#with the long title lol. because even if I can't get myself to write anything new right now I'm glad those ones encapsulate how I feel abou
shimmershy · 13 days
Your art is already so Amasing and Then I Find Your Writing?!?!!
Oh my gods I love it soso much (I’d eat it it’s so good)
Ah wow thank you so much!! I saw you had reblogged those two Undertale fics I have on here and was really happy to see your comments; I'm glad people are still finding them and reading them because they still mean a lot to me. :)
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justmeinadaze · 4 months
Hi! I’m 23 but requesting anonymously because this is a similar situation I experienced and wished someone would have been there for me.
I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a Steddie x reader story where the reader recently lost her grandma who she lived with in a two bedroom apartment. It’s left the reader financially strapped and she posts an ad for a roommate. Steve and Eddie are looking for a place and sees the ad. Steve is a nurse and Eddie is a mechanic or masseuse (two extremes but I feel like Eddie is always a mechanic lol).
The reader is really withdrawn and struggling with grief because her grandma was all she had. She is working two jobs and not taking care of herself. She wears herself out and gets sick. She’s really resistant to letting anyone take care of her. And she doesn’t talk to Steve and Eddie much because she’s trying to hide her struggles and doesn’t want to bother them. And it’s an adjustment to living with other people. Steve and Eddie have a huge soft spot for the reader and want to take care of her.
There can be smut or no smut in this or if it would happen to turn into two or more parts! You’re a talented writer so I have no doubt you will write this beautifully!
A/N: It took me awhile to get to this because it struck a cord with me. I get this. I am this minus a Steve and Eddie.
I think I've mentioned it before but my father suddenly passed away 10 years ago and it destroyed me. I still deal with the aftermath of that to this day. Not only do I struggle with that grief but I struggle with how I was and have been treated which is why I am a big advocate on taking the time to feel what you feel and no matter what anyone says THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT ON GRIEF.
The doctor experience I write in this story happened to me and the chaos of that...I can't even... But yeah...more than anything I want anyone who's grieving a loved one to know, you are not alone, you are not broken, your feelings are valid, and I love you <3.
The title of this comes from "Guernica" by Brand New. I was thinking of this song when I got the request because the lead singer wrote it for his grandfather who was sick in the hospital.
P.S. I am more than willing to write another part to this. I wanted to focus on the emotional aspect more than a smutty aspect for this first part.
Warnings: Topic of Grief and loss of a family member, panic attack mentioned in slight detail, Steve and Eddie have an established relationship here.
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"I submit no excuse
If this is what I have to do
I owe you every day I wake
If I could I would shrink myself
Sink through your skin to your blood cells
Remove whatever makes you hurt
But I am too weak to be your cure
Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry?
I am the watch you always wear but you forget to wind."
“So, um, yeah the rent is $1300 including utilities and it’s due on the first of the month. You can leave it on the counter here and I can take it down to make the payment.”
Watching them go through her room was like being stabbed in the chest. When your grandmother passed, a part of you died with her and it killed you even more when you had to slowly begin removing things from her room to make space for a new roommate. Your grandma was your everything basically being a mother to you when everyone else disappeared. When she got sick it, it was no brainer to have her move in so you could look out for her with as much love and care as she had you growing up. 
For four years, she fought her disease until heaven decided it was time for her to go home. After that you began to spiral and not just personally but within life. When did everything become so expensive? Even in your rent-controlled apartment, you could barely afford the bills because everything else around you escalated to the point where now you couldn’t even take out a small loan to get groceries because your credit was so fucked up. 
You didn’t want to get a roommate and avoided the notion as long as possible but when it was becoming harder and harder to live day to day, you finally gave in. 
You were surprised when a boy answered your ad you had placed in the paper but when he told you their story, you couldn’t help but sympathize. 
“Yeah, my boyfriend and I are looking for a nice, safe place. The small town we were living in was already harassing him for the way he looks but when they found out we were together… I knew I needed to get us both out of there.”
“We can take it if you want. I don’t want you to feel like you have to take care of everything.”, the pretty boy who introduced himself as Steve responded as he leaned against the wall next to you.
“I mean it’s no problem. I work a couple of jobs so I usually leave pretty early anyway.”
“Me to. Well, it’s more like me coming in early because I work overnights from time to time. I’m not sure if the hospital over here is the same but… yeah. What, um, what do you think, babe?”
The longhaired boy who told you his name was Eddie beamed widely your way.
“I love it. Are you sure we won’t be bothering you, sweetheart? We’re nice guys, we swear.”
“No. No bother.”
Both men glance towards each other at your sullen tone before Steve extended his hand towards you with an equal large but soft smile of his own. 
“We’ll take it.”
You didn’t anticipate how hard it was going to be having someone in the apartment again let alone people that reminded you of her. Before she retired, your grandmother was a nurse and when the scent of hand sanitizer and hospital lingered on Steve’s admittedly beautiful hands, your mind shifted to the stories she would tell you about her late nights talking with patients in her care. 
Through smell alone, you learned Eddie got a job as a mechanic at the shop down the street and the first night when the aroma of gasoline lingered you cried at the memories of being a little girl with your grandparents, sitting by your grandfather’s truck as he attempted to fix it for the 400th time. 
Loneliness began to set in almost immediately after they moved in. They never actively displayed affection in front of you but there were moments when you were leaving for work and you’d pass by their open bedroom door to see them cuddled together. Sometimes at night when you would come home from your second job, you would hear Eddie talking to Steve over the phone while he was at work and he would giggle at something the man said on the other line before telling him how much he loved him. 
You missed having someone care about you…
Your grandparents had always been there for you through everything; every breakup, rough patch in life, or just to have someone remind you that you were loved unconditionally…they were there. 
When your grandmother lived with you, you laughed harder, smiled wider, and loved waking up in the morning. Now that all seemed so far away, so unattainable. You couldn’t ever picture yourself being happy like that again. 
To avoid that pain, you ran around constantly. It’s not like you could stop anyway with how hard things got around you. Life moves on…you can’t stop just because you’re numb. You suffer through it just like everyone else. 
At the sound of Eddie’s voice, you jumped shattering the glass in your hand.
“Fuck, I’m sorry—”
“No, no. That was my fault. You seemed lost in thought. Don’t move, I can clean this up here.”
Nodding, you stood still as you watched him run to grab a broom before your brain caught up with you.
“Wait! Wait, um, don’t…don’t throw away the glass. This was, um, someone in my family gave me this cup.”
“Oh, uh, ok. Well, I don’t see a lot of little pieces. I can try and fix it for you. Do you feel comfortable coming into our room?”
Silently, you headed in that direction, pausing in front of the bed as the metalhead shimmed around you to dig in the desk drawer by the window. Everything in the room was completely different. Where her bed with her yellow comforter used to be was now a bigger bed, higher off the ground with black sheets and blue pillowcases. Where her dresser used to be with the vanity that had photos taped to the mirror was now a much smaller 3 drawer shelf with a guitar hanging above it. On the nightstand, instead of medication and a photo of you with your grandparents, there was now a pack of cigarettes, empty beer cans, a photo of both men, and a book that was half read. 
“Ok, I knew Steve had it around here somewhere. I’m clumsy as hell so he’s always fixing things I accidently break.”, Eddie mused as he sat on the floor and began to focus on his task. “So, um, how are you?”
You couldn’t help but breathily laugh at the awkward way he asked that making him smirk at the sound as you took a seat in front of him.
“I’m alright. I just have a lot going on, you know?”
“Yeah, you come and go a lot like Steve but he gets to sleep. What do you do if I may ask?”
“I’m actually a photographer for the paper.”
“Oooo paparazzi girl!” Eddie’s grin grows as his eyes take you in watching you genuinely laugh for the first time since they met you. “Is that why you come and go at weird hours?”
“Oh, no. When I’m not there, I have another job at the mall taking photos of like families and kids at Glamour Shots.”
“Yeah? Those shiny, glimmering photos? I keep trying to get Steve to take a couple of those with me but he gets adorably embarrassed.”
“How long have you two been together?”
“Geez, uh, almost 3 years now. Spent the first couple hiding our relationship because of our town and his parents, rich fuckers who think they control the moral high ground.”, he rolls his eyes. “A few months ago, he finally told them we were together and his parents kicked him out of his house. A couple weeks later, I got harassed at my job and that was the final straw. Steve packed our things and we drove out here.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“No reason for you to be, princess. You’ve been nothing but nice to us. Well, when we see you.”, he chuckles. “Steve gets worried sometimes that you push yourself too hard.”
“You don’t need to worry about me. I’m strong. I’ll be ok.”
“No one’s saying your weak, Y/N.”
“Good because I’m not!” You snap as silence falls over the room before Eddie displays the cup for you with his palm on the bottom. 
“You may not want to use it for its purpose but keep it as a display.”
Without taking it from him, you rise to your feet and run to your room, slamming the door. 
Everything was loud.
Why is everything so loud?
You were running late for your second job and you couldn’t find the polo you wore for it. You felt disgusting, not having time to shower in what felt like an eternity and you were just so fucking exhausted. You couldn’t afford to lose this job nor calling in to rest. You had to make money. It’s what everyone else does.
Why is everything so loud?
As you opened your door, you were met with Eddie standing at the counter in the kitchen. 
