he wasn’t letting go until he was.
The young woman in front of him shot a look over her shoulder, and Dean quickly hid himself against the closest wall, invisible in the darkness of the alley.
Then, she looked forward again and hurried on, and Dean followed. He knew now. It was you, he could tell by the hair, the clothes, the silhouette and the facial structure all together. It was just scraps and pieces, he couldn’t see well through the darkness of the alley. But, it was enough.
So, he picked up the tempo, to catch you before you exited the alley, disappearing around the corner, possibly gone forever. This might be Dean’s only shot and he wasn’t going to mess it up. Not like he messed it up the last time you saw each other.
Dean’s steps got louder, heavier, and you noticed it. You walked faster. Dean was running. You weren’t — you were too tired. Dean caught up with you, and placed his hand on your shoulder and spun you around.
He was in for a rollercoaster of emotions.
First he was felt indescribable relief. It was actually you, his hand was on your shoulder. At last, after days where Dean didn’t even think of anything else than that he might never see you again.
The next emotion was uneasiness, once he saw your eyes that stared back at him, open wide. They were still the same, beautiful color, but the pupils were different. They were outstretched, like a cat’s — or a fox’s. A lump formed in Dean’s stomach and it took everything he had not to flinch.
The uneasiness intensified and transformed into worry once he saw your hands. They were covered in dark crimson. Drying blood — everywhere. Dean found himself wishing badly that you hadn’t hurt anyone. Although it didn’t seem like you, Dean didn’t know for sure, this was new territory for him.
But the worry transformed into fear, after he intuitionally lifted your jacket — to reveal a huge bloodstain on your shirt. He immediately grabbed your upper arms with both hands, as if he was scared you would collapse any moment.
”(Y/N)?” He asked, voice trembling and his eyes pooling with concern. His eyes wandered off the bloodied shirt, and came to a stop by the gaping whole in the fabric over your chest. Underneath a nasty wound showed itself, digging deep into your ribcage.  
”Dean?” Your voice was filled with disbelief. You were more focused on Dean being back than your own state.
”You bet.” Dean smiled just a little but it reached nowhere near his eyes. ”(Y/N), you’re hurt, I—”
”I-I know. It was a… close call.” You interrupted, panting. ”If it wasn’t for the fighting skills you taught me… I p-probably wouldn’t be standing here. So thanks for that.” Your voice wasn’t angry but it wasn’t happy either. It was lacking most traces of emotion.
”Can I do something—”
”No, it’ll heal… Just hurts right now.” You interrupted once again.
”Was… Was it hunters?” Dean was scared to ask. He hoped with all his heart that it wasn’t. That Sam wasn’t right about you being in constant, serious, danger.
”Three of them.” You spoke, looking at Dean with a blank expression.
Dean shook his head to himself, anger and guilt welling up inside. He felt a burning desire to find those sons of bitches and make them pay for this.
An awkward silence fell over you two, and you raised your eyebrows at how Dean still seemed unsure and uneasy. His glance was wobbly and hands slightly trembling.
”Your eyes…” Dean murmured.
You instantly took your gaze away from him and stared down at the asphalt. You hadn’t even noticed your eyes, probably because the pain in your chest overtook everything.
”Why are you here?” You then asked. By the way he had acted the last time you saw each other, that night on the hunt, you had expected to never see him again.
He had told you that he killed those like you, and now, here he was wondering about the bloodstains on your shirt that those like him had caused.
”I’m so sorry.” He blurted out, his voice cracking. You lifted your gaze to look at him, and saw the pain radiating from his eyes. ”I’m so, so, sorry.”
Too surprised to speak, you remained quiet.
”I messed everything up.” Dean drew an unsteady breath. ”You’re our family. And it shouldn’t have taken me 2 months and Sam yelling at me to realize that.”
You nodded, lost for words, still.
”W-what you are… We can work around it. You’re still you. A-and I don’t want you out on your own, where hunters can get to you.”
You let out a weak, humorless laugh. ”Me neither.”
”I’m so sorry. I-I wish I could take it back, what I said.”
You nodded. It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up.
”You and Sam— You kinda… are my only family.” You fumbled with your words. ”Well — I don’t have any real family, but…”
”No, (Y/N), Sam and I are your real family. If you still want us to be.” Dean offered tentatively, although his eyes pleadingly screamed for you to please let them be your family.
You nodded. ”Yeah… I-I would like that.” The corners of your lips curled into a small smile.
”Thank you.”
”You don’t have to thank me.” You objected, slightly frowning.