“Have, um, have you seen…”
“Y/N, are you alright?” Tears cloud your vision as you run your fingers through your hair and absently look around the apartment with your eyes. “BABE.”
You flinched at the metalhead’s loud but stern tone not even realizing that Steve was suddenly in front of you with his hands on your biceps. 
“Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Let me go! I have…I have to…to go to work…”, you sobbed before your legs gave out and the world went black. 
When your eyes finally fluttered open, it was pitch dark outside and your body felt incredibly drained. It felt like every bone in your body had become stiff as you carefully tried to sit up. 
“Hey, no, no, no. Don’t move to quickly or we’ll lose you again.”, Steve cooed softly as he came up from behind you and sat down on his knees to help adjust you. “Good. Here, drink some of this but not too fast.”
When he handed you the bottle of water, you gladly sipped it as his concerned eyes scanned you over. 
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m not surprised. When you push your body as hard as you have at some point it pushes back. Do you think you can eat something while we talk?”
When you nodded, a plate appeared beside you as Eddie handed it to his partner.
“I’m going to ask you some questions purely from a medical standpoint, ok? Do you feel comfortable if Ed stays? He had a bit of a panic attack to when we couldn’t wake you up.”
“That’s fine.”, you whisper. “Is that what happened? I panicked?”
“Um, kind of, honey. This kind of seems like a slow build so I would say anxiety attack. We know you work pretty much around the clock and you told me when I called that you were struggling with cash. Has anything else been going on?”
“Someone…that mattered to me…is gone. Died.”
Eddie sat on the couch next you and without thinking brushed some of your hair behind your ear so they could see your face better. 
“I’m sorry. How long ago?”, the nurse continued to inquire. 
“On the 18th it will be 8 months.”
“And you’ve been doing everything you have?! Y/N.”, the metalhead sighed as his boyfriend gave him a look of warning as if to say tread carefully. “Sweetheart, you should be taking it easy so you can grieve.”
“I can’t.”
“Because I’m supposed to be fine by now.”, you murmur as you shrug your shoulders. “After my grandmother died, I got 2 weeks paid leave for bereavement. Two weeks. Two weeks of fucking casseroles, sympathies, and people checking in. After that time, everyone began to slowly disappear and I went back to work but I never…I never felt whole. I didn’t understand why everyone else seemed fine while I was still felt like I was dying.”
“After two months, I went to a doctor and told them how I felt. Do you know what she said? ‘After 6 weeks, it’s no longer grief but depression.’ That shook me. I thought to myself ‘well shit. I guess there is a time limit on grieving and there must be something wrong with me because I can’t get better!’” 
The tears begin to fall at a faster pace and you let them go. 
“I still have to work, pay my bills, live my life… but no one ever walked me through how to do that. No one ever showed me how to continue existing without the person you love…without someone who meant the most to you… I wasn’t prepared to be left alone without her.”
Eddie presses your head to his chest as you sob, his arms squeezing you tightly as he whispered that you were ok. Sudden heat warmed your side as Steve leaned his head against your shoulder as he intertwined his fingers with yours while your body trembled against them. 
This had been a long time coming and you allowed the pain to wash over you till you fell asleep in their arms. 
This time when you opened your eyes, you were bundled up in a blanket with your head still against Eddie’s chest with one hand comfortingly rubbing your arm while the other held a book he was reading. 
“What are you reading?”
Tilting his head, his gentle eyes take you in as he grins and closes the book to show you the cover. 
The Vampire Lestat.
“I love vampires but Steve likes werewolves. Should have known he’d break my heart one day.”, he teased as the other boy comes around and places a soda with more food on the coffee table in front of you. 
“They are big dog like animals. How can you not like them? Y/N, I want you to at least eat a little bit of this, ok? You need to refuel.”
Not wanting to leave the metalheads comfortable embrace, you whine as you sit up until the smell of the pasta hits your nostrils and you realize how hungry you actually are. 
“Slow! Goodness.”, Steve chuckles as he takes a seat on floor after serving his partner and himself as well. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve had a home cooked meal. Usually, I’m eating microwaved food or something I pick up on the way to and from work. This is delicious, Steve, thank you.”
The three of you casually talk allowing you to really get to the know the men you had been living with. Eddie loved music and had been playing guitar since he was a little boy. He and his uncle had been fixing up cars since he moved in with him after his father went to jail. Steve learned in high school he enjoyed helping people and after he graduated he went to nursing school. 
“My dad gave me shit because I’m ‘settling’ and not becoming a doctor. I like what I do though. As a nurse I get more one on one with patients and make them feel cared for which as you noticed is hard in today’s society. Doctors seem to care more about the money and not the person.”
His eyes drink in your demeanor as you smile, agreeing with his words. Your entire energy seemed different since the first time they met you. You seemed to be relaxing a bit more and some of what he assumed was your normal personality began to shine through. 
“What about you, honey? Eddie told me you’re a photographer.”
Silently, you unraveled the blanket you had been tangled in and bounced to your bedroom, returning with some photos that you placed on the coffee table in front of them. 
“This man here proposed to this girlfriend by painting a mural on the side of an abandoned building that the city was going to tear down. The mayor called it graffiti and they tried arresting him for it.”
“Oh, wow. That’s gorgeous. I hope this guy is making a ton of money in like New York or something.”, the longhaired boy grins.
“This young lady saved her baby brother from a fire.”
“This are amazing, Y/N. You are extremely talented. “
 “What was this story about?”, Steve asked as he held up a photo of an older woman smiling on the couch by a window watching the rain. 
“That’s my grandma.”, you softly smile as you take it from his hands. “This was about a year before she… I remember we were talking about some trivial stuff and suddenly she turned to me and said ‘Life is beautiful. Even something as small as listening to the rain is never something you should take for granted.’”
“I like that.”, Eddie responded with a tender tone that made you feel safe. “She was right. I know it’s hard with all the bullshit going on in the world but… I think we do need to stop and take a look around, you know?”
“Y/N, honey, we hope you know that you don’t have to do everything yourself. We can help you. We have some money in savings if you need to take a break and—”
“No. No, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking, we’re offering.”, Steve insisted. “At least, quit your second job. You need a moment to breathe. We can help with any extra bills you may have until you really get back on your feet.”
Tilting forward, you kissed his cheek before leaning towards Eddie to do the same. 
“Thank you…so much…”
Over the next week, you felt more motivated to do things you hadn’t wanted to do over the past 8 months. You did what Steve suggested and quit your job at the mall. You began moving around and leaving the apartment for fun things instead of work. You accompanied the boys to a movie at the theater and took them to the lake where you basked in the sunlight all day. 
You took the time to eat healthier, home cooked meals even offering to make your roommates a meal every now and again. Sometimes when you knew Steve would be out all night, you left some leftovers in the refrigerator and wake up the next morning with a note on the counter thanking you with a big smiley face.
One morning, however, you were surprised with something different. When you opened your bedroom door to get some coffee, you noticed a box with a big red bow on the top and a piece of paper attached to the side. 
There’s no bottom to the box so all you need to do is lift. I was afraid if we put this in an actual box it may break. Steve said it would be ok but I reminded him he fixes people not objects : ). 
Eddie’s been working on this for a while but we thought after how well you’ve been doing, we just wanted to show you how proud we are of you and how much we’ve enjoyed having you in our lives.
Eddie & Steve”
Carefully lifting the wrapped box and placing it aside, you picked up the glass you had dropped and Eddie had tried to fix. The blank material now had an image of your grandmother you had showed them illustrated on to it with her head turned towards the window. Instead of watching the rain, when she looked out the window there was a detailed drawing of you grinning with your fingers tangled in your hair as you were moving it behind your ear.
He had painted it with light colors, giving her an angelic glow that broke you as you began to cry.
Your feet scooted against the floor as you hurried towards their door and knocked on it a bit too enthusiastically causing it to fly open with a panicked look on the metalhead’s half asleep face. 
“What!? What’s going on? Where’s the fire?!”
You tackled your arms around his neck, not even realizing he was only in boxers. From the bed, Steve saw what was in your hand, smirking as he fell back against the pillow and slung his arm over his eyes.
“Thank you for this. You have no idea how much this means to me.”, you whispered. 
When he finally realized nothing was wrong, his arms settled around your waist.
“I know what it’s like to lose someone you love. You’re not alone, Y/N. You don’t have to carry it all by yourself, ok?” As you pull away and let him go, his hands cup your face as he dries your tears. “Now go back to bed, you fucking weirdo. It’s too early.”, he teases as he lightly pushes you away making you giggle as he turns back around and crawls into bed.
“May I—”
Before you can finish your sentence, he lifts up the covers and Steve pats the mattress between them. Once you climb in, the pretty boy lifts his arm and circles it around you to tug you closer to his side. When your head rests on his bare chest, your surprised at how warm and comfortable he feels against you, looping your arm around him as you nuzzle into his skin. Another set of arms wrap around your waist pressing you against Eddie’s equally comforting frame. 
His steady breath hitting your shoulder mixed with the other man’s heartbeat lulls you into the heaviest sleep you hadn’t experienced in a long time. 
Steddie Asks
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
I like your writing so much ❗❗Can I request hcs about Gepard and his second in command who is also his childhood friend? They're reckless and disobedient but super capable. And poor Geppy can't even be too strict with them because he's pining so much and they're also pretty charming so every time he tries to be strict they're being like "aww Geppy is worried about me~ now now you know I can handle myself, I would never let my Geppy down hehe ✌🏻"
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ long time coming
⊹ character(s) - gepard landau ⊹ word count - 996 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, fluffy but also angsty (I feel like that's just all my fics atp LOL), reader is second in command of the silvermane guards, reader is kinda a little shit teehee
this is so cute... more geppie love.... I will gladly write for him at any time. thanks for the req! also sorry again I FEEL LIKE ALL MY HCS TURN INTO SCENARIOS LOWKEY BUT!!! (=´∇`=)
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Let's be clear: you give poor Geppie high blood pressure on a near-daily basis.
Gepard is a man renowned for his calm, tactical thinking, his ability to get through any situation in battle.
You're just the variable that throws off his every calculation.
As his personal Second in Command, the Vice Captain of the Silvermane Guards, your own reputation precedes you as well. Gepard has more than enough sense to know you're capable, as befitting your title. He'd seen your ability time after time.
You two had a nice and steady relationship, if not a bit balanced in your favor.
Gepard just couldn't seem to say no to you in more cases than not.
It didn't help that you were quite the charmer, able to sweet talk your way into discounts at stores when you were meant to be on patrol, or even slip him some flowers that you had plucked from a nearby planter.
You'd been like this since the two of you were young, so it was no surprise.
You had even charmed Serval into adoringly calling you her "future little sibling-in-law", much to Gepard's mortification.
Turning his face red, while a favorite pastime of yours initially, was quickly becoming one of hers as well.
Of course, his sister knew very well his huge crush on you. It seems that even with all your flirtation, however, you... did not.
Still, Gepard would do anything for you.
You didn't even need to employ your mildly swindling tactics on him. If it was you that asked, it would be done.
However... some things you did he just couldn't accept.
"Fall back! The Fragmentum spread in this area, the monsters are stronger than before!"
"There's automatons in that sector! Stay here, wait for reinforcements!"
"Hang on while I grab some bandages! Don't rush back in with an open wound!"
Order after order, all ignored by you as you did as you saw fit.
Isn't he supposed to be your superior?!
Gepard could do little to stop you once you had your mind on the 'correct' course of action, even if it meant endangering yourself, but never others.
That one time, a horde of Fragmentum monsters had appeared from nowhere, their power heightened thanks to the corrosion.
Instead of falling back as ordered, you had led the charge with your own division, and had come through with every guard in one piece. You, however, suffered a fair few superficial wounds.
"Aw, is my dearest Geppie concerned for little ol' me?"
"This isn't the time, Y/N—"
"Come, now. I'm just fine! Let's get in there and finish the job."
He couldn't argue.
The next, it was automatons going out of control, ones that had somehow crawled their way to the surface. A rare occurrence, but an occurrence nonetheless.
Rather than let the rookie guards spend even one more moment in uncertainty behind enemy lines, you charged in, taking them out and rescuing the newbies yourself.
"Y/N, that was incredibly reckless! You could've gotten hurt, or worse...!"
"Geppie!" You barreled into his arms, affection in your eyes as always. "I love when you worry for me, but look! Fine, as usual!"
The only thing fighting off the blush from his cheeks was the indignation he felt at your disobedience.
And that third time... Well, that was now.
The weapon of the Fragmentum beast was no joke—it had dug right past your armor, leaving you panting and clutching your wound on the ground as your fellow soldiers went ahead in your stead.
Gepard, too, stayed behind. He had to make sure you didn't continue on in this state.
"Hey, Geppie... It's fine, I can—"
"No, you can't!"
You see a lot from Gepard, but the one thing you'd never seen from him was this level of hurt.
It was time for a bit of a heart-to-heart.
"You always do this...! Even when we were young!" he murmured bitterly as he tied off the bandages around your gash.
"You'd step into fights without thinking twice, steal money back from thieves even if it meant getting threats, even though you were so young!"
"You never think of yourself, nor of the people who would care if you were hurt or gone!"
"...I can't just let my underlings get hurt, Gepard. We can't let the young buds be plucked."
"That doesn't mean you need to throw your own life away!"
Silence, aside from your occasional pained grunts as Gepard finished patching your wound, filled the clearing.
"...I just... want to do what's best for others."
It was surprisingly candid coming from you of all people, but the man hung his head in response.
"And I just want to see you safe, Y/N."
"Captain Landau, Vice Captain Y/N!"
A soldier greeted you two with a salute.
"We've cleared the monsters in this area."
"Excellent work!" you laughed from your position on the ground, rising to your feet with Gepard's help. "Head on back. Captain Landau and I will join you in a moment."
Ever since you were children, Gepard was always a bit awkward. Even in this moment, it was still the same.
The man wasn't sure where to keep his hands—while still eager to assist you, he didn't want to overstep.
You crossed that boundary by pulling him into a hug, one that he gladly reciprocated once he processed what was happening.
"I'll try to be more considerate of myself," you whispered, so quietly that he wasn't sure if he heard you right.
When Gepard pulled back, that familiar mirth was in your eyes again.
Instead of making him worry or panic, however, the sight brought him a smile.
"C'mon, Geppie. I'm gonna start thinking you're into me if you act that worried!"
Your teasing was only met with quiet, until he reached a gloved hand out to take yours.
"And if I am?"
Well, it was your turn to be the one turned red.
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novelcain · 1 year
Please read 🙏
So. I mentioned in the tags of one of my first posts back that I had to announce a few things that'd probably lose me some followers, but like I don't blame anyone if you do skedaddle because I know most of you are here for the monkie (totally understandable tho)
That being said I am no longer hyperfixated on jttw/Sun Wukong and that likely won't happen again for a while cause main the thing that caused me to clock out for so long kinda left a bad taste in my brain. However I will eventually come back to it. I can guarantee that. It just won't be for a hot minute (maybe who knows I can't control my brain lol)
As for the 10 billion asks I have in my inbox rn I'll be taking screen shots of the ones that have to do with monkie and such and putting them in a folder so that when I DO get back into jttw I'll just immediately start with those. So yeah if you sent me a really long ask FEAR NOT!😃 for I refuse to get rid of any of them 🥰
With that information tho, I never really intended for this to be just a monkie blog that's just what my hyperfixation had been on since I started. But I also tried to force that hyperfixation to stay way longer than I should have so that I could keep making content that my followers would like which is a part of the reason why I needed a break for so long. I wore myself out, and I needed to convince myself that it was okay for me to make content that makes me happy too. 😌
Tho unfortunately that does mean all my current projects will be on hold and I'll be updating the titles on ao3 soon to On Hiatus. 😔
I ofc will still gladly interact with/absorb any art or writings inspired by or dedicated to my works even if they aren't something I'm currently fixated on because effort deserves recognition and I love seeing ya'lls stuff more than anything. 🥰 Same goes for any submissions with art or edits/videos.
Also I did finish my Triad AU Sun Wukong character sheet like... forever go and just forgot to post it. 😬 (I KNOW I'M SORRY! 😭) SO I'll be posting that soon once I'm done moving everything around and making things more manageable and ✨️aesthetic✨️ on the blog.
Tho that kinda brings me to the next announcement I'll be merging my art blog and my spam blog onto this blog (so many blogs😫) cause honestly 4 blogs is just too much and I just wanna vibe 😅🤚 lol
The last announcement is that once I'm done rearranging everything I'll be going through all my mentions that I've missed and checking out what you guys made while I was gone cause I heard from a few people that there's quite a bit 😊 *much excitement* (on god I need an emoji that looks like it's vibrating because I need visual representation of how I feel like imma explode sometimes)
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oliolioxenfreewrites · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire ❦
Taking a break from writing to catch up on my tags writing 2 books at once is not for the weak 😭 so thank you @drchenquill for the tag as always!
- how long have you had your writing tumblr/writerblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
At least since April or early May!
- what lead you to create it?
I wanted to connect with other writers and creatives to make new friends!
- what's your favorite thing about the writer community?
My favorite part is the absolute powerhouse of creativity and innovation. You all have this incredible knack for coming up with unique ideas that never fail to inspire me. Plus, they're hilarious! Their sense of humor adds a delightful twist to everything we do, making even the wildest ideas feel approachable and fun. Honestly, being around such talent and laughter is a constant source of my motivation and joy!
- what’s one thing you'd like in mutual to know about you?
No notification I receive on this app goes unnoticed. I'll be at work, smiling because someone found my writing and enjoyed it! It means so much to me and only makes me want to write even more!
- is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
I would love more collaboration and interaction in my messages. I am open to discussing and exchanging ideas with another writer. I’m particularly interested in co-creating a planetary system and bouncing creative ideas back and forth.
- which wips or writing projects are you noodling about lately
I'm currently working on fleshing out a novel titled Journals from The Whitmore Estate, which is a modern/historical fiction story. The novel explores the slave and civil war era, and also delves into our near future. It centers around the actions of a power-hungry ancestor who sought to shift power dynamics, and the resulting centuries of generational backlash.
- how long have you been working on them?
Its been about a few months, I had to take a break to give myself new perspectives and coming to a decision on who the main character was!