”I do.” Dean assured you. ”This is all my fault, and I don’t deserve—”
”Hey, Dean!” You stopped him. ”Don’t guilt yourself to death, okay?”
Dean closed his mouth and nodded.
”I forgive you.”
”You do?” He asked in disbelief.
”I do. Now, where’s Sam?” You then questioned, changing the topic.
As on queue, Dean’s cellphone rang.
”Speaking of the devil.” He declared, with the trace of a smirk on his face. You felt a some of the weight on your shoulders lift when you saw it — it made Dean looked more like his usual self — something you didn’t even know you wanted to see. ”Hiya, Sammy.” Dean answered the phone.
You were quiet while Dean talked to Sam. You had good hearing, better than both of them knew, but you didn’t bother listening in on the conversation. Instead you just took in the moment.
It had gotten considerably darker since Dean found you, the last of the sunlight had settled below the horizon. It was pretty quiet, although you could hear a car somewhere in the distance. A couple talking as they walked down the street the alley you stood in eventually opened up to. You kept your eyes on the opening between the tall buildings as you waited for the two to walk into your view as you heard their voices growing louder. But instead — someone else stepped into the opening of the alley. Someone far better.
”Sam,” you whispered as your eyes met with his hazel ones. Meanwhile, he lowered the phone and hung up.
”(Y/N)!” He exclaimed as relief filled his eyes, although concern soon fought it off.
He started running towards you.
”Are you hurt?” Sam’s voice was stressed, trembling, as he stared at the blood.
”I’m going to be fine.” You smiled. You were so happy to see him — to see them both. The resentment you felt towards Dean when he showed up had melted off you. You were tired of being angry. Instead, you let the euphoria overtake you.
The relief returned to Sam’s eyes, and he became the representation of how you were feeling. He let out a laugh as he threw his arms around you, and clutched you tightly against his chest. You held in a groan as your wounds still hurt a bit, but you didn’t want him to let you go — not for the world.
Dean watched with admiration in his eyes. His brother and his sister, reunited. Two of the people Dean kept closest to his heart.
”I’m so sorry.” Sam spoke, and you felt his voice rumble through his chest. ”Oh god, I thought for sure someone had gotten to you…”
”Sam, it’s okay.” You reassured him. ”I forgive you, and even if someone tried — I can assure you that I’m not easy to kill. Promise.”
”Okay,” Sam nodded, and let out a deep breath. You felt his heartbeat slow down to a more normal, calm, rate. ”I’m not letting you out of my sight again.”
Then he let you go, and you looked over at Dean, who was watching over you with round, soulful green eyes. You couldn’t stop yourself, before you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his upper body.
After hugging him for a moment, you stepped back. ”I’m sorry I lied for years.”
”We’re sorry for what we said and leaving you.” Sam countered.
”What about we just forget it?” Dean offered, and both you and Sam nodded. ”Let’s go home, instead.”
You rose your eyebrows, the way Dean said home got you curious, as if there was something you had missed.
”We have something to show you.” Dean explained, anticipation in his eyes, and you smiled.
What could it be?
Arriving at the bunker, you felt the excitement grow inside of you. An actual home. Dean and Sam watched your reaction with smiles on their faces.
Now, you would have walked around and explored the building — if you weren’t exhausted. It had been a long day — heck, months — and the run in with the hunters that came after you had taken a toll on you. Sure, you were a kitsune, more powerful than any human, but your body had used up most of its energy healing itself. And now, you were ready to turn in for the night.
Sam and Dean saw this, and understood. So, Dean looped his arm through yours and began leading you towards his room. You would soon get your own room, of course, the bunker had a lot of space, but for now his and Sam’s were the only ones with made beds, so for the night, it would have to do.
Entering the room, you immediately crashed down onto the bed, and Dean gently pulled the covers  over you. You flipped over to your stomach and instinctively pulled the blankets over you head, snuggling into the bedding, just like you always did.
Just as Dean thought you were out, you spoke up. ”I love you, Dean.”
Dean felt how your words tugged at his heartstrings. ”I love you too, (Y/N).”
He smiled and ran a hand over your hair.
You shifted a bit, and snuggled in further under the covers. ”Tell Sammy I love him too.” You added, mumbling. Then, you nodded off into sleep.
Of course Dean would tell Sam that, because just like Dean, Sam probably needed to hear it again.
And even though Dean still kind of felt like he didn’t deserve it, he was beyond happy to hear you say it; that you loved him. Because, he loved you too.
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