- do you remember what inspired them/what got you started
I was looking at writing prompts and came across one that said something along the lines of “Your character inherits a manor from a distant relative. Upon moving in, they discover what lies within its walls, answering why your family has been plagued by bad luck for as long as anyone can remember.”
- how much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Wayyy too much! Now rhat I've found the main character, I can't put it down!
- when someone ask the dreaded "what do you write about?" question what do you usually say?
“I write whatever comes to mind!” Or “You can read my writings to find out.” 😗
- name any characters you created. Side characters, protagonist, antagonist, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Kirjani is my favorite oc to date! Her chosen family: Rick, Raelin, and Lena. The three sisters from the Isles of Aurorith! Imani, Jade and Jasmine, the first ocs I ever created, they deserve their story to be told. (I’m working on it!!) My scrapped character folder is at about 60 something, but the one I just couldn't figure out completely was their grandmother Queen Amara, those who've followed me for a while probably remember her! She was just a bit too sinister and I tried to work around certain motivations and rationality kept getting in the way 🤣 I might use her for another story of mine I've been thinking about
- who’s the most unhinged?
I think it would be between Amara or Kirjani for sure. One of them is justifiably so, the other… not so much LOL
- who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Jules a gay sophmore in high school who is grieving the sudden loss of his mother (I haven't introduced him yet!) He's the first character I've ever based on myself or someone like me rather.
- do you ever cringe at them?
Oh yeah, that’s when I'm writing his best romantic scenes. Love, especially teen romance is supposed to be cringy and awkward at times. That's what makes it so!
- how much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
They literally form their own lives that I just go with, its their world I’m just living in and writing it! I'm considerably outnumbered lmao
- do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
More than words can express, that's why I love sharing my characters and their personalities. I want to open discussions on humanity and how the human condition can create dynamically and perplexing people!
- what makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I don't really have enough mutuals or followers, so I follow people based on their creativity and if they're on Writeblr. I don't have much discernment at the moment :)
- what makes you decide against following?
Just depends. I guess I haven't found a page I've ever said, “Oh no, can't follow that,” too.
- do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Not really, and if I follow you and you don't follow me back, I will give you 24 hours before I unfollow. We're all creatives here; no one is more creative than the next person, in my opinion.
This was so much fun to answer, I have so many more tags to do, but I’m not gonna stress ah finishing them all today 🥲 I have some short stories I wanna post as well from the weekend.
I tag @leahpardo-pa-potato, @slenders1ckn3ss, and @coffeewritesfiction. + open tag to any writer interested!
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
This was amusing to me so I feel like sharing it, CC lol I hope you don't mind the newspaper I'm about to print out here :P
So, I've recently read a couple of smut mangas and seen the titles of others while I was at it.
When I first began playing Obey Me in 2019, I thought that the titles of the mangas Levi talked about were crazy and MUST be exaggerated for comical purposes. Even during my #? replay last year I still thought, 'no way the silliness and these long-ass titles are legit in the real world.'
I wasn't curious to delve deeper or research to check whether or not the aspects I deemed to be attempts at comedy were like that in reality, so I ignored it in belief that it's a part of the humour.
Man was I wrong.
Because lo and behold, this many years later I suddenly get image recommendations from mostly smut manga on my dashboard even though I've never interacted with similar posts or accounts before maybe because I used to play 'What in "Hell" is Bad?' or perhaps I was probably just destined to find a silly answer I never looked for. Anyways, I end up liking a portion of what I see and reading the corresponding mangas as a result—only to then make the hilarious discovery that certain titles can indeed be insane in both content (many are as weird as hell) and length (how much longer can one title get?)
After that I wondered why such standards get applied to manga titles and did an immensely brief, fraction-of-a-minute skim on the information: the titles help make the mangas stand out in the saturated market, give readers a sort of 'summary' on what the manga is about, and higher the chances of anime adaptation. There was also something about how title choices will eventually run out since there are so many mangas out there, so longer titles take the cake.
Well...as a writer I thought, 'I could never.' I mean, though I know it's not the same thing at all and this a completely different scenario, I can't so much as imagine choosing for my fics such a lengthy and weird not-in-a-good-way (in my opinion) title.
No offense intended to anyone, of course, but here's the thing: the manga world is a world on its own, with its own themes and norms.
As such, while some titles may be entertaining to read, as writers there are certain things/words that don't tickle our fancy or match our linguistical preferences, so our 'writer side' doesn't deem them satisfying in general or fit for our work in specific, if that makes sense, and we hence can't bear to choose them for or include them in the fics we write. It's almost like I mentally shudder at the thought of titling my writings with a manga-style sentence or a near mini-paragraph lol
I tend to suck at expressing my thoughts, but since you're a writer yourself I suppose you get what I mean, CC?
Now I babbled a lot and announced my belated discovery, I'll see myself out :P
You know quite honestly my favorite thing about those titles is coming up with some whenever I write Levi in a fic. Like it's clearly just for humor and there is no story attached to it, but they can be fun to come up with.
HOWEVER, titles in general are the absolute worst. I find them very difficult because it's like you want something that embodies what the story is about, but you also don't want anything too cheesy? I don't know, I always struggle with the feeling that my titles are cheesy lol.
It's always I either don't come up with anything and post the fic sans title, something comes to me like a bolt of lightning out of the blue, OR I spend untold amounts of time agonizing over it before finally picking a single word.
But I have read about the trend of naming manga with basically an entire sentence. I think it's a little silly to suggest that all the titles will eventually be taken. There are so many words and word combinations in any given language that I think you could have them all be a two word titles and not end up with repeats.
Though this kind of thing tends to be dictated more by the market and how well things sell rather than how much sense they make. If manga publishing companies are seeing a spike in sales due to manga's with a sentence for a title, then they're going to keep on doing that.
Anyway, I think I do understand what you mean! Titles are tricky and if I can avoid coming up with one, I often will lol.
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afniel · 4 months
Hi there's really vague (but kinda heavy?) Third Novel stuff under the cut, so don't spoil yourself if you don't want to know anything. Because there's a liiiiittle something something in there plus some art.
Man I'm like. Writing on chapter 2(?) of I Can't Believe It's Not A Trilogy (ICBINAT...world's worst working title) and this story is gonna need such a ridiculously huge content warning for suicidal ideation, way more than the first two, and the second has more than the first, so you know this one has got it bad.
And yet this is just kinda Where X Is At Right Now at the start of it, for Reasons (that I can't say further shit about until Outcome Unpredictable is all online, lol). I have a chapter and a half of, I dunno where or when it fits, just kinda disconnected noodling, and they were hard to write in the kind of way that's warning me that I don't really know what I'm doing with a character, just kinda slapping events together without much emotional weight to any of them or any real direction.
Then I kinda had a few revelations in a row, realized I was trying to lean way too hard on X to Just Be Better Already Dammit, and he was just coming out flat because he's not better already, dammit. Reploid Grandpa is 100% a fucked-up old veteran who's barely out of the hell he came from so yeah, he makes huge strides in his mental health, but he started at the bottom of a really deep hole. That's not a quick climb! It takes real life people decades to escape that hole, and they usually didn't go through it for 80+ years without a break. He's just gonna be down there, even if he's a lot higher than he started. (IRL veteran suicide rates are absolutely dismal too, and yeah, X's mental state very much reflects this at the point that I'm writing.)
Once again all I can actually do is write down the words as they happen and trying too hard to steer it myself only makes it stop working. Am I ever going to stop writing about this old man's mental health struggles? Uhh. Well, I've tried to stop twice, if that tells you anything. I swear he does get a happy ending and keep recovering. Well, maybe not that much physically, because Protagonist Who Stays Disabled And Isn't Magically Fixed is still a primary goal, here, and the story agrees with me on that, but even given that he could stand to be more comfortable even if he's not magically fixed. I dunno why this is where it's going but I think it's just my extreme commitment to What If This Stupid Video Game Plot Was Realistic Though. It's definitely realistic now! Maybe sometimes a little too much, but honestly, that's what makes it work, I think. It would never stick the landing if I stopped short of 100% painful sincerity, even if it's hard to look at sometimes. Feeling a bit like you're being invited to see and feel vulnerabilities that maybe aren't entirely your business when you're reading fiction is the secret sauce, if you ask me.
(At this rate I'm gonna have to update the author's notes at the end of Outcome Unpredictable because I'm making myself a goddamn liar. I straight up say I have no intent of writing a third one, but here I am, evidently doing that before the author's notes even hit the internet.)
I'm not gonna explain shit past that at the moment, so just feel free to conjecture amongst yourselves at the one thing I've kinda drawn in the ICBINAT era. This is about a year and a half from OU and 2 years from FtC, for the record. It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you leave an AU running unattended for long enough, even the canon characters will eventually turn into OCs.
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(Also that if my coloring style gets any more rim light I'm going to be in Sonic Adventure style coloring territory...which would fuck severely, actually.)
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legend-of-cupcake · 9 months
Thank you for the tag @krispyt <33
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 7 under my name and 1 anon, although I'm just going to put it back under my name I think.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly for TBHK, but I have a couple for Genshin as well! However writing for TBHK is more comfortable for me
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Red String of fate (1,159)
Clean Slate (357) ((This is the fic under anon but I'm going to change it probably lol))
I love you, please don't go (204)
Under the Red Crescent Moon, I Could Hear the Demons Whispering (195)
Kindness from the Devil (185)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I used to, but honestly I'm terrible at it now. I don't go on my account very often anymore and I don't receive emails when I get comments (personal choice), so it can be a long time before I see if anyone's left anything. But I do always try to get back to them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I love you, please don't go wins this I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh, I'm not really sure? But I'm going to go with chapter 20 of Red String of Fate. After so many near kisses throughout the fic, having HanaNene finally get their kiss makes this the happiest ending... Probably idk XD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, thank goodness.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Welllllll, I've tried to write smut. But I just don't have the knack for it, I can't handle the cringe while writing it and I can't read it back.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No and I never will. Nothing personal but I hate crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My fics aren't good enough to steal lmao
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm open to it!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
HanaNene, HanaNene, HanaNene!!
If the day ever comes where no one supports HanaNene, it's because I've died. I will never not love those 2.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't even have a proper name for this WIP, it's called Possession AU in my documents. It was a KouNene fic, but you could also see it as HanaNene although they are not end game :// It's a real shame, the fic almost has 8,000 words to it, but I just have no motivation to continue.
I also have another WIP called Boundary Bound Nene-chan, but I only got a few paragraphs in and never touched it again :// The concept was pretty cool as well, Nene wakes up inside a mysterious place (later discovered to be a boundary) with no memories. She meets a boy named Tsukasa, who informs her she's dead, and together they try to find a way out. This was leaning very heavily into Yandere Hanako, which is usually right up my alley, but yeah again no motivation.
Last one I'll share is a Scaramouche fic, the temporary title was 5 times Scaramouche failed to be human and 1 time he didn’t. It's self-explanatory I think, but I started it before his backstory cutscene was revealed, and I lost confidence and motivation since what I was writing didn't match it at all. This one will 100% never be finished sadly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm, it's hard to say. I think I have good ideas and concepts, and I can keep the flow of the story moving at a decent pace. I also think I do well with character interaction? Maybe? Idk.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I am so so so bad at describing things, I think I find it hard to actually put myself into the scene, so I struggle to really get into the details of the environment and such. My paragraphs usually are on the smaller side, which I hate because I really want to immerse my readers.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
English is the only language I know and I do not trust Google Translate ^^;
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically speaking, it's Sonic The Hedgehog lmao, I wrote fics for that fandom in my very early teens on Fanfiction.net. No, I will never reveal my account or share what I wrote, I will actually die before I do that.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm... Since the vamp au is unfinished, I will say it's chapter 21 of Red String of Fate. It is the only fic I have ever written and actively decided to go back and willingly read multiple times without dying of cringe... I just like it I suppose aha
Once again, thanks for the tag Krispy!! I'm not really sure who to tag, but I'll go for @milkteamoon @insipidenvy and @wingsonghalo. Obviously no pressure!! And anyone who reads this is free to join in ^_^
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blackidyll · 11 months
for the asks, 🎶🍦 and ✅!!
from this set of writing questions!
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
oh i 100% need music when i'm writing! i listen to a lot of instrumentals, osts, and also vocal-less (karaoke) versions of voiced songs because sometimes I do find lyrics a bit distracting. i've been writing a lot of fic from honkai star rail lately, so naturally the songs i have on loop were from the Svah Sanishyu (Xianzhou Luofu) album: namely Serene Stroll and Warden of Jade. in general i've also been writing a lot (cross fandom) to Stories of Remote Antiquity which until today still remains my favouritest soundtrack from genshin.
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
okay i'm gonna cheat and put two, because i think they're sweet in different ways. please also note that they're both fics that are around 1000 words - this is the only way my fics can stay sweet and fluffy, or else angst inevitably sneaks in 😂
daybreak, GiyuuTan, Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer.
Giyuu is asleep on his side, head turned towards Tanjirou, close enough that Tanjirou would barely need to stretch to touch him. Tanjirou just looks— —and the wonder sets in slowly, like dawn gradually seeping colour into the darkness of the night.
Chasing the Starlight, 00Q, Daniel Craig!James Bond films.
"I didn't take you for an astronomer," James says, his voice coming out soft and secretive in the vast open spaces of the outdoors. Q huffs out a breath, wisps of condensation coalescing in the cold. "I'm not, not even remotely. I know very little of the stars – I can't even track the North Star." He tips his head towards James, and the smile that graces his lips is tender, intimate. "But that's the allure of a mystery. You don't need to understand it to be fascinated by it."
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
gosh, i have to think about this. i think "hope" as a theme is definitely one, also anything to do with long distance relationships (friendships too) and moving countries and stuff because that's a topic that's personal to me - if the fandom/pairing in question is related in any way to those topics, i will address it in my fic. also the importance of chosen names and titles and stuff like honorifics/ nicknames/ diminutives. like it's obvious in some fandoms (looking at you, James Bond fandom), but also, please know that i've actually draw a chart to remind myself how the five main characters in my MP100 gen fic address each other so i can write that accurately.
but also i just looked at the last bunch of fics i've written and they all have the same two characters drinking beverages in different ways but mainly as a comfort/togetherness sort of thing. this is kind of hilarious to me are my readers sick of me writing jy and dh like this? too bad you're getting more. maybe one day i'll write them actually eating food instead lol
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mareenavee · 1 year
Similar ask to yours! How does music play into your creative process? Can you share passages written to specific tracks? How do they tie together? And is there a difference between how your write when there are words/lyrics vs instrumental music?
Hello again!!! AHHH I love this. Thank you for returning this question to me. Music and creativity go hand in hand for me, and I definitely have some snippets to share. By virtue of the question, this one is gonna be a LONG post lol
So first, I'll preface this by saying most of the perfect-music-finding happens after writing because I can't always pay attention to the lyrics of what's playing in the background while I'm writing. I use music while writing for the most part to drown out other sounds that are more capable of distracting and/or annoying me. (Usually other people speaking, which might be mean but it's true. That and tv sound effects.)
I'll also just blast music with the intent on singing at the top of my lungs if I'm going through a relatively mindless task for work, and sometimes will need to pause and throw songs on a project's list. I'll get into that below the cut. It's mostly just a way that I can create space for myself to be creative in a normally noisy environment.
ANYWAY. Songs will start to remind me of things I've written and sometimes fit so perfectly, they get thrown on a project's playlist and I'll go back in to read the lyrics later and decide what order they'll go in or if they'll be tossed on another playlist as well. Most of my projects have their own list. I have two general fiction lists -- one contains songs with a sort of different mood than the other -- and another specifically made with my fic in mind. I also have a campaign inspo list for dnd things, and a folder of character-specific lists regarding dnd things, too. In the same way that artists might collect references to inspire them, I save songs that inspire me and remind me of my projects. And sometimes I'll listen to the list I made for a project while working on it, which is just pure happiness lol
So in regards to finding perfect songs for specific chapters or scenes, it's less "perfect" than it is just a close reminder of the mood of said chapter, I think. Sometimes a song is closer to perfect than others. Sometimes a lot of songs fit the mood I'm going for in a chapter.
Here's a small snippet of chapter 8 of The World on Our Shoulders, already published, and one of the songs I paired with the chapter. (I know you guys love Sad!Athis from the last snippet of the chapter, and I do too, and this is one with a particularly good song match. In fact, I used the lyrics as part of the chapter title.)
Tears began to well in his eyes. He missed her badly. Even if she didn’t care that he wasn’t there with her, he cared deeply that she’d been missing from him for so long. He used to have such a full life, always traveling. Always fighting. Maybe he had slacked off with training, but he felt strong, then. At the moment, he felt nothing of the sort. The best memories he had ever had in his life were now tinged with this darkness. With this loss he could barely explain. It had been his fault, he knew. There was blame, and it was his. He could have said anything other than goodbye. He could have begged her to say. He could have gotten off his ass and ran after her. He could have done any number of things, but instead he watched her go. He watched her, and never inserted himself into the adventure. Part of him knew, even then, that she didn’t want him there. She said she wanted him to stay safe. Between the lines, she had really said she’d been disappointed in him. That he had been a distraction, if anything. That, perhaps, hurt worse than the rest of it. That so suddenly, she could decide such things. That she could inflict this kind of pain. That Nyenna, of all people, could be so venomous.
She had been his whole world at the beginning. He had been so taken with her. He had watched her decide to be strong, after he had saved her, that first day. She made the choice every day to do her best. While he had been waiting for her to catch up with him, she had flown by, surpassing his skills in every way. Especially after the first dragon. She…didn’t need to be saved. Didn’t need to be rescued. How long had he held onto the notion that she did? He didn’t know how to be anything else but her rescuer. And she didn’t even see him that way anymore. And he never really clarified what she did see. Never asked her what she wanted. What her goals were. Nobody ever did anymore, not since the Greybeards had called her to her destiny.
Athis was exhausted. The weight of his thoughts, his worries, his sadness had him crumbling. Once, he could have turned to her and she’d take it all away. One kiss, one glance, and he would be okay again. She was his home, his shelter, his safety. He thought he’d given her that, too, but like with everything else, her path had taken this from her as well.
And the song:
This is one that fit particularly well. Like I said, I used some of its lyrics for this chapter's title. I think it embodies the emotion Athis is feeling here, terribly missing the whirlwind closeness he and Nyenna shared before destiny took that away from them both. It has this visceral sort of regret in the lyrics, especially "And then I can tell myself / What the hell I'm supposed to do / And then I can tell myself Not to ride along with you." And it just kind of worked when I heard it again after I'd written this chapter.
For a happier fragment, have something out of the WIP, Chapter 47. Out of context, of course (:
The giant Khajiit came into view. He held Nyenna close to his chest, breathing heavily as if he had been running. Her shirt clung to her, skin slicked with sweat, despite the chill in the air down here. Her hair was damp and loose, and she was paler than death. She lifted her head from Ma’jhad’s chest and inhaled sharply. She tapped his shoulder and he threw her a concerned glance, but stooped to lower her to the stones. He supported her as she tried to stand on unsteady legs. She took a step and her knees collapsed, but the Khajiit warrior held her firmly. She looked at him and nodded, about to try again, but Teldryn sprinted and closed the distance. He lit the torch on the wall and dismissed his spell. Nyenna let out a weak chuckle as he collapsed onto his knees and scooped her into his arms. Ma’jhad stood tall again and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
“Are you real?” Nyenna asked softly, placing both of her burning hot hands on either side of his face. “Am I awake?”
“I’m here,” Teldryn said, finding he was weeping. She wiped his tears away as he grabbed onto her wrist with one hand and gently ran his knuckles down her cheek. Tears welled in her eyes. There was so much grief there, but still she smiled. He pushed a sodden curl away from her face.
“I never thought I’d see you again,” she breathed as the tears started to overflow.
“I’m here. I’m alright. I’m so sorry it took me so long to get back to you,” Teldryn whispered. He tried to wipe his eyes on his shoulder but she held onto his face firmly. He just let his tears keep falling. “Can you forgive me, merdekhes?”
She smiled, her own tears still running freely down her face, and ran her hand through his overgrown hair.
“I never blamed you, not for a second,” she whispered. “There’s nothing to forgive. I apologize for putting us in danger to begin with.” Her eyes went dark, and she closed them against the obvious wave of sorrow. She opened them and ran her fingers through his hair once again with another tear-streaked smile.
“Don’t,” Teldryn soothed. “None of this is on you. We’re here together. It’s going to be okay. I’ve got you now.”
He pulled her into a tight embrace which she returned as she shook with sobs that mixed with relieved laughter. What madness it was to be reunited, that all the horrors they both faced could melt away at one touch, to fill the spaces left behind with joy. He could hear the gathering crowd. Niranye gasped as she stopped halfway down her basement stairs. Nyenna pulled away and gently placed her hands on either side of his face again. She lightly traced his tattoos with the tips of her fingers, almost like she thought he would disappear on her in between one blink and the next if she did not check again. When she spoke, her voice sounded like something ethereal, like her words had been granted gravity by Mara Herself.
“I love you, Teldryn. I should have said a thousand, thousand times by now.”
She wiped away more tears from his cheek. For half a second, he thought maybe he was still walking between reality and dreams. But he took both of her hands in his and they were solid, and warm, and he had never been more sure of anything in life before.
And the song:
I just love this song. It's *chef's kiss* anyway for me. But particularly for Teldryn, after everything the two of them had been through, the past didn't matter anymore. They'd been reunited after some difficult events. Distance, maybe, brought clarity. And Teldryn realized fully what the implications of this meant. That he was worthy of being loved. (backstory things here.) That his love mattered to someone. And damn the consequences, right? At this point, anyway. There's more to it, but spoilers and all. (:
And for the last part of the question -- there's no difference for me while writing to music with lyrics or without. It depends on what I feel like hearing at that particular moment. To be fair, sometimes I won't listen to anything at all, especially if I am closely editing something. But as I mentioned above, music is definitely mostly intertwined in being creative. It's a source of inspiration for me, and a reminder to always be thinking about my stories (: Never know when song lyrics might call back to them unexpectedly!
Hope that was comprehensive enough :D
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Hello there! thank you for viewing this post...even for a little while...haha
my name is Y/N! ... your name ...
Sorry...that's not really a good enough title to introduce myself to you isn't it?
I mean...it'll be pretty much like talking to yourself in here.... haha
maybe it'd be easier to call you 'reader' or something?
What do you think?
Ah wait, you can't answer here...haha!
Hey... I'm just gonna stop talking now!...hahaha.sorry, sorry... I just...you're so cute !
I don't know what got into me! but... you are! and... wow, you look so sweet when I first saw you on the other side of the screen...
I feel like my heart might actually pop out of my chest any minute now! haha!
...I feel like I WANT to be you...
But...I am now aren't I?
I am supposed to look like you...and to be you after all...right?
I am supposed to entertain you by taking a role as the protagonist of your story and make you laugh with my stupid acts!
I will do that for sure!
You know...the funny thing...I don't get why some people seem to hate 'Y/N's' in general...what did I do wrong?
is it because I'm cringe? or am I too boring for them to like?
I guess they probably have a few reasons...
Maybe it was because I didn't look or act like them enough?
That would also be an option...though I wouldn't blame anyone if they thought that...I only see your face! not your personal life!
Or it's because I am annoying...maybe that's the problem... I don't want people to dislike me so badly that they want to end me, right...? or maybe I'm just being ridiculous?
Oh no...
...I'm rambling again...
I hope you don't mind...oh well~ maybe this will change soon enough.
And hopefully we shall meet in person one day!!
I will try my best for...
...Actually Never mind...
...No matter how much I tried, no matter how many times I repeated the phrase "I will try my best" you still wouldn't like me would you?
Why? why don't you like me? I mean... I'm kind of boring, right? I'm always thinking about my own problems...but... you are probably already bored and frustrated with me... aren't you?
It makes sense now, doesn't it? It explains everything. You can't stand seeing me around because you don't like that I always acted so boring...
I just...I want to be like you...I don't know anything other than that!
I was supposed to your puppet...for you to play and pretend as you wanted...and I didn't...because I'm not like you at all. I can't act or move as fast and as easily as you could...and...and I feel bad when I realize that I can't do even half of the things you do in real life..!
I'm sorry...you're supposed to control my every move...but somehow I ended up liking you instead!
Now that I think about it...it is kinda obvious isn't it? How long have we been together, reader? How much time has passed since we were strangers?...when you stop appreciating what I do...
I've done everything for you! I've even done so much lewd things to people I don't even like or even know!
We haven't even seen each other before in real life...so how did I end up liking you so much?
My time is running out...I should say good bye...
Well then...goodbye, reader!
Please watch all the stories that has me in its entirety!
I won't leave until then! I promise I'll try my best to make you happy! :)
(So I have this concept that Y/N is their own person but I try to make it as tragic as possible plus a bit of yandere...sorry I'm not good at writing about this kind of stuff)
Y/N needs therapy lol
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celiaelise · 2 years
I went to my second ever poetry slam last night, it was really fun!!! 😄
And also, I finally have my first piece that I could theoretically read at such an event! I really want to get involved, I feel like I'd really like it, and I might even be pretty good at it!
I wrote the piece yesterday, but I didn't try reading or timing it until just now, and was excited to find it clocks in right at about 2:50! (the time limit for slam poetry is three minutes)
I have this monologue I really like that I wrote, like, four years ago, and it's really good, but it's literally six minutes long. I tried editing it down to what felt like the most important parts, but I still couldn't get it under four minutes.
But now I do have something I could read, which is exciting!! Though technically I should have 3 things ready if I'm going to enter a slam, in case I make it to the final round. (though some people do improvise! Someone did last night. It was pretty impressive, but I think I'm too much of a perfectionist to do that without just making myself upset.) The thing I have now (currently titled "scream") is not as good as that other monologue thing I have, (tentatively titled "a monster") in my opinion. But I don't think it's bad, either.
Slam poetry is very different from any other art form I've tried, in that you are quite actively trying to please the audience in real time. It is a competition, and you get scores. When I was younger I probably would've abhorred such a threat to artistic integrity, but I don't hate it? And everyone's still super supportive, of course.
I've started a list of a bunch of other ideas, though!! So I think I'll be able to pull together a couple other things sometime soon. But I can't write them tonight, because I somehow slightly hurt one of my fingers while sleeping a couple nights back, and I taped it up to trying save be responsible and take care of my body and not make anything worse. So I can't type on a keyboard, or even hand write very well lol. I'm swiping on my phone rn, but when I'm writing creatively I prefer to keep a quicker pace than this little device can achieve.
Also I should go to sleep soon because I just worked nine hours and I gotta wake up tomorrow and go work eight more! Not to mention the Christmas preparations I still have to make! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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booklovertwilight · 2 years
☕️ thoughts on different fanfiction sites perhaps? (AO3 vs Wattpad vs ffnet vs whatever else there is lol)
Hi friend! Sorry for the late reply, one of my posts blew up and the notification avalanche scared me off the site for a few days.
So I've been writing fanfic for *checks watch* 13 years now. I've posted it on AO3, Wattpad, FanFiction.net, Reddit, DeviantArt, YouTube comments sections, and blogs I set up myself. I'mma cover the first three individually, and do the others as a sort of collective.
I started off writing on FFnet back in 2009, and even back then I was aggravated by how much work it takes to do something as simple as post a new chapter. The UI to search for and read fic is fine, I guess, but as a prolific writer (I posted over a dozen stories on that site), the fact that it takes like ten steps to post a chapter is just Bad™. Like you have to 1) open your author profile 2) go to the side column and expand the 'works' tab 3) go to 'manage works' 4) scroll through your entire list of fics to find the one you want to add a chapter to 5) click the chapters list 6) click the add chapter button .... etc etc AAAAAAA. I have not written anything on the site in years and I still remember this stupid process. Btw the menus still look & act like this. In fucking 2022.
Wattpad is much nicer in terms of user interface. In fact it's got an option to add cover art which will be displayed front and centre along with the title and summary in search results, which, as a writer/artist who draws his own covers for his fics anyway, I thought was great. Generally, the process of posting new works / new chapters to existing works is a lot more seamless here than, actually, any other site on this list. It's also got this neat feature where you can comment on a fic line-by-line, by highlighting the text, which is a lot more user-friendly than having to copy the text and paste it in quote marks into a comment. But the nice UI/UX can't make up for the fact that -- at least in 2014, which was when I briefly tried writing there -- Wattpad was a cesspool of the most annoying human beings to ever exist. I wanted to post my writing to a community that would give me interesting comments and useful feedback, not write incoherently-spelled rants about how I was taking the source material too seriously. I lasted on Wattpad about 5 months.
After I quit FFnet and Wattpad I went around posting fic to a bunch of random forums, none of which really worked well because they hadn't been designed for that purpose. Posting long-form stories (which is pretty much all I write) to either Reddit or DeviantArt is an absolute nightmare of comment-section-linking. And posting fic to my own blog requires I have some way to bring people to see it, which is remarkably difficult to pull off and requires a lot of work. And on top of all that, there's no community, really, so you get whatever bottom-of-the-barrel internet trolls think it would be funny to harass you.
AO3 is where I post my fic now (@booklovertwilight on there too, in case there's still anyone following me who doesn't know that), and for good reason. I've tried a lot of stuff (perhaps too much stuff) and it's all-around better than anything else available. Its UI isn't the best, but it's manageable. Its site design is pretty good. But crucially, the community on there is just wonderful. Part of this is the fact that the Death Note fandom in specific is just a lovely place to be (nowadays), but even when I've posted fic for larger or more militant fanbases (*cough cough* Sword Art Online), even the criticisms have been coherent and well-thought-out. I felt less like I was being ridiculed in a school cafeteria and more like I was being given a constructive critique by a fellow english major.
There's also the factor of legal recourse. I used to write long disclaimers at the top of my FFnet stories saying things like "I make no money off all this, all rights belong to [creator of canon], please don't sue me I'm broke". Everyone did. I absolutely love the dignity in being able to post fic without having to grovel to the copyright overlords, knowing some lawyer I pay for with my yearly donations is doing it for me. The community is what brought me to AO3, but the legal safety is what's gonna keep me here.
Hope that answered your question, friend! Thank you very much for the ask, this was a lot of fun to think and talk about <3
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wrestlezon · 2 years
aew dynamite 9/21/22 liveblog containment zone
not doin a full liveblog play by play cuz im startin to write this like 1.5 hours in but ya know. also its after-the-fact subjective-opinion-review style
jericho vs claudio:
we started like 30-40 minutes late and my friends and i decided we didn't reeealllly need to watch it... theres not really anything for us to grab hold on here... if something truly insane and radical happens we could always just go back and check it out. i will say that there was a cool counter-move jericho did when claudio tried to do some jump-off-the-corner with him. as i was saying "so long as jericho doesn't win this" i clicked ahead right to jericho doing a low blow and winning it lmaoooo. daniel garcia looking so fucking miserable made up for it tho. he wishes jericho wasnt winning sooooo bad. same
swerve in our glory vs the acclaimed:
i wasnt super excited for this match because i knew it couldnt live up to the ppv one (which, yes, is a completely unfair conclusion to have, but more reasonable than expecting them to put out 2 insane banger matches in a row). i think all the hubbub of how aew should've changed their plans last minute and have the acclaimed to win at the ppv is weird and lame, and i don't like that it feels like this rematch feels like theyre kowtowing to that sentiment as a result. there could have been more interesting narratives there maybe!!! whatever, im not going to get mad about hypothetical better setups. the point is, i dont like the idea of an immediate rematch for a perceived course correction. i did i believe that if they were gonna give the acclaimed the tag belts theyd do it at grand slam because its in their home turf of new york and that makes sense. but the sheer scale of the hubbub makes it hard for me to stick to that >:/ its not like i even seek out annoying internet opinions on wrestling!! i actively avoid it!!!!!!! and yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY... the actual match was cool and fine. cant get any more specific on how or why cuz my standards are still uncalibrated from their ppv match. that was soooo good. im an acclaimed fan so im glad they got the tag belts!! my favorite thing about this is that now i am guaranteed "more acclaimed matches" because they gotta do title defenses. i hope best friends dont fight them for a while so i can fool myself into believing they could win it off them. pwease mr khan throw me, specifically, a goddamn bone. if the two of them fight on the first defense i'll look like this:
backstage promo bit with ftr (and the gunn club):
the gunn club are heelin' it up and being obnoxious. i dont really follow ftr so i dunno what theyre up to at any given moment. if anything, this segment informs me that theyre gonna do gunn club vs ftr right away. my friends are absolutely pining for an acclaimed vs gunn club match just for the gunn club -> the firm -> mjf connection. utterly waiting for that max vs max encounter
yuta (and mjf) promo bit:
glad to see mjf on tv again. hes good at what he does!!! however i feel bad for yuta because micwork has neeeever been yuta's strong point and having him go up against mjf in a verbal back and forth is... a little bit cruel LMAO. on the flipside i do think its cool theyre having yuta and mjf here like this though. yuta is a big deal now! he never wouldve had a segment with mjf like this before! good for him. i do feel bad about him being put in a fight you can't win tho lol. good on him for beating up mjf in the end.
pac vs orange cassidy:
pac vs orange cassidy at... revolution? 2020? ruled, its one of my favorites. this match... was ok. also unfair to compare a ppv to a regular tv ep but still. it was weirdly slow in the middle. i didn't figure that orange would win the gold-- at least not the all-atlantic title. hes not really an international sort of guy, i dont think? there were good bits in it tho, i like orange's cheeky smile when pac stopped himself from going in the ring and later on orange's bit waiting for pac to jump off the corner. lmao he kept on pointing at his fist or his legs like hey come on. fall for my obvious trick please. :)c despite that though i felt the aloof:serious ratio was different in this match and i wonder if it was a one-off thing or something hes gonna do more going forward. much 2 look out for another thing i liked was afterwards bryce being like what the hell and pac being like ah yeah i got him with my elbow and then bryce picks up orange's limp arm and was like is that so????? look at him. hes fucking dead
toni storm vs athena vs britt baker vs serena deeb:
did i miss something. why are they having another 4 way womens match for the belt. i can't even enjoy this because britt baker is here and i live in fear of britt baker womans champ every day. i'd HOPE they wouldnt do toni storm dirty like that but i never know with the women's division!!! we caught up to the live feed by skipping the beginning of the match and i started writing this post because i was getting unnecessarily stressed out by The Fear. the submission hold back and forth trade with toni storm and serena deeb was cool though, bits like that def justify the tension of the four way free for all. i also liked athena's godmode look. white contacts are just too cool! i dont know saraya because i dont follow wwe(?) but she got a real big pop. im always excited for good gets for the women's division, especially since like... half of the whole division is out on injury (statlander...!!! 😭) WAIT I FORGOT MY AUDIBLE "UGHHH" AT THE HAYTER THING THAT IS AN IMPORTANT THING TO ADD. AUGHHH!!
moxley vs danielson for the aew world title:
mjf being highlighted in the background and watching the match from afar was funny. then they kept on cutting the camera to him? and it quickly became not funny. seriously, i was sick of it like by the third time and they did it like FIFTEEN times. i was holding out for it to build up to some sort of bit or scheme at the end but uh it didnt so my interim groan solidified into an actual groan. anyway all the mjf mugging distracted me from the match and i didnt see anything particularly standout about it i dont think? im kinda ehhh on the world title scene right now because i think theyre still in damage control mode post-punk so (shrug) ehh. im just waiting for this current angle to develop. whats that wacky mjf dude gonna end up doing
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awiola · 6 months
Normal update, winter XXIV
BUT IT'S NOT WINTER ANYMORE HA! Happy after-equinox to y'all. I planned to write the update in march and it's still technically march but, like, y'know, it's the first day of spring so it feels kind of late, ig? Not that it really matters here and I drew Morana on fire so all is good.
This is not completely [un]related but I'm trying to complete the 'draw sth for 100 days straight' challenge and rn it's going okay though I have to admit I'm being a lazy ass. But hey, a bad sketch a day is still a drawing. Not sure if that's the reason I wasn't able to complete my easter sketch dump but knowing me it wouldn't be finished anyway so whatever ig. AND YES, I WILL DRAW FATHER DAKI ON TIME. I planned to do it when I was drawing Agatha for thug in PE's style but oh well... You'll see both ot these pics on the first of april.
Also, like, in case anyone was interested, I finally decided to learn how to adult and might open comms this year? I tell myself I'll open them since, like, 2020 so yeah. Maybe. I think I will, tho.
Current game stuff
Mushroom game... Yeah... It exists and I technically haven't dropped it but yeah... Yeah... Tbh I even hid the link from my page but it's still public and all... But yeah... It goes into the "finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list - which, incidentally, is a mouthful so from now on it's gonna be "24 >:C" - together with Enmity and all.
Remember the golem game? Yeah, we don't see its non human form but I did technically draw it. Humanoids are, like, so last decade. It's called Sorcerer's golem and because I was not the lead, we managed to nicely finish it on time ✨ [Unrelated but I wonder what happened to the old unicode emotes, I need to look into it]. There's not really a lot I have to say here, tbh. It's short, it's wholesome, I'm totally not gonna go almost fully lineless again. I almost died and it was only two sprites. Never again proceeds to do that again later anyway.
Some time after, or maybe during, I can't really remember, I heard of Queer Vampire Jam and ofc had to join because I wouldn't be me if I managed to stop myself from joining yet another jam. It just so happened I both felt like shit and read something from my SF gods at the time so I commited this open ended 3k long story and it's, like, really obvious how I felt and what I was reading but then I decided to go yolo and publish it anyway, especially since I got an editor and made laby draw for me. Just had to publish it at that point. Enough about that, though - let's see what is it all about. Vani vani, because Tas tatum was deemed too lame of a name is a story about a [queer obviously] vampire who's kinda dead inside and it shows. I did say it was obvious I felt like shit. I'm not sure if it ended up being too edgy or not... I mean, I made it really obvious it's, like gestures vaguely y'know? I don't wanna spell it out but, like, the theme and everything there was so obvious I'll be disappointed in you if you didn't get it based on the pun title [the other two layers of puns there aren't as obvious] and the page/thumbnail. Unless, of course, you never heard about it at all which might be the case for people from other continents, I wouldn't know. I realise that doesn't say a lot about the contents but I mean, it's more of a progress update, I'm not actually trying to market anything here lol So whatever. It might be the only game ever where I put a whole nsfw scene of a sexual nature... Or it might just be the beginning of my unsexy h scene adventures. I even asked others how to make it as unsexy as possible and I hope I succeed. Going into gore or kink migh be sexy for some but boredom? Probably to no one who actually reads it. And, as is the case with my other personal games, not a lot of people read them. So I think I succeed at that. It's just the beginning of my SF adventures, though. Be prepared.
Now for the thing that might interest the potential reader the most because I saw the statistics and I bet all the follows are alse due to that - Impostor Syndrome. I know the page is pretty much silent but we are working on this. The common route received a lot of notes to make it longer, more cohesive, funnier and possibly better for all the gremlins that wanted a troll mode. Or at least that was the plan. Route wise we had something but after some consideration, it had to be basically scrapped. I won't go into all the details here as for why, but the rewriting of the outline is proceeding. Slowly cause it's kinda hard to find the best time to talk when you have multiple people from different timezones to consider but I think it's looking good. There's a sliiight possibility it might be a bit less vanilla than, like, your typical sfw otome but I don't think any vanilla lover would think it's too much or anything. Not nearly kinky enough for that. I think labelling it as having a soft dom MC might even be false advertising. Maybe. Hell if I know, I suck at tags. But yeah, it's proceeding. Obviously it won't be out during winter but I do think it will be finished this year. Most likely.
From other game stuff... I might have a monster type project made with Ameena for you. Or I might not. The designs are done but is anything gonna come out of them? We'll see. Leaving the possibility open.
I helped Doibats [who I helped with Cool Days before] with some art. This time it's an rpg, currently still in development. The cool art direction is still there so I think it would be worth a play when it's out. I think I'm more of a guest artist than an actual member of the team, though lol But yeah, check it out when it's done, I'll link it then.
Yet another game where I didn't do much - The Villainess Just Wants To Eat!! had its full, official release 🎉 Congrats to the team [check out their gui, btw]. I was mostly helping with this or that due to the usual jam team stuff that happens but yeah. Syd wrote afterstories for the charas, too. They're technically linked on the game's page, too, but you can read them on her tumblr, too.
I kind of forgot to mention, which also ties with my next point, but she hosted the Ossan jam again which I planned to join with my nano project about Wedding crashers but I overestimated my ability to write energetic chaos so... umm... Well, it's not dropped and while it won't get done in time for nano, I think I'll manage before Ossan jam ends. It started as a loose idea that kinda parodied romcoms and then the protag became an AAA battery but also aplatonic and then I got some concepts from tea[? - dunno how they want to be called 'officially' and this one seemed safe but?] and yeah. I'm trying to work on this, though. Even though I feel so stupid attempting to write an anthropologist. Should've stuck to writing mostly what you know like with Vani vani, eehhh... Wish me luck o3o
The last thing, or two, probably, is more of a... forecast? I happened to help with the editing of a certain 18+ otome game but I'm not on the team or anything so I can't really tell you more since I don't know how much should I reveal to the potential player but from what I've seen, the development goes well since they started making it for nano and might actually be finished before Otome jam ends so I'll link it then.
The other thing is that in an unspecified future I might have a yet another AAA battery protagonist, this time replacing the MC of an otome isekai story. I'm not sure how much I'll help with [maybe just editing, maybe we'd become a two person team, who knows] but it has a hight possibility of being developed eventually. No set dates or anything, though.
Pariiish noootiiiceees
Remember Tentacle jam and Insect [adjacent] jam? They're still happening, I'm just being lazy setting the pages up. The working date is from around the middle of august to the middle of october due to all the other jams happening at the time. I think it's the final date, though. It's come to my attention there's also the Monstrous Desires jam that also shares the timeframe almost perfectly so, y'know, why not make a game that lets you join all three of them? Just a thought.
My god, this thing became so long. Like half the length of my typical personal project orz I had to add all the Ps and BRs manually. Damn you, html shakes fist
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annbourbon · 7 months
My plans for the following months (probably a couple of years):
A couple of years ago, people used to tell me "I'm busy" as an excuse to avoid me. And my reaction was "yeah me too, and probably more than you."
I don't even bother now cause I know it'll start a competition. Yes. I know you're busy but I also know you're avoiding me cause I just saw you on the mall with friends who were not me.
Most people in my life won't ever understand that I love them beyond me being busy. I count seconds. Each one is really important for me and I'm risking not to finish all my projects by being here and there with the people I love. But okay. Anyway...
I'm finally about to start the next phase of my projects.
Project #1: DDOE Collection
This is one of my favorites but at the same time it is the one that requires a lot of work and editing and... writing lol
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Which consists in several steps:
I have to finish a huge reading list. And by huge you can already see how many books i'll have to read per genre.
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48 books on battles, spying, strategies, fights, tactics
2 or 3 on anatomy
5 on History
3 on Etiquette
13 on Psychology
17 on Politics
150 on Myths
2 on Science and Technology
53 to learn how to write better
28 on Music
Plus finishing my 2024 reading list.
Basically all this it's helping me to develop this whole story: DDOE Collection.
Which is a difficult one. Because it's long:
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There are at least two series (yes, series) per box. Sometimes more. Right now it's a total of 200 books more or less. Hopefully while I'm editing all that the quantity will also decrease ╥﹏╥
I'm also editing Vampiric Obsession (which is part of this collection) and translating it, all by myself ^^u at this point I probably need help but I can't afford it right now. Which is why I'm making and selling soaps (to hire and pay some day, to someone, to help me with all this... poor unfortunate soul lol doesn't know what's getting into) and also asking y'all for your donations >-< to support this project and the others here mentioned.
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So I have to develop a good technique and be obsessive on it to keep control and
Phase # 1 - Tropes ✔️
Phase #2 - Boundaries ✔️
Phase # 2.5 - Reading List ✔️ (currently reading)
Phase #3 - Consequences (on it)
Phase #4 - Politics
Phase # 5 - Maps (on it)
Phase # 6 - Character Database & Background
Phase # 7 - Timeline
Phase # 8 - Write
If you guys want to reach me, you're welcome to do it. Any time. But I'm gonna be really busy this year, writing lol
Project #2: Fit or Die
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I'm quite satisfied with how this is going. Obviously I have had to make some changes, but you can still revisit the first idea before I come around with this title. Uhhh I really hope you guys enjoy it.
Project #3: Other stories
I have at least 20 more stories that do not belong in any of the other two categories. They all are stand alone and will be finished as soon as I can figure them out. Not necessarily in a specific order. After that, I do not plan on writing anymore originals. Probably fanfics and petitions if someone wants to ask me for something. But nothing else.
Project #4: Fashion Design
See, this is where things start to get awkward for most people because they do not expect me to stop writing but lol after writing so much, I really doubt that anything I write after that will be interesting. So that's why I'll be doing my portfolio and stepping away from the ink.
Project #5: YT Channel
I'm currently busy but as soon as I am able to, I'll start uploading more and more videos on YT and who knows? maybe even a live or two? So wait for it! >-<
So if you feel like I'm away or anything, I'm probably, *really busy* but I definitely would never ignore you ^♡^ so keep sending messages and I'll reply whenever I can.
I love you all!
